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Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society.

Some people think that it

will improve people’s lives in many ways. Other feels that it may be a threat to life on

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?

People all around the world take into account the significance of genetic engineering.
Although it is sometimes thought that it has numerous benefits to humanity, others are of
the opinion that it could bring destruction to the ecosystem. However, in my opinion on
the issue is that both negative and positive effects of genetic engineering should be
carefully research and then should be used for the greater good for humanity.

There are certain factors of the genetically engineering products. Firstly, crop
modification will bring resistant to various plant diseases and it also targets infestation of
unwanted insects. In other words, the amount of pesticides and fertilizer used are
reduced. Furthermore, many countries are producing genetically engineered crops to
produce a good variety of plants and abundant harvest. Genetic engineering can also
address the increased food demand of people around the world.

However, some people argue that it brings long-term effects to humanity and
environment. Certain reasons for these are the concerns of human health in which most
modified food contain toxins that are harmful to us. Also, it produces a minimal amount
of nutrition. Another major concern is the potential harm to the environment. Once
genetically modified organism are released in the wild, it interbreeds with the native
organism and creates new species that may not be desirable.

Finally, in my view, it is essential to look at the positive side it brings to humanity. As the
population grows, the demand for food supply is increasing, thus, the natural method
cope the demand of the people. In this way, scientific way of plantation and farming are
fundamental in our environment. Many diseases that cause death to a large number of
people could be prevented using the blessing of genetic engineering.

In conclusion, there are good arguments for and against genetic engineering, so people
must continue to research various method to minimize the side effects of engineering
product to ensure the betterment of every individual in the future.

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