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Monday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

1. Bench 3x8 RPE 7 (3reps in the tank)----8-----9----10(failure)

2. Incline DB Press

3. Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 3x8 RPE 7

4. Lateral Raises

5. Tricep Pushdown SS Dips on Ledge

6. Squat 3x8 RPE 7

2. Tuesday: Pull (Back, Biceps, Rear Delts, Abs)

1. Pull Ups 3x8-10

2. Barbell Row Overhand grip

3. Lat Pulldown

4. Preacher Curl machine SS Hammer Curls

5. Face Pulls SS Upright Rows

6. Leg Lifts on Captain Chair and burnout on Medx Ab Isolator

3. Wednesday: Of

4. Thursday: Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves,)

1. Deadlift 3x8 RPE 7

2. Leg Curls on Medx

3. Leg Press on Medx

4. Bulgarian Split Squats or Regular Lunges

5. Calf Raises on Leg Press or on Elevated Step

5. Friday: Chest, Back, Shoulders

1. Chest Press Machine (Moderate Weight)

2. Single Arm DB Floor Press

3. DB Single Arm Rows

4. Cybex Machine Chest Flys

5. A. Front Raises 3X10 (Giant set so do 5 a,b,c, back to back no rest)

b. side lateral 3x10

c. Bent over laterals 3x10

5. Planks (30-45 secs)

6. Saturday: of

2. Sunday: of

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