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Jelisa Fields & Claire Polveche Creative brief Adidas

1. What’s the reason for the brief: The Advertising Objective: The aim of this advertising
campaign is to bring awareness of the partnership between Adidas and Parley and its impact on the
protection of the oceans.

2. Who we are communicating with: The Target Audience: The primary audience is
composed of the loyal customers of Adidas. The secondary target is composed of customers who
might used Adidas due to their green aspect. Both primary and secondary targets are American
from 20 to 40 years old. They love sports and fashion.

3. What does the target currently think?: The primary audience doesn’t really think about
how our consumption affects the oceans. The target audience cares about the environmental
aspect of their brand when buying a product.

4. What single most compelling message should this communication convey? This message
needs to demonstrate the engagement of Adidas in the preservation of oceans.

5. The desired response: We would like our target audience to become more knowledgeable
about how Adidas is when it comes to sustainability and therefore purchasing more Adidas
products (specifically the Adidas and Parley partnership). We want the target audience to feel
surprised about our environment impact. And then to feel satisfied to buy Adidas ecological

6. Why you can make the claim you make: Or the support? Parley is harvesting plastics from
the oceans. And Adidas transforms it in sportswear and footwear. On average there are 11 bottles
of plastic from the sea per pair. The brand also uses fishnet, plastic bags or any kind of plastics
found in oceans.

7. Tone or brand voice: The tone of the campaign needs to be informative, clear and engaging.

8. Creative considerations: For this campaign, we need to respect the graphic charter of Adidas x
Parley. Thereby we need to use the actual logo of the partnership, the font needs to be AdiNeue
(or Bebas Neue Book with more spaced letters) and the colors have to be the green (#2FAF92),
dark gray (#363636) and white. We need to integrate the hashtag #ADIDASPARLEY.

9. Any mandatories? The campaign needs to contain 2 print ads (in Sport Illustrated, Sport
Illustrated Kids, Elle, Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan and newspapers from big cities near oceans), one
outdoor ad (in big cities and edge of beaches), an app , a digital campaign (in Instagram, Twitter,
Snapchat and Facebook) and a video pitch.

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