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Bibliography 267 Of course, many works present a challenge with regard to classification, and might well be listed in more than one category. Each work is listed only once, however, the effort being made to place it in the category in which it makes the most significant contribution. Those who use this bibliography are encouraged to look in related areas within the bibliography to find items of interest. Alphabetization is according to the English alphabet. Thus in this work no distinction is made, for example, between the three Indic sibilants $, §, and S, or in other similar cases. Indic languages do not have an Sh, so if one is seeking a term or author with those initial letters, it is likely to be found under either $ or §. Dutch and German names with van and von are alphabetized according to the main name, for example, J. A. B. van Buitenen is listed under B for Buitenen. No attempt at a bibliography of the subject of Hinduism could ever be complete. Within the past century and a half, or even longer, so many published works have gone out of print, or were published in journals no longer extant, that the bibliographer is forced to consider whether it is worthwhile to list such works. Modern works can be relied upon to refer to these earlier works, easing the concerns of this bibliographer regarding omission of important sources. Numerous languages have been used by authors writing on Hinduism, French and German being particularly prominent among European languages other than English, as well as all the regional languages of India. This bibliography focusses on the literature in English for the most part, though there are many important entries in French and German as well, particularly books. With the rapid increase in availability of electronic records of library holdings, and the access scholars even in remote locations have to such records, bibliographic searches are becoming less time consuming. Given more space, a more extensive bibliography certainly could be assembled. This author will leave that task to another compiler, hoping that this bibliography will be an aid to research on Hinduism for many years to come.

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