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How to Self-Improve - from Dr. Jordan Peterson 1. Make lists and schedules 2.

Know your personality

3. Practice microhabits to learn the habits of the opposite personality if you want to improve parts of
your personality 4. Imagine you're taking care of yourself like you're someone you love 5. 3 to 5 years
down the road: What do you want your friendship network to look like? How do you want your intimate
relationship to be going? How are you going to stay educated? How are you going to handle tempta-
tions of drugs and alcohol? Are you going to keep yourself healthy mentally and physically? What are
your career goals? What are you going to do with life outside of work? If you could have what would be
good for you, just what would that look like? Think it through. Write for 20 minutes about what your life
could like in 3-5 years if it was going the way that you wanted it to go? (Vision) Now imagine that you let
your weaknesses and character flaws get the upper hand and drag you into the ground. What does that
look like in 5 years? (Horrific vision) Next step: Make that into a detailed and articulated plan. "Well
you're not sure what habits to change or what personality traits to transform, you gotta kind of think
about that in relationship to what you want."

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