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For the following questions it’s a good idea to think about what are the biggest issues facing the
world today.

Make a mind map of current issues, big and small, political and pop culture.


Nuclear Drugs

Now take some of those issues and use them to create an idea about
a dark future.

What state is the world in (environmentally, politically, spiritually)?

The world is in a post-apocalyptic state, the ozone layer has gone which has caused the earth to heat
up colossally.

Who is in charge?

No one is in charge, however there are some leaders of small groups that the last of the population
have created.

What key events led the world/country to become this way?

America and Russia have gone to war, causing most of the world to be decimated.

How do most of the population feel about the world they inhabit?

The majority of the population hate the world, however they have come to live with it, because they
have no other choice.

What key technological advances or regressions have caused the world to change?

When the nukes were launched, it sent out a worldwide Emp, which disabled all electronics on the

What challenges face the population of this dark future?

The main challenge they fac e is surviving the harsh temperatures, due to the ozone layer being
mostly destroyed. The second challenge they face is gang wars.

What will help them survive in this new world?

Teamwork is the main way to survive, if they stick together and work together they have more of a
chance of survival.

Is there anyway to change the world?

There is no way to change the world, it is too late.

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