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4th Grade Word Study Notes

Lessons 1-5
affix meaning example/notes
People in America have many rights.
makes the noun
plural; changes
Jason hits the ball hard when he plays
-s the verb to agree
with the subject

She was the prettiest girl at the dance.

-est most
George was the tallest boy in the class.

He farms the land, so he is a farmer.

one who;
more George is taller than Ned.

That light will brighten the room.

-en to make
I will shorten the rope by cutting it.

changes an The brightness of the light almost blinded me.

-ness adjective to
a noun The song filled my heart with happiness.

I am jumping up and down with joy.

tense The dog is running away.

changes a The white board is magnetic.

-ic noun to an
adjective His writing is very poetic.

I will minimize the screen and adjust the

-ize to make volume.
I will apologize because I was wrong.

She is an employee of Katy ISD.

-ee one who
Tristan jumped at the chance to lead the
-ed past tense
We hurried out the door.
The bunny disappeared behind the bush.
down The temperature of the water decreased when
we added ice to it.

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