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esp \ YU - Letra en ingles oor ERVIN DRAKE Slow with expression Ee ness dar-ling I hold Jou sos me for-fa- ri. here in the dark- Joa eve-hos ton be night en- rarmeen tus tha-dow of tudet mi- The Por pa: ome inl it-in-gales are--uy acm e- oe you gave me a = bios vi - vie sin tut la Gedida para México por PORTILLA MUSIC CORP. « GREVER INTERNATIONAL, S.A, ta ee SS lis-ten to my song of “Tove be-sarmes mi nada més a beet CHORUS Stars are Seam-ing a+ bove time for ‘dream-ing oosla ue = la Por-queun Ser= to “co-mael que me diss ta co 8 me haebian ee — SS z = < ws sj 5 = = = Saas 1 Oh my lov - er, please say there’ no other, you'll dedream-ing Yel sqn- tinmées tre cha-dagn tus bra-aos ” nun- oe Ke S| = Time 0 kiss me good- ight say youll miss me, Yona novche de bu-nign la pla-yn nunes ed eae > In the night winds thatsigh, hear my Es-cu- chut-ao_cun-cin- = = = 3 as + SS Ses a =a: In my dreams you come creey: Pe ran las 19 —— Como ae) 2 a This ren-dez-vous we're keep ing to -geth - er Con e-sasmis-mas an - e ilto- mor-row, loo-la loo-la Por-quegemor co-mogl tu ww uel mivo nogris-terla Sem

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