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"The Pathfinder"

Scene 1: Int/Ext. Ares, Athena, Theo, Mother, Aunt

Narrator: Ares is a 17 year old, introverted school guy. He lives with his mother and aunt at a apartment
in Tacloban. He used to live with glee before his mom sent him to a all boys boarding school.

(Mother is talking to Ares and motivates him for his first day in the boarding school)

Mother: I'm so excited for you, do well in school, okay? Take care son.

Narrator: Ares nodded and traveled to his new school. When he was inside the school, he was shocked
of the atmosphere: all boys- masculine, clever guys in a tux-like uniform. He went inside his classroom
nervously. The teacher went in and greeted them. They all settled after.

Teacher: Now face your partner/ seatmate class and please introduce yourself.

(Ares and his seatmate stood up)

Ares: Hi! I'm Ares, 17.

CM 1: Hey bro! (a strong tap at the back) I'm Theo, 17. You play video games? Huh?

Teacher: Theo! Stop that! Okay everybody sit down.

Narrator: The teacher discussed her house rules then left. The students were rushing into the door. They
immediately approached Ares.

Theo: Hey Ares! You look very nervous. Don't worry, I can be your friend. Friends? (arm extended for
shake hands)

Ares: (Agreed by shaking hands with Theo)

Narrator: Since then, Ares and Theo became good friends. They tell each other jokes and life stories.
However, Ares is feeling weird about how he feels for Theo. Then he finally admitted to himself that he
was confused about his sexuality for he was in the verge of falling inlove with Theo.

Then one morning during their breakfast ......

Aunt: So how was the boarding school Ares? Was it cool? Have you started making it a training grounds
for Martial arts? (grins evily)

Mother: Stop that Vangie! Ares is not a delinquent. Anyway, do you remember Athena? Your childhood
friend and the daughter of "Kumadre" Chanang? That kid has a crush on you ever since and if ever your
gonna bring a girlfriend here, it must be Athena.
Narrator: Area sat there unspoken, he wants to tell them badly about his problem but he knew at that
moment, it would be impossible for them to understand. Days after, a surprise package would change
Ares life.

When he went back home from school .....

Mother: It's good you got home early, kumadre Chanang and Athena will be here for dinner, fix yourself.

(Ares fixed himself and the dinner time arrived, in the middle of the conversation....)

Mother: Kumadre, I really want our children to get married at 24.

Chanang: I won't disagree, anyway, I just thought that Ares would be a very good husband (laughed)

Aunt: You bet!

(All laughed while Athena smiles and blushes and Ares had his still expression)

Narrator: After the dinner, Ares and Athena had a quiet time for their conversation. Ares was in the midst
of confusion, he doesn't know what to say to Athena.

Athena: You are a very good friend of mine Ares so I think ..... Uhhhmmm .. I just .. you know, think that I
would be glad if they'll seriously do engage us.

Ares: (disbelief and anger) What? Are you out of your mind? Athena, we are friends, close friends and I
would like to emphasize to you that our connection, our friendship will forever be just until friendship ...

(Athens broke into sobs)

Athena: Everything can be learned Ares, even falling in love.

Ares: You don't understand, I am gay Thena. I fall in love not to girls but to guys. It's gross, you wouldn't
want to fall in love with me, would you? I'm sorry Thena.

Narrator: Athena ran away in tears and they went home with her mother still confused. Ares and his
mother argued.

Mother: What did you do Ares? Pushed her away in disgrace? Humiliate her? You should understan.....

Ares: Understand! Yes, that damn word you would never learn Mom. You can't ask me to marry her. I
don't fall in love with girls, I'm gay mom!

Mother: Son .....

Ares: Well you won't understand because for you, it is indecent.

Narrator: Ares went straight to his room hurt and in pain. The next morning, despite the fight, he still
found the table in its usual scene. While eating, her mother broke the silence.
Mother: I talked .. talked .. aahhhmm Kumadre Chanang and she apologized. I need to apologize too. We
can .. we ahhmm , you know cancelled everything, the marriage.

Narrator: Ares was shocked and he ran away towards his mother and hugs her very tightly.

Mother: You should have told us earlier, we would have understand. Because it's our responsibility. We
love you Ares, and no one will do as much as we do.

Ares: Thank you for accepting me for who I am mom.

Aunt: No, thank you for being honest with us.

Narrator: The next morning, Ares went to meet Theo and confessed about his feelings.

Theo: It's okay bro, thank you for telling me the truth. But I think we should just stay as friends. Love you
my friend!

Narrator: Months and years passed by, Ares was accepted by his circle of friends and his whole family. He
reached the peak of his education with all his classmates accepting him for who he was. Theo and
Athena developed a profound and special relationship between them.

Seeing all of this infront of him, Ares won't ask for more ......

*The end

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