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The Brible: Chapter 1

English version - translated from Brobarian

Contains scriptures and quotes from
our ancient bro brothers
Chapter 1
”Let there be bros.”
The Brible: Chapter 1
In the beginning, there was no such thing as bros. The world was broless, empty
and alone. There were only people and friends, and of course Bro himself. Until
one day Bro felt lonely and said, ”let there be bros”, and two bros were made. Bro
Barbara and Bro Brad. One was female and one was male. Bro himself assigned
Bro Barbara and Bro Brad on a mission, to make bros and spread the bromance
throughout the world.
Before the two bros set off Bro himself told the bros ten fundamental rules a bro
must follow in order to be a bro. Those rules were:
1. A bro should respect and never discriminate another bro.
2. A bro deserves his/her peace, freedom and right to bromance.
3. A bro should always express loyalty and honesty towards other bros.
4. Once a bro breaks a rule of the Brible, that bro has the right to seek
forgiveness from Bro himself.
5. A bro should always keep a grateful heart and never express signs of greed.
6. A bro should never feel alone or be left out by other bros unless that bro
wishes to be left alone.
7. A bro should never be abandoned by another bro because of a hoe/man-hoe
unless that bro is okay with it.
8. A bro should often refer to his/hers bro as bro. The more the word bro is used,
the better.
9. A bro should always stand up for a bro in an argument or a fight. If a fight
breaks out a bro should always help another bro out even if the situation is life-
10. A bro should never ignore or break contact with a fellow bro unless that bro
has done something disgraceful. A bro should, however, be forgiven if he/she asks
for forgiveness.

After that, Bro Barbara and Bro Brad set off into the world to make bros and
spread the wise words of Bro himself.

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