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The definitions and descriptions which are described below come from the customer and are to be considered
merely functional and have nothing to do with the way how things are implemented technically or by

• BINN BUSINESS PARTNERS (BBP) are organizations who pay BINN in order to participate, share files etc.

• BINN BUSINESS CLIENTS (BBC) are entities who have access trough BINN to their own files / data from

• BINN USERS (BU) are natural persons. They interact with BINN themselves as themselves and / or a BBP
and / or a BBC.

* There will be different functionalities and prices. Eg 'Pro' and 'Light'. More about this later.

• Details of BBPs, BBCs and BUs are recorded in BINN Profiles.

• BBPs and BBCs with a business entity have an organizational profile.

• BBCs with a private entity and BUs have a personal profile.

• Organizations are always represented by one or more BUs. So:

• Organizations can only be active as BBP and / or BBC when BUs are linked*.

• BUs can have various functions at organizations with that they have various roles / rights.

• Each ROLE stands for the addition of RIGHTS which are asigned to a ROLE directly or via other ROLEs.

• Examples include BINNAdmin, BBPAdmin, BINNUser, Employee, Shareholder, ...

• BBPs can form a group to present themselves together (eg. GROUP Profile).

•BBCs and BUs who get connected to a GROUP are automatically connected to BBPs of the GROUP.

• To be able to take part in a GROUP a Light BBP is a minimum requirement. More about this later.

• RIGHTS 1-on-1 stand for something that is possible within BINN

• example: PressOrderButtonRight, ShoppingCartRight, ProductRemoveRight, ProductAddRight, etc. ...

• because it is such a detailistic level, it is not practical to directly assign RIGHTS to person. So we group these
rights into ROLES which are a better and more meaningfull way of assigning RIGHTS to persons.
BU may have one or multiple roles within BINN. At one role to be granted rights and roles. ROLLS granted to
BINN USERS where a person than the sum of all rights directly or indirectly to the person assigned roles. The
above implies immediately that it only PERSONS (users) can enter the system slightly. Examples of roles can
indeed be Admin, Admin (Admin of the difference may be) and User.

In the context of BINN I think earlier roles as Organization Administrator (someone who can link people to an
organization as a customer or employee), Customer (someone Documents organizations may view this person
granted and these documents may share with other people ), Employee (someone within an organization can
assign documents to a customer), Contact (someone who may view documents shared with him), BINNAdmin
(eg someone from inside that anything goes). This is also free to share, based on available rights.

As for group / categorize:

While rolls can be used as a grouping / categorization (eg anyone with the role "Employee") is primarily meant
to group rights. The aim is for the names / roles of utmost importance to match with a structure within an

To still other groups independently of roles we have to make tags and DIRECTORIES available. A TAG is a
kind of ear / label somewhere on what you can "stick" (a person, organization, product, really everywhere in our
software). A directory has a tree structure (see windows explorer) to which you a more global level to a deeper
level goes. A person, organization, product, and all we have within our software can be placed in a directory
because of such structured navigation. Although a directory a structured nature it is subject to subjectivity. Go a
sepia photo of a woman save in the instance directory Sepia / Women or Women / Sepia? Furthermore, those
photos are in a certain time, for a particular campaign, by a photographer, and edited in photoshop when you
have those facts in a directory structure to include only those that can likely that structure has created quickly

navigate this structure. TAGS earn that respect preferable because you can order yourself whether you can
navigate only by the individual to seek to enter "photoshop sepia woman" in random order.

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