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Could you guess how was the life of "a man who lived forever"? Was he happy?
Nervous? Tired?

At the begining, we was glad not to die and see what happened in the future, he
learned a lot about the history.
But, being a prodigy was "a two edged sword": those he loved died and the people
started to think he was special and look at him with fear.

Our man started not to sleep very well "during the night", because he didnt want to
scare anybody.
So, he took refuge in "a damp dungeon", to keep away from the people.

Alone, the man realized he should use his incredible survival capacity to help
people, and maybe the society would rely on him.
- All war must stop! He shout. And he invited people to kill him if their weren't
agree with his ideas.

Some persons realized it wasn't a good idea to fight and kill people. Others
injured our man, but he never died.
Then the man who lives forever became famous, and esteemed. He combat wars with
ideas and help the humanity to fight for furfilling their dreams.


I have secuenced the activities with a pedagogical objetive.

First activity: understanding storytelling.

I prepare children to the story I have written about "A man who lives forever".
So I translate and work with the difficult words, making mime, drawings or verbal

Second activity: reading the story.

Then I read the story and the children read it at the same time in their copies.
After each sentence I let them guess what does it mean and we all translate
writting it down in the blackbopard.

Third activity: drawing the story.

This is a relaxed activity that helps students to express with the simbolic
language of drawing what they have understood.
Everyone shows they work to the class and describes the tale as they have
understood in a debate.

Fourth activity: do it yourself: DIY storytelling.

First we show children how to create stories with charts.
them, we have to make groups of 4 or 5 students to create a story.
Each participant chooses a chart form the differents categories (character, place,
etc.) and makes his own phrase.
Finally, the group have to order the phrases to try to make sense.

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