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1) In 2017, 18 years old Indian boy Rifath Sharook invented world’s

lightest satellite. What was the name of the satellite given?

Ans: Kalamsat

2) The first green railway station of India – Manwal railway station is

situated in which state?

Ans: Jammu and Kashmir

3) Recently which browser has come under the radar of Indian

Government for an alleged leak of mobile data of all its Indian users?

Ans: UC browser

4) The word was first used by the British evolutionary biologist

Richard Dawkins in his book “The selfish gene”. Now it is one of the
most popular words on social media. What is the word?

Ans: Meme

5) Which automobile company has recently announced that it will

stop manufacturing petrol and diesel cars from 2019 in favour of
electric cars?

Ans: Volvo

6) Name this outdoor winter sport

Ans: Snowkiting/Kite skiing

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