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A PERFORMANCE TO REMEMBER On the 14% September, Year SRR OR gt Pe ee Ry A Rae PB Cocke Came) we are currently studying for (rol ae ee TT RGU Aca eee Fer Um Rm ei Teo the suicide of a young girl from the working class as, through the play, Priestley sends a message to the world of the need for everyone to take responsibility and be considerate about Ceara ecu SCOOM UR en aise coe ky fist Sty Perey mente . sm” (with Priestley himself PER comico ALCe Ccisa Cael huts ings representing ruthless capi i Se COU aCe ecr Coca ee nats its unique set design and period costumes brought even more to PEL metic ate 9 in our minds during revision. Likewise, the performance of key quotes and scenes gave a greater impact to the eee na ts atc Pee Uc these more clearly. We would like to thank the Pee a Caikecilceck Um ra ected) aid of revision — plus a large ‘Thanks!’ to the company of the Pree eC Rice eee ia cnt se

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