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Name: Brandon Escamilla

Period: 5
Date: 9/14/18
People v. Columbus et al Essay

Hey! You there this is my People vs. Columbus Essay. I have 6 different people (note that
some may not be human)to choose from. I may choose one and say that they are guilty while the
rest are not, although to me more than just one of them is guilty. My job is to choose which one
on these people is responsible for the murder and mistreatment of thousands if not millions of
Tainos. Right now though I am blaming The System of Empire for being guilty. Many things
could’ve been done to avoid these deaths but none of these things happened so here we go. This
is why I think that The System of Empire is guilty:

The first reason The System of Empire is guilty is because of something inside of The
System of Empire which is the fact that they need land to feel secure. They need land because if
they do not have land they live in fear. According to Mr. Kim's paper on the back of Tests and
Projects paper #1 it states,”European society was organized so that an individual had to own
property to feel secure. The more property one owned, the more security...There was no security
without… property.” (Mr.Kim,Tests and Projects #1). This is why when Columbus found new
land instead of going to the other side of Europe the King and Queen ordered him to conquer it.
One thing led to another and they had to eliminate the Tainos if they wanted to keep the land.
This is not the only reason that The System of Empire is responsible for the murder of thousands
if not millions of Tainos.

The second reason that The System of Empire is guilty is because of their thirst for gold.
The Europeans loved there gold and would do almost anything to gain wealth. According to Mr.
Kim's paper on the back of Tests and Projects paper #1 it states,”Indians commented that the
Europeans thirst for gold was like a disease”(Mr.Kim,Tests and Projects #1). This is why in
order to gain more wealth Columbus did many bad things such as: take Tainos as slaves made
them work in their mines, farms, and made them search for gold. If they did not bring him gold
every 3 months they would get there hands cut off and would most likely bleed to death.There is
one more reason stating that The System of Empire is responsible for the thousands if not
millions of Tainos killed.

The third and last reason that The System of Empire is guilty is because of it’s allowance
of killing​. They approved of violence against foreigners and non-Christian and we’re allowed to
do this if we’re conquering property and getting gold. ​According to Mr. Kim's paper on the back
of Tests and Projects paper #1 it states,”The European System saw only White Christians as full
human beings...and approved of violence against foreigners and non-Christians”(Mr.Kim,Tests
and Projects #1). This means that no matter what Columbus was allowed to kill all those Tainos.
There was nothing in The System of Empire stopping him until the King and Queen found out.
They didn’t expect him to kill so many because sane people do not do things like this.

In conclusion The System of Empire is the one guilty for the torture and murder of the
thousands if not millions of Tainos. The first reason is because of the writing that states they
need land to feel secure and that’s exactly what Columbus was doing conquering land for Spain.
The second reason is the fact that they LOVE gold which is why Columbus tortured them and
told them to find gold every 3 months. The third reason is because of their allowance to kill and
murder which led Columbus to kill so many Tainos although sane people don’t kill so many
people over land or gold so it is also his fault. Hope you enjoyed my Essay! Now I have to go….

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