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Nama : Fathia Dheanisa

Kelas : X IPA 7

Consume Junk Food

Junk food is low nutrition foods that are not healthy, usually produced in the form of packaged
snacks and food that are made in the fast food restaurant with chemicals and artificial preservatives.
I don’t agree if some people consuming junk food too often, because it causes negative impact. The
negative impact are obesity, risk of diabetes, fatigue and lack energy. Actually, there are so many
negative impact of junk food for health, but i only explain three, here.

Junk food is mostly fast food which contains carbohydrates, sugar, saturated fats, and salt. One
portion of junk food offers a large number of calories, but the nutritional value is little or even no at
all. It has impact gain on weight which is one of factors that can increase risk for various chronic
health problems. Too often consuming junk food instead high nutrition food can cause obesity
because of fat that accumulates in the body.

One of the main factors that cause diabetes is due to an unhealthy diet, one of them is because
consume junk food. When the body absorbs nutrition from healthy foods, it means that the body
gets enough glucose to be converted into energy by insulin. But, when the body absorbs junk food, it
can lead to excessive glucose levels in the body and cause diabetes

Junk food does not have the amount of essential nutrition that needed to maintain health and the
function of all system in the body as whole, such as proteins and vitamin. Although this type of food
can make the stomach feel full and satisfied, but it failed to provide instant energy. So that make the
body feel weak and tired a few moments after consuming it. If the body only absorb all types of food
that are classified as junk food for a certain period of time, then it can cause chronic fatigue. Junk
food can reduce the body energy level to a level that might make the body difficult or even unable to
do daily routines.

Example, my mother that overweight and has heart disease because of consume junk food too
often, such as fried foods and also not balanced by exercise and enough rest.

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