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The Analects of Confucius

Have you ever heard of Confucius? Maybe you've read some philosophy, or just heard his name
mentioned. Confucius was a philosopher, scholar, politician, and teacher in the ancient Chinese state of
Lu, in what is currently the Shandong Province in northeastern China. Following his death in 479 BC,
followers of Confucius wrote about aspects of his life and teaching they felt were important.

These writings continued the teaching of Confucian philosophy. They were added to over the next
several centuries. The order of the original documents has been rearranged significantly. This anthology
of quotes from Confucius and his disciples, important events in his life, and descriptions of him are today
called the The Analects of Confucius or just The Analects.

Now that we have a better understanding of what The Analects are, let's take a closer look at some of
the deta

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