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- A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

- The period of time taken to complete a cycle of events.

Technical: A recurring series of successive operations or states, such as in the working

of an internal combustion engine, or in the alternation of an electric current or a wave.

Biology: A recurring series of events or metabolic processes in the lifetime of a plant or


Biochemistry: A series of successive metabolic reactions in which one of the products

is regenerated and reused.

Ecology: The movement of a simple substance through the soil, rocks, water,
atmosphere, and living organisms of the earth.

Computing: A single set of hardware operations, especially that by which memory is

accessed and an item is transferred to or from it, to the point at which the memory may
be accessed again.

Origin: Late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin cyclus, from Greek kuklos


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