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DEBUSSY SUITE No.1 for Wind Quintet www , on MINSTRELS (CLAUDE DEBUssy Mo ne arranged by Norman Hallam molto rit. atempo accel. Vivo 3 1 1 EA —— nf ——_ Ff (© 1976 EMERSON EDITION, AMPLEFORTH, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND Al fra ofreroduetion or copying are Seg! unlers suthorned by the Publabe, ‘le moet fil eta of Composer, erenger end elton on PRS ear Ppp (possibile) PRP (Poss. ) P espr. y LO Le ft mf espr. cresc. 10 Tempo I 4 a tempo 1 EI Fe é SSS ——| ws pve 8 2 > tele ul if www LA FILLE AUX CHEVEUX DE LIN Molto tranquillo(/=06) 1 Rp ~~ P g [Al PP ee B a a tempo PP dolce Cc ey Un poco animato P = =, a 7” —=—_= Ss oS —_—== ¥ 3 =P 3 —_ wm Ol. tempo rit. 3 op ————— www,

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