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Option D-Medicine and Drugs

1. Nicotine and caffeine are commonly classified as stimulants.

(a) State the name of one functional group which is present in caffeine but absent in nicotine.



(b) Other than methyl groups, state the name of one functional group present in both caffeine and nicotine.



(Total 2 marks)
2. (a) State two symptoms associated with caffeine being consumed in large amounts.



(b) State two short-term and two long-term effects of nicotine consumption.







(Total 3 marks)
3. (i) Outline the meaning of the term sympathomimetic drug.



(ii) State one example of a sympathomimetic drug other than nicotine.


(Total 2 marks)
4. Outline what is meant by the term synergistic effect of ethanol using a suitable example.




(Total 2 marks)
5. Two substances commonly used in antacid tablets are magnesium hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide.
(a) State an equation to represent a neutralization reaction with one of the above antacids.



(b) State and explain whether 0.1 mol of magnesium hydroxide is more effective or less effective than 0.1 mol of
aluminium hydroxide.



(c) Suggest why compounds such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide cannot be used as an antacid.



(d) Explain why alginates and dimethicone are often included in antacid tablets.







(Total 5 marks)
6. State two differences in structure between viruses and bacteria.




(Total 2 marks)
7. Describe two ways in which antiviral drugs work.



(Total 2 marks)
8. Discuss two difficulties associated with the development of drugs for the effective treatment of AIDS.





(Total 2 marks)
9. Some mind-altering drugs contain the indole ring. The structures of indole and some mind-altering drugs are shown
in Table 20 of the Data Booklet.
(a) In terms of functional groups, state two similarities in the structures of LSD, psilocybin and mescaline.





(b) State the names of two functional groups that are present in LSD but not in mescaline.





(Total 4 marks)
10. Identify the active ingredient present in cannabis. Explain why a doctor may prescribe this active ingredient to
some patients.



(Total 2 marks)
11. Drugs such as fluoxetine and aspirin can be converted into salts.

(a) Identify the functional group present in each of fluoxetine and aspirin which allows them to be converted
into a salt. Suggest a reagent required for each conversion.





(b) Explain the advantage of converting drugs such as fluoxetine and aspirin into salts.



(Total 4 marks)
12. Aspirin and paracetamol (acetaminophen) are mild analgesics.

(i) State one advantage of aspirin and one disadvantage of paracetamol (acetaminophen).

Advantage of aspirin:



Disadvantage of paracetamol:


(ii) Explain why it is dangerous to take aspirin when ethanol has also been consumed.



(Total 3 marks)
13. Morphine is a strong analgesic which is administered parenterally.

(i) State the meaning of the term parenteral.


(ii) Explain how a strong analgesic such as morphine prevents pain.




(iii) The structures of morphine and diamorphine (heroin) are shown in Table 20 of the Data Booklet. State the
name of a functional group present in diamorphine (heroin) but not in morphine.


(Total 4 marks)
14. Caffeine and nicotine are two common stimulants.

(a) Describe two effects of large amounts of caffeine on the human body.



(b) (i) State the name of the functional group circled on the structure of caffeine.


(ii) Deduce which functional group is common to both nicotine and caffeine.


(iii) Identify one short-term effect of nicotine consumption.

(Total 5 marks)
15. During drug development, trials are conducted to determine the therapeutic window.

(a) Explain the meaning of the term therapeutic window and discuss its importance in drug administration.




(b) Explain the use of placebos in clinical trials on humans.





(c) Identify one other effect of a drug which must be determined during clinical trials.


(Total 8 marks)
16. In the 1950s, thalidomide was given to pregnant women to alleviate morning sickness.
Many of the children born to these women had deformed limbs. State the structural feature of thalidomide
responsible for these different effects and explain the effect that this case has had on the development of drugs.





(Total 2 marks)
17. Sorafenib, a drug used to treat kidney and liver cancer, was produced using combinatorial techniques. The structure
of sorafenib is shown below.

(i) Describe how combinatorial chemistry may have been used to synthesize sorafenib.




(ii) State one advantage of solid-phase chemistry during combinatorial synthesis.


(Total 4 marks)
18. Several mind-altering drugs exhibit similarities in their structures. Some of these are shown in Table 20 of the Data

State one structural similarity and one difference between lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin.



Total 2 marks)
19. Describe two short-term mind altering effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).



(Total 2 marks)
20. Aspirin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), morphine and diamorphine (heroin) are all pain killers.
Their structures are given in Table 20 of the Data Booklet.

(a) Aspirin is thought to interfere with the production of prostaglandins. Explain how this produces an analgesic



(b) Explain how morphine can prevent pain.



(c) Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is generally considered to be safe to use as an analgesic in small doses. Other
than the possibility of death, outline the problems associated with taking larger doses of paracetamol.





(d) State one important use for aspirin other than the relief of pain and fever.


(e) Other than the phenyl group, state the name of one other functional group that is common to

(i) both paracetamol and morphine.


(ii) both aspirin and diamorphine.

(Total 7 marks)
21. Explain what is meant by the term tolerance and suggest why this is a particular problem for heroin users.




(Total 2 marks)
22. The first penicillin to be used was benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G), its structure is shown below.

(a) Explain how penicillins are able to act as antibacterials.





(b) Modern penicillins have a similar structure to Penicillin G but a different side-chain.
State two advantages of modifying the side-chain.





(c) Discuss the reason why a “cocktail” of different antibacterials may be needed to treat tuberculosis (TB).



(Total 5 marks)
23. (a) Sodium hydrogencarbonate, NaHCO3, and magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, can both be used as antacids.

(i) Give the equations for the reactions of sodium hydrogencarbonate and magnesium hydroxide with
hydrochloric acid.




(ii) Compare the effectiveness of 1.00 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate to 0.50 g of magnesium hydroxide
in combating acidity in the stomach.





(b) Explain why alginates are often added to antacids.



(Total 6 marks)
24. Suggest a reagent that could be used to convert morphine into diamorphine and state the name of the type of
reaction taking place.




(Total 2 marks)
25. Paroxetine, whose structure is shown below, is a drug prescribed to people suffering from mental depression.

(a) Identify the two chiral carbon atoms in the structure above with an asterisk (*).

(b) Explain, with an example, the importance of chirality in drug action.




(c) Describe the use of chiral auxiliaries to synthesize the desired enantiomer of a drug.




(d) Paroxetine is usually prescribed in the form of its hydrochloride salt.

(i) Explain why it is used in this form.





(ii) State the structural feature of a molecule of paroxetine that enables it to form a salt.



(Total 9 marks)
26. State the differences between the structures of morphine and diamorphine (heroin). State the names of all
functional groups in the molecule of morphine.





Functional groups:




(Total 3 marks)
27. Bacterial and viral infections require different types of medication.

(a) Outline two differences between bacteria and viruses.





(b) Antiviral drugs are used for the treatment of HIV and other viral infections. Describe two ways in which
antiviral drugs work.


(c) Discuss why viral infections are generally harder to treat than bacterial infections.




(Total 7 marks)
28. Mild analgesics such as aspirin, and strong analgesics such as opiates, differ not only in their potency but also in
the ways they act on the central nervous system.

(a) Describe how mild and strong analgesics provide pain relief.

Mild analgesics:



Strong analgesics:



(b) Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of using morphine and other opiates for pain relief.











(Total 6 marks)
29. Fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac ) is a common depressant. Depressants have many therapeutic uses.

(a) State three other common depressants.



(b) Describe one effect, other than relieving depression, of moderate doses of depressants on patients.



(Total 4 marks)
30. Drugs can be prescribed for treating various diseases and assisting in healing the human body, however, any drug
presents potential risks. The properties of three drugs are summarized below.

Drug Physiological effect Side-effects Therapeutic window

A high severe medium
B moderate moderate narrow
C low minimal wide
Suggest which drug (A, B or C) could be

(a) considered safe enough to be taken by patients without supervision.


(b) administered only by qualified staff.


(c) used only in a medical emergency.


(Total 3 marks)
31. Explain why heroin is a more potent drug than morphine.





(Total 2 marks)
32. Compound libraries are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for the development of new drugs. Such
libraries can be quickly created by combinatorial and parallel syntheses.

(a) Explain how combinatorial and parallel chemistry can be used to build compound libraries.








(b) Outline the role of computers in drug design.





(Total 6 marks)
33. Planar complexes of the formula [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] can exist as two isomers. One of these isomers, cisplatin, is a
common anti-cancer drug with the following structural formula.

Draw a structural formula for the second isomer and state the type of isomerism represented by these two

Type of isomerism: ................................................................................................................

(Total 2 marks)
34. Dyspepsia, commonly known as indigestion, is due to excess acid in the stomach and can be treated using antacids.

(a) State the name of the acid found in the gastric juices of the stomach.


(b) Two examples of antacids are aluminium hydroxide and calcium carbonate. State the equations to show the
action of each antacid.





(c) Antacid medicines often contain alginates and anti-foaming agents.

(i) Explain briefly how alginates prevent heartburn.





(ii) Explain why anti-foaming agents are added and state one example.




(Total 7 marks)
35. Two examples of mild analgesics are aspirin and paracetamol (acetaminophen).
Paracetamol is often used as an alternative to aspirin. State one advantage and one disadvantage of the use of







(Total 2 marks)
S È36. Examples of strong analgesics are morphine, codeine and diamorphine (heroin).
Their structures are shown in Table 20 of the Data Booklet.

(i) Identify two functional groups present in all three of these analgesics.



(ii) Identify one functional group present in morphine, but not in diamorphine.


(iii) State the name of the type of chemical reaction which is used to convert morphine into diamorphine.


(Total 4 marks)
37. AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) has resulted in millions of deaths worldwide since it was first
recorded in 1981. The control and treatment of HIV is made worse by the high price of anti-retroviral agents and
sociocultural issues. Discuss one sociocultural difficulty facing society today associated with solving this global






(Total 3 marks)
38. (a) State one difference between viruses and bacteria.


(b) Discuss three methods in which the activities of humans has created an increase in the resistance to
penicillin in bacteria populations.






(Total 4 marks)
39. Three factors which can influence the mechanism of the action of a drug include geometrical isomerism, polarity
and ring strain.

(a) For each of the following drugs, identify which one of these factors is involved.

Increased potency of diamorphine compared to morphine:






(b) Explain the action of penicillin with reference to your answer in part (a).





(Total 5 marks)
40. Thalidomide has the following three-dimensional structure.
(i) Identify the chiral centre in the thalidomide structure (above) with an asterisk (*).

(ii) Discuss the importance of chirality in the action of this drug by comparing the effects of each of the two
enantiomeric forms.






(Total 3 marks)
41. Two of the best known mind-altering drugs are lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin. Using Table 20 of
the Data Booklet, outline the essential structural similarities between the two drugs and describe the short-term
effect of psilocybin.






(Total 4 marks)
42. Analgesics are used to relieve pain in the body. Aspirin and paracetamol (acetaminophen) are both mild analgesics.

(a) Discuss the advantages of using aspirin instead of paracetamol.



(b) Compare how mild and strong analgesics relieve pain in the body.





(Total 4 marks)
43. The structures of the strong analgesics morphine and heroin (diamorphine) can be found in Table 20 of the Data

(i) Identify the amine functional group in the morphine molecule below by drawing a ring around it.
(ii) Classify the type of amine present in morphine.


(iii) State the name of the functional group found in heroin but not in morphine.


(Total 3 marks)
44. State one advantage and one disadvantage of using morphine as a strong analgesic.



(Total 2 marks)
45. Medicines and drugs alter the physiological state of the body including consciousness and coordination.

(a) State one other effect of medicines and drugs on the body.



(b) Explain the meaning of the following terms:

(i) therapeutic window.




(ii) tolerance.




(iii) placebo effect.



(Total 4 marks)
46. Outline the major stages in the development of a new drug.





(Total 3 marks)
47. Describe the effect on the individual of consuming depressants at moderate and high doses.






(Total 2 marks)
48. One problem associated with ethanol consumption is an increased risk of traffic accidents. Police in many countries
use a breathalyser to test drivers. The breathalyser contains potassium dichromate(VI).

(i) Describe the colour change of potassium dichromate(VI) when it reacts with ethanol.


(ii) State with a reason whether chromium in potassium dichromate(VI) is oxidised or reduced by ethanol.


(Total 2 marks)
49. In recent years there have been significant advances in drug design, mainly due to the techniques of combinatorial
chemistry and parallel synthesis. Discuss the use of these techniques, with reference to:

(i) the advantage of the techniques compared to previous methods.




(ii) the methods used.





(iii) the difference between combinatorial chemistry and parallel synthesis.



(Total 5 marks)
50. The structures of mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) are in Table 20 of the Data Booklet. Describe
two effects of taking mescaline on the human body and discuss the structural similarities between mescaline and
LSD that lead to some of their similar properties.






(Total 4 marks)
51. Medicines and drugs can influence the functioning of the body.

Discuss the term therapeutic window. Your answer should include its meaning, a quantitative description and an
explanation of wide and narrow therapeutic windows.





(Total 4 marks)
52. The walls of the human stomach contain cells that produce gastric juices. Sodium hydrogencarbonate is an antacid
often used to neutralize excess acid.

(a) State an equation for the reaction of stomach acid with this antacid.



(b) Calcium carbonate can also neutralize stomach acid. The same amounts (in moles) of sodium
hydrogencarbonate and calcium carbonate are available. Deduce which antacid will neutralize the greater
amount of acid present in the stomach and explain your reasoning.




(Total 3 marks)
53. Ethanol, a depressant, is sufficiently volatile to pass into the lungs from the bloodstream.
The roadside breathalyser test uses acidified potassium dichromate(VI) which reacts with any ethanol present in the
breath and converts it to ethanoic acid.

(a) (i) State the oxidation and reduction half-equations that occur in the breathalyser when ethanol is present
in the breath.






(ii) Describe the colour change that occurs to the acidified dichromate(VI) if ethanol is present in the



(b) Police use the intoximeter, an infrared spectrophotometer to confirm a roadside breathalyser test. Explain
how the amount of ethanol is determined from the infrared spectrum.





(Total 5 marks)
54. Antibacterials are drugs that kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases. The general
structure of penicillin, an antibacterial, is given below.

(a) With reference to the structure above, state what the letter R represents and discuss how penicillins can be
made more resistant to the penicillinase enzyme.





(b) Describe and explain one effect of overprescription of antibacterials.




(Total 4 marks)
55. Describe and explain difficulties associated with solving the AIDS problem.






(Total 4 marks)
56. Chemists can change structures of substances in order to produce chemicals with desired properties.

(a) Aspirin is virtually insoluble in water. Use Table 20 in the Data Booklet to explain how aspirin can be made
more water-soluble. Write an equation for the reaction.




(b) Prozac , fluoxetine hydrochloride, a depressant, is water-soluble and is made by reacting fluoxetine with
hydrochloric acid. Use Table 20 in the Data Booklet to deduce the structure of fluoxetine.

(Total 3 marks)
57. Alexander Fleming, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain shared the Nobel Prize for “the discovery of penicillin and its
curative effect in various infectious diseases”.

(i) Outline the contributions of Fleming, Florey and Chain to the development of penicillins.



Florey and Chain:


(ii) Describe the mode of action of penicillins in treating infectious diseases.



(Total 4 marks)
58. Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin used to treat lung infections. The structure of the antibiotic is shown

(i) Identify two functional groups present in the side chain (R) of ampicillin by comparing its structure to that of
penicillin in Table 20 in the Data Booklet.



(ii) Explain why it is important to continue to develop semi-synthetic penicillins.



(Total 4 marks)
59. Explain the meaning of the terms:

(i) side-effect



(ii) therapeutic window



(iii) placebo effect.



(Total 3 marks)
60. The effectiveness of a drug depends on the method of administration.

(i) One method of injecting drugs into the body results in the drug having a very rapid effect. State the method
and explain its rapid action.



(ii) List the two other methods which can be used to inject drugs into the body.



(iii) Identify the method of administration used to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma.


(Total 4 marks)
61. Amphetamine and methamphetamine are widely abused drugs.

(a) State one short-term effect of amphetamine on the human body.



(b) Explain why amphetamine is classified as a sympathomimetic drug and relate this to its structure.



(c) Regular use of amphetamine and methamphetamine can lead to tolerance. Explain why this is potentially



(Total 5 marks)
62. Amphetamine exists as optical isomers. Describe how chiral auxiliaries can be used to synthesize only the desired
enantiomeric form of a drug from a non-chiral starting compound.




(Total 3 marks)
63. The structures of morphine and heroin are shown in Table 20 of the Data Booklet.
Explain the increased potency of heroin compared to morphine.





(Total 2 marks)
64. Many drugs are taken orally. State three other ways in which drugs may be taken by a patient.




(Total 2 marks)
65. Suggest why it is advisable not to drink alcohol when taking other drugs.




(Total 2 marks)
66. One common type of medicine taken orally is an antacid. Antacids such as sodium hydrogencarbonate are taken to
reduce stomach acidity.

(a) State the names of two metals, other than sodium, whose compounds are often used in antacids.


(b) Write an equation for the neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the stomach by sodium hydrogencarbonate.


(c) Explain how heartburn is caused.



(d) Explain why dimethicone is added to some antacids.



(Total 4 marks)
67. (a) One method for detecting ethanol in breath involves blowing through a tube containing crystals of potassium
dichromate(VI). The ethanol turns the crystals from orange to green.
Explain what happens to both the dichromate(VI) ion and the ethanol in this reaction.




(b) A modern method for accurately determining the amount of ethanol in breath uses an intoximeter. Describe
how an intoximeter works.




(Total 5 marks)
68. Caffeine is a stimulant with the following structure.
C H 3

C H 3 N


CH 3

C a ffe in e

(a) Determine whether both amine groups in caffeine are primary, secondary or tertiary.


O CH 3

(b) Caffeine contains the group C N . State the general name for this functional group.


(c) Tablets of the drug Ecstasy are sometimes contaminated with a substance called 4−MTA.

C H 2 N C H N
O 2
H 2C
O C H 3 H 3C CH 3
E c s ta s y 4 – M TA

(i) Ecstasy and 4-MTA are sympathomimetic drugs. Identify the structural similarity between the two
drugs and epinephrine (adrenaline), the structure of which is given in Table 20 of the Data Booklet.



(ii) Outline what is meant by the term sympathomimetic drug and state two examples of short-term effects
sympathomimetic drugs have on the human body.



(iii) State one example of a long-term effect of taking stimulants.


(Total 7 marks)
69. Ibuprofen is an analgesic with the following structure:
ib u p ro fe n

(a) Identify the chiral carbon atom in the structure of ibuprofen using an asterisk (*).


(b) Describe how chiral auxiliaries can be used to synthesize only the desired enantiomeric form of a drug from
a non-chiral starting compound. Explain why it is important to use only the desired enantiomeric form of a
drug and state an example of what can happen if a racemic mixture is used.







(Total 6 marks)

1. (a) amide; 1
Do not accept carbonyl/ketone.
(b) (tertiary) amine; 1
2. (a) anxiety
increase in urine output/diuretic
increased heart rate/tachycardia 1
Award [1] for any two symptoms.
(b) Short-term:
increased heart rate
increased blood pressure / vasoconstriction
decrease in urine output
stress relief
Award [1] for any two short-term effects.
(increased risk of) heart disease/coronary thrombosis
(risk of) becoming addicted/physically dependent
(increased risk of) (lung/mouth/throat) cancer
(increased risk of) bronchitis/emphysema
reduction in capacity of blood to carry oxygen
withdrawal symptoms/weight gain (on quitting) 2 max
Award [1] for any two long-term effects.
Award [1 max] if student has one long term and one short term
3. (i) (sympathomimetic drug) mimics the effect of adrenaline / stimulates
the sympathetic nervous system; 1
(ii) amphetamine / methamphetamine / speed / ecstasy / cocaine; 1
4. ethanol can interact with / enhance the effect of other drugs;
with aspirin increased bleeding of the stomach lining/peptic ulcers or
other suitable example and their effect, such as sedatives, tranquilisers; 2
5. (a) Al(OH)3 + 3HCl → AlCl3 + 3H2O / Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl → MgCl2 + 2H2O; 1
Accept ionic equations.

(b) less effective and (magnesium hydroxide) 2/0.2 mol OH ions

available as compared to (aluminium hydroxide) 3/0.3 mol OH
ions for neutralization / neutralizes 2H /0.2 mol acid as compared
to 3H /0.3 mol acid; 1
Do not accept aluminium hydroxide can neutralize more acid.
(c) strong base / corrosive / harmful to the body; 1
(d) Alginates:
provide a neutralizing layer on top of the stomach contents / to
prevent acid rising up the esophagus / prevents acid reflux/heartburn;
as an anti-foaming agent / to prevent flatulence/gas/bloating; 2
6. viruses do not have cell/cellular structure;
viruses do not have nucleus;
viruses do not have cell wall;
viruses do not have cytoplasm; 2 max
Accept opposite statements for bacteria.
7. stops virus replication;
Accept reproduction / multiplication.
becomes part of DNA of virus / alters virus DNA / blocks polymerase
which builds DNA;
changes the cell membrane that inhibits the entry of virus into the cells;
prevents viruses from leaving the cell (after reproducing);2 max
8. HIV mutates (rapidly);
Accept AIDS mutates
HIV metabolism linked to that of host cell / HIV uses host cell / drugs
harm host cell as well as HIV / difficult to target HIV without damaging
host cell;
HIV destroys helper cells of the immune system; 2 max
9. (a) benzene/aromatic ring;
amine/amino; 2
(b) secondary/tertiary amine;
Do not accept amine.
Do not accept carbonyl / ketone.
alkene/C=C double bonds;
indole ring; 2 max
10. tetrahydrocannabinol/THC;
relieves extreme pain (in cancer therapy) / relieves nausea (in chemotherapy); 2
K „11. (a) (fluoxetine) amino group and reagent HCl/hydrochloric acid/acid/H ;

(aspirin) carboxylic acid group and NaOH/sodium hydroxide/base/OH ; 2
Allow [1] for the two correct functional groups.
(b) increases aqueous/water solubility;
facilitates distribution in the body; 2
12. (i) Advantage of aspirin:
prevents (recurrence of) heart attack/stroke / anticoagulant / reduces
Disadvantage of paracetamol:
may cause blood disorders/kidney damage / (overdose can cause
serious) liver damage/brain damage/death / does not reduce
inflammation; 2
Do not accept increased toxicity when consumed with ethanol.
Do not accept the same argument for advantage of aspirin and
disadvantage of paracetamol.
Do not accept answers which refer to disease (i.e. reduces heart
disease, causes kidney disease) or cancer.
Penalize additional incorrect answers if more than one advantage
or disadvantage is stated.
(ii) increased risk of stomach bleeding; 1
13. (i) administered by injection; 1
(ii) (temporarily) bond to receptor sites in the brain/CNS;
prevent the transmission of pain impulses; 2
(iii) ester; 1
14. (a) anxiety;
increased urine output/diuretic;
increased heart rate/tachycardia; 2 max
(b) (i) amide; 1
(ii) (tertiary) amine; 1
(iii) increased heart rate / increased blood pressure / reduction in
urine output / reduction in anxiety 1
15. (a) if concentration is too high it will have harmful side effects /
determination of the lethal dose (to 50 % of the population) / OWTTE;
if concentration is too low it has little or no beneficial effect /
determination of the effective dose / dose which has a noticeable
effect (on 50 % of the population) / OWTTE;
therapeutic window is the range between these doses / range over
which a drug can be safely administered / ratio of LD 50:ED50;
for minor ailments a larger window is desirable, for serious
conditions a smaller window may be acceptable / OWTTE;
(therapeutic window) depends on the drug/age/sex/weight;
a small therapeutic window means that an overdose is a high
risk / OWTTE; 4 max
(b) placebo contains none of the compound being tested as a drug;
placebo can “fool” the body into healing itself / OWTTE;
placebo is used as a control to measure the effectiveness of a
drug / OWTTE;
half/some of trial group given placebo and half/some given drug;
patients and administrators should not know who gets a placebo
and who gets a drug / double blind trial; 3 max
(c) LD50 / ED50;
risk:benefit ratio;
tolerance; 1 max
16. chirality / optical isomerism / two different enantiomers;
each enantiomer must be tested for side effects / modern drugs may
have only one enantiomeric form / OWTTE; 2
17. (i) synthesis of large numbers of compounds using a variety of
starting materials;
automated process reacts a small number of compounds with a
variety of reagents;
(to produce) a large number of products;
mix-and-split technique;
small amounts of compounds are attached to resin/beads;
library of many different but related compounds;
compounds are tested for biological activity/effectiveness as
possible drugs;
parallel synthesis can produce smaller, more focused libraries; 3 max
(ii) purification of the product is relatively easy / product can be
isolated by washing and filtration; 1
18. Similarities: [1 max]
both are amines;
both contain an indole ring;
both contain a benzene ring;
Differences: [1 max]
psilocybin has ionic ends / is a zwitterion;
psilocybin contains P/phosphate group;
LSD contains an amide group; 2 max
19. feelings of relaxation/euphoria;
enhanced auditory and visual perception / hallucinations;
loss of sense of time;
confusion / emotional distress;
increased risk of sedation with depressants; 2 max
20. (a) prostaglandins are involved in the transmission of pain impulses
(to the brain) / OWTTE; 1
(b) morphine (temporarily) bonds to/inhibits receptor sites in the brain
(without depressing central nervous system) / OWTTE; 1
(c) causes blood disorders;
causes damage to kidney;
causes damage to liver;
causes damage to brain; 2 max
(d) preventing (recurrence of) heart attacks/strokes / reduces blood
clotting / thins the blood / anti-inflammatory; 1
(e) (i) phenol / alcohol / hydroxyl; 1

(ii) ester; 1
21. tolerance: more of the drug needs to be taken to achieve the initial effect / OWTTE;
in order to achieve the desired effect heroin users may reach/exceed the lethal dose /
heroin users are more likely to commit crimes to pay for gradually increasing doses
of the drug / OWTTE; 2
22. (a) penicillins interfere with the enzymes that bacteria need to make cell walls /
interfere with formation of bacterial cell wall / OWTTE;
the increased osmotic pressure causes the bacterium to die / the bacterial
cells absorb too much water and burst / OWTTE; 2
(b) resistant to penicillinase enzyme / more resistant to bacteria breaking
it down / effective against bacteria which are resistant (to penicillin G);
resistance to breakdown by stomach acid (so can be taken orally) / OWTTE; 2
(c) bacteria which cause TB are extremely resistant to penicillins so
a mixture of different antibacterials is used / OWTTE; 1
23. (a) (i) NaHCO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2;
Accept H2CO3 instead of H2O and CO2.
Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl → MgCl2 + 2H2O; 2
(ii) n(NaHCO3) = 1.19 × 10 mol;
n(Mg(OH)2) = 8.57 × 10 mol;
Mg(OH)2 reacts with twice the number of moles of acid / is
more effective than NaHCO3 / OWTTE; 3
(b) produce a neutralizing layer/(foam) barrier which prevents heartburn/
acid rising into the esophagus; 1
24. ethanoic acid / ethanoic anhydride / ethanoyl chloride;
Accept formula instead of name.
diesterification / esterification / condensation; 2
25. (a)

Award [1] for each correctly placed asterisk. 2

(b) different enantiomers can cause different (physiological)
effects in the body;
thalidomide – one isomer prevented morning sickness, the
other caused fetal abnormalities / ibuprofen – one isomer is
more effective than the other / DOPA – one isomer helps
manage Parkinson’s disease, the other has no physiological effects;
Accept other correct examples. 2
(c) chiral auxiliaries are themselves chiral;
attach to the non-chiral molecule (to enable the desired
enantiomer to be formed);
after the desired enantiomer is formed the chiral auxiliary
is removed/recycled; 2 max
(d) (i) it turns the (relatively non-polar) molecule into an
ionic/polar species;
it increases its solubility in aqueous solutions /
facilitates distribution around the body; 2
(ii) (secondary) amine group / non-bonding pair of electrons on
(electronegative) N atom; 1
26. Differences:
(two) hydroxy(l)/alcohol and phenol groups are esterified/replaced with
ester/ethanoate/ acet(yl)oxy groups / OWTTE;
Accept formulas instead of group names.
Functional groups: [2 max]
(tertiary) amine/amino;
double bond/alkene;
aromatic/benzene ring/phenyl/aryl; 3 max
27. (a) bacteria are self-reproducing units while viruses are not / viruses
need living hosts/cells to multiply / OWTTE;
bacteria are able to grow/metabolize/feed and excrete / viruses
lack metabolic functions;
bacteria contain various cell subunits/organelles/cell wall
(performing specific functions) / viruses consist only of genetic
material and protective coating;
bacteria are (many times) larger than viruses / viruses are
smaller than bacteria;
bacteria have more complex DNA / viruses have simpler DNA;
viruses mutate/multiply (much) faster than bacteria / bacteria
mutate/multiply slower than viruses;
If comparative term used e.g. smaller what it’s compared to is
not required.2 max
(b) alter cells genetic material so that virus cannot use it to multiply;
prevent viruses from multiplying by blocking enzyme activity
within host cell / inhibit the synthesis of viral components by
blocking enzymes inside the cell;
prevent viruses from entering (human) cell / bind to cellular
receptors targeted by viruses / bind to virus-associated proteins/
VAPs which target cellular receptors;
prevent/hinder the release of viruses from the cell; 2 max
(c) viruses mutate quickly so adapt to drugs/evade immune system
response / OWTTE;
bacteria are more complex and thus can be targeted in more
ways / viruses lack subunits/functions targeted by antibacterials /
bacteria can be killed/impaired by simple chemical agents /
viruses cannot be killed and must be targeted on genetic level / OWTTE;
different types of bacteria employ similar metabolic processes
and thus can be targeted by common antibacterials / each kind
of virus usually requires special drugs/approaches / OWTTE; 3 max
28. (a) Mild analgesics:
suppress the production of prostaglandins/pain-sensitizing substances /
intercept the pain stimulus at the source;
Strong analgesics:
bind to (opioid) receptors in the CNS/central nervous system/brain /
suppress the transmission of pain impulses to the brain / OWTTE; 2
(b) Advantages: [2 max]
strong(er) analgesics / relieve acute/extreme pain;
wide therapeutic window / OWTTE;
relieve anxiety / induce relaxation / improve the quality of life;
intravenous/faster distribution of drug;
Disadvantages: [2 max]
euphoria / lack of self-control / dangerous behaviour;
addiction/dependence / withdrawal symptoms;
tolerance / increased risk of overdose upon prolonged use;
kidney/renal failure;
risks associated with intravenous drug administration;
Accept other side-effects (including drug-specific for different opiates). 4 max
29. (a) diazepam/Valium ;
nitrazepam/Mogadon ;
Accept other correct depressants. 3
(b) sedation/relaxation/soothing/reduction of anxiety/reduces heart rate /
dilates blood vessels / OWTTE;
Accept sleepiness. 1
30. (a) C; 1
(b) A / B / A and B; 1
(c) A; 1
31. molecule of heroin is less polar / molecule of morphine is more polar / polar OH
groups in morphine are replaced with less polar/non-polar groups in heroin;
(less polar molecules) cross the blood-brain barrier faster/more easily / (heroin) is
more soluble in non-polar environment of the CNS/central nervous system than
morphine / OWTTE; 2
32. (a) large number of similar/structurally related compounds;
(synthesized) automatically/semi-automatically / on a small/micro scale;
(using) solid-phase techniques/resin beads;
same reaction sequence is applied at the same time to many
Award [3 max] for the above points.
combinatorial synthesis produces larger/more diverse libraries / parallel
synthesis produces smaller/more focused libraries;
combinatorial synthesis is performed in the same reaction vessel/
using mix and split technique / parallel synthesis is performed in
different reaction vessels;
Allow OWTTE in all cases. 4 max
(b) molecular/3-D modelling of receptors/pharmacophores/binding
sites/potential drugs/drug-receptor interactions / virtual synthesis
of drugs;
facilitation of rational/target-oriented drug development/drug design /
evaluation of (biological/pharmacological) effects of new drugs;2

Accept NH3– instead of H3N–

geometrical / cis-, trans-; 2
34. (a) hydrochloric acid; 1
(b) Al(OH)3 + 3HCl → AlCl3 + 3H2O;
CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O;
Ignore state symbols.
Award [1 max] for correct reactants and products in both equations if
equations are not balanced. 2
(c) (i) neutralizes excess stomach acid / produces neutralizing layer;
prevents acid in stomach from rising / prevents acid reflux; 2
(ii) prevent flatulence/(stomach) bloating / OWTTE;
dimethicone / polydimethylsiloxane/PDMS; 2
35. Advantage: [1 max]
does not affect stomach/ulceration/bleeding;
does not give allergic reactions;
does not give Reye’s syndrome;
Disadvantage: [1 max]
causes blood disorders;
causes kidney damage;
liver damage;
brain damage; 2 max
36. (i) amine;
benzene ring;
Do not allow arene.
Allow phenyl (ring or group) or benzene.
Allow structural representation of functional group instead of name
(e.g. C=C instead of alkene). 2 max
(ii) phenol / alcohol / hydroxyl (group);
Allow OH. 1
(iii) (di)esterification / condensation / (di)acetylation; 1
Valid points related to the chosen
Sociocultural issue
sociocultural issue
availability / cost
Condom use;
cultural resistance
wishful thinking
Cultural factors;
social stigma
drug use
Illegal activities; prostitution
impact of wars
availability of medical services
Resources / medical factors; cost of drugs
condom use
resources / cost
devastation of family life
resources / cost
Devastation of family life;

Award [1] for identification of sociocultural issue.

Award [1] each for any two valid points related to the chosen sociocultural issue.
Do not accept contraception for condom use.
Apply / OWTTE throughout.
Allow other acceptable alternatives. 3
38. (a) viruses smaller than bacteria;
viruses do not have a nucleus/cytoplasm/cell membrane/cell wall/
viruses are not cells;
viruses do not feed/excrete/grow; 1 max
(b) overuse of antibiotics has increased proportion of resistant bacteria;
use of penicillin in animal feedstock has introduced antibiotics into
human food chain (increasing proportion of resistant bacteria);
patients not completing course of antibiotics increases proportion/spread
of resistant bacteria; 3
39. (a) Increased potency of diamorphine compared to morphine:
polarity / polar hydroxyl groups in morphine replaced by non-polar ester
groups in diamorphine;
ring strain;
geometrical isomerism;
Allow isomerism for M3 (since geometrical given in question). 3
(b) ring opens (to allow penicillin to bond to enzyme);
which synthesizes bacterial cell walls and so blocks action / prevent cell
wall / membrane formation; 2
40. (i)

chiral centre marked * on structure; 1

(ii) one alleviates morning sickness in pregnant women;

other causes deformities in limbs of fetus / birth defects;
drug racemizes in blood / OWTTE;
both isomers could form deformities / OWTTE; 2 max
41. Structural similarities:
aromatic/benzene ring;
Do not allow arene.
indole / heterocyclic ring;
Ignore any reference to classification of amine (even if incorrect).
Allow diagrammatic representations of relevant groups, rings.
hallucinogenic / alteration of perception / distortion of senses / OWTTE; 4
42. (a) aspirin useful in preventing the recurrence of heart attacks/strokes / prevents
blood clots;
aspirin reduces fever more effectively/antipyretic;
paracetamol overdose causes long term damage / easier to overdose on
paracetamol / possible liver damage; 2 max
(b) mild analgesics function by intercepting the pain stimulus at the source /
interfere with the production of substances that cause pain/prostaglandins;
strong analgesics work by bonding to receptor sites in the brain / prevent
the transmission of pain impulses without depressing the central
nervous system; 2
43. (i)
any circle around the nitrogen atom / the nitrogen atom and its three
neighbouring atoms; 1
(ii) tertiary; 1
(iii) ester; 1
44. Advantage: antidiarrheal/constipation (in treatment of diarrhoea) / reduces coughing;
Disadvantage: addiction / tolerance / risk of overdose; 2
45. (a) alters incoming sensory sensations / alters mood or emotions; 1
(b) (i) the range over which a drug can be safely administered / T.I = ED50 /
ratio of the lethal dose for 50% population and the effective
dose for 50% of population; 1
(ii) person needs to take ever larger quantities of a drug to gain
the original effect; 1
(iii) therapeutic effect of an inert substance on the body / body is
fooled into healing itself naturally / OWTTE;1
46. drug is isolated from existing species / synthesized in the laboratory;
tested on animals to establish LD50;
tested on humans and half/some of the group is given a placebo; 3
47. at moderate doses sedation/soothing/reduction of anxiety/impaired judgement;
at higher doses induce sleep/unconsciousness / extremely high dose may cause
death/organ failure; 2
48. (i) orange to green; 1
(ii) reduced because oxidation number of Cr decreases / Cr gains electrons;
Explanation needed for mark. 1
49. (i) combinatorial chemistry and parallel synthesis are used to synthesize a
large number of different compounds and screen them for biological
activity / a “combinatorial library” is produced; 1
(ii) starting material covalently bonded to very small (polystyrene) beads;
mix and split process used / beads are reacted together then split and
reacted with new substances so all combinations are made / OWTTE;
products purified by filtering of beads and washing; 3
(iii) parallel synthesis can produce smaller, more focused libraries than
combinatorial chemistry; 1
50. hallucinations / distortions in sound and visual perception;
reduction of appetite/weight loss/insomnia;
both contain benzene ring;
both contain amine/nitrogen attached to carbon; 4
51. measure of the relative margin of safety of a drug (for a particular treatment for a
typical population) / measure for safe effective treatment;
lethal dose (LD 50 )
therapeutic or effective dose (ED 50 ) /
ratio of the lethal dose (LDSO) to the therapeutic or effective dose (ED50) / the range
of dosage of a drug/its concentration in a bodily system/blood;
Definition of LD50 and ED50 not required for mark.
wide therapeutic window exists for small effective dose and larger lethal dose /
toxicity occurs at much higher concentrations than for successful treatment / a
big difference between effective and lethal dose / drugs with wide therapeutic
window are safer;
narrow therapeutic window requires small doses as lethal dose is not large / OWTTE; 4
– +
52. (a) NaHCO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2 / HCO3 + H → H2O + CO2;
States not required for mark. 1
(b) CaCO3;
1 mol NaHCO3 neutralizes 1 mol HCl and 1 mol CaCO3 neutralizes
2 mol HCl / CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2; 2
53. (a) (i) Oxidation:
+ –
C2H5OH + H2O → CH3COOH + 4H + 4e ;
2– + – 3+
Cr2O7 + 14H + 6e → 2Cr + 7H2O;
Accept balanced equation with molecular formulas.
If both equations are wrong, award [1] for C2H5OH → CH3COOH
2– 3+
and Cr2O7 → 2Cr .
If correct equations are used but oxidation and reduction
reversed, award [1]. 2
(ii) orange to green; 1
(b) peak at 2950 cm / absorption occurs due to C–H bonds in ethanol;
No mark for absorption due to just ethanol, or O–H bond in ethanol (water
vapour in breath also contributes).
intensity / height of peak / absorption / amount of transmittance depends
on amount of ethanol / compare absorption to standard / reference/
control sample / sample containing no alcohol; 2
54. (a) side chain/alkyl group;
Accept hydrocarbon chain.
modify side chain / use different R groups;
Ignore reference to functional groups. 2
(b) may wipe-out helpful/useful/beneficial bacteria (in the alimentary canal);
destroyed bacteria may be replaced by more harmful bacteria;
leads to resistance / makes penicillin less effective;
resistant bacteria grow / pass on their immunity/mutation/trait to
succeeding generations / OWTTE; 2 max
55. HIV invades/bind to white blood cells/T4/T cells / OWTTE;
HIV viruses can mutate;
HIV viruses have similar metabolism to (human) cells/uses host cells to replicate;
high price of (antiretroviral) drugs / socioeconomic / cultural issues; 4

56. (a) react aspirin with sodium hydroxide/OH to produce the (ionic) salt;
No M1 for reaction with CaCO3 (as calcium salicylate is not water soluble).
Accept ionic equation.
ECF for M2 2

Accept CF3C6H4OCH(C6H5)CH2CH2NHCH3 1
57. (i) Fleming:
discovered penicillin inhibited growth of/kills/destroys bacteria/ has
antibiotic properties;
Florey and Chain:
isolated/purified/extracted penicillin / produced penicillin in large/bulk
quantities / OWTTE;
Accept "cured/relieved septicaemia in humans” 2
(ii) interfere with cell wall formation (in bacteria) / prevent formation
of cross-links within cell wall;
Accept “destroys cell wall”.
size/shape of cell cannot be maintained / water enters the cell /
osmosis occurs / cell bursts/disintegrates; 2
58. (i) benzene/aromatic ring/ C6H5 /phenyl;
Accept the circle-in-hexagon or Kekule symbols
Do not allow benzene or arene.
amine/ NH2 / amino;
Do not award mark if reference to secondary/tertiary given. 2
(ii) to overcome the resistance that bacteria develop to existing antibiotics /
increases resistance to penicillinase enzyme / OWTTE;
Do not accept “over prescription”.
prevents penicillinase enzyme from destroying penicillin / molecules have
different shape/stability/solubility/side-chain / OWTTE; 2
59. (i) an effect produced in addition to the one intended / unwanted/
undesired effect; 1
(ii) range of a drugs concentration (in blood) between effective/ED 50 and toxic
levels/LD50 / (Therapeutic Index) = LD50 / ED50;
Do not accept “difference of drug concentration”. 1
(iii) Therapeutic effect of an inert substance on the body / body is fooled into
healing itself naturally / people responding positively to/psychological effect
after being given a substance that is not a drug / OWTTE; 1
60. (i) intravenous / into veins;
transported/pumped via blood (to various parts of body); 2
(ii) intramuscular/intermuscular/into muscles and subcutaneous/into fat;
Allow [1] if all three methods are stated in (i) and (ii) but not
in correct place. 1
(iii) inhalation/breathing it in; 1
61. (a) increased heart rate / increased blood pressure / increased breathing
rate / dilation of pupils / constriction of arteries / sweating / increased
alertness / increased concentration / decreased appetite; 1
(b) mimics the effect of adrenaline / stimulates the sympathetic nervous system;
contains phenylethylamine (group);
Accept benzene/aromatic ring linked to amine group by carbon chain. 2
(c) increased amounts needed to produce same effect;
increasing amounts cause damage/death/overdose/lethal dose; 2
62. a chiral auxiliary is itself an enantiomer/optically active;
it is bonded to the reacting molecule so that reaction forms one product;
(remove chiral auxiliary) to give one enantiomer; 3
63. polar hydroxyl groups in morphine are replaced by less/non-polar ester groups;
Accept morphine more polar/heroin less polar without mentioning hydroxyl and
ester groups for M1.
allows transport into the non-polar central nervous system / more soluble
in non-polar lipids / penetrates/crosses blood-brain barrier / OWTTE;
Reference to difference in polarity needed for first mark. 2
64. rectally/suppository;
applying to skin/topically; 2 max
Award [2] for three, [1] for two.
65. Any two of the following:
alcohol has a synergistic effect with other drugs;
alcohol depresses central nervous system which alters the effect of other drugs;
increased risk of stomach bleeding with aspirin; 2 max
66. (a) magnesium / aluminium / calcium; 1
Any two for [1].
(b) NaHCO3 + HCl ® NaCl + H2O + CO2; 1
Do not allow H2CO3.
(c) acid from the stomach rises into the esophagus; 1
(d) as an anti-foaming agent / to prevent problem in (c) / to prevent flatulence; 1
67. (a) the dichromate(VI) ion is reduced / forms the Cr ion;
the ethanol is oxidized/forms ethanal/ethanoic acid; 2
(b) sample of breath passed into infrared spectrometer;
ethanol in breath absorbs because of C-H bond;
compares breath with air/reference sample with no ethanol; 3
68. (a) tertiary; 1
(b) amide; 1
(c) (i) all contain the phenylethylamine structure / contain an arene
or benzene ring linked to two carbon atoms attached to an amine group; 1
Accept suitable diagram.
(ii) sympathomimetic drugs mimic the effect of adrenaline;
Any two of the following:
stimulate the sympathetic nervous system;
speed up the heart rate;
increase sweat production;
increase rate of breathing; 3 max
(iii) weight loss / constipation / emotional instability; 1
69. (a)

(b) a chiral auxiliary is itself an enantiomer;
it is bonded to the reacting molecule to create the stereochemical conditions
necessary to follow a certain pathway;
once the desired enantiomer is formed the auxiliary is removed;
different enantiomers may have different biological effects (some of
which may be harmful);
genetic defects/deformities; 5[6]

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