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If you are a beginner on Microsoft® Visual Studio 2008 then you will at first find that this

powerful program is not that easy to use for a beginner this is the aim of this tutorial. I
hope that it helps quite a few people out.

I am assuming that you are not a complete n00b and have installed Microsoft® Visual
Studio. I have install the complete set of tools that Microsoft have available where as you
might have just Install Microsoft® Visual C++ (cpp) OR C Sharp (c#) or any tools that
help with the programming language that you are aiming to use to program you
applications so parts of this tutorial may not be very useful to you.

There may be slight differences in the way that you’re Microsoft® Visual Studio looks
compared to the ones in the screenshots and some of the features may be missing as I am
using Microsoft® Visual Studio Professional and I am also running Microsoft® Windows
Vista Ultimate Edition at the time of writing this tutorial.

In this tutorial I will be using Microsoft® Visual Studio to create a win32 application so
if you are not using c++ these tutorials may become useless to you all together.

Opening Microsoft® Visual Studio

On Microsoft® Windows Vista and XP to open the visual studio do the following:

Start Menu => All Programs => Microsoft® Visual Studio 2008 => Microsoft® Visual
Studio 2008.

That’s all there is to it you have now successfully opened Microsoft® Visual Studio and
you should now see the Microsoft® Visual Studio splash screen (see Figure 1.0)

Figure 1.0
Let’s Explore the Studio

Ok so now let’s have a look at the Microsoft® Studio Layout the first page that you will
see is the start page (see Figure 1.1) this will be the very first page that you will see every
time you open Microsoft® Visual Studio and also when you close all any open solutions
that you may have open. This will be the case unless you have set one of your Projects to
be your Default Project when opening Microsoft® Visual Studio in that case the Default
Project will open up automatically and the start screen will be totally bypassed until you
close the open Solution.

Figure 1.1
The Recent Projects (Figure 1.3) is the area of the start screen is where all the projects
that you have been working on will appear in a ordered list the last project that you
worked on last appears at the top of the list.

To carry on working on a project simply click on the project name in the Recent Projects
list and it will open the Project that you clicked for you.

I find to be a very useful feature. The Recent Projects also includes options to create a
new project and open any other project that isn’t displayed on the list simply click the
project links next to Open: and Create: Text Labels
Figure 1.3

The main area (Figure 1.4) of the start screen includes a list of articles from the MSDN
(Microsoft® Developer Network) website which is a very useful place to go when you
need help and has references for all the programming languages that come with visual
studio. Simply click on any of the links in this area and if you are connected to the
internet you will be taken to the MSDN website article that you chose.

Figure 1.4
The Getting Started screen (Figure 1.5) is a list of links that will help you get started
using visual studio and you may find that the links in this area are very useful simply
click on the titles to go to the news article or help document.

Figure 1.5
The getting Visual Studio Headlines screen (Figure 1.6) is a list of links that will have
news about the visual studio I.D.E updates and other interesting headlines that Microsoft
Microsoft® thinks may be of interest to the users of visual studio

Figure 1.6

Creating a Project

The first thing to do is to create a new project for our program. To create a project, follow
these 6 easy to follow steps:

1. Under the File menu, Select New, and then select Project from the Sub Menu that
appears (Figure 1.7). Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+N (Shortcut Key
Combination). The New Project dialog box will be displayed (Figure 1.8).

Figure 1.7
Figure 1.7

2. Enter a name for your Project in the Name box the Solution name will mirror the
Project name so there is no need to fill it in or change it but ill leave that step up
to you.

3. Select which type of Project you will be creating in the Project Types Pane on the
left, and then select a template from the Templates pane on the right.

4. Choose a location for your new project in the Location box, either by typing a
directory path or by clicking Browse and navigating to the appropriate directory.

5. Click the OK button and the Win32 Application Wizard will be displayed (Figure
1.8). This Project will possess a simple, Win32 interface, and will display a
message box onto the screen for our test purpose. Before proceeding, though, you
need to change some setting Click next on the Win32 Wizard Setting wizard will
appear (Figure 1.9).

Figure 1.8
Figure 1.9
6. Know comes the point where you decide what type of support you application
will need ill explain a little about each option below

Under Application Type:

Windows Application

Check this option if the application you are programming is for windows WIN32 API

Console App

Check this option if your application is going to be aimed at the windows console
(Looks similar to dos console)


Select this box if you are creating a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) File Dll,s are files that
you can include in your application to make it easy to manage parts of your code if you
have a large project and don’t want to have to recompile you’re whole application to be
able to update a tiny part of your code. Dll,s end in the .dll extension

Static Library

Select this option if option if you want to create a static library which is similar to a dll
but if you use one of these the size of your application will become huge compared to
application that use Dll,s because the code from the library’s are put inside of your
application when you compile it.

Under Add Common header File For:


Check this option if you are planning to user the ATL (Active Template Library) library’s
in your applicants so that the program you create will include the header files for the
Library’s. MFC was introduced in 1992 with Microsoft's C/C++ 7.0 compiler for use with
16-bit versions of Windows as an extremely thin OOP/C++ wrapper for Windows API
(C). C++ was just beginning to replace C for development of commercial application
software (as predominant way to interface the API). With that, they also shipped the very
first replacement for (older, alphanumeric) IDE called PWB. New "App Studio" was a
good set of designers available at the time, still existent today (2008).


Check this option if you are planning to user the MFC (Microsoft® Foundation Classes)
library’s in your applicants so that the program you create will include the header files for
the Library’s. The Active Template Library (ATL) is a set of template-based C++ classes
developed by Microsoft® that simplify the programming of Component Object Model
(COM) objects. The COM support in Visual C++ allows developers to create a variety of
COM objects, OLE Automation servers, and ActiveX controls.[1] [2] Patterned after the
Standard Template Library (STL), ATL includes an object wizard that sets up primary
structure of the objects very quickly with a minimum of hand coding. The current most
up to date version of the Microsoft Microsoft® Foundation Classes is 9.0

Under additional options:

Empty project

Check this box if you want your project to be empty and not use the default template
includes and code template that is included

Export Symbols

This option will only become available if the empty project is checked. You only have to
use this option if you wish the compiler to export symbols from dlls when linking to them
in your application at the compiler

Precompiled Header

This option if you with to use a Precompiled Header to help out the compiler.
In many programs, the majority of header files that are included are provided by the
operating system. As a result, the compiler spends a significant proportion of its time
parsing the same files for every program that is compiled on a given platform. In modern
operating systems, there can be literally thousands of header files, and in some cases
many or all of these are included by a single master include file such as windows.h on
Windows or Cocoa/Cocoa.h on Mac OS X.
In order to reduce compilation times, modern compilers often allow these header files,
which rarely change, to be pre-compiled into a form that is easier for the compiler to
load. This intermediate form is known as a pre-compiled header, and is commonly held
on disk with the extensions .pch or .gch.

7. That’s it simply click the Finish button to create the project. The wizard correctly
initializes all the compiler settings for the project.

If you got this far well done you now know how to open Visual Studio What the start
Screen does and how to create a new project.

Using the Solution Explorer

Adding a Files to your Project

1. Right Click the folder you want to add a file to in the solution explorer and select
Add then New item (Figure 2.0) or click the add new item button on the toolbar
(see Figure 1.10) in my example I want to add a header (.h) file to my project but
you may add anything you want to your project after clicking new item.

2. Select the type of file you want to add from the box that opens (Figure 2.1) there
all labeled and it should not be that hard to figure out what each file is used for if
you have a little programming experience of enter there names into Google or
Wikipedia and do a little research after selecting the type of file you want to add
enter a file name in the Name box.

3. Choose a location for your new project in the Location box, either by typing a
directory path or by clicking Browse and navigating to the appropriate directory.
The default location should be ok though. To finish click Ok.

Figure 1.10
Figure 2.0

Figure 2.1
Editing Code:

1. To edit a file in Visual Studio simply Double-Click the file you want to edit in the
solution explorer or Right-Click the file in Solution Explorer and click Open
either way you will do exactly the same thing open the file for editing (Figure

Figure 2.2
2. Now edit and add the code for your program in code window (Figure 2.3)

Figure 2.3

Compiling and Executing the Program

Building the Executable

The next thing to do is build the source into a executable file. The term build in Visual
Studio I.D.E refers to compiling and linking the program. Visual Studio .NET compiles
any source files that have changed since the last build and any new resources into object
files (.obj), if no compile errors were generated in the compiler, then the build process
will carry on to the linker to perform a link of the generated object (.obj) files into a
executable file.

To build the executable, select Build Solution from the Build (Figure2.5) menu or press
Ctrl+Shift+B or F7.

Figure 2.5

An Output window displaying the build progress will appear near the bottom of the
Visual Studio .NET window. If no errors are encountered, the message Build: 1
succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped should appear in the Output window (Figure 2.4).

If any problems occur, the Output window will contain a list of errors and warnings, as
shown in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4
Executing your program

Once you’ve eliminated all errors and you’ve successfully built the project, you can
finally execute the program. Choose Start without Debugging from the Debug menu to
run the program. You can also press CTRL+F5 to execute the program or the easiest way
is to use the Start Debugging button on the toolbar (Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6

Linking Library Files

There are two ways I know of to link library files to your project the first way can be
used in your source (.cpp file) at the top or in a header file (.h file) type the following bit
of code:

#pragma comment(lib, "libname")

Where libanme is the name of the library

The second way in which you can link lib files is to go to the project menu then
Properties (see Figure 1.7) in the properties select

Configuration properties => Linker => Input

Then add the names of your lib files in the Additional Dependencies box like:

Libname1; libname2; Libane3 (See Figure 2.8)

Figure 2.7
Figure 2.8

Checking for I.D.E updates

Click Help => Check for Updates (See Figure 2.9)

Removing Files
Right click on the file you want to remove in the solution explorer and click the delete
option or press delete key. (see Figure 2.10)

Renaming Files

Right click on the file you want to rename in the solution explorer and click the rename
option or press F2. and retype the name of the file (see Figure 2.10)

Figure 2.10


In your code you can create header files into cpp files the header files that you create can
be included in your cpp files like this:

#include "stdafx.h"

And common windows header files like this

#include <windows.h>

Important note:

stdafx.h is required by Visual C++ Win32 API apps if you don’t have
#include "stdafx.h" as your first header then it will not compile

Figure 2.9
Tutorial Credits

Wap2k –

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