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Blood is a liquid contained in a body that functions transporting substances and oxygen

needed by the tissues of the body, transporting chemical materials results of metabolism, as well
as the body's defense against viruses or bacteria. Blood is comprised of several types of korpuskula
that make up 45% of the part of the blood. Section 55% other liquids yellowish fluid medium that
forms blood called blood plasma. Korpskula is composed of red blood cells or erythrocytes (about
99%), chips of blood or platelets (0.6-1.0%), white blood cells or leukocytes (0.2%). Blood plasma
is essentially a water solution containing albumin, blood pembeku, immunoglobulins (antibodies),
hormone, many types of proteins, different types of salt. (Waterbury L, 1998)
Glucose, a monosaccharide sugar is one of the most important carbohydrates are used as
source power for animals and plants. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and
respiration to the beginning. Natural form (D-glucose) is also known as dekstrosa, especially in
the food industry. Glucose is a aldoheksosa and often called dekstrosa as it has the properties of
polarized light can rotate to the right. In nature, the glucose contained in fruits and honey bees
(Poedjiadi 1994).
Blood glucose Concentration is a very important factor for the smooth working of the body.
Normal levels of glucose in the blood is 70-0 mg/100 mL. However, the blood glucose levels
depends by waktusetelah packed in the first hour after a meal, the blood sugar levels
meningkatsekitar 130 mg/dl of blood, and then decreased after 2-3 next hour after glucose is used
in a variety of the network. A number of the glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the
liver and muscles (Lehninger, 1982). Determination of the levels of glucose in the blood can be
done using a spectrophotometer that is known by the Folin-Wu Method. Folin-Wu Method first
introduced kalioleh Folin and Wu in the year 1919 ('s Berkman 1953). This method is the method
used to make the filtrate of blood free protein with protein deposition by the formation of tungstat
acid. Deposition terjadia kibat presence combination acid anion with the cationic form of protein.
The method has several advantages, among others, it only takes two solvents, the filtrate is formed
more neutral, and the filtration process faster (Haden 1923). The working principle of
spectrophotometry based on the law of Lambert-Beer, when monochromatic light through a
medium, some light is called the absorbed, some is reflected and some is passed on (Sabrina 2012).
Blood glucose will reduce Cu2 + ions in the atmosphere of a base, which result reduksinya will
react with arseno molibdat produces a blue color. The intensity of the blue color formed is
proportional to the levels of glucose in the blood sample so that it can be measured in serapannya
spectrophotometry (Haden, 1923). This solution is measured at a wavelength of its absorbance
maximum i.e. 660 nm. With the law of Lambert – Beer:
A: absorbancy
b: kuvet width
a: absorbtivity
c: concentration

dapus :
Berkman B. 2002. Dasar-Dasar Kimiawi dan Biologis Biokimia. Jakarta (ID) : EGC.

Haden RL. 1923. A Modification of The Folin-Wu Method for Making Protein- FreeBloodFiltrates. The
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 937- 943.

Lehninger, Albert. 1982. Principle of Biochemistry. USA : Worth Publisher, Inc

Poedjiadi Anna 1994. Dasar-dasar Biokimia. Jakarta : UI Press.

Sabrina A. 2012. Perbandingan metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis dan KCKT (Kromatografi Cair Kinerja
Tinggi) pada analisis kadar asam benzoat dan kafein dalam teh kemasan.[Skripsi]. Malang (ID): Universitas
Negeri Malang.

Waterbury Lary. 1998. Buku Saku Hematology . W Susiani Wijaya : Penerjemah. Jakarta (ID) : EGC .
Terjemahan dari : Hematlogy For The House Officer.

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