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Medical Pharmacology at a Glance MICHAEL J. NEAL id Therapeutics, FOURTH EDITION Blackwell Science (©1967, 1992, 1907 20079 Blake Science Li “Blackwell Publishing Company ori Otic (Oyey Mead. Oxford OX2 OEE, UK "Tek +44 oni868 205016 Blackall Scicce ln, 350 Mai Suet, Malden, MA 02148-5018, USA Tet #1781 3488280 Blackwell Science Asa Py 4 Universit Set, Carton, Vitra 3053, Australia Tet +61 (039347 (HOD ‘lace Wisserschlts Vtg, Kurflrstndanm 57, 10707 Hetn, Germany “ek +49(0)30 327006) ‘The ight of the Autor wo be emia the Author ofthis Work hs been send inacconance with he Copyright, Designs and Patents At 988. Altrigts reserved No par of his publication maybe reproduced, stored ina false oF aslo, ny form oy any meas tone, Inechani,phoiccopsne reeling or erie, excep prt ye UK Consist, Designs an Pens Act 1B, tnt the pr permission the tine, Fit pubs 1987 Reprinted S88, 1989 ice), 1990, 1991 (ce) Seven eiton 1992 Reprint 1993 cove), 1984, 195 wie), 1985 Thinbeiton 1997 Reprint 1997, 198, 20002001 IsANOROsIaL9 {Catalogue recon for hte are abl from ne tis Library andthe Liters of Congres Sotin 11 pe Times by Gephirtt Li, Hong Kong Prin and Round i Great Stal by MPG Books Li, Bodin Coral Forfurter infomation on Blackwel Scene, vis our wes ‘er Contents 4 15 16 "7 18 19 20 Pi 2 2B Preface 7 How to.use this book 7 Further reading. 7 Introduction: principles of drug vetion 8 Drug-receptor interactions. 10 Drug absorption, distribution and exeretion 12 Drug metabolism 14 Local anaesthetics 16 Drugs acting atthe neuromuscular junction 18 Autonomic nervous system 20 Autonomic drugs acting at cholinergie synapses 22 Drugs acting on the sympathotic system 24 Ocular pharmacology 26 Asthma, hay fever and anaphylaxis: 28 Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract 1 Peptic ulcer 30 Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract I: Motility and secretions 32 ‘Drugs aeting on the kidney—diuretis 34 Drugs used in hypertension 36 Drugs used in angina 38 ‘Antiarrhythmic drugs 40 Drugs used in heart failure 42 Drugs used to affect blood coagulation 44 Lipid-lowering drugs 46 Agents used in anaemias. 48 Contral transmitter substances 50 General anaestheties 52 30 40 4 a2 4B 45 Anxiolytics and hypnoties $4 Antiepileptic drugs 56 Digs used in Parkinson's disease 58 Antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) 60 Drugs used inaffective disonders-antidepressants 62 Opioid analgesics 64 Drugs used in nausea and vertigo (antiemetics) 66 ‘Drug misuse and dependence 68 ‘Non-steroidal ant-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 70 Corticosteroids 72 Sex hormones and drugs 74 ‘Thyroid and antithyroid drugs 76 Antidiabetic agents. 78 Antibacterial drugs that inhibit nucleic acid synthesis: sulphonamide, trimethoprim, quinolones and nitroimidazoles 80 Antibacterial drugs that inhibit cell wall synthesis penicillins, cephalosporins and vancomycin $2 Antibacterial drugs that inhibit protein synthesis: aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, macrolides and chloramphenicol 84 Antifungal and antiviral drugs 86 Drugs acting on parasites. I: Helminths (worms) 88 Drugs acting on parasites. II: Protozoa 90 Drugs used in cancer 92 Poisoning 94 Adverse drug reactions 96 Index 98

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