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B5U4 The Cellist of Sarajevo

Class : ______ Name : ____________________ No. _______________

Reading Paragraph 1-4 :

The story behind the musical composition “________________________________________________”

< Setting >
 < Cause >
 < Effect >

Time : What happened to the people (a) What did the musician
____________________________ on the streets? Vedran Smailovic do after
witnessing the event?
Place :
On the street of ____________,
in front of _________________,
where a long line of people
were waiting for bread. (b) Why did he do so?

<⽂法重點 Paragraph 1-4>

1. The performance on the opening night of the Interactional Cello Festival consisted of / was consisted of works
for unaccompanied (中: ____________ ) cello. = made up / was made up of
= composed / was composed of

2. One o the few bakeries that still had flour was making and giving out (= d__________ 中: ____________ ) bread to the people
in this ______-______ (飽經戰亂的 = _______-r____________ ) city.

3. 分詞構句:
(a) Suddenly a shell fell directly into the middle of the line, and took lives of twenty-two people.
= __________________
(b) __________ masonry exploding around him, he _________ his courageous s____________ _______(捍衛) human dignity,
for those who were ________ _______ (被奪⾛), for civilization , for compassion, and for peace.

4. 地⽅副詞倒裝:________________ + ______________ + ______________ (因主詞太長)

A distinguished musician named Vedran Smailovic lived not far away.

= ____________________________________________________________________________________

5. He was ____________ (逼迫) _____________ (=beyond) his c______________ to e_____________ (忍受的容量) anymore.

6. For the next twenty-two days ______ ______ __________ (連續), Smailovic put on his formal concert suit, picked up his cello,
and walked into the m_____________ of the battle.

7. Though the shelling ________ _______ (= continued). he rode out (中: _________) the attacks.

第 1 ⾴頁
Reading Paragraph 5-8 :

Find the key phrases that describe the performance of Yo-yo Ma in the article :

1. ⼀一個叫做...的作品 : a composition (which is) _______________ …

2. 他把感覺傾瀉到他的作品中 : He __________ his feelings ________ the work.

3. ⾳音樂悄悄地流瀉入安靜的⼤大廳:The music __________ _________ ________ the ________ hall.

4. ⾳音樂慢慢變成⼀一陣痛苦的狂怒:The music ________ ________ a ___________ ___________.

5. ⾳音樂揪住了了所有⼈人的⼼心,⽽而後逐漸平息成死亡前空洞洞的哀鳴 :
The music ____________ everyone in the audience before _________ _________ _______ a hollow
death rattle.

6. 保持彎腰 : __________ _________ _________

7. 琴⼸弓留留在琴弦上:The bow _________ ________ the strings.

8. 觸電的感覺流竄觀眾全⾝身:An __________ __________ ___________ __________ the audience.

9. 每個⼈人都欣喜若若狂:Everyone ____________ ________ excitement.

10. 他的臉上佈滿淚淚⽔水,刻著痛苦:His face was __________ ________ _________ and _________ ________

11. 觀眾卸除了了武裝:The audience ___________ _____________.

<⽂法重點 Paragraph 5-8>

8. 分裂句 : _______ _______ + 強調的部份 + _________ + 剩下的部份
(a) It was this very (中: __________ ) place that Yo-Yo Ma was to play that evening.
(b) The audiences realized music is a gift people all share equally then ( = at that time ).
= (強調 then) ___________________________________________________________________________

9. 地⽅副詞倒裝:A solitary chair was on the stage. = __________________________________________________

10. 分詞構句 :
(a) The music began, and stole out into the hushed hall and created a shadowy, empty universe.
= __________________ = and ____________
(b) Slowly the music grew into a painful furor, and gripped everyone in the audience before it died down into …
= __________________ = __________________
(c) The audience stripped down to their deepest humanity _______ (prep. 在...時間點) encountering this man who shook his
cello _______ _______ _______ _______ (⾯臨到) bombs, death, and ruins, and defied (中: __________ ) them all.
= ____________________
11. They ____________ their _________ __________ each other in an e_____________ (擁抱彼此).
12. His face looked old beyond his years. (中: ___________________________________ )
13. His cello __________ ______ ________ (= t_______ ______ to be 最後發現是) the mightiest weapon of all.

第 2 ⾴頁

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