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1. What is your name?

2. What is your address?
3. What is your phone number?
4. How are you?
5. Where are you from?
6. What is your email address?
7. Where are the bananas in the supermarket?
8. How much is a cup of coffee in a restaurant?
9. Where do you have lunch?
10.What time do you have lunch?
11.Have a nice day!
12.How are you feeling?
13.Do you exercise?
14.What size are you?
15.When do you start work?
16.When do you finish work??
17.Do you get headaches?
18.Do you smoke?
19.When do you have classes at university?
20.What meal do you have in the morning?
21.Where do you exercise?
22.What day is today?
23.What day is before Wednesday?
24.When do you have a free day?
25.What is your favourite colour?
26.What colour are your pants?
27.When do you have holidays?
28.When is your birthday?
29.How many bedrooms are there in your house?
30.Is there a TV in your living room?

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