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Journal of Parenteral and Enteral


Simple Acid-Base Tutorial

Phil Ayers and Carman Dixon
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2012 36: 18 originally published online 16 December 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0148607111429794

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Tutorial Journal of Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition
Volume 36 Number 1

Simple Acid-Base Tutorial January 2012 18-23

© 2012 American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Phil Ayers, PharmD, BCNSP; and Carman Dixon, PharmD
hosted at
Financial disclosure: none declared.

The nutrition support practitioner is confronted with numerous with common causes, are reviewed in this tutorial. (JPEN J
metabolic abnormalities in the daily care of patients. An under- Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012;36:18-23)
standing of the basic principles of acid-base balance, along with
the ability to recognize common causes of the various disorders,
enhances the clinician’s ability to provide specialized nutrition Keywords:  acid-base balance; metabolic; respiratory;
support. The basic metabolic and respiratory disorders, along acidosis; alkalosis

Preface The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation demonstrates

that the ratio of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide, not the
I (P.A.) have had the pleasure of precepting pharmacy, absolute values, determines pH.1,2
dietary, and medical students as well as residents in the
area of nutrition therapy for more than 20 years. A favor- Lungs
ite subject of mine has always been acid-base balance.
Over the period of 1 month on rotation, through lecturing In acid-base balance, the principal function of the lungs
and practical application, a transformation occurs in is regulation of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
these practitioners. The subject they so dreaded is now (PaCO2). This is commonly seen on laboratory reports as
clear, and these young clinicians challenge one another to pCO2 with the normal value of 35–45 mm Hg.1-3 The
ascertain a true understanding of each disorder. Practicing regulation of carbon dioxide is directly related to the rate
in the area of nutrition support gives the clinician a and depth of air movement in the lungs. A normal breath-
“hands-on” opportunity to discover how nutrition therapy ing pattern of a healthy individual is 14–18 breaths per
influences the various metabolic and respiratory disorders minute.1 Located in the arteries and the medulla are che-
seen in daily practice. moreceptors that may increase or decrease ventilation in
Acid-base homeostasis requires the lungs, kidneys, response to the patient’s pH, PaO2 (arterial partial pres-
and a complex system of buffers. The maintenance of a sure of oxygen), and PaCO2.1,2,4 An elevated PaCO2 is
normal pH of 7.35–7.45 of arterial blood is ideal for opti- commonly seen with hypoventilation, and hyperventila-
mal organ function. An arterial blood pH <7.35 is deemed tion is associated with a low PaCO2.1 The other major
an acidemia, whereas an arterial pH >7.45 is termed an function of the lungs is oxygenation of the blood. Oxygen
alkalemia.1-3 Disorders that lower the arterial pH to <7.35 in the arterial blood is present as PaO2, dissolved oxygen,
are defined as acidosis, whereas disorders with a pH and Oxy-Hgb (oxygen bound to hemoglobin).1,2
>7.45 are termed alkalosis.2 The Henderson-Hasselbalch
equation describes the metabolic and respiratory compo-
nents regulating systemic pH.2 Kidneys

pH = 6.1 + log ([HCO3–]/[0.03 × pCO2]). In acid-base homeostasis, the role of the kidneys is to
maintain the concentration of bicarbonate (HCO3–) in
the blood at approximately 24 mEq/L. The kidneys main-
tain acid-base homeostasis through 3 mechanisms1,2,5:
From Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi.
Received for publication August 19, 2011; accepted for publica- 1. Reabsorption of filtered bicarbonate in the proximal
tion October 18, 2011. tubule. The process is catalyzed by carbonic anhy-
Address correspondence to: Phil Ayers, Mississippi Baptist drase.
Medical Center, 1225 N. State St, Jackson, MS 39202-2002; 2. Titratable acid formation.
e-mail: 3. Excretion of NH4 (ammonium) in the urine.

Simple Acid-Base Tutorial / Ayers, Dixon   19

Acetazolamide is an example of a medication that can Anion Gap

induce a metabolic acidosis by inhibiting carbonic anhy-
drase.3 The anion gap is calculated using the following equation:
Na+ – (Cl– + HCO3–). The normal range for a calculated
anion gap is 8–16 mEq/L.1,2,7 Clinical laboratories do not
Blood Gases routinely measure anions (negatively charged) such as sul-
fate, pyruvate, lactate, or serum proteins that are negatively
Normal blood gas values for arterial and venous blood are charged. Normally, there are more unmeasured anions
provided in Table 1. Arterial blood gases identify the abil- (negatively charged) than cations (positively charged), thus
ity of the lungs to oxygenate blood, and venous blood explaining the positive anion gap.2 In a patient presenting
gases determine tissue oxygenation. The oxygen-Hgb dis- with a metabolic acidosis, an anion gap should be calcu-
sociation curve shows a sigmoid relationship between the lated. The anion gap is a useful tool in determining the
percentage of available oxygen-binding sites on Hgb that cause of the acidosis and may assist in treatment. Patients
are occupied and the PaO2. Hgb saturation remains above can present with a normal anion gap or an elevated anion
90% as long as the PaO2 is >60 mm Hg.1,2 If PaO2 is <60 gap metabolic acidosis.1,2,7 This subject will be addressed in
mm Hg, this may indicate a significant reduction in Hgb the discussion of metabolic acidosis.
saturation and impaired oxygen delivery to tissues.2
Arterial blood gas (ABG) values normally cited are pH,
PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3–, and base excess/deficit.1,2 In inter- Acid-Base Principles1-3
preting ABGs, the pH should be the first value to consider
in the diagnosis of acid-base disorders. A pH of <7.35 A summary of the expected results in the 4 simple acid-
represents an acidemia, and values >7.45 are representa- base disorders is demonstrated in Figure 1. In review of
tive of an alkalemia.1-3 A normal pH can occur in an acid- each disorder, you will note a primary occurrence fol-
base abnormality in mixed acid-base disorders. PaCO2, lowed by a compensatory response. For example, in respi-
commonly noted as pCO2 on laboratory reports, denotes ratory alkalosis, the primary issues are an elevated pH and
the ability of the lungs to excrete carbon dioxide. Carbon a decreased pCO2 by the lungs. The kidneys compensate
dioxide is the acid component of the carbonic acid/bicar- by excreting bicarbonate to assist in lowering the pH
bonate buffer system.2 PaCO2 may be elevated in respira- closer to normal. It is important to remember that the
tory acidosis or in a compensated metabolic alkalosis.1-3 body never overcompensates, and complete compensa-
Once the pH and PaCO2 are measured, a bicarbonate tion may not occur. Complete respiratory compensation
level can be calculated.1,2 The bicarbonate level from the requires adequate lung capacity, and complete renal com-
ABG or the serum bicarbonate (total carbon dioxide) pensation requires adequate volume status and normal
from the blood can be used to assess the acid-base status. renal function. In the case of the predicted level of com-
The total carbon dioxide, sometimes seen as CO2 on the pensation not occurring, this could be indicative of an
laboratory report, or HCO3– represents the base form of additional underlying disorder. It is important to remem-
the carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system.1-3 Total car- ber that respiratory compensation occurs in a matter of
bon dioxide may be elevated in a metabolic alkalosis or to minutes, whereas renal compensation may require 3–5
compensate for a respiratory acidosis. The base excess/ days. Formulas used for estimating the level of compensa-
deficit is a calculation that provides an estimate of the tion can be found in Table 2. These are estimates only,
metabolic component of the acid base. Base excess is and generally changes within 10% of the calculated
defined as the amount of H+ required to return the pH of values are seen with normal compensation. Changes
the blood to 7.4 if the pCO2 were adjusted to normal.6 A greater than 10% of the predicted value may be consistent
base excess may indicate a metabolic alkalosis, and a base with a mixed acid-base disorder.2 The following case stud-
deficit can occur in a metabolic acidosis.6 ies provide an example of how to use the compensation
Table 1.   Reference Blood Gas Values1,2
Arterial Blood Venous Blood Case Study 11-3,8
pH 7.40 (7.35–7.45) 7.36 (7.31–7.41)
pCO2, mm Hg 40 (35–45) 42–55 T.W. is a 65-year-old man with a past medical history
pO2, mm Hg >70 30–50 significant for an obstructive lung disease. He is admitted
HCO3–, mEq/L 24 (22–30) 24–28 to the intensive care unit (ICU) with shortness of breath
Base excess, mEq/L −3 to +3 −3 to +3 (SOB) and placed on bilevel positive airway pressure
O2 saturation >90 60–85 (BiPAP). ABGs and laboratory on arrival are as follows:
20   Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2012

Normal pH

Acidosis Alkalosis
↓ pH < 7.35 ↑ pH > 7.45

Respiratory Acidosis Metabolic Acidosis Respiratory Alkalosis Metabolic Alkalosis

[↓pH, ↑pCO2] [↓pH, ↓ HCO3-] [↑pH, ↓ pCO2] [↑pH,↑HCO3-]

Pulmonary Compensation: Pulmonary Compensation:

Renal Compensation: Renal Compensation:
Hyperventilation releases Hypoventilation retaining
Kidneys reabsorb HCO3- Kidneys excrete HCO3-
[↑pH, ↑HCO3-] [↓pH, ↓ HCO3-]
[↑pH, ↓pCO2] [↓pH, ↑pCO2]

Figure 1.   Compensation of simple acid-base disorders.1,2

Table 2.   Estimated Level of Compensation in Acid-Base Disorders1,2

Disorder Level of Compensation Formula

Metabolic acidosis ↓ PaCO2 = 1.2 × (normal HCO3– – measured HCO3–)

Metabolic alkalosis ↑ PaCO2 = 0.6 × (measured HCO3– – normal HCO3–)
Respiratory acidosis (acute) ↑ HCO3– = 0.1 × (measured PaCO2 – normal PaCO2)
Respiratory acidosis (chronic) ↑ HCO3– = 0.4 × (measured PaCO2 – normal PaCO2)
Respiratory alkalosis (acute) ↓ HCO3– = 0.2 × (normal PaCO2 – measured PaCO2)
Respiratory alkalosis (chronic) ↓ HCO3– = 0.4 × (normal PaCO2 – measured PaCO2)
Normal HCO3– = 27 mEq/L; normal PaCO2 = 40.

Sodium 145 (135–145 mEq/L) pH 7.38 (7.35–7.45) Case Study 21-3,8

Potassium 4 (3.5–5 mEq/L) PCO2 62.9 (35–45 mm Hg)
Chloride 104 (98–107 mEq/L) pO2 72 (80–100 mm Hg) T.W. is a 65-year-old man with a past medical history
CO2 34 (22–31 mEq/L) HCO3– 36.5 (24–30 mEq/L) significant for an obstructive lung disease and small
Serum urea 27 (7–20 mg/dL) Base excess 10 (+2) bowel obstruction. He is admitted to the ICU with SOB
and placed on BiPAP. ABGs, nasogastric tube to suction,
Creatinine 1.2 (0.7–1.5 mg/dL)
and laboratory on arrival are as follows:

Sodium 142 (135–145 mEq/L) pH 7.43 (7.35–7.45)

T.W. has a chronic condition; using the equation for
Potassium 4 (3.5–5 mEq/L) PCO2 62.9 (35–45 mm Hg)
respiratory acidosis from Table 2: (↑ HCO3– = 0.4 × ↑ Chloride 98 (98–107 mEq/L) pO2 72 (80–100 mm Hg)
PaCO2). ↑ HCO3– = 0.4 (62.9 – 40) = 9.16. The midrange CO2 42 (22–31 mEq/L) HCO3– 40.3 (24–30 mEq/L)
for HCO3– = 27; therefore, (27 + 9.16 = 36.2). T.W. is Serum urea 27 (7–20 mg/dL) Base excess 15.2 (+2)
within 10% of the predicted value. This case is then nitrogen
Creatinine 1.2 (0.7–1.5 mg/dL)
deemed a compensated respiratory acidosis.
Simple Acid-Base Tutorial / Ayers, Dixon   21

Table 3.   Causes of Metabolic Acidosis1,2,13

Anion Gap Non–Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis Hypokalemic
Diabetes mellitus RTA type 1 (distal)
Ethanol RTA type 2 (proximal)
Starvation Diarrhea
Toxic ingestion Fistulous disease
Ethylene glycol Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Methanol Hyperkalemic
Salicylates Hypoaldosteronism
Lactic acidosis Hydrochloric acid
Shock RTA type 4
Severe anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning Potassium-sparing diuretics
Seizures Amphotericin B
Liver disease
Medications (ie, metformin, nitroprusside, propofol, intravenous lorazepam)
Renal failure
RTA, renal tubular acidosis.

Table 4.   Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis1,2,13

Saline Responsive Saline Resistant
(Urine Chloride <10 mEq/L) (Urine Chloride >10 mEq/L) Miscellaneous

Cystic fibrosis Adrenogential syndrome Excessive bicarbonate administration

Gastric fistula Cushing syndrome Hypomagnesemia
Mineralocorticoids Gentamicin Nonparathyroid hypercalcemia
Nasogastric suction Licorice ingestion Penicillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin
Thiazide and loop diuretics Mineralocorticoids Refeeding syndrome
Villous adenoma Potassium depletion
Volume contraction Primary aldosteronism
Vomiting Renal artery stenosis

T.W. has a chronic condition; using the same equa- bolic acidosis include a decrease in cardiac output,
tion for respiratory acidosis from Table 2: (↑ HCO3– = 0.4 hypotension, increase in release of calcium from the
× ↑ PaCO2). ↑ HCO3– = 0.4 (62.9 – 40) = 9.16. The mid- bone, and increase in protein catabolism.9 The treatment
range for HCO3– = 27; therefore, (27 + 9.16 = 36.2). T.W. of a metabolic acidosis may include addressing the under-
is not within 10% of the predicted value. This case is then lying cause, normalization of volume, cardiac output,
deemed a respiratory acidosis from obstructive lung dis- oxygenation, and perfusion.1,2,7,9 Alkalinization with bicar-
ease and metabolic alkalosis from the nasogastric tube to bonate is reserved for severe cases.

Metabolic Alkalosis1,2,10
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis presents as a pH >7.45 and/or an ele-
Table 3 lists the common causes of metabolic acidosis. vated serum or calculated bicarbonate. Respiratory com-
Patients presenting with a metabolic acidosis will have an pensation via hypoventilation may occur, but this is typically
arterial pH <7.35 and/or a low bicarbonate level on the minor. Table 4 reviews the common causes for metabolic
chemistry panel or calculated from the ABGs. In the diag- alkalosis. Saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis is more
nosis of metabolic acidosis, the calculation of an anion common than saline resistant.1 The use of thiazide or loop
gap is imperative to determine if the acidosis is anion gap diuretics may precipitate a contraction of the extracellular
vs non–anion gap in origin.1,2 The lungs provide compen- volume and loss of chloride-rich extracellular fluid.
sation in patients presenting with a metabolic acidosis. Arteriolar constriction, reduction in coronary blood flow,
Lung compensation is initiated within a matter of min- hypokalemia, tetany, seizures, and delirium are adverse
utes.1,2 Adverse clinical effects associated with a meta- consequences seen with severe alkalosis.10 Treatment may
22   Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2012

Table 5.   Causes of Respiratory Acidosis1,2,13

Acute Chronic

CNS depression Central sleep apnea

  Medications (ie, opioids, propofol, sedatives) Tumor
  Head trauma Primary alveolar hypoventilation
 CVA Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Neuromuscular disease  Guillain-Barré syndrome Spinal cord injury
  Spinal cord injury Diaphragmatic paralysis
  Neuromuscular blocking agents Amyotropic lateral sclerosis
Botulism Myasthenia gravis
Acute airway disease Muscular dystrophy
  Status asthmaticus Multiple sclerosis
  Upper airway obstruction Poliomyelitis
  Exacerbation of COPD Hypothyroidism
Parenchymal and vascular disease Kyphoscoliosis
Massive pulmonary emboli COPD
Acute pleural or chest wall disease Severe chronic interstitial lung disease
  Flail chest
CNS, central nervous system; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVA, cerebral vascular accident.

Table 6.   Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis1,2,13

Pulmonary Central nervous system disorders
 Hypoxemia   Meningitis, encephalitis
  Mechanical ventilation   Head trauma, tumors, brainstem lesions
  Parenchymal lung disease  Anxiety
 Pneumonia Miscellaneous
  Bronchial asthma   Heart failure
  Diffuse interstitial fibrosis  Pregnancy
  Pulmonary embolism  Cirrhosis
Medication Salicylates  Sepsis
 Nicotine  Fever
  Xanthine derivatives  Pain

include volume replacement, correction of potassium and respiratory acidosis.1,12 Treatment may include antidotes
magnesium deficits, and carbonic anhydrase inhibition such as flumazenil and naloxone if benzodiazepines or
with acetazolamide.1,2,10,11 Treatment of metabolic alkalosis opioids, respectively, are implicated in the development of
associated with a primary mineralocorticoid excess includes hypoventilation.1,12 Other treatments may include bron-
the use of spironolactone.1,2 chodilators, steroids, antibiotics, and ventilator support.
Alkali therapy should be avoided.

Respiratory Acidosis1,2,12
Respiratory Alkalosis1,2,8
A patient presenting with a respiratory acidosis will have
a low pH and an elevated pCO2 on measurement of A low pCO2 and elevated pH are seen in patients present-
ABGs. Table 5 provides examples of acute and chronic ing with a respiratory alkalosis. Table 6 references the com-
causes of respiratory acidosis. Hypoventilation is closely mon causes of respiratory alkalosis. Anxiety-hyperventilation
linked with respiratory acidosis. The kidneys begin initia- syndrome is the most common cause of respiratory alkalo-
tion of compensation within 6–12 hours and may require sis. Complications related to the disorder include paresthe-
3–5 days for complete compensation.1,2,12 A greater altera- sia, confusion, chest wall tightness, dizziness, muscle
tion of pH is seen in acute vs chronic cases of respiratory cramps, and tetany. Treatment of respiratory alkalosis
acidosis. Anxiety, confusion, personality changes, halluci- includes rebreathing expired air, supplemental oxygen, or
nations, motor disturbances, and dyspnea may be seen in discontinuation of the offending drug.
Simple Acid-Base Tutorial / Ayers, Dixon   23

Case 11-3,10 the 4 basic acid-base disorders builds a foundation for the
practitioner to enhance his or her knowledge. A true
A 16-year-old girl presents to the emergency department clinical understanding requires utilization of the knowl-
(ED) with severe gastroenteritis, nausea, and vomiting. edge and application of the principles.
Laboratory and ABGs are ordered:

Sodium 130 (135–145 mEq/L) pH 7.47 (7.35–7.45) Glossary

Potassium 3.2 (3.5–5 mEq/L) PCO2 46 (35–45 mm Hg)
Chloride 86 (98–107 mEq/L) pO2 96 (80–100 mm Hg) Arterial serum bicarbonate (HCO3–): Once the PaCO2
CO2 32 (22–31 mEq/L) HCO3– 33 (24–30 mEq/L) and the pH are measured, the bicarbonate concentration
is calculated.
Disorder: Metabolic alkalosis.
PaCO2 (pCO2) Arterial partial pressure of carbon
1-3,7 dioxide: A measure of the adequacy of the lungs to
Case 2
excrete carbon dioxide, the acid component of the car-
bonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system.
A 67-year-old woman presents to the clinic for a routine
visit. Some laboratory abnormalities are noted, so the PaO2 (pO2) Arterial partial pressure of oxygen: A mea-
physician orders ABGs. sure of the level of oxygenation of arterial blood.
Sodium 135 (135–145 mEq/L) pH 7.33 (7.35–7.45) Venous total carbon dioxide (CO2): Represents the
Potassium 5.2 (3.5–5 mEq/L) PCO2 33 (35–45 mm Hg) base form of the carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system.
Chloride 108 (98–107 mEq/L) pO2 92 (80–100 mm Hg)
CO2 16 (22–31 mEq/L) HCO3– 18 (24–30 mEq/L)
Serum urea 54 (7–20 mg/dL) Further Reading
Creatinine 1.8 (0.5–1.5 mg/dL) Ayers P, Warrington L. Diagnosis and treatment of simple acid-base
disorders. Nutr Clin Pract. 2008;23:122-128.
Disorder: Non–anion gap metabolic acidosis. Hall TG. Arterial blood gases and acid base balance. In: Lee M, ed.
Interpreting Laboratory Data. 4th ed. Bethesda, MD: American
Case 31-3,12 Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc; 2009:179-189.
Langley G, Canada T, Day L. Acid-base disorders and nutrition support
treatment. Nutr Clin Pract. 2003;18:259-261.
A 27-year-old man with unknown past medical history
arrived to the ED via ambulance. Laboratory and ABGs
on presentation are as follows: References
1. Ayers P, Warrington L. Diagnosis and treatment of simple acid-
Sodium 137 (135–145 mEq/L) pH 7.25 (7.35–7.45) base disorders. Nutr Clin Pract. 2008;23:122-128.
Potassium 4.5 (3.5–5 mEq/L) PCO2 60 (35–45 mm Hg) 2. Hall TG. Arterial blood gases and acid base balance. In: Lee M,
Chloride 100 (98–107 mEq/L) pO2 55 (80–100 mm Hg) editor. Interpreting Laboratory Data. Bethesda, MD: American
CO2 25 (22–31 mEq/L) HCO3– 26 (24–30 mEq/L) Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc; 2004:263-277.
3. Langley G, Canada T, Day L. Acid-base disorders and nutrition
Disorder: Acute respiratory acidosis. support treatment. Nutr Clin Pract. 2003;18:259-261.
4. Kraut JA, Madias NE. Approach to patients with acid-base disor-
ders. Respir Care. 2001;46(4):392-403.
Case 41-3,8 5. Dubose TD. Acidosis and alkalosis.
Accessed August 10, 2011.
A 72-year-old man with metastatic colon cancer presents 6. Kellum JA. Determinates of blood pH in health and disease. Crit
to the ED with shortness of breath and the following Care. 2000;4:6-14.
laboratory values and ABGs: 7. Swensen ER. Metabolic acidosis. Respir Care. 2001;46(4):342-353.
8. Foster GT, Vaziri ND, Sasson CS. Respiratory alkalosis. Respir
Care. 2001;46(4):384-391.
Sodium 133 (135–145 mEq/L) pH 7.49 (7.35–7.45)
9. Adrogue HJ, Madias NE. Medical progress: management of life-
Potassium 3.9 (3.5–5 mEq/L) PCO2 28 (35–45 mm Hg) threatening acid-base disorders: first of two parts. N Engl J Med.
Chloride 102 (98–107 mEq/L) pO2 52 (80–100 mm Hg) 1998;338(1): 26-34.
CO2 22 (22–31 mEq/L) HCO3– 21 (24–30 mEq/L) 10. Khanna A, Kurtzman NA. Metabolic alkalosis. Respir Care.
Disorder: Acute respiratory alkalosis. 11. Adrogue HJ, Madias NE. Medical progress: management of life-
threatening acid-base disorders: second of two parts. N Engl J
Med. 1998;338(2):107-111.
Conclusion 12. Epstein SK, Singh N. Respiratory acidosis. Respir Care. 2001;46(4):
A basic understanding of acid-base balance is required to
13. Shannon M. Acid-base, fluid and electrolyte balance. In: Shannon M, ed.
practice in the area of specialized nutrition support. Haddad and Winchester’s Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug
Understanding the basic roles of the lungs, kidneys, and Overdose. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:208-221.

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