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Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 18 : 79 - 84 [2000]



Arzu (Özdemir) ERDEMİR*. Ömer GEBAN** and Esen UZUNTİRYAKİ***

ÖZET: Bu çalışmanın amacı üniversite birinci sınıf öğ- chemical concepts from the very beginning of
rencilerının kimyasal denge kenusundaki kavram yanıl- their studies (1), Therefore, they cannot fully un-
gılarını belirlemektir. Bu çalışma. i 43 Biyoloji. Biyoloji
derstand the more advanced concepts that build
Öğretmenliği. Fizik ve Fizik Öğretmenliği Bölümü öğren-
upon the fundamentals.
cilerinin katılımıyla i 998- i 999 bahar döneminde ODTÜ'
de gerçekleştirilmıştIr. Kimyasal Denge Kavramları Başarı Researchers have documented the fact that
Tesıi tüm öğrencilere uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar. bir çok öğ-
students often have naive ideas about how the
reneınin denge şartlarının değişınesi. tepkime hızı ile den-
ge arasındaki ilişki ve tepkime hızı ve tepkime kavramı world works, which hinder the learning of scien-
hakkında kavram yanılgısı oldut,unu göstermıştır. tific ex planations (2,3), It is clear that students
use preexisting conceptions constructed from
ANAHTAR SÖZCÜKLER: Kavram Yanılgısı, Kimyasal
Denge, Kimya Eğiıimi.
reflection on previous experiences to reason
about newly presented science concepts, and to
make sense of their instructional science ex-
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to inves- periences (4,5) Such preconceptions are often
tigate the misconceptions of freshman students in chemical
incorrect from a scientific viewpoint and can in-
equilibrium, In this study, 143 freshman students from
Biology, Biology Education, Physics and Physics terfere with students' learning of science (4,6,7).
Education Departments in MEl'U took part during 1998- Some student misconceptions are very resistant
1999 spring semester. Chemical Equilibrium Concepts Ac- to instructional change and some students persist
hievement Test was administered to all subjects, The in giying answers consistent with their miscon-
results showed that many students had misconceptions
ceptions even after large amounts of instruction
about changing equilibrium conditions. relating rate and
(4,8,9,10,11,12), What a student leams, there-
equilibrium and rate vs, extent.
fore, results from the interaction between what
KEY WORDS: Misconcq tion, Chemical Equilibrium, is brought to the leaming situation and what is
Chemisıry Educarion
experienced while in it (13).

A review of literature reveals that there are

1. INTRODUCTION four topic s within the domain of chemistry that
The purpose of this study was to investigate give leamers most difficulty: chemical equilib-
the misconceptions of Freshman students from rium, the mole, reaction stoichiometry and oxi-
Biology, Biology Education, Physics and dation-reduction (14), Of these, chemical
Physics Education Depac1:ments in METU in equilibrium concept is regarded as the most dif-
chemical equilibrium. ficult concept for students to comprehend (15),
Because the topic s are very abstract and some
Many students at alllevels struggle to learn
words from everyday language are used with
chemistry, but are often unsuccessful. One pos-
different meanings.
sible answer is that many students do not const-
ruct appropriate unders! andings fundamental Children go through four stages of intellec-
Res. Ass., METU Faculty of Education, Secondary Science and Mathematics Education Department., ANKARA
* erdemir@tutor,fedu,
Assoc. Prof. Dr., METU Facult y of Education, Secondary Science and Mathematics Education Department., ANKARA
*** Res. Ass., METU Faculty of Education, Secondary Science and Mathematics Education Department., ANKARA
80 Arzu (Özdemir) Erdemir. Ömer Geban. Esen Uzuntiryaki
[EdJ. 18of
tual development starting at the sensory-motor The following is the table of misconceptions
phase, through the preoperational and concrete of students in chemical equilibrium which ıs
operational stages, to the form al operational derived from review of related literature:
phase when abstract thinking becomes possible
i. Approach To Equilibriurn
(16). Although Piaget claimed that the formal
operational phase would be .ıttained at the age of a) The rate of forward reaction ıncreases
13 to 17 years, the rate at which children pass with time from mixing reactants until equilib-
through the four phases vanes. Thus, many stu- rium is established
dents may not be able to deal with the cognitive
b) Reverse reaction rate is the same as the
transformations associated with abstract reason-
forward rate
ing and may still require concrete example
before concepts can be grasped (17). II. Characteristics of Chernical Equilibrium
The concept of "chemical equilibrium" inc- a) There is a simple arithmetic relationship
ludes alabel that is known lo students attending between the concentrations of reactants and
chemistry classes and for which they have a products such as [reactants]=[products] at
preconception. This preconception stems from equilibrium
the label "equilibrium" being used in physics as
b) Forward reaction must be completed
well as in some everyday life balancing situa-
before reverse reaction starts
tions such as circus acrobatics, bicycle riding, or
weighing balance. The labd "equilibrium" ac- c) Lack of awareness to the dynamic nature
quires attributes that are ch aracteristic of these of the chemically equilibrated state, equilibrium
situations. Attributes of equality in general, is seen as the firmly hel d concept of a static two-
equality of two sides, stability, and a static sided picture
nature become associated with the concept of
d) Concentrations fluctuate as equilibrium is
equilibrium (18). However, these attributes of
equilibrium are the very ones that actually dif-
ferentiate between physical and chemical IV. Changing Equilibriurn Conditions
equilibrium. Phenomena that reach chemical
i. Effect on concentrations
equilibrium appear naturall) macroscopically as
stable and static systems. On the other hand, on a) Addition of more reactant changes only
the microscopic level the system is dynamic not the product concentrations
only because of molecular movement but als o
b) Uncertainty how a temperature, volum e
because the process of breaking and creating
or pressure change will alter the equilibrium
bonds go on with the net result of zero. Att-
ributing macroscopic qualities to the micros-
copic level leads to miscorıceptions in the un- ii. Relating Rate and Equilibrium
derstanding of the concepl 'chemical equilib-
If a system at equilibrium is disturbed by
rium". (19)
some change, the system will shift so as to par-
Bergquist and Heikkinen (1990) have poin- tially counteract the effect of change. The rate of
ted out that equilibrium is fundamental to the the reaction to which the equilibrium shifts will
understanding of acid- base behavior, oxidation- be greater when a new equilibrium is established.
reduction reactions and solubility. (20) Mastery
iii. Effeet on equilibrium constant
of the concepts associated with equilibrium
facilita<es mastery of the other chemical con- a) Equilibrium constant varıes LO value
cepts. while at constant temperature
Freshman Students' Misconceptions in Chemical Equilibrium 8]

b) When the temperature is increased and students covered this chapter, Chemical Equilib-
equilibrium is re-established the equilibrium rium Concepts Achievement Test was adminis-
constant is the same as nnder the initial con- tered. The distribution of students according to
ditions departments is as follows:
c) Value of equilibrium constant changes
Table ı. Distribution of subjects with respect to
with amounts of products or reactants
d) Value of equilibrium constant changes
Department Count
with volume
Biology 30
e) Value of equilibrium constant changes
Biology Education 30
with pressure
Physics 38
o Value of equilibrium constant increases if
Physics Education 45
a catalyst is used

iv. Effect of a catalyst 2.2 Instruments

a) A catalyst can affect the rates of forward In this study, Chemical Equilibrium Con-
and reverse reactions differently cepts Achievement Test was administered to all
subjects. This test was developed by Geban and
b) A catalyst leads to a higher yield of prod-
Özdemir. It consisted of 25 multiple choice
questions. Both English and Turkish versions of
V. Reversibility vs. Completion the test were given to students at the same page
because some students have taken chemistry
A reaction is reversible yet goes to comp-
course in Turkish in high school. During the
letion that is no discrimmation between reac-
development stage of the test, firstly, the instruc-
tions that goes to completion and reversible
tional objectives were determined. Secondly, the
literature related to students' misconceptions
VI. Rate vs. Extent with respect to chemical equilibrium was care-
fully examined. Each distracter of an item was
Failure to distinguish between rate (how
prepared in such a way that it was confronted
fast) and extent (how far) of reaction
with students' misconceptions. The items were
VII. Mass vs. Concentration evaluated by a group of classroom teachers and
experts in science education and chemistry for
a) Uncertainty when to use volume
the appropriateness of the items and the content
b) Confusion regarding amount (moles) and validation. The reliability of the test was found
concentration (molarity) to be 0.80.

Some items from the Chemical Equilibrium

4. METHOD Concepts Achievement Test:

Consider an equilibrium mixture:

2.1 Subjects
In this study, 143 fre~hman students taking
2NO(g) + CI2(g) - 2NOCl(g) + heat at
200°C and 1 atm pressure.
General Chemistry course (Chem 102) in 1998-
1999 spring semester took part. Chem- 102 cour- Indicate the new situation ın each of the
se includes ehemica! equi librium ehapter. Af ter items by marking the appropriate letter on the
82 A,ZU (Özdemir) Erdemir' Ömer Geban . Esen Uzuntiryaki , J.of
LFO:d 18

right side of the sentences by usıng the fol- 2NHlg)

lowing key:
Suppose 1 mo le of each of three gases are
A: greater than that in the initial equilibrium; mixed and allowed to reach equilibrium by the
conversion of "x" moles of NH) gas into Hz and
B: less than that in the irıitial equilibrium;
N2 gases in a 2 liters container. What is the
c: same as that in the initial equilibrium; molar concentration of Nz at equilibrium?

D: data insufficient for conclusion A) 0.5+0.25x B) l+O.5x C) 0.5+0.5x

1. Some C12 is removed from the system, the D) 1+0.25x E) 1+x

volume and the temperature being kept

constant, When the system returus to anot- 3. RESULTS

her equilibrium,
Statistical analyses were carried out by
(a) The rate at which NO is being formed SPSS, Statistical Package for Social Sciences
will be ..... for Personal Computers. Students' correct
proportions to questions were caleulated.
(b) The concentration of NOCl present will
By giving 1 point for each question and sub-
be .....
question, students' total scores were found. The
(c) The equilibrium constant will be ..... scores varied from 7 to 31 out of 35. The mean

2. 2CO(g) + 02(g) -.
2C02(g) + heat
of total scores was found to be 22,41 .

reaction is at equilibrium. Which one of the fol- For the question related to changing equilib-
lowing increases the concentration of CO2 gas? rium conditions the correct proportion was
found to be 0,19. Students think that a catalyst
A) Decreasing the conce'ntration of CO gas
leads to higher yield of product. Students have
B) Decreasing the concentration of O2 gas uncertainty how a temperature, volume or pres-
sure change will alter the equilibrium concent-
C) U sing a catalyst
D) Increasing the temperature
Only 40% of the students answered correctly
E) Increasing the pressure to the questions in which they were asked to find
the equilibrium concentration of species. In or-
3. For the reaction A2(g) + 2B2(g)
der to solve these questions, they had to convert
2C(g) which one of the following is true?
given moles to molarities. But many of the stu-
i. At equilibrium, [A2] = = dents confused the amount (moles) and concent-
ration (molarity).
II. At equilibrium the rate of forward and
reverse reactions are equal to zero Moreover, students had difficulty in relating
rate and equilibrium. They think that if a system
III. At equilibrium the concentrations of
at equilibrium is disturbed by some change, the
gases are constant
system will shift so as to partially counter act the
A) Only i B) Only II c) Only III effect of change and the rate of the reaction to
which the equilibrium shifts will be greater
D) i and II E) I, II and III
when a new equilibrium is established. The cor-
4. Considerthe following equilibriumsys- reet proportions for these questions were found
tem: to be 0,60, 0,45 and 0,50 respectively.
Freshman Students' Misconceptions in Chemical Equilibrium 83

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fully using memorized algorithms. Many stu- S. Zietsman, A. 1., & Hewson, P.W. "Effect of instmc-
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84 Arzu (Özdemir) Erdemir. Ömer Geban. Esen Uzunfiryaki
[ J. of
Ed 18

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