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Consider the following quotation:

Tu Reh can be described as a dynamic character. How has he changed, and what has

caused the change in his thinking?

In the novel ​Bamboo People ​second part,main points is about Tu Reh rescued a

Burmese soldier which is Chiko and bring him in to the camp.In this part of the book Tu

Reh changes the way he thinks about Burmese people such as they are not all bad people,

there are some people that is being forced and fight against other country.In the book

what I think changed Tu Reh’s thought the most is when Grandfather shows Tu Reh the

Holy Book and at that stage, Tu Reh thought to himself. ​“I know the words the old man

intended me to hear: a time to kill, a time to heal” (​ Perkins 170-171). In this quote,

Grandfather want Tu Reh to know that sometimes is time that he should kill and some

time he should heal, it is just depends on who has Tu Reh had met and if they are good or

bad.If they are good, heal, if they are bad kill. Also when Tu Reh was in the camp, he

knew that there were someone don’t want him in the camp anymore because he brought

Chiko back, when and he think back to the time when the Burmese distorted their loving

village.And he start to think to himself. “ I’d still do anything to get our village

back--anything to keep my people alive.But somehow this boy isn’t a part of that

anymore” (237). This quote is telling us that Tu Reh is starting ​daunting ​himself that all

Bermese ​is bad, he is now realizing that there are some good Burmese people.Just after

all the times that Tu Reh spent with Chiko, he is now changing his mind about the

Burmese people now.

Paragraph #2

Throughout the second part of the book, the people in the refugee camp keep calling
Chiko “​Tu Reh’s​ soldier” or “​your​ soldier” (talking to Tu Reh). Why does this upset Tu
Reh? Do you think Tu Reh regrets saving Chiko’s life?

In the novel ​Bamboo People ​part two, Tu Reh have save a soldier which is Chiko.He

bring Chiko back to the camp side to heal his wound.But when he gets there, people find out that

he have taken a Burmese soldier with him and they start calling Chiko his soldier, which makes

him very mad because he don’t want people to think that he is with the Burmese and he is not

longer belongs to the Karenni tribe.Karenni people thinks that if Tu Reh took him back, than he

is responsible about Chiko and that why they start calling Chiko ​Tu Re’s soldier​.When Tu Reh

hears president saying that Chiko is his soldier he was thinking to himself “I don’t like the sound

of that-- ‘your soldier.’ Doesn’t make me sound patriotic at all” (Perkins 201). When the

president says that Chiko is his soldier, Tu Reh does not feel comfortable at all, he thinks that the

president is trying to make him feel that he is not longer a part of the ​trib ​anymore.But later after

all the trouble, they are in a decision if they will keep Chiko in the camp or not, and the old man

said to everyone “If we give way to hatred, we won’t be any better than our enemies. I could not

longer call myself a Karenni if we killed him” (242). And hearing that Tu Reh released that

“This is what Peh was trying to tell me in the jungle, I realize” (242).The old man said to

everyone but only Tu Reh understands the most, now he realise that it was a good idea that he

brought Chiko back, he doesn’t regret it any more, what he have done is how to become a real
Karenni. Tu Reh have been through some trouble but now he doesn’t care about “Tu Reh’s

soldier” any more and he also doesn’t regret helping enemies any more.

Paragraph #3

Before I leave that afternoon, I quietly approach the teacher. I know I can trust him. He
used to scold Sa Reh and me about the way we hated the Burmese. “Revenge makes you
a prisoner,” he’d tell us, and we’d nod, but afterward, we’d joke about how he probably
lost his manhood along with his leg. (231)
Throughout the novel Mitali Perkins introduces characters that are more open-minded
than others. Tu Reh’s teacher is one of these characters. Use an example of another
character who is open-minded to explain the message Mitali Perkins is trying to teach us
about open-mindedness.

In the novel ​Bamboo People ​Mitali Perkins had introduced some very open-minded

characters, by introducing the characters,Mitali Perkins want to send us some message about

life.Character such as Tu Reh’s teacher also Tu Reh’s father but most of all is Chiko’s father.

Chiko’s father have been showed in just a few pages in the book that have described him

roughly. But just in these pages, Perkins have fully expressed how open minded that Chiko’s

father was, he said once to Chiko “Great doctor must understand human nature in order to heal”

(5). Chiko’s Father is trying to tell Chiko that he must understand what has happened around him

and the person he are healing so he can understand what is truly the problem in order to heal.And

the other person is also open minded is Tu Reh’s Father (Peh). He wasin the part of the novel

when he let Tu Reh decide what to do with Chiko at the jungle.When Tu Reh decide to take
Chiko, Peh said to Tu Reh “One decision leads to another, my son. God will show you the way.”

(153).Peh trying to tell Tu Reh that once you have made a decision, there's always a solution one

after another.This shows that Tu Reh’s Father and Chiko’s Father are open minded, they have

more knowledge in life and they are trying to tell their sons about that knowledge.And by

reading this novel the reader get the message just like Chiko and Tu Reh, and that is what

Perkins want the readers to do.

Paragraph #4

I hesitate. Enemy or no enemy, this is a bad thing to have to tell anybody. “Yes.
They had to. They saved your knee, though.”
“Your life depends on convincing them you’re not a spy. Can you do it,
Chiko?” (206-208)
What does this passage show about the relationship between the boys? What theme does
it help develop in ​Bamboo People?​

​ itali Perkins used different themes in the book.When Tu

In the novel ​Bamboo People M

Reh told Chiko that the president and other manager are coming to question him, Tu Reh said

Chiko “Your life depends on convincing them you’re not a spy. Can you do it, Chiko?”

(208).Perkins used hope as the theme because Tu Reh is now understanding that Chiko is not

what he thinks he is about Burmese, Chiko is just a boy and he is not a spy.That why Tu Reh

said to Chiko that, can he do it. He doesn’t want other Karenni people to leave Chiko out there,
in the jungle and die.He is hoping that Chiko can do it.Before when Tu Reh told Chiko that his

leg is gone, he saw Chiko crying “After a while he presses the colth against his eyes, even as his

other hand travels back to that pocket” (206). By this movement, Chiko gets the hope from the

picture inside his pocket. Even though he went through all the problems, he still have the

pictures.Which means that the picture really give him the energy to live.Perkins have put the

theme as hope because it can help Tu Reh and Chiko really understand each other.And by using

that theme, those two are now understanding each other and their life now.

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