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Bandung, April 26, 2018

Dear, Mbak Desi

Mbak Desi is someone who sometimes "somplak". The first time I met I had the
impression that Mbak Desi is a serious person. After the passage of time my
opinion was wrong. Actually Mbak desi is a person who often jokes. Although,
sometimes Mbak desi can be serious as well.

Mbak desi is the one who always accused of being a pencil thief and eraser of
classmates. Although it's not, is it? hehe But it makes us laugh together, which we
can finally become close friends. So be patient yaa Mbak Desi.. hehe

Mbak Desi is the second oldest sister in the class, who should be married, like
Mbak Inggrid. hehe But unfortunately after Mbak Desi parted with the prince a
few years ago, Mbak Desi has not been able to find a figure who can accompany
her in happy or difficult. Essentially Mbak Desi looking figure who can make her
silent with the argument of the man. hmmm who is he? is there around DT?
maybe AA Gym? hehe

Let's do Mbak!! Not too choose, while later lecture at UPI. This is a great time to
find a life companion that Mbak Desi want. OK.. ;) hehe

Keep the spirit Mbak desi, InshaAllah we will always be friends together until
death separates us.

Thank you very much,

Best regards,


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