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FADE IN: Flashes of bright color. A Little confusing, exciting. BOOMING RHYTHMS of hip hop en Espanol. As the misic builds to a menacing crescendo, realize we are looking out the window of INT/EXT. ARMORED BOPE MILITARY POLICE ASSAULT TRUCK - RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL FAVELA ~ DAY Crammed inside the armored vehicle ave five nervous, sweating, heavily armed, BRAZILIAN ANTI-NARCOTICS MILITARY POLICE [The notorious fatathao de Operaces Foliciais Especiais. For short: 80PE] Next to them sits POPE, a civilian, American/ Late 30s - early 103/military bearing/ hard milage in his eyes/ who calmly watches the slum go by: = Reygars in rags. yo) - Bikini girls in less, on the prowl, hips ‘swaying. 1 = Lanky young druq punks, shirtless, openly carrying rifles and machine guns. Everybody hustling, struggling. POPE clocks it all and feels the| familiar twinge. So much poverty and pain in this ghetto, and yet, as usual, he was not here to help Not really. The SONIC THUMP of a POLICE HELICOPTER passing overhead interrupts his reverie, and we follow POPE'S gaze up to ~ INT/EXT. POLICE HELO FLYING OVER RIO DE JANETRO FAVELA Looking down on a CARAVAN Of THREE ARMORED BOPE MILITARY POLICE TRUCKS, and several POLICE CARS, as it snakes through the shanty town's maze. HELO PILOT (in Spanish, into radio) Ready, ready. We're close! INT/EXT, ARMORED BOPE MILITARY POLICE TRUCK - CONTINUOUS ‘TRUCK DRIVER (isto radio) Roger, roger The driver SHOUTS in Spanish to the cops in back, “approaching target", which sends them into a frenzy ot WILD SHOUTING, BANGING helmets and rifle butts, like a crazed rugby team -- all adrenaline and blood Last. ove, the lone civilian, remains quiet. Not judgmental. Not Surprised. He's seen this before, too. He smiles. try to chill these kids out. EXT. RIO FAVELA ~ CONTINUOUS The convoy turns into a decrepit apartment complex. Legend: RTO de_JANEIRO_ The vehicles stop, TWENTY BOPE MILITARY POLICE leap out and take up offensive positions under the orders of CAPTAIN DIEGO, who passes an M4 carbine to POPE. CAPTAIN DIEGO el -defense. POPE takes the weapon and chambers a round with the casual Hluency of a man who works with guns for a Living. EXT. RIO BARRIO - APARTMENT COMPLEX DIEGO, followed closely by POPE, cautiously guides the men ("tvo'up there," "you stay back," etc.) through the favela labyrinth ~ Around blind corners Up steep, locked-in stone staircases, passing residents with expressions of boredom and mistrust ~~ Onto an open avenue ECU POLICEMAN's faces: alert, tactical, strained. POPE'S FACE: calm DIEGO (in Spanish) Secure the perimeter! Approaching the largest, most run-down building in the hood, a dilapidated SIX STORY TOWER....when, out of nowhere, a warning shot rings out (from somewheré in the neighborhood). Suddenly 3 1. scale of the operation becomes apparent as nearly a dozen gang fighters appear in the windows_of the SIX STORY TOWER and let loose a barrage of automatic weapons fire ~ Bullets SNAP at the cops velow, striking one officer to the ground as they rush for cover, return fire, and the scene - Erupts into TOTAL CHAOS. EXT. RTO BARRIO APARTMENT COMPLEX ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS As bullets WHIZ by, POPE clocks the targets and terrain. we follow as he scans his eyes trom: -- Fire positions in the main building to -- Cover and concealment points on the street, back to fire positions above and below => Calculating distances, grades, angles - the shifting geometry of close quarters battle. n-And suddenly he's solved it and grabs oreGo to'get his attention over the gunfire: POPE, i (vez the pinded down cops) I Keep them there. DIEGO stares at him. Ts the Amerscan Loco? Pope (cont'D) One or two winutes - we'll find an overwateh position. bIeco (excited, in Spanish, into radio mie) can you hold your position? LT. CONSTANTINT (in spanish, over radio) Fuck no, we need to get back. POPE hears this over DIEGO's radio and shrugs. ope, One man*s opinion. Skeptically, Diego gives the order to hold position and

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