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My Career Goal

My ultimate goal in my career is to be an NFL General Manager. With that goal, comes a
long and obstacle-filled road, and sacrifices that will surely have to be made. To me however, the
hours, days, weeks, months, and years that I will give to becoming an NFL General Manager will
be worth the financial security and joy that will come with building and running a team, as well
as an organization, in the National Football League—a league with what I believe to have the
greatest game ever created. I’ve wanted this career since I was a kid, and that same excitement,
that same happiness, that same love for the game of football that I had then, is still in me today.
That is why it is my dream job: because out of all of the different jobs and career paths that I’ve
thought about pursuing, my dream to become an NFL General Manager is the only one to have
survived from my middle school years, through my high school years, to where I am right now.

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