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Jack Sayan

English 10

Helen Character Rough Draft

My patient Helen is a 30-year-old woman from Russia,and she is a city girl.

The problem with her is that she only cares about herself and not others. She also

flirts around other men in the house and doesn’t care about how others feel about it. Also

she is selfish to others and only wants the best for herself. The problem with that

situation is she hurting others and does not care about it because she is a selfish person.

Also she thinks that the world revolves around her and everything has to be her way.

In my notes during the session one of her roommates said;“No sooner did

you arrive here with your husband than everyone whom you found busy and

activity creating somethings worthwhile and productive, was forced to drop his

work and give himself up for the whole summer to your husband’s gout and

yourself. You and he have infected us with your idleness”. I think her roommate

is trying to say that she has taken over the house with her complaining and

grumbling Also the people in the house are starting to get annoyed with her

because they are tired of her huge ego in the house.

I think that problem with her is that she is alone too much and only has

herself to care for. I think that my patient Helen is alone most of the times and

only complains for the fun of getting attention, and my suggestion for that would

be for her to go out with other girls that are just like her.Also another

recommendation would be if she were stressed out she should go and sit down

and take a few breaths sts instead of complaining to the other men in the house

and making a huge scene. I think that these recommendations will help her
because it will have her not complaining and nagging others. It will calm her

down and not stress out about love and attention.

In conclusion I think that if she follows these steps she will have a

great life.

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