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FLUENCE OF THE, “Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vinca, Ui "Faculty of Mechanical Engineering." derived holes Introduction ‘On the parts (pieces) manufactured by drawing sheet steel often in their walls there are holes meeting strict requirements for their form, in and dimensions and for different purposes as air vents: holes for draining water and dirt, exemptions for access to the assembly tools, 1g flat surfaces near a vertical wall, etc Performing these holes after the process of 2, especially in arcas with a complex form is difficult, Sometimes impossible, requiring jon of complex and expensive tools, increases ‘sme of manufacture, and therefore the cost of the It is much better and more economical holes are made before the drawing of the initial B such cases the process of drawing is different ‘the process of drawing parts with continuous The working experience with technological es of drawing with previously performed holes ‘initial material showed that very often a critical in the process of drawing become the holes. starting from the surface of the holes appear “Se drawn paris. Therefore itis necessary to study ‘efluential factors on the workability of the cold steel sheets with drawing from the initial J with a previously derived opening. LE OF AN HOLE DERIVED IN THE INITIAL MATERIAL ON THE DRAWING WORKABILITY OF THE COLD-ROLLED METAL SHEETS ‘train Coleen on ats Toland Nate recession Tecanogies Slovenin, Lwbjan, October ax ~ 5% se S. Cvetkov", A. Kagov" versity “Goce Delev", Sip, Republic of Macedonia, ‘orl and Methodius" University in Shope ‘Shopje, Republic of Macedonia In this paper, research abou the influence ofthe dimension toa hole derived in intial material processing with drawing cold-rolled steel sheets is made. This influence is researched by hydraulic drawing to steel sheets with previous derived vith diffrent dimensions. The area beoween 0 4.2 ~ 0 16,33 mm is researched and corrective factor of influence to size ofthe previously derived circular hole inthe inital material is defined. [goal is 1 proof that by changing the dimensions ofthe previous derived hole the processing ofthe cold-rolled shoets Fe improved and that will help to solve technological problems in the production when the method of drawing, the cold sheets with previous derived holes inthe inital material s used. ris: drawing, efective deformations, effective stress, limi of deformation, continua inital material, initial material 2. Modeling of the process, ‘The technological process of drawing cold-rolled steel sheet of an initial material with previously derived holes which remain in the side walls of the part (piece) after the drawing is quite specific. It is, assumed that the limit deformability or limit degree of drawing will be achieved when at some point in the intersection of the hazardous material will be reached sa cortain critical ste Cy. Speaking of drawing cylindrical parts of sheet ‘metal with continuous surfaces, ie continuous initial ‘material, the eritical stress in the vertical wall depends only on how big the resistance of drawing is and equals: - o 0 nds svhere: Fs srenght of drawing: <2 medium diameter ofthe cylindrical part and 5 =thickness ofthe wall When drawing cylindrical pats with noncontiguous surfaces, ie drawing initial (starting) material with previously derived apertures the resistance of deformation depends on additional factors such as: reducing the cross-section, the size, “83. the quality andthe form of the previously derived hole in initial (starting) material ete. The influence of the additional factors ean be taken into consideration by correction coefficients such as: Ex- degree of reduction of the cross-section; Ex size of the previously derived hole in the stating ‘material; > surface quality of the previously derived hole; &- form of the previously derived hole; and other corrective coefficients In the case of drawing parts of noncontiguous areas of a starting material with previously derived holes, the critical stress willbe: Semax = O° 82°82 ° 85°84 2 The suocessfil flow of the technological process of raving with noncontiguous areas, as well as drawing with continuous surfaces the condition must be satisfied: Seman ¥ (1:4 + 12) where the 6, is tensile strength of the material @) The correction coefficient for the degree of reduction in the cross-section is: nds 1 nds — nls & ra @ “xd where: ‘7. - number of holes in the ertical section and E- are width of an aperture. To determine the corrective coefficients of other influential factors requires additional experimental research, For research on the impact of the size of previously derived circular hole in starting material experimental research with starting material of cold-rolled steel sheet € 0147 (RSt 13 according to DIN 17006) with 1 zm thickness is made. At the center of three stcel sheet plates with 179 mm diameter one circular hole with a different diameter at each is drilled. The surface quality of the derived holes is kept open to a constant level. Onto the steel sheet plates a measurement grid of concentric eireles and radial routes that overlap, with the characteristic dircctions of the metal sheet planar anisotropy (0°, 45° and 90°) mechanically is drawn. Onto the radial directions a circular grid with dimensions of a circle dy = 5 mm is drawn. Table 1 shows designations of steel sheet plates with the dimensions of the corresponding holes in the starting material. Table I: designations of steel sheet plates. Sieel sheet plate Diameter of the derived opening {om 24 without opening 62 42 63 Bs 64 1633 The experimental researches. are performed by hydraulic drawing of the steel sheet. During. the process of drawing as a criterion for limit deformability is considered the moment of occurrence fof a crack at the aperture of the drawn part of the ‘metal sheet plate with circular hole derived. For comparison ofthe results a flat stel sheet without am hole is drawn tothe appearance ofa crack. Fig. | shows an image of a drawn piece of stating material with a derived hole with diameter 4.2 mm. The visual analysis of the eracks showed that the piece has two cracks and two localized deformations. The directions of the cracks and the localized deformations form an 45° angle with the rolling direetion of the steel sheet, which means that they ‘atch the flat anisotropy characteristic direction of) the steel sheet. Fig 1: Petre ofa denon poe of starting material with, ‘previously derived opening. 3. Measurement and Processing of the Results After the drawing the circles of measuring grid with diameter dy are deformed into ellipses with axes di and ds. The dy indicates the greater axis of the ellipse and lies in tangential direction and dis the ae saller ellipse axis and lies in a radial direction. irement of the ellipses’ axes in the radial tion which coincides with the direction of rolling metal sheet with an accuracy of 0,1 mm is made, it is allowed to make a compatison of the obtained formation relations for different sizes of wwed holes and comparing these with siress- formation condition while drawing steel sheet plate sthout derived hole. Using the measured dimensions of the ellipses’ ces are determined: Logarithmic deformations, and by the ‘equations: + @:=In& and Ps. © (ey +2) tangential logarithmic deformation; radial logarithmie deformation and logarithmic deformation on the wall thickness. © Effective deformations (deformations intensity) © Eifeotive stresses (stress intensity) & Results ‘The diagram Fig. 2 shows the experimentally tained effective deformations depending on the ius of concentric circles on the measurement grids plied onto the starting Mat steel sheet plates for dial direction which coincides with the direetion of ‘of the steel sheet. The curve marking the ange inthe effective deformation of the piece drawn the starting material without hole is marked with 4, and the curves of change of the effective eformation of parts drawn from the starting material ith previously derived circular hole with dimensions 1g to Table I are marked with 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. curve 64 is drawn as dashed because in this scess of drawing limit deformability with the eof a erack has not been achieved, but only ‘occurrence of local deformation. ‘The diagram shows that, the curve of change of the ective deformation of the pieee drawn from the ing material without derived hole 2.4 lies higher the other three curves. This means that a jously derived hole in the starting material by reducing the drawing workability of -olled steel sheets. The position ofthe other three 5 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 shows that starting from the er diameter and up to = 30 mm the effective eformations are equal, Starting from this diameter Wea and until the inner aperture the deformations of parts ‘with previously derived circular aperture are different, and the bigger the diameter the bigger the effective deformation, Fig, 2: Effective deformations of parts without apertine Dae, 62-qperture O 4.2, 63 aperture O 81S and 63 aperture O16, 33. Fig. 3. shows a diagram of the change in experimentally obtained effective stresses depending fon the radius of the concentric circles of the measuring grid drawn on the starting flat steel sheet for radial direction which coincides with the dire of rolling of the steel sheet. The curve marking the change in the effective stresses of the piece drawn fiom the starting material without hole is marked with 2.4, and the curves of change of the effective stresses fof parts drawn from the starting material with previously derived circular hole with dimensions according to Table I are marked with 62, 63 and 6.4 Saas ectve stresses for parts without aperture 2.4, (6.2-aperture 04,2. 6.3 aperture 0 8,15 and 6.3 aperture 016, 35, -85-

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