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#2329 TH-GF-VP- abH MIS DHS | C-17 Bowing, Hindon Air Force, India | 13-202 “ “Type Equipment Receipt Inspection ‘Asset & THOF-VP-1 Sections 1 First Section ® sitendra Singh Rengey ‘Status set by Akash Mehta on 3/24/2015. EQUIPMENT INFORMATION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EqupmentTag: Yet Esupment Type: £/rcy yyy pled £7 Kanes bast Tate Hanger pacibtg Groend Caer, Eltctyi tel been 170 Completed By. Noagerjene Leclely ee (219/208 Floor!Space: Comment: EQUIPMENT DETAIL(IF APPLICABLE): 8 ° 0 " 2 13 “ 5 ‘QUESTION 16 7 8 Manufacturer: Thiel Te Model Number: Biettset, Selinesder Seva Number: N/A Votage Ole Phase 3g Here SO Amperece 4 Mmoctwee 's the correct mode! number and configuration provided per he approvod submital? Yo ¢ Tete unt clean and tow of damage? Yo ¢ Ie the unt stredinacean dry locaton and propery potectad? Ya g oe i) (Checklist | Printed on 081122018 | Page tof t db|HMS.

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