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“There is no better symbol of Christmas than the “belen.

Depicting the nativity scene of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, the belen would remind
everyone, especially the poor and the less fortunate, about God’s begotten son who took
the form of a slave to redeem humanity. Inside the cave was the Holy Family composed
of Joseph, Mary, and the infant Jesus. Kneeling beside the baby Jesus were two angels
accompanied by a huge angel in the center. At the right side of the cave were the statues
of three shepherds while the three magis or kings were found in the opposite side. A
lighted star was placed on top of the cave while yellow Christmas lights were scattered
in and around the belen. The manger helps us to contemplate the mystery of God’s love
who revealed himself in the poverty and simplicity of the Bethlehem cave. The crib can
help us, in fact, to understand the secret of the true Christmas, because it speaks of
humility.And the merciful goodness of Christ, who “though He was rich, yet for your sake
He became poor.

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