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In well planning, the base to determine well path is structural interpretation of seismic surveys,
which often has a poor resolution and accuracy. Because of this, LWD tools were developed to
acquire more detailed measurements, but a limitation of LWD’s sensors is the small depth of
investigation, which can typically probe no farther than a meter into the formation.

Thus, an LWD resistivity device was developed with a much larger radial response, Deep-
directional-resistivity (DDR) logging-while-drilling (LWD) tool is an efficient method for horizontal
wells , geosteering, and reservoir and fluid contact determining. The most important characteristic
is the automatic inversion of the measurements, because this allows improving the detection of
fluid and geologic boundaries within a depth of investigation (DOI) of more than 30 m around the
wellbore in real time. In practice, this gives users a higher level of quality control and more
confidence in interpreting the subsurface within a larger diameter around the wellbore, which is
useful for analyzing and interpreting the information of a geo model. This decreases risks,
improves planning decisions, and drives a better well placement, completion, production, and
return on investment.


DDR system has been used effectively at angles of incidence ranging from 30 to 38°. To determine
the maximum-effective angle of incidence, it’s necessary to make calculations of the
measurements obtained in wells where this tool has been used. The analysis indicate that the
Maximum-effective angle of incidence (average) is 37.6°, with maximum deviations from the
average ranging from 41.6° (11% above) to 34.9° (7% below).

Geologic systems that contain significant amounts of nonhydrocarbon, high resistivity intervarls in
close proximity to hydrocarbon-bearing intervals will present problems when we use DDR tool.

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