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The Universidad Privada Boliviana is a good university for engineering studies.

It has different
options offer engineering careers. The University has many agreements with different companies
and this is very important because when students want to work, they can choose any business.
The university offers civil engineering. I decide to study this career because. I like the areas
Hydrology and road construction

The UPB has hydrology center, it has many computers and Hydrology equipment for research
problems. I am working in the center right now. I am doing my thesis about the Taquiña basin. It is
very interesting and I receive help from Oliver Savedra professor. I think that in a future, I will like
to work in this area but at this moment I want to finish my thesis

Civil Engineering has a road two class, it is the most difficult matter of all career because it has two
road professor, and they have a lot of experience about the matter. For example they have
designed Victor Ustariz Avenue. When I took the road two class, I had to study a lot, and I
managed to pass this final test. Also the last summer, I worked in “La Paz – Copacabana” road with
my father. I could practice the design of road curve that I learned in my road class in the UPB.

I can draw the conclusion, civil engineering is a great career in the UPB because the university has
important professor with a lot experience, they will help you find the area of civil that you like.
Also with the Civil Centers of different areas are grown up in the university, this place has many
students of different degrees, the news civil students can learn much of theirs.

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