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Why “Big-Oh”

Exact analysis of resource usage (e.g., time or memory) of programs is very hard.
CPU speeds/loads vary widely.
Compiler optimizations.
Implementation details.
Lecture 17: Big-Oh Notation and Algorithms Cache behavior.
Details of input.
Breakthrough solution: don’t be so exact!
Benefits of appropriate vagueness:
Results are robust, even with variations in all of the above. We’d like results
that last beyond the current generation of computers.
Analysis is easier.
1 2-a
“Big Oh” Notation

Major ideas: Notation focuses on growth as a function of problem size, ignoring constant
Focus on worst case performance.
– If worst-case running time is , it means the worst possible input of Definition: is (“order of ”) if there exist positive constants

size runs in that time.  and such that, for every greater than some ,


– Easier to analyze than average case. Example: is because for


– No assumptions about probability distributions required. when .

Disregard constant factors. Example: is because for

(for all ).

– Analysis is easier.

– Focuses on rate of growth. Example: is because for and

, or for and , or . . . .

This concept is one of the most important in both theoretical and practical

Example: is for and .

computer science.

It is critical to the study of algorithms.
3 4
Laws of Big-Oh More laws of Big-Oh
Suppose is and is . Suppose is and is .

Addition: . Multiplication: .





In a nutshell: the bigger wins. Application: Nested loops.

Application: Running time of a sequence of statements. for to do

for to do

Something with running time ;
something that takes time in the worst case.

Something with running time ;


Something with running time ;


Something with running time ; has running time which is .



has running time .

5 6
Simple bounds Rules of Thumb
Since the point of “Big-Oh” notation is to simplify reasoning, it is silly to have run Constant factors don’t matter
times like:
is because for (for all


. This is just . ).


is just (constant time) Polynomials: Smaller exponents don’t matter.


is (summation rule) is .




is .


Exponentials grow faster than polynomials
is (the magic of compound interest).

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More Rules of Thumb Factorials
Logarithms grow slower than for . is a very fast-growing function. It is not for any constant .

is . However .






Polynomials of logarithms grow slower than polynomials So, is .

is .( is sometimes written ). This simple bound is often easy to work with.

The base of logarithms doesn’t matter. Example: . This is the running time of many sorting


Changing the base is just a constant factor!
is for any bases and because



Note: For computer scientists, usually means .

It comes up a lot because it is the maximum number of times can be divided

into two equal parts before .

9 10
Shorthand Directed Graphs (digraphs)
Constant – A directed graph (digraph) is a relation: . is the called the set of

vertices (also called nodes). is called the set of edges (also called arcs).

Log –

Directed graphs are drawn like this:

Polylog – for some .

Linear — .

Quadratic — .

Polynomial — for some positive .

Exponential —  for some and that is at least .

Factorial — for some .

The arrows are edges, the circles are vertices.

Double exponential — for some and that is at least


11 12
Running Times Estimating from program structure
Finding running times can be hard. We’ll do some easy cases and leave the rest The running time of many algorithms can be estimated from the recursive
for another course. structure of programs.
First question: What’s (the input size)? Base case: In a language like C, almost all simple statements (statements

containing no smaller statements) are .

Example: A directed graph on vertices may have up to edges. An


algorithm that processes each edge in constant time takes running time. Assignments (assume no function call in right-hand-side).

The size of the graph is more accurately vertices and edges. The same Simple I/O functions

algorithm might be linear in the number of vertices and edges:

Break, continue, return

Operators (e.g. , , ) all take constant time.

This is important for sparse graphs, where may be much less than .


The recursive cases are the statements that combine simpler structures:
sequencing, conditionals, and loops.
13 14
Compound statements Linear Search
Sequencing: worst case running time of is sum of running times of and Abstractly, linear search checks for membership of a value in a set represented


. as an array or list.

If-then-else: running time of if then else is time to compute plus max Suppose we’re searching an array of length .

time of and .

for from to do

Loops: run time is number of iterations times the running time of the loop body. if then

return true; — found it
Finding a bound on the loop iteration may be impossible, but often it’s easy (e.g.,
return false;
for loops).
Suppose every statement inside the loop takes constant time.
This analysis is conservative — knowing more about how the program works may
yield tighter bounds. What’s the worst case?
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Matrix Multiplication A More Difficult Example
Multiplying two matrices (psuedo-code). – Compute largest power of two less than

MatMult – and its log

– Initialize result matrix ptwo

for from to do ;

for from to do ;

; — while do

– multiply matrices  ;

for from to do ;

for from to do print “power of 2 = , log = ”;

for from to do

— Find a tight bound on the running time.

return ;

17 18
An Insertion Sort
isort(array )

for from to do

for from to do

if then

insert( , , );

insert(array , , )


for from down to do



What is the running time?

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