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Huett Logan Story 2010

Logan woke up with the taste of blood and salt water in his mouth. His head was pounding and his legs felt
weak beneath him. Taking a quick glance around he noticed the burning wreckage of the boat he had
boarded just five months ago. Logan could see no one else around and quickly assumed they had met a
fate worse than his. The last thing he remembered was the storm rolling in and the plane buckling. Where
was he? What should he do now? Logan remembered the chains around his wrist and ankles that were now
broken as well as the foreign voices yelling just as the boat was swaying in the storm. Logan slowly rose to
his feet and took two strides and collapsed on the beach.

“You look worse than the Persians1 after the first day of Thermopylae2. Or you just ran from Marathon3! Ha,
are you here for the Games boy?4” (Two chapter 4)
Logan opened his sea crusted eye lids. Standing over him, flanked by men in purple cloth, was a man
unlike he had ever seen. The man was fairly average size, with a beard growing from his ears to his chin.

“Where are you from, friend? Part of the Delian League5, because you look like you feel out of a boat! Or
are you a rogue Spartan6 here to fight another war7?” The man smiled
The words sounded foreign to Logan but he knew what the man was saying. Logan decided to see if the
worked both ways.
“Where am I?”
How peculiar. The same magic causing him to understand this man, was allowing Logan to communicate.
“Why where else could you be? Athens8 Greece of course!”
Greece?! Where was Greece? Logan had never heard of the place Greece. I must gather my thoughts,
thought Logan. I need to figure out what’s happening. The last thing he remembered was the Storm, his
Gods getting mad and ripping the ship to shreds. He looked up and realized he was no longer on a beach.
He was collapsed in the middle of a vast chamber. What was this place? Just as he thought that, darkness
clouded his vision, the room started spinning and he was unconsciousness once more.

Logan sat up sharply in bed! He pushed the AP world history book off of himself. He knew he shouldn’t
study ancient Greece before bed. He looked at the clock, 2:23 am, plenty of time for him to do his
homework. Now what had Mr. S wanted him to do? Oh yea, he wanted a story about some guy named
Tillman? His mind raced with all of the things he could do! Maybe he could make Tillman a Sumerian1 from
an Ancient River-valley civilization2! That’d be really cool, considering how he could make Tillman do
something that would change history. Or maybe he should make Tillman start further back in time, make
him discover how to plant crops at the end of the Ice Age3 and lead to the Neolithic Revolution4 or
something. No, that’d seemed a little cheesy for an assignment, especially because all he could write
about was boring old farmers. OH, the first farmers! It was a joke in his mind. He could make him a
nomad5, and describe what it was like to be a hunter and gatherer6! No, that’d be boring to read. But
Logan thought it would be really cool if Tillman developed the Phoenician Alphabet7, because then it’d be
very ironic how the paper Mr. S was reading would be based on that very form of phonics. Well really the
paper would be about cuneiform8 because Tillman was a Sumerian and all, Logan’s mind raced at all of the
possibilities! Logan decided not to do something some old, because as interesting it’d be to shape history,
he’d rather have something closer to this time period.

He flipped open history book and sat at the computer. The page he opened to show one of the only
surviving texts describing Emperor’s Qin1 rule. He found it very interesting how one man could change a
government from a peaceful, but politically stimulating Confucius2 government to a hard line militarism3
one in 22 years! The man built a wall that spanned almost the length of the Chinese boarder! Still standing
today, Logan had always wanted to visit the Great Wall of China4. He thought about what would make him
follow a ruler so controlling, a ‘mandate from heaven5’ could only go so far. Logan was from a fairly
religious family, but he had never considered the President destined to rule from heaven! That’s silly!
Logan realized his mind was focused on the negative parts of classic China. His mind wandered on what it
would be like to be one of the people that made silk to sell on the silk road6. It was so top-secret, he
thought it’d be very exhilarating! But where could Tillman fit in here? He make him one of the Han
emperors7, but who wanted to read a story about a person that reformed China? Maybe a story about the
civil service exams8, but no, the teachers give tests all the time, why would someone want to read about
it? Hmm, maybe China wasn’t the best place to put Tillman

Hmm, ancient India was an idea! This was sparked when Logan saw that his friend Bre had posted on
Facebook, Gupta Gupta Gupta1! That made Logan laugh inside, I mean, how can you forget a famous
Indian ruler if his name is so fun to say! His mind was invaded with an old Indian guy, similar to how the
Aryans2 invaded the Ancient Indians. His thoughts all mingled together similar to how the Aryan culture
Huett Logan Story 2010
and Indian culture mixed. He wondered what would happen if he wrote his whole story of Tillman in
Sanskrit3. Logan then realized that no one actually understood that language! His mind clouded, Facebook
loomed over him, preventing him from doing his assignments just like the Himalayas4. Maybe if he had
better karma5, his computer would have typed up the assignment when he was sleeping! Maybe he could
make Tillman an untouchable6, the ultimate punishment of reincarnation7, doomed to be stuck in a lower
caste8 for the whole story. But no, that would be too cruel!

This thought process had taught Logan a lot. But he realized he knew about any culture better than any
other. Logan’s fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed. Tillman started about by the Incan1 pyramids,
the pinnacle of the Incan culture. He admired their calendar2, the tracking of the solar cycle3, another
depicting the lunar cycle4. Logan’s story then depicted the things he found in the Mayan5 culture, how he
wondered at the complex mathematics they had developed. He walked across the huge amounts of maize6
growing, the staple of Mesoamerican diets. He saw the llama7 pens, and Tillman realized why the
development of Mesoamerica lacked compared to other cultures in Europe. In the end, Logan’s Story, was
far less interesting that Mr. S thought it was going to be

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