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Superman has a uniform of colors blue and red, he has on his shirt a shield in form of “S”. He has a
cap color red and yellow boots. He has the hair black and blue ayes. He is very strong, he has
superpowers some of them are flying, running fast, vision x ray and vision of laser. He uses a
nikname, your nickname is Clark Kent. He has a a weakness that is cryptonite.


Batman is a man very strong and very intelligent, he is from gothic city and his house is a mansión.
He has a secret identity of name Bruce Wayne. he has a car with nikname of batimovil and
motorcycle color black, he has a friend of name Robin who is his assistant, his hiding place is a cave.
He his a enemy of name Wason. He is very serious but also is friendly. He has a lot money and a
Butler of name Alfred. His uniform is black with a shield of bat and his a belt with weapons of all


SPIDERMAN is a man very agile, he has different superpowers, he can jump very high and he can
climb buildings. He has a red and blue uniform with a shield of spider, he has a mask red with a
spider web. He has by name PETER PARKER. He has two uncles, the uncle May and the uncle Ben.He
is in love Marie Jane and he has a friend of name HARRY OSBORN which is also the Green goblin. He
Works as a reporter in the daily bugle and has a boss of name Jonah Jameson.

El futbol soccer

el futbol es un deporte que se juega con dos equipos de once jugadores, cada equipo tiene diez
jugadores de campo y un portero. se juega en un campo rectangular con limites pintados en los
bordes ademas de dos porterías y un balón, el objetivo del juego es que el balón entre en la portería
contraria para que tenga un punto, el equipo que tenga mas puntos gana el juego. tiene diferentes
reglas y el tiempo del juego esta dividido en dos tiempos de cuarenta y cinco minutos. el equipo
tiene un director tecnico que dirige y un capitan que esta en el campo de juego.

The Football is a sport that is played with two teams of eleven players, each team has ten field
players and a goalkeeper. It is played in a rectangular field with limits painted on the edges in
addition to two goals and a ball, the objective of the game is that the ball enters the opposite goal
to have a point, the team that has more points wins the game. It has different rules and the time of
the game is divided into two forty five minute times. The team has a technical director and a captain
who is on the playing field.

El libro “ el principito”

The Little Prince is a book that tells the story of a young man who lived on
a planet called B612. During the story he meets several characters who
are an aviator, a rose, a fox, the Serpent, the King, the vain, the drinker,
the businessman, the Bluffer and the geographer. The story describes the
strange way in which adults see life and understands the value of love and
friendship. The author of the book is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French
aviator and writer.
el principito es un libro que cuenta la historia un joven que vivía en un planeta llamado B612. el
durante la historia conoce a varios personajes los cuales son un aviador, una rosa, un zorro,la
serpiente, el rey, el vanidoso, el bebedor, el hombre de negocios, el farolero y el geografo. la historia
describe la extraña forma en que los adultos ven la vida y comprende el valor del amor y la amistad.
el autor del libro es Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, aviador y escritor frances.

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