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The ISME Journal (2013) 7, 1038–1050

& 2013 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/13

Contemporary environmental variation determines
microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
Jia-Liang Kuang1, Li-Nan Huang1, Lin-Xing Chen, Zheng-Shuang Hua, Sheng-Jin Li,
Min Hu, Jin-Tian Li and Wen-Sheng Shu
State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life
Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China

A wide array of microorganisms survive and thrive in extreme environments. However, we know little
about the patterns of, and controls over, their large-scale ecological distribution. To this end, we
have applied a bar-coded 16S rRNA pyrosequencing technology to explore the phylogenetic
differentiation among 59 microbial communities from physically and geochemically diverse acid
mine drainage (AMD) sites across Southeast China, revealing for the first time environmental
variation as the major factor explaining community differences in these harsh environments.
Our data showed that overall microbial diversity estimates, including phylogenetic diversity,
phylotype richness and pairwise UniFrac distance, were largely correlated with pH conditions.
Furthermore, multivariate regression tree analysis also identified solution pH as a strong predictor
of relative lineage abundance. Betaproteobacteria, mostly affiliated with the ‘Ferrovum’ genus, were
explicitly predominant in assemblages under moderate pH conditions, whereas Alphaproteobac-
teria, Euryarchaeota, Gammaproteobacteria and Nitrospira exhibited a strong adaptation to more
acidic environments. Strikingly, such pH-dependent patterns could also be observed in a
subsequent comprehensive analysis of the environmental distribution of acidophilic microorgan-
isms based on 16S rRNA gene sequences previously retrieved from globally distributed AMD and
associated environments, regardless of the long-distance isolation and the distinct substrate types.
Collectively, our results suggest that microbial diversity patterns are better predicted by
contemporary environmental variation rather than geographical distance in extreme AMD systems.
The ISME Journal (2013) 7, 1038–1050; doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.139; published online 22 November 2012
Subject Category: Geomicrobiology and microbial contributions to geochemical cycles
Keywords: acid mine drainage; biogeography; contemporary environmental variation; geographical
distance; microbial diversity; pyrosequencing

Introduction 2007; Auguet et al., 2010), pH (Fierer and Jackson,

2006; Lauber et al., 2009; Rousk et al., 2010; Griffiths
Microbial biogeography is increasingly becoming et al., 2011) and C:N ratio (Bates et al., 2011)
an exciting topic in microbial ecology and a growing identified as the major determinants of microbial
number of researches are addressing the spatial community composition. However, there is also
scaling and distribution pattern of microorganisms evidence that spatial distance, which may be seen
in the environment (Martiny et al., 2006; Green et al., as a proxy variable that represents differential com-
2008). Despite their tremendous potential for global munity dynamics related to the past historical events
dispersal, there is accumulating evidence that free- and disturbances (Ramette and Tiedje, 2007), have a
living microorganisms exhibit nonrandom distribu- role in structuring natural microbial assemblages (Cho
tion patterns across diverse habitats at various spatial and Tiedje, 2000; McAllister et al., 2011; Martiny
scales. Niche-based processes have been implied as et al., 2011). These studies of biogeography have
the primary drivers for the widely observed environ- provided initial insights into the processes that
ment-dependent diversity patterns and environmen- generate diversity patterns and improved our under-
tal variables such as salinity (Lozupone and Knight, standing of why organisms live where they do and
how they will respond to environmental change.
However, systematically exploring the microbial
Correspondence: W-S Shu, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen geographical patterns by considering both contem-
University, No. 135, Xin-Gang-Xi Road, Guangzhou 510275, porary environmental variations and spatial distance
People’s Republic of China. simultaneously is limited (Ramette and Tiedje, 2007;
The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Ge et al., 2008), and the relative importance of these
Received 3 July 2012; revised 1 October 2012; accepted 1 October factors in shaping microbial communities in natural
2012; published online 22 November 2012 environments remains largely unsolved.
Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
J-L Kuang et al
The Earth’s extreme environments harbor a wide of high-throughput pyrosequencing technology
array of extraordinary microorganisms that are, in now affords new opportunities to address these
some ways or others, similar to the ancient life forms knowledge gaps by comprehensively characterizing
(Amaral-Zettler et al., 2011). Analyzing the dynamic microbial communities in large numbers of ecologi-
changes of these microbial communities coupled cal samples to examine broad trends of microbial
with physical and geochemical factors will reveal distribution in AMD environments.
how microbes can adapt and tolerate to different Here, we applied a massively parallel tag pyro-
kinds of environmental extremes and increase our sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene
understanding of microbial ecology and evolution. to examine in-depth microbial communities from
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a widespread envir- diverse AMD sites across Southeast China to gain
onmental problem primarily resulting from the insight into the ecological characteristics of these
oxidative dissolution of pyrite (FeS2) and other extraordinary microorganisms. We wanted to deter-
sulfide minerals exposed to oxygen and water mine whether AMD microbes exhibit specific
during metal ore mining (Nordstrom and Alpers, biogeographic patterns and which abiotic factors
1999). Although typically low in overall microbial (contemporary environmental factors versus
diversity, these unique environments harbor meta- spatial distance) are more important in relating their
bolically active, acidophilic microorganisms that are diversity and composition across a broad range
well adapted to the multiple environmental stresses of physical and geochemical gradients. A meta-
encountered and are mainly responsible for the analysis based on previous molecular inventory
generation of these hot, sulfuric acid- and toxic studies of AMD environments from diverse geogra-
metals-rich solutions (Baker and Banfield, 2003). phical locations was subsequently conducted to
While Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospir- determine if the patterns observed in our pyrose-
illum ferrooxidans (the two iron-oxidizing species quence data set are applicable at broader (global)
most commonly isolated from acidic drainage scales.
waters) are widely implicated to be the microorgan-
isms that control the rate of AMD generation, more
recent molecular-based investigations have revealed Materials and methods
that other less known organisms (for example,
Ferroplasma spp. in the Archaea and Leptospirillum Sample collection, physicochemical analyses and DNA
group III within the Nitrospira) are dominant extraction
in certain specific mine environments and they A total of 59 AMD samples were collected from
probably have important roles in the pyrite dissolu- 14 mining areas (12 active and two abandoned)
tion in situ (Bond et al., 2000; Tan et al., 2007; across Southeast China (19.241–31.641N, 105.711–
Huang et al., 2011). Because of their biological and 118.62oE; Figure 1 and Supplementary Table 1) with
geochemical simplicity, AMD environments have
the potential as model systems for quantitative
analysis of microbial ecology and evolution and
community function (Baker and Banfield, 2003;
Denef et al., 2010). The first 16S rRNA gene-based
microbial diversity surveys of AMD systems date
back to the mid-1990s (Goebel and Stackebrandt,
1994). Further molecular diversity inventories of
AMD microbes have been conducted in a number of
acidic environments in diverse geographical loca-
tions, including Iron Mountain in California, USA
(Bond et al., 2000; Druschel et al., 2004) and the Rio
Tinto (RT) in southwestern Spain (Gonzalez-Toril
et al., 2003; Garcia-Moyano et al., 2007). Although
expanding our knowledge of the biodiversity
of extremely acidic systems, these studies have
typically examined a limited number of samples
from a single mining environment, and the sequen-
cing depth provided by a standard clone library
analysis is relatively limited. Consequently, a global
understanding of the pattern of AMD microbial
diversity has not been available, and it is not clear
how communities are shaped by the prevailing
geochemical factors in these extreme environments
and whether the major environmental determinants Figure 1 Location of sampling sites of AMD across Southeast
of microbial community composition differ from China. Detailed site characteristics are listed in Supplementary
those working in ‘normal’ environments. The advent Tables 1 and 2.

The ISME Journal

Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
J-L Kuang et al
different mineralogy (for example, copper, lead– cycling described previously (Fierer et al., 2008).
zinc, pyrite and polymetallic) and representing a Replicate PCR reactions for each sample were
broad variety of environmental conditions. Site pooled and purified using a QIAquick Gel Extrac-
locations were recorded by global positioning tion Kit (Qiagen, Chatsworth, CA, USA). A single
system and the geographical distances between composite sample for pyrosequencing was prepared
sampling sites ranged from about 10 m to over by combining approximately equimolar amounts of
1600 km. Water samples were taken from acidic PCR products from each sample. Sequencing was
streams, runoff ponds and AMD collection ponds carried out on a 454 GS FLX Titanium pyrosequen-
(for storage before treatment) using sterile serum cer (Roche 454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT, USA)
bottles and immediately kept on ice for transport to at Macrogen (Seoul, Korea).
the laboratory. For DNA extraction, a 500 ml aliquot
of each sample was coarse filtered through a 3 mm
fiber filter (Type A/D Glass; Pall Corporation, Port Processing of pyrosequencing data
Washington, NY, USA) and then filtered through a Raw data generated from the 454-pyrosequencing
0.22 mm polyethersulfone membrane filter (Supor- run were processed and analyzed following the
200; Pall) using a peristaltic pump. The cell pellets pipelines of Mothur (Schloss et al., 2009) and QIIME
on the polyethersulfone membranes were stored at (Caporaso et al., 2010). Pyrosequences were
 40 1C before nucleic acid extraction, and the denoized using the commands of ‘shhh.flows’
filtrates were temporarily stored at 4 1C for the chemical (translation of PyroNoise algorithm; Quince et al.,
analyses within 10 days. Temperature, solution pH, 2009) and ‘pre.cluster’ (Huse et al., 2010) in Mothur
dissolved oxygen (DO) and electrical conductivity platform. Chimeric sequences were identified and
(EC) were measured on-site by use of specific removed using UCHIME with de novo method
electrodes. Ferric and ferrous irons were measured (Edgar et al., 2011). Quality sequences were subse-
by ultraviolet colorimetric assay with 1,10-phenan- quently assigned to samples according to their
throline at 530 nm (Hill et al., 1978). Total organic unique 8-bp barcode and binned into phylotypes
carbon (TOC) was measured by high-temperature using average clustering algorithm (Huse et al.,
catalytic oxidation and infrared detection with a 2010) at the 97% similarity level. Representative
TOC analyzer (TOC-VCSH; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) sequences were aligned using NAST (DeSantis et al.,
and sulfate determined by a BaSO4-based turbidi- 2006) and then used to build the neighbor-joining
metric method (Chesnin and Yien, 1951). The element phylogenetic trees using FastTree (Price et al., 2009).
analysis was performed by inductively coupled Taxonomic classification of phylotypes was deter-
optical emission spectrometry (Optima 2100DV; Per- mined based on the Ribosomal Database Project at
kin-Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA) after the filtrates were the 80% threshold (Wang et al., 2007).
digested at 180 1C with conc. HNO3 and HCl (1:3, We estimated the relative abundance (%) of
v v  1). Genomic DNA was extracted from the filters by individual taxa within each community by compar-
following the protocol described by Frias-Lopez et al. ing the number of sequences assigned to a specific
(2008). As an additional step to facilitate cell lysis, the taxon versus the number of total sequences obtained
membranes were placed into the bead tubes and for that sample. We also calculated the number
homogenized by shaking with a Fast Prep-24 Homo- of phylotypes (richness) and the Faith’s index of
genization System equipped with QuickPrep Adapter phylogenetic diversity (Faith’s PD, sums of the total
(MP Biomedicals, Seven Hills, NSW, Australia) for branch length in a phylogenetic tree that leads to
40 s at maximum speed. each member of a community) to compare the
community diversity across all 59 AMD samples.
Weighted UniFrac analyses (Lozupone and Knight,
Amplification and bar-coded pyrosequencing of 2005; Lozupone et al., 2006) were applied to
bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes calculate the pairwise distance between microbial
PCR amplification, purification, pooling and pyro- assemblages. Calculations of diversity indices and
sequencing of a region of the 16S rRNA gene UniFrac dissimilarity were based on a randomly
were performed following the procedure described selected subset of 540 sequences per sample.
by Fierer et al. (2008). We used the primer set Normalizing the number of sequences per sample
F515 (50 -GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-30 ) and R806 allowed us to control the effects of survey effort at
(50 -GGACTACVSGGGTATCTAAT-30 ) that was desig- same level in comparing the diversity indices and
ned to amplify the V4 hypervariable region and lineage-specific UniFrac distances across the sam-
demonstrated in silico to be universal for nearly all ples (Lauber et al., 2009).
bacterial and archaeal taxa (Bates et al., 2011). This
short targeted gene region (B300 bp) can provide
sufficient resolution for the accurate taxonomic Data collection and beta diversity of microbial
classification of microbial sequences (Liu et al., communities from global AMD and associated
2007). An 8-bp error-correcting tag (Hamady et al., environments
2008) was added to the forward primer. Samples To reveal broader patterns in the distribution of
were amplified in triplicate following the thermal microorganisms among acidic environments

The ISME Journal

Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
J-L Kuang et al
globally distributed, we searched papers in Web of solids (measured as EC) ranging from 134 to 20 000
Science and reviewed molecular inventory studies (4528±3786) mS cm  1. Concentrations of sulfate and
that explored microbial communities in natural ferric and ferrous irons were highly variable across
AMD and associated environments (such as acidic the samples, averaging at 3787±2129, 1317±3915
biofilm, sediment and tailings) from diverse geogra- and 130±354 mg l  1, respectively. Additionally, DO
phical locations. 16S rRNA clone sequences were (3.3±3.6 mg l  1) and TOC (8.9±12.4 mg l  1) were
identified and recovered from GenBank for samples also subjected to considerable fluctuations.
with detailed information of operational taxonomic
units and their relative abundance, and environ-
mental parameters were extracted and summarized. Composition and diversity of AMD microbial
Community composition and weighted UniFrac communities
dissimilarity were calculated for the subsequent The bar-coded pyrosequencing generated 131 720
meta-analysis (see detailed methods in Supplemen- quality sequences from the 59 AMD samples, with
tary Information). an average of 2234±1756 sequences and a range of
542 to 9263 sequences per sample. All but 436 of the
131 720 sequences could be classified at the domain
Statistical analyses level (Bacteria or Archaea) by the RDP classifier
All statistical analyses were implemented using (80% threshold). A total of 2198 phylotypes were
various packages within the R statistical computing defined at the 97% similarity level, with the
environment. Aggregated boosted tree analysis majority (B54% of the phylotypes) represented by
(ABT) (De’ath, 2007) was carried out using the a single sequence, whereas all of these singletons
gbmplus package (with 5000 trees used for the could be assigned to the taxa that were identified in
boosting, 10-folds cross-validation and three-way the whole pyrosequence data set. The number
interactions) to evaluate quantitatively the relative of phylotypes detected in each sample ranged from
influence of environmental variables to the commu- 10 to 244, with an average of 61±49 according to a
nity diversity. A sum of squares multivariate regres- subset of 540 randomly selected sequences. Of the
sion tree (MRT) (De’ath, 2002) was performed using classifiable sequences, 18 phyla were identified,
the mvpart package (with default parameters) with Proteobacteria, Nitrospira and Euryarchaeota
to relate relative abundance of lineages to the site representing the most dominant lineages and
characteristics. Multiple linear regression (MLR) accounting for 72%, 12% and 5.1% of all sequences,
with stepwise method and Mantel test were con- respectively. Some other phyla were less abundant
ducted within the vegan package (Oksanen et al., but still detected in most of the samples; these
2010) to test the significance between diversity included Firmicutes (3.4%), Actinobacteria (1.1%)
indices and the site properties. For data sets of and Acidobacteria (1.1%). Down to the genus level,
PD, phylotypes richness and relative abundance of the most abundant phylotypes were affiliated with
individual taxa in the subsequent MLR analyses, the ‘Ferrovum’ (59 333 sequences), Acidithiobacillus
independent variables, including pH, EC, DO, TOC, (13 744 sequences), Acidiphilium (9461 sequences)
SO24  , Fe3 þ , Fe2 þ , latitude and longitude, were and Leptospirillum (7756 sequences); these collec-
input into the MLR model, while for the weighted tively accounted for 69% of the total sequences.
UniFrac dissimilarity data set Bray–Curtis dissim- Specifically, the Acidithiobacillus sequences were
ilarities of these environmental variables and geo- composed predominantly (495%) of A. ferrooxi-
graphical distance were used. ABT and MRT dans-like organisms, with an approximately 4.3% of
analyses are statistical techniques that fundamen- A. caldus. The largest portion of the Leptospirillum
tally aim to perform accurate prediction and reads was affiliated with Leptospirillum ferrodiazo-
explanation between complex ecological data (as trophum (60%), with the remaining being phylo-
we used diversity indices and dissimilarity matrices genetically affiliated with L. ferrooxidans (439%)
in ABT and relative lineage abundance in MRT) and and L. ferriphilum (0.34%). Additionally, almost
environmental characteristics (De’ath, 2002, 2007). all of the Acidiphilium sequences (498%) were
More importantly, the application of these methods affiliated with Acidiphilium cryptum. The relative
allowed us to quantify and visualize the different abundance of different lineages varied considerably
contribution of environmental variables and geogra- across the AMD communities (Figures 2 and 3 and
phical distance to the community diversity. Supplementary Table 3a, also see the variances of
the measured averages of individual lineages com-
Results prising the defined pH levels in Supplementary
Tables 3b and 4).
Site characteristics and environmental conditions
The AMD samples captured a wide range of physical
and geochemical gradients (Supplementary Tables 1 Relative influence of environmental conditions on
and 2) and were characterized by extremely acidic microbial diversity
pH values ranging from 1.9 to 4.1 (2.6±0.45, ABT models were conducted to interpret the relative
mean±s.d.) and high concentrations of dissolved importance of environmental conditions and spatial

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Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
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Figure 2 Relative abundances (%) of dominant lineages (phylum level) in overall communities and in different groups of AMD samples
along the gradient of pH levels. The numbers above the columns indicate the number of samples in each group. Others include 12 phyla:
Bacteroidetes, Chlamydiae, Chloroflexi, Crenarchaeota, Cyanobacteria, Deinococcus-Thermus, Gemmatimonadetes, OD1, OP11,
Planctomycetes, TM7 and Verrucomicrobia; and two subphyla for Proteobacteria: Deltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria.

environmental variables such as TOC and DO on

both diversity estimates. In comparison, the spatial
isolation represented by the gradients of latitude
and longitude made less contributions, indicating
that there is no obvious effect of geographical
distance on the AMD microbial diversity. When
considering the pairwise community distances
between microbial assemblages, the variation of pH
calculated by Bray–Curtis distance again revealed
the most important influence on the weighted
UniFrac dissimilarity (Figure 4c). This relationship
was corroborated by the Mantel test (Spearman’s
r ¼ 0.329, Po0.001) and MLR analysis (r ¼ 0.337,
Po0.001, with Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of pH as
the only variable remained in the MLR model), with
higher divergence of solution pH likely leading to
higher UniFrac dissimilarity (Supplementary
Figure 1c). In contrast, no significant correlation
Figure 3 Relative abundances of Ferrovum spp., Leptospirillum between geographical distance and the UniFrac
groups and A. ferrooxidans in different groups of microbial
assemblages along the gradient of pH levels in AMD. The distance was detected by the Mantel test (Spear-
numbers within the parentheses indicate the number of samples man’s r ¼ 0.106, P ¼ 0.072), implying that the
in each group. contribution of spatial isolation to the community
dissimilarity was limited (Figure 4c).
isolation to the diversity patterns of AMD microbial
communities in Southeast China. ABT analysis
indicated that pH was the major factor for the Relationship between relative abundance of dominant
patterns of both PD and phylotypes, accounting for lineages and environmental conditions
approximately 23% and 21% of the relative influ- Taxonomy-supervised analysis has the advantages
ence, respectively (Figures 4a and b). Partial depen- of less computation requirement and more tolerance
dency plots of pH from the fitted model revealed of sequencing errors (Sul et al., 2011). We further
that high values of diversity index were most likely conducted an MRT analysis using our AMD field
to be observed at higher pH conditions data, which interpreted the relationship between the
(Supplementary Figures 1a and b). These results relative abundance of dominant lineages and envir-
were in good agreement with the significantly onmental conditions by providing a tree with seven
positive correlations between solution pH and over- terminal nodes based on pH, TOC and concentra-
all diversity determined by MLR analysis (Faith’s tions of sulfate, ferric and ferrous irons, collectively
PD: r ¼ 0.349, P ¼ 0.008; Phylotypes: r ¼ 0.359, explaining 70% of the standardized abundance
P ¼ 0.006; for both PD and Phylotypes, environmen- variance (Figure 5). The results suggested that
tal variables other than pH were all eliminated in the spatial isolation represented by sampling location
predicted MLR model, see Statistical analyses). (measuring longitude and latitude as two variables
Additionally, the ABT analysis also revealed a in the MRT model) was less of a factor than
moderate effect for EC and weaker effects for other environmental variables in explaining the variation

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Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
J-L Kuang et al

Figure 4 Relative influence (%) of environmental properties and spatial distance for phylogenetic diversity (a), phylotypes (b),
weighted UniFrac dissimilarity of field data (pyrosequecing) (c) and weighted UniFrac dissimilarity of metadata (meta-analysis)
(d) evaluated by ABT models.

Figure 5 Multivariate regression tree analysis of the relation between relative abundance of dominant lineages and environmental
parameters in microbial communities of AMD. The bar plots show the mean relative abundance of specific lineages at each terminal
nodes and the distribution patterns of relative abundance represent the dynamics of community composition among each split.
The numbers under the bar plots indicate the number (n) of samples within each group. All values are in mg l  1, except pH, which is in
standard units.

in microbial community composition, and pH o2.3) clustering separately from those with moder-
appeared to be a strong predictor of relative lineage ate pH values. Betaproteobacteria, the most abun-
abundance with samples with low pH levels (pH dant lineage (44±34%) across all communities,

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Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
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showed an intense response to solution pH, with influence from spatial isolation (Figure 6). However,
low relative abundance (4.2±9.1%, n ¼ 15) in in comparison with the significant contribution
extremely acidic environments, but explicitly pre- of Betaproteobacteria to the overall microbial
dominant (48±32%, n ¼ 44) in the microbial assem- distribution in the Chinese AMD environments,
blages under moderate pH conditions. Such a trend the global-scale pH-dependent pattern was largely
was largely attributed to the distribution pattern of attributed by the predominant distribution of
‘Ferrovum’-related organisms (Figure 3). In contrast, Euryarchaeota and Nitrospira under relatively low
other lineages such as Alphaproteobacteria, pH conditions (pH o1.9).
Euryarchaeota, Gammaproteobacteria and Nitros-
pira exhibited a distinct adaptation to more acidic
environments with an increase of relative abun- Discussion
dance. These results were coincident with the A comprehensive survey of AMD microbial diversity
overall dynamics of community composition along We characterized the diversity and composition
the pH gradient (Figure 2). Similar patterns were of microbial communities from diverse and geogra-
found for other environmental variables in the MRT phically separated acidic mining environments in
analysis, with groups uniquely dominated by Beta- Southeast China. The large number of samples
proteobacteria generally separating from those with surveyed and the sequencing depth provided by
notable increase of relative abundance of other the bar-coded pyrosequencing generated an unpre-
lineages (Figure 5), implying that the optimal cedented number of AMD microbial 16S rRNA gene
conditions for the growth of Betaproteobacteria sequence data that far exceed the total number of
(mainly ‘Ferrovum’ spp.) were apparently different sequences reported in previous clone library stu-
from those for the other lineages. dies, significantly expanding our knowledge of the
broad trends of microbial distribution in extremely
acidic environments. Although most of the AMD
Global distribution patterns of microbial diversity communities have been sufficiently sampled by the
in AMD and associated environments pyrosequencing (as suggested by the rarefaction
From the 25 molecular inventory studies that met analyses; Supplementary Figure 2), the full extent
our literature searching criteria, 66 samples of microbial diversity in a few samples has not been
with overall community composition were extracted captured. It is not likely that this is due to inflation
for the taxon-based analysis in MRT model, and of biodiversity estimate by sequencing errors gener-
45 of them (which had detailed information of OTUs ated by noise introduced during pyrosequencing
and their relative abundance) were retained for the and the PCR amplification stage (Reeder and Knight,
phylogenetic-based analysis in ABT model (Supple- 2010), as such bias should have been limited after
mentary Tables 5a and b). It should be noted, our stringent denoizing of data. Similar results have
however, that some parameters were missing from been reported in other extreme habitats such as
individual studies, but this problem could be over- hydrothermal chimneys (Brazelton et al., 2010) and
come in the ABT and MRT model analyses as these acidic hot spring (Bohorquez et al., 2012), where
models can deal with different types of response numerous rare taxa account for most of the observed
variables (for example, numeric or categorical) with diversity, implying that microbial diversity could be
missing values (De’ath, 2002, 2007). higher than expected in some specific sites with
Overall, similar patterns of microbial composition complex interactions among environmental vari-
were found in the global AMD and associated ables and microorganisms. Interestingly, although
systems, with Proteobacteria, Nitrospira and Eur- the microbial diversity (Faith’s PD and Phylotypes)
yarchaeota as the major groups despite considerable generally increased along the solution pH gradient, a
fluctuations in their relative recovery in the 16S moderately higher diversity and relatively uniform
rRNA gene libraries (Supplementary Table 6). Most distribution pattern were found in the lowest pH
strikingly, pairwise UniFrac distances between the level (pH o2.0; Figure 2 and Supplementary
45 samples were still largely affected by environ- Table 7). This may be related to the significantly
mental pH as revealed by the ABT model higher organic carbon contents in a few samples in
(Figure 4d), implying that microbial assemblages this pH group, as high carbon contents with
from different substrates may have similar commu- heterogeneous resource condition have previously
nity composition under a similar pH condition. been found to promote high species diversity in
Furthermore, the geographical distance between the soil (Zhou et al., 2002) and marine sediments
globally distributed samples (up to 18 000 km) still (Stach et al., 2003).
had less influence to the community dissimilarity
than pH, supporting environmental variation as the
major factor relating microbial communities as Better prediction of microbial diversity patterns by
observed in our pyrosequence data set. Likewise, solution pH
the MRT analysis using the metadata of 66 samples Previous molecular investigations have documented
indicated that microbial community composition spatial and seasonal variations in microbial
was mainly shaped by pH level, with relatively little populations in specific AMD environments, and

The ISME Journal

Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
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Figure 6 Multivariate regression tree analysis of the relation between relative abundance of dominant lineages and environmental
parameters in microbial communities of global AMD and associated systems using metadata. pH, latitude and longitude are in standard
units. Temperature is in 1C and sulfate concentration is in mg l  1.

different major environmental determinants such as 2011), and consistently suggested that, notably,
conductivity and rainfall (Edwards et al., 1999), pH is still the definitive factor structuring AMD
solution pH (Lear et al., 2009) and oxygen gradient communities, regardless of the fact that low pH is a
(Gonzalez-Toril et al., 2011) have been identified major feature of these extreme environments and
across different studies at local scale, which may be the indigenous microorganisms are predominantly
due to the site-specific geochemical characteristics. acidophiles that are well adapted and tolerant
Other factors, in particular resolutions of the to these prevailing extreme conditions. More strik-
different methods used to evaluate community ingly, our subsequent meta-analysis of previous
composition (fluorescent in situ hybridization, molecular surveys of AMD systems in diverse
community fingerprinting, and so on) and the geographical locations also revealed similar pH-
relatively small number of samples examined, dependent patterns in microbial diversity at a global
should also be taken into account. More recent scale despite the long-distance separation and
studies have used extensive genomic sequencing regardless of distinct substrate types. These consis-
(Denef and Banfield, 2012) and proteomics (Mueller tent results were presumably due to the strong
et al., 2010) to investigate how rapid adaptive selective pressures with extremely acidic conditions
evolution may have assisted in the maintenance of that primarily determine which lineages can survive
the dominant populations in local AMD commu- there. Indeed, optimum pH for growth can vary
nities and how the physiologies of the dominant and significantly among cultivated acidophilic species
less abundant organisms change along environmen- or even between phylogenetically highly similar
tal gradients corresponding with their ecological (as evidenced by 16S rRNA sequence comparison)
distribution within the Richmond Mine at Iron microorganisms isolated from different acidic
Mountain in California. Our pyrosequencing survey mining environments (Edwards et al., 2000;
of microbial diversity in multiple geographically Golyshina et al., 2000). Furthermore, recent quanti-
separated AMD sites across Southeast China has tative proteomic analyses of the response of
provided an initial insight into the large-scale acidophilic microbial communities to different
distribution patterns of microbes in these unique pH conditions has suggested pH-specific niche
habitats, with greater variability in physical partitioning of prokaryotes and confirmed the
and geochemical attributes. Our phylogenetic- and importance of pH and related geochemical factors
taxon-based analyses (ABT and MRT models) in fine-tuning acidophilic microbial community
supported the important idea that similar ecological structure and function (Belnap et al., 2011).
conclusions could be drawn by using these two Hot springs have also been targets for the
commonly used clustering approaches (Sul et al., study of microbial diversity and adaptation in

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Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
J-L Kuang et al
extreme environments. Although some studies Acidithiobacillus and Leptospirillum genera could
have suggested that environmental temperature is still be found (although no significant correlation
a primary factor controlling the structure and was detected by the Mantel test), indicating that
dynamics of microbial communities (Ward et al., observed patterns could be taxa-/lineage-dependent
1998; Miller et al., 2009), significant differences in or might vary with the levels of analytical/phyloge-
microbial community composition exist between netic resolution. It should also be noted that relative
the alkaline (Miller et al., 2009) and acidic (Mathur influence of historical versus environmental
et al., 2007) hot springs in Yellowstone National factors could be related to the scale of sampling
Park (WY, USA). Furthermore, the acidic hot springs (Martiny et al., 2006), as exemplified by the inter-
with high sulfate concentrations (Stout et al., 2009) and intracontinental surveys of hot spring Synecho-
and iron-rich conditions (Mathur et al., 2007) coccus and Sulfolobus assemblages (Papke et al.,
were dominated by iron-oxidizing acidophiles 2003; Whitaker et al., 2003).
such as Acidithiobacillus spp., irrespective of the
wide range of temperature gradients. This similar
distribution and adaptation of such acidophiles in Taxonomic distribution pattern of dominant species
acidic hot springs and acid mine water may indicate in AMD microbial communities
that pH is a common determinant for structuring the Taxonomic classification of our pyrosequences
microbial communities in the two different extreme revealed that Betaproteobacteria were ubiquitous
environments. These results are potentially impor- and dominant across the AMD sites, especially
tant since recent studies have repeatedly identified at moderate pH conditions (pH 42.4; Figures 2
pH as one of the general selective pressures working and 5). Significantly, the most abundant phylotype,
in ‘normal’ environments like soil (Fierer and which accounted for approximately 91% of the total
Jackson, 2006; Lauber et al., 2009; Rousk et al., Betaproteobacteria reads, was affiliated with the
2010; Griffiths et al., 2011). recently discovered genus ‘Ferrovum’ (Hallberg
et al., 2006). Although less known, ‘Ferrovum’ spp.
are suggested to be obligately autotrophic and
Other potential factors explaining community capable of growth only by ferrous iron oxidation
differences with less acid tolerance than the well-studied AMD
Several recent meta-analyses have identified sali- species L. ferrooxidans and A. ferrooxidans (Rowe
nity as the primary environmental factor shaping the and Johnson, 2008; Hallberg, 2010). Our pyrose-
ecological distribution of prokaryotic taxa along quencing survey of diverse AMD sites supports the
broad environmental gradients and across different acidic susceptibility of these ‘Ferrovum’-affiliated
habitat types (Lozupone and Knight, 2007; Tamames organisms and their preference for relatively high
et al., 2010). It is striking that general environmental ferrous iron conditions (Figure 5) (Heinzel et al.,
properties such as salinity still primarily determine 2009b). More importantly, their wide distribution
the microbial composition of extreme environments, and dominance were conspicuous across geochemi-
although these organisms are presumably under cally distinct mining environments examined in this
strong selective pressures (for example, temperate study (Figure 3) and other acidic sites (Brockmann
and pH). Although salinity (as reflected by the EC et al., 2010; Brown et al., 2011; Kimura et al., 2011),
values) had a weaker effect than solution pH in our implying their important ecological role in the
ABT models, a significantly negative relationship extreme AMD systems. Notably, although pH
was detected between EC and pH (Spearman’s was identified as the primary force shaping their
r ¼  0.631, Po0.001), and the combination of pH, large-scale ecological range (across Southeast
EC and their interaction was the best MLR model to China), EC was found (r ¼  0.76, P ¼ 0.018, MLR
predict the microbial community diversity with all other independent variables excluded) to
(Faith’s PD r ¼ 0.505, P ¼ 0.006 and Phylotypes influence their local distribution at the YunFu mine
r ¼ 0.478, P ¼ 0.002, for MLR model considering (where a relatively large sample size is available for
the interaction between pH and EC), implying the analyzing the local patterns), implying the potential
potential importance of salinity for structuring AMD effects of site-specific geochemical characteristics.
microbial communities, a feature documented in a The interactions between ‘Ferrovum’ spp. and other
previous fluorescent in situ hybridization-based populations over a continuum of spatial and
survey of an acid-generating site at Iron Mountain temporal scales within entire regions merit further
in California (Edwards et al., 1999). study (Ricklefs, 2008).
Dispersal limitation and past environmental con- In contrast to the high relative abundance of
ditions can lead to genetic divergence of microbial ‘Ferrovum’ spp. under moderate pH conditions,
assemblages from geographically separated sites A. ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum groups (acido-
(Martiny et al., 2006). Although our results sug- philes widely implicated for their contribution to
gested that the overall microbial diversity patterns AMD production) were more dominant and thus
were better predicted by contemporary environmen- likely to have significant roles in more acidic
tal variation, a moderate influence of geographical conditions (Figure 3). A similar distribution of
isolation on the UniFrac dissimilarity of the Leptospirillum spp. and A. ferrooxidans was found

The ISME Journal

Microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage
J-L Kuang et al
along the pH gradient, revealing an optimum pH assessed by metagenomics (Raes et al., 2011) or
range of 2.0–2.4 and a significant decrease in comprehensive functional gene arrays such as
relative abundance when the pH increases to above GeoChip (He et al., 2010) represents a promising
3.0 (Figure 3). However, a relatively high Leptospir- strategy to address this issue. We could not
illum spp. to A. ferrooxidans ratio was observed at distinguish in our pyrosequence data set active
higher Fe3 þ /Fe2 þ (redox potential) (t-test, for inde- community members from the dormant taxa, which
pendent samples, Po0.01), indicating a potential may be metabolically inactive because of the
competition for energy sources (ferrous iron) unfavorable environmental conditions and thus less
and supporting the greater Fe2 þ affinity and less sensitive to environmental change. Future investiga-
sensitivity to Fe3 þ inhibition of Leptospirillum spp. tions specifically focusing on the active members of
(Rawlings et al., 1999). the community will likely reveal even more
The biogeographic patterns of less abundant pronounced environmentally dependent patterns
AMD taxa and the associated driving forces remain of microbial diversity. Such knowledge is critical
unresolved. While heterotrophic bacteria such as as these active taxa presumably have crucial roles in
Acidiphilium were widely detected across the AMD the functioning of the AMD ecosystems. Addition-
samples, they were generally presented in signifi- ally, evaluation of microbial population dynamics at
cantly smaller proportions than the acidophilic fine temporal scales and over relatively long periods
autotrophs and no clear statistical correlation was of time at a diverse array of AMD sites would bring
found between TOC and relative abundance of novel insight and greater predictive power to the
the detected heterotrophs, suggesting a limited microbial diversity patterns in these extreme
contribution of external inputs of fixed carbon in environments.
the maintenance of the indigenous microbial assem-
blages. Archaea accounted for a non-negligible
proportion (average 45.0%) across the AMD com- Conflict of Interest
munities; however, only a small fraction of these The authors declare no conflict of interest.
sequences could be confidently assigned at the
genus level, mostly to the Ferroplasma, although
recent studies have suggested that acidophilic Acknowledgements
Archaea related to the ferrous-iron-oxidizing F.
acidiphilum are numerically significant and thus This work was supported by the National Natural Science
ecologically important in some acidic environments Foundation of China (No. 40930212 and 30970548),
the Major Science and Technology Project of Ministry
in diverse geographical locations (Golyshina and
of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China
Timmis, 2005; Huang et al., 2011). In general, (No. 2009ZX08009-002B), the Guangdong Province Key
no obvious distribution patterns of Archaea or Laboratory of Computational Science and the Guangdong
Ferroplasma spp. could be observed along either Province Computational Science Innovative Research
geographical distance or environmental properties Team.
in our data set (no independent variables retained in
the MLR model). Additionally, the neutrophilic
Gallionella spp., which have been commonly
found in AMD habitats, were nearly not detected
(two phylotypes with 33 reads) among our diverse Amaral-Zettler LA, Zettler ER, Theroux SM, Palacios C,
AMD sites. Acid susceptibility may not be the main Aguilera A, Amils R. (2011). Microbial community
reason for their absence in the Chinese AMD structure across the tree of life in the extreme Rio
environments as these iron oxidizers have been Tinto. ISME J 5: 42–50.
detected in a few other acidic sites with a low pH Auguet JC, Barberan A, Casamayor EO. (2010). Global
ecological patterns in uncultured Archaea. ISME J 4:
range of 2.6–3.0 (Hallberg et al., 2006; Heinzel et al., 182–190.
2009a; Kimura et al., 2011). Baker BJ, Banfield JF. (2003). Microbial communities
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Summary and prospect Bates ST, Berg-Lyons D, Caporaso JG, Walters WA, Knight
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analyses of the response of acidophilic microbial
the major factor relating microbial communities
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studies (Lauber et al., 2009; Griffiths et al., 2011), C, Klepac-Ceraj V, Kolter R et al. (2012). In-depth
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unsolved. Trait-based or functional biogeography dent approaches of the microbial community in an

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Ward DM, Ferris MJ, Nold SC, Bateson MM. (1998).
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A natural view of microbial biodiversity within hot Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of
spring cyanobacterial mat communities. Microbiol Mol this license, visit
Biol Rev 62: 1353–1370. licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

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