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The City School

Darakhshan Campus
Prep Boys Section
Revision Worksheet
History Class : 7

Name:_________________________ Sec: _______ Date: ________________

Topic:-The Mughal dynasty 1

Q1:- Match column A with Column B and write answer in C.

Column A Column B Column C

1. Babur 1618-1707

2. Humayun 1592-1666

3. Akbar 1569-1627

4. Shah Jehan 1508-1556

5. Jehangir 1483-1300

6. Aurangzeb 1542-1605

Q2:- Choose the correct answer:-

1. In November 1525 Babur accompanied by his eldest son Humayun and an army of only
____________________ crossed the hindukush.(4,000 men,12,000 men,16,000 men)

2.In 1539 and 1540 a muslim general called____________________ battled against Humayun. (Islam

3.Akbar set up a large zenana containing about _____________women.(4000,5000,6000)

4.In 1600 _____________of England gave permission to merchants to setup the British East India
Company.(Queen Elizabeth 1,King James 1, Thomas Roe)

5.Babur kept the record of his reign called ________________.(Akbarnama,Taimurnama,Baburnama)

Q3.A:-How did Akbar organize his Empire?


B.Whowere the women of Zenana?


C.What was the Hall of Worship?


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