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wLKF bIK XuJ WR W?? ?O??? ?B? uK?F V?d?F e?d?

wU d b
d bL  wU d db

bOF `U bL  U

dF e d


UF 5_ .bI

uKF Vd?F WOKL? w W?BB?* W?OD r?UF* W?OLQ W?O?B uKF Vd?F ed? s UU1
s WKK b? WL?N t?IU? vK ed* c? bI? wD rOKF? w uO?( U W?O?B WO?D
WOD rUF* dA* d WU{ qOQ UEF Wd UKDB rF rF* c dF
UN W?UB* UBB? uJ UEF Wd? hB UM uN? ed* s UB WB?B*
qb VD r?U dFU X% bM d? U v W?U{U qOQ? wFOD ?F q
VD U?OK vK t?OL d?B?I rF* c U?LdO? WbO W?'UF* b _ V? q
U b UN W?IKF* UBB UEF W?d WUF Wd' U w? 5KUF U_ UC U/
WOKL qON WeOK$ Wb? UI rF* Vu - UL d) U_ s W?uL b w
W?O???B uKF VD U??OK s t?b???? s qJ b??O?H? r?F* c? uJ qQ

oOu w tK

w{uF tKb sLdb ub

UF 5_

bU* UF 5_ .bI

U?F? uK s U?H? U?NM U?O?F W?d?F* UJ nK?? UN??G v rd? 3_ rEF?

pc W?UF W?OLM? w rU W?O U?L v? rd W?FHM v U?N?UM U? q qu% sd?
dJH U? W?U?N WL?d? W?d? UO? w qUJ wU?I? uD W?b?I?* 3_ d??F
U/ rd* w hB? dA w W?Fd WOMN* U?Ld u u?O gOF UM r
sJ Wd{ dO? UNOU WUJU d?) YO UNO uIM?* WGKU WuI Wd?F s tb U0 wHJ
oO b UB qI YO WOb WL?d qUI*U b$ UNM uIM* WGK s sJL s b
e? W?U?I rK U?? uU? d?A? lU? d?I lKD c?M W?Od?F UM?G v W?L?d?
qOzU?O WU? wUO wuKHM* Ub?A UDND U? dO R U?UIK d?
L? R bM WLd? XU b?IK d b sLd b? rOJ( oO?u 5 t WL?OF
UGK s tMJ9 t?UI tL?K YO s rd* vK v_ W?bU n u WLd?U pc
dO WOM s nK WOM t uG UEM te bb?' WOMI WUI tU* UB qIM vK tb
U w UUI UJ_ qI UO tLN s qu q UM b d_ UGK s

oOu w tK

dA bL uIF ub

* UF 5_

- -
rF* b w uUA* U_

wU d db ub

Uu hL WB

wU d bd bL ub

Uu hL WB

WKO u s bL sb UL ub


wdJ WU ub


rF* WFd w uUA* U_

U UN b s bL ub

bOF `U bL ub


WOL bL U ub
Uu oA WB

- -
AA dB abductor/adductor W=dI b=F
active-assistive WU]FH bU*U o=KF AB/AD ratio VdI bOF W
AAA dB ABAQUS modelling fOU ^wuLM ZUd
antigen-extracted allogeneic ywHO ybC program
diagnostic arthroscopy, wBOA qBH* dOEM abatement W]H
operative arthroscopy, and lC wd' qBH* dOEM Abbott u^
possible operative qL* wd' qBH* A. gouge u^ u
arthrotomy A. knee approach u^ V Wd vQ
AAA bone bC* eM rE A. method u^ WId
AAA bone graft bC* eM wLE rF A. splint u^ dO
A1-A4 annular pulleys 4 1 W]OIK( dJ Abbott-Carpenter dMU u^
AAD dB A.-C. posterior approach u^ V ^wHK) vQ*
atlantoaxial dislocation yu ywIN lK dMU
AAI dB Abbott-Fischer-Lucas hip u^ V u qBH U
activating adjusting j=AM* UJ arthrodesis Uu dAO
instrument Abbott-Gill qO u^
AAL dB A.-G. epiphyseal plate WOUA* WOHB nA
ant ax line ^wU_ ^wD ^j) exposure qO u^ V
anterior axillary line ^wU_ ^wD ^j) A.-G. epiphysiodesis u^ V WUA* XO
American Academy of w=]d' W]OJd_ W]O1U_ A.-G. osteotomy qO u^ V rEF lD

Orthopaedic Surgeons UEF Abbott-Lucas Uu u^

AARF dB A.-L. arthrodesis u^ V qBH* U
atlantoaxial rotatory fixation yu ywIN ydb XO Uu
AAS dB A.-L. shoulder operation u^ V nJ W]OKL
atlantoaxial subluxation yu ywIN ywze lK Uu
AB/AD dB Abbreviated Injury (AIS) dB* WU r]K

Scale(AIS) abduction-external y U bOF
ABD dB a.-e. rotation (AER) wU) bOF db
abdominal ywMD a.-e. rotation fracture ^bOF ydb dJ
abduction bOF ^wU)
abdominal (ABD) ywMD abductor b=F b=F
a. binder ywMD e a. digiti minimi (ADM) WKC dBM) b=F
a. dressing ywMD bOLC a. digiti minimi manus bO dBM) b=F* WKCF
a. flap W]OMD WKb musculus WKC
a. incision ywMD yo a. digiti minimi muscle WKC dBMK b=F* WKCF
a. injury WOMD WU a. digiti minimi nerve dBMK b=F* VB
a. lap pad sD u U a. digiti minimi opponens dBMK b=F* WKUI*
a. muscle WOMD WKC plasty
a. pad WOMD U abductor WKC b=F*
a. syndrome WOMD W a. digiti minimi pedis bI dBM) b=F* WKCF
abd pollicus WKC UN b=F musculus WKC
Abduct bF b=F a. digiti quinti (ADQ) WKC dBM) b=F
abducted thumb b]F* UN a. digiti quinti muscle WKC dBM) b=F WKCF
abduction (ABD) bOF a. digiti quinti dBMK b=F* WKUI*
a. bolster W]bOF U opponensplasty
a. brace ybOF UM a. digiti quinti tendon dBM) b=F d
a. contracture ybOF l^HI a. hallucis muscle WKC bI UN b=F
a. deformity ybOF ^uA a. hallucis tendon bI UN b=F d
a. external rotation ^bOF ^wU) db a. insufficiency b=F* uB

a. external rotation test =bOF =wU) db U a. lever arm WFd b=F
a. finger splint W]bOF l dO a. lurch bOF `^d
hinge a. y= bOF a. mechanism b=F WO
hip a. u bOF a. muscle WKC b=F* WKCF
a. hip orthosis uK b=F WuI a. osteotomy bOF] rEF lD

a. humeral splint bCFK b=F dO a. pollicis brevis (APB) UN b=F* dOBI
humerothoracic a. yb ybC bOF WKC
index finger a. WU] bOF a. pollicis brevis muscle UN b=F* dOBI WKCF
a. osteotomy bOF rEF lD
a. pillow bOF U a. pollicis brevis tendon UN b=F* dOBI d
a. pillow cover splint bOF U UD dO a. pollicis longus (APL) UN b=F* WKuD
a. splint bOF dO WKC
a. stress test =bOF UN U a. pollicis longus muscle bO UN b=F* WKuD WKCF
a. test bOF U WKC
a. thumb splint UN b=F dO a. pollicis longus tendon bO UN b=F* WKuD d
a. traction technique >bOF >d WId a. pollicus WKC UN b=F
a-b-duction (as dictated) vKL UL bO a. tendon b=F* d

abductor / adductor oV W=dI b=F Orthopaedic Surgery UEF .uI Wd'
(AB/AD) Abouna splint Uu dO
a. ratio VdI bOF W above vK
abductor-plasty b=F* a. elbow od* vK
flexor pollicis longus a.-p. UN WOM* WKuD b=F* a. knee (AK) Wd vK
bO above-elbow o d* vK
Smith flexor pollicis longus UN WOM* WKuD b=F* a.-e. amputation od* vK d
a.-p. YOL V bO a.-e. cast od* vK VU

abductory ybOF above-knee (AK) Wd vK

a. wedge osteotomy bOF wMOH rEF lD
a.-k. amputation Wd vK d
abductovalgus b]F a.-k. prosthesis Wd vK Wb
hallux a., hallux abductus b]F* _ bI UN ABPTS dB
valgus American Board of Physical ^wJd_ u fK*
abductus b=F b]F Therapy Specialists =wFOD F =wO UB
digitus a. b]F l abrader W 
hallux a. (HA) b]F b
UN cartilage a. dCG W
metatarsus a. b]F jA Abraham-Pankovich tendo V =wIF du `OKB
pollex a. b]F UN calcaneus repair gO uJU Ud
abet ]d abrasion W Z
abetted ]d a. arthroplasty =w qBH*
abetting id a. chondroplasty =w dCG
ABG cement free hip system V d( w* u UN Abrikossoff tumor uuJd
ABG abscess Wd d
ability b Brodie a. d d
squatting a. UBdI vK bI button a. y d
ablation U collar button a. y= yw
u d
nerve rootlet a. VBF U horseshoe a. yc d
surgical a. ywd U intraosseous a. rEF q d
ablative surgery W]OU Wd' paraspinal a. UMK U d
abnormality ^uA c paravertebral a. UIHK U d
dislocation contour a. lK) UH c pelvic a. u( d
fibropathic a. UO_ c posterior pharyngeal a. uFK nK d
sensorineural a. ywB yw= c psoas a. W]OMDI WKCF d
spinal cord injury without s ywuA UM WU retropharyngeal a. uFK nK d
radiographic a.'s WOUF WduB c retrosternal a. =hI nK d
(SCIWORA) (SCIWORA) spinal a. ywzUO d
tissue texture a. (TTA) W_ uM c subcutaneous a. bK' X d
abnormal shoe wear UA c( d subperiosteal a. UL X d
ABOS dB subphrenic a. U( X d
American Board of ^wJd_ u fK* subplatysmal a. W]bK' oMF WKC X d

subungual a. dHE X d acanthotic ywu
abscessogram d) u acceleration U
absence WO UO angular a. y U
congenital intercalary ^u rI* dD UO swing-phase a. `Q u U
limb a. tibial a. ywuM U
congenital terminal limb a. ^u wzUN dD UO acceleration/deceleration RU qOF WU
absent uIH 2 VzU 1 injury
a. patella WzUG WH{d accelerometer U  UOI
a. radius WzUG dFJ piezoelectric a. wDG{dNJ U UOI
a. reflex VzUG fJFM* access UOuKF WU
a. spinous process VzUG ^wuA TUM southern a. WOuM WU
a. thumb VzUG UN accessoria W]O U{
a. ulna VzUG be os carpalia a. ywU{ ywG rE
absolute refractory period oKD* d( d accessorius w U{
absorbable pin UB qU u^ talus a. ^wU{ VFI
absorptiometry UB UO accessory ywU{
dual energy x-ray a. ^wzUM UB UO
Auto Glide walker a. V wU{ wA* qJO
(DEXA, DEXA scan) ^w
UD ^wMO ^wUFA b u
DEXA WdH a. bone ywU{ rE
dual photon a. wzUM UB UO
a. collateral ligament ywU{ ywU U
(DPA, DPX) DPX DPA wuuH a. communicating tendon yuU q= u d
absorption UB a. digit ywU{ l
bone a. rEF UB Isola spinal implant system ywu ywd ywU{ UN
bony a. ywLE UB a. e V
energy a. W
UD UB a. lateral collateral ligament ^wU{ ^wAu ywU' Ud
shock a. WbB UB a. motion W]OU{ Wd
abut r a. movement technique W]OU{ Wd( WId
abutment WU a. navicular rE ^wU{ ^w
abutted rb a. navicular cast ^wU{ ^w
abutting WLb a. nerve ywU{ VBF
AC dB a. nerve injury wU{ VBF WU
acromioclavicular yu
d ywd a. ossicle W]OU{ WLOEF
AC joint ^u
d ^wd_ qBH* a. phalanx W]OU{ v
AC joint separation u
d wd_ qBH* UBH pneumatic drill a. ^wU{ ^wzuN VI*
ACA dB portal a. ywU{ ywU
American Chiropractic W]bO W'UFLK W]OJd_ WD]d a. portion ^wU{ rI
Association a. sesamoid ywU{ ywULL
acanthoma y JzU
w accident U
epidermolytic a. dAK yU ywJzU cerebrovascular a. (CVA) yw= ywzU U
acanthosis niogricans u u motor vehicle a. (MVA) Wd U]O U

acclivity vId acetabula o( UI_
accommodation curve n^OJ vMM (pl. of acetabulum)
accomodation WIUD n^OJ acetabular y =I
accordion test uu_ U a. allograft yw=I ywHO rF
Accuflo ultrafiltration = b * `OdK uKHO UN
a. angle W]O=I W
system a. augmentation graft yw=I eeF rF
accumulation r d a. cap =o( uMK

onset of blood lactate a. b U rd b a. cement compactor eMJ* ^w=I( *

(OBLA) a. component yw=I =uJ
Accurate Surgical and W]Od' W]OLKF _ Wd a. component loosening w=I( =uJ* qIKI
Scientific Instruments WIO b a. cup =o( n'
Corporation (ASSI) a. cup arthroplasty w=I( nK qBH
a. cup holder w=I( nK pL
A. adherent bandage W
uBK WUB a. cup peg drill guide w=I( nK b VI qO
A. bandage WUB a. cup positioner w=I( nK WFCO
A. bandage reduction WUBF ^d a. cup template w=I( nK U d
A. intramedullary femoral wIM q UL UN a. endoprosthesis W]O=I W]OK Wb
nail system V =cH a. expander w=I `U
A. pin u^ a. extensile approach lOuK qU
yw=I vQ
A. Unifix fixation apparatus V fJOHu XO UN a. fracture yw=I d
a. gauge ywI UOI
A. Unifix fixation device V fJOHu XO eON a. guide w=I( qOb
a. knife =o( WMO=J
A. wrap WUH a. labrum o( UH
Ace-Colles f=u a. osteolysis o( rE
A.-C. external fixator V ywU X= a. posterior wall fracture w=I( wHK) b' d
f=u a. pressurizer w=I( jGC n=OJ
A.-C. fracture frame f=u V d U a. prosthetic interface W]O=I W]Ob WNO
A.-C. frame technique V U WId a. protrusio deformity o( U ^uA
f=u a. reamer =o( uI
Ace-Fisher dAO a. rim =o( W]U
A.-F. external fixator V ^wU) X=* a. rim fracture =o( W]U d
dAO a. rim syndrome o( W]U W
A.-F. fracture frame dAO V dJ U a. seating hole o( bFI WI
A.-F. frame dAO U a. slot yw=I VI
A.-F. ring frame dAO V ^wIK( U a. spacer o( UH
ACET dB a. trial set yw=I ywd r
aquatic cardiac evaluation U wzU* VKI rOOI acetabuloplasty =o(
and testing Albee a. w V =o(
ACET system dB Pemberton a. udL V o(

shelf a. = ( =
o acetylsalicylic a. (ASA) pOKOOU qO_ iL
acetabulum, pl. acetabula UI_ ^o( fenamic a. pOUMOH iL
deep-shelled a. dAI oOLF ^o( gadolinium-diethylenetriami wzUM uOMOU' iL
floor of the a. =o( U
ne pentaacetic a. wUL 5_ w 5KO
intrapelvic protrusio a. u( q U yo pO_
lip of a. =o( WH gadolinium-labeled w 5KO wzUM iL
malunited a. =o( U u diethylenetriamine uu* pO_ wUL 5_
protrusio a. =o( U U yo pentacetic a. uOMOU'U
weightbearing dome of a. =o( u WKU( W]I gamma aminobutyric a. pdOuMO UU' iL
acetaminophen 5 uMOUO gamma-aminobutyric a. pdOuMO UU' iL
acetate UO (GABA) UU
methylprednisolone a. ueObd qOO UO indoleacetic a. pO b iL
triamcinolone a. uuMOUd UO [para]-aminosalicyclic a. pOKOOUuMO U iL
acetonide bOuO polyglycolic a. pOuJOK' =bF iL
triamcinolone a. uuMOUd bOuO polylactic a. pO =bF iL
acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) pOKO U qO_ iL salicylsalicylic a. pOKOU qOU iL
ache l valproic a. pdUH iL
theater a. U]OKLF Wd l acid-citrate-dextrose dO iL uK
acheiria bO bF solution d 
Achilles qO d u dF acidosis UL
A. advancement u
dF .bI Acinetobacter b]d
A. peritendinitis u
dF bL UN A. anitratus W]Od bd
A. squeeze test u
dF dB U A. wolffii W]OuIK bd
A. tendinitis u
A. tendon u
dF anterior cruciate ligament ^wU_ ^wOKB Ud
A. tendon advancement u
dF d .bI ACL drill ACL VI
A. tendon lengthening u
dF quD ACL drill guide ACL VI qO
A. tendon reflex u
dF fJFM ACL graft knife ACL rF 5=J
A. tendon rupture (ATR) (ATR) u
dF ^eL ACL reconstruction ACL UM
A. tendon shortening u
dF dOBI ACL repair ACL `OKB
A. tendon test u
dF U Acland b
achillobursitis u dF d UN A. clamp approximator b UIK dI
achillodynia u dF l A. double clamp V UIK* ^wzUM dI*
Albert a. d V u
dF l approximator b
achondroplasia W aclasis dCG u b
achondroplastic dwarfism Wu We diaphyseal a. ywb b
Achterman-Kalamachi d]DK =uE]A nB=M bF ACL-deficient knee ACL uF W
fibular hemimelia wUU Ud V ACOEM dB
acid 2 UL iL 1 American College of =wMN* =VDK W]OJd_ W]OKJ
iU Occupational and =wO

Environmental Medicine acromionectomy d_ lD
acorn Wu^K Armstrong a. Zd V d_ lD

Midas Rex a. f bO Wu^K acromioplasty d_

acoustic myography wFL  qCF jOD anterior a. d ywU
acquired V J acromioplasty d_
a. clubfoot WJ* UHM( bI McLaughlin a. sKu p V d_
a. flatfoot WJ U] b
McShane-Leinberry- 5 p V d_
a. immunodeficiency VJ* WUM* u W Fenlin a. 5KM dMO
syndrome (AIDS) b Neer a. dO V d_
a. myopathy VJ ywKC acropachy UUNM s
a. torticollis VJ dF acrosyndactyly lU _ UUN UH
acral lentiginous melanoma w d]D ^wALM ^w* u acrylic pOKd
Acrel ganglion d bI a. bar prosthesis W]OJOKd_ W{UF Wb
acrocephalosyndactylism lU _ UH d r^M a. bone cement wJOKd_ rEF 
acrocephalosyndactyly lU _ UH d r^M a. cap splint W]OJOKd_ uMKI dO
acrokeratoelastoidosis UNdI UUNM d a. cement ywJOKd 
acromegaly WKd UUNM WU{ a. implant material ywJOKd_ dG U
acromial ywd a. orthotic device W]OJOKd_ .uI eON
a. angle d_ W a. template splint W]OJOKd_ U d* dO
a. spur d_ ULN ACS dB
a. spur index (ASI) (ASI) d_ ULN VM anterior compartment wU_ e=O( W
acromiale wd syndrome
os a. ^wd_ rEF ACSM dB
acrominonectomy d_ lD American College of Sports =VDK W]OJd_ W]OKJ
acromioclavicular (AC) (AC) yu d ywd Medicine w{Ud
a. articulation ^u
d ^wd_ qBHL ACSM Guidelines for U sdL U
a. cyst W]u
d WOd WO Exercise Testing and ACSM n u
a. injury classification wd_ UU nOMB Prescription
d Act uU
a. joint (AC joint) ^u
d ^wd_ qBH* Americans with Disabilities UUF 5OJd_ uU

AC qBH* A. (ADA) (ADA)

a. joint dislocation u
d wd_ qBH* lK United States Vocational Uu w wMN* qOQ uU

a. joint injury u
d wd_ qBH* WU Rehabilitation A. b*
a. joint repair u
d wd_ qBH* `OKB ACTH dB
a. ligament u
d wd_ Ud adrenocorticotropic dEJ dAI t]u* udN
a. separation u
d wd_ qB hormone
acromiocoracoid ligament ^wdG ^wd_ Ud actinic keratosis l U dI
acromiohumeral interval W]bCF W]Od_ WK UH actinomycosis UO=FA
acromion d_ action qF
nonunion of a. d_ U b a. current qFH U]O

double-pendulum a. e* ]uM qF a. treatment W KU W'UF
inversion of muscle a. WKCF qF I active-assistive (AA) (AA) WKUH bU *U o=KF
A. Jr. wheelchair U]IM UMO wd qF a.-a. range of motion WdK bU qU U
a. line qFH ^j activities of daily living (ADLs) W]OuO UO( WDA
a. potential (AP) (AP) qFH sU (ADLs)
activated partial j]AM* 5ud s U activity UA

thromboplastin time test U]Oze a. adaptation UAM l 
(APTT) a. analysis UAM qOK
activating adjusting (AAI) jOAM UJ biphasic end-plate a. wzUM W]OzUN WOHB UA
instrument (AAI) uD
activation jOAM cingulate gyrus a. we( nOHK UA
a. force jOAM ]u
a. configuration UAM WFO
latency of a. jOAM uL discrete a. eFM* UAM
order of a. jOAM d diversional a. wd UAM
activator j=AM endplate a. W]OzUN WOHB UA
tissue-type plasminogen a. wOM 5 b]u j=AM functional a. wHOu UAM
jLM a. grading w^b UAM
active jA jU a. group WDU WUL
a. assisted range of motion sUL jAM bU* U: increased insertional a. e* ^dG UAM
exercises Wd( insertion a. dG UA
a. assistive motion therapy WDAM bU* Wd(U W'UF involuntary a.  UAM
a. bending test jAM UM U level of a. UAM u
a. contraction jU l^HI mechanoreceptor a. W]OJOUJO* WKI* UA
a. electrode jU ywdN d monophasic end-plate a. U_ W]OzUN WOHB UA
a. flexion jU wM uD
a. hip movement WDUM u Wd motion a. wd( UAM
a. insufficiency qU uB
motor a. ^wd( UAM
a. mobility jU ^d opsonic a. wzUND UAM
a. motion WKU Wd a. pattern analysis UAM d qOK
a. motion testing (AMT) (AMT) WKUH Wd( U physical a. wzUeOH UAM
a. movement WKU Wd prolonged insertional a. ]uD* ^dG UAM
a. movement testing WKUH Wd( U purposeful a. UN UAM
a. and passive range of WdK qFHM* jUM U* reduced insertion a. iHM* dG UA
motion spontaneous a. wzUIK UAM
a. range of motion (AROM) WdK qUH U* sudomotor a. =dF* UAM
(AROM) a. synthesis wIOK wzUA UAM
a. range of motion exercises Wd( sUL qUH U* volitional a. UAM
a. range of movement WdK qUH U* voluntary a. UAM
a. restraint qU bO
actuator wJOUJO q=GA
a. technique WKU WId NYU-Hosmer electric elbow uO V ywzUdN od

and prehension a. wC
q=GA dLu a. traumatic lesion ]U WO{ W
wU acyclovir dO uKJO
ACU-derm wound dressing dK d uO UL{ ADA dB
ACU-dyne antiseptic s uO d=ND Americans with Disabilities UUF 5OJd_ uU

Acufex Wd fJ u Act 5

A. alignment guide fJu V nO d qO adactyly, adactylia lU _ bF
A. arthroscopic wKBH* dOEM ULF Adair d
instrumentation fJu V A. breast clamp bK d UIK
A. basket fJu W]K A. screw compressor d V VuK jU{
A. convex rasp V ]b* U* Adam
fJu A. and Eve rib belt splint V {_ e dO
A. curved basket forceps V WOMM W]K jIK u
fJu A. sign W
A. double-lumen We wKBH* dOEMK W]OM
A. test U
arthroscopic cannula fJu V nu adamantinoma ywzUMO
A. drill fJu VI Adamkiewicz artery gOHJ Ud
A. drill-guide fJu VI qO Adams e
A. Edge fJu A. arthrodesis e V qBH* U
A. nerve hook fJu V VBF U]M A. forward-bending test V U UM U
A. punch fJu W]d e
A. rotary biting basket V W]K lU
] jIK A. hip operation e V u W]OKL
forceps fJu A. procedure e d
A. rotary punch fJu V Wud W]d) A. saw e UAM
A. scissors fJu U]BI A. splint e dO
A. tibial guide V W]OuME bd* A. test e U
fJu A. transmalleolar VFJ d qBH* U
Acumeter lL]  UOI arthrodesis e V
acupressure ^d jGC A. view e dEM
acupuncture d eu Adapin 5
acute U adaptation
a. angular kyphosis U( ye b( activity a. UAM
a. fracture U( dJ adapter WR
a. hematogenous ub wIM rEF UN chuck a. iI* WR
osteomyelitis U( Collet screwdriver a. X=u V =pH* WR
a. inflammatory U( wUN c' French a. gMd WR
polyradiculopathy Hudson chuck a. ub V iI* WR
a. ischemic contracture U( ^UH
l^HI Jacobs chuck a. fuU V iI* WR
a. low-back syndrome ]U( dNE qH W Lloyd a. bu WR
a. transverse myelitis U( dF* UM UN Smith-Petersen nail with WRK sd YOL UL
a. traumatic hemarthrosis U( yw{d qBH* w=b Lloyd a. bu

Trinkle brace and a. qJd WR UM a. origin W=dI* QAM
Trinkle chuck a. qJd V iI* WR a. pollicis brevis tendon bO UN W=dI* dOBI d
Adapteur multi-functional nzUu =bF* VI* qO a. pollicis muscle WKC bO UN W=dI* WKCF
drill guide u V a. pollicis paralysis bO UN W=dI* WKCF qK
Adaptic Wd pO a. pollicis tendon bO UN W=dI* d
A. crown pO U a. pollicus WKC bO UN W=dI
A. dressing pO UL{ a. reflex W=dI* fJFM
A. gauze pO U a. tendon W=dI* d
A. packing pO uA a. tendon and lateral WEH* W=dI* d dd%
ADD dB capsular release W]OAu
adduction VdI a. tendon release W=dI* d dd%
Add-A-Clamp jI VdI a. tenotomy =dI* du lC
Hex-Fix A.-A.-C. fJ V jI VdI a. tenotomy and obturator UB =dI* du lC
fJ neurectomy (ATON) b VBF
addict sb adductovarus deformity Z d ^uA
drug a. =b< sb adductus d
Addis test f U congenital metatarsus a. y d
adduct =dI dynamic metatarsus a. ywJOUM d
adducted thumb ]dI* UN metatarsus a. (MTA) (MTA) d
adduction (ADD) VdI A-delta A- U
a. contracture ywdI l^HI A.-d. fiber A-U nO
a. deformity ywdI ^uA A.-d. nociceptor ending A-U W]_ WKI WUN
a. osteotomy wdI rEF lD
adenine arabinoside (ARA-A) buMO_ 5M
a. stress test wdI UN U (ARA-A)
a. test VdI U adenoma y =b

a. traction technique wdI =d' WId papillary a. ywLOK y=b
a-d-duction (as dictated) vKL UL V adenomyosis y=b UC
adduction-internal rotation wdI wKb db ^uA adenosine suM
deformity a. thallium scan suM_ uOU WdH
adductocavus y BL d
w adherent profundus tendon oBK* oOLF du
metatarsus a. ywBL d
jA adhesion UB
adductor =dI band-like a. wDd jdA q UB
a. aponeurosis W=dI* UH qJA
a. hallucis longus bI UN W=dI* WKuD capsular a. ywEH UB
WKC fibrous a. ywMd UB
a. hallucis tendon bI UN W=dI* WKuD d filmy a. wLK UB
a. hamstring tightness =dI* iQ* d bA a. formation UB q^JA
a. longus muscle rupture WKuD W=dI* WKCF ^eL adhesion/cohesion pUL UB W]OJOUJO
a. magnus WKC dOJ W=dI* mechanism
a. muscle group W=dI* CF WuL adhesive o

- 10 -
APR cement fixation a. o   XO adjustment UJ
Aron Alpha a. V UH o a. of cervical spine W]O
d UO= UJ
Biobrane a. duO o chiropractic a. W]bO W'UF* UJ
a. capsulitis o  WEH* UN a. equipment UJ ]bF
Coverlet a. XOdu o general a. yU UJ
cyanoacrylate a. duUO o a. of lumbar spine WOMDI UO= UJ
Histoacryl glue a. wO ywKd ywzd o set-hold a. dO pU UJ
Implast a. X u s o specific a. ywu UJ
ligand a. 5' o a. of thoracic spine W]bB UO= UJ
medical a. yw= o toggle-recoil a. bIF UL b UJ
methyl methacrylate a. dUO* qOO o adjuvant bU 
Orthomite II a. II XOu o a. chemotherapy bU W]OzUOLO W'UF
Simplex cement a. fJOKL  o Adkins eMO
a. strapping o Uz A. arthrodesis eMO V qBH* U
Superglue a. uKdu o A. spinal fusion eMO V dIH Z
Surfit a. XOu o A. technique spinal WIdD WdIH q UH* U
ADI dB arthrodesis eMO
atlantodens interval W]O=M WOINH WK UH ADLs dB
atlantodental interval W]O=M WOIN WK U activities of daily living W]OuO UO( WDA
adipose tissue wLA ZO M ADM dB
adiposis dolorosa W*R WU abductor digiti minimi WKC dBMK b=F*
adjoining pedicle U WIu Administration
adjunctive bU  Occupational Safety and W]OMN* W W]B
a. fixation bU XO Heath A. (OSHA) (OSHA)
a. screw fixation bU* VuK XO Adolescent od
Adjustaback wheelchair dNEK e]N =d ywd a. back pain 5Id* w dNE r
backrest system a. idiopathic scoliosis V uN: 5Id* nM
adjustability UJ a. kyphosis 5Id* b
3-D positional a. UF_ w l{u UJ a. scoliosis 5Id* nM
adjustable jCK qU u{ ADQ dB
a. aiming apparatus uC VuB UN abductor digiti quinti WKC dBM) b=F
a. aiming device WuC VuB eON adrenal dEJ
a. connector Wu{ WKO a. cortex dEJ dA

a. nail u{ UL a. disorder dE dD{

a. pedicle connector WuC WIu WKO adrenocorticotropic dEJ dAI t]u* udN
a. splint Wu{ dO hormone (ACTH) (ACTH)
adjustive uC adrenogenital syndrome W]OKUM W]dEJ W*
a. art WuC UN ADROM dB
a. thrust WuC d uC l ankle dorsiflexion range of wdNE UM Wd U
a. treatment uC motion qUJK

- 11 -
Adson u a. flap W]O1bI WKb
A. bur u VI a. flap graft yw1bI wKb rF
A. cerebellar retractor u V ywO UF heel cord a. (HCA) (HCA) VIF q .bI
A. chisel u qO Johnson pronator a. V W]UJ WKCF .bI
A. drill u VI uu
A. drill guide u VI qO Lloyd-Roberts-Swann bu V yb .bI
A. drill guide forceps u VI qO jIK trochanteric a. u fd
A. forceps u jIK Maquet a. XOU .bI
A. maneuver u UM Murphy Achilles tendon a. wdO V u
dF .bI
A. periosteal elevator u V UL WF patellar a. ywH{ .bI
A. retractor u UF plantar calcaneonavicular w
e wIF Ud .bI
A. rongeur u W{]d
ligament-tibialis posterior wHK) du wBL_
A. saw guide u UAM qO tendon a. wuME
A. sign u W profundus a. oOL .bI
A. spiral drill u V weK( VI* tendon a. du .bI
A. suction tube u V =h* u trochanteric a. yb .bI
A. test u U vastus medialis a. (VMA) W]O WF]* WKCF .bI
A. twist drill u V uH* VI* Wagner profundus a. dMU V oOLF .bI
Adson-Rogers perforating u V VIMK VI Wagner trochanteric a. dMU V b* .bI
drill d advancer =bI
ADT dB adventitia W]O]d WG
anterior drawer test wU_ =d' U adventitial yw]d
adult mU a. scissors ywd yhI
a. gait 5GU WOA adventitious yw]d
a. respiratory distress w W]O^HM WIzUC W Aebi-Etter-Coscia fixation w V =s  d  XO
syndrome (ARDS) (ARDS) 5GU dens fracture UO Ju d
a. scoliosis 5GU nM AEP dB
a. scoliosis patient 5GU nM UB id auditory evoked potential ]d* ^wFL sUJ
a. scoliosis surgery 5GU nM Wd AER dB
advancement .bI abduction-external rotation bOF wU) db
Achilles a. u
dF .bI aerate =uN ]u
Achilles tendon a. u
dF .bI aeration u
Atasoy V-Y a. V Y-V qJA .bI aerobe yw szU ywzuO
U aerobic ywzuO
advancement .bI a. bacteria W]OzuO rOd
calcaneonavicular w
e wIF Ud .bI a. cellulitis U]OzuO(U qKN UN
ligament-tibialis posterior wuME wHK) du a. exercise ywzuO sdL
tendon a. a. infection U]OzuO(U b
Chandler patellar a. dbU V WH{d .bI a. walking ywzuO wA
en bloc a. wK .bI AerobiCycle W]OzuO

- 12 -
Universal A. WKU W]OzuO change dLFK
aeroplane splint dzUDU WNO dO Agee w
Aeroplast dressing Xd bOLC A. carpal tunnel release V wGd oHM dd% UN
aeruginosa W]Ue system w
Pseudomonas a. W]Ue WHze A. force-couple splint ]uI We* dO'U ^d
Aesculap Wd OJ reduction w V
A. clamp OJ UIK A. 4-pin fixation device WF_ XO eON
A. drill OJ VI w V fOU
A. saw OJ UAM Agee-WristJack U X w
Aesculap-PM noncemented nM WO* dO cH Wb A.-W. external fixator w V wU) X=*
femoral prosthesis PM OJ U X
AFC dB A.-W. fracture Deduction w V dJ = UN
anticipating financial U* iuF l^
u system U X
compensation A.-W. fracture reduction w V dJ = UN
affection W ]K system U X
patellar a. W]OH{ W]K agenesis ^uJ o^K b
affective disorder wHU dD{ caudal spinal a. W]eF UO o^K b
afferent edLK jO; s q U lumbar a. wMDI o^K b
a. fiber nO sacral a. eF o^K b
AFI total hip replacement AFI u qU b Wb agenetic wI^K
prosthesis a. fracture wI^K d
AFO dB agent qu qU
ankle-foot orthosis qUJ bI WuI antipyretic a. v]LK yUC qU
AFO brace AFO UM Cara Klenz cleansing a. nOEMK eMK U qU
AFO pediatric brace UH_U ^U) AFO UM chymopapain blocking a. sUUuLOJ UB qU
A-frame orthosis rEFK W]U WuI contrast a. ywMU qU
AG dB phlogistic a. wUN qU
antigravity W]OU' ^b{ physical a. wzUeO qU
AGC dB uricosuric a. puO iL( yb qU
A. Biomet total knee A V WKUJ Wd UN water-soluble contrast a. U* w ] wMU qU
system XuO AGF dB
A. total knee system A V WKUJ Wd UN angle of greatest flexion wLE_ UM W
AGE dB agglomerans WK=J*
angle of greatest extension wLE_ b W Enterobacter a. WK=J* WOzUF_
age dL aggressive wb
bone a. wLEF dLF a. infantile fibromatosis wKH ywb ywHO
Greulich-Pyle bone a. gOKd V wLEF dLF a. solitary plasmacytoma dHM* U]U
qU wbF
skeletal a. wKJON dLF a. tumor wb
age-associated degenerative WUB* W]O ^JM d^OG agility drill oO VI

- 13 -
agitans U] Ainsworth modification of w=U UL * fM qbF
paralysis a. uMU U] qK Massie nail
Agliette UOK air u
A. measurement UOK UUO
a. contrast ywzu sU
A. supracondylar V WLIK u rEF lD
a. drill wzu VI
osteotomy UOK a. embolism wzu ULB
Agnew splint uOM dO a. filter W]Ozu W=d
agonist iU a. pressure splint W]OzuN WDUC dO'
a. muscle WCU WKC a. splint W]Ozu dO
agonist-antagonist WCUM WCU Air-Back spinal system U d V ywU UN
agonistic muscle WCU WKC airborne bacteria uNU WuIM rOd
Ahern trochanteric d V yb UC Aircast XUd
debridement A. brace XUd UM
AHSC dB A. fracture brace XUd V dJ UM
Arizona Health Science W]OB uKFK Ue ed A. leg brace XUd V U UM
Center A. pneumatic brace XUd V wzuN UM
AHSC elbow prosthesis Ue ed V od* Wb A. Swivel-Strap qHu XUd U
W]OB uKFK A. walking brace XUd V wA* UM
AHSC-Volz AHSC eu Air-Dyne bicycle s d WK
AHSC-V. elbow prosthesis AHSC eu V od* Wb air-flow enclosure uN o^ b U
AHSC-V. hinge AHSC eu ] Airfoam splint W]Ozu u dO
A-hydroCort A- ubO Air GEL ankle brace W]Ozu WN qUJ UM
Aicardi syndrome UJ W q d
aid bU  UN u WMOF airplane dzU
Carex ambulatory a. W]u' fU WMOF a. cast dzU]DU WNO dO
erogenic a. WOM' uNA oAK WMOF a. splint dzU]DU WNO dO
AIDS dB a. splint orthosis dzU]DU WNOA dO' WuI
acquired immunodeficiency VJ* wUM* uF W air-powered cutting drill wzu lU VI
syndrome Air-Stirrup ]dO d
patient(s) with A. (PWA) bU UB id A.-S. ankle brace d V qUJ UM
AIM dB ]dO
AIM continuous passive AIM ]dL WKFHM Wd A.-S. brace ]dO d UM
motion AIS dB
AIM CPM AIM ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( Abbreviated Injury Scale dB* WU r]K
AIM femoral nail system V cH UL* UN AITA modular trauma AITA V ]bF* `{d UN
AIM system
aimer UF Aitken sJ
Arthrotek femoral a. pd V cH UF* A. epiphyseal fracture V wUA* dJ nOMB
tibial a. wuME UF* classification sJ
Ainslie acrylic splint wK V WOJOKd_ dO' A. femoral deficiency sJ V cH uF

- 14 -
AJ dB A. synovectomy V wKOe UAG UB
ankle jerk qUJ WCH Xd
AK dB Albright-Chase Xd V qBH*
above-knee Wd u arthroplasty eUA
above knee Wd u Albright-McCune-Sternber u p Xd W
applied kinesiology wIOD Wd( rK g syndrome dd
AK prosthesis W]OIOD Wd( Wb albumin 5u
Akin 5 Alcock canal uJ UM
A. bunionectomy 5 V WFu UB alcohol u
A. osteotomy 5 V rEF lD
denatured a. uA u
A. phalangeal osteotomy V UO UE lD
a. fat embolism syndrome wMb ULB W
5 wuJ
A. procedure 5 d a. injection uJ sI
A. proximal phalangeal WOb UO UE lD
polyvinyl a. qOMOH bb u
osteotomy 5 V Alcon uJ
ala, pl. alae WM UM A. Closure System uJ V oKG UN
Alanson amputation u d A. Instrument Delivery _ lu UN W]OMO
alar wUM System tray uJ V
a. crease wUM sC aldolase b
a. dysgenesis wUM' ^uJ qK Aleve nO
a. ligaments W]OUM' WD_ Alexander bM J
a. rim W]OUM W]U A. chisel bMJ qO
a. screw wUM Vu A. gouge bMJ u
Albee w A. periosteal elevator bMJ V UL WF
A. acetabuloplasty w V =o( A. rasp bMJ U
A. bone graft w V wLE rF A. technique bMJ WId
A. drill w VI A. view bMJ dEM
A. orthopaedic table UEF .uI Wd bCM Alexander-Farabeuf bM J V UL  lC
w V periosteotome uU
A. osteotome w V rEF lC Alexian Brothers overhead su_ V d u U
A. spinal fusion w V dIH Z frame UO J
Albee-Compere fracture w V d J bCM alexithymia wHM dI ^cF
table du alfa UH
Albee-Delbert procedure d w d epoetin a. 5u UH
Albers-Schonberg disease du d d alfentanil qOUMH
Albert achillodynia d V u dF l a. hydrochloride qOUMH_ buKbO
Albright Xd Alginate dressing UMO'_ UL{
A. hereditary V yw ywLE q algodystrophy rR q
osteodystrophy Xd a. syndrome rR* q( W
A. syndrome Xd W algoneurodystrophy rR* wBF q(

- 15 -
algorithm W]Ou A. reduction  ^
Clanton-DeLee a. w u W]Ou A. sign 5 W
injury a. WU W]Ou A. test 5 U
Tile polytrauma a. =bF* UU  qO W]Ou A. wrench 5 uK
align n= d Allen-Brown prosthesis d 5 Wb
alignment nO d Allender vertical laminar uLF wOHB Ud' W d
anatomic a. wdA nO d flow room bM V
atlantoaxial a. u ywIN nO d Allen-Ferguson Galveston 5 V u( XO
colinear a. wDU nO d pelvic fixation u HU u d
dynamic a. wJOUM nO d Allen-headed screwdriver 5 V ypH
extramedullary a. wIM U nO d Allen-Kocher clamp du 5 UIK
a. of fracture fragment dJ Wb nO d allergenic arthritis yw ywKBH UN
a. guide nO d qO allergy W]O
a. index nO d VM latex a. fJ W]O
patellar a. WH{d nO d Allgower stitch u' d
patellofemoral a. c ywH{ nO d Alliance rehabilitation V qOQ U UE
a. pin nO d u^ system fUO
poor a. nOF{ nO d alligator forceps wU L jIK
a. rod nO d VOC
all-inside repair qbK =qJ `OKB
rotational a. db nO d Allis fO
sagittal anatomic a. wdA ywLN nO d A. clamp fO UIK
static a. sU nO d A. forceps fO jIK
tibiofemoral a. c wuM nO d A. maneuver fO UM
AliMed Wd bO w A. sign fO W
A. Conductive Patient w V id q= u wMJ Alli test w U
Shifter bO Allman acromioclavicular W]u d W]Od_ WU nOMB
A. Diabetic night splint dJU v{d* W]OKO dO injury classification U* V
bO w V all or none law bF =qJ uU
A. insert bO w d allodynia dUG r
AliMed-Freedom arthritis w V qBH* UN U allogeneic lyophilized bone wHO) wLEF rFD d u
support bO grafts implant material b]H: bOLU n]H*
Aliplast custom molded foot W uB< WuI* bI WuI allogenic wHO
orthosis XO V a. bone graft wHO ywLE rF
Alivium uOHO a. graft wHO rF
A. implant metal uOHO V WObF Wd allogenous bone graft wHO ywLE rF
A. implant metal prosthesis V W]Ob WObF Wd allograft wHO rF
uOHO acetabular a. w=I ywHO rF
alkaline phosphatase W]uKI UUH H bone a. wLE wHO rF
Allen 5 bone-tendon-bone a. wLE d wLE ywHO rF
A. maneuver 5 UM femoral a. c ywHO rF

- 16 -
femoral cortical ring a. W]cH dAI WIK( ywHO rF ALPSA lesion ALPSA W
femoral diaphyseal a. c ywb ywHO rF ALRI dB
a. iliac bone wH
d( rEFK ywHO rF anterolateral rotary wU_ dbU dI b
intercalary a. rI ywHO rF instability wU'
intercalary diaphyseal a. rI wb ywHO rF ALRI test ALRI U
large composite a. dO V]d ywHO rF ALS dB
a. ligament replacement wHO rFD Ud b amyotrophic lateral sclerosis uLC wU' V^KB
osteoarticular a. wKBH ywLE ywHO rF anterolateral sclerosis wU' ywU_ V^KB
osteochondral a. wdC ywLE ywHO rF Alta U
shell a. dA
ywHO rF A. cancellous screw U V ywMH Vu
tendon-bone a. d wLE ywHO rF A. CFX Reconstruction U V CFX UM VOC

a. transplantation wHO) rFD Rod

allograft-host junction yu q u wHO rF A. cortical screw U V ydA
AlloGrip bone vise Vdu^ V rE WeK A. cross-locking screw V yw lUI Vu
allopathic medicine WO W'UF* ^V U
alloplastic oKF dOOG] ]U oKF A. lag screw U V T=JK Vu
uC rF^DU A. modular system U V ]bF UE
a. graft uC rF A. modular trauma system U V ]bF* `{d UE
a. material uC rF^D u A. tibial-humeral rod bCF wuME VOCI
Allo-Pro hip system d u UN U V
allopurinol d W'UF* uMuu^ A. transverse screw U V dF Vu
dIM bU puO iL alta WOU
alloy WDOK patella a. WOUF WH{d
cobalt-based a. XUuJ vK bLF WDOK alteral ligament =b U
cobalt-chromium a. W]OUu W]Od WDOK alteral sensation =b U
Eligoy metal a. uO V W]=eKH WDOK) alternative qb
stainless steel a. bBK WUI W]u WDOK graft material a. qb rFD u
titanium a. W]OuOUO WDOK Alumafoam splint u Uu^ dO
Vitallium a. W]OuOUO WDOK alumina W UMOu
all-polyethylene socket 5KO wu s t^K aM a. bioceramic joint uO( qBH* qU W{UF
Allport retractor u UF replacement UMOu_U we)
aloe vera wIOI( dB U A. cemented total hip V w* w=KJ u Wb
Alpha Chymar ULO UH prosthesis UMOu
alpha-chymotrypsin 5 duLO UH aluminate UMOu
alphaprodine sdUH calcium a. uOUJ UMOu
Alprazolam d aluminum uOMu
ALPSA dB a. bridge splint uOMu_ s Wd dO
anterior labrum periosteum wU_ UHA UL w W a. contouring template set s wUH U d rI
shoulder arthroscopic nJ qBH dOEM uOMu_
lesion a. fence splint uOMu_ s W]OUO dO

- 17 -
a. finger cot splint uOMu_ s l bL dO a. traction ]u yd
a. foam splint uOMu_ u dO AMC total wrist prosthesis md qU Wb
implant alloy a. uOMu_ s W]Od WDOK AMD dB
a. master rod uOMu_ s wOz VOC
arthroscopic UEM0 dIK dN: UB
a. oxide arthroplasty bOQ qBH* ]U microdiskectomy qBH*
material uOMu_ AME dB
a. oxide ceramic coating uOMu_ bO s ywe American Medical W]OJd_ W]O=D U]OdJ
a. splint uOMu_ s dO Electronics Wd
a. toxicity uOMu_U r^L amebiasis UO_
a. wire splint uOMu_ s dO amelanotic 5O* .b
Alvarado Orthopedic V UEF Wd U amelia d_ bF
Research UH American ywJd
alvei W]Od^M A. Academy of Orthopaedic w]d' W]OJd_ W]O1U_
Hafnia a. W]Od]M W]OMUN Surgeons (AAOS) UEF
alveolar wM A. Board of Orthopaedic wJd_ u fK*
a. rhabdomyosarcoma W]OM WD]D W]OKC WuU Surgery (ABOS) UEF .uI Wd'
a. soft part sarcoma aM s s=OK e' WuU A. Board of Physical wJd_ u fK*
ALVO dB Therapy Specialists wFOD F wO UB
anterolateral ventricular W]OU W]OU W]OMOD W (ABPTS)
opening A. Chiropractic W]bO W'UFLK W]OJd_ WD]d
amalgam ULGK rGK Association (ACA)
amantadine sUU A. College of Occupational wMN* =VDK W]OJd_ W]O=KJ
AMBI dB and Environmental wO
A. compression hip screw W]OUGC u Vu UN Medicine (ACOEM) w{Ud =VDK W]OJd_ W]O=KJ
system (AMBI) WdA A. College of Sports
A. fixation (AMBI) WdA XO Medicine (ACSM)
A. hip screw (AMBI) WdA u Vu A. Heyer-Schulte chin dU V WOJd_ s
c Wb
ambidextrous j{ prosthesis Xu
ambifixation sON'U XO A. Heyer-Schulte-Hinderer V WOJd_ =b) Wb
ambulate dO ]u malar prosthesis bM Xu dU
a. with assistance bU0 dO ]u A. Heyer-Schulte prosthesis W]OJd_ Xu dU Wb
ambulation dO u A. Heyer-Schulte Radovan WOJd_ ZM U Wb
assisted a. bU0 u tissue expander prosthesis U Xu dU V
crutch a. U]JF dO u A. Medical Electronics W]OJd_ W]O=D U]OdJ
functional a. wHO u (AME) Wd
prosthetic a. Wb dO u A. Orthopaedic Society for UEF .uI Wd W]OFL
ambulatory ^u]U `U ]u Sports Medicine w{Ud =VDK W]OJd_
a. function W]u WHO A. Physical Therapy FK W]OJd_ WD]d
a. status WU WU W]u WU Association (APTA) wFOD
^u]U A. Seating Access-O-Matic W]Oe W `O ywJd dd

- 18 -
bed uKK `U amplitude-summation r^d b
A. Society for Testing of u* U W]OJd_ W]OFL' a.-s. interferential current r^d b* 5 ywKb U]O
Materials (ASTM) a.-s. interferential current 5 wKb U]O WIdD W'UF
Americans with Disabilities 5 UF* 5 5OJd_ uU therapy (ASICT) r^d b*
Act (ADA) Ampoxen sling 5 u F
A-methaPred A dUO amputation d
Amico drill uJO VI above-elbow a. od* vK d
Amigo mechanical uO V yw UI ywd above-knee a. Wd vK d
wheelchair Alanson a. u V d
amikacin 5UJO Beclard a. J V d
aminoglycoside buJOKuMO below-elbow a. od* qH d
aminoglycoside-impregnate WdA* buJOKuMO_ W below-knee a. Wd qH d
d methyl methacrylate dUO* qOO0 Berger interscapular a. dd V nJ q d
bead Bier a. dO V d
amino-hydroxy propylidene sbOKOd w bO uMO bilateral a. VU' ^wzUM d
diphosphonate UuH H wzUM border ray a. wU ywUF d
aminophylline 5=KO uMO Boyd a. bu V d
amitriptyline 5KOdO Boyd ankle a. bu V qUJ d
AMK total knee system AMK WdA WKU W UN Bunge a. Zu V d
AML dB Burgess a. fu V d
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis uLC wU' V^KB Burgess below-knee a. fu V Wd qH d
AML hip prosthesis AML WdA Wb Callander a. b] V d
AML socket AML WdA aM central ray a. W]ed* W]F_U d
AML Tang femoral AMK WdA W]c Wb chop a. lDIU d
prosthesis Chopart a. bIK Uu d
AML total hip prosthesis AML WdA u qU Wb circular open a. W]dzb WH d
AML Total Hip System AML WdA u qU UN closed a. oKG d
AML trial hip component WdA wd wu =uJ* closed flap a. oKG* WKb d
AML congenital above-elbow a. u od* vK d
amnesia U congenital below-elbow a. u od* qH d
hypnotic a. W]O1uM U disarticular a. qBHL UBH d
Amoss sign u W fingertip a. WKL_ d
amphetamine 5UOH fish-mouth a. WJL r qJA d
amphiarthrodial disk w UH d forearm a. bU d
amphiarthrosis wKBH UH Gordon-Taylor V wHK) ld d
amphotericin B 5 dOuH_ hindquarter a. uKO u
ampicillin 5=KO O_ Gritti-Stokes a. fu wd d
Amplatz anchor system e V Ud* UN guillotine a. lDIU d wKBI d
amplitude b hand a. bO d
high velocity/low a. iHM bWOU Wd index ray a. WU]K ywUF d

- 19 -
interilioabdominal a. 5H
d( 5 ywMD d AMS dB
interinnominoabdominal a. sOO]L 5=D) 5 wMD d anti-migration system dN lM UN
interpelviabdominal a. u( sD sO cH d Amset ALPS (anterior WOU_ WO * WOHB UN
interphalangeal a. UO 5 d locking plate system) U  V
Jaboulay a. wuU V d Amspacher-Messenbaugh uM  dU 
King-Steelquist ZMO V wHK) ld d A.-M. closing wedge V oKG* wMOH lDI
hindquarter a. XuJKO osteotomy uM dU
a. knife d WMO=J A.-M. technique uM dU WId
Lisfranc a. pdHO V d Amstutz eu 
middle finger a. vDu l d A. cemented hip prosthesis V W]O* u Wb
midthigh a. cH j d eu
multiple ray a. =bF ywUF d A. femoral component eu V cH =uJ*
a. neuroma wBF u d A. reattachment eu V eJd* U
open a. uH d Amstutz-Wilson osteotomy eu  V rEF lD
Pirogoff a. udO V d u K
ray a. ywUF d AMT dB
a. retractor d UF active motion testing WKUH Wd( U
a. saw d UAM amyloid wuA
shoulder a. wH d amyloidosis wuAM b
Sorondo-Ferr V wHK) ld d amyoplasia q^CF uB
hindquarter a. d bd a. congenita wIK) q^CF uB

a. stump d Wb amyotonia congenita wIK ywKC v

a. stump neuroma wBF u d Wb amyotrophic lateral uLC wU' V^KB
supracondylar a. WLIK u d sclerosis (ALS, AML)
Syme a. .U V d ANA dB
Syme ankle V qUJ qBH =e d antinuclear antibody uM ^b{
disarticulation a. .U anabolic steroid wzUM bdO
tarsal a. wG d anaerobe wzuO yw ywzu
tarsometatarsal a. wDA ywG d anaerobic wzuO ywzu
through-knee a. Wd d d a. bacteria W]Ozu rOd
transcarpal a. md d d a. cellulitis U]OzuU qKN UN
transiliac a. sOH
d( d d a. exercise ywzu sdL
transmetatarsal a. jA* d d a. infection U]OzuU b
transpelvic a. u( d d a. osteomyelitis wIM rEF UN
two-stage Syme a. WKd* ^wzUM .U d U]OzuU
Wagner modification of .U d dMU qbF a. threshold (AT) W]Ozu W
Syme a. Anafranil qOd U
Wagner two-stage Syme a. WKd* wzUM .U d anal wd
dMU V a. reflex wdA fJFM*
amputee dD u a. triangle wdA Y]K*

- 20 -
a. wink W]Od W] A. total knee prosthesis WdK W]OJdOU Wb
analgesia 5J A. total knee system Wd qUJ ywJdOU UN
patient controlled a. (PCA) id* t rJ 5J anaphylaxis Q
analog vUC latex a. fJ Q
visual a. scale (VAS) UB UUC* r]K Anaprox fdU
analogous vUC Anaprox DS DS fdU
analysis qOK anastomosis dUH dUH
activity a. UAM qOK end-to-end a. WUNMU WUNM dUH
activity pattern a. UAM d qOK end-to-side a. VU'U WUNM dUH
biomechanical a. wJOUJO wuuO qOK end-weave a. W]uL* WUNM dUH
carbohydrate a. bOudJ qOK fish-mouth a. WJL rH dUH
chiropractic a. W]bO W'UF* qOK flexor tendon a. wM* du dUH
computerized Vu ywKC ywKJO qOK Martin-Gruber a. dd 5U dUH
musculoskeletal a. microvascular surgical a. W]dN W]OzU W]Od dUH
deformity a. ^uA qOK Riche-Cannieu a. uOU g dUH
EMED gait a. bU1 WOA qOK side-to-side a. VU'U VU' dUH
footprint a. bI WLB qOK anatomic wdA
frequency a. du qOK a. alignment wdA nO d
gait a. WOA* qOK a. axis wdA u
a. of gait WOA* qOK a. barrier wdA qzU
high-resolution a. eO* wU qOK a. fracture wdA d
Kaplan-Meier a. dO U V qOK a. fracture reduction wdA dJ = b
Khan-Lewis phonological a. U V ywID qOK principale
fu A. hip system wdA u UN
lateral flexion dynamic wMK ywJOUM yUB qOK a. hook wdA yh
visual a. wU' a. insertion ywdA d
Mann-Whitney a. wM U V qOK a. leg length inequality wdA U u sU
muscle a. wKC qOK a. location of fracture dJK wdA l{u*
peak pressure a. jGC qOK A. Medullary Locking hip wdA uIM u UN
postural a. wF{ qOK system (AML Total Hip u qU UN w*
roentgenstereophotogramme ywzu{ ywU qOK System) AML WdA
tric a. r] ywUF a. plane ywdA u
spinal a. wU qOK porous-coated a. (PCA) UDG rOL `dA
three-dimensional a. UF_ yw qOK A. Precoat hip prosthesis W]OdA uK uJd Wb
a. of variance (ANOVA) UH qOK a. snuffbox 5=dA* jF
video dimensional a. (VDA) ubOHU UF_ qOK a. surface prosthesis wdA `D Wb
analyzer q=K anatomical vertical wdA yuL
CA-6000 spine motion a. UIH Wd( 6000 q=K* anatomy `dA
Anametric wJdOU cervicothoracic pedicle a. W]bB W]O
d WIu `dA
A. knee system WdK ywJdOU UN designed after natural a. wFOD `dA bF r=LB

- 21 -
(DANA) Anderson-Green growth ub V =uLM RM
dorsalis pedis artery a. bI dN Ud `dA prediction sd
knee a. Wd `dA Anderson-Hutchins eMOAu ub
neurovascular a. wzU ywB `dA A.-H. technique eMOAu ub WId
pedicle a. WIu `dA A.-H. tibial fracture ub V ^wuME dJ
anchor X= eMOAu
Isola spinal implant system wuA rFD X= UN A.-H. unstable tibial shaft dI* dO uME b d
a. e V fracture eMOAu ub V
Mitek a. pO X= Andersson hip status V u WU UE
a. plate W= WOH system ub
a. screw X= Vu Andr b
a. splint W= dO A. anatomical hook b V W]OdA U]MB
suture a. dG Ud A. hook b ^h
anchoring UJ Andrews b
a. hole UJ VI A. gouge b u
a. peg UJ b A. iliotibial band wuME wH
d( jdA UM
a. point UJ WDI reconstruction b V
a. tendon UJ d A. iliotibial band tenodesis wH
d( jdA d WUO
anchovy procedure rK d b V wuME
anconeal wI d A. lateral tenodesis V wAu du WUO
anconeus W]OI d* WKCF b
anconoid qJA ^wI d A. technique b WId
Anderson ub anecdotal procedure yd d
A. ankle fusion ub V Wd Z anemia b dI
A. leg lengthening apparatus V U WU UN blood loss a. we]M b dI
ub sickle-cell a. wKM* b dI
A. modification of bd rOI ub qbF anergy UDF
Berndt-Harty classification wU aneroid gauge wKzU UOI
A. splint ub dO Anes db dB
A. system ub UN anesthesia db
A. traction ub V yd anesthesia (Anes) db
Anderson-DAlonzo V ozUH u  rO I ankle block a. qUJK UB db
odontoid fracture eu ub axillary block a. j UB db
classification Bier block a. dO V UB db
Anderson-Fowler dU ub digital block a. l  UB db
A.-F. anterior calcaneal V ywU ywI lD
epidural a. WOU' U db
osteotomy pes planus dU ub general a. U db
A.-F. calcaneal VIF rEF ywUe lD
general endotracheal a. vUd q U db
displacement osteotomy dU ub V graded spinal a. =b ywU db
A.-F. procedure dU ub d hypotensive a. b jGC iU db

- 22 -
inhalant a. uA db coronary a. W]OU WO_ duB
inhalation a. w
UA db digital subtraction a. (DSA) wL
d dDU WO_ duB
intrathecal a. dI q db angiokeratoma wzU dI
intravenous block a. b yUB db angioleiomyoma wzU fK ywKC
intravenous regional a. b ywU db angiolipoma wzU ywL
local a. wF{u db angioma ywzU
lumbar a. wMD
db cirsoid a. w ywzU
MAC a. U db a. serpiginosum U ywzU
peripheral nerve block a. wDO* VBF UBS db angiomatoid histiocytoma wzUu t U M*
regional a. wU db angiomatosis wzU
saddle block a. wd yUB db skeletal-extraskeletal a. U wKJO ywzU
spinal a. wu db wKJO
supraclavicular brachial u bCF UBS db angiosarcoma WOzU WuU
block a. u
d angiospasm wzU Z^MA
tactile a. w* db angiothlipsis wzU UGC
thermal a. d db angiotropic lymphoma t^u W]OzU WuH*
toe block a. bI l UB db angle U W
anesthesiologist VO db w UB acetabular a. =o( W
db] acromial a. W]Od_ We
anesthetic db a. of anteversion W U UM W
aneurysm b ^ u r]dK ^wU_ I
arterial a. wUd u articular facet a. wKBH* tOu W
brachial artery a. bCF UdA u Baumann a. Uu W
clavicular fracture a. u
d d u Bohler a. dU W
false a. (FA) U u Bohler calcaneal a. dU V W]OIF We
aneurysmal bone cyst WOu W]OLE W O Bohler lumbosacral a. V W]eF W]OMDI We
Anghelescu sign uJ K W dU
angioaspasm wzU Z^MA WO_ Z^MA Bowman a. Uu W
angioblastoma W]OzUu W_ calcaneal inclination a. VIF O W
angiodysplasia wzUu Z^ M qK calcaneal-second metatarsal wDA* W O W
angioendotheliomatosis wzU ywUD angle inclination a. wIF wU
angiofibroblastic W]OzUu W]OHOK U_U o=KF calcaneotibial a. W]OuM W]OI W
a. hyperplasia tendinosis Z^M dH d f^JM capital epiphyseal a. WUA* cH 5 We
W]OzUu W]OHOK U_ capitolunate a. wN dOJ rEF 5 We
a. proliferation W]OzUu W]OHOK U_ dUJ m^d w
angiofibroma wzU ywHO cervicothoracic pedicle a. W]bB W]O
d WIu W
angiogram W]OzU u Citelli a. w=KO W
biplane a. UF_ W]OzUM W]OzU u Cobb a. u W
angiography WO_ duB Codman a. Uu W
bypass graft a. W]OzUu U* rF duB a. of convergence UI W

- 23 -
costolumbar a. W]OMDI W]OFKC We Lisfranc articular set a. V qBHL dO W
costosternal a. W]O=BI W]OFKC We (LASA) pdHO
costovertebral a. (CVA) W]UIH W]OFKC We lumbosacral a. W]eF W]OMDI We
declination a. O* W lumbosacral joint a. eF wMDI qBH* W
distal articular set a. w UI qBHL dO W Merchant a. XUdO W
(DASA) metaphyseal-diaphyseal a. W]Ob' W]OdJ We
a. of divergence bU W dH W metaphyseal-epiphyseal a. W]OUA* W]OdJ We
Drennan a. U W metatarsal phalangeal WU) W]O W]ODA* We
Drennan W]OUA* W]OdJ We fifth a.
metaphyseal-epiphyseal a. U V Mikulicz a. gOuJO W
Engel a. q W neck shaft a. rE w W]Ob' WOIMF W
facet a. tOu W cH
femoral-trunk a. W]Oc' W]cH We neutral a. WUF W
Ferguson a. ud W Pauwels a. eKU W
first-fifth intermetatarsal a. ]_ 5DA* sO We pedicle a. WIu W
fU) pedicle axis a. WIu u W
first-second wU ]_ 5DA* sO We pelvic a. u( W
intermetatarsal a. pelvic femoral a. W]cH W]O{u( We
flexion a. UM W proximal articular facet a. WOb W]OKBH* WNOu W
foot a. bI W proximal articular set a. WOb qBHL dO W
foot-progression a. bI ^bI W (PASA)
Fowler-Philip a. VOKO dU W quadriceps a. (Q-angle) d W]OUd WKCF W
a. of gait wA* W rib-vertebral a. W]dIH W]OFKC We
Glissane a. UOK W sacral base a. eF bU
Glissane crucial a. UOK V VUB W angle W
a. of greatest extension wLE_ j W sacrofemoral a. W]cH W]eF We
(AGE) sacrohorizontal a. W]OI_ W]eF We
a. of greatest flexion (AGF) wLE_ wM W sacrovertebral a. W]dIH W]eF We
hallux valgus a. _ bI UN W sagittal pedicle a. WOLN WIu W
hallux valgus bI UN UO 5 We salient a. U We
interphalangeus a. _ scapholunate a. W]ON W]OUI We
Hilgenreiner a. dMdMK W set a. dO W
humeral-ulnar a. W]be W]bCF We a. splint dO' W
increased carrying a. W]e qL( W U sulcus a. rK W
W]bU] W]bCF talocalcaneal a. W]OIF W]OKUJ We
inferior a. W]OKH We talocrural a. W]O
intermetatarsal a. UA_ 5 We talometatarsal a. W]ODA* W]OKUJ We
intrascaphoid a. w
e q We thigh-foot a. W]ObI W]cH We
Kite a. XO W a. of thoracic inclination bB O* W
lateral deviation a. wU' d W tibiofemoral a. (TFA) W]cH W]OuME We

- 24 -
toe-out a. U) bI l W plantar a. wBL >e
Toygar a. Uu W radius of a., pl. radii of a. =e dFJ =e
transverse pedicle a. W{dF* WIu W dFJ
tuber a. Wb( W screw a. VuK =e
tuber-joint a. Wb( qBH* W valgus a. >e
ulnar-humeral a. W]bCF W]be We angulatory malunion =e* U u
valgus a. U W Angus-Cowell scale u fO r]K
Wiberg a. dO W anhydrosis ^dF UDI
Wiltze a. eKO W anisomelia sO dD UH
angled ]e anisotropy UN'U d=Q UH
a. arthroscope ]e ywKBH UEM anitratus W]Od
a. bearing insert ]e bM d Acinetobacter a. W]Od bd
a. blade plate fixation ]e W]OKB WOHB XO ankle qUJ
a. DeBakey clamp ]e* UU UIK a. arthrodesis qUJ qBH U
a. jaw rongeur =pHK W=e W{]d
a. block qUJ UB
a. pituitary rongeur W]OUMK W=e W{]d
a. block anesthesia qUJK UB db
a. probe ]e U a. brace qUJ UM
a. rasp ]e U a. clonus qUJ l
a. Scoville curette qOuJ V ]e WDAJ a. dorsiflexion range of wdNE UM Wd U
angular y motion (ADROM) qUJK
a. acceleration qOF a. dorsiflexion test qUJK wdNE UM U
a. bone rongeur e rEF W{]d
a. eversion qUJ I qUJ nM
a. deformity ^uA UK
a. deviation d football a. bI d w qU
a. displacement Ue a. fracture qUJ d
a. motion W] Wd a. fusion qUJ Z
a. osteotomy e rEF lD
a. injury qUJ WU
a. position l{ a. instability qUJ dI b
a. tilt qO instability of the a. qUJ dI b
a. velocity db Wd a. jerk (AJ) qUJ WCH
angulated fracture >e d  a. jerk reflex test qUJ WCH fJFM U
angulation >e a. joint leg-curl qUJ qBH U u
anterior a. wU >e a. laxity qUJ U
apex dorsal a. w=L
ywdN >e a. ligament protector brace qUJ U WM U UM
a. deformity y ^uA a. mortise qUJ dI
a. fracture dJ =e a. mortise diastasis qUJ dI dH
kyphotic a. b( =e a. mortise fracture qUJ dI d
limb length a. dD u =e Nlaton dislocation of a. uO V qUJ lK
a. motion Wd( =e a. orthosis (AO) qUJ WuI
a. osteotomy wLEF =e] lD
pronation-eversion-external tHM qUJ =V WU

- 25 -
rotation injury of a. wU) t congenital a. b.s W]u W]OIK( jzdA
a. prosthesis qUJ Wb annulare wIK
a. pump exercise qUJ W]C sdL subcutaneous granuloma a. X wIK( wO( u
a. pumps qUJ U]C bK'
a. reflex qUJ fJFM annularis wIK
a. traction bandage qUJ =d WUB limbus a. WIK( u
transmalleolar a. VFJ d qUJ annulotomy WIK( lD
ankle-arm ischemic index c qUJK UH V M* annulus, anulus (UIK ) WIK
ankle-foot bI qUJ anodal block bFB UB
a.-f. orthosis (AFO) bI qUJ WuI anode bFB
a.-f. orthotic splint bI qUJ .uI dO anomalous insertion U d
ankylodactyly lU _ UB anomaly c
ankylose j congenital a. wIK c
ankylosing j= I facet a. tOu c
a. spinal hyperostosis j=I* UIH r^EF d hand a. bO c
a. spinal stenosis j=I UI o^OC Kimerle a. dLO c
a. spondylitis j=I* UIH UN root a. c' c
ankylosis j anonychia UH_ bF
carpal bone fracture a. md UE u j
anoscope dA UEM
extraarticular a. qBH* U j
ligamentous a. wU j
analysis of variance UH qOK
shoulder a. nJ j
anoxia 5 _ u 5 _ hI
anlage b ANS dB
cartilaginous a. W]OdC b autonomic nervous system qI* wBF UN'
a. a priori W]O] b wuu_
radial head a. dFJ b Ansaid bU
ulnar a. be b anserine bursitis =u d' UN
Ann Arbor u anserinus =
A. A. clamp u UIK pes a. u q
A. A. double towel clamp V e* Ud UIK Anspach U
u A. Cement Eater U V * q
anneal =uD A. cementome U V w* u
annealed ]uD A. 65K Universal 65 UdHOu UN
annular, anular wIK instrument system U V
a. fiber wIK nO A. power drill U V w VI
a. fibrosis wIK n^OK A. reamer U uI
a. groove wIK rK ant WIU ywU
a. injury W]OIK WU anterior wU
a. ligament wIK U ant ax line (AAL) wU_ u* ^j
annular band wIK jd antagonist WCUM

- 26 -
a. muscle WCUM WKC cord damage W]OU_ WO
d Wd'
opiate receptor a. uO_ WKI WCUM a. cervicothoracic junction bB w
d q u* Wd
reversal of a. (ROA) WCUM* UJF surgery W]OU_
antagonistic muscle WCUM WKC a. cervicothoracic surgery W]OU_ bB W
d Wd
antalgic WH s=J  a. collateral ligament wU_ wU' Ud
a. gait r WUH WOA WM=J WOA a. column disruption wU_ uLF UH
a. lean s=J qO a. column fracture wU_ uLF d
anteater nose sign qLM q n W a. column osteosynthesis uLFK rEF wd XO
antebrachial bU wU_
a. cutaneous nerve bU bK' VBF a. compartment wU_ e=O(
a. fascia W]bU WUHK a. compartment syndrome wU_ e=O( W
a. fascial graft bU ywUH rF (ACS)
antecedent sign WFOK W WIU W a. construct wU UM
antecubital fossa o d* U dH( a. cord compression wU_ q( UGC
antegrade w^bI a. cord impingement wU_ q( UIF
a. method W]O^bI WIdD a. cord syndrome wU_ q( W
a. nailing w^bI dOL a. corpectomy wU_ r' UB
antenatal dislocation u q lK a. correction wU_ `OB
antenna procedure UFA d d a. cortex penetration wU_ dAI d
anterior (ant) wU a. cruciate wU_ VUB* wU ywUB
a. acromioplasty wU ywd a. cruciate deficit knee wU_ wUB WB
a. acromioplasty approach wU_ ywd_ d vQ a. cruciate instability with wU_ wUB dI b
a. acute flexion elbow splint odLK wU >U wM dO pivot shift dzU U l
a. angulation wU >e a. cruciate ligament (ACL) ^wU_ ^wUB] U=d
a. approach wU vQ W^dK
a. arthrodesis wU_ qBH* U a. decompression wU_ jGC nOH
a. aspiration wU_ jHA a. dislocation wU lK
a. atlantooccipital membrane wU_ wcI wINH UAG a. distraction qBH* d ULF
a. atlantoodontoid interval wU_ wIzUH W]OINH WK UH instrumentation wU_
a. axillary approach wU ywD vQ a. drainage wU_ eM
a. axillary line (AAL) wU_ wD ^j) a. drawer sign wU_ ^b W
a. bending moment wU_ UM WE( a. drawer test (ADT) wU_ ^b U
a. calcaneal osteotomy wU_ wIF rEF lD
a. epineurotomy wU_ wBF bLG lC
a. capsule W]OU_ WEH* a. extensile approach lOuK qUI wU_ vQ*
a. capsulolabral wU uH ywEH UM a. fiber-region wU_ nOK WIDM
reconstruction a. fixation device W]OU_ XO eON
a. cervical cord syndrome wU_ w
d q( W a. glenoid labrum wU]I( uK wU_ UHA
a. cervical spine surgery W]OU_ W]O
d UO= Wd a. glide wU_ e
a. cervical surgery W]OU W]O
Wd a. heel wU_ VIF
a. cervical surgery vocal w 5OuB 5K( d{ a. hip dislocation uK ywU lK

- 27 -
a. hip release uK wU dd% a. plating wU_ `OHB
a. horn wU_ dI a. portal wU qb
a. horn cell wU_ dI W]OK a. posterior compression wHK) wU_ UGC
a. horn meniscal tear WNK wU_ dI ^e9 a. pronator teres WKC W]OU_ ]b* W]UJ
a. humeral line wU_ bCF ^j) a. quadriceps WKC W]OU_ d W]OU
a. impingement syndrome wU_ UIF W a. musculocutaneous flap WbK' W]OKCF WKb WId
a. innominate wU_ v]L technique W]OU_
a. innominate rotation wU_ v]L db a. quadrilateral triplane W]OUdK u* w U
a. instability wU dI b frame W]OU_ W]OAu
a. instrumentation  ywU ULF a. radial collateral artery wU_ wU' dFJ UdA
a. interbody fusion U_ sO ywU Z a. recurrent tibial artery wU_ ld wuME UdA
a. internal fixation wU_ wKb XO a. retroperitoneal approach wU_ UHB nK vQ*
a. internal fixation device wU_ wKb XO eON a. retroperitoneal UHB nK jGC nOH
a. interosseous nerve UEF sO VBF W decompression wU_
syndrome wU_ a. retroperitoneal flank UHB nK d U) vQ
a. interosseous syndrome wU_ UEF sO W approach wU_
a. jugular vein wU_ wu bu a. rotary drawer test wU_ ]b ^b U
a. Kostiuk-Harrington V wU_ d UN a. rotation wU db
distraction system u=U uOu a. sacroiliac joint plate wH
d( eF qBH* WOH
a. kyphosis wU b W]OU_
a. labrum periosteum dOEM W]OU W]uH W]O
UL W a. scalene muscle W]OU_ W]OFL_ WKCF
shoulder arthroscopic nJ qBH a. screw fixation wU_ VuK XO
lesion (ALPSA) a. serratus muscle W]OU_ W]UAM* WKCF
a. long toe flexor W]OU_ WKuD bI l WOM a. shear wU yh

WKC a. short-segment wU_ dOBI WFDI XO

a. lower cervical spine W]O
d dIHK W]OU_ Wd' stabilization
surgery W]OKH a. shoulder dislocation wU_ nJ lK
a. lumbar interbody fusion U_ sO ywU ywMD
Z a. shoulder release wU_ nJ dd%
a. lumbar vertebral dIH U sO wU Z a. sliding tibial graft wuME rFDK wU_ e
interbody fusion W]OMDI a. spinal artery wU_ wU^M UdA
a. margin W]OU_ WU( a. spinal fixation wU_ dIH XO
a. metallic fixation wU_ wbF* XO a. spinal fusion wU_ dIH Zb
a. neutralization wU bF a. spinal plating wU_ dIH `OHB
a. oblique ligament (AOL) wU_ qzU* Ud a. splint W]OU_ dO'
a. oblique meniscal tear wU_ WKzU* WN ^e9 a. spurring wU ULN
a. occipitocervical w
d wcI qBH* U a. stabilization wU_ XO
arthrodesis wU_ a. stabilization procedure wU_ XO d
a. occipitocervical spine W]OU_ W]O
d W]OcI WuA a. sternoclavicular joint wU_ u
d w=BI qBH*
a. pelvic tilt wU_ u( O a. sternomastoid approach wU_ wzUA) w=BI vQ*
a. plate fixation wU_ WOHB XO a. superior iliac spine W]uKF W]OH
d( WuA

- 28 -
(ASIS) W]OU_ a. portal wU' wU_ qb*
a. surgical exposure wU_ wd' ^dF a. release wU' wU_ dd
a. talofibular ligament wU_ uEA wKUJ Ud a. rotary instability (ALRI) wU_ db dI b
(ATFL) wU'
a. talofibular ligament yuEA wKUJ Ud ^eL a. rotary knee instability wU_ Wd db dI b
rupture wU_ wU'
a. tarsal tunnel syndrome wU_ wG d oHM W a. sclerosis (ALS) wU' wU_ V^KB
a. technique W]OU_ WIdD a. ventricular opening W]OU' W]OU_ W]OMOD WH
a. thoracic nerve wU_ bB VBF (ALVO)
a. tibial artery wU_ wuME UdA anterolateral-anteromedial wU_ db dI b
a. tibial muscle W]OU_ W]OuME WKCF rotary instability w wU_ wU'
a. tibial sign W]OU_ uME W anterolisthesis ywU e
a. tibial syndrome WOU_ uME W anteromedial yw ywU
a. tibial tendon wU_ wuME du a. approach w wU_ vQ*
a. transfer wU_ qIM a. bundle W]O W]OU_ We(
a. translation W]OU_ qIM WLd a. capsule W]O W]OU_ WEH*
a. transthoracic approach bB d wU vQ a. drainage w wU_ eM
a. upper spine W]OU_ W]uKF WuA a. portal w wU_ qb*
a. Zielke instrumentation  wU_ ULF a. retropharyngeal wU_ uFK nK vQ*
wJK V approach w
anterior-inferior dislocation wKH  wU_ lK) a. rotary instability wU_ db dI b
anterior-posterior ywHK ywU w
a.-p. compression (APC) ywHK ywU UGC a. tubercle transfer WbK yw ywU qI
a.-p. fusion with SSI SSI l ywHK ywU Z anteromedial-posteromedial wU_ db dI b
a.-p. glide wHK) wU_ e rotary instability w wHK) w
a.-p. movement W]OHK) W]OU_ Wd( anteroposterior (AP) ywHK ywU
anterocentral portal ed* wU_ qb* a. compression (APC) ywHK ywU UGC
anterodistal U ywU a. stress test wHK) wU_ UN U
anteroinferior wKH ywU a. talocalcaneal divergence wHK ywU ywI ywKU bU
a. portal wKH wU_ qb* a. translation W]OHK W]OU WLd
a. spondylolisthesis wKH wU_ UIH e anteroproximal ywU
anterolateral wU ywU anterosuperior (AS) yuK ywU
a. approach wU' wU_ vQ* a. external ilium movement W]OU_ W]OHK) WH
d( Wd
a. capsule W]OU' W]OU_ WEH* (ASEx) W]uKF
a. compression fracture wU ywU wUGC d a. iliac spine (ASIS) W]uKF W]OU_ W]OH
d( WuA
a. decompression wU' wU_ jGC nOH a. iliac spine graft W]OU_ W]OH
d( WuA rF
a. dislocation wU' wU_ lK) W]uKF
a. drainage wU' wU_ eM a. internal ilium movement W]OU_ W]O WH
d( Wd
a. femorotibial ligament cH Ud d WUO (ASIn) W]uKF
tenodesis wU' wU_ wuME anteversion ^wU_ I wU I

- 29 -
r]dK W UIK(
angle of a. wU_ I W antidromic dO LK fUF
a. determination wU_ I 5OF a. stimulation dOLK fUF tOM
femoral a. c ywU I antiembolic ULB UC
Magilligan technique for UOI UOKOU WId a. position ULB =UC l{
measuring a. wU_ I a. stockings ULB ]UC u
neutral a. bU* wU_ I antigen ybC 
a. syndrome wU_ I W HLA-B27 blood a. B27 b ^bC
anthropometric W]dA UUOIU o=KF human leukocyte a. (HLA) UCO b U]d ^bC
a. measuring tape W]dA UUOI b dA
a. total hip (ATH) W]dA UUOIU qU human lymphocyte a. W]dA U]UHLK ^bC
anthropometry WdA UUOI (HLA)
antibiosis uO yUC transplantation a. e ^bC
antibiotic uO yUC antigen-extracted allogeneic eM rEF ywHO rF
a. bead pouch uO( =UC* d WO (bone) ]bC*
postoperative a. Wd' bF yuO yUC antigen-extracted allogeneic eM wLE ywHO rF
preoperative a. Wd' q
yuO yUC bone (AAA bone) rE ]bC *
prophylactic a. wzUI= yuO yUC antiglide plate e ^b{ WOH
a. and saline solution wK uK yuO yUC antigravity (AG) W]OU' ^b{
antibiotic-impregnated uO UC0 dA anti-histocompatibility wO M o u bC  ^b{
a.-i. bead uO >UC0 WdA d antibody
a.-i. polymethyl dA* dUO* qOO wu anti-inflammatory UN ]UC0 W'UF*
methacrylate uO >UC0 medication UN yUC
antibody yb{ antimalarial U* ^UC
anti-histocompatibility a. wOM ou ]bC ^b{ anti-migration system dN b{ UE
antinuclear a. (ANA) uMK UC b{ (AMS)
anticavitation drill n^NJ b{ VI antinociceptive effect r_ WKI  b{ dOQ
anticholinergic qFH ^UC U]OMOuJ ^UC antinuclear uM =UC0 o=KF
wMOuJ a. antibody (ANA) uMK yUC yb{
a. effect U]OMOuJ =UC dOQ a. antibody test uM =b{ U
anticipating financial =U* iuFK l= u antiplatelet drug UOHBK UC
compensation (AFC) antipyretic agent v]LK UC qU
anticoagulant d^ lU d^ ^UC antiseptic d=ND
lupus a. wz=c d^ ^UC ACU-dyne a. s uO d=ND
a. therapy d^K ]UC W'UF colored a. ]uK d=ND
anticoagulation d^ lM antishock garment WbBK UC U 
prophylactic a. wzUI= d^ lM Anti-Shox foot cushion fu ]UC b U
anticonvulsant therapy ]UC0 W'UF antistreptolysin-O titer O W]bIF W]U( =b{ UO
antidepressant U ^UC (ASOT)
tricyclic a. W]O U ]UC antitension line d^uK yUC yj

- 30 -
antithrombin 111 111 5d ^UC qUJK
antithrombotic therapy UK WFU W'UF AO group schoulder WuL*U nJ qBH U
antitoxin UHc ^b{ arthrodesis qUJK uI
antituberculosis drug ^bK yUC AO guidepin qUJK uI qO u^
Anturane u AO hook plate qUJK WuI U]M WOH
anular (var. of annular) wIK AO internal fixation qUJK uI* wKb XO
anulus (ver of annulus) WIK AO internal fixator qUJK uI* wKb X=*
anvil bM  AO lag screw qUJK uI R^JK Vu
a. sign bM W AO minifragment set uI dOGB UbA dO
a. test bM U qUJK
any-angle splint We W1b dO AO nail qUJK uI UL
AO dB AO notched WuI WL]K* _ ULF
ankle orthosis qUJ WuI instrumentation qUJK
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir uJ XO qL b AO plate qUJK WuI WOH
osteosynthesefragen AO WOU*_U AO plate bender qUJK uI WOHB wM
atlanto-occipital wc
ywIN AO procedure qUJK uI d
AO blade plate qUJK WuI W]OKB WOH AO reconstruction plate qUJK WuI UM WOH
AO brace qUJK uI ywIN UM AO screw qUJK uI Vu
AO cancellous screw qUJK uI ywMH Vu AO slotted medullary nail uI uIA yuI UL
AO classification qUJK uI nOMB qUJK
AO compression qUJK uI jG{ AO small fragment plate WuI dOGB WbA WOH
AO compression apparatus qUJK uI jG{ UN qUJK
AO condylar blade plate WuI WOLI qB WOH AO spinal internal fixation uI wuA wKb XO
AO condylar plate qUJK WuI W]OLI WOH AO tap qUJK uI e
AO contoured T plate T qJA qUJK WuI WOH AO technique qUJK WuI WId
AO contouring apparatus qUJK uI WU UN AO tension band qUJK uI d^u jd
AO cortex screw qUJK uI dAI Vu AOA cervical AOA w d XO UM
AO distractor qUJK uI =dH immobilization brace
AO dynamic compression ywJOUM UGC WOH AO/ASIF dB
plate qUJK WuI A. fixateur interne AO/ASIF ywK X=
AO dynamic compression UGC WOH UM A. orthopaedic implant UEF .uI Wd Wd
plate construct qUJK uI wJOUMb AO/ASIF
AO external fixation qUJK uI* wU) XO AOI blade plate WOd' WdG qB WOH
AO femoral distractor qUJK uI* cH ]dH* AOI W]OLEF
AO fixateur interne qUJK uI ywK X= AOL dB
AO fixateur interne XO w _ ULF anterior oblique ligament wU_ qzU* Ud
instrumentation qUJK WuI wMU aorta dN_ w_
AO group qUJK WuI WuL aortic stenosis (AS) w o^OC
AO group arthrodesis uI WuL* qBH U AO-stopped drill guide AO n u VI qO

- 31 -
AP dB A. sign W
action potential qFH sU A. test U
anteroposterior wHK ywU A. traction V yd
AP translatory motion W]OHK W]OU W]OLd Wd apodia bI bF
APB dB aponeurosis UH
abductor pollicis brevis bO UN b=F* dOBI adductor a. =dI* UH=
WKC plantar a. wBL_ UH
APC dB quadriceps a. d W]OU UH
anterior-poterior wHK) wU_ UGC aponeurotic w UH
compression a. fibroma w
antiroposterior compression wHK) wU_ UGC a. lengthening w
UH quD
A-P cutter wHK ywU lU a. tendon w
UH d
APD dB apophyseal wU
automated percutaneous wJOUu_ dI UB a. fracture wU d
diskectomy bK' s a. joint wU qBH
Apert d apophysis TU
A. disease d d iliac a. wH
d TU
A. syndrome d W medial epicondylar a. w ywLOI TU
aperture W slipped vertebral a. WIeM* dIH TU
apex W]L vertebral ring a. W]UIH WIK( TU
a. dorsal angulation w=L
ywdN e apophysitis TUM UN
apex W]L calcaneal a. wIF TUM UN
A. pin W]LI u^ apparatus UN
a. vertebra W]LI dI Ace Unifix fixation a. V XO UN
Apfelbaum mirror uK d fJOHu
aphalangia v  bF adjustable aiming a. u]C VuB UN
congenital a. u v bF Anderson leg lengthening a. V U quD UN
apical w=L ub
a. distraction w=L
d AO compression a. AO UGC UN
a. ligament w=LI Ud AO contouring a. AO nOHJ UN
a. lordotic view w=L
dEM Axer compression a. d V UGC UN
a. segment WO=L
Bassett electrical V wzUdNJ tOM UN
a. vertebra WO=L
dI stimulation a. XO=U
a. view w=L
dEM Bovie electrocautery a. V W]OzUdNJ uJ* UN
APL dB wu
abductor pollicis longus bO UN b=F* WKuD Calandruccio V UGC UN
Apley compression a. uOb
A. compression test V UGC U Calandruccio triangular V Y]K* UGC UN
A. distraction test V d U compression a. uOb
A. grinding test V q U Cameron fracture a. dU V d UN

- 32 -
Charnley centering a. U V edL UN Rancho anklet foot qUJ bI j{ UN
compression a. UGC UN control a. uA V
coracoclavicular fixation a. u
d wdG XO UN Redi-Trac traction a. d V >d UN
coring a. w= UN Rezaian external fixation a. V wU) XO UN
CPM a. ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( UN s
DeWald spinal a. bU V dI UN rod-mounted targeting a. d]C; W]OBF bN UN
Deyerle fixation a. d V XO UN Roger Anderson external V wU XO UN
driver tunnel locator a. ozU oHM l={u UN fixation a. ub d
electrocautery a. wdN u UN snap-fit a. WUM WF
d UN
electronic bone wdJ rEF tOM UN Southwick pin-holding a. V u^b p UN
stimulation a. puU
external fixation a. wU) XO UN Sutter-CPM knee a. WdK CPM du UN
external skeletal fixation a. wU) qJON XO UN Telectronics electrical wzUdNJ tOM UN
fixating a. XO UN stimulation a. U]OdJU
four-bar external WF_ wU) XO UN Traumafix a. fJOUd UN
fixation a. UC
Ultrafix a. fJOd UN
Fox internal fixation a. V wKb XO UN Vidal-Ardrey modified wU) XO eON UN
fu Hoffman external fixation V ]bF* ULuN
Georgiade visor halo V UMI WU XO UN device a. bO
fixation a. UOu Volkov-Oganesian external V wU XO UN
Giliberty a. wdOKO UN fixation a. seU uJu
halo vest a. W]OUN bB UN Wagner external fixation a. V wU XO UN
Hamilton a. uKU UN dMU
Hare a. U UN Wagner V U quD UN
Hoffmann-Vidal external V wU) XO UN leg-lengthening a. dMU
fixation a. bO ULu Wagner-Schanz screw a. eU dMU Vu UN
Ilizarov a. eO UN Zickel medullary a. qJ V yuI UN
internal fixation a. wKb XO UN Zickel supracondylar V WLIK u XO UN
isokinetic joint a. Wd( UF* qBH* UN fixation a. qJ
Kronner external V wU) XO UN Zimmer electrical V wzUdNJ tOM UN
fixation a. dd stimulation a. d=1
leg-holding a. U p UN appearance dNE
Mueller compression a. du V jGC UN crabmeat-like a. uFDK rK tO dNE
nail plate a. dOU* WOH UN horseshoe a. c dNE
Nauth traction a. u V >d UN spongy a. ywMH dNE
Neufeld a. bKu UN appendage clamp bze UIK
Orthofix a. fJOu UN appendiceal retractor bz UF
Parham-Martin fracture a. UU V d UN appendicular bz
5U Applause Super-Hemi u Vb wd
Quengel a. qMO UN wheelchair uK V ywHB

- 33 -
appliance (See devise, WuI eON dE WIO acetabular extensile a. lOuK qUI w=I( vQ*
orthosis) anterior a. wU_ vQ*
DeWald spinal a. bU V W]dI WIO anterior acromioplasty a. wU_ wd_ vQ
application ULF oOD anterior axillary a. wU_ wD vQ*
cast a. VUI oOD anterior extensile a. lOuK qUI wU_ vQ*
cold a. U oOD anterior retroperitoneal a. wU_ UHB nK vQ*
force a. ]uI oOD anterior retroperitoneal w
UHB nK d U) vQ
frame a. U oOD flank a. wU_
Harrington rod ULF ]u
oOD anterior sternomastoid a. wU_ wzUA) w=BI vQ*
instrumentation force a. u=U V UCI anterior transthoracic a. bB d wU_ vQ*
heat a. d( oOD anterolateral a. wU' wU_ vQ*
ice a. ZK oOD anteromedial a. w wU_ vQ*
Isola spinal implant WdIH fzdG UE oOD anteromedial ywU ywHK ywuFK vQ
system a. e V retropharyngeal a. yw
Kumar a. Uu oOD axillary a. ywD vQ
paraspinal rod a. UIH u VOC
oOD Bailey-Badgley anterior wKU V ywU yw
traction a. d' oOD cervical a. wKU
a. of traction device =d' eON oOD Banks-Laufman a. ULu fJU V vQ*
transverse fixator a. dF* X=* oOD Bennett posterior V wHK) wHJ vQ*
applied wIOD shoulder a. X=M
a. kinesiology (AK) wIOD Wd( rK approach vQ
a. load wIOD qOL Berger-Bookwalter dd V wHK) vQ*
applier o=D posterior a. duu
bulldog clamp a. bK V UIK* o=D bilateral a. VU' ^wzUM vQ
surgical staple a. W]Od' ]d o=D bilateral ilioinguinal a. VU' ywzUM yw ywH
d vQ
apponensplasty UH  bilateral sacroiliac a. VU' ^wzUM ywH
d ye vQ
ring sublimis a. wD wIK( UH Bosworth a. uu vQ
apposing articular surface qUI wKBH `D Boyd a. bu vQ
apposition WUI Boyd-Sisk a. pO bu vQ
bayonet a. Wd( WUI Brackett-Osgood Xd V ywHK vQ
facet a. tOu WUI posterior a. u
apprehension f^u Brodsky-Tullos- u^u wJd vQ
a. shoulder W=u n Gartsman a. ULU
a. sign f^u W Broomhead a. bONd vQ
a. test f^u U Broomhead medial a. bONd V yw vQ
apprentice kyphosis b* qUF b Brown knee a. d V Wd vQ
approach vQ Brown lateral a. d V wU' vQ*
Abbott-Carpenter u^ V wHK) vQ* Bruner a. dd vQ
posterior a. dMU Bruser a. d vQ
Abbott knee a. u^ V Wd vQ Bruser knee a. d V wU' vQ*

- 34 -
Bruser lateral a. d V wAu vQ* dorsal midline a. wdNE n UM =j) vQ
Bryan-Morrey elbow a. u Ud V od* vQ dorsalward a. wdNE UM' vQ
Bryan-morrey extensive Ud V bL* wHK) vQ* dorsolateral a. wAu wdNE vQ*
posterior a. u dorsomedial a. w wdNE vQ*
Callahan a. UN]U vQ dorsoplantar a. wBL_ wdNE vQ*
Campbell a. qU vQ dorsoradial a. dFJ wdNE vQ*
Campbell posterior V wHK) wHJ vQ* dorsorostral a. UIM* wdNE vQ*
shoulder a. qU dorsoulnar a. be wdNE vQ*
Campbell posterolateral a. V wAu wHK) vQ* Duran a. vQ
qU DuVries a. ed vQ
Carnesale acetabular lOuK qUI w=I( vQ* extended iliofemoral a. bL* cH wH
d( vQ*
extensile a. eU V extensile a. lOuK qU
Carnesale hip a. eU V u vQ extrabursal a. wd' U vQ*
Cave a. U vQ extraperitoneal a. w
Cave hip a. U V u vQ extrapharyngeal a. uFK U vQ*
Cave knee a. U V Wd vQ Fahey a. UU vQ
cervical a. w
d vQ* Fernandez extensile lOuK UI wU_ vQ*
Cloward cervical disk a. V W]O
d d
_ vQ anterior a. ebUd V
uK Fowler-Philip a. VOKO dU vQ
Codman saber-cut qJA wHO nJ vQ Gatellier-Chastang wOKU V qUJ vQ
shoulder a. Uu V ankle a. ZMUA
Colonna-Ralston ankle a. U]uu V qUJ vQ Gatellier-Chastang V wAu wHK) vQ*
u posterolateral a. ZMUA wOKU
Colonna-Ralston medial a. U]uu V w vQ* Gibson a. uO vQ
u Gordon a. u vQ
combined anterior and dA* wHK) wU_ vQ* Guleke-Stookey a. wu pu vQ
posterior a. Hardinge a. ZMU vQ
combined low-cervical bB W
d qH vQ Hardinge lateral a. ZMU V wAu vQ*
and transthoracic a. dA* Harmon cervical a. sU V w
d vQ*
Coonse-Adams knee a. e eu V Wd vQ Harmon modified ]bF* wAu wHK) vQ*
Cubbins shoulder a. eMO=u V nJ vQ posterolateral a. sU V
curved a. wMM* vQ* Harmon posterolateral a. V wAu wHK) vQ*
Darrach-McLaughlin a. sKu p vQ sU
deltoid-splitting shoulder a. WObK dUA nJ vQ Harmon shoulder a. sU V nJ vQ
deltopectoral a. wb bB vQ* Harris anterolateral a. V wAu wU_ vQ*
Dickinson a. uMOJ vQ f=U
distal interphalangeal UO sO q UH* vQ Harris lateral a. f=U V wAu vQ*
joint a. W]O UI Hay lateral a. U V wAu vQ*
dorsal a. wdNE vQ* Henderson a. ubM vQ
dorsal finger a. wdNE l vQ Henderson posterolateral a. V wAu wHK) vQ*

- 35 -
ubM lateral J a. J d( qJA ywA vQ
Henderson posteromedial a. V w wHK) vQ* lateral Kocher a. du V ywA vQ
ubM lateral Ollier a. wO V ywA vQ
Henry a. dM vQ lateral parapatellar a. WH{d u ywAu vQ*
Henry anterior a. dM V wU_ vQ* Lazepen-Gamidov V w wU_ vQ*
Henry anterior strap a. V wU_ uD vQ anteromedial a. bOU s
dM Leslie-Ryan anterior V wU_ wD vQ*
Henry anterolateral a. V wAu wU_ vQ* axillary a. U wK
dM Letournel-Judet a. u quO vQ
Henry extensile a. V lOuK qUI vQ* long deltopectoral a. quD wb bB vQ*
dM low cervical a. Tu w
d vQ*
Henry posterior a. dM V wHK) vQ* Ludloff a. uu vQ
Henry posterior wHK) UEF sO VBF vQ Ludloff medial a. uu V w vQ*
interosseous nerve a. dM V Mayo a. uU vQ
Henry radial a. dM V dFJ vQ* McAfee a. w p vQ
Hoffmann a. ULu vQ McConnell extensile a. p V lOuK qUI vQ*
Hoppenfeld-Deboer a. u bKHMu vQ qu
Howorth a. u vQ McConnell median and be n UM 5BF vQ
iliofemoral a. cH wH
d( vQ* ulnar nerve a. qu p V
ilioinguinal a. w_ wH
d( vQ* McFarland-Osborne p V wAu vQ*
ilioinguinal acetabular a. w_ wH
d( w=I( vQ* lateral a. u bU
inguinal a. w_ vQ* McLaughlin a. sKu p vQ
keyhole a. UH* VI qJA vQ McWhorter posterior p V wHK) wHJ vQ*
Kikuchi-MacNap-Moreau a. U U wuJO vQ shoulder a. d
u McWhorter shoulder a. d p V wHJ vQ*
Kocher a. du vQ Mears-Rubash a. U dO vQ
Kocher curved L a. L d( qJA sM vQ medial a. w vQ*
du V medial parapatellar a. w WH{d u vQ*
Kocher-Gibson V wAu wHK) vQ* medial parapatellar WH{d u WEH* vQ
posterolateral a. uO du capsular a. w
Kocher-Langenbeck a. UM du vQ midlateral a. wAu nBM vQ*
Kocher lateral J a. J d( qJA ywA vQ midline a. n UM =j) vQ
du V midline medial a. n UM =jK w vQ*
Koenig-Schaefer a. dHU ZOu vQ Minkoff-Jaffe-Menendez uJM V wHK) vQ*
Koenig-Schaefer medial a. ZOu V w vQ* posterior a. bMM w=U
dHU Mize-Bucholz-Grogen a. sd euu eO vQ
lateral a. wAu vQ* Molesworth-Campbell uu V od* vQ
lateral deltoid splitting a. WObK dU ywA vQ elbow a. qU
lateral Gatellier- wOKU V ywA vQ Moore a. u vQ
Chastung a. ZuUA Moore posterior a. u V wHK) vQ*

- 36 -
neurodevelopmental a. wBF wzULM vQ* Roberts a. fd vQ
Ollier a. tOO vQ Roos a. vQ
Ollier arthrodesis a. tOO V qBH* U vQ Rowe posterior V wHK) wHJ vQ*
Ollier lateral tOO V wAu vQ* schoulder a.
a.oropharyngeal a. wuFK uLH vQ* saber-cut a. lU{ nO =b qJA vQ
Osborne posterior a. u V wHK) vQ* sacral a. eF vQ*
palmar a. wd vQ* screw plate a. VuK WOH vQ
paramedian a. n UMK U vQ sensorimotor stimulation a. wd( w=( tOM vQ
pararectus a. rOILK U vQ Smith-Petersen a. sd YOL vQ
paraspinal a. dIH u vQ* Smith-Petersen-Cave-Van V wAu wU_ vQ*
patella turndown a. WH{dK ywKH ywUH vQ Gorder anterolateral a. U U sd YOL
Perry extensile anterior a. lOuK qUI wU_ vQ* Smith-Robinson cervical V W]O
d d
_ vQ
d V disk a. uM YOL
Pfannenstiel a. qOAMU vQ Somerville anterior a. qOdu V wU_ vQ*
Pfannenstiel transverse a. V dF* vQ* Southwick-Robinson V wU_ w
d vQ*
qOAMU anterior cervical a. uM puU
plantar a. wBL_ vQ* Southwick-Robinson puU V w
d vQ*
Pogrund lateral a. bdu V wAu vQ* cervical a. uM
posterior a. wHK) vQ* Spetzler anterior V wU_ rH d vQ*
posterior w{dF* wFKC lDI vQ transoral a. de
costotransversectomy a. wHK) split-heel a. uDA* VIF vQ
posterior inverted U a. U d( qJA wHK vQ split patellar a. uDA* WH{d vQ
WuKI* stabilization a. dI vQ
posterior midline a. wHK) n UM =j) vQ sternum-splitting a. =hIK dUA vQ*
posterior occipitocervical a. wHK) w
d wcI vQ* subclavicular a. u
d X vQ*
posterior transolecranon a. =e wHK) vQ* supraclavicular a. u
d u vQ*
posterolateral a. wAu wHK) vQ* surgical a. wd' vQ*
posteromedial a. w wHK) vQ* Swedish a. bu gu vQ
proprioceptive wKCF wBF dOO vQ Thompson a. uu vQ
neuromuscular oOLF =f( I* Thompson anterolateral a. V wAu wU_ vQ*
facilitation a. uu
approach vQ Thompson anteromedial a. V w wU_ vQ*
proximal interphalangeal UO 5 q UH* vQ uu
joint a. W]Ob Thompson posterior V wHK) dFJ vQ*
pulp a. VK vQ redial a. uu
Putti posterior a. wu V wHK) vQ* thoracic a. bB vQ*
Reinert acetabular lOuK qUI w=I( vQ* thoracoabdominal a. wMD bB vQ*
extensile a. dM V thoracolumbar a. wMDI bB vQ*
retroperitoneal a. w
UHB nK vQ* thoracolumbar nK wMDI bB vQ*
retropharyngeal a. uFK nK vQ* retroperitoneal a. UHB

- 37 -
thoracotomy a. bB lC vQ dM eK
thumb metacarpophalangeal w^ wFM= qBH* vQ Yee posterior shoulder a. U V wHK) wHJ vQ*
joint a. UN zig-zag a. =dF vQ
transacromial a. wd_ d vQ* Z-plasty a. Z d( qJA d vQ
transaxillary a. j d vQ* approximation WUI
transbrachioradialis a. dFJ bCF d vQ* approximator dI
transclavicular a. u
d d vQ* Acland clamp a. b UIK dI
transfibular a. uEA d vQ* Acland double clamp a. V e UIK dI
transolecranon a. e d vQ* b
transoral a. rH d vQ* Bruni-Wayne clamp a. s wd UIK dI
transpedicular a. WIu d vQ* Bunke-Schulz clamp a. eu wJu UIK dI
transperitoneal a. UHB d vQ* clamp a. UIK* dI
transsternal a. =hI d vQ* double clamp a. e* UIK* dI
transthoracic a. bB d vQ* Henderson clamp a. ubM UIK dI
transtrochanteric a. b* d vQ* hook a. hA dI
transverse a. dF* vQ* Ikuta clamp a. UuJ UIK dI
triradiate acetabular lOuK qUI w=I( vQ* Iwashi clamp a. wu UIK dI
extensile a. UD
_ w Kleinert-Kutz clamp a. eu dMOK UIK dI
triradiate w b* d vQ* rib a. {_ dI
transtrochanteric a. UD
_ Van Beek nerve a. pO U V VBF dI
unilateral sacroiliac a. U_ wH
d( eF vQ* APR dB
VU' gO'U qzb U
volar a. wd vQ* APR cement fixation qzb U_ *U XO
volar finger a. wd l vQ gO'U
volar midline a. wd n UM =j) vQ APR cement fixation U_ *U XO o
volar radial a. wd dFJ vQ* adhesive gO'U qzb
volar ulnar a. wd be vQ* APR hip stem qzb U_ u c
volarward a. wd wUM' vQ* gO'U
Wadsworth elbow a. u V od* vQ APR I femoral stem qzb U_ cH c
Wadsworth V wAu wHK) vQ* I gO'U
posterolateral a. u APR II hip system qzb U_ u UN
Wagoner posterior a. du V wHK) vQ* II gO'U
Watson-Jones a. eu u vQ APR total hip system U_ u qU UN
Watson-Jones anterior a. u V wU_ vQ* gO'U qzb
eu apraxia W]Oz _ ^cF
Watson-Jones lateral a. u V wAu vQ* apraxic _ ^cF o=KF wz
eu a. gait WOA*U _ ^cF WOA* WOz
Wiltberger anterior V wU_ w
d vQ* APRL dB
cervical a. ddK Army Prosthetics Research lU qzb U qUF
Wiltse-Spencer paraspinal a. V dIH u vQ* Laboratory gOK

- 38 -
APRL hand prosthesis APRL U s bO Wb arachidonate metabolism UbO_ I
APRL prosthesis APRL U s Wb arachidonic iL pObO_
APRL prosthetic hook APRL U s W]Ob U]M arachnodactyly lU _ W]OJM
apron e arachnoid ywuJM
quadriceps a. d W]OU e arachnoiditis W]OuJMF UN
APTA dB Arafiles fKO
American Physical Therapy FK W]OJd_ WDd A. arthrodesis fKO V qBH* U
Association wFOD A. elbow arthrodesis V od* qBH U
activated partial wze' 5ud s U A. elbow prosthesis fKO V od* Wb
thromboplastin time test j]AM* Arbeitsgemeinschaft qL WuL
Aquaciser eOu A. fur osteosynthesefragen uJ XO qL WuL
A. hydrodynamic wJOUMbO UO
UN (AO) (AO)
measurement system eOu V A. fur osteosynthesefragen XO qL WuL d
A. pool eOu WFOL procedure uJ
A. 100R underwater U* X =d* U UN arc u
treadmill system eOu V 100R flexion-extension a. j wM u

A. underwater treadmill U* X =d* U a. of motion Wd( u

eOu V painful a. W*R u

aquadynamics qzu  W]OJOUM reflex a. fJFM* u

AquaMotion pool suu WFOL arcade s ]uJ W]OdA WOM Uu

Aquanex hydrodynamic wJOUMbO UO UN u _ s WK K
measurement system fJu V a. of Frohse fd Uu

Aquaphor u u a. of Struthers dd Uu

A. dressing uu bOLC arch u

A. gauze dressing uu V UAU bOLC a. cookie W]UMHF u

Aquaplast splint Xu dO coracoacromial a. W]Od_ W]UIM* uI

Aqua PT water massage PT u V ywzU pOb a. fracture uI d
Aqua Shield reusable cast ULF bbF VUI UD a. of Frohse fd u

cover bKOu V Hillock a. uKO u

aquatic ^wzU keystone of the calcar a. ULN w eJd* We d

a. cardiac evaluation and tU wzU* VKI rOOI uI
testing (ACET) Langer a. d u

a. stabilization program wzU* XO ZUd longitudinal a. W]OuD uI

Aqua-Trainer dMd u palmar a. W]Od uI
Aquatrek device du eON plantar a. W]OBL_ uI
ARA-A dB posterior a. W]OHK) uI
adenine arabinoside buMO_ 5M Roman a. UU u

arabinoside buMO superficial palmar a. W]OD W]Od uI

adenine a. (ARA-A) buMO_ 5M a. support uI U

- 39 -
archers shoulder w]d n arida d
Archimedean drill sbLO VI Arizona Ue
architecture W]ULF UM A. Health Science Center Wu W]OB uKF ed
bony a. ywLE UM (AHSC) Ue
arch and slouch position q^d uI l{ A. leg support W]Oe_ U U
arch support uI WU arm bC
plantar a. s. W]OBL_ uI WU abductor lever a. b=F* WFd
Plastizote a. s. e V uI WU a. cuff c W]H
Whitman a. s. UL V uI WU a. cylinder cast cK wuD_ VUI
arch-up test uI l U a. elevator sling c WF F
ArCom processed V ZUF* 5KO wu fail a. WKU
polyethylene u a. flap c WKb
arcuate ]uI grenade thrower's a. W]bO qUMI U
a. complex ]uI V]d a. holder c pL
a. foramen W]uI WI lever a. WFd WKF
a. ligament ]uI U Linebacker's a. dJM
arcus u moment a. W]OE( WO
a. atlantis W]OINH uI outrigger a. b
a. palmaris profundus WIOLF W]Od uI a. sling c F
a. palmaris superficialis W]OD W]Od uI tackler's a. UI_ wF
a. parietooccipitalis W]OcI W]b' uI Utah artificial a. Uu V W]OUMB c
a. pedis transversalis bIK W{dF* uI wringer a. d U
a. plantaris W]OBL_ uI armboard c Wu
a. plantaris profundus WIOLF W]OBL_ uI Flexisplint flexed a. V WOMM* c
a. pubicus WUF u
a. vertebrae dIH u
Armistead bO O
a. vertebralis W]dIH uI A. technique bOO WId
a. volaris profundus WIOLF W]Od uI A. ulnar lengthening bOO V be quD
a. volaris superficialis W]OD W]Od uI A. ulnar lengthening V be quD W]OKL
ARDS dB operation bOO
adult respiratory distress w W]OHM WIzUC W Armstrong acrominectomy Zd  V wd_ lD
syndrome 5GU Army gO'
area WU A. bone gouge gOK rEF u
dorsolumbar a. W]OMD
W]dN WU A. osteotome gOK rEF lC
odontoid-axial a. Wu W]OIzU WU A. Prosthetics Research lU qzb U qLF
performance a. U WU Laboratory (APRL) gOK
pressure-sensitive a. jGCK WU] WU Army-Navy retractor w U w UF
puboischial a. W]OJ W]OU WU Arnold bu
a. scar WU Wb A. brace bu UM
trapezial a. W]OF]d* WU A. lumbar brace bu V W]OMDI UM

- 40 -
Arnold-Chiari UO bu a. malformation (AVM) b ywUd ^uA
A.-C. malformation UO bu ^uA arteritis UdA UN
A.-C. syndrome UO bu W Takayasu a. uUUJ V UdA UN
AROM dB artery Ud
active range of motion WdK qUH U* Adamkiewicz a. gOHOJ Ud
Aron Alpha adhesive V UH o anterior radial collateral a. wU_ wU' dFJ UdA
Aronson-Prager technique dd u WId anterior recurrent tibial a. wU_ ld wuME UdA
arrest n^ u anterior spinal a. wU_ ^wU^M Ud=A
epiphyseal a. wUA n^
u anterior tibial a. wU_ wuME UdA
greater trochanteric dOJ b* TU n^
u ascending cervical a. bUB w
d UdA
apophyseal a. axillary a. wD UdA
growth a. uLM n^
u brachial a. bCF UdA
Arrow pin clasp ] V u^b pA carotid a. wU UdA
Arrowsmith-Clerf V u^b oK jIK cervical a. w
d UdA
pin-closing forceps dK YOL] circumflex a. nDFM* UdA
arsenical keratosis ywJOM dI circumflex iliac a. wH
d( nDFM* UdA
art Wd s UN circumflex scapular a. wHJ nDFM* UdA
adjustive a. WuC UN collateral a. wU' UdA
artefacta qFH common carotid a. wK _ wU UdA
dermatitis a. qFH* bK' UN common iliac a. wK _ wH
d( UdA
arterial wUd deep circumflex iliac a. oOLF wH
d( nDFM* UdA
a. aneurysm wUd u digital a. wF UdA
a. flap W]OUd WKb dorsalis pedis a. bI dN Ud
a. gas embolism wUdA UG ULB dorsal metatarsal a. wdNE wDA* UdA
a. graft wUd rF end a. wzUN UdA
a. occlusion sign wUdA b W epiphyseal a. wUA* UdA
a. oxygen saturation 5_U wUdA l^A facial a. wNu UdA
a. ring W]OUdA WIK( femoral a. cH UdA
a. spasm wUdA Z^MA femoral circumflex a. cH nDFM* UdA
a. trauma wUdA `{d genicular a. wd UdA
arteria radicularis magna dOJ c' UdA geniculate a. wd UdA
arteriogram W]OUd u gluteal a. u_ UdA
arteriography 5dA duB hypogastric a. wK( UdA
a. block 5dA duB UB iliac a. wH
d( UdA
femoral a. cH Ud=A duB iliofemoral flap a. cH wH
d( UdA
arteriosclerosis (AS) sOd]A V^KB wUd V^KB iliolumbar a. wMDI wH
d( UdA
a. obliterans ^b* sOd]A V^KB inferior thyroid a. wKH w
b UdA
arteriotomy Ud=A lC intercostal a. {_ 5 UdA
arteriovenous yb ywUd internal carotid a. dzUG wU UdA
a. fistula (AVF) b ywUd uU internal iliac a. dzUG wH
d( UdA

- 41 -
lingual a. wUK UdA arthritide W]OdI WH
medial geniculate a. w wd UdA arthritis, pl.arthritides qBH* UN
metaphyseal a. wdJ UdA q UH* UUN
metatarsal a. wDA* UdA allergenic a. Q* qBH* UN
middle sacral a. j=u* eF UdA calcaneocuboid joint a. dM wIF qBH* UN
nutrient a. =cG* UdA Charcot a. uU V qBH* UN
obturator a. b UdA crystal-induced a. ]d* qBH* UN
peroneal a. uEA UdA u]KU
plantar a. wBL_ UdA degenerative a. w^JM qBH* UN
popliteal a. wCQ* UdA enteropathic a. uF* U qBH* UN
posterior radial collateral a. wHK) wU' dFJ UdA erosive a. wKP] qBH* UN
posterior tibial a. wHK) wuME UdA fungal a. dDH qBH* UN
pudendal a. wdH UdA gonococcal a. wO] qBH* UN
radial a. dFJ UdA W]OM ]uJ*U
radicular a. c' UdA gonococcal septic a. wO] wU qBH* UN
rectal a. wdA UdA gouty a. wdIM qBH* UN
retinacular a. bOI UdA hemophiliac a. uUM qBH* UN
sacral a. eF UdA hypotrophic a. uL^C qBH* UN
segmental a. wFDI UdA W]uO( h
spinal a. wUM UdA infectious a. wzbF qBH* UN
subclavian a. u
d X UdA juvenile rheumatoid a. buUd qBH* UN
superficial circumflex wH
d( nDFM* UdA (JRA) wFHO
iliac a. wD migratory a. q=IM* dUN qBH* UN
superficial temporal a. wD wbB UdA mutilans rheumatoid a. buUd qBH* UN
superior laryngeal a. uKF dM( UdA U'
superior thyroid a. uKF w
b UdA mycobacterial a. d=DH* qBH* UN
tarsal sinus a. wG d VO' Ud d=DH*U
artery Ud oligoarticular a. WKOKI q UH* UN
thrombosis radial a. U) dFJ UdA osteoarthritis a. wLEF UBHU qBH* UN
tibial a. wuME UdA patellofemoral a. cH wH{d qBH* UN
ulnar a. be UdA pauciarticular a. WKOKI q UH* UN
vertebral a. dIH UdA pisotriquetral a. w]K* wB=L( qBH* UN
volar digital a. wd wF UdA polyarticular a. bbF q UH* UN
arthrempyesis qBH* `^OI postinfectious a. bFK wU qBH* UN
Arthrex Wd fd postmenopausal a. U wU qBH* UN
A. arthroscopy instrument V qBH* dOEM psoriatic a. w wbB qBH* UN
fd W]Ob]B
A. sheathed interference V b]LG* qb Vu pyogenic a. `=OI* qBH* UN
screw fd radiocarpal a. wGd dFJ qBH* UN
A. zebra pin fd V ywU]F u^b rheumatoid a. (RA) buUd qBH* UN

- 42 -
septic a. wU qBH* UN Baciu-Filibiu dowel V qUJ qBH U
seronegative a. qB* wK qBH* UN ankle a. uOOKO uOU U
seropositive a. qB* wU qBH* UN Baciu-Filibiu V VFJ d qBH* U
silicone a. wuJOKO qBH* UN transmalleolar a. uOOKO uOU
spinal a. dIH qBH* UN Barrasso-Wile-Gage a. uU V qBH* U
staphylococcal a. U]uIMFU qBH* UN U q
suppurative a. w^OI qBH* UN Barr-Record ankle a. V qUJ qBH U
tibiotalar a. wKUJ wuME qBH* UN u U
Tom Smith a. u V qBH* UN Batchelor-Brown qUJ X qBH* U
YOL extraarticular subtalar a. uKAU V qBH* U
traumatic a. w{d qBH* UN d
tuberculous a. w=K qBH* UN Beak modification with qBH* U l pO qbF
viral-associated a. jd* wdOH qBH* UN triple a. w
UdOU Blair a. d V qBH* U
arthrocace qBH* q Blair ankle a. V qUJ qBH U
arthrocele qBH* ^u d
arthrochalasis qBH* pJ Blair anterior a. V wU_ qBH* U
arthrodesis qBH* U d
Abbott-Fischer-Lucas V u qBH U Blair-Morris-Dunn-Hand V qUJ qBH U
hip a. Uu dAO u^ ankle a. bU fu d
Abbott-Lucas a. u^ V qBH* U Bosworth femoroischial a. wJ cH qBH* U
Uu uu V
Adams a. e V qBH* U Brett a. Xd V qBH* U
Adams transmalleolar a. V VFJ d qBH* U Brewster triple a. V w qBH* U
e dd
Adkins a. eMO V qBH* U Brittain a. sU]d V qBH* U
Adkins technique spinal a. WIdD dIH qBH* U Brittain ischiofemoral a. wJ cH qBH* U
eMO sU]d V
ankle a. qUJ qBH U Brooks atlantoaxial a. u* wINH qBH* U
anterior a. wU_ qBH* U fd V
anterior occipitocervical a. wcI w
d qBH* U Campbell-Akbarnia a. qU V qBH* U
wU_ UOd
AO group a. WuL V qBH U Campbell posterior a. V wHK) qBH* U
AO group shoulder a. V nJ qBH U Campbell-Rinehard- V wU_ qBH* U
WuL Kalenak anterior a. UMU UNM qU
Arafiles a. fKO V qBH* U Carceau-Brahms ankle a. V qUJ qBH U
Arafiles elbow a. V od* qBH U eLd uU
fKO cervical a. W]O
d q UH* U
atlantoaxial a. u* wINH qBH* U Chandler a. dbU V qBH* U

- 43 -
Chapchal knee a. V Wd qBH U joint a. ]_
UAU first metatarsal-first ]_ wDA* qBH* U
Charcot hip a. V u qBH U cuneiform a. ]_ wMOH
uU flexion injury posterior u* wINH qBH* U
Charnley a. wKU V qBH* U atlantoaxial a. wM] WU w wHK)
Charnley compression a. V wUGC qBH* U Gallie a. tOOU V qBH* U
wKU Garceau-Brahms a. uOU V qBH* U
Charnley-Houston V nJ qBH U eLd
shoulder a. su wKU Ghormley a. wKu V qBH* U
Chuinard-Peterson ankle a. V qUJ qBH U Gill a. qO V qBH* U
ud Uu Gill-Stein a. 5 qO V qBH* U
Chuinard-Peterson V wU_ qBH* U glenohumeral a. bCF wU]I( qBH* U
anterior a. ud Uu Glissane a. UOK V qBH* U
Cloward cervical a. V w
d qBH* U Goldner spinal a. V WdIH q UH* U
uK dbu
Compere-Thompson a. du V qBH* U Graham ankle a. V Wd qBH U
uu Ud
compression a. wUGC qBH* U Grice a. fd V qBH* U
cone a. wd* qBH* U Grice-Green subtalar a. qUJ X qBH* U
coracoclavicular a. u
d wdG qBH* U sd fd V
cuneiform joint a. wMOH qBH* U Guttmann a. ULu V qBH* U
Davis a. eO V qBH* U Haddad-Riordan a. ]b V qBH* U
De Andrade-MacNab w
d wcI qBH* U u
occipitocervical a. U U bb V hallux rigidus a. qL]B bI UN qBH U
Dennyson-Fulford qUJ X qBH* U Harris-Beath a. f=U V qBH* U
subtalar a. uHu u= V YO
distal fibulotalar a. wKUJ uEA qBH* U Heiple a. qO V qBH* U
w UI Henderson a. ubM V qBH* U
Dunn-Brittain triple a. V w qBH* U Hibbs a. fO V qBH* U
sU]d Hoke a. u V qBH* U
Dunn triple a. V w qBH* U Hoke triple a. V w qBH* U
Enneking knee a. V Wd qBH U u
ZMOJ Horwitz-Adams a. eOu V qBH* U
excisional a. wUB qBH* U e
extension injury posterior u* wINH qBH* U Horwitz ankle a. V qUJ qBH U
atlantoaxial a. j WU w wHK) eOu
extraarticular a. qBH* U s qBH* U Horwitz transmalleolar a. V VFJ d qBH* U
fibulotalar a. wKUJ uEA qBH* U eOu
first cuneiform joint a. ]_ wMOH qBH* U interbody a. U_ sO qBH* U
first cuneiform-navicular wMOH w
e qBH* U intercarpal a. md q qBH* U

- 44 -
intraarticular a. qBH* q s qBH* U pantalar a. qUJ qBH qU U
Johannson-Barrington a. uUu V qBH* U paraarticular a. qBH* u U
uMd posterior a. wHK) qBH* U
John C. Wilson a. C u V qBH* U posterior atlantoaxial a. u* wINH qBH* U
uK wHK)
joint a. qBH* U Potter a. du V qBH* U
Key a. w V qBH* U Pridie ankle a. V qUJ qBH U
Key intraarticular knee a. q s Wd qBH U bd
w V qBH* Pritchett-Mallin- XAd V qBH* U
Kickaldy-Willis a. bUJO V qBH* U Matthews a. fuU 5U
eOK Putti knee a. wu V Wd qBH U
knee a. Wd qBH U radiocarpal a. wGd dFJ qBH* U
Kostuik-Alexander a. uOu V qBH* U resection a. wFDI qBH* U
bMJ Richards a. UA V qBH* U
Lambrinudi a. ud V qBH* U Richardson subtalar a. qUJ X qBH* U
Lionberger-Bishop-Tullos V wU_ qBH* U uUA V
anterior a. u^u uAO dduO Robinson-Riley cervical a. V w
d qBH* U
Lipscomb w wDA* qBH* U wK uM
metatarsophaleangeal a. VuJ V Robinson-Smith spinal a. V WdIH q UH* U
Lipscomb modified qBH* U uJ qbF YOL uM
McKeever a. dHO p V Robinson spinal a. V WdIH q UH* U
Lucas-Murray knee a. V Wd qBH U uM
u Uu Ryerson triple a. V w qBH* U
lunotriquetral a. w]K* wN qBH* U ud
Mann modified qBH* U U qbF scaphocapitolunate a. (SCL) wN wUI qBH* U
McKeever a. dHO p V dOJ
Marcus-Balourdas-Heiple V VFJ d qBH* U scaphotrapeziotrapezoid a. wN wUI qBH* U
transmalleolar a. qO uU fU dOJ wF]d*
McKeever w wDA* qBH* U scapulothoracic a. bB wHJ qBH* U
metatarsophalangeal a. dHO p V Schneider hip a. V u qBH U
metatarsophalangeal joint a. w wDA* qBH* U bUM
midcarpal a. md nBM qBH U Scranton transmelleolar a. V VFJ d qBH* U
Millender-Nalebuff wrist a. V md qBH U udJ
uU bMKO a. screw qBH* U Vu
Morris-Hand-Dunn V wU_ qBH* U Seoffert triple a. V w qBH* U
anterior a. bU fu du
Mueller a. duO V qBH* U shoulder a. nJ qBH U
Naughton-Dunn triple a. V w qBH* U Shriver-Johnson UO 5 q UH* U
u interphalangeal a. uu dHd V
occipitocervical a. w
d wcI qBH* U Siffert-Forster-Nachamie a. dHO V qBH* U

- 45 -
wUU du eu
Simmons spinal a. V W]dIH q UH* U White a. X V qBH* U
eu^LO Whitecloud-LaRocca V W]O
d q UH* U
in situ a. tF{u w qBH* U cervical a. U uKJ
Smith-Robinson U_ sO q UH* U White posterior a. V wHK) qBH* U
interbody a. uM YOL V X
Soren a. u V qBH* U Wilson a. uK V qBH* U
Spier elbow a. dO V od* qBH U Wilson cone a. V wd* qBH* U
spinal a. WdIH q UH* U uK
Staples elbow a. V od* qBH U Wilson-Johannson-Barringt V wd* qBH* U
fKU on cone a. uMd uUu uK
Stark a. U V qBH* U arthrodysplasia q UH* Z^ M qK
Steindler elbow a. V od* qBH U arthroereisis qBH* bOOI
dbMO peg-in-hole a. w bu WIdD qBH* bOOI
Stewart-Harley VFJ d qUJ qBH U VI
transmalleolar ankle a. wU u V subtalar a. qUJ X qBH* bOOI
stone a. d( qBH* U arthrofibrosis qBH* n^OK
subtalar a. qUJ X qBH* U Arthrofile orthopaedic rasp UEF .uI Wd U 
talar triple a. wKUJ w qBH* U qU d V
tarsal a. wG d qBH* U arthrogenic gait QAM* W]OKBH WOA
tarsometatarsal joint a. wDA* wG d qBH* U arthrogram W]OUFA qBH* u
tarsometatarsal truncated wDA* wG d qBH* U nuclear a. W]uM qBH* u
wedge a. UUNM l]d* wMOH arthrographic capsular UNIeL WEH* bbL WId
thoracoscapular a. wHJ bB qBH* U distension and rupture qBH* duB
tibiocalcaneal a. wIF wuME qBH* U technique
tibiotalar a. wKUJ wuME qBH* U arthrography qBH* duB
tibiotalocalcaneal a. wKUJ wuME qBH* U Brostrom-Gordon a. dd V qBH* duB
wIF u
transmalleolar ankle a. VFJ d qUJ qBH U double-contrast a. sU e* qBH* duB
triple a. w qBH* U magnetic resonance a. wOUMG* 5dU qBH* duB
triquetrum-lunate a. wN w]K* qBH* U arthrogryposis qBH* Uu
triscaphe a. w
e w qBH* U myopathic a. U qBH* Uu
Trumble a. qd V qBH* U wKCF
truncated tarsometatarsal wDA* wG d qBH* U neurogenic a. QAM* wBF qBH* Uu
wedge a. UUNM l]d* wMOH arthrogrypotic clubfoot qBH* UuU bI nM
truncated-wedge a. l]d* 5HU qBH* U arthrokinematics q UH* Ud rK
UUNM arthrokleisis qBH* U qBH* j
Uematsu shoulder a. V nJ qBH U arthrolith qBH* UB
uU arthrology q UH* rK
Watson-Jones a. u V qBH* U Arthro-Lok u d

- 46 -
A.-L. blade u d qB Bryan a. Ud V qBH*
A.-L. system of Beaver dHO UB_ u d UN Campbell interpositional a. V wU
blades qU
arthromeningitis qO]e UN Campbell resection a. V wFDI qBH*
arthrometer qBH* Ud U UOI qU
KT1000 knee ligament a. qBH Ud U UOI capitellocondylar a. wLIK wd qBH*
KT1000 Wd capitellocondylar total WLIKU wId* qBH* qU
KT2000 knee ligament a. qBH Ud U UOI elbow a. W]Od
KT2000 Wd capsular interposition a. wEH* wU
stress-testing a. qBH* Ud U UOI carpometacarpal a. wFM wGd qBH*
UN UU Carroll a. ^U V qBH*
a. testing Ud U UO
U Castle-Schneider resection wFDI wU
qBH* interposition a. bUM qU V
arthroncus qBH* ^u a. cement qBH* 
arthroneuralgia wKBH r cemented total hip a. w* u qBH qU
arthroonychodysplasia Z^ M qK b W Charnley total hip a. V u qBH qU
syndrome dHE wKBH* wKU
arthropan Ud Clayton forefoot a. V bI ]bI q UH
arthropathy wKBH u
Charcot a. uU V wKBH* Colonna trochanteric a. V b* qBH*
cuff tear a. W]HJ ^eL wKBH* U]uu
joint a. wKBH condylar implant a. W]OLI WdG qBH*
neuropathic a. QAM* ywB ywKBH constrained ankle a. b]OI* qUJ qBH
pyrophosphate a. UHdOU wKBH* constrained shoulder a. b]OI* nJ qBH
sarcoiliac joint a. wH
d( eF qBH* convex condylar implant a. W]b W]OLI WdG qBH
arthrophyte W]OKBH WU Coonrad-Morrey total V od* qBH qU
arthroplasty qBH* elbow a. u du
abrasion a. Z]U qBH* Coonrad total elbow a. V od* qBH qU
acetabular cup a. wHK w=I( qBH* du
Albright-Chase a. Xd V qBH* Cracchiolo forefoot a. V bI ]bI q UH
eO uuOd
Ashworth hand a. V bO qBH Crawford-Adams cup a. Q nK qBH
u e ud
Ashworth implant a. u WdG qBH* Cubbins a. eMO=u V qBH*
Aufranc cup a. pd nK qBH cuff tear a. W]HJ ^eL
Austin Moore a. u 5 V qBH* cup a. n]KU qBH
autogenous interpositional wU
nJ qBH Dewar-Barrington a. V qBH*
shoulder a. QAM* wc uMd
Bechtol a. uJ V qBH* distraction a. w
d qBH*
bipolar hip a. VDI wzUM u qBH duToit-Roux a. V qBH*

- 47 -
Xu Inglis triaxial total elbow a. w od* qBH qU
Eaton a. u V qBH* eK V u*
Eaton implant a. V wdG qBH Insall-Burstein-Freeman U V Wd qBH
u knee a. U1d sUd
Eaton volar plate a. W]Od WOHB qBH interpositional elbow a. wU
od* qBH
u V interpositional shoulder a. wU
nJ qBH
Eden-Hybbinette a. V qBH* Jones resection a. V wFDI qBH*
elbow a. od* qBH Kates a. fU V qBH*
Ewald capitellocondylar wd od* qBH qU Keller a. dKO V qBH*
total elbow a. b V wLIK Keller resection a. dKO V wFDI qBH*
Ewald elbow a. b V od* qBH Knee a. Wd qBH
Ewald-Walker kinematic =d* Wd qBH Kocher-McFarland hip a. du V u qBH
knee a. dJ b V bU p
Ewald-Walker knee a. b V Wd qBH Kutes a. fu V qBH*
dJ Larmon forefoot a. V bI ]bI q UH
excision a. wUB qBH* u
fascial a. WUHK wUHK qBH* Mann-DuVries a. td U V qBH*
finger joint a. lU _ q UH Matchett-Brown hip a. V u qBH
forefoot a. bI ]bI q UH d XAU
Girdlestone resection a. V wFDI qBH* Mayo resection a. uU V wFDI qBH*
ud Mayo total elbow a. V od* qBH qU
a. gouge qBH* u uU
Gristina-Webb total V nJ qBH qU Memford-Gurd a. uHL V qBH*
shoulder a. V UMOd u
Gunston a. uM V qBH* metacarpophalangeal joint a. w wFM qBH*
Harrington total hip a. V u qBH qU Meuli a. wu V qBH*
u=U Millender a. bMKO V qBH*
Head hip a. bO V u qBH Miller-Galante a. dKO V qBH*
Helal flap a. WKb qBH* XU
hemiresection a. wFDI nB qBH* Miller-Galante knee a. dKO V Wd qBH
arthroplasty qBH* XU
hemiresection lDIU wU
qBH* modified mold and surface VUI qbF qBH*
interposition a. wHBM replacement a. `D b
hip a. wu qBH* mold acetabular a. VUIU w=I( qBH*
Hungerford-Krackow-Kenn V Wd qBH monospherical shoulder a. U_ nJ qBH
a knee a. UMO ud udM dJ
ICLH double cup a. wzUM n]KU qBH* monospherical total nJ qBH qU
ICLH shoulder a. dJ U_
implant a. rFD wdG qBH* Morrey-Bryan total od* qBH qU

- 48 -
elbow a. Ud u V Steffee thumb a. V UN qBH
Mould a. bu V qBH* wHO
Mueller hip a. duO V u qBH Suave-Kapanje a. u V qBH*
Mumford-Gurd a. uHL V qBH* wMU
u suface replacement a. `D bU qBH*
NEB a. bLF V qBH* surface replacement hip a. bU u qBH
bb' dK `D
Neer shoulder a. dO V nJ qBH Swanson Convex ]b* wLIK qBH*
Neer unconstrained b]OI* dO nJ qBH condylar a. uu V
shoulder a. dO V Swanson implant a. uu WdG qBH*
Niebauer wFM wF]d* qBH* Swanson radial head s WdG qBH*
trapeziometacarpal a. uO V implant a. uu V dFJ
noncemented total hip a. dO u qBH qU Swanson silicone wrist a. wuJOKO md qBH
w* uu V
Post shoulder a. V nJ qBH tendon interposition a. duU wU
Xu total ankle a. qUJ qBH qU
Post total shoulder a. nJ qBH qU total articular replacement a. qU bU qBH*
Press-Fit condylar knee a. V Wd WLI qBH total articular resurfacing a. `OD US qBH*
XO fd (TARA) (TARA) qBH* qUJ
prosthetic a. wb qBH* total elbow a. od* qBH qU
Putti-Platt a. wu V qBH* total hip a. (THA) u qBH qU
resection a. wFDI qBH* total knee a. (TKA) Wd qBH qU
revision hip a. wOIM] u qBH total patellofemoral joint a. wH{d qBH* qU
rotator cuff tear a. W]HJ W
e0 db qBH* cH
Schlein elbow a. s V od* qBH total shoulder a. nJ qBH qU
semiconstrained total nB od* qBH qU total wrist a. md qBH qU
elbow a. b]OI* triaxial total elbow a. w od* qBH qU
shoulder a. nJ qBH U;
Silastic a. pOO V qBH* Tupper a. du V qBH*
Silastic lunate a. V wN qBH* ulnar hemiresection lDIU wU
pOO interposition a. beK wHBM
silicone implant a. W]OuJOKO WdG qBH* unconstrained shoulder a. b]OI* dO nJ qBH
silicone rubber a. wuJOKO U]D*U qBH* unicompartmental a. e=O( U_ qBH*
silicone wrist a. wuJOKO md qBH unicompartmental knee a. U_ Wd qBH
Smith-Petersen cup a. YOL nK qBH (UKA) e=O(
ud Vaino MP a. uMU V qBH*
Speed a. bO V qBH* Vitallium cup a. uOUO nK qBH
Stanmore shoulder a. V nJ qBH volar plate a. W]Od WOHBU qBH*
uLU Volz a. eu V qBH*

- 49 -
Wilson-McKeever a. uK V qBH* a. debridement qBH* UEM0 UC
dHO p a. entry portal qBH* UEM u qb
arthropneumography UG qBH* duB a. examination qBH* UEM0 hH
Arthropor ud a. knife qBH* UEM WMO=J
A. cup ud n' Q a. laser instrument qBH* UEM* eOK
A. cup pad ud V QJ U a. laser surgery qBH* UEM0 W]eOK Wd'
A. cup prosthesis ud V QJ Wb a. meniscectomy qBH* UEM0 WN UB
A. II porous socket V rOL u' a. microdiskectomy (AMD) dOEMU dI UB
II ud dN* wKBH*
A. oblong cup for V qOD* n]K a. osteotome qBH* UEM0 rEF lC
acetabular defects WO=I( uOFK ud a. probe qBH* UEM U
A. pad ud U a. punch qBH* UEM W]d
ArthroProbe dd a. scissors qBH* UEM ^hI
Contact A. wUL] dd a. shaving qBH* UEM0 jA
A. laser system dd V eOK UN a. shield qBH* UEM
arthropyosis qBH* `^OI a. surgery qBH* UEM0 Wd'
arthrorheumatism wKBH eOU a. synovectomy qBH* UEM0 qOe UB
arthroscope qBH* UEM arthroscopy qBH* dOEM
angled a. ]e* qBH* UEM a. basket forceps qBH* dOEM W]K jIK
Dyonics a. fJOu V qBH* UEM diagnostic a. wBOA qBH* dOEM
Eagle a. q V qBH* UEM diagnostic and operative a. wBOA qBH* dOEM
Eagle straight-ahead a. .bF rOI* qBH* UEM (DOA) wd'
q V d Gilquist a. V qBH* dOEM
fiberoptic a. wHOK dB qBH* UEM XuJKO
OConnor operating a. V ywd' qBH* UEM a. grasping forceps qBH* dOEM iI jIK
uM laser a. eOKU qBH* dOEM
a. sheath qBH* UEM bL lateral hip a. wU' u qBH dOEM
Storz a. eu V qBH* UEM midcarpal a. md nBM qBH dOEM
Storz oblique a. V qzU* qBH* UEM operative a. wd' qBH* dOEM
eu radiocarpal a. wGd dFJ qBH* dOEM
Stryker viewing a. V ywKBH yUEM bNA Ringer a. dM V qBH* dOEM
dJd arthrosis UB
triangulation technique UEM* Ue W]O WIdD uncovertebral a. dI w=B UB
for a. qBH* Arthrotek pd
Wolf a. n V qBH* UEM A. Ellipticut hand V bO ULF
arthroscopic qBH* UEM0 o=KF instrumentation XJOO pd
a. abrasion chondroplasty UEM0 w] dCG A. femoral aimer pd V cH bU
qBH* A. IES 1000 IES1000 pd
a. augmentation dOJ] qBH* UEM arthrotomy qBH* lC
a. cannula qBH* UEM W]OM
Magnuson-Stack V nJ qBH lC

- 50 -
shoulder a. U uMU ud Ubu
operative a. wd' qBH* lC humeroradial a. dFJ bCF qBH*
parapatellar a. WH{d u qBH lC humeroulnar a. be bCF qBH*
arthroxerosis qBH* UH intercarpal as. md UE 5 q UH*
articular wKBH intermetacarpal as. UM_ 5 q UH*
a. blockage wKBH UB interphalangeal as. UO 5 q UH*
a. capsule W]OKBH WEH Lisfranc a. pdHO qBH
a. cartilage wKBH dC metacarpophalangeal a. w wFM qBH*
a. cartilage lesion wKBH* dCG W metatarsocuneiform a. wMOH wDA* qBH*
a. defect wKBH VO patellofemoral a. cH wH{d qBH*
a. facet wKBH tO proximal radioulnar a. wb be dFJ qBH*
a. facet angle wKBH* tOu W radiocapitellar a. wd dFJ qBH*
a. fragment W]OKBH Wb radiocarpal a. wGd dFJ qBH*
a. insert wKBH d radioulnar a. be dFJ qBH*
a. labrum qBH* UH scapuloclavicular a. u
d wHJ qBH*
a. mass separation wKBH ywK UBH subtalar a. qUJ X qBH*
articular ywKBH talocalcaneonavicular a. w
e wIF wKUJ qBH*
a. mass separation fracture qBH* WKJ wUBH d tarsometatarsal a. wDA* wG d qBH*
a. nerve wKBH VB tibiofemoral a. cH wuME qBH*
a. pillar wKBH UL tibiofibular a. uEA wuME qBH*
a. pillar fracture wKBH* ULF d Vermont spinal fixator a. V wuA X=* qBHL
a. process wKBH* TUM Xud
a. strain wKBH UN articulatory procedure wKBH d
a. surface wKBH `D artifact WU
articulated qBHL electric a. WOzUdN WU
a. chin implant WKBHL W]OM
Wd movement a. WU Wd
a. external fixator qBHL* wU) X=* shock a. WU Wb
a. tension device WKBHL* d^u eON stimulus a. U tOM
articulating bone end WKBHL W]OLE WUN artifactual U
articulatio humeri bCF qBH artificial wUMD
articulation qBH qBHL a. fat pad W]OUMD W]OM U
acromioclavicular a. u
d wd_ qBH* a. joint implant wUMD qBH* Wd
atlantoaxial a. u* wINH qBH* a. ligament wUMD U
calcaneocuboid a. dM wIF qBH* a. limb wUMD d
carpometacarpal a. wFM wGd qBH* a. vertebral body wUMD dI r
Chopart a. Uu qBH AS dB
condylar a. wLIK qBH* anterosuperior uK ywU
coracoclavicular a. u
d wdG qBH* aortic stenosis w_ o^OC
coxofemoral a. cH wu qBH* arteriosclerosis 5dA V^KB
Goldman-Fristoe test of a. V qBHL U AS ilium uK wU wH

- 51 -
AS subluxation wU_ pJH wze' lK) ASIF dB
uKF Association for the Study of wKb XO W WD
ASA dB Internal Fixation
acetylsalicylic acid pOKOOU qOO_ iL ASIF broad dynamic W]OUGC rEF WOH
ascending cervical artery bUB w d UdA compression bone plate ASIF WCdF WOJOUMb
Asch ASIF cancellous screw ASIF V wMH VuK
A. forceps jIK ASIF chisel ASIF qO
A. splint dO ASIF cortical screw ASIF V dA
ascites s UI ASIF plate ASIF WOH
chylous a. ywuKO s ASIF right-angle blade plate We WLzU
Ascriptin sdJ ASIF
axilla, shoulder, elbow od* nJ j ASIF screw fixation V VuKU XO WId
ASE bandage od* nJ j WUB technique ASIF
aseptic dU ASIF screw pin ASIF Vu u^
a. fashion dU WId ASIF system ASIF UN
a. felon dU f ASIF technique ASIF WId
a. loosening rOI qIKI ASIF T-plate ASIF V T qJA WOHB
a. necrosis dU d ASIF twist drill ASIF V qH VI
anterosuperior external W]uK W]OU W]OH
d Wd anterosuperior internal W]uK W]OU W]OH
d Wd
ilium movement WOA ilium movement W]OK
ASEx ilium wA yuK ywU ywH
d ASIn ilium wK uK wU wH
ASEx subluxation wH
d( pJH wze' lK) ASIn subluxation wH
d( pJH wze' lK)
wAu uKF wU_ wKb uKF wU_
Ashhurst-Bromer u J dd XuN rO I ASIS dB
classification of ankle qUJ anterior superior iliac spine W]uKF W]OU_ W]OH
d( WuA
fractures anterosuperior iliac spine W]uKF W]OU_ W]OH
d( WuA
Ashhurts leg splint euN V U  dO Asnis fO
Ashworth u A. cannulated cancellous V v]MI* wMH VuK
A. hand arthroplasty V bO qBH screw fO
u A. cannulated screw fO V v]MI* VuK
A. implant arthroplasty V wdG qBH* A. guided screw system V t]u* VuK UN
u fO
ASI dB A. 2 guided screw system V 2 t]u* VuK UN
acromial spur index wd_ ULN VM fO
ASICT dB A. pin fO u^
amplitude-summation wKb U]O WIdD W'UF A. screw fO Vu
interferential current b* r^d A. screw system fO V VuK UN
therapy A. technique fO WId

- 52 -
ASOT dB functional capacities a. W]OHOu WF rOOI
antistreptolysin-O titer O W]bIF W]U( ^b{ UO motor function a. W]Od( WHOu rOOI
ASP clip staple ASP V W]OJA* d neurologic a. wBF rOOI
aspect dEM vascular a. wzUu rOOI
dorsal a. wdN dEM visual a. dB rOOI
laminar cortex posterior a. W]OzUHB dAIK ywHK dEM vocational a. wMN* rOOI
medial a. w dEM ASSI dB
posterolateral a. wA wU ywHK dEM Accurate Surgical and W]Od' W]OLKF _ Wd
volar a. w dEM Scientific Instruments WIO
aspera sA Corporation
linea a. sA) j) ASSI wire pass drill WdA U) pK d VI
Aspercin 5d W]Od' W]OLKF
A. Extra 5d_ d WIO
aspergillosis infection U]OU]d b assimilation q^L
Aspergillus fumigatus UMb W]OU]d atlantooccipital a. ywcI ywINH U
aspiration e assist bU 
anterior a. ywU e knee extension a. Wd U bU
bone marrow a. rEF wI e assistance bU 
joint a. qBH* e ambulate with a. bU0 dO
lateral a. ywU e assisted ambulation bU * dO 
medial a. w e assistive bU 
a. needle biopsy eM dS We a. device bU eON
aspirator W U] WU]H associated myofascial WUB W]O UH W]OKC W]U WDI
Cavitron ultrasonic u Uu*U W]Od' WU]HA trigger point
surgical a. dU V W]OuB Association W D
aspirin i U s=J  sd American Physical Therapy FK W]OJd_ WDd
assay WUI Canadian Physiotherapy A. wFOD FK W]bMJ WDd
enzyme-linked jd* =wUM* =eL* WUI Japanese Orthopaedic A. .uI Wd' W]OUUO WDd
immunosorbent a. (ELISA) eO reU (JOA) UEF
radioisotope cleanrance a. W]FA* dzUEM WOHB WUI A. for the Study of Internal wKb XO W WD
assembly lOL Fixation (ASIF)
foot-ankle a. qUJ bI lOL astasia W]O u  u u ^cF
Massie nail a. w=U UL lOL asterixis w W]OU o U) UF
multiple hook a. =bF* U]MB lOL bJ qAH
nail a. UL* lOL asthenia s
nail-screw sideplate a. ULLK W]OU' WOHB lOL asthenic s
proximal drill guide a. wb VI* qO lOL American Society for u* U W]OJd_ W]OFL'
assessment rOOI Testing of Materials

- 53 -
ASTM designation of V uO( uD 5OF atelectasis UL
Biophase u* U W]OJd_ W]OFL' plate-like a. qJA ywu UL
Aston patterning u d pulmonary a. uz UL
astragalus qUJ Aten olecranon screw s V =e Vu
aviators a. sU]OD qU ATFL dB
Astralac needle d d anterior talofibular uEA wKUJ Ud
asymmetric dUM ligament wU_
a. incurvatum reflex wKb UM fJFM ATH dB
dUM anthropometric total hip W]dA UUOIU qU
a. skin fold dUM bK' W]O atherosclerosis bOBF V^KB
a. tonic neck reflex (ATNR) dUM W
dK d=u* fJFM athetoid wFM wUFM
a. wear dUM d a. cerebral palsy wUFM yw= qK
asymmetrical dUM athetotic wFM
a. growth dUM yuL athletes foot w{Ud b
asymmetrically dUM athletic w{U
asymmetry dUM a. injury W]O{U WU
asynergia P] bI W]P a. trainer w{U =b
asynergic yP Ativan UHO
AT dB Atkin epiphyseal fracture 5J V wUA* d J
anaerobic threshold W]OzuO W Atlanta U
Atasoy U A. brace orthosis V W]UM rEF WuI
A. triangular advancement V W]O]K* W=bI* WKb U
flap U A. hip brace U V u UM
A. volar V-Y flap V-Y qJA W]Od WKb atlantal wIN
U V a. ligament wINH Ud
A. V-Y advancement V V-Y qJA .bI a. transverse ligament dF* wINH Ud
U Atlanta-Scottish Rite X guJ U
A. V-Y technique U V V-Y WIdD A.-S. R. abduction orthosis V W]bOF rEF WuI
Atasoy-type flap for nail `OKB U jL s WKb X guJ U
injury repair dOU * UU A.-S. R. brace X guJ U UM
atavicus dOB atlantis wIN
metatarsus a. dOB
jA arcus a. W]OINH uI
ataxia ` atlantoaxial u ywIN
equilibratory a. wu ` a. alignment u* wINH nO d
Friedreich a. abd ` a. arthrodesis u* wINH qBH* U
hereditary spinocerebellar a. w ywO ywU ` a. articulation u* wINH qBH*
locomotor a. w^d% ` a. dislocation (AAD) u* wINH lK)
spinocerebellar a. wO ywU ` a. fracture-dislocation u* wINH dJ lK)
ataxia-telangiectasia dOFA l^u ` a. fusion u* wINH Zb
ataxic cerebral palsy w yw= qK a. impaction u* wINH UA

- 54 -
a. instability wINH dI b U ATON dB
u* adductor tenotomy and VBF lD
=dI* du lC
a. joint u* wINH qBH* obturator neurectomy ]b]
a. lesion W]u W]OIN W atonia v
a. ligament u* wINH Ud atony v
a. rotary displacement u* wINH ]b Ue atopic dermatitis w^Q bK' UN
a. rotatory fixation (AARF) u* wINH ]b XO ATR dB
a. rotatory subluxation ]b pJH wze' lK) Achilles tendon rupture u
dF ^eL
u* wINH atracurium besylate udOd_ eO
a. stabilization u* wINH XO] Atra-Grip clamp Vd d UIK
a. subluxation (AAS) wINH pJH wze' lK) atraumatic w{
u* a. multidirectional UU= bbF dI b
atlantodens interval (ADI) W]OIzUH W]OINH WK UH instability w{
atlantodental ywIzU ywIN a. necrosis w{ d
a. interspace wIzUH wINH wD 5 e=O( a. needle W{ dO d
a. interval (ADI) W]OcI W]OINH WK UH atretic wI
atlantooccipital (AO) wc ywIN atrophic uL{
a. assimilation wcI wINH U a. fracture uL{ d
a. disability wcI wINH eF a. nonunion U b U b
a. fusion wcI wINH Zb uLC
a. joint wcI wINH qBH* atrophied dU{
a. joint disclocation wcI wINH qBH* lK atrophy uL{
a. junction wcI wINH q u* cortical a. dA
a. ligament wcI wINH Ud disuse a. ULF b uL{
a. subluxation wcI wINH wze' lK) Duchenne muscular a. 5 V ywKC uL{
atlantoodontoid wIzU ywIN infantile spinal muscular a. wuH ywU ywKC uL{
a. interspace wIzUH wINH wD 5 e=O( muscular a. wKC uL{
atlas WINH quadriceps a. d W]OU uL{
a. fracture WINH d scapular personeal a. uE ywH uL{
Jefferson fracture, of a. WINHK ud=H d spinal muscular a. (SMA) QAM* ^wU ywKC uL{
a. orthogonal percussion WINHK bUF* dI Sudeck a. rEF qK pu uL{
instrument `{dK wU
atlas-axis u* WINH thenar a. WH]d uL{
a.-a. complex u* WINH V]d attachement eJd
a.-a. movement u* WINH Wd capsular a. ywEH eJd
atlas (C1) v_ WO d dIH WINH femoral a. c eJd
atlas-dens interval ozUH WINH 5 WK UH fibrous a. ywHO eJd
ATNR dB ligamentous a. ywU eJd
asymmetric tonic neck dUM W
dK d=u* fJFM* muscular a. ywKC eJd
reflex osseous a. wLE eJd

- 55 -
Pearson a. udO eJd A.-T. hip cup pd V u n'
Pearson splint a. udO V dO' eJd ddO
splint a. dO' eJd A.-T. stem ddO pd c
tendinous a. d eJd auger VI
tendon-to-bone a. rEF v du eJd augmentation dOJ U
Thomas splint with eJd l Uu dO arthroscopic a. qBH* UEM0 dOJ
Pearson a. udO extraarticular a. qBH* U dOJ
a. versatility ULF =bF eJd hamstring ligament a. iQ* U dOJ
Attenborough total knee V Wd qU Wb iliotibial band a. wuME wH
d( jdA dOJ
prosthesis uM= iliotibial band graft a. wH
d( jdA rFD dOJ
attenuate s=u wuME
attenuation of tendon du 5u Leach-Schepsis-Paul a. u eO gO V dOJ
Atton disease u d slotted acetabular a. uIA yw=I dOJ
attrition of tendon du U synthetic a. wIOK dOJ
atypical dislocation wuL lK Augustine boat nail 5 V wUI UL *
auditory wFL auranofin WOdK yUC 5 u
a. defensiveness wFL Ub aureus w
a. evoked potential (AEP) ]d* wFL sUJ Staphylococcus a. W]Oc W]uIMF
Aufranc pd aurothioglucose yw dC  uuKuO_
A. awl pd d d_ w U]OKC UMI qLF
Aufranc pd W]OeOUd
A. cobra retractor V dUM =qB UF aurothiomalate UuO_
pd Austin 5
A. concentric hip mold V ed* u VU
A. bunionectomy 5 V WFu UB
pd A. osteotomy 5 V rEF lD

A. cup arthroplasty pd nK qBH* Austin-Moore u 5

A. gouge pd u A. M. arthroplasty 5 V qBH*
A. modification of YOL nK pd qbF u
Smith-Petersen cup udO A. M. extractor u 5 lU

A. periosteal elevator pd V UL WF A. M. femoral head 5 V cH Wb

A. reamer pd uI prosthesis u
Aufranc-Cobra hip pd V u Wb A. M. hip prosthesis u 5 V u Wb
prosthesis du A. M. impactor u 5 Ud
Aufranc-Turner ddO pd A. M. pin u 5 u^
A.-T. acetabular cup pd V w=I( n]K A. M. rasp u 5 U
ddO A. M. reamer u 5 uI
A.-T. cemented hip V W]O* u Wb autoamputation w d
prosthesis ddO pd autoclavable b u*U rOIF]K qU
A.-T. femoral component pd V cH =uJ* autoclave b u*U r=IF b u*
ddO autocompression plate UGC W]O WOH

- 56 -
Autoflex II CPM unit dL * WKFHM* Wd( b Autophor ceramic total hip V W]O e) u qU Wb
II f u V prosthesis u u
autofusion w Z autosomal b ' wGBU o=KF
autogn QAM* yw suJ autosuggestion w U
Soudre a. u V wc =uJ* autotome drill lDI yw VI
autogenous QAM* yw autotraction w yd
a. bone graft QAM* yw ywLE rF autotransfusion system wc qIM UE
a. fat QAM* yw s Orth-erae a. s. V wc qIM UE
a. fibular graft QAM* yw yuE rF
a. graft QAM* yw rF Solcotrans a. s. V wc qIM UE
a. iliac bone QAM* wc WH
d( rE fduJK
a. interpositional shoulder wU
nJ qBH Auvard clamp U UIK
arthroplasty QAM* wc avascular wzU
Auto Glide walker V w U{ wA* qJO a. fragment W]OzU Wb
accessory b u a. microsis W]OzU W]dJO
autograft yw rF a. necrosis ywzU d
free revascularized a. WO_ UF* wc rFD a. necrosis of the femoral cH rE d ywzU d
d( w=u head (AVNFH)
patellar bone-tendon- ]uJ* wH{d wc rFD a. nonunion U$ b U b
bone a. rE d rE s wzU
Russel fibular head a. V wc WOEA rF a. sequestrum wzU kO
q= Averett hip prosthesis d V u Wb
autoimmunization w lOML AVF dB
surgical a. wd yw lOML arteriovenous fistula b ywUd uU
autologous QAM* yw aviators astragalus sUOD qU
a. blood transfusion wc b qI Avila technique O WId
a. graft w rF avium W]dOD
a. traction w d avium-intracellulare WO]u' W]dOD
automated w wJOUu Mycobacterium a.-I. WO]u' W]dOD d=DH*
a. percutaneous diskectomy wJOUu_ dI UB AVM dB
(APD) bK' s arteriovenous malformation bu wUdA ^uA
a. shaver wJOUu  AVNFH dB
automatic w wJOUu avascular necrosis of the rE d wzU dM
a. screwdriver wJOUu ypH femoral head cH
a. staple W]OJOUu ] avulse lK
Automator uUu avulsion lK
A. device W]uUu eON bony a. wLE lK

autonomic nervous system qI * wBF UN' a. fibular collateral ligament uEA wU' Ud lK

(ANS) a. fracture ywFK

autonomous zone W]KI * WIDM* a. injury W]OFK

- 57 -
isolated a. eF lK

a. compression principale u* UGC b

labral a. vNOHA lK
a. compression screw u* UGC Vu
a. of nail plate dH^E WOH lK
a. compression test u* UGC U
a. stress fracture wFKI UN d a. fixation u* XO
a. technique lKI WId a. flap W]u* WKb
tibial tubercle a. W]OuME Wb( lK
a. gripping strength u* p* ]u

tubercle a. Wb( lK
a. instability u* dI b
awareness w a. load u* qL(
body a. r' a. loading u* qOL
kinesthetic a. w= wd w a. loading injury u* qOL WU
sensory a. yw w a. loading of spine UOK u* qOL
A wave bu jD* w A Wu* a. load test u* qL( U
awl d a. pattern flap u* uLM WKb
Aufranc a. pd d a. plane u* u*
bone a. rEF d a. plane angular deformity ^uAK W]OuuO UJOUJO*
curved a. sM d biomechanics u* `DK ]e
DePuy a. u d a. rotation u* db
Ender a. b d a. sesamoid projection u* wULL jI*
Kuntscher a. dAu d a. sesamoid view u* wULL dEM*
Mark II Kodros V W]F nOH d a. stiffness u* f^O
radiolucent a. u II U a. traction u yd
Rush a. d axillary ywD
Rush pin reamer a. u^ uI d a. approach wD vQ*
square-shaped a. qJA ywF]d d a. artery wD UdA
Zuelzer a. e d a. block wD UB
awl-reamer uI d a. block anesthesia wD UB db
Rush rod a.-r. u^ uI d axillary ywD
Axer d  a. contracture wD l^HI
A. compression apparatus d V UGC UN a. crutch wD UJ
A. lateral opening wedge `HU wMOH rEF lD
a. flap W]OD WKb
osteotomy d V wU' a. nerve wD VBF
A. varus derotational db Z_ rEF lD
a. nerve injury wD VBF WU
osteotomy d V a. vein wD bu
Axer-Clark procedure  d  d a. view wD dEM
axial u axilla, shoulder, elbow o d n j
a. calcaneal projection u* wIF jI* (ASE)
a. calcaneus view u* wIF dEM* axis u
A. compression u* UGC anatomic a. wdA u*
a. compression injury u* UGCU WU flexion-extension a. U UM u
a. compression load u* UGC qL a. guide u* qO

- 58 -
hypothalamic-pituitary-adre wUM wzUu u* axle lock and bumper b= B* u* oK
nal a. dEJ axon wB u u
long a. quD u* a. degeneration u* f^JM
longitudinal a. wuD u* a. reflex u fJFM
mechanical a. wJOUJO* u* a. response W]u WU
a. of motion Wd( u a. sprout u* j u* adH
a. of rib motion {_ Ud u a. wave W]u Wu
single a. dH* u* axonotmesis u; UN
a. traction =d' u axoplasmic u* WK o=KF
transmalleolar a. VFJ d u* a. flow u* WK Ud
transverse a. dF* u* a. transport u* WK qI
vertical a. uLF u* Ayres tactile V w LK eOOL
weightbearing a. r' u qU( u* discrimination d
x-a. X u* azathioprine WUMLK yUC sduO
y-a. Y u* _
z-a. Z u* azotemic osteodystrophy wLO ywLE q

- 59 -
Baastrupi syndrome wdU W back-cutting osteotome dNEK lUI rEF lC
Babinski wJMU backfire fracture wJ d
B. reflex wJMU fJFM Backhaus uNU
B. sign wJMU W B. clamp uNU UIK
B. test wJMU U B. towel clamp V Ud UIK
Babinski-Frhlich syndrome aOd wJMU W uNU
baby lO{ qH B. towel forceps V Ud jIK
b. Kocher clamp du V qHD UIK uNU
b. Lane forceps V qHD jIK Backhaus-Jones eu uNU
b. Satinsky clamp V qHD UIK B.-J. clamp eu uNU UIK
UJMO B.-J. towel clamp V Ud UIK
bacitracin yuO yUC 5dOU eu uNU
b. solution 5dOU uK Backhaus-Kocher du uNU
Baciu-Filibiu uOOKO uOU B.-K. clamp du uNU UIK
B.-F. dowel ankle Ub qUJ qBH U B.-J. towel clamp V Ud UIK
arthrodesis uOOKO uOU du uNU
B.-F. transmalleolar VFJ d qBH* U back-knee deformity UdD Wd ^uA
arthrodesis uOOKO uOU V backout ld
back dN screw b. wd ld
b. brace dNE UM backpack palsy W]dNE WOI( qK
b. crease dNE sC Back-Quell qu U
b. exercise dNE sdL Back-Track d U
b. pain dNE r backward bending wHK UM
rigid round b. VK
db dN baclofen CFK d 5uKU
b. strain dNE UN Bacon rasp uU U
backache dNE r bacteria rOd'
backboard wA) uK dNE u aerobic b. W]Ozu rOd

- 61 -
airborne b. uNU WuL rOd approach wKU wKU
anaerobic b. W]Ozu rOd B.-B. cervical spine fusion V WO d dIH Z
bacterial wud wKU wKU
b. culture WOud We B.-B. technique wKU wKU WId
b. flora wud XO Bailey-Cowley clamp u wKU UIK
Bacteroides WOuBF Bailey-Dubow U wKU
Bactroban UdJ B.-D. nail U wKU UL
badger leg ddG U B.-D. osteotomy U wKU V rEF lD
Badgley wKU B.-D. rod U wKU VOC
B. combination procedure wKU V nOu d B.-D. technique U wKU WId
B. iliac wing resection V wH d( UM' lD Bailey-Gigli saw guide wKO wKU UAM qO
wKU Bailey-Morse clamp u wKU UIK
B. plate wKU WOH
bail-lock WeM* iI
B. resection of iliac wing V wH d( UM' lD b.-l. brace WeM* iI UM
wKU b.-l. knee joint WeM* iI Wd qBH
B. technique wKU WId b.-l. knee joint orthosis iI Wd qBH WuI
Bado classification U rOI WeM*
BAEP dB  baja iH M
brainstem auditory evoked c' ]d; wFL sUJ patella b. WCH M WH{
potential Ub Baker dJO
BEAR dB  B. cyst dJO WO
brainstem auditory evoked W{]d; W]OFL WU B. lateral semitendinosus V nB=M W]du qI
reponse Ub c' transfer dJO
bag WOI fO B.s leg dJO U
Versi-Splint carry b. wU V qL( fOJ B. patellar advancement V WH{d .bI W]OKL
XMOK operation dJO
Bagby UU B. technique dJO WId
B. angled compression plate WuGC* ]e* WOHB B. trabecular traction dJO V ywIOd yd
UU V B. translocation operation dJO V U W]OKL
B. plate UU WOH
Baker-Hill osteotomy qO dJO V rEF lD
bag-of-bones technique rEF fO WId Balacescu closing wedge oKGU wMOH rEF lD
Bahler hinge dKU ] osteotomy uJU V
Bahnson appendage clamp uU V bze UIK Balacescu-Golden technique bu uJU WId
Bailey wKU balance u eO
B. bur wKU VI b. board u u WU
B. drill wKU VI electrolyte b. UNJ u
B. duckbill clamp V j UIM0 tO UIK fluid b. qzu u
wKU postural b. wF{u u
Bailey-Badgley wKU wKU balanced u
B.-B. anterior cervical V wU w vQ b. hemivertebra Wu W]OHB dI

- 62 -
b. skeletal traction u wKJO yd ball-tipped Kuntscher V c dJ qOb
b. splint Wu* dO' guide dAu
Baldan fracture splint bU V dJ dO balsa wood filler block eK VA TU UB
Balfour uHU Baltimore uLOU
B. clamp uHU UIK B. Therapeutic Equipment V W]OF ]bF*
B. self-retaining retractor uHU V XO w UF (BTE) uLU
Balkan UJU B. Therapeutic Equipment W]OF ]bF* qL UA
B. femoral splint UJU V W]c H dO' work simulator (BTE) uLU V
B. fracture frame UJU V dJ U B. Therapeutic Equipment W]OF ]bF* qL UM
ball d work stimulator uLU V
b. bearing dJ bM Bamberger-Marie disease U ddU
b. bur d VI bamboo spine W]OeO) UO=
cold-weld femoral b. UK U W]c H dJ Bamby clamp UL UIK
b. extractor yd lU banana knife u* WMOJ
b. of the foot bI d band jd
Gertie b. wd d AO tension b. AO d^u jd
b. guide pin dJ qOb u^ big b. dOJ jdA
b. reamer d uI calf b. WKd jd
Swiss b. Wdu d congenital fibrous b. wIK) wHOK jdA
Theragym b. rOdO d conjoined lateral b. oBK* wAu jdA
ball-and-socket aM= dJ fascial b. wUHK jdA
b.-a.-s. joint yd qBH fibrous b. wHOK jdA
b.-a.-s. osteotomy dJ rEF lD iliopatellar b. wH{d wH d( jdA
b.-a.-s. trochanteric dJ b* rEF lD iliotibial b. (ITB) wuME wH d( jdA
osteotomy lateral b. wAu jdA
Ballantine clamp 5M]U UIK medial b. w jdA
Ballenger-Hajek chisel pU dM=U qO palpable b. u* jdA
Ballenger periosteotome dM=U V UL lC Parham b. UU jd
ballistic information W]OU W]OM UuKF Parham-Martin b. 5U UU jd
balloon cell nevus W]OuU U)U WL Partridge b. bdU jd
ballottable uN eN]MK qU pelvic b. w{u( jdA
ballotte eNM yf pretendinous b. du q jdA
ballottement eN rigid metal pelvic b. wUI wbF* u( jd
b. of patella WH{d eN sagittal b. wLN jdA
b. test eNM U scar b. WbM jd
ball-peen splint iI* dJ dO taut b. bA jd
ball-point guide pin d dJ qOb u^b tension b. d^u jd
ball-tip c ^d Xercise b. eUde jd
b.-t. guide pin c dJ qOb u^b Z-b. Z qJA jd
b.-t. spike c W]dJ Wu]A bandage WUB

- 63 -
Ace b. WUB Redigrip pressure b. V jGC WUB
Ace adherent b. V WI
ankle traction b. qUJ =d WUB replantation b. ]e U WUB
ASE b. ASE WUB restrictive b. b=OI WUB
Barton b. uU WUB Ribble b. wK WUB
compression b. WDU{ WUB Richet b. tOA WUB
cotton elastic b. Wd W]OMD WUB Sayre b. dU WUB
cravat b. oMF WD WUB scultetus b. u^c =bF WUB
Desault b. Xu WUB Silesian b. UeKO WUB
Desault wrist b. Xu V md WUB sling-and-swathe b. U=d F* WUB
Elastomull elastic gauze b. V Wd* UA WUB starch b. W]uA WUB
uu stockinette b. ULI W]OMD WUB
Elastoplast b. Xu WUB Velpeau b. uKO WUB
Esmarch b. U WUB Webril b. qd WUB
figure-of-eight b. 8d qJ vK WUB Bandi bU
Flex-Foam b. U fJOK WUB B. procedure bU d
flexible b. Wd WUB B. technique bU WId
Flex-Master b. dU fJOK WUB band-like qJ]A wDd
Gibney b. wMO WUB b.-l. adhesion qJ]A wDd UB
Gibson b. uO WUB bandy leg W]uI U
gum rubber Martin b. W]uK W]OU]D* 5U WUB banjo uU
Hamilton b. uKU WUB b. cast uU VU
Helenca b. UJMK WUB b. splint uU dO
Heliodorus b. uOK WUB b. traction uU ^d
Hippocrates b. dI WUB bank pM
Hueter b. du WUB bone b. UEF pM
immobilizing b. W= WUB shoulder dislocation bone b. nJ qBH lK) UEF pM
Kling elastic b. Wd* ZMOK WUB staple capsulorraphy bone b. =d WEH* ud UEF pM
Martin b. 5U WUB Bankart UJU
Martin sheet rubber b. U]D*U WdH* 5U WUB B. fracture UJU d
Nu Gauze b. u u WUB B. operation UJU WOKL
Orthoflex elastic plaster b. V Wd W]O WUB B. procedure UJU d
fJKu B. reconstruction UJU UM
Ortho-Trac b. d u WUB B. shoulder dislocation V nJ qBH lK
Ortho-Trac adhesive skin WI
] bK' =d' WUB UJU
traction b. d u V B. shoulder lesion UJU V nJ W
Ortho-Vent b. XM u WUB B. shoulder repair UJU V nJ `OKB
Pavlik b. pOKU WUB B. shoulder repair set V nJ `OKB dO
plaster-of-Paris b. fU f WUB UJU
PRN b. PRN WUB Bankart-Putti-Platt wu UJU W]OKL

- 64 -
operation spacer b. UH VOC

Banks bone graft fJU V wLEF rFD stabilizing b. XO VOC
Banks-Laufman ULu fJU Stephen spreader b. sH V U VOC
B.-L. approach ULu fJU V vQ Thornton b. uu VOC
B.-L. incision ULu fJU ^o unsegmented vertebral b. l]DI* dO UIH VOCI
B.-L. technique ULu fJU WId valgus b. VOC
Bannon-Klein implant s uU rF Zielke derotator b. V db b VOC
bantenadesis U wJK
BAP dB  barbed pzU
Behavioral Assessment of r wuK rOOI b. broach WJzU Wu
pain b. staple WJzU ]
BAPS dB  barber chair position ( =wd l{
Biomechanical Ankle W]OuuO qUJ WOH
UN barbotage WII
Platform System W]OJOUJO* Barbour technique uU WId
BAPS board qUJ WOH
UN Wu Bard clamp U UIK
W]OJOUJO* W]OuuO Bard-Parker dU U
bar W{U VOC B.-P. blade dU U qB
b. bolt fixation wOCI U=dU XO B.-P. handle dU U iI
bony b. wLE VOC B.-P. knife dU U WMO=J
broomstick b. WMJ* UBF tO VOC B.-P. scalpel dU U dA
cross b. VUB VOC Barkow ligament uU U
Denis Browne b. d fOM VOC Barlow uU
derotator b. dO dbK qU dO VOC B. cruciform infant splint V W]OOKB UH_ dO
] uU
b. drill VOCI VI B. maneuver uU UM
Gerster traction b. dd V =d' VOC B. provocative test uU V gd U
intramedullary b. wIM q VOC B. sign uU W
Livingston V wIM q VOC B. splint uU dO
intramedullary b. uMHO B. test uU U
longitudinal spinal b. wu wu VOC Barnhart repair UNU `OKB
lumbrical b. wMOd VOC barotrauma wDG{ `{
metatarsal flatfoot b. W]ODA* U]d bI VOC Barr U
MT b. MT VOC B. anterior transfer U V wU_ qIM
opponens b. qUI* VOCI B. bolt V U]d VuK* UL*
patellar b. wH{d VOCI U
b. resection VOCI lD B. bolt nail V VuK e UL
rocker b. VOC eN wdJ VOC U
]uI B. hook U U]M

screw alignment b. wd nO

d VOC B. nail U UL
b. section VOCI lDI B. open reduction and wKb XO uH* ^d

- 65 -
internal fixation U V basal wU bU
B. pin U u^ b. neck oMF bU
B. tendon transfer operation U V du qI W]OKL b. neck fracture oMF bU d
B. tibial fracture fixation V wuME dJ XO base U bU
U Dycal b. UJ bU
Barrasso-Wile-Gage uU V qBH* U b. of fingernail l
dH bU
arthrodesis U q metacarpal b. lM= bU
barrel bur design wKOd VI*U rOLB b. osteotomy bUI rEF lD
barreled sideplate qJA W]OKOd WOA WOH plantar lateral b. W]OAu W]OBL_ bUI
Barre-Lieou syndrome uO U W b. of support Ub bU
barrier qzU b. wedge osteotomy =bUI =wMOH rEF lD
anatomic b. wdA qzU( baseball uO bUI d
elastic b. d* qzU( b. elbow uO w od
lower extremity sheet dD WOH
Wd qzU b. finger fracture uO l
motion b. wKH b. finger splint uO l
pathologic b. wuuU qzU( b. pitcher's elbow uO w od
physiologic b. wuueOH qzU( baseline W]bUI WLOI
side-bending b. wU' UM qzU b. capacity evaluation W]bUI WF rOOI
Barr-Record ankle V qUJ qBH U b. view bU dEM
arthrodesis u U basement menbrane bUI UAG
Barsky wJU base-of-the-neck osteotomy oMF bU rE lD
B. cleft closure wJU V `KH oK basic bU
B. macrodactyly reduction lU
_ WU { UI b. muticellular remodeling U) bbF WuI b
wJU V unit W]bUI
B. procedure wJU d b. technique W]bUI WIdD
B. technique wJU WId basilar bU
Bartlett XKU b. artery migraine bUI UdA WIO=I
B. nail fold XKU UL W]O b. femoral neck fracture c H oM bU d
B. nail fold excision XKU UL UB b. impression bUI UD
B. procedure XKU d b. invagination bUI G
Barton uU b. osteotomy bUI rEF lD
B. bandage uU WUB Basile qU
B. fracture uU d B. hip screw qU V u ^wd
B. sling uU F B. screw qU ^wd
B. tongs uU UL basioccipital wc ybU
B. traction handle uU V =d' iI basket w=K W]K
Barton-Cone u uU Acufex b. fJu W]K
B.-C. tongs u uU UL b. forceps W]K jIK
B.-C. tong traction u uU UL0 ^d' long-jaw b. forceps pH qu yw=K jIK
Bart-Phumphery syndrome dHL U W b. rongeur W]O=K W{]d

- 66 -
rotary b. ] W]K Batson uU
Schutte shovelnose b. w=u V W]OU W]K veins of B. uU
side-cutting b. forceps VU' lUI w=K jIK* battered child syndrome pNM* qHD W
b. stockinette yw=K ywMD UL battery-driven hand drill W]U]DU qLF b VI
basketball foot W]K d w b battery-pack W]UD WuL
Bassett XO=U b.-p. Osteo-Stim bone WuL V rEF UM
B. electrical stimulation V wzUdNJ tOM UN stimulator rO uO WUD
apparatus XO=U battery-powered W]UDU qLF
B. electrical stimulation V wzUdNJ tOM eON b.-p. instrument W]UDU qLF
device XO=U batting uA
B. electrical stimulation V wzUdNJ tOM UE Dacron b. W]Od uA
system XO=U battledore incision WAd dC0 tO yo
Basswood splint u^U dO Bauer-Jackson classification uU U nOMB
Batchelor uKAU Bauer-Tondra-Trusler dKd bu U
B. plaster uKAU f B.-T.-T. operation dKd bu U WOKL
B. plate uKAU WOH
B.-T.-T. technique dKd bu U WId
Batchelor-Brown U qUJ X qBH* U Baumann angle Uu W
extraarticular subtalar d uKAU V qBH* Baumgard-Schwartz tennis f=M w od WId
arthrodesis elbow technique eu Uu V
Batch-Spittler-McFaddin s=U p dK gU Baumrucker clamp ddu UIK d
B.-S.-M. knee gU V Wd qBH ^e irrigator
disarticulation s=U p dK Bavarian splint sUU dO
B.-S.-M. technique s=U p dK gU WId Baxter-DAstous procedure u dU d
Bateman ULOU Baylor uKU
B. femoral neck prosthesis ULOU V c H oM Wb B. adjustable cross splint WuC W]OUB dO'
B. finger prosthesis ULOU V l
Wb uKU V
B. hemiarthroplasty V qBHLK wHBM d B. metatarsal splint uKU V UA_ dO
ULOU B. splint uKU dO
B. modification of Mayer qIM W]OKLF ULOU qbF Bayne-Klug centralization uK sU W]ed
transfer operation dU V bayonet Wd(
B. UPF II Bipolar knee ULOU V Wd UN b. apposition Wd( WUI
system VDI wzUM II b. dislocation Wd( lK
B. UPF II bipolar W]OzUM II ULOU Wb b. fracture position Wd( d l{
prosthesis VDI b. leg Wd( U
B. UPF prosthesis UPF ULOU Wb b. nonunion Wd( U b
bath U]L b. osteotome Wd( rE lC
contrast b. (CB) wMU U]L b. position of fracture dJK Wd( l{
galvanic b. wUHK U]L b. rongeur Wd( rE W{]d
paraffin b. (PB) wMOd U]L b. saw Wd( UAM
whirlpool b. (WPB) W]b U]L b. sign Wd( W

- 67 -
b. spacer Wd( UH load b. qOL We
BB to MM MM v BB s primary x-ray b. W]O]_ W]OMO W]F_ We
belly button to medial v sD ]d s hH beanbag WuH fO
malleolus examination w VFJ bearing bM
BB to MM examination v sD ]d s hH ball b. dJ bM
w VFJ pretibial b. (PTB) uME U bM*
B. burgdorferi titer for W]dbd W]Ou UO radial b. dFJ bM*
Lyme disease . d* Steinmann pin with ball b. dJ bM l ULMO u^
BE dB  ulnar b. be bM*
below-elbow od* qH bearing-seating forceps bM* bOFI jIK
beach chair position TUA wd l{ Beasley-Babcock forceps uJU wKO jIK
bead W Beath YO
aminoglycoside-impregnate W]dA* buJOKuMO_ W B. needle YO d
d methyl methacrylate b. dUO* qOO0 B. pin YO u^
antibiotic-impregnated b. uO( =UC*U W]dA* W B. view YO dEM
metallic b. W]ObF W Beaty lateral release wO V wAu dd
b. pouch W]O WO Beaufort seating orthosis uu V bOFI WuI
Septobal b.s UuO ` Beau lines u uD
targeting b. WbN W Beaver dHO
beaded w B. blade dHO qB
b. guide pin w qOb u^ B. blade handle dHO qB iI
b. guide wire w qOb pK B. saw dHO UAM
b. hip pin w u u^ Beaver-DeBakey UU dHO
b. pin wrench w u^b uK B.-D. blade UU dHO qB
b. reamer guide pin w uI* qOb u^ B.-D. knife UU dHO WMO=J
beak UIM Bebax fUO
b. fingernail UIM* l
dH B. orthosis fUO uI
b. fracture UIM d B. shoe fUO c
b. ligament UIM U B. shoe for forefoot ]bI ^uA fUO c
metacarpal b. wFM UIM deformity bI
b. modification with triple qBH* U l UIM* qbF Bechterew nd
arthrodesis w B. disease nd
b. nail UIM dH UIM UL B. test nd U
beaking dIML Bechtol uJ
b. of head of talus qUJ dIML B. acetabular component uJ V w=I( =uJ*
talar b. qUJ dIML B. arthroplasty uJ V qBH*
Beall-Webel-Bailey wKU q qO WId B. hip prosthesis uJ V u Wb
technique B. screw uJ ^wd
Beals test eKO U B. system prosthesis uJ UN Wb
beam We Beck Depression Inventory pO V U WLzU

- 68 -
Beckenbaugh uMJ orthopaedic b. d V U wA)
B. correction uMJ `OB U
B. technique uMJ WId Joerns orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd
Becker dJO eu V
B. brace dJO UM nail b. dHE dd
B. hand prosthesis dJO V =bO Wb orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd
B. muscular dystrophy dJO V wKCF q( b. rest dd w W
B. screwdriver dJO ^pH Roto-Rest b. X u dd
B. technique dJO WId Simmons Multi-Matic wKO UEF .uI Wd dd
Beckman retractor ULJ UF orthopaedic b. eu^LO V pOU
Beclard amputation JO d Simmons Vari-Hite U UEF .uI Wd dd
Becton uJ orthopaedic b. eu^LO V XU
B. open reduction uJ V uH* ^d Smith-Davis Converta-Hite UEF .uI Wd dd
B. technique uJ WId orthopaedic b. V XU UdHu
bed dd eO YOL
American Seating W]Oe W `O wJd dd Superior Sleeprite Hi-Lo UEF .uI Wd dd
Access-O-Matic b. uKK `U
orthopaedic b. XdOK udu V
bone graft b. rEF rF dd u w
Borg-Warner orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd Swinger car b. dMu V U]O dd
d u V Ultra-Flex orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd
Carrom orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd fJK d V
^U V bedbound patient dHK  id
CircOlectric b. pdJudO dd Bednar tumor Ub
b. cradle hHI* dd bedroom fracture uM d d
DMI orthopaedic b. DMI UEF .uI Wd dd bed-to-chair transfer wdJ v dd s qIM
Fluid Air b. qzU uN d buK dd Beery Test for Visual-Motor dB qUJK dO U
Foster b. du dd Integration wd(
Gatch b. gU dd Beeson eO
gatched b. wKBH dd B. cast spreader eO V VUI WU
Goodman orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd Beevor sign uHO W
Uu V behavior uK
Hausted orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd compensatory b. UF uK
bu V occupational b. wMN* uK
Hill-Rom orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd dd behavioral wuK
qO V B. Assessment of Pain r wuK rOOI
Hollywood b. uOu dd (BAP)
Inland Super Multi-Hite UEF .uI Wd dd B. Assessment of Pain r wuK rOOI WUO
orthopaedic b. wKO du b V Questionnaire
XU b. mapping W]OuK WF{u*
Inter-Royal frame UEF .uI Wd dd Behet syndrome XN W

- 69 -
Bekhterev-Mendel reflex bM nd fJFM PowerBelt lower back and dNE qH_ rOb UD
Bekhterev test nd U abdominal support b. XKu V w sD
Belcher clamp dAK UIK rib b. {_ e
bell d sacroiliac b. wH d( eF e(
B. palsy q qK seat b. bFI* e
b. rasp qJA wd d Silesian b. UeKO e
B. table q WU Soma sacroiliac wH d( eF XO e
B. Tawse procedure U q d stabilisation b. Uu V
belladonna tM d  yU U U] Spine Power pelvic V u( XO e
5d_ stabilizer b. U sU
tincture of b U] WG
waist suspension b. h) oOKF e
Belly-Dally cervical w= w=KO V wd lK) Zim-Zap rib b. . V {_ e
dislocation Bence Jones protein eu fM 5d
Bellemore-Barrett closing oKG* wMOH rEF lD bench W]BM
wedge osteotomy =U uL=K V b. examination W]BM* vK hH
Bellemore-Barrett-Middleto ubO =U uL=K WId pelvic b. u( W]BM
n-Scougall-Whiteway u quJ b. test W]BM* U
technique bend wM UM
ballergal UdOK deep knee b.'s (DKB) oOLF Wd UM
Bell-Tawse open reduction V uH* d WId sitting side b. uFI VU' UM
technique U q standing side b. wu u VU' UM
belly sD ]d wMD sD bender U s UM
b. button to medial v sD ]d s hH AO plate b. AO WOH
malleolus examination w VFJ DePuy rod b. wU u u^ UM
(BB to MM) u VOC
muscle b. WKCF sD French rod b. wU wdH u^M UM
Belos compression pin uK V jGC u^ wdH VOCI
below qH Luque rod b. uOu u^ wU
b. elbow od* qH plate b. WOHB wU
b. knee Wd qH rod b. u^M wU
below-elbow (BE) od* qH Rush b. wU
b.-e. amputation od* qH d bending wM wM
below-knee (BK) Wd qH backward b. nK K wM
b.-k. amputation Wd qH d cantilever b. WFd wM
b.-k. cast Wd qH VU forward b. wU wM
b.-k. prosthesis Wd qH Wb lateral b. wU wM
b.-k. walking cast Wd qH wA* VU left side b. d_ VUK wM
belt e b. load wM( qL
Carabelt therapeutic b. XKU V ^wF e( right side b. sL_ VUK wM
Posey b. u e rod b. VOCI u^M wM

- 70 -
side b. wU wM B. interscapular amputation V WEH* q d
b. strength wM( u dd
b. stress wM( UN Berger-Bookwalter dd V wHK) vQ*
b. toward the side of injury WU
WN u wM posterior approach duu
Bendixen-Kirschner dMdO sJbM d Bergstrom needle dd d
traction Berke clamp d UIK
-endorphin UO 5b Berman-Gartland bU Ud
Benemid bOLOM B.-G. metatarsal osteotomy V UA_ UE lD
benign bOL bU Ud
b. chondroblastoma bOL wdC yw B.-G. procedure bU Ud d
b. congenital myopathy bOL wIK wKC Berman-Moorhead metal Ud V W]ObF* WF={u*
b. fasciculation bOL ywe U locator bOu
b. tumor bOL Bermuda spica cast ud V wKM VUI
Bennett XOMO Berndt-Harty classification wU bd nOMB
B. comminuted fracture XOMO V X]H* dJ Berndt hip ruler bd V u dD
B. dislocation XOMO V lK) Bernhard clamp UNd UIK
B. elevator XOMO WF Berstein cast table sUd V VUI bCM
B. fracture XOMO d besylate eO
B. fracture-dislocation XOMO V d lK atracurium b. uud_ eO
B. fracture of thumb XOMO V UN d beta UO
B. lesion XOMO W transforming growth UO =u* uLM qU
B. nail biopsy XOMO UL0 We factor b.
B. posterior shoulder V wHK) nJ vQ beta-adrenergic WKI W]UO UOM_
approach XOMO W]UO W]OM
B. retractor XOMO UF beta-blocker medication UOK dB
bent-knee cast WOMM* Wd VU Betadine d=ND ]U sUO
bent nail wMM* UL* B. dressing sUOU bOLC
benzedrine sbeM B. scrub sUOU nOEM
benzodiazepine 5UeM B. scrub solution sUO n=EM uK
benzoin U' B. soak sUOU UI
tincture of b. U' WG
B. soap sUO uU

benztropine mesylate 5deM eO Betadine-soaked pledget sUOU WuIM UL{

BeOK hand exercise putty w V bO sdL uF Bethesda bone bO rE
Berens eMdO Bethune uO
B. clamp eMdO UIK B. clamp uO UIK
B. muscle clamp eMdO V WKCF UIK B. periosteal elevator uO V UL WF
B. muscle clamp forceps V wKC wUIK jIK Beurrier connector t=u WKO
eMdO bevel WHK
Berger dd beveled n]K
B. disease dd beveling nOK

- 71 -
bevel-point Rush pin d n]K* u^ b. tenosynovitis c =wKOe du UN
Bevin-Aurglass technique 5HO WId 5d
Bevin shoe 5HO c b. tuberosity 5d Wb
Beyer rongeur dU W{]d b. tuberosity view 5d Wb dEM
B.H. Moore procedure BH u d Bickel leg holder qJO V U pL
BIAS dB  Bickel-Moe procedure u qJO d
BIAS rasp BIAS U bicompartmental e=O( ^wzUM
BIAS total hip system BIAS qUJ u UN b. implant e=O( W]OzUM Wd
bias-cut e=O lD b. knee implant prosthesis e=O( W]OzUM Wd Wd Wb
b.-c. stockinette lD UM wMD UL b. soft-tissue sarcoma W]OzUM ud ZOM WuU
b.-c. tape lDI UM jd e=O(
bicentric prosthesis ed* W]OzUM Wb bicondylar WLIK ^wzUM
biceps WKC 5d b. fracture WLIK ^wzUM d
b. brachialis muscle 5d WKCF qI b. graft WLIK ^wzUM rF
transfer W]bCF b. knee prosthesis WLIK W]OzUM Wd Wb
b. brachialis tendon W]bCF 5d d b. tibial plateau WLIK W]OzUM W]OuME WCN
b. brachialis transfer W]bCF 5d qI bicondylar WLIK ^wzUM
b. brachii muscle W]bCF 5d WKCF b. T-shaped fracture WLIK ^wzUM T qJA dJ
b. brachii tendon W]bCF 5d d b. Y-shaped fracture WLIK ^wzUM Y qJA dJ
b. femoris WKC W]c H 5d bicortical dAI ^wzUM
b. femoris muscle W]c H 5d WKCF b. screw dAI ^wzUM wd
b. femoris tendon W]c H 5d d b. screw fixation dAI wzUM wd XO
b. interval lesion (BIL) 5d WK
U W bicycle, bike W]
b. jerk (BJ) 5d WCH Air-Dyne b. s d W]
b. jerk reflex test WCH fJFM U b. exerciser W]b d2
5d FES exercise b. sdL W]
long head of b. 5d c WKuD d b. injury W]b WU

b. muscle 5d WKCF Monark b. Uu W]

b. reflex 5d fJFM Schwinn Air-Dyne b. s d 5H W]
short head of b. 5d c dOBI d b. spoke fracture W]b od d
b. tendinitus 5d d UN BID dB 
b. tendon 5d d bilateral interfacetal VU' wzUM wNOu lK)
b. test 5d U dislocation
bicepsplasty 5d Bier dO
bicipital sO B. amputation dO d
b. groove sO rK B. block dO UB
b. rib d W]OzUM lK{ B. block anesthesia dO V UB db 
b. syndrome 5d W bifid uIA
b. tendinitis sOd d UN b. condyle W uIA* WLIK
b. tendon sOd d b. graft uIA* rFD

- 72 -
b. thumb uIA* UN b. flap hH We WKb
b. thumb deformity uIA* UN ^uA b. skin flap hH We W]bK WKb
bifida WuIA Bilos uKO
spina b. W uIA* WMM B. pin uKO u^
bifilar needle recording qOK wdNJ d* B. pin extractor uKO V u^b lU
electrode pK W]OzUM dU bimalleolar sOFJ sO
biflanged drill WHA ^wzUM VI b. ankle fracture sOFJ sO qUJ d
bifurcated bladeplate sOFA WOHB qB b. fracture sOFJ sO d
bifurcation osteotomy V=FA* rEF lD Bi-Metric UOI ^wzUM
big band dOJ jdA B.-M. Interlock femoral W]OzUM WJUA* W]c H Wb
Bigelow maneuver O UM prosthesis UOI
biglycan UJOKU B.-M. porous primary WLOL W]O]_ W]c H Wb
bike (var. of bicycle) W] femoral prosthesis UOI W]OzUM
b. brace W]b UM B.-M. tapered reamer with UOI wzUM ^b* uI*
bikini skin incision wMOJO bK' ^o Zimmer-Hudson shank uu d=1 U l
BIL dB  Bindegewebsmassage we( pOb
biceps interval lesion 5d WK
U W binder pL
bilateral 5U'U VU' ^wzUM abdominal b. wMD pL
b. acute radicular W]OzUM ]U W]c W Helenca b. UJMK pL
syndrome VU' sacroiliac b. wH d e pL
b. amputation VU' ^wzUM d scultetus b. u^c =bF pL
b. approach VU' ^wzUM vQ binding j j
b. chronic radicular W]OzUM WMe W]c W biologic b. uO j
syndrome VU' binocular loupe 5F W]OzUM d=J
b. frame VU' ^wzUM U Biobrane adhesive duO o
b. hemiplegia VU' ^wzUM yw=I qK bioceramic implant we uO rF ]U
b. heterotopic ossification VU' ^wzUM l^{u dUG r^EF material
b. ilioinguinal approach VU' wzUM w ywH d vQ Bioclad with pegs reinforced U_U ]eF* WO=I( Wb
b. interfacetal dislocation VU' ^wzUM WNOu lK) acetabular prosthesis uO V
(BID) Bioclusive nOuKuO
b. lateral fusion VU' ^wzUM wU' Zb B. dressing nOuKuO UL{
b. sacroiliac approach VU' wzUM wH d ye vQ B. transparent dressing U]HA nOuKuO UL{
b. variable screw d=OG* wd WF{u UN biocompatibility UO( l ou
placement system VU' wzUM implant b. UO( l WIu Wd
b. V-Y Kutler flap W]OzUM V-Y qJA dKu WKb biocompatible UOK ou
VU' biocorrosion uO UJz
bilaterally 5U' vK biodegradable surgical tack ^b ^wuuO wd dLO
Bilhaut-Cloquet procedure XOuK uNKO d Biodel uO
Billington yoke uM=KO rK Biodex fuO
bilobed 5=B hH e B. isokinetic dynamometer wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI

- 73 -
V Wd( u d V
fuO impact b. UBK W]OuuO UJOUJO*
B. test fuO U b. of lifting ldK W]OuuO UJOUJO*
bioelectric wuuOdN posterior fixation system b. eN_ W]OuuO UJOUJO*
b. phenomenon W]OuuOdN dU wHK) XO
b. potential wuuOdN sU propulsion b. UFbK W]OuuO UJOUJO*
biofeedback-assisted U&U bU WId soft tissue b. ZMK W]OuuO UJOUJO*
method wuuO ud
BioFit Wd XOuO walking b. wALK W]OuuO UJOUJO*
B. acetabular prosthesis XOuO V W=O=I( Wb Biomet XuO
B. Press-Fit acetabular XOuO V W=O=I( Wb B. acetabular cup XuO V w=I( n]K
prosthesis XO fd B. fracture brace XuO V dJ UM
Biofix absorbable fixation UB qUI XO UN B. implant XuO Wd
system fJOuO V B. prosthesis XuO Wb
Bioflex orthotic fJKuO .uI B. total toe prosthesis V bI UN qU Wb
Bio-Gel decubitus pillow q uO V UIK U XuO
Bioglass prosthesis uO Wb biometal uO eK
Bio-Groove femoral d uO V W]c H Wb Bio-Modular uu uO
prosthesis B.-M. total shoulder system V qUJ nJ UN
biologic wuuO uO uu uO
b. binding uO j uO U Bio-Oss synthetic bone uO V wIOK  rEF
b. dressing uO UL{ Biophase uO( u]D eUuO
b. fixation uO( XO ASTM designation of B. V uO( u]D 5OF
Biolox ceramic coating fuuO V W]Oe) WOJ] u* U W]OJd_ WON
biomaterial W]OuuO ]U B. implant metal eUuO V W]ObF Wd
biomechanical wJOUJO wuuO wJOUJOuO B. implant metal prosthesis V W]ObF Wd Wb
b. analysis wJOUJOuO qOK eUuO
B. Ankle Platform System qUJ WOH
UN bioplastic uO( ]dU o=KF uO w
(BAPS) W]OJOUJOuO bioprosthesis W]uO Wb
b. factor wJOUJOuO qU bovine collagen b. dI 5uJ s W]uO Wb
b. frame of reference wFd wJOUJOuO U biopsy (Bx) We
b. principle wJOUJOuO du aspiration needle b. dU WuHA We
b. testing wJOUJOuO U Bennett nail b. XOMO UL0 We
biomechanics W]OuuO UJOUJO* bone marrow b. rEF wI We
axial plane angular ^uAK W]OuuO UJOUJO* channel and core b. VK UMI We
deformity b. u* u* vK e core b. VK We
bone b. W]OLEF W]OuuO UJOUJO* Dunn b. We
distraction _ W]OuuO UJOUJO* excisional b. W]OUB We
instrumentation b. d forage core b. VK VI We
Dwyer instrumentation b.  W]OuuO UJOUJO* Fosnaugh nail b. uMu V dHE We

- 74 -
incisional b. W]OUD We b. trochanteric osteotomy wzUM b* rEF lD
lumbar spine b. W]OMDI UO= We u*
needle b. dU We bipolar VDI wzUM
open b. WuH We b. acetabular cup VDI wzUM w=I( n]K
punch b. dI*U We b. cauterization VDI wzUM ^wJ
Scher nail b. dO V dHE We b. cautery VDI wzUM yw
shave b. jAJU We b. femoral component VDI wzUM c H =uJ*
spinal infection b. U M b We b. femoral head prosthesis VDI WOzUM c H Wb
synovial b. wKOe We b. forceps VDI wzUM jIK
thoracic spine b. W]bB UO= We b. hip arthroplasty VDI wzUM u qBH
trephine needle b. VIM* dS We b. hip replacement W]OzUM uK W]OCuF Wb
Valls-Ottolenghim-Schajowi rONMu eU dS We prosthesis VDI
cz needle b. gOuU b. needle recording wzUM dU qO d
Zaias nail b. U V dHE We electrode VDI
bioresorbable uO( UA qU b. prosthesis VDI W]OzUM Wb
b. grug delivery system qUI b U UN b. prosthesic cup VDI wzUM wb n'
uO( UA b. release VDI ^wzUM
b. pin uO( UA qU u^ b. stimulating electrode VDI wzUM tOM d
Biotex Wd fJuO b. vertebral traction VDI wzUM UIH ^d'
B. implant metal fJuO V W]ObF Wd Bircher ddO
B. implant metal prosthesis V W]ObF Wd Wb B. bone-holding clamp V rEF p UIK
fJuO ddO
bipartite sOMJ 5L B. cartilage clamp ddO V dCG UIK
b. patella 5LI WH{d Bircher-Weber technique dO ddO WId
b. scaphoid 5LI ^w e birefringent particle W]UJ e rO
b. sesamoid 5L wULL birth
b. tibial sesamoid 5LI wuME wULL b. fracture d
bipedal walking 5bI vK wA* b. injury bOu
bipedicle WIu ^wzUM b. trauma u `{
b. dorsal flap WIu W]OzUM W]OdNE WKb bisector line UDI wzUM yj
b. flap WIu W]OzUM WKb Bishop uAO
biphasic uD ^wzUM B. bone clamp uAO V rEF UIK
b. action potential uD wzUM qFH sU B. classification uAO nOMB
b. end-plate activity wzUM W]OzUN WOHB UA B. gouge uAO u
uD B. saw uAO UAM
biplanar radiography u* wzUM wUFA duB Bishop-Black tendon tucker uAO V du .d
biplane u* ^wzUM
b. angiogram u* W]OzUM W]OzU u
Bishop-DeWitt tendon uAO V du .d
b. osteotomy u* wzUM rEF lD tucker X
b. roentgenogram u* WOzUM W]OUF u
Bishop-Peter tendon tucker V du du .d

- 75 -
dO uAO b. ileus WU* u^K
bit dH b. injury WU* WU

cannulated drill b. U]MI* VI* dH blade qB

drill b. VI* dH Arthro-Lok b. u d qB
b. drill dHA VI Arthro-Lok system of dHO UB_ u d UE
femoral drill b. c H VI* dH Beaver b.'s
Gore b. u dH Bard-Parker b dU U qB
biter U Beaver b. dHO qB
suction b. w=B yU Beaver-DeBakey b. wU dHO qB
bivalve cast U]LB ^wzUM VU curved meniscotome b. wMM* WN lC qB
bivalved cylinder cast U]LB ^wzUM wuD VU Dynagrip handle of b. VdUM V qBM iI
bizarre Vd U hook b. U]MB qB
b. high-frequency discharge UA du wUF mdH knife b. 5=J qB
b. repetitive discharge UA =dJ* mdH b. plate qBM WOH

b. repetitive potential UA =dJ* sUJ b. plate driver qBM WOH

BJ dB  b. plate fixation qBM WOH
biceps jerk sOd WCH resector b. lUI qB
Bjork uO retrograde meniscal b. wud WN qB
B. drill uO VI side-cutting b. VU' lU qBM
B. prosthesis uO Wb Smillie-Beaver b. dHO w=KOL qB
B. rib drill uO V lKC VI b. spike retractor ]d qB UF
BK dB  Zimmer Gigli-saw b.s d=1 wKO UAM UB
below-knee Wd qH bladeplate W]OKB WOH
BK. mole syndrome Wd qH vd W bifurcated b. sOF W]OKB WOH

BK. prosthesis Wd qH Wb blade-point retractor d wKB UF

black u Blair dOK
b. heel syndrome u_ VIF W B. ankle arthrodesis dOK V qUJ qBH U
B. peroneal tendon sheath uEA du bL sI B. anterior arthrodesis dOK V wU_ qBH* U
injection V B. arthrodesis dOK V qBH* U
B. repair `OKB B. chisel dOK qO
B. technique WId B. elevator dOK WF
Black-Brostrom staple V ]d WId B. fusion dOK Z
technique dd B. knife dOK 5=J
Blackburn dO B. saw guide dOK UAM qO
B. technique dO WId B. technique dOK WId
B. traction dO ^d Blair-Brown skin graft d dOK V bK' rFD
Blackburn-Peel qO dO UO Blair-Morris-Dunn-Hand dOK V qUJ qBH U
measurement ankle arthrodesis bU fu
black-dot heel u UIM VIF Blair-Omer rerouting d dOK V pK* U
bladder WU* Blajwas-Schwartz- V eM UN

- 76 -
Marcinko irrigation uJMOU eu u fracture b. dJ WDH
drainage system Blix Wd fJOK
Blalock clamp u UIK B. contractile force curve V h^KI ]u vMM
blanch iO fJOK
blank u d B. curve fJOK vMM
implant b. WdG d bloc WK
blanket U en b. WKL
EBI Temptek b. UL EBI U Blocadren UuK
Hollister Hot-Ice knee b. V UU( Wd U block UB
dOu ankle b. qUJ UB
Hot-Ice System III knee b. f u III UN' Wd U anodal b. bFB UB
Blastomyces dermatitidis bKK WNK* W]OLd arteriography b. UdA duB UB
blastomycosis wLd UD axillary b. wD UB
North American b. wUL wJd wLd UD balsa wood filler b. eK VA wU UB
blastomycotic osteomyelitis wLd wIM rEF UN Bier b. dO UB
Blatt bony b. wLE UB
B. capsulodesis V WEH* U brachial b. bC UB
B. procedure d brachial plexus b. W]bCF dOHC UB
Blatt-Ashworth procedure u d Campbell posterior bone b. V wHK) rEF UB
Blauth knee prosthesis uK V Wd Wb qU
Blazina prosthesis UM Wb conduction b. wKO
u UB
bleb capsulodesis W]OU]IH WEH* U condyle b. WLIK UB
Bleck pOK block UB
B. iliopsoas recession pOK V wMD wH d d cutting b. lU UB
B. method pOK WId 4-in-1 cutting b. 4x1 lU UB
B. recession technique pOK V d( WId depolarization b UDI W UB
B. technique pOK WId differential spinal b. wIdH wU UB
Bledsoe ubOK digital nerve b. lU
B. brace ubOK UM facet joint b. wNOu qBH* UB
B. cast brace ubOK V VUI UM femoral nerve b. c H VBF UB
B. knee brace ubOK V Wd UM field b. wU UB
B. leg brace ubOK V U UM filler b. uA( q* UB
bleeding point WU WDI forefoot b. bI ]bI UB
blind medullary nailing vL_ uIM dOL] Ganglion b. bI UB
blink dD Gill posterior bone b. V wIK) rEF UB
b. reflex dD fJFM qO
b. response dD WU graduated-height b. ]b* uD UB
blister WDH Hara infiltration b. U V wU UB
b. of bone rEF WDH Howard bone b. u V rEF UB
B. Film dressing rKO dOK UL{ Inclan posterior bone b. V wHK) rEF UB

- 77 -
JM b. flow b Ud
interscalen b. U]OFL_ 5 UB b. glucose b uuK
Mayo nerve b. uU V VBF UB b. loss e b bI
median nerve b. j=u* VBF UB b. loss anemia b bI dI UOLO
metacarpal b. wFM UB b. pressure b jG{
Mikhail bone b. qOzU O V rEF UB b. pressure monitoring b jG{ W d
motor point b. W]Od( WDIM UB b. supply W]ub Wd bU b
musculocutaneous wKCF VBF UB b. transfusion b qI
nerve b. bK' b. vessel tumor Wub WO_
nerve b. VBF UB b. volume pulse (BVP) BVP b r i
nerve root b. VBF c UB blood-borne infection bU WuIM b
neurolytic b. VBFK =d  UB bloodless field dO WU b s WOU WU
peripheral nerve b. wDO* VBF UB WU
phenol nerve b. uMOHU VBF UB bloody effusion u UB
plexus b. dOHC UB Bloom-Raney w uK
posterior bone b. wHK) rEF UB B.-R. modification w uK qbF
recurrent median nerve b. ld j=u* VBF UB B.-R. modification of WIdD w uK qbF
regional b. wU UB Smith-Robinson technique uM YOL
spinal cord b. U M UB Bloom splint uK dO
Steinberg infiltration b. dMO V wU UB Blount XuK
stellate ganglion b. W]OLM bIF UB B. anvil retractor XuK V bM UF
stellate sympathetic W]OLM W]u bIF UB B. blade plate XuK V WOHB qB
ganglion b. B. bone spreader XuK V rEF WU
Styrofoam filler b. udO uA UB B. brace XuK UM
subarachnoid b. W]OuJMF X UB B. disease XuK d
sympathetic b. = UB B. displacement osteotomy V rEFK wUe lD
b. test UB U XuK
tibial cutting b. uMEK lU UB B. epiphysiodesis XuK V WUA* XO
two-point nerve b. 5DI s VBF UB B. fracture staple XuK V dJ ]
ulnar nerve b. be VBF UB B. knee retractor XuK V Wd UF
blockage UB B. knife XuK 5=J
articular b. wKBH UB B. osteotome XuK V rEF lC
blocker dB B. retractor XuK UF
H2 b. I s H2 dB B. splint XuK dO
5UON B. spreader XuK WU
hook b. U]M
dB B. staple XuK ]
blood B. stapling XuK V ]d l{
b. cast b VU B. technique XuK WId
b. cell Wu W]OK B. technique for osteoclasis rEF iIM XuK WId
b. culture b We B. tracing technique rdK XuK WId

- 78 -
Blount-Schmidt Milwaukee XOL XuK UM b. splint uK dO
brace wuKO boat nail qJA w dH
blow-in fracture qbK UH d Bobechko sliding barrel V WIeM* W]OKOd U]MB
blow-out fracture U K UH d hook uJAu
blue Bock knee prosthesis u V Wd Wb
B. line orthotic _ j) V rEF .uI body, pl. bodies U r
methylene b. 5KO* W B. Armor Walker cast dJ u V wA* VU
b. nevus U WL artificial vertebral b. wUMD
dI r
b. rubber bleb nevus W]OU]D* U e WLu W b. awareness r' r'U wu
syndrome W]OU]IH cartilaginous loose b. wdC qIKI r
b. toe syndrome U e bI l
W b. cast r' VU
Blumensaat line UMuK j fibrous loose b. n=OK qIKI r
Blumer shelf duK ^ foreign b. (FB) Vd r wM r
Blundell-Jones technique eu bMK WId intraarticular b. qBH* q r
blunt qOK intraarticular loose b. qBH* q qIKI r
b. calipers qOK Ud b. jacket r' d
b. dissection qOK aOK Kelvin b. 5HK r
b. stylet qOK d b. logic rehabilitation rK wIDM* qOQ UE
b. tapered T-handled b iI0 qOK uI system
reamer T qJA loose b. qIKI r
b. trocar qOK e b. mass index (BMI) r' WK VM
blunt-tip WKOKJ c B. Master dU u
b.-t. iris scissors WKOKJ W]LI WOeI ^hI B. Masters MD 510 hi-lo u V dJ UN
b.-t. probe WKOK W]L U pulley system u w MD 510 dU
BME dB  Maxwell b. quU r
brief maximal effort b_ dOBI vB _ bN' b. mechanics r' W]OJOUJO
BMI dB  B. Mechanics Evaluation W]OJOUJO rOOI o^I WLzU
body mass index r' WK VM Checklist r'
BMP dB  newtonian b. suO r
bone marrow pressure rEF wI jG{ b. oscillation neuromuscular wKCF wBF VJ
bone morphogenic protein rEFK o=K  5d gain (BOING) r' Wcc
board u 2 fK 1 osteocartilagious loose b. wdC wLE qIKI r
WU 3 B. Pedistal Ub u
American B. of Physical u wJd_ fK* pedunculated loose b. ]u qIKI r
Therapy Specialists wFOD F wO
UB rice b. =d r'
(ABPTS) rigid b. VK
balance b. u u b. side integration rK wU qUJ
BAPS b. BAPS u b. temperature r' d
hand b. bO u Verocay b. Ud r
spinal b. dNEK wA) uK vertebral b. dI r

- 79 -
body-exhaust suit r' UN Wc B.-S. pin ULMO dKu u^
body-powered prosthetic r' vK bLF W]Ob eON B.-S. pin holder ULMO dKu u^ pL
device Bohlman U*u
Boeck sarcoid pO buU B. anterior cervical wU_ W]O d dIH lD
Boehler (var. of Bhler) dKu vertebrectomy U*u V
bogginess WOUIM B. cervical fusion V w d Zb WId
boggy wFIM technique U*u
b. consistency wFIM u B. cervical vertebrectomy V W]O d dIH lD
b. swelling wFIM ^u U*u
b. synovitis wFIM* qOe UN B. pin U*u u^
Bograb Universal offset UI* W]O*U W]OLOE Wb B. triple-wire technique V w pK WId
ossicular prosthesis du V U*u
Bhler, Boehler dKu Boies forceps eu jIK
B. angle dKu W BOING dB 
B. bow dKu u body oscillation wKCF wBF VJ
B. brace dKu UM neuromuscular gain r' cc
B. calcaneal angle dKu V VIF W Boitzy open reduction eu V uH* d
B. calcaneal view dKu V VIF dEM Boldrey brace bu UM
B. cast breaker dKu V VUI U] Bolin wedge filter system V wMOH `=d* UN
B. clamp dKu UIK 5u
B. fracture frame dKu V dJ U bolster U
B. lumbosacral angle V WeF WOMDI We abduction b. W]bOF U
dKu cotton b. W]OMD U
B. lumbosacral view dKu V e wMD dEM rubber b. W]OU]D U
B. pin dKu u^ tie-over b. W= U
B. reducing frame dKu V =d U bolt U VuK* UL*
B. skin-tight cast dKu V bK' =b VU Barr b. U V VuK* UL*
B. splint dKu dO cannulated b. v]MI* VuK* UL*
B. stirrup dKu U connecting b. wUB= VuK* UL*
B. tongs dKu UL b. cutter VuK* UL* lU
B. tong traction dKu UL0 ^d' DePuy b. u V VuK* UL*
B. wire splint dKu V W]OJK dO' Fenton b. uM V VuK* UL*
Bhler-Braun d dKu Fenton tibial b. V wuME VuK* UL*
B.-B. frame d dKu U uM
B.-B. leg sling dKu V U F fixation b. XO] U
d b. fixation XO VuK* UL* XO
B.-B. splint d dKu dO U=d
Bhler-Knowles hip pin dKu V u u^ Harris b. f=U V VuK* UL*
fU Herzenberg b. dd V VuK* UL*
Bhler-Steinmann ULMO dKu hexhead b. wb VuK* UL*

- 80 -
d allogeneic b. (AAA bone) AAA rE
Holt b. Xu V VuK* UL* b. autogenous graft QAM* ^w wLE rF
Hubbard b. Uu V VuK* UL* autogenous iliac b. QAM* ^w wH d rE
Hubbard-Nylok b. Uu V VuK* UL* b. awl rEF d 
uKO b. bank UEF pM
Moreira b. du V VuK* UL* Bethesda b. bOO rE
NoLock b. uu V VuK* UL* b. biomechanics rEF W]OJOUJOuO
Norman tibial b. V wuME VuK* UL* Bio-Oss synthetic b. uO V wIOK  rEF
Recon proximal drill V wb VI* qO U b. biopsy needle rEF e d
guide b. uJ blister of b. rEF WDH
Richmond b. buLA V VuK* UL* b. block procedure rEF UB d
solid hex b. wUI wb VuK* UL* b. borer rEF VI
tibial b. wuME VuK* UL* b. bowing rEF ^uI rEF UM
transfixion b. w) lDI U VI] U bridging b. d= rE
Webb b. V V VuK* UL* brittle b. yg rE rOB rE
Webb stove b. V VzU VuK* UL* b. bur rEF VI
V cadaver b. w= rE
Wilson b. uK V VuK* UL* calcaneocuboid b. dM wIF rEF
Wire fixation b. wJK XO U b. callus wLE c
Zimmer b. d=1 V VuK* UL* cancellous b. wMH rE
Zimmer tibial b. V wuME VuK* UL* cancellous versus cortical b. rEF qUI wMH rEF
d=1 dAI
bombardment by W]_ I0 nB candle wax appearance of b. rEFK wFL dNE
nociceptors carpal b.s md UE
Bombelli-Mathys-Morscher w=Ku V u Wb b. cement rEF 
hip prosthesis du fOU chalky b. dOU rE
Bombelli-Morscher V c H =uJ* b. chip WOLE W U
femoral component du w=Ku b. clamp rEF UIK
Bond arm splint bu V bU dO coalition of b. rEF z
bone rE collar b. u d uD rE
AAA b. dB  compact b. eMJ rE
antigen-extracted =bC* eM wHO rE cortical b. dA rE
allogeneic bone cortical versus cancellous b. rEF qUI dAI rEF
b. absorption rEF UB wMH
accessory b. wU{ rE b. crisis W]OLE Wu
b. age rEF dL cuboid b. d rE
b. allograft wLE wHO rF cuneiform b. wMOH rE
allograft iliac b. wH d wLE rF b. curette rEF WDAJ
antigen-extracted =bC* eM wHO rE b. cutter rEF lU

- 81 -
b. cyst excision W]OLEF WOJ UB hamate b. w] rE
b. cyst fracture probability W]OLEF WOJ d W]OUL b. hand drill bO UE VI
b. cyst treatment W]OLEF WOJ b. healing rEF U
b. debris rEF UD heterotopic b. l^{u dUG rE
b. defect wLE VO b. holder rEF pL
demineralized b. bFL e rE b. hook rEF U]M

b. densitometry W]OLEF WUJ UO hook of hamate b. w]J rEF U]M

b. density W]OLEF WUJ hyoid b. w rEF

b. deposition rEF VOd b. impactor rEF Ud
detritus b. rEF U b. implant rEF Wd
b. development rEF U/ b. implant material rEF Wd U
dimple of the b. rEF WF
b. infarct wLE UA
b. dissection rEF aOK b. infarction rEF UA
d. drill rEF VI infected b. bFU UB bFM rE
b. drill set rEF VI WuL b. ingrowth rEF uA
eburnated b. wU rE innominate b. v]L rE
ectopic b. cM rE b. interstices rEF W]K
enchondroma of b. wdC wLE b. island WOLE de
b. end W]OLE WUN b. isograft wLE u rF
endochondral b. wdC rE ivory b. wU rE
eosinophilic granuloma of b. rEFK wMuO wO( u Kiel b. qO rE
b. extension clamp rEF bb9 UIK lamellar b. wUH
b. extractor rEF lU lamellated b. wUH
b. file rEF d laminar b. wzUH
flat b. `]D rE bone rE
b. fragment W]OLE Wb b. liner rEF s=D
fragmental b. wb rE long b. qu rE
freeze-dried b. b]H bOLU n]H rE long axis of b. rEFK quD u*
b. gouge rEF u b. loss rEF bI
b. graft wLE rF lunate b. wN rEF
b. graft bed wLEF rFD dd luxated b. lK M rE
b. graft collapse wLEF rFD UL lyophilization of b. rEF bOH&
b. graft decompression rFD vK jGC nOH b. mallet rEF W dD
wLEF marble b. dd rE
b. graft extrusion wLEF rFD e b. marrow rEF wI
b. graft incorporation wLEF rFD 5LC b. marrow aspiration rEF wI jH
b. graft placement wLEF rFD WF{u b. marrow biopsy rEF wI We
b. graft repair wLEF rFD `OKB b. marrow graft rEF wI rF
b. growth rEF ^uL b. marrow pressure (BMP) rEF wI jG{
b. growth stimulator rEF =uL UM b. meal rEF W

- 82 -
medial metacarpal b. w wFM= rEF b. resection rEF lD
b. metabolic unit WOI rEF b b. resorption rEF UA
metacarpal b. wFM= rE b. resurfacing wLEF `OD U
metatarsal b. wDA rE rudimentary b. w1 rE
b. mill rEF WMD b. saw rEF UAM
b. mineral density rEFK W]ObF* WUJ b. scan UEF WdH
b. morphogenic protein rEFK o=K  5d scaphoid b. w e rEF
(BMP) b. scintigraphy UEFK wUC duB
navicular b. w e rEF b. screw rEF wd
b. necrosis wLE d b. screw depth gauge rEF wd oL UOI
nonlamellated b. wUH
dO rE b. screw ruler gauge rEF wd dD UOI
omovertebral b. dI wH rE semilunar b. w rE
osteonal b. wuLE rE sesamoid b. wULL rE
osteonal lamellar b. wuLE wUH
rE short b. dOB rE
osteoporotic b. q K  rE b. skid rEF WU
b. overgrowth rEF =uL d sliver of b. rEF W]OE
pagetoid b. XOU b UB rE b. spacer rEF UH
particles of b. rEF ULO spike of b. rEF Wu
b. paste rEF uF spongy b. wMH rE
b. peg rEF b b. spreader rEF WU
b. peg epiphysiodesis rEF b WUA XO b. spur wLE ULN
b. pegging wLE bOu b. stock rEF e 
b. peg graft wLE b rF subchondral b. dCG X rE
Pirie b. dO rE subcoracoid b. wdG TUM X rE
pisiform b. wB=L( rEF b. substance rEF ]U
b. plate rEF WOH
supernumerary b. bz rE
b. plate selection rEF WOH
UI synthetic b. wIOK rE
b. plug rEF uA talonavicular b. w wKU rE
b. plug cutter rEF uA lU b. tamp rEF Ub
b. plug setter rEF uA a=d tarsal b. wG
porotic b. q K  rE b. technique rEF WId
primitive b. wzb rE trabecular b. wIOd rE
b. procedure wLE d b. transfer rEF qI
b. production rEF U b. trephine rEF VIM
b. prosthesis rEF Wb b. trough rEF Wd
b. punch rEF W]d b. tumor wLE
raw b. U rE b. union rEF U
b. reamer rEF uI b. wax wLE lL
b. remodeling rEF Wu U b. wax gelatin sponge wLEF lLA ZMH
b. remodeling unit rEF Wu U b b. wedge wLE 5H

- 83 -
wormian b. rE gluteal b. W]u uMK
woven b. u rE Bonney clamp w=u UIK
bone-biting forceps rEF rC jIK Bonola technique uu WId
bone-breaking forceps rEF rB jIK bony wLE
bone-cement interface rEF  WNO b. absorption wLEF UB
bone-cutting forceps rEF lD jIK b. architecture W]OLEF W]ULF*
bone-forming tumor rEFK =uJ b. avulsion wLE lK
bone-grasping forceps rEF i jIK b. bar wLEF VOCI
bone-holding rEF p b. block wLEF UB
b.-h. clamp rEF p UIK b. bridge wLEF d'
b.-h. forceps rEF p jIK b. bridge resection wLEF d' lD
b.-h. instrumentations rEF p b. deformity wLEF ^uA
bone-implant interface W]OLEF WdG WNO b. demineralization rEF bFL W
bone-ingrowth fixation rEF uA XO b. distal end WO
bonelet rOE b. dysplasia wLEF b
bone marrow pressure rEF wI jG{ b. element destruction rEF d
UM ^d
(BMP) b. encroachment wLEF =bF
bonemeal tablet rEF u d b. excrescence wLE uFL
bone-nibbling rongeur rEF rC W{]d b. fragment W]OLE Wb
bone-patellar tendon-bone rE WH{d d rE d]C b. interface W]OLEF WNOu
preparation b. island W]OLE de
bone-peg interface rEF b WNO b. landmark wLE rKF
bone-screw interface rEF wd WNO ]u b. lesion W]OLE W
strength b. mass W]OLEF WKJ
bone-splitting forceps rEF dD jIK b. metastasis W]OLE WKOI
bone-tendon-bone rE d rE b. necrosis and destruction wLEF d M ^d 
b.-t.-b. allograft d wLE wHO rF b. procedure wLE d
wLE b. prominence W]OLE W U wLE d
b.-t.-b. graft wLE d wLE rF b. purchase rEF d
bone-to-bone graft rE v rE rF b. resection wLE lD
Bonferroni correction w^dOHu `OB b. skeleton wLEF qJON
Bonfiglio uOKOHu b. tenderness wLEF
B. graft uOKOHu rF boot Uu
B. modification uOKOHu qbF b. brace U u UM
B. modification of dOL WIdD uOKOHu qbF Bunny b. w=u U u
Phemister technique cast b. VUI U u
Bonfiglio-Bardenstein sUAU uOKOHu WId compression b. W]OUGC U u
technique derotation b. W]db U u
Bonner position d=u l{ external sequential wFU wzuN jGC U u
bonnet uMK pneumatic compression b. wU)

- 84 -
gelatin compression b. W]OUGC W]O U u B. method ndu WId
Gibney b. UMO U u Borggreve-Hall technique U ndu WId
L'Nard b. UM U u Borg-Warner orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd dd
Moon b. u U u bed d u V
pneumatic compression b. W]Ozu WOUGC U u Bose u
rocker b. eN wdJ U u B. nail fold excision V W]dHE W]OD UB
sequential pneumatic wFU wzuN jGC U u u
compression b. B. procedure u d
SlimLine cast b. s rOK VU U u boss d
Unna b. U] U u carpometacarpal b. W]OFM W]OGd d
Unna paste b. U] uF U u bosselated d
weight b. u U u bosselation d 2 d^F 1
Wilke b. wJK U u bossing d
b. wrap U u WUH frontal b. W]ON d
boot-top fracture Uu WL d Bostick staple pOu ]
Boplant Xu Boston uu
B. Surgibone uOu Xu B. bivalve cast V U]LB wzUM VU
Bora u uu
B. centralization u edL B. brace uu UM
B. operation u W]OKL B. brace thoracolumbosacral WuILK uu UM
B. technique u WId orthosis W]eF WOMDI WbB
borazone blade cutting d qBM WFU WMU B. thoracic brace uu V bB UM
machine Bosworth uu
Borchgrevin traction 5Hdu ^d B. approach uu vQ
border WU B. bone peg insertion V wLEF bu d
cryptotic medial b. W]OH) W]O WU( uu
medial b. W]O WU( B. coracoclavicular screw V u d wdG wd
b. ray =b UF uu
b. ray amputation W=b( W]F_U d B. crown drill uu V wU VI*
scapulovertebral b. W]dI WOH WU B. drill uu VI
superior b. W]uKF WU( B. femoroischial wJ c H qBH* U
vertebral b. W]dIH WU( arthrodesis uu V
bore uI B. femoroischial V wJ c H rFD
b. needle WuI d transplant uu
borer VI B. femoroischial V wJ c H e
bone b. rEF VI transplantation uu
cork b. 5=KH VI B. fracture uu d
Borge clamp u UIK B. screw uu wd
Borggreve ndu B. spinal fusion V wuA Zb
B. limb rotation ndu V dD db uu

- 85 -
B. spinal plate V W]OuA WOHB B. & Arrow cannulated drill uIU v]MI* VI* bd
uu guide rN
B. splint uu dO Bhler b. dKu u
B. tendo calcaneus repair V wIF du `OKB cupid's b. bOuO u
uu Kirschner wire b. dMdO V W]OJK uI
both-bone fracture dJ 5LEF UK d b. leg W]uI U
nUC* wLEF posterior b. W]OHK) uI
both-column fracture suLF  d traction b. =d' u
botryoid sarcoma W]uIM WuU Bowden cable suspension u V qJ oOKF UN
bottom bU system
hoof b. dU( bU bowel training UF_ Vb
Patten b. s=U bU Bowen su
weaver's b. U]M bU B. chisel su qO
Bottoms-Up posture system WF{uK eL^u UN B. disease su
Bouchard node Uu bI B. osteotome su V rEF lC
bouche de tapir (F.) UM r B. periosteal elevator su V UL WF
bouge needle UBI WFL d B. suture drill su V WUO) VI
bounce home test weM* Vu U Bowen-Grover su V WN lC
bouncing r { meniscotome dd
ligamentous b. Ud WU { Bowers technique U WId
Bourneville disease dF V^KB] qOHu bowing U1
boutonnire dF d bone b. rEF ^uI
b. deformity dF d qJA ^uA congenital posteromedial b. wIK) w wHK) ^uI
b. hand dislocation dF d qJA bO lK b. deformity ^uI ^uA
b. splint dF d qJA dO b. fracture sM d
Bovie wu tibial b. wuME ^uI
B. cauterization wu V ^wJ Bowlby arm splint wu V bU dO
B. cautery wu uJ bowleg W]uI U
B. coagulating unit wu V d^  b b. brace W]uI* U UM
B. electrocautery apparatus V wdNJ wJ UN b. deformity W]uI* U ^uA
wu bowlers thumb ZMu V UN
B. knife wu 5=J Bowman angle Uu W
underwater B. ]uG wu bowstring uI d
bovine dI b. sign uI d W
b. collagen dI 5u b. test uI d U
b. collagen bioprosthesis dI 5uJK WuO( Wb box bM
b. collagen implant dI 5uJ Wd b. chisel bMB qO
bovis dI high-toe b. uKF bI l

Mycobacterium b. W]dI d=DH* b. osteotome w bMB rEF lC

bow u sit-and-reach b. u
u uK' bM

- 86 -
toe b. bI UN bM
B. technique eu WId
box-end wrench bMB WUN uK B. transfer eu qI
boxers o=KF WL* w o=KF Boyle-Davis retractor eO qu UF
r*U Boyle-Thompson tendon qu V du qI
b. elbow 5L* od transfer uu
b. fracture 5L* d Boytchev procedure nAu d
Boyd bu Bozzini light conductor wM=u V uC q= u
B. amputation bu d BPTI dB 
B. ankle amputation bu V qUJ d brachial plexus traction W]bCF dOHC =d WU

B. approach bu vQ injury

B. classification bu nOMB BR dB 
B. disarticulation bu V qBH* ^e breathing reserve w^HM] d]b*
B. dual onlay bone graft e wF
wLE rF brace UM
bu V abduction b. bOF UM
B. hip disarticulation bu V u qBH ^e AFO b. UM
B. podiatry chair bu V 5bI wd AFO pediatric b. UH_U U) UM
Boyd-Anderson ub bu Aircast b. XUd UM
B.-A. biceps tendon 5d d `OKB Aircast fracture b. XUd V dJ UM
repair ub bu V Aircast leg b. XUd V U UM
B.-A. technique ub bu WId Aircast pneumatic b. XUd V wzuN UM
Boyd-Bosworth procedure uu bu d Aircast walking b. XUd V wA* UM
Boyd-Griffin 5=Hd bu AirGEL ankle b. W]Ozu WN qUJ UM
B.-G. classification 5=Hd bu nOMB Air-Stirrup b. d d V UM
B.-G. trochanteric fracture V b* d nOMB Air-Stirrup ankle b. d d V qUJ UM
classification 5=Hd bu brace UM
Boyd-Ingram-Bourkhard UNu d bu W'UF ankle b. qUJ UM
treatment ankle ligament protector b. qUJ U WM
Boyd-McLeod uO p bu AO b. UM
B.-M. procedure uO p bu d AOA cervical w d XO UM
B.-M. tennis elbow V f=M w od WId immobilization b.
technique uO p bu Arnold b. bu UM
Boyd-Sisk pO bu Arnold lumbar b. bu V wMD UM
B.-S. approach pO bu vQ Atlanta hip b. U V u UM
B.-S. posterior bu V wHK) WEH* u Atlanta-Scottish Rite b. X guJ U UM
capsulorrhaphy pO back b. dNE UM
B.-S. procedure pO bu d bail-lock b. WeM* iI UM
Boyes eu Becker b. dJO UM
B. brachioradialis transfer WdFJ W]bCF qI WId bike b. W]b UM
technique eu V Biomet fracture b. XuO V dJ UM
B. muscle clamp eu V WKCF UIK Bledsoe b. ubOK UM

- 87 -
Bledsoe cast b. ubOK VU UM controlled-motion b. WD]C* Wd( UM
Bledsoe knee b. ubOK V Wd UM Cook walking b. u V wA* UM
Bledsoe leg b. ubOK V U UM Count'R-Force arch b. R Xu V ]uI UM
Blount b. XuK UM u
Blount-Schmidt XOL XuK UM cowhorn b. dI d UM
Milwaukee b. wuKO CTI b. CTI UM
Bhler b. dKu UM Cunningham b. UNMO=u UM
Boldrey b. bu UM Dennyson cervical b. u= V w d UM
boot b. U u UM DePuy fracture b. u V dJ UM
Boston b. uu UM derotation b. db lM UM
Boston thoracic b. uu V bB UM dial-lock b. oKG* uA* UM
bowleg b. W]uI* U UM DonJoy four-point Super W]OUd u du W UM
Buck knee b. u V Wd UM Sport knee b. u V UIM
cable twister b. uHK* qJ UM DonJoy knee b. u V Wd UM
cage-back b. hHI dN UM double Becker ankle b. V e* qUJ UM
calipers b. Ud UM dJO
Callender b. bMU UM drop foot b. bI w=b UM
Callender derotational b. bMU V db b UM drop-lock knee b. WO=b* U]JK Wd UM
Camp b. VU UM Duncan shoulder b. UJ V nJ UM
Can Am b. U UM dynamic abduction b. wJOUMb bOF UM
canvas b. wd UM Edge knee b. V Wd UM
Capener b. dMOU UM elastic-hinge knee b. Wd* W]=d Wd UM
Carpal Lock wrist b. u qU V md UM Fisher b. dAO UM
qUI flexor hinge hand splint b. wM* W]]d =bO dO UM
carpenters b. sU]M UM Florida b. buK UM
CASH b. wU_ wuA ^bL d UM Florida cervical b. buK V w d UM
wOKB footdrop b. bI w=b UM
Castiglia ankle b. UOKOU V qUJ UM Forrester cervical collar b. V w d uD UM
cervical b. w d UM d=u
cervical collar b. W d u UM four-point cervical b. jIM wUd w d UM
chairback b. wdJ dN UM four-poster cervical b. oBK wUd w d UM
Charleston bending b. uUA V UM UM Friedman b. Ubd UM
Charnley b. wKUA UM functional b. wHO UM
CHH cervical b. nM
w d UM functional fracture b. wHOu dJ UM
Chopart b. Uu UM Futuro wrist b. uu V md UM
Cincinnati ACL b. wU_ VUB* Ud UM Galveston b. uHU UM
wU]MOMO V Galveston metacarpal b. uHU V UM_ UM
clam-shell b. uMOKD Wb
UM GII Unloader knee b. II uK Wd UM
Cole hyperextension b. u V bbL d UM Gillette b. XKO UM
collar b. w uD UM GoldPoint b. XMubu UM

- 88 -
Goldthwait b. Xubu UM LeCocq b. u w UM
Guilford cervical b. uHu V w d UM leg b. U UM
halo b. uU UM Lenox Hill derotational V db Wd UM
hand b. bO UM knee b. qO fuMO
head b. d UM Lenox Hill knee b. qO fuMO V Wd UM
Hennessy knee b. wO=M V Wd UM Lenox Hill Spectralite fuMO V Wd UM
Hessing b. ZM=O UM knee b. XOdJ qO
high-Knight b. wUF UH XU UM Lerman hinge b. UdO V =d UM
Hilgenreiner b. dMdMK UM Lofstrand b. bdu UM
hinged b. = UM long arm b. c qu UM
Hoke lumbar b. u V wMDI UM long leg b. U qu UM
Hudson b. ub UM long leg hinged b. U quD =d UM
Hudson-Jones knee cage b. V Wd hH UM Lorenz b. eu UM
eu ub LSU reciprocation-gait LSU W]OU WOA* WuI UM
hyperextension b. bbL d UM orthosis b.
InCare b. dOJ UM lumbar b wMD UM
ischial b. wJ UM Lyman-Smith b. YOL ULO UM
ischial weightbearing leg b. uK WKU( U UM Lyman-Smith toe drop b. V bI lU
w=b UM
Jewett hyperextension b. V bbL d UM MacAusland lumbar b. b U V wMD UM
XuO McDavid knee b. bO p V Wd UM
Jones b. eu UM McKee b. w p UM
Kalessy b. w=OU UM McLight PCL b. X p V PCL UM
King cervical b. ZMO V w d UM MD b. MD w UM
Kleinert postoperative WdK wU =d' UM Medical Design b. w= UM
traction b. dMOK V Medipedic Multicentric V ed* =bF* Wd UM
Klengall b. uMOK UM knee b. pbbO
Klenzak spring b. eMKO V U]d UM Metcalf spring drop b. nUJ V U]d w=b UM
Kling cervical b. ZMOK V w d UM Miami fracture b. wUO V dJ UM
knee b. Wd UM Milwaukee b. wuKO UM
49er knee b. er 49 r Wd UM Milwaukee scoliosis b. wuKO V nM' UM
Knight back b. XU V dNE UM MKS II knee b. MKS II Wd UM
Knight-Taylor thoracic b. XU V bB UM Monarch knee b. Uu V Wd UM
uKU Moon Boot b. u u UM
knock-knee b. Ud Wd UM Mooney b. wu UM
KSO b. UM Multi-Lock knee b. oKG =bF* Wd UM
Kuhlman cervical b. U*u V w d UM Murphy b. wu UM
Kuntscher-Hundson b. ubM dAu UM neoprene b. sduOM UM
Kydex b. fbO UM Newington b. uMu UM
lacing ankle b. wDdA qUJ UM night b. wKO UM

- 89 -
nonweightbearing b. r' qI qU dO UM Schanz collar b. eU V uD UM
Northville b. qOHu UM scoliosis b. nM' UM
Omni knee b. wM V Wd UM Scottish Rite b. X guJ UM
Opiela b. O UM Seton hip b. u V u UM
Oppenheim b. .UNM= UM short arm b. dOBI bU UM
Orthomedics b. fJbOu UM short leg b. dOBI U UM
Ortho-Mold spinal b. u V wuA UM short leg double upright b. UK rzuI e UM
bu dOBI
Orthoplast fracture b. Xu V dJ UM short leg walking b. dOBI UK wA* UM
Palumbo dynamic wJOUMb wH{d UM shoulder b. nJ UM
patellar b. uuU V shoulder subluxation nJK wze' lK) j= UM
Palumbo knee b. uuU V Wd UM inhibitor b.
patellar b. wH{d UM Smedberg b. dbL UM
patellar tendon-bearing b. wH{d du bM UM snap-lock b. W]JB oK UM
Patten-Bottom-Perthes b. fdO u^u 5=U UM SOMI b. SOMI UM
P.C. Williams b. eUO UM sterno-occipital-mandibular cI hI X= UM
Perlstein b. sUAdO UM immobilizer brace wKH pH
Phelps b. fKO UM Sports Bs W]O{Ud UM
Philadelphia Plastizote UOHO V w d UM SSI b. wuAU _ WKUM UM
cervical b. eO wFDI
Power Play knee b. U V Wd UM Stille b. w=KO UM
PPG-AFO b. PPG-AFO UM stirrup b. wU UM
PPG-TLSO b. PPG-TLSO UM Swede-O ankle b. bu V qUJ UM
Pro-8 ankle b. 8 d qUJ UM Taylor back b. uKO V dNE UM
brace UM Taylor-Knight b. XU uKU UM
PTB b. PTB UM Taylor spine b. uKU V wuA UM
PTS knee b. PTS Wd UM Teufel cervical b. qu V w d UM
Push medical b. u V w=D UM Thomas b. Uu UM
Quadrant advanced =bI* wFd nJ UM Thomas cervical collar b. V w d uD UM
shoulder b. Uu
Raney flexion jacket b. w V UM d UM Thomas walking b. Uu V wA* UM
ratchet-type b. jLM wU]I UM thoracolumbar standing W]OMDI WbB WuI* UM
reamer b. uI* UM orthosis b. W]eF
Rolyan b. UO UM TLSO b. W]OMDI W]bB WuI* UM
Rolyan tibial fracture b. V wuME dJ UM W]eF
UO toe-drop b. bI lU
w=b UM
Saltiel b. qOU UM Tomasini b. wMUu UM
Sarmiento b. uMOU UM Toronto b uu UM
Sarmiento fracture b. uMOU V dJ UM Townsend b. bMu UM
Schanz b. eU UM Tracker knee b. dd V Wd UM

- 90 -
Tri-angle shoulder Ue w nJ bOF UM b. plexus injury W]bCF dOHC WU

abduction b. b. plexus palsy W]bCF dOHC qK

Trinkle b. qJd UM b. plexus paralysis W]bCF dOHC qK
turnbuckle b. ]bA UM b. plexus repair W]bCF dOHC `OKB
two-poster b. u' UM b. plexus tendon W]bCF dOHC d
UBC b. W]OUDd UOuu WFU UM b. plexus tension test W]bCF dOHC d^u U
UCLA functional long wHOu WKuD U UM b. plexus traction injury W]bCF dOHC =d WU

leg b. u w UOuHOU WFU' (BPTI)

fK$ brachialgia bC r
underarm b. c X UM brachialis WKC W]bCF
unilateral calcaneal b. VU' U wI UM b. muscle W]bCF WKCF
(UCB) b. tendon W]bCF d
University of British W]OUDd UOuu WFU UM brachiocephalic vein wd bCF bu
Columbia b. bM brachioradialis WKC W]dFJ W]bCF
Varney V u d wd UM b. flap W]dFJ W]bCF WKb
acromioclavicular b. wU b. muscle W]dFJ W]bCF WKCF
Verlow b. udO UM b. tendon W]dFJ W]bCF d
Victorian b. uJO UM brachium bCF
von Lackum transection W u u d UM brachymetatarsia jA* dB
shift jacket b. W]O=DI bracing U
walking b. wA* UM cast b. VUI U
Warm Springs b. eMd UM fracture b. dJ U
Watco b. uJ UM postoperative b. WdK wU UJ
weightbearing b. uK qU UM bracket UM
Wheaton b. u UM longitudinal epiphyseal b. wu wUA UM
Wilke boot b. wJK V U u UM bracketed splint WKBHL dO
Williams b. eUO UM Brackett-Osgood posterior Xd V wHK) vQ*
Wright Universal b. UdHOu X UM approach u
Yale b. U UM Brackett-Osgood-Putti-Abb wu u Xd WId
Zimmer reamer b. d=1 V uI UM ott technique u^
bracelet test u U Brackett osteotomy Xd V rEF lD
braceRAP UM Bradford ud
brace-type reamer jLM UM uI B. fracture frame ud V dJ U
brachial bC B. fusion ud Z
b. artery bCF UdA Brady d
b. artery aneurysm bCF UdA u B. balanced suspension V Wu* oOKF dO
b. artery injury bCF UdA WU
splint d
b. block bC UB B. leg splint d V U dO
b. plexus W]bCF dOHC Brady-Jewett technique Xu d WId
b. plexus block W]bCF dOHC UB bradykinin h=KI wzU lu 5MOJd

- 91 -
CFK brassiere W]db
bradymetatarsalgia wD UA_ r Jobst b. Xu W]db

Bragard sign Ud W Braun d

Braggard Ud B. frame d U
B. reinforcement Ud eeF B. procedure d d
B. test Ud U B. shoulder tenotomy d V nJ d lC
Bragg-peak photon-beam V W W]Ozu{ W'UF B. tenotomy d V du lC
therapy d breakage UJ
Brahms procedure eLd d pedicle screw b. WIu wd UJ
braided suture b jO screw b. wd UJ
Brailsford disease uHKd d tack b. dLO* UJ
brain Ub breakaway weakness UBH nF{
b. damage Ub nK breakdancer's thumb 5={d* UN
b. injury Ub WU
breakdown UON p^JH
b. reflex wU fJFM skin b. bK' p^JH
b. stem Ub c break point UJ WDI
brainstem Ub c break test UJ U
b. auditory evoked potential c' ]d* wFL sUJ breastbone bB rE ^hI
(BAEP) Ub breaststroker's knee bB b=L W
b. auditory evoked reponsec' ]d* wFL WU breathing reserve (BR) w^HM d]b*
(BEAR) Ub Breck pd
braly-Bishop-Tullos wd V jGC nOH B. pin pd u^
decompression u^u uAO B. pin cutter pd V u^b lU
branch d Bremer halo system dd V WUN UN
interosseous b. UEF 5 dH Breslow classification of W]OMOO*  uKd nOMB
motor b. wd d melanoma
posterior interosseous b. wHK) UEF sO dH Brett arthrodesis Xd V qBH* U
proper digital nerve b. VUM* wF
VBF d Brett-Campbell tibial V wuME rEF lD
superior laryngeal nerve dM( VBFK wU) dH osteotomy qU Xd
external b. uKF Breuerton x-ray view of bOK wUFA udOd dEM
Brand bd hand
B. tendon passer bd V du dL breve dOB
B. tendon stripper bd V du  vinculum b. dOBI UOI
B. tendon transfer technique bd V du qI WId brevis dOBI
Branhamella catarrhalis W]OeM WKOUNd abductor pollicis b. (APB) bO UN b=F* dOBI
Brannon-Wickstrom dJ u^d WId coxa b. W]Ou dOBI
technique extensor carpi radialis b. mdK WDU dOBI W]dFJ
Brant aluminum splint Xd V uOMu_ dO (ECRB)
Brantigan-Voshell qu UOd d extensor pollicis b. (EPB) bO UN WDU dOBI
procedure flexor digiti quinti b. bO dBM) dOBI WOM*

- 92 -
(FDQB) B. operation ud WOKL
flexor digitorum b. lU
 dOBI WOM* B. periosteal elevator V UL WF
flexor pollicis b. (FPB) bO UN WOM* dOBI ud
peroneus b. (PB) dOBI W]uEA Bristow-Helfet procedure XHKO ud d
radialis b. dOBI WdFJ Bristow-May procedure U ud d
b. release dOBI dd% British test wUDd U
Brewster triple arthrodesis V w qBH* U Brittain sU]d
dd B. arthrodesis sU]d V qBH* U
Brickner position dMJd l{ B. chisel sU]d qO
bridge d B. ischiofemoral c H wJ qBH* U
bony b. wLE d arthrodesis sU]d V
b. graft d rF brittle bone g rOB rE
b. of meniscus WN d brittleness WUB
osseous b. wLE d broach Wu
b. plate W]d WOH
barbed b. WJzU Wu
b. plate fixation W]d' WOHB XO cemented b. W]O Wu
bridging d cementless b. W]O dO Wu
b. bone d rE Drilling b. W U Wu
b. callus d c ELP b. ELP Wu
b. of defect VOF d b. extractor WuA lU
heterotrophic ossification b. =cG dOG r^EF d femoral prosthesis b. W]c H Wb Wu
myocardial b. VKI WKC d Harris b. f=U Wu
b. osteophyte d W]OLE WU Koenig metatarsal b. ZOu V UA_ Wu
Bridle procedure bd d orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd Wu
brief maximal effort (BME) b_ dOBI vB_ bN' root canal b. c' UM Wu
brief, small, abundant, deG u_ =bF* sUJ smooth b. UK Wu
polyphasic potential dOBI dOGB square hole b. WF]d* VI Wu
(BSAPP) Swanson metatarsal b. uu V UA_ Wu
brief, small, abundant dOBI dOGB deG sUJ Zimmer femoral canal b. d=1 V W]c H UMI Wu
potential (BSAP) broad id
Brigham prosthesis UNd Wb b. AO dynamic W]OUGC WOHB
Brighton electrical V wzUdNJ WOM UN compression plate AO WCdF W]OJOUMb
stimulation system ud b. thumb-big toe UN idF UN W
brim d WU syndrome bI
pelvic b. u( d Broadbent-Woolf four-limb Z qJA WF_ d_
proximal medical b. WO WO= WU Z-plasty n XOMOd V
quadrilateral b. W]OA W]OU WU Brockman ULd
brisement rOD 2 r^D 1 B. incision ULd ^o
b. therapy r^D W'UF B. procedure ULd d
Bristow ud Broden view d dEM

- 93 -
Brodie d B. procedure dd d
B. abscess d d Brostrom-Gordon dd V qBH* duB
B. disease d arthrography u
Brodsky-Tullos-Gartsman u^u wJd vQ Broughton-Olney-Menelaus V wuME b' dOBI
approac ULU tibial diaphyseal uKOMO wM ud
Brooke Army Hospital gOK d vHA dO shortening
splint brown w=M dL
Brooker dd B. dermatome d UA
B. double-locking uI* dO wuME UL* b. fat tumor wM dL
unreamed tibial nail dd V qHI wzUM B. fibular transfer d V uEA qI
B. femoral nail dd V c H UL* B. knee approach d V Wd vQ
B. frame dd U B. knee joint V Wd qBH UM
Brooker-Wills nail eK dd UL reconstruction d
Brooks fd B. lateral approach d V wAu vQ*
B. atlantoaxial arthrodesis u* wINH qBH* U B. periosteotome d V UL lC
fd V B. technique d WId
B. technique fd WId b. tumor w=M
B. type fusion fd jLM Zb b. tumor of w=M UIb d
Brooks-Jenkins atlantoaxial u* wINH Zb WId hyperparathyroidism
fusion technique eMOJM fd V Brown-Adson forceps u d jIK
Brooks-Jones tendon eu fd V du qI Browne splint d dO
transfer Brown-Squard syndrome uJO d W
Brooks-Seddon bO fd Brucella Wud WKOd
B.-S. pectoralis major dJ W]bB WKCF d qI Brucella agglutination test WKOd d U
tendon transfer bO fd V brucellosis Od
B.-S. tendon transfer fd V du qI spinal b. dIH Od
bO Brudzinski wJMd
B.-S. transfer technique fd V qIM WId B. sign wJMd W
bO B. test wJMd U
Broomhead bONd Bruening-Citelli rongeur ZMOd V rEF W{]d
B. approach bONd vQ w=KOO
B. medial approach bONd V w vQ* Bruger dd
broomhead WMJ* cul-de-sac of B. dd W
broomstick WMJ* UB bruisability b) W]OKU
b. bar WMJ* UB qJA VOC Brun d
b. cast WMJ* UB qJA VU B. bone curette d V rEF WDAJ
b. curl-up WMJ* UB qJA u B. curette d WDAJ
Brophy periosteal elevator wd V UL WF Bruner approach dd vQ
Brostrom dd Bruni-Wayne clamp wd V UIK* dI
B. injection technique dd V sI( WId approximator s

- 94 -
Brunn plaster shears d V f' dI BTM hip system WOF bFLK u UN
Brunswick-Mack rotating V db VI* uLU V
drill U pud Buchanan disease UUu
Bruser d Buchholz euNJ
B. approach d vQ B. acetabular cup euNJ V w=I( n]K
B. incision d o B. prosthesis euNJ Wb
B. knee approach d V Wd vQ Buck u
B. lateral approach d V wAu vQ* B. extension splint u V bbL dO
B. skin incision d V bK' ^o B. fascia u WUH
B. technique d WId B. femoral cement c H LK b]OI U
brush test UdH U restrictor inserter u V
Bryan Ud B. knee brace u V Wd UM
B. arthroplasy Ud V qBH* U B. method u WId
B. procedure Ud d B. plug u b uA
B. total knee implant V Wd qU Wd Wb B. splint u dO
prosthesis Ud B. traction u V yd
Bryan-Morrey u Ud B. traction splint u V =d' dO
B.-M. elbow approach u Ud V od* vQ bucket WU 2 u 1
B.-M. extensive posterior Ud V bL* wHK) vQ* Denis Browne b. d fOM u
approach u b. handle rib ub iI lK{
B.-M. technique u Ud WId bucket-handle ub iI
Bryant XUd b.-h. fracture ub iI d
B. sign XUd W b.-h. plica ub iI WOM
B. traction XUd V yd b.-h. rib motion ub iI qJA lKC Wd
BSAP dB  b.-h. rim motion ub iI qJA WU( Wd
brief, small, abundant dOBI dOGB deG sUJ b.-h. tear ub iI W e
potential b.-h. tear of meniscus ub iI qJA WN W e
BSAPP dB  Buck-Gramcko uJd u
brief, small, abundant, deG u_ =bF* sUJ B.-G. pollicization bO UN W{UF UN
polyphasic potential dOBI dOGB uJd u V
BTE dB  B.-G. technique uJd u WId
Baltimore Therapeutic uLU V W]OF bF* Bucky wu
Equipment B. diaphragm wu U
Baltimore Therapeutic W]OF bF* qL UA B. x-ray tray V WOMO W]F_ W]OMO

Equipment work simulator uLU V wu

BTE Dynamic wJOUMb wuHD dU bud rd
Pedobarograph V W]OF bFLK limb b. dD rd
uLU buddy qO oO
BTE dynamic lift bFLK wJOUMb ld b. splint oOd dO
uLU V W]OF b. taping oOd e

- 95 -
Budin-Chandler dbUA su b. fracture =bB* d
B.-C. anteversion V wU_ I 5OF Buncke wJM
determination dbUA su B. technique wJM WId
B.-C. method dbUA su WId B. transfer wJM V qI
Buerger disease du bundle We
buffalo hump uU' Wb anteromedial b. W]O W]OU_ We(
Buffinol uMOu b. dressing we( bOLC
B. Extra uMOu d b. function We( WHO
Buford complex uu V]d intermediate b. WD=u* We(
Bugg-Boyd technique bu u WId medial neurovascular b. W]O W]OzUu W]OBF We(
buildup (noun) r UM neurovascular b. W]OzUu W]OBF We(
build up (verb) qF wM posterolateral b. W]OAu W]OHK) We(
bulb WKB superior gluteal W]u_ W]OzUu W]OBF We(
irrigation b. WKB neurovascular b. W]uKF
b. neuroma wKB wB Bunge amputation t$u d
b. suture wKB b bunion UN w ywMH ^u WF
bulbocavernosus reflex wHN wKB fJFM Z_
bulge U UH b. deformity WFu ^uA
disk b. dI UH b. dissector WFu dA
bulging disk U d aHM d dorsal b. W]OdNE WFu
bulk graft wK rF r { rF Estersohn osteotomy for ud V rEF lD
bulky dressing wK bOLC tailor's b. 5U]O) WFu
bulla, pl.bullae UU]I WU]I b. formation WFu q^JA
bulldog bK tailors b. 5U]O) WF
b. clamp applier bK UIK o=D bunionectomy WFu UB
b. clamp-applying forceps bK V jU jIK Akin b. 5 V WFu UB
bullet driver nzcI tu Austin b. 5 V WFu UB
bullosa ]wUI chevron b. bd qJA WFu UB
epidermolysis b. wUIH dA DuVries-Mann b. V WFu UB
bullous wUI U ed
Bullseye femoral guide wu V c H qOb DuVries-Mann modified b. V ]bF* WFu UB
bump UD U ed
hip b. u UD Keller b. dKO V WFu UB
inion b. bLI UD Kreuscher b. dd V WFu UB
pump b. W] C* UD Lapidus b. V WFu UB
runner's b. ]bF UD bO
bumper bB* McBride b. p V WFu UB
axle lock and b. bB* u* oK bd
dorsiflexion b. wdNE UM ^bB Reverdin b. V WFu UB
flexion b. UM ^bB sdOH

- 96 -
Reverdin-Laird b. V WFu UB B. apponeplasty qO=u V UH=
d sdOH B. outrigger splint qO=u V ]b dO
Reverdin-McBride b. V WFu UB B. probe qO=u U
bd p sdOH B. pull-out wire V wU) =bA pK
scarf osteotomy/b. WFurEF lD U qO=u
scarf Z-osteotomy/b. qJA rEF lD U B. solution qO=u uK
WFuZ B. splint qO=u dO
Silver b. dHKO V WFu UB B. stitch qO=u d
tailor's b. 5U]O) WF UB B. suture qO=u WUO
tricorrectional b. w WFu UB B. technique qO=u WId
`OB B. tendon passer qO=u V du dL
Wilson b. uK V WFu UB B. tendon repair qO=u V du `OKB
bunionette WFO B. tendon transfer technique qO=u V du qI WId
bunionette-hallux UN WFOu W V]d B. test qO=u U
valgus-splayfoot complex U]d bI _ bI B. transfer qO=u qI
bunion-hallux valgus UN WFu W V]d Bunnell-Littler test dKO qO=u U
complex _ bI Bunnell-Williams procedure eUO qO=u d
bunk bed fracture XO* dd d Bunny boot w=u Uu
Bunker dJu buoyancy yuH
B. foot piece dJu V W]Ob WFD bupivacaine wF{u ZM 5UUHOu
Bunker foot piece dJu V W]Ob WFD buprenorphine s=J 5uMdu
Bunke-Schulz clamp eu wJu UIK dI bur, burr VI
approximator Adson b. u VI
Bunnell qO=u Bailey b. wKU VI
B. atraumatic technique qO=u V W{ dO WId ball b. yd VI
B. bone drill qO=u V rEF VI bone b. rEF VI
B. crisscross suture V WUB* uD) WUO Burwell b. qu VI
qO=u Caparosa b. UU VI
B. dressing qO=u UL{ carbide b. bOd VI
B. drill qO=u VI cone b. wd  VI
B. figure-eight suture qO=u V 8 qJA WUO) conical b. wd  VI
B. flexorplasty V WOM* CF crosscut b. wOKB lDI VI
qO=u Cushing b. ZMOu VI
B. gutter splint qO=u V W]Oe* dO' cutting b. lU VI
B. hand drill qO=u V bO VI* dental b. w=M VI
B. knuckle-bender splint V WLdK WOMM* dO' b. drill VI* VI
qO=u Hall b. u VI
B. modification of Steindler CF d qO=u qbF bur VI
flexorplasty dbMO V WOM* high-speed b. Wd wU VI
B. needle qO=u d b. hole VI* VI

- 97 -
Hudson brace with b. ub UM l VI Burow triangle u YK
long-stemmed powered b. WKu U w VI burr (var. of bur) VI
Midas Rex b. f bO VI Burrows technique ^u WId
orthopaedic b. UEF .uI Wd VI bursa, pl.bursae Wd d
Ossotome b. uu^ VI deltoid b. WOb d
power b. w VI bI VI ischiogluteal b. u_ wJ d'
rotary b. ] VI Luschka b. UJu d
Zimmer b. d=1 VI olecranon b. e d
Zimmer rotary b. d=1 V ]b VI* pisiform b. wB=L d
Burch-Greenwood tendon V du u .d prepatellar b. WH{d q d
tucker uMd u radial b. dF d
Burgess fu retrocalcaneal b. u dF nK d
B. amputation fu d subacromial b. d_ X d
B. below-knee amputation fu V Wd qH d subdeltoid b. WOb X d
B. technique fu WId trochanteric b. b d
Burkhalter dKd ulnar b. b d
B. modification of fKO WIdD dKd qbF Voshell b. qu d
Stiles-Bunnell technique qO=u bursagraphy d' duB
B. transfer technique dKd V qIM WId bursal wd
Burkhalter-Reyes method WIdD UO d b. cyst W]Od WO
phalangeal fracture f dKd b. projection wd' d
burn d b. sac wd fO
B. bench test u V W]BM* U b. tissue wd' ZOM
b. boutonnire deformity dF d qJA w d ^uA bursitis d' UN
chemical b. wzUOLO d anserine b. =u d' UN
circumferential chemical b. wUH wzUOLO d iliopsoas b. W]OH d( WKCF d UN
b. contracture d( l^HI W]OMDI
electrical b. wzUdN d infrapatella b. WH{d X d' UN
irrigation b. d ischiogluteal b. u_ wJ d' UN
mafenide acetate for b.'s dK bOMOU* UO medial gastrocnemius b. WKCF w d' UN
plaster cast application b. w' VUI oOD d U
b. syndactyly w d( lU
_ UH pigmented villonodular b. bIF wUe d' UN
Burnham UNu mDB*
B. finger splint UNu V l
dO pyogenic b. `=OI* d' UN
B. thumb splint UNu V UN dO semimembranosus b. nBM W]OzUA d UN
burning pain d( r septic b. wU d' UN
Burns edO subgluteal b. u_ X d' UN
B. disease edO subscapularis b. nJ X d' UN
B. plate edO WOH
tarsal navicular b. wG
d w e d' UN
Burns-Haney incision wU edO ^o Tornwaldt b. XUHu V d' UN

- 98 -
trochanteric b. b* d' UN b. vertebra qJA W]Od dI
tuberculous trochanteric b. w=K b* d' UN butterfly-shaped monoblock qHI W]U W]dI WOH
bursocentesis d' e vertebral plate qJA W]Od
bursography d' duB buttock WO
Mikasa subacromial b. d_ X d' duB heart-shaped b. VKI qJA UO
UJO V b. pad WO_ U
subacromial b. d_ X d' duB button W]
bursolith d' w=B b. abscess = d
bursopathy d' Drummond b. bu^
burst UH W] Hewson b. uu
b. fracture UH d Hewson ligament b. uu U
b. injury W]UH WU
ligament b. Ud
bursting dislocation UH lK padded b. b]u y
burst-type laceration UH jLM UN patellar b. wH{d ^e
Burton-Pelligrini excising uu V wF]d* lD pull-out b. wU) V ^
trapezium wMdO=K b. suture W]= WUO
Burton sign uu W Buttonhole d
Burwell bur qu VI b. deformity dF ^uA
Burwell-Scott modification =oA uJ qu qbF b. fracture dF d
of Watson-Jones incision eu u buttress WU
bushing W]ObF WUD b. plate WUb WOH

guide b. W]ObF* WUD qO b. screw WUb wd

Uniflex drill b. V W]ObF WUD VI b. thread screw WUb wd jO
fJKHOu Buttressing rb
Butalan Uu b. in internal fixation wKb XO r
butalbital =uM =bN UOUu BVP dB 
Butazolidin sbOUu blood volume pulse b r i
Butler dKu Bx dB 
B. fifth toe operation fU) bI l
W]OKL Biopsy We
dKu V bI dBM Byars mandibular UO V W]O=JH Wb
B. procedure to correct lU
`OB dKu d prosthesis
overlapping toes Wd* bI Bypass U
butorphanol UFK s=J uUuu b. graft angiography W]OzUu U* rF duB
butterfly WdHU qJA ^wd popliteus b. W]OCQ* U
b. fracture qJA wd d b. surgery U* Wd
b. fracture fragment qJA W]OdH dJ Wb

- 99 -
C-2 hip system 2 u UN C. posterior splint uU V W]OHK) dO'
CA-5000 drill-guide nM VI* qO dO C. splint uU dO
isometer CA-5000 CAD dB 
CA-6000 spine motion nM UO= Wd q=K computer-assisted design uU( bU0 rOLB
analyzer CA-6000 cadaver w= W]
Cabinet W e c. bone w= rE
grid c. WO]u WJ c. graft w= rF
Cable _ s We q cadaveric knee W]O= W
Dall-Miles c. fKO q CAD/CAM dB 
Dwyer c. d q CAD/CAM prosthesis CAD/CAM Wb
Dwyer scoliosis c. d V nM' q cadence UI
fiberoptic c. wHO ydB q Cadenza eU
liquid c. qzU q C. girdle eU e
Oklahoma City c. (OKC) Uu WMb q C. panty eU uKDM
scoliosis correction with d qJ nM' `OB caf-au-lait spot s]KU uNI WFI
Dwyer c. Caffey disease w= U
Songer c. du q Caffinire, De La Caffinire UOMO= U UOMO= U
c. suspension system qJ oOKF UN C. prosthesis UOMO=U Wb
c. tensioner qJ ]b C. trapeziometacarpal V W]OFM W]OF]d* Wb
titanium c. uOUO q prosthesis UOMO=U
twister c. uHK q cage hH
c. twister brace uHK* qJ UM carbon-fiber-composite c. udJ UO s V]d hH
c. twister orthosis qJ uHK uI carbon-fiber-reinforced c. udJ UOQ ]eF hH
cable-hook compression U]M jG{ ULF rib c. wFKC hHI
instrumentation qJ threaded fusion c. uO)U Zb hH
Cabot uU cage-back brace dNE hH UM
C. leg splint uU V U dO caisson workers disease ]uG uG U]L

- 101 -
Calan U c. foot u wI nM WUB b
Calandriello procedure u^Kb d talipes c. u wI nM
Calandruccio uObU calcaneoclavicular ligament u d wIF Ud
C. cemented hip prosthesis V W]O* u Wb calcaneocuboid dM wIF
uObU c. articulation dM wIF qBH*
C. clamp uObU UIK c. bone dM wIF rEF
C. compression apparatus V jGC UN c. joint dM wIF qBH*
uObU c. joint arthritis dM wIF qBH* UN
C. compression screw V jGC wd calcaneofibular ligament uEA wIF Ud
uObU (CFL)
C. fixation uObU V XO calcaneonavicular w wI
C. fixation device V XO eON c. bar resection W]O e W]OIF W{UF lD
uObU c. bar section W]O e W]OIF W{UF lD
C. impaction screw-plate V wU wd WOH c. coalition w e wIF Ub
uObU calcaneonavicular w wI
C. side plate V W]OU' WOHB c. joint w e wIF qBH*
uObU c. ligament w e wIF Ud
C. triangular compression V w]K* jGC UN c. ligament-tibialis posterior w e wIF Ud .bI
apparatus uObU tendon advancement wuME wHK) du
calcaneal wI calcaneotibial wuM wI
c. apophysitis wIF TUM UN c. angle W]OuME W]OIF We
c. avulsion fracture VIFK wFKI dJ c. fusion wuME wIF Zb
c. displaced fracture VIFK eM* dJ calcaneous gait WOIF WOA*
c. fracture wIF dJ calcaneovalgus yw ywI
c. fracture reduction wIF dJ c. deformity yw ywI ^uA
c. inclination angle wIF O* W c. foot w wI nM WUB b
c. L osteotomy L qJA wIF rEF lD talipes c. yw ywI nM
c. osteotomy wIF rEF lD calcaneus, pl.calcanei UI VI
c. pin wIF u^b displaced intraarticular c. qBH* q eM VI
c. spur pad in shoe c( w wIF ULN* U distal c. U VI
c. spur syndrome wIF ULN* W c. secondarius uU VIF
c. tendon wIF du talipes c. nM VI
c. tenodesis wIF du WUO tendo c. d VI
calcaneal-second metatarsal WOU WODA* We O W White-Kraynick tendo c. X V d VI
angle inclination angle W]OIF pOMd
calcanei (pl. of calcaneus) VI UI calcar ULN
calcaneocavovarus u_ wIF ZH ^uA c. femorale c H ULN
deformity c. femorale development c H ULN u/
calcaneocavus u ywI nM pivot of c. dzU ULN
c. deformity u_ wIF ^uA c. pivot dzU ULN

- 102 -
c. planer ULN* jU Caldwell-Coleman flatfoot V U]d bI WId
c. reamer ULN* uI technique U*u qbU
c. replacement ULN* b Caldwell-Durham tendon qbU V du qI
c. trimmer with Zimmer- V U ULN* =cA transfer U
Hudson shank ub d=1 calf WKd
calcificans w c. band WKd jd
chondrodystrophia c. wJ wdCG q( c. circumference WKd UH
calcification f^KJ c. hypertension WKd jG{ d
flocculent foci of c. W=bM f^KJ R c. shell WKd dA
juvenile intervertebral dIH sO d _ U^KJ c. squeeze test WKd dB U
disk c.s (JIDC) W]OFHO calibrated dUF dOOF
paraarticular c. qBH* u f^KJ c. clubfoot splint dUF* bI nM dO
calcific tendinitis w^KJ du UN c. guide pin dUF* u^b qO
calcified f=KJ c. guide wire dUF qO pK
calcify f=KJ c. pin dUF u^
calcifying aponeurotic f=KJ* w UH= wHO=K u c. pin guide dUF* u^b qO
fibroma c. probe dUF U
Calcimar ULOU calibrator d=OF
calcinosis circumscripta =b  screw depth c. wd oL d=OF
calcinosis, Raynaud, d* V^KB uM J caliper rib movement WUdH lKC Wd
esophageal, sclerodactyly, l^u lU_ V^KB calipers Ud
telangiectasia (CREST) W Xd dOFA blunt c. qOK Ud
calciphylaxis w^KJ] Q] c. brace UdH UM
calcis wK Lafayette skinfold c. wOU V bK' W]O Ud
os c. wK rE skinfold c. bK' W]O Ud
Calcitite graft material W]OOOKJ rFD U Thomas walking c. Uu V wA* Ud
calcitonin 5uOU Townley femur c. wKMu V c  Ud
salmon c. uLK 5uOU Vernier c. tOOdO Ud
Salmonella c. W]KOuLK 5uOU weight-relieving c. u nOH Ud
calcium uOU Callahan U
c. aluminate uOUJ UMOu C. approach U vQ
c. deposit uOUJ WU C. extension of cervical V W]O d WU bbL
c. hydroxyapatite uOUJ XOU wbO injury U
c. phosphate uOUJ UH C. fusion technique U V Zb WId
c. phosphate ceramic uOUJ UH e Callander amputation b]U V d
c. pyrophosphate dihydrate bO wzUM V^d Callaway test u]K U
deposition (CPPD) uOUJ UHdO Calleja exercise UOU sdL
c. pyrophosphate dihydrate bO wzUM V^d Callender bMOU
deposition disease (CPPD) uOUJ UHdO C. brace bMOU UM
serum c. qB* uOU C. derotational brace V db] dO UM

- 103 -
bMOU Camino catheter technique uMOU V UDI WId
C. technique hip prosthesis bMOU WIdD u Wb Camitz eOU
callosity c C. technique eOU WId
callotasis distraction wMH d C. tendon transfer eOU V du qI
callous (adj.) WH wMH camouflage prosthesis W]ONuL Wb
callus (noun) c Camp VU
bone c. rEF c C. brace VU UM
c. bone union cb rEF U C. corset VU ^bA
bridging c. d c Campbell qU
elephant-foot c. qOH b qJA c C. approach qU vQ
florid c. de c C. cannulated screw qU V v]MI* wd
c. formation cb q^JA C. gouge qU u
fracture c. dJ c C. interpositional V wU qBH*
horse's foot c. UB( b c arthroplasty qU
irritation c. w^ON c C. onlay bone graft V wF d wLEF rFD
pinch c. dI c qU
c. weld c U( C. onlay graft qU V wF d rFD
Calnan-Nicolle uJO UMU C. osteotome qU V rEF lC
C.-N. finger implant UMU V l Wd C. osteotomy qU V rEF lD
uJO C. posterior arthrodesis V wHK) qBH* U
C.-N. finger prosthesis UMU V l Wb qU
uJO C. posterior bone block V wHK) rEF UB
Calor uU qU
Caltagirone chisel dOUU qO C. posterior shoulder V wHK) nJ vQ
Calv-Perthes disease fdO tHU d approach qU
camelback sign qL' dN W C. posterolateral approach V wAu wHK) vQ*
camera dOU duB W qU
gamma c. W]OzUU' duB W C. reamer qU uI
Saticon tube c. uJOU Wu duB W C. resection arthroplasty V wFDI qBH*
Stryker c. dJd V duB W qU
Vidicon tube c. uJbO Wu duB W C. retractor qU UF
Vidicon vacuum chamber duB WP uBK j u C. rongeur qU W{]d
pickup tube for video c. mdH d w ubOH C. screw fixation qU V wd XO
uJbO V C. technique qU WId
Cameron dOU C. traction splint qU V =d' dO
C. femoral component V W]c H W=uJ* e C. transfer qU V qI
removal dOU C. triceps reflection V d WO fJ
C. fracture apparatus dOU V dJ UN qU
Cameron-Haight periosteal V UL WF Campbell-Akbarnia UOd qU
elevator XU dOU C.-A. arthrodesis qU V qBH* U

- 104 -
UOd Volkmann cs. ULJu UH
C.-A. procedure UOd qU d Canale UU
Campbell-Goldthwait Xubu qU d C. osteotomy UU V rEF lD
procedure C. technique UU WId
Campbell-Rinehard- V wU_ qBH* U Canale-Kelly view w=KO UU dEM
Kalenak anterior UMOU UNM qU canaliculus, pl. canaliculi uOM W]OM
arthrodesis Can Am brace Am U UM
Camper chiasma dU WUB cancellectomy wMH UB
CamStar UU cancellous wMH
C. exercise machine UU sdL WMU c. bone wMH rE
C. power leg press V w U jU{ c. bone graft wMH rEF rF
UU c. bone screw wMH rEF wd
Cam Walker dJ U c. chip wMH VO
Canadian bM c. chip bone graft wMH rEF VO rF
C. crutch bM U]J c. and cortical bone graft wMH dA wLE rF
C. hip disarticulation bMJ u qBH ^e Wb c. insert wMH d
prosthesis c. insert graft wMH dG rF
C. hip prosthesis bMJ u Wb c. pin wMH u^
C. Physiotherapy wFOD FK W]bMJ WD]d c. screw wMH wd
Association c. versus cortical bone rEF qUI wMH rEF
Canakis fOUU dAI
C. beaded hip pin V w u u^ Candida U]dDH s fM W]CO*
fOUU candle wax appearance of rEFK wFL dNE
C. pin fOUU u^ bone
canal oH qzu UNO dL UM cane U]J UB
Alcock c. wdH oH]M uJ oH quad c. W]OU UB
cartilage c. W]O dCG UMI quadrapod c. rzuI W]OU UB
cortical bone primary c. rEFK WO]_ W]Ozb UMI single-point c. b d UB
dAI small-base quad c. dOG bUI W]OU UB
femoral c. c H oHM tripod c. rzuI WO UB
Guyon c. uO UM cannula UM W]OM
haversian c. =cG* oHM wdOUN oHM Acufex double-lumen e* qBH* UEM W]OM
rEFK arthroscopic c. fJu V nu
humeral c. bCF oHM arthroscopic c. qBH* UEM W]OM
c. innominate osteotomy v]L oHM rE lD Concept c. Xu W]OM
intramedullary c. uIM q oHM Dyonics c. fJOu W]OM
medullary c. wI=M UM inflow c. wKb o^b W]OM
spinal c. W]OU ^M UMI dIH oHM large bore inflow c. dOJ wKb ob W]OM
talar c. wKUJ oHM WH
tarsal c. W]OG d UMI microirrigating c. WdJ* W]OM

- 105 -
outflow c. wU) o^b W]OM C. wire crimper UU V pK =uL
suprapatellar c. WH{d u W]OM Capello technique u^KU WId
c. system W]OMI UN Capener dMU
Teflon c. W]OuKH W]OM C. brace dMU UM
zone-specific c. WIDMLK WOu W]OM C. lateral rhachotomy V wAu UIH lC
cannulated v]MI v]M dMU
c. bolt v]MI* VuK* UL* C. rhachotomy dMU V UIH lC
c. cortical step drill v]MI dA ]b VI capillary dOF
c. drill v]MI* VI* c. filling time dOFA  s
c. drill bit v]MI* VI* ^s c. hemangioma dOF wzU
c. drill point v]MI* VI* c. ischemia dOF UH
c. expulsion piston v]MI* UH fJ c. refill dOFA  u
c. guided hip screw system v]MI* t]u* u wd UN c. refill time dOFA  u s
c. Henderson reamer v]MI* ubM uI CAPIS fOU
c. hip screw v]MI* u wd C. bone plate system V rEF WH UN
c. nail v]MI UL fOU
c. screw v]MI wd C. screw fOU wd
c. screw system v]MI* wd UN C. screw assortment tray V wd nOMB W]OMO
c. wrench v]MI uK fOU
cannulation UM C. screwdriver fOU ^pH
unilateral pedicle c. VU' U_ WIu UM capital w wOz
Cantelli sign w=KOU W c. epiphyseal angle W]Od WOUA* We
cantilever bending WKF wM c. epiphysis (CE) W]O WUA
canvas brace UHUJ s UM c. femoral epiphysis c H WUA
cap uMK c. fragment W]OOz Wb
acetabular c. o( uMK capitate dOJ rEF w
cartilaginous c. W]OdC uMK capitate-lunate w w
Cloward drill guard c. uK VI* WOU( uMKI c.-l. instability w w dI b
flexor c. WOM uMK c.-l. joint wN wd qBH*
nerve c. VBF uMK capitellar fracture bCF f d
plaster toe c. bI lU _ W]O uMK capitellocondylar wLI w
c. splint uMKI dO c. arthroplasty bCF f qBH
Zang metatarsal c. Z V UA_ uMK wLIK
Zimmer tibial nail c. V wuME UL* uMK c. total elbow arthroplasty qUJ od* qBH
d=1 wLIK wd
capacity WF c. unconstrained elbow W]Od b]OI* dO od* Wb
forced vital c. (FVC) W]dI W]uO( WF prosthesis W]OLIK
cap-and-anchor plate X=* WF]I WOH capitellum, capitulum bCF f
Caparosa UU Hahn-Steinthal V bCF f d
C. bur UU VI fracture of c. UMO U

- 106 -
Kocher-Lorenz V bCF f d joint c. w
fracture of c. eu du midlateral c. wAu j WEH
capitolunate angle dOJ rEF wN 5 We midmedial c. w j WEH
capitular epiphysis bCF f WUA posterior c. W]OHK) WEH*
capitulum (var. of bCF f posterolateral c. W]OAu W]OHK) WEH*
capitellum) posteromedial c. W]O W]OHK) WEH*
c. radiale humeri fracture dFJ bCF f d capsulectomy WEH* UB
Capner splint dMU dO capsulitis WEH* UN
Caprolactam suture UdU WUO adhesive c. o  WEH* UN
capsaicin 5UU glenohumeral adhesive c. W]bCF W]OU]I( WEH* UN
capsular wEH o 
c. adhesion wEH UB capsulodesis WEH* U
c. attachment wEH UJ Blatt c. V WEH* U
c. imbrication wEH Vd bleb c. wU]IH WEH* U
c. incision WEH* o dorsal c. wdNE WEH* U
c. interposition arthroplasty wEH* wU qBH* Zancolli c. w=uJ V WEH* U
c. ligament wEH U Zancolli flexion c. V wM* WEH* U
c. release wEH dd% w=uJ
c. shift procedure wEH* Ue d capsuloligamentous system wU wEH UN
c. strap wEH U capsuloperiosteal envelope w UL wEH
c. support tissue r]b wEH* ZOM capsuloplasty WEH;
capsular-ligamentous wEH wU d^u Zancolli c. w=uJ V WEH*
tension capsulorrhaphy WEH* u
capsulatum b]LG Boyd-Sisk posterior c. V wHK) WEH* u
Histoplasma c. s fM b]LG* WuM pO bu
WB UM UdDH duToit-Roux staple c. V =d WEH* u
capsule WEH Xu
anterior c. W]OU_ WEH* capsulorrhaphy WEH* u
anterolateral c. W]OAu W]OU_ WEH* medial c. w WEH* u
anteromedial c. W]O W]OU_ WEH* pants-over-vest c. vK d WIdD WEH* u
articular c. W]OKBH WEH d
dorsal c. W]OdNE WEH* posterior c. wHK) WEH* u
elbow c. od* WEH Rockwood posterior c. V wHK) WEH* u
fibrous c. W]OHOK WEH* u
Gerota c. UdO WEH Roux-duToit staple c. V =d WEH* u
joint c. qBH* WEH Xu
medial c. W]O WEH* c. staple WEH* u ]
meniscofemoral c. W]c H W]ON WEH* staple c. =d WEH* u
meniscotibial c. W]OuME W]ON WEH* Tibone posterior c. uO V wHK) WEH* u
metatarsophalangeal wDA* qBH* WEH capsulotomy WEH* lC

- 107 -
Curtis PIP joint c. fOu V WEH* lC Cardan screwdriver U ^pH
VO cardinal axes (X,Y,Z) X:Y:Z W]OOzd U*
dorsal transverse c. dF* WEH* lC cardiogenic shock QAM* W]OK Wb
wdNE Cardona keratoprosthesis UU V W]OdI Wb
dorsolateral and medial c. wAu wdNE WEH* lC prosthesis
w care WU WUM
posterior c. wHK) WEH* lC palliative c. WH=DK WUM
T-shaped c. T qJA WEH* lC postoperative wound c. Wd' bF d'U WUMF
CAQ dB  Carex ambulatory aid fU V W]dO WMOF
Clinical Analysis wJOMOK qOK WUO CARF dB 
Questionnaire Commission on qOQ od UL WO
Carabelt therapeutic belt wF XKU e Accreditation of
Cara Klenz cleansing agent eMK U V n=EM* qUF Rehabilitation Facilities
carbamate UUU carisoprodol d deU
chlorphenesis c. fOOMOuKJ UUU CFK
carbamazepine  yUC 5UUd Carl P. Jones traction U V =d' dO
s=J splint eu
carbenicillin uO yUC 5=KOOMd C-arm U
carbide bur bOd VI C.-a. fluoroscope o^Q UEM* U
carbidopa-levodopa UuHO UbOd C.-a. fluoroscopy o^Q dOEM U
carbohydrate bOuU Carmody uU
c. analysis bOuUJ qOK C. drill uU VI
c. oxidation bOuUJ b C. perforator drill uU V V U VI*
carbon ud Carnesale eU
C. Copy II Foot prosthesis II wu uU bI Wb C. acetabular extensile lOu]K qUI w=I( vQ*
c. dioxide laser udJ bO wUM eO approach eU V
c. fiber wud nO C. hip approach eU V u vQ
c. fiber fixator udJ nO X= C. technique eU WId
c. fiber graft udJ UO rF Carnesale-Stewart-Barnes V u lK nOMB
c. fiber half ring udJ UO W classification of hip eU uO eU
c. fiber reinforced plate udJ UOQ ]eF WOH dislocation
c. implant W]Oud Wd carotid wU^
c. steel drill point wudJ uH VI* c. artery wU UdA
carbon-fiber-composite cage udJ UO s V]d hH c. artery compression wU UdA UGC
carbon-fiber-reinforced udJ UOQ ]eF hH c. content wU u
cage c. sheath wU bLG
carbon-tungsten rasp udJ 5M U c. vein wU bu
Carceau-Brahms ankle V qUJ qBH U carpal wG
arthrodesis ed uU c. bone md rE
Carcon stent uU XM WU c. bone fracture md rE d

- 108 -
c. bone fracture ankylosis md rE d j c. joint dislocation wFM wGd qBH* lK
c. bone stress fracture md rEF UN d c. joint fracture wFM wGd qBH* d
C. Care program mdU WUMF ZUd c. joint radiography qBHLK wUFA duB
C. Care rehabilitative mdU WUMFK wKOQ ZUd wFM wGd
program carprofen UN yUC 5 dU
c. compression test md jG{ U carpus m
c. instability md dI b complex instability of c. mdK b]IF dI b
c. ligament md U (CIC)
C. Lock wrist brace u qU V rBF* UM Carrell =U
C. Lock wrist splint u qU V rBF* dO C. fibular substitution uEA b WId
c. lunate implant prosthesis W]OGd W]ON WdG Wb technique =U V
c. pedal spasm wb wG Z^MA C. resection =U lD
c. row wGd nB C. technique =U WId
c. scaphoid wG w Carrell-Girard screw dO =U wd
c. scaphoid implant W]OGd W]O e WdG Wb Carrie car seat =U V U]O bFI
prosthesis carrier qU
c. scaphoid screw wGd w e wd clamp c. UIK* qU
c. synovectomy wGd qOe UB Finochietto clamp c. uOAuMO UIK qU
c. tunnel wGd oHM Carrington Dermal wound V bK' d' W
c. tunnel release (CTR) wGd oHM dd% gel uM=U
c. tunnel syndrome (CTS) wGd oHM W Carroll arthroplasty ^U V qBH*
c. tunnel view wGd oHM dEM Carroll-Bunnell drill qO=u ^U VI
carpectomy m^d UB Carroll-Legg ZO ^U
distal row c. w UI wGd nB UB C.-L. osteotome ^U V rEF lC
Omer-Capen c. d V md UB ZO
sU C.-L. periosteal elevator ^U V UL WF
proximal c. wb md UB ZO
proximal-row c. wb wGd nB UB Carroll-Smith-Petersen ^U V rEF lC
carpenters brace U]M UM osteotome sdO YOL
carpi wG Carrom orthopaedic bed UEF .uI Wd dd
os triangularli c. wGd w]K* rEF ^U V
c. radialis brevis tendon W]OGd dOBI W]dFJ d carrying angle of forearm bUK qL( W
c. radialis longus tendon W]OGd WKuD W]dFJ d car seat U]O bFI
carpometacarpal (CMC) wFM wG Carstan reverse wedge wJF wMOH rEF lD
c. arthroplasty wFM wGd qBH* osteotomy UU V
c. articulation wFM wGd qBH* Cartam-Treander reverse wJF wMOH rEF lD
c. boss W]OFM W]OGd d wedge osteotomy bMd UU V
c. dislocation wFM wG lK Carter dU
c. fracture-dislocation wFM wGd wFK) dJ C. elevation pillow dU V ld U
c. joint (CMC) wFM wGd qBH* C. splint dU dO

- 109 -
Carter-Rowe view dU dEM Casey pelvic clamp U V u( UIK
cartilage dC CASH dB 
c. abrader dCG W cruciform anterior spinal wU_ wuA bbL d
articular c. wKBH dC hyperextension wOKB
c. canal dCG UM CASH brace wuA bbL d UM
c. cell W]OdC W]OK wOKB wU_
c. clamp dCG UIK CASH orthosis wuA bbL d uI
costal c. wFKC dCG wOKB wU_
c. elastic pullover kneecap Wd* WOdCG WH{d dO Caspari UU
splint W]duK C. repair UU `OKB
glenoid c. wU]I( dCG C. suture punch UU V WUO) W]d
c. graft wdC rF Casselberry suture punch =dOK=U V WUO) W]d
c. healing dCG U cast VU
hyaline c. wU dC above-elbow c. od* u VU
c. implant W]OdC Wd accessory navicular c. wU{ w VU
McMurray maneuver for dCG u p UM airplane c. dzUDU tO VU
torn knee c. ]eL* Wd c. application VUI oOD
patellofemoral groove c. c H wH{d rK dC arm cylinder c. wuD_ c VU
quadrangular c. Ue wU dC banjo c. uU VU
c. scissors dCG hI below-knee c. Wd qH VU
shelling off c. dCG dOAI below-knee walking c. Wd qH wA* VU
thyroid c. w b dCG bent-knee c. WOMM* Wd VU
triradial c. V^FA w dC Bermuda spica c. ud V wKM VU
triradiate c. VFA w dCG bivalve c. U]LB wzUM VU
cartilage-hair hypoplasia dFA dCG Z^M hI bivalved cylinder c. U]LB wzUM wuD VU
cartilaginous w dC blood c. W]u WuD
c. anlage W]OdCG b body c. r' VU
c. cap W]OdC uMK Body Armor Walker c. u u V dO] VU
c. degeneration wdC f^JM r'
c. growth plate wdCG uLM WOH Bohler skin-tight c. dKu V bK' =b VU
c. hamartoma wdC wU c. boot VUI U u
c. loose body wdC qIKI r Boston bivalve c. V U]LB wzUM VU
c. metaplasia wdC R uu
c. spur wdC ULN c. bracing VUI U
cartilaginous w dC broomstick c. WMJ* UB qJA VU
c. tissue wdC ZO circular c. dz VU
c. tumor wdC corrective c. `=B VU
cartwheel fracture qIM Wd d Cotrel scoliosis c. du V nM' VU
Cartwright implant XdU Wd cottonloader position c. sDI wKU l{ VU
cascade ] c. cover VUI UD

- 110 -
c. cushion VUI U long arm finger c. c quD lU _ VU
Cutter c. du dO long bent-knee leg c. WOMM* Wd U VU
c. cutter VUI lU quD
cylinder c. wuD VU long leg c. (LLC) quD U VU
cylinder walking c. wuD_ wA* VU long leg walking c. (LLWC) UK quD wA* VU
Dehne c. wM VU Lorenz c. eu VU
double-hip spica c. e* wu wKM VUI Lovell clubfoot c. qu V bI nM VU
double spica c. e wKM VU MaxCast c. XU fU VU
EDF scoliosis c. EDF nM' VU medial malleolus c. w VFJ VU
elbow c. od* VU Minerva c. UdOMO VU
extension body c. b r' VU modified Cotrel c. ]bF* du VU
fiberglass c. W]OU UO VU Moe modified Cotrel c. u V ]bF* du VU
figure-of-eight c 8 qJA VU Mooney c. wu VU
flexion body c. wM* r' VU Neufeld c. bKu VU
Fracturea Flex c. uJK f VU nonwalking c. dO VU
Frejka c. UJd VU ODonoghue cotton c. uOu V wMD VU
full-thumb spica c. UN qU wKM VU one-and-one-half spica c. nBM bu wKM VUI
gaiter c. dOBI d VU one-half spica c. wKM nB VU
gauntlet c. U]H VU onlay bone graft c. wF d rEF rF VU
Gelocast c. XUuKO VU outrigger c. ]b VU
groin-to-ankle c. qUJ v W]O_ s VU c. padding VUI uA
gutter c. we VU pantaloon c. wd VU
Gypsona c. UuO VU pantaloon spica c. wd wKM VUI
handshake c. WUB* VU pantaloon walking c. wd wA* VU
hanging c. o=KF VU patellar dislocation c. WH{d lK VU
hanging arm c. o=KF* c VU patellar tendon qI qU( wH{d du VU
Hexcelite c. XJ VU weightbearing c. r'
hinged c. = VU Petrie spica c. d V wKM VU
hinged cylinder c. = wuD VU plaster c. w VU
hip spica c. uK wKM VU plaster-of-Paris c. fU f VU
hyperextension c. bbL d VU plastic c. d VU
c. immobilization XO VU polyurethane c. Uu wu VU
intern's triangle in hip VUI w sU Y]K* pontoon spica c. rzU wKM VU
spica c. uK wKM quadriceps femoris W]OUd W]c H WKCF VU
Kite clubfoot c. XO V bI nM VU muscle c. d
Kite metatarsal c. XO V UA_ VU Quengel c. qMO VU
leg walking c. 5 U vK wA* VU c. removal VUI e
light c. wzu{ VU rigid c. VK VU
localizer c. l={u VU Risser c. d= VU
long arm c. (LAC) quD c VU Risser localizer scoliosis c. V l={u* nM' VU

- 111 -
d= univalve c. U]LB U VU
Risser turnbuckle c. d= V ]bA VU Velpeau c. uKO VU
Sarmiento c. uMOU VU c. walker wU c VUIU wA*
Sarmiento short leg wH{d du bM VU walking c. wA* VU
patellar tendon-bearing c. V dOBI U walking boot c. wA* U u VU
uMOU warm-and-form c. qJA 5  VU
Sbarbaro spica c. UU V wKM VU c. wedge VUI 5H
Schmeisser spica c. d=OL V wKM VU wedging c. wMOH VUI
scoliosis c. nM' VU well-leg c. WOB U VU
serial wedge c. qK wMOH VU c. window VUI U]
short arm c. (SAC) cK dOB VU windowed c. pOUA VUI
short arm fiberglass c. dOB W]OUe UO_ VU c. with dorsal toe plate lU WOH b l VU
cK extension W]OdNE bI
short arm gauntlet c. cK dOB U]H VU c. with volar toe plate lU WOH b l VU
short arm navicular c. cK dOBI w e VUI extension W]Od bI
(SANC) Castaway ankle walker UU V qUJ c
short leg c. (SLC) UK dOB VU castbelt VUI e
short leg walking c. cK dOBI wA* VU Posey below-the-knee c. Wd qH VUI e
(SLWC) u V
short walking c. (SLWC) dOBI wA* VU cast breaker VUI U]
shoulder spica c. wH wKM VU Bhler c. b. dKu V VUI U]
single-leg spica c. b U wKM VU Wolfe-Bhler c. b. n V VUI U]
skin-tight c. bK' =b VU dKu
slipper-type c. jLM oeM VU Castech extremity support pU V d_ U
c. sock VUI c Castellani paint wO U
spica c. wKM VU Castiglia ankle brace UOKOU V qUJ UM
sugar-tong c d]J UL VU casting Wu
c. syndrome VUI W intermittent c. WF=DI Wu
c. table VUI bCM negative c. WU Wu
c. tape VUI jd postoperative c. WdK WOU Wu
three-finger spica c. lU W wKM VU serial c. W]OKK Wu
three-point pressure c. W jGC VU Castle procedure qU d
thumb spica c. UN wKM VU Castle-Schneider resection wFDI wU qBH*
toe spica c. bI lU _ wKM VU interposition arthroplasty bUM qU V
toe-to-groin c. W]O_ v bI lU s VU Castroviejo uO dU
toe-to-midthigh c. v bI lU s VU C. bladebreaker knife V WOHB U] WMO=J
c H nBM uOdU
traction c. =d' VU C. trephine uOdU VIM
turnbuckle c. ]bA VU cast spreader VUI WU
underarm c. c X VU Beeson c. s. eO V VUI WU

- 112 -
Hoffer-Daimler c. s. d=u V VUI WU causalgic pain w d r
dKL cauterization w
CAT dB  bipolar c. VDI wzUM w
computerized axial u* wFDI* duB Bovie c. wu V ^wJ
tomography Vu* phenol c. uMOHU ^wJ
Catapres dUU unipolar c. VDI U w
catarrhalis we cautery uJ yw
Branhamella c. Wud W]OeM WKOUNd bipolar c. VDI wzUM yw
cat-back jI dN Bovie c. wu V ^wJ
rachitic c.-b. bd jI dN intraarticular c. qBH* q w
CAT-CAM dB  unipolar c. VDI U yw
contoured adduction WuC* nO d WId cava u
trochanteric-controlled n]OJ* b* VdIU inferior vena c. wKH u_ bu
alignment method wu( superior vena c. uKF u_ bu
catching sensation lL* U vena c. u_ bu
catch-up clunk U WFIF Cave U
category nM W C. approach U vQ
Westin-Turco c. uu 5 W C. hip approach U V u vQ
Cathcart Orthocentric hip ed* .uIK u Wb C. knee approach U V Wd vQ
prosthesis UJ V cavernous wHN
cathepsin U K yU .e 5OU c. hemangioma wHN wzU
catheter UD c. lymphangioma wHN wH* wzU
c. entrapment UDI U H Cave-Rowe U
c. kinking UDI u C.-R. shoulder dislocation V nJ lK WId
cathode jN uU technique U
Catterall classification d=U nOMB C.-R. technique U WId
cauda q V Cavin osteotome 5 U V rEF lC
c. equina dH V cavitary wHu& u
c. equina compression dH V UGC c. deficiency u]' UO
c. equina syndrome dH V W glenoid c. wU]I u
caudad Vc U=U yw Cavitron ultrasonic surgical u Uu*U wd' eM
c. anterior mold w wU VU aspirator d U V W]OuB
caudal w cavity u
c. lamina resection W]Oc WOHB lD glenoid c. wU]I u
c. spinal agenesis wc dIH o^K  b joint c. qBH* u
c. translation wc qIM marrow c. wIM u
caudally UO saclike c. fOJU tO u
caudocephalad w w synovial c. wKO u
caudocranial wH w cavo wBL w u
causalgia d c. abducto varus deformity bOF wH ^uA

- 113 -
wBL) C-D screw modification uD Wd wd qbF
c. calcaneo valgus wIF wd ^uA CDH dB 
deformity wBL) congenital dislocation of hip wIK) u lK
cavoequinovarus wBL w bH congenital dysplasia of hip wIK) u Z^M qK b
cavovalgus w wBL nM CDH cup inserter wIK) u lK) o( U
pes c. UBL U b CDH Precoat Plus hip wIK) u lK) u Wb
talipes c. w wBL nM prosthesis uJd V
cavovarus wBL Z CE dB 
c. deformity wBL) wH ^uA capital epiphysis WO WUA
c. foot UBL U b Cebotome uu
pes c. UBL U b C. drill uu VI
talipes c. wBL w nM cefamandole uO yUC bUUHO
cavus wBL nM cefazolin sodium 5UHO uu
combined c. dA wBL nM cefonicid uO yUC bOOuHO
c. deformity wBL) nM( ^uA cefoperazone uO yUC dOuHO
c. foot UBL b cefotaxime uO yUC rOUuHO
metatarsus c. wDA wBL nM cefoxitin uO yUC 5OuHO
pes c. W]OBL b ceftazidime uO yUC .bUH
CAWO dB  ceftizoxime uO yUC rOeOHO
closing abductory wedge bOF wMOH rEF lD ceftriaxone uO yUC uUdH
osteotomy oKG* cefuroxime uO yUC rOuHO
CB dB  cell W]OK
contrast bath wMU U]L anterior horn c. wU_ dI W]OK
C-bar orthosis C W{UF uI blood c. Wu W]OK
CBTP dB  cartilage c. WOdC W]OK
Cognitive Behavior Therapy W]OdF* WOuK W'UF* W chondrosarcoma c. W]OdCG WuU W]OK
Package endothelial c. W]OUD W]OK
CC dB  Merkel c. qd W]OK
chief complaint W]OOzd uJA mesenchymal c. W]OD=u W]OK
C-clamp C UIK multipotential c. bI suJ =bF W]OK
CCPQ dB  myxomatous c. wU< u W]OK
Childrens Comprehensive bM qUA r_ WUO osteogenic c. QAM* W]OLE W]OK
Pain Questionnaire UH_ osteoprogenitor c. W]OLEF WHOK W]OK)
C-D uD W d packed red c. W]bJ dL U
C-D instrumentation uD Wd Schwann c. UH W]OK
C-D instrumentation device uD Wd eON senescent c. W zU W]OK
C-D instrumentation uD Wd Q XO u specialized c. WB=B  W]OK
fixation strength spindle c. W]OeG W]OK
C-D instrumentation rigidity uD Wd qL squamous c. W]OHd W]OK
C-D rod insertion uD Wd u^ d cell-mediated immunity WUM U)U WDu WUM

- 114 -
W]uK prosthetic antibiotic-loaded wb wJOKd_ *
cellular uK acrylic c. (PROSTALAC) W]uO( ]UC*U q]L*
c. periosteal W]OdCG W]OLEF U) WK Protoplast c. Xud 
osteocartilaginous mass W]O UL c. removal * e
c. schwannoma uK wUH c. restrictor * b=OI
cellulitis qKN UN Simplex P bone c. fJOKL rEF 
aerobic c. U]OzuNU qKN UN c. spatula * uK
anaerobic c. U]OzuU qKN UN Surgical Simplex P bone c. wd' rEF 
celluloid implant material Wbuu^KO dG u P fJOKL
cement XML  Surgical Simplex P W]F qOKE wd' *
acrylic c. wJOKd  radiopaque c. P fJOKL V
acrylic bone c. wJOKd wLE  c. syringe * WMI
arthroplasty c. qBH*  c. technique * WId
bone c. wLE  Zimmer bone c. d=1 V rEF 
c. compactor * eMJ Zimmer low-viscosity c. V WeK iH M 
c. disease w d d=1
C. Eater * q cement-bone interface rEF  WNO
C. Eater drill * q VI cemented j]K2 *U oBK
c. gun * ]b c. broach WD]KL Wu
Howmedica c. UJbOu  c. component WD]KL =uJ
Implast bone c. X V rEF  c. total hip arthroplasty w* u qBH qU
c. injection gun * sI ]b cementless w * .b
c. interface * WNO c. broach * W1b Wu
Ketac c. UO  c. component * W1b =uJ
key of the c. * UH c. disease * bF
c. line * ^j c. femoral component * .bF c H =uJ*
low-viscosity c. WeK iH M  c. technique * W1b WId
low-viscosity bone c. WeK iH M wLE  cementoma w
methyl methacrylate c. dUO* qOO  Anspach c. U V w
orthopaedic c. UEF .uI Wd  cementophyte w TU
Palacos c. uU  cementum fracture w d
Palacos bone c. uU V rEF  center ed
Palacos radiopaque bone c. W]F qOKE rEF  c. of axial rotation u* db ed
uU V c. of gravity (COG) W]OU' ed
c. patty w d c. of mass WKJ ed
c. plug W]O uA Midwest Regional Spinal rOK w U M UU ed
polymethyl methacrylate c. dUO* qOO wu  Cord Injury C. wJd_ j_ dG
polymethyl methacrylate qOO wu s wLE  ossification c. r^EF ed
bone c. dUO* centering edL
pressurization of c. * jG{ c. drill edL VI

- 115 -
c. hole edL VI Swanson c. uu
central ed tendon c. du W]ed
c. canal stenosis Wed* UMI o^OC centralizer edL
c. column ed* uLF PMMA c. PMMA edL
c. cord ed* q( centrifugation cOM
c. cord syndrome ed* q( W centrifuged methyl cOM dUO* qOO
c. core disease ed* =VK methacrylate
c. deficiency ed* uF centrocentral coaptation edL ed rOK
c. disk protrusion ed* dI U centrode ju* ed*
c. dislocation ed* lK) centromedullary ed yuI
c. electromyography ed* qCF W]OdN jOD c. nail ed* uIM UL*
c. fiber-region W]ed* UO_ WOU c. nailing ed* uIM dOL
c. fracture ed* dJ cephalad d U=U U]O
c. heel pad syndrome ed* VIF U W c. anterior mold wd wU_ VUI
c. herniation ed UH c. translation wd qIM
c. horn ed* dI cephalexin uO yUC 5JOUHO
c. nervous system (CNS) ed* wBF UN' cephalic w
c. physiolysis ed* wuueOH q^K c. vein wd bu
c. polydactyly ed* lU _ ^bF cephalocaudal w w
c. posterior-anterior wU_ wHK) jGC cephalomedullary nail wd uIM UL* d
pressure ed* fracture
c. ray ed* UFA cephaloscapular projection wHJ wd d
c. ray amputation ed* wUF^A d cephalosporin uO yUC suuUHO
c. segment W]ed* WFDI cephalothin uO yUC 5uUHO
c. slip ed* e cephapirin uO yUC sdOUHO
c. slip sparing technique e s WU u WId cephazolin uO UC 5UHO
ed* cephradine uO yUC sdHO
c. spine spondylosis ed* UIH jI ceramic pOdO w e
c. transpatellar tendon WH{d du qb c. acetabular cup we) w=I( n]K
portal ed* calcium phosphate c. uOUJ UH e
c. venous pressure ed* bu jGC W d c. implant W]Oe Wd
monitoring c. ossicular prosthesis W]Oe) W]OLOEF Wb
Centralign Wd sdM resorbable c. qUI hL* e)
C. hip prosthesis sdM V u Wb UB
C. precoat hip prosthesis V uJd u Wb c. vertebral spacer we) dIH UH
sdM ceramide trihexosidase bOuJ w u
centralization W]ed deficiency bOdO
Bayne-Klug c. uK sU W]ed cerclage ouD
Bora c. u W]ed c. wire ouD pK
Manske-McCarroll- ^U p wJU W]ed c. wire fixation ouD pK XO

- 116 -
c. wire inserter ouD pK U c. extension strength w d ^bL ]u
cerebellar retractor w O  UF c. fascia W]O d WUHK
cerebellopontine angle W]d' W]O O * We c. flexion w d wM
tumor c. fracture tongs w d dJ UL
cerebellum aO * c. general rotation w d UF db
cerebral palsy (CP) ywU qK w=  qK c. halter traction w d sd ^d
ataxic c. p. w ywU qK c. hypolordosis h U w fF
athetoid c. p. wUFM ywU qK c. interbody fusion W]O d U_ sO Z
dyskinetic c. p. Wd( q  ywU qK c. laminectomy punch W]O d WOHB UB W]d
flaccid c. p. u ywU qK c. lordosis w fF
c. p. pathologic fracture qKA WO w{d* dJ c. manual traction w d bO ^d'
wUb c. microtrauma w dN `{
spastic c. p. w^MA wUb qKA c. midline disk herniation W d nBM j d UH
cerebroside reticulocytosis W]bddO U]OJA d c. myelopathy w d U M
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) wU ^M w= * qzU c. nerve root encroachment w wB c vK =bF
cerebrovascular accident W]OU W]OzU WU w wB c UIF
(CVA) WJ c. nerve root injection w d VBF c sI
Certified U c. nerve root injury w d VBF c WU
C. Orthotist (CO) U* .UI* ^w UB c. oblique facet wiring qzU* WO d WNOu
C. Prosthetist (CP) U* b ^w UB c. orthosis (CO) W]O d UEF uI
C. Prosthetist and Orthotist b .UI* ^w UB c. pillow W]O d Uu
(CPO) U* c. plate W]O d WOHB
Cerva Crane halter W d nI s c. plexus W]O d dOHC
cervical w c. radiculitis W]O d W]OBF c' UN
c. approach w d vQ* c. radiculopathy W]O d W]OBF c'
c. artery w Ud c. rib W]O d lKC
c. arthrodesis W]O d q UH* U c. root w d c'
c. brace w UM c. rotation in extension bbL w w d db
c. chair w wd c. screw insertion technique w d wd d WId
c. collar w u c. sidegliding test w d wU' e U
c. collar brace w d uD UM c. specific rotation in w wu]M w d db
c. disk w d dI flexion UM
c. disk disease w d dI c. spinal cord w d U ^M
c. diskectomy w d dI UB c. spinal injury w d U ^M WU
c. disk excision w d dI UB c. spine (C-spine) W]O d UO= W]O d dIH
c. disk herniation w d dI UH c. spine decompression W]O d dIH UGC W
c. diskography w d dI duB c. spine fixation W]O d dIH XO
c. disk surgery w d dI Wd c. spine fracture W]O d dIH d
c. dorsal glide dN w e c. spine fusion W]O d dIH Z
c. drill w VI c. spine internal fixation W]O d dIHK wKb XO

- 117 -
c. spine kyphotic W]O d dIHK wb( ^uA c. transition bB w d UI
deformity cervicothoracolumbosacral wMDI bB w d uI*
c. spine laminectomy W]O d dIH WOH UB orthosis (CTLSO) eF
c. spine posterior fusion W]O d dIHK wHK) Zb cervicotrochanteric b w
c. spine posterior ligament dIHK wHK) Ud ^e9 c. displaced fracture b* w d eM* dJ
disruption W]O d c. fracture b* w d dJ
c. spine rheumatoid disease dIHK buUd ]b Cetaphil qO UO
W]O d CFL dB 
c. spine screw-plate fixation wd WOHBU XO calcaneofibular ligament uEA wIF Ud
W]O d dIHK Chaddock ^U
c. spine stabilization W]O d dIH XO C. sign ^U W
c. spine trauma W]O d dIH `{ C. test ^U U
c. spondylolysis w d UIH Chadwick-Bentley wKM pU nOMB
c. spondylotic myelopathy UIH jIU U M classification
w d chain WKK
c. spondylotic myelopathy U M Z WId closed kinetic c. (CKC) WIKG* Wd( WKK
fusion technique w d UIH jIU kinetic c. Wd( WKK
c. spondylotic myelopathy U M dI UB open kinetic c. WuH* Wd( WKK
vertebrectomy w d UIH jIU paravertebral dIHK U: W=u WKK
c. stabilization w d XO sympathetic c.
c. strength W]O d ]uI sympathetic c. W=u WKK
c. support w U chair wd
c. sympathetic chain W]O d W]=u WKK l{u Boyd podiatry c. V WObI W'UF* ^wd
location bu
c. synostosis w d wLEF U cervical c. w d wdJ
c. traction w d ^d' ergonomic c. qLF uU wd
c. triangle w d Y]K* Gardner c. dU wd
c. trochanteric fracture w b d Hogg c. u wd
c. vertebrectomy W]O d dIH UB Orthokinetics travel c. q UH* =d* dH wd
cervicis wIM STC 900 series travel c. STC WKK s dH ^wd
ligamentum c. wIM U 900
cervicoencephalic syndrome WOUb WO d W* chairback wdJ dN
cervicothoracic b w c. brace wdJ dN UM
c. curve bB w d vMM* c. orthosis wdJ dN uI
c. junction bB w d q u* Chalet frame tOUA U
c. junction stabilization bB w d q u* XO chalky bone dOU rE
c. junction surgery bB w d q u* Wd chamber dO W d
c. orthosis bB w d uI* monoplace hyperbaric c. UJ* W]U jGC WdH Wd
c. pedicle anatomy W]bB W]O d WIu `dA mutiplace hyperbaric c. bb jGC WdH Wd
c. pedicle angle W]bB W]O d WIu W sU_

- 118 -
Chamberlain line sOdUA ^j characteristic e=OL
Chambers dUA Charcot uU
C. osteotomy dUA V rEF lD C. arthritis uU V qBH* UN
C. procedure dUA d C. arthropathy uU V qBH*
chamfer nDA C. change uU ^b
c. cut uDA lD C. foot uU b
c. cut jig uDA* lDI WGO C. hip arthrodesis V u qBH U
c. reamer uDA uI uU
chamfered-cylinder uDA wuD w=I =uJ C. joint uU qBH
acetabular component C. joint disease uU qBH
Championnire bone drill UO=uOU V rEF VI C. spine uU Wu
Chance fUA Charcot-Marie-Tooth u U uU
C. fracture fUA d disease
C. fracture thoracolumbar W]bB dIHK fUA d Charest head frame XU V d U
spine W]OMDI Charleston bending brace uU V UM wM
C. vertebral fracture fUA V dI d Charley horse wU UB
Chandler dbUA Charnley wKU
C. arthrodesis dbUA V qBH* U C. acetabular cup wKU V w=I( n]K
C. elevator dbUA WF C. acetabular cup V w=I( n]K Wb
C. felt collar splint dbUA V U]K u dO prosthesis wKU
C. hip fusion dbUA V u Z C. arthrodesis wKU V qBH* U
C. patellar advancement dbUA V WH{d .bI C. arthrodesis clamp V qBH* U UIK
C. unreamed interlocking dO VUM* uME UL wKU
tibial nail dbUA V ]uI* C. bone clamp wKU V rEF UIK
change d^OG ^b C. brace wKU UM
age-associated dLFU jd* w^JM ^b C. brace handle wKU UM iI
degenerative c. C. cemented prosthesis wKU V W]O* Wb
Charcot c. uU ^b C. centering apparatus wKU V edL UN
degenerative arthritic c. w^JM qBH* UN ^b C. centering drill wKU V edL VI
diurnal c. UNM ^b C. compression wKU UGC
Iowa degenerative c. u V w^JM ^b C. compression arthrodesis wUGC qBH* U
sarcomatous c. wuU ^b wKU V
trophic c. wzc ^b C. compression clamp wKU V UGC UIK
Chang-Miltner incision dMKO ZUA ^o C. compression-type knee jLM wUGC Wd Z
channel UM fusion wKU V
c. and core biopsy UMI =VK We C. device wKU eON
tibial c. uME UM C. drill wKU VI
Chapchal knee arthrodesis V Wd qBH U C. femoral condyle drill V c H WLI VI
Chaput fracture uU d C. femoral prosthesis V c H Wb l

- 119 -
pusher wKU Chaves muscle transfer eHO V WKCF qI
C. implant wKU Wd Chaves-Rapp eHO
C. incision wKU ^o C.-R. muscle transfer V WKCF qI WId
C. laminar flow room V wOHB Ud' Wd technique eHO
wKU C.-R. paralysis eHO qK
C. low friction hip UJ WCH M* u Wb check U o^I% `
prosthesis wKU V c. ligaments `J WD
C. narrow stem component V o=OC c' =uJ c. rein procedure UMF ` d
wKU Checklist o^I WLzU
C. pilot drill V Ud VI* Body Mechanics W]OJOUJO rOOI o^I% WLzU
wKU Evaluation C. r'
C. pin wKU u^ checkrein deformity dH UM ^uA
C. pin clamp wKU u^ UIK check-socket o^I nu&
C. pin retractor wKU u^ UF cheese-grater nB 6' dA uI
C. rasp wKU U hemispherical reamer dzb
C. reamer wKU uI cheilectomy WHA UB
C. retractor wKU UF Garceau c. uU V WHA UB
C. self-retaining retractor V XO w UF Mann-Coughlin-DuVries c. U V WHA UB
wKU ed 5Ku
C. standard stem V wOzd c' =uJ Sage-Clark c. U V WHA UB
component wKU 
C. total hip arthroplasty V u qBH qU cheiralgia paresthetica ^wc* bO r
wKU chelonei wHK
C. total hip prosthesis V qUJ u Wb Mycobacterium c. Wud W]OHK d=DH*
wKU chemical wzUOLO
C. total hip replacement V u qU W{UF c. burn wzUOLO d
wKU c. matrixectomy wzUOLOJ dD* UB
C. total hip system V qUJ u UN c. sympathectomy wzUOLOJ =u UB
wKU chemonucleolysis dIH dIK ^wzUOLOJ ^q(
C. towel wKU U chymopapain c. dIH dIK ^wzUOLOJ ^q(
Charnley-Houston shoulder V nJ qBH U 5UUuLOJU
arthrodesis uu wKU double-needle c. dIH dIK ^wzUOLOJ ^q(
Charnley-Mueller hip du wKU V u Wb We* dU
prosthesis chemotactic factor wzUOLOJ c qU
Charriere bone saw t=UA V rEF UAM chemotherapy W]OzUOLO W'UF
Chatfield-Girdlestone splint ud bKOHU dO adjuvant c. bU W]OzUOLO W'UF
Chatzidakis hinged V =d uOUOH d Wb neoadjuvant c. Wb bU W]OzUOLO W'UF
Vitallium implant fOeU Cherry =dO
prosthesis C. drill =dO VI
chauffeurs fracture U]O ozU d C. extractor =dO lU

- 120 -
C. osteotome =dO V rEF lC Questionnaire (CCPQ) UH_
C. screw extractor =dO V wd lU C. Hospital hand drill vHA0 U) bO VI
C. tongs =dO UL UH_
C. tong traction =dO UL0 yd C. Hospital screwdriver UH_ vHA0 U ypH
Cherry-Austin drill 5 =dO VI Childress bKA
chest b C. ankle fixation technique V qUJ XO WId
c. roll bB W]H bKA
c. tube bB Wu C. technique bKA WId
chevron b Chinese wMO
c. bunionectomy bd qJA WFu UB C. fingertrap wMOB l f
c. hallux valgus correction _ bI UN `OB C. fingertrap suture wMOB l f WUO
bd qJA C. red line sign wMOB dL_ j) W
c. incision bd qJA yo chin-occiput piece cI v s c s WFD
c. laceration bd qJA UN chin-to-chest test bB v s c s U
c. osteotomy bd qJA rEF lD chip W U VO
c. technique b WId bone c. wLEF VOA
Cheyne periosteal elevator 5A V UL WF cancellous c. wMH VOA
CHH cervical brace CHH w d UM c. fracture VOA d
Chiari UO c. graft VOA rF
C. innominate osteotomy V v]L rEF lD chiropractic W]bO W'UF*
UO c. adjustment W]bO W'UF* jOC
C. osteotomy UO V rEF lD c. analysis W]bO W'UF*U qOK
C. technique UO WId c. treatment of fracture W]bO W'UF*U dJ
Chiari-Salter-Steel pelvic V u( rE lD chisel qO
osteotomy qO dU UO Adson c. u qO
chiasma WUB Alexander c. bMJ qO
Camper c. dU WUB ASIF c. nO qO
Chiba spinal system UO V dIH UN' Ballenger-Hajek c. pU dM=U qO
Chick pOA Blair c. dOK qO
C. fracture table pOA V dJ bCM Bowen c. su qO
C. nail pOA UL box c. w bM qO
Chick-Langren orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd bCM Brittain c. sU]d qO
table d pOA V Caltagirone c. dUU qO
chief complaint (CC) W]OOzd uJA Cinelli-McIndoe c. b p w=KMO qO
Chiene test UO U Cloward c. uK qO
chilblain sObI sbOU d]A cold c. U qO
child qH c. fracture wKO d
battered c. syndrome pNM* qHD W Hibbs c. fO qO
Children qH lL UH Kerrison c. e=dO qO
C. Comprehensive Pain bM qUA r_ WUO Meyerding c. ZMdO qO

- 121 -
Moore prosthesis V wb dIM qO chondral fragment W]O dC W b
morsing c. u chondritis dCG UN
orthopaedic c. UEF .uI Wd qO chondroblast W]O dC W
seating c. bUI* qO chondroblastoma W]O dCG U_
Simmons c. eu^LO qO yw dC yw
Smillie cartilage c. w=KOL V dCG qO benign c. bOL ywdC yw
square hollow c. nu l]d qO chondrocalcinosis U dI nUCG 
swan-neck c. WF oM qO chondroclast dCG WC U
White c. X qO chondrocyte W]O dC W]OK
chisel-edge elevator qO W] U WF chondrodiastasis w dC dH
Chi-square test UB l]d w U chondrodysplasia w dC Z^M qK b
chlorambucil  yUC qOuuK chondrodystrophia w dC q
chloramphenicol wIM rEF UN c. calcificans w wdC q
osteomyelitis uJOMHuKJU c. fetalis wMOM wdC q
chlordiazepoxide =bN bOuUuK chondrodystrophy w dC q
chlorhexidine gluconate sbOJuKJ UuuK chondroepiphysis W]O dC WUA
chloroquine 5uK chondroepiphysitis dCG UA* UN
chlorphenesin rOdK yUC seOMO uK chondrofibroma w dC wHO
jzu] U]dDH chondroide wU dC
chlorphenesis carbamate seOMO uKJ UUd couche c. ]dD wUdC
chlorpromazine wIK UC sUduK chondroid syringoma wU dC w d y=b
=bN chondrolipoma w dC wL
chlorprothixene W'UF* 5JOduK chondroma w dC
U^c extraskeletal c. qJON U wdC
chlorzoxazone r_ =dH UuK juxtacortical c. dAIK U wdC
CF periosteal c. w UL wdC
Cho uA chondromalacia dCG s^OK
C. anterior cruciate wU_ wOKB Ud UM c. patella WH{d dC s^OK
ligament reconstruction uA V chondromalacic s^OK o=KF dCG s=OK
C. cruciate ligament V wOKB Ud UM dCG
reconstruction uA chondromatosis w dC
C. technique uA WId chondrometaplasia w dC R
C. tendon technique uA V du WId chondromyofibroma w dC wKC wHO
chochicine 5Ou chondromyxofibroma wU  yw dC ywHO
cholecystitis d* UN chondromyxoid fibroma w dC wU  wHO
cholesterol dOOu chondromyxoma w dC wU 
choline 5u chondromyxosaroma W]O dC W]OU  WuU
c. magnesium trisalicylate ueMG* OOU ^w w dC wU  d
5uJ chondron w dC
c. salicylate 5uJ OOU chondronecrosis w dC d

- 122 -
chondroosseous wLE w dC choppy sea sign Uu* r* d W
c. growth wLE wdC yuL chordoma wK
c. spur wLE wdC ULN sacrococcygeal c. wBFB e wK
chondroosteodystrophy wLE w dC q chorea h
chondropathology dCG UOuUU Huntington c. yw h uGMM h
chondrophyte W]O dC WU dAI WU s rU yw^JM
chondroplast dCG WOU j]D< r' WO<
chondroplasty dCG choreiform qJA ^wB
abrasion c. w] dCG Chow technique UA WId
chondroplasty dCG Choyce MK II V wKb W]OdI Wb
arthroscopic abrasion c. w] dCG keratoprosthesis MK II fuA
qBH* UEM0 prosthesis
c. knife qBH* WMO=J Chrisman-Snook uM ULd
chondrosarcoma W]O dC WuU C.-S. ankle technique ULd V qUJ WId
c. cell W]OdCG WuU W]OK uM
clear cell c. W]OdCG WuU C.-S. procedure uM ULd d
WOU]B U) C.-S. reconstruction uM ULd UM
dedifferentiated c. eUL W]OdC WuU Christensen interlocking V VUM* UL*
differentiated c. eUL W]OdC WuU nail sMd
extraskeletal c. qJON U W]OdC WuU Christiansen hip prosthesis sMOd V u Wb
mesenchymal c. W]OD=u W]OdC WuU Christmas O* bO ULd
myxoid c. W]OU  W]OdC WuU C. hemophiliac disease V uUM d
periosteal c. W]O UL WOdC WuU ULd
chondrosarcomatosis w dC ywuU C. tree reamer O* bO d uI
chondrosis dCG q^JA chromatolysis Uu]B
chondrosteoma w dC ywLE chrome dJ
chondrosternoplasty w=B w dC cobalt c. XUu dJ
chop amputation lDIU d chromium-cobalt-alloy W]OdJ WDOK Wd
Chopart Uu implant W]OUuJ
C. amputation Uu d chromium-cobalt mesh W]OUuJ W]OdJ WJA
C. ankle dislocation Uu V qUJ lK chromium implant W]Od Wd
C. articulation Uu qBH chromomycosis wUD UD
C. brace Uu UM chronaxie, chronaxy U]O tU s dG WMe
C. joint Uu qBH WKCF tOM wdN
C. midtarsal joint V m d nBM qBH chronic se
Uu c. intractable benign pain se* b=MF* bOL( r_ W
C. osseous joint injury V wLEF qBH* WU syndrome (CIBPS)
Uu c. tophaceous gout se wu dI
C. partial foot prosthesis Uu V W]Oze' bI Wb CHSD dB 
Cho-Pat knee strap U uA V Wd U congenital wKJON Z^M qK b

- 123 -
hyperphosphatasemic wIK) b UH dH Cida-foam bO u
skeletal dysplasia Cida-gel powder bO u
chuck iI Cida-soak bO u U
c. adapter iI* WR Cida spray bO WU]
c. drill iI* VI Cierny-Mader technique U wdO WId
hand c. bO iI ciguatera W]b* UL_U r^L
Jacobs c. fuU iI cimetidine bF* WdI sbOOLO
pin c. u^b iI Cincinnati wU]MOMO
Steinmann pin with pin c. u^b iI0 ULMO u^ C. ACL brace wU_ VUB* Ud UM
T-handle Zimmer c. T qJA d=1 iI wU]MOMO V
three-jaw c. uJH w iI C. incision wU]MOMO ^o
Chuinard-Peterson ud UuA C. knee scoring V Wd d WUO
C.-P. ankle arthrodesis V qUJ qBH U questionnaire wU]MOMO
ud UuA C. technique wU]MOMO WId
C.-P. ankle fusion UuA V qUJ Z Cinelli-McIndoe chisel b p w=KMO qO
ud cine-MRI wOUMG* 5dU duB
C.-P. anterior arthrodesis V wU_ qBH* U wzULMO
ud UuA cine-magnetic resonance wOUMG* 5dU duB
Chvostek sign puH W imaging wzULMO
chyloretroperitoneum UHB nK fKOJ cineradiography wzULMO ydOEM duB
chylothorax uKOJ u bB fKOJ cine view wzULMO dEM
b]B w cingulate gyrus activity we( nOHK WOU]F
chylous wuKO cingulotomy we( nOHK lC
c. ascites wuKO UI s cingulumotomy we( nOHK lC
c. leakage wuKO ^d Cintor knee prosthesis uMO V Wd Wb
Chymar ULO ciprofloxacin uO yUC 5UuK dO
Alpha C. ULO UH CircOlectric pdJudO
chymopapain 5UUuLO C. bed pdJudO dd
c. blocking agent 5UUuLOJ UB qU C. frame pdJudO U
c. chemonucleolysis dIH dIK wzUOLOJ ^q( circular dz
5UUuLOJU c. cast dz VU
chymotrypsin 5duLO c. laminar hook with W]dzb W]OzUHB U]MB
CIBPS dB  offset top W]bF* W]LI
chronic intractable benign bMF* bOL( r_ W c. open amputation dzb uH* d
pain syndrome se* c. saw dzb UAM*
CIC dB  c. wire dzb pK
complex instability of V]d* md dI b c. wire fixator dzb pK X=
carpus circulation
cicatrix, pl. cicatrices Ub Wb collateral c. wU
cicatrization ^bM femoral c. c 

- 124 -
perichondral c. dCG u Claiborne external fixator u V wU) X=*
circulation, muscle wKCF U b claim WUD
sensation (CMS) compensation c. W]OCuF WUD
circulatory embarrassment b nF{ clamp UIK
circulus articuli vasculosis W]OKBH* W]OzUu dzb Adair breast c. d V bB UIK
circumduction dD d Aesculap c. OJ UIK
c. maneuver dD d UM Allen-Kocher c. du 5 UIK
circumference UH Allis c. fO UIK
calf c. WKd UH angled DeBakey c. ]e* wU UIK
pelvic c. u( UH Ann Arbor c. u UIK
circumferential w UH Ann Arbor double towel c. e* Ud UIK
c. chemical burn wUH wzUOLO d u V
c. dressing wUH bOLC appendage c. WUBF UIK
c. fracture wUH d c. approximator UIK dI
c. grommet wUH Ud Atra-Grip c. Vd d UIK
c. ligamentous sleeve wUH wU yr Auvard c. U UIK
c. release of clubfoot bI nM( wUHJ dd] baby Kocher c. qHDK du UIK
c. wire wUH pK baby Satinsky c. qHDK UJMO UIK
c. wire fixation wUHJ pKU XO Backhaus c. uNU UIK
c. wire loop fixation wUHJ pK bI XO Backhaus-Jones c. eu uNU UIK
c. wiring wUH clamp UIK
circumflex nDFM Backhaus-Jones towel c. V Ud UIK
c. artery nDFM* UdA eu uNU
c. iliac artery wH d( nDFM* UdA Backhaus-Kocher c. du uNU UIK
c. scapular artery wHJ nDFM* UdA Backhaus-Kocher towel c. V Ud UIK
circumscribed =b du uNU
circumscripta =b Backhaus towel c. uNU V Ud UIK
calcinosis c. =b  Bahnson appendage c. uU V WUBF UIK
Dubreuilh melanosis c. qd V =b sK9 Bailey-Cowley c. wu wKU UIK
cirsoid angioma uIM w wzU Bailey duckbill c. wKU V j UIM UIK
cisplatin  yUC 5O= Bailey-Morse c. u wKU UIK
Citelli angle w=KO W Balfour c. uHU UIK
citrate d Ballantine c. 5M]U UIK
orphenadrine c. sUMO_ d Bamby c. wU UIK
sufentanil c. qOUMOu d Bard c. U UIK
CKC dB  Belcher c. dAK UIK
closed kinetic chain WIKG W]Od WKK Berens c. edO UIK
CKS dB  Berens muscle c. ed V WKCF UIK
CKS implant CKS Wd Berke c. d UIK
CKS knee system CKS Wd UN Bernhard c. UNd UIK

- 125 -
Bethune c. uO UIK eMO=u
Bircher bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK exclusion c. UF UIK
ddO extension c. bbL UIK
Bircher cartilage c. ddO V dCG UIK extension bone c. rEF bbL UIK
Bishop bone c. uAO V rEF UIK femoral c. c  UIK
Blalock c. u UIK Ferguson bone c. uud V rEF UIK
Bhler c. dKu UIK c. fixator UIK* X=
bone c. rEF UIK c. forceps UIK* jIK
bone extension c. rEF bbL UIK Frahur c. ud UIK
bone-holding c. rEF p UIK Frahur cartilage c. ud V dCG UIK
Bonney c. wu UIK Frazier-Adson c. u dd UIK
Borge c. u UIK Frazier-Adson V rEF W]OU UIK
Boyes muscle c. eu V WKCF UIK osteoplastic c. u dd
Calandruccio c. uOAb UIK Frazier-Adson osteoplastic V W]OLEF WKb UIK
c. carrier UIK* qU flap c. u dd
cartilage c. dCG UIK Frazier-Sachs c. fU dd UIK
Casey pelvic c. U V u( UIK Freeman c. U1d UIK
Charnley arthrodesis c. V qBH* U UIK Friedrich c. abd UIK
wKU Friedrich-Petz c. e abd UIK
Charnley bone c. wKU V rEF UIK full-curved c. UM qU UIK
Charnley compression c. wKU V jGC UIK Gerster bone c. dd V rEF UIK
Charnley pin c. wKU V u^b UIK Goodwin c. su UIK
Cooley graft c. wu V rFD UIK Goodwin bone c. su V rEF UIK
Cooley iliac c. wu V WH d( UIK Harrington hook c. u=U U]M UIK
Cooley multipurpose c. V d_ =bF UIK hemostatic c. T d UIK
wu hemostatic thoracic c. T d* bB UIK
Cooley multipurpose ]e* d_ =bF UIK Hex-Fix Universal d* UdHOu UIK
angled c. wu V swivel c. fJ fJ V
Cooley multipurpose wMM* d_ =bF UIK Hoen c. u UIK
curved c. wu V Hoffmann c. ULu UIK
Davidson c. ubO UIK Hoffmann ligament c. ULu V Ud UIK
Davidson muscle c. ubO V WKCF UIK c. holder UIK* pL
Demel wire c. qO1 V pK UIK Hugh Young pedicle c. Zu uO V WIu UIK
Demos tibial artery c. V wuME UdA UIK iliac c. WH d( UIK
u1 c. insert UIK* d
disposable muscle biopsy c. uM WKCF e UIK interlaminar c. `zUHB 5 UIK
dissecting c. =dA UIK Jackson c. uU UIK
distraction c. qBH* d UIK Jackson bone-extension c. V rEF bbL UIK
Doctor Collins c. eMO=u ub UIK uU
Doctor Collins fracture c. u V dJ UIK Jackson bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK

- 126 -
uU Martin c. 5U UIK
Jameson muscle c. uLO V WKCF UIK Martin cartilage c. 5U V dCG UIK
Jarit anterior resection c. V wU_ lDI UIK Martin meniscal c. 5U V WN UIK
XU Martin muscular c. wKCF 5U UIK
Jarit cartilage c. XU V dCG UIK Masterson c. udU UIK
Jarit meniscal c. XU V WN UIK Masterson curved c. wMM* udU UIK
Jarit small bone-holding c. dOGB rEF p UIK Masterson pelvic c. V u( UIK
XU V udU
Jones c. eu UIK Masterson straight c. rOI* udU UIK
Jones thoracic c. eu V bB UIK Mastin c. 5U UIK
Jones towel c. eu V Ud UIK Mastin muscular c. wKCF 5U UIK
Kantrowitz thoracic c. eOdU V bB UIK Mayo c. uU UIK
Kelly c. w=KO UIK meniscal c. WN UIK
Kern c. dO UIK metal c. wbF =eK UIK
Kern bone c. dO V rEF UIK microvascular c. dN wzU UIK
Kern bone-holding c. dO V rEF p UIK miniature multipurpose c. d_ =bF* d]GB* UIK*
Kocher c. du UIK mini-Ullrich bone c. V dOGB rEF UIK
Lahey c. w UIK gd
Lambert-Lowman bone c. U d UIK Mitchel-Adam c. qAO UIK
Lambotte bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK Mitchel-Adam V d_ =bF UIK
u multipurpose c. qAO
Lamis patellar c. fO V WH{d UIK Mixter c. dJO UIK
Lane c. UIK Mixter ligature-carrier c. V WDd qU UIK
Lane bone c. V rEF UIK dJO
Lane bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK Mixter right-angle c. V We rOI UIK
Lewin c. su UIK dJO
Lewin bone c. su V rEF UIK mosquito c. qJA wuU UIK
Lewin bone-holding c. su V rEF p UIK multipurpose c. d_ =bF UIK
ligament c. Ud UIK multipurpose angled c. ]e* d_ =bF* UIK*
Locke bone c. wu V rEF UIK multipurpose curved c. wMM* d_ =bF* UIK*
locking c. w UIK muscle biopsy c. WKCF e UIK
Lowman c. U UIK muscular c. wKC UIK
Lowman bone c. U V rEF UIK osteoplastic flap c. W]OLEF WKb UIK
Lowman bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK padded c. b]u UIK
U Parham-Martin V rEF p UIK
Lowman-Gerster bone c. U V rEF UIK bone-holding c. 5U UU
dd patellar c. WH{d UIK
Lowman-Hoglund c. buKu U UIK patellar cement c. WH{d  UIK
Lulu c. uu UIK patellar reduction c. WH{d = UIK
Malis hinge c. fOU V = UIK pedicle c. WIu UIK

- 127 -
pelvic c. u( UIK Verbrugge bone c. dd V rEF UIK
pelvic C-c. C qJA u( UIK vessel c. WO_ UIK
phalangeal c. UO UIK Walton c. u UIK
Price muscular c. wKCF fd UIK Walton meniscal c. u V WN UIK
Price muscular biopsy c. V wKCF e) UIK Wells c. eK UIK
fd Wells pedicle c. eK V WIu UIK
ratchet c. WU]I UIK Wester c. d UIK
Rayport muscular c. wKCF u UIK Wester meniscal c. d V WN UIK
Rayport muscular biopsy c. V wKCF e) UIK West-Shur cartilage c. V dCG UIK
u u X
reamer c. uI* UIK wire-tightening c. pK =b UJ UIK
Richards c. UA UIK Wylie lumbar bulldog c. V wMDI bK UIK
Richards bone c. UA V rEF UIK wK
rod c. u^M UIK Zimmer c. d=1 UIK
rubber-shod c. wU]D* qFM UIK Zimmer cartilage c. d=1 V dCG UIK
Rumel c. q UIK clamping mechanism jIK W]OJOUJO
Rumel myocardial c. V VKI WKC UIK clamp-on u s p
q clam-shell uMOKD W b
Rumel rubber c. wU]D* q UIK c.-s. brace uMOKD Wb UM
Rumel thoracic c. q V bB UIK c.-s. prosthesis uMOKD Wb Wb
Rush c. UIK Clancy w
Rush bone c. V rEF UIK C. cruciate ligament V wOKB Ud UM
Seidel bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK reconstruction w
bO C. lateral compartment w V wAu e=O(
self-retaining c. XO ^w UIK C. ligament technique w V Ud WId
Semb bone-holding c. V rEF p UIK C. patellar tendon graft w V WH{d d rF
VL C. technique w WId
Slocum meniscal c. uuK V WN UIK Clanton-DeLee algorithm w u W]Ou
Smith c. YOL UIK Clark 
Smith bone c. YOL V rEF UIK C. classification of V wMOO* u nOMB
Southwick c. puU UIK melanoma 
speed lock c. Wd oU UIK C. pectoralis major transfer dJ W]bB WKCF qI
spur-crushing c. ULN* d UIK  V
clamp UIK C. sign  W
stainless steel c. bBK UI u UIK C. transfer technique  V qIM WId
Surgi-Med c. bO wu UIK Clark-Southwick-Odgen puU  qbF
towel c. Ud UIK modification s
trochanter-holding c. b* p UIK clasp pA
Universal wire c. UdHOu pK UIK Arrow pin c. ] V u^b pA
Verbrugge c. dd UIK clasped uA pA

- 128 -
c. thumb uA* UN Dyck-Lambert c. d p nOMB
c. thumb deformity uA* UN ^uA Eckert-Davis c. eO d nOMB
classification nOMB Ellis c. fO= nOMB
acromioclavicular W]Od_ WU nOMB Enna c. U] nOMB
injury c. W]u d Enneking c. ZMOJ= nOMB
Aitken epiphyseal wUA* dJ nOMB Epstein hip dislocation c. V u lK nOMB
fracture c. sJ V sUA
Allman acromioclavicular W]Od_ WU nOMB Epstein-Thomas c. Uu sUA nOMB
injury c. U* V W]u d Essex-Lopresti calcaneal V VIF d nOMB
Anderson-DAlonzo V wIzUH d nOMB fracture c. wdu fJ=
odontoid fracture c. eu ub Evans intertrochanteric sb* sO dJ nOMB
Anderson modification of nOMB ub qbF fracture c. eUH V
Berndt-Harty c. wU bd Fielding femoral V c H dJ nOMB
AO c. AO nOMB fracture c. ZMbKO
Bado c. U nOMB Flatt c.  nOMB
Bauer-Jackson c. uU U nOMB fracture c. dJ nOMB
Berndt-Harty c. wU bd nOMB Frankel c. qJd nOMB
Bishop c. uAO nOMB Frankel neurologic W]OBF uOF nOMB
Boyd c. bu nOMB deficit c. qJd V
Boyd-Griffin c. 5=Hd bu nOMB Franz-ORahilly c. w=KO ed nOMB
Boyd-Griffin trochanteric V b* dJ nOMB Freeman calcaneal V VIF d nOMB
fracture c. 5=Hd bu fracture c. U1d
Catterall c. d=U nOMB Frykman distal radius w UI dFJ dJ nOMB
Chadwick-Bentley c. wKOMO pU nOMB fracture c. ULJd V
Codman c. Uu nOMB Frykman radial V dFJ dJ nOMB
Colonna hip fracture c. V u d nOMB fracture c. ULJd
U]uu Garden c. U nOMB
Colton c. uu nOMB Garden femoral neck V c H oM d nOMB
CP Sports Balance C. qzbK u* nOMB fracture c. U
bLF* W]O{Ud Gartland c. bU nOMB
Crowe c. d nOMB Gartland Universal radial V dFJ dJ nOMB
Delbert hip fracture c. V u d nOMB fracture c. UdHOu bU
d Grantham femur fracture c. V c H d nOMB
DeLee c. w nOMB UNd
Denis Browne spinal V dIH dJ nOMB Greenfield spinocerebellar wU M `d nOMB
fracture c. d fOM ataxia c. bKOHMd V w O *
Dias-Tachdijian c. of WU  UObU U nOMB Gustilo c. uKOu nOMB
physeal injury W]uL_ Gustilo-Anderson open V uH* dJ nOMB
Dickhaut-DeLee discoid W]U dI WN nOMB fracture c. ub uKOu
meniscus c. w uNJ V Gustilo puncture V W]eu d' nOMB

- 129 -
wound c. uKOu MacNichol-Voutsinas c. UMu uJO p nOMB
Hannover c. du^U nOMB Mason c. uU nOMB
Hardcastle c. qUU nOMB Mason radial fracture c. dFJ dJ nOMB
Hawkins c. eMOU nOMB uU V
Hawkins talar fracture c. V VFI d nOMB Mason radial head dFJ d nOMB
eMOU fracture c. uU V
Henderson c. ubM nOMB Mast-Spieghel-Pappas c. U]U qO XU nOMB
Herring lateral pillar c. W]OAu bLF nOMB Mayo carpal instability c. wGd dI b nOMB
Z=d V uU V
Hoaglund-States c. fU buKu nOMB Melone distal radius w UI dFJ dJ nOMB
Hohl-Luck tibial plateau W]OuME WCN d nOMB fracture c. uKO V
fracture c. u u V Milch condylar fracture c. V WLIK d nOMB
Hohl-Moore c. u u nOMB gKO
Hohl tibial condylar W]OuME WLIK d nOMB Milch elbow fracture c. V od* d nOMB
fracture c. u V gKO
Holdsworth spinal V dIH dJ nOMB Moore tibial plateau W]OuME WCN d nOMB
fracture c. ubu fracture c. u V
Hughston c. uu nOMB Mueller c. du nOMB
Ideberg glenoid V wUI( d nOMB Mueller femoral WLIK u dJ nOMB
fracture c. d supracondylar fracture c. du V W]c H
Insall patellar injury c. V WH{d WU nOMB Mueller tibial fracture c. V uME d nOMB
U du
Johner-Wruhs tibial uME d nOMB Neer c. dO nOMB
fracture c. d du V Neer femur fracture c. dO V c H d nOMB
Jones-Barnes-Lloyd- fU eu nOMB Neer-Horowitz c. eu dO nOMB
Roberts c. fd bu Neer shoulder fracture c. dO V nJ d nOMB
Kalamchi c. wAU nOMB Nicoll c. uJO nOMB
Kellam-Waddel c. =U ] nOMB OBrien radial fracture c. V dFJ d nOMB
Kocher c. du nOMB sd
Kyle-Gustilo c. uKOu wKO nOMB Ogden c. b nOMB
Kyle-Gustilo-Premer c. dd uKOu wKO nOMB Ogden knee dislocation c. V Wd lK nOMB
Lauge-Hansen c. sU u nOMB b
Letournel-Judet c. u qu nOMB ORahilly limb V d_ hI nOMB
Letournel-Judet acetabular V w=I( d nOMB deficiency c. w=KO
fracture c. u qu ordinal c. wOd nOMB
Leung thumb loss c. Zu V UN bI nOMB Orthopaedic Trauma Wd u{ WD nOMB
Lindell c. bMO nOMB Association c. UEF .uI
Lloyd-Roberts-Catteral- fd bu nOMB Outerbridge c. bdd nOMB
Salamon c. uU d=U Paley c. wU nOMB
Macewen c. suU nOMB Pauwels femoral neck V c H oM d nOMB

- 130 -
fracture c. eKU injury VBF
Pennal c. U]MO nOMB Swanson c. uu nOMB
Pipkin posterior hip wHK) u lK nOMB Tachdjian c. UObU nOMB
dislocation c. 5JO V Thomas c. Uu nOMB
classification nOMB Thompson-Epstein c. sUA uu nOMB
Pipkin subclassification of 5JO V w nOMB Three Color Concept of nOMB W u_ uNH
Epstein-Thomas c. Uu sUA nOMB wound c. d'
Poland c. of epiphyseal wUA* dJK bu nOMB Tile c. qU nOMB
fracture Torg c. u nOMB
Qunu-Kss W]ODA* W]OG d WU nOMB Torode-Zieg c. Z u nOMB
tarsometatarsal injury c. u wuO V Toronto pelvic fracture c. V u( u nOMB
Ranawat c. U nOMB uu
Rockwood c. u nOMB Tronzo fracture c. ed V dJ nOMB
Rowe c. nOMB Tscherne c. dOA nOMB
Rowe calcaneal fracture c. V wIF dJ nOMB Tscherne-Gotzen c. eu dOA nOMB
Tscherne-Gotzen tibial V wuME dJ nOMB
Rowe-Lowell hip V u lK nOMB fracture c. eu dOA
dislocation c. qu Universal distal radius w UI dFJ dJ nOMB
Ruedi-Allgower c. U' u nOMB fracture c. UdHOu
Russe c. nOMB Venn-Watson c. u 5 nOMB
Russell-Taylor c. uKO q= nOMB Vostal radial fracture c. V dFJ dJ nOMB
Rter c. d nOMB Uu
Sage-Salvatore c. uUHU U nOMB Wagner c. dMU nOMB
Saha shoulder muscle c. V nJ C nOMB Warren-Marshall c. UU = nOMB
UU Wassel thumb V UN nUC nOMB
Salter epiphyseal wUA* dJ nOMB duplication c. q=
fracture c. dU V Watanabe discoid WU dI WN nOMB
Salter-Harris c. f=U dU nOMB meniscus c. UM V
scalar c. ]b nOMB Watson-Jones tibial wuME dJ nOMB
Schatzker tibial plateau W]OuME WCN d nOMB fracture c. eu u V
fracture c. de V Weber c. dO nOMB
Seddon c. ^bO nOMB Weber-Danis ankle qUJ WU nOMB
Severin c. sdHO nOMB injury c. fO dO V
Shelton femoral fracture c. V c H d nOMB Weiland c. bO nOMB
uK Weissman c. ULU nOMB
Singh osteoporosis c. V rEF q K nOMB Wiberg patellar c. dO V WH{d nOMB
ZMO Wiley-Galey c. wU wK nOMB
Speed radial head dFJ d nOMB Wilkins c. of radial fracture dFJ dJ eMOJK nOMB
fracture c. bO V Winquist femoral shaft r' b' d nOMB
Sunderland c. of nerve WU bbM nOMB fracture c. XuJM V c H

- 131 -
Winquist-Hansen c. sU XuJM nOMB clawtoe WOK * bI l
Winquist-Hansen femoral V c H dJ nOMB c. deformity WOK * bI l ^uA
fracture c. sU XuJM c. toe WOK * bI l
Young pelvic fracture c. V u( u nOMB claw-type basic frame jLM wK * wU_ U
Zu clay shovelers fracture UBKB wFU d
Zickel c. qJ nOMB Clayton u
Zlotsky-Ballard W]u d W]Od_ WU nOMB C. forefoot arthroplasty V bI ]bI qBH
acromioclavicular injury c. ] wJu V u
claudication d C. greenstick splint V dOCM sBG dO
neurogenic c. (NC) QAM* wB d u
clavicectomy u d lD C. osteotome u V rEF lC
clavicle u d C. procedure u d
c. excision u d UB C. procedure with lDI u d
floating c. WzU u d panmetatarsal head qUA UA_
intraarticular c. qBH* q u d resection
c. pin u d u^ Clayton-Fowler technique dU u WId
weight-lifter's c. uK WFd u d cleaner n=EM
clavicular u d Orthozime instrument c. .u V _ n=EM
c. birth fracture u UM w u d dJ clear oz U
u u d d c. cell chondrosarcoma W]OdCG WuU
c. cross splint W]OUB W]u d dO WOU]B U)
c. epiphysis u d UA* c. cell sarcoma WOU]B U) WuU
c. fracture u d dJ clearance WOHB
c. fracture aneurysm u d dJ u radioactive xenon c. lA* uMe WOHB
c. notch W]u d] WLK^ cleavage d^DA
c. splint W]u d dO' horizontal c. wI d^DA
claviculectomy u d UB c. lesion W]d^DA W
clavipectoral b yu d c. line d^DA yj
c. fascia W]b W]u d WUH c. tear W]d^DA W e
c. triangle bB u d Y]K* cleavage fracture d^DA d
clavus foot W]OMH b Cleeman sign ULOK W
claw VK  cleft `K
c. finger wK  l c. closure `KH oK wK G
c. toe WOK * bI l c. foot W]OK b
clawfoot W]OK  b gluteal c. u `K
c. deformity W]OK * bI ^uA Hahn c.'s U uK
c. foot W]OK  b c. hand UK b
clawhand W]OK  b intergluteal c. sOO_ 5 `K
c. deformity W]OK * bO ^uA interinnominoabdominal c. wMD v]L 5 `K
c. hand W]OK * bO retropharyngeal fascial c. uFK nK wUH `K

- 132 -
c. spinous process wK wu TU clonazepam  yUC UUuK
venous c. b `K clonus l
c. vertebra W]OK dI ankle c. qUJ l
clefthand UK b drawn ankle c. u* qUJ l
c. deformity UKH bO ^uA patellar c. WH{d l
clefts of Hahn U uK three-beat c. UdC w l
cleidocranial dysostosis wHI u d r^EF qK closed oKG
Cleland bOK c. amputation oKG* d
C. ligament bOK U c. break fracture oKG* rBHM* dJ
C. ligament in the hand bO w bOK U c. Cotrel-Dubousset hook WIKG* XOu du U]M
clenched-first syndrome WKCF Z^MA eJ W c. drainage system oKG* eM UN
dJ UM w WG{U* c. femoral diaphyseal oKG* c H r dOBI
Cleveland-Bosworth- uu bHK WId shortening
Thompson technique uu c. flap amputation oKG* WKb d
click WKIK c. hook WIKG* U]MB
hip c. u WKIK c. injury WIKG* WU
Mulder c. bu WKIK c. intramedullary osteotomy oKG* wIM q rEF lD
climber o=K c. irrigation oKG*
Fitstep II stair c. II VO r]K o=K c. kinetic chain (CKC) WIKG* Wd( WKK
clindamycin uO yUC 5ObMOK c. Kntscher nailing oKG* dAu dOL
clinical dd wJOMOK c. manipulative maneuver WIKG W]Ob UM
C. Analysis Questionnaire wJOMOK qOK WUO c. medullary nailing oKG* uIM dOL
(CAQ) c. nail oKG* UL*
c. conservatism W]OJOMOK WEU; c. nailing oKG* dOL
c. diagnosis wJOMOK hO A c. pinning oKG* fOb
c. examination wJOMOK hH c. reduction (CR) oKG y
c. trial WOJOMOK Wd c. soft tissue injury WIKG* ud ZOM WU
clinodactyly lU_ d c. transverse process TSRH TUMK ^h
Clinoril quMOK hook oKG* dF*
clip pA c. treatment WIKG* W'UF*
Michel c. qOAO pA c. wedge osteotomy oKG* wMOH rEF lD
clivus c wLEF `D b* c. wound oKG d
dHK wU_ b' q=JA closed-kinetic-chain WIKG* Wd( WKK sdL
nIK WOHK) exercise
cloacae Wud W]O c* close encounter nut WIKG WKUI WuL
Enterobacter c. Wud W]OzUF_ W]O c* closing
clock WU c. abductory wedge bOF wMOH rEF lD
shoulder c. nJ WU osteotomy (CAWO) oKG*
clockwise WU UI U=U c. base wedge WIKG* bUI 5H
clomipramine U yUC 5dOuK c. base wedge osteotomy bUI ^wMOH rEF lD

- 133 -
WIKG* c. pin rOd W qJA u^
voluntary c. (VC) c. pin extractor rOd W qJA u^b lU
c. wedge greenstick dorsal wb wDA* rEF lD c. plate rOd W qJA WOH
proximal metatarsal wMOH dOCM wdNE Cloward uK
osteotomy oKG* C. anterior spinal fusion V wU_ dIH Zb
c. wedge manipulation and U oKG* wMOH b uK
reapplication of plaster f' oOD C. back fusion uK V dNE Z
c. wedge osteotomy oKG* wMOH rEF lD C. cervical arthrodesis V w d qBH* U
clostridial wD uK
c. infection U]O=D*U b C. cervical disk approach V w d dI vQ
c. myonecrosis U]O=D*U wKC d uK
clostridium W]OD* C. cervical drill uK V w d VI*
Clostridium perfringens Wud WLU( WOD* C. cervical drill guard V w d VI* w
closure oK uK
Barsky cleft c. wJU V `KH oK C. cervical drill tip V w d VI*
cleft c. `KH oK uK
delayed c. d=Q* oKG C. chisel uK qO
epiphyseal c. wUA oK C. drill uK VI
premature c. d* oKG C. drill guard cap V VI* WO uMK
primary c. w]_ oKG uK
secondary c. uU oKG C. drill shaft uK VI b
skin c. bK' oKG C. fusion diskectomy wb dI UB
visual c. dB oKG uK V
wound c. d' oK C. fusion diskography V wb dI duB
clot WDK uK
exogenous fibrin c. QAM* W]OU W]OMd WDK C. hammer uK W dD
fibrin c. W]OMd WDK C. osteotome uK V rEF lC
clothespin spinal fusion jIK qJA dIH Zb rF C. periosteal elevator uK V UL WF
graft qOG C. retractor uK UF
clotting disorder j^K dD{ C. rongeur uK W{]d
cloven hoof fracture of l uIA* d U( d C. technique uK WId
finger cloxacillin uO yUC 5=KOUuK
cloverleaf rOd W u tO ^uA CLS hip system CLS V u UN
c. condylar plate fixation qJA W]OLIK WOHB XO clubbed d]F
rOd W c. nail d]F dH
c. counterbore rOd W qJA qUI* VI c. toe d]F* bI l
c. Kntscher nail W qJA dAu UL clubbing d^F
rOd c. of finger l d^F
c. nail rOd W qJA UL c. of toe bI l d^F
c. pattern rOd W d clubfoot bI nM

- 134 -
acquired c. VJ* bI nM c. (DIC)
arthrogrypotic c. qBH* UuU bI nM c. factor d^ qU
circumferential release of c. bI nM( wUHJ dd] coalition Ub z
c. deformity bI nM ^uA c. of bone rEF z
resistant c. UI* bI nM calcaneonavicular c. w e wIF z
c. splint bI nM dO talocalcaneal c. wIF wKUJ z
clubhand bO nM tarsal c. wG d z
radial c. dFJ bO nM c. view z dEM
ulnar c. wuME bO nM coapt r=K
clunk WFIF coaptating rK
catch-up c. p* U WFIF coaptation rOK
c. test WFIFI U centrocentral c. edL ed rOK
Clyburn external fixator d V wU) X=* c. plate rOK WOH
CM dB  coapted rK
combined mechanical WdA* W]OJOUJO* coated implant U]DG Wd
CMAP dB  coating
compound muscle action V]d* wKCF qFH sU aluminum oxide ceramic c. uOMu_ bOQ we) D
potential Biolox ceramic c. fuuO V we) D
compound muscle-motor wd( wKCF qFH sU cobalt-chrome powder c. dJ XUuJ u
action potential V]d* porous c. rOL
CMC dB  sintering of cobalt-chrome XUuJ u bOK
carpometacarpal wFM wG powder c. dJ
carpometacarpal joint wFM wGd qBH* coaxial needle electrode b]* dU wzUdNJ d*
CMO hydrocolator CMO wzU* wHB* u*
CMS dB  Coballoy W]OUu WDOK u^Uu
circulation, muscle wKCF U b C. implant metal u^Uu V wd eK
sensation C. implant metal prosthesis V W]Od W]ObF Wb
CNS dB  u^Uu
central nervous system ed* wBF UN' cobalt XUu
CO dB  c. chrome XUuJ d
Certified Orthotist U* .UI* ^w UB c. chromium implant W]OUu W]Od Wd
cervical orthosis w uI c. implant W]OUu Wd
coachs finger w{Ud =b* l cobalt-based alloy W]OUu WDOK
Coagulase uOu d] * cobalt-chrome d XUuJ
C. negative WU d] * c.-c. powder coating XUuJ u0 WOJ]
C. positive Wu* d] * dJ
coagulated plasma d] * U c.-c. power sintering dJ XUuJU bOK
coagulation d^ cobalt-chromium XUu dJ
c. disorder d^  dD{ c.-c. alloy W]OUu W]Od WDOK
disseminated intravascular WO_ q dM* d^  ion-bombarded c.-c. UcI* XUuJ dJ

- 135 -
Uu_U coccidioidomycosis wd UD
smooth c.-c. fK_ XUu dJ coccygeal spine W]OBFBF UO=
cobalt-chromium-alloy W]OUuJ W]OdJ WDOK) Wb coccygectomy hFBF UB
prosthesis Lougheed-White c. V hFBF UB
cobalt- XUu dJ uObOu X bONu
chromiummolybdenum coccygodynia hFBF r
(Co-Cr-Mo) coccyx hFBF
cobalt-chromiumtungsten- XUu dJ 5M qJO c. fracture hFBF d
nickel (Co-Cr-W-Ni) posterior surgical exposure wHK) wd' ^dF
Coban Uu of sacrum and c. hFBF eFK
C. dressing Uu bOLC cocked-half flap d nB WKb
C. elastic dressing Uu V d* bOLC Cocke maxillectomy V uKF pH UB
C. elastic wrap Uu V Wd WUH wu
C. wrap Uu WUH cock-up vK d
Cobb u c.-u. arm splint vK d* bU dO
C. angle u W c.-u. deformity vK d ^uA
C. attachment for U]OKL WUD u eJd c.-u. hand splint vK d* bO dO
Albee-Compere fracture uJ dO du w c.-u. splint vK d dO
table c.-u. splint orthosis vK d* dO' uI
C. elevator u WF c.-u. toe vK d* bI l
C. gauge u UOI cocontraction o]M h^KI
C. gouge u u Co-Cr-Mo dB 
C. measurement of scoliosis u V nM' UOI cobalt- XUu dJ uMbu
C. method for measuring nM' UOI u WId chromiummolybdenum
scoliosis C.-C.-M. alloy implant W]Od WDOK W]ObF Wd
C. osteotome u V rEF lC metal W]OuMbu W]OUu
C. periosteal elevator u V UL WF C.-C.-M. alloy prosthesis W]OUuJ W]OdJ WDOK) Wb
C. scoliosis u nM W]OuMbu*
C. scoliosis measuring V nM' UO WId Co-Cr-W-Ni dB 
technique u cobalt-chromiumtungsten- dJ 5M qJO
C. spinal gouge u V wu u nickel XUu
C. syndrome u W C.-C.-W.-N. alloy implant qJO WDOK W]ObF Wd
technique of C. u WId metal XUu dJ 5M
cobra-design femoral vK r]LB* c H =uJ* C.-C.-W.-N. alloy 5M qJO WDOK Wb
component duJ qJ prosthesis XUu dJ
cobra-head plate duJ qJA WOH codeine 5u
cobra retractor duJ qJA UF Empirin with c. su l sd
Coccidioides immitis s fM bK W]OdJ codfish pL s u ^bI
U]dDH c. deformity bI ^uA
coccidioidin skin test bK' W]OdJ U c. vertebra bI pL dI

- 136 -
Codivilla ] OHu
cohesion pUL
C. bone graft ]OHu V rEF rF glenohumeral joint c. bCF wU]I( qBH* pUL
C. tendon lengthening ]OHu V du WU COH hip abduction splint COH u bOF dO
C. tendon lengthening V du WU WId cohort study W]O U W d_ W
technique ]OHu COI dB 
Codman Uu combination of isotonics d^u U]u WHOu
C. angle Uu W coin WObF WKL rb
C. classification Uu nOMB fracture en c. rb qJA d
C. drill Uu VI Coker-Arnold collar bu du u
C. exercise Uu sdL ColBenemid bOLOMOu
C. saber-cut-shoulder qJA ^wHO nJ vQ colchicine 5OAu
approach Uu V Colclough laminectomy W]dIH WOHB UB W{]d
C. sign Uu W rongeur uKJu V
C. triangle Uu Y]K cold U d
C. tumor Uu c. application U oOD
C. wire-passing drill V pK d VI c. chisel U qO
Uu c. injury W]d WU
coefficient qUF c. intolerance d q^L b
c. of friction UJ qUF c. phase as in bone WdH w UL U uD
Cofield bKO u scanning W]OLEF
C. shoulder prosthesis bKOu V nJ Wb c. rolled rod U nK* VOCI
C. technique bKOu WId c. weld U U(
C. Total Shoulder System V qUJ nJ UN cold-curing polymer dU V=KB uJ
bKOu cold-mold prosthesis U VUI Wb
C. total shoulder system V qUJ nJ UN cold-pressor test dU jGC l U
bKOu cold-weld U vK UK
CoFilm dressing rKO u bOLC c.-w. femoral ball U vK WuK* c H d
COG dB  c.-w. femoral prosthesis U vK WuK* c H Wb
center of gravity W]OU' ed c.-w. prosthesis U vK WuK* Wb
cognition W dF Cole u
Cognitive w dF C. fracture frame u V dJ U
C. Behavior Therapy wdF* uK W'UF W C. hyperextension brace u V bbL d UM
Package (CBTP) C. hyperextension frame u V bbL d U
C. Error Questionnaire wdF* QD) WUO C. osteotomy u V rEF lD
C. Strategies Questionnaire W]OdF* W]OOd WUO C. osteotomy for midfoot ^uA u V rEF lD
cogwheel WM]M* WKF deformity bI j
c. gait WM]M* WKF WOA C. procedure u d
c. rigidity qL WM]M* WKF qL C. technique u WId
l=DI C. tendon fixation u V du XO
c. sign WM]M* WKF W Coleman U*u

- 137 -
C. block test U*u V UB U Lewin c. su u
C. flatfoot technique V U]d bI WId Mayo-Thomas c. Uu uU u
U*u myocervical c. W d qC u
C. lateral block test V wAu UB U periosteal bone c. UL rE u
U*u Philadelphia c. UOHO u
C. plasty U*u V d plastic c. wJO b u
coli W]OuuI Plastizote cervical c. e V w u
Escherichia c. Wud W]OuuI W]OJd Schanz c. eU u
colinear alignment wDU  nOd serpentine foam c. wUF ud u
colistin uO yUC 5Ou soft c. u u
collagen 5u Thomas c. Uu u
bovine c. dI 5u collar-and-cuff sling W]HJ uD F
c. fiber wHO 5u collar-calcar support ULNLK W]OLzUb c H Wb
microcrystalline c. dG u]K 5u femoral prosthesis uD
c. vascular disease wMOuJ WO_ collared Press-Fit femoral ]uD* c H c d
collagenous schwannoma wMOu wUH stem implantation XO fd V
collagraft wMOu rF collarless stem w u c
collapse j collat dB 
bone graft c. wLEF rFD j collateral wU
foot c. bI UL j collateral (collat) wU
hindfoot-midfoot c. UND bI d=R j c. artery wU Ud
scaphoid-lunate advanced c. w eK =bI* UL c. circulation wU
(SLAC) wN c. ligament wU' Ud
vertebral c. UIH j c. ligament instability wU' Ud dI b
collapsible juK qU juM c. ligament rupture wU' Ud ^eL
c. internal fixation device WDuM* wKb XO eON College W]OK
c. pin juM u^ American C. of wMN* VDK W]OJd_ W]OKJ
collapsing pes valgo planus WBL M W]D W]O b Occupational and wO
collar u Environmental Medicine
c. bone w u rE (ACOEM)
c. brace w u UM Colles f=u
c. button abscess W]O u W]= Wd C. fascia f=u WUH
cervical c. w u C. fracture f=u d
Coker-Arnold c. bu du u C. splint f=u dO
Colpack c. Uu u Collet tO=u
c. and cuff W]HJ uD C. screwdriver adapter tO=u pH WR
Exo-static c. wuJ wU u tibial C. tO=u V wuME
Forrester-Brown c. d d=u u colli wIM
hard c. VK u fibromatosis c. w ywHO
implant c. WdG u collimation u vK VOd e

- 138 -
Collis fO=u radial c. dF uL
C. broken femoral stem uJ* c H c WId spinal c. dI uL
technique fO=u V ulnar c. b uL
C. retractor fO=u UF vertebral c. dI uL
Collis-Dubrul femoral stem V c H c e Combat Task Test uN W]LN U
removal d fO=u combination WHOu
Collison eO=u film-screen c. WUA rKOH WHOu
C. body drill eO=u V r' VI Isola spinal implant system UN' u^M WOHB nOu
C. cannulated hand drill V v]MI* bO VI plate-rod c. e V W]dIH WdG
eO=u c. of isotonics (COI) d^u U]u WHOu
C. drill eO=u VI c. of isotonics technique d^u U]u WHOu WId
C. plate eO=u WOH combined dA
C. screw eO=u wd c. anterior and posterior dA* wHK) wU_ vQ*
C. screwdriver eO=u ^pH approach
C. tap drill eO=u V jdA VI c. cavus dA wBL nM
collodion dressing uuu bOLC c. cavus deformity dA* wBL) nM( ^uA
colloid wd c. curve dA* vMM*
c. cyst W]Od WO c. fixation device dA* XO eON
c. solution wd uK c. flexion-distraction injury wM WU UH d
Colonna U]uu and burst fracture WdA* d
C. hip fracture V u d nOMB c. instability dI b U b
classification U]uu dA*
C. trochanteric V b* qBH* c. low-cervical and bB d W d qH vQ
arthroplasty U]uu transthoracic approach dA*
Colonna-Ralston u U]uu c. mechanical (CM) WdA* W]OJOUJO*
C.-R. ankle approach U]uu V qUJ vQ c. nerve palsy dA* VBF qK
u c. radial-ulnar-humeral dFJ be bCF d
C.-R. incision u U]uu o fracture dA*
C.-R. medial approach U]uu V w vQ* c. scintigraphy dA* wUCu duB
u Comfeel Ulcus dressing fJ qOHu bOLC
color of digit l u Comforfoam splint u uHu dO
colored antiseptic wu d=ND comfort level Wd u
Colpack collar Uu u commemorative sign W]Uc W
Coltart Uu comminuted intraarticular qBH* q X]H* dJ
C. calcaneotibial fusion V wuME wIF Zb fracture
Uu Commission on qOQ o d UL WO
C. fracture technique Uu V dJ WId Accreditation of
Colton classification uu nOMB Rehabilitation Facilities
column uL (CARF)
central c. ed uL commissural myelorrhaphy uB U M u

- 139 -
Committee WM' posterior c. wHK) e=O(
Fitness Safety Standards C. W* W dOUF WM' posterolateral c. wAu wHK) e=O(
Policy and Review C. for U WFd* WUO WM' posteromedial c. w wHK) e=O(
Human Research W]dA superficial posterior c. wHK) wD e=O(
common dA wK c. syndrome e=O( W
c. carotid artery wK _ wU UdA compartmental e=O(
c. dural sac wK _ WOU' fO C. II knee prosthesis II W]e=O( Wd Wb
c. extensor tendon W]OK _ WDU d c. pressure e=O( jG{
c. iliac artery wK _ wH d( UdA Compazine sUu
c. iliac vein wK _ wH d( bu Compeed protective bOu V w u ULC
c. peroneal nerve wK _ uEA VBF dressing
c. peroneal nerve uEA VBF W compensated talipes equinus UF bH bH nM
syndrome wK _ compensating filter W]OCuF W=d*
c. tendon wK _ du compensation iuF
communicans q=u anticipating financial c. l u* wU* iuF
Gray ramus c. d V q= u* dH (AFC)
communicating q=u* wu* U ^M n^NJ c. claim iuFU WUD
hydrosyringomyelia c. reaction wCuF qUH
communis dA U Workers C. U]LF iuF
extensor digitorum c. (EDC) lU  W]OK _ WDU compensatory UF wCuF
Comolli sign w=uu W c. basilar osteotomy wCuF bUI rEF lD
compact bone eMJ rE c. behavior wCuF uK
compaction UA c. curve wCuF vMM*
vertical sacral c. uLF eF UA c. deformity wCuF ^uA
compactor ^b c. hypermobility wCuF ^d d
acetabular cement c. w=I( * b c. movement W{UF Wd
cement c. * b c. scoliosis UF nM
comparative radiographic UI* wUFA hH c. wedge wCuF 5H
examination Compere du
comparison WUI C. lengthening du V quD
pairwise c. WO t WUI C. osteotome du V rEF lC
compartment e=O C. pin du u^
anterior c. wU_ e=O( C. threaded pin du V uO) u^
Clancy lateral c. w V wU' e=O( C. wire du pK
deep posterior c. oOLF wHK) e=O( Compere-Thompson du V qBH* U
interosseous c. UEF sO e=O( arthrodesis uu
lateral c. wAu e=O( complaint uJ
medial c. w e=O( chief c. (CC) CC W]OOzd uJA
Mueller lateral c. du V wAu e=O( complement WL=L
patellofemoral c. c H wH{d e=O( complete U qU

- 140 -
c. common peroneal nerve wK _ uEA VBF W talocalcaneonavicular c. w e wIF wKUJ V]d*
lesion WKUJ talonavicular-cuneiform c. wMOH w wKU V]d
c. dislocation qU lK three-joint c. W q UH* V]d
c. fracture qU d trialkylphosphine gold c. w Vc V]d
c. syndactyly U] lU _ UH 5HuHKOJ_
complex W b]IF V]d triangular fibrocartilage c. wHOK dCG V]d
c. action potensial V]d* qFH sU (TFC) Y]K*
arcuate c. ]uI* V]d* vertebral subluxation c. dIH wze' lK) V]d
atlas-axis c. u* wINH V]d* (VSC)
Buford c. uu V]d compliance WUD
bunionette-hallux bI UN WFOu W complicated complex nUC* V]d* lU_ UH
valgus-splayfoot c. U]d bI _ syndactyly
bunion-hallux valgus c. bI UN WFOu W complication W HUC
_ intraoperative c. W]OKLF UM w WHUC
epiphyseal c. wUA V]d neurologic c. W]OB WHUC
fabellofibular c. uEA uKuH V]d* neurovascular c. W]OzU W]OB WHUC
complex V]d postoperative c. WdK WOU WHUC
fibrocartilage c. wdC wHO V]d pulmonary c. W]uz WHUC
forearm c. bU V]d urologic c. W]Ou WHUC
c. fracture V]d d component =uJ
Ghon-Sachs c. fU u V]d acetabular c. w=I =uJ
hallux valgus-metatarsus _ bI UN W AML trial hip c. AML wd u =uJ
primus varus c. ]_ jA* Z Amstutz femoral c. eu V c H =uJ*
c. instability of carpus md dI U b Aufranc-Turner femoral c. V c H =uJ*
(CIC) V]d* ddO pd
knee c. Wd V]d Bechtol acetabular c. uJ V w=I( =uJ*
lateral quadruple c. wAu wUd V]d* bipolar femoral c. VDI wzUM c  =uJ
ligament-bone c. rEF Ud b]IF Bombelli-Morscher V c H =uJ*
lumbopelvic c. w{u( wMDI b]IF* femoral c. du w=Ku
medial quadruple c. w wUd V]d* cemented c. w* =uJ*
c. meniscal tear W]d* WN W e cementless c. w =uJ*
c. motor unit action W]Od( buK qFH sU cementless femoral c. w c H =uJ*
potential V]d* chamfered-cylinder wuD_ w=I( =uJ*
postural c. wF{ V]d acetabular c. uDA*
quadruple c. wU V]d Charnley narrow stem c. V o=OC wc' =uJ*
c. repetitive discharge V]d* =dJ* mdH wKU
semimembranosus c. nBM wzUA V]d Charnley standard stem c. UOF* wc' =uJ*
shoulder c. nJ V]d wKU V
spinal cord-meningeal c. U M UU V]d cobra-design femoral c. qJA r]LB* c H =uJ*
c. syndactyly WIBK* lU _ V]d duJ

- 141 -
DePuy trispiked UuA w w=I( =uJ* Tricon-M c. M uJd =uJ
acetabular c. u V Universal radial c. UdHOu dFJ =uJ*
femoral c. c H =uJ* composite b]IF V]d
c. of gait WOA* =uJ c. defect V]d VO
glenoid c. wU]I( =uJ* E-A-R specialty c.'s E-A-R h^B U]d*
Healey revision V ]bF* w=I( =uJ* c. flap W]d* WKb
acetabular c. wKO c. fracture V]d* dJ
humeral c. bC =uJ c. free tissue transfer V]d* d( ZOM qI
Infinity femoral c. wMOH V c H =uJ* c. graft V]d* rFD
keel of glenoid c. wUI( W{U =uJ c. material W]d* u*
kinesiopathologic c. wuuU wd =uJ c. rib graft V]d* lKC rF
large-head humeral c. d dOJ bCF =uJ c. skin graft V]d* bK' rF
Lubinus acetabular c. fOMOu V w=I( =uJ* c. spring elastic splint V]d* U]dK Wd* dO'
metal-backed acetabular c. dNE wbF* w=I( =uJ* c. tissue transfer V]d* ZOM qI
Metasul hip joint c. V u qBH =uJ compound V]d
UO c. action potential V]d* qFH sU
modular large-head c. ]bF* dOJ d =uJ c. mixed nerve action jK< VBF qF sU
Neer II humeral c. 2 dO V bCF =uJ potential V]d*
neuromuscular c. wKC wB =uJ c. motor nerve action wd( VBF qF sU
Ogee acetabular c. w V w=I( =uJ* potential V]d*
Osteolock HA femoral c. V HA c H =uJ* c. muscle action potential V]d* WKCF qF sU
uuO (CMAP)
Osteonics Omnifit-HA c. V HA =uJ c. muscle-motor action wKCF wd( qFH sU
XOHOM fJOuO potential (CMAP) V]d*
performance c. _ =uJ c. nerve action potential V]d* VBF qF sU
porous cementless c. wLOL w =uJ* c. nevus W]d WL
porous-coated c. v]DG* wLOL =uJ* OCT c. OCT V]d
posterior c. wHK) =uJ* c. sensory nerve action w=( VBF qF sU
postural c. wF{u =uJ* potential V]d*
prosthesis c. wb =uJ* c. shattered elbow V]d* r]D* od*
sensory c. w=( =uJ* compressed nitrogen uGC* 5dM
structural c. uOM wOd =uJ* compressible UGC qU jGCM
sympathetic c. =u =uJ* compression jG{ UGC
Tharies femoral c H `OD U =uJ anterior cord c. wU_ q( UGC
resurfacing c. fU V anterior posterior c. wHK) wU_ UGC
Tibac acetabular c. UO V w=I( =uJ* anterior-posterior c. (APC) wHK) wU_ UGC
tibial c. wuME =uJ* anteroposterior c. (APC) wHK) wU_ UGC
trial c. wd& =uJ AO c. AO UGC
c. trial U=uJ* Wd c. apparatus UGC UN
trial femoral c. wd c H =uJ* c. arthrodesis wUGC qBH* U

- 142 -
axial c. u* UGC c. plate fixation W]OUGC WOHB XO
c. bandage WDU{ WUB c. rod UGC VOC
c. boot WDUC U u c. rod treatment jU]C u^MU
carotid artery c. wU UdA UGC c. screw wUGC wd
cauda aquina c. dH V UGC c. screw device W]OUGC wd eON
Charnley c. wKU V UGC c. screw-plate device wd WOH eON
cord c. U M q( UGC W]OUGC
c. device jGC eON c. sideplate W]OUGC W]OAu WOHB
disk c. w d UGC c. spring wUGC U]d
c. dressing jU{ UL{ static c. wuJ UGC
duodenal c. dAUM UGC c. strain wUGC UN
dynamic c.(DC) wJOUMb UGC c. technique UGC WId
elastic c. d* UGC c. test UGC U
c. extension wUGC bbL c. testing UGC U
c. fixation wUGC XO compression jGC UGC
c. flexion wUGC wM c. U rod instrumentation VOCIK W]OUGC _
c. fracture wUGC d U qJA
c. Harrington W]OUGC _ ULF venous c. bu UGC
instrumentation u=U V vertebral c. dIH UGC
Harrigton rod WOUGC _ ULF vertical c. uLF UGC
instrumentation c. u=U V UCIK c. wire UGC pK
c. hip screw wUGC u wd c. wiring wUGC pOK
c. hook W]OUGC U]MB compression-molded UGCU WuI* Wb
c. inserter-extractor wUGC d  U prosthesis
c. instrumentation W]OUGC _ ULF compressive WH jU{
c. instrumentation posterior  wHK) VOd c. centripetal wrapping ed* u WDU{ WUH
construct W]OUGC c. dressing jU{ UL{
interfragmentary c. bA 5 UGC c. flexion injury WDUC WOM* WU
intermittent c. l=DI* UGC c. neuropathy wUGC wBF
ischemic c. UH UGC c. rod jUC VOCI
c. lag screw wUGC R^JK wd compressor r jU{
lateral c. (LC) LC wAu UGC Adair screw c. d V wd jU{
c. load wUGC qL screw c. wd jU{
c. loading wUGC qOL Compton clavicle pin uu V u d u^
median nerve c. j=u* VBF UGC computed tomography (CT) Vu wFDI duB
c. molding jG]CU Wu computer-assisted, uU(U bU
napkin ring c. d WIK UGC computer-aided
nerve root c. VBF c UGC c.-a. design (CAD) uU(U bU rOLB
c. overload wUGC qOL U c.-a. design/computer bU rOLB
c. plate W]OUGC WOHB assisted manufacturing b WUM uU(U

- 143 -
prosthesis uU(U bU* system Xu V
c.-a. design-controlled WuC* nO d] WId C. beach chair shoulder wdJ wHJ UCO UN
alignment method uU(U bU* rOLBU positioning system Xu V TUA
(CAD-CAM) C. cannula Eftekhar c. U  V Xu W]OM
computerized Vu C. II rowing ergometer II jLM WuHB* W]OLMb UOI
c. axial tomography (CAT) u* wFDI* duB Xu V
Vu* one wound-one scar c. WbM bu d' uNH
c. isokinetic dynamometer u W]OKCF ]uI UOI bu
Vu* Wd( C. 2-pin passer II Xu u^b dL
c. musculoskeletal analysis wKCF wKJON qOK C. Precise ACL guide V eUd bd* UN
Vu* system Xu
c. patient record (CPR) Vu* id* q C. rotator cuffrepair =b* W]HJ `OKB UN
c. tomography Vu* wFDI* duB system Xu V
ComputeRow duOL C. self-compressing wc v]MI* wd UN
Universal C. UdHOu duOL cannulated screw system Xu V UGC
Conaxial ankle prosthesis UOUu V qUJ Wb C. Sterling arthroscopy wKBH* dOEM qB UN
concave d]FI blade system ZMOd Xu V
c. articular surface d]FI* wKBH* `D three-column c. W bL_ uNH
c. loading socket d]FI* qOL aM Concise cementing sculp eUM V j=KL* XM
c. rod d]FI VOC concomitant VUB
concave-surface reamer d]FI* `D uI concretion UB
concavity d^FI concurrent force system se* ]uI UN
flexural c. wzUM d^FI concussion U
concentrate U e=d condensing osteitis n=J* rEF UN
platelet c. UOHB U condition d WU
concentration eOd degenerative spine c. WO^JM W]OU WU
minimal bactericidal c. rOdK bO* dG _ eOd dysvascular c. WO_ q WU
minimal inhibitory c. v_ ^wDO] eOd] sterile c. WL]IF WU
motion c. Wd( eOd tumorous c. W]O WU
serum bactericidal c. wKB* rOdK bO* eOd conditioned stimulus (CS) wd t=M
concentric ed conditioner n=OJ
c. contraction ed* l^HI Shuttle cardio-muscular c. V wKCF wKI n=OJ*
c. function ed* WHOu qu
c. lamella ed* `zUHB conditioning nOOJ d
c. loading ed* qOL c. stimulus wd t=M
c. needle electrode ed* d d* work c. qLF nOOJ
c. reduction ed* ^d conduction qO u
c. work ed* qLF c. block qO u UB
concept Wd Xu uNH c. distance W]OKO u WU
C. arthroscopy power w qBH* dOEM UN c. time qO u s X

- 144 -
c. velocity (CV) qO u Wd C. ring curette u V WOIK WDAJ
c. velocity test qO u Wd U coned-down view wd * qH dEM
volume c. wL qO u configuration WO RUN
conductor q=u activity c. UAM WO
Bozzini light c. wM=u V uC q= u Cotrel-Dubousset hook V U]MB VK  WO
light c. wzu{ q= u claw c. XOu du
condylar wLI Dudley J. Morton foot c. w V bI WO
c. articulation wLIK qBHL uu fLO
c. femoral fracture c H wLIK dJ triangular base transverse Y]K* dF* VOCI WO
c. fracture wLIK dJ bar c. bUI
c. implant W]OLI Wd confirmatory testing W]bOu U
c. implant arthroplasty W]OLI WdG qBH* confluent UL jK 
c. plate W]OLIK WOHB Conform dressing uHu bOLC
c. screw fixation wLIK wd XO confusion test jOK  U
condyle WLIK congenita wIK
bifid c. W uIA* WLIK amyoplasia c. wIK) q^CF uB
c. block WLIK UB amyotonia c. wIK) wKCF vu
femoral c. W]c H WLIK dyskeratosis c. wIK) ^dI
flare of the c. WLIK ZO fragilitas ossium c. W]OIK) rEF WUA
humeral c. W]bCF WLIK luxatio coxae c. wIK) u( lK
lateral c. W]OAu WLIK myotonia c. wIK) qCF d^Q
lateral femoral c. W]OAu W]c H WLIK paramyotonia c. d^u wKCF Z^MA
lateral tibial c. W]OAu W]OuME WLIK u
medial c. W]O WLIK congenital ywIK
medial femoral c. W]O W]c H WLIK c. above-elbow amputation wIK) od* vK d
medial humerus c. W]O W]bCF WLIK c. annular bands W]OIK) W]OIK( Wd_
occipital c. W]OcI WLIK c. anomaly wIK c
odontoid c. W]OM WLIK c. aphalangia wIK) lU _ bF
tibial c. W]OuME WLIK c. atlantoaxial instability u* wINH dI b
condylectomy WLIK UB wIK)
DuVries plantar c. W]OBL_ WLIK UB c. band syndrome wIK) jdA W
ed V c. below-elbow amputation wIK) od* qH d
plantar c. W]OBL_ WLIK UB c. clasped thumb wIK) uA* UN
condylocephalic w wLI c. convex pes plano valgus W]OIK Ub U] U b
Edner nail c. wd wLIK d UL c. deformity wIK ^uA
c. nail w wLI UL c. dislocation wIK lK
c. nailing w wLI dOL c. dislocation of hip (CDH) CDH wIK) u lK
cone d  c. disorder disease wIK) dD{
c. arthrodesis wd * qBH* U c. dysplasia of hip (CDH) wIK) u Z^M qK b
c. bur wd * UI* CDH

- 145 -
c. dystrophy wIK) q( c. wryneck wIK) w d dFB
c. fibrous band wIK) wHOK jdA congestion UI
c. fracture wIK d flap c. WKb UI
c. general fibromatosis U ywIK ywHO congestive heart failure wUI VKI qA
c. hemivertebra W]OIK W]OHB dI congruence U
c. hip dislocation wIK) u lK patellofemoral c. c H wH{d U
c. hip dysplasia wIK) u b congruency oUD U
c. hip subluxation wIK) uK wze' lK) congruous l rM
c. hyperphosphatasemic UH dH* wKJON b conical wd 
skeletal dysplasia (CHSD) CHSD wIK) b c. bur wd * UI*
c. hypotonia wIK) wKCF d^u hI c. obturator W]Od  b
c. intercalary limb absence wIK) rI* dD UO c. reamer wd * uI*
c. kyphosis wIK) b( conjoined b]u
c. laxity of ligament WD W]OIK) Ud c. lateral band rCM* wAu jdA
c. limb deficiency wIK) d_ hI c. tendon rCM* du
c. metatarsus adductus wIK) d _ jA* Conley pin wKu u^
c. myotonia wIK) wKCF d^Q connecting bolt wUB= VuK* UL*
c. posteromedial bowing wIK) w wIK) ^uI connection UB=
c. predisposition W]OIK) W_ Martin-Gruber c. dd 5U UB
c. pseudoarthrosis wIK) UJ UBH Riche-Cannieu c. uOU g UB
c. radioulnar synostosis be wLEF U connective yU{
wIK) dFJ c. tissue UC ZOM
c. ring W]OIK) WIK( c. tissue disease UC ZOM
c. ring syndrome W]OIK) WIK( W c. tissue massage (CTM) UC ZOM pOb
c. scapular elevation wIK) nJ l c. tissue plasticity UC ZOM Wb
c. scoliosis wIK) nM' connector WKO
c. spondylolisthesis wIK) UIH e adjustable c. WuC* WKO u
c. synostosis wIK) wLEF U adjustable pedicle c. WuC* WIu WKO
c. talipes equinovarus wIK yw ybH nM Beurrier c. t=uO WKO
c. terminal limb absence wIK) wzUNM dD UO dual (bypass) c.s We* qzU u
c. tibial pseudoarthrosis wIK) wuME UJ UBH intrinsic transverse c. W]OKb W{dF* WKO u
c. torticollis wIK) dFB longitudinal member to W=* WKO uK wuD dD
c. trigger digit W]OIK) W]Ue l anchor c.
c. trigger finger W]OIK) W]Ue l longitudinal member to dD v wuD dD
c. type II kyphosis II jLM s wIK) b( longitudinal member c. WKO uK wuD
c. type I kyphosis I jLM s wIK) b( pedicle c. WIu WKO
c. ulnar drift wIK) be Ue tandem c. W]Od WKO
c. vertical talus wIK) uLF qUJ transverse c. W{dF WKO
c. vertical talus foot uLF wKUJ bI ^uA Connolly wKu^u
deformity wIK) C. procedure wKu^u d

- 146 -
C. technique wKu^u WId anterior c. wU_ VOd
conoid wUd  AO dynamic compression W]OUGC WOHB VOd
c. ligament wUd * Ud plate c. W]OJOUMb
c. tubercle W]OUd * Wb( compression  wHK) VOd
Conrad-Bugg trapping u du V f instrumentation posterior c. W]OUGC
Conray contrast media W]OMU du U disease c. d* WOM
consecutive dislocation V UF* lK) double-rod c. VOCI e* VOd
consensual light reflex wzu{ yw UH= fJFM Edwards modular system UNK d* WK' UM
conservatism WE U* bridging sleeve c. V ]bF*
clinical c. WOJOMOK WEU* Edwards modular system UNK wUGC VOd
conservative k U k U compression c. V ]bF*
c. management w u dOb Edwards modular system UNK d fFI UM
c. therapy WO u W'UF* distraction-lordosis c. V ]bF*
consistency u U Edwards modular system ]bF* UNK b( = VOd
boggy c. wFIM U kyphoreduction c. V
doughy c. wMO u Edwards modular system ]bF* UNK UF VOd
consolidation b^KB U neutralization c. V
delayed c. d=Q U Edwards modular system UNK wOCI =rJ UM
fracture line c. dJ j U rod sleeve c. V ]bF*
premature c. d U Edwards modular system ]bF* UNK nM' VOd
constancy U scoliosis c. V
form c. qJA U Edwards modular system ]bF* UNK UIH VOd
constant XU WU spondylo c. V
c. direct current stimulator XU dU* U]O UM Edwards modular system UNK UOF* =rJ UM
c. massive motion WU W]OKJ Wd( standard sleeve c. V ]bF*
constant-friction knee UJ WLz]b Wd hook-to-screw L4-S1 W]OMDI dIH UGC VOd
constant-touch perception XU fLK compression c. UEM v_ W]eF WFd
ConstaVac autoreinfusion wc b qI U UN wd v >h
system U Uu V iliosacral and iliac wH d( wH d( XO d
constrained b]OI fixation c eF
c. ankle arthroplasty b]OI* qUJ qBH U pedicle screw c. WIu wd VOd
c. condylar knee b]OI W]OLI W c. pedicle screw-laminar wOHB WIu wd VOd
c. hinged knee prosthesis b]OI* W]=d Wd Wb claw c. wK  VOd
c. nonhinged knee prosthesis b]OI* W]=d dO Wd Wb posterior c. wHK VOd
c. prosthesis b]OI* Wb rod-hook c. U]MB VOCI VOd
c. shoulder arthroplasty b]OI* nJ qBH U screw-to-screw wd wd UGC VOd
constriction o^OC compression c.
hourglass c. W]OKd WU qJA o^OC segmental compression c. wFDI UGC VOd
c. ring o^OC WIK single-rod c. VOCI U VOd
construct UM 2 VOd 1 Spondylo c. UIH VOd

- 147 -
triplane c. u* w VOd patellar c. WH{d UH
TSRH double-rod c. V uF We WOM polyethylene proximal w W]OMOKO wu WOb u(
(TSRH) brims in quadrilateral c. {_ wUd UHJ
upper cervical spine dIHK wU_ VOd spinal c. dI UH
anterior c. W]uKF W]O d Wiberg type II patellar c. II jLM s WH{d UH
upper cervical spine W]O d dIHK wHK) VOd d V
posterior c. W]uKF contoured w u( n]OJ n]HJ
Wiltse system double- UN' VOCI e VOd c. adduction uC* nO d WId
rod c. eKO trochanteric-controlled n]OJ* b* VdIU
Wiltse system H c. eKO UN' II VOd alignment method wu(
Wiltse system single-rod c. UN' VOCI bO VOd (CAT-CAM)
eKO c. anterior spinal plate WH]HJ* W]OU_ W]dIH WOHB
contact wU9 UL c. anterior spinal plate drill W]dIH WOHB VI qO
C. ArthroProbe dd UL guide WH]HJ* W]OU_
c. force UL ]u c. anterior spinal plate W]OU_ W]dIH WOHB WId
c. healing w=UL U technique WH]HJ*
c. laser delivery system w=UL eOK bOu UN c. felt padding n]HJ* U]K uA
c. manipulation W]OUL WUM c. T-plate plate n]HJ* T qJA WOHB qB
manual c. b yUL c. washer WH]HJ* WKG*
c. point UL WDI contouring w u( nOOJ
c. shield UL Contour internal prosthesis uu V W]OKb Wb
standing knee bend PSIS c. WH u Wd qO* PSIS UL contract h^KI
standing knee bend PSIS Wd qO* PSIS eF ^UL Contract Relax Agonist C. U  iUM h^KI
sacrum c. WH u (CRAC)
content u c. relax technique h^KI U WId
carotid c. wU u* contractility W]OuK
hydrolyze disc c. dI u WNLK muscle c. WKCF W]O uK
context jO WO UO contraction h^KI
performance c. _ UO active c. jA h^KI
contiguous U concentric c. ed h^KI
c. articular surface U wKBH `D direct c. dU h^KI
c. vertebral structure U* W]dIH WOM eccentric c. ed h^KI
continuity qu dL extrafusal fiber c. eG* U nOK h^KI
continuous dL c. fasciculation wB^KI we( U
c. passive motion (CPM) ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( isometric c. UOI u h^KI
c. passive motion machine ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( WMU isotonic c. d^u ^u h^KI
Continuum knee system qu* Wd UN Wd lengthening c. wKuD h^KI
implant (CKS implant) maintained c. dL h^KI
contour UH muscular c. wKC h^KI
double hump c. Wb( e UH reflex c. wUJF h^KI

- 148 -
reflex muscular c. wUJF wKC h^KI retropatellar fat pad c. nK WOMb Uu l^HI
repeated quick stretch u V]d* ]dJ* ld ^j* WH{d
superimposed upon an uu* h^KI rotational c. db l^HI
existing c. (RQS-SEC) Skoog procedure for release l^HI dd uJ d
shortening c. dOBI h^KI of Dupuytren c. du
tetanic c. e h^KI soft tissue c. ud ZOM l^HI
c. type h^KI jL spastic c. w^MA l^HI
volitional c. h^KI spastic intrinsic c. QAM* wK w^MA l^HI
contracture l^HI supination c. UIK l^HI
abduction c. bOF l^HI valgus c. l^HI
acute ischemic c. U UH l^HI varus c. Z l^HI
adduction c. =dI l^HI Volkmann c. ULJu l^HI
axillary c. wD l^HI Volkmann ischemic c. UH ULJu l^HI
burn c. d( l^HI web c. du l^HI
digital c. lU _ l^HI contraindication ULF lU
Dupuytren c. du l^HI contralateral qUI* VU'
equinus c. bH l^HI c. pain qUI* VU'U r
established c. b]u l^HI c. sign qUI* VU' W
extension c. j l^HI bbL l^HI c. straight leg raising VU'U WLOI* U l
external rotation c. wU) bU l^HI qUI*
fixed flexion c. (FFC) XU wM l^HI c. straight leg raising test WLOI* U l U
flexion c. wM l^HI qUI* VU'U
flexion, abduction, external b bOF wM l^HI contrast sU
rotation c. wU) c. agent wMU qU
forearm c. bU l^HI air c. wzu sU
hip c. u l^HI c. bath (CB) wMU U]L
hip flexor c. u wM l^HI c. media W]OMU U
intrinsic c. QAM* wK l^HI contrecoup WdC l
ischemic c. UH l^HI fracture by c. WdC ld d
lumbrical intrinsic c. QAM* wK wMOd l^HI c. fracture WdC l d
muscle c. WKCF l^HI c. injury WdC l WU
opposition c. w{UF l^HI control jOC W d r^J
paralytic c. wKK l^HI 3-D positional c. UF_ w wF{u r^J
pelvic flexion c. (PFC) w{u( wM l^HI Dupaco knee c. uU V Wd r^J
postpoliomyelitic c. W]OUM UN wU l^HI exsanguination tourniquet c. eM W UF r^J
UH_ qK U M habitual c UF r^J
pronation c. bO W wM =VJ l^HI image c. uBU r^J
qH monitored anesthesia c. V d* db  r^J
quadriceps c. d W]OU l^HI (MAC)
rectus femoris c W]c H WLOI* l^HI motion c. Wd(U r^J

- 149 -
postural c. wF{ r^J Conyers technique dOu WId
pronation c. =VJU r^J Cook-Gordon mechanism u u WO
swing phase c. `Q uD r^J cookie dOG WJF W]UMHF
tourniquet c. W UFU r^J arch c. uI W]UMH
trunk c. c'U r^J c. cutter W]UMHF lU
verticality c. uL r^J met c. WLz W]UMH
controlled j]C uC metatarsal c. UA_ W]UMH
c. ankle walker j]C* qUJ wU navicular shoe c. W]O e c( W]UMH
c. rotational osteotomy j]C* db rEF lD scaphoid shoe c. w e c( W]UMH
controlled-motion brace j]C* Wd( UM shoe c. c( W]UMH
contusion Cook walking brace u V wA* UM
hip c. u ^ coolant =d
pulmonary c. uz y Cooley wu
rib c. lKC C. graft clamp wu V rFD UIK
conus medullaris syndrome wU M d * W C. iliac clamp wu V WH d( UIK
conventional bOKI UO C. multipurpose angled ]e d_ =bF UIK
c. osteosarcoma W]UO W]OLE WuU clamp wu V
c. silicone elastomer (CSE) wuJOKO wUMB UD* C. multipurpose clamp V d_ =bF UIK
bOKI wu
c. technique W]bOKI WId C. multipurpose curved d_ =bF* wMM* UIK*
c. tomography UO wFDI duB clamp wu V
Conventry proximal tibial wb wuME rEF lD CoolSorb uu
osteotomy bOKI C. absorbent cold transfer U* U qIM UL{
convergence UI dressing uu V
angle of c. UI W C. transfer dressing uu V qIM UL{
c. facilitation UI WuN Coombs bone biopsy V rEF e UN
c. projection UI UI system eu
Converse splint dOHu dO Coonrad du
convex ]b C. hinged prosthesis du V W]=d Wb
c. condylar implant W]OLI WdG qBH* C. semiconstrained elbow V b]OI* nB od* Wb
arthroplasty W]b prosthesis du
c. fusion ]b* Zb C. total elbow arthroplasty qUJ od* qBH U
c. pes valgus W]b U b du V
c. rod ]b VOC Coonrad-Morrey u du
convexity ^b C.-M. elbow prosthesis du V od* Wb
distal ulnar c. w UI be ^b u
left lumbar c. d wMD ^b C.-M. total elbow qUJ od* qBH
c. of the spine UIH ^b arthroplasty u du V
ulnar c. be ^b Coonse-Adams e eu
convulsion C.-A. knee approach e eu V Wd vQ

- 150 -
C.-A. technique e eu WId digital c. wF q(
Coopercare Lastrap Udu V Ub W UH heel c. VIF q
support wrap d lateral c. wAu q(
Coopernail sign qOdu W natatory c. u q(
Cooper reduction du c. portion q( r
coordinated mobility oUM ^d pretendinous c. du q q(
coordinate system (X,Y,Z) X,Y,Z oUM* UN' retrovascular c. WO_ nK q(
coordination oUM space available for the c. qK U* dH
muscular c. wKCF oUM (SAC)
Copeland-Howard V bB wHJ Zb spinal c. U ^M wuA q(
scapulothoracic fusion u bu spiral c. weK( q(
copper deficiency syndrome UM u W c. syndrome q( W
coracoacromial wd wd tethered spinal c. b]OI* U ^M
c. arch W]Od_ W]OdG uI c. traction syndrome q( =d W
c. ligament wd_ wdG Ud cordlike structure q( qJA WOM
c. ligament transfer wd_ wdG Ud qI Cordon-Colles fracture u V dJ dO
c. process wd_ wdG TUM splint f=u
coracoclavicular u d wd cordotomy U ^M lD =wu]B q( lD
c. arthrodesis u d wdG qBH* core yV
c. articulation u d wdG qBH* c. biopsy WO= We
c. distance W]u d W]OdG WU* c. biopsy obturator WO=K We) b
c. fixation u d wdG XO c. decompression VK UGC nOH
c. fixation apparatus u d wdG XO UN c. drilling procedure VK VI d
c. joint u d wdG qBH* c. suture W]O= WUO
c. ligament u d wdG Ud coring w=
c. screw fixation u d wdG wd XO c. apparatus w= UN
c. suture fixation W]u d W]OdG WUO) XO c. device W]O= eON
c. technique W]u d W]Od WId cork borer 5=KH VI
coracohumeral ligament bCF wdG Ud corkscrew femoral head c H d wu lU
coracoid wd extractor
c. fracture wdG dJ corn d WJL 5 UL
c. impingement syndrome wdG UIF W end c. wzUN UL
c. notch nJ WLK W]OdG WLK^ hard c. VK UL
c. process wdG TUM interdigital c. lU _ 5 UL
Coraderm dressing du UL{ Lister c. dO UL
coralline hydroxyapatite 5uJ XOU wbO neurovascular c. wzUu wBF UL*
cord q plantar c. wBL UL
central c. ed* q( soft c. u UL
cervical spinal c. w d U ^M wU ^M q( web c. du UL
c. compression U ^M q( UGC Cornelia de Lange Z UOKu W

- 151 -
syndrome c. superior ligament dF* rK uKF Ud
corner Wd W cor pulmonale uzd VKI
c. fracture We d corpuscle rO
posteromedial c. W]O W]OHK) We Vater-Pacini c. wMOU dU rO
4-corner l_ Ue correction `OB
c. fusion l_ Ue Z anterior c. wU_ `OB
c. midcarpal fusion Ue s md j Z Beckenbaugh c. uMJ `OB
l_ Bonferroni c. w^dHu `OB
corneum W]dA W]OdI WI]D W=dI* chevron hallux valgus c. _ bI UN `OB
stratum c. W=dI* WI]D bd qJA
cornoid wd coronal plane c. wKOK u*U `OB
cornuate navicular =dI* w e cubitus varus c. Z_ od* `OB
cornu cutaneum bK d hallux varus c. Z_ bI UN `OB
coronal wU wKOK Johnson-Spiegl hallux Z_ bI UN `OB
c. plane wKOK u* varus c. qO uu V
c. plane correction wKOK u*U `OB Kilsyn-Evans principle of `OBK eUH sUKO b
c. plane deformity wKOK u*U ^uA frontal plane c. wN' u*U
c. plane deformity sagittal u*U ^uAK wLN qI King type IV curve s wMM* wHK) `OB
translation wKOK posterior c. ZMO V IV jLM
c. split fracture wKOK uDA d kyphosis c. b( `OB
c. tilting wKOK O* mechanism of c. `OB WO
coronary wU oligosegmental c. lDI qOK `OB
c. angiography W]OU WO_ duB phalangeal malunion c. UO U u `OB
c. artery disease wU UdA rotational c. db `OB
c. ligament wU Ud Ruiz-Mora c. u u `OB
coronoid wOK scoliosis c. nM' `OB
c. line wOK ^j) Steel c. qO `OB
c. process wOK TUM corrective wOB `=B
c. process fracture wOK TUM d c. cast `=B* VUI
corpectomy r' UB c. orthosis `=B uI
anterior c. wU_ r' UB corrodens WU]_
c. model r' UB u/ Eikenella c. WU]_ WKOMOJ_
vertebral body c. dIH r' UB corrosion UJz
Corporation Wd crevice c. wFK UJz
Accurate Surgical and W]OLKF W]Od' _ Wd fretting c. w= UJz
Scientific Instruments C. WIO b metal implant c. W]ObF* WdG UJz
(ASSI) corrugated reamer ]uL* uI*
corporectomy amputation r' UBU d corset ybA
corporotransverse dF* r' Camp c. VU ^bA
c. inferior ligament dF* rK wKH Ud elastic ankle c. d* qUJ ^bA

- 152 -
Hoke lumbar c. u V wMDI ^bA* c. windowing dA c^HM
Kampe c. wU ^bA corticocancellous bone graft wMH dA wLE rF
leather ankle c. bK' qUJ ^bA corticosteroid bdOuJOu
lumbosacral c. eF wMDI ^bA* depot c. bdOuJOu db
soft c. u ybA postoperative c.s wU bdOuJOuJ
c. suspension =bA* oOKF WdK
thigh c. c H ^bA c. therapy (CS) bdOuJOuJU W'UF*
cortex, pl. cortices dA dA corticosteroid-induced ]d* WO_ bF d
adrenal c. dEJ dA avascular necrosis bdOuJOuJU
femoral c. W]c  dA corticotomy dAI lD
lateral c. W]OU dA DeBastiani c. wUOU V dAI lD
c. screw dAI wd percutaneous c. bK' dAI lD
vertebral body anterior c. dIH rK W]OU_ dAI c. of proximal tibia wb uME dA lD
cortical dA cortisone dEJ dA ud eOu
c. atrophy dAI uLC Cortone uu
c. bone dAI rEF corundum ceramic implant W]uU] W]O e) WdG ]U
c. bone graft dAI rEF rF material
c. bone modeling dAI rEF Wu Coryllos-Doyen periosteal V UL WF
c. bone primary canal dAI rEFK W]O]_ UMI elevator s u^Ku
c. bone remodeling dAI rEF Wu U Coryllos rasp u^Ku U
c. cancellous screw dAI wMH wd Corynebacterium Wud W]bu
c. defect dA VO cosmesis qOL
c. desmoid dA wU poor c. d qOL
c. desmoid tumor dA wU costal wFK{
c. destruction dAI ^d  c. cartilage wFKC dCG
c. drill dAI VI* c. notch WOFKC WLK
c. fibrous dysplasia dAI Z^M qK b costectomy lKC UB
wHOK costochondral w dC wFK{
c. fracture dAI dJ c. joint wdCG wFKC qBH*
c. fragment W]dA Wb c. junction of rib wdCG wFKC q u*
c. graft dA rF lKCK
c. perforation dAI VI costochondritis wFKC dCG UN
c. pin dAI u^b costoclavicular u d wFK{
c. plate W]dAI WOHB c. ligament u d wFKC Ud
c. screw dAI wd c. maneuver W]u d W]OFK{ UM
c. step drill dAI ]b* VI* c. space u d wFKC e=O(
c. strut graft dA wU rF c. syndrome W]u d W]OFKC W*
c. versus cancellous bone rEF qUI dAI rEF c. syndrome test W]u d W]OFKC W* U
wMH c. test u d wFK{ U
c. window W]dA cU costolumbar angle W]OMDI W]OFKC We

- 153 -
costosternal angle W]O=BI W]OFKC We C. saw qu UAM
costotransverse w{dF wFK{ cotton VO u^u 2 sD 1
c. joint w{dF* wFKC qBH* C. ankle fracture u^u V qUJ d
costotransversectomy w{dF ywFK{ lD c. bolster W]OMD U
Seddon dorsal spine c. UO=K w{dF ywFK{ lD c. cast padding sDIU VUI uA
^bO V W]OdNE c. dressing wMD UL{
c. technique w{dF* wFKC lDI WId c. elastic bandage W]OMDI Wd* WUBF
costovertebral dI ywFK{ c. fracture wMDI dJ
c. angle (CVA) W]dIH WOFKC We C. reduction of elbow od* lK) u^u
c. angle tenderness W]dIH W]OFKC We dislocation
c. joint dIH wFKC qBH* c. roll W]OMD W]H
Cotrel du c. sheet wadding W]OMDI * uA
C. pedicle screw du V WIu ^wd c. suture wMD jO
C. pedicle screw fixation V WIu wd XO u cottonloader sDI q]L
strength du c. position sDI q]L l{
C. pedicle screw rigidity V WIu wd qL c. position cast sDI q]L l{ VU
du cottonoid wMD
C. scoliosis du V nM' c. patty wMD d
C. scoliosis cast du V nM' VU cotyloid notch W]O=I( WLK^
C. traction du V d' Couch-Derosa-Throop d u V qIM
Cotrel-Dubousset XOu du transfer d
C.-D. dynamic transverse dF* =d' eON couche ]dD
traction device du V wJOUMb c. chondroide ]dD dC
XOu c. spongoide ]dD ZMH
C.-D. hook claw V U]MB VK  WO cough test UF U
configuration XOu du Coulter counter du ]b
C.-D. instrumentation V _ ULF Coumadin sUu
XOu du count yb
C.-D. pedicle screw V WIu wd instrument, sponge, and d ZMH _ ^b
instrumentation XOu du needle c.
C.-D. pedicular du V WIu lymphocyte c. W]UHLK U) ^b
instrumentation XOu platelet c. W]ub UOH^B ^b
C.-D. rod XOu du VOC potassium-40 c. 40 uOUu ^b
C.-D. rod flexibility du V VOCI Wd white blood cell c. UCO b U]d ^b
XOu counter qUI ]b
C.-D. spinal instrument du V W]dI Coulter c. du ]b
XOu extended medial shoe c. bL* w c( ]b
Cottle qu Geiger c. dO ]b
C. osteotome qu V rEF lC heel c. wIF qUI*
C. rasp qu V rEF U c. nutation =dJ e UG

- 154 -
qUI dK Coverlet XOd u
c. rotating saw qUI* db UAM C. adhesive XOdu o
c. sink fUF u C.adhesive surgical V o wd UL{
counterbore qUI VI dressing XOdu
cloverleaf c. rOd W qJA qUI VI Cover-Roll adhesive gauze V o U UL{
counterclockwise WU UI fJ dressing dH
counterrotational splint qUI* db dO Cowden disease U
countersink wM UH uDA VI Cowen-Loftus toe-phalanx V bI lU v
=u  w u( uDA transplantation u u u
c. screw head =u * wd cowhorn brace dI d UM
countersinking osteotomy =u * rEF lD coxa
countersunk qUI UH c. brevis dOB
countertraction splint W'UF* fUF* =d' dO c. valga U
uJ c. vara U
Count'R-Force arch brace XU V ]uI UM c. vara deformity pelvic Z_ u ^uA b
u radiotherapy w{u( lOFAU
coupled e coxarthria u qBH UN
c. discharge e mdH caxarthritis u qBH UN
c. motion We Wd coxarthropathy u
coupler e coxarthrosis u UB
Couvelaire incision dKO u o coxitis u UN
Coventry dM u coxofemoral c w
C. distal femoral osteotomy w UI c H rEF lD c. articulation c H wu qBH*
dMu V c. joint c H wu qBH*
C. femoral osteotomy V c H rEF lD Cozen-Brockway ud u
dMu C.-B. technique ud u WId
c. screw dMu wd C.-B. Z-plasty u V z qJA d
C. staple dMu ] ud
C. vagal osteotomy V rN* rEF lD Cozen test u U
dMu CP dB 
cover UD cerebral palsy w=< qKA
AquaShield reusable ULF bbF dO' UD Certified Prothetist U* qzb w UB
cast c. bKOu V CP Sports Balance qzbK u* nOMB
cast c. VUI UD Classification bLF* W]O{Ud
Dryspell cast c. q V VUI UD CPM dB 
coverage WODG continuous passive motion ]dL* WKFHM* Wd(
skin c. bK' WODG AIM CPM AIM ]dL* WKFHM* Wd(
covering UD CPM apparatus ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( UN
epineural c. W]OBF uI u UD CPM device ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( eON
fascial sheath c. wUHK bLG UD CPM machine ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( WMU

- 155 -
CPO dB  Cramer dd
Certified Prothetist and .uI qzb ^w UB C. splint dd dO
Orthotist U* C. wire splint dd V W]OJK dO'
CPPD dB  cramp hF
calcium pyrophosphate bO wzUM V^d c. discharge hF* mdH
dihydiate deposition uOUJ UHdO muscular c. wKC hF
calcium pyrophosphate bO wzUM V^d Cram test d U
dihydrate deposition uOUJ UHdO Crane osteotome d V rEF lC
disease cranial wH
CPR dB  c. Jacobs hook fuU V W]OH U]M
computerized patient record Vu* id* q c. nerves II-XII intact XII-II sOOHI sOBF W
cps, c/sec dB  c. tongs nI UL
cycles per second WOUU craniocaudal glide wH w e
CPT dB  craniocervical plate W]OHI WO d WOHB
CPT Hip System CPT u UN craniomandibular wKH wJH wHOu qK)
CPT hip system CPT u UN dysfunction wHI
CR dB  craniospinal trauma wHI dIH `{d
closed reduction oKG* ^d craniotabes wH fU
crabmeat-like appearance uFDK r( qJA dNE craniovertebral dI ywH
CRAC dB  crank test db U
Contract Relax Agonist h^KI U WCU h^KI cravat bandage oMF WD WUB
Contract Crawford u d
Cracchiolo uuOAd C. head frame ud V d U
C. forefoot arthroplasty V bI ]bI qBH C. incision ud ^o
uuOAd C. low lithotomy crutch iH M* UB( d U]J
C. procedure uuOAd d ud V
cracking dOJ C. small parts dexterity test dOGB lDIU Wd U
c. of joint qBH* ^bB ud V
stress-corrosion c. UNU wUJz ^bB Crawford-Adams e u d
cradle dd hHI C.-A. acetabular cup V =w=I( n]K
c. arm sling oKG* bU hHI e ud
bed c. ]eN bN* dd C.-A. cup arthroplasty V wH]K qBH*
Craig Zd e ud
C. abduction splint Zd V bOF dO Crawford-Marxen-Osterfel 5U u d WId
C. pin Zd u^ d technique bK d
C. pin remover Zd V u^b qe Crawler dd
C. splint Zd dO Maddacrawler C. dd dd]U
C. vertebral biopsy set V UIH e WuL C-reactive protein C wKUH] 5d
Zd crease sC W]O
Craig-Scott orthosis uJ Zd uI alar c. wUM sC

- 156 -
back c. dNE sC crescent sign duB w N W
distal palmar c. (DPC) w UI wd sCG wUF
flexor skin c. wM* bK' sCG CREST dB 
infragluteal c. u_ qH sCG calcinosis, Raynaud, d* V^KB uM 
palmar c. wd sCG esophageal, sclerodactyly, l^u lU _ V^KB
popliteal c. wCQ* sCG telangiectasia dOFA
skin c. bK sC CREST syndrome uM dU J W
thenar c. wH sC V^KB d* V^KB
thenar palmar c. (TPC) wH w sC dOFA l^u lU _
creatine: height index UH VM 5UdJ crest d
creatine phosphokinase 5UdJ UMOuH iliac c. wH d( dF
creation oK b neural c. wBF dF
kyphosis c. b( b palpation of iliac c. wH d( dF ^f
lordosis c. fFI b cretinism w V ^uD hI Wb
creep n crevice corrosion wFK UJz
web space c. du e=O n cricoid ring wIK( WIK
creeping substitution ne b Crile qd
Crego ud C. head traction qd V d ^d
C. elevator ud WF C. hemostat qd T d
C. femoral osteotomy V c H rEF lD crimped Dacron prosthesis W=uL* db Wb
ud crimper =uL
C. tendon transfer V du qI WId Caparosa wire c. UU V pK =uL
technique ud Simmons c. eu^LO =uL
Crego-McCarroll ^U p ud washer c. WKG* =uL
C.-M. pin ^U p ud u^ wire c. pK =uL
C.-M. traction ^U p ud d crisis Wu
cremasteric reflex d=LA* fJFM bone c. W]OLE Wu
crepitans wF d crista d
peritendinitis c. l dH* du bL UN criteria dOUF
crepitation WF d Insall c. U dOUF
patellofemoral c. W]c  W]OH{ WF d Criticaid lotion bUJOd u
crepitus WF d critical load d( qOL
crescentic w CRM dB 
c. calcaneal osteotomy wN wIF rEF lD CRM cup CRM n'
c. osteotomy wN rEF lD CRM stem CRM c
c. rupture wN ^eL CRM system CRM UN
crescent-shaped qJA ^w Crosby reduction wd ^
c.-s. disk qJA w d cross VUB
c.-s. fibrocartilaginous wHOK wdCG dI c. bar WUB W{U
disk qJA wN c. friction VUB UJ

- 157 -
c. leg pain WUB* U r Crowe d
c. union VUB U C. classification d nOMB
cross-arm flap VUB* bU WKb C. pilot point V W]Ud WDIM
cross-bracing VUB* UJ d
spinal rod c.-b. VOCIK VUB* UJ Crowe-tip pin d V c u^
dIH crown U
Wiltse system c.-b. eKO UN' VUB* UJ Adaptic c. pO U
crosscut wOK lD c. and collar scissors uD U ^hI
c. bur wOKB lDI VI crown U
c. saw wOKB lDI UAM c. drill U VI
crossed VUB c. drill screw U VI ^wd
c. extensor reflex VUB* WDU fJFM Unitek steel c. uH pOu U
c. intrinsic transfer VUB* wKb qIM cruciate VUB wUB wOK
c. straight leg raising WUB* WLOI* U l anterior c. wU wUB
crossed-leg straight leg WUB* WLOI* U l C1-C3 c. pulleys W]O d dIHK W]OOKB dJ
raising C3 v C1 s
cross-finger flap VUB* l WKb c. condylar knee system W]OOKB W]OLIK Wd UN
crosshead displacement d VUB* Ue c. fashion wOKB qJA
crossing VUB c. head bone screw wOKB d rE wd
nerve c. VBF VUB c. head screw wOKB d wd
cross-leg flap WUB* U WKb c. ligament VUB* Ud
crosslink VUB j U c. ligament reconstruction VUB* Ud UM
Edwards modular system VOCI VUB* U c. paralysis VUB* qKA
rod c. V ]bF* UN' posterior c. wHK wUB
Galveston fixation with U l uHU XO cruciate-retaining prosthesis W=* W]OOKB Wb
TSRH c. TSRH V VUB* cruciate-sacrificing W]OOKB Wc Wb
c. plate VUB* U WOH prosthesis
c. plate size VUB* U WOH r cruciform qJA wOK
TSRH c. V VUB* U c. anterior spinal wU_ dIH bbL d
(TSRH) hyperextension (CASH) VUB*
cross-linking VUB j c. anterior spinal dIH bbL d uI
crossover dUF hyperextension orthosis VUB* wU_
c. second toe wzUD wU bI l c. head bone screw wOKB d rE wd
c. test dUF U c. screw wOK wd
c. toe deformity wzUD bI l ^uA c. screwdriver wOK ypH
cross-slot screwdriver wzUD uIA* ^pH* crural fascia W]O U W UHK
cross-table view lUI b dEM crush d
cross-union wUB U c. fracture wdN dJ
crotch strap U]MB U c. injury W]Od WU
crouch gait UM WOA crushed eggshell fracture WL]D* WCO dA d

- 158 -
crutch U]J monosodium urate c.s W]U_ uO u]K
c. ambulation U]J d uuB
axillary c. wD U]JF urate c.'s uO u]K
c. and belt femoral closed c H dOL e U]J uric acid c.'s puO iL u]K
nailing oKG* crystal-induced u]KU ]d
Canadian c. bMJ U]JF c.-I. arthritis ]d* qBH* UN
Crawford low lithotomy c. UB( d U]J u]KU
ud V iH M* c.-I. synovitis ]d* wKOe UN
Hardy aluminum c. U V uOMu_ U]J u]KU
Lofstrand c. bdu U]J crystalloid wu]K
nonweightbearing on c.s r' qI WKU dO U]J c. solution wu]K uK
c. walking U]JFU wA* CS dB 
weightbearing c. r' qI WKU U]J conditioned stimulus wd t=M
weightbearing with c.'s U]JFU r' qI qL corticosteroid therapy bdOuJOuJU W'UF
Crutchfield bKOHAd CSE dB 
C. bone drill bKOHAd V rEF VI conventional silicone wuJOKO wUMB U]D*
C. drill bKOHAd VI elastomer bOKI
C. drill point bKOHAd VI CSF dB 
C. hand drill bKOHAd V bO VI cerebrospinal fluid wU ^M qzU
C. pin bKOHAd u^ C-shaped foot C qJA b
C. skeletal tong traction V qJON UL0 ^d' C-spine dB 
bKOHAd cervical spine W]O d UO=
Crutchfield-Raney w bKOHAd CT dB 
C.-R. drill w bKOHAd VI computed tomography Vu* wFDI* duB
C.-R. tongs w bKOHAd UL CT scan wFDI* duB WdH
cryoanalgesia dU 5J Vu*
Cryo/Cuff dressing uud bOLC CTD dB 
cryoepiphysiodesis d WUA* XO cumulative trauma disorder rd* `{d dD{
percutaneous c. bK' d WUA* XO CTI brace CTI UM
cryprecipitate Wd WU CTLSO dB 
cryosurgery W]d Wd cervicothoracolumbosacral wMDI bB w d uI*
cryotherapy dU W'UF orthosis eF
liquid nitrogen c. qzU 5d=MU W]d W'UF CTLSO orthosis wMDI bB w d uI*
cryptococcal infection WOH *U bF eF
cryptococcosis WKOB s dD fM WOH * CTM dB 
UOH * connective tissue massage UC ZOM pOb
Cryptococcus neoformans W=u* WOH * CTR dB 
cryptotic wH carpal tunnel release wGd oHM dd
c. medial border W]OH) WO WU( CTS dB 
crystal u]K carpal tunnel syndrome wGd oHM W

- 159 -
Cubbins eMO=u CUI malar implant CUI W]OM Wd
C. arthroplasty eMO=u V qBH* CUI tendon prosthesis CUI du Wb
C. bone screwdriver eMO=u V rEF ^pH cuing strategy `OLK W]OOd
C. incision eMO=u ^o cul-de-sac of Bruger dd W
C. open reduction eMO=u V uH* ^d Culley wu
C. screw eMO=u ^wd c. splint wu dO
C. screwdriver eMO=u ^pH c. ulnar splint wu V W]b dO
C. shoulder approach eMO=u V wHJ vQ* culture We
C. shoulder dislocation V nJ lK WId bacterial c. W]Oud We
technique eMO=u blood c. b We
cubital wId urine c. u We
c. tunnel syndrome wId* oHM W wound c. d' We
cubiti o d cumulative rd
patella c. od* WH{ c. trauma disorder (CTD) rd* `{d dD{
cubitus od* cuneiform wMOH
c. pseudovarus U Z od c. bone wMOH rEF
c. recurvatum wId s^ c. joint wMOH qBH*
c. varus correction Z_ od* `OB c. joint arthrodesis wMOH qBH* U
cuboid d c. osteotomy wMOH rEF lD
c. bone dM rEF cuneiform-first metatarsal wMOH ]_ jA* d
c. syndrome W]d W exostosis
cubonavicular w d cuniculatum wI
cuff W]H epithelioma c. wIM UNE u
arm c. bU W]H Cunningham brace UNM=U UM
collar and c. W]HJ uD cup n' Q
Cryo/C. uud W]H acetabular c. w=I( n]K
c. of fascia WUHK W]H c. arthroplasty n]K qBH
leather c. W]bK W]H Arthropor c. ud n'
pneumatic c. W]Ozu W]H Aufranc modification of YOL QJ pd qbF
pneumatic tourniquet c. W]OzuN W UF W]H Smith-Petersen c. sd
c. resection W]HJ lD Aufrance-Turner V w=I( n]K
rotator c. W]db W]H acetabular c. ddO fd
Steri-Cuff disposable V uM W UF W]H Aufranc-Turner hip c. V wu n]K
tourniquet c. u dO ddO pd
c. suspension W]HJ oOKF Biomet acetabular c. XuO V w=I( n]K
c. tear arthropathy W]HJ ^eL qBH* bipolar acetabular c. VDI wzUM w=I( n]K
c. tear arthroplasty W]HJ =eL* qBH bipolar prosthetic c. VDI wzUM wb n]K
thigh c. c H W]H Buchholz acetabular c. euNJ V w=I( n]K
CUI dB  ceramic acetabular c. we) w=I( n]K
CUI dorsal implant CUI W]OdN Wd Charnley acetabular c. wKU V w=I( n]K

- 160 -
c. and cone method d * n]K WId trial acetabular c. wd =w=I( nK
Crawford-Adams V w=I( n]K Tuli heel c. wu V VIF n'
acetabular c. e ud ZTT I c. ZTT I Q
custom-made acetabular c. tOK v u* w=I( n]K cup-and-ball osteotomy dJ QJ qJA rEF lD
DePuy bipolar c. V VDI wzUM n]K cup-cement interface w e) nK WNO
u cupid's bow bOuO u
Gemini c. wMOL Q cupped grasping forceps qJA wuJ iI jIK
Hallister heel c. dO=U V VIF n' Cuprimine 51du
cup n]K QJ curettage jA
Harris-Galante V w=I( n]K curette, curet WDAJ
acetabular c. XU f=U angled Scoville c. ]e* qOuJ WDAJ
heel c. VIF n' bone c. rEF WDAJ
c. holder n]K pL Brun c. d WDAJ
c. holder handle n]K pL iI Brun bone c. d V rEF WDAJ
Laing concentric hip c. ZM V ed* u n' Cone ring c. u V W]OIK( WDAJ*
low-profile c. W]OU' uBU Tu n]K curverd c. WOMM WDAJ
Luck hip c. u V u n' fine c. WIO WDAJ
McKee-Farrar p V w=I( n]K Gillquist suction c. V jHA WDAJ
acetabular c. ]U w XuJKO
metal-backed acetabular c. dNE wbF* w=I( n]K hex handle c. iI* W]Ob WDAJ
migration of acetabular c. w=I( n]K d Kerrison c. e=d WDAJ
Mueller c. du n' long c. WKu WDAJ
NEB acetabular c. bLF V w=I( n]K McElroy c. d p WDAJ
bb' dK meniscal c. W]O WDAJ
oblong polyethylene wu qOD* w=I( n]K orthopaedic c. UEF .uI Wd WDAJ
acetabular c. wMOKO oval curved cup c. uCO wMM* QJ WDAJ
Osteonics acetabular c. V w=I( n]K Scoville c. qOuJ WDAJ
fJOuO short c. dOB WDAJ
plastic heel c. wJO d* VIF n' Whitney single-use dH W]OJO WDAJ
c. positioner QJ WFCO plastic c. wM V ULF
Press-Fit c. XO fd Q curl u
c. reamer n]K uI dynamic trunk c. wJOUMb c' u
retroversion of w=I( nK wHK) I neutral wrist c. UF* rBF* u
acetabular c. revese wrist c. wJF rBF* u
screw-in ceramic we) w=I( nK wd trunk c. c' u
acetabular c. wrist c. rBF* u
Smith-Petersen c. sd YOL Q curl-up u
S-ROM Super C. YOL V u du broomstick c.-u. WMJ* UB qJA u
curly toe uK* bI l

- 161 -
current U]O fractional c. we vMM
action c. qFH U]O full c. qU vMM
amplitude-summation b* r=d qb U]O Hadley S-c. wU V vMM
interferential c. King type I c. ZMO V I jLM s vMM*
interferential c. qb U]O King type II c. V II jLM s vMM*
low freqency alternating c. du iH M U]O ZMO
(LFAC) King type III c. V III jLM s vMM*
Currey model u uL ZMO
Curry =u King type II thoracic and s wMDI bB vMM*
C. hip nail =u V u UL lumbar c. ZMO V II jLM
C. splint =u dO King type IV c. V IV jLM s vMM*
C. walking splint =u V wA* dO ZMO
Curtin 5u King type thoracic c. ZMO jL s bB vMM*
C. excision 5u UB King type V c. V V jLM s vMM*
C. incision 5u o ZMO
C. plantar fibromatosis wBL_ wHOK u UB Kyphotic c. wb( vMM*
excision 5u V length-tension c. d^u uD vMM
Curtis fOu load-deflection c. d qOL vMM
C. PIP joint capsulotomy fOu V WEH* lD load-deformation c. ^uA qOL vMM
VO load-displacement c. Ue qOL vMM
C. technique fOu WId lordotic c. wFI vMM*
Curtis-Fisher knee V Wd WId low single thoracic c. bOu bB vMM*
technique dAO fOu iH M*
curvature UM lumbar c. wMDI vMM*
dorsal kyphotic c. wdNE wb( UM lumbar lordotic c. wMDI wFI vMM*
humpbacked spinal c. wb( dIH UM major c. dOJ vMM*
Pott spinal c u V dIH UM c. measurement vMM* UO
radius of c. UM dD nB minor c. dOGB vMM*
curve vMM nonstructural c. uOM dO vMM*
accommodation c. n^OJ vMM normal lordotic c. wFOD wFI vMM*
Blix c. fJOK vMM u]
Blix contractile force c. V hKI ]u vMM c. pattern vMM* d
fJOK primary c. w]_ vMM*
cervicothoracic c. bB w d vMM* c. progression vMM* ^bI
combined dA* vMM* c. progression in scoliosis nM' w vMM* ^bI
compensatory c. wCuF vMM* right thoracic c. s1_ bB vMM*
displacement c. Ue vMM rigid c. VKB vMM*
double major spinal c. e* dOJ dIH vMM* scoliotic c. wFI vMM*
flattening of normal wFI vMM* `OD severe rigid thoracic c. bbA VKB bB vMM*
lordotic c. u specific c. wu]M uB * vMM*

- 162 -
strain-stress c. =bA UN vMM Anti-Shox foot c. fu UC b U
strength c. ]uI vMM cast c. VUI U
strength-duration c. se ]uI vMM Easebak lumbar support c. V W]OMDI Ub U
stress-strain c. bA UN vMM Ue
structural c. uOM vMM enhancer c. =eF* Uu
thoracic c. bB vMM* FB cast c. VdG r' VU U
thoracolumbar c. wMDI bB vMM* c. heel Uu VI
torque c. qH db e vMM Jay c. U U
curved sM Posture Wedge seat c. W]OMOH WF{u bFI U
c. approach wMM* vQ* Quadtro c. du U
c. awl sM* d * Roho c. u U
c. basket forceps wMM* W]K jIK Roho Pack-It c. U u U
c. bone rongeur WOMM* rEF W{]d c. shoe liner WM]D* c( U
c. curette WOMM WDAJ cushion U
c. gouge sM u Sorbothane heel c. Uuu V VIF U
c. Kuntscher nail system wMM* dAu UL UN Viscolas heel c. uJO V VIF U
c. Mayo scissors wMM* uU ^hI cushioned shoe insert Uu c( d
c. meniscotome wMM* WN lC cushion-throat wire cutter Uu wIK( pK lU
c. meniscotome blade wMM* WN lC qB Custom tOK v]u UBO=B uMB
c. osteotome wMM* rEF lC UO
c. passer sM dL c. implant W]UO Wd
c. periosteal elevator WOMM* UL WF c. prosthesis W]UO Wb
c. retractor wMM* UF* c. rasp UO U
c. scissors wMM* ^hI* custom-made acetabular UO w=I( n]K
curvilinear sM w=D {_ wMM cup
c. chin implant {_ WOMM* s c Wd custom-threaded prosthesis uO) W]UO Wb
c. incision {_ wMM yo cut lD
Cushing ZMOu chamfer c. uDA* lDI
C. bur ZMOu VI horizontal gantry c. wI_ d' lDI
C. drill ZMOu VI cutaneous bK
C. flat drill ZMOu V `]D* VI* c. axon reflex bK' u; fJFM
C. perforator drill ZMOu V u U VI* c. distribution bK ^u bK' lu
c. retractor ZMOu UF c. flap W]bK WKb
C. rongeur ZMOu W{]d c. horn bK d
C. syndrome ZMOu W c. mycosis bK ^UD
Cushin-Gigli saw guide ZMOu V UAM* qO c. nerves W]bK' UB_
wKO cutaneum bK
Cushing-Hopkins V UL WF cornu c. bK' dI
periosteal elevator eMOJu ZMOu cuticle bOK
cushion U cut-out shoe d c

- 163 -
cutter lU cyanoacrylate duUO
A-P c. wHK wU lU c. adhesive wduUO o
belt c. e( lU c. glue wduUO mL
bone c. rEF lU cyanosis
bone plug c. rEF uA lU Cybex fJO
Breck pin c. pd V u^b lU C. cycle ergometer b CF ]u UOI
C. cast d=u VU fJO V
cast c. VUI lU C. device fJO eON
cookie c. W]UMHF lU C. II isokinetic wKCF h^KI ]u UOI
cushion-throat wire c. Uu wIK( pK lU dynamometer V II Wd( u
diamond pin c. wU* u^b lU fJO
end c. WUNM lU C. machine fJO WMU
Hefty-bite pin c. wHO W]C u^ lU C. test fJO U
Horsley bone c. wKu V rEF lU C. tester fJO hU
C. implant d=u Wd C. testing fJO U
Jarit pin c. XU V wub lUI C. training system fJO V Vb UN
Midas Rex AM 1 bone c. AM 1 f bO rEF lU cycle
motorized meniscal c. =d; WN lU c. ergometer ]b W]OKCF ]uI UOI
multiaction pin c. qFH =bF wu^ lU gait c. wA*
multiple action c. qFH =bF lU c. time b s
pin c. wu^ lU cycles per second WOUU
Redi-Vac cast c. U b V VUI lU (cps, c/sec)
rib c. {_ lU cyclic loading qOL
Roos rib c. V {_ lU cyclobenzaprine CFK d sdOeMuKJO=
side c. wU lU c. HCl sdOeMuKJO= buKbO
toothed c. s]M lU cyclooxygenase product W]OIK( UMO_ ZU
wire c. wJK lU cyclophosphamide yUC bOUH uKJO
cutting lU 
c. block lUI UB Cyclops formation u' q^JA
c. bur lUI VI cyclosporin A A suuKJO
c. current knife wzUdN lU 5=J cylinder wuD
c. needle WFUI d c. cast wuD VU
c. shaver lUI ; c. walking cast wuD_ wA* VU
CV dB  cylindrical wuD
conduction velocity qO u Wd c. osteotomy wuD_ rEF lD
CVA dB  c. sleeve wuD r
cerebrovascular accident WJ W]OU W]OzU WU cyma line WLO= j
costovertebral angle W]dIH W]OFKC We cyproheptadine yUC sUOdO
C-washer C WKG 5UNK
C-wire inserter C pK U cyst WO

- 164 -
acromioclavicular c. W]u d W]Od WO Politeal synovial c. W]OCQ* W]OKOe WOJ
aneurysmal bone c. W]Ou W]OLE WO Postfracture c. dJK WOU WOJ
Baker c. dJO WO Rheumatoid c. W]buU WO
bursal c. W]Od' WOJ sacral c. W]e WO
colloid c. W]OdG WOJ Sebaceous c. W]OL WO
epidermal c. W]dA WO Synovial c. W]OKO WO
epidermal inclusion c. WKLA W]dA WO Trichilemmal c. W]dF WO
epidermoid c. W]OdA WO Unicameral c. WO WdG bO WO
expansile c. ]bL WO sJ* bO
ganglion c. W]bI WO cystic wO
giant synovial c. W LF W]OKOe WOJ c. bone lesion W]OOJ rEF W
Inclusion c. WKLA WO c. defect wOJ VOF
c. index WOJ VM c. disease wOJ b
Juxtaarticular bone c. qBHLK U* WOJ c. hygroma wOJ wzU* u
lateral meniscal c. W]OAu WN WO c. lesion W]OO W
lipid inclusion c. WKLA WOM WO c. tumor wOJ u
Meniscal c. WN WO Cystica wO
Mucous c. WOU  WO Osteitis fibrosa c. wOJ wHOK rEF UN
pilar c. W]dF WO Cystogram WU* u
Pilonidal c. W]dF WO Cystography WU* duB
Popliteal c. W]OCQ* WOJ Cytokine 5uO
Popliteal giant synovial c. W LF W]OCQ* W]OKOe WOJ

- 165 -
3.D dB D.-M. cable fKO q
three-dimensional UF_ ^w D.-M. cable/Crimp qJ b]F: ouD UN
3.D positional adjustability W]O W]OF{u WOuC Cerclage System fKO
UF_ D.-M. cable grip system V qJ WJ UN
3.D positional control W]O W]OF{uU r^J] fKO
UF_ D.-M. cerclage wire V ouD pK
D/ 3 dB fKO
distal third wUI YK damage d{ nK VD
Dacron d anterior cervical surgery dC W]OU_ W]OIMF Wd'
D. batting db s uA vocal cord d. wuB q(
D. graft db s rF brain d. U=b d{
D. stent db s XM DANA dB
D. suture db s jO designed after natural wFOD `dA V r]LB
Dacron-impregnated wuJOKO wF VOCI anatomy
silicone rod dbU ]dA* DANA shoulder prosthesis V WL=LB* nJ Wb
dactylitis l UN wFOD `dA
tuberculous d. w=K^ l UN danazol W]OU ^MK XU U
dactyly wF W]OU_
DAI dB dance h
diffuse axonal injury dAM* W]u* WU Saint Vitus d. uOO
XU h
Daily Adjusted Progressive W]bF* WO= d* WUI* sdL dangling foot bI w=b WD U b
Resistance Exercise UOu Daniel iliac bone graft UO V WH d( rE rF
(DAPRE) Danis-Weber d fO
Dakin 5 D.-Wclassification of ankle V qUJ WU nOMB
D.solution 5 uK injuries dO
D.tubing 5 u D.-W. fracture dO
fO d
Dall-Miles fKO Danocrine sdu

- 167 -
Dantrium ud d. femoral prosthesis sU V W]cH Wb
dantrolene d d. femoral reconstruction V c H UM
dantrone d sU
DAPRE dB d. hip status system V wu l{u UN
Daily Adjusted Progressive ]bF* =b* UI* sdL sU
Resistance Exercise U]Ou d. patellar transplant sU V WH{d rF
DAPRE strength training UI* sdL vK ]uI Vb d. resection V lDIU UM
U]Ou ]bF* =b* reconstruction sU
Darco u Davey-Rorabeck-Fowler V jGC nOH WId
D. shoe u c decompression technique dU p U
D. toe alignment splint bI lU nOd dO David drainage bO e
u V David, Jean-Pierre dOO 5 bO
Darier VO tO U tO Davidson ubO
1856-1938 wd D. clamp ubO
D. disease tO D. muscle clamp ubO
D. sign tO W Davis fO
Darrach D. arthrodesis fO
V qBH* U
D. periosteal elevator V UL WF
D. drainage technique fO
V eM WId
D. procedure d D. fusion fO
D. resection lD D. metacarpal splint fO
D. retractor UF D. muscle-pedicle graft V W]OKCF WIu rF
Darrach-Mclaughlin sKu p fO

D.-M. approach sKu p vQ D. pin fO

D.-M. shoulder technique V nJ WId D. series fO
sKu p D. splint fO
D.-M. technique sKu p WId Davol drain u eM
Das Dawbarn sign U W
D. Gupta procedure Uu d Day
D. Gupta scapular excision wHJ rEF UB d. fixation device V XO eON
Uu V D. fixation pin V XO u^
D. Gupta scapulectomy V wHJ rEF lD D. fixation staple V XO ]
Uu D. pin u^
DASA dB D. staple ]
distal articular set angle WOUI W]OKBH* WuL* W Daypro d
dashboard ozU U ]bF Wu WU DBM dB
d. dislocation WU( lK demineralized bone matrix bFL e wLE dD
d. fracture WU( d DBS dB
d. injury WU( WU Denis Browne splint d fO dO
DataHand system bUU UE DC dB
dAubigne sU dynamic compression wJOUMb jGC

- 168 -
DCP dB debonding yp U e
dynamic compression plate wJOUMb jGC WOH debride dCM
DCS dB debridement UC
dorsal column stimulator wdNE uLF UM Ahern trochanteric d. d V b* UC
Dynamic condylar screw wJOUMb wLIK VuK arthroscopic d. qBH* UEM0 UC
DDD dB diagnostic arthroscopy wBO A wKBH dOEM
degenerative disk disease w^JM dI and d. UC
DDH dB exploration and d. UC UBI
developmental dysplasia of wzULM Z^M qK b Magnuson d. uMU V UC
the hip uK d. patella W]UC WH{
DDT dB debris UD
dichloro diphenyl w qOMO
wzUM uK wzUM bone d. rEF UD
trichloroethane dA bO U uK metallic d. wbF UD
DDT lock screw insertor qHI* VuK dG particulate d. wzULO UD
DDT screw DDT Vu polyethylene d. 5KO wu UD
de polymeric d. uJ UD
D. Andrade-MacNab w d wcI qBH* U dbris-incited osteolysis UD(U ]d; UEF ^q
occipitocervical bb V dbris-retaining reamer UD( UI uI
arthrodesis U U debulk r^C qe
D. Kleyn test 5K U debulking r^C W
d. Lange syndrome Z W Tsuge d. u V r^ C W
D. Morgan spot Uu WFI deburring uI W
d. Quervain disease sU
du Decadron UJ
d. Quervain fracture sU
du d decalcification fKJ uOUJ W
d. Quervain injury sU
du WU deceleration Wd nOH RU
d. Quervain tendinitis V du UN decerebrate posture U=b eM WF{
du dechondrification dCG W
dead X=O deciduous wD U j U
d. arm syndrome W=O* c W Decker rongeur dJ W{]d
d. space bUN e=O( declination angle O* W
deafferentation pain u UF^ b W r decoder eOd d=H
Deaver scissors dH ]hI TeleCaption d. wKO V eOd d=H
Deaver retractor dH UF sAU
DeBakey prosthesis wU Wb decompression jG]C nOH
DeBastiani wUOU anterior d. wU_ jGC nOH
D. corticotomy wUOU V dAI lD anterioretroperitoneal d. UHB nK jGC nOH
D. femoral lengthening V c H quD wU_
wUOU anterolateral d. wU' wU_ jGC nOH
Debeyre-Patte-Elmelik V =b* W]HJ WId bone graft d. wLEF rFD UGC nOH
rotator cuff technique pOK* w=U dO Braly-Bishop-Tullos d. V jGC nOH

- 169 -
u^u uAO wd decussation VUB
cervical spine d. w d U M UGC nOH dedifferentiated b UH W]O dCG WuU
core d. VK jG{ nOH chondrosarcoma WOLAJ eUL
d. equipment jGC nOH ]bF Dee
extensive posterior d. bL* wHK) jGC nOH D. elbow hinge V o
d* ]
foot d. bI jG{ nOH D. elbow prosthesis V o
d* Wb
Getty d. wO V jGC nOH D. totally constrained qUJU b]OI* o
d* Wb
d. laminectomy nOH  WOHB UB elbow prosthesis V
b jG{ deep oOL
lateral d. wU' jGC nOH d. circumflex iliac artery oOLF nDFM* wH d( UdA
leg d. U jG{ nOH d. collateral ligament oOLF wU' Ud
lumbar spine d. wMDI U M UGC nOH d. delayed infection WIOLF d=Q* bF
posterior nerve d. wHK) VBF jG{ nOH d. fascia WIOLF W
posterolateral d. wU' wHK) jGC nOH d. friction massage oOLF wUJ pOb
retroperitoneal d. UHB nK jGC nOH d. iliac dissection oOLF wH d( aOK
d. rhachotomy jGC nOH  c' lC d. intracompartmental q ud ZOM WuU
sacral d. eF jGC nOH soft-tissue sarcoma oOLF e=O(
sacral spine d. eF U M UGC nOH d. kneading massage oOLF wdH pOb
subacromial d. wd_ X jGC nOH d. knee bends (DKB) WIOLF Wd UOM
d. technique jGC nOH WId d. peroneal nerve oOLF uEA VBF
thoracic spine d. bB U M UGC nOH d. posterior compartment oOLF wHK) eO(
thoracolumbar spine d. bB U M UGC nOH d. stroking and kneading wd]C wdH pOb
wMDI massage oOLF
timing of d. jGC nOH XO u d. tendon reflex (DTR) oOL d fJFM
vertebral body d. dIH r UGC nOH d. transverse carpal dF* wGd Ud
deconditioning syndrome n^OJ] W ligament oOLF
decorium W_ d. transverse metacarpal dF* wFM Ud
decorticate posture dAI eM WF{ ligament oOLF
decortication dAI e dOAI d. vein thrombosis oOLF bu d^
d. technique dAI e WId d. venous thrombosis oOLF bu d^ 
decremental response W]OB UM WU (DVT)
decub UIK d. wound infection WIOLF d' b
decubitus position UIK W]OF{ deepening reamer oOLF uI
Decubinex Wd fJMOuJ deep-shelled acetabulum dAI oOLF ^o(
D. pad fJMOuJ U defect (uO ) VO
D. pad/protector fJMOuJ WMUU Arthropor oblong cup for V qOD* n]K
D. protector fJMOuJ w acetabular d.s W]O=I( uOFK ud
decubitus UIK articular d. wKBH VO
d. position (decub) UIK W]OF{ bone d. wLE VO
d. ulcer dH Wd bridging of d. VOF U

- 170 -
composite d. V]d VO factor VIII d. VIII qUF u
cortical d. dA VO focal d. R uF
cystic d. wO VO long bone d. quD rEF hI
developmental d. wzU/ VO longitudinal d. wuD hIM
diaphyseal d. wb VO magnesium d. ueMG* u
fibrous cortical d. wHO dA VO ORahilly classification of hIM w=KO nOMB
fusiform d. qJA weG VO limb d. dD
impression d. wUD VO proximal femoral focal d. WOb W]c H R u
Klippel-Feil q=OK V ^bA VO (PFFD)
segmentation d. qU
radial d. dFJ hIM
mapping the d. VOF WF{u segmental d. wFD u
nonsubperiosteal X l dO dA VO skeletal limb d. wKJON dD hI
cortical d. UL transverse d. dF* hIM
d. nonunion VOF U b vitamin C d. 5UOH u
osseous d. wLE VO vitamin D d. 5UOH u
osteoarticular d. wKBH wLE VO vitamin K d. 5UOH u
osteochondral d. w
dC wLE VO deficient uF
pars d. VOF* e' d. knee WB UM uF* Wd
skeletal d. wKJO VO d. spinous process uF* wuA TUM
step d. uD) VO deficit WBOI
subcortical d. dAI X VO motor d. W]Od WBOI
subperiosteal cortical d. UL X dA VO neurologic d. W]OB WBOI
tibial d. wuM VO osteoporosis with vertebral UL l rEF q K
triangular d. w]K VO collapse and neurologic d. W]OBF WBOIM UIH
trochlear d. dJ VO perceptual d. W]O WBOI
unremodeled d. VuI dO VO sensorimotor d. W]Od W]O= WBOI
defensiveness U WU sensory d. W]O= WBOI
auditory d. W]OFL WU u sensory or motor d. W]Od W]O= WBOI
oral d. W]uLH WU u definitive wu wzUN
tactile d. W]OLK WU u d. cerclage wire wzUNM ouD pK
defervesce v]L( lKI d. stabilization wzUNM XO
defervescence v]L( deformability qJA dOOG WOKU ^uA WOKU
deficiency u deformans =uA
Aitken femoral d. sJ V c H hI]M osteitis d. =uA* rEF UN
cavitary d. wHNJ hIM deformation tuA qJA dOOG ^uA
central d. ed* hIM elastic d. d* ^uA
ceramide trihexosidase d. bOuJO w u plastic d. bK ^uA
bOdO stem d. c' ^uA
congenital limb d. wIK) dD hI deformity ^uA
factor IX d. IX qUF u abduction d. bOF ^uA

- 171 -
acetabular protrusio d. w=I( d ^uA congenital vertical talus uLF wIF bI ^uA
adduction d. =dI ^uA foot d. wIK)
adduction-internal db VdI ^uA coronal plane d. wKOK u*U ^uA
rotation d. wKb crossover toe d. wzUD bI l ^uA
adductovarus d. Z
d ^uA elevatus d. lHd tuA
d. analysis ^uA qOK equinovalgus d. wd bHI ^uA
angular d. e ^uA equinus d. bHI ^uA
angulation d. =eU ^uA eversion-external wU) I ^uA
back-knee d. Wd dN ^uA rotation d. wU) db
Bebax shoe for forefoot d. bI ]bI ^uA fU c extension d. wD ^uA
bifid thumb d. uIA* UN ^uA finger d. l ^uA
bony d. wLEF ^uA fishtail d. WJL q ^uA
boutonnire d. dF d qJA ^uA fixed d. XU ^uA
bowing d. ]uI ^uA flat back d. `]D* dNE ^uA
bowleg d. W]uI* U ^uA flexion d. UMU ^uA
bunion d. WFu ^uA flexion-internal db UMU ^uA
burn boutonnire d. dF d qJA w d( ^uA rotational d. wKb
buttonhole d. d ^uA garden spade d. U* qJA ^uA
calcaneocavovarus d. u_ wIF Z
_ ^uA genu valgum d. UH Wd ^uA
calcaneocavus d. u_ wIF ^uA genu varum d. Ud Wd ^uA
calcaneovalgus d. yw ywI ^uA Haglund d. buKU ^uA
cavoabductovarus d. u_ bOF ZH ^uA hallux d. bI UN ^uA
cavocalcaneovalgus d. u_ wd wIF ^uA hallux valgus d. _ bI UN ^uA
cavovarus d. wd wBL) ^uA hatchet-head d. WDOK qJA ^uA
cavus d. wBL) nM( ^uA hindfoot d. bI d]R ^uA
cervical spine kyphotic d. w d UIHK wb( ^uA hook-nail d. w=BA UL* qJA ^uA
checkrein d. UMF qJA ^uA humpback d. wb ^uA
clasped thumb d. uA* UN ^uA hyperextension d. bbL d
clawfoot d. W]OK * bI ^uA internal rotation d. wKb bU ^uA
clawhand d. W]OK * bO ^uA intrinsic minus d. QAM* wK jO ^uA
clawtoe d. wK * bI l ^uA intrinsic plus d. UC QAM* wK ^uA
clefthand d. UKH bO ^uA joint d. qBH* ^uA
clubfoot d. bI nM ^uA Kirner d. ddO ^uA
cock-up d. vK d ^uA knock-knee d. Ud Wd ^uA
codfish d. bI pL ^uA kyphotic d. wb( ^uA
Cole osteotomy for u V rEF lD lumbar spine kyphotic d. wMDI UIHK wb( ^uA
midfoot d. bI j ^uA Madelung d. ZuU ^uA
combined cavus d. dA* wBL) nM( ^uA mallet d. w dD* ^uA
compensatory d. wCuF ^uA mallet finger d. W]O dD* lU_ ^uA
congenital d. wIK ^uA mallet toe d. w dD* bI l ^uA

- 172 -
one-plane d. bu u* ^uA ulnar drift d. be Ue ^uA
pencil and cup d. w
Ud* n]K rKI ^uA valgus d. _ ^uA
uJ varus d. Z
_ ^uA
pes plano valgus d. U]d W]D* bI ^uA varus hindfoot d. Z
_ bI d=R ^uA
pes planus d. W]D* bI ^uA Velpeau d. uKO
pes valgo planus d. UH W]D* bI ^uA volar angulation d. wd e ^uA
plantar flexion-inversion d. I wM ^uA Volkmann clawhand d. V W]OK * bO ^uA

posttraumatic spinal d. `{dK wU dIH ^uA windblown d. qzU ^uA

protrusio d. U ^uA windswept d. w
d$ ^uA
pseudoboutonnire d. UJ dF d ^uA wrist d. md ^uA
recurvatum angulation d. wM ]e ^uA Zancolli procedure for W]OK * bO ^uA w=uJ d
rotational d. w ^uA clawhand d.
round shoulder d. db* nJ ^uA zig-zag compensatory d. =dF* wCuF ^uA
sagittal d. wLN ^uA deformity/instability b U b^uA
shepherds crook d. wd UB ^uA dI
silver fork d. WO=CH WuAU tO ^uA spinal d. dIH dI b^uA
spastic thumb-in-palm d. w^MA WOd UN ^uA Dega pelvic osteotomy rEF lD w{u( rEF lD
spinal d. dI
^uA U V =wUF
spinal coronal plane d. wKOK dIH u* ^uA degeneration f^JM
spine d. UIH ^uA axon d. u* f^JM
splayfoot d. U]d bI ^uA cartilaginous d. w
dC f^JM
split-hand d. W uIA* bO ^uA disk d. dI f^JM
split-nail d. uIA* dHE ^uA endoneurium d. W]OBF UO_ bL f^JM
Sprengel d. qMd ^uA immobilization d. XO f^JM
S-shaped d. S qJA ^uA joint d. qBH* f^JM
subcondylar d. wLIK X ^uA Kirkaldy-Willis three V f^JMK W u_
supination d. UIKU ^uA phases of d. eOK bUdO
swan-neck d. WF oM ^uA retrograde d. wu f^JM
swan-neck finger d. WF oM qJA l ^uA spinocerebellar d. w O  wU f^JM
talipes cavus d. wBL_ nM( ^uA wallerian d. wM f^JM wUdO f^JM
thoracic spine kyphotic d. bB UIHK wb( ^uA wBF nO=K
thoracic spine scoliotic d. bB UIHK wHM' ^uA wear and tear d. vK f^JM
three-plane d. W Uu*U ^uA degenerative w^JM
thumb d. UN ^uA d. arthritic change w^JM wKBH* d^OG
thumb-in-palm d. W]Od UN ^uA d. arthritis w^JM] qBH* UN
triphalangeal thumb d. U]O^ W]O UN ^uA d. disease w^JM d
turned-up pulp d. uKI* =V^K ^uA d. disk disease (DDD) w^JM dI
two-plane d. u* wzUM ^uA d. disorder w^JM dD{
ulnar deviation d. be d ^uA d. joint disease (DJD) w^JM ywKBH

- 173 -
d. lumbar scoliosis w^JM wMDI nM' d. open reduction q uH* ^d
d. lumbar spine fusion w^JM wMDI UIH Z d. primary repair q w]_ `OKB
d. scoliosis w^JM nM d. reflex q fJFM
d. spine condition w^JM UIH dD{ WU d. repair q `OKB
d. spondylolisthesis w^JM UIH e d. response WK WU
d. spondylolisthesis w^JM UIH e d. union q U
(type 3) 3 jLM d. union of deltoid ligament wb UdK q U
d. spondylosis w^JM] UIH delayed-onset muscle q wKC r
d. spondylosis UIH UGC nOH soreness (DOMS)
decompression and fusion t w^JM] Delbert hip fracture V u u nOMB
d. tear w^JM e9 classification d
degloving WdF V]K sU]HI e Delbet XK
UOd pHK wM c UH D. splint XK dO
d. injury sU]HI e WU D. splint for heel fracture VIF dJ XK dO
d. procedure sU]HI e d DeLee classification wK nOMB
degradation ^b deliberate therapy W]OQ W'UF
proteoglycan d. UJOKuOd ^b Delitala UOK
degree of separation UBH W D. T-nail qJA wzU UOK UL
degrees-of-freedom (DOF) ^d U D. T-pin qJA wzU UOK u^
d.-o.-f. joint motion qBH* Wd ^d W DeLorme exercise wuK sdL
dehiscence ^eH Delrin joint sdK qBH
wound d. d' ^eH delta U
Dehne cast wM VU d. femoral nail U c H UL*
Djrine sign sdO W d. frame U U
Djrine-Sottas U]u sdO d. nail U UL
D.-S. disease U]u sdO d. phalanx U v
D.-S. syndrome U]u sdO W d. receptor U WKI*
delamination o^D `zUHB qB D. Recon nail U uJ UL
DeLaura knee prosthesis u V Wd Wb D. Recon proximal drill V wb VI* qO
DeLaura-Verner knee u V Wd Wb guide U uJ
prosthesis ddO d. tibial nail wzUb wuME UL*
delay d^Q Deltafit Keel qO XO U
sensory d. w( d^Q Delta-Lite X U
delayed q d=Q D.-L. casting tape X U V dO jd
d. closure q oK D.-L. FlashCast X?U XU

d. consolidation q Ub Deltasone U

d. femoral osteotomy q c H rEF lD deltoid WKC WO=b w=
d. fracture union q dJ U d. bursa WOb d
d. graft q rF d. fascia WOb W
d. onset d=Q Wb d. flap WOb WKb

- 174 -
d. insertion over joint qBH* u
WOb d DeMuth screw u1 Vu
d. ligament w=b Ud demyelination 5UO* W 5UO*
d. ligament tear wb Ud W e denatured alcohol uA u
d. muscle WOb WKCF denervation VOBF] VOBF W
d. origin WOb QAM VBF d
deltoid-splitting WObKdU d. diseases VOBF d
d.-s. incision WObK dU yo d. potential VBF W sU
d.-s. shoulder approach WOb dDA nJ vQ d. supersensitivity VOBF e f^ d

deltopectoral b w Denham UNM

d. approach bB wb vQ* D. external fixation UNM V wU XO
d. flap W]bB WOb WKb D. pin UNM u^
d. groove bB wb b_ Denis Browne d fOM
d. interval W]bB WOb WKUH D. B. bar d fOM W{U
deluxe dU D. B. bar foot orthosis d fOM W{UF bI uI
d. FIN pin dUH 5
u^ D. B. bucket d fOM WU
d. FIN pin insertor dUH 5
u^ dG D. B. classification of W]eF uJ nOMB
demand WU VK sacral fractures d fOM V
motion d. Wd( VK D. B. clubfoot splint V bI nM dO
demarcate =R =b d fOM
demarcation nQ bb% D. B. hip splint fOM V u dO
line of d. nQ] ^j d
Demariniff protractor nOMU WKOD D. B. spinal fracture V W]dIH uJ nOMB
DeMartel-Wolfson clamp V UIK* pL classification d fOM
holder uH qU D. B. talipes hobble splint UdF UHM( bI dO
Demel wire clamp q1 V wJK UIK* d fOM V
dementia d D. B. three-column model W bL_ uLM
Guam amyotrophic lateral wU' V^KB u d d fOM V
sclerosis-parkinsonism d. W]OuMd uLC D. B. three-column spine W]dIH W bL_ W]dE
Demerol d1 theory d fOM V
Demianoff sign uUO1 W D. B. tray d fOM W]OMO
demineralization bFL bFL W Dennyson cervical brace u=M V w d UM
bony d. rEF bFL Dennyson-Fulford subtalar qUJ X qBH* U
demineralized bFL e arthrodesis uHu u=M V
d. bone bFL e rE DENS dB
d. bone graft bFL e wLE rF direct electrical nerve dU* wzUdNJ wBF tOM
d. bone matrix (DBM) bFL e* rEF dD stimulation
Demos tibial artery clamp V wuME UdA UIK dens s
u1 d.anterior screw fixation sK VuKU wU XO
DeMuth u1 d. fracture s u
D. hip screw u1 V u Vu d. x-ray view sK wMO wUF dEM

- 175 -
densitometry W UJ UO Depo-Medrol b u
bone d. W]OLEF W
UJ UO deposit V
dual photon d. (DPD) e* uuHU W
UJ UO calcium d. uOUJ V
photon d. UuuH W
U UO rotator cuff calcified d. W]HJ w
w^KJ V^d
density W UJ ]b*
bone d. W]OLEF W
UJ tophaceous d. w
u V
bone mineral d. W]OLEF W]ObF* W
UJ deposition V^d VOd
fiber d. W]OHOK W
UJ bone d. wLE VOd
lumbosacral junction wMDI qu* rE W
U calcium pyrophosphate bO wzUM VOd
bone d. eF dihydrate d. (CPPD) uOUJ UH
dental w=M depot corticosteroid d]b bdOuJOu
d. bur s VI depressed nM iHM
dental w=M d. fracture n M d
d.drill s VI d. reflex b]L  fJFM
d. freer s =d depression U UH
d. mirror s d d. fracture n M d
d. pick U d s d. of fragment W
bA U
UF s UM_ 5 dAM Hamilton Rating Scale uKU ]bF r]K
dentinogenesis imperfecta VOF* UF ^uJ for D. U 
denudation WdF postactivation d. qOFH] bF UH
denude =dF depressor i U
Deon u depth oL
D. hip prosthesis u V u Wb d. caliper-meter stick UdHU oLF UO od
D. stem u c method W]d* UBF
deossification r^EF] r^EF W d. check drill oLF d VI
Depakote uU d. gauge oLF UOI
DePalma U*U wire penetration d. pK uH oL
D. hip prosthesis U*U V u Wb DePuy u
D. modified patellar V W]bF* WH{d WId D. aeroplane splint dzUDU WNO W]dzU dO
technique U*U u V
D. prosthesis U*U Wb D. AML Porocoat stem V ud c' Wb
D. staple U*U ] prosthesis u
dependent edema W]OUK dU bLF W D. any-angle splint u V W W] dO
depolarization UDI W D. awl u d 
UDI D. bipolar cup u V sOD n'
d. block UDI W UB D. bolt u V VuK* UL*
depolarizing drug UDI qe D.calcar grinder u V W]ULN* WuUD
depolymerization dLK W D. coaptation splint u V rOK dO
increased d. be* dLK W D. drill u VI
unbalanced d. u WbFM* dLK W D. femoral acetabular w=I c
d qO

- 176 -
overlay guide u V d. artefacta qFH* bK' UN
D. fracture brace u V dJ UM atopic d. w^Q bK' UN
D. halter u s dermatocele bK' ^bN W]bK WKO
D. hip prosthesis with l u V u Wb dermatofibrosarcoma W]Ob W]bK W]OHO WuU
Scuderi head duJ protuberans
D. open-spindle splint V u* WuH dO dermatomal bK' U]DIU o=KF
u d. pain wUD bK r
D. open-thimble splint V UAJ WuH dO d. pattern bK' U]DI d
u dermatome bK' s `zd lKI W UA
D. orthopaedic implant UEF .uI Wd Wd Brown d. d UA
u V d. mapping UA* WF{u
D. pin u VOC mechanical d. wJOUJO UA
D. plate u WOH padgett electric d. wzUdNJ XOU UA
D. rainbow frame u V we U Reese d. e UA
D. rasp u U Stryker d. dJd UA
D. reamer u uI dermatomyositis qCF bK' UN
D. reducing frame u V e * U dermatosensory evoked ]d; w=( bK' sUJ
D. rocking leg splint V ]eN* U dO potential
u dermatosis bK
D. rod bender u V UCI WOU juvenile plantar d. wFHO wBL_ '
D. rolled Colles splint V W
uHK* f=u dO Dermiflex dressing fJKHOd bOLC
u dermodesis bK' U
D. screwdriver u ^pH resection d. wFDI bK' U
D. splint u dO dermographia bK' W]Ou
D. support u U dermometer bK' WUI UOI
D. trispiked acetabular TuM w w=I( =uJ* Derosa-Graziano V =b* rEF lD
component u V step-cut osteotomy uUd d
DePuy-Pott splint u u dO derotate db qe
derangement qK derotation db b
internal d. wMU qK d. boot b qu c U u
Dercum disease u ]bK WFU db
dermabrader tA bK' Z d. brace db b UM
tKI bK' =p( Ue derotational osteotomy dbK lU* rEF lD
dermal w bK derotator bar db lM VOC
d. fasciectomy W]bK' W
UHK lC DErrico uJ=
d. fibromatosis bK wHO D. drill uJ= VI
d. graft bK w rF D. perforating drill uJ= V V U VI
dermatitidis bKK VNK D. perforator drill uJ= V u U VI*
Blastomyces d. bKK WNK* W]OLd Desault 1744 wd ]d u^
dermatitidis bK' UN 1795

- 177 -
D. bandage u^ WUB desmopathy wU
D. sign u^ W desmoplasia wHOK ZOM ^uJ
D. wrist bandage u^ V md WUB desmoplastic o=KF wHOK ZOMK =uJ
D. wrist dislocation u^ V md lK wHO=K ZO]M ^uJ
Descot fracture uJ d d. fibroma wb bK wHO
design r=LB rOLB desmopressin yUC 5due
barrel bur d. wKOd VI*U rOLB u
computer-assisted d. (CAD) uU(U bU* rOLB desmorrhexis Ud ^eL
Harris d. (HD) f=U rOLB desmosis UC ZOM
hook hollow-ground h]A 5 UB= rOLB desmotomy WD_ lD
connection d. UI dH Desormaux endoscope uu V wKb UEM*
hook V-groove =h]A 5 UB= rOLB Desoxyn 5u
connection d. V qJA WeO* dessicans n=H
mechanical plate d. WOJOUJO* WOHB rOLB osteochondritis d. dCG rEF UN
metal-on-metal d. bF* vK bF* rOLB aU]
pedicle screw linkage d. WIu 5 U rOLB osteochondrosis d. aU yw
dC ywLE
VuK Destot sign u W
prosthetic d. wb rOLB destruction Vd ^d
prototype d. w_ uLM rOLB bony element d. W]OLEF dUMF ^d
screw d. VuK rOLB bony necrosis and d. U]OLEF d M ^d 
spinal implant d. W]dIH WdG rOLB cortical d. dA ^d
transpedicular fixation d XO UN rOLB desyndactylization lU_ UH W
system d. WIu Weinstock d. V lU_ UH W
V-groove hollow-ground V WeO* 5 UB= rOLB uMO

connection d. UI dH detector UAJ

designed after natural wFOD `dA V r]LB Isometer bone graft rFD l{ WF{u UAJ
anatomy (DANA) placement site d. de V wLEF
DesignLine orthotic sMe uI0 o=KF determination 5OF
desipramine U yUC 5dO anteversion d. wU_ I 5OF
desmalgia Ud r Budin-Chandler wU_ I 5OF
desmectasis Ud ^bL anteversion d. dbU u V
desmitis Ud UN fusion limit d. Zb =b 5OF
desmocytoma wHO wU leg length d. U u 5OF
desmoid wU wU skin blood flow d. bK' b Ud 5OF
cortical d. dA wU transcutaneous oxygen bK' d 5_ d^u 5OF
d. fibroma wU wHO tension d.
d. lesion W]OU W
Whiteside's tissue V wOM jGC 5OF
periosteal d. w UL wU pressure d. bU
d. tumor wU detritus U
desmoma wU d. bone rEF U

- 178 -
foci of hyaline cartilage d.
wUe dCG U R stimulation d. XO=U V
Deune knee prosthesis u V Wd Wb body-powered prosthetic d. r' uI qLF W]Ob eON
development b 3 UL 2 duD 1 Calandruccio fixation d. V XO eON
l{ 4 uOAb
bone d. wLEF UL]M C-D instrumentation d. W
calcar femorale d. c H ULN* UL uD
General Education D.(GED) W]UF W
UI] WOLM Charnley d. wKU eON
postural d. W]OF{u WOLM collapsible internal WKUI wKb XO eON
developmental wzUL fixation d. UL 
d. coxa vara wzUL Z
combined fixation d. dA* XO eON
d. defect wzULM VOF compression d. UGC eON
d. disorder disease wzULM dD{ compression screw d. wUGC VuK eON
d. dysplasia wzULM Z^M qK b compression screw-plate d. W]OuK WOHB eON
d. dysplasia of the hip wzULM wu Z^M qK W]OUGC
(DDH) coring d. W]O= eON
Deverle fixation dH XO Cotrel-Dubousset dynamic dF* =d' eON
deviation d transverse traction d. du V W]OJOUMb
angular d. d tOu
lateral d. wU d CPM d CPM eON
radial d. dFJ d Cybex d. fJO eON
rotary d. wb d Day fixation d. V XO eON
standard d. UOF d Deyo d. uO eON
ulnar d. be d distal targeting d. wUI bN eON
Devic disease gOH DressFlex orthotic d. fJKH V W]O1uI eON
device eON Dunn d. eON
Ace-Fisher d. dAO
eON Dwyer d. d eON
Ace Unifix fixation d. fJOHu XO eON dynamic transverse dF* =d' eON
V traction d. wJOUMb
acrylic orthotic d. W]OJOKd_ W]O1uI eON EBI d. wdJ rEF WOM eON
adjustable aiming d. WuC VuB eON Edwards modular system UN'U eF XO eON
Agee 4-pin fixation d. WF_ XO eON sacral fixation d. V ]bF*
w V fOU electrocardiographic W]OdN j]D qO eON
anterior fixation d. wU_ XO eON recording d. VKI
anterior internal fixation d. wU_ wKb XO eON EZ-Trac orthopaedic .uI Wd oOKF eON
application of traction d. =d' oOD eON suspension d. d e V UEF
Aquatrek d. du eON fixation d. XO eON
articulated tension d. WKBHL* d^u eON fracture fixation d. dJ XO eON
assistive d. bU eON halo-gravity traction d. W]OU'U wUN d' eON
Automator d. uUu eON halo vest d. W]OUN bB eON
Bassett electrical wzUdNJ tOM eON Hare d. dO eON

- 179 -
Hare splint d. dO dO eON pneumatic compression d. wzuN jG]C eON
Harrington rod Q VU =d' eON pneumatic external wzuN wU) jG]C eON
instrumentation distraction u=U u^ compression d.
outrigger d. PPT orthotic d. PPT W]O1uI eON
Harris-Aufranc d. pd f=U eON Redi-Trac traction d. d b V =d' eON
Hoffmann d. UL
u eON rod distraction d. wOCI =bA eON
Hoffmann fixation d. UL
u XO eON rod-mounted trageting d. W]OOCI bN eON
Ilizarov d. eO eON Roger Anderson d V UGC eON
intraarticular cautery d. qBH* q =wJ eON compression d. ub
JAS elbow motion d. V o
d* Wd eON rotation d. db eON
U sliding fixation d. oeM* XO eON
Kendrick extrication d. V hOK ] eON sliding nail d. oeM* UL* eON
(KED) pbM snap-fit d. W]JB Wu eON
Kennedy ligament V Ud Z eON Sorbothane orthotic d. Uuu V W]O1uI eON
augmenting d. bOMO Spenco orthotic d. uJM V W]O1uI eON
Knott rod distraction d. uM UBF d eON SplintsRite stabilization d. fMOK V XO eON
Legasus support CPM d. ]dL* WKFHM* Wd( eON X
uUO V WLb sports terminal d. W]O{Ud W]OzUNM eON'
leg-holding d. U p eON Statak soft tissue ud ZOM UJ eON
ligament augmentation d. Ud Z eON attachment d. UU V
(LAD) Stone clamp-locking d. V UIK* WKHI eON
McAtee compression V UGC Vu eON u
screw d. wUJ Suretac bioabsorbable UB WKUI XO eON
Mueller fixation d. du V XO eON fixation d. Uu V uO(
nail-bending d. UL* wM eON Suretac bioabsorbable WKUI nJ XO eON
nail plate d. eON UL* WOH eON shoulder fixation d. V uO( UB
newer-generation d. b_ qO' eON Suretac bioabsorble U]uO WBL* XO eON
Omni-Flexor d. uJK
wM eON fixation d. Uu V
Orthofix d. fJO
u eON Telectronic electrical wzUdNJ tOM eON
Orthofix external XOK fJO
u eON stimulation d. pOdJOKO
fixation d. wU) terminal d. (TD) W]OzUN eON
Ortholav irrigation and jHA  u eON thermocouple skin W]bK' d( W eON
suction d. temperature d. W]d( We*
Orthotic d. W]O1uI dO pOu eON Thumper d. dOu eON
passive positioning d. qFHM* UCO eON transpedicularly implanted W]OU_ UIH U eON
Plastizote orthotic d. V rEF .uI eON anterior spinal support d. UIu d WdG*
eO transverse loading d. dF* qOL eON
PlexiPulse V UGC eON d. for transverse traction DTT dF* =d' eON
compression d. fK fJOK (DTT)

- 180 -
triangular compression d. w]K* jG]C eON dual energy x-ray W]OMO WF_ UB UO
TSRH corkscrew d. TSRH V W]Ou eON absorptiometry W UD W]OzUM
TSRH mini-corkscrew d. V dOG W]Ou eON DEXA scan WF_ UB UO WdH
Vokov-Organesyan elbow V o
d* d
eON dexamethasone UOUJ
distraction d. UeOU uu
Dexon suture u jO
voluntary closing U] WIKG* W]OzUN eON' Dextran d
terminal d. d. prophylaxis dbU WU u
voluntary opening U] WuH* W]OzUN eON' dextropropoxyphene 5Hudd
terminal d. s=J
Wagner d. dMU
eON dextrorotary scoliosis b wMOL s=LO nM
Xercise tube resistive d. V WUI W]Ou eON dextrorotoscoliosis s=LO nM'
eUde dextroscoliosis sL_ nM'
Zickel supracondylar d. qJ V WLIK u
eON' d. scoliosis sL_ nM' nM
devitalized W]uO( b U W]uO( e dextrose solution dJb uK
=uL Deyerle dO
d. bone graft W]uO( b U
wLE rF D. drill dO VI
d. tissue =uL ZO D. femoral fracture V c H dJ WId
DeWald b technique dO
D. spinal apparatus b V dIH UN' D. fixation apparatus dO V XO UN
D. spinal appliance b V W]dI
WIO D. II pin dO V II u^b
Dewar u D. pin dO u^
D. fusion u Z D. plate dO WOH
Dewar u D. screw dO Vu
D. posterior cervical fixation wHK) w d XO d D. technique dO WId
procedure u V Deyo device uO eON
D. posterior cervical fusion V wHK) w d Zb dezocine s=J 5e
u DF80 DF80
D. posterior cervical fusion wHK) w d Zb WId D. hip internal prosthesis V uK W]OKb Wb
technique u V DF80 qu
Dewar-Barrington uMU u D. hip prosthesis qu V W]Ou Wb
D. arthroplasty u V qBH* DF80
uMU Diab-A-Foot U A b
D. clavicular dislocation V u d lK) WId D.-A.-F. protection A V bI WU UN
technique uMU u system U
Dewar-Harris f=U u Diab-A-Pad U A U
D.-H. paralysis f=U u qK D.-A.-P. insole U A qF
D.-H. shoulder technique u V W]OHJ WIdD Diab-A-Sheet U A 
f=U Diab-A-Sole insole U A hL qF
DEXA dB Diab-A-Thotics orthotic U A uI

- 181 -
diabetes dJ b lumbar spine pedicle d. W]OMDI W]dIH WIu dD
d. mellitus dJ b neck d. oMF dD
diabetic d]J dJ bU UB pedicle d. WIu dD
d. Charcot foot W]dJ uU b sagittal pedicle d. wLN WIu dD
d. femoral b H VBF sagittal spinal canal d. wLN W]dIH UMI dD
mononeuropathy dJ thoracic spine pedicle d. W]bB W]dIH WIu dD
d. foot W]dJ bI transpedicular fixation d XOU U]FH WIu dD
d. neurotrophic ulcer W]dJ W]cG W]OB Wd effective pedicle d. UIu
d. patient dJ bU UB id transverse pedicle d. dF* WIu dD
d. polyradiculopathy dJ =bF* UB_ vertical pedicle d. uLF WIu dD
d. ulcer W]dJ WdI diametral dD
diacondylar fracture WLI^K d d diametric pelvic fracture dDI cH dJ
diadochokinesia Ud( W]OUM diamond U* U
diagnosis (dx) hOA d. drill wU* VI*
clinical d. wJOMOK hO A d. high-speed drill Wd wUF wU* VI*
differential d. wIdH] hO A d. inlay graft wU* lOd rF
palpatory d. f'U hO A D. nail wU UL
diagnostic wBOA d. pin cutter wU wu lU
d. arthroscopy wBO A qBH* dOEM Diamond-Gould bu buU
d. arthroscopy and wBO A qBH* dOEM D.-G. reduction we lU_ UH
debridement UC syndactyly bu buU V
d. arthroscopy, operative dOEM wBO A qBH* dOEM D.-G. syndactyly operation V lU_ UH WOKL
arthroscopy, and possible lC wd' qBH* bu buU
operative arthrotomy qL* wd' qBH* diamond-shaped qJA ^wU
(AAA) d.-s. medullary nail qJA w=U* uIM UL*
d. imaging wBO A duB d.-s. nail qJA wU UL
d. and operative wBO A qBH* dOEM diapedesis 
arthroscopy (DOA) wd' diapering kOH UH
d. strategy W]OBO A W]OOd triple d. w UH
diagonal dD qzU diaphdrate b U
d. stretch qzU* yb]A dDI b diaphragm U
diagram wUO r Bucky d. Uu U
free body d. d( rK wUO r urogenital d. wKUM wu U(
dial uA diaphyseal wb
d. osteotomy uA*U rEF lD d. aclasis =bF d wb b
d. pelvic osteotomy uA*U c H rEF lD d. defect wb VO
d. periacetabular osteotomy uA*U w=I( u rEF lD d. dysplasia Z^M] qK wb' b
dial-lock brace oKG* uA* UM wb'
diameter dD d. fracture wb' dJ
horizontal pedicle d. wI
_ WIu dD d. osteotomy wb' rEF lD

- 182 -
d. plating wb' `OHB Dickinson uMOJ
d. tuberculosis wb' b D. approach uMOJ vQ
diaphysis, pl. diaphyses b b D. calcaneal bursitis wIF d' UN WId
diarthrodial joint wKO qBH technique uMOJ V
diarthrosis wKO qBH Dickinson-Coutts-Woodwar uMOJ V rEF lD
Dias-Giegerich gdO U d-Handler osteotomy dbU fu
D.-G. fracture technique U V dJ WId Dickson uJ
gdO D. geometric osteotomy uJ V rEF lD
D.-G. open reduction U V uH* d D. paralysis uJ qK
gdO D. transplant technique uJ V rFD WId
Dias-Tachdijian UObU U nOMB Dickson-Diveley procedure tOKH uJ d
classification of physeal W]uL_ WU diclofenac s=J UMO uKJ
injury UN yUC
diastasis dH dicloxacillin uO yUC 5=KUuKJ
ankle mortise d. qUJ u dH dicondylar fracture WLIK wzUM d
d. fibula W dHM* W]OEA Didiee view b dEM
symphysis pubis d. wUF UH dH Didronel qOb
tibiofibular d. uEA wuME dH Diebold-Bejjani osteotomy bu V rEF lD
diastatic w dH wU]U
d. fracture w dH dJ die punch fracture VUI W]d d
diastematomyelia U^M nUC wU d diet u W
diathermy d( UH low-purine d. su WCH M W
microwave d. (MWD) Uu*U d( UH tea-and-toast d. hL* e) UA W
WdJ* differential wIdH
short-wave d. (SWD) Uu*U d( UH d. diagnosis wIdH hO A
dOBI d. spinal block wIdH wU ^M UB
diathesis W w VQ temperature d. (TD) d( odH
Dupuytren d. du W differentiated eUL* W]O dCG WuU
Diaz disease U chondrosarcoma
diazepam d =bN UU differentiation odH eOOL
CFK d. failure eOOL qA

DIC dB diffuse dAM

disseminated intravascular WO_ q dM* d^  d. axonal injury (DAI) dAM* W]u* WU
coagulation d. idiopathic sclerosing uN: V=KB* rEF d

Dick AO fixateur interne p V AO wKb X=* hyperostosis (DISH) dAM* V

Dickhaut-DeLee w uNJ d. idiopathic skeletal uN: wKJON rEF d

D.-D. classification of w uNJ nOMB hyperostosis (DISH) dAM* V

discoid meniscus WUdI WNK d. idiopathic skeletal wKJON rEF d
D.-D. discoid meniscus W]UdI WN nOMB hyperostosis syndrome dAM* V uN:
classification w uNJ V d. infantile fibromatosis dAM* wKHD wHOK u

- 183 -
diffusion UA d. plethysmography wF r^] jOD
diflunisal eOuKH ^wzUM eOuKH d. prosthesis W]OF Wb
s=J d. response test W]OF WU U
digastric muscle 5MD WKCF d. sheath bO lU bL
digit l d. shortening wF dOBI
accessory d. W]O
U{ l d. subtraction angiography wL ]d dDU WO_ duB
D. Aid splint b XO dO (DSA)
color of d. l u d. tourniquet l WU
congenital trigger d. W]OIK) W]Ue l d. vibrogram W]LC u
flaid d. WzU l digiti quinti proprius tendon dBMK WDU WKCF d
infantile trigger d. W]OKHD W]Ue l digitorum lU
multiple d.'s =bF* lU_ digitus abductus l b=F
2nd d. index finger WU] l WOU l Di Guglielmo disease uLKOKO
3rd d. [long finger] WKuD l WU l dihydrocodeine =b su bO ^wzUM
1st d. thumb UN v]_ l UFK yUC s=J
supernumerary d. bze l dihydroergotamine 5UubO
4th d.[ ring finger] -U) l WFd l dihydroergotamine-heparin sUO 5UubO
5th d.[ little finger] l WU) l dihydrostreptomycin 5OudbO
dOGB Diisocyanate UUOe
trigger d. W]Ue l methylene bisphenyl d. qOMO
digital wF 5KOO*
d. artery wF UdA Dilantin 5
d. artery protection wF UdA WUL dilator l=u
d. block anesthesia wF UB db  Eder-Puestow metal V W]ObF* Wue l=u
d. blood perfusion W]OF Wub Wd olive d. uu b
d. contracture wF l^HI lacrimal duct d. W]OFb UMI l=u
d. cord wF q( vessel d. WO_ l=u
d. extensor mechanism lU_ WDU WO Dilaudid buK
d. extensor tendon lU_ WDU d Dillwyn-Evans eUH suK
d. flexor tendinitis lU_ WOM d UN D.-E. osteotomy suK V rEF lD
d. flexor tendon lU_ WOM d eUH
d. flexor tendon sheath lU_ WOM d bL D.-E. resection eUH suK lD
d. nail l dH wF UL* diltiazem W]b]B W]cK .UOK
d. nerve wF VBF b jGC i U
d. nerve block wF VBF UB dimelia d]D
d. opposers l UI ulnar d. be dD
d. pad l U dimenhydrinate wIK yUC UMbONMO1
d. palpation lU_U ^f' dimension bF
d. photoplethysmography wzu]C r^] jOD D. hip system gM1 V u UN
wF pedicle d.s WIu UF

- 184 -
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) bOuHK qOO ^wzUM d. electrical nerve dU* wzUdNJ VBF tOM
diminished sensation qzUC* U stimulation (DENS) dU* wU' qb*
Dimon-Hughston uuO u1 d. lateral portal
D.-H. fracture fixation u1 V dJ XO director t=u
uuO grooved d. r]K* t=u*
D.-H. intertrochanteric V sb* sO rEF lD disability e
osteotomy uuO u1 atlantooccipital d. wcI ^wINH eF
D.-H. technique uuO u1 WId permanent d. rzb eF
dimple WF Disalcid bOU
d. the bone rEF WF disappearing bone disease wH< rEF
pilonidal d. W]dF WF disarticular amputation wKBH* UBH d
Dingman mouth gag V rH hH 5]JH b=F disarticulate qBH* ^e
ULM disarticulation qBH* ^e
DIP dB Bath-Spittler-McFaddin U V Wd qBH ^e
distal interphalangeal WOUI UO^ 5 knee d. =U
p dK
DIP fusion WOUI UO^ 5 Z Boyd d. bu V qBH* ^e
DIP joint wUI UO^ 5 qBH* Boyd hip d. bu V u qBH ^e
DiPalma shoe lift U*U V c( WF elbow d.(ED) o
d* qBH ^e
diphasic u]D wzUM uD e joint d. qBH* ^e
diphenhydramine yUC 5bONMOH Lisfranc d. pdHO V qBH* ^e
5UNK Mazet d. of knee XU V Wd qBH ^e
diphosphonate UuHH ^wzUM metatarsophalangeal joint d. w wDA* qBH* ^e
amino-hydroxy uMO UuH
^wzUM sacroiliac d. wH d( eF qBH* ^e
propylidene d. sbOKOd wbO shoulder d. (SD) nJ qBH ^e
technetium labeled uu* 5KOO* UuH
^wzUM wrist d. (WD) md qBH ^e
methylene d. uOAOMJU disc (var. of disk) d
technetium-99m d. 99 uOAOMJ UuH
^wzUM discectomy (var. of dI UB
technetium-99 5KO UuH
^wzUM diskectomy)
methylene d. 99 uOAOMJ discerta =dH
DIPJ dB porokeratosis plantaris d. =dH wBL d M dI
distal interphalangeal joint wUI UO^ sO qBH* discharge Zd ZO mdH
diplegia e qK bizarre high-frequency d. U du wU mdH
Diplococcus pneumoniae W]bIF W]uz=d We* ]uJ* bizarre repetitive d. U =dJ mdH
W]uz=d complex repetitive d. V]d =dJ mdH
diplomyelia U^M coupled d. dI mdH
diploscope lH]A UEM cramp d. wGdH hF
dipyridamole thallium uOUO ubdO wzUM duB] double d. e mdH
imaging d. frequency mdH du
direct dU grouped d. wuL mdH
d. contraction dU* hKI multiple d. =bF mdH

- 185 -
myokymic d. w
U wKC mdH right-left d. 5LO s UO eOOL
myotonic d. d^Q wKC mdH two-point d. 5DI^M eOOL
neuromyotonic d. d^Q wKC wB mdH Weber static two-point d. sOMU 5DI 5 eOOL
paired d. w mdH d V
pseudomyotonic d. U d^Q wKC mdH discus, pl. disci d d
repetitive d. =dJ mdH disease d
d. summary mdH qL Albers-Schonberg d. du d
triple d. w mdH Apert d. d
waning d. wUC mdH Atton d. u
disci (pl. of discus) d lL d Bamberger-Marie d. U ddU
discitis dI UN B. burgdorferi titer for w
bd W]Ou UO
juvenile d. wFHO dI UN Lyme d. .
disclocation lK) Bechterew d. nd
intraarticular d. qBH* q lK) Berger d. dd
discogenic (var. of QAM* wd Blount d. XuK
diskogenic) Bourneville d. qOHu
discogram (var. of dIH 5 dI u Bowen d. su
diskogram) Brailsford d. uHKd
discography (var. of dI duB Brodie d. d
diskography) Buchanan d. UUu
discoid qJA wd Ud Buerger d. ddO
d. lateral meniscus W]UdI W]OAu WN Burns d. edO
d. meniscus W]UdI WN Caffey d. =dAI r^EF] d
discometry (var. of dI UO wKH]D
diskometry) caisson workers d. 5]uG uG U]L
discontinuity UDI calcium pyrophosphate bO wzUM V^d
pelvic d. w{u( UDI dihydrate deposition d. uOUJ UH
discopathogenic wdI U o=KF (CPPD)
discopathy dI Calv-Perthes d. ^JM] fOdO nU
discotome dI lC WUA w
Pheasant d. XeO
V dI lC c H
discrepancy sU i UM cement d. *
leg length d. (LLD) 5 U u sU cementless d. * b
limb length d. d_ u i UM central core d. ed* VK
discrete eFM qUH cervical disk d. w d dI
d. activity eFM* UAM cervical spine dIH buUd b
d. blood supply to a bone rFDK eFM* ub b rheumatoid d. w d
graft wLEF Charcot joint d. uU qBH
discrimination eOOL Charcot-Marie-Tooth d. u U uU
Ayres tactile d. d V wLK eOOL Christmas hemophiliac d. V uUM d

- 186 -
ULd Friedreich d. abd

collagen vascular d. wMOuJ wzUu b Garr d. U
congenital disorder d. wIK) dD{ Garrod d. ^U
connective tissue d. UC ZOM Gaucher d. tOu
coronary artery d. wU UdA genetic d. w
Cowden d. U Gilbert d. dK
cystic d. wOJ b glenohumeral joint d. bCF wU]I( qBH*
Darier d. tO Gorham d. Uu
degenerative d. w^JM Haas d. U
degenerative disk d. (DDD) w^JM dI Hand-Schller-Christian d. UOd du bU
degenerative joint d. (DJD) w^JM wKBH Hansen d. sU
Djrine-Scotta d. U]uJ sdO Hass d. U
denervation d.'s VOBF] d hereditary d. w
de Quervain d. sU
u hereditary neuropathic d. wu wBF
Dercum d. rd histiocytosis X group of d. W]O UM* d
developmental disorder d. UL]M dD{ hydroxyapatite wbON V^d
Devic d. gH deposition d. XOU
Diaz d. U hypophosphatemic bone d. b UH
Di Guglielmo d. uLKOKu inheritable d. w
disappearing bone d. wH * rEF intrinsic vascular d. QAM* wK wzU
diver's d. 5]uG ischemic d. UH
double Charcot d. e* uU Iselin d. 5e
Duchenne d. 5 Jaffe d. w=
Duplay d. Kaschin-Beck d. pO 5U
Dupuytren d. du Kawasaki d. wU
Ellis-vanCreveld d. bKOHd U
fO= Kienbock d. uMO
embolic d. w=L Kimura d. uOLO
end-organ d. wzUNM uCF Kohler d. dKu
Engelmann d. ULK Konig d. ZOu
Erb-Goldflam d.
bu Kugelberg-Welander d. bu
Erb-Landouzy d. b Kmmell d. qOuO
Erdheim-Chester d. dO rU Landouzy-Djrine d. sdO b
Erhenfeld d. bKHMO lederhosen d. bK' uKDM
facet joint d. (FJD) wNOu qBH* Legg-Calv-Perthes d. fdO nU ZO
Farber d. dU
Felix d. fJOK
Legg-Perthes d. fdO ZO
fibromuscular d. wKCF wHOK Letterer-Siwe d. uO ddOO
Forestier d. dOu
Lewis upper limb dDK wzUu VKI
fracture d. dJ cardiovascular d. fu V uKF
Freiberg d. dOd
lipid storage d. U]OL]A e

- 187 -
liver d. bJ d U
Lou Gehrig d. ZdNO u Pott d. u
lower motor neuron d. wKH^ =wd( uBF Preiser d. ded
Lyme d. . pretest likelihood of d. q d*U WU UL
Marie-Bamberger d. ddU U U
Marie-Charcot-Tooth d. u uU U Raynaud d. uM
Marie-Strmpell d. qd U Refsum d. uH
marrow d. uI Reiter d. d
Mauclaire d. dOKu rheumatoid d. buU
McArdle d. UJ Roussy-Levy d. wHO w
metabolic bone d. wI rEF Scheuermann d. rEF UN Udu
metastatic d. wKOI dIH dCG
milk-alkali d. uKI s]K Sever d. dHO
Milroy d. dKO severe degenerative disk d. bbA w^JM wdI b
mini-core d. dOGB VK sickle-cell d. W]OKM* U]dJ
Morquio d. uOu Sinding-Larsen- 5 !bMO
Munchmeyer d. dOLOJu Johansson d. uUu
neoplastic disorder d wu dD{ skeletal hypoplasia d. wKJON Z^M] hI
neurogenic d. QAM* ^wB Still d. qO
neurologic d. ywB Sudeck d. pu
Neuromuscular d. wKC ywB synovial d. wKO
neuronal degenerative d. wuB w^JM Taratynov d. uMOU
neuropathic d. wBF Thiemann d. ULO
neuropathic hereditary d. wu wBF Thomsen d. su
Niemann-Pick d. pO ULO thoracolumbar wMDI bB w^JM b
oligoarticular d. qUH* qOK degenerative d.
Ollier d. tOO thromboembolic d. (TED) U wULB
Oppenheim d. .UNM= traumatic disorder d. w{d dD{
Osgood-Schlatter d. d u upper motor neuron d. uKF wd( uBF
osteoarthritis d. qBH* rEF UN Van Neck d. pO U

Paget d. XOU von Recklinghausen d. UNMK u

Panner d. dU von Willebrand d. bdOK u

Parkinson d. uMU Voorhoeve d. uu

Pelligrini-Stieda d. bO wMdO=K Wartenberg d. dM
peripheral vascular d. wDO* wzUu b Werdnig-Hoffmann d. UL
u Zd
(PVD) PVD Whipple d. qO
Perthes d. fdO Wilson d. uK
Peyronie d. tOdO Woringer-Kolopp d. uu dO$
phytanic acid storage d. pOUOH iL e disease-modifying =bF eOUdK yUC
posttest likelihood of d. WOU d*U WU UL antirheumatologic drug dLK

- 188 -
(DMARD) d. herniation dI UIH
DISH dB intervertebral d. dIH 5 dI
diffuse idiopathic sclerosing uN: V=KB* rEF d
d. lesion dI W

hyperostosis dAM* V] lumbar d. wMD d

diffuse idiopathic skeletal uN: wKJON rEF d
massive herniated d. ]bA oHM d
hyperostosis dAM* V] d. plication dI 5CG dI ^w
DISH syndrome wKJON r^EF d
W d. pressure dI jG{
dAM* V] uN: d. prolapse dI w=b
DISI dB protruding d. U d
distal intercalated segment WLI* WFDI dI b d. protrusion dI U
instability WOUI d. rongeur dI W{]d
dorsal intercalary segment WLI* WFDI dI b sequestered d. >kA d
instability W]OdNE sequestrated d. >kA d
dorsiflexed intercalated WLI* WFDI dI b slipped d. oeM* dI
segment instability U]OdN WOMM* d. space wdI e=O(
DISI collapse pattern DISI wDu dD d. space saline acceptance w
wK* uK* q^I U
disk, disc d test wdI e=O(
amphiarthrodial d. w UH d swollen d. =u d aHM d
d. bulge dI U dI UH Diskard head halter UJ V d s
bulging d. U d Disk-Criminator sensory p V W]O=( U
cervical d. w d dI testing uUO1d
d. compression dI UGC diskectomy, discectomy dI UB
crescent-shaped d. qJA wN dI automated percutaneous d. wJOUu_ dI UB
crescent-shaped wN wHOK w
dCG dI (APD) bK'
fibrocartilaginous d. qJA cervical d. w d dI UB
d. degeneration dI f^JM Cloward fusion d. wb dI UB
d. diffusion method wdI UA WId uK V
d. diffusion test U wdI UA U laminotomy and d. (LAM) dI UB WOHB lD
f^% W
dF* dI w=AH microlumbar d. (MLD) wMDI dI UB
W]uO( ]UCLK rOd' dN*
d. excision dI UB microsurgical d. (MSD) Wd'U dI UB
excision of intervertebral d. UIH 5 dI UB W]dN*
extruded d. U d Nucleotome system for u]M lC uuOKu UN
d. extrusion dI U lumbar d. wMDI dI UB
fibrocartilaginous d. wHOK w
dCG dI partial d. wze' dI UB
d. fragment dI W
b percutaneous d. (PD) bK' dI UB
d. grabber dI U percutaneous lumbar d. wMDI dI UB
herniated d. oHM d bK'
herniated cervical d. oHM w d Robinson anterior wU_ w d dI UB
herniated-contained d. ]u oHM d cervical d. uM V

- 189 -
Smith-Robinson anterior wU_ w d dI UB carpometacarpal d. wFM wGd lK)
cervical d. uM YOL V carpometacarpal joint d. wFM wGd qBH* lK
Williams d. eUO V dI UB central d. ed* lK)
diskogenic, discogenic QAM* wd Chopart ankle d. Uu V qUJ lK
d. neck pain QAM* wdI W d r complete d. U] qUJ lK)
diskogram, discogram dI u congenital d. wIK) lK)
diskography, discography dI duB congenital hip d. wIK) u lK
cervical d. w d dI duB consecutive d. V UF* lK)
Cloward fusion d. V wb dI duB d. contour abnormality lK) UH c
uK Cotton reduction of elbow d. u^u V o
d* lK ^
lumbar d. wMDI dI duB dashboard d. ]b Wu WU( lK
microlumbar d. dN* wMDI dI duB U]O
Williams d. eUO V dI duB Desault wrist d. u^ V md lK
diskometry, discometry dI UO divergent elbow d. bU* o
d* lK
Disl e dorsal perilunate d. wdNE wN u lK)
D. dislocation e lK dorsal transscaphoid w e d wN u lK)
dislocated uK lKM perilunar d. wdNE
d. knee WFK M* Wd elbow d. o
d* lK
d. patella WFK M* WH{d facet d. WNOu lK
dislocation (Disl) lK d. fracture wFK) dJ
acromioclavicular joint d. u d wd_ qBH* lK frank d. `d lK
antenatal d. u q lK) gamekeepers thumb d. bzdD U UN lK
anterior d. wU lK glenohumeral joint d. bCF wU]I( qBH* lK
anterior hip d. wU_ u lK habitual d. uQ* UF* lK)
anterior-inferior d. wKH wU_ lK) Hill-Sachs shoulder d. qO V nJ lK
anterior shoulder d. wU_ nJ lK fU
anterolateral d. wAu wU_ lK) hip d. u lK
atlantoaxial d. (AAD) u* wINH lK) incomplete d. qUJ dO lK)
atlantooccipital joint d. wcI wINH qBH* lK interphalangeal joint d. UO 5 qBH* lK
atypical d. wu/ lK isolated d. eFM* lK)
Bankart shoulder d. UJU V nJ lK Kienbock d. wN rEFK uMO lK
bayonet d. Wd( lK knee d. Wd lK
Bell-Dally cervical d. w d w= qO lK Lisfranc d. =bI lK pdHO lK
Bennett d. X=MO lK bI
bilateral interfacetal d. VU' wzUM wNOu lK) lumbosacral d. eF wMDI lK)
(BID) lunate d. wN lK)
boutonnire hand d. dF d qJA bO lK luxatio erecta shoulder d. lK rOI* nJ lK
bursting d. UH lK ^nI* VJM*
Carnesale-Stewart-Barnes V u lK nOMB medial swivel d. w d* lK
classification of hip d. eU uO eU metacarpophalangeal d. w wFM lK)

- 190 -
metatarsophalangeal joint d. w wDA* qBH* lK sternoclavicular joint d. u d w=BI qBH* lK
Meyn reduction of elbow d. o
d* lK) sU ^ subastragalar d. qUJ X lK)
milkmaids elbow d. 6]K w] o
d lK subcoracoid schoulder d. wdG TU]M X nJ lK
Monteggia d. UOOu lK subglenoid shoulder d. wU]I( X nJ lK
Nlaton ankle d. uO V qUJ lK subtalar d. qUJ X lK)
occipitoatlantal d. wINH wcI lK) superior d. uKF lK)
old, unreduced d. dO .b lK swivel d. d* lK
Otto pelvis d. u V u( lK talar d. wKUJ lK)
Palmer transscaphoid w e d wN u lK taratologic d. w  lK
perilunar d. d*U V tarsal d. wGd lK)
panclavicular d. u dK qU]A lK) tarsometatarsal d. wDA* wGd lK)
parachute jumpers d. 5OKE* E* e
U lK temporomandibular joint d. w=JH wbB qBH* lK
Pare reduction of elbow d. o
d* lK) dO ^ wKH
partial d. wze' lK) tibialis posterior d. W]OHK) W]OuME lK
patellar d. wH{d lK) tibiofibular joint d. uEA wuME qBH* lK
patellar intraarticular d. wH{d qBH* q lK) transscaphoid perilunate d. w e d wN u lK
pathologic d. w{d* lK) traumatic d. w{ lK
perilunar transscaphoid d. wN u w e d lK triquetrolunate d. wN w]K* lK)
perilunate d. wN u lK unilateral interfacetal d. VU' U_ WNOu lK
perilunate carpal d. wN u wG lK unreduced d. d dO lK dO lK
peroneal d. uEA lK) volar semilunar wrist d. wd wN md lK
phalangeal d. w lK) dislodgment Ue
posterior d. wHK) lK) hook d. w=B Ue
posterior hip d. wHK) u lK DISMAL dB
posterior schoulder d. wHK) nJ lK dorsiflexed intercalated WLI* WFDI dI b
posteromedial d. w wHK) lK) segment instability U]OdN WOMM*
prenatal d. u q lK) disodium uuB wzUM
primitive d. wzb lK) etidronate d. UbO uu ^wzUM
proximal tibiofibular uEA wuME qBH* lK disorder dD{
joint d. wb adrenal d. dE dD{
radial head d. dFJ lK affective d. wHU dD{
recent d. Yb lK clotting d. j^K dD{
recurrent d. ld lK) coagulation d. d^  dD{
recurrent patellar d. ld wH{d lK) cumulative trauma d. rd* `{d dD{
retrosternal d. w=BI nK lK) (CTD) CTD
sacroiliac d. wH d( eF lK) degenerative d. w^JM dD{
shoulder d. nJ lK intervertebral disk d. dIH 5 dI dD{
Smith d. wMOH wDA YOL lK lumbar disk d. wMDI dI dD{
spontaneous hyperemic d. wzUIK wG^O lK) motor d. wd dD{
sternoclavicular d. u d w=BI lK) muscle d. wKC dD{

- 191 -
nail d. UH_ dD{ tendon d. eu fO=
narcissistic personality d. W]OdM W]OB A dD{ hypnotic d. wuM Ue
neoplastic d. w dD{ lateral rotary d. wA db Ue
neurogenic d. QAM* wB dD{ load-to-grip d. WCI v qL( Ue
non-total-contact d. qUJ dO UL dD{ medial d. w Ue
parathyroid d. wI dD{ oblique d. qzU Ue
patellofemoral d. c
wH{ dD{ d. osteotomy rEFK ywUe lD
peripheral wBF UGC dD{ peroneal tendon d. uEA du Ue
neurocompressive d. wDO* rotary d. W]Ob W
posttraumatic d. `{]dK U dD{ significant d. yU Ue
posttraumatic stress d. `{]dK wU dJ dD{ spondylolisthesis with UN tUe UIH e
(PTSD) significant d.
progressive neurologic d. >d wB dD{ tendon d. du Ue
recurrent d. l dD{ traumatic d. w{ Ue
repetitive trauma d. =dJ* `{d dD{ disposable muscle biopsy uM WKCF e UIK
(RTD) RTD clamp
respiratory d. w^HM dD{ disproportion VUM sU
rheumatoid d. buU dD{ fiber-type d. jLM wHOK sU
spastic d. w^MA dD{ disrelationship WKB bI WKB bI
tendon d. du dD{ persistent occiput/atlas d. rzb W]OINH W]OcI WKB bI

trophic d. wzc dD{ disruption ` oe9 UH

trophic joint d. wzc qBH* dD{ anterior column d. wU_ uLF UH
disorientation Uu cervical spine posterior w d dIH Ud ^e9
hypnotic time d. w1uM wM Uu ligament d. wHK)
disparity UH end-stage d. WKd* wzUN UH
limb-length d. dD u UH joint d. qBH* UH
dispenser u lateral compartment d. wU' e=O( UH
Jet Vac cement d. U X XML u ligamentous d. wUd ^eL
dispersion dF X^A medial compartment d. w e=O( UH
temporal d. X] R X^A pedicle cortex d. WIu dA UH
displaced eM dissecans a=K aU
d. fracture eM* dJ osteochondritis d. dCG rEF UN
d. intraarticular calcaneus eM* wKBH* q VIF (OCD) aU
displacement Ue osteochondrosis d. aU yw
dC ywLE
angular d. e Ue patellar osteochondritis d. dCG rEF UN
atlantoaxial rotary d. wINH db Ue aU] wH{d
u* talar osteochondritis d. dCG rEF UN
crosshead d. d VUB* Ue aU] wKUJ
d. curve Ue vMM dissecting =dA
Ellis-Jones peroneal V uEA du Ue d. clamp =dA* UIK*

- 192 -
d. probe =dA* U* d. bone end WOUI rEF WUN
d. scissors =dA yhI d. calcaneus wUI VIF
dissection aOK d. clavicular excision wUI u d UB
blunt d. qOK aOK d. concave articular surface wUI d]FI* wKBH* `D
bone d. rEF aOK d. femoral cutting guide wUI c H lDI bd
deep iliac d. oOLF wH d( aOK d. femoral epiphyseal WOUI W]c H WUA* d
extracapsular d. WEH; U aOK fracture
field of d. aOK bO d. femur wUI c H
Pack-Ehrlich deep iliac d. V oOLF wH d( aOK d. fibula WOUI WOEA
aO U d. fibulotalar arthrodesis wKUJ uEA qBH* U
sharp d. U( aOK wUI
subligamentous d. wUd X aOK d. forearm wUI bU
subperiosteal d. UL X aOK d. fragment WOUI W
dissector =dA dA d. humeral epiphysis WOUI W]bCF WUA*
bunion d. WFu dA d. humeral fracture wUI bCF dJ
Freer d. dd
dA d. humerus wUI bCF
grooved d. r]K* dA* d. intercalated segment WLI* WFDI dI b
Kidner d. dbO dA instability (DISI) WOUI
Penfield d. bKOHMO dA d. interlocking wUI VUM
disseminata dM dAM d. interphalangeal (DIP) wUI UO 5
osteitis fibrosa d. dM* ^wHO=K rEF UN d. interphalangeal joint wUI UO 5 qBH*
wHO=K Z^M] qK (DIPJ)
disseminated dM d. interphalangeal joint UO 5 qBH* vQ
d. intravascular coagulation WO_ q dM* d^  approach wUI
(DIC) distal bOF U
d. pigmented villonodular wUe wKOe UN d. intrinsic release wUI QAM* wKb
synovitis dM* mDB* bOIF d. latency wUI uLJ
Dissipate =b b d. locking U q
Dissociation UH d. metaphysis wUI dJ
hypnotic d. w1uM UH d. metatarsal osteotomy wUI wDA* rEF lD
lunotriquetral d. w]K w UH d. neurolysis wUI VBF UJ

d. movement UH Wd d. oblique sliding wUI qzU* oeM* rEF lD

radioulnar d. be dFJ UH osteotomy
scaphoid-lunate d. wN w e UH d. palmar crease (DPC) WOUI W]Od sCG W]OD
scapulothoracic d. bB wHJ UH d. phalanx (DP) WOUI v
distal bOF U d. radial fracture wUI dFJ dJ
d. articular set angle W]OUI W]OKBH* WuL* W d. radioulnar joint wUI be dFJ qBH*
(DASA) d. radioulnar joint be dFJ qBH* XO
d. biceps brachii tendon W]bCF 5d d ^eL stabilization wUI
rupture wUI d. radius WOUI dFJ

- 193 -
d. realignment wUI nOd U d. force d
d. row carpectomy wUI wGd nB UB d. of fracture dJ d

d. segment weight WOUI WFDI Guhl d. qu d

d. targeting wUI bN halo-cast d. wUN VUI d

d. targeting device wUI bN eON halo-femoral d. c

wU d

d. third (D/3, distal/3) wUI YK halo-pelvic d. w{u wU d

d. third of shaft bK wUI YK d. histogenesis w d

d. tibia wUI uME d. hook d
d. tibial epiphyseal injury WOUI WOuME WUA* WU d. injury d
d. tibiofibular fusion U uE wuM Z d. instrumentation d

d. tibiofibular joint uEA wuME qBH* d. instrumentation d
wUI biomechanics
d. transfer wUI qIM longitudinal d. wuD d

d. ulna wUI be d. rod d

d. ulnar convexity wUI be ^b slow d. wD d

d. Wagner femoral V wUI c H dOBI spinal d. dIH d

metaphyseal shortening dM d. technique d

distal/3 wUI YK d. test d
distal third wUI YK distraction/compression d U nM' W'UF
distally bOF scoliosis treatment jGC
distalward U U=U distractive w d
distance W U* d. extension w d
conduction d. qOu W
U d. flexion w d
coracoclavicular d. W]u d W]OdG W
U* d. motion W]O d
focal film d. (FFD) W]R W]OLKH W
U* distractor =dH
source image d. (SID) bB* u W
U AO d. AO =dH
tube-to-film d. rKH u_ sO W
U* AO femoral d. AO c H =dH*
distension l^u ^bL UH femoral d. c H =dH*
distolateral wA wU U hook d. U]M =dH
distoocclusal w U U joint d. qBH* =dH
distortion u Mark II distal femur d. V wUI c H =dH
sacral base d. eF bU u II U
distract dI dA =u Mueller d. du =dH
distraction d Santa Casa d. U UU =dH
apical d. wLI d
distribution ^u lu
d. arthroplasty w d
qBH* cutaneous d. bK' ^u
callotasis d. wMH d
stress d. bN' lu
d. clamp d
UIK disuse atrophy b b uL{
fixed d. XU d
diurnal UN
flexion d. wzUM d
d. change UNM d^OG

- 194 -
d. variation in straight leg l
UNM dolens rR
raising WLOI* U phlegmasia cerulea d. rR* =e* ^bu UN
divergence bU dH dolichostenomelia lU_ UD lU_ W]OJM
angle of d. bU] W dH W Doll trochanteric b* UB= U WId
anteroposterior wU_ wIF wKUJ bU] reattachment technique V
talocalcaneal d. wHK) Dolobid bOu
divergent elbow dislocation bU* o d* lK Dolophine 5 u
divers disease 5]uG dolorimeter d1u^b r_ UOI
diversional activity UA uQ* dO UAM dolorosa rR
wKu adiposis d. W*R WU
division UI hallux d. rR* bI UN
Swafford-Lichtman d. ULAO u
u UI dome W]
divot I d. fracture W]I qJA d
DJD dB Maquet d. XOU W]
degenerative joint disease w^JM ywKBH d. osteotomy W]I qJA rE lD
DKB dB d. plunger W]I qJA fJ
deep knee bends WIOLF Wd UOM schoulder d. nJ W]
DMARD dB talar d. qUJ W]
disease-modifying =bF eOUdK yUC weightbearing acetabular d. uK WKU( W]O=I( W]I
antirheumatologic drug dLK dome-shaped osteotomy W]I qJA rEF lD
DMI orthopaedic bed DMI UEF .uI Wd dd dominance UO dDO
DMSO dB hand d. bO dDO
dimethyl sulfoxide bOuHK qOO wzUM left-hand d. dO bO dDO
DOA dB right-hand d. vMLO bO dDO
diagnostic and operative wBO A qBH* dOEM dominant bzU dDO
arthroscopy wd' left-hand d. dO bO dDO
dobutamine VKI b jOD right-hand d. vMLO bO dDO
echocardiography 5UubU DOMS dB
Doctor rU u delayed-onset muscle Wb d=Q* wKCF ^dI
D. Collins clamp eMO=u ub UIK soreness
D. Collins fracture clamp ub V dJ UIK Donati suture wU d
eMO=u DonJoy u
documentation oOu D. four-point Super Sport wUd u du W UM
documented o]u* UJ UBH knee brace u V l{u*
pseudoarthrosis D. knee brace u V Wd UM
DOF dB donning-doffing skill ^d ^d UD UN
Degrees-of-freedom W]d( U donor `U =d jF
dog-ear VKJ d. site jF l{u
d.-e. repair VKJ qJA `OKB d. team jF od

dogleg fracture u uK d Dooley nail w UL

- 195 -
DOOR syndrome W d. intercalary segment WLI* WFDI dI b
dopamine wB q U 5U instability (DISI) U]OdN
Doppler 1853 1803 Uu dK d. interosseous muscle W]OdNE UEF 5 WKCF
U wzUeO w{U d. kyphotic curvature wdNE wb( UM
D. bidirectional test dK V U= wzUM U d. linear incision wdNE wD) ^oA
D. echocardiography dKb VKI b jOD d. lithotomy position UB( d W]OF{
D. measurement dK UO WOdNE
D. pulse evaluation dKbU iM rOOI d. longitudinal incision wdNE wuD ^oA
D. scope dK UEM d. metatarsal artery wdNE wDA* UdA
D. study dK W d. midline approach wdNE nUM j) vQ
D. technique dK WId d. perilunate dislocation wdNE wN u lK)
D. ultrasound flowmeter uB ozUH Ud' UOI d. point W]OdNE WDIM
dKb d. position W]OdNE W]OF{u
D. ultrasound segmental wFDI b jG{ U d. proximal metatarsal wb wDA* rEF lD
blood pressure testing dKb uB ozUH osteotomy wdNE
Dorrance f d. rami W]OdNE dH
D. hand prosthesis f V bO Wb d. recumbent position wdNE UIK W]OF{
D. procedure f d d. reflex wdNE fJFM*
dorsal dN wdN d. root entry zone (DREZ) wdNE c' u WIDM
d. approach wdN vQ d. root ganglion (DRG) wdNE c' bI
d. aspect wdN dEM d. root ganglionectomy wdNE c' bI UB
dorsal dN wdN d. scapular nerve wdNE wHJ VBF
d. block splint wdNE UB dO d. skin wdNE bK'
d. bunion W]OdNE WFu d. spine (D-spine) dIH uLF dN]E U ^M
d. capsule W]OdNE WEH* d. splint W]OdNE dO'
d. capsulodesis W]OdNE WEH* U d. subcutaneous nerve X VBF l{ dOOG
d. closing wedge osteotomy oKG* wMOH rEF lD transposition wdNE bK'
wdNE d. synovectomy wdNE wKOe UB
d. columella implant dNE bOLF Wd d. tenosynovectomy wdNE wKOe du UB
d. column stimulator (DCS) wdNE uLF UM d. translation wdNE qIM
d. column stimulator wdNE uLF UM Wd d. transscaphoid perilunar w e d wN u lK)
implant dislocation wdNE
d. cross-finger flap W]OdNE WUB* l WKb d. transverse capsulotomy W{dF* WEH* lD
d. drainage wdNE eM W]OdNE
d. extension block splint bU UB dO d. transverse incision wdNE dF* ^oA
wdNE d. wedge osteotomy wdNE wMOH rEF lD
d. finger approach l wdN vQ d. wing wdNE UM'
d. flap W]OdNE WKb d. wire loop fixation wdNE pK d XO
d. glide wdNE e d. wrist splint with bM l W]OdNE md dO
d. hood W]dN WFMI outrigger

- 196 -
dorsalis dN wdN d. approach wBL_ wdNE vQ*
d. pedis (DP) bI dN d. projection wBL_ wdNE jI*
d. pedis artery bIK ^wdN]E Ud=A d. view wBL_ wdNE dEM*
d. pedis artery anatomy bIK wdN]E Ud=A `dA dorsoradial dF wdN
d. pedis flap bI dN WKb d. approach dFJ wdNE vQ*
d. pedis pulse bI dN i d. ligament (DRL) dFJ wdNE Ud
tabes d. dNE fU dorsorostral approach UIM* wdNE vQ*
dorsal-V osteotomy wdNE V qJA rEF lD dorsoulnar approach be wdNE vQ*
dorsalward U& wdN dorsum dN
d. approach U& wdN vQ Dosepak UO
Dorsey w Medrol D. bO UO
D. screwdriver w ^pH double nUC e
D. screw-holding V VuK p ^pH d. Becker ankle brace V e* qUJ UM
screwdriver w dJO
dorsi wdN dN d. binocular operating sO]OMOF wd' dN*
elastofibroma d. dN d ywHO microscope e*
latissimus d. WCdF W]dN]E WKCF d. camelblack sign e* qL' UM W
dorsiflexed U]OdN sM d. Charcot disease e* uU
d. intercalated segment WLI* WFDI dI b d. clamp approximator e* UIK* dI
instability (DISI, U]OdN WOMM* d. Cobra plate vF
dorsiflexion wdN UM d. contrast study e* sUU Wb
d. bumper wdNE UM ^bB d. crush syndrome e* dN W
d. flexion wdN UM wdN wM d. curve scoliosis e* vMM* nM
d. foot splint wdNE UMU bI dO d. discharge e mdH
resisted d. UI wdN UM d. flexion wave e* UM Wu
dorsiflexor gait wdNE UM WOA d. fracture e d
dorsiflexory U]OdN sM d. hemiplegia e* wHBM qKA
d. osteotomy U]OdN wMM* rEF lD d. hump contour Wb( e UH
d. wedge osteotomy wMM* wMOH rEF lD d. incision e* ^oA
U]OdN d. inflow cannula system We* Ud' W]OM UN
dorsolateral wA wU wdN d. looped semitendinosus We W]d nB WId
d. approach wAu wdNE vQ* technique dF
d. and medial W]OdNE WEH* lD d. major curve pattern e* dOJ vMM* u/
capsulotomy W]O d. major curve scoliosis e* dOJ vMM* nM
dorsolumbar area W]OMDI W]OdNE WU d. major scoliosis e* dOJ nM'
dorsomedial w wdN d. major spinal curve e* dOJ dIH vMM*
d. approach w wdNE vQ* d. osteotomy e* rEF lD
d. incision w wdNE ^oA d. right-angle suture We WLzUI We* WUO)
dorsoplantar wBL wdN d. spica cast e* wKM VUI

- 197 -
d. support time e* Ub X D. Corning titanium V uOUO W]OHB Wd
d. thoracic curve e* bB vMM* hemi-implant ZMOu
d. thoracic curve scoliosis e* bB vMM* nM D. Corning Wright finger V l qBH Wb
d. tourniquet We* WUF joint prosthesis X ZMOu
d. Zielke instrumentation e* _ ULF D. Corning Wright X ZMOu Wb
wJK V prosthesis
double-action rongeur qFH We* rEF W{]d dowagers hump WK_ Wb
double-cannula system We* W]OMI UN dowel U
double-contrast e* sUU qBH* duB d. bone graft Ub rEF rF
arthrography d. graft Ub rFD
double-ended right-angle WUNM e* We rzUI UF* d. spinal fusion Ub dIH Zb
retractor d. technique Ub WId
double-flexion knee motion e* wMU Wd Wd doweled U =bu b]u
double-hip spica cast e* wu wKM VUI doweling U
double-hook Lovejoy U]MB e* uO u UF d. spondylolisthesis W]Ub UIH e WId
retractor technique
double-incision fasciotomy oA e* W UHK lC down-angle hook W]OKH We U]M
double-L L qJA We downbiting rongeur lDI W]OKH W{]d
d.-L. rod L qJA We* W]OBF Downey w
d.-L. spinal rod We* dIH VOCI D. hemilaminectomy WOHB UB UF
L qJA retractor w V wHBM
double-looped gracilis e* WKU]M WKCF rF D. object recognition test UO_ eOO9 v ^dF U
graft dF w V
double-needle dIH dIK ^wzUOLOJ ^q( D. texture discrimination w V uI eOO9 U
chemonucleolysis We* dU test
double-occlusal splint We W]O U dO Downey-McGlamery d p w d
double-open hook WH We* U]MB procedure
double-pendulum action e* ]uM qF downgoing toe qH t=* bI l
double-rod e* VOCI Downing ZMO
d.-r. construct e* VOCI VOd D. cartilage knife V dCG WMO=J
d.-r. technique e* VOCI WId ZMO
double-stem implant c' We Wd D. staple ZMO ]
doublet Wb We downsized circular W]dzb W]OzUHB U]MB
double-threaded Herbert e* eK* ddO Vu laminar hook v_ r(
screw Down syndrome uudJ Y^K W
doughnut ring W]OJF WIK 21
doughy consistency wMO u doxepin U yUC 5O
Dow oKI
D. Corning implant V WOdG Wb doxorubicin uO yUC 5Ou
prosthesis ZMOu Doyan periosteal elevator U V UL WF

- 198 -
DP dB open d. uH* eM
distal phalanx WOUI v pelvic d. w{u( eM
dorsalis pedis bI dN posterior d. wHK) eM
DPA dB posterolateral d. wAu wHK) eM
dual photon absorptiometry uuH UB UOI posteromedial d. w wHK) eM
e* suction d. wB* eM
DPC dB draining infected nonunion U]M bFM* U b
distal palmar crease wUI wd sCG Dramamine 5U
DPD dB drape id* t v]DG U wd UD
dual photon densitometry e* uuH W
U UO Wd' UM w
DPX dB fenestrated d. V]I wd UD
dual photon uuH UB UOI incise d. uIA wd UD
absorptiometry e* Loban adhesive d. V o wd' UDG
drafting r^d Uu
overlay d. bO
d r^d 3M skin d. V bK' wd' UDG
drain eM eM 3M
Davol d. u
eM Opraflex d. wd' fJK
d UD
Hemovac d. U
uLO eM reprep and d. =j ]b
Jackson-Pratt d. d uU eM draped out id* v]DG
Nlaton d. uO eM drawer ^b VU
Nlaton rubber tube d. V wU]D* wu_ eM* flexion-rotation-d. (FRD) db wM
uO d. sign b W
open fracture wound d. uH* dJ d eM d. test b U
Penrose d. dMO eM drawing r
polyethylene d. 5KO wu s eM pain d. r_ j]D  r
rubber d. wU]D* eM* preoperative d. W]OKLF q rd
Silastic d. pOO eM drawn ankle clonus u* qUJ l
subcutaneous d. bK' X eM* Dream Ride car seat . b V U]O bFI
drainage e Drennan UM
anterior d. wU_ eM D. angle UM W
anterolateral d. wAu wU_ eM D. metaphyseal-epiphyseal W]OdJ W]OUA* We
anteromedial d. w wU_ eM angle UM V
David d. bO
e D. posterior transfer UM V wHK) qIM
dorsal d. wdNE eM DressFlex fJOK f
Kelikian d. UOJOKO e D. orthotic f V rEF .uI
ilium d. WH d( e fJOK

Klein d. s e D. orthotic device V rEF .uI eON

lateral d. wAu eM fJOK
medial d. w eM dressing bOLC UL{
Ober posterior d. d V wHK) eM abdominal d. wMD UL{

- 199 -
ACU-derm wound d. dK uO UL{ Elastoplast d. Xu UL{
Adaptic d. pO UL{ Ensure-It d. uA UL{
Aeroplast d. Xd UL{ Epigard d. UO UL{
Alginate d. UMO'_ UL{ Esmarch d. U UL{
Aquaphor d. u
u UL{ figure-of-eight d. 8 r d qJA UL{
Aquaphor gauze d. u
u V wUA ULC Flexinet d. XMOJOK
Betadine d. sUO UL{ fluff d. w UL{
Bioclusive d. nOuKuO UL{ Fuller shield d. du
V w u ULC
Bioclusive transparent d. u s U]HA ULC Furacin gauze d. 5u
nOuKuO gauze d. wU UL{
biologic d. wuuO UL{ Geliperm d. dOKO UL{
Blister Film d. rKO
dOK UL{ Glasscock ear d. uJ V _ UL{
bulky d. wK UL{ Granuflex d. fJOK
ud UL{
bundle d. We( UL{ immediate postoperative Wd' bF Wb UL{
Bunnell d. qO=u UL{ prosthesis d. dU
circumferential d. w
UHJ ULC Intact d. XU UL{
Coban d. Uu UL{ Intrasite d. XUd UL{
Coban elastic d. d* Uu UL{ J&J Ulcer d. uu uu UL{
CoFilm d. rKO
u UL{ dIK
collodion d. uuuJ UL{ Jones d. eu UL{
Comfeel Ulcus d. fJ qOHu UL{ Kerlix d. fJOdO UL{
Compeed protective d. bOu V w u ULC Kling adhesive d. o ZMOK UL{
compression d. jU{ UL{ Koch-Mason d. uU u UL{
compressive d. jU{ UL{ LYOfoam C d. uO ud UL{
Conform d. uHu UL{ LYOfoam wound d. uO ud d' UL{
CoolSorb absorbent cold ^U* U qIM ULC Microfoam d. u
transfer d. uu V neoprene d. sduOM UL{
CoolSorb transfer d. uu V qIM UL{ nonadherent gauze d. o dO wUA ULC
Coraderm d. du UL{ Nu Gauze d. u uO UL{
cotton d. wMD UL{ occlusive d. yb UL{
Coverlet adhesive o wd' ULC ODonoghue d. uOu UL{
surgical d. d
u V Omniderm d. dbOM UL{
Cover-Roll adhesive V o UA UL{ Oproflex d. fJK
d UL{
gauze d. d
u Op-Site d. XU UL{
Cryo/Cuff d. uud UL{ Orthoflex d. fJK
u UL{
Dermiflex d. fJKHOd UL{ Orthoplast d. Xu UL{
dry d. U UL{ palm-to-axilla d. j v Wd s ULC
DuoDerm d. du UL{ patch d. wF UL{
Elastikon d. uJ UL{ pledget d. ULCU bOLC
Elastomull d. uu UL{ Polyskin d. 5J wu UL{

- 200 -
pressure d. jU{ UL{ u
Primaderm d. dU1d UL{ Dreyer formula d WUF
Restore d. u UL{ Dreyfus uH
rigid d. VK UL{ D. prosthesis forceps uH V Wb jIK
Robert Jones d. d eu UL{ D. prosthesis placement V Wb WF{u
Scherisorb d. ud UL{ instrument uH
Shanz d. eU UL{ DREZ dB
Silastic gel d. V wN ULC dorsal root entry zone wdNE c' u WIDM
pOO DREZ caudis electrode WIDM* wc wdNJ d*
silk mesh gauze d. dd( wJA UA UL{ wdNE c' u
sling d. w F UL{ DREZ lesion wdNE c' u WIDM W

soft d. u UL{ DREZ modification of c' u WIDM qbF

soft bulky d. u wK UL{ Eriksson technique WId V wdNE
Sof-Wick d. p u UL{ u^J
Spenco Second Skin d. uJM V wU bK' UL{ DRG dB
stent d. rFD XO wM UL{ dorsal root ganglion wdNE c' bI
bK' Driessen hinged plate 5 V W]d WOHB
sterile d. r]IF UL{ drift UO Ue
sterile dry d. (SDD) r]IF U UL{ congenital ulnar d. u be Ue
Synthaderm d. dUMO UL{ osseous d. wLE Ue
Tegaderm d. dUO UL{ radial d. dFJ Ue
Telfa d. UHKO UL{ ulnar d. be Ue
Telfa gauze d. UHKO V wUA ULC drill VI
toe-to-groin modified l s ]bF* eu UL{ ACL d. wU_ VUB* Ud VI
Jones d. W]O_ v bI Acufex d. fJ
u VI
Tricodur Epi V jU]C ULC Adson d. u VI
compression d. w uJd Adson-Rogers V V U VI*
Tricodur Omes e uJd UL{ perforating d. d u
compression d. jUC Adson spiral d. u V weK( VI*
Tricodur Talus uU uJd UL{ Adson twist d. u V wKH VI*
compression d. jUC Aesculap d. OJ VI
Tubigrip d. VdOuO UL{ agility d. Wd( ld VIM
Uniflex d. fHOu UL{ air d. wzuN VI*
Velpeau d. uKO
UL{ air-powered cutting d. uN bI qLF lU VI
Vigilon d. uKO
UL{ Albee d. w VI
Webril d. qdO
UL{ Amico d. uJO VI
wet-to-dry d. UH' v qK s UL{ Anspach power d. U V w VI
wide-mesh petroleum wd wUA ULC anticavitation d. n^NJ b{ VI
gauze d. WJA lu wMOUH Archimedean d. sbOLO VI
Xeroform gauze d. V wUA bOLC ASIF twist d. V qH VI

- 201 -
ASSI wire pass d. U) pK d VI Cherry-Austin d. 5 =dO VI
W]OLKF U= V Children's Hospital vHA* bO VI*
WIO b W]Od' hand d. UH_
autotome d. lDI w VI chuck d. iI* VI
Bailey d. wKU VI Cloward d. uK VI
bar d. W{UF VI Cloward cervical d. uK V w d VI*
battery-driven hand d. W]UDU qLF b VI Codman d. Uu VI
biflanged d. WHA wzUM VI* Codman wire-passing d. V pK d VI
bit d. dHA VI Uu
d. bit VI* dH Collison d. eO=u VI
Bjork d. uO VI Collison body d. eO=u V r' VI
Bjork rib d. u V {_ VI Collison cannulated hand d. V v]MI* bO VI*
bone d. rEF VI eO=u
bone hand d. wLEF bO VI* Collison tap d. eO=u V jdA VI
Bosworth d. uu VI cortical d. dAI VI*
Bosworth crown d. uu V U VI cortical step d. dAI ]b* VI*
Bowen suture d. su V WUO) VI crown d. U VI
Brunswick-Mack V db VI Crutchfield d. bKOHAd VI
rotating d. U pud Crutchfield bone d. bKOHAd V rEF VI
Bunnell d. qO=u VI Crutchfield hand d. V bO VI*
Bunnell bone d. qO=u V rEF VI bKOHAd
Bunnell hand d. qO=u V bO VI* Crutchfield-Raney d. w bKOHAd VI
bur d. VI* VI Cushing d. ZMOu VI
cannulated d. v]MI* VI* Cushing flat d. ZMOu V `]D* VI*
cannulated cortical step d. v]MI* dAI ]b* VI* Cushing perforator d. ZMOu V u U VI*
Carmody d. uU VI dental d. w=M VI*
Carmody perforator d. uU V u U VI* depth check d. oLF h
Carroll-Bunnell d. qO=u ^U VI DePuy d. u VI
Cebotome d. uu VI DErrico d. uJ= VI
Cement Eater d. * q VI DErrico perforating d. uJ= V V U VI*
centering d. edL VI DErrico perforator d. uJ= V V U VI*
cervical d. w d VI* Deyerle d. dO VI
Championnire bone d. UO=uOU V rEF VI diamond d. wU* VI*
Charnley d. wKU VI diamond high-speed d. wU* Wd wUF VI*
Charnley centering d. wKU V edL VI qJA
Charnley femoral V W]c H WLIK VI driver nail d. UL* W ]u VI
condyle d. wKU extractor nail d. UL* lU VI
Charnley pilot d. V Ud VI* fingernail d. l dH VI
wKU Fisch d. gO
Cherry d. =dO VI flat d. `]D* VI*

- 202 -
Galt d. XU VI Lentulo d. uuMO VI
Galt hand d. XU V bO VI* Lentulo spiral d. uuMO V weK( VI*
Gates-Glidden d. bOK fO VI Loth-Kirschner d. dMdO u VI
glenoid d. wU]I( VI* Luck d. u VI
Gray d. d VI Luck bone d. u V rEF VI
Gray bone d. d V rEF VI Lusskin d. 5Ju VI
d. guard VI* w Lusskin bone d. 5Ju V rEF VI
d. guide VI* qO Macewen d. suU VI
d. guide forceps VI* qO jIK Magnuson twist d. uMU V qH VI
Hall d. u VI Mathews d. uOU VI
Hall air d. u V wzuN VI* Mathews hand d. uOU V bO VI*
Hall Micro-Aire d. dJ* wzuN VI* Mathews load d. uOU V qOL VI
u V d dJO McKenzie d. eMO p VI
Hall power d. u V w VI McKenzie bone d. eMO p V rEF VI
Hall step-down d. V qH_ ]b* VI* McKenzie perforating d. eMO p V V U VI*
u McKenzie perforating V V U qH VI
Hamby twist d. wU V qH VI twist d. eMO p
hand d. bO VI* Michelson-Sequoia air d. V wzuN VI*
hand-operated d. bO VI* uOJO uKJU
Harold Crowe d. d bU VI Micro-Aire d. d dJO VI
Harris-Smith anterior U_ sO wU VI Midas Rex d. f bO VI
interbody d. YOL f=U V mini-Stryker power d. dOGB dJd yw VI
Hewson d. uu VI Minos air d. uMO V wzuN VI*
high-speed d. Wd wUF VI* Mira d. UO VI
high-speed twist d. Wd wUF qH VI Modny d. wu VI
d. hole VI* WI Moore d. u VI
hollow mill d. ]u: WMD* VI Moore bone d. u V rEF VI
Hudson d. ub VI nail d. UL* VI
Hudson bone d. ub V rEF VI Neil-Moore perforator d. u qO V u U VI*
intramedullary d. uIM q VI* Neurain d. suO VI
Jacobs chuck d. fuU V iI* VI Neurairtome d. uduO VI
d. jig VI* WGO nippers nail d. WU]LJ UL VI
Jordan-Day d. u VI Orthairtome II d. 2 udO VI
Kerr d. dO VI orthopaedic d. UEF .uI Wd VI
Kerr electro-torque d. wdNJ b e VI orthopaedic surgical d. .uI Wd' wd' VI*
Kerr hand d. dO V bO VI* orthopaedic Universal d. .uI Wd' UdHOu VI
Kirschner bone d. dMdO V rEF VI UEF
Kirschner wire d. dMdO V wJK VI* Osseodent surgical d. Xu^ V wd' VI*
Kodex d. fJu VI Osteone air d. uO V wzuN VI*

- 203 -
Patrick d. pdU VI spiral d. weK( VI*
Pease bone d. eO V rEF VI spiral or twist d. qH VI weK( VI*
pencil-tipped d. rKIU c VI spirec d. dO VI
penetrating d. d< VI* step-down d. i
Penn d. 5 VI Stille d. w=KO VI
perforating d. V U VI* Stille bone d. w=KO V rEF VI
perforating twist d. V U qH VI Stille hand d. w=KO V bO VI
perforator d. u U VI* Stille-Sherman d. UdO w=KO VI
pilot d. Ud VI* Stille-Sherman bone d. w=KO V rEF VI
d. pin VI* u^ UdO
pistol-grip hand d. WC qJA bO VI* Stiwer hand d. uO V bO VI*
]b* Stryker d. dJd VI
d. point VI* Surgairtome air d. udOu wzuN VI*
Portmann d. U9u VI surgical-orthopaedic d. Wd U) wd' VI*
power d. w bI VI UEF .uI
Ralks d. fJ VI suture d. WUO) VI VI
Ralks bone d. fJ V rEF VI suture hole d. WUO) VI VI
Ralks fingernail d. V l dH VI Synthes d. fOMO VI
fJ tap d. e VI
Raney d. w VI Thornwald d. bUHu VI
Raney bone d. w V rEF VI Thornwald antral d. bUHu V UG VI*
Raney perforator d. w V u U VI* Treace d. fd VI
retention d. XO] VI Treace stapes d. fd V wUd VI*
rib d. lKC VI trephine d. VIM* VI
Rica bone d. UJ V rEF VI Trinkle bone d. qJMd V rEF VI
Richards Lovejoy bone d. u
V rEF VI Trinkle power d. qJMd V w VI*
UA Trinkle Super-Cut twist d. U du u/ qH VI
Richards pistol-grip d. WC qJA UA VI qJMd V
]b* Trowbridge-Campau bdd V rEF VI
Richmond subarachnoid W]OuJMF X qH VI bone d. uU
twist d. buLA V Trowbridge-triple speed d. V Wd w VI*
Richter bone D. dA V rEF VI bdd
right-angle dental d. We rzUI w=M VI* twist d. qH VI
scissors nail d. hI* UL* VI Ullrich drill guard d. gd V VI* w VI
Shea d. UO VI Uniflex calibrated step d. V d]OF ]b VI
Sherman-Stille d. w=KO UdO VI fHOu
d. sleeve VI* WK union broach retention d. U Wu XO VI
Smedberg d. dbL VI Universal d. UdHOu VI
SMIC sternal d. pOL wBI VI* Universal two-speed 5d bO VI*
Smith d. YOL VI hand d. UdHOu

- 204 -
Vitallium d. uOUOH VI Maxi-Driver d. dOH wU u
Warren-Mack d. U = VI McNutt d. u p u
Warren-Mack rotating d. U = V ]b VI* McReynolds d. buM p u
wire d. wJK VI* Milewski d. wJuKO u
Wolferman d. UdH VI Moore d. u u
Wullstein d. 5Au
VI Moore-Blount d. XuK u u
Zimalate d. XOU1 VI nail d. u* ^pH
Zimalate twist d. XOU1 V qH VI d. nail drill u* =pH VI
Zimmer d. d=1 VI Neufeld d. bK
u u
Zimmer hand d. d=1 V bO VI* Nystroem nail d. V dOUL* u
Zimmer-Kirschner hand d. d=1 V bO VI* dO
dMdO Nystroem-Stille d. w=KO dO u
Zimmer Universal d. d=1 V UdHOu VI Paramax angled d. fJU V ]e* u*
drill-guide VI* qO polyethylene-faced d. WNu wMOKO wu u
Acufex d.-g. fJ
u V VI* qO prosthesis d. wb u*
drilling VI V U dH Pugh d. u u
d. broach VOI Wu Put-In D. u W ]u
d. jig VOI WO Rush d. u
d. technique dH( VOI WId Sage d. U u
drill point VI* Schneider d. bUM u
cannulated d. p. v]MI* VI* W]L Schneider nail d. bUM V dOUL* u
carbon steel d.p. wudJ uH s VI* WL Sharbaro d. UU u
drip-tube feeding b UF qO]U UF staple d. =d u*
drive-extractor u* lU supine position d. UIK W]OF{ u
Driver u ozU surgical pin d. wd' u^b u
blade plate d. WHOB qB u tibial d. wuME u*
bullet d. nzcI u trial d. Wd u
Eby band d. w We u d. tunnel locator apparatus u* oHM l={u UN
femoral head d. c H u wire d. wJK u*
Flatt d.
u Zimmer d. d=1 u
Hall d. u u Zimmer Orthair ream d. dO d=1 V duI pH
Harrington hook d. V U]MB u driver-bender-extractor lUI wU( u*
u=U driver-extractor lUI u*
Jewett d. Xu u Hansen-Street d.-e. sU V lUI u*
Ken d. 5 u Xd
Kirschner wire d. dMdO V pK u Ken d.-e. 5 V lUI u*
Kntscher d. dAu u McReynolds d.-e. p V lUI u*
Kntscher nail d. dAu UL WF
K-wire d. dAu pK u Zimmer d.-e. d=1 V lUI u*
Massie d. w=U u DRL dB

- 205 -
dorsoradial ligament dFJ wdNE Ud technique bu
droopy shoulder syndrome WO=b* nJ W d. wire bu pK
drop >b uI d. wire technique bu V pK WId
d. arm sign WO=b* =c W dry U
foot d. WO=b* bI d. dressing U UL{
d. foot brace WO=b* bI UM d. gangrene W]
d. foot gait WO=b* bI WOA d. infected nonunion U' bFM* U b
d. foot splint WO=b* bI dO Dryspell cast cover q V VUI UD
wrist d. md w=b Tolectin DS qIM DS 5u
d. wrist splint w=b* md dO d d(
drop-arm test WO=b* =c U DSA dB
drop-entry (closed body) r' w=b* qb* U]M digital subtraction wL d dDU WO_ duB
hook oKG* angiography
droperidol wI oKIK yUC bdOb DSIS orthotic DSIS .uI
=bN D-spine wdNE UIH
dropfoot (var. of dropped WO=b* bI dorsal spine wdNE UIH
foot) DTR dB
drop-foot redression WO=b* bI dO& u deep tendon reflex oOL yd fJFM
stockings DTT dB
drop-lock j U qHI device for transverse dF* =d' eON
d.-l. knee brace j U qHI Wd UM traction
d.-l. ring j U qHI WIK DTT implant dF* =d' eON Wd
dropped foot WO=b* bI DTT system dF* =d' eON UN
drug dual w wzUM
d. addict =b sb d. (bypass) connectors W]OzUM qzUu
antiplatelet d. W]ub UOH^BK UC d. compression scoliosis wzUM wUGC nM'
antituberculosis d. ^bK yUC treatment
depolarizing d. UDI qe d. energy x-ray W]OMO W]F_ UB UO
disease-modifying =bF eOUdK UC absorptiometry (DEXA, WdH W UD We*
antirheumatologic d. dLK DEXA scan) W]OMO W]F_ UBU
slow-acting antirheumatic d. wD eOUdK UC d. onlay bone graft wzUM wFd rEF rF
(SAARD) qFH d. onlay cortical bone graft wFd dAI rEF rF
drug-induced myotonia bU ]d* qCF d^Q wzUM
drummer boy palsy U]D bu qK d. onlay graft wzUM wFd rFD
drummond bu d. photon absorptiometry uuH UB UOI
d. button bu ^ (DPA, DPX) wzUM
d. spinal instrumentation W]dIH _ ULF d. photon densitometry wzUM uuH W
bu V (DPD)
d. spinous wiring V W]OuA _ WId d. photon densitometry uuH W

- 206 -
test wzUM D. technique WId
d. photon densitometry uuH W
U UO U D. triple arthrodesis V w qBH* U
test for osteoporosis rEF q K  wzUM Dunn-Brittain sU]d
d. plate W]OzUM WOHB D.-B. foot stabilization V bI XO WId
d. square-ended Harrington WUNM u=U VOC technique sU]d
rod We* WF]d* D.-B. triple arthrodesis V w qBH* U
dual-lock total hip oKG W]OzUM qUJ u Wb sU]d
prosthesis Dunn-Hess trochanteric V b* rEF lD
Dubreuilh qd osteotomy fO
D. melanosis circumscripta qd V =b* s^KL Duocondylar knee dOKbuu V Wd Wb
melanosis circumscripta uK oU] =b* s^KL prosthesis
preblastomatosis of D. qd V w_ duodenal compression dAUM UGC
Duchenne 5 DuoDerm .u
D. disease 5 D. dressing .u UL{
D. dystrophy 5 q Duo-Drive screw n u Vu
D. muscular atrophy 5 V wKCF uLC Duo-Lock hip prosthesis u u V u Wb
D. muscular dystrophy 5 V wKCF q( Duo-Patellar knee dOKOU u V Wd Wb
duckbill rongeur WD UIM qJA rEF W{]d prosthesis
duck waddle test W]D UN W]D WOA U Duopress fdu
duct UM D. guide fdu qO
thoracic d. W]bB UMI D. plate fdu WOH
ductility V WOKU Dupaco uU
Dudley J. Morton foot fLO w V bI WO D. knee control uU V WdU r^J
configuration uu D. knee prosthesis uU V Wd Wb
Dugas test U U Duplay disease tOK
dull aching pain qOK r duplicate nUC nUC
dumbbell tumor eOKb d. sternum nUC* hI
Dumon-Gilliard prosthesis u1 V Wb qb d. thumb nUC* UN
introducer UOKO duplication nUC
Duncan UJ Marks-Bayne technique nUC wMU fU WId
D. prone rectus test V WLOI* W]UJ U for thumb d. UN
UJ symmetric thumb d. dUM* UN nUC
D. shoulder brace UJ V wHJ UM thumb d. UN nUC
Duncan-Lovell modification q u UJ qbF Wassel type IV thumb d. 4 jLM s UN nUC
Dunlop-Shands view bU uK dEM q= V
Dunlop traction uK ^d Dupont distal humeral WOUI W]bCF WOHB UN
Dunn plate system Xu V
D. biopsy We Dupuytren 1797 uO U du
D. device eON wd ]d 1835
D. osteotomy V rEF lD D. contracture du l^HI

- 207 -
D. contracture release du l^HI dd% nail d. dHE U
D. diathesis du VQ duToit Xu
D. disease du d. shoulder staple Xu V W]OHJ ]d
D. exostosis du d d. staple Xu V nJ ]
D. fracture du d duToit-Roux f Xu
D. sign du W d.-R. arthroplasty V qBH*
D. splint du dO Xu
dura WO U' d.-R. staple capsulorrhaphy V W]=d WEH* u

d. mater WO
U' _ Xu
Duracon u Duverney fracture wMdO d
D. knee implant u V Wd Wd DuVries ed
D. knee system u V Wd UN D. approach ed
D. total knee system V qUJ Wd UN D. deltoid ligament wb Ud UM WId
u reconstruction technique ed
Dura-kold reusable =dJ* WDUC ZK W UH D. hammertoe repair WO dD* bI l `OKB
compression ice wrap bu V ULF ed
dural WO U' _U o=KF u U D. incision ed
d. ectasia u
U l^u D. plantar condylectomy W]OBL_ WLIK UB
d. repair WO
U' `OKB ed
Durallium implant uO Wd D. reconstruction technique ed
Duraloc u DuVries-Mann U ed
D. acetabular cup system V w=I( n]K UN D.-M. bunionectomy ed
u U
D. acetabular liner u V w=I( s=D* D.-M. modified V ]bF* WFu UB
Duran approach vQ bunionectomy U ed

Duran-Houser dU Dvorak test u U

D.-H. protocol dU UE DVT dB
D.-H. wrist splint V md dO deep venous thrombosis oOLF bu U)
dU flowtron DVT V oOLF bu U)
Durham U duK

D. flatfoot U V U]d bI Dwar-Barrington resection uMd du lD

D. flatfoot operation V U]d bI W]OKL dwarfism WeI
U achondroplastic d. u e
D. plasty U Dwyer d
Durkan carpal V wGd UGC U D. cable d q
compression test U D. clawfoot operation d V W]OK * bI W]OKL
durometer WU* qL UOI D. device d eON
durum VK U D. incision d ^o
heloma d. (HD) VK sH D. instrumentation d
dust U D. instrumentation d W]OJOUJOuO

- 208 -
biomechanics d. double tendon e* du W{UF
D. osteotomy d V rEF lD replacement wJOUMb
D. procedure d d d. electromyography qCF W]OdN jOD
D. scoliosis cable d V nM' q wJOUMb
D. screw d Vu d. fault wJOUM VO
D. spinal instrumentation d V W]dIH _ d. fixation wJOUMb XO
D. spinal mechanical wJOUJO* wu^b pA* d. force W]OJOUMb uI
stapler d V dIH d. hallux varus wJOUMb bI UN Z

D. spinal screw d V dIH VuK d. joint force WOJOUMb qBH* ]u

D. tensioner d ]b d. listing W]OJOUMb WLzUI
Dwyer-Wickham electrical V wzUdNJ tOM UN d. listing nomenclature W]OLK W]OJOUMb WLzUI
stimulation system UNJ d d. locking nail wJOUMb w* UL*
dx dB d. lumbar stabilization wJOUMb wMDI XO
diagnosis hO A d. magnetic resonance wOUMG* 5dU duB
Dycal base UJ bU imaging wJOUMb
Dyck-Lambert classification d p nOMB d. metatarsus adductus wJOUMb d _ jA*
dye WG d. movement W]OJOUMb Wd(
methylene blue d. 5KO* W WG d. MRI wOUMG* 5dU duB
Dynagrip handle of blade VdUM V qBM iI wJOUMb
Dyna knee splint UM V Wd dO d. muscle transfer wJOUMb WKCF qI
DynaLator ultrasound unit UM V uB ozU b d. repair wJOUM `OKB
Dyna-Lok u UM d. splint W]OJOUMb dO'
D.-L. pedicle screw V WIu Vu UN d. splinting wJOUMb dO
system u UM d. stabilizing innersole X=* sU qFM UN
D.-L. plate system UM V WOHB UN system UOJOUM
u d. stump exercise wJOUMb Wb' sdL
dynametric testing W]OJOUM U d. traction method wJOUMb =d' WId
dynamic wJOUM d. transverse traction dF* =d' eON
d. abduction brace wJOUMb UF UM device wJOUMb
d. alignment wJOUMb nOd d. trunk curl wJOUMb c' u
d. axial fixator wJOUMb u* X=* dynamization WLM
d. compression (DC) wJOUMb UGC dynamometer h^KI] ]u UOI duUM
d. compression plate (DCP) wJOUMb UGC WOH wKCF
d. compression plate UGC WOH XO Biodex isokinetic d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI
fixation wJOUMb V Wd( u
d. compression plate WOUGC WOHB fuO
instrumentation WOJOUMb computerized isokinetic d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI
d. condylar screw (DCS) wJOUMb wLIK VuK Vu* Wd( u
d. condylar screw fixation wJOUMb wLIK VuK XO Cybex II isokinetic d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI
d. condylar screw tap wJOUMb wLIK VuK e V Wd( u

- 209 -
II fJO dysbaric W]ODGC ^q
hand grip d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI d. oxygen 5_ W]ODG{ q 
bO WCI dyschondroplasia dCG] c
hand-held d. (HHD) wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI dyscrasia
Ub uL; dyscrasic fracture w d
Harpenden d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI dyscratic yqF
sbMOU V dysdiadochokinesia Ud( W]OUM qK
Jamar d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI dysesthesia f( nF{ U qK
UU V dysfunction wHO qK
orthopaedic d. wKCF h^KI] ]u UOI craniomandibular d. W]OJH W]OHI WHOu qK
UEF .uI extensor mechanism d. WDU WO WHO qK
dynamometry wKCF h^KI] ]u UO face joint d. tu qUH* wHOu qK)
Dynaphor u UM joint d. wKBH* qK)
D. iontophoresis u
UM dA kidney d. WOKJK wHOu qK)
Dynaplex knee prosthesis fJKUM V Wd Wb mechanical d. wJOUJO* wHOu qK)
Dynatron 150 ultrasound 150 dUM uB ozU motor d. wd( wHOu qK)
dyne WOd( uI b s patellofemoral d. c H wH{d wHOu qK)
dynometer Wd( u UOI pilomotor d. W]HI* WKCFK wHOu qK)
dynorphin 5 uM dFAK
Dyonics fJOu segmental d. wFDI wHOu qK)
D. arthroscope fJOu V qBH* UEM somatic d. b' wHOu qK)
D. cannula fJOu W]OM dysgenesis ^uJ qK
D. Golden Retriever bu fJOu fOUMG alar d. wUM' ^uJ qK
magnet dHd epiphyseal d. wUA* uJ qK
D. shaver fJOu  dyshidrosis ^dF qK
dyostosis r^EF qK dyskeratosis congenita wIK) dI qK
Jansen metaphyseal d. V wdJ r^EF qK dyskinesia Wd( qK
5U positional d. wF{u Wd( qK
Schmid metaphyseal d. V wdJ r^EF qK retrolisthesis positional d. w e wF{u Wd( qK
bOL nK K
Spahr metaphyseal d. V wdJ r^EF qK dyskinetic Wd( ^q
U d. cerebral palsy Wd( ^q * wU=b qKA
dyplasia Z^M qK b dyskinsia Wd( d
dysarthria k^HK] d W] dysmetria UOI qK
spinal d. W]OU W] dysostosis r^EF qK
dysarthric lesion W]O W cleidocranial d. wHI u d r^EF qK
dysarthrosis wKBH ^uA dysphagia lK d
patellofemoral d. c H wH{d wKBH* ^uA dysplasia Z^M qK b
dysautonomia W]KI* nzUu qK bony d. wLE b
familial d. wKzUF W]KI* nzUu qK congenital hip d. wIK) wu Z^M qK

- 210 -
congenital UH
dH* wKJON b d. spondylolisthesis ZM ^q< UIH e
hyperphosphatasemic wIK) b dysraphism U =d qK
skeletal d. (CHSD) spinal d. dIH U
d qK
cortical fibrous d. dAI wHO=K b dystaxia wze `
developmental d. wzULM b dystopia U
diaphyseal d. wb' b shoulder d. wH U
epiarticular w
dCG wLEF wu b dystrophic wK
osteochondromatous d. wKBH* u
d. gait W]OK WOA
epiphyseal d. wUA* b d. nail wK dH
d. epiphysealis hemimelia bU dD nB bF d. toenail wK( bI l dH
wUA* dystrophy q
fibrous d. wHOK b Becker muscular d. dJO V wKCF q(
d. of hip u b congenital d. wIK) q(
Holt-Oram atriodigital d. V wF wM_ b Duchenne d. 5 q
Xu Duchenne muscular d. 5 V wKCF q(
intracortical fibrous d. dAI q wHO=K b fascioscapulohumeral d. bC wH w
UH q
Meyer d. dU b Frohlich adiposogenital d. V wKUM wLA q(
monostotic fibrous d. rEF U_ wHO=K b aOd

multiple epiphyseal d. =bF* wUA* b juvenile muscular d. wFHO wKCF q(

Namaqualand hip d. buOUU V u b limb-girdle d. dD e q
oculoauriculovertebral d. dI
w wMO b osseous d. wLEF q(
osteofibrous d. wLE wHO b posttraumatic d. `{dK wU q(
patellofemoral d. c
wH{ b progressive muscular d. w= d* wKCF q(
polyostotic fibrous d. UEF bF wHO b (PMD)
progressive diaphyseal d. d wb b reflex neurovascular d. wBF wUJF q(
rhizomesomelic bone d. c dBI o=KF* rEF b wzUu
dD j reflex sympathetic d. (RSD) =u wUJF q(
spondyloepiphyseal d. wUA dI
b sex-linked muscular d. fM'U jd* wKCF q(
dysplastic Z^M qK o=KF wb sympathetic d. =u q(
d. fibula ZM W]K  WOE dysvascular WO_ ^q
d. nevus syndrome Z^M qK WL W d. condition wzUu qK) WU

- 211 -
EACS dB Cement E. * q
exertional anterior W]UN wU_ e=O( W Zimmer Cibatome cement e. uUO d=1 V * q
compartment syndrome Eaton u
Eagle q E. arthroplasty u V qBH*
E. arthroscope q V qBH* UEM E. closed reduction u V oKG* ^d
E. straight-ahead d rOI* qBH* UEM E. finger joint replacement l qBH W{UF Wb
arthroscope q V prosthesis u V
E. syndrome q W E. implant arthroplasty V wdG qBH*
Eagle-Barrett syndrome X=U q W u
Earle sign wd W E. splint u dO
EARLY dB E. trapezium finger joint l qBH W{UF Wb
ergonomic assessment of qLF rKF U) rOOI replacement prosthesis u V wF]d*
risk and liability W]OR* UD E. volar plate arthroplasty W]Od WOHBU qBH*
E-A-R specialty composites E-A-R UB dUM u V
earth electrode w{_ wdNJ d* Eaton-Lambert syndrome d u W
Easebak lumbar support V wMDI Ub U Eaton-Littler dKO u
cushion Ue E.-L. ligament u V Ud UM
Easprin sd reconstruction dKO
EAST dB E.-L. technique dKO u WId
external rotation-abduction wU) db UN U Eaton-Malerich adOU u
stress test bOF E.-M. fracture-dislocation V dJ lK) W]OKL
Easton cock-up splint V vK d dO operation adOU u
u E.-M. fracture-dislocation V dJ lK) WId
East-West retractor X X UF technique adOU u
Eastwood technique X X WId E.-M. reduction adOU u ^
eater q Eberle contracture release V l^HI dd WId
Anspach Cement E. U V * q technique wdO

- 213 -
EBI dB M-mode transesophageal e. U_ VKI b jOD
electronic bone stimulation wdJ wLEF tOM d* d bF
EBI bone healing system tOMU rEF U UN transesophageal e. (TEE) uFK d VKI b jOD
wdJ wLEF transthoracic e. (TTE) b]B d VKI b jOD
EBI bone stimulator wLEF tOM WIdD rEF UM echo time (TE) b]B s
wdJ Ecker-Lotke-Glazer eOK pu dJ
EBI device wdJ wLEF tOM eON E.-L.-G. patellar tendon V wH{d du `OKB
EBI Medical OsteoGen bone w=D rEF =u/ UM repair eOK pu dJ
growth stimulator wLEF tOMU wMOuO_ E.-L.-G. tendon dOJ V du UM WId
wdJ reconstruction technique eOK pu
EBI Medical System bone tOMU w=D rEF U UN Eckert-Davis classification eO d nOMB
healing system wdJ wLEF Ecotrin sduJ
EBI Medical Systems WLEQ fJO u XO UN ECRB dB
Orthofix fixation system W]O=D wdJ wLEF tOM extensor carpi radialis mdK WDU dOBI WdFJ
EBI Temptek blanket wLEF tOMK pOL U brevis WKC
eburnated wU extensor carpi radialis mdK WDU WKuD WdFJ
e. bone wU rE longus WKC
eburnation WUF ectasia l^u
Eby band driver w V jdA u dural e. u U l^u
eccentric ed ectomorph WOM dU
e. contraction e
d h^KI ectopic cM
e. drill guide e
d UI* qO e. bone cM rE
e. exercise e
d sdL e. ossification cM r^EF
e. function e
e. loading e
d qOL endoscopic carpal tunnel dOEM]U wGd oHM dd
e. work e
d* dO e
d qLF release wKb
ecchondroma U yw dC ECTRA system dOEM]U wGd oHM dd UN
ecchymosis Wb wKb
eccrine poroma wU e ECU dB
eccrine sweat gland WU W]O d b extensor carpi ulnaris WKC mdK WDU W]b=e
electrocardiogram VKI W]OdN
j]D elbow disarticulation o d* qBH ^e
echinococcosis UuA* EDC dB
Echlin duckbill rongeur =j UIM qJA rEF W{]d extensor digitorum lU W]OK_ WDU
5KJ V communis
echocardiography VKI b jOD edema W 
dobutamine e. VKI b jOD dependent e. W]OUK dU bLF W
5UubU intracompartmental e. e=O( q W
Doppler e. dKb VKI b jOD mushy e. W]OK W

- 214 -
nonpitting e. WFDM dO W Edwards
pitting e. WFDM W E. instrumentation WuL
pretibial e. uME U W E. modular system V ]bF* UN'
pulmonary e. W]uz W E. modular system ]bF* UNK d* =rJ UM
stump e. Wb' W bridging sleeve construct V
edematous =u E. modular system ]bF* UNK WDU]C WOM
Eden-Hybbinette XMOO compression construct V
E.-H. arthroplasty V qBH* E. modular system construct UNK WDU]C WOM UI
XMOO selection V ]bF*
E.-H. procedure XMOO d E. modular system UNK d fFI WOM
Eden-Lange procedure Z d distraction-lordosis V ]bF*
Eden test U construct
Eder-Puestow metal olive V W]ObF* WueU l=u* E. modular system dynamic UNK wJOUMb qOL
dilator uu b loading V ]bF*
EDF scoliosis cast EDF nM' VU E. modular system ]bF* UNK b( = WOM
EDG dB kyphoreduction construct V
electrodynogram ]uI j]D E. modular system load ]bF* UN' qL UA
EDG system ]uI j]D UN sharing V
Edge E. modular system ]bF* UNK bF WOM
edge W U neutralization construct V
Acufex E. fJ u
E. modular system rod UN' VOCI VUB* j]d
E. knee brace V W
d UM crosslink V ]bF*
patellar e. W]OH{d W] U( E. modular system rod ]bF* UNK VOCI =r
EDit dB sleeve construct V
electric differential therapy W]OIdH W]OdNJ W'UF* E. modular system sacral UNK eF XO eON
EDL dB fixation device V ]bF*
extensor digitorum longus lU WKuD WDU E. modular system scoliosis V ]bF* UN' nM WOM
WKC construct
EDM dB E. modular system spinal UN' w dIH VOCI ^r

extensor digiti minimi WKC dBMK WDU rod-sleeve V ]bF*

Edner nail condylocephalic V wd wLIK UL* E. modular system UNK eFdIH VuK
d spinal/sacral screw V ]bF*
EDPCS dB E. modular system spondylo ]bF* UNK WdIH WOM
exertional deep posterior oOLF wHK) e=O( W construct V
compartment syndrome WUN E. modular system standard ]bF* UNK XU =rJ UM
EDQ dB sleeve construct V
extensor digiti quinti WKC dBMK WDU E. modular system ]bF* UNK UdHOu u^
EDS dB Universal rod V
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Wd uK dK W E. polyethylene sleeve V 5KO wu ^r

w V bK' E. procedure d

- 215 -
E. seamless prosthesis V U b Wb E. tendon transfer technique d V du qI WId
E. tenodesis d V du WUO
E. Universal rod V UdHOu VOC E. transfer d V qIM
Eggsercizer resistive hand eUe V UI* bO =d2
Edwin Smith papyrus YOL s Wd exerciser
electrodiagnosis wzUdNJ hOA extensor hallucis longus bI UN WKuD WDU
effect d dOQ WKC
anticholinergic e. qFH U]OMOuJK yUC dOQ EHL tendon bI UN WKuD WDU d
wMOuJ Ehlers-Danlos syndrome uK dK W
antinociceptive e. r_ WKI* yUC dOQ (EDS)
neurophysiologic e. wuueOH wBF dOQ EI dB
rake-handle e. WU]A* iI dOQ external ilium dUE WH d(
spindle e. weG* dOQ Eicher dOA
steal e. VK dOQ E. femoral prosthesis dOA V W]cH Wb
Steindler e. dbMO dOQ E. hip prosthesis dOA V W]O
u Wb
tenodesis e. rEFU du WUO dOQ Eikenella corrodens Wud WU]_ WKOMOJ_
efferent U Eilers-Armstrong V e=O( W]U_ Wd Wb
efficacy WU$ unicompartmental knee Zd dOK
effleurage nOD p prosthesis
effort bN uN EIP dB
brief maximal e. (BME) eOu wLE_ bN' extensor indicis proprius WU]K W]uB* WDU
effusion UB EJ dB
bloody e. u UB elbow jerk o d* WCH
joint e. qBH* UB El-Ahwany classification of W]bCF uJK wuN nOMB
pleural e. wM UB humeral supracondylar WLIK u
Eftekhar U fracture
E. broken femoral stem uJ* cH c' WId Elase
technique U V Elase-chloromycetin 5OOuK rd
E. concept U uNH ointment
Efteklar-Charnley hip U V u Wb elastic d
prosthesis wKU e. ankle corset d* qUJ ^bA
Egawa sign U W e. barrier d* qzU(
Eggers d e. compression d* UGC
E. bone plate d V rEF WOH e. deformation d ^uA
E. contact splint d V UL dO e. knee cage orthosis d* W
d hH uI
E. neurectomy d V VBF UB e. limit Wd* ^b
E. plate d WOH e. plaster-of-Paris d* fU f
E. screw d Vu e. property Wd* W]OU
E. splint d dO e. stable intramedullary d* XU wIM q dOL

- 216 -
nailing (ESIN) e. capsule W]OI d* WEH;
e. strain d UN e. cast o d* VU
e. stretch d bbL compound shattered e. V]
d* r]D* o d*
e. traction d yd e. disarticulation (ED) o d* qBH ^e
e. twister orthosis d* qH uI e. dislocation o d* lK
e. zone Wd* WIDM epicondylitis of the e. W]OI d* WLOI^K UN
elastic-hinge knee brace d* d Wd UM e. extension splint o d* bbL dO
elasticity Wd* e. extensor tendon o d* WDU d
modulus of e. Wd* qUF fat pad of e. o dLK W]OMb Uu
Elastikon dressing uJO bOLC e. flexion test o d* wM U
elastofibroma dorsi dN d ywHO floating e. VzU o d*
Elasto-Gel shoulder W]OKu nJ W'UF W UH e. fracture o d* d

therapy wrap Frohse arcade of the e. o dLK fd Uu

elastoidosis d e. injury o d* WU
Elasto-Link joint wrap W]OJMOu qBH* W UH javelin throwers e. WbO qUMI U o d
elastoma d* ZOM e. jerk (EJ) o d* WCH
elastomer wUM U]D e. jerk reflex test o d* WCH fJFM U
conventional silicone e. bOKI wuJOKO wUM U]D milkmaids e. 5]( o d
(CSE) e. orthosis (EO) o d* uI
high performance silicone e. wU wuJOKO wUM U]D e. pad o d* U
_ e. prosthesis o d* Wb
medical e. X7-2320 X7-2320 w= wUM U]D pulled e. ywJJ o d
Elastomull uu e. radiography o dLK wUFA duB
E. dressing uu V bOLC e. reflex o d* fJFM
E. elastic gauze bandage V Wd* UA WUB reverse tennis e. uJF* f=M w o d
uu slipped e. oeM* o d*
Elastoplast Xu e. stability o d* dI U
E. bandage Xu WUB supermarket e. e
d* u^ o d
e. dressing Xu bOLC temper tantrum e. VCG Wu o d
elastosis d* ZOM f^JM d varus/valgus stress of the e. _ Z _ o d* UN
Elavil qO Wilson procedure for U o d* Zb uK d
elbow o d extraarticular fusion of e. qBH*
above e. o d* vK elbow-wrist-hand orthosis bO md o d* uI
e. arthroplasty o d* qBH (EWHO)
axilla, shoulder, e. (ASE) wI d wH
wD electric wzUdN
baseball e. o d bUI d
o d e. artifact W]OzUdN
uO e. cast saw wzUdNJ VUI UAM
baseball pitcher's e. uO w o d e. differential therapy (EDT) W]OIdH W]OzUdNJ W'UF*
below e. o d* qH electrical wdN
boxers e. 5L
* o d e. bone-growth stimulator wdNJ wLEF uLM UM

- 217 -
e. burn wdN
d qCF W]OdN
e. implant W]OdN
Wd monopolar needle dU qOK wdNJ d*
e. inactivity W]OdN
W]OUF recording e. VDI W]U_
e. injury W]OdN
WU multilead e. bbF wdNJ d*
e. nerve stimulation wdNJ VBF tOM UU=
e. potential wdN
needle e. d wdNJ d*
e. silence wzUdN
XL recording e. q]* wdNJ d*
e. stimulation wdN
tOM reference e. wFd* wdNJ d*
e. stimulation therapy wdNJ tOMU W'UF single fiber needle e. bOu d wdNJ d*
e. stimulator waveform wdNJ UMLK wu* qJA nOK
e. surface stimulation wdNJ wD tOM stigmatic e. uL= wdNJ d*
e. surface stimulation wD tOMU nM' stimulating e. t=M* wdNJ d*
treatment for scoliosis wdNJ surface e. wD wdNJ d*
electroacupuncture wdNJ d eu unipolar needle e. d wdNJ d*
Electro-Acuscope 85 wdNJ VKI jD VDI W]U_
electrocardiogram (ECG) VKI W]OdN j]D Versa-Stim self-adhering e. UB wc wdNJ d*
electrocardiographic W]OdN j]D qO eON rO UdO V
recording device VKI electrodesiccated bleeding U]OzUdN WH]H: eM WDI
electrocardiography VKI W]OdN jOD point
electrocautery wdNJ wJ electrodiagnosis (EDX) wzUdNJ hOA
e. apparatus wdNJ wJ UN Electro Diagnostic qu wzUdNJ hOA
electrocoagulated U]OdN d^ Instruments Model 720 W]OUd VU' W]OzUM 720
electrode wdNJ d* Bilateral Tetrapolar UD _
active e. U]F wzUdN
d electrodiagnostic medicine wzUdNJ hOA V
bifilar needle recording e. dU qOK wdNJ d* electrodynogram (EDG) ]uI j]D
pK= W]OzUM electrogoniometer W]OzUdNJ Ue UOI
bipolar needle recording e. dU qOK wdNJ d* six-degrees-of-freedom e. W]OzUdNJ Ue UOI
VDI W]OzUM W=d( s X Ub
bipolar stimulating e. wzUM t=M* wdNJ d* electrokinetic potential wdNJ wd( sUJ
VDI electrolyte dN
coaxial needle e. b]* dU wdNJ d* e. balance UNJ u
u* e. replacement UNJ W{UF
concentric needle e. e
d* d wdNJ d* electromyogram (EMG) qCF W]OdN j]D
earth e. w{_ wdNJ d* electromyography (EMG) qCF W]OdN jOD
Excel Plus e. q
V wdNJ d* central e. e
d* qCF WOdN
dynamic e. qCF W]OdN
exploring e. wBI* wdNJ d* wJOUMb
ground e. w{_ wdNJ d* integrated e. WOKUJ WKCF WOdN
indifferent e. UO wdN
d single fiber e. (SFEMG) dH wKC nO W]OdN
macro-EMG needle e. dOJ d wdNJ d* electron beam therapy W]OdJ We(U W'UF

- 218 -
electroneuromyography qCF W]OdN jOD Bennett e. X=OM WF
(ENMG) Bethune periosteal e. uO V UL WF
electroneurophysiologic WOBF UOuueOHU o=KF Blair e. dOK WF
W]OdNJ Bowen periosteal e. su V UL WF
electronic wdJ Bristow periosteal e. V UL WF
e. bone stimulation (EBI) wdJ rEF tOM ud
e. bone stimulation wdJ rEF tOM UN Brophy periosteal e. w d V UL WF
apparatus Cameron-Haight dOU
electronystagmography ]d W]OdN jOD periosteal e. XU
(ENG) Carroll-Legg periosteal e. ^U
electrostimulation for dJ U$ bF wdNJ tOM ZO
nonunion of fracture Chandler e. dbU WF
electrosurgical W]OzUdNJ Wd'U o=KF Cheyne periosteal e. U V UL WF
wd ywdN chisel-edge e. qO W U WF
e. generator wd ywdN
b=u Cloward periosteal e. uK
e. instrument W]OzUdNJ Wd' Cobb e. u
e. pencil W]OzUdNJ Wd' rK Cobb periosteal e. u
electrotherapy W]OzUdN W'UF Coryllos-Doyen periosteal e. V UL WF
element dBM s u^Ku

neural e. wBF dBMF Crego e. ud

posterior e. wHK) dBMF curved periosteal e. WOMM* UL WF
elementary fracture dBMF dJ Cushing-Hopkins ZMOu
elephant-ear clavicular qOH qJA u d dO periosteal e. eMOJu
splint Darrach periosteal e. V UL WF
elephant-foot qOH b Doyan periosteal e. U V UL WF
e.-f. callus qOH b qJA c Freer e. dd WF
e.-f. fracture nonunion b qJA dJ U$ b Freer periosteal e. dd V UL WF
qOH Freer septal e. dd V eU( WF
e.-f. nonunion qOH b qJA U$ b Gardner e. dU WF
elevation l UH Harrington spinal e. u=U V W]dIH WF d
congenital scapular e. wIK) wHJ UH Hoen e. sO WF
e. exercise l ]d sdL joker periosteal e. d
e. of extremity d_ UH J-periosteal e. J d( qJA UL WF
rest, ice, compression, e. l jG{ ZK W Key periosteal e. w
(RICE) nJ UH lamina e. `zUHB WF
scapular e. Langenbeck periosteal e. UM V UL WF
elevator WF Locke e. w
u WF
Adson periosteal e. u V UL WF elevator WF
Alexander periosteal e. bMJ V UL WF Matsen periosteal e. 5U V UL WF
Aufranc periosteal e. pd V UL WF McGlamory e. u p WF

- 219 -
nasal e. W]OH_ WF d E.-J. technique eu fO= WId
orthopaedic e. UEF .uI Wd WF Ellison uO
orthopaedic shoulder e. Wd W]U) nJ WF E. fixation staple uO V XO ]
UEF .uI E. iliotibial band tenodesis wH d( jdA d WUO
Penfield periosteal e. bKOHMO V UL WF uO V wuME
rib e. lKC WF E. lateral knee V wAu W
d UM
Sayre e. dU WF reconstruction uO
Sheffield hand e. bKOHO V bO WF E. technique uO WId
straight periosteal e. WLOI* UL WF Ellis-vanCreveld disease bKOHdJU fO=
Tegtmeier e. dOLO WF Elmslie wK*
Von Langenbeck u V UL WF E. procedure wK* d
periosteal e. UM E. reconstruction wK* UM
elevator-dissector l =dA Elmslie-Cholmely wKO*u wK* d
Freer e.-d. dd V l =dA procedure
elevatus lHd Elmslie-Trillat d wK*
e. deformity lHd ^uA E.-T. patellar procedure wK* V wH{d d
hallux e. lHd* bI UN d
metatarsus primus e. ]_ jA* UH E.-T. patellar realignment wH{d nOd U WId
Eligoy metal alloy uO V W=eKH WDOK) method d wK* V
elikian drainage wJOK e E.-T. procedure d wK* d
ELISA dB E.-T. realignment wK* V nOd U
enzyme-linked W]OUM* W]OUB WUI* d
immunosorbent assay jd* .e E.-T. transplant d wK* rF
Elite hip system wO V u UN elongation quD
Elizabethtown osteotomy ueO V rEF lD peroneus brevis e. dOBI W]uEA quD
Elliott femoral condyle W]bH WLIK qB WOH e. property quD W]OU
blade plate uO V repeated quick stretch from s =dJ* ld bbL
ellipsoid joint wKOK qBH e. (RQS-E) quD
elliptical overlap shadow wOK wd qE elongation-derotation db] b l wKuD wM
Ellis fO= flexion
E. classification fO= nOMB ELP dB
E. skin traction technique fO= V bK' =d' WId ELP broach ELP W
E. technique fO= WId ELP femoral prosthesis ELP W]cH Wb
E. technique for Barton uU dJ fO= WId Ely test w U
fracture Emagrin sdU1
Ellis-Jones eu fO= embarrassment dD{ U
E.-J. peroneal tendon V uEA du W circulatory e. ]b dD{
displacement eu fO= embolic disease w=L d
E.-J. peroneal tendon V uEA du WId embolism, embolus W]L ULB
technique eu fO= air e. wzu ULB

- 220 -
arterial gas e. wzu wUd ULB multiple e. =bF* sU w dCG u
fat e. wM ULB solitary e. dH* sU w dCG u
pulmonary e. uz ULB enchondromatosis sU w dC
embolization ULB UL multiple e. =bF* sU w dCG u
embryology W]M_ rK enclavement WU
embryonal WD]D* W]OKCF WuU] Regnauld e. buM WU
rhabdomyosarcoma W]OMOM' enclosure uLA
EMED gait analysis EMED WOA* qOK air-flow e. uN Ud uLA
emergency closed uDK oKG* wb dOb] encroachment >j U vK =bF
manipulative measure bony e. wLEF =bF
EMG dB cervical nerve root e. UB_ c vK =bF
electromyogram qCF W]OdN
j]D W]O d
electromyography qCF W]OdN
jOD forminal osteophyte e. W]OI W]OLE WU vK =bF
scanning EMG w^dH qCF W]OdN
jOD osseous foraminal e. W]OLEF uI vK =bF
single fiber EMG wKCF nO=K W]OdN
jOD end WUN
eminence U e. artery wzUN Ud
hypothenar e. ]dC U articulating bone e. WKBHL W]OLE WUN
medial e. W]O U bone e. W]OLE WUN
thenar e. WH]d bony distal e. WOUI W]OLEF WUNM
tibial e. W]OuME U e. corn wzUN d
Emmon osteotomy u^ V rEF lD e. cutter WUNM lU
emphysema UH distal bone e. WOU W]OLE WUN
empirical wd e. feel wzUN uF
Empirin with codeine 5uJ l sdO lateral e. W]OU WUN
empty can syndrome UH Uu W medial e. W]O WUN
empyema u w ywO l^L WKO e. plate W]OzUN WOH
EMS neuromuscular UbK wKCF wBF UM* e. play wzUN
stimulator u]DK W]O==D e. point vNM* WDI
emulsified VK e. range of motion W
dK wzUNM U*
en vK lC e. vertebra W]OzUN dI
e. bloc WKL endarteritis obliterans b* Ud=A WMU UN
e. bloc advancement WKL bI end-bearing wzUN qL
e. bloc resection WKL lDI end-cutting WUNM lU
encased screw bMB* VuK e.-c. reamer WUNM lU uI
encephalitis Ub UN e.-c. reciprocating saw WUNM lU wU UAM
encephalopathy Ub Ender b
encerclage ouD E. awl b d
enchondral ossification sU w dCG r^EF E. femoral fracture V cH dJ WId
enchondroma sU w dC technique b
e. of bone rEFK sU w dCG u E. flexible medullary nail b V d* uIM UL*

- 221 -
E. fracture technique b V dJ WId non-porous-coated e. W]OU dO U]DG W]OK Wb
E. nail b UL smooth e. UK W]OK Wb
E. nailing b dOL tibial e. W]OuM W]OK Wb
E. pin b u^ tumor-replacement e. u UJ W]OK Wb
E. rod b VOC endoprosthetic flange wKb wb dOHA
end-feel wzUN U end-organ wzUN uC
e.-f. palpation wzUN U ^f e.-o. disease W]OzUN UC_
ending WUN Ruffini e.-o. wMO d wzUN uCF
A-delta nociceptor e. A- U W]_ I WUN Endo rotating knee joint b W]db Wd Wb
flower-spray e. de U] WUN prosthesis
nerve e. W]OB WUN endorphin wB q U 5 b
Ruffini e.s wMO UUN -endorphin UO 5 b
Endless Pool physical V wzUeOH F WFOL plasma -e. w UO 5 b
therapy pool u fb endoscope wK UEM
endoabdominal fascia sD q W UHK Desormaux e. V wKb UEM*
endochondral dCG q f
e. bone dCG q rE Endoscopic wKb dOEMU o=KF
e. ossification dCG q r^EF endoscopic wKb dOEMU o=KF
endochondromatosis wK w dC e. anterior cruciate ligament wU_ VUB* Ud UM
endocrine fracture UL d reconstruction wKb dOEMU
Endolite prosthesis XOb Wb e. carpal tunnel md oH ULF
Endo-Model qu b instrumentation wKb dOEMU
E.-M. hinged knee E.-M. W]=d W
d Wb e. carpal tunnel release dOEMU wGd oHM dd%
prosthesis (ECTR) wKb
E.-M. rotating knee E.-M. W]db W
d Wb e. carpal tunnel release dOEMU wGd oHM dd% UN
prosthesis system (ECTRA system) wKb
E.-M. sled prosthesis E.-M. W'e* Wb e. plantar fasciotomy dOEMU W]OBL_ WHzUHK lD
endomorph WOM ^wMU wKb
endomysial wKCF nO=K bL endoscopy wK dOEM
endomysium wKCF nO=K bL fiberoptic intraosseous e. UEF 5 wKb dOEM
endoneural tube VBF sL{ u w UO_ UEM*U
endoneurium wBF nO=K bL laser-assisted spinal e. bU* dIH wKb dOEM
e. degeneration wBF nO=K bL fJM (LASE) eOKU
endoneurolysis VBF UO jOAL lumbar epidural e. u wMDI wKb dOEM
endoplasmic reticulum WMU W]OuON WJA WO U'
endoprosthesis W]OK Wb endoskeletal qJON q
acetabular e. W]O=I W]OK Wb solid-ankle flexible e. wMK qUI wKb qJON
femoral e. W]c W]OK Wb (SAFE) XLB* qUJK
F. R. Thompson e. F. R. V W]OK Wb stationary attachment eJd0 d* wKb qJON
uu flexible e. (SAFE) XU

- 222 -
Endoskeleton wK qJO e. intake W UD ub
Stationary Ankle Flexible E. qUJK d* wKb qJON kinetic e. W]O
d( W UD
(SAFE) XU muscle e. W]OKCF W UD
endosteal rEF WUD o=KF Strain e. bN' W U
e. surface rEF WUD `D ENG dB
e. vessel rEF WUD WO electronystagmography d W]OdN
endosteum rEF WUD Engel q
endotenon du WUD E. angle q W
endothelial cell W]OUD W]OK E. plaster saw q V f' UAM
endothoracic fascia bB q W UHK Engelmann ULK$
endotoxin wK UH E. disease ULK$
Endotrac db E. thigh splint ULK$ V cH dO
E. Blade System db V qBM UN Engel-May nail U q UL
E. endoscopic carpal tunnel dOEMU wGd oHM dd Engh-Glassman femoral Z V cH c'
release db V wKb stem UL
endotracheal intubation wU VOM Engh porous metal hip W]OU* W]ObF* W]Ou Wb
endovaginal lipoma qN* q wLA u prosthesis Z V
endplate W]OzUN WOHB Englehardt femoral UNK V W]cH Wb
e. activity W]OzUN WOHB WOKU prosthesis
e. invagination W]OzUN WOHB G Englemann splint ULOK$ dO
e. noise W]OzUN WOHB U{u{ English anvil nail nippers W]eOK$ bM UL WdI
e. ossification W]OzUN WOHB r^EF English-McNab shoulder gK V W]OHJ Wb
e. potential (EPP) W]OzUN WOHB sU
prosthesis U p
e. spike W]OzUN WOHB W
u engram UOuueOH w rzb d_ d$
e. zone W]OzUN WOHB WIDM fH]M rK W]OBF
end-stage disruption W]OzUNM WKd* UH enhancer cushion =eF* Uu
end-to-end WUN v WUN enkephalin 5UHOJ
e.-t.-e. anastomosis WUNMU WUNM dUH ENMG dB
e.-t.-e. suture dD v dD s WUO electroneuromyography WdNJ* WKCF W]OdN
e.-t.-e. tendon repair WUNM v WUNMU du `OKB VBF
end-to-side VU v WUN Enna classification U] nOMB
e.-t.-s. anastomosis VU'U WUN=M dUH Enneking ZMOJ=
e.-t.-s. repair VU'U WUN=M `OKB E. classification ZMOJ= nOMB
endurance bK q^L% E. knee arthrodesis V W
d qBH U
e. exercise q^L sdL ZMOJ=
e. limit q^L b E. principle ZMOJ= b
end-weave anastomosis W]OzUNM WJ( dUH E. questions ZMOJ= WK
energetics W UD rK E. resection-arthrodesis V wFDI qBH* U
energy W UD ZMOJ=
e. absorption W UD UB E. rod ZMOJ= VOC

- 223 -
E. staging of malignant soft ZOM qd nOMB EO dB
tissue tumor ZMOJ= V YO) ud elbow orthosis o d* uI
enostoses wK ryEF EOC goniometer Ue UOI
enoxaparin sUUu eosinophilia-myalgia r_ U]OMuO d W
Ensure-It dressing uA bOLC syndrome wKCF
entensile release uI dd% eosinophilic wMu
Enterobacter s rOd fM W]OzUF_ e. granuloma wMuO wO( u
U]OzUF_ e. granuloma of bone wLEF wMuO wO( u
E. agglomerans WK=J* W]OzUF_ EPB dB
E. cloacae W]O c* W]OzUF_ extensor pollicis brevis bO UN dOBI WDU
enteropathic arthritis s rU]M qBH* UN WKC
UF_ ependymoma wBF wUD u
enthesitis UJ UN epiarticular u wLEF wu Z^M qK
enthesopathy, enthesiopathy rEF eJd osteochondromatous qBH*
entrapment UH dysplasia
catheter e. UDI UH epicondylar wLOI
lateral canal e. WOAu UMI UH e. avulsion fracture wLOIK wFKI dJ
median nerve e. nUM VBF UH e. fracture wLOIK dJ
meniscoid e. u UH e. ridge wLOIK d(
nerve root e. VBF c UH epicondyle WLOIK
popliteal e. wCQ UH humeral e. W]bCF WLOIK
popliteal fossa e. WOCQ* dH( UH lateral e. W]OAu WLOIK
posterior interosseous UEF 5 VBF UH medial e. W]O WLOIK
nerve e. WOHK) epicondylectomy WLOIK UB
e. syndrome UH W medial e. W]O WLOIK UB
Entrex small joint qUH* dOEM WuL epicondylitis WLOIK UN
arthroscopy instrument set fd V dOGB e. of the elbow W]OI d* WLOIK UN
entry point ub WDI lateral e. W]OAu WLOIK UN
entubulation VOM medial e. W]O WLOIK UN
enucleate qUJU qQ lBH epicritic 5OF] oO
enucleation U UB lB e. pain 5OF] oO r
envelope e. receptor oO b =f( WKI
capsuloperiosteal e. w UL wEH* G epidemiology U]OzUu
soft tissue e. ud ZOM epidermal dA
envelope-type arm sling jLM w G bU F e. cyst W]dA WO

environmental illness W]OO WK e. inclusion cyst WKLA W]dA WO

enzyme .e epidermidis dA

enzyme-linked .e W]OUM* W]OUB WUI* Staphylococcus e. W]dA W]uIMF
immunosorbent assay jd* epidermodysplasia dA Z^M qK
(ELISA) epidermoid cyst W]OdA WO

- 224 -
epidermolysis bullosa wUIH dA interfascicular e. e( 5 wBF G lC
epidermolytic acanthoma dAK ^U( wJzUA u local e. wF{u* wBF G lC
epidermophytid reaction W]bK' W]dDH WHD qUH epiperineurial neuropathy UN VBF
epidural WO U' u W]OBF We(
e. abscess evacuation WO U' u d) mdH epiphyseal wUA
e. anesthesia WO U' u db e. arrest wUA* n^ u
e. space WO U' u e=O( e. artery wUA* UdA
e. space infection WO U' u e=O( b e. bar resection W]OUA* W{UF lD
e. steroid WO U' u bdO e. closure wUA* G
e. steroid injection WO U' u bdO sI e. complex wUA* b]IF*
e. tumor evacuation WO U' u u mdH e. dysgenesis wUA* o^K u
e. venography WO U' u _ duB e. dysplasia wUA* Z^M qK b
epidurography WO U' u duB] e. exostosis wUA* dF
epifascicular epineurotomy We( u wBF bLG lC e. fracture wUA* dJ
Epigard dressing UO bOLC e. growth plate W]OUA* uLM WOH
epilepsy d e. growth plate fracture W]OUA* uLM WOH d

jacksonian e. wu
U d e. hyperplasia wUA* Z^M] d
epiloia d]F V^KB e. injury WUA* WU
epimysium WKCF bL e. ischemic necrosis wUA* UH dM
epinephrine ud 5UM sdHOMO e. line wUA* ^j)
Marcaine with e. sdHOMO l 5
U* e. osteochondroma w dCG wLEF u
epineural W]OBF uI u wUA*
e. covering W]OBF uI u UDG e. oxygen wUA* 5
e. rapair W]OBF uI u U  e. plate W]OUA* WOHB
epineurectomy VBF bL UB e. ring W]OUA* WIK(
interfascicular e. e( sO VBF bL UB e. slip fracture wUA* oeM* dJ
epineurial u VBF G o=KF e. staple W]OUA* ]d
wB yw W]OBF uI e. stapling W]OUA* ]d l{
e. neuropathy VBF e. tibial fracture W]OuME WUA* d

e. neurorrhaphy VBF u epiphysealis wUA

epineurial-perineurial UN VBF epiphyseal-metaphyseal dJ WUA* lD
neuropathy W]OBF We( osteotomy
epineurium VBF epiphyses (pl. of epiphysis) WUA UUA
epineurolysis VBF epiphysiodesis WUA* XO
volar e. wd VBF Abbott-Gill e. u^ V WUA* XO
epineurosis VBF qO
epineurotomy VBF lC Blount e. XuK V WUA* XO
anterior e. wU_ wBF G lC bone peg e. wLE bu WUA* XO
epifascicular e. U wBF G lC Heyman-Herndon e. ULO V WUA* XO
e( bd

- 225 -
open e. uH* WUA* XO Epker osteotome dOJ V rEF lC
open bone graft e. rFD uH* WUA* XO EPL dB
wLE extensor pollicis longus bO UN WKuD WDU
percutaneous e. bK' WUA* XO WKC
screw e. WUA* XO Vu epoetin alfa 5u UH
White e. X V WUA* XO eponychia dHE u
epiphysiolysis WUA* qB eponychium dHE u
femoral e. W]cH WUA* qB EPP dB
proximal femoral e. WOb W]cH WUA* qB endplate potential W]OzUN WOHB sU

epiphysis, pl. epiphyses UUA WUA* Eppright Xd

capital e. (CE) W]Od WUA* E. dial osteotomy Xd uA0 rEF lD
capital femoral e. cH WUA E. osteotomy Xd V rEF lD
capitular e. W]Od WUA* Epson salt soak u V `K* u U
clavicular e. W]u d WUA* EPSP dB
distal humeral e. WOUI W]bCF WUA* excitatory postsynaptic pA* bF U sUJ
femoral e. W]cH WUA* potential
humeral e. W]bCF WUA* Epstein hip dislocation V u lK nOMB
iliac e. W]OH d( WUA* classification sUAO
pressure e. jGC WUA Epstein-Thomas Uu sUAO nOMB
slipped capital femoral e. cH WUA  classification
(SCFE) EPTFE graft prosthesis EPTFE rFD Wb
stippled e. WUA*  Equagesic peOu
tibial e. W]OuME WUA* equilibratory ataxia wu `d
traction e. d' WUA equilibrium u
epiphysitis WUA* UN protein-polysaccharide bb oOK dLK W u
traction e. =d' WUA* UN synthesis-depolymerization 5d bU]J]
episilon receptor uKO WKI e.
epistemology of science wLKF U]O dF* rK equina V
epitenon du W cauda e. dH V
e. suture du W WUO equinocavovarus w wBL bH
epithelial UN equinocavus foot UBL bH b
epithelialization dNE equinovalgus w bH
epithelioid sarcoma UNEU WNO WuU e. deformity wd bHI ^uA
epithelioma UN e. foot U bH b
e. cuniculatum WUd wIM UNE u spastic e. w^MA w bH
W]OI talipes e. w ybH nM
Epitrain active elbow sdO V qUH o d* U equinovarus w bH
support congenital talipes e. wIK w ybH nM
epitrochlea W]O W]bCF WLI^K dOJ e. foot ybH nM U bH b
epitrochlear dOJ w

- 226 -
talipes e. (TEV) w ybH nM u uU
equinus bH ergometer W]OJOUMb UOI
compensated talipes e. UF bH bH nM Concept II rowing e. s uHB W]OJOUM UOI
e. contracture bH l^HI Xu
e. deformity bH ^uA Cybex cycle e. W]dzb W]OJOUMb UOI
e. foot bH b fJO V
forefoot e. bI ]bI bH cycle e. W]dzb W]OJOUMb UOI
gastrocnemius e. U WKC bH upper body e. (UBE) r' vK W]OJOUM UOI
gastrosoleal e. wKF bH ergonomic qLF rKF o=KF
heel e. VIF bH e. assessment of risk and w W]OR* UD_ rOOI
metatarsus e. jA* bH liability (EARLY) qLF
osseous e. wLE bH e. chair qLF d

pes e. bH b e. factor qLF qU

e. position W]bH W]OF{ ergoreceptor u WKI
residual heel e. wI* VIF bH ERGOS work simulator u qLF UA
residual hindfoot e. wI* bI dR bH Erhenfeld disease bKOHMO
spastic e. w^MA bH Erichsen sign 5 W
equipment ]bF Erich splint g dO
adjustment e. jC ]bF Erickson-Leider-Brown d bO uJ WId
Baltimore Therapeutic E. V W]OF ]bF* technique
(BTE) uOLU Eriksson u^J
decompression e. jGC nOH ]bF E. brachial block technique W]bCF dOHC UB WId
home medical e. W]OeM WO= ]bF u^J V
insertion e. dG ]bF E. ligament technique u^J V Ud WId
strainless steel e. bBK WUI W]u bF E. reconstruction u^J UM
Vitallium e. W]OuOUO bF E. technique u^J WId
Erb-Duchenne palsy 5 qK ER/IR dB
Erb-Goldflam disease bu external/internal rotation wKbwU) db
Erb-Landouzy disease b ER/IR ratio wKbwU) db W
Erb point WDI ERISA U
Erdheim-Chester disease d rU Erlenmeyer-flask shape dULMO V UI qJA
ERE dB erogenic aid W]OM WMOF
external rotation in bbL w wU) db erosion of articular surface wKBH* `D qP
extension erosive arthritis wKP] qBH* UN
erector spinae WKC UIH WU erosonary wUL
ERF dB erysipelas dL(
external rotation in flexion UM w wU) db erythema UOUL vUL
ErgoForm u u e. ab igne W]d vUL
E. cold pack U u u UL
e. of joint W]OKBH vUL
E. contoured cold pack W]u; U ULJ erythematosus wUL

- 227 -
lupus e. (LE) W]OUL( Wzc fixator
systemic lupus e. (SLE) WOuL: WOUL( Wzc established contracture b=u l^HI
erythrocyte sedimentation dL( UdJ q^H Wd Estersohn ud
rate (ESR) E. osteotomy ud V rEF lD
erythroleukemia dL ]b UCO E. osteotomy for tailor's ud V rEF lD
erythromycin uO UC 5Od bunion 5U]O) WF
eschar bK' dyAI UA esthesia f
escharotic UAK b estimated blood loss ]bI* b bI
escharotomy UA) lC Estraderm estradiol odD ud U UN
Escherichia coli Wud W]OuuI W]OJd transdermal system dd V W_
E-Series Hip System E WKK s u UN estrogen u ud 5d
ESIN dB ethambutol bK yUC uuU
elastic stable intramedullary XU wIM q dOL ethanol uU
nailing d* Ethibond suture buO jO
Esmarch U Ethiflex suture fJKHO jO
E. bandage U WUB Ethilon suture uKO jO
E. dressing U bOLC Ethrone implant material wd Wd u
E. plaster shears U V f' dI ethylene 5KO
E. tourniquet U WU e. oxide 5KO bO

E. tube U u e. oxide sterilization 5KO bO

esophageal perforation d* UI e. oxide-sterilized 5KO bO
Q r]IF
ESR dB etidocaine 5UbO
erythrocyte sedimentation dL( UdJ q^H Wd etidronate W'UF* UbO
rate XOU
Essex-Lopresti wdu fJ= e. disodium UbO uu ^wzUM
E.-L. axial fixation V u* XO WId sodium e. uuB UbO
technique wdu fJ= etiology U]O]
E.-L. calcaneal fracture V wIF dJ nOMB etodolac u
classification wdu fJ= Eucalyptamint Wd( W]Ozu
E.-L. calcaneal fracture V wIF dJ WId eukinesia Wd( W]Ozu
technique wdu fJ= Euler load du qL
E.-L. fracture wdu fJ= d
eumelanins 5O* ^u
E.-L. injury wdu fJ= WU European-style screwdriver w d s pH
E.-L. joint depression V nM* wKBH* dJ evacuation mdH
fracture wdu fJ= epidural abscess e. WO U' u d) mdH
E.-L. open reduction fJ= V uH* ^d epidural tumor e. WO U' u u mdH
wdu nail bed hematoma e. dHE dd ub u mdH
E.-L. reduction wdu fJ= ^ evacuator ]dH
ESSF dB Hemo-Drain e. s uLO ]dH
external spinal skeletal wU) dIH wKJON X=* evaluation rOOI

- 228 -
baseline capacity e. W]bUI WF rOOI potential monitoring ]d* W]OU)
Doppler pulse e. dK V iM rOOI e. potential ]d* sUJ
functional capacity e. (FCE) W]OHOu WF rOOI e. potential study ]d* qFH sU
genitourinary e. wKUM wu rOOI e. response W{]d* WU
job capacity e. (JCE) W]OHOu WF rOOI Ewald bu
pedicle e. WIu rOOI E. capitellocondylar total WLIK o d* qBH qU

physical capacities e. (PCE) W]OzUeOH UF rOOI elbow arthroplasty bu V bCF f
physical capacity e. (PCE) W]OzUeOH WF rOOI E. elbow arthroplasty bu V o d* qBH
preoperative e. W]OKLF q rOOI E. elbow arthroplasty rating o d* qBH rOOI UN
Smith physical capacities e. V W]OzUeOH UF rOOI system bu V
YOL E. elbow prosthesis bu V o d* Wb
static e. wuJ wJOU rOOI E. unconstrained elbow V b]OI* dO o d* Wb
Evans eUH prosthesis bu
E. ankle reconstruction V qUJ UM WId Ewald-Walker dJ bu
technique eUH E.-W. kinematic knee V =d* Wd qBH
E. anterior calcaneal wU_ wIF rEF lD arthroplasty dJ bu
osteotomy eUH V E.-W. knee arthroplasty bu V W
d qBH
E. calcaneal osteotomy eUH V wIF rEF lD dJ
E. intertrochanteric fracture sb* sO dJ nOMB E.-W. knee implant bu V W
d Wd
classification eUH V dJ
E. osteotomy eUH V rEF lD EWHO dB
E. procedure eUH d elbow-wrist-hand orthosis bO md o d* uI
E. reconstruction eUH UM Ewing ZMu
Evans-Burkhalter protocol dKd eUH uud E. sarcoma ZMu WuU
eventration sD UA W 1 E. tumor ZMu
Ub 2 Ex dB
eversion UK I nM external movement W]OU) W
ankle e. qUJ nM exacerbated U
e. injury nMA WU exacerbation u
e. osteotomy nMA rE lD Exacta-Fit ATH hip Ue u iuF UN
e. stress test nMA UN U replacement system ATH XO
eversion-external rotation wU) db nMA ^uA exaggeration reaction dH qUH
deformity exam h
evertor WKC WH=MA neurological nerve qOu Wd wBF hH
e. force WH=MA* u conduction velocity e. VBF
evoked ]d examination hH
e. action potentials W{]d* qFH su
arthroscopic e. qBH* UEM0 hH
e. compound muscle action V]
d* wKCF qFH sU
examination h
potential ]d* BB to MM e. dB
e. external urethral sphincter W]OKOK dB* sU
W d belly button to medial v sD ]d s hH

- 229 -
malleolus e. (BB to MM) w VFJ u dHO

bench e. W]BM* vK hH meniscal e. WN UB

clinical e. dd wJOMOK
hH microlumbar disk e. dN: wMDI dI UB
comparative radiographic e. UI* wUFA hH e. of osteochondroma wLEF u UB
full spine radiographic e. qUJ dIH wUFA hH w dCG
lateral full spine wU' dIH wUFA hH radical compartmental e. c e=O UB
radiographic e. qUJ retropulsed bone e. nKK u b* rEF UB
motor e. w
d( hH ruptured disk e. ]eL* dI UB
palpatory e. =f'U hH Stewart distal clavicular e. wUI u d UB
reflex e. UJFM* h uO V
sensory e. w( hH Thompson e. uu UB
thermographic e. d( jODU hH ulnar head e. be UB
Excedrin sbO wide e. l UB
Excel Plus electrode q V wdNJ d* William microlumbar dN: wMDI dI UB
disk e. UO V
excision UB excisional wUB
e. arthroplasty wUB qBH* e. arthrodesis wUB qBH* U
Bartlett nail fold e. V W]dH^E W]OD UB e. biopsy W]OUB We)
XKU excision-curettage technique jAJ UB WId
bone cyst e. W]OLEF WOJ UB excitability W]U
Bose nail fold e. V W]dH^E W]OD UB excitation U
u excitatory postsynaptic pALK wU] ^U bN'
cervical disk e. w d dI UB potential (EPSP)
clavicle e. u d UB exclusion clamp UF UIK
Curtin e. 5u
UB excoriation Z^
Curtin plantar fibromatosis wBL_ wHOK u UB excrescence U u uFL
e. 5u
V bony e. wLE uFL
Das Gupta scapular e. V nJ UB excursion uO
Uu insertional e. dG uO
disk e. dI UB range of e. uO U
distal clavicular e. WOUI u d UB tendon e. du uO
Ferciot e. u
dO UB exercise sdL
Ferciot-Thomson e. uu u
dO UB active assisted range of bU* W
d( U UMdL
Flatt e. UB motion e.s WKUH
funicular e. wK UB active range of motion e.s WKUH W
d( U UMdL
hemivertebral e. UIH nB UB aerobic e. wzuN sdL
e. of intervertebral disk UIH q dI UB anaerobic e. wzu sdL
intralesional e. W q UB ankle pump e. qUJ W]C sdL
marginal e. w U UB back e. dNE sdL
McKeever-Buck fragment e. p V W bA UB Calleja e. U=K

- 230 -
closed-kinetic-chain e. WIKG* W
d( WK sdL Regen flexion e. 5 V wM sdL
Codman e. Uu
sdL repetitive e. =dJ* sdL
Daily Adjusted Progressive ]bF* =bI* WUI* sdL resistive e. UI* sdL
Resistance E. (DAPRE) UOu rotation e. db sdL
DeLorme e. wu sdL e. science sdL rK
dynamic stump e. wJOUMb Wb' sdL six-pack hand e. bMB iI sdL
eccentric e. e
d sdL wb^
elevation e. l d sdL straight leg raising e. WLOI* U l sdL
endurance e. q^L sdL Super Seven e.s sHO du sU9
external rotation e. wU) db sdL supported extension e. ub* j sdL
flexion-extension e. j wM sdL Thera-Band Max resistive e. bU dO V UI* sdL
graded e. =b sdL f
hamstring-setting e. iQ* U V^KB sdL Williams flexion e. (WFE) eUO V wM sdL
hip abductor strengthening u b=F WuI sdL exerciser =dL
e. bicycle e. W]b =dL
hip extension e. u j bbL sdL Eggsercizer resistive hand e. V UI* bO =d2
increment after e. sdL bF U eUe
internal rotation e. wKb db sdL Exer-Cor e. u
inversion-eversion e. nMA I sdL Motivator FTR2000 e. 2000 uUHOu =dL*
e. ischemia wMdL UH Nelson finger e. uK V l =dL
isokinetic e. W
d( u sdL Nordic Track ski e. d pu oKe =dL
isometric e. UI* u sdL NuStep e. VOu =dL
isotonic e. d^u u sdL Power Pogo stationary e. V bI XU =dL*
knee pump e. W
d W]C sdL Roylan ergonomic hand e. uu
McKenzie e. eMO
p sdL V wMN* bO =dL
McKenzie extension e. p V bbL sdL exertion UN
rated perceived e. (RPE) RPE ]bI* b* UN
muscle-setting e. qCF V^KB sdL rating of perceived e. b* UN Zb dbI
e. myopathy sdLU wKCF exertional UN
open-kinetic-chain e. WuH* W
d( WK sdL e. anterior compartment WUN wU_ e=O( W
passive range of motion e. qFHM* W
d( U sdL syndrome (EACS)
pendulum e. uM sdL e. compartment syndrome WUN e=O( W
e. physiology sdL UOuueO e. deep posterior oOLF wHK) e=O( W
plyometric e. UUI* bb sdL compartment syndrome WUN
progressive resistive e. (PR, WUI* =b sdL (EDPCS)
PRE) Exeter dO
pulley e. dJ sdL E. bone lavage dO
V rEF i
quadriceps-setting e. d W]OU l{ sdL E. cemented hip prosthesis V W]O* u Wb
quad strengthening e. wUd qKAK WuI sdL dO

range of motion e. W
d( sdL U E. hip prosthesis dO
V u Wb

- 231 -
exhaustion UN exploring electrode wBI* wdNJ d*
postactivation e. jOAM bF UN explosion UH
Exo-Bed traction unit dd U =d' b e. fracture UH dJ
exogenous QAM* ^wU e. injury W]UH WU
e. fibrin clot QAM* W]OU W]OMd WDK exposure ^dF
e. reconstruction QAM* ^wU UM Abbott-Gill epiphyseal V W]OUA* WOHB ^dF
Exo-Overhead traction unit W]OU) d u =d' b plate e. qO u^
exoskeletal wU wKJO anterior surgical e. wU_ wd' ^dF
Exo-static wuJ wU extrapharyngeal e. uFK U ^dF
E.-s. collar wuJ wU u Henry e. dM V ^dF
E.-s. traction wuJ wU yd Henry posterior interosseous UEF 5 VBF ^dF
exostectomy dF UB nerve e. dM V wHK)
exostosis d Kocher-Langenbeck e. UMd
V ^dF
cuneiform-first metatarsal e. wMOH ]_ jA* d radiation e. wUF ^dF
Dupuytren e. du d subperiosteal e. UL X ^dF
epiphyseal e. wUA d surgical e. wd' ^dF
hereditary multiple e. wu =bF* dF thoracolumbar junction quLK wd' ^dF
hypertrophic e. wUC dF surgical e. wMDI bB
impingement e. wUD d thoracolumbar spine anteriorbB UIHK wU_ ^dF
metatarsal cuneiform e. wMOH wDA* dF e. wMDI
metatarsocuneiform joint e. wMOH wDA* qBH* d transperitoneal e. UHB ^dF
osteocartilaginous e. w dCG wLEF dF upper cervical spine anterior w d UIHK wU_ ^dF
subungual e. dHE X d e. uKF
talotibial e. wuME wKUJ dF vertebral e. dIH ^dF
turret e. qJA wd d expulsion d d
expander `U graft e. rFD d
acetabular e. w=I( `UH exsanguinate eM
expanding reamer l=u* uI* exsanguination tourniquet WUFU eM j{
expansile lu control
e. cyst WFu WO
exstrophy UK I UA
e. lesion WFu W extended ybL bb
expansion lOu e. iliofemoral approach bL* cH wH d( vQ*
lateral extensor e. W]OAu WDU lOu e. maxillotomy bL* uKF pH rE lD
medial extensor e. W]O WDU lOu e. medial shoe counter bL* w c( W]BM
e. screw lOu Vu extended-counter shoe bL* c( W]BM
expansive laminaplasty bL* `zUHB extender `U
experimental threshold W]Od& W nail e UL* `U
exploration UBI Rush e. `U
e. and debridement UC UBI extending b
e. and revision WFd* UBI extensibility W]Ou

- 232 -
extensible lOu]K qU u extensive l bL
extensile approach lOu]K qUI u vQ* e. neoplasm ybL
extension b j bbL e. posterior decompression bL* wHK) jGC nOH
angle of greatest e. (AGE) wLE_ bbL W extensor WDU
e. block splint j UB dO e. carpi radialis brevis mdK WDU dOBI W]dFJ
e. block splinting method j UBS dO WId (ECRB) WKC
e. body cast bbL r' VU e. carpi radialis brevis WDU dOBI W]dFJ WKCF
e. bone clamp bbL rEF UIK muscle mdK
cast with dorsal toe plate e. bI l WOH VU e. carpi radialis brevis WDU dOBI W]dFJ d
]bL* W]OdNE tendon mdK
cast with volar toe plate e. bI l WOH VU e. carpi radialis longus mdK WDU WKuD W]dFJ
]bL* W]Od (ECRL) WKC
cervical rotation in e. bbL l w d b e. carpi radialis longus WDU WKuD W]dFJ WKCF
e. clamp bbL UIK muscle mdK
compression e. jGC bbL e. carpi radialis longus WDU WKuD W]dFJ d
e. contracture bbL l^HI tendon mdK
e. deformity bbL ^uA e. carpi radialis tendon mdK WDU W]dFJ d
distractive e. w d bbL e. carpi ulnaris (ECU) WKC mdK WDU W]be
external rotation in e. (ERE) bbL w wU) b e. carpi ulnaris muscle mdK WDU W]be WKCF
femoral-trunk e. cH c' bbL e. carpi ulnaris tendon mdK WDU W]be d
flexion and e. j wM] e. communis muscle WDU W]OK_ WKCF
headrest e. d bM bbL e. digiti minimi (EDM) WKC dBMK WDU
hip e. u bbL e. digiti minimi muscle dBMK WDU WKCF
Hittenberger halo e. ddOMO V wUN bbL e. digiti minimi tendon dBMK WDU d
e. injury posterior u* wINH qBH* U e. digiti quinti (EDQ) WKC dBM) WDU
atlantoaxial arthrodesis j WU w wHK) e. digiti quinti muscle dBMK WDU WKCF
e. instability bbL dI b e. digiti quinti tendon dBMK WDU d
internal rotation in e. (IRE) bbL w wKb b e. digitorum brevis muscle lU dOBI WDU WKCF
isokinetic knee e. W
d( u W
d bbL e. digitorum brevis tendon lU dOBI WDU d
Legg-Perthes shoe e. fdO ZO c bbL] e. digitorum communis lU W
lumbar e. wMDI bbL (EDC) WKC
e. malposition bbL l{u u e. digitorum communis lU W]OK_ WDU WKCF
Maquet table e. XO
U bCM0 bb9 muscle
e. osteotomy bbL rEF lD e. digitorum communis lU W]OK_ WDU d
e. restriction bbL bOOI tendon
shoe e. c(U bbL e. digitorum longus (EDL) lU WKuD WDU
toe plate e. bI l WOH bbL WKC
extension-rotation test bbL b U e. digitorum longus muscle lU WKuD WDU WKCF
extension-type cervical jLM bbL w d UIH WU e. digitorum longus tendon lU WKuD WDU d
spine injury e. hallucis WKC bI UN WDU

- 233 -
e. hallucis brevis muscle UN dOBI WDU WKCF e. tenotomy WDU d lC
bI e. thrust reflex WDU d fJFM
e. hallucis longus (EHL) bI UN WKuD WDU toe e. WKC bI l WDU
WKC wrist e.s md UDU
e. hallucis longus muscle UN WKuD WDU WKCF extensorcarpi WKC md WDU
bI extensus U
e. hallucis longus strength bI UN WKuD WDU ]u hallux e. jM* bI UN
e. hallucis longus tendon bI UN WKuD WDU d exteriorization WU
e. hood WDU WFMI external wU
e. hood mechanism WDU WFMI W]OJOUJO articulated e. fixator wKBHL wU) X=*
e. indicis proprius (EIP) WU]K WuB* WDU e. elastic strap wU) d* U
WKC e. fixation apparatus wU) XO UN
e. indicis proprius muscle WuB* WDU WKCF e. fixator wU) X=*
WU]K e. fixator frame wU) X=* U
e. indicis proprius musculus WuB* WDU WKCF e. ilium (EI) W]OU) WH d(
WU]K e. ilium movement W]OU) WH d( W
e. indicis proprius tendon WU]K WuB* WDU d e. intercostal muscle dUE W]Ou WKCF
knee e. W
d jU e. movement (Ex) W]OU W
e. lengthening WDU quD e. oblique muscle dUE WKzU* WKCF
long e. WKC WKuD WDU posteroinferior e. (PIEx) wU wKH wHK
e. mechanism WDU W]OJOUJO e. rotation wU) b
e. mechanism dysfunction WDU W]OJOUJO* wHOu qK) e. rotation-abduction stress bU bOF UN U
e. pollicis brevis (EPB) bO UN dOBI WDU test (EAST) wU)
WKC e. rotation contracture wU) bU l^HI
e. pollicis brevis muscle UN dOBI WDU WKCF e. rotation exercise wU) b sdL
bO e. rotation in extension bbL w wU) b
e. pollicis brevis tendon bO UN dOBI WDU d (ERE)
e. pollicis longus (EPL) bO UN WKuD WDU e. rotation in flexion (ERF) wM w wU) b
WKC e. rotation-recurvatum test b l s^ U
e. pollicis longus muscle UN WKuD WDU WKCF wU)
bO e. rotator W]OU) ]b*
e. pollicis longus tendon bO UN WKuD WDU d e. sequential pneumatic wFU wzuN jGC U u
e. quinti tendon dBM) WDU d compression boot W]OU)
radial wrist e. WKC W]dFJ rBF* WDU e. skeletal fixation apparatus wU) wKJON XO UN
e. retinaculum UDU bO e. spinal fixation wU) dIH XO
e. substitution WDU b external wU
e. tendon WDU d e. spinal skeletal fixator wU) dIH wKJON X=*
e. tendon injury WDU d WU (ESSF)
e. tendon repair WDU d `OKB e. support wU U
e. tenodesis WDU d WUO e. version wU) I

- 234 -
external-alignment wU) nOdU jGC qIKI e. tuberculosis qBH* U ^b
compression jig extrabursal approach d' U vQ
external-coil electrical W]OU WFOu wzUdNJ tOM extracapsular WEH; U
stimulation e. arterial ring WEH; U W]OUdA WIK(
external/internal wKwU e. dissection WEH; U aOK
e. rotation (ER/IR) wU db e. fracture WEH; U dJ
e. rotation ratio wU) db W extracompartmental e=O( U ud ZOM WuU
externally rotated db ^wU soft-tissue sarcoma
externum dU wU extractor lU Wd
os tibiale e. dUE wuME rEF Austin-Moore e. u 5 lU
exteroceptive sensation wU) UI ^f ball e. d
exteroceptor W]OU WKI Bilos pin e. uKO V u^b lU
postural e. W]OF{ W]OU WKI bone e. rEF lU
extirpation UB broach e. W
uA lU
Extra d Cherry e. =dO lU
Aspercin E. 5d d
Cherry screw e. =dO V VuK lU
Buffinol E. uMO u d
cloverleaf pin e. rOd W qJ u^b lU
Valorin E. suU d
corkscrew femoral head e. cH d wu lU
extra w U{ femoral head e. cH d lU
e. octave fracture of finger l w wU wUL d
femoral trial e. cH wd lUI
e. toe bz w U{ b l FIN e. 5 lU
extraarticular qBH* U Intraflex intramedullary fJOK d wIM q
e. ankylosis qBH* U j pin e. u^b lU
e. arthrodesis qBH* U qBH* U Kntscher e. dAu
e. augmentation qBH* U U Mark II femoral component II U cH =uJ* lU
e. graft qBH* U rF e.
e. hip fusion qBH* U u Z Mark II tibial component e. II U wuME =uJ* lU
e. knee ligament qBH* U W
d U Massie e. w=U lU
e. pain syndrome qBH* U r_ W Moore prosthesis e. u V Wb lU
e. pigmented villonodular bOIF wUe wKOe UN Moreland femoral V bH =uJ* lU
synovitis qBH* U mDB* component e. u
e. procedure qBH* U d e. nail drill lUI UL* VI
e. pseudoarthrosis qBH* U UJ qBHL Nicoll e. uJO lU
e. reconstruction qBH* U UM Sage e. U lU
e. resection qBH* U lD Schneider e. bUM WFU
e. structure qBH* U WOM Southwick screw e. puU V VuK lU
e. subtalar fusion qBH* U qUJ X Z staple e. bMO ]
e. subtalar joint U qUJ X qBH stem e. c' lU
qBH* Take-Out E. pU lU
e. technique qBH* U WIdD Zimmer e. d=1 lU

- 235 -
extractor-driver u* lUI left upper e. (LUE) d_ uKF dD
extractor-impactor Ud* lUI lower e. (LE) wKH dD
Fox e.-i. fu Ud WFU e. mobilization technique dD pd WId
extradural granulation WO U' U V^% rigth lower e. (RLE) s1_ wKH dD
extrafusal fiber contraction eG* U UO_ h^KI right upper e. (RUE) s1_ uKF dD
extramedullary wIM U upper e. uKF dD
e. alignment wIM U nOd extrinsic wU
e. allignment guide wIM U nOd qO e. entrapment test wU) UH U
e. plasmacytoma wIM U U]U e. muscle strength W]OU) WKCF ]u
extraoctave fracture wU wUL d e. rearfoot posts W]OU) bI d=R UU
extraosseous factor rEF U qU extrodactyly wU l
extraperitoneal approach UHB U vQ* extruded disk oM d
extrapharyngeal uFK U extrusion e
e. approach uFK U vQ* bone graft e. rEF rF e
e. exposure uFK U ^dF disk e. dI e
extraskeletal qJON U extravasation e. ^d W
e. chondroma qJON U w dC extubation u_ e
e. chondrosarcoma qJON U W]O dC Wu
U postoperative e. WdK wU u_ e
extravasation ^d exudate WC
e. extremity W]O^d WUN exudation `C
e. extrusion w^d e exude `CM
e. injury W]O^d WU eye sign 5F W
e. irrigation solution wd] uK Eyler flexorplasty dOK V WOM* CF
extremity d WUN Ezeform splint u e dO
elevation of e. d]D l EZ-Trac orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd' oOKF eON
extravasation e. d WUN suspension device d V
left lower e. (LLE) d_ wKH dD

- 236 -
FA dB f. excision technique tOu UB WId
fasle aneurysm U u f. fracture stabilization tOu dJ pKU XO
fabella w r=EF dC WKuH wiring tOu Z
U WKC fusion f. tOu Z
fabellofibular uE wKu f. fusion wKH tO
f. complex uE wKu b]IF inferior f. wNO sI
f. ligament uE wKu U f. injection wNO qBH
faber u dOU f. joint wNOu qBH* UB
flexion in abduction and db bOF l{ w wM f. joint block wNOu qBH*
external rotation wAu f. joint disease (FJD) wNOu qBH* WHO qK
fabere u dOU f. joint dysfunction wNOu qBH* Z^ON
flexion, abduction, external wA db bOF wM f. joint irritation wKBH* tOu dOC
rotation, extension j f. joint preparation dU dO qzU
fabere sign u dOU W oblique wiring f. tOuK
fabere test dOU U f. plane tOu u `D
Fabian screw UOU Vu posterior f. wHK tO
FABQ dB  f. replacement tOu b
Fear Avoidance Beliefs d W s oI f. subluxation stabilization tOuK wze' lK)
Quest dD) V^M wiring
facebow tu u f. syndrome tOu W
Ortho-Yomy f. wu u tu u f. tropism tOu UO t^u
facet UNO tO f. wiring pK=U XO tOu
f. angle tOu W facetectomy tOu lD tOu UB
f. anomaly tOu c ODonoghue f. uOu V tOu lD
f. apposition tOu WUI facial artery wNu UdA
articular f. wKBH tO facies WM
f. dislocation tOu lK swan-neck f. WF oM qJA WM

- 237 -
facilitate d=O q=N Fahey-Compere pin du wU u^
facilitation qON dOO Fahey-O?Brien technique sd wU WId
convergence f. UI dOO fail arm WM
neuromuscular f. wKC wB dOO failed eU s nOF{
f. pattern dOO d f. back surgery syndrome su dNE Wd W
postactivation f. jOAM qOFH bF U dOO (FBSS)
posttetanic f. e bF dOO f. back syndrome (FBS) su dNE W
Proprioceptive w wKC wB dOO f. back syndrome with WId* su dNE W
neuromuscular f. (PNF) WIOLF W]O=( I* documented o]u U UBH
factor qU pseudoarthrosis
biomechanical f. wJOUJOuO qU failed qU s nOF{
chemotactic f. wzUOLOJ c qU f. femoral osteotomy qUH c H rEF lD
coagulation f. d^  qU f. procedure VzU d
ergonomic f. qLF W U qU f. surgery WKU Wd
extraosseous f. rEF U qU f. surgery syndrome WKUH Wd' W
fibroblast growth f. W]OHOK U_ =uL qU fail-safe mechanism W uBI WO
genetic f. wMO w qU failure qA UH uB
growth f. =uLM qU congestive heart f. wUI VKI qA
high-risk f. uD) wU qU f. of conservative WEU; W'UF* UH
f. IX deficiency IX lU qUF u management eUL UH
neurotrophic f. wB cG qU differentiation f. VF V wF uB
platelet-derived growth f. UOHB s ^oA* uLM qU fatigue f. u^ ULF UH
RA f. q UH* UN qU Harrington rod u=U
buUd instrumentation f. VKI qA
rheumatoid arthritis f. q UH* UN qU heart f. WdG qA
buUd implant f. wbF uB
f. VIII deficiency VIII sU qUF u metal f. V W]dIH WdG qOL
fadir bI dU spinal implant load to f. UH
flexion, adduction, internal wK db VdI wM stem f. c' uB
rotation Fairbanks fJUdU
fadir sign dU W F. apprehension test fJUdUH rNH U
fadir test dU U F. technique fJUdU WId
fad therapy WuNU W'UF F. technique with Sever dHO qbF l fJUdU WId
faecalis yd modification
Streptococcus f. Wud W]d W]bIF Fairbanks-Sever procedure dHO fJUdU d
Fahey wU Fajersztajn sUdU
F. approach wU vQ F. crossed sciatic sign VUB* v]M W
F. pin wU u^ sUdUH
F. retractor wU UF F. sign sUdU W
F. technique wU WId FAL functional and UH wHO wdA qOL

- 238 -
anatomic loading f. lata WCdF WUHK
Seipi FAL U wO f. lata freeze-thawed graft WCdF WUHK s b]L rF
Fallat-Buckholz method euN u ]U WId f. lata graft WCdF WUHK s rF
fallen-fragment sign WDU WbA W lumbar f. W]OMDI WUHK
fallen-leaf sign WDU Wu W lumbodorsal f. (LDF) W]dNE W]OMDI WUHK
false nz U medial geniculate f. W]O W]Od WUHK
f. aneurysm (FA) FA U u palmar f. W]Od WUHK
f. rib WU lK{ Plantar f. W]OBL_ WUHK
false-negative results WU W]OK ZzU quadratus femoris f. W]c H d W]OU WUH
familial wKzU retrosacral f. eF nK WUHK
f. dysautonomia wKzUF W]KI* nzUu qK f. sheath wUH bL
f. lymphedema W]OKzUF W]OHLK Wu Sibson f. uO WUH
f. periodic paralysis wKzUF b qKA transversalis f. W{dF WUH
f. shape wKzUF qJA vertebral f. W]dI WUH
family management model wKzUF dOb uL fascial wUH
Fanconi syndrome wuJU W f. arthroplasty WUHKU qBH*
fan sign Wd* W f. band wUH jd
Farabeuf forceps uU jIK f. fibromatosis wUH wHO
Farber disease dU f. graft wUH rF
far-field potential vB_ qI( sU f. plane wUH u
Farmer dU f. release WUHK dd%
F. operation dU W]OKL f. sheath covering wUHK bLG UD
F. technique dU WId f. space wUH e=O
far-out syndrome bOF d* W f. space infection wUHK e=O( b
Fartlek training pOKU Vb f. suture WUHK WUO
fascia WUH fascial-muscle interface W]OKC W]OUH WNO
antebrachial f. bCF bI WUH fasciaplasty, fascioplasty WUHK
Buck f. u WUH fascia-splitting incision WUHK dU ^o
cervical f. W]O WUH fasciatome (var. of WUHK lC
clavipectoral f. W]bB W]u d WUHK fasciotome)
Colles f. f=u WUH fascicle e We
crural f. W]O U WUH motor f. W=d We
cuff of f. WUHK s W]H muscle f. W]OKC We
deep f. WIOL WUH sensory f. W]O We
deltoid f. WO WUH silent f. WU We
endoabdominal f. sD q WUH fascicular we
endothoracic f. bB q WUH f. neuropathy we wB
hypothenar f. ]dC WUH f. repair we `OKB
infraspinous f. W]Ou X WUH fasciculation we U
investing f. WH=KG WUH benign f. bOL we U

- 239 -
contraction f. wB^KI we U subcutaneous f. bK' X WUHK lC
malignant f. YO we U Yount f. Xu V WUHK lC
f. potential we( U sU fascitis (var. of fasciitis) WUHK UN
fasciculus, pl. fasciculi e We fashion d WId qJ
fasciectomy WUHK lC aseptic f. dU qJ
dermal f. W]O_ WUHK lC cruciate f. wOK qJ
limited f. b* WUHK lC FAST dB
partial f. wze' WUHK lC fluoroallergosorbent test o=Q* Q* e U
radical f. c' WUHK lC wI^Q
radical palmar f. c' W]Od WUHK lC Fast Lanex rare earth W{R* fJ XU W
fasciitis, fascitis WUHK UN screen WKK*
iliotibial band f. wH d( wUHK jdA UN Fastlok implantable staple WdG uKU ]
wuME Fas-Trac strip d U U
ITB f. wH d( wUHK jdA UN Fat s r
wuME autogenous f. QAM* ^w s
necrotizing f. dUM WUHK UN f. embolism wM ULB
nodular f. bOIF WUHK UN f. embolism syndrome wMb ULB W
plantar f. W]OBL_ WUHK UN f. graft wM rF
proliferative f. dUJ WUHK UN f. pad W]OM U
recalcitrant plantar f. b=MF* W]OBL_ WUHK UN f. pad of elbow W]OMb od* U
W]OBL_ WUHK UN f. pad retractor W]OMb Uu UF
d( f. pad sign W]OMb Uu W
fasciocutaneous flap W]bK WOUH Wd fatigue VF
fasciogram WUHK j]D f. failure VF V wF uB
fascioplasty (var. of WUHK f. fracture bN wF d
fasciaplasty) implant f. WdG VF
fascioscapulohumeral bC wH wUH q metal f. eKH VF
dystrophy f. tolerance VF q^L
fasciotome, fasciatome WUHK lC fatty wM r
fasciotomy WUHK lC f. tissue wM ZO
double-incision f. e >oA WUHK lC f. tissue tumor wMb ZOM
endoscopic plantar f. dOEM W]OBL_ WUHK lC f. tumor wM
dOEM d fault WBOI VO qK
Fronet f. XOd V WUHK lC dynamic f. wJOUM VO
percutaneous plantar f. bK' d W]OBL_ WUHK lC Favort-feder test bO uU U
plantar f. W]OBL_ WUHK lC FB dB
prophylactic f. wzUI= WUHK lC foreign body Vd r
Rorabeck f. p V WUHK lC FB cast cushion VdG r' VU U
single-incision f. bO oA WUHK lC FBS dB
Skoog f. uJ V WUHK lC failed back syndrome su dNE W

- 240 -
failed back surgery su dNE Wd W Felix disease fJKO
syndrome felon f
FCE dB aseptic f. rOI f
functional capacity W]OHOu WF rOOI f. infection fb b
evaluation felt U]
FCR dB f. apron Bowden cable eLK u q oOKF UN
flexor carpi radialis WKC mdK W]dFJ WOM* suspension system U]K
FCU dB f. collar splint U]K uD dO
flexor carpi ulnaris WKC mdK W]be WOM* orthopaedic f. UEF .uI Wd U]
FDICT dB f. padding WU] uA
frequency-difference nK * qb* U]OU W'UF* rolled f. uHK U]
interferential current du Felty syndrome wKO W
therapy female reamer u uI
FDL dB femoral c
flexor digitorum longus WKC lU  WKuD WOM* f. alignment jig W]c  WU d
FDP dB f. allograft c  u rF
flexor digitorum profundus WKC lU  WIOLF WOM* f. anteversion wU_ c H I
FDQB dB f. arteriography c H UdA duB
flexor digiti quinti brevis bO dBM) dOBI WOM* f. artery c H UdA
WKC f. attachment c  eJd
FDS dB f. canal c H oHM
flexor digitorum sublimis WKC lU  W]OD WOM* f. circulation c H b
flexor digitorum WKC lU  W]OD WOM* f. circumflex artery c H nDFM* UdA
superficialis f. clamp c  UIK
Feagin shoulder dislocation 5O V nJ lK U f. component c  =uJ
test f. condylar shaving W]c H WLIK Z jA
Fear Avoidance Beliefs V^M d W s o^I f. condylar template c  wLI U d
Quest (FABQ) UD_ f. condyle W]c  WLI
feasibility W]OuIF W f. cortex W]c H dAI
vocational f. W]OMN W f. cortical perforation Wc H dAI UI
feeding UF f. cortical ring allograft c  dA wIK u rF
drip-tube f. qO u d UF f. cortical window W]c  W]dA cU
feel fL]K WU fLK U f. cutaneous nerve c H bK' VBF
end f. wd U f. diaphyseal allograft c  wb u rF
feet Ub b f. diaplysis c  b
Feiss line fU j f. distractor c  =dH
felcher dAKO f. drill bit c H VI* U]H
Feldene bKO f. endoprosthesis Wc  WOMU Wb
Feldenkrais foam roll V WHD* ud WuD f. epiphysiolysis W]c H WUA*

- 241 -
f. epiphysis W]c H WUA* f. supracondylar fracture W]c H WLIK u dJ
f. fracture c  d f. trial extractor W]c H W]Od WFUI
f. groove W]c  WeO f. vein injury c H bu WU
f. guide pin c H qOb u^ femorale c
f. head c H calcar f. c  ULN
f. head cork screw c H Vu femoral-trunk c wc
f. head driver c H u f.-t. angle W]c H W]Oc' We
f. head extractor c H lU f.-t. extension c H wc' j
f. head line (FHL) c H j f.-t. flexion c H wc' wM
f. impactor c H Ud femoris c
f. intertrochanteric fracture sb* sO c  d biceps f. W]c H 5d
f. metaphyseal shortening c H dJ dOBI rectus f. W]c H WLOI*
f. metaphysis c H dJ femoroischial wJ c
f. nailing c H dOL transplantation
f. neck c H oM femorotibial ligament cH wUd du WUO
f. neck fracture c H oM d tenodesis wuME
f. neck fracture reduction c H oM d ^ femur cH rE
f. neck prosthesis c H oM Wb distal f. w UI c H rE
f. neck version c H oM qu% f. graft c  wLE rF
f. nerve c H VBF proximal f. wb c H rE
f. nerve block c H VBF UB Universal proximal f. (UPF) UdHOu wb c H rE
f. nerve stretch test c H VBF j^DL U fenamic acid pOUMOH iL
f. nerve traction test c H VBF =d U fence splint WMzU WUL( dO
f. notch guide W]c H WLK qO fenestrated V]I
f. osteolysis c H rEF f. drape V]I UD
f. osteomyelitis c H =wIM rEF UN f. reamer V]I uI
f. osteoporosis c H rEF q K f. stem VI c
f. osteotomy c H rEF lD fenestration VOI
f. pin c  u^ Fenlin total shoulder 5KMO V qUJ nJ UN
f. plate W]c  WOH system
f. prosthesis Wc  Wb fenoprofen UN UC 5duMO
f. prosthesis broach u^H W]c H Wb Wu fentanyl qOUM
c H Wb Fenton uM
f. prosthesis fixation W]c H Wb XO F. bolt uM V VuK* UL*
f. resection c H rEF lD F. tibial bolt V wuME VuK* UL*
f. retroversion nK K c H I uM
f. sarcoma W]c  WuU Feochetti rib spreader wOAuO V lKC WU
f. shaft c H r Ferciot uOdO
f. shaft fracture c H r d F. excision uOdO UB
f. shaft malunion c H r U$ u F. tiptoe splint V bI l dO

- 242 -
uOdO FF dB
Ferciot-Thomson excision uu uOdO UB further flexion wU{ dH wM
Ferguson ud FFC dB
F. angle ud W fixed flexion contracture XU wzUM l^HI
F. bone clamp ud V rEF UIK FFD dB
F. method ud WId focal film distance R rKH bF
F. scoliosis measuring V nM' UO WId FHL dB
method ud femoral head line c H ^j
F. view ud dEM flexor hallucis longus bI UN WKuD WOM*
Ferguson-Thompson-King- WIdD sOKd vK rEF lD WKC
tow-stage osteotomy ZMO uu ud FI dB
Ferkel q dO fixator interne wK X=
F. bipolar release V VDI wzUM dd] Fiber nO
qdO A-delta f. A U nO
F. torticollis technique qdO V dFB WId afferent f. nO
Fernandez ebUd annular f. wIK nO
F. extensile anterior V u wU_ vQ* carbon f. wud nO
approach ebUd collagen f. wMOu nO
F. osteotomy ebUd V rEF lD f. density UO_ WU
Ferno AquaCiser U* X =d* U UN intrafusal f. UG* sO nO
underwater treadmill eOu udO V Sharpey f. wU nO
system tendinous f. d nO
Ferris Smith rongeur YOL fdO W{d fiberglass cast wU wHO VU
ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) FeSO4 bb( UHK fiber-metal peg eK wHO jIK
FES dB fiberoptic wHO ydB
functional electrical wHOu wzUdNJ tOM f. arthroscope wHOK dB qBH* UEM
stimulation wzUdNJ tOMU bN' W] wUO_
FES exercise bicycle wHOu f. cable wHO dB q
FeSO4 dB f. intraosseous endoscopy dB rEF q dOEM]
ferrous sulfate FeSO4 bb( UHK wHOK
festinating gait V) WOA f. light source wHOK dB uC bB
fetal alcohol syndrome wuJ 5M' W fiber-region W]OHO WOU
fetalis wMOM anterior f.-r. W]OU W]OHO WOU
chondrodystrophia f. wMOM' wdCG q( central f.-r W]ed W]OHO WOU
Fett prosthesis XO Wb fiber-splitting incision UO dU yo
fever U]OL v]L fiber-type disproportion UO_ jL VUM
fracture f. dJ v]L fibrillation UH
San Joaquin Valley f. 5u U v]L f. potential UHd sU
f. of undetermined origin FUO V WuN v]L synchronized f. se UH
(FUO) fibrin clot W]OMd WDK

- 243 -
fibrinogen 5uMd osteogenic f. QAM* wLE wHO
iodine-labeled f. uOU uu 5uMd periosteal f. w UL wHO
radioactive iodine-labeled f. l=A* uOU uu 5uMd periungual f. dHE u wHO
fibrinolysin sdH W]U soft f. s]O wHO
fibrinolysis sdH subungual f. dHE X wHO
fibroblast growth factor W]OHOK U_ =uL qU fibromatosis wHO
fibroblastic wHO w aggressive infantile f. wb wKH wHO
f. phase W]OHOK U_ u f. colli wuu wHO
f. tumor W]OHOK U_ congenital general f. wIK r]LF wHO
fibrocartilage n]OK dC dermal f. w wHO
f. complex wHO wdC V]d diffuse infantile f. dAM wKH wHO
triangular f. w]K n]OK dC fascial f. wUH
fibrocartilaginous wHO wdC generalized f. r]LF wHO
f. disk wHO wdC d infantile f. wKH wHO
f. plate W]OHO W]OdC WOH infantile dermal f. wKH w wHO
fibrochondrocyte W]OHO W]OdC W]OK irradiation f. wFOFA wHO
fibrodyslasia wHOK Z^M qK wHO b plantar f. wBL wHO
fibroepithelial polyp W]UN W]OHO WKOK sternocleidomastoid W]OzdI WKCF w wHO
fibroepithelioma of Pinkus V wHOK UNE u muscle f.
uJMO subcutaneous X U wuU wHO
fibroepithiomatous wHO w UN pseudosarcomatous f. bK'
fibrofatty infiltrate WOL WOHO WU fibromuscular disease wKC wHO
fibroid tumor wHO fibromyalgia wHO wKC r
fibrokeratoma wHO wd fibromyositis wHO wKC UN
fibrolipomatosis wHO wL fibromyxoma wHO wU
macrodactylia f. WU{ w wHO wL fibronectin UK o 5d 5JOd
lU _ fibroosseous wLE wHO
fibroma wHO f. pulley W]OLE W]OHO dJ
aponeurotic f. w UH wHO f. ring of Lacroix W]OHOK W]OLEF d WIK
calcifying aponeurotic f. f=KJ* w UH= wHOK u f. sheath wLE wHO bL
chondromyxoid f. wU  wdC wHO f. tunnel wLE wHO oH
desmoid f. wU wHO fibropathic abnormality wHOK c
desmoplastic f. wHOK ZOMK =uJ wHO fibroplasia wHO Z^M qK b
juvenile aponeurotic f. wFH w UH wHO fibrosa wHOK
Koenen periungual f. V dHE u wHO myositis f. wH^OK qCF UN
5Mu progressive myositis f. w= d* wHOK qCF UN
f. molle s=O wHO fibrosarcoma W]OHO Wu U
f. molluscum wzUOK wHO fibrosis n^OK
nonossifying f. (NOF) r=EF dO wHO annular f. wIK n^OK
ossifying f. r=EF wHO intraneural f. VBF q n^OK

- 244 -
Perineural f. VBF u n^OK f. metaphysis W]OEA d
retroperitoneal f. ud UHB nK n^OK f. ostectomy W]OEA rE lD
fibrositis wHO UN f. peg uE d
periarticular f. qBH* u wHO UN f. pseudoarthrosis uE U UB
fibrosus wHO f. sesamoid uE wULL rE
lacertus f. wHO wUH b f. sesamoidal ligament uEA wULL Ud
fibrotic n=OK f. sesamoidectomy uEA wULL UB
fibrous wHO f. strut graft r uE rF
f. adhesion wHO UB f. transfer W]OEA qI
f. attachment wHO eJd f. transplant uE rF
f. band wHO jd fibulectomy W]OEA UB lD
F. capsule W]OHO WEH partial f. wze' W]OEA lD
f. cortical defect wHO dA VO fibulocalcaneal ligament wIF uEA Ud
f. dysplasia wHO b fibulotalar arthrodesis wKUJ uEA qBH* U
F. dysplasia ossificans =w d* r=EF* wHOK b Ficat UJO
progressiva F. procedure UJO d
f. hamartoma wHO wU F. view UJO dEM
f. histiocytoma wHOK UM* Fick method pO WId
f. lesion W]OHO W field WU qI
f. loose body wHO qIKI r f. block wU UB
f. scar tissue wHO wb ZO bloodless f. e WU
f. spur wHO ULN f. of dissection aOK WU
f. tissue wHO ZO pulsating electromagnetic f. iU wOUMG wzUdN qI
f. tissue implant wHO ZO Wd pulsed electromagnetic f. iU wOUMG wzUdN qI
f. tumor wHO (PEMF)
f. xanthoma wHO dH field-echo image WU] b u
fibroxanthoma wHO dH Fielding ZMbKO
fibula W]OEA rE F. femoral fracture V W]c H uJ nOMB
diastasis f. ud W]OEA W]OEA U classification ZMbKO
distal f. WO UI W]OEA F. modification of Gallie wU WIdD ZMbKO qbF
dysplastic f. Z^M W]K< Wb* W]OEA technique
f. protibial synostosis uME bI0 W]OEA U Fielding-Magliato uJ uUOKU ZMbKO nOMB
proximal f. WOb W]OEA classification of b* X
fibular uE subtrochanteric fracture
f. collateral ligament wU' uEA Ud fifth fU)
f. fracture W]OEA d f. finger fU) l
f. graft uE rF f. metacarpal fU wFM fU) lM
f. head W]OEA f. metatarsal fU wDA fU) jA*
f. hemimelia d]DK =uE]A nB=M bF f. metatarsal base fracture fU) jA* bU d
f. ligament uE U f. metatarsal fracture fU) jA* d

- 245 -
f. metatarsophalangeal joint w wDA* qBH* compensating f. W{UF W=d
fU) Greenfield f. bKOHMd W=d
f. toe fU) bI l Greenfield inferior vena wKH u_ bu W=d
fighters fracture r * d caval f. bKOHMd V
figure-four position WF rd l{ high efficiency particulate uN ULO W=d
figure-of-eight WOUL rd qJA air WOUF UHJ
f.-o.-e. bandage WOUL r d qJA WUB filtration system `Od UN
f.-o.-e. cast WOUL r d qJA VU filum terminale syndrome wzUN jO) W
f.-o.-e. dressing WOUL r d qJA bOLC FIN FIN
f.-o.-e. harness WOUL r d qJA U FIN extractor FIN Wd 
f.-o.-e. loop WOUL r d qJA bI FIN pin guide FIN u^ qO
f.-o.-e. suture WOUL r d qJA WUO finding uu ZzU
f.-o.-e. test WOUL r d qJA U Thermographic f. d( j]D  uu
f.-o.-e. thoracic orthosis WOUL r d qJA b uI fine lO oO
f.-o.-e. wire loop WOUL r d qJA W]OJK bI f. curette WIO WDAJ
f.-o.-e. wiring WOUL r d qJA pOK f. manipulation WIO UM
figure-of-four test WF rd qJA U finger l
file d claw f. W]OK  l
bone f. rEF d cloven hoof fracture of f. l w uIA* dU( d
orthopaedic bone f. UEF .uI Wd' rEF d clubbing of f. lU _ dF
orthopaedic surgical f. UEF .uI Wd d coach?s f. w{Ud =b* l
filgrastim rOdKO congenital trigger f. W]OIK W]U l
filiform qJA wDO f. cot splint l  WO W]bL dO
Fillauer ]O f. deformity l ^uA
F. bar foot orthosis V wJK bI uI f. extension clockspring l j U] dO
]O splint
F. night splint ]O V W]OKO dO extra octave fracture of f. l w wU wUL d
filler uA fifth f. fU) l
f. block wK UB f. flap W]OF WKb
shoe f. c( uA f. flexor muscle l  WOM WKC
filleted graft qOD rF football f. bI d l
fillet local flap graft qOD wF{u wKb rF f. fracture l d
film rK hypoplastic f. Z^M WB U l
scout f. UAJ rK index f. (2nd digit) wU l U l
spot f. WFI rK WU]
stress f. bOu rK f. intrinsic QAM* W]OK l
film-screen combination WUA rKH WHOu jammed f. WBK W] l
filmy adhesion wzUA UB jersey f. wdO l
filter W=d f. joint wF qBH
air f. uN W=d f. joint arthroplasty wF qBH*

- 246 -
f. joint implant wF qBH Wd f. suspension l f oOKF
f. joint implant prosthesis wF qBH Wd Wb f. traction l f0 ^d'
little f. (5th digit) l dOGB l Finkelstein sUAKJMO
dBM) WU) F. maneuver sUAKJMO UM
long f. (3rd digit) WU l WKuD l F. sign for synovitis UN w sUAKJMO W
vDu wKOe UAG
lumbrical plus f. W]OMOd bz l F. test sUAKJMO U
lumbrical syndrome f. W]OMOd) W* l F. test for synovitis UN w sUAKJMO U
middle f. vDu WD=u* l wKOe UAG
multiple f. e_ =bF l Finney-Flexirod prosthesis dOJOK w=MO Wb
paradoxical lumbrical plus f. W]OC UM W]OMOd bz l Finney prosthesis w=MO Wb
f. prosthesis l Wb Finochietto uOuMO
f. pulp l ^V F. clamp carrier uOuMO UIK qU
f. rays U]O^ W]OF WF_ F. rib retractor uOuMO V lKC UF
W]OF firearm injury U  WU
ring f. (4th digit) WFd l rU) l Fired-Hendel procedure bMO dU d
dBM firing UM
spider f. lU _ W]OJM W]OuJM l f. pattern UM d
f. splint W]OF dO f. rate UM Wd
syndactylized f. lU _ UH FIRST XdO
f. touriquet l W U FIRST total knee WKUJ Wd ULF
f. trap f l d instrumentation XdO V
f. trap suture l f WUO First ]
trigger f. W]U l f. carpometacarpal joint wFM wGd qBH* d
f. tuft l W]* fracture ]_
f. web l d f. cervical vertebra v]_ W]O d dIH
webbed f. d l d lU f. cuneiform joint wMOH rEF qBH U
fingerbreadth l d arthrodesis ]_
fingernail bO l dH f. cuneiform-navicular joint w e wMOH qBH* U
base of f. l dH bU arthrodesis ]_
beak f. nI_ l dH f. intermetacarpal ligament ]_ UM_ 5 Ud
f. drill l dH VI (IML)
fingertip WKL l f. metacarpal ]_ wFM rEF lM
f. amputation l d f. metatarsal ]_ wDA* rEF jA*
f. cold intolerance dK qU_ q^L f. metatarsal-first cuneiform wDA* wMOH qBH* U
f. guard l WUL arthrodesis ]_
fingertips-to-floor test _ vK qU_ U f. metatarsophalangeal joint ]_ w wDA* qBH*
finger-to-nose test n_ v l U f. ray surgery ]_ UFA Wd
fingertrap l f f. rib rasp v_ lKC U
Chinese f. wMOB l f f. web space v_ du e=O

- 247 -
first-fifth intermetatarsal fU) ]_ 5DA* 5 We Fitness Safety Standards W* W dOUF WM'
angle Committee
first-second intermetatarsal wU ]_ 5DA* 5 We Fitron dO
angle Fitstep VO
Fisch gO F. II stair climber II VO V r]K o=K
F. bone drill irrigator rEF VI UG d Universal F. UdHOu VO
UG* rEF VI gOH fitting WUM eON& u
gOH immediate postsurgical f. wd' qLF bF U eON&
F. drill gO VI (IPSF) dU
Fischer dAO prosthetic f. W]Ob eON
F. pressure threshold dAO V jGC W UOI temporary prosthetic f. W] R W]Ob eON
meter Velcro f. dJOK eON&
F. ring dAO WIK five WL fU)
F. transfixing pin V U] dAO u^ f. classifications of UIH e WL) nOUB
Fish cuneiform osteotomy wMOH rEF lD WId spondylolisthesis
technique gO V flexor wad of f. fU K W]OM* uA( Uu
Fisher dAO five-hole plate uI WL WOH
F. advancement flap W]O1bI dAO WKb five-incision procedure WL) uIA d
F. brace dAO UM five-one b WL
F. exact test dAO V W =b U f.-o. knee ligament repair WL Wd U `OKB
F. guide dAO qO b
F. rasp dAO U f.-o. reconstruction b WL UM
fish-mouth WJL r fixateur interne wK X=
f.-m. amputation WJL r qJA d fixating apparatus XO UN
f.-m. anastomosis WJL r qJA dUH fixation XO
f.-m. end-to-end suture s WJL r qJA WUO adjunctive f. wU{ XO
WUN=M v WUN=M adjunctive screw f. wU{ VuK XO
f.-m. incision WJL r qJA yo Allen-Ferguson Galveston 5 V u( XO
Fishtail WJL q pelvic f. uHU ud
f. deformity WJL q qJA ^uA AMBI f. w XO
f. sign WJL q W angled blade plate f. ]e W]OKB WOHB XO
fissure fracture wI d anterior internal f. wU wMU XO
fisticuffs nJ lL r anterior metallic f. wU =eK XO
fistula uU anterior plate f. W]OU WOHB XO
arteriovenous f. (AVF) b wUd uU anterior screw f. wU VuK XO
synovial f. wKO uU anterior spinal f. wU dI XO
fistulography uU]M duB AO external f. wU XO
fit Wu AO internal f. wK XO
interference f. qb Wu AO spinal internal f. wK dI XO
trial f. W]Od Wu APR cement f. XMLU XO

- 248 -
atlantoaxial rotatory f. u wIN db XO dynamic f. wJOUM XO
(AARF) dynamic compression W]OJOUM WDU{ WOHB XO
axial f. u XO plate f.
bar bolt f. WuK* W{UF XO dynamic condylar screw f. VuK wLI wJOUM XO
Barr open reduction and wKb XO uH* ^d f. dysfunction of the lumbar V w d UIH WHO qK
internal f. U V spine XO
Barr tibial fracture f. U V wuME dJ XO external spinal f. wU dI XO
bicortical screw f. dAI wzUM VuK XO femoral prosthesis f. Wc H Wb XO
biologic f. uO XO fracture f. dJ XO
blade plate f. W]OKB WOHB XO Galveston f. uHU XO
f. bolt XOK VuK* UL* Galveston pelvic f. uHU V u( XO
bolt f. VuK* UL*U XO Gouffon f. uu XO
bone-ingrowth f. rEF uA XO Gouffon pin f. uu u^b XO
bridge plate f. W]d WOHB XO graft f. rFD XO
buttressing in internal f. wKb XO w rb greenstick f. dOCM sBG XO
Calandruccio f. uOb XO Hackethal intramedullary V wIM q W U XO
Campbell screw f. qU VuK XO bouquet f. UOU
cerclage wire f. ouD pK XO half-pin f. u^ nBM XO
cervical spine f. XO w d UIH XO Halifax clamp posterior UIK0 wHK w XO
W]O d UO cervical f. fUHOU
cervical spine internal f. W]O d UOK wK XO Harrington rod f. u=U VOCI XO
cervical spine screw-plate f. WOHB W]O d UO XO Herbert screw f. dd VuK XO
Vu Hex-Fix external f. fJ V wU XO
circumferential wire f. wUH pK XO fJ
circumferential wire loop f. W]OUH W]OJK bIF XO hook f. hA XO
cloverleaf condylar plate f. W qJA W]OLI WOHB XO hook-plate f. h WOHB XO
rOd iliac f. wH d XO
Cole tendon f. u V du XO Ilizarov external f. eO V wU XO
compression f. jGCU XO ingrowth f. VU XO
compression plate f. WDU{ WOHB XO interference fit f. qb oUD XO
condylar screw f. VuK wLI XO intermedullary rod f. wIM q u^M XO
coracoclavicular f. u d wd XO internal spinal f. wK dI XO
coracoclavicular screw f. VuK u d wd XO interosseous wire f. UEF 5 pK XO
coracoclavicular suture f. WUO)U u d wd XO intramedullary rod f. wIM q u^M XO
Denham external f. UN V wU XO f. jig XO U]M
dens anterior screw f. w=M wU VuK XO Kavanaugh-Brower-Mann f. U d uUU XO
Deverle f. dOH XO Kirschner pin f. dMdO u^b XO
f. device XO eON Kirschner wire f. dMdO pK XO
Dimon-Hughston fracture f. uu u1 d XO Kristiansen-Kofoed V wU XO
dorsal wire loop f. W]dN W]OJK bIF XO external f. buu sUOd

- 249 -
Kronner external f. dd V wU XO pin and plaster f. f u^b XO
Kyle internal f. wKO V wK XO plate f. WOHB XO
lag screw f. T=JK VuK XO plate-screw f. Vu WOHB XO
loop f. dF XO porous ingrowth f. rOL wuA XO
lumbar pedicle f. W]OMDI WIu XO posterior cervical f. wHK w XO
lumbar spine f. W]OMDI UO XO posterior screw f. VuK wHK XO
lumbar spine segmental f. W]OMDI UOK wFD XO posterior segmental f. wHK wFD XO
lumbar spine UOK UIu d XO press-Fit f. XO fd XO
transpedicular f. W]OMDI prophylactic skeletal f. wzU wKJO XO
Luque-Galveston f. uHU uOu XO provisional f. wUO XO
Luque loop f. uOu dF XO rigid f. VK XO
Luque rod f. uOu u^M XO rigid internal f. VK wK XO
Magerl posterior cervical dOU VuK wHK w XO rod f. VOC u^M XO
screw f. rod sleeve f. u^ WK XO
Matta-Saucedo f. bOu U]U XO Roy-Camille posterior screw Vu WOHB wHK XO
McKeever medullary p V u d wI XO plate f. qOU V
clavicle f. dHO sacral f. e XO
medial malleolus f. w VFJ XO sacral pedicle screw f. Vu WIu e XO
medullary f. uI XO scaral spine f. W]eF UO XO
medullary nail f. uI UL0 XO sacroiliac f. wH d e XO
monofilament wire f. jO) U pK XO sacroiliac extension f. wH d( eF jU XO
multiple-point sacral f. UIM =bF e XO sacroiliac flexion f. wH d( eF wMU XO
nail f. UL0 XO sacrum fusion screw f. VuK eF Zb XO
nail plate f. W]UL WOHB XO Schneider f. bUM XO
neutralization plate f. W]OUF WOHB XO Schuind external f. wU) bMu XO
occipitocervical f. w wc XO scoliotic curve f. nM' vMM XO
odontoid fracture internal f. w=M TUM dJ wK XO screw f. VuK XO
open reduction, internal f. wK XO uH screw-and-plate f. WOH VuK XO
(ORIF) screw-and-wire f. pK VuK XO
OrthoSorb pin f. uu u^b XO segmental f. wFD XO
pedicle f. WIu XO spinal f. dI XO
Pedicular f. wIu XO spring f. U]d XO
f. peg XO b staple f. ]d XO
pelvic f. w{u XO static f. wJOU wuJ XO
percutaneous f. bK' d XO Steinmann pin f. ULMO u^b XO
phalangeal fracture f. w dJ XO strut plate f. WL WOHB XO
phemister acromioclavicular u^b u d wd XO sublaminar f. wzUH X XO
pin f. dOLO V f. subluxation wze' lK) XO
f. pin XO u^ Suture f. WUO) XO
pin f. u^b XO f. technique XO WId

- 250 -
tension band f. d^u jdA XO Ganz anti-shock pelvic f. WbBK UC w{u X=
transarticular wire f. qBH* d pK XO eU V
transcapitellar wire f. dK dU pK XO half-pin external f. u^ nBM wU X=
transiliac rod f. sOH d( d u^M XO Herbert screw f. dd VuK X=
transpedicular f. WIu d XO Hex-Fix f. fJ fJ X=
transverse f. dF XO Hoffmann C series C ULu WKK wU X=
TSRH rod f. TSRH V u^M XO external f.
tunnel and sling f. F oHM XO Hoffmann Dynamic V wJOUM wU X=
Volkov-Oganesian uJu V wU XO external f. ULu
external f. seU Hoffmann external f. wU) ULu X=
Ward-Tomasin-Vander-Grie bU sUu XO Hoffmann-Vidal ULu V wU X=
nd f. bMd external f. bO
Warner-Farber ankle f. d V qUJ XO Ilizarov f. eO X=
dU f. interne (FI) wK X=
Webb f. V XO Jacquet f. XuU X=
White f. X XO Lima external f. wU) ULO X=
Wilson-Jacobs tibial f. uK V wuM XO Manuflex external f. wU) fJOKuU X=
euU modified Hoffmann {_ wUd wU) X=*
Wire f. pK XO quadrilateral external f. ULu V ]bF*
Wire loop f. W]OJK dF XO Monticelli-Spinelli f. wKKOMO wKKOOu X=
Zickel nail f. qJ UL0 XO one-plane bilateral VU' wzUM wU X=
Zickel subtrochanteric b* X dJ XO external f. b u0
fracture f. qJ V one-plane unilateral VU' U wU X=
fixator X= external f. b u0
Ace-Colles external f. f=u wU X= Orthofix external f. V wU X=
Ace-Fischer external f. dAO wU X= fJOu
Agee-WristJack external f. w V wU X= Pennig dynamic wrist f. V wJOUM wG X=
AO internal f. AO wK X= pin external f. w=u wU X=
articulated external f. wKBH wU X= Rezaian spinal f. se V dIH X=*
carbon fiber f. W]OudJ UO_U X= Richards Colles external f. wU) f=u UA X=
circular wire f. dz wJK X= ring external f. wIK wU X=
Claiborne external f. u V wU X= Roger Anderson external f. d V wU X=
clamp f. UIK X= ub
Clyburn external f. d V wU X= two-plane bilateral VU' wzUM wU X=
dynamic axial f. wJOUM u X= external f. 5u0
external f. wU X= two-plane unilateral VU' U wU X=
external spinal skeletal f. wU dI wKJO X= external f. 5u0
(ESSF) Vermont spinal f. XudO V dIH X=*
f. frame X= U Wagner device external f. V wU) X=* eON

- 251 -
dMU bilateral V-Y Kulter f. VU' W]OzUM V-Y dKu WKb
fixed XU bilobed f. hH We WKb
f. bearing knee implant WU WKU( Wd Wd bilobed skin f. hH We W]bK WKb
f. deformity XU ^uA bipedicle f. 5Iu WKb
f. distraction XU d bipedicle dorsal f. 5Iu W]dN WKb
f. flexion contracture (FFC) XU wzUM l^HI brachioradialis f. W]dF W]bC WKb
fixed-angle blade plate FJD We WU W]OKB WOH cocked-half f. d nB WKb
facet joint disease wNOu qBH* composite f. W]d WKb
flaccid u f. congestion WKb UI
f. cerebral palsy u wU qK cross-arm f. 5c VUB WKb
f. flatfoot u U] b cross-finger f. 5F VUB WKb
f. gait u WOA W]OF WOUB
f. paralysis u qK cross-leg f. 5 U VUB WKb
flaccidity U cutaneous f. W]bK WKb
flag u deltoid f. WO WKb
f. flap W]Ou WKb deltopectoral f. W]O W]b WKb
f. sign u W dorsal f. W]OdN WKb
flail VzU dorsal cross-finger f. W]OdN W]OF W]OUB WKb
f. digit WzU l dorsalis pedis f. bI dN WKb
f. implant WzU Wd fasciocutaneous f. W]bK W]OUH WKb
f. knee WzU W finger f. W]OF WKb
f. shoulder WzU n Fisher advancement f. W]O1bI dAO WKb
f. toe VzU b l f flag f. W]Ou WKb
flail-elbow hinge VzU od* foot first web f. bI w v_ du WKb
Flanagan-Burem apposing VUB* wuD_ nB rFD forearm f. W]bU WKb
hemicylindric graft .u UU V free f. ]d WKb
flange dOH WH free microsurgical f. ]d W]dN WKb
endoprosthetic f. sU Wb dOH free skin f. ]d W]bK WKb
flap WKb gastrocnemius f. U] WKC WKb
abdominal f. W]OMD WKb Gilbert scapular f. W]OHJ dK WKb
advancement f. W]O1bI WKb gluteus maximus f. vLEF W]u_ WKb
arm f. W]O WKb gracilis f. WKUM WKCF WKb
arterial f. W]OUd WKb f. graft wKb rF
Atasoy triangular V W]K W]O1bI WKb groin f. W]O_ WKb
advancement f. U hemipulp f. W]O nB WKb
Atasoy volar V-Y f. U V v-y W]O WKb horseshoe-shaped f. dH qF qJA WKb
axial f. W]u WKb hypogastric f. WOK WKb
axial pattern f. WKb u dD WKb iliac osteocutaneous f. W]bK W]OLE W]OH d WKb
WD]D  W]u iliofemoral f. W]c  W]OH d WKb
axillary f. W]OD WKb iliofemoral pedicle f. W]c  W]OH d WIu WKb

- 252 -
intercostal f. W]O WKb random pattern f. wzuA dD WKb
inverted skin f. WuKI WdM W]bK WKb rectus abdominis f. W]OMD WLOI* WKb
WuJF W]bK WKb rectus femoris f. W]c H WLOI* WKb
island f. WeF W]de WKb remote pedicle f. bOF WIu WKb
Island skin f. WeF W]de W]bK WKb reverse corss-finger f. W]OJ W]OF W]OUB WKb
Kutler double lateral We W]OU W]O1bI WKb reverse forearm island f. W]OJ W]bU W]de WKb
advancement f. dKu V rhomboid f. W]OM]OF WKb
Kutler V-Y f. dKu V V-Y WKb rotational f. W]db WKb
lateral arm f. W]OU W]O WKb saphenous f. W]OMU WKb
lateral thigh f. W]OU W]c  WKb scapular f. W]OH WKb
lateral thoracic f. W]OU W]b WKb serratus anterior f. W]OU_ W]UAM* WKb
latissimus dorsi f. W]dNE WCdF WKb skin f. W]bK WKb
Limberg f. dOLO WKb sliding f. W]O e WKb
f. meniscal tear WKb qJA WN W e soft tissue f. u s=O ZOM WKb
Moberg f. dOu WKb Steichen neurovascular V ]d W]OzU W]OB WKb
Moberg advancement f. W]O1bI dOu WKb free f. sAU
Morrison neurovascular V ]d W]OzU W]OB WKb supramalleolar f. W]OF u WKb
free f. e=u f. tear WKb W e
multistaged carrier f. qd* =bF WKU WKb temporalis fascia f. W]Ob W]OUH WKb
muscle f. W]OKC WKb tensor fasciae latae muscle f. WUHK du* WKCF WKb
musculocutaneous f. W]bK W]OKC WKb WCdF
musculocutaneous free f. ]d W]bK W]OKC WKb tensor fascia femoris f. Wc H WUHK d=u* WKb
musculotendinous f. W]d W]OKC WKb thenar f. W]OH WKb
myocutaneous f. W]bK W]OKC WKb thoracoepigastric f. W]Oud W]b WKb
neurovascular f. W]OzU W]OB WKb transposition f. l{u dOOG WKb
neurovascular free f. ]d W]OzU W]OB WKb triangular advancement f. qJA W]O]K W]O1bI WKb
omental f. W]Od WKb Urbaniak neurovascular V ]d W]OzU W]OB WKb
osteomusculocutaneous f. W]bK W]OKC W]OLE WKb free f. UOU
osteoperiosteal f. W]O UL W]OLE WKb Urbaniak scapular f. UOU V W]OH WKb
palmar advancement f. W]O1bI W]O WKb Vascularized free f. U]u ]d WKb
palmar cross-finger f. W]OF W]OUB W]O WKb V-Y advancement f. V-Y qJA WO1bI WKb
parascapular f. nJK U WKb V-Y Kutler f. V-Y qJA dKu WKb
pectoralis major f. dOJ W]bB WKb web space f. du e=O WKb
pedicle f. WIu WKb wraparound f. qJA WKb
pedicle groin f. WIu W]O WKb wraparound neurovascular ]d W]OzU W]OB WKb
perineal f. W]OU WKb free f. qJA
posterior f. W]OHK WKb flare U) u wb U ZO
pulp f. WO= WKb dH
radial-based f. W]dF WKb f. of the condyle WLIK ZO
radial forearm f. W]dF W]bU WKb foot f. bI ZO

- 253 -
medial tibial f. w wuM ZO flavum dH
steroid f. bdO ZO ligamentum f. dH _ Ud
flared spinal rod Z=u dI VOC Fleck sign pOK W
FlashCast ZO VU XU  flesh b dA r(
Delta-Lite F. X U XU  proud f. qbM d u wO ZO
flat `]D Fletching femoral hernia V cH oH Wd ]U
f. back deformity `]D* dNE ^uA implant material ZMAOK
f. back syndrome `]D* dNE W flex against gravity W]OU' ]b{ wM
f. bone `]D rE flexed wM sM
f. bone graft `]D wLE rF plantar f. UOBL sM
f. drill `]D VI f. position wM l{
f. palpation `]D* ^f' Flexeril qdOJOK
f. retractor `]D UF Flex-Foam bandage u fJOK WUB
f. splint W]D dO Flex-Foot prosthesis u fJOK Wb
flatfoot U] b flexibility Wd
acquired f. WJ U] b Cotrel-Doubusset rod f. XOu du u^ Wd
Durham f. U V U] b f. training Wd* Vb
flaccid f. u U] b flexible wMK qU s=O d
hypermobile f. Wd( WdH U] b F. bandage WM]O WUB
peroneal spastic f. W]uE W]O^MA U] b f. hammertoe WM]O W]O dD l
rockerbottom f. ]e U] b f. hinge implant wMK WKU W]= Wd
spastic f. W]O^MA U] b f. hinge suspension wMK WKU ]d oOKF
flatfooted U] b f. medullary nail s=O uI UL
Flatt  f. medullary reamer s=O uI uI
F. classification  nOMB f. nail wMK qU UL
F. driver  u W ]u f. pes planus WM=O W]D b
F. excision  UB f. pes valgus WM=O U b
F. finger/joint prosthesis W]OKBH Wb l f. reamer d uI
F. finger prosthesis  l Wb f. socket s=O aM
F. finger/thumb prosthesis UN Wb l f. sound wMK qU f U
F. implant  Wd f. talipes s=O nM
F. recess  Flexinet dressing XOMOJOK bOLC
F. self-retaining screwdriver V XO w ypH flexing wM
 flexion UM wM
F. technique  WId f. in abduction and external wU) db bOF w wM
F. tendon transfer  V du qI rotation (faber) dU
flattening of normal lordotic u wFI vMM* `^D active f. qU wM
curve f. in adduction and internal db VdI w wM
F&L attenuating glove F&L s=u U]H rotation wU)
flattop talus c `]D qU f. angle wM W

- 254 -
angle of greatest f. (AGF) wLE_ wM W Schober test of lumbar f. wMDI wMK duJ U
f. body cast wM* r' VU shelf f. d UM
f. body jacket wM* r' d sitting f. uK' UM
f. bumper UM ^bB f. spinal radiography test dIH wUFA duB U
cervical f. w wM wM l{u
cervical specific rotation l{ w w wu db spine f. UO wM
in f. wM standing f. u u UM
compression f. wUGC wM jGCU wM transverse axis knee f. dF u vK Wd wM
f. compression spine injury jGC UO WU XO flexion wM
stabilization wM f. abduction, external wU) db l{u l^HI
f. contracture wM l^HI rotation contracture wM bOF
f. deformity wM ^uA f. abduction, external bOF wU) ]b j
f. distraction wMU d rotation, extension (fabere) dOU wM
distractive f. w d wM f. adduction, internal wM VdI wK
dorsiflexion f. wdNE UM wM rotation (fadir) dU
elongation-derotation f. db dO j* b* wM flexion-adduction VdI wM
f. and extension j wM flexion-distraction d wM
external rotation in f. (ERF) wM l{ w wU db f.-d. injury d wM WU
femoral-trunk f. wc c  wM f.-d. table d wM WU
forward f. U wM flexion-extension j wM
full fist f. WKUJ WCI wM f.-e. arc j wM u
further f. (FF) wM d f.-e. axis j wM u
hip f. u wM f.-e. control cervical orthosis wMU r^JK W d uI
f. injury posterior u* wINH qBH* U j
atlantoaxial arthrodesis wM WU w wHK) f.-e. exercise j wM sdL
f. instability wM dI hip f.-e. tD u wM
internal rotation in f. (IRF) wM l{ w wK db Knee f.-e. UND Wd wM
Knee f. Wd wM f.-e. maneuver j wM UM
lateral f. wU wM f.-e. MRI w wOUMG* 5dU duB]
left lateral f. d wU wM j wM
lumbar f. wMD wM f.-e. plane j wM u
lumbar lateral f. wU wMD wM f.-e. radiography j wMU wUF duB
lumbosacral f. e wMD wM flexion-internal rotational wM l wK db ^uA
f. malposition wMU l^{u] u deformity
f. osteotomy wM l{u rEF lD flexion-rotation-drawer db wM ]d
palmar f. w wM (FRD)
passive plantar f. qFHM wBL wM f.-r.d. knee instability test wM ]d Wd dI U
plantar f. wBL wM db
f. restriction wM ^b f.-r.-d. test db wM ]d U
right lateral f. s1 wU wM Flexirule dOJOK

- 255 -
Flexisplint flexed armboard V wM* c qU f. digitorum superficialis lU  WOM* W]OD d
XMKOJK tendon
FlexiSport orthotic u wJOK uI f. glove  UH
Flex-Master bandage dU fJOK WUB f. hallucis brevis muscle UN WOM* dOBI WKCF
flexor s wM bI
anterior long toe f. W]OU_ WKuD bI lU WOM f. hallucis brevis tendon bI UN WOM* dOBI d
WKC f. hallucis longus (FHL) bI UN WOM* WKuD
f. cap WOM uMK WKC
f. carpi radialis (FCR) WKC mdK WOM* W]dFJ f. hallucis longus muscle bI UN WOM* WKuD WKCF
f. carpi radialis muscle mdK WOM* W]dFJ WKCF f. hallucis longus tendon bI UN WOM* WKuD d
f. carpi radialis tendon mdK WOM* W]dFJ d f. hallucis longus WOM* WKuD d bL UN
f. carpi ulnaris (FCU) WKC mdK WOM* W]be tenosynovitis bI UN
f. carpi ulnaris muscle mdK WOM* W]be WKCF f. hallucis tendon bI UN WOM* d
f. carpi ulnaris syndrome mdK WOM* W]be W f. hinge hand splint brace WOM* W]d bO dO UM
f. carpi ulnaris tendon mdK WOM* Wbe d f. hinge splint WOM W] dO
f. digiti quinti brevis WKC dBM K WOM* dOBI Long f. WKC WKu WOM
(FDQB) Long toe f. WKuD bI lU WOM
f. digiti quinti muscle dBM K WOM* WKCF WKC
f. digitorum brevis WKC lU  WOM* dOBI f. mechanism UOM* W]O
f. digitorum communis lU _ WOM* dA* du f. muscle WOM WKC
tendon f. origin syndrome UOM* QAM W
f. digitorum longus (FDL) WKC lU  WOM* WKuD f. phase s u
f. digitorum longus muscle lU  WOM* WKuD WKCF f. plate WOM WOH
f. digitorum longus tendon lU  WOM* WKuD d f. pollicis brevis (FPB) WKC bO UN WOM* dOBI
f. digitorum profundus WKC lU  WOM* WIOLF f. pollicis brevis muscle bO UN WOM* dOBI WKCF
(FDP) f. pollicis brevis tendon bO UN WOM* dOBI d
f. digitorum profundus lU  WOM* WIOLF WKCF f. pollicis longus (FPL) WKC bO UN WOM* WKuD
muscle f. pollicis longus bO UN WKuD b=F*
f. digitorum profundus lU  WOM* WIOLF d adbuctor-plasty
tendon f. pollicis longus muscle bO UN WOM* WKuD WKCF
f. digitorum slip lU _ WOM e f. pollicis longus tendon bO UN WOM* WKuD d
f. digitorum sublimis (FDS) lU  WOM* W]OD f. profundus tendon WOM* WIOLF d
WKC f. pronator slide WOM* W]UJ oe
f. digitorum sublimis muscle WOM* W]OD WKCF f. retinaculum bO UOM bO UOM* bO
lU  f. skin crease wzUM bK sC
f. digitorum sublimis tendon lU  WOM* W]OD d f. sublimis tendon W]OD WOM* d
f. digitorum superficialis lU  WOM* W]OD f. tendon s d
(FDS) WKC f. tendon anastomosis wM* du dUH
f. digitorum superficialis lU  WOM* W]OD WKCF f. tendon graft wM* du rF
muscle f. tendon laceration wM* du UN

- 256 -
f. tendon repair wM* du `OKB f. toe WK=d* bI l
f. tendon rupture wM* du ^eL flora XO
f. tendon sheath wM* du bL bacterial f. wud XO
f. tenosynovectomy wM* du bL lD florid de
f. tenosynovitis wM* du bL UN f. callus de c
f. wad WOM U WOM uA f. rickets de b
WOM* U f. synovitis de* wKOe UAG UN
f. wad of five WOM* WL) uA U Florida buK
f. withdrawal reflex wU wM] fJFM F. brace buK UM
flexorplasty WOM* CF F. cervical brace buK V w d UM
Bunnell f. V WOM* CF Flotan thumb UuK UN
qO=u flottant VzU rzU U
Bunnell modification of CF d qO=u qbF pouce f. (floating thumb) VzU UN
Steindler f. dbMO V WOM* flow Ud
Eyler f. dK WOM* CF axoplasmic f. u* vuO Ud
Steindler f. V WOM* CF blood f. b u Ud
dbMO laminar air f. wzUH wzu Ud
flexor-pronator ^U s flower-spray ending U_ W]d qJA WUN
f.-p. origin W]UJ WOM* QAM flowmeter Ud' UOI
f.-p. origin release W]UJ WOM* QAM dd Doppler ultrasound f. ozUH dKb Ud' UOI
flexural concavity wzUM d^FI uB
Flexus =dF flowmetry Ud' UO
hallux f. qL UN Laser Doppler f. (LDF) eOK dKb Ud' UO
Flick-Gould technique bu pOK WId Flowtron DVT DVT duK
Flip test VOK U fluctuation test ^uL U
floating VzU flucytosine yUC suOuK
f. clavicle WzU u d UdDHK
f. elbow VzU od fluff dressing V bOLC
f. knee WzU W fluid qzU
f. rib WzU lK{ f. balance qzu u
f. thumb VzU UN cerebrospinal f. (CSF) wU ^M qzU
f. toe VzU bI l f. homeostasis qzu U
f. traction VzU yd interstitial f. w qzU
flocculent =bM f. sign qzu W
f. foci of clacification f^KJ s W=bM R synovial f. wKO qzU
floor of the acetabulum =o( W]O{ FluidAir bed d buK wKzU wzu dd
floor-reaction ankle-foot qUH l bI qUJ uI Fluidotherapy sterile dry w WL]IF* W]U' d( oOD
orthosis w{ heat modality wdO buK qzuU W'UF*
floppy s=O q=d u fluorescein o=Q =uK 5uK
f. infant q=d lO{ f. dye test 5uKH WG U

- 257 -
f. perfusion monitoring 5uKHU Wd W d focus, pl. foci R R
f. study 5uKHU W fold W]O
Fluori-methane UO uK asymmetric skin f. dUM W]bK W]O
fluoroallergosorbent test wIQ Q* e U Bartlett nail f. XKU V dHE W]O
(FAST) nail f. dHE W]O
fluorometholone uuOuK fold-over finger splint VU s ]uD W]OF dO
fluoroscope o^Q UEM d
C-arm f. C -c o^Q UEM fomentation therapy bOLJU W'UF
Xi-scan f. Xi - WdH o^Q UEM foot b
fluoroscopic table o^Q UEM WU f. angle bI W
fluoroscopy o^Q dOEM athlete?s f. bI WHF
C-arm f. C - c oQ dOEM ball of the f. ]dC bI ]d{
portable C-arm image uBK =bA* o^Q dOEM basketball f. WK] w b
intensifier f. U]IM C c calcaneocavus f. UBL W]OI b
tow-plane f. 5u0 o^Q dOEM calcaneovalgus f. U W]OI b
Xi-scan f. Xi - WdH o^Q UEM cavovarus f. UBL U b
flurbiprofen sdUuK cavus f. UBL b
flush ^u mO Charcot f. uU b
heparinized saline f. dN* wK* uK; mO clavus f. W]OMH b
peroxide f. bOdO mO clawfoot f. W]OK  b
fluted ]b e ]e cleft f. UK b
f. medullary rod ]e uI u^ f. collapse bI j
f. nail e] UL C-shaped f. c qJA b
f. reamer ]e uI dangling f. ]b WD U b
f. Sampson nail ]e; uU UL f. decompression bI s jGC nOH
flutes of cannulated screw v]MI* VuK bU diabetic f. W]d]J b
Flynn s diabetic Charcot f. W]dJ uU b
F. femoral neck fracture s V c H oM d drop f. (var. of dropped f.) WD U bI
reduction f. drop WO=b* bI
F. technique s WId dropped f., drop f., dropfoot WO=b* bI
FO dB equinocavus f. UBL bH b
foot orthosis bI uI equinovalgus f. U bH b
foam u equinovarus f. ybH nM U bH b
gelatin f. W]O u w
f. padding W]u uA equinus f. bH b
Pedilen polyurethane f. 5KbO UOu wu u f. first web flap v]_ bI d WKb
Temper f. dLO u f. flare bI ZO
focal R hypermobile f. Wd( WdH b
f. deficiency R u lobster f. bMdJ UO b
f. film distance (FFD) R rKH bF Morton f. uu b

- 258 -
multiaxis f. U; =bF b f. gait bI w=b WOA
neuropathic f. wBF b footgear yn c
f. orthosis (FO) bI uI foot piece W]Ob WFD
paralytic f. WuKA b Bunker f. p. dJu b u/
f. placement test bI WF{u U traction f. p. =d' b u/
plantigrade f. WOA* W]OBL b footplate bI WOH
f. plate bI WOH metal f. W]=eKH bI WOH
f. pound bI s footprint analysis bI WLB qOK
pronated f. WuJ b foot-progression angle bI bI W
pronation of the f. bI ^V footwear n c bI U
f. prosthesis bI Wb forage s eM
f. puncture wound bI w e d f. core biopsy W]Oe W]O= We
Re-Flex VSP artificial f. W]OUMD b f. procedure e]M d
V. S. P fJOK foramen, pl. foramina uI lL WI
rheumatoid f. W]buU b arcuate f. W]Ou W]I
rigid f. WK b f. compression test WI jG{ U
rockerbottom f. W]uI U] b intravertebral f. (IVF) 5dI 5 W]I
f. rotation bI db f. magnum vLEF W]I
SACH f. U b sciatic f. W]Ou W]I
SAFE f. wU b f. transversarium W{dF* W]I
serpentine f. W]HK W]uF b foraminal wI
single axis f. bO u0 b f. compression test wI jGC U
sole of f. bI hL f. encroachment subluxation wI wze' lK) vK =bF
solid ankle, cushioned VK qU b]u VIF b f. stenosis WI^ o^OC
heel f. foraminotomy WI^ lC
supination of the f. bI UIK Forbes fu
Sure-Flex f. fJOK u b F. modification of phemister rF WIdD fu qbF
Syme prosthetic f. .U V W]Ob b graft technique dLO
tabetic f. W]OU b F. onlay bone graft V wF wLE rF
tripod f. q_ w VBM b fu
f. type bI jL force ]u
University of California, WFU V U b activation f. jOAM u qOFH ]u
Berkeley SACH f. wKdO w UOuHOU f. application ]uI oOD
valgus f. U b contact f. UL u
foot-ankle assembly qUJ bI WuL distraction f. d ]u
football bI d dynamic f. W]OJOUM ]u
f. ankle bI d w qU dynamic joint f. W]OJOUMb qBH* ]u
f. finger bI d w l evertor f. U K WU WH=MA ]u
Footdrop bI w=b forefoot f. s bI ]bI ]u
f. brace bI w=b UM gravity ground reaction f. W]O{_ W]OUK qUH ]u

- 259 -
ground reaction f. _ qUH ]u basket f. W]K jIK
hamstring f. iQ* d ]u bearing-seating f. XO qL jIK
invertor f. qbK WU ]u Beasley-Babcock f. uJU wKO jIK
isometric f. W]d^BI ]u Berens muscle clamp f. edO V WKCF UIK jIK
joint f. qBH* ]u bipolar f. 5D jIK
knee f. Wd ]u Boies f. eu jIK
lateral compression f. wU' jGC ]u bone-biting f. rEF =i jIK
moment of f. ]uI l e bone-breaking f. rEF rB jIK
Newton f. suO ]u bone-cutting f. rEFK lU jIK
f. nucleus ]uI ed bone-grasping f. rEF i jIK
patellofemoral joint wH{d qBH* qUH ]u bone-holding f. rEF p jIK
reaction f. c H bone-splitting f. rEFK dU jIK
f. plate ]uI WH Brown-Adson f. u d jIK
prehension f. U wA U ]u Bulldog clamp-applying f. bK V jU jIK
reaction f. qUH ]u clamp f. jU jIK
subthreshold f. WF X ]u cupped grasping f. qJA wuJ iI jIK
tensile f. =bA ]u curved basket f. WOMM W]K jIK
tension f. d^u ]u Dreyfus prosthesis f. uH Wb jIK
torque f. db e ]u drill guide f. VI* qO jIK
Weightbearing ground uK WKU( _ qUH ]u Farabeuf f. uU jIK
reaction f. grasping f. i jIK
force-couple splint We ]uI dO' ^ Gruppe wire W]OJK Wb bOF jIK
reduction prosthesis-crimping f. wd V
forced vital capacity (FVC) W]dI W]uO( WF Harrington clamp f. u=U V jU jIK
forceps jIK Hoen f. su jIK
Acufex curved basket f. V WOMM W]K jIK implant f. WdG jIK
fJu Jackson broad-blade idF =d uU jIK
Acufex rotary biting ] WFU W]K jIK staple f. WKBM
basket f. fJu V Jewelers f. du' jIK
Adson f. u jIK Kelly f. w=KO jIK
Adson drill guide f. u VI* qOb jIK* Kern bone-holding f. rEF p* dO jIK
alligator f. uU jIK Kocher f. du jIK
Allis f. fO jIK Lane f. jIK
Arrowsmith-Clerf pin YOL] u^b oK jIK Lane bone-holding f. rEF p* jIK
closing f. dK Lane self-retaining bone wc rEF p* jIK
arthroscopy basket f. qBH* dOEM w w=K jIK holding f. XO
arthroscopy grasping f. qBH* dOEM w i jIK Lewin f. su jIK
Asch f. jIK Liston bone-cutting f. rEFK lUI uO jIK
baby lane f. wKHD jIK long-jaw basket f. pH qu W=K jIK
Backhaus towel f. uNU V qzUDI jIK Lowman f. Uu jIK

- 260 -
Lowman bone-holding f. rEF p* Uu jIK Utrata f. Ud jIK
Mantis retrograde f. wud fOU jIK vascular f. wzU jIK
mosquito tip grasping f. wuUM c i jIK wire prosthesis-crimping f. W]OJK Wb bOF jIK
qJA X-long cement f. X - quD XML jIK
orthopaedic f. UEF .uI Wd jIK Zimmer-Hoen f. su d=1 jIK
pin-seating f. XO u^ jIK Zimmer-Schlesinger f. dMeK d=1 jIK
plain tissue f. jO UC ZOM jIK Ford triangulation u V YOK WId
punch f. ]d) jIK* technique
rat-tooth f. d' UM jIK forearm bU
reduction f. =d jIK f. amputation bU d
ring f. wIK jIK carrying angle of f. bU qL W
rotary basket f. W]K ] jIK f. compartment syndrome bU e=O( W
Rowe disimpaction f. UA W jIK f. complex bU V]d
Ruskin bone-spliting f. V rEFK dU jIK f. contracture bU l^HI
5J distal f. w UI bU
Ruskin-Liston bone- V rEFK lU jIK f. flap W]bU WKb
cutting f. uO 5J f. fracture bU d
Russian f. wd jIK* f. lift-assist prosthesis bU ld bU Wb
screw-holding f. VuK p jIK one-bone f. b rEF bU
Seaber f. dO jIK f. splint bU dO
self-retaining bone- XO wc rEF p jIK f. supination test bU UIK U
holding f. three-bone f. UE W bU
side-cutting basket f. VUK lU W=K jIK f. tourniquet bU W U
Stille-Horsley rib f. w=KO V lKC jIK forefoot bI ]bI
wKu f. arthroplasty bI ]bI q UH
Stille Liston bone- w=KO V rEFK lU jIK f. block bI ]bI UB
cutting f. uO f. equinus bI ]bI bH
straight basket f. WLOI W]K jIK f. forces bI ]bI u
tack-and-pin f. u^b dLO* jIK Larmon f. u bI ]bI
tendon-braiding f. du dOHC jIK f. splaying bI ]bI
tendon-tunneling f. du lOLI jIK f. varus bI ]bI Z
Thompson hip prosthesis f. V u Wb jIK foreign Vd
uu f. body (FB) Vd r
three-edge cutting u( w lU jIK f. body granuloma VdG r' qFH wO
thumb f. UN jIK f. body response VdG r' WU
toothed f. s]M jIK body screw VdG r' Vu
toothed tissue f. s]M* ZM jIK Forest-Hastings technique fMOU Xu WId
tying f. jd jIK Forestier disease dOu
upbiting basket f. lDI uK W]K jIK fork strap prosthetic VFAM US Wb U
upcurved punch f. vK sM ]d jIK support

- 261 -
formal hemipelvectomy sOd]D b d w=I yw{u d f. flexion posture wU_ wM WF{
wNM u( s sO]OKH^ f. head posture WOU_ d WF{
formation q^JA Fosnaugh nail biopsy uMu V dHE We
adhesion f. UB q^JA fossa dH
bunion f. WFu q^JA antecubital f. od* U dH(
callus f. cb q^JA glenoid f. W]OJ dH W]OU]I( dH(
Cyclops f. u' q^JA ischiorectal f. W]OLOI W]OJ dH
intramembranous f. UAG q q^JA olecranon f. W]O= dH
lappet f. W]OD q^JA f. ovalis W]uCO dH(
osteophyte f. W]OLEF Xu]M q^JA popliteal f. W]OCQ* dH(
procallus f. cb WFOK q^JA Foster du
rouleaux f. bzUCM q^JA F. bed du dd
scar f. WbM q^JA F. splint du dO
spur f. ULN* q^JA F. turning frame du V db] U
trellis f. WAdF q^JA Foucher classification of W]OUA* UU  du nOMB
Formatray mandibular dUuH W]OKH W]OJ dO epiphyseal injury
splint foundation bU U
form constancy VUI qJA U level f. wU_ u*
forme-fruste nOH qJ b qJ four WF
d* s wu/ f. star exercise program uM wUd sdL ZUd
forminal osteophyte W]OLE WUM VI vK =bF f. wire trochanter WFQ b* UB= U
encroachment reattachment
formula WGO four-bar _ ^wU
Dreyer f. d WGO f.-b. external fixation wUd wU) XO UN
Forrester d=u apparatus _
F. cervical collar brace V w d uD UM f.-b. linkage on knee WFQ Wd Wb U
F. splint d=u prosthesis
Forrester-Brown d=u dO f.-b. linkage prosthetic knee Wb Wd U W]OJOUJO
F.-B. collar d d=u mechanism WFQ
F.-B. head halter d d=u u f.-b. Polycentric Knee W]OUd ed* bbF Wd Wb
d=u V d s prosthesis _
d four-flanged nail u( wU UL
Forte u four-hole plate uI W]OU WOH
F. harness u ]b Fourier transform infrared ]u; dL_ X nOD dOEM
Parafon F. u uU spectroscopy du V
fortuitum wUB UB four-incision procedure wUd =oA d
Mycobacterium f. W]OUB] d=DH* four-limb Z-plasty u( wUd Z -
forward U wU Fournier test tOOu U
f. bending U UM four-part fracture lDI wU d
f. flexion U wM four-point UIM ^wU

- 262 -
f.-p. cervical brace UIM ^wU w UM F. internal fixation apparatus V wKb XO UN
f.-p. gait UIM W]OU WOA fu
f.-p. walker UI WF vK wU* F. splint fu dO
four-poster rzUb rzuI ^wU F. wrench fu uK
f.-p. cervical brace rzUb ^wU w UM Fox-Blazina procedure UM f u d
f.-p. cervical orthosis rzUb wU w uI FPB dB
f.-p. frame rzUb wU U flexor pollicis brevis WKC bO UN dOBI WOM*
four-prong finger splint VF lQ W]OF dO EPL dB
U u flexor pollicis longus WKC bO UN WKuD WOM*
fourth ld Frac-Sur splint u d dO
f. carpometacarpal joint wFM wGd qBH* d fract dB
fracture ld fracture u d
f. metatarsophalangeal joint ld w wDA* qBH* fraction e
fovea dI dOH motor unit f. W=d* bu e
Fowler dU fractional ]e we
F. central slip tenotomy V ed* oeM* du lC f. curve ]e vMM
dU f. lengthening we& quD
F. knee system dU V Wd UN fractionation e
F. maneuver dU UM Fractomed splint bOu d dO
F. osteotomy dU V rEF lD Fractura Flex cast fJOK u d VU
F. position w id* WOF{ dU W]OF{ fracture (fract, fx) d
tO t ld dd abduction-external db bOF W]OF{u d
vK rotation f. wU)
F. procedure dU d acetabular f. w=I d
F. spread dU WU acetabular posterior wall f. wHK) w=I( b' d
F. technique dU WId acetabular rim f. W]O=I( W]U( d
F. tendon transfer dU V du qI acute f. Aebi-Etter-Coscia w V U( dJ XO
F. tenodesis dU V du WUO fixation UOu d
F. transfer dU qI dens f. s d
Fowler-Philip VOKO dU agenetic f. wI^K d
F.-P. angle VOKO dU W anatomic f. wdA d
F.-P. approach VOKO dU vQ anatomic location of f. dJK wdA l{u*
F.-P. incision VOKO dU ^o Anderson-Hutchins tibial f. V wuM d
Fowles eU eMOAU ub
F. dislocation technique eU lK WId Anderson-Hutchins unstable dI uME r d
F. open reduction eU V uH* ^d tibial shaft f. eMOAU ub V
Fox f u angulated f. ]e d
F. clavicular splint fu V W]u d dO angulation f =e d
F. extractor-impactor fu Ud Wd  ankle f. qUJ d
F. impactor-extractor fu Wd  Ud ankle mortise f. qUJ dI d

- 263 -
anterior column f. wU_ uLF d boxers f. 5L* d
anterolateral compression f. wA wU wUGC d f. bracing dJ U
apophyseal f. wzu uM d bucket-handle f. ub iI qJA d
arch f. wu uI d bumper f. bB* d
articular mass separation f. W]OKBH* WKJK q U d bunk bed f. X]O* dd d
articular pillar f. wKBH* ULF d Burkhalter-Reyes method dJ w f dKd WId
Ashhurst-Bromer dd XuN nOMB phalangeal f. wF
classification of ankle f.s qUJ uJ burst f. UH d
Atkin epiphyseal f. 5J V wUA* dJ butterfly f. qJA wd d
atlas f. WINH d buttonhole f. d d
atrophic f. uL{ d calcaneal f. wI d
avulsion f. wFK d calcaneal avulsion f. wFK wI d
avulsion stress f. wFKI bN' d calcaneal displaced f. wUe wI d
backfire f. wU d f. callus dJ c
bankart f. UJU d f. callus loading dJ c qOL
Barton f. uU d capitellar f. rEF d
basal neck f. c H oMF bU d capitulum radiale humeri f. dFJ bCF d
baseball finger f. W]OF bUI d d carpal bone f. wGd rEF d
basilar femoral neck f. c H oMF bU d carpal bone stress f. wGd rEFK bN d
bayonet position of f. dJK Wd( l{ carpometacarpal joint f. wFM wGd qBH* d
beak UIM d cartwheel f. WdF d
bedroom f. uM Wd d cementum f. s= w w d
Bennett XOMO d central f. ed d
Bennett comminuted f. X]H* XOMO d cephalomedullary nail f. uIM wd UL* d
bicondylar f. WLIK wzUM d cerebral palsy pathologic f. wU=b qKA w w{d d
bicondylar T-shaped f. T qJA WLIK wzUM d cervical spine f. W]O d WMM d
bicondylar Y-shaped f. Y qJA WLIK wzUM d cervical trochanteric f. wIM b d
bicycle spoke f. W]b `J d cervicotrochanteric f. b wIM d
bimalleolar f. 5FJ d cervicotrochanteric wUe b wIM d
bimalleolar ankle f. qUJ wF d displaced f.
birth f. u d Chance f. fU d
f. blister dJ WDH Chance vertebral f. dIH fU d
blow-in f. qbK UH d Chaput f. uU d
blow-out f. d U K UH d chauffeurs f. UO] ozU d
U( w UH chip f. v]EA d
Boot-top f. U u W]L d chiropractic treatment of f. dJK W]bO W'UF*
Bosworth f. uu d chisel f. wKO d
Both-bone f. 5LEF  d circumferential f. wUH d
both-column f. suLF  d f. classification uJ nOMB
bowing f. U1 d clavicular f. u d d

- 264 -
clavicular birth f. u u d d Descot f. uJ d
clay shovelers f. 5D U d diacondylar f WLIK d d
cleavage f. UDA d diametric pelvic f. w{u dD d
closed break f. oKG* `{d d diaphyseal f. rEF r d wb d
coccyx f. hFBF d diastatic f. w d d
Colles f. f=u d dicondylar f. WLIK d
combined d wMU WdA WU die punch f. W]d) Vu d
flexion-distraction injury UH d f. disease dJ
and burst f. dislocation f. wFK d
combined b dF dA d displaced f. eM d
radial-ulnar-humeral f. bC distal femoral epiphyseal f. U c  wUA d
comminuted intraarticular f. qBH* sL{ X]H d distal humeral f. U bC d
complete f. U d distal radial f. U dF d
complex f. V]d d distraction of f. dJ d
composite f. V]d d dogleg f. uK d
compression f. wUGC d dome f. V]I W]I d
condylar f. wLI d fracture d
condylar femoral f. W]c H WLIK d double f. e d
congenital f. wIK d Dupuytren f. du d
contrecoup f. Wd]C l d Duverney f. wdO d
f. by contrecoup Wd]C ld d dyscrasic f. wK d
coracoid f. wd d El-Ahwany classification of uJ wu_ nOMB
corner f. We d humeral supracondylar f. WLIK u bCF
coronal split f. wU w=I d elbow f. od* d
coronoid process f. wOK TUM d electrostimulation for dJ U bF wzUdN tOM
cortical f. dA d nonunion of f.
cotton f. wMD d elementary f. wzb dJ
Cotton ankle f. u^u V qUJ d Ellis technique for Barton f. uU dJ fO= WId
crush f. wd d f. en coin We qJA d
crushed eggshell f. WCO dA qJA d endocrine f. U]L d
WL]D* f. en rave `D] dF d
Danis-Weber f. d fO d epicondylar f. WLOI^K d
dashboard f. WU( d epicondylar avulsion f. WLOIK lU d
Delbet splint for heel f. VIF dJ X dO epiphyseal f. wUA d
Denis Browne classification uJ d fOM nOMB epiphyseal growth plate f. W]OUA* uLM WOH d
of sacral f.s eF epiphyseal slip f. w e wUA d
dens f. s d epiphyseal tibial f. wuM wUA d
depressed f. n M d Essex-Lopresti f. wdu fJ= d
depression f. n M d Essex-Lopresti joint V wKBH n M d
de Quervain f. UduJ d depression f. wdu fJ=

- 265 -
explosion f. UH d femur f. c H
extracapsular f. WEH; U d greater tochanteric c H dOJ b* d
extraoctave f. sL* U wU{ s]L d femoral f.
fatigue f. VF d greenstick f. dOCM sBG d
femoral f. c  d gunshot f. UM oKDU d
femoral intertrochanteric f. sb* sO c  d Gustilo-Anderson open V uH u d d
femoral neck f. c H oM d clavicular f. ub uKOu
femoral shaft f. c H r d Hahn-Steinthal f. UMO U d
femoral supracondylar f. W]c H WLIK u d hairline f. dFAU tO d
f. fever dJ d hamate f. w]J rEF d
fibular f. uE d hamate tail f. w]J rEF q d
Fielding-Magliato uUOKU ZMbKO nOMB hangmans f. oM]AU b d
classification of sb* X uJ Hansen classification of f. uJK sU nOMB
subtrochanteric f. Hawkins classification of VIF uJ eMOU nOMB
fifth metatarsal f. fU) jA* d talar f.
fifth metatarsal base f. fU) jA* bU d head-splitting humeral f. bCF d dU d
fighters f. r* d f. healing dJ U$
finger f. l d hemicondylar f. WLIK nB d
first carpometacarpal joint f. wFM wGd qBH* d Henderson f. ubM d
]_ Hermodsson f. ubd d
fissure f. w=I d hickory-stick f. sBG d u' sB d
f. fixation dJ XO dOC]M
f. fixation device dJ XO eON high-energy f. W UD wU d
forearm f. bU d Hill-Sachs f. fU qO d
four-part f. e_ wU d hip f. u d
fourth carpometacarpal wFM wGd qBH* d hockey-stick f. sBG d wuN UB d
joint f. ld dOCM
f. frame dJ WU dJ U Hoffa f. Uu d
Gaenslen f. seU d Holstein-Lewis f. fu sUAu d
Galeazzi f. eOU d hoop stress f. -U) U d
f. gap dJ uC horizontal f. wI d
Garden femoral neck f. U V c H oM d humeral f. bC d
Gartland classification of bCF uJ bU nOMB humeral head-splitting f. bCF d dU d
humeral supracondylar f. WLIK u humeral physeal f. wU]M bCF d
Gartland classification of u uJ bU nOMB humeral shaft f. bCF r d
supracondylar f. WLIK humeral supracondylar f. W]bCF WLIK u d
glenoid f. wU]I d Hutchinson f. uMAu d
glenoid rim f. W]OU]I( WU( d ice skaters f. bOK' vK Z=e* d
Gosselin f. 5KOu d impacted f. VUM dAM d
Grantham classification of uJ UNd nOMB implant f. WdG d

- 266 -
impression f. wUD d Kocher f. dAu d
incomplete f. h U U dO d LaGrange classification of uJK Zd nOMB
inflammatory f. wUN d humeral supracondylar f. WLIK u W]bCF
infraction f. rEF w wze d laminar f. wUH d
Ingram-Bachynski wJMOU d nOMB lap seat belt f. Vd XO e d
classification of hip f. u uJ lateral condylar humeral f. W]bCF W]OAu WLIK d
insufficiency f. WUH uBI d lateral humeral condyle f. W]OAu W]bCF WLIK d
intercondylar f. 5LI^K 5 d lateral malleolus f. wAu VFJ d
intercondylar femoral f. 5c H 5LI^K 5 d lateral mass f. W]OAu WKJ d
intercondylar humeral f. 5bCF 5LI^K 5 d lateral tibial plateau f. W]OAu W]OuME WCN d
intercondylar tibial f. 5OuME 5LI^K d Lague-Hansen classification uJ sU nOMB
interperiosteal f. UL q d of ankle f. qUJ
intertrochanteric f. sb* 5 d Laugier f. tOu d
intertrochanteric femoral f. sb* sO c  d lead pipe f. W]O U ]d uU*U tO d
intertrochanteric four-part f.e_ wU sb* sO d Le Fort f. uu d
intraarticular f. qBH* q d Le Fort fibular f. uEA uu d
intraarticular proximal qBH* q wuM d Le Fort mandible f. uu V wKH pH d
tibial f. Le Fort-Wagstaffe f. tUU uu d
intracapsular f. WEH* q d lesser trochanter f. dOGB b* d
intraoperative f. wd' qLF UM w d f. line dJ ^j
WOKLF linear f. w=D d
inverted-Y f. uKI* y d qJA d f. line consolidation dJ =j Ub
ipsilateral femoral neck f. b VU c H oM d Lisfranc f. pdHO d
ipsilateral femoral shaft f. VU c H r' d Lloyd-Roberts open UOOu dJ uH* ^d
b reduction of Monteggia f. fd bu WIdD
irreducible f. d long bone f. quD rEF d
Jefferson f. ud=HO d long oblique f. qzU qu d
Jeffery classification of dFJ uJ dHO nOMB loose f. w d ad d
radial f. lorry driver?s f. UMUA wIzU d
joint f. wKBH d low-energy f. WCH M* W UDU d
joint depression f. n M wKBH d low lumber spine f. W]OKH W]OMDI UO= d
Jones f. eu d lumber spine f. W]OMDI UO= d
juxtacortical f. dAIK U d lumbar spine burst f. wMDI VKB w UH d
Key-Conwell classification uJK quu w nOMB lumbosacral junction f. eF wMDI q u* d
of pelvic f. W]O{u( Maisonneuve f. uuU d
Kilfoyle classification of WLIK uJ quHKO nOMB Maisonneuve fibular f. uEA uuU d
condylar f. Malgaigne f. wMO'U d
Kilfoyle classification of WLIK uJ quHKO nOMB Malgaigne pelvic f. wMO'U V w{u d
humeral medial condylar f. W]bCF W]O Malleolar f. wF d
Knee f. Wd d mallet f. W dD* d

- 267 -
malunited f. U =w d of humeral f. bCF
malunited calcaneus f. U =w wI d neoplastic f. w d
malunited forearm f. U =w bU d neurogenic f. QAM* wB d
malunited radial f. U =w dF d neuropathic f. wBF d
March f. U d Newman classification of uJ UuO nOMB
marginal f. wAU d radial neck and head f. UNIM dFJ
Mathews classification of e uJ uOU nOMB nightstick f. wdA UB d
olecranon f. nonarticular distal radial wKBH dO U dF d
medial epicondyle W]O bCF WLOI d noncontiguous f. V UB d
humeral f. nondisplaced f. eM dO d
metacarpal f. wFM d nonphyseal f. uL d
metacarpal neck f. lM oM d nonrotational burst f. db UH d
metaphyseal tibial f. wuM wd d f. nonunion dJ U b
metatarsal f. wDA d nonunited f. rK dO d
Meyers-Mckeever uJ dHO p dO nOMB nutcracker f. u' U] d
classification of tibial f. uME oblique f. qzU d
middle tibial shaft f. uME r nBM d OBrien classification of dFJ uJ sd nOMB
midfoot f. bI j d radial f.
midshaft f. rEF r nBM d obturator avulsion f. wFK b d
Milch classification of bCF uJ gKO nOMB occipital condyle f. W]OcI WLIK d
humeral f. occult f. wH d
minimally displaced f. OK eM d
odontoid f. w=M TUM d
minipilon f. nOH) dOGB d d odontoid condyle f. W]O=M WLIK d
missed f. ywM XzU d Ogden classification of W]OUA* uJK b nOMB
Moberg-Gedda f. bO dOu d epiphyseal f.
monomalleolar ankle f. qUJ wF b d olecranon f. e d
Monteggia f. UOOu d one-part f. b e d
Monteggia forearm f. UOOu* bU d open-book f. uH* UJ qJA d
Montercaux f. udu d open-break f. uH* `{d d
Moore f. u d OrthoGen implantable 5u dGK qUI UM*
Mouchet f. XOu d stimulator for nonunion rK* dO dJK
multangular ridge f. Ue bbF W]U( d of f.
multilevel f. Uu* =bF d osteochondral f. wdC wLE d
multiple f. =bF d osteochondral slice f. wdCG wLEF e' d
multiray f. UD _ =bF d Pais f. fU d
navicular f. w e rEF d Papavasiliou classification e uJ uOKOUUU nOMB
naviculocapitate f. dOJ wUI 5LEF d of olecranon f.
f. of necessity dC d paratrooper f. 5=OKE* d
neck f. wIM d pars interarticularis f. wKBH* 5 e' d
Neer-Horowitz classification uJ eu dO nOMB patellar f. wH{ d

- 268 -
Patellar sleeve f. WH{d =r d proximal humeral f. bC d
Pathologic f. w{d d proximal tibial f. wuM
Pauwels f. eKU d proximal tibial wuM wd d
pedicle f. WIu d metaphyseal f.
pelvic f. w{u d pulsing current for nonunion dJ U bF iU U]O
pelvic avulsion f. wFK w{u d of f.
pelvic ring f. W]O{u( WIK( d pyramidal f. wd d
pelvic straddle f. w{u( W dH d Quinby classification of u( uJ wMu nOMB
penetrating f. cU d pelvic f.
periarticular f. qBH* u d radial f. dF d
periprosthetic f. Wb u d radial head f. dFJ d
peritrochanteric f. b* u d radial neck f. dFJ oM d
phalangeal f. w d radial styloid f. dFJK d TUM d
phalangeal diaphyseal f. w b' d f. reduction dJ ^
physeal f. uL d reduction of f. dJ ^
Piedmont f. XubO d f. repair dJ `OKB
pillion f. W]]b bFI d reverse Barton f. wJF uU d
pillow f. Uu d reverse Colles f. wJF f=u d
pilon f. dF d reverse Monteggia f. wJF UOOu d
ping-pong f. d U q n M d rib f. lKC d
WUD ring f. wIK d
Pipkin classification of c H uJ 5JO nOMB Riseborough-Radin s ue nOMB
femoral f. classification of sOLIK 5 uJ
plafond f. de* nI d intercondylar f.
plastic bowing f. sb ]uI d Rockwood classification of u d uJ u nOMB
Poland classification of W]OUA* uJK bu nOMB clavicular f.
epiphyseal f. Rolando f. b d
Posada f. Uu d rotation f. db d
posterior arch f. W]OHK) uI d rotational f. db d
posterior column f. wHK) uLF d rotational burst f. db UH d
posterior element f. wHK) dBMF d Russel traction for femoral f. c H dJK q= ^d
posterior wall f. wHK) b' d sacral f. e d
postirradiation f. lOFA]K U d sacroiliac f. wH d ye d
postoperative f. WdK U d sacrum f. eF d
Pott ankle f. u V qUJ d Sakellarides classification of uJ bOU nOMB
prevention of f. dJ s WU u calcaneal f. VIF
profundus artery f. oOLF UdA d Salter f. dU d
pronation-abduction f. bOF =VJ d Salter-Harris f=U dU d
pronation-eversion f. nMA =VJ d Salter-Harris classification uJK f=U dU nOMB
proximal femoral f. c  d of epiphyseal f. W]OUA*

- 269 -
Salter I-VI f. I-IV dU d subcapital f. d X d
scaphoid f. w e rEF d subperiosteal f. UL X d
secondary f. uU d subtrochanteric f. b* X d
Segond f. buO d subtrochanteric femoral f. b* X c  d
Seinsheimer classification of uJK d1UNAMU nOMB supination-adduction f. VdI UIK d
femoral f. W]c H supination-eversion f. nM UIK d
sentinel f. U d supination-external rotation UIK d
SER-IV f. IV U d IV f. (SER-IV fracture) IV wU
supination-external rotation db UIK d supracondylar humeral f. W]bCF WLIK u d
IV fracture IV wU) supracondylar Y-shaped f. y qJA WLIK u d
shaft f. b' d surgical neck f. wd' oMF d
shear f. =hI d T. f. T d
shepherd f. dOO d f. table uJ WU
short oblique f. qzU dOB d talar f. wKU d
sideswipe f. W]OU W]O{d WdC d talar avulsion f. wFK wKU d
sideswipe elbow f. W]OU W]O{d WdC od* d talar neck f. qUJ oM d
f. site dJ l{u talar osteochondral f. wKU wdC wLE d
skier?s f. 5IKe* d tarsal bone f. m d rE d
Skillern f. dOKOJ d T-condylar f. T d( qJA wLI d
sleeve f. =rJ WK' d teacup f. UA u qJA d
Smith f. YOL d teardrop f. WFb qJA d
Sorbie classification of W]OIF uJK wu nOMB tension f. d^u d
calcaneal f. Thompson-Epstein sUA uu nOMB
spinal f. dI d classification of femoral f. W]c H uJK
spinous process dIH TUM d thoracic spine f. W]bB UO d
spiral f. weK d thoracolumbar f. wMD b d
spiral oblique f. qzU weK d thoracolumbar burst f. wMD b UH d
f. splint dJ dO three-part f. lDI w d
split f. uDA d through-and-through f. qU d
split-heel f. uDA* VIF d throwers f. U^d d
splitting f. UDA d tibial f. wuM d
sprinters f. 5{U]d d 5z]bF d tibial bending f. wuME UM d
stability of f. dJ dI tibial condyle f. W]OuME WLIK d
f. stabilization dJ XO tibial diaphyseal f. wuME b' d
stable burst f. ydI UH d tibial open f. uH wuM d
stairstep f. r]K W d tibial plafond f. wuME de* nI d
stellate f. wL d tibial plateau f. W]OuME WCN d
Stieda f. bO d tibial shaft f. uME r d
straddle f. W dH d tibial triplane f. u* w wuM d
stress f. bN UN d tibial tuberosity f. W]OuME Wb_ d

- 270 -
Tillaux f. uKO d undisplaced f. eM dO d
Tillaux-Chaput f. uU uKO d unicondylar f. WLIK bO d
Tillaux-Kleiger f. dOK uKO d ununited f. rK dO d
toddlers ]b d vertebral body f. dIH r d
tongue f. jIK* d vertebral stable burst f. dI dI UH d
torsional f. wzu d vertebral wedge wMOH wUGC dI d
torus f. bO d compression f.
traction f. =d' d vertebra plana f. dIH `D d
transcaphoid f. w e rEF d d vertical shear f. uL w=B d
transcapitate f. dOJ rEF d d Volkmann f. ULJu d
transcervical femoral f. c H oM d d Vostal classification of dFJ uJ Uu nOMB
transchondral f. dCG d d radial f.
transcondylar f. WLIK d d Wagon wheel f. WdF d
transepiphyseal f. WUA* d d Wagstaffe f. tUU d
transhamate f. w]J d d Walther f. d d
transiliac f. sOH d( d d Watson-Jones classification uJ eu u nOMB
transsacral f. eF d d of tibial tubercle W]OFKI W]OuME Wb(
transscaphoid dislocation f. w e d wFK d avulsion f.
transtriquetral f. wK* rEF d d Wedge f. wMOH d
transverse f. dF d Wedge compression f. wUGC wMOH d
transverse process f. dF* TUM d Wedge-shaped qJA W]OuME WCN d
trapezium f. wF]d* rEF d uncomminuted tibial X]H dO wMOH
trimalleolar ankle f. w wFJ qUJ d plateau f.
triplane f. u* w d western boot in open f. uH d w W]OdG U u
triplane tibial f. u* w wuM d Wilkins classification of dFJ uJ eMOJK nOMB
triquetral f. wK* rEF d radial f.
Tronzo classification of sO uJK ed nOMB Willow f. sBG d UBH]B d
intertrochanteric f. sb* dOC]M
trophic f. u s rU wzc d Wilson f. uK d
W]cG Winquist-Hansen sU XuJM nOMB
tuft f. UH d uIM d classification of femoral f. W]c H uJK
two-part f. 5ze e' wzUM d f. with scoliosis nM l d
type IIIA open f. IIIA jLM s uH d Y f. Y d
type IIIB open f. IIIB jLM s uH d Y-T f. Y-T d
type IIIC open f. IIIC jLM s uH d fractured bone mobility uJ* rEF ^d
type III open f. III jLM s uH d fracture-dislocation d lK
type II open f. II jLM s uH d atlantoaxial f.-d u wIN d lK
type I open f. I jLM s uH d Bennett f.-d XOMO V d lK
ulnar f. b d carpometacarpal f.-d wFM wG d lK
uncinate process f. w=BA TUM d Galeazzi f.-d. UOU d lK

- 271 -
Lisfranc f.-d pdHO d lK disk f. W]O d Wb
perilunate f.-d wN rEF u d lK distal f. WO U Wb
Posterior f.-d wHK d lK free f. ]d Wb
f.-d reduction dJ lK) ^ free-floating cartilaginous f. W]d WzU W]OdC Wb
Rowe and Lowell qu nOMB UN hinged f. W]= Wb
classification system for dJ lK K hypervascular f. W]Ou WdH Wb
f.-d. loose f. WKIKI Wb
tarsalmetacarpal f.-d. wG wFM d lK osteochondral f. W]OdC W]OLE Wb
tarsometatarsal f.-d. wDA wG d lK tuberosity f. W]Ob Wb
thoracolumbar f.-d. wMD b d lK wedge-shaped W]H dO qJA W]OMOH Wb
thoracolumbar spine f.-d. W]bB UOK d lK uncomminuted f.
W]OMDI fragmental bone ]bA rE
tibial plateau f.-d. W]OuME WCNK d lK fragmentation ^bA nbA
transcapitate f.-d. dOJ rEF d d lK graft f. rFD ^bA
transhamate f.-d. w]J rEF d d lK Frahur ud
transtriquetral f.-d. wK* rEF d d lK F. cartilage clamp ud V dCG UIK
unstable f.-d. dI dO d lK F. clamp ud UIK
volar plate arthroplasty qBH* WIdD d lK Frame U
technique f.-d. W]OBL W]O WOHB Ace-Colles fracture f. f=u V dJ U
f.-d. with anterior ligament wU_ UdU d lK Ace-Fischer f. dAO U
fragilis yg Ace-Fischer fracture f. dAO V dJ U
osteosclerosis f. d^ B =gN rEF V^KB Ace-Fischer ring f. dAO V wIK( U
rEF Alexian Brothers su_ V d u U
fragilitans WUA overhead f. UOJ
osteitis f. ^uJ =gN rEF UN anterior quadrilateral wU u* w U
h U]M rEF triplane f. wU {_
fragilitas ossium congenita ^uJ W]OIK) UEF WUA f. application U oOD
hU]M rEF frame U
fragment b Wb Balkan fracture f. UJU V dJ U
alignment of fracture f. WbA dJ b nO d bilateral f. VU' wzUM U
WdJ Bohler-Braun f. d dKu U
articular f. W]OKBH Wb Bohler fracture f. dKu V dJ U
avascular f. W]OzU Wb Bohler reducing f. V =d e * U
bone f. W]OLE Wb dKu
bony f. W]OLE Wb Bradford fracture f. ud V dJ U
butterfly fracture f. qJA W]Od d Wb Braun f. d U
capital f. W]OOz Wb Brooker f. dd U
chondral f. W]OdC Wb Chalet f. tOU U
cortical f. W]dA Wb Charest head f. XU V d U
depression of f. WbA U CircOlectric f. pdJudO U

- 272 -
claw-type basic f. jLM wK  bU U Taylor spinal f. uKO V dI U
Cole fracture f. u V dJ U tent f. wLO U
Cole hyperextension f. u V bbL d U Thomas f. Uu U
Crawford head f. ud V d U Thompson f. uu U
delta f. U U triangular f. w]K U
DePuy rainbow f. u V e u U triangulate triple f. Ue wK U
DePuy reducing f. u V =d U triple f. w U
external fixator f. wU) X=* U two-plane bilateral f. 5u0 VU' wzUM U
fixator f. X= U two-plane unilateral f. 5u0 VU' U U
Foster turning f. du V qu U vasocillator f. ]bN wzU U
four-poster f. U UB lQ U Wagner f. dMU U
fracture f. dJ U Watson-Jones f. eu u U
Goldthwait f. Xubu U Weber f. dO U
Granberry f. dOd U Whitman f. UL U
Hastings f. eMOU U Wilson f. uK U
Heffington lumbar seat W]OMDI eOFK dI U Wingfield f. bKOHM U
spinal f. uMOHO V Zimmer fracture f. d=1 V dJ U
Herzmark f. Ud U Zimmer laminectomy f. W]dIH WOHB UB U
Hibbs f. fO U d=1 V
Hoffmann f. ULu U frank dislocation `d lK
Hoffmann-Vidal-Adrey f. bO ULu U Frankel qJd
Hoffmann-Vidal double f. e* bO ULu U F. classification qJd nOMB
Ilizarov f. eO U F. neurologic deficit V W]OBF uOF nOMB
Janes f. fOU U classification qJd
Jones abduction f. eu V bOF U F. sign qJd W
laminectomy f. W]dIH WOHB UB U F. white line qJd V iO_ ^j)
one-plane bilateral f. b u0 VU' wzUM U Franz-ORahilly w=KO ed nOMB
one-plane unilateral f. b u0 VU' U U classification
Pittsburgh pelvic f. w{u( uO U fray dN U
quadrilateral f. {_ wU U Frazier-Adson u dd
rectangular f. qOD U F.-A. clamp u dd UIK
Relton-Hall f. U uK U F.-A. osteoplastic clamp dd V rEF UIK
Risser f. d= U u
scoliosis operating f. nM' W]OKL U F.-A. osteoplastic flap V rEF WKb UIK
Slatis pelvic fracture f. V w{u( dJ U clamp u dd
fOU Frazier-Sachs clamp fU dd UIK
spinal turning f. dIH db U Frazier suction tip dd V h*
spine f. dI U FRD dB
Stryker fracture f. dJd V dJ U flexion-rotation-drawer db wM
Stryker turning f. dJd V db U FRD test db wM U

- 273 -
freckle gL Freeman-Sheldon syndrome bKO U1d W
Hutchinson f. uMAu gL Freeman-Swanson uu U1d
free oOK d F.-S. knee prosthesis U1d V Wd Wb
f. body diagram d( r' jD  uu
f. fat graft d wM rF F.-S. knee system U1d V Wd UN
f. flap ]d WKb uu
f. flap transfer ]d WKb qI Freer dd
f. fragment ]d Wb F. dissector dd a=K
f. graft d rF F. elevator dd WF
f. knee joint d( Wd qBH F. elevator-dissector dd V ld a=K*
f. microsurgical flap ]d W]dN W]Od WKb F. periosteal elevator dd V UL WF
f. revascularized autograft d( w=u] UF wc rFD F. septal elevator dd V eU( WF
f. skin flap ]d W]bK WKb freer =d
f. skin graft d bK rF dental f. w=M d
f. speed ]d Wd free-swinging knee gait W]d WQ* W d WOA
f. tissue transfer d ZO qI freeze-dried b]H bOLU n]H
f. vascularized bone v]u d wLE rF f.-d. bone bOLU n]H rE
transplant f.-d. graft bOLU n]H rF
Freebody u d freeze-drying bOH bdU nOH
F pin u d u^ freeze-thawed graft bOL bF Qb rF
F. stay-retractor u dH XU UF Freiberg dOd
Freebody-Bendall-Taylor uKU bMO u d F. disease dOd
F.-B.-T. fusion technique u d V Zb WId F. infraction dOd V h UM dJ
uKU bMO F. meniscectomy knife V WN lD WMO=J
F.-B.-T. technique uKU bMO u d WId dOd
Freebody-Steinmann ULMU u d UF F. traction dOd ^d
retractor Frejka UJd
freedom W]d F. cast UJd VU
degrees of f. W]d( U F. jacket UJd d
f. of movement Wd( W]d F. pillow UJd U
free-floating cartilaginous W]d WzU W]OdC Wb F. pillow orthosis UJd V U uI
fragment F. pillow splint UJd V W]U dO
free-hand suturing W]bO WUO) WId F. splint UJd dO
technique F. traction UJd ^d
Freeman U1d fremitus fO
F. calcaneal fracture V W]OIF uJ nOMB French wd
classification U1d F. adapter W]Od WR
F. clamp U1d UIK F. fracture technique W]OdH dJ WId
Freeman-Samuelson knee U1d V W d Wb F. lateral closing wedge wU 5H qJA rEF lD
prosthesis uKuL osteotomy W]OdH WIdDU oKG

- 274 -
F. rod bender wdH u^M wM synovial f. wKO qL
F. scale wdH r]K frog-leg bHC U
F. supracondylar fracture u dJK W]OdH W]OKLF f.-l. lateral view bHC U wU dEM
operation WLIK f.-l. Position bH=C U W]OF{
frenectomy rO^K lD f.-l. splint bHC U dO
frenulum rO' Frohlich adiposogenital V wKUM wU^A q(
frequency du dystrophy aOd
f. analysis Uc]c qOK Frohse fd
discharge f. mdH du arcade of F. fd Uu
onset f. WLN du F. arcade of the elbow fd V od* Uu
recruitment f. WF du arch of F. fd u
frequency-difference nK< qb* U]OU W'UF* Froimson u1d
interferential current du F. procedure u1d d
therapy (FDICT) F. splint u1d dO
freshen the surface `D nOEM F. technique u1d WId
fretting corrosion yU w= UJz Froimson-Oh repair u1d `OKB
frey syndrome d W Froment paper sign XMd V Wu W
friable yg X^H] qN frond WHF fd W
fricative w UJ synovial f. W]OKOe fd W
friction UJ Fronet fasciotomy XOdH WUHK lC
coefficient of f. UJ qUF frontal wN
cross f. U UJ f. bossing W]ON' Wb( W]ON' d
f. lock pin UJ lU u^ f. motion W]ON W d
f. massage UJU pOb p f. plane wN' u*
wUJ f. plane (XY) XY wN' u*
frictional torque w UJ db e frontal plane correction wN' u*U `OB
Fried-Green foot procedure sd bd b d Kilsyn-Evans principle `OKB w eUH sUKO b
Fried-Hendel tendon bMO bd d WId of f. p. c. wN' u*U
technique front-entry guide wU_ wN' qb* qO
Friedman Ubd fronting of velars W]OA_ WUI
F. brace Ubd UM Frost Xd
F. support Ubd U F. H-block Xd V H- UB
Friedreich abd F. procedure Xd d
F. ataxia abd ` frostbite lOIB W]C d
F. disease abd f. of hand bO d
F. sign abd W frostnip lOIB WC d
Friedrich clamp abd UIK frozen shoulder WEH* UN b=L n
Friedrich-Petz clamp eO abd UIK o ]
fringe qL F. R. Thompson F. R. uu
f. of osteophyte W]OLEF WUM qL F. R. T. endoprosthesis F. R. T. W]OMU Wb

- 275 -
F. R. T. femoral prosthesis F. R. T. W]c H Wb UN
Fruehevald splint bUHOd dO fulminate nU
fruste wD/ hU fumigatus UM
forme f. wD/ h U qJ Aspergillus f. s u UM]b W]OUd
Frykman ULJd WB UM UdDH
F. distal radius fracture WO UI dFJ u nOMB function qL WHO
classification ULJd V ambulatory f. W]dO WHO
F. radial fracture V dFJ u nOMB bundle f. We( WHO
classification ULJd concentric f. ed WHO
F-Scan foot force and gait UN]u bI WOA qOK UN eccentric f. ed WHO
analysis system UJ ULJd V intrinsic f. W]OK WHO
FSU dB Jebsen assessment of hand f. bO WHOu sO rOOI
functional spinal unit W]OHOu W]OU M bu motor f. WOd W=d WHO
FT03C transducer FT03C Ud position of f. WHOu W]OF{
FTSG dB reflex f. W]OUJF WHO
full-thickness skin graft WU  qU bK rF sensory f. W]O WHO
Fukuda retractor u u UF splinted in position of f. W]OHOu W]OF{u w dO
fulcruming UJ WDI U eO d sudomotor f. dFK dH WHO
fulcrum test UJ WDI U throwing f. WU WO WHO
Fulford procedure uHu d tibialis posterior f. W]OHK) W]OuME WHO
fulgurate oFB functional wKL wHO
full U qU wK f. activity wHO UA
f. curve qU vMM f. ambulation wHO UI pd%
f. fist flexion qUJ WCI wM f. and anatomic loading wdA wHO qOL
f. interference pattern U qb d (FAL)
f. spine radiographic UO qUJ wUFA hH f. back pain wHOu dNE r
examination f. brace wHO UM
f. weightbearing (FWB) qUJ u bM f. capacities assessment W]OHOu UF rOOI
full-curved clamp UM qU UIK f. capacity evaluation (FCE) W]OHOu WF rOOI
Fuller shield dressing du V wu bOLC f. electrical stimulation wHOu wzUdNJ tOM
full-hand splint bO qUJ WKUJ bO dO (FES)
full-occlusal splint U WKU dO f. fracture brace wHOu dJ UM
full-radius WKUJ dFJ f. instability wHO u
f.-r. resector WKUJ dFJ lU f. leg length inequality wHOu 5 U u UH
f.-r. resector knife WKUJ dFJK WFU 5=J f. neuromuscular stimulation wHO wKC wB tOM
full-thickness WKU WU f. orthotic wHO wuI
f.-t. cuff tear W]HJ WU qU W e f. performance wHO wuK
f.-t. graft WU  qU rF f. refractory period wHOu d(
f.-t. skin graft (FTSG) WU  qU bK rF f. scoliosis wHO nM
full-thumb spica cast qUJ qJA wKM wU U f. spinal unit (FSU) W]OHO W]OU b

- 276 -
f. technique W]OHO WId anterior spinal f. wU dI Z
functionally debilitating UOHO WHFC d atlantoaxial f. u wIN Z
symptoms atlantooccipital f. wc wIN Z
fungal dD Bailey-Badgley cervical V W]O d UO Z
f. arthritis dDH qBH* UN spine f. wKU wKU
f. infection W]dD b bilateral lateal f. VU' wzUM d=Q Z
fungoides wdD Blair f. dOK Z
mycosis f. wdDH UDH Bosworth spinal f. uu V dI Z
funicular excision q( UB Bradford f. ud Z
funiculitis q( UN Brooks type f. fd jL s Z
funiculus U q calcaneotibial f. wuM wI Z
funnelization of metaphysis dJ lOLI cervical interbody f. W]O d U_ sO Z
Funsten 5u cervical spine f. WO d UO= Z
F. splint 5u dO cervical spine posterior f. W]O d UOK wHK Z
F. supination splint 5uH W]OzUIK dO Chandler hip f. dbU V u Z
Funston syndrome uu W Charnley compression-type UGC jL s Wd Z
FUO dB knee f. wKU V
Fever of undetermined V WuN v]L Chuinard-Peterson ankle f. Uu V qUJ Z
origin ud
Furacin gauze dressing 5u UA bOLC Cloward anterior spinal f. V wU dI Z
Furnas-Haq-Somers dOu U Uu WId uK
technique Cloward back f. uK V dNE Z
Furness-Clute pin uK fOu u^ Coltart calcaneotibial f. V wuM wI Z
further flexion (FF) bz dH wM Uu
fuse WL U ZbM dNBM rK convex f. ]b Z
fused hip ZbM Copeland-Howard V b wH Z
fusiform weG scapulothoracic f. u bu
f. defect weG VO 4-corner f. l_ Ue Z
fusimotor weG =d =d eG 4-corner midcarpal f. WF_ Ue md j Z
f. neuron weG =d uB Davis f. eO Z
f. system =d; eG* UN degenerative lumbar spine f. W]O^JM W]OMDI UO= Z
fusion Z degenerative spondylosis w^JM dIH jI Z
Adkins spinal f. eMO V dI Z decompression and f. tUGC nOH
Albee spinal f. w V dI Z Dewar f. u Z
Anderson ankle f. ub V qUJ Z Dewar posterior cervical f. u V wHK w Z
ankle f. qUJ Z DIP f. UO 5 qBH* Z
anterior interbody f. U_ sO wU Z w UI
anterior lumbar interbody f. W]OMDI U_ sO wU Z distal tibiofibular f. U uE wuM Z
anterior lumbar vertebral W]dIH U_ sO wU Z dowel spinal f. U dI Z
interbody f. W]OMDI extraarticular hip f. qBH* U u Z

- 277 -
extraarticular subtalar f. qBH* U qUJ X Z occipitocervical f. wc Z
f. facet tOu Z pantalar f. qU Z qU wF Z
facet f. tOu Z VFI
Gallie subtalar ankle f. qUJ X qUJ Z posterior f. wHK Z
wU V posterior cervical f. wHK w Z
Glissane ankle f. UOK qU Z posterior lumbar interbody f. dIH U sO Z
Hall facet f. U tO Z (PLIF) WOHK) WOMDI
Harris-Smith cervical f. f=U V w Z posterior spinal f. wHK UI Z
YOL posterolateral f. wU wHK Z
Henry-Geist spinal f. dM V dI Z posterolateral interbody f. U_ sO wU wHK Z
H-graft f. H rFD Z posterolateral lumbosacral f. wMD wU wHK Z
Hibbs-Jones spinal f. eu fO V dI Z e
Hibbs spinal f. fO V dI Z radiolunate f. w dF Z
Horwitz-Adams ankle f. eOu V qUJ Z radioscaphoid f. w dF Z
e Robinson cervical spine f. V w d UO Z
interbody f. U_ sO Z uM
interbody spinal f. W]dIH U_ sO Z sacral spine f. w d UO Z
interfacet wiring and f. UNOu 5 Z pOK scaphocapitate f. dOJ wUI 5LEF Z
intertransverse f. W{dF* TuM 5 Z scapulothoracic f. b wH Z
intraarticular knee f. qBH* sL{ Wd Z selective thoracic f. wzUI b Z
joint f. qBH* Z selective thoracic spine f. wzUI W]bB UO= Z
Kellogg-Speed lumbar V W]OMDI UO Z short segment f. dOBI WFDI Z
spinal f. bO uKKO short segment spinal f. dOB wFD dI Z
King intraarticular hip f. V qBH* sL{ u Z Simmons cervical spine f. V W]O d UO Z
knee f. Wd Z single-level spinal f. b u0 dI Z
Langenskiold f. buOJMO$ Z f. in situ tF{u w Z
lateral f. wU Z In situ spine f. UNF{u w UO Z
f. limit determination Zb =b 5OF Smith-Petersen sacroiliac wH d( eF qBH* Z
long segment spinal f. WFDI qu UI Z joint f. sd YOL V
lower cervical spine f. wKH w d UO Z Smith-Robinson anterior f. YOL V wU Z
lumbar f. wMD Z uM
lumbar spine f. wMDI UO Z Smith-Robinson cervical f. YOL V w Z
lumbar vertebral W]dIH U_ sO Z uM
interbody f. WOMDI Smith-Robinson interbody f.YOL V U_ sO Z
lumbosacral f. e wMD Z uM
lunotriquetral f. w]K* wN 5LEF Z Soren ankle f. u V qUJ Z
naviculocuneiform f. wMOH w e rEF Z Stamm procedure for sL{ u Zb U d
f. nonunion rate Zb U b Wd intraarticular hip f. qBH*

- 278 -
Steffee plates and screws ZbK wHO wd `zUH White posterior ankle f. V wHK) qUJ Z
for lumbar f. wMDI X
f. stiffness w f^O Wilson ankle f. uK V qUJ Z
symmetric vertebral f. dUM dI Z Wiltse bilateral lateral f. V VU' wzUM wU Z
talocalcaneal f. wI wKU Z eK
talonavicular f. w wKU Z Winter convex f. dM V ]b Z
f. technique Zb WId Zielke instrumentation for Z w wJK ULF
thoracic facet f. bB tOu Z scoliosis spinal f. nM' dI
thoracic spinal f. b dI Z Fusobacterium nucleatum W]OeG* U]OBF W]OeG* ]uM*
tibiofibular f. uE wuM Z Futuro uu
tibiotalar f. wKU wuM Z F. splint uu dO
tibiotalocalcaneal f. wI wKU wuM Z F. wrist brace uu V md UM
trapeziometacarpal f. wFM wF]d* rEF Z FVC dB
triscaphe f. UB* w Z forced vital capacity W]dI W]uO( WF
tow-stage f. sOKd0 Z F wave F Wu
tow-stage hip f. sOKd0 u Z FWB uK qL U uK qL
upper cervical spine f. W]uKF W]O d UO Z qUJ
Watkins f. fMJ Z full weightbearing u qUJ qU
Watson scaphotrape- wF]d* wUI UEF Z fx dB
ziotrapezoidal f. u V wM]OF* fracture d

- 279 -
GABA dB G. distal transfer U V U qI
gamma-aminobutyric acid pdOuMO UU' iL G. sign U W
gadolinium- 5KO wzUM iL uOMOU Gagnon splint uOU dO
diethylenetriamine pOO_ wUL 5 w gain U V
pentaacetic acid body oscillation wKCF wBF VJ
gadolinium-labeled 5 w 5KO wzUM iL neuromuscular g. (BOING) r' cc
diethylenetriamine uu* pOO_ wUL gait UOA WOA
pentacetic acid uOMOU'U adult g. mU WOA
gadopentetate-dimeglumine- wOUMG* 5dU duB g. analysis WOA* qOK
enhanced magnetic wzUM UOMU'U ]eF* analysis of g. WOA* qOK
resonance imaging 5uKO* angle of g. WOA* W
Gaenslen 5eMO antalgic g. r WUH WOA
G. fracture 5eMO d apraxic g. _ ^cF WOA W]Oz WOA
G. incision 5eMO o arthrogenic g. QAM* W]OKBH WOA
G. osteomyelitis V wIM rEF UN calcaneous g. W]OI WOA
5eMO cogwheel g. WOA WM]M* WKF WOA
G. sign 5eMO W WF=DI
G. split-heel incision V VIF dD o component of g. WOA* =uJ
5eMO crouch g. UM WOA
G. split-heel technique V VIF dD WId g. cycle WOA*
5eMO dorsiflexor g. wHK) wM WOA
G. technique 5eMO WId drop foot g. WO=b* bI WOA
G. test 5eMO U dystrophic g. W]OK WOA
gag sO]JH UF festinating g. uD) WOA
Dingman mouth g. V uLH sOJH UF flaccid g. u WOA
ULM footdrop g. WDU bI WOA
Gage U four-point g. UI=M vK UJ WOA

- 281 -
U]JF bU0 l_ Trendelenburg g. uMbd WOA
free-swinging knee g. W=d WQ* Wd WOA Tubersitz amputee g. eOdu V u* WOA
gastrocnemius-soleus g. W]OKFM U WKC WOA two-point g. 5DIM vK UJ WOA
glue-footed g. ]dG* bI WOA waddling g. WUN WOA
gluteal g. W]u WOA gaiter cast dO' VU

gluteus maximus g. dJ W]u_ WOA Galant XU

gluteus medius g. vDu W]u_ WOA G. sign XU W
heel g. W]OI WOA G. test XU U
heel-and-toe g. lU _ r VIF WOA Galante hip prosthesis XU V u Wb
heel-toe g. lU _ r VIF WOA Galeazzi UOU
hemiplegic or e) WOA ZUH WOA G. fracture UOU d
hemiparetic g. w=IA G. fracture-dislocation UOU V d lK
hip extensor g. u WDU WOA G. patellar operation UOU V WH{d WOKL
hyperextended knee g. j WdH* Wd WOA G. realignment UOU V nO d U
hysterical g. W]dO WOA G. sign UOU W
internal rotational g. W]OK W]db WOA G. test UOU U
g. laboratory WOA* d  Galen scoliosis uMOU nM
listing g. O* WOA Gallannaugh plate uU WOH
g. lock splint (GLS) WOA* qH dO Gallie wU
midstance period of g. WOA* W U j G. arthrodesis wU V qBH* U
Oppenheim g. .UNM= WOA G. atlantoaxial fusion u* wINH Zb WId
painful g. W*R WOA technique wU V
Parkinsonian g. W]OuMU WOA G. needle wU d
g. pattern WOA* d G. procedure wU d
penguin g. odD WOA G. subtalar ankle fusion wU V qUJ X Z
Petren g. dO WOA G. technique wU WId
propulsion g. W]OU WOA G. wiring technique wU pOK WId
scissors g. =hI* WOA gallium uOU
shuffling g. 5bI =d WOA g.-67 scan 67 uOU'U WdH
stable g. ]dI WOA WU WOA g. citrate scan uOU' d WdH
stance phase of g. wA* WH u g. scan uOU' WdH
station and g. wA nu Gallo traction uU d
g. and station nu wA Gallows splint uU dO
stiff-knee g. W=O* Wd WOA Galt XU
swing-through g. U* `Q WOA G. drill XU VI
swing-to g. o* `Q WOA G. hand drill XU V b VI
tabetic g. W]OU WOA galvanic wUHK
three-point g.  UIM vK UJ WOA g. bath wUHK U]L
Tracto-Halter g. dU ud WOA high-voltage pulsed g. UDuH wU iU wUHK
g. training wA* Vb g. skin response W]OUHK W]bK WU

- 282 -
g. stimulation wUHK tOM gas g. W]U WMdGM
galvanism W]OUHK' vascular g. W]OzU WMdGM
high-voltage g. UDuH WOUF W]OUHK' gangrenous necrosis wMdGM d
Galveston uHU Ganley wKU
G. brace uHU UM G. splint wKU dO
G. fixation uHU XO G. technique wKU WId
G. fixation with TSRH U l uHU XO Gant osteotomy XU V rEF lD

crosslink TSRH V VUB* Ganz anti-shock pelvic WbBK UC* u( X=

G. metacarpal brace uHU V wFM UM fixator eU V
G. pelvic fixation uHU V w{u XO gap dG
G. splint uHU dO fracture g. dJ dG
G. technique uHU WId g. healing dG U
gamekeepers bzdD U g. nonunion dG U b
g. injury bzdD U WU scaphoid-lunate g. wN we dG
g. thumb dislocation bzdD U UN lK Garamycin 5OU
gamma UU Garceau uOU
g. aminobutyric acid pdOuuMO UU iL G. cheilectomy uOU V WHA UB
g. camera UU duB W G. tendon technique uOU d WId
g. camera imaging UU duB WP duB Garceau-Brahms uOU V qBH* U
g. locking nail UU w UL arthrodesis eLd
gamma-aminobutyric acid pdOuuMO UU iL Garden U
(GABA) G. alignment index U V nO d VM
gammopathy o^K w qK wzU]U G. classification U nOMB
W]OUM* UMOuuK' G. femoral neck fracture U V c H oM d
monoclonal g. WKOM U wzU]U G. femoral neck fracture c H oM u nOMB
ganciclovir dO uKJOU classification U V
ganglia bI bI garden spade deformity WIb( W d ^uA
intraosseous g. rEF q bI Gardner dU
ganglion bI G. chair dU wd
Acrel g. d bI G. elevator dU WF
g. block bIF UB G. operation dU W]OKL
g. cyst W]bI WO G. syndrome dU W
dorsal root g. (DRG) dNE c' bI Gardner-Wells eK dU
intraosseous g. rEF q bI G.-W. tongs eK dU UL
ganglionectomy bIF UB G.-W. tong traction dU V =d' UL
dorsal root g. dNE c' bI UB eK
ganglioneuroma bI wB garment U
ganglionic bI antishock g. WbBK UC U
gangrene WMdGM g. hook UJ U]M
dry g. W] U WMdGM pneumatic antishock g. UbBK UC* wzuN UJ

- 283 -
Garr U Gatch bed gU dd
G. disease U gatched bed wKBH dd
G. sclerosing osteomyelitis V=KB* wIM rEF UN gate control theory of pain r_U r^J W]u W]dE
U V Gatellier-Chastang ZMUA wOKU
Garrod disease ^U G.-C. ankle approach wOKU V qUJ vQ
garter strapping w
Gartland bU G.-C. incision ZMUA wOKU ^o
G. classification bU nOMB G.C. posterolateral wAu wHK) vQ*
G. classification of humeral uJK bU nOMB approach ZMUA wOKU V
supracondylar fracture WLIK u W]bCF Gates-Glidden drill bOK fU VI
G. classification of u uJK bU nOMB Gaucher disease du
supracondylar fracture WLIK gauge UOI
G. procedure bU d acetabular g. w=I UOI
G. Universal radial fracture UdHOu bU nOMB aneroid g. wKzU UOI
classification dFJ uJ bone screw depth g. rEF Vu oL UOI
GAS dB bone screw ruler g. rEF Vu dD UOI
General Adaption Syndrome UF  W Cobb g. u UOI
gas gangrene W]U WMdGM depth g. oLF UOI
gas-producing streptococcal UGK WM* U]bIFU b orthopaedic depth g. wLEF .uI oL UOI
infection Rosette strain g. X V UN UOI
gastritis bF* UN screw depth g. VuK oL UOI
hemorrhagic g. w eM bF* UN socket g. aM UOI
gastrocnemius U WKC strain g. UN UOI
g. equinus U WKC bH tourniquet g. W UF UOI
g. flap U WKC WKb gauntlet U]H

lateral head of g. U WKCF wAu d g. cast U]HI VU

g. lengthening U WKC quD Jobst g. Xu U]H
g. muscle U WKC wrist g. rBF* U]H
g. recession U WKC U gauze U
g. tendon U WKC d Adaptic g. pO U
g. tendon transfer U WKC d qI g. dressing UAU bOLC
gastrocnemius-soleus W]OKFM U WKC iodoform g. u uO U
g.-s. fascial strip W]OKFM U WKC W UH e Kerlix g. fJdO U
g.-s. gait W]OKFM U WKC WOA g. packing UAU uA
gastrocplasty U WKC petrolatum g. dU U
V-Y g. V-Y qJA U WKC pledget of g. UA UL{
gastrointestinal wLC uF bF g. sponge wMH U
g. obstruction uF bF b Telfa g. UHKO U
g. tract uF* bF* qO g. wrap W]OU W UH
gastrosoleal equinus W]OKFM WKCF U WKC bH
Gaynor-Hart U uMU

- 284 -
G.H. position U uMU l{ g. anesthesia U ZOM
G.-H. x-ray position of duB U uMU l{ g. capsular stretch U wEH j^DL
carpal tunnel X W]OMO W]F_U wGd oHM G. Education Development WUF W UI WOLM
Glasgow Coma Score WuOGK uJ d g. endotracheal anesthesia vUd q U ZOM
gearbox UM]M* WK g. manipulation yU b
gearshift probe Wd U U g. thrust manipulation U d b
Geckler screw dKJO Vu G. Well-Being Schedule j]D  W]UF W]OB WLzU
General Education WUF W UI WOLM generalized fibromatosis r]LF wHO
Development generator b=u
GED Scale WUF W UI WOLM d electrosurgical g. wd wzUdN b=u
Geiger counter dO ]b generic screening U wUF >d%
gel U W Genesis fOOMO
Carrington Dermal uGM=U V d' W G. total knee system V Wd qU UN
wound g. U fOOMO
g. pack W]O ]UL G. unicompartmental knee V e=O( W]U W
silicone g. W]OuJOKO W fOOMO
gelatin genetic wMO wIK w
g. compression boot N UGC Uu g. disease w
g. foam N u g. factor w qU
gelatinosa w W]O genicular w
substantia g. W]ON ]U* g. artery w Ud
gelatinous w g. neuralgia w wB r
Gelfoam uHK geniculate w
G. pledget uHK' UL{ g. artery w Ud
G. stamp uHK WUB medial g. w w
thrombin-soaked G. 5dU lA uHK g. neuralgia w wB r
Geliperm dressing dK bOLC geniculum UO WO
Gelman procedure ULK d genital system wKUM UN'
Gelocast XU uKO genitofemoral nerve cH wKUM VBF
G. cast XUuKO VU genitourinary wKUM wu
Gelpi retractor wK UF g. evaluation wKUM wu rOOI
gemellus, pl. gemelli rzu u g. infection W]OKUM W]Ou b
Gemini cup wMOL n' gentamycin uO yUC 5OUM
General U dM gentle traction nOD yd
general U genu W
G. Adaption Syndrome UF  W g. recurvatum Ud W
(GAS) g. valgum U W
g. adjustment U UJ g. valgum deformity Ud Wd ^uA

- 285 -
g. valgus U W Ghon tubercle u Wb
g. varum U W Ghormley arthrodesis wKu V qBH* U
g. varum deformity UH Wd ^uA Giannestras d=UO
Genutrain P3 knee V P3 W d U G. metatarsal oblique WIdD jA* rEF qzU* lDI
support sduMO osteotomy d=UO
geode l=u ywH* e=O iH G. modification of Lapidus WId vK d=UO qbF
Geomedic bOuO jO* WO ^V technique bO
G. system bOuO' UN G. oblique metatarsal V qzU* wDA* rEF lD
G. total knee prosthesis V Wd qU Wb osteotomy d=UO
bOuO giant L
geometric wbM g. cell reaction WLF U) qUH
g. extension osteotomy l{u wbMN rEF lD g. cell reparative wO( WLF U)
U granuloma wOKB
g. supracondylar extension j l wbMN rEF lD g. cell tumor WLF U)
osteotomy WLIK u g. motor unit action W=d* bu qF sU
G. total knee prosthesis W]ObMN Wd qU Wb potential WLF
George u g. synovial cyst WL W]OKO WO
G. line u ^j GIA staple GIA ]d
G. test u U gibbus Wb
Georgiade visor halo UMI WUN qJA XO UN g. deformity of the spine UO w Wb( ^uA
fixation apparatus UOuO V Gibney wMO
Gerard prosthesis dO Wb G. bandage wMO WUB
Gerbert-Mellilo method uKOKO dd WId G. boot wMO Uu
Gerbert osteotomy dd V rEF lD
G. taping wMO e
Gerdy dO Gibson uO
G. ligament dO U G. approach uO vQ
G. tubercle dO Wb G. bandage uO WUB
germinal matrix wU gM dD G. splint uO dO
Gerota capsule UdO WEH Gibson-Piggott osteotomy uO V rEF lD

Gerster ddO uO
G. bone clamp ddO V rEF UIK Giebel blade plate qO V W]OKBM WOHB
G. traction bar ddO V d' pK gigantomastia b] WU{
Ger technique dO WId Gigli wKO
Gertie ball wdO d G. saw wKO UAM
Getty wO G. saw guide wKO UAM qO
G. decompression wO V jGC nOH GII Unloader knee brace GII uK V W d UM
G. decompression technique jGC nOH  wO WId Gilbert dK
GHL dB G. disease dK
glenohumeral ligament bC wU]I U G. harvesting dK UD
Ghon-Sachs complex U u V] d G. scapular flap dK V W]OH WKb

- 286 -
Gilbert-Tamai-Weiland b UU dK WId XuJKO
technique G. suction tube XuJKO V =h* u
Gilchrist splint XdJKO dO Gill-Stein arthrodesis 5 qO V qBH* U
Gilfillan humeral prosthesis OHKO V W]bC Wb Gilmer splint dLKO dO
Giliberty wdOKO Gilquist arthroscopy XuJKO V qBH* dOEM
G. acetabular prosthesis wdOKO V W]O=I WuI ginglymoarthrodial qBH `]D y=
G. apparatus wdOKO UN ginglymoid joint = qBH
G. bipolar femoral head V 5DI c H ginglymus d qBH = qBH ]
wdOKO U W d qJA
G. femoral neck prosthesis V c H oM Wb Girard keratoprosthesis dO V W]OdI Wb Wb
wdOKO prosthesis
G. hip prosthesis wdOKO V u Wb girdle e
Gill qO Cadenza g. eU e
G. arthrodesis qO V qBH* U limb g. dD e
G. massive sliding graft qO V rO we rF pectoral g. b e
G. posterior bone block V wHK) rEF UB pelvic g. w{u e
qO shoulder g. nJ e
G. procedure qO d Girdlestone udO
G. sliding graft technique V we rFD WId G. hip procedure udO V w d
qO G. resection udO lD
G. technique qO WId G. resection arthroplasty udO lDI qBH*
Gillet XKO Girdlestone-Taylor uKU udO d
G. marching test XKO V dO* U procedure
G. test XKO U give-way phenomenon b dU
Gillette brace XKO UM giving way of knee W d b
Gillies fOKO glabella VDI*
G. bone graft fOKO V wLE rF gland ]b
G. prosthesis fOKO Wb eccrine sweat g. W]OU WU W]Od ]b
Gillies-Millard U]O fOKO d
G.-M. cocked-hat V d* WF]I WId haversian g. W]Od U ]b
technique U]O fOKO thyroid g. W]Ob ]bG
G.-M. metacarpal fOKO V lM quD Glasgow uJ
lengthening U]O G. Coma Scale WuOGK uJ r]K
Gillis suture fO=KO jO G. Coma Score (GCS) WuOGK uJ d
Gill-Manning-White V UIH e WId G. screw uJ Vu
spondylolisthesis X ZMO=U qO glass U
technique magnifying g. d=J WU d=J Wb
Gillquist XuJKO Glass-Bessen transfixion V uI* VuK
G. procedure XuJKO d screw 5=O
G. suction curette V W] U WDAJ Glasscock ear dressing uJ' _ bOLC

- 287 -
Glassman-Engh-Bobyn V W]b Wd g. rim wU]I( W] U
trochanteric slide 5u Z UL g. rim fracture wU]I( W] U d
Gledhill technique qObOK WId g. slot wU]I o=O{ dOG yo VI
Gleich gOK glenoplasty wU]I(
G. osteotomy gOK V rEF lD posterior g. wHK) wU]I(
G. osteotomy for pes valgo w gOK V rEF lD Scott posterior g. V wHK) wU]I(
planus W]D* Ud bI uJ
glenohumeral bC wU]I glide e
g. adhesive capsulitis W]bCF W]OU]I( WEH* UN anterior g. wU e
o ] anterior-posterior g. wHK wU e
g. arthrodesis bCF wU]I( qBH* U cervical dorsal g. wdN w e
g. dislocation repair bCF wU]I( lK) `OKB craniocaudal g. w wH e
g. joint bCF wU]I( qBH* dorsal g. wdN e
g. joint cohesion bCF wU]I( qBH* o inferior g. wKH e
g. joint disease bCF wU]I( qBH* posterior g. wHK e
g. joint dislocation bCF wU]I( qBH* lK posterior-anterior g. wU wHK e
g. joint stability bCF wU]I( qBH* dI superior g. uK e
g. joint subluxation wU]I( qBHLK wze lK volar g. wBL w e
bCF gliding w
g. ligament (GHL) bCF wU]I( Ud g. hinge joint we = qBH
g. pain bC wU]I r g. hole W]Oe WI
glenoid wU]I W]I g. joint we qBH
g. alignment peg wU]I( nO d 5H g. layer W]Oe WI
g. cartilage wU]I dC g. mechanism W]Oe W]OJOUJO
g. cavitary wU]I w u g. principle e b
g. cavity wU]I( u' gliding-hole-first technique ] WI e WId
g. component wU]I =uJ glioma wI
g. drill wU]I( VI Glissane UOK
g. drill guide wU]I( VI qO G. angle UOK W
g. fixation screw wU]I( XO Vu G. ankle fusion UOK V qUJ Z
g. fossa W]OU]I( dH( W]OJH dH( G. arthrodesis UOK V qBH* U
g. fracture wU]I( d G. crucial angle UOK V W]OUB W
g. guide wU]I qO G. spike UOK WJ
g. implant base impactor W]OU]I( WdG bU Ud Glisson sling uOK F
g. labrum wU]I( UH Global total shoulder U nJ qBH UN
lip of g. wU]I( WH arthroplasty system UuK V
g. metal tray W]OU]I W]=eK W]OMO globose d
g. neck wU]I( oM globulin 5uuK
g. osteotomy wUI( rEF lD immune g. wUM 5uuK
g. point wU]I( tetanus immune g. e wUM 5uuK

- 288 -
glomangiosarcoma W]OzU Wu U g. bonnet u UD
glomus tumor w= g. cleft u `K
glossodynia wU r g. gait W]u WOA
glossopharyngeal neuralgia wuFK wU wB r g. lurch u `^d qU9
glove U]H
g. nerve u VB
F & L attenuating g. F & L s=u UH gluteus u
flexor g. s U]H g. maximus flap dJ W]u_ WKb
Isotoner g. due U]H g. maximus gait dJ W]u_ WOA
Kevlar g. dKHO U]H g. maximus muscle dJ W]u_ WKCF
Life Liner g. dM n U]H g. maximus tensing test dJ W]u_ dOu U
Life Liner stick and UI* 5* dM n U]H g. medius gait vDu W]u_ WOA
cutresistant g. lDIK g. medius muscle vDu W]u_ WKCF
Maxxus orthopaedic latex wJ W]OLEF Wd' U]H g. medius paralysis vDu W]u_ qK
surgical g. uU V g. minimus muscle dG^B W]u_ WKCF
Medarmor euK UI* ub U]H g. muscle W]u WKC
puncture-resistant g. glycosaminoglycan UJOK uMO uJOK
Necelon surgical g. wd' uKOO U]H Glynn-Neibauer technique uO 5K WId
surgical g. wd U]H GMFM dB
GLS dB Gross Motor Function W]UF W]Od( WHOu UOI
gait lock splint WOA* UB dO Measure
glucocorticoid d]J wdA
goblet incision wb
gluconate Uu uK Gohil-Cavolo method uu U qOu WId
chlorhexidine g. sbOJuKJ UuuK gold V
glucose VMF d]J u uK g. salts Vc 
blood g. b uuK ]b dJ g. sodium thiomalate Vc uu UuO
glucosteroid bdOu uK g. weight and wire spring l wJK U] d Wd ]U
glue mL WI ]U d implant material w qI
cyanoacrylate g. duUO d Goldberg technique dObu WId
skin g. bK mL d Golden bu
glue-footed gait W
uBK ]dG* bI WOA G. closing wedge oKG* wMOH rEF lD
glutamic-oxaloacetic pOUuK' 5 WK
U osteotomy bu V
transaminase 5 WK
U pOOuU  G. Comfort orthotic bu V Wd* WuI*
.e UU_ G. Fitness orthotic bu V WUOK WuI
glutamic-pyruvic pO dOK pOUuK' 5 WK
U G. mean testing system wDu U UN
transaminase .e 5_ 5 WK
U bu V
glutaraldehyde bOb UuK Goldenhar syndrome UNbu W
glutaraldehyde-prepared UuK'U d]C dI uU Goldman-Fristoe test of V qBHL U
bovine pericardium bOb articulation ud Ubu
gluteal u Goldner dbu
g. artery u_ UdA G. reconstruction dbu UM

- 289 -
G. spinal arthrodesis V W]dIH q UH* U Goodman orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd dd
dbu bed Uu V
Goldner-Clippinger dMOK dbu WId Good N Bed wedge bO u 5H
technique Goodpasture syndrome uUu W
Goldner-Hayes procedure fOU dbu d Goodwin su
GoldPoint brace XMubu UM G. bone clamp su V rEF UIK
Goldstein sUbu G. clamp su UIK
G. spinal fusion technique V dIH Zb WId gooseneck gouge oMF uI uH
sUbu ]
G. technique sUbu WId Gordon u
Goldthwait Xubu G. approach u vQ
G. brace Xubu UM G. joint injection technique V qBH* sI WId
G. frame Xubu U u
G. sign Xubu W G. splint u dO
Goldthwait-Hauser du Xubu d G. squeeze test u V dBF U
procedure gordonae W]Ou'
golfers elbow test nu' w o d U Mycobacterium g. W]Ou' d=DH*
Golgi w'u Gordon-Brostrom dd u WId
G. membrane w'u UA technique
G. tendon w'u d Gordon-Taylor uKU u
gonarthrosis W ^d qBH G.-T. hindquarter u V wHK) ld d
goniometer Ue UOI amputation uKU
EOC g. EOC Ue UOI G.-T. technique uKU u WId
OBrien g. sd Ue UOI Gore u
orthopaedic g. W]OLEF Wd' U UOI G. bit u WU]L
Sammons biplane g. u* wzUM Ue UOI G. smoother u d
fuU V G. smoother crucial tool u V WOUB d
Zimmer g. d=1 V Ue UOI Gore-Tex fJ u
goniometric Ue UOI o=KF G.-T. anterior cruciate V wOKB wU_ Ud
goniometry Ue UO
ligament fJ u
gonococcal W]OM ]uJ*U o=KF G.-T. cast liner fJ u V VU s=D
g. arthritis W]OM ]uJ*U qBH* UN G.-T. graft fJ u rF
g. septic arthritis uJ*U wU qBH UN G.-T. knee prosthesis fJ u V Wd Wb
W]OM G.-T. ligament fJ u U
gonorrheal heel wO VI G.-T. nonabsorbable suture UB qU dO jO
gonorrhoeae W]OM fJ u V
Neisseria g. W=OM W]dO]M G.-T. suture fJ u jO
Gonstead pelvic marking V u( rOKF UN G.T. vascular graft fJ u V wzU rF
system bOu G.T. waterproof cast liner V rOJ VUI s=D
Gooch splint u dO fJ u

- 290 -
Gorham disease Uu grabber pU ] U^D
Gorlin syndrome 5u W disk g. dI U^D
GO scope u UEM grab sign U^D) W
Gosselin fracture 5Ku d gracilis WKC WKUM
Gouffon u u g. flap WKUM WKb
G. fixation u u XO g. muscle WKUM WKCF
G. hip pin u u' u u^ g. procedure WKUM d
G. pin fixation u u u^b XO g. tendon WKUM d
gouge qO u g. test WKUM U
Abbott g. u^ u grade Wd W
Alexander g. bMJ u g. II oscillation II Wb Wc cc
Andrews g. b u g. I oscillation I W Wc
Army bone g. w V rEF u g. 1 mobilization 1 Wb s pd
arthroplasty g. qBH* u g. 2 mobilization 2 Wb s pd
Aufranc g. pd u g. 3 mobilization 3 Wb s pd
Bishop g. uAO u g. 4 mobilization 4 Wb s pd
bone g. rEF wLE u g. 5 mobilization 5 Wb s pd
Campbell g. qU u Risser g. d= W
Cobb g. u u graded wb =b
Cobb spinal g. u V dIH u* g. exercise =b sdL
curved g. sM u g. exercise test (GXT) =b* sdL U
gooseneck g. ]_ oM u g. Gore-Tex tape =b* fJ u jd
Hibbs g. fO u g. spinal anesthesia =b wU ZOM
Meyerding g. ZMdO u grades of mobilization U pd U
orthopaedic g. UEF .uI Wd u UHM
oscillating g. wcc UHE grading Zb
Smith-Petersen curved g. wMM* sd YOL u activity g. UA]M W]OU]FH Zb
Smith-Petersen straight g. rOI* sd YOL u g. of manipulation WKUM* Zb
straight g. rOI UHE graduated-height block ]b* uD UB
swan-neck g. WF oM UHE Graf stabilization system d V XO UN
Gould procedure bu d graft rF
gout dI AAA bone g. AAA wLE rF
chronic tophaceous g. se w u dI acetabular augmentation g. w=I( dOJ] rF
latent stage of g. dIM uL WKd advancement flap g. W]O1bI WKb rF
tophaceous g. w u dI Albee bone g. w V wLE rF
gouty dIMU UB wdI allogenic g. u rF
g. arthritis wdIM qBH* UN allogenic bone g. u wLE rF
g. node WOdI bI allogenous bone g. u wLE rF
g. tophus W]OdI W u alloplastic g. u w rF
Gowers sign U W antebrachial fascial g. bU w UH rF

- 291 -
anterior sliding tibial g. wU we wuM rF composite rib g. V]d wFK{ rF
anterosuperior iliac spine g. W]OU_ W]OHd( WuA rF composite skin g. V]d bK rF
W]uKF cortical g. dA rF
arterial g. wUd rF cortical bone g. dA wLE rF
autogenous g. QAM* ^w rF cortical strut g. aHM dA rF
autogenous bone g. QAM* ^w wLE rF corticocancellous bone g. wMH dA wLE rF
autogenous fibular g. QAM* ^w uE rF Dacron g. d rF
autologous g. w rF Daniel iliac bone g. V wHd wLE rF
Banks bone g. fJU V wLE rF qO
bicondylar g. WLIK wzUM rF Davis muscle- V WKCF WIu rF
bifid g. uIA rF pedicle g. eO
Blair-Brown skin g. d d V bK rF delayed g. q rF
bone g. wLE rF demineralized bone g. bFL e wLE rF
bone autogenous g. QAM* ^w wLE rF dermal g. w rF
bone marrow g. rEF wI rF devitalized bone g. W]uO( e wLE rF
bone peg g. wLE wMOH b rF diamond inlay g. wU wFO d rF
bone-tendon-bone g. rE d rE rF discrete blood supply to a rFDK bU b bU
bone-to-bone g. rE v rE rF bone g. wLEF
Bonfiglio g. uOKOHu rF double-looped gracilis g. dF WKUM WKCF rF
Boyd dual onlay bone g. wzUM wFO d wLE rF We*
bu V dowel g. U rF
bridge g. d rF dowel bone g. U wLE rF
bulk g. wK r { rF dual onlay g. e wFO d rF
cadaver g. w= rF dual onlay bone g. e wFO d wLE rF
Campbell onlay g. qU V wFO d rF dual onlay cortical bone g. wFO d dA wLE rF
Campbell onlay bone g. V wFO d wLE rF e
qU g. expulsion rFD d
cancellous bone g. wMH rE rF extraarticular g. qBH* U rF
cancellous chip bone g. wMH wLE wO rF fascial g. w UH rF
cancellous and cortical wMH dA wLE rF fascia lata g. WCdF W UHK rF
bone g. fascia lata freeze-thawed g. bL]* WCdF W UHK rF
cancellous insert g. wMH d rF Q] b*
carbon fiber g. W]OudJ UO_ s rF fat g. wM rF
cartilage g. w dC rF femur g. c H rE c rF
chip g. wO rF fibular g. uE rF
Clancy patellar tendon g. w V WH{d d rF fibular strut g. uE r rF
clothespin spinal qJA dIH Zb rF filleted g. wUB rF
fusion g. qOG jIK fillet local flap g. qJA W]OF{u WKb rF
Codivilla bone g. ]OHu V wLE rF WUB
composite g. V]d rF g. fixation rFD XO

- 292 -
Flanagan-Burem apposing VUB wuD nB rF homologous g. wK qUL rF
hemicylindric g. .u UU V Huntington bone g. uMOM V wLE rF
flap g. WKb rF wKb rF iliac g. wHd rF
flat bone g. `]D wLE rF iliac bone g. wHd wLE rF
flexor tendon g. wM* du rF iliac crest g. wHd( dF rF
Forbes onlay bone g. V wFO d wLE rF iliac crest bone g. wHd( dF rE rF
fu iliac crest bone free g. d( wHd( dF rE rF
g. fragmentation rFD ^bA nbA iliac crest-inlay g. wHd( dF WFO d rF
free g. d rF uA(
free fat g. d wM rF iliac slot g. wHd wI rF
free skin g. d bK rF iliac strut bone g. wHd r wLE rF
freeze-dried g. b]H bOLU n]H rF g. impingement rFD U&
freeze-thawed g. Q] b b]L rF Inclan bone g. J V wLE rF
full-thickness g. WU  qU rF inlay g. uA rF
full-thickness skin g. WU  qU bK rF inlay bone g. uA wLE rF
(FTSG) insert g. d rF
Gillies bone g. fOKO V wLE rF interbody g. U_ sO rF
Gill massive sliding g. qO V r { we rF intercalary g. wMO rF
Gore-Tex g. fJ u rF interfascicular Millesi 5 fOKO V wB rF
Gore-Tex vascular g. fJ u V wzU rF nerve g. e(
Haldeman bone g. UbU V wLE rF interfascicular nerve g. e( 5 wB rF
hamstring g. wCQ rF intramedullary g. wIM q rF
Harris superior V uK w=I rF island g. de rF
acetabular g. f=U isologous g. u rF
g. harvest rFD nD Judet g. u rF
hemicondylar g. wLI nB rF Keystone g. eJd* rF
hemicylindrical bone g. wuD nB wLE rF Kutler V-Y flap g. V V-Y WKb rF
Henderson onlay g. ubM V wFO d rF dKu
Henderson onlay bone g. V wFO d wLE rF Langenskiold bone g. V wLE rF
ubM buOJMO$
Henry bone g. dM V wLE rF Lee anterosuperior iliac W]OU_ W]OHd( WuA rF
heterodermic g. dO bK rF spine g. w V W]uKF
heterogeneous g. dUG rF Lee bone g. wLEF w rF
heterogenous g. dO rF ligament g. wU rF
Hey-Groves-Kirk bone g. w V wLE rF load-bearing g. uK qU rF
dO fO d lyophilized bone g. b]H wLE rF
H-graft bone g. H qJA wLE rF Massie sliding g. w=U V we rF
Hoaglund bone g. buKu V wLE rF massive sliding g. wK we rF
homogeneous g. fU rF matchstick g. WKUI* UC* rF
homogenous g. fU rF g. material alternative rFDK W=U Wb

- 293 -
Matti-Russe bone g. V wLE rF bone g. wULO
wU patellar g. wH{ rF
McFarland bone g. bU p V wLE rF patellar tendon g. wH{ d rF
McMaster bone g. dU p V wLE rF pedicle g. wIu rF
medullary bone g. uI wLE rF pedicle bone g. wIu wLE rF
meniscus g. WN rF pedicle fat g. wIu wL rF
mesh g. wJ rF peg g. b rF
Meyers bone g. dO V wLE rF peg bone g. b wLE rF
Meyers quadratus WKCF WIu l wLE rF Phemister onlay bone g. V wF wLE rF
muscle-pedicle bone g. eO V WF]d* dOLO
Millesi nerve g. wOKO V wB rF pie-crusting skin g. dODH dA rF
Moberg dowel g. du V U rF pinch skin g. w d bK rF
Mueller patellar tendon g. du V wH{d du rF plantaris tendon g. W]OBL_ d rF
multiple cancellous chip g. =bF wMH wO rF porcine skin g. deM bK rF
muscle pedicle bone g. W]OKC WIu l wLE rF porous polyethylene g. 5KO wu s rOL rF
nail bed g. dHE dd rF postage stamp g. bd lU rF
nerve g. wB rF postage stamp skin g. bK' bd lU rF
neurovascular island g. wzU wB de rF posterior bone g. wHK wLE rF
Nicoll cancellous bone g. V wMH wLE rF posterior cruciate wHK) wOKB Ud rF
uJO ligament g.
Nicoll cancellous insert g. V wMH d rF posterolateral bone g. wA wHK wLE rF
uJO g. preparation rFD dOC
Nicoll insert g. uJO V d rF prophylactic bone g. wzUI= wLE rF
nonisometric g. UUI* u rF reanastomosis of blood v bU b dUH U
nontubed closed distant WIKG bOF WKb rF supply to bone g. wLEF rFD
flap g. W]Ou revasculariztion of g. rFD WO ^uJ U
nontubed open distant WuH bOF WKb rF Reverdin epidermal V d dA rF
flap g. WOu free g. sd
Ollier thick split free g. V 5 uDA d rF rib g. wFK{ rF
tOO Russe bone g. V wLE rF
onlay g. wF rF Ryerson bone g. ud V wLE rF
onlay bone g. wF wLE rF sandwiched iliac bone g. dOD wHd wLE rF
onlay cancellous iliac g. wF wMH wHd rF scapular g. nJ rF
osteoarticular g. wKBH wLE rF segmental g. wFD rF
osteochondral g. w dC wLE rF segmental tendon g. wFD d rF
osteoperiosteal g. wUL wLE rF semitendinosus-gracilis g. WKUM nB=M W]d rF
osteoperiosteal bone g. wUL wLE rF single-condylar g. dH wLI rF
Overton dowel g. ud V U rF single onlay g. dH wF rF
Papineau g. uMOU rF single onlay cortical wFO d dA wLE rF
particulate cancellous wMH wLE rF bone g. dH

- 294 -
single-stage tendon g. WKd* bO d rF wedge g. wMOH rF
skin g. bK rF Weiland iliac crest bone g. wHd( dF s wLE rF
skin bone free g. wLE bK d rF b V
sliding g. we rF Whitecloud-LaRocca V r uE rF
sliding bone g. we wLE rF fibular strut g. uKJ
sliding inlay g. we uA rF Wilson bone g. uK V wLE rF
sliding inlay bone g. we uA wLE rF Wilson-Jacobs patellar g. uK V wH{ rF
sliding tibial bone g. we wuM wLE rF fuU
Soto-Hall bone g. U uu wLE rF Windson-Insall-Vince V wLE rF
split-thickness g. WU  wze wLE rF bone g. fMO U ubM
split-thickness skin g. WU  wze bK rF Wolfe-Kawamoto bone g. n V wLE rF
(STSG) uuU
split thin g. oO UDA rF Wolf full-thickness free g. V WU  qU d rF
Stark g. U rF n
g. strength rFD ]u wraparound flap bone g. qJA wKb wLE rF
g. structure rFD WOM zooplastic g. wuO w rF
strut g. r rF Z-plasty local flap g. w wF{u wKb rF
subclavian tendon g. ud X du rF Z qJA
Taylor-Townsend-Corlett wHd( dF rE rF grafting vein rFD bu rOFD b
iliac crest bone g. Uu uKO V Graham Ud
u G. ankle arthrodesis V qUJ qBH U
tendon g. (TG) d rF Ud
g. tension rFD d^u G. nerve hook Ud V VBF U]M
tension-free Millesi nerve g. d^u ^d fOKO* wB rF G. traction Ud ^d
tension-free nerve g. d^u wB rF gram-negative d' ^wK
graft rF gram-positive d' wU
Thiersch medium split WU  ju d rF Gram stain d =uK
free g. gdO Granberg dd
Thiersch thin split free g. gdO WU  oO d rF G. cervical traction system V wd d' UN
Thomas extrapolated dbI wzdI wJK rF dd
bar g. Uu V G. traction system dd V d UN
tibial g. wuM rF Granberry dOd
tibial bone g. wuM wLE rF G. frame dOd U
tricortical iliac crest wHd( dF s wLE rF G. splint dOd dO
bone g. dAI w G. traction dOd ^d
tube flap g. wu wKb rF Grantham UNd
vascularized bone g. v]u wLE rF G. classification of femur c H uJ UNd nOMB
vascularized fibular g. v]u uE rF fracture
vascularized rib g. v]u wFK{ rF G. femur fracture V c H u nOMB
vein g. b rF classification UNd

- 295 -
Grant-Small-Lehman WLIK u j l rEF lD
grasping iI
supracondylar extension ULN uL Xd V g. forceps iI jIK
osteotomy g. power iI b
Granuflex dressing fJK ud bOLC g. suture WCU WUO
granular cell myoblastoma ^wO( ^wKCF ^w_ u Grass neurostimulator d V wB UM
U) grate dA
granulation V^ grater reamer dA uI
extradural g. WO U' U V^ grater-type reamer with U l dA* jL s uI
g. phase V^ u Zimmer-Hudson shank uu d=1
g. tissue wO( ZOM gravis qO
granule UO WO myasthenia g. qO wKC s
ProOsteon Implant 500 g. uO d 500 Wd WO Tensilon test for wKCF suK uKOM U
granuloma wO myasthenia g. qOu
eosinophilic g. wMu wO gravitational wU
foreign body g. VdG rK wO( u g. insecurity W]OU' ee qIKI
giant cell reparative g. U)U wOKB wO g. line U ^j
WLF g. proprioception W]OUK oOLF f( UI
pyogenic g. `=OI wO gravity W]OU qI
reparative g. U)U wOKB wO center of g. (COG) W]OU' qI= ed
WLF g. drawer test qIU ^b U
subungual g. dHE X wO flex against g. qI W]OU' b{ wM
swimming pool g. `* s rU]M ^wO( u g. ground reaction force WO{_ W]OUK qUH ]u
tubercular g. w wO line of g. qI W]OU' ^j
granulomatosis wO g. line qI W]OU' ^j
Langerhans cell g. fUd U wO g. method of Stimson uLO V qI WId
Wegener g. dM ywO g. stress test qI ]b d U
granulomatous wO( uU o=KF wuO W]OU'
g. fungal infection W]OuO W]dD b gray wUM
g. infection W]OuO b G. bone drill d V rEF VI
graph wUO yj j^D G. drill d VI
Moseley straight line g. V rOI* wUO ^j) g. matter W]OUM ]U*
wKOu periaquedactal g. (PAG) U* u W]OUM ]U*
Graphic Rating Scale dbI 5L r]K G. ramus communicans d V q= u* dH
(GRS) wD^D< G. revision instrument V `OIM UN
Grasp iI vK iI pL system d
pinch g. dI iI Grayson ud
thumb-pinch g. UN d iI G. ligament ud U
grasper pU G. ligament in hand bO w ud U
loose body g. qIKI* r' pU grease-gun injury W]O
pituitary g. vU ^M pU great r{ dO

- 296 -
g. toe bI UN dOJ bI l osteotomy Ud
g. toe implant bI UN Wd Greissinger dM=d
g. toe implant prosthesis bI UN Wd Wb G. foot prosthesis dM=d V bI Wb
g. toe push-off U K bI UN d G. Multi-Axis joint U; =bF* dM=d qBH
g. vessels dOJ WO_ Grelot uKd
greater dO image en G. uKd u
g. multangular dOJ Ue bb grenade throwers arm W]bO qUMI U
g. multangular ridge dOJ Ue bb d Greulich-Pyle qO gOKd
g. rhomboid muscle dOJ W]OMOF* WKCF G.-P. bone age V wLEF dLF
g. trochanter dOJ b* qO gOKd
g. trochanteric apophyseal dOJ b* uM n^u G.-P. technique qO gOKd WId
arrest Grice fd
g. trochanteric femoral dO b c d G. arthrodesis fd V qBH* U
fracture G. incision fd ^o
g. tuberosity dOJ Wb_ G. procedure fd d
Green sd Grice-Green sd fd
G. procedure sd d G.-G. subtalar arthrodesis qUJ X qBH* U
G. transfer sd qI sd fd V
Green-Anderson growth sd V =uLM b G.-G. technique sd fd WId
table ub grid WJ
Green-Banks fJU sd g. cabinet W]OJ We
G.-B. technique fJU sd WId radiographic g. WOUFA uB WJ
G.-B. transfer fJU sd qI Shar-Tek foot V bI lO{u WJ
Greenfield bKOHMd positioning g. p U
G. filter bKOHMd W=d Griffith incision YHd ^o
G. inferior vena caval filter wKH u_ bu W=d grimace test dOAJ U
bKOHMd V grinder ys cA WU
G. osteotomy bKOHMd V rEF lD DePuy calcar g. u V ULN* WU
G. spinocerebellar ataxia w O * wU ^M `d nOMB grinding test d' U
classification bKOHMd V grip WC

Green-OBrien evaluation sd sd rOOI UN key g. UH* WC

system syringe g. WMI* WC
Green-Reverdin osteotomy sd V rEF lD
g. tester WCI hU
sdOH ulnar side g. be VU' WC
greenstick dOCM sBG Grisel syndrome qd W
g. dorsal proximal wb wDA* rEF lD Gristina-Webb total V U nJ qBH
metatarsal osteotomy oKG* wMOH dOCM wdNE shoulder arthroplasty V UMOd
g. fixation dOCM sBG d XO Griswold distraction bud V d WM U
g. fracture dOCM sBG d machine
Green-Watermann sd V rEF lD
Gritti-Stokes f u wd

- 297 -
G.-S. amputation fu wd d nL d
G.-S. knee prosthesis wd V Wd Wb G.-K. nail nL d UL
fu G.-K. tibial technique V W]OuME WIdD
groin W]O_ nL d
g. flap WO WKb Gross Motor Function WUF W]O d( WHOu UO

g. pain WO_ r Measure (GMFM)

groin-to-ankle cast qUJ v W]O_ VU
ground _ _ `D
grommet Ud g. electrode w{_ wdNJ d*
circumferential g. w UH Ud purchase and press the g. `D vK jG{ WUL
Press-Fit circumferential g. fd V w UH Ud _
XO g. reaction dK qUH
titanium circumferential g. wuOUO w UH Ud g. reaction force w{_ qUH ]u
groove WeO b group d d
annular g. WOIK WeO activity g. UAM d
bicipital g. 5d WeO adductor muscle g. =dI* qCF d
deltopectoral g. W]bB W]Ob WeO* AO g. AO d
g. distal tibia ]b  w U uM g. fascicular repair we d `OKB
femoral g. W]c WeO g. handling d b
intertubercular g. 5b 5 WeO* quadriceps muscle g. d W]OUd WKCF d
nail g. dHE WeO grouped discharge d mdH
parasagittal g. wLN VOM WeO Groves-Goldner technique dbu fO d WId
patellar g. W]OH{ WeO growing pains uL^M
patellofemoral g. W]c W]OH{ WeO growth yuL
peroneal g. W]uE WeO g. arrest =uLM n^u
g. of Ranvier tOOH WeO g. arrest line =uLM n^u j
spiral g. W]OeK WeO asymmetrical g. dUM yuL
trochlear g. W]dJ WeO bone g. rEF ^uL
grooved r]K chondroosseous g. wLE w dC yuL
g. director r]K* t=u* g. factor uLM qU
g. dissector r]K* a=K* g. hormone =uLM ud
g. protector WL]K* WM U( latitudinal g. wU{d ^uL
grooving osteotome r]K* rEF lC physeal g. uL uL
gross wUO d g. plate =uLM WOH
g. manipulation W]d WKUM g. prediction =uLM s^NJ
Grosse-Kempf nL d g. retardation =uLM ouF
G.-K. interlocking V wUM uIM UL* g. zone =uLM WIDM
medullary nail nL d GRS dB
G.-K. interloking V wUM uI dOL Graphic Rating Scale wD^D< dbI r]K
meddullary nailing nL d Gruca stabilization U d XO
G.-K. locking nail V w UL Gruca-Weiss spring f U d U]

- 298 -
Gruen mode sd d G. knee prosthesis Uu V Wd Wb
Gruppe wd Guhl qu
G. wire prosthesis wd pK Wb G. distraction qu d
G. wire prosthesis-crimping pK Wb bOF jIK G. technique qu WId
forceps wd guide qO
GSB dB acetabular g. w=I qO
Gschwind-Scheier-Bahler dKU dOA bMuA acetabular cup peg drill g. nK bu VI* qO
GSB elbow prosthesis bMuA V o d* Wb w=I(
dKU dOA ACL drill g. ACL VI* qO
GSB expanded version for dKU dOA bMuA u/ Acufex alignment g. fJ u nO d qO
knee prosthesis Wd Wb ]bL* Acufex tibial g. fJ u wuM qO
GSB knee prosthesis bMuA V Wd Wb Adapteur multi-functional nzUu =bF* VI* qO
dKU dOA drill g. u
Gschwind-Scheier-Bahler dKU dOA bMuA Adson drill g. u VI qO
(GSB) Adson saw g. u UAM qO
G.-S.-B. elbow prosthesis bMuA V o d* Wb alignment g. nO d qO
dKU dOA AO-stopped drill g. AO uu* VI* qO
G suit Wc axis g. u* qO
Guam amyotrophic lateral V^KB WOuM d d Bailey-Gigli saw g. wKO wKU UAM qO
sclerosis-parkinsonism V uLC wU' ball-tipped Kuntscher g. V c dJ qOb
dementia u dAu
guard U U
WUL Blair saw g. d UAM qO
Cloward cervical drill g. V wd VI* U Bow & Arrow cannulated ] U v]MI* VI* qO
uK drill g.
drill g. VI* U Bullseye femoral g. wu V c H qOb
fingertip g. l w g. bushing W]ObF* WUD qO
Omed vented instrument g. b W]I* _ U calibrated pin g. UOF* u^b qO
pin g. u^b U contoured anterior spinal W]OuA WOHB VI qO
Ullrich drill g. gd V VI* U plate drill g. W]O UHJ W]OU_
guarded osteotome v]
u* wL* rEF lC Cushing-Gigli saw g. wKO ZMOu UAM qO
guarding WU
WUL Delta Recon proximal u U wb VI* qO
muscle g. WKCF WUL drill g.
Gudas u DePuy femoral acetabular c H w=I( UDG qO
G. scarf Z-plasty V Z qJA wU overlay g. u
u distal femoral cutting g. w UI c H lU qO
G. scarf Z-plasty d w wUu rEF lD drill g. VI* qO
osteotomy u V Z qJA Duopress g. du qO
Guepar Uu eccentric drill g. ed VI
G. hinged knee prosthesis V W]=d Wd Wb extramedullary alignment g. uIM U nO d qO
Uu femoral notch g. W]c H WLK qO

- 299 -
FIN pin g. FIN u^b qO Richards dril g. UA VI qO
Fisher g. dAO qO g. rod qOb UBF qOb u^M
front-entry g. wU_ qb* qO saw g. UAM* qO
Gigli saw g. wKO UAM qO scaphoid screw g. we Vu qO
glenoid g. wU]I qO Scott-RCE osteotomy g. RCE uJ rEF lD qO
glenoid drill g. wU]I( VI* qO screw angle g. VuK W qO
guidepin g. t]u* u^b qO Stader pin g. U u^ qO
hand-held drill g. bO VI* qO Synthes wire g. fOMO pK qO
Hewson cruciate g. uu V wOK qO T-bar g. T W{UF qO
Hewson drill g. V qJA wOK qO tibial cutting g. uME lU qO
uu tube g. wu qO
Hewson ligament drill g. V Ud VI qO tunnel locator g. oHM WF={u qO
uu Tworek screw g. pu Vu qO
Hoffmann pin g. UL u u^ qO Uslenghi drill g. wMK VI qO
g. hole qOb VI g. wire qOb pK
humeral cutting g. bCF lU qO wire and drill g. VI* pK qO
intercondylar drill g. sOLIK 5 VI* qO guidepin t]u* u^b
Lipscomb-Anderson VuJ VI qO AO g. AO t]u* u^b
drill g. ub guidewire t]u* pK
long axial alignment g. quD u* nO d qO Guilford cervical brace uHu V w
d UM
MOD femoral drill g. MOD c H VI* qO Guilford-Wright prosthesis X uHu Wb
nail g. UL* qO Guillain-Barr syndrome tU U]O W
nail-driving g. UL* l qO Guilland sign bO W
nail rotational g. UL db qO guillotine amputation WKBI* d
neutral drill g. wBF VI* qO Guleke-Stookey approach w u pu vQ
nut alignment g. WuLB nO d qO Guller resection dKu lD

patellar drill g. wH{d VI* qO gum rubber Martin W]OU]D* WOGLB 5U WUB
patellar reamer g. wH{d uI* qO bandage
patellar resection g. wH{d lDI qO gun l b ]b W]O
PCA cutting g. PCA lU qO g. barrel sign UH qOd W
PCA medullary-g. PCA uI qO cement g. * l b b
pin g. u^b qO XML
g. pin qOb u^b cement injection g. * sI b
Protrac alignment g. dd nO d qO Harris cement g. f=U V XML l b
Puddu drill g. ^u VI qO staple g. dG b l b
reamer g. uI* qO Gunning splint pMOu dO
rear-entry g. wHK) qb* qO gunshot U oK
rear-entry ACL drill g. qbLK ACL VI qO g. fracture UM oKD d
wHK) g. wound UM oKD d
Reece osteotomy g. f V rEF lD qO Gunston uM

- 300 -
G. arthroplasty uM V qBH* gutter eO
G. polycentric knee ed* =bF* Wd Wb g. cast weO VU
prosthesis uM V g. splint W]OeO dO
Gunston-Hult knee uM V W d Wb Guttmann ULu
prosthesis Xu G. arthrodesis ULu V qBH* U
Gurd u G. technique ULu WId
G. procedure u d Guyon u^O
G. resection u lD G. canal uO UM
gurney d Vb dd G. tunnel release uO oH dd%
Gustilo uKOu guy suture ]bA WUO
G. classification uKOu nOMB GXT dB
G. classification of puncture dK uKOu nOMB graded exercise test =b* sdL U
wound W]eu gym ueUL' W]UML'
G. hip prosthesis uKOu V u Wb limb g. dD W]UML
G. puncture wound V W]eu d' nOMB total g. WKU W]UML
classification uKOu Gypsona UuO
Gustilo-Anderson open V uH* u
d dJ G. cast UuO VU
clavicular fracture ub uKOu G. cast material UuO VU ]U
Gustilo-Anderson open V WuH* uJ nOMB Gyroscan ozUH wOUMG* 5dU duB
fracture classification ub uKOu superconducting MRI UJdO V qO u

- 301 -
H dB Haddad metatarsal ]b V wDA* rEF lD
per hypodermic bK' X d bK' X osteotomy ]b V qBH* U
H region H WOUM Haddad-Riordan u
H wave H Wu arthrodesis
H2 blocker H2 dB Hadley S-curve wU V vMM*
HA dB Haemophilus rOd' s fM WOb*
Hallux abductus b]F UN H. influenzae W]OeM WOb*
hydroxyapatite XOU wbO H. parainfluenzae W]OeM dOE WOb*
HA 65101 implant metal HA 65101 WdG eK Hafnia alvei W]Od]M W]OMUN
HA 65101 implant metal HA 65101 WdG eK Wb Hagie wU
prosthesis H. hip pin wU V u u^
Haacker sling d=U F H. pin wU u^
Haas U H. sliding nail plate W]Oe dOL WOH
H. disease U wU V
H. paralysis U qK HAGL dB
Haber-Kraft osteotomy Xd dU V rEF lD humeral avulsion of the wU]I( UdK bCF lKI
habitual UF glenohmeral ligament bCF
h. control UF r^J Haglund deformity buKU ^uA
h. dislocation =dJ UF lK Hahn U
habituation ^uF clefts of H. uI U uK
Hackethal UU H. clefts U uK
H. intramedullary bouquet V wIM q WU XO Hahn-Steinthal UMO U
fixation UU H.-S. fracture UMO U d
H. nail UU UL H.-S. fracture of capitellum bCF f WKu d
H. stacked nailing V pUA* dOL WId UMO U V
technique UU Haid Universal bone plate bU W]OLEF WOHB
hacksaw UF* UAM UdHOu

- 303 -
Haines-McDougall medial V w wULL Ud H. step-down drill wb hUM VI
sesamoid ligament U p fMU u V
hairline fracture dF dF]AU tO d H. technique u WId
halazepam =bN UU Hall-effect u dOQ
Haldeman bone graft UbU V wLE rF H.-e. strain transducer u dOQ UN Ud
Halder locking nail bU V w UL H.-e. transducer u dOQ Ud
Haldol bU Hallister heel cup dOU V wI n'
half nB Hall-Pankovich medullary u V uI UL
h. Jimmie wHBM w=LO nail gOuJU
h. ring WIK nB hallucal sesamoid bI UN wULL
half-pin wHBM u^b hallucis bI UN
h.-p. external fixator wu^ nB wU X= extensor h. bI UN WDU
h.-p. fixation wHBM u^bU XO hyperdynamic abductor h. WdH* bI UN b=F*
half-shell splint W]O nB dO W]OJOUMb
Halifax fUHOU h. longus laceration UN WKuD WDU UN
H. clap posterior cervical UIKL wHK w XO bI
fixation fUHOU hallux bI UN
H. interlaminar clamp kit `zUHB sO jIK bO h. abducto valgus b]F* _ bI UN
fUHOU V h. abductovalgus b]F* _ bI UN
Hall u hallux bI UN
H. air drill u V wzuN VI* h. abductus (HA) b]F* bI UN
H. air-driven oscillating uN lb wcc UAM* h. abductus valgus b]F* _ bI UN
saw u V h. deformity bI UN ^uA
H. bur u VIM h. dolorosa rR* bI UN
H. double-hole spinal e* w=K wu^b pA* h. elevatus lHd* bI UN
stapler u V WI h. extensus u* bI UN
H. drill u VI h. flexus qL wM* bI UN
H. driver u WF h. interphalangeus bI UN U]O 5
H. facet fusion u V tOu Z intrinsic minus h. wKb dOGB bI UN
H. mandibbular implant wKH =pH Wd UN h. limitus ]b* bI UN
system u V h. malleus wdD* bI UN
H. Micro-Aire drill dJO oOb wzuN VI* h. nail bI UN dH
u V d h. rigidus VKB bI UN
H. modular acetabular ]bF* w=I( uI* UN h. rigidus arthrodesis VKB bI UN qBH U
reamer system u V h. valgus _ bI UN
H. power drill u V w VI* h. valgus angle bI UN W
H. screwdriver u ^pH h. valgus deformity _ bI UN ^uA
H. series 4 large bone s 4 dOJ WOLEF _ h. valgus intrphalangeus 5 _ bI UN W
instrument u WKK angle U]O
H. spinal screw u V uIM VuK h. valgus-metatarsus primus _ bI UN V]d

- 304 -
varus complex wzb wDA* ZH Cerva Crane h. Wd nI s
h. valgus night splint _ bI UN W]OKO dO DePuy h. u s
h. valgus procedure _ bI UN d Diskard head h. UJ d s
h. varus _ bI UN Forrester-Brown head h. d d=u d s
h. varus correction _ bI UN `OB head h. d s
halo WUN u=D WU Redi head h. b V d s
h. body jacket WOUN r' d Repro head h. d V d s
h. brace wU UM h. traction sd ^d'
h. extension orthosis WOU WDU WuI Upper 7 head h. d uKF 7 d s
h. jacket WOU d Zimfoam head h. UH1 V d s
h. nevus W]OU WL Zimmer head h. d=1 V d s
pericellular h. W]OK) u WU hamartoma wU
Perry-Nickel cranial h. qJO dO W]OH WU cartilaginous h. wdC ^wU
h. pin WUN u^ fibrous h. wHO wU
h. ring WUN WIK lipofibromatous wU
h. sign WUN W Hamas UU
h. traction jacket wUN =d' d H. prosthesis UU Wb
h. traction orthosis wUN =d' WuI H. technique UU WId
Twin Cities Lo-Profile h. qOd u eOO su WU H. upper limb prosthesis V uKF dD Wb
h. vest W]OUN bB UU
h. vest apparatus W]OUN bB UN hamate w]J rEF w]
h. vest device W]OUN bB eON h. bone w]J rEF
halo-cast distraction WUN VUI d h. fracture w]J rEF d
halo-dependent traction WUN vK bLF yd hook of the h w]J rEF h
halo-extension traction wUN j ^d h. hook w]J h
halo-femoral c wU h. hook nonunion w]J hA U b
h.-f. distraction c  wU d h. tail fracture w]J q d
h.-f. traction c  wU yd hamate-lunate joint w]J wN qBH*
halo-gravity traction device W]OU'U wUN =d' eON Hambly procedure wKU d
halo-hyperextension bbL dH wU yd Hamby twist drill wU V qH VI
traction Hamilton uKU
halo-Ilizarov distraction V wUN d H. apparatus uKU UN
instrumentation eO H. bandage uKU UL{
halo-pelvic w{u wU H. pelvic traction screw w{u( =d' Vu ]d
h.-p. distraction w{u wU d tractor uKU V
h.-p. traction w{u wU yd H. Rating Scale for UH  uKU ]bF r]K
halo-wheelchair traction Vb* wdJU wU yd Depression
Halsey needle holder wU V d pL H. ruler test uKU dD U
Halsted maneuver bU UM H. screw uKU Vu
halter s H. traction uKU ^d

- 305 -
hammer WdD hypoplastic h. Z^M WBU b
Cloward h. uK WdD h. infection bO b
h. digit syndrome W]OdD* l W lobster-claw h. d Ud bMdJ b
orthopaedic h. UEF .uI Wd WdD mitten h. lU _ WbM b
Slap h. WU WdD Myobock h. uuO b
sliding h. W]Oe WdD Myobock artificial h. uuO V W]OFMB bO
hammertoe, hammer toe W]OdD* l h. orthosis (HO) bO WuI
(HT) pancake h. W=D* bO
flexible h. wMK WKU WM=O W]OdD l h. paralysis bO qK
Hammond splint bu^U dO h. placement bO WF{u
Hammon procedure u^U d h. prosthesis bO Wb
hamstring wCQ d iQ* U psychoextended h. U]OH Wu b
h. force iQ* U ]u psychofexed h. U]OH WOM b
h. graft wCQ d rF h. reconstruction bO UM
h. lengthening wCQ* du quD h. saw b UAM
h. ligament augmentation wCQ* duU Ud eeF h. splint bO dO
medial h. W]O iQ* U spread h. WdH* bO
h. muscle W]OCQ WKC symbrachytactylous h. dOBI WbM* lU _ b
h. tendon wCQ d vaginal ligament of h. bO w bL U
h. tightness wCQ* du ^b Volkmann claw h. ULJu V W]OK * bO
hamstring-setting exercise u] iQ* U_ sdL h. volumeter bO r UOI
hamstrung knee U Wd handbag muscle bO WOI WKC
hand b handbreadth nJ bO d
h. amputation bO d handedness W]b
h. anomaly bO c hand-held bOU u2
h. board bO Wu h.-h. drill guide bOU uL* VI qO
h. brace bO UM h.-h. dynamometer uL* W]OKCF ]uI UOI
Breuerton x-ray view of h. bOK W]OUFA udOd dEM (HHD) bOU
h. chuck bO iI h.-h. retractor bOU u2 UF
clawhand h. W]OK  b handicap ^uF
cleft h. UK b handicapped ]uF
Cleland ligament in the h. bO w bOK U handle pL iI
h. cock-up splint vK d* bO dO Bard-Parker h. dU U iI
h. dominance UNb qOCH bO UO Barton traction h. uU V =d' iI
h. drill bO VI Beaver blade h. dHO qB iI
frostbite of h. bO ZOK Charnley brace h. wKU UM iI
h. grasp strength bO WC ]u cup holder h. uJ pL iI
Grayson ligament in h. bO w ud U multisided blade h. Vu' =bF qB iI
h. grip dynamometer bO WCI W]OKCF ]uI UOI stone basket screw W]K VuK b]M* iI*
h. grip strength bO WC ]u mounted h. UB(

- 306 -
surgical knife h. wd' 5=J iI HAPAD medial arch pad HAPAD W]O uI U
T-pin h. T u^b iI Hara infiltration block U V wUA UB
traction h. =d' iI hard VK U
h. type reamer iI* jL s uI h. callus stage wUI cb WKd
handlebar palsy W]b uI qK h. collar U u
handling b h. corn U d
group h. d b h. socket U aM
hand-operated drill bO bOU q]GA* VI* Hardcastle qUU
handpiece WC H. classification qUU nOMB
reciprocating power h. WU* bI WC H. classification of WU qUU nOMB
Hand-Schuller-Christian UOd du bU tarsometatarsal joint injury wDA* wG d qBH*
disease WuN* UM* d hardening WOI
WMe* V] work h. bF* WOI
Hands Free knee Retractor V ]d( Wd UF UN Hardinge ZMU
System bU H. approach ZMU vQ
handshake cast WUB* VU H. lateral approach wU' ZMU vQ
Handy-Buck traction u bU ^d H. technique ZMU WId
hanging =b qzU o]KF hardware e_ U W]ObF
h. arm cast o]KF* c VU WOzUdNJ WOJOUJO*
h. cast o]KF VU uUK WOdJ
h. cast sling o]KF* VUI F orthopaedic h. .uI Wd' W]ObF* _
h. heel sign o]KF* VIF W UEF
h. hip o]KF h. photopenia W]Od' W]ObF* _ b
h. hip operation o]KF* u W]OKL Hardy aluminum crutch U V wuOMu U]J
h. of limb dD oOKF Hardy-Joyce triangle fu U Y]K
h. toe operation o]KF* bI l WOKL Hare U
hangmans fracture ]' d H. apparatus U UN
Hankin reduction sJU ^ H. compact traction splint U V eMJ* =d' dO
Hanna night splint UM V W]OKOK dO' H. device U eON
Hannover classification du^U nOMB H. pin U u^
Hansen sU H. splint device U dO eON
H. classification of fracture uJK sU nOMB H. traction U ^d
H. disease sU Harken prosthesis sU Wb
Hansen-Street Xd sU Hark procedure U d
H.-S. driver-extractor sU WF Wd  Harlow plate uU WOH
Xd Harmon uU
H.-S. nail Xd sU UL H. cervical approach uU V wd vQ*
H.-S. pin Xd sU u^ H. hip reconstruction uU V u UM
H.-S. plate Xd sU WOH H. modified posterolateral ]bF* wU' wHK) vQ*
Hanslik patellar prosthesis pOKU V WOH{ Wb approach uU V

- 307 -
H. posterolateral approach V wU wHK vQ H. rod u=U u^
uU H. rod fixation u=U u^M XO
H. procedure uU d H. rod and hook system V u^M =hA UN
H. shoulder approach uU V nJ vQ u=U
H. technique uU WId H. rod instrumentation u=U u^
H. transfer uU qI H. rod instrumentation u^ Q UGC
H. transfer technique uU qI WId compression u=U
Harm posterior cervical V W]OHK W]O WOH H. rod instrumentation Q d ]b eON
plate U distraction outrigger device u=U u^
Harms-Moss anterior V W]OU_ W]bB _ H. rod instrumentation u^ ULF UH
thoracic instrumentation u fU failure u=U
harness WD H. rod instrumentation force ULFU ]uI oOD
figure-of-eight h. (8) rd tA WD application u=U u^
Forte h. u WD H. spinal elevator V W]OuA WFd
Pavlik h. pOKU WD u=U
weight-relieving Forte h. u nOH  u WD H. spreader u=U WU
Harold Crowe drill d bU VI H. total hip arthroplasty V U u qBH
Harpenden dynamometer V W]OKCF ]uI UOI u=U
bMU Harrington-Kostuik uOu u=U
Harriluque uKU instrumentation
H. sublaminar wiring wOHB X pOK qbF Harris f=U
modification uKU V H. anterolateral approach V wU wU vQ
H. technique uKU WId f=U
Harrington u=U H. bolt f=U V VuK* UL*
H. clamp forceps u=U V jU jIK H. brace-type reamer f=U V UM jL uI
H. compression rod u=U V jU{ u^ H. broach f=U Wu
H. distraction V d H. cemented hip prosthesis V wML u Wb
instrumentation u=U f=U
H. distraction outrigger u=U V d ]b H. cement gun V XML ]b
H. distraction rod V d u^ f=U
u=U H. center-cutting ed* lU w=I( uI*
H. flat wrench u=U V `]D uK acetabular reamer f=U V
H. hook u=U ^h H. condylocephalic V w wLI dOL
H. hook clamp u=U h UIK nailing f=U
H. hook driver u=U =h W]u H. condylocephalic rod V w wLI u^
H. instrumentation u=U f=U
H. outrigger u=U ]b H. design (HD) f=U rOLB
H. outrigger splint u=U V ]b dO H. design femoral rOLB s c H Wb
H. pedicle (bifid) hook WIu uIA* ^hA prosthesis f=U
u=U H. femoral component V c H =uJ* e

- 308 -
removal f=U H.-S. cervical fusion f=U V w Z
H. four-wire trochanter WFQ b* UB= U YOL
reattachment f=U V Hart U
H. growth arrest line f=U V =uLM n^u ^j H. extension finger splint V Wu* l dO
H. hip scale f=U V wu r]K U
H. hip score f=U V wu d( H. splint U dO
H. hip status system V W]Ou WU( UN Hartshill rectangle qOAU qOD
f=U harvest UB nD
H. lateral approach f=U V wU vQ graft h. rFD nD
H. medullary nail f=U V uI UL harvesting UD
H. nail f=U UL Gilbert h. dK UD
H. plate f=U WOH Tamae h. wU UD
H. prosthesis f=U Wb Weiland h. bO UD
H. scope f=U UEM Hass U
H. splint f=U dO H. disease U
H. splint sling f=U dO F H. procedure U d
H. superior acetabular V uK w=I rF Hassmann-Brunn-Neer ULU od WId
graft f=U elbow technique dO d
H. view f=U dEM Hastings eMOU
H. wire tier wJK f=U e H. bipolar wzUM qBH* nB
Harris-Aufranc device pd f=U eON hemiarthroplasty eMOU V VDI
Harris-Beath YO f=U H. frmae U U
H.-B. arthrodesis f=U V qBH* U H. hip prosthesis U u Wb
YO H. open reduction U V uH
H.-B. axial calcaneus view V u* wIF dEM* Hatcher pin dAU u^
YO f=U hatchet-face qu qO t
H.-B. projection YO f=U d hatchet-head deformity quD qOM d ^uA
H.-B. view YO f=U dEM Hauser du
Harris-CDH hip CDH f=U u Wb H. patellar realignment wH{d nO d U WId
prosthesis technique
Harris-Galante XU f=U H. patellar technique du V W]OH{d WIdD
H.-G. acetabular cup XU f=U w=I n' H. patellar tendon p V wH{d du d
H.-G. porous hip prosthesis f=U rOL u Wb rocedure du
XU H. realignment du V nO d U
H.-G. stem XU f=U c H. tendo calcaneus V wIF du quD
Harris-Mayo hip score f=U V wu d( lengthening du
uU Hausmann ULu
Harris-Smith YOL f=U H. weight rack ULu V u d
H.-S. anterior interbody wU_ U_ sO VI* H. work-Well work q qLF WOI UN
drill YOL f=U V hardening system ULu V

- 309 -
Hausted orthopaedic bed V UEF .uI Wd dd heloma durum VK sH
bu HD-2 dB
Hautant test XUU U HD-2 cemented hip HD-2 WOML u Wb
haversian UOdU prosthesis
h. bone remodeling wdOUN rEF Wu U HD-2 hip prosthesis HD-2 u Wb
h. canal wdOUN oHM head
h. gland W]OdOU ]b h. brace d UM
h. system wdOU UN Countersink screw h. uDA* VuK
h. vessel W]OdOU WO DePuy hip prosthesis with l u u Wb
Hawkins eMOu Scuderi h. duJ
H. classification eMOu nOMB femoral h. c H
H. classification of talar qUJ uJ eMOu nOMB fibular h. W]OEA
fracture Giliberty bipolar femoral h. V 5DI c H
H. line eMOu ^j wdOKO
H. procedure eMOu d h. halter d s
H. sign eMOu W H. hip arthroplasty bO V u qBH
H. talar fracture V qUJ u nOMB humeral h. bCF
classification eMOu infrared h. dL( X U
Hayes retractor fU UF h. injury d WU
Haygarth node UU bI ischemic necrosis of femoral c H d UH d
Hay lateral approach U V wU vQ h. (INFH)
Haynes-Griffin 5Hd fMU long h. qu
H.-G. mandibular splint V W]OKH W]O=J dO Matroc femoral h. dU V c H
5Hd fMU met h. rz
H.-G. splint 5Hd fMU dO metatarsal h. wDA
Haynes pin fMU u^ Phillips screw h. fOKO Vu
Haynes-Stellite (HS) XO fMU radial h. dFJ
H.-S. implant metal H.-S dG bF screw h. VuK
H.-S. 21 implant metal H.-S. 21 dG bF Series-II humeral h. II fdO bC
H-block H UB II WKK
Frost H.-b. Xd H UB terminal h. wzUN
HBO dB ulnar h. be
Hyperbaric oxygen dH* 5_U W'UF* Vitox femoral h. fuO c H
therapy jGC Zirconia orthopaedic V w1uI wLE wb
HCA dB prosthetic h. UOud
heel cord advancement VIF q .bI Zyranox femoral h. fud V c H
HCTU dB head-at-risk sign dD w d W
home cervical traction unit W]OeM* wd =d' b head-halter traction d sd yd
HD dB headrest d bM
Harris design f=U rOLB h. extension d bM j

- 310 -
Mayfield neurosurgical h. W]OBF Wd' bM heavy-duty Wd vK 5
bKHU V h.-d. femur plate WMO W]c  WOH
McConnell orthopaedic h. W]OLEF Wd' bM h.-d. two-tooth retractor 5 sO=M UF
qu p V Heberden node dO bI
pin h. u^b bM Heck screw pO Vu
three-prong h. qu W bM hectobar U W UuJO
head-splitting humeral dK dU bC d Hedley-Hungerford hip wbO V u Wb
fracture prosthesis udM
head-stem offset d c u heel VI
Healey revision acetabular wKO V =bF w=I =uJ anterior h. wU VI
component black-dot h. u WDIM VI
healing UH U h. cord VIF q
bone h. rEF U h. cord advancement (HCA) VIF q .bI
cartilage h. dCG U h. cord lengthening VIF q quD
contact h. w=UL U h. cord stretch VIF q j^D9
fracture h. dJ U h. counter VIF ^b{
gap h. WH U h. cup VIF n'
per primam h. ]_ bBI*U U cushion h. b]u VI
h. retardation U ouF h. equinus VIF bH
soft tissue h. ud ZM U h. fat pad W]OI W]OM U
Healthflex orthotic fJKHKO uI h. gait VIF WOA
heart VK gonorrheal h. wO VI
h. failure VKI uB qA h. lift VIF l
h. and hand syndrome bO VKI W h. pad VIF U
h. rate (HR) VKI Wd rubber walking h. wU]D* wA* VI
heart-shaped buttocks VKI qJA UO SACH orthopaedic h. U V w1uI VIF
heat d h. and sole insert VIF hL_ d
h. application d( oOD solid ankle, cushioned h. XLB qU b]u VI
moist h. W d (SACH) SACH
h. therapy d(U W'UF* h. spur VIF ULN
heat-cured acrylic femoral W]OJOKd_ cH Wb h. spur/plantar fasciitis WUHK UN W
head prosthesis d(U W'UF* syndrome VIF ULNW]OBL_
heat-molded d(U VuI h. spur syndrome wIF ULN* W
h.-m. petroplastic ankle- W]ON qUJ bI uI h. stand wI u
foot orthosis d(U WuI* h. strike VIF d{
heave UH UH tennis h. fM w VI
parasternal h. hIK U* UH Thomas h. Uu VI
heavy 5 qOI h. and toe walking bI lU VIF wA
h. cross-slot screwdriver qOI VUB* VIA pH h. valgus VIF
h. side plate WKOI W]OU WOH h. varus VIF Z

- 311 -
h. varus sign VIF Z W hemangioma wzU
h. walk VIF WOA capillary h. dOF wzU
walking h. wA* VI cavernous h. wHN wzU
h. walking wIF wA* hemangiomatosis wzU
heel-and-toe gait bI lU VIF WOA hemangiopericytoma W]Ou( U)
Heelbo decubitus heel/elbow w VIFod* WMU hemangiosarcoma W]OzU WuU
protector uKO V UIK hemarthrosis qBH* w=b
heel-lift VIF l acute traumatic h. U( w{d qBH* w=b
heel-off VIF l posttraumatic h. `{dK wU qBH* w=b
heel-palm test Wd VIF U hematocrit b bJ XduULO
heel-spike VIF WJ dL( U]dJK wL( dJ
heel-strike VIF Wd{ hematogenous QAM* u u
heel-toe gait lU_ ]r VIF WOA h. infection QAM* W]u b
heel-to-shin test U VIF U h. osteomyelitis ub wIM rEF UN
Heffington lumbar seat wMDI bFILK dIH U QAM*
spinal frame uMHO V hematoma u
Hefty-bite pin cutter wHO WFDI u^ lU iliopsoas muscle h. W]OMDI WKCFK u
Hegge pin ZO u^ sciatic nerve palsy h. VBF qKA ub u
Heifetz procedure eOHO d wu
height UH subgluteal h. u_ X ub u
intervertebral disk h. 5dIH 5 dI UH subungual h. dHE X u
Heiple arthrodesis qO V qBH* U hematostat 5dA jIK
Helal flap arthroplasty V wKb qBH* Kelly h. w=KO V 5dA jIK
mosquito h. 5dA jIK W{uF jIK
Helbing sign ZMKO W rUM
Helenca UJMK hematuria W]u WKO
H. bandage UJMK WUB hemianopsia w=I vL
H. binder UJMK pL homonymous h. qUL w=I vL
Helfet test XHK U hemiarthroplasty qBH* nB
Heliodorus bandage uOK WUB Bateman h. V qBH* nB
heloma sH ULO
h. durum (HD) bK sH Hastings bipolar h. 5DI qBH* nB
h. molle (HM) s=O sH eMOU V
helomata wMH I-beam hip h. u qBH nB
hemangiectasia W]ub WO_ l^u I We(U
Klippel-Trenaunay wU C W]ub WO_ l^u large-humeral-head h. bCF qBH nB
osteohypertrophic h. q=OK V wLEF dOJ
Uud Neer h. dO V qBH* nB
hemangioendothelioma wzU wUD prosthetic h. wb qBH* nB
hemangioendotheliosarcoma W]OzU W]OUD WuU Smith-Petersen h. V qBH* nB

- 312 -
sd YOL h. or hemiparetic gait W]O'U W]Oe WOA
hemichondrodiasthesis w=IA wdCG U hemipulp wHB ^V
hemicondylar w=I wHB wLI h. flap W]OHB W]O WKb
h. fracture wHB wLI d hemiresection wHB lD
h. graft wHB wLI rF h. arthroplasty wHB lDI qBH*
hemicylindrical bone graft wuD nB wLE rF h. interposition wHB lDI qBH*
hemiepiphysiodesis wHBM WUA* XO arthroplasty j=u
hemihypertrophy WO=I WU{ hemisection wHB lD
hemi-implant W]OHB Wd triple h. w wHB lDI
Dow Corning titanium V uOUO W]OHB Wd Hemi-Silastic implant pOO wLO Wd
h.-i. ZMOu hemivertebra W]OHB dI
hemi-interpositional WLI nB Wd balanced h. Wu W]OHB dI
implant congenital h. W]OIK W]OHB dI
hemiknee W]OHB W unbalanced h. Wu dO W]OHB dI
hemilaminectomy W]dIH WOH]B =o UB Hemivertebral excision W]OHBM dIH UB
h. knife WOH]B =o UB 5=J hemochromatosis W]u]b WG_ V^d
W]dIH Hemo-Drain evacuator ub eM* s uLO dH
hemimelia d]D nB bF hemogenesis b ^uJ
Achterman-Kalamachi uEA d]D nB bF hemolymphangioma wH* u wzU
fibular h. wUU Ud V hemophilia uUM
dysplasia epiphysealis h. bU d]D nB bF hemophilia A A uUM
wUA hemophilia B B uUM
fibular h. uEA d]D nB bF hemophiliac b nO uU
paraxial h. U: d]D nB bF h. arthritis uUM qBH* UN
UIHK hemopneumothorax v]b* b]B d
radial h. dFJ d]D nB bF hemorrhage e
tibial h. wuME d]D nB bF retroperitoneal h. UHB nK e
hemiparetic w=I we hemorrhagic gastritis weM bF* UN
hemipelvectomy u( nB UB hemosiderin sbOuLO
formal h. wNM* u( nB UB hemostasis U
internal h. wKb u( nB UB hemostat eMK lU jIK Td
hemipelvis u( nB wHB u Crile h. qd Td
hemipiphysiodesis wHBM WUA* U mosquito h. w{uF Td*
transpedicular convex wU_ wHBM WUA* U orthopaedic h. W]OLEF Wd' Td
anterior h. WIu ]b* hemostatic Td
hemiplegia ZU h. clamp Ud Td UIK
bilateral h. VU' wzUM ZU h. thoracic clamp Td b UIK
double h. e ZU hemothorax v]b b WM' w=b
spastic h. w^MA ZU Hemovac UuLO
hemiplegic uKH w'U H. drain UuLO eM

- 313 -
H. suction tube UuLO V =h* u master knot of H. bzU] dM bI
Henderson ubM H. paralysis dM qK
H. approach ubM vQ H. posterior approach dM V wHK vQ
H. arthrodesis ubM V qBH* U H. posterior interosseous W]OHK) UEF 5 VBF vQ
H. clamp approximator =dI* ubM UIK nerve approach dM V
H. classification ubM nOMB H. posterior interosseous wHK) UEF 5 VBF nA
H. fracture ubM d nerve exposure dM V
H. lag screw ubM V R^JK Vu H. radial approach dM V dF vQ
H. onlay bone graft V wF wLE rF H. resection dM lD
ubM Henry-Geist spinal fusion dM V dI Z
H. onlay graft ubM V l rF XU
H. posterolateral approach V wU wHK vQ Henschke-Mauch U tJAM
ubM H.-M saw U tJAM UAM
H. posteromedial approach V w wHK vQ H.-M SNS knee prosthesis tJAM V Wd Wb
ubM U
H. skin incision ubM V bK yo H.-M. SNS lower limb V wKH dD Wb
Hendler unitunnel V U_ qIM WId prosthesis U tJAM
technique dbM Hensen plane sM u
Hennessy knee brace wM V Wd UM heparin sUO
Henning ZMOMO reconstituted e* wzUM sUON
H. inside-to-outside U) v qb s WId depolymerized h. dLK
technique ZMOMO V heparinized dN
H. instrument set ZMOMO WuL h. Ringer lactate solution dN* U dM uK
H. technique ZMOMO WId h. saline flush dN* wK* uK; mO
Henry dM hepatitis B B wzU bJ UN
H. acromioclavicular V W]ud W]Od_ WIdD hepatotoxicity W]b WO=L
technique dM Herbert ddO
H. anterior approach dM V wU vQ H. bone screw ddO V wLE Vu
H. anterior strap approach V wU_ U vQ Herbert ddO
dM H. and Fisher fracture V uJ nOMB UN
H. anterolateral approach dM V wU wU vQ classification system dAO ddO
H. approach dM vQ H. knee prosthesis ddO V Wd Wb
H. bone graft dM V wLE rF H. saw ddO UAM
H. exposure dM ^dF H. scaphoid screw ddO V w Vu
H. extensile approach lOuK qU u vQ H. screw ddO Vu
dM V H. screw fixation ddO Vu XO
H. incision dM ^o H. screw fixator ddO VuK X=
knot of H. dM bI Herbert-Whipple bone ddO V rEF Vu
H. knot dM bI screw q
leash of H. dM dOH{ Hercules plaster shears fKOdO V f' dI

- 314 -
hereditary w intraspongy nuclear sL{ uM dI UH
h. disease w d disk h. W]OMH ]U*
h. multiple exostosis w =bF d midline disk h. j=u* =j) vK dI UH
h. neuropathic disease wu wBF posterolateral h. wA wHK UH
h. neuropathy of infancy w wu wBF synovial h. wKO UH
UB U{d =s traumatic cervical disk h. w{d wd dI UH
h. sensory motor w= wd wB herpes simplex jO fd
neuropathy w herpetic wd
h. sensory motor w= wd wB h. infection W]Od b
neuropathy, type III III jLM s w h. whitlow wd f
(HSMN III) Herring lateral pillar V wAu ULF nOMB
h. spinocerebellar ataxia w w O  wu ` classification Z=d
heredopathia atactia wd =bF* UB_ UN hertz (Hz) ed
polyneuritiformis wu U herzenberg bolt ddO V VuK* UL*
Herman-Gartland UdO V rEF lD Herzmark frame UdO U
osteotomy bU Hessing brace ZM=O UM
Hermodsson ubdO heterodermic graft dO bK rF
H. fracture ubdO d heterogeneous dUG
H. internal rotation V wKb db WId h. graft dUG rF
technique ubdO heterogenesis dO ^uJ
H. tangential view ubdO V wUL dEM heterogenous dO
Herndon hip classification V u nOMB UN h. graft dO rF
system bdO heterograft dO rF
hernia o heterotopic l^{u dUG
inguinal h. w o h. bone l^{u dUG rE
muscle h. wKC o h. ossification l^{u dUG r^EF
sliding abdominal h. we wMD o h. ossification prevention l^{u dUG* r^EF s WUu
herniated oHM heterotrophic ossification =cG dOG r^EF dO
h. cervical disk oHM w d bridging
h. disk oHM d Heuter-Volkmann law ULJu du uU
h. nucleus pulposus oHM W]O= u Hewson uuO
(HNP,HPN) H. breakaway pin uuO V wUBH u^
herniated-contained disk u oHM d H. button uuO ^
herniation UH H. cruciate guide uuO V wOK qO
central h. ed UH H. drill uuO VI
cervical disk h. wd dI UH H. drill guide uuO VI qO
cervical midline disk h. =j) vK wd dI UH H. ligament button uuO U ^
j=u* H. ligament drill guide uuO U VI qO
disk h. dI UH hex qJA w]b w=b
intervertebral disk h. UIH 5 dI UH h. handle curette w=b iI0 WDAJ

- 315 -
h. screw w=b Vu ULO
h. wrench w=b uK H. procedure ULO d
Hexadrol UJ Heyman-Herndon bdO ULO
hexagonal qJA ]b H.-H. epiphysiodesis ULO V WUA* XO
h. screw qJA ]b Vu bdO
h. slot-cap scew ]b W]OI uMKI Vu H.-H. release bdO ULO
qJA Heyman-Herndon-Strong Zd bdO ULO
Hexalite plastic XUJ szb H.-H.-S. capsular release ULO V WEH* dd
Hexcel qJ Zd bdO
H. knee prosthesis qJ V Wd Wb H.-H.-S. technique bdO ULO WId
H. total condylar knee W]OLIK Wd qU UN Zd
system qJ V HFOV dB
H. total condylar V WLIK qU Wb high-frequency oscillatory du WOU W]Oc WuN
prosthesis qJ ventilation
Hexcelite XJ hGH dB
H. cast XJ VU human growth hormone dA =uLM ud
H. sheet splint XJ * dO HG Multilock hip UH_ bbF u Wb
H. splint XJ dO prosthesis HG uKOKO
Hex-Fix fJ fJ H-G multilock hip stem UH_ bbF u c
H.-F. Add-A-Clamp fJ fJ UIK H-G
H.-F. external fixation fJ fJ wU XO H-graft H rF
H.-F. fixator fJ fJ X= H.-g. bone graft H wLEF rFD
H.-F. Universal swivel fJ UdHOu d* UIK H.-g. fusion H rFD Z
clamp fJ HHD dB
hexhead d wb hand-held dynamometer iI* W]OKCF ]uI UOI
h. bolt wb VuK* UL* bO
d hiatus Wd
h. pin d wb u^ popliteal h. W]OCQ Wd
h. screwdriver d wb ypH Hibbs fO
Hey-Groves fOd w H. arthrodesis fO V qBH* U
H.-G. fascia lata technique V WCdF WUHK WId H. chisel fO qO
fOd w H. curved osteotome V wMM* rEF lC
H.-G. ligament w V Ud UM WId fO
reconstruction technique fOd H. frame fO U
Hey-Groves-Kirk dO fOd w H. gouge fO u
H.-G.-K. bone graft w V wLE rF H. procedure fO d
dO fOd H. spinal fusion fO V dIH Zb
H.-G.-K. technique dO fOd w WId H. straight osteotome V rOI* rEF lC
Heyman ULO fO
H. hip classification system V u nOMB UN H. tendosuspension fO V du oOKF

- 316 -
Hibbs-Jones spinal fusion eu fO V dI Z high-speed WOU Wd
Hibbs-type retractor fO jL s UF h.-s. drill Wd wU VI
hibernoma dL_ s^b wzU h.-s. twist drill Wd wUF wzu VI*
Hibiclens eMKJOO high-toe box WOUF bI l WK
H. scrub eMKJOO U high-voltage UDuH wU
H. solution eMKJOO uK h.-v. galvanism UDuH WOUF W]OUHK'
hickory-stick fracture sBG d u' sB d h.-v. pulsed galvanic UDuH WOU UCM wUHK
dOC]M h.-v. pulse galvanic WOU UCM wUHK tOM
Hicks lugged plate fJO V WL WOH stimulation (HVPGS) UDuH
hidroacanthoma simplex jO wd wJzU h.-v. therapy (HVT) wUF UDuHU W'UF
high lHd U HIHA tendon implant HIHA W]d Wd
h. efficiency particulate UHJ WOU W=d hilar dOI
air filter W]OzuN ULOK Hilgenreiner dMdMKO
h. heel shoe wUF VIF c H. angle dMdMKO W
h. median-high radial dFJ uKF n UM qK H. brace dMdMKO UM
palsy uKF H. horizontal Y line dMdMKO V wI Y j
h. median-high ulnar be uKF n UM qK Hilgenreiner-Pauwels line eKU dMdMKO ^j
palsy uKF Hilgenreiner-Perkins (H-P) eMOd dMdMKO
h. molecular weight we' u 5KO wu H.-P. line eMOd dMdMKO j
polyethylene (HMWPE) wUF Hill-Nahai-Vasconez- euJU UU qO WId
h. performance silicone wuJOKO wUMB U]D* Mathes technique eOU
elastomer _ wUF Hillock arch uKO u
h. tibial osteotomy (HTO) wUF wuME rEF lD Hill-Rom orthopaedic bed V UEF .uI Wd dd
h. ulnar-high radial palsy U dF b qK qO
h. velocity/low amplitude WCH M*WOUF Wd b Hill-Sachs fU qO
high-energy WOU b H.-S. fracture fU qO d
h.-e. fracture WOUF bI d H.S. shoulder dislocation qO V nJ lK
h.-e. trauma WOUF bI `{ fU
high-frequency oscillatory du WOUF W]Occ WuN H.S. shoulder lesion fU qO V W]OH W
ventilation (HFOV) H.S. sign fU qO W
high-grade WOU W H.S. view fU qO dEM
h.-g. spondylolisthesis Wb wUF UIH e hi-lo table u w WU
h.-g. surface osteogenic WOU W]OD W]OLE WuU hilum dI dOI
sarcoma Wb hilus dI dOI
high-Knight brace wUF XU UM neurovascular h. wzU wB dOI
high-resolution analysis eO* wU qOK h. of tendon du dOI
high-riding patella wUF ud WH{ Hinderer malar prosthesis bM V W]OMu Wb
high-risk factor uD) wU qU hindfoot bI d=R
high-speed WOU Wd h. deformity bI d=R ^uA
h.-s. bur Wd wU VI lateral h. bI d=R VU

- 317 -
spastic varus h. w^MA Z b d=R exercise
h. valgus bI d=R anthropometric total h. W]dA UUOIU U
varus h. Z b d=R (ATH)
hindfoot-midfoot collapse bI d=R bI j j h. arthroplasty u qBH
hindquarter wHK) ld h. bump u UD
hinge ] h. capsule joint wEH* u qBH
h. abduction ]d bOF h. click u WKIK
AHSC-Volz h. eu w ] h. compression screw u UGC Vu
Bahler h. dKU ] congenital dislocation of h. wIK) u lK
Dee elbow h. od* ] (CDH)
flail-elbow h. VzU od* ] congenital dysplasia of h. wIK) u b
h. joint bO odL ] qBH (CDH)
kinematic rotating h. W]db W]Od ] h. contracture w l^HI
Kudo h. bO ] h. contusion u ^
Noiles h. eKu ] developmental dysplasia of wzUL]M u b
offset h. u ] the h. (DDH)
Quengle h. qMu ] h. disarticulation prosthesis u qBH =e Wb
h. rod ]d u^ h. dislocation u lK
rotating h. W]db ] dysplasia of h. u Z^M qK b
soft tissue h. ud ZOM ] h. extension u j
stabilizing h. XO ] h. extension exercise u j sdL
hinged = h. extension range of u j Wd U
h. brace = UM motion
h. cast = VU h. extensor gait u jU WOA
h. constrained knee W]=d b]OI* Wd Wb h. flexion u wM
prosthesis h. flexion-extension u wM j
h. cylinder cast = wuD VU h. flexor contracture uK s l^HI
h. cylinder splint W]= W]OuD dO h. fracture w d
h. fragment W] Wb fused h. ZbM
h. great toe replacement UN W]d b Wb hanging h. o]KF
prosthesis bI h. joint u qBH
h. joint = qBH h. joint syndrome u qBH W
h. Thomas splint W=d Uu dO Link anatomical h. pMO V wdA
h. total knee prosthesis W]=d Wd qU Wb h. mobility u ^d
hinging y h. orthosis (HO) u uI
HIO b w VI h. pointer u t=u
hole-in-one technique b w VI WId h. prosthesis u Wb
hip h. range of motion u ^d% U
h. abduction u bOF h. reduction u ^
h. aductor strengthening u b=F WuI sdL h. replacement u b

- 318 -
revision of total h. U u `OIM nevoid h. wULu UM*
h. roll W]O W]H pleomorphic fibrous h. =bF* wHOK UM*
h. rotation u db UJ_
h. screw w Vu histiocytosis UM* d
h. skid u WU h. X group of disease UM* d d WuL
h. spica w wKM U Histoacryl glue adhesive wO wKd wzd o
h. spica cast w wKM VU histochemistry W]OM UOLOJ
h. subluxation uK wze' lK) histogenesis ZM u^J
tuberculosis of h. u ^q distraction h. d Z ^uJ
windblown h. qzU histomorphometry ZM qJ bb
hipGRIP u iI Vd VO Histoplasma capsulatum b]LG* WuM
h. pelvic positioning VO w{u( lO{u] UN histoplasmosis UuM
system u iI Vd history (hx) aU ou
hip-knee-ankle-foot qUJ Wd u uI natural h. wFOD aU
orthosis (HKAFO) bI histotoxin wO UH
Hippocrates du hitch n^u d
H. bandage du WUB spinal h. wU d
H. manipulation du WKUM Hitchcock uJAO
Hippocratic maneuver W]Odu UM H. technique uJAO WId
hip RAP RAP u H. tendon technique uJAO V du WId
Hirayma osteotomy ULdO V rEF lD Hi-Top foot/ankle walker V VIFbI wU
HiRider motorized/lift =dL tF Vb wd u w
wheelchair bdO Hittenberger halo extension ddOMO V WUN bbL
Hiroshim transfer rOdO V qI HIV dB
Hirschberg ddO human immunodeficiency dA wUM* uF dO
H. reflex ddO fJFM virus
H. sign ddO W HJD total hip system HJD U u UN
Hirschtick pOdO HKAFO dB
H. splint pOdO dO hip-knee-ankle-foot qUJ Wd u uI
H. utility shoulder splint bF* nJ dO orthosis bI
Hirudo medicinalis dO ^V human leukocyte antigen W]dA UCO ^bC
His-Haas U fO human lymphocyte antigen W]dA W]UHLK ^bC
H.-H. muscle transfer U fO V WKCF qI HLA-B27 blood antigen B27 ub ^bC*
H.-H. procedure U fO d HM dB
histiocytic tumor UM* heloma molle s=O sH
histiocytoma UM* HMWPE dB
angiomatoid h. wzUu t UM* high molecular weight u wUF 5KO wu
fibrous h. wHOK UM* polyethylene we'
malignant fibrous h. YO) wHOK UM* HNP dB

- 319 -
herniated nucleus pulposus W]O=K uM UH H. Dynamic external V wJOUM wU X=
HO dB fixator ULu
hand orthosis bO uI H. external fixator ULu wU X=
hip orthosis u uI H. fixation device ULu XO eON
Hoaglund bone graft buKu V wLE rF H. frame ULu U
Hoaglund-States fU buKu nOMB H. ligament clamp ULu V Ud UIK
classification H. panmetatarsal head qUA UA_ lD
hoarseness uB w W] resection ULu V
hockey-stick wu UB H. pin ULu u^
h.-s. fracture wu UB d H. pin guide ULu u^ qO
h.-s. incision wu UB ^o H. reflex ULu fJFM
Hodgen su H. sign ULu W
H. hip splint su V u dO H. system ULu UN
H. leg splint su V U dO H. test ULu U
Hodge plane u u H. transfixion pin ULu V uI* u^b
Hodgkin tumor sJu Hoffmann-Clayton u ULu d
Hodgson technique uu WId procedure
Hodor-Dobbs procedure f u d Hoffmann-Vidal bO ULu
Hoen su H.-V. double frame ULu V e U
H. clamp su UIK bO
H. elevator su WF H.-V. external fixation V wU) XO UN
H. forceps su jIK apparatus bO ULu
H. retractor su UF H.-V. external fixator ULu V wU X=
H. rongeur su W{]d bO
H. skull plate su V WLL' WOH Hoffmann-Vidal-Adrey bO ULu U
Hoffa Uu frame
H. fracture Uu d Hogg chair u ^wd
H. massage Uu pOb Hohl u
H. syndrome Uu W H. fracture classification V uJ nOMB UN
Hoffer-Daimler cast dKL d=u VU WU system u
spreader H. tibial condylar fracture W]OuME WLIK u nOMB
Hoffer splint transfer d=u dO qI classication u V
Hoffmann ULu Hohl-Luck tibial plateau W]OuM^E WCN u nOMB
H. apex fixation pin V W]LI XO u^ fracture classification u u V
ULu Hohl-Moore u u
H. approach ULu vQ H.-M. classification u u nOMB
H. clamp ULu UIK H.-M. technique u u WId
H. C series external fixator WKK s wU X= Hohmann ULu
C ULu H. procedure ULu d
H. device ULu eON H. retractor ULu UF

- 320 -
Hoke u thigh h. c H pL
H. arthrodesis u V qBH* U tibial track h. wuME U* pL
H. lumbar brace u V wMD UM TSRH hook h. TSRH V hA pL
H. lumbar corset u V wMD ybA Wangensteen needle h. 5M d pL
H. osteotome u V rEF lC washer h. qUG pL
H. procedure u d Watanabe pin h. UM u^ pL
H. triple arthrodesis u V w qBH* U Webster needle h. d V d pL
Hoke-Kite technique XO u WId well-leg h. W]Lb* U pL
Hoke-Martin traction sU u ^d Zollinger leg h. dM V U pL
Hoke-Miller procedure dKO u d hold-relax method U U WId
hold bOOI U Holdsworth spinal fracture V W]dIH uJ nOMB
h. relax technique U U WId classification ubu
holder WU]L qU pL hole VI
acetabular cup h. w=I( nK pL acetabular seating h. W]O=I( bUI VI
arm h. c pL anchoring h. X=* VI
Bickel leg h. qJO U pL bur h. VIM* VI
Bohler-Steinmann pin h. ULMO dKu u^ pL centering h. edL VI
bone h. rEF pL drill h. VI* VI
clamp h. UIK* pL gliding h. we VI
cup h. nK pL guide h. qOb VI
DeMartel-Wolfson qU UIK pL lag screw thread h. T=JK* VuK jO VI
clamp h. uH offset drill h. wzu VI* VI
Halsey needle h. wu d pL h. preparation method VI dOC% WId
hook h. hA pL hole-in-one technique (HIO) b w VI WId
hookbar h. w=BA pK pL holism W]OuL
knee h. Wd pL Hollister Hot/Ice knee V UU( Wd U
leg h. U pL blanket du
Mayo-Hegar needle h. UO uU d pL hollow u ]u
microneedle h. W]dN* d pL h. mill Asnis cannulated W]u* WMD* v]MI* VuK
needle h. d pL screw fO V
operative leg h. U]OKLF WU U pL h. mill drill W]u* WMD* VI*
pin h. u^b pL h. mill instrumentation W]u: WMD*
rod h. u^M pL h. mill reamer W]u* WMD* uI*
Ryder needle h. b d pL Hollywood uOu
Sarot needle h. U d pL H. bed uOu dd
Schmidt rod h. XOL V u^M pL H. bed extension hook set dd bbL =hA dO
shoulder h. nJ pL uOu
staple h. ]d pL Holmium YAG laser YAG uO*u
SurgAssist surgical leg h. V wd' U pL Holscher dAu
XO dO H. knee retractor dAu V Wd UF

- 321 -
H. root retractor dAu c' UF hoof bottom dU( bU
Holstein fracture of sUAu V bCF d hook U]M yh
humerus Acufex nerve h. fJu V VBF ^h
Holstein-Lewis fracture fu sUAu d anatomic h. wdA yh
Holt Xu Andr h. tb yh
H. bolt VuK* Xu UL Andr anatomical h. wdA tb ^h
H. nail Xu UL h. approximator w=B =dI
H. nail plate V W]UL* WOHB APRL prosthetic h. ARRL Wb ^h
Xu Barr h. U ^h
H. plate Xu WOH h. blade hA qB
Holt-Oram atriodigital V wF wM b h. blocker hA dB
dysplasia Xu Bobechko sliding WIeM* W]OKOd U]MB
Holzheimer retractor dLOeu UF barrel h. uJu V
Homans fUu bone h. rEF ^h
H. sign fUu W closed h. oKG yh
H. test fUu U closed Cotrel-Dubousset h. oKG* XOu du ^h
home XO eM closed transverse process TUMK oKG* ^h
h. cervical traction unit W]OeM* wd =d' b TSRH h. dF*
(HCTU) compression h. UGC ^h
h. medical equipment W]OeM W]O= ]bF cranial Jacobs h. wHI fuU ^h
h. program weM ZUd h. dislodgment hA Ue
homeostasis U distraction h. d ^h
fluid h. qzu U h. distractor w=BA =dH*
osseous h. wLE U double-open h. WH e h
homogeneous fU down-angle h. We e h
h. graft fU rF downsized circular W]dzb W]OzUHB U]MB
h. screen WU W laminar h. v_ r(
homogeneous graft fU rF drop-entry (closed body) h. WH oKG r yh
homograft wHO rF W]OI
h. implant material wHO) rFD Wd ]U h. fixation hA XO
h. prosthesis wHO) rFD Wb garment h. UJ U]M
homologous qUL Graham nerve h. Ud V VBF ^h
h. graft qUL rF h. of the hamate w]J rEF ^h
homonymous hemianopsia qUL wHB vL hamate h. w]J ^hA
Honda jack bu b h. of hamate bone w]J rEF ^h
hood WFMI Harrington h. u=U ^h
dorsal h. W]dN WFMI Harrington pedicle (bifid) h. WIu uIA* ^hA
hood WFMI u=U
extensor h. WDU WFMI H. hemi-harness shoulder jd wHBM nJ X=
retinacular h. W]bO WFMI immobilizer u V

- 322 -
h. holder hA pL
h. hollow-ground hA 5 UB rOLB Trautman Locktite XUu ULd Wb ^h
connection design UI dH prosthetic h.
h. impactor hA Ud h. trial set screw w=BA wd dO Vu
intermediate C-D h. C-D j=u yh TSRH h. guJ UJ vHA ^h
Isola spinal implant W]dIH WdG UN ^h TSRH X
system h. e TSRH buttressed laminar h. rb wzUHB ^hA
Knodt rod and h.?s u U]M u^ TSRH V
laminar C-D h. C-D wzUH yh TSRH circular laminar h. V dz wzUH yh
Leatherman h. UdO ^h TSRH
meniscus h. WN ^h TSRH pedicle h. TSRH V WIu ^h
Moe h. u ^h TSRH trial h. TSRH V wd h
Moe alar h. u V wUM yh up-angle h. We wU h
multispan fracture h. e_ bbF dJ ^h h. V-groove connection hA 5 UB= rOLB
nerve h. VBF ^h design V qJA WeO*
neutral h. bU yh Zielke bifid h. uIA* wJK ^h
open h. uH yh Zuelzer h. e ^h
open C-D h. uH* C-D ^h hookbar holder w=BA pK pL
Osher irrigating implant h. V Wd ^h hooked uIF
d h. intramedullary nail wIM q uIF UL
PCL oriented placement lO{u]K wLOu ]J h. knife WuIF 5=J
marking h. wHK) VUB* UdK t=u* Hookian region UOu WOU
pediatric h. W]OKH U]M hook-nail deformity w=BA dHE ^uA
pediatric C-D h. C-D W]OKH U]M hook-plate fixation W]O=B WOHB XO
pediatric STRH h. STRH W]OKH U]M hook-to-screw L4-S1 h WDu UGC rOLB
pedicle h. WIu h compression construct L4-S1 VuK
pedicle C-D h. C-D WIu h hoop stress fracture -U) d d
h. pin hA u^ Hoover du
h. plate hA WOH H. sign du W
prosthetic h. wb ^hA H. test du U
h. pusher hA WF Hoppenfeld-Deboer u bKHMu
ribbed h. wFK{ yh H.-D. approach u bKHMu vQ
h. rotary scissors WO=B Wdb U]BI H.-D. technique u bKHMu WId
sharp worm h. U ^h hop test q( U
side-opening laminar h. W]OU WH wzUH yh Hori technique u WId
h. site hA l{u horizontal wI
skin h. bK' ^h h. cleavage wI d^DA
square-ended h. WF]d WUNM yh h. external rotation wI wU db
T-handled h. T WCI yh h. fracture wI d
top-entry (open body) h. VI uH* r' yh h. gantry cut wI_ bM* lD

- 323 -
h. mattress suture W]OI_ bOM WUO arthrodesis eOu V
h. meniscal tear W]OI W]O We Horwitz-Adams e eOu
h. pedicle diameter W]OI_ WIu dD H.-A. ankle fusion eOu V qUJ Z
h. plane wI `D e
h. position wI l{ H.-A. arthrodesis eOu V qBH* U
h. tear W]OI We e
hormone ud hose dOB uKDM u
adrenocorticotropic h. dEJ dA t=u ud TED h. bO u
(ACTH) hosiery Wu f u
growth h. uLM ud Hosmer-Dorrance UC WFQ Wd W]OJOUJO
human growth h. (hGH) dA uLM ud voluntary control four-bar V r^J
sex h. wM ud knee mechanism f dLu
thyrotropin-releasing h. W]O]b WN=u* oKD* udN Hospital Trauma Index vHA* `{ VM
horn d host-allograft junction u wHO) rFD qu
anterior h. wU d host tolerance u q^L
central h. ed d hot U
cutaneous h. bK d h. dog technique =U( VKJ WId
posterior h. wHK d h. fomentation therapy =U( bOLJU W'UF*
Horner syndrome du W h. knife ]U 5=J
horse UB h. pack (HP) ]U uA
charley h. wU UB h. weld yU U(
horseback riders knee u' uN wD2 W hot-cross-bun ]U( VOKB WJF
horse-hoof UB( dU h.-c.-b. skull VOKB WJF qJA WLL
h.-h. fracture nonunion UB( dU d U b ]U(
h.-h. nonunion UB( dU U b h.-c.-b. skull sign WJF qJA WLL' W
hoses foot callus UB( b c ]U( VOKB
horseshoe c Hot-Ice f u U U
h. abscess c d H.-I. System III III U U UN
h. appearance c dNE H.-I. System III knee III UN WdK f u U
horseshoe-shaped c qJ blanket
h.-s. felt pad c qJA W]U] U Houghton-Akroyd bd uu
h.-s. flap c qJA WKb H.-A. fracture technique bd uu d WId
Horsley wKu H.-A. open reduction uu V uH y
H. bone cutter wKu V rEF lU bd
H. bone saw wKu V rEF UAM H.-A. technique bd uu WId
H. bone wax wKu V wLEF lLA Houle test u U
Horwitz eOu hourglass constriction WU]U tO uB o^OC
H. ankle arthrodesis V qUJ qBH U rd w W]OK]d
eOu House reconstruction weM UM
H. transmalleolar VFJ d qBH* U Houston halo cervical V wUN wd Ub

- 324 -
support uu heart rate VKI Wd
Hovanian 5Uu H-reflex H fJFM
H. latissimus dorsi muscle W]dNE WCdF WKCF qI HS dB
transfer sOUu V Haynes-Stellite XO fMU
H. procedure sOUu d H-shaped capsular incision H qJA wEH yo
H. transfer technique sOUu qI WId HSMN III dB
Howard u hereditary sensory motor w= wd wB
H. bone block u V rEF UB neuropathy, type III III jLM w
H. technique u WId HSS total condylar knee HSS W]U W]OLIK Wd Wb
Howmedica UJbOu prosthesis
H. cement UJbOu XML Hsu-Hsu percutaneous bK' wIF du quD
H. ICS screw ICS UJbOu Vu tendo calcaneus u u V
H. knee instrumentation UJbOu V Wd lengthening
H. knee system UJbOu V Wd UN HT dB
H. prosthesis UJbOu Wb hammertoe W]OdD* l
H. total ankle system V U qUJ UN Hubbard tank Uu ZdN
UJbOu 5-HT dB
H. Vitallium staple UJbOu V uOUO ] serotonin 5udO
Howorth u HTO dB
H. approach u vQ high tibial osteotommy wUF wuME rEF lD
H. procedure u d Hubbard Uu
H. prosthesis u Wb H. bolt VuK* Uu UL
Howorth-Keillor procedure uKO u d H. physical therapy tank W]OzUeOH W'UF* ZdN
Howse-Coventry prosthesis dMu u Wb Uu V
Howship lacuna VOu Wu H. plate Uu WOH
Hoyer traction du V yd H. tank (HT) Uu ZdN
HP dB Hubbard-Nylok bolt VuK* uKO Uu UL
hot pack ]U ]UL hubbed needle W]u d
H-P dB Huber d
Hilgenreiner-Perkins eMOd dMdMK H. abductor digiti quinti d V dBM) b=F qI
HPA dB transfer
hypothalamic-pituitary- wzU wU dE H. adductor digiti quinti dBM) W=dI0 WKUI*
adrenal opponensplasty d V
HPC-device HPC eON H. transfer d qI
HPN dB H. transfer of abductor l b=F* d qI
herniated nucleus pulposus W]OK uM UH digiti quinti fU)
HPS dB Hubscher maneuver dAu UM
H. II hip prosthesis HPS II u Wb Huckstep nail VOu UL
H. II total hip prosthesis HPS II U u Wb Huck towel u WHAM
HR dB Hudson uu

- 325 -
H. bone drill uu rEF VI h. bite infection W]dA W]CF b
H. brace uu UM h. growth hormone (hGH) dA =uLM ud
H. brace with bur uu UM l VI h. immunodeficiency virus dA wUM* uF dO
H. chuck adapter uu V iI* WR (HIV)
H. drill uu VI h. leukocyte antigen (HLA) W]dA UCO W]OK) ^bC
Hudson-Jones knee cage V Wd hH UM h. lymmphocyte antigen W]dA W]UHLK W]OK) ^bC
brace eu uu (HLA)
Hueter du Humby knife wu 5=J
H. bandage du WUB humeral bC
H. line du ^j h. avulsion of the wU]I( UdK bCF lKI
H. sign du W glenhumeral ligament bCF
Hughston uu (HAGL)
H. classification uu nOMB h. canal W]bC UM
H. external rotation wU) dbU s^ U h. circumflex vessel bCF nDFM* Uu
recurvatum test uu V h. component bC =uJ
H. knee jerk test V Wd WCH U h. condyle W]bC WLI
uu h. cutting guide bCF lU qO
H. plica test uu WOM U h. epicondyle W]bC WLOI
H. posterolateral drawer wHK) VU U h. epiphysis W]bC WUA
test uu V wAu h. fracture bC d
H. posteromedial drawer w wHK) VU U h. fracture abduction splint bCF dJK bOF dO
test uu V h. fracture malunion bCF dJ U u
H. procedure uu d h. head bCF
H. realignment V nO d U h. head retractor bCF UF
uu h. head-splitting fracture bCF d dU d
H. test uu U h. impactor bC Ud
H. view uu dEM h. neck bCF oM
Hughston-Degenhardt UNM uu UM h. physeal fracture bC uL d
reconstruction h. reamer bCF uI
Hughston-Hauser du uu d h. saw bC UAM
procedure h. shaft fracture bCF r d
Hughston-Jacobson uuU uu h. supracondylar fracture WLIK u bC d
H.-J. lateral compartment V wAu e=O( UM humeral-ulnar angle W]be W]bCF We
reconstruction uuU uu humeri bCF bC
H.-J. technique uuU uu WId articulatio h. bCF qBH
Hughston-Losee jerk test uu V WCHM U periarthrosis h. bCF u UB
u humeroradial articulation dFJ bCF qBH*
Hugh Young pedicle clamp Zu uO WIu UIK humerothoracic abduction b bC bOF
Hui-Linscheid procedure bOAMO u d humeroulnar b bC
human dA h. articulation be bCF qBH*

- 326 -
h. joint be bCF qBH* hx dB
humerus bCF history aU W]B
distal h. U bC hyaline cartilage wU dC
Holstein fracture of h. sUAu V bCF d hyalinization wU f^JM
Proximal h. bC hyaluronidase bOdUO
humica wU HybridFit XObdO
humoral immunity W]ODK WUM H. total hip system V U u UN
hump Wb XObdO
buffalo h. uU' Wb H. total knee system V WU Wd UN
dowagers h. uF Wb XObdO
humpback deformity wb ^uA Hydra-Cadence fU bO
humpbacked spinal wb( UO UM H.-C. gait-control unit V WOA*U r^J b
curvature fU bO
Humphrey dHU H.-C. knee prosthesis bO V Wd Wb
ligament of H. dHU U fU
Hungerford-Krackow-Kenn V Wd qBH Hydragrip clamp insert Vd bO UIK d
a knee arthroplasty UMO ud udM hydraulic wJObO
Hungerford technique udM WId h. knee unit W]OJObON Wd b
Hunter du h. knee unit prosthesis W]OJObON Wd b Wb
H. Silastic prosthesis pOO du Wb h. test system wJObO U UN
H. Silastic rod pOO du u^ hydrocephalus d u
H. syndrome du W hydrochloride buKbO
H. tendon prosthesis du du Wb alfentanil h. qOUMOH_ buKbO
hunting reaction bOB qUH Naloxone h. uuUM buKbO
Huntington uMOM pentazocine h. 5UM buKbO
H. bone graft uMOM V wLE rF hydrocodone ubO
H. chorea uMOM h hydrocolator uubO
H. sign uMOM W CMO h. CMO uubO
H. tibial technique W]OuME uMOM WId hydrocortisone eOubO
hurlers syndrome wd W h. phonophoresis weOdbON uB qI
Hutchinson uMA W]OFL ULOE
H. fracture uMA d WOeOdbO
H. freckle uMA gL Hydrocortone uubO
melanotic Whitlow of H. w]* uMA f hydrogen 5bO
HVO splint HVO dO h. peroxide wMO_ U*
HVPGS dB h. washout method wMO_ U*U d WId
high-voltage pulse galvanic WOU UCM wUHK tOM hydrolyze disc content dI u WNLK
stimulation UDuH hydromelia wH^NJ UM u
HVT dB hydromorphone wMOu wuK uubO
high-voltage therapy UDuH WOUF W'UF* s=J =b

- 327 -
hydrostatic pressure wuJ wzU jG{ hallucis W]OJOUMb
hydrosyringomyelia wu* U^M n^NJ hyperemia m^O
communicating h. q= u* wu* U ^M n^NJ hyperemic m=O
hydrotherapy W]OzU* W'UF* hyperesthesia =f( d
Hydrotrack underwater V U* X b WMD hyperesthetic =f( dH
treadmill dbO hyperextend bbL dH
hydroxyapatite (HA) XOU wbO hyperextended knee gait bbL WdH* Wd WOA
calcium h. XOU wbO uOK hyperextension bbL d
coralline h. wUd* XOU wbO h. brace bbL d UM
h. deposition disease XOU wbON V^d h. cast bbL d VU
h. implant material XOU wbO Wd ]U cruciform anterior spinal h. wU_ dIH bbL d
hydroxyapatite-coated stem XOU wbON v]DG c (CASH) wOKB
hysroxychloroquine 5uKJOeO h. deformity bbL d ^uA
hydroxyzine seObO h. injury bbL d WU
hygroma WO fO V intraoperative neck h. qLF UM w oMF bbL d
qzU wK d wd'
cystic h. wO wHN rebound h. b bbL d
Hylamer-M M dO recurrent h. l bbL d
Hylamer orthopaedic Wd' w qL( uJ segmental h. wFD bbL d
bearing polymer dO W]OLEF h. stress bbL d d
hyoid bone w rEF h. test bbL d U
hypalgesia r_ =f hI hyperflexion injury UM d WU
Hypaque contrast media UO sU U hypergammaglobulinemia 5KuK UU d
hyperabduction bOF d polyclonal h. =bF 5KuK UU d
h. syndrome test bOF d W U qzUM
h. test bOF d U hyperhidrosis ^dF d
hyperactive UAM dH hyperkeratosis, pl. ^dI d
h. reflex UAM dH fJFM hyperkeratoses
h. response UAM WdH WU hyperkeratotic lesion ^dI WdH W
hyperactivity UAM d hyperkyphoscoliosis wHM' b( d
physiological h. wuueOH UAM d neuropathic h. U wHM' b( d
hyperalgesia r^Q d wBF
hyperalimentation WcG d hyperkyphosis b( d
hyperbaric jGC dH hyperlordosis fFI d
h. oxygen kGC dH 5 hypermobile ^d dH
h. oxygen therapy dH* 5_U W'UF* h. flatfoot Wd( WdH U] b
(HBO) jGC h. foot Wd( WdH b
hypercalcemia b uOU d h. joint Wd( dH qBH
hypercortisolism ]b eOu d hypermobility ^d d
hyperdynamic abductor WdH* bI UN b=F compensatory h. UF ^d d

- 328 -
joint h. wKBH* ^d d h. nonunion WOu dH* U b
hypernephroma dE hypesthesia, hypoesthesia =f( hI
hyperosteoidosis W]OULEF d hypnoanalgesia w1uM 5J
hyperostosis r^EF d hypnoanesthesia w1uM b ZOM
ankylosing spinal h. j=I* dIH r^EF d hypoplasty w1uM
diffuse idiopathic iU V=KB r^EF d hypnotic w1uM =uM
sclerosing h. (DISH) dAM h. amnesia W]O1uM U
diffuse idiopathic skeletal iU wKJO r^EF d h. displacement w1uM Ue
h. (DISH) dAM h. dissociation w1uM UH
infantile cortical h. wKH dA r^EF d h. reinterpretation w1uM dOH
h. syndrome r^EF d W h. replacement w1uM b
h. triangularis ilii r^EF WdH W]O]K WHd h. time disorientation w1uM wU Uu
hyperparathyroidism UIb d hypoaldosteronism W]OdOb_ hI
brown tumor of h. dL_ UIb d hyporeninemic h. hUM WOdOb_ hI
h. tumor UIb d ]b 5M
hyperplasia Z^M] d hypochondriac region W]Od* WOUM
epiphyseal h. wUA* Z^M] d hypodermic bK' X%
hyperplastic Z^M dH per h. (H) bK'
hyperpolarization UDI d hypoesthesia (var. of =f( hI
hyperpronation =VJ d hypesthesia)
hyperpyrexia d( d hypogastric wK
malignant h. YO) d( d h. artery wK) UdA
hyperreflexia UJFM* d h. flap W]OK WKb
hypertension b jG{ d hypoglossal nerve UK X VBF
calf h. WKd jG{ d hypoglycemia b d]J hI
hyperthermia d( d hypokyphosis hU b
malignant h. YO) d( d right thoracic curve with h. b l s1 b UM
hyperthermic d( dH hU
hypertonia d^u d thoracic h. b hU b
hypertonicity d^u d hypolordosis hU fF
hypertonus d^u d cervical h. w hU fF
hypertrophic wU{ hypomobile ^d hU
h. exostosis wU { d hypomobility ^d hI
h. granulation tissue wU { wO ZO hyponychium dHE X% dF_
h. nonunion wU C U b hypoparathyroidism W]OIb uB
h. synovitis wU C wKOe UN hypophalangism U]O hI
h. vital nonunion wU { wUO U b pedal h. W]ObI U]O hI
hypertrophy WU { hypophosphatasia UUHH hI
hypervascular WOu dH hypophosphatemic bone b UH hUM rEF
h. fragment WOu WdH Wb disease

- 329 -
hypoplasia Z^M hI h. eminence ]dC U
cartilage-hair h. dFA nUCG Z^M hI h. fascia ]dC WUH
skeletal h. wKJON Z^M hI h. hammer syndrome ]dC WdD W
hypoplastic Z^M hU h. muscle ]dC qC
h. finger Z^M hU l hypothermic U
h. first rib Z^M hUM ]_ lKC hypothyroidism W]Ob uB
hypoplastic Z^M hU hypotonia d^u hI
h. hand Z^M WBU b congenital h. wIK) d^u hI
h. thumb Z^M hU UN hypotrophic arthritis W]uO( hUM qBH* UN
hyporeninemic hUM W]OdOb_ hI hypovolemic shock r( hI Wb
hypoaldosteronism 5Md hypoxemia b ZQ hI
hypotension jGC hI hypoxia 5_ u
hypotensive jGC iU jGC hU hysteresis R
h. anesthesia ]b jGC iU db hysterical dO
h. surgery ]b jGC WCU Wd h. gait W]dO WOA
hypothalamic-pituitary-adr dE wU wzU h. scoliosis dO nM
enal (HPA) Hz dB
h.-p.-a. axis dEJ WU M Uu u hertz ed
hypothenar ]dC

- 330 -
iatrogenic QAM* ^w ICS dB
i. dural tear QAM* W]O W]uU We inferior capsular shift wKH wEH U
i. injury QAM* W]O WU intercostal space w e=O
i. lumbar kyphosis QAM* w wMD b ICT dB
i. osteomyelitis wF wIM rEF UN intermittent cervical traction l=DI w yd
i. tear QAM* W]O We Ideal spinal implant Ub W]OU W]dI Wd
I-beam I WUb 2 I We( 1 Ideberg glenoid fracture V wU]I( u nOMB
I.-b. cement punch I WUb XML Wd classification d
I.-b. hemiarthroplasty hip qBH* d W]O Wb idiopathic V uN iU
prosthesis I WUbU i. avascular necrosis V
 uN wzU d
I.-b. hip hemiarthroplasty I WUbU u nB i. genu valgum (IGV) V
 WuN U W
I.-b. hip operation I WUbU u W]OKL i. juvenile osteoporosis uN: wFHO UEF q K
Jergesen I.-b. s
d V

ibuprofen yUC s=J 5du i. scoliosis V
 uN nM
UN i. skeletal V
 uN wKJO
ice bOK i. skeletal hyperostosis wKJON r^EF d W
i. application bOK' oOD syndrome V
i. massage bOK'U pOb bOK'U p i. transient osteoporosis uN: dUF UEF q K
i. pack W]bOK ]UL V

i. skaters fracture bOK' vK Z=e* d
idiopathica V uN iU
ICLH dB Osteopsathyrosis i. uN: hUM rEF ^uJ
Imperial College of London bM vHA
 w Ud WOK V

Hospital (ICLH) IDK dB
I. ankle prosthesis I qUJ Wb internal derangement of the W dK wK]b
I. double cup arthroplasty I e nK qBH* knee
I. knee prosthesis I W d Wb id reaction wH qUH

- 331 -
IGHL dB i. crest-inlay graft WHd( d s wFOd rF
inferior glenohumeral wKH
 bCF wU]I( Ud i. crest ossification WHd( d r^EF
ligament i. epiphysis W]OHd WUA
igne d U i. fixation wHd XO
erythema ab i. W]d vUL i. graft wHd rF
IGV dB i. oblique view WKzU* W]OHd( dEM
idiopathic genu valgum W d WCU U W i. osteocutaneous flap W]OHd W]bK W]OLE WKb
iUG i. osteotomy wHd( rEF lD
IHS dB i. post W]OHd WU
International Headache W]Ob bB W]OFL i. screw wHd Vu
Society i. slot graft wHd o]IA wI rF
IHW dB i. spine wHd u
inner heel wedge wKb wIF 5H i. strut bone graft r wHd wLE rF
Ikuta dB i. vein wHd b
I. clamp approximator UOJ V
wDIK =dI i. wing WHd( UM
I. pectoralis major transfer V
dOJ W]bB qI i. wing resection WH d( UM lD
UOJ iliacus muscle W]OH d( WKCF
ileus UF_ b u]K ilial wH d
bladder i. WU* u]K ilii WH d( rE WH d
intestinal i. uF u]K hyperostosis traingularis i. r^EF WdH W]O]K WHd
paralytic i. wKK u]K iliocostalis lumborum W]OFKC W]OH d( W]OMDI W*
Ilfeld bKOHK sydrome
I. splint bKOHK dO iliocostal muscle W]OFK{ W]OH d WKC
I. splint orthosis bKOHK dO uI iliofemoral c wH d
Ilfeld-Gustafson splint uUu bKOHK dO i. approach c  wHd vQ
iliac wH d i. flap W]c  W]OHd WKb
i. apophysis wHd TU i. flap artery W]c H W]OHd( WKb
i. apophysis sign wHd( TUM W i. pedicle flap W]c  W]OHd WIu
i. artery wHd Ud i. thrombosis c  wHd U
i. artery injury wHd( UdA WU iliohypogastric nerve wK) wH d( VBF
i. bone graft wHd( rEF rF ilioinguinal w wH d
i. buttressing procedure wHd( rb d i. acetabular approach w wHd w=I vQ
i. clamp wHd UIK i. approach w wHd vQ
i. compression test wHd( UGC U i. nerve w_ wHd( VBF
i. crest WHd( d iliolumbar wMD wH d
i. crest bone free graft d( wHd( dF rE rF i. artery wMDI wHd( UdA
i. crest bone graft wHd( dF rE rF i. vein wMDI wHd( bu
i. crest bone graft wHd( dF rE rF XO iliopatellar wH{d wH d(
stabilization i. band wH{ wHd jd
i. crest grat wHd( dF rF i. ligament wH{d wHd( Ud

- 332 -
iliopsoas W]OMDI WKCF I. external fixation eO V
i. bursitis W]OMDI WKCF d UN I. fixator eO X=
i. muscle W]OMDI WKCF I. frame eO U
i. muscle hematoma W]OMDI WKCFK u I. leg lengthening eO V
i. recession W]OMDI WKCF ld I. limb-lengthening V
dD quD UN
i. tendon W]OMDI WKCF d system eO
i. transfer W]OMDI WKCF qI I. limb-lengthening dD quD eO WId
iliosacral e wH d technique
i. and iliac fixation wHd wHd XO d I. method eO WId
construct e I. ring eO WIK
i. screw e wHd Vu I. technique eO WId
iliotibial (IT) TT wuM wH d I. wire eO pK
i. band (ITB) wuM wHd jd illness d W]K
i. band augmentation wuME wHd( jdA dOJ I. Behavior Questionnaire w{d* uK
i. band fasciitis wHd( jdA WUH UN I. Depression Questionnaire w{d* U UO
wuME environmental i. wO d
i. band graft augmentation wHd( jdA rF dOJ IM dB
wuME intermuscular CF 5
i. band syndrome wuME wHd( jdA W intramedullary WKB q wIM q
i. band tenodesis wHd( jdA d WUO U ^M q
wuME intramuscular WKCF q
i. band transfer wuME wHd( jdA qI image u
i. tract wuME wHd( qO
 i. control uBU Wd
ilium WH d( rE WH d( i. en Grelot uKd u
AS i. WHdK wU_ tu field-echo i. qI( b u
ASEx i. WHdK dUE wU_ tu i. intensification uB bbA
ASIn i. WHdK sU wU_ tu i. intensifier uB =bA
i. drainage WHd( e spin-echo i. e d b u
external i. (EI) dUE WHd( Xi-scan i. xi W]O
dH u
In-Ex i. WHd( dU sU imaging duB
internal-external ilium WHd( dU sU cine-magnetic resonance i. w
OUMG* 5dU duB
internal-external i. (In-Ex WHd( dU sU (cine-MRI) wzULMO

ilium) diagnostic i. wBO A duB
PIEx i. PIEX WHd dipyridamole thallium i. uOU ubdO wzUM duB
PIIn i. PIIN WHd dynamic magnetic w
OUMG* 5dU duB
Piriform sclerosis i. qJA W]dL W=KB WHd resonance i. wJOUMb
Wing of i. WHd( UM gadopentetate-dimeglumine- w
OUMG* 5dU duB
Ilizarov eO enhanced magnetic UOMU =eF*
I. apparatus eO UN resonance i. 5uKO
I. device eO eON gamma camera i. dOU UU'U duB

- 333 -
magnetic resonance i. (MRI) w
OUMG* 5dU duB Webril i. qd XO
sagittal-plane i. wLN
*U duB immobilize n u X=
Tc 99m sestamibi W]OKI WKCF Wd duB immobilizer X=
myocardial perfusion i. Tc99m wOU
Hook hemi-harness jd nB nJ X=
imbalance u shoulder i. u V

isokinetic torque i. w d( db e u Knee i. W d X=

u OEC knee i. W d X=
muscle i. WKCF u Plastizote-Kydex cervical i. e w X=
imbricate Vd f bO
imbrication Vd QuickCast wrist i. pu V
md X=
capsular i. wEH V d XU
MacNab line for facet i. wNOu V dK U U ^j Raymond shoulder i. buL V
nJ X=
medial i. w
V d Sateen knee i. wMOU
 W d X=
medial capsular i. w
wEH V d Shoulder i. nJ X=
medialis obliquus i. qzU w
V d Velpeau shoulder i. uKO nJ X=
imipramine U UC 5dO1 Watco knee i. uJ V
W d X=
IML dB Westfield bKOH
ud wd X=
first intermetacarpal ]_ UM_ 5 Ud acromioclavicular i.
ligament immobilizing bandage W= WUB
immediate dU qU u immovable joint XU qBH
i. postoperative prosthesis WdK WOU W]u Wb immune lOM l=ML wUM
(IPOP) i. globulin wUM 5uuK
i. postoperative prosthesis bF uH Wb bOLC i. system wUM* UN'
dressing W]OKLF immunity WUM
i. postsurgical fitting bF W]uH UO d uK cell-mediated i. U)U WDu WUM
(IPSF) bF W]uH W* Wd' humoral i. W]ODK WUM
Wd' immunocompetence W]OUM W]OK
immersion dL fD immunogenicity UML
immitis b]K immunoglobulin wUM 5uuK
Coccidioides i. b]K W]OdJ Immunomount wUM U
immobilization UIO XO immunotherapy W]OUM W'UF
cast i. VUIU XO IMN dB
i. degeneration XO f^JM intramedullary nailing wIM q dOL

i. method XO WId IMP dB

postoperative i. WdK U XO Innovative Medical dJ* WO=D UM*
Rowe-Zarins shoulder i. V
nJ XO Products
fM IMP knee positioning V
W d lO{u Y]K
Sling i. Uu XO triangle dJ* WO=D UM*
sternal-occipital-mandibular wJ wc w=B XO IMP Steri-Clamp UM* V
i. (SOMI) wKH dJ* WO=D

- 334 -
IMP Universal knee V
UdHOu W d WFCO impingement b UD bD
positioner dJ* WO=D UM* anterior cord i. wU_ q( bD
IMP Universal lateral UdHO W]OAu WFCO* i. exostosis bD d
positioner dJ* WO=D UM* V
graft i. rFD b bD
impact bD dA lateral i. wU bD
i. biomechanics bD W]OJOUJOuO i. pain bD r
I. modular porous uA W]bF WLOL Wb roof i. `D
prosthesis i. sign bD W
I. modular total hip ]bF* U u UN i. syndrome bD W
system dA( i. test bD U
impacted fracture dAM d implant Wd
impaction UA i. alloy aluminum WOuOMu_ WDOK) Wd
atlantoaxial i. u wIN UA AO/ASIF orthopaedic I. UEF .uI Wd Wd
impactor Ud AO/ASIF
Austin Moore i. u 5 Ud i. arthroplasty WdG qBH*
bone i. rEF Ud articulated chin i. WKBHL s Wd
femoral i. c H Ud artificial joint i. wFM qBH Wd
glenoid implant base i. WOUI( WdG bU Ud Bannon-Klein i. s uU Wd
hook i. wB Ud bicompartmental i. e=O( WOzUM Wd
humeral i. bC Ud i. biocompatibility UO( l ou* dG
Moe bone i. u rEF Ud Biomet i. XuO Wd
impactor Ud i. blank WdG d
mushroom i. qJA dD Ud bone i. WOLE Wd
Orthopaedic i. UEF .uI Wd Ud bovine collagen i. dI 5uJ Wd
impactor-extractor Wd Ud Calnan-Nicolle finger i. uJO UMK WOF Wd
Fox i.-e. f u Wd
 Ud carbon i. WOud Wd
impairment nK nF{ cartilage i. WOdC Wd
neurovascular i. wzU wB nF{ Cartwright i. XdU Wd
physical i. wzUeO nF{ ceramic i. WOe Wd
sensory i. w=
nF{ Charnley i. wKU Wd
impalement =uD chromium i. W]Od Wd
neurovascular i. wzU wB u chromium-cobalt-alloy i. XUu dJ WDOK Wd
IMP-Capello slimline IMP W]dG bOF U CKS i. CKS Wd
abduction pillow u^KU Continuum knee system uOMOu W d UN Wd
impedance WFUL*U r^ jOD implant
plethysmography coated i. UDG Wd
imperfecta h U cobalt i. XUu Wd
dentinogenesis i. hUM UF ^uJ cobalt chromium i. XUu d Wd
osteogenesis i. (OI) hUM rEF ^uJ i. collar WdG u
impinge vK bF rDd bDB condylar i. W]OLI Wd

- 335 -
Continuum knee system i. uOMOu W d UN Wd LaPorta i. Uu Wd
(CKS implant) LaPorta great toe i. Uu dOJ bI l Wd
CUI dorsal i. CUI W]OdN Wd Lawrence i. fM Wd
CUI malar i. CUI WOM Wd Lawrence first w
 wDA* qBH* Wd
curvilinear chin i. {_ WOMM s Wd metatarsophalangeal fM V
custom i. UBO=B WuMB Wd joint i.
Cutter i. d=u Wd i. material WdG ]U
DePuy orthopaedic i. UEF .uI Wd Wd metacarpophalageal i. W]O W]OFM Wd
u V
metal i. W]=eK Wd
dorsal columella i. dNE bOLF Wd i. metal WdG ^eK
dorsal column stimulator i. dNE uLF UM Wd metal-backed patellar i. =eK bM
0 W]OH{ Wd
double-stem i. e c Wd metallic i. W]=eK Wd
DTT i. DTT Wd metal orthopaedic i. UEF .uI Wd Wd
Duracon knee i. u u V
W Wd W]=eKH
Durallium i. uOu Wd Microloc knee i. udJO V
W d Wd
electrical i. WOzUdN Wd mobile bearing knee i. W =d WKU W Wd
Ewald-Walker knee i. b V
W d Wd modular i. W]bF Wd
dJ Neer II total shoulder V
U nJ UN Wd
i. failure UH WdG uB system i. 2 dO
i. fatigue WdG VF Niebauer i. UO Wd
fibrous tissue i. wHO ZO
Wd Niebauer-Cutter i. d=u UO Wd
finger joint i. wF qBH Wd orthotic attachment i. w1uI eJd Wd
fixed bearing knee i. W= WKU W Wd OsteoGen resorbable QAM* W]OLE uA Wd
flail i. WzU Wd osteogenic bone-filling i. 5uO_ j/ s WuB
Flatt i.  Wd Osteonics HA femoral i. HA fJOuO W]c  Wd
flexible hinge i. wMK WKU WMO W Wd patellar resurfacing i. wH{d `OD
 U Wd
i. forceps WdG jIK pectoralis muscle i. W]bB WKCF Wd
i. fracture WdG d
pedicle i. WIu
great toe i. dOJ bI l Wd percutaneous dorsal dNE uLF UM Wd
hemi-interpositional i. nB WLI nB Wd column stimulator i. bK'
WOU permanent i. WLz Wd
Hemi-Silastic i. p wL Wd pin i. W]Ou^ Wd
HIHA tendon i. HIHA Wd Wd plastic i. W]OJO WMb Wd
Ideal spinal i. Ub W]dI Wd plastic ball i. WMb W]d Wd
Insall-Burstein W]OLI q W Wd polymethyl methacrylate i. d UO* qOO wu Wd
intracondylar knee i. sUu U
processed carbon i. W'UF W]Oud Wd
joint i. W]OKBH Wd i. reaction WdG qUH
Koenig i. mOu Wd i. removal WdG e
Koenig total great toe i. U dOJ bI l Wd Scottish Rite Hospital vHA
W]dI Wd
ZOu spinal i. X guJ

- 336 -
Seeburger i. duO Wd toe i. bI l Wd
Septacin i. 5UO
 Wd trial i. W]Od Wd
Sgarlato toe i. bI l uU Wd tricompartmental i. UO W Wd
Silastic i. pOO Wd TSRH i. TSRH Wd
Silastic finger i. pOO l Wd unicompartmental knee i. e=O( W]U_ W d Wd
Silastic toe i. pOO bI l Wd Unilab Surgibone Ou V
W]Od Wd
silicone i. W]OuJOKO Wd surgical i. uOu
silicone MP i. MP W]OuJOKO Wd Vitallium i. uOUO Wd
single-stemmed toe i. bO c bI l Wd Weber i. d Wd
i. stage WdG WKd Weber hip i. d V
u Wd
i. stem WdG c Weil i. qU Wd
supraspinatus i. W uA u Wd Weil-modified Swanson i. V
W]bF* u
u Wd
Surgibone I. uOu Wd qU
Surgicel i. q
Ou Wd Zang metatarsal cap i. Z V
jA* u
i. survival rate WdG UOI ]bF Zeichner i. dMA Wd
Sutter i. du Wd Zymderm collagen i. db1 V
Swanson i. u
u Wd implantation d
Swanson carpal lunate i. V
wN wGd Wd collared Press-Fit femoral fd c H c' d
u stem i. uD XO
Swanson carpal scaphoid i. we wGd Wd noncollared Press-Fit fd c H c' d
u V
femoral stem i. u XO
Swanson finger joint i. V
wF qBH* Wd Screw i. VuK d
u implant-cement interface WdGK W]O WNO
Swanson great toe i. dOJ bI l Wd implanted bone growth dG* rEF =u/ UM
u stimulator
Swanson radial head i. V
dFJ Wd implants Ud
u implast X1
Swanson radiocarpal i. V
W]OG W]dF Wd I. adhesive X1 o
u I. bone cement X1 rEF XML
Swanson trapezium i. V
wF]d* rEF Wd impression UD
u basilar i. bU UD
Swanson ulnar head i V
be d Wd i. defect wUD VO
u i. fracture wUD d

Swanson wrist joint i. V
md qBH Wd impulse (UF ) WF
u i. inertial exercise trainer WFb WUD sU9 =b
Swiss MP joint i. MP fu qBH Wd mobilization with i. WF l pd%
Syed-Neblett i. XOKO bU Wd impulse-based nerve UF qJA wBF qI]M
Syed template i. bU Ud Wd transmission
titanium i. uOUO Wd In wK sU
titanium-alloy i. uOUO WDOK Wd internal wK sU

- 337 -
in w dorsal longitudinal i. y dN wu yo
i. situ arthrodesis tF{u w qBH* U dorsal transverse i. ywdN dF
i. situ spine fusion UNF{u w U
 Z dorsomedial i. w
ywdN yo
i. vivo study w( w W double i. e yo
inactivity WUD WUD DuVries i. ed ^o
electrical i. W]OzUdN WUD Dwyer i. d ^o
InCare brace dOJ UM fascia-splitting i. WUHK dU o
incarnatus V] VU fiber-splitting i. UO dU o
unguis i. VU dH fish-mouth i. WJL]
 rH tO o
incidence u Fowler-Philip i. VOKO dU o
myelopathy i. wU M u Gaenslen i. seU o
nonunion i. U b u Gaenslen split-heel i. VIFK dUA seU o
incise lDI ^oA Gatellier-Chastang i. ZMUA wOKU o
i. drape WuIA U goblet i. wQ o
incised wound w=I d Grice i. fd o
incision yo Griffith i. YHd o
abdominal i. wMD yo Henderson skin i. bK' ubM o
Banks-Laufman i. ULu fJU o Henry i. dM o
battledore i. WAd dC o hockey-stick i. w uN UB qJA yo
bikini skin i. wMOJO bK' o H-shaped capsular i. H qJA wEH o
Brockman i. UL d o inverted-Y i. WuKI* Y o
Bruser i. d o Jergesen i. s
d o
Bruser skin i. bK' d o j-shaped skin i. J qJA bK o
Burns-Haney i. UU eu ^o Kocher i. d u o
Burwell-Scott modification =oA uJ u qbF Koenig-Schaefer i. dHO ZOu o
of Watson-Jones i. eu u
lateral i. wA wU o
capsular i. wEH yo lateral utility i. wU' ULF o
Chang-Miltner i. dMKO ZUA ^o lazy-C i. ud C o
Charnley i. wKUA ^o lazy-S i. ud S o
chevron i. bd qJA yo L-curved i. L wMM* oA
Cincinnati i. wU]MO
MO o Loeffler-Ballard i. UU dKu o
Colonna-Ralston i. u
 U]uu ^o longitudinal i. wu o
Couvelaire i. dKOu ^o L-shaped i. L qJA o
Crawford i. ud ^o L-shaped capsular i. L qJA wEH o
Cubbins i. eMO=u ^o Ludloff i. uu o
Curtin i. 5u ^o Mayfield i. bKHU o
curvilinear i. {_ wMM yo McLaughlin-Ryder i. b sKu p o
deltoid-splitting i. WObK dU yo medial i. w
i. dilator oA l=u medial parapatellar i. WH{dK U w
dorsal linear i. ywdN w=D yo midaxillary line i. j nBM =j o

- 338 -
midline oblique i. qzU* nBM* ^o volar zig-zag finger i. =dF wF w o
Nicola i. uJO o V-shaped i. V qJA o
Ober i. d o Wagner skin i. bK' dMU o
oblique i. qzU o Watson-Jones i. eu u
Ollier i. tOO o Westin-Hall i. u 5 o
paramedial i. o nU]MK U o Y-shaped i. Y qJA o
 U Y-V-plasty i. Y-V d o
parapatellar i. WH{dK U o zig-zag i. =dF o
Picot i uJO o zig-zag finger i. =dF wF o
plantar longitudinal i. wBL wu o Z-plasty i. Z d o
posterior i. wHK o incisional w=I
posterolateral lDI d wU wHK o i. biopsy WO=I e We
costotransversectomy i. w{dF
* wFKC i. neuroma w=I wB
Pridie i. bd o incisura rK WLK
racquet-shaped i. dC* qJA o Inclan JM
relaxing i. U o I. bone graft JM wLEF rFD
relieving i. =dH o I. posterior bone block V
right-sided submandibular pH X dF
 o JM
transverse i. s1_ VU' w wKH
 Inclan-Ober procedure d JM d
saber-cut i. qJA wHO o inclination qO O
scived i. oU o angle of thoracic i. bB O* W
serpentine i. >uD o inclinaton O qO
S-flap i. S WKb
 o Sacral i. e O eF qO
skin i. bK o inclinometer O* UOI
split i. UDA o inclusion cyst W]OUL WO
split-heel i. VIFK dU o incomplete h U
S-shaped i. S qJA o i. dislocation hU lK
stab i. e o i. fracture hU d

standard retroperitoneal nK dU) w UOF o i. paraplegia hU wKH qK
flank i. UHB ud i. reduction hU y
Sutherland-Rowe i. bdu o i. syndactyly hUM lU_ UH
thoracoabdominal i. wMD b o i. tear WBU We
transverse i. dF
 o incontinence fK
T-shaped i. T qJA o urinary i. u fK
upright-Y i. uLF Y o incorporation U
u-shaped i. U qJA o bone graft i. wLEF rFD U
vertical midline i. uLF nBM* ^o increased e
volar i. wBL w o i. carrying angle e qL W
volar midline oblique i. qzU wBL w o i. depolymerization e* dLK W
j=u i. insertional activity e* dG UA]M

- 339 -
i. lateral joint space wU' wKBH* e=O( U indirect dU
wAu i. hypnotic suggestion dU w1uM U
increment after exercise sdL bF i. manipulation dU WKUM
incremental response be WU i. reduction dU y
incrementing response be WU i. triangulation dU YOK
incubation period WUC( d indium-111 111 ub
incurvated qbK sM ]uI i.-labelled leukocyte bone UCO U]dJU rEF fdH
incurvatum reflex ^uI fJFM scanning 111 ub_U Wuu*
independent exercise qI* sdL ZUd i. scintigraphy 111 ubU wUC duB
program Indocin 5b
Index WU] VM fb indoleacetic acid pOOb iL
Quetelet I. f b XOKu indomethacin UC 5UOb
Zung Depression I. Z V
index, pl. indices (VUM ) VM Indong Oh hip prosthesis Zb V u Wb
acromial spur i. (ASI) wd_ ULN* V
M indoprofen yUC s=J 5db
alignment i. nOd V
ankle-arm ischemic i. UH c qUJ V
M induction id
body mass i. (BMI) r
' WK V
M Pain i. r_ id
creatine: height i. UH V
M 5UdJ induration U
cyst i. W
M industrial physical wUM wzUeO ZUF
i. finger (2nd digit) wU l WU]
 therapist (IPT)
i. finger abduction WU]
 bOF inelastic d dO
index VM inequality U UH
Garden alignment i. U V
nOd V
M anatomic leg length i. wdA 5U
 u UH
Hospital Trauma I. vHA
* `{ V
M functional leg length i. wHOu 5U
 u UH
ischemic i. UH V
M leg length i. (LLI) 5U
 u UH
McMurtry Kinematic i p V
w d( V
M* inertia WUD
du moment of i. WUDF e
i. metacarpophalangeal joint wFM
 qBH* UM In-Ex ilium WMU dUE WH d(
reconstruction wU
 wU w
 inextensibility W]Ou
notch width i. (NWI) WLK U
= V
M inf wKH
Oswestry i. d
M inferior wKH
i. ray amputation WU]
K wUF d infancy UB U{d ^s
sciatic function i. (SFI) W]O u WHOu V
M hereditary neuropathy w wu UB_
Singh osteoporosis i. V
M of i. U{d =s
ZMO infant w lO{
Indiana UUb i. abduction splint lO{d bOF dO
I. conservative prosthesis UUb V
WEU Wb i. clown cast shoe lO{dK =dN* VU c
I. reamer UUb uI floppy i. u lO{
indifferent electrode UO wdN d premature i. Zb d

- 340 -
very-low-birth-weight i. iH M u lO{ herpetic i. WO
d b
]b human bite i. W]dA W]CF b
infantile wKH Meleney i. W]OMOKO b
i. cortical hyperostosis wKH dA r^EF d musculoskeletal i. W]OKJO W]OKC b
i. dermal fibromatosis wKH bK wHO mycobacterial i. d=DH*U b
i. fibromatosis wKH wHO nontuberculous W]O=K d=DH0 b
i. idiopathic scoliosis iU wKH nM mycobacterial i.
i. scoliosis wKH nM percutaneous i. W]bK b
i. spinal muscular atrophy wKH wU wKC uL{ percutaneaous bone bK' rEF wI b
i. tibia vara (ITV) wKH Z uM marrow i.
i. trigger digit W]OKH W]U l pin tract i. u^b pK
infarct UA postoperative i. WdK WOU b
bone i. rEF UA i. prevention bF s WUu
infarction UA Pseudomonas i. WHze b
bone i. rEF UA pyogenic spinal i. W=OI W]OU b
myocardial i. W]OKI WKCF UA spinal i. W]OU b
infected bFM superficial i. W]OD b
i. bone bFM rE tarsal joint i. wGd qBH* b
i. nondraining nonunion bFM* e]M dO U b unusual i. WuQ dO b U b
i. nonunion bFM* U b web space i. du e=O b
infection b infectious arthritis wzbF qBH* UN
aerobic i. W]OzuO b infera wKH
anaerobic i. W]OzuO b patella i. W]OKH WH{
aspergillosis i. U]OU]d b inferential therapy W]Ob W'UF
blood-borne i. u QAM s b inferior (inf) wKH
clostridial i. W]OD*U b i. angle W]OKH W
cryptococcal i. WOH
*U bF i. band cruciform wDdA qJA wOKB Ud
deep delayed i. WIOL WK b ligament wKH

deep wound i. oOLF d' b i. capsular shift (ICS) wKH wEH U
epidural space i. WOU' u e=O( b i. facet wKH tO
fascial space i. wUHK e=O( b i. glenohumeral ligament bC wU]I U
felon i. fb b (IGHL)
fungal i. W]dD b i. glide wKH e
gas-producing UGK WM* U]bIFU b i. ilioischial ligament wKH wJ wHd U
streptococcal i. i. laryngeal nerve wKH
 dM( VBF
genitourinary i. W]OKUM W]Ou b i. leaf W]OKH W
granulomatous i. W]OO WO b i. movement W]OKH W d
granulomatous fungal i. W]OO W]O W]dD b i. process wKH TU
hand i. bO b i. spurring wKH ULN
hematogenous i. QAM* W]u b i. thyroid artery wKH
 wb UdA

- 341 -
i. vena cava wKH
 u_ bu infragluteal crease W]u_ X WOM
i. vertebra W]OKH dI infraisthmal d X%
InFerno moist heat V Wd d(U W'UF infrapatella bursitis WH{d X d' UN
therapy udO infrapatellar WH{d X%
INFH dB i. fat pad WH{d X W]OM U
ischemic necrosis of c H dK UH d M i. plica WH{d X WOM
femoral head i. tendinitis WH{d X du UN
infiltrate `Ad `d i. tendon WH{d X du
fibrofatty i. wL wHO UA i. tendon rupture WH{d X du ^eL
infiltration UA i. view WH{d X dEM
root i. c' UA infrapedicle WIu X%
Infinity wOMOH infrared dL( X
I. femoral component wOMOH c  =uJ i. head dL( X W]F_
I. hip system wOMOH u UN i. light (IR) dL( X W]F_ u{
I. modular hip prosthesis V
W]bF* u Wb i. therapy dL( X WF]_U W'UF*
wOMOH i. thermography dL( X d( jOD
inflame dC VNK infraspinatus Wu]A X WKCF
inflamed synovial pouch WNK W]OKO WO i. muscle W uA X WKCF
inflammation UUN UN i. tendon W uA X WKCF d
prepatellar bursa i. WH{d U d' UN infraspinous fascia WuA X WUH
inflammatory wUN Ingebrightsen traction 5d$ ^d
i. fracture wUN d
Inge retractor Z UF
i. phase UN u Inglis-Cooper du eK
i. tenovaginitis du bL UN I.-C. release du eK dd
inflatable splint aHMK WKU dO I.-C. technique du eK WId
inflexion point wM WDI Inglis-Pellicci elbow od* qBH nOMB UN
inflow Ud wK Ud arthroplasty rating system wJKO eK V
u Inglis-Ranawat-Straub d U eK
i. cannula wKb Ud' ^wM I.-R.S. elbow synovectomy odLK wKOe UAG UB
vascular i. wzU wK Ud U eK V

influenzae bu WeM d

Haemophilus i. WOe]M WOb
* I.-R.-S. technique d U eK WId
information UuKF Inglis triaxial total elbow w U od* qBH
ballistic i. W]OM UuKF arthroplasty eK V U*
infraclavicular triangle u d X Y]K* Ingram-Bachynski uJ wJMU d nOMB
infraction w wze d d WHU classification of hip u
rEF fracture
i. fracture rEF w wze d
Ingram bony bridge V wLEF d' lD
Freiberg i. dOd WHU  resection d
infraganglionic injury W]bIF X WU Ingram-Canle-Beaty dJ wUA* rEF lD

- 342 -
epiphyseal-metaphyseal wO qU d V abdominal i. W]OMD WU
osteotomy acceleration/deceleration i. RUU
Ingram-Withers-Speltz d V wd( U accessory nerve i. wU{ VBF WU
motor test eKO d acromioclavicular joint i. ud wd_ qBH* WU
ingrown toenail VUM bI l dH i. algorithm WU W]Ou
ingrowth uA ankle i. qUJ WU
bone i. wLE uA annular i. W]OIK WU
i. fixation wuA XO athletic i. W]O{U WU
inguinal w avulsion i. W]OFK WU
i. approach w vQ axial compression i. W]u W]OUGC WU
i. hernia w o axial loading i. u* qOL WU
inhalant anesthesia uAMU w uA ZOM axillary nerve i. wD VBF WU
inhalation anesthesia w UAM ZOM bending toward the side of i. WU VU U=U UM
inherent motion WK= Q Wd bicycle i. W]b WU
inheritable disease w d birth i. bOu W] WU
inhibition test jO U bladder i. WU* WU
inhibitive traction `U ^d brachial artery i. bCF UdA WU
inhibitory postsynaptic pALK wU] ^wDO] bN' brachial plexus i. W]bCF dOHC WU
potential (IPSP) brachial plexus traction i. W]bCF dOHC =d WU
inion bump TU bLI UD (BPTI)
bLI brain i. Ub WU
initiation b Wb b burst i. W]UH WU
rhythmic i. (RI) wLE b Callahan extension of W]Od WU UN]U bbL
injection WMI sI UI cervical i.
alcohol i. uJ sI cervical nerve root i. wd wBF c' WU
Black peroneal tendon uEA du bL sI cervical spinal i. wd U M WU
sheath i. V
Chopart osseous joint i. V
cervical nerve root i. wd VBF c sI Uu
epidural steroid i. WOU' u bdO sI closed i. WIKG WU
facet i. tOu sI closed soft tissue i. WIKG* =UC ZO
i. injury sI( WU cold i. d WU
intramuscular i. WKCF q sI compressive flexion i. jUC wM WU
lumbar facet i. wMDI tOu sI contrecoup i. WdC l WU
lumbar nerve root i. wMDI VBF c sI crush i. W]Od WU
nerve root i. VBF c sI Danis-Weber classification UU d fO nOMB
peroneal tendon sheath i. uEA du bL sI of ankle i.s qUJ
steroid i. bdO
 sI dashboard i. U]O
 w ]bF Wu WU
i. study sI( W degloving i. U]HI e WU
i. technique sI( WId de Quervain i. Udu WU
injury WU Dias-Tachdjian WU UOOU U nOMB

- 343 -
classification of physeal i. W]uL_ Lisfranc i. pdH
diffuse axonal i. (DAI) dAM W]u WU liver i. W]b WU
distal tibial epiphyseal i. WOU W]OuM W]OUA WU long thoracic nerve i. quD bB VBF WU
distraction i. W]Od WU lower plexus i. W]OKH
elbow i. od* WU lumbar plexus i. W]OMDI dOHC WU
electrical i. W]OzUdN WU MacKinnon nerve i. uMO U VB WU
epiphyseal i. W]OUA WU medial brachial cutaneous bCF bK' VBF WU
Essex-Lopresti i. w
du fJ= WU nerve i. w

eversion i. nMA WU medial compartment i. W]O

Wu' WU
explosion i. W]UH WU median nerve i. j=u* VBF WU
extension-type cervical jL s W]Od U
 WU meniscal i. W]u WU
spine i. j
 metatarsophalangeal joint i. w
 wDA* qBH* WU
extensor tendon i. WDU d WU midcarpal i. md nBM WU
extravasation i. ^d
 WU middle column i. j_ uLF WU
femoral vein i. c H bu WU missile i. W]U WIKD WU
firearm i. UM =
 WU multiple i. =bF WU
flexion-distraction i. d wM WU muscle-tendon i. W]OKC W]d WU
Foucher classification of UU du nOMB musculocutaneous nerve i. bK' wKCF VBF WU
epiphyseal i. W]OUA* nerve i. W]OB WU
gamekeepers i. bzdD U WU neural i. W]OB WU
grease-gun i. rOA XOe W]ObM WU neurovascular i. W]OzU W]OB WU
Hardcastle classification of WU qU U nOMB nuclear i. W]u WU
tarsometatarsal joint i. wDA* wGd qBH* obturator nerve i. b=
head i. W]O WU open book pelvic i. UJ qJA W]O{u WU
hyperextension i. bbL d WU uH*
hyperflexion i. wM d WU osteochondral i. W]OdC W]OLE WU
iatrogenic i. QAM* W]O WU overuse i. WU ULF d WU
iliac artery i. wHd( UdA WU b d
infraganglionic i. W]bIF X WU paint-gun i. Ub W]ObM WU
injection i. sI( WU paint thinner i. Ub od WU
interosseous nerve i. sOLEF sO VBF WU pelvic i. W]O{u WU
inversion i. qbK I WU perihamate i. w]J rEF u WU
Klumpke i. tJuK WU peripheral nerve i. wDO VB WU
Knee i. W d WU peripisiform i. wB=L( rEF u WU
Knee ligamentous i. W]O W]OU WU qJA
laryngeal nerve i. dM( VBF WU peritapezial i. wF]d* rEF u WU
lateral compartment i. W]OAu Wu' WU peritrapezoidal i. wdM* rEF u WU
lateral compression i. W]OU W]OUGC WU peroneal nerve i. uEA VBF WU
lawn mower i. VAF ]e WU physeal i. W]uL WU
ligamentous i. W]OU WU pitching i. Xe UI WU

- 344 -
pleural i. W]uM WU softball sliding i. WM=OK dJU W]Oe WU
poland classification of W]uL_ WU bu nOMB soft tissue i. ud ZO
physeal i. spinal i. W]OU WU
posterior ligamentous i. W]OHK W]OU WU spinal accessory nerve i. wU ^M wU{ VBF WU
i. potential WU sU spinal cord i. wU ^M q( WU
predictor of i. WU vM spleen i. UD WU
pronation i. =VJ WU sports i. W]O{U WU
pronation-abduction i. bOF =VJ WU stable cervical spine i. ]dI
* W]Od U
pronation-eversion i. nMA =VJ WU sternoclavicular joint i. ud w=BI qBH* WU
pronation-eversion-external db nMA =VJ WU stress i. W]bN W]Od WU
rotation i. wU) stretch i. bbL] WU jODL WU
pseudogamekeeper's i. WUJ bzdD U WU subclavian artery i. ud X UdA WU
pudendal nerve i. wdH VBF WU subclavian vein i. ud X bu WU
Pugil stick i qOu UB WU subscapular artery i. nJ X UdA WU
radial artery i. dFJ UdA WU subscapular nerve i. nJ X VBF WU
radial nerve i. dFJ VBF WU supination i. UIK WU j
radioulnar joint i. be dFJ qBH* WU supination-adduction i. VdI j
recurrent laryngeal nerve i. ld dM( VBF WU supination-eversion i. nMA j
repetition strain i. (RSI) WU =dJ* UN WU supination-external wU) db j
=dJ* wu rotation i.
injury WU Supination-inversion i. qbK I j
Rockwood classification of WU u nOMB supination-inversion I db j
acromioclavicular i. W]ud W]Od_ rotation i. qbK
roller i. Ub* WU supination-plantar flexion i. wBL_ wM j
Rosenthal classification dHE UU U nOMB supraganglionic i. W]bIF u WU
of nail i.s Suprascapular nerve i. nJ u VBF WU
sacral plexus i. W]eF dOHC WU tarsometatarsal joint i. wDA* wGd qBH* WU
sacroiliac joint i. wHd( eF qBH* WU thermal i. W]d WU
Sage-Salvatore uUHU U nOMB thoracic i. W]b WU
classification of wd_ qBH* UU thoracic duct i. W]bB UMI WU
acromioclavicular joint i. ud thoracic nerve i. bB VBF WU
Salter-Harris epiphyseal i. dU V
W]OUA WU thoracoabdominal artery i. wMD bB UdA WU
f=U thoracodorsal nerve i. dNE bB VBF WU
scapuloclavicular i. W]ud W]OH WU thoracolumbar spinal i. wMDI bB U M WU
sciatic nerve i. w u VBF WU thoracolumbar spine U
 w wM d WU
self-induced i. cU W{]d WU flexion-distraction i. W]OMDI W]bB
sesamoid i. W]OUL
L WU three-column cervical W]O W]Od U
shearing i. W]O=B WU spine i. bL_
shotgun i. d) W]ObM WU throwing i. W]OHzc WU
sideswipe i. W]OU W]O{d WdC WU tibial nerve i. wuME VBF WU

- 345 -
tornado i. W]UB WU i. osteotomy v]L
 rEF lD
tracheal i. W]OU WU posterior i. wHK) v]L

trampoline i. uKN W]BM WU right posterior i. s1 wHK v]L

5ud i. vein v]L
translation i. vK wd W]OKI WU Innovative b b nOUuM
two-column cervical W]OzUM W]Od U
 WU I. Medical Products (IMP) dJ* W]O=D UM*
spine i. bL_ I. Medical Products UM* s dO UIK
ulnar artery i. be UdA WU Steri-Clamp (IMP dJ* W]O=D
ulnar collateral ligament i. be wU' Ud WU Steri-Clamp)
ulnar nerve i. be VBF WU Inronail finger or toenail dH bI l dH Wb
unstable cervical spine i. ]dI
 W]Od U
 WU prosthesis qUdM V l
ureter i. VU( WU Insall U
urologic i. W]Ou WU I. anterior cruciate ligament wU_ wOKB Ud UM
vascular i. W]OzU WU reconstruction U

Weber classification of W]uL_ WU d nOMB I. criteria U

physeal i. I. ligament reconstruction V
wringer i. W]O WU technique U

Zlotsky-Ballard U wJ
u nOMB I. patella alta method V
classification of W]ud W]Od_ WU U

acromioclavicular i. I. patellar injury V

Injury Severity Score (ISS) WU WU d classification U

Inland Super Multi-Hite V UEF .uI Wd dd I. procedure U

orthopaedic bed XU wKO du b I. proximal realignment U
wb nOd
inlay WFO d WuB uA Insall-Burstein sUu U
i. bone graft wFOd wLE rF I.-B. II modular knee V
W]bF* W d UN
i. grat wFOd rF system sUu U

inlet view qb* dEM I.-B. intracondylar knee WLIK q W d d

innate q= Q dD wIK implant sUu U

i. intelligence wIK U I.-B. knee prosthesis U

W d Wb
inner sU wK sUu
i. heel wedge (IHW) wK wI 5H I.-B. semiconstrained nB UO_ W]O W d Wb
i. table WMU WOHB tricompartmental knee U
innervation VOBF prosthesis sUu
reciprocal i. U VOBF Insall-Burstein-Freeman U V Wd qBH
innominate v]L knee arthroplasty U1d sUu
anterior i. wU_ v]L
 Insall-Hood reconstruction V UOM UM WId
i. bone v]L
 rEF technique u U
i. bone resection v]L
 rEF lD Insall-Salvati measurement wUHU U UO
left i. d
_ v]L
 insecurity dI U
i. movement U]L
 W d gravitational i. wU& WKIK dI

- 346 -
insert dG d staple i. ]d U
AliMed i. bO w d T-shaped i. T qJA U
Angled bearing i. ]e qU d TSRH hook i. TSRH V
=hA U
articular i. wKBH d inserter-extractor Wd* UG
cancellous i. wMH d compression i.-e. W]OUGC Wd
* UG
clamp i. UIK* d insertion d
cushioned shoe i. b]u* c( d i. activity UG UA
i. graft d rF anatomic i. wdA dG*
heel and sole i. hL_ VIF d anomalous i. U d
Hydragrip clamp i. Vd bO UIK d Bosworth bone peg i. V
wLEF bu d
New York University i. uuO WFU d uu
NYU orthosis i. uuO WFU uI d C-D rod i. C-D u^M d
orthotic shoe i. wuI* c( d i. equipment dG ]bF
Poly-Dial i. U wu d lag screw i. R^JK Vu d
polypropylene i. 5KOd wu d oblique screw i. qzU Vu d
Roho solid seat i. V
XLB* bFI* d pedicle screw i. WIu
 Vu d
u percutaneous pin i. bK' u^ d
shoe i. c( d Pierrot-Murphy UO V
w1bI dG
silicone gel socket i. wuJOKO
 wN aM
 d advancement i. wu
sole i. wBL d insertion dG
Spanko shoe i. uJU c d rerouting i. pK
* U dG
S-ROM Poly-Dial i. U wu d screw i. VuK d
UCB shoe i. u c d insertional excursion d uO
University of California, w UOuHOU WFU d inside-to-outside technique U) v qb s WId
Berkeley i. (UCBI) wK dO insidious wH qU
warm-and-form i. qJA 5
 d insole sU qFM U{
inserter WKb* UG Diab-A-Pad i. b U U{
Buck femoral cement c H LK dU( UG Diab-A-Sole i. u U U{
restrictor i. u V
Kinetic wedge molded i. w d( wMOH VuI* UC
CDH cup i. CDH nK U Plastazote i. U U{
cerclage wire i. ouD pK U PPT i. PPT U{
C-wire i. C pK
 U PPT flat i. PPT `]D
* UC
DDT lock screw i. DDT qUI VuK U PPT MXL soft moulded i. PPT VuI* fK_ UC
deluxe FIN pin i. dUH sU u^b U MXL
Kirschner wire i. dMdO pK U PPT Plastazote i. U PPT U{
Massie i. w=U U PPT RX firm moulded i. PPT RX rJ VuI U{
Moon-Robinson u
M u Wb U Viscoped i. buJ
O U{
prosthesis i. instability b dI U
Robinson-Moon u u
M Wb U dI
prosthesis i. i. of the ankle qUJ dI b

- 347 -
ankle i. qUJ dI b lunotriquetral i. w]K w dI b
anterior i. wU dI b medial column i. w
uLF dI b
anterolateral-anteromedial wU db dI b membrane i. UAG dI b
rotary i. w
wU wA midcarpal i. (MCI) md j dI b
anterolateral rotary i. wU db dI b multidirectional i. (MDI) UU= bb dI b
(ALRI) wA one-plane i. u
* U dI b
anterolateral rotary knee i. db W d dI b patellar i. wH{ dI b
wAu wU_ pelvic i. w{u dI b
anteromedial- wU db dI b perilunar i. wN u dI b
posteromedial rotary i. w
wHK w
posterior i. wHK dI b
anteromedial rotary i. w
wU db dI b posterolateral i. wU wHK dI b
atlantoaxial i. u wIN dI b posterolateral rotary i. wHK db dI b
atraumatic UU= bb dI b wA
multidirectional i. w{ posteromedial rotary i. w
wHK db dI b
axial i. u dI b progressive perilunar i. w=d* wN u dI b
capitate-lunate i. dOJ 5LEF dI b radiocarpal i. wG dF dI b
wN repair of the knee for b V
W d `OKB
carpal i. wG dI b rotatory i. db dI
collateral ligament i. wU' Ud dI b rotary i. db dI b
combined i. dA dI b rotational i. db dI b
congenital atlantoaxial i. u wIN dI b sagittal plane i. wLN
*U dI b
wIK scaphoid-lunate i. w w dI b
distal intercalated segment WLI* WFDI dI b shoulder i. nJ dI b
i. (DISI) WOUI spinal i. dI dI b
dorsal intercalary segment WLI* WFDI dI b straight lateral i. rOI
 wU dI b
i. (DISI) W]dNE subtalar i. qUJ X dI b
dorsiflexed intercalated WLI* WFDI dI b traumatic anterior i. w{ wU dI b
segment i. (DISI, dNE wMU triquetrolunate i. w w]K dI b
DISMAL) valgus i. w dI b
extension i. j
 dI b vertebral i. dI dI b
flexion i. wM dI b volar flexed intercalated WLI* WFDI dI b
functional i. wHO dI b segment i. (VISI) W]Od WOM*
intercalated segment i. WLI* WFDI dI b volar intercalcated segment WLI* WFDI dI b
joint i. qBH* dI b i. (VISI) W]Od
knee i. W d dI b installation procedure VOd d
lateral i. wU dI b install method VOd WId
lateral ankle i. wAu qUJ dI b instantaneous axis of dbK u u
ligamentous repair of the b V
W d WD `OKB rotation
knee for rotatory i. db dI Institute bU uU bNF
lumbar spine i. W]OMDI U
 dI b institutionalized patient wU]R id

- 348 -
Instron machine d WMU Acufex arthroscopic i. fJu qBH* dOEM
instrument ( ) anterior i. wU_ _ ULF
activating adjusting i. WLJ WK=FH anterior distraction i. wU_ d
(AAI) anterior Zielke i. WOU_ wJK
Arthrex arthroscopy i. f d qBH* AO fixateur interne i. AO sU XO
arthroscopic laser i. eOK qBH* dOEM AO notched i. AO WL]K* _
Atlas arthogonal V
bUF* dI Arthrotek Ellipticut pd W]bO _
percussion i. fK hand i. XJOO
battery-powered i. W]U]DU qLF bone-holding i.s rEF p

Cotrel-Dubousset spinal i. du V
W]dI cable-hook compression i. qJ =h UGC
XOu C-D i. C-D
Dreyfus prosthesis V
Wb WF{u compression i. UGC
placement i. uH compression Harrington i. W]OUGC u=U
electrosurgical i. W]OzUdN W]Od compression U rod i. wUGC U u^ ULF
Hall series 4 large bone i. s 4 r dOJ rEF Cotrel-Dubousset i. XOu du
u WuL Cotrel-Dubousset pedicle V
LAM i. screw i. XOu du
laser i. W]eO Cotrel-Dubousset V
Midas Rex pneumatic i. f bO V
W]Ozu pedicular i. XOu du
i. migration _ d distraction i. d
Monogram Total Knee i. V
W]U W d double Zielke i. We* wJK
duu Drummond spinal i. bu V
W]dIH _
orthopaedic cutting i. UEF .uI Wd' WFU Dwyer i. d ULF
paraspinal skin temperature d( W]d( We* Dwyer spinal i. d V
W]dIH _
thermocouple i. UIHK U: bK' dynamic compression UGC WOH ULF
reciprocal planing i. U* jOD  plate i. W]OJOUMb
RingLoc i. u ZM Edwards i.
Schema Assessment i. (SAI) wLOd rOOI endoscopic carpal tunnel i. wGd oHM dOEM
Scoli Tron i. d wuJ FIRST total knee i. V
W]U W d
Shea prosthesis V
Wb WF{u XdO
placement i. UO halo-Ilizarov distraction i. V
wUN d
single reference point i. bOu W]OFd* WDIM eO
(SRP instrument) SRP Harms-Moss anterior W]OU_ W]bB _
SRP i SRP thoracic i. u eU V

single reference point bOu W]OFd* WDIM Harrington i. u=U

instrument Harrington distraction i. V
Steffee i. wHO u=U
thermocouple i. W]d( We* Harrington-Kostuik i. uOu u=U
instrumentation ULF _ WuL Harrington rod i. u=U u^
_ hollow mill i. W]u* WMD*

- 349 -
Howmedica knee i. UJbOu V
W d Sielke i. wJKO
Jacobs locking hook i. V
* =hA skin-contact i. bK' UL
fu U spinal i. W]dIH _
Jacobs locking hook dIH u^M Steffee i. wHO
spinal rod i. V
* =hA Steffee spinal i. wHO V
W]dIH _
fu U Stryker power i. V
W]O bI
Jacobs locking spinal w
* dIH u^M dJd
rod i. fu U V
i. system _ UN
Kambin and Gellman i. ULKO sU total knee i. W]U W d
Kaneda anterior spinal i. V
bOU Universal i. UdHOu _
Locking hook i. w
* =hA variable screw placement VuK WF{u UN
Louis i. fu system i. d=OG*
lumbar spine i. W]OMDI U
 VSP plate i. VSP WOH
lumbosacral spine UIu d _ ULF Wisconsin interspinous 5 W]OFDI W]dIH _
transpedicular i. W]eF W]OMDI U
 segmental spinal i. s
uJ V

Luque i. uO u Zielke i. wJK ULF
Luque II segmental W]OFDI W]dIH _ Zielke pedicular i. wJK V

spinal i. II uO u instrument, sponge, and d ZMH bF
Luque segmental spinal i. uO u W]OFDI W]dIH _ needle count
Luque semirigid nB W]OFDI W]dIH _ insufficiency uB
segmental spinal i. uO u V
WKB abductor i. b=F* uB
Mayfield i. bKOHU active i. U]F uB
McElroy i. d p i. fracture uBI d

modular i. W]bF* _ ligamentous i. wU uB
Moreland total hip U u `OIM mechanical i. w uB
revision i.s bu V
muscle i. WKCF uB
instrumentation _ ULF passive i. wK qFHM uB
muliple hook assemply WO=BA WuL: peripheral vascular i. wDO wzU uB
C-D i. C-D =bF* transverse plane motion i. u
*U W d( uB
posterior i. wHK) _ ULF dF
posterior cervical spinal i. W]OHK) W]Od W]dIH _ insufflate aHM
posterior distraction i. wHK) d insulin 5u
posterior hook-rod spinal i. u^M W]dIH _ nasal i. wH 5u

wHK >h Intact XU

Putti-Platt i. wu intact W rOK
sacral spine modular i. W]bF* eF UIH cranial nerves II-XII i. ULOK 12 2 UOHI UBF
sacral spine Universal i. UdHOu eF UIH I. dressing X U bOLC
segmental i. W]OFDI _ neurologically i. U]OB rOK
segmental spinal i. (SSI) W]OFDI W]dIH _ neurovascularly i. UOzU U]OB rOK

- 350 -
i. neurovascular status WLOK W]OzU W]OB WU i. arthrodesis sOL
sO qBH* U
peripheral pulses dUM rOK wDO i i. fusion sOL
sO Z
symmetrical and i. i. graft sOL
' sO rF
i. spinous lamina WLOK W]O u WOH i. spinal fusion Z sOL
sO dI Z
i. spinous process rOK w u TU 5dI sOL
intake ub intercalary rI
energy i. WUD ub i. allograft rI u rF
Integral qU d i. allograft procedure rI* u rFD d
I. hip system d V
u UN i. diaphyseal allograft rI wb u rF
I. Interlok femoral d W]U W]OUM W]c  Wb i. graft rI rF
prosthesis ud i. resection rI lD
integrated q]LJ qUJ intercalated segment WLI* WFDI dI b
i. electromyography qUJ* qCF W]OzUdN jOD instability
i. shape and imaging UN qUJ* qJA intercarpal m^d UE sO U]OGd sO
system (ISIS) duB i. arthrodesis U]OGd sO qBH* U
integration Z qUJ i. articulation U]OGd sO qBHL
body side i. r
' VU qUJ i. joint U]OGd sO qBH
sensory i. w=
qUJ i. ligament U]OGd sO U
integrity UL intercellular U) sO
soft tissue i. UC ZO
M UL interclavicular ligament sOu d sO U
Integrity acetabular cup wd w=I( nK Vu intercondylar sOLIK 5
screw i. drill guide sOLIK sO VI* qO
Intelect 600MP XJOK dJ* U]O UM i. femoral fracture sOLIK sO c  d

microcurrent stimulator 600MP i. fracture sOLIK sO d

InteliJet fluid management V qzu dOb UN i. humeral fracture sOLIK sO bC d

system XO wK i. notch sOLIK sO WLK
intelligence U i. roof sOLIK sO nI
innate i. dD U i. space sOLIK sO e=O
universal i. qU U U i. tibial fracture sOLIK sO wuM d

intensification bbA intercostal {_ sO w
image i. uB bbA i. artery w Ud
intensifier =bA i. flap W]O WKb
image i. uB =bA i. nerve w VB
intention bB i. neuralgia w wB r
primary i. w]_ bBI* i. restriction w UB
i. tremor bB UH i. space (ICS) w e=O
intentional rotation bB db i. vein w b
interarticularis 5KBH sO intercostobrachial nerve bC w VB
pars i. 5KBH* 5 e' intercritical time 5d sOu sO se
interbody U_ sO intercuneiforme 5OMOH sO

- 351 -
os i. 5OMOH sO rE i. screw technique qb Vu WId
interdigital wu vertebrogenic i. QAM* UI qb
i. corn wu d interferential qb wKb
i. ligament wu U i. current wKb U]O
i. nerve wu VB i. therapy W]OKb W'UF
i. neuroma wu wB interfragmentary d wb
interdischarge interval 5GdH 5 WK UH i. compression wb UGC
interdisciplinary vocational =bF* wMN* rOOI ZUd i. lag screw wbA R^JK Vu
evaluation program U UB i. lag-screw wbA R^JK Vu
interface WNO i. screw wb Vu
acetabular prosthetic i. W]O=I W]Ob WNO i. wire wb pK
bone-cement i. rEF  WNO intergluteal cleft sOO_ 5 `KH
bone-implant i. rEF Wd WNO interilioabdominal sD WH d( sO d
bone-peg i. rEF b WNO amputation
bony i. W]OLE WNO interinnominoabdominal sOO]L sO]D) sO ywMD
cement i. W]O WNO i. amputation sOO]L
 sO]D) sO ywMD d
cement-bone i. * rEF WNO i. cleft sOO]L
 sO]D) sO ywMD `K
cup-cement i. nK * WNO interlaminar `zUHB sO
fascial-muscle i. W]OUH W]OKC WNO i. clamp `zUHB sO UIK
implant-cement i. WdG * WNO interleukin-1 beta release UO 1 5ud dd
long-term WKuD W]OLEF _ WNO interlocking VUM
bone-instrumentation i. b_ distal i. U VUM
pin-bone i. u^b rEF WNO interlocking VUM
prosthesis i. Wb WNO i. medullary nail wUM uI UL

prosthesis-cement i. Wb * WNO i. nail wUM UL

soft tissue i. UC ZO
M WNO i. nailing wUM dOL

interfacet tO proximal i . VUM

i. wiring tOu pOK
intermediate j=u
i. wiring and fusion t tOu pOK
i. bundle WD=u We
interfascicular e( sO i. C-D hook C-D j=u yh
i. epineurectomy e( sO wBF bLG lD i. dorsal cutaneous nerve ^wdNE bK' VBF
i. epineurotomy e( sO wBF bLG lC j=u*
i. Millesi nerve graft e( sO w
=KO VBF rF i. interference pattern j=u* qb d
i. nerve graft e( sO VBF rF i. phalangectomy vDu W]O
interference d qb intermedius wUD
i. fit qb Wu vastus i. WKC W]OUDu WF
i. fit fixation qb Wu XO intermedullary wIM sL{
nerve i. wB qb i. nailing wIM sL{ dOL

i. pattern qb d i. rod fixation wIM sL{ u^M XO

i. screw qb Vu intermetacarpal lM UE 5 qBHL

- 352 -
articulation i. rotation deformity wKb db ^uA
intermetatarsal jA* UE sO i. rotation exercise wKb db sdL
i. angle jA* UE 5 We i. rotation in extension (IRE) j
 w wK db
i. nerve jA* UE 5 VBF i. rotation in flexion (IRF) wM w qbK db
intermetatarseum jA* UE 5 i. rotator WKC W]OK =b
os i. jA* UE 5 rE i. spinal fixation wK dI XO
intermittens l=DI i. spring sU U]
myotonia i. l=DI* qCF d^Q i. tibial torsion (ITT) sU wuM u
intermittent l=DI i. topography W]OK W]OdG
i. casting WF=DI Wu i. version wK qu%
i. cervical traction (ICT) l=DI w yd internal-external wU wK
i. compression l=DI UGC i.-e. ilium (In-Ex ilium) W]OU W]OK WHd
i. paresthesia l=DI c i.-e. rotation wU wK db
intermuscular (IM) CF sO internally rotated qbK ]b
i. septum CF 5 eU International w*U w
internal (In) wK sU I. Headache Society (IHS) W]Ob bB W]OFL
i. carotid artery sU wU
 UdA I. Listing System wb Wb' UN
i. derangement wK I. 10 - 20 System 20 10 wb UE=M
i. derangement of the knee W d sU interne wK
(IDK) AO/ASIF fixateur i. AO/ASIF wKb X=*
i. fixation apparatus wKb XO UN AO fixateur i. AO wKb X=*
i. fixation, closed reduction wK XO oKG Dick AO fixateur i. p V
AO wKb X=*
i. fixation plate-screw XOK WOHB VuK UN fixateur i. wK X=
system wKb fixator i. (FI) wK X=
i. fixation spring wKb XO U] iternervous plane 5B 5 u
i. fixator system sU X=* UN interns triangle in hip dO VU w wKb Y]K*
i. hemipelvectomy b d w=I yw{u d spica cast W]OKM u
u( s sO]OKH^
 sOd]D interoceptor wK q=I
wK]b postural i. wF{ wK q=I
i. iliac artery dzUG ^wHd( Ud=A interosseous sOLEF sO UEF 5
i. iliac vein dzUG wHd( bu i. branch UEF 5 d
i. jugular vein dzUG wu bu i. compartment UEF 5 Wu e=O
i. microneuroanalysis wK dN wB qOK i. ligament UEF 5 U
i. movement W]OK W d i. membrane UEF 5 UA
i. neurolysis UJ dzUG VBF Vd i. muscle UEF 5 WKC
dzUG VBF i. nerve UEF 5 VB
i. oblique muscle dzUG WKzU* WKCF i. nerve injury UEF 5 VBF WU
posteroinferior i. (PIIn) wKH wHK sU i. syndrome UEF 5 W*
i. rotation wK db i. tendon UEF 5 d
i. rotational gait qbK W]db WOA i. wire fixation UEF 5 pK

- 353 -
interpeak interval 5 5 WK UH interspinous sUM 5
interpediculate UIu 5 i. ligament sUM
 5 U
interpelviabdominal u( sD sO cH d i. pseudoarthrosis sUM
 5 U UB
amputation i. segmental spinal W]O uA _ ULF WId
interperiosteal fracture w UL 5 d instrumentation technique sUM
interphalangeal (IP) U]O 6 (ISSI)
i. amputation U]O
 5 d i. wiring sUM
 5 pOK

i. articulation U]O
 5 qBH interstices W]K
distal i. (DIP) wUI UO
 5 qBH* bone i. rEF W]K
i. joint (IPJ) U]O
 5 qBH interstitial w
i. joint dislocation U]O
 5 qBH* lK i. fluid w qzU
proximal i. (PIP) wb U]O
 5 qBH* i. meniscal tear W]O W]O We
i. tenodesis U]O
 5 du WUO i. tear W]O We
interphalangeus U]O 5 intertransversarii W{dF* TuM 5 CF
hallux i. bI UN U]O 5 dIH w
interposition U i. laterales musculi TuM 5 W]OAu CF
i. membrane wU rI UA W{dF
soft tissue i. UC ZO
M U i. mediales lumborum 5 W]O
interpositional wU rI musculi W{dF
* TuM
i. elbow arthroplasty wU od* qBH intertransverse w 5{dF
* sOUM 5
i. shoulder arthroplasty wU nJ qBH dIH
interpositioned rI i. fusion w 5{dF
* sOUM 5 Z
interpotential interval sOMU 5 WK UH dIH
Inter-Royal frame wA) UEF .uI Wd dd i. ligament 5{dF
* sOUM 5 Ud
orthopaedic bed U d V U dIH w
interrupted suture WF=DI WUO intertrigo c
interscalen block U]OFL_ 5 UB intertrochanteric sb* sO
intersection syndrome UFUI W i. femoral fracture sb* sO c  d

intersegmental lDI sO i. four-part fracture sb* sO e_ wU d

i. mobility lDI 5 ^d i. fracture sb* sO d

i. motion lDI 5 W d i. osteotomy sb* sO rEF lD
i. movement lDI 5 W d i. plate sb* sO WOH
i. range of motion palpation lDI 5 W d( b ^f i. varus osteotomy sb* sO Z_ rEF lD
(IRMP) intertubercular Ub( 5
i. rotation lDI 5 db i. groove sOb 5 WeO
intersesamoidal U]OULL 5 i. plane sOb 5 u
intersesamoid ligament U]OULL 5 U interval WK U
interspace (IS) u u acromiohumeral i. W]bCF W]Od_ WKUH
atlantodental i. w=M
 wINH u anterior atlantoodontoid i. W]OU_ W]O=M
atlantoodontoid i. qJA w=M
 wINH u atlantodens i. (ADI) W]O=M W]OIN WKU

- 354 -
atlantodental i. (ADI) W]O=M W]OIN WKU i. clavicle qBH* q ud
atlas-dens i. W]O=M W]OIN WKU i. diclocation qBH* q lK
deltopectoral i. W]b W]O WKU i. disk ligament qBH* q dI U
interdischarge i. 5GdH 5 WKU i. fracture qBH* q d

interpeak i. 5 5 WKU i. knee fusion qBH* q W d Z
interpotential i. sOMU 6 WKU i. loose body qBH* q qIKI r

posterior atlantoodontoid i. W]OHK) W]O=M

 W]OINH WKUH i. osteochondroma q wdC wLE
recruitment i. WF WKU qBH*
response i.'s WU qu i. osteotomy qBH* q rEF lD
Scheff i.'s wHO qu i. procedure qBH* q d
trapeziodeltoid i. WOb WdM* t WKUH i. proximal tibial fracture qBH* q wuM d

intervening ju q]K i. reconstruction qBH* q UM
i. connective tissue w yU{ ZO
i. structure qBH* q WOM
i. muscle W]O WKC intracapsular WEH; q
intervention j^u q^b i. fracture WEH; q d

late i. d=Q q^b i. osteotomy WEH; q rEF lD
intervertebral sOdIH 5 Intracath needle Ud d
i. disk sOdIH 5 d intracellulare U) q
i. disk disorder sOdIH 5 dI dD{ Mycobacterium i. Wud WO]u' d=DH*
i. disk height sOdIH sO dI UH intracompartmental e=O( q
i. disk herniation sOdIH sO dI UH i. edema e=O( q W
intervertebral sOdIH 5 i. ischemia e=O( q UH
i. disk narrowing 5 dI dI o^OC intracortical dAI q
sOdIH i. fibrous dysplasia dAI q wHO b
i. motor unit sOdIH 5 W =d b i. osteogenic sarcoma q QAM* W]OLE Wu U
i. notch sOdIH 5 WLK dAI
intervolar plate ligament w wBL wOH U intractable platar keratosis IPK b=MF wBL dI
intestinal ileus uF u^K (IPK)
intoeing bI UN intracuticular stitch bOK' q d
intolerance q^L intradermal suture W]O WUO
cold i. d q^L intradiscal pressure dI q jGC
fingertip cold i. lU_ w d q^L intradural WOU' q
qU_ i. dorsal rhizotomy WOU' q dNE c' lC
intraabdominal pressure sD q jGC i. dorsal spinal root dNE wU M c' lC
intraacetabular =o( q rhizotomy WOU' q
intraarticular qBH* q i. tumor surgery WOU' q u Wd
i. arthrodesis wKb qBH* U intraepiphyseal osteotomy WUA* q rEF lD
i. body qBH* q r
Intraflex intramedullary wIM q u^b Wd
i. cautery qBH* q yw pin extractor fJKd
i. cautery device qBH* q =wJ eON intrafusal fiber eG* q nO

- 355 -
intralesional excision W q UB intraorganically induced W]uCF q ]d
intramedullary (IM) wIM q intraosseous rEF q
i. alignment jig wIM q nOd t=u i. abscess rEF q d
i. alignment rod wIM q nOd u^ i. ganglia rEF q bI
i. bar wIM q pK i. ganglion rEF q bI
I. canal wIM q UM i. lipoma rEF q wL
i. drill wIM q VI i. membrane rEF q UA
i. graft wIM q rF i. nerve transposition rEF q VBF l{ dOOG
i. nail wIM q UL
 i. osteosarcoma rEF q W]OLE Wu U
i. nailing (IMN) wIM q dOL
i. probe rEF q U

i. pin wIM q u^ i. tumor rEF q
i. rod wIM q u^ i. venography rEF q bu duB
i. rod fixation wIM q u^M XO i. wire rEF q pK
i. saw wIM q UAM i. wiring rEF q pOK

i. stem wIM q c intrapelvic protrusio u( qb =o( U

intramembranous UAG q q^JA acetabulum
formation intraprosthetic Wb q
intramuscular (IM) WKCF q intrascaphoid angle w e q W
i. injection WKCF q sI Intrasite dressing XUd bOLC
i. lengthening WKCF q quD intraspinous muscle WuA q WKC
i. nerve transposition q VBF l{ dOOG itraspongy nuclear disk q uM dI UH
WKCF herniation wMH
i. recording WKCF q qO
intratendinous du q
intramuscular, q CF 5 u^ intrathecal dI q
intermuscular, wIM q WKCF Lioresal I. wdI q U
intramedullary rod intrathecal anesthesia dI q ZOM
intraneural VBF q intrathecally-enhanced CT =eF* Wu* W]OFDI* WdH
i. fibrosis VBF q n^OK scan dI q
i. lipofibroma VBF q wL wHO intravenous bu q
intraoperative W]OKLF UM w W]OKLF q i. block anesthesia bu q UB ZOM
i. cell saver UM w U) kU szU i. pyelogram bu q WCu( duB
W]OKLF i. regional anesthesia bu q wU ZOM
i. complication W]OKLF UM w WHUC i. therapy bu q W'UF
i. dural tear W]OKLF q W]uU We intravertebral foramen 5dI 5 W]I
i. fracture W]OKLF UM d
i. neck hyperextension W]OKLF UM w oMF bbL d intrinsic wK sL{ QAM* wK
i. roentgenography W]OKLF UM w wUFA duB i. contracture QAM* wK l^HI
i. stress-relaxation W]OKLF w dJ U finger i. QAM* wK l
i. view W]OKLF UM w dEM i. function QAM* W]OK WHO
i. x-ray W]OKLF UM w X WF i. minus deformity QAM* wKb hIM ^uA

- 356 -
i. minus hallux QAM* wKb bI UN UO inversion-eversion nMA qbK I
i. minus position QAM* wKb hIM l{ i.-e. exercise nMA qbK I sdL
i. muscle W]OK WKC i.-e. rotation nMA qbK I db
i. muscle strength W]OKb WKCF ]u invert VKIM dM
i. paralysis QAM* wK qK inverted uJF uKI
i. plus deformity QAM* W]OKb Ue ^uA i. champagne bottle leg UOULA WU qJA U
i. restoration W]OK Wb QAM* wK rOd WuKI*
QAM* i. skin flap WuJF WuKI WbK WKb
i. test QAM* wK U i. smile WuKI WU

i. transverse connector QAM* W]OK W{dF

 WKO inverted-Y WuKI Y
i. transverse connector W{dF
* WKOu WHO i.-Y. fracture WuKI* Y qJA d

role QAM* W]OKb i.-Y. incision WuKI* Y qJA o
i. vascular disease QAM* wK wzU d inverting knot technique WuKI* bIF WId
introducer Ub invertor force WU ]u
Dumon-Gilliard UOKO u1 Wb Ub investing fascia WH=KG WUH
prosthesis i. involucrum UM wLE U
staple i. ]d Ub involuntary activity UA
intubation VOM involvement UM ^u UL
endotracheal i. ywU VOM tumorous i. w UM
invagination G vertebral artery i. dIH UdA UM
basilar i. bU G inward rotation qb v db
endplate i. W]OzUN WOHB G iodine-labeled fibrinogen uOU uu 5uMd
invasion e iodine starch test uO UAM U
vascular i. wzU e iodoform gauze uuO U
Inventory d b uMH iodophor solution uuO uK
Beck Depression I. pO V
b contrast media sU U
Milion Behavioral Health I. W]UF W]O uK
 W]B U ion-bombarded uBI wUu d
(MBHI) cobalt-chromium Uu_U
Minnesota Multiphasic _ =bF* Uu
OMO U iontophoresis dA wu U
Personality I. (MMPI) W]OB ]AK Dynaphor i. uUM dA
Westhaven Yale U* =bF* r_ U ion transfer u_ qI
Multidimensional Pain I. U sUN
Iowa u
(WHYMPI) I. degenerative chang u V
^JM ^b
inversion qbK I I. hip score u V
u d
i. ankle stress view VKIM* qUJ UN dEM I. hip status system u V
qbK I. implant material u Wd ]U
i. injury qbK I WU I. internal prosthesis u V
i. of muscle action qbK WKCF qL I I. prosthesis u Wb
restricted i. ]b qbK I I. total hip prosthesis u V
U u Wb
i. stress test qbK I UN U IP dB

- 357 -
interphalangeal UO
 sO irregular potential rEM dO sU
IPJ dB irrigating solution uK
interphalangeal joint UO
 5 qBH irrigation
IPK dB i. bulb WKB
intractable planntar keratosis b=MF wBL dI i. burn d
I-plate I WOHB closed i. oKG
Syracuse anterior I.-P. u dO W]OU_ I WOHB i. solution uK
IPOP dB i. suction ^h
immediate postoperative WdK WOU Wu Wb i. system UN
prosthesis i. tube u
ipos arch support system wc uI U UN wound i. d'
IPSF dB irrigator d
immediate postsurgical Wd' bF W]uH WLz* Baumrucker clamp i. d du UIK d
fitting Fisch bone drill i. gO V
rEF VI d
ipsilateral VU' fHM jet i. wI d
i. femoral neck fracture VU' fHM c H oM d
ophthalmic i. wMO d
i. femoral shaft fracture VU' fHM c H r
pulse i. iU d
i. nerve root lesion VU' fHM wBF c' W irritability W]O^ON W]OuO
IPSP dB nerve root i. wBF c' W]OuO
inhibitory postsynaptic pALK wU] ^wDO] bN' soft tissue i. ud ZO
potential irritable Z^ON] ld Z=ON uO
IPT dB i. lesion uO W
industrial physical therapist wUMB wzUeOH ZUF* i. symptom uO d
IR dB irritation ZOON Z^ON
infrared light dL_ X u]C i. callus w^ON c
isotonic reversal d^u u UJF facet joint i. tOu qBH Z^ON
IRE dB nerve root i. wBF c' Z^ON
internal rotation in extension j
 w wK]b db sciatic nerve i. w u VBF Z^ON
IRF dB Irwin osteotomy s V rEF lD
internal rotation in flexion wM w wK]b db IS dB
iridocyclitis wbN r' W]OeI UN interspace wMO e=O u
iris scissors W]OeI ^hI ischemia UH
IRMP dB capillary i. dOF UH
intersegmental range of lDI 5 W d( U ^f exercise i. wMdL sdL UH
motion palpation intracompartmental i. e=O( q UH
iron bb muscle i. WKCF UH
Jewett bending i. Xu wM( bb tourniquet i. WUF UH
irradiation lOFA vasospastic i. wzU w^MA UH
i. fibromatosis wFOFA wHO Volkmann i. ULJu UH
irreducible fracture wu d warm i. yU UH

- 358 -
ischemic UH bony i. W]OLE de
i. compression UH UGC i. flap W]de WKb
i. contracture UH l^HI i. graft de rF
i. disease UH d i. skin flap wKb bK rF
i. index UH V
M isodynamic u wJOUM
i. limb dHI UH d isoelastic pelvic prosthesis Wd* WU W]O{u Wb
i. myositis UH WKCF UN isograft u rF
i. necrosis of femoral head c H d UH d bone i. wLE u rF
(INFH) isoinertial WUDF u
ischemic-tourniquet W]UH W UF WId isokinetic u wd
technique i. exercise u w d sdL
ischial w wJ i. joint apparatus u w d( qBH* UN
i. brace wJ UM i. knee extension u w d( W d j

i. containment socket wJ u aM i. movement ^d W]u W d

i. spine W]OJ W u i. performance W d( W]u
i. tuberosity W]OJ Wb_ i. torque imbalance w d( db e u
i. weightbearing leg brace uK qU( U
 UM u
wJ Isola spinal implant system e W]OuA WdG UN
i. weightbearing ring W]OJ u bM
 WIK I. s. i. s. accessory W]O uA WdG WKL oK
ischial-bearing seat wJ bM* bFI e
ischial-gluteal wJ u bM aM I. s. i. s. anchor W]O uA WdG WKL eJd
weightbearing socket u_ e
ischiogluteal u wJ I. s. i. s. application W]O uA WdG WKL oOD
i. bursa u_ wJ d' e
i. bursitis u_ wJ d' UN I. s. i. s. eye rod WdG WKL' sO u^
ischiopubica wU wJ e W]O uA
osteochondritis i. dCG rEF UN I. s. i. s. hook W]O uA WdG WKL ^h
ischiorectal fossa wUF wJ e
ischium W]OLOI* W]OJ dH( I. s. i. s. iliac post WdG WKL' W]OHd( WUb
Iselin disease p e W]O uA
Isherwood projection 5e I. s. i. s. iliac screw WdG WKL' wHd Vu
Ishizuki unconstrained d d e W]O uA
elbow prosthesis V b]OI* dO od* Wb I. s. i. s. plate-rod WKL' WOH u] WHOu
weO combination e W]O uA WdG
ISIS dB isolated eF
integrated shape and b]u* qOJA duB UN i. avulsion eF lK
imaging system i. dislocation eF lK
ISIS screening fe wUFA dOEM i. paralysis eF qK
island de i. zone WeF WIDM
bone i. W]OLE de isologous graft ZU rF

- 359 -
isometer d dO VUL de Injury Severity Score WU WU d
I. bone graft placement site rFD l{ WF{u UAJ ISSI dB
detector de V
wLEF interspinous segmental W]O uA _ ULF WId
CA-5000 drill-guide i. CA 5000 VI* qO dO spinal instrumentation sUM
isometheptene mucate 5OOe U u technique
isometric UUI* ^u isthmic wd
i. cervical extension u wd j
 ]u i. spondylolisthesis wd UIH e
strength UUI* i. spondylolisthesis 1jLM wd UIH e
i. contraction UUI* yu h^KI (type 1)
i. exercise UUI* yu sdL isthmus d
i. force UUI* Wu ]u Isuprel qde
i. point UUI* W]u WDI IT dB
i. technique UUI* Wu WId iliotibial wuM wHd
isometricity UUI* W]u ITB dB
isoniazid qK bUOe iliotibial band wuME wHd( jdA
isophendylate bMe ITB fasciitis wHd( jdA WUH UN
isoproterenol l=u uMdOde wuME
VKIK t=M UBIK itraconazole Uud
Isoptin 5e Itrel qd wIK
Isostation B200 200 sUe programmed-transmitter- qd Zd
Isotechnologies B-200 low wuuMJe dNE qH WMU receiver
back machine B-200 ITT dB
Isotoner glove due U]H internal tibial torsion wK wuM u
isotonic d^u ^u ITV dB
i. contraction d^u ^u h^KI infantile tibia vara wKH Z uM
i. exercise d^u ^u sdL Ivalon prosthesis uU Wb
i. reversal (IR) d^u ^u UJF IVF dB
isotonics d^u U]u intravertebral foramen 5dI 5 W]I
combination of i. (COI) du U]u WHOu ivory bone ywU rE
Israel retractor qOzd UF Iwashi clamp approximator wu V UIK* dI*

- 360 -
Jaboulay amputation uU d jack-knife test U]J 5=J U
Jaccoud Syndrome uU W Jackson uU
jack uH db b* J. bone-extension clamp V rEF =b UIK
Honda j. bu b uU
turnbuckle j. ]bA b J. bone-holding clamp V rEF p UIK
jacket XOU d uU
body j. r' d J. broad-blade staple idF =]d uU jIK
flexion body j. wM r d forceps WKBM
Frejka j. UJd d J. clamp uU UIK
halo j. W]OU d J. spinal surgery and W]dIH Wd' duB WU
halo body j. wUN r' d imaging table uU V
halo traction j. WOUN =d' d Jackson-Gorham syndrome Uu uU W
kydex body j. fbO V r' d jacksonian epilepsy wuU d
Low Profile plastic body j. wJO r' d Jackson-Pratt drain d uU eM
qOd Jacksonville sling qOHuU F
Minerva j. UdOMO d Jacobs fuU
Minerva cervical j. UdOMO V W]O d J. chuck fuU iI
Orthoplast j. Xu d J. chuck adapter fuU V iI* WR
plastic body j. W]OJO r' d J. chuck drill fuU V iI* VI
Prenyl j. qOMd d J. locking hook V w* =hA
Royalite body j. XOU r' d instrumentation fuU
underarm body j. c X r' d J. locking hook spinal rod hA wuA u^M
Vitrathene j. 5dO d fuU V w*
Von Lackum transection W]O=DI W u u d J. locking hook spinal rod dIH u^M
shift j. instrumentation V w* =hA
Wilmington j. uMOLK d fuU
Wilmington plastic j. W]OJO uMOLK d J. locking hook spinal rod dIH u^M qbF

- 361 -
instrumentation V w* =hA Jansey wU
modification fuU J. procedure wU d
J. locking hook spinal rod =hA dIH u^M WId J. technique wU WId
technique fuU V w* Japanese Orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd WD
J. locking spinal rod w* dIH u^M Association (JOA) W]OUUO
instrumentation fuU V Japas UU
J. rod fuU u^ J. osteotomy UU V rEF lD
Jacoby wuU J. V-osteotomy V V qJA rEF lD
J. bunion splint wuU V WFu dO UU
J. heel splint wuU V VIF dO Jarcho-Levin syndrome sHO uU W
Jacquet fixator wuU X= Jarit XU
Jaddassohn-Lewandowsky wJbu u^U W J. anterior resection clamp V wU_ lDI UIK
syndrome XU
Jaffe tO=
U J. cartilage clamp XU V dCG UIK
J. disease tO=U J. meniscal clamp XU V WN UIK
J. procedure tO=U d J. pin cutter XU V wu^b lUI
Jaffe-Capello-Averill hip tO=
U V u Wb J. small bone-holding dOGB rEF p UIK
prosthesis qd
u^KU clamp XU V
Jahss U JAS dB 
J. maneuver U UM joint activated system q]FH* wKBH* UN'
J. ninety-ninety method V 5F 5F WId JAS elbow motion device V od* Wd eON
U q]FH* wKBH* UN'
J. procedure U d javelin throwers elbow `d w o
Jakob test uU U jaw opening relex (JOR) wKH =pH `
Jamar UU Jay cushion U U
j. dynamometer V W]OKCF ]uI UOI Jayvac drain UHU eM
J. grip tester UU V WCI hU job capacity evaluation qLF WF rOOI
James fLO Jeanie Rub tOMO UJ tOMO
J. position fLO l{ Jebsen assessment of hand bO WHOu s rOOI
J. splint fLO dO function
Jameson muscle clamp uU V qCF UIK Jebsen-Taylor uKU s
Jammed finger W l J-T. hand function test V bO WHO U
Janecki-Nelson shoulder V nJ e lD uKU s
girdle resection uK wJU J-T. test uKU s U
Janes frame sU U Jefferson udH
Jansen sU J. fracture udH d
J. metaphyseal dyostosis wzUM wdJ rEF uJ J. fracture, of atlas WINH w ud=H d
sU V Jeffery dH
J. test sU U J. classification of radial dFJ uJ dH nOMB

- 362 -
fracture J. pick-up screw XuO V dH( Vu
J. technique dH WId J. plate XuO WOH
Jelanko splint uJ dO J. prosthesis XuO Wb
Jendrassik maneuver pO=bM UM J. thoracolumbosacral e wMD b uI
Jenet sign XMO W orthosis XuO V
Jergesen 5Od JIDC dB 
J. I-beam 5Od V I We( juvenile intervertebral disk dIH 5 d_ U^KJ
J. I-beam plate V I We( WOH calcifications W]OFHO
5Od Jig t=u
J. incision 5Od ^o chamfer cut j. uDA* lDI t=u
J. plate 5Od WOH drill j. VI* t=u
J. tapered plate V W]b WOH drilling j. VI t=u
5Od exetrnal-alignment nO d UGC t=u
J. tube 5Od u compression j. wU)
Jerk WCH femoral alignment j. c H nO d t=u
ankle j. (AJ) qUJ WCH fixation j. XO t=u
biceps j. (BJ) sOd WCH intramedullary alignment j. wIM q nO d t=u
elbow j. (EJ) od* WCH Miller-Galante j. XU dKO t=u
knee j. (KJ) Wd WCH Plexiglas j. OJOK t=u
patellar j. (PJ) WH{d WCH precompression j. UGC b t=u
j. sign WCHM W spacer-tensor j. UH* d=u t=u
j. test WCHM U Tibial j. wuM t=u
triceps j.s (TJ) d W]O WCH Jimmie tO=LO
jersey finger W]Od l half J. wHBM tO=LO
Jet WI
U o^
b Jitter dO
j. irrigator U]H d J&J Ulcer dressing d bOLC
j. lavage wI q JOA dB 
Ortholav j. u U]H Japanese Orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd WD
Jet Vac cement dispenser U
X * =u Association W]OUUO
jewelers du' mzU]B JOA Scale UEF .uI Wd WD r]K
j. forceps mzU]B jIK W]OUUO
j. thumb mzU]B UN job capacity evaluation qLF WF rOOI
Jewett XuO (JCE)
J. bending iron XuO V wM( bb Jobe-Glousman capsular V wEH* Ue d
J. driver XuO W]u shift procedure ULuK u
J. hyperextension brace V bbL d UM Jobst Xu
XuO J. athrombie pump V d) WbF W] C
J. nail XuO UL Xu
J. nail overlay plate V W]OKBM Vd WOH J. brassiere Xu W]db
XuO J. gauntlet Xu U]H

- 363 -
J. prosthesis Xu Wb j. arthrodesis qBH* U
J. pump Xu W] C j. arthropathy wKBH qBH*
J. stockings Xu u j. aspiration qBH* n
Joerns orthopaedic bed V UEF .uI Wd dd atlantoaxial j. u* wINH qBH*
eu atlantooccipital j. wcI wINH qBH*
jogging in place test UJ* w
=eN U bail-lock knee j. U]JK Wd qBH
Johannesberg staple dUu ] ball-and-socket j. d qBH
Johannson-Barrington uUu V qBH* U calcaneocuboid j. dM wIF qBH*
arthrodesis uMd calcaneonavicular j. we wIF qBH*
Johannson lag screw uUu V R^JK Vu capitate-lunate j. wN dOJ rEF qBH
John C. Wilson arthrodesis C u V qBH* U j. capsule W]OKBH* WEH*
uK carpometacarpal j. (CMC) wFM wG qBH
Johner-Wruhs tibial V uME u nOMB j. cavity qBH* u
fracture classification du Charcot j. uU qBH
Johnson uu Chopart j. Uu qBH
J. chevron osteotomy V bd qJA rEF lD Chopart midtarsal j. V m ^d nBM qBH
uu Uu
J. medial meniscal suturing V W]O WN WUO coracoclavicular j. ud wdG qBH*
uu costochondral j. wdC wFK{ qBH
J. osteotomy uu V rEF lD costotransverse j. w{dF wFK{ qBH
J. pelvic fracture technique V w{u( dJ WId costovertebral j. dIH wFKC qBH*
uu coxofemoral j. c H wu qBH*
J. procedure uu d Cracking of j. qBH* WFd
J. pronator advancement uu V W]UJ .bI cuneiform j. wMOH qBH
J. screwdriver uu ^pH j. deformity wKBH ^uA
J. staple technique uu V ]d WId j. degeneration wKBH f^JM
Johnson-Spiegl qO uu Delrin j. sd qBH
J-S. hallux varus correction Z_ bI UN `OB deltoid insertion over J. qBH* u WOb d
qO uu V j. depression fracture wKBH wU d
J-S. procedure qO uu d diarthrodial j. wKO qBH
J-S. tendon transfer uu V du qI DIP j. U UO 5 qBH
qO j. disarticulation qBH* ^e
Johnson-Zuck-Wingate uu =d U j. disruption qBH* ^e9 qBH* UH
motor test UM distal interphalangeal j. w UI UO 5 qBH*
Joint qBH (DIPJ)
AC j. dB  distal radioulnar j. w UI be dFJ qBH*
acromioclavicular j. ud wd_ qBH* distal tibiofibular j. uEA wuME qBH*
j. activated system (JAS) qBH* qOFH UN w UI
anterior sternoclavicular j. wU_ ud w=BI qBH* j. distractor wKBH =dH
apophyseal j. wzu qBH j. dysfunction qBH* WHO qK

- 364 -
j. effusion wKBH UB ankle j. Wd(
ellipsoid j. wKOK qBH j. line wKBH yj
erythema of j. W]OKBH vUL j. line pain wKBH* =j) r
extraarticular subtalar j. U qUJ X qBH* j. line tenderness wKBH* =j)
qBHL Lisfranc j. pdHO qBH
facet j. wNO qBH locking of j. qBH* U
fifth metatarsophalangeal j. ld w wDA* qBH* Luschka j. UJu qBH
finger j. wF qBH j. manipulation W]OKBH WKUM
first metatarsophalangeal j. ]_ w wDA* qBH* metacarpocapitate j. dOJ wGd wFM qBH*
j. force qBH* ]u metacarpocarpal j. wG wFM qBH
fourth ld w wDA* qBH* metacarpohamate j. w]J wFM qBH*
metatarsophalangeal j. metacarpophalangeal j. w wFM qBH
j. fracture wKBH d metacarpoptrapezoid j. wdM* wFM qBH*
free knee j. ^d( Wd qBH metaphalangeal j. (MPJ) w bF qBH
j. fusion wKBH Z metatarsal j. wDA qBH
ginglymoid j. = qBH metatarsocuboid j. dM wDA* qBH*
glenohumeral j bCF wU]I( qBH* Metatarsocuneiform j. wMH wDA* qBH*
gliding j. oeM qBH metatarsophalangeal j. w wDA qBH
gliding hinge j. oeM ] qBH j. mice qBH* Q
Greissinger Multi-Axis j. U; =bF* dM=d qBH midcarpal j. m^d nBM qBH
hamate-lunate j. wN w]J qBH* mifoot j. bI nBM qBH
hinge j. = qBH midtarsal j. m d nBM qBH
hinged j. = qBH j. mobility qBH* ^d
hip j. u qBH j. mobilization qBH* pd%
hip capsule j. u WEH qBH j. model wKBH uL
humeroulnar j. be bCF qBH* mortise and tendon j. qBH* d dI
joint qBH multiple axis knee j. U* =bF* Wd qBH
hypermobile j. ^d dH qBH naviculocuneiform j. wMOH we qBH*
j. hypermobility qBH* ^d d neurotrophic j. wB cG qBH
immovable j. XU =d dO qBH Oblique qzU wMOH wDA qBH
j. implant W]OKBH Wd matatarsocuneiform j.
j. instability wKBH* dI b patellofemoral j. c H wH{d qBH*
intercarpal j. U]OGd 5 qBH pivot j. dzU qBH
interphalangeal j. (IPJ) UO 5 qBH plastic limited-motion j. Wd( ]b wJO qBH
knee j. Wd qBH j. play qBH*
lap j. wM Vd qBH j. position sense (JPS) qBH* l{ ^f
j. lavage qBH* q proximal interphalangeal j. wb UO 5 qBH*
Lesser w wDA* qBH* (PIPJ)
metatarsophalangeal j. dG _ proximal tibiofibular j. wb uEA wuME qBH*
limited-motion metal ]b; =eKH qUJ qBH radiocarpal j. wGd dFJ qBH*

- 365 -
radiohumeral j. bCF dFJ qBH* triscaphe j. UB* w qBH
radiolunate j. wN dFJ qBH* ulnarcarpal j. wGd dFJ qBH*
radioscaphoid j. we dFJ qBH* ulnohumeral j. bCF be qBH*
radioscapholunate j. wN we dFJ qBH* Ultraflex Dynamic J. wJOUMb fJKd qBH
radioulnar j. be dFJ qBH* uncovertebral j. dI w=B qBH
j. reconstruction qBH* UM j. warmth qBH*
j. release qBH* dd weightbearing j. uK qU qBH
j. rice qBH* ^ j. wound qBH* d
sacroiliac j. wHd( eF qBH* j. wrap qBH* WUH
saddle j. wd qBH zygapophyseal j. dIH vUM qBH
scapulothoracic j. bB wHJ qBH* Joint-Jack U XMu
septic fnger j. wU wF qBH J.-J. finger splint XMu V l dO
single-axis j. u* bO qBH U
single-axis ankle j. u* bOu qUJ qBH joint position sense (JPS) qBH* l{ ^f
solid-ankle j. XLB* qUJ qBH joker periosteal elevator WNJH UL WF

j. spacer qBH* UH Jolly test wu U

sternoclavicular j. ud w=BI qBH* Jonas prosthesis Uu Wb
j. stiffness qBH* f^O Jonathan Livingston Seagull UUu V W]OH{ Wb
subtalar j. (STJ) qUJ X qBH patellar prosthesis UO uMHO
j. swelling qBH* ^u Jonell qu
Synovial j. wKO qBH J. countertraction finger =UC* =dK W]OF dO
talocalcaneonavicular j. w]e ^wIF ^wKUJ qBH* splint qu V
talocrural j. wU] ^wKUJ qBH* j. splint qu dO
talofibular j. uEA ^wKUJ qBH* J. thumb splint qu V UN dO
talonavicular j. we ^wKUJ qBH* Jones eu
tarsal j. wG qBH J. abduction frame eu V bOF U
tarsometarsal j. wDA wG qBH J. arm splint eu V c dO
tarsometatarsal j. wDA* wG d qBH* J. brace eu UM
temporomandibular j. wJH wbB qBH* J. clamp eu UIK
(TMJ) wKH J. compression pin eu V UGC u^
tenotomy of wDA* qBH* d lC J. compression plate eu V UGC WOH
metatarsophalangeal j. w J. dressing eu bOLC
tibiofemoral j. c H wuME qBH* J. first-toe repair ]_ bI l `OKB
tibiofibular j. uE]A ^wuM^E qBH* eu V
tibiotalar j. wKUJ wuME qBH* J. forearm splint eu V bU dO
total replacement j. U w{UF qBH J. fracture eu d
track bound j. U0 jd qBH J. metacarpal splint eu V W]OFM dO
transverse tarsal j. dF* ^wG ^d qBH* J. pin eu u^
trapeziometacarpal j. wFM wF]d* qBH* J. position eu l{
trapeziotrapezoidal j. wdM* ^wF]d* qBH* J. procedure eu d

- 366 -
J. resection arthroplasty V wFDI qBH* J. Press-Fit hip prosthesis u V u Wb
eu XO fd
J. screw eu Vu J. quadricepsplasty V d W]OU
J. splint eu dO u
J. suspension traction eu V oOKF ^d jumpers e
J. tendosuspension eu V du oOKF j. knee Vu W
J. thoracic clamp eu V b UIK j. knee position Vu W l{
J. towel clamp eu V uH UIK jumping leg Vu eHI U
J. transfer eu qI jump sign Vu W
J. view eu dEM Junction qu qu
Jones-Barnes-Lloyd- bu fU eu nOMB allografft-host j. u u rFD q u
Roberts classification fd atlantooccipital j. wcI wINH q u*
Jones-Brackett technique Xd eu WId cervicothoracic j. bB wd q u*
joplin toe prosthesis sKu V bI l Wb host-allograft j. u rFD u q u
JOR dB  lumbosacral j. eF wMDI q u*
jaw opening reflex wKH =pH ` fJFM meniscosynovial j. wKO w q u
Jordan-Day drill u VI musculotendinous j. d wKC q u
Joseph nu thoracolumbar j. wMDI bB q u*
J. osteotome nu V rEF lC Junctional kyphosis wKu* b(
J. rasp nu U Juncture UB U qu
J. splint nu dO juncturae tendinum d qu
Joule W UD qLF b u Jurgan pin Uu u^
Jousto dropfoot splint, uu WO=b* bI dO jury-rig 5H]K; UO
skid orthosis `UJ uI* Juvara procedure U
u d
J-periosteal elevator uu UL WF
Juvenile wFH
JPS dB  j. aponeurotic fibroma wFH wUH wHO
joint position sense qBH* l{ ^f j. discitis wFHO dI UN
JRA dB  j. hallux valgus wFHO _ bI UN
juvenile rheumatoid buUd qBH* UN j. idiopathic scoliosis V uN iU nM
arthritis wFHO wFH
J. R. Moor procedure J. R u d j. intervertebral disk dIH 5 d_ U^KJ
J-shaped skin incision J qJA bK yo calcifications (JIDC) W]OFHO
J-sign J W j. muscular dystrophy wFH wKC q
judder e e j. plantar dermatosis wFH wBL
Jude pelvic x-ray view W]O{u( W]OMO W]F_ dEM j. polyarthritis wFHO =bF* q UH* UN
u V j. rheumatoid arthritis buUd q UH* UN
Judet u (JRA) wFHO
J. graft u rF j. scoliosis wFH nM
J. hip prosthesis u V u Wb j. xanthogranuloma wFH dH wO
J. hip status system u V u WU UN Juvenilis wFH

- 367 -
osteochondritis j. wFHO dCG rEF UN j. fracture dAIK U d
juxtaarticular bone cyst qBHLK U W]OLE WO juxtacubital reconstruction o
d* U UM
juxtaarticulation qBH* u qBH* U J-Vac closed drainage U
J V oKG* eM UN
juxtacortical dAIK U system
j. chondroma dAIK U wdC

- 368 -
kaessmann screw ULU Vu K. elbow dislocation qU V od* lK WId
KAFO dB technique
knee-ankle-foot orthosis bI qUJ Wd uI K. technique qU WId
Kager triangle dU Y]K Kaplan U
Kalamchi classification wAU nOMB K. oblique line U V qzU* ^j)
Kalessy brace w=OU UM K. open reduction U V uH y
Kalish osteotomy gOU V rEF lD K. osteotomy U V rEF lD
Kaltenborn system of joint qBH* pd uMU UN K. technique U WId
mobilization K. test U U
Kambin and Gellman ULKO 5U ULF Kaplan-Meier dU U
instrumentation K.-M. analysis dU U qOK
Kampe corset wU ^bA K.-M. survivorship U V UUI qJ
KAM Super Sucker U ozUH r; dU
kanamycin uO yUC 5UUU Kaposi sarcoma uU WuU
Kanavel q
UU Kappa receptor U]U WKI
K. cock-up splint V vK d dO Karakousis-Vezeridis beO
qUU K.-V. procedure beO fOuU d
K. sign qUU W K.-V. resection beO fOuU lD
Kaneda anterior spinal W]OU_ WdIH _ ULF Karfoil splint qu
U dO
instrumentation bOU Karlsson procedure uU d
kansasii weM Kasabach-Merritt XdO UUU W
Mycobacterium k. W]OeMJ d=DH* syndrome qK l WL{ Wu WOzU
Kantrex fJdU WO_ q dAM d^
Kantrowitz thoracic V b UIK Kaschin-Beck disease p 5U
clamp eO
dU Kashiwagi wuOU
Kapandji technique w$UU WId K. resection wuOU lD
Kapel qU K. technique wuOU WId

- 369 -
Kast-Maffucci syndrome wu
U XU W nOu
kast RAP VU Kelikian-McFarland bU
KAT dB procedure
Kinesthetic Ability Trainer W]Od( W]O=( UN* =b Kelikian procedure UOJOK d
Kates arthroplasty fU V qBH* Kelikian-Riashi-Gleason uUOK wU UOJOK
Kates-kessel-Kay technique U qOO fU WId K.-R.-G. patellar tendon V wH{d du `OKB
Kaufer tendon technique d
u d WId repair uUOK wU UOJOK
Kaufmann technique UL
u WId K.-R.-G. technique wU UOJOK WId
Kavanaugh-Brower-Mann U d uU
fixation Kellam-Waddel =U
Kawaii-Yamamoto uuUU U d classification
procedure Keller dKO
Kawamura uU K. arthroplasty dKO V qBH*
K. dome osteotomy V w=I rEF lD K. bunionectomy dKO V WFu UB
uU K. procedure dKO d
K. plevic osteotomy V w{u( rEF lD K. resection arthroplasty V wFDI qBH*
uU dKO
Kawasaki disease bIF W wUU Keller-Blake dKO
WbK' WOU< WOHLK K.-B. half-ring splint dKO V W]OIK nB dO
Kayser-Fleischer ring WOdI vK dA
kazanjian splint UO$U dO Keller-Blake dKO
KB dB K.-B. leg splint dKO V U dO
knee-bearing Wd bM K.-B. splint dKO dO
keasbey lesion wO W
Kellgren sign sdK W
KED dB Kellogg-Speed bO u^KO
kendrick extrication device V hOK  eON K.-S. fusion technique u^KO V Zb WId
pbM bO
keel UN =hI WU bU K.-S. lumbar spinal fusion V wMD dI Z
Deltafit K. qO XOU bO u^KO
k.of glenoid component =wUI( =uJ* bU Kelly w=KO
Keen sign WOEA u w
5 W K. clamp w=KO UIK
Keesay treatment UO W'UF K. forceps w=KO jIK
Kefzol eHO K. hematostat w=KO V 5dA jIK
Keithley clamp kit wKO UIK bO ]b Kelly-Keck osteotomy pO w=KO V rEF lD
Keith needle YO d keloid b b
Kelikian-Clayton-Loseff nOu u UOJOK Kelsey unloading exercise qOL] W sdL W'UF*
K.-C.-L. surgical wd' lU _ UH therapy eKO V
syndactyly u UOJOK V Kelvin body 5HK r
nOu Kempf-Grosse-Abalo V Z qJA rEF lD
K.-C.-L. technique u UOJOK WId Z-step osteotomy uU d nL

- 370 -
Kemp test VL U K. gauze fJdO U
Ken s K. wrap fJdO WUH
K. driver s WF s W]u Kern d
K. driver-extractor s WF Wd  K. bone clamp d V rEF UIK
K. nail s UL K. bone-holding clamp d V rEF p UIK
K. screwdriver s ^pH K. bone-holding forceps d V rEF p jIK
K. sliding nail s V e UL K. clamp d UIK
Kendall A-V impulse V WF
b UN Kernig !dO
system bM K. sign !dO W
Kendrick bM K. test !dO U
K. extrication device bM V hOK  eON Kerr dO
(KED) (KED) K. abduction splint dO V bOF dO
K. procedure bM d K. drill dO VI
Kendrick-Sharma-Hassler- UU bM WId K.electro-torque drill wdNJ db e VI
Herndon technique bd dKU dO V
Kenna knee scale UMO V Wd r]K K. hand drill dO V ^bO VI*
Kennedy bM K. sign dO W
K. LAD bM K. splint dO dO
K. ligament augmenting V Ud eeF eON Kerrison e=d
device bM K. chisel e=d qO
K. ligament technique bM V Ud WId K. curette e=d Wd
kenny-Howard u w=M K. downbiting rongeur V lDI wKH jIK*
K.-H. shoulder sling wMO V nJ F e=d
u K. punch e=d W]d
K.-H. splint u w=M dO K. rongeur e=d W{]d
keolar implant material uO Wd ]U Kerr-Lagen abdominal s dO V wMD Ub
keratinization ^dI support
keratoacanthoma =dI ywJzU Kessel-Bonney w=u qO
keratoderma bK' ^dI K.-B. extension osteotomy V UU rEF lD
keratolysis W]OdI WID w=u qO
keratoma dI wd K.-B. procedure w=u qO d
keratosis dI Kessel plate qO WOH
actinic k. wFH dI Kessler dK
arsenical k. w O wJOM dI K. grasping suture dK V WCU WUO
intractable plantar k. (IPK) b=MF wBL dI K. metacarpal lengthening dK V lM quD
k. palmaris et plantaris wBL w dI K. prosthesis dK Wb
plantar k. wBL dI K. repair dK `OKB
k. punctata j]IM dI K. suture dK WUO
Kerlix fJdO K. suture technique dK WUO WId
K. dressing fJdO bOLC K. technique dK WId

- 371 -
K. traction dK ^d `]M
Kessler-Tajima suture ULOU dK WUO Khan-Lewis phonological U V wuB qOK
Ketac cement UO  analysis fu
ketamine dOQ] ld yU ZM 5UO Ki U
ketoconazole yUC UMOuO Kickaldy-Willis arthrodesis bUJO V qBH* U
ketoprofen UN yUC 5
duO kick-point b WDI
ketorolac tramethamine 5UOd uO Kidner db
Kevlar glove H U]H K. dissector db W =K
key UH K. foot procedure db V bI d
K. arthrodesis w V qBH* U K. lesion db W
k. the cement * UH K. procedure db d
k. grip UH* WC K. procedure for accessory rEF F db d
K. intraarticular knee Wd qBH q U navicular wU{ we
arthrodesis w V kidney UOK UuK WOK uK
K. periosteal elevator w UL WF vK
k. pinch UN WKL 5 UH* WJ k. dysfunction uK uB
WU] WOU liver, spleen, k.s (LSK) UuK U b
k. release w dd k. rest WOKJ ^dI WOKJ QJ]
key-Conwell classification uJK quu w nOMB Kiehn-Earle-DesPrez d f sNO d
of pelvic fracture W]O{u( procedure
key-grip tenodesis UH* WCI du WUO Kiel bone qO rE
keyhole UH* VI Kienbock uMO
k. approach UH* VI vQ K. disease uMO
k. method UH* VI WId K. dislocation uMO lK
k. tenodesis UH* VI qJA du WUO Kikuchi-MacNap-Moreau u U U wuJO vQ
k. tenodesis technique VI qJA du WUO WId approach
UH* Kilfoyle quHKO
Key-loc wrench u w uK K. classification of WLIK uJ quHKO nOMB
Keys-Kirschner traction dMdO eU ^d condylar fracture
keystone bIF d K. classification of humeral WLI uJ quHKO nOMB
k. of the calcar arch W]OIF uI w bIF d medial condylar fracture W]O bCF
k. graft bIF d rF kilopound bU uKO bUuKO
K. splint uO dO kilovoltage potential (kVP) (kVP) W]ODu
k. structure bIF d WOM Kilsyn-Evans principle of `OB w
eUH 5KO b
keyway w frontal plane correction wN' u*U
OEC lag screw component l OEC R^JK Vu =uJ Kimerle anomaly dLO c
with k. w Kimura disease =wzUu Z^M] d
Klippel-Feil syndrome dOB oM qU q=OK W Kinamed Exact-Fit ATH X

- 372 -
system ATH kinetics rK Wd( rK pzd(
Kinast indirect reduction XUMO V dU dO y W=d* uI
kinematic wd King ZMO
K. fully constrained WKUJ UO_ W]O Wd Wb K. cervical brace ZMO V wd UM
tricompartmental knee pOULMO V bOOI K. cervical traction ZMO V wd ^d'
prosthesis K. intraarticular hip fusion qBH* q u Z
K. II condylar and stabilizer W=* W]U Wd UN ZMO V
total knee system II pOULMO V W]OLIK K. open reduction ZMO V uH* ^d
K. II rotating hinge knee W]db W]]d Wd UN K. technique ZMO WId
system II pOULMO V K. traction ZMO ^d
k. indices of McMurtry W]Od( du p VUM K. type I curve I jL ZMO vMM
k. linkage wd U K. type II curve II jL ZMO vMM
k. rotating hinge W]Od W]db ] K. type III curve III jL ZMO vMM
k. study W]Od W K. type II scoliosis II jL ZMO nM
kinematics Ud( rK K. type II thoracic and bB II jL ZMO vMM
Kinemax fULMO lumbar curve wMDI
K. modular condylar and W]OLIK W=* W]U Wd UN K. type IV curve IV jL ZMO vMM
stabilizer total knee fULMO V W]bF* K.. type IV curve posterior ZMO vMM* wHK) `OB
system correction IV jL
K. Plus total knee system V W]U Wd UN K. type thoracic curve ZMO jL s bB vMM*
fULMO K. type V curve V jL ZMO vMM
Kinemetric guide system pdLOMO qO UN K. type V scoliosis V jL ZMO nM
kinesiology Wd( rK King-Richards dislocation UA ZMO lK WId
applied k. (AK) wIOD] Wd( rK technique
k. of the knee Wd Ud King-Steelquist XuJKO ZMO
kinesiopathologic wd wuUU =uJ K.-S. hindquarter ZMO V wHK) ld d
component amputation XuJKO
kinesiopathology W]Od( UOuUU K.-S.technique XuJKO ZMO WId
kinesthesia Wd( W]U kinking u Wu u
kinesthetic wKC yw= wd w= catheter k. UDI u
K. Ability Trainer (KAT) W]Od( W]O=( bI =b pedicular k. wIu u
k. awareness wd w= w Kirkaldy-Willis three V f^JMK W u_
kinetic w=d Wd( vMF0 WIU phases of degeneration eOK bUd
=d Kirk orthopaedic mallet UEF .uI Wd WdD
k. chain WO=d WKK dO V
k. energy W]Od WU Kirner deformity ddO ^uA
k. energy theory W]Od( WUD WdE Kirschner dMdO
K. wedge molded insole wMOH VuI* sU qFM K. bone drill dMdO rEF VI
wd( K. II-C shoulder system dMdO V nJ UN
K. Wedge orthotic wd( wMOH uI* II-C

- 373 -
K. Medical Dimension hip dMdO V u b knee jerk Wd WCH
replacement 5AM1 UbO kjolbe technique Vu WId
K. Medical Dimension bF 5AM1 UbO Wb klapping W]OJ  WId ZMO
prosthesis dMdO V w=D Klebsiella rOd' s u WKOKJ
K. pin dMdO u^ K. oxytoca W]OMO_ WKOKJ
K. pin fixation dMdO u^ XO K. pneumoniae W]uzd WKOKJ
K. skeletal traction dMdO V wKJO yd Kleiger test dOK U
K. system dMdO UN Klein s
K. total shoulder V U nJ Wb K. drainage s e
prosthesis dMdO K. technique s WId
K. wire (K-wire) dMdO pK Kleinert dMOK
K. wire bow ]uI* dMdO pK K. modification dMOK qbF
K. wire drill dMdO pK VI K. postoperative traction WdK wU =d' UM
K. wire driver dMdO pK W]u brace dMOK V
K. wire fixation dMdO pK XO K. repair dMOK `OKB
K. wire inserter dMdO pK U K. splint dMOK dO
K. wire pin dMdO pK u^ Kleinert-Kutz clamp dMOK V UIK* dI
K. wire placement dMdO pK WF{u approximator eu
K. wire tensioner dMdO pK ]b Klemm-Schellman nail UL=KO rOK UL
kissing qOI oO f r Klengall brace uMK UM
k. sequestrum wU9 kO UL kO Klenzak eMK
k. spine W]OU9 UO K.double-upright splint We* WLzUI eMK dO
kit bO ]bF WOI ]b K. orthosis eMK uI
Halifax interlaminar V `zUHB sO jIK ]b K. spring brace eMK V U]d UM
clamp k. fUHOU klinefelter syndrome UDM bI
Keithley clamp k. wKO UIK ]b WUL
modular temPPT thotic k. W]bF* pOu rO ]b Kling ZMOK
parallel pin k. u* u^b ]b K. adhesive dressing ZMOK V o  bOLC
PPT TemPPThotics k. fJOu PP VLO PPT ]b K. cervical brace ZMOK V yw UM
resistive chair exercise k. UI* wdJ sdL ]b K. elastic bandage Wd* ZMOK WUB
Kitaoka-Leventen sMH UUO Klippel-Feil qU
K.-L. medial displacement wUe wDA* rEF lD K.-F. segmentation defect q=OK V wF^DI VO
metatarsal osteotomy sMH UUO V w qU
K.-L. osteotomy UUO V rEF lD K.-F. syndrome (KFS) dOB oM qU q=OK W
sMH `]M
kite XO Klippel-Trenaunay tOuMd q=OK
k. angle XO W K.-T. osteohypertrophic wU C W]ub WO_ l^u
k. clubfoot cast XO V bI nM VU hemangiectasia tOuMd q=OK V wLEF
k. metatarsal cast XO jA* VU K.-T. sydrome WL tOuMd q=OK W
KJ dB d_ b w WL {

- 374 -
Klisic-Jankovic technique gO
uJU geOK WId k. immobilizer Wd X=
Klumpke tJuK k. immobilizer splint WdK W=* dO'
K. injury tJuK WU k. injury Wd WU
K. palsy tJuK qK k. instability Wd dI b
KMC hip system KMC u UN internal derangement of the IDK Wd sU
KMW hip system KMW u UN k. (IDK)
kneading massage sFU pOb] k. jerk (KJ) Wd WCH
knee W k. jerk reflex Wd WCH fJFM
above k. (AK) Wd u Wd vK k. jerk reflex test Wd WCH fJFM U
ACL-deficient k. ACL uF W k. joint Wd qBH
k. anatomy Wd `dA jumpers k. Vu eUI W
anterior cruciate deficit k. W]OU_ W]OOKB WBOIM Wd kinesiology of the k. Wd Ud rK
k. arthrodesis Wd qBH U k. laxity test Wd U U
k. arthroplasty Wd qBH k. ligamentous injury =wd Ud WU
below k. Wd qH k. lock Wd f Wd qH
k. brace Wd UM locked k. W W U]J W
k. brace splint WdK WL dO Mauch Swing and Stance fU ZMu U W
breaststrokers k. bB b=L W hydraulic k. W]OJObON
cadaveric k. W]O= W neuropathic k. U]OB W]KF W
k. complex Wd V]d k. orthosis (KO) Wd uI
constant-friction k. XU UJ W Otto-Bock Safety u dL* UJ W
constrained condylar k. b]OI W]OLI W constant-friction k. wOHO u
deficient k. uF W porous-coated anatomic rOL UDG U]OdA W]U W
dislocated k. WuK  W total k.
k. dislocation Wd lK k. prosthesis Wd Wb
k. extension assist Wd j bU k. pump exercise Wd W] C sdL
k. extensor Wd jU k. pumps Wd U] C
flail k. WzU W Q-angle of the k. WdK Q We
k. flexion Wd wM k. rotation Wd db
k. flexion-extension Wd wM j runner's k. ]bF W
floating k. WzU W septic k. W]OU W
k. force Wd ]u knee W
k. fracture Wd d k. signature system Wd lOu UN
k. fusion Wd Z k. sleeve Wd ^r
Genesis e=O( W]U_ fOOMO W k. splint Wd dO
unicompartmental k. k. stability Wd dI
giving way of k. Wd UON ld total k. WKU W]U W
hamstrung k. Wu W total condylar k. WKU W]OLI W
k. holder Wd pL valgus k. U W
horseback riders k. u' wDL W varus k. U W

- 375 -
k. varus-valgus Wd Z meniscectomy k. pd du
windblown k. WKzU W Oretorp retractable k. V]K WKUI u 5J
knee-ankle-foot orthosis bI qUJ Wd uI orthopaedic k. UEF .uI Wd 5=J
(KAFO) KAFO retrograde-cutting lDIK =hAU WNO 5=J
knee-bearing (KB) KB Wd bM hook-shaped k. wud
kneecap WH{d Ridlon plaster k. ub V f' 5=J
knee-chest bB Wd sculp k. XM 5=J
k.-c. push bB Wd l serrated fine-cutting k. lDI W]UAM* 5=J
k.-c. rocking bB Wd e oO]b
k.-c. table bB Wd WU sheathed k. bLG 5=J
knee-control orthosis pad WdU r^J uI U Smillie k. tO=KOL 5=J
kneeling position =u' l{ Smillie-Beaver k. dHO tO=KOL 5=J
knee RAP W Smillie meniscal k. tO=KOL V WN 5=J
knife 5=J tenotomy k. du lC 5=J
acetabular k. W]O=I 5=J upward-cutting triangular k. vK UNFU W]OK 5=J
ACL graft k. ACL rFD 5=J Weck k. p 5=J
amputation k. d 5=J Knight back brace XU V dNE UM
arthroscopic k. qBH* dOEM 5=J Knight-Taylor uKU XU
banana k. u* 5=J K.-T. thoracic brace XU V b UM
Bard-Parker k. dU U 5=J uKU
Beaver-DeBakey k. wU dHO 5=J K.-T. thoracolumbosacral eF wMDI bB uI*
k. blade 5=J qB orthosis uKU XU V
Blair k. dOK 5=J K.-T. and Williams spinal XU V dIH uI*
Blount k. XuK 5=J orthosis eUO uKU
Bovie k. tOu 5=J Knobby-Clark procedure  wuM d
Castroviejo bladebreaker k. V U]J qB 5=J knock-knee U W
uOdU k.-k. brace Ud Wd UM
chondroplasty k. dCG 5=J k.-k. deformity Ud Wd ^uA
cutting current k. wzUdN lU 5=J knock-knees 5d
Downing cartilage k. ZMO V dCG 5=J knodt u
Freiberg meniscectomy k. V WN lD 5=J k. rod u u^
dOd k. rod and hooks u u^ U]M
full-radius resector k. dFJ qUJ WFUI 5=J knot bI
hemilaminectomy k. WOH]B =o UB 5=J Henry k. dM bI
W]dIH k. of Henry dM bI
hooked k. W]O=BA 5=J k. pusher dM WF
hot k. ]U 5=J wire k. W]OJK bI
Humby k. wu 5=J knott rod distraction device uM uBF d
Krull acetabular k. W]O=I( d 5=J Knowles fU
Lower-Breck V WN lD 5=J K. hip pin fU V u u^

- 376 -
K. nail fU UL K. total great toe implant V U bI UN Wd
K. pin fU u^ ZOu
K. pin nail fU V wu^b UL* Koenig-Schaefer dHO ZOu
K. pinning fU dOL K.-S. approach dHO ZOu vQ
knuckle-bender splint fUM wM dO K.-S. incision dHO ZOu ^o
knuckle pad W]OLd U K.-S. medial approach dHO ZOu V w vQ
knuckle-shaped WLdU tO Kohler disease du
KO dB koilonychia UH_ d^FI
knee orthosis Wd uI Kolmogorov-Smirov test dOL uu*u U
Kocher du Konig disease ZOu
K. approach du vQ Kortzeborn procedure ueu d
K. clamp du UIK Kostiuk-Harrington uOu V d
K. classification du nOMB distraction system u$=U
K. curved L approach du V wMM* L vQ Kostiuk screw uOu Vu
K. forceps du jIK Kostuik-Alexander uOu V qBH* U
K. fracture du d arthrodesis bMJ
K. incision du ^o Kotz-Salzer rotationplasty eU eu V db
K. lateral J approach du V wAu J vQ Koutsogiannis fUOuu
K. maneuver du UM K. calcaneal displacement wIF wUe rEF lD
K. method du WId osteotomy fUOuu V
Kocher-Gibson du V wU wHK vQ K. calcaneal osteotomy V wIF rEF lD
posterolateral approach uO fUOuu
Kocher-Langenbeck pOM du K. osteotomy V rEF lD
K.-L. approach pOM du vQ fUOuu
K.-L. exposure du nA ^dF K. procedure fUOuu d
pOM Koutsogiannis-Fowler- fUOuu V rEF lD
Kocher-Lorenz fracture of V bCF f d Anderson osteotomy ub dU

capitellum eu du Krackow ud
Kocher-McFarland hip du V u qBH K. HTO blade staple HTO ud W]OKB ]
arthroplasty bU
p K. maneuver ud UM
Koch-Mason dressing uU u bOLC K. point ud WDI
Kodel u Kramer-Craig-Noel qu Zd dd
K. knee sling u V Wd F K.-C.-N. basilar femoral bUI c H oM rE lD
K. sling u F neck osteotomy qu Zd dd V
Kodex drill fu VI K.-C.-N. osteotomy Zd dd V rEF lD
Koenen periungual V dHE u ywHO qu
fibroma 5u Kraske position UJ WOF{ tJd W]OF{
Koenig ZOu 5O_ l
K. implant ZOu Wd Krause-Wolfe prosthesis n d Wb
K. metatarsal broach ZOu V W]ODA Wu Krawkow-Cohn technique su uJ
d WId

- 377 -
Krawkow-Thomas-Jones Uu uJ
d WId K. application Uu oOD
technique eu K. spica cast technique V wKM VUI WId
Krempen-Craig-Sotelo V uME U b WId Uu
tibial nonunion technique uKOu Zd 6d Kumar-Cowell-Ramsey w u Uu WId
Krempen-Silver-Sotelo 6d V U b WOKL technique
nonunion operation uKOu dHKO Kummell disease dIH d q=u
Kreuscher bunionectomy dd V WFu UB wUGC
Kristiansen eyelet lag V WMOOF R^JK Vu Kuntscher dAu
screw sUOd K. awl dAu d 
Kristiansen-kofoed V wU XO K. condylocephalic rod wd wLIK dAu u^
external fixation bu
u sUOd K. driver dAu W]u
Kritter irrigation tube dd V u K. extractor dAu Wd 
Kronendonk pin bMOd u^ K. humeral prosthesis dAu W]bCF Wb
Kronfeld pin bKOHd u^ K. medullary nailing dAu V uIM dOL
Kronner dd K. nail dAu UL
K. external fixation dd V wU XO K. nail driver dAu UL u
K. external fixation V wU) XO UN K. ossimeter dAu V rEF UOI
apparatus dd K. pin dAu u^
Krukenberg dMd K. reamer dAu uI
K. hand reconstruction dMd V bO UM K. technique dAu WId
K. procedure dMd d Kuntscher-Hudson brace uu dAu UM
K. reconstruction dMd UM Kunzel eu
Krull acetabular knife d V W]O=I( 5=J nerve of K. eu VB
Kruskal-Wallis test eO= UJd U Kunzli orthopaedic sports UEF .uI w{Ud c(
KSO brace KSO UM shoe weu V
KT1000 knee ligament Wd qBH Wd U UOI Kurlander orthopaedic UEF .uI bu uK
arthrometer KT1000 wrench
KT2000 knee ligament Wd qBH Wd U UOI Kurosaka Uu
arthrometer KT2000 K. interference-fit screw V qb W Vu
Kudo u Uu
K. hinge u ] K. screw Uu Vu
K. unconstrained elbow V b]OI* dO od* Wb Kurosaka screw Uu Vu
prosthesis u Kurtzke score eu d
Kugelberg reconstruction dKu UM Kutes arthroplasty fu V qBH*
Kugelberg-Welander uL^C bO
dKu Kutler dKu
disease wu ^wFHO ^wKCF K. double lateral We W]OU W]O^bI WKb
Kuhlman U*u advancement flap dKu V
K. cervical brace U*u V wd UM K. V-Y flap dKu V V-Y WKb
K. traction U*u ^d K. V-Y flap graft dKu V V-Y WKb rF
Kumar Uu kVP W]ODu

- 378 -
kilovoltage potential W]ODuuKOJ sU congenital k. wMN b
K-wire dMdO pK congenital type I k. wIK b
Kirschner wire dMdO pK congenital type II k. I jLM s wIK b
K.-w. driver dMdO pK W]u k. correction II jLM s wIK b
K.-w. placement dMdO pK WF{u k. creation b( `OB
Kydex fbO iatrogenic lumbar k. b( b
K. body jacket fbO r d junctional k. QAM* w wMD b
K. brace fbO UM long-radius k. wK u b
Kyle qO lumbar k. dDI qu b
K. fracture classification V uJ nOMB UN lumbosacral k. wMD b
system qO Luque rod fixation for k. e wMD b
K. internal fixation qO V wK XO k. muscularis b( w uOu u^M XO
Kyle-Gustilo classification uKOu wKO nOMB myelodysplastic k. wKC b
Kyle-Gustilo-Premer dd uKOu wKO nOMB paralytic k. wU ^M Z^M] qK b
classification postlaminectomy k. wKK b
kyphectomy b( UB UB wU] b(
Sharrard-type k. jL s b( UB postradiation k. W]dIH WOH]B
kyphometer U posttraumatic k. lOFAK wU] b(
kyphos b( UOI right thoracic curve with `{dK wU] b(
k. resection b junctional k. b l s1 b UM
kyphoscoliosis b( lD rotational k. wK u
neurofibromatosis k. wb nM sagittal k. db b
wHOK u w wb nM Scheuermann juvenile k. wLN b
k. secondary to wBF short radius k. Udu V wFHO b(
neurofibromatosis wHOK uK uU wb nM thoracic k. dDI dOB b
severe k. wBF thoracolumbar k. bB b(
thoracolumbar k. rO wb nM kyphotic wMDI bB b(
kyphosing scoliosis wMD b wb nM k. angulation Ub b wb
kyphosis wb nM k. curve wb( =e
acute angular k. b( k. deformity wb vMM
adolescent k. U b k. deformity wb ^uA
anterior k. 5Id* b pathomechanics wb( ^uAK W]O{d* W]O
apprentice k. wU b

- 379 -
labium dH WH L. fully constrained UO_ W]O Wd Wb
laboratory d tricompartmental knee w V
qUJU b]OI*
Army Prosthetics Research lU U]Ob U d prosthesis
L. (APRL) wJd_ gOK L. hinged knee prosthesis w V
W]=d Wd Wb
gait l. WOA* d Lachman UL
University of California, w UOuHOU WFU d L. maneuver UL UM
Berkeley L. (UCBL) wKdO L. sign UL W
labral wd UH L. test UL U
l. avulsion UH lK lacinate ligament WKCF bO ddA* Ud
l. lesion W]UH W bIK WOM*
l. tear W]UH W e lacing ankle brace wDdA qUJ UM
labrum UH lacrimal duct dilator W]OFb UMI l=u
acetabular l. =o( UH Lacroix d
anterior glenoid l. wU_ =o( UH fibroosseous ring of L. W]OLEF W]OHOK d WIK
articular l. wKBH UH osseous ring of L. W]OLEF d WIK
glenoid l. wU]I UH L. osseous ring W]OLEF d WIK
posterior glenoid l. wHK) wU=I( UH lactate U
LAC dB Ringer l. U dM
long arm cast quD c VU l. threshold (LT) U W
laceration UN lactic acidosis threshold wJO UL( W
burst-type l. W]N jL s UN (LAT)
chevron l. bd qJA UN Lactobacillus Wud WM=K*
flexor tendon l. wM* du UN lacuna Wu
hallucis longus l. bI UN WKuD UN Howship l. VOu Wu
stellate l. wL UN LAD dB
lacertus fibrosus wHO wUH b ligament augmentation Ud eeF eON
Lacey w device

- 381 -
Kennedy LAD bOM V
Ud eeF UN L. osteotomy uMd V
rEF lD
Lafayette skinfold calipers wOU V bK' W]O Ud L. splint uMd dO
lag wb nF{ u R^JK L. technique uMd WId
l. screw R^JK Vu lambs wool pad qL( u
l. screw fixation R^JK Vu XO lamella, pl. lamellae UH

l. screw insertion R^JK Vu d concentric l. ed UUH

lag screw thread hole R^JK Vu jO WI lamellar wUH

LaGrange classification of bCF u J Zd nOMB l. bone wUH rE

humeral supracondylar WLIK u l. pattern wUH d
fracture l. separation wUH qB
LaGrange-Letoumel hip Zd V u Wb lamellated bone UUH
prosthesis quO lamellation `OHB `^HB
lag-screw R^JK Vu LAMI dB
interfragmentary l.-s. bA 5 R^JK Vu laminotomy W]dIH WOHB lC
Lahey clamp w UIK lamina `zUH

Laing ZMO l. elevator WOHB WF

L. concentric hip cup ZMO V
ed* u n' intact spinous l. WLOK W]Ou WOH
L. hip cup prosthesis ZMO V
u n' Wb laminaplasty WOHB
L. plate ZMO WOH expansive l. b* WOHB
LAM dB Tsuji l. wu
laminotomy and W]dIH WOHB lC laminar wzUH
diskectomy dI UB l. air flow wzUH wzu Ud
limb accurate measurement dDK oO b UOI l. bone wzUH rE
LAM instrument oO b UOIK l. C-D hook wzUH]B C-D ^h
dDK l. cortex posterior aspect wzUH dA wHK dNE
lam l. fracture wzUH d

laminectomy W]dIH WOHB UB l. spreader W]OzUH WU
Lambert cosine law d UL VO uU laminectomized spine `zUHB WuDI U
Lambert-Lowman bone d V rEF UIK laminectomy (lam) W]dIH WOHB UB
clamp Uu cervical spine l. W]O d U
 `zUH UB
Lamb-Marks-Bayne sU fU V WId decompression l. W]dIH WOHB UB
technique jGCK n=H*
Lamb muscle transfer V V WKCF qI l. frame W]dIH WOHB UB U
Lambotte u multilevel l. bbF W]dIH WOHB UB
L. bone-holding clamp V
rEF p
u radial l. W]dIH WOHB UB
L. osteotome u V
L. principle u b laminoforaminotomy W]dIH WOHB WI lC
Lambrinudi uMd laminotomy (lami) W]dIH WOH]B lD
L. arthrodesis uMd V
qBH* U l. and diskectomy (LAM) UB W]dIH WOH]B lD

- 382 -
dIH dI L. grading system uOJ
M$ ^b UN
Lamis patellar clamp fO V WH{d UIK L. procedure uOJ
M$ d
lamp UB Langer d
wood l. UB L. arch d u
Lanceford prosthesis uHO Wb L. lines d uD
lancinating pain ` r L. muscle d WKC
lancing e ` Langerhans cell fUd W]OK wO
land granulomatosis
no mans L. (in hand) bO w W]d; _ Langoria sign Uu$ W
Landers-Foulks prosthesis fJu b Wb lanula w
landmark rKF os l. wN rEF
bony l. wLE rKF lap dB sD `
pedicle l. WIu
 rKF laparotomy sD ` sD lC
Landouzy-Dejerine disease sdO b l. joint sD ` qBH
Landsmeer ligament dOLb U l. seat belt fracture sD `H U e d

Lane laparotomy (lap) sD `
L. bone clamp V
rEF UIK l. sheet sD ` 
bone-holding clamp V
rEF p
 UIK l. sponge sD ` ZMH
L. bone-holding forceps V
rEF p
 jIK Lapidus bO
L. clamp UIK L. bunionectomy V
L. forceps jIK bO
L. plate WOH L. hammertoe technique W]O dD* bI l WId
L. procedure d bO V

L. screwdriver ^pH L. technique bO WId

L. self-retaining XO wc rEF p
 jIK LAPOC prosthesis u Wb
bone-holding forceps V
LaPorta Uu
Lanex screen fJ W L. great toe implant Uu V
bI UN Wd
Lange Z L. implant Uu Wd
L. procedure Z d lappet formation W]O]D q^JA
L. tendon lengthening and V
du quD `OKB large dO
repair Z l. bore inflow cannula dOJ wKb o^b W]OM
Langenbeck pOM WH
L. periosteal elevator V
 WF l. composite allograft dO V]d u] rF
pOM large-head humeral d dO bC =uJ
L. triangle pOM Y]K component
Langenskiold uOJ
M$ large-humeral-head d qBH* nB
L. bone graft uOJ
M$ V
wLE rF hemiarthroplasty dO bC
L. bony bridge resection V
wLE d
lD Largon u
M$ Larmon u
L. fusion uOJ
M$ Z L. forefoot u V
bI ]bI

- 383 -
L. forefoot arthroplasty V
bI ]bI qBH lateral wA wU
u lat men u^OU U
L. forefoot procedure u V
bI ]bI d lata WCd
L. procedure u d fascia l. WCdF WUHK
Larson u latae WCdF
L. hip status system V
u WU UN tensor fasciae l. (TFL) WCdF WUHK d=u
u Latarjet procedure XOU d
L. ligament reconstruction u U UM late d=Q TD
L. syndrome u W l. intervention d=Q q^b
L. technique u WId l. response d=Q WU
laryngeal nerve injury =dM( VBF WU
l. stance =dQ WH =dQ n u
laryngospasm dM( Z^MA latency uL
postextubation l. VOM e bF dM( Z^MA l. of activation jOAM qOFH uL
LAS wF{u*  W distal l. U uL
local adaptation syndrome wF{u*  W motor l. =d uL
LASA dB onset l. wzb uL
Lisfranc articular set angle V
wKBH* rID W peak l. c uL
O proximal l. uL
LASE dB residual l. wUL uL
laser-assisted spinal bU 0 dIH wKb dOEM sensory l. w=
endoscopy eOK sensory peak l. w=
( c uL
LASE probe w U
 terminal l. wdD wzUN uL
Lasgue Z latent wU U
L. rebound test Z V
b U l. period UH) d uLJ
L. sign Z W wU) ]b
L. test Z U l. stage of gout dIM uL WKd
laser eO lateral (lat) wA
l. arthroscopy eOK qBH* dOEM l. ankle instability wAu qUJ dI b
carbon dioxide l. udJ bO
 wzUM eO l. antebrachial cutaneous bU
 bK' VBF
l. Doppler flowmetry (LDF) eOK dKbU Ud' UO nerve wAu
l. Doppler probe eOK dK^b U
 l. anterior thoracic nerve wU_ bB VBF
Holmium YAG l. U uO*u eO wAu
l. instrument WeO l. approach wA vQ
Trimedyne Omnipulse fUOM sbO1d eO l. arm flap W]OA W]bU WKb
homium l. uOu l. aspiration wA n
laser-assisted spinal eOK bU 0 dI dOEM l. band wA jd
endoscopy (LASE) l. band mobilization wAu jdA pd%
LAT dB l. bending wA UM
lactic acidosis threshold wJO UL( W l. canal entrapment wAu oHM UH
lat wA wU l. capsular reslease wAu WEH* dd

- 384 -
l. capsular sign W]OA WOEH W l. flexion restriction wAu wM ^b%
l. closing wedge osteotomy oKG* wMOH rEF lD l. full spine radiographic qUJ wA wUF h
wAu examination U

l. collateral ligament (LCL) wA wU U l. fusion wA wU Z
l. compartment wA e=O l. Gatellier-Chastung wOKU V
wA vQ
l. compartment disruption wAu e=O( UH approach ZuUA
l. compartment injury wAu e=O( WU l. guide pin wAu qOb u^
l. compartment W]OAu Wu' UM l. head of gastrocnemius U
 WKCF wAu d
reconstruction l. hindfoot W]OAu bI d=R
l. compression (LC) wU UGC l. hip arthroscopy u qBH* wU' dOEM]
l. compression force wAu UGC ]u l. humeral condyle fracture W]OAu bCF WLI d

l. compression injury W]OA W]OUGC WU l. hyperpressure syndrome wAu UGC d W
l. condylar humeral fracture W]OAu W]bCF WLIK d
 l. impingement wA UD
l. condyle W]OA WLI l. incision wA yo
l. cord wU wA q l. instability wA u
l. cortex W]OA dA l. interosseous ligament sOLEF sO wAu Ud
l. cutaneous nerve wAu bK' VBF l. J approach wAu J vQ
l. decompression wAu jGC nOH l. joint line wA wKBH yj
l. decubitus position wAu UIK l{ l. joint space wA wKBH e=O
l. deltoid splitting approach wAu WOb dD vQ l. Kocher approach wAu du vQ
lateral wA l. ligament wA U
l. deviation wA d l. listhesis wA e
l. deviation angle wAu d W l. lumbar shift wA wMD U
l. disk protrusion wAu dI U l. malleolus wAu VFJ
l. displacement osteotomy wAu wUe rEF lD l. malleolus fracture wAu VFJ d

l. drainage wA e l. mass fracture W]OAu WKJ d

l. electrical surface wU' wzUdNJ `D
 tOM l. meniscal cyst W]OA W]O W
stimulation (LESS) l. meniscectomy (lat men) W]OAu WN UB
l. end W]OA WUN l. meniscus W]OAu WN
l. epicondyle W]OA WLOI l. oblique view wA qzU dEM
l. epicondylitis W]OAu WLOI^K UN l. Ollier approach wAu tOO vQ
l. extensor expansion W]OAu WDU lOu l. opening wedge osteotomy uH* wMOH rEF lD
l. extensor release W]OAu WDU dd wAu
l. femoral condyle W]OAu W]cH WLIK l. parapatellar approach WH{dK U wA vQ
l. femoral cutaneous nerve cH bK' VBF l. patellar compression WH{d UGC W
wAu syndrome wAu
l. flexion wA wM pelvic l. u( VU
l. flexion dynamic visual wMK wJOUM UB qOK l. pivot shift wU' dzUB Ue
analysis wAu l. pivot shift test wU' dzUB Ue U
l. flexion malposition wAu wM WF{ u l. plantar nerve wAu wBL_ VBF

- 385 -
l. portal wA wU latissimus id
l. process wA TU l. dorsi W]dNE WCdF
l. projection (LC) wU d l. dorsi flap W]dNE WCdF WKb
l. quadruple complex wU wU V]d l. dorsi muscle W]dNE WCdF WKCF
l. recess wA wU latitudinal growth w{d u/
l. recess spinal stenosis wU w dI o^OC latticework WdF WJO
l. recess stenosis (LRS) wU' ]d o^OC latus d
U) id
l. release wU dd metatarsus l. id jA
l. retinaculum release wAu bOI dd Lauenstein procedure 5A d
l. rhachotomy wU' c' lC Lauge-Hansen s U u
l. roentgenogram W]OU WOUF u L.-H. classification s
U u nOMB
l. root pressure wU' c' jG{ L.-H. classification of u
J s
U u nOMB
l. rotary displacement wA db Ue ankle fracture qUJ
l. screw wU Vu Laugier tOOu
l. sesamoidectomy wAu wUL
 UB L. fracture tOOu d

l. shear wU yh L. sign dFJ d
 w tOOu W
l. shelf wU y Lauren view dEM
l. shift wU U Laurie view dEM
l. sling procedure wU' F* d lavage q
l. slip wU e Exeter bone l. dO
 rEF q

l. squeeze pinch wAu d UF dI jet l. wI o^b]U q

l. stability wU U joint l. qBH* q

l. tear W]OA W e Ortholav jet l. u V

wI q

l. thigh flap W]OA W]c WKb pulsatile pressure l. iUM jG]CU q

l. thoracic flap W]OU W]b WKb pulsed l. wC q

l. tibial condyle W]OAu uME WLI Lavine reduction 5 ^

l. tibial plateau fracture W]OAu W]OuME WCN d
 law uU
l. tibial tubercle W]OAu uME Wb all or none l. bF =qJ uU
l. transfer wU qI Heuter-Volkmann l. ULJu du uU
l. transmalleolar portal VFJ d wU qb Lambert cosine l. d V
VO' uU
l. trap suture wAu f* WUO Sherrington l. udO uU
l. trunk shift wU' c' U von Schwann l. UH u uU
l. utility incision wAu ULF ^o Wolff l. n uU
lateralis wA lawn mower injury VAF ]e U]B( WU

vastus l. W]OAu WF
]* Lawrence fu
Lateralization W]OAu W]OU' L. first metatarsophalangeal w
 wDA* qBH* Wd
laterolisthesis wU e joint implant fu V
latex fJ L. implant fu Wd
l. allergy fJ W]O Lawson-Thornton plate uu u WOH

l. anaphylaxis fJ Q laxity U

- 386 -
ankle l. qUJ U lead jOD w U= U

ligamentous l. W]OU U VKI W]OdN

radioscaphocapitate w e dFJ Ud U l. line w U yj
ligament l. dOJ l. pipe fracture W]O U ]d uU*U tO d

l. to varus stress ZH UN qUI U l. poisoning U dU r^L

layer WI l. synovitis U dU wKOe UN
gliding l. WIeM WO e WI Leadbetter dObO
periosteal cambium l. W]O UL
 VKI WI L. hip manipulation dObO V
Lazepen-Gamidov s V w wU_ vQ* L. maneuver dObO UM
anteromedial approach bOU L. technique dObO WId
lazy-C incision b* u]d C ^o leaf W
lazy-S incision b* ud S ^o inferior l. W]OKH W
l-bolt 1 VuK* UL * superior l. W]uK W
TSRH l.-b. V
1 VuK* UL
* leaf-spring wu U]d
TSRH plastic l.-s. (PLS) wJO w iU
LBW dB leakage ^d
lean body weight qC YG r
' chylous l. wuKO ^d

' Leake Dacron mandible pO V wKH  pH Wb
LC dB prosthesis d
lateral compression wU UGC lean We qO tO s d
lateral projection wU d antalgic l. r ]UC We
LCL dB l. body weight (LBW) r
' d
lateral collateral ligament wAu ^wU' Ud leaning hop test O* q U
LCPD dB learning r^KF WdF
Legg-Calv-Perthes disease dO tHU ZO spinal l. dI r^KF
LCS New Jersey knee LCS V Wd Wb leash of Henry dM We
prosthesis wduO leather bK
LCT dB l. ankle corset bK' qUJ ^bA
liquid crystal thermography qzU]
 u]K d jOD l. cuff W]bK W]H
L-curved incision wMM* L ^o l. orthosis bK uI
LDF dB Leatherman hook UdO ^h
laser Doppler flowmetry eOK dKbU Ud' UO LeCocq brace u w UM
lumbodorsal fascia W]dNE W]OMDI WUHK lederhosen disease bK' d= 
LE dB Lee w
lower extremity wKH
 dD L. anterosuperior iliac W]OU_ W]OH d( WuA rF
lupus erythematosus W]OUL Wz spine graft w V
Leach-Igou step-cut medial wb w rEF lD L. bone graft w V
wLE rF
osteotomy uG gO V L. procedure w d
Leach-Schepsis-Paul u eO gO eeF L. reconstruction w UM
augmentation L. technique w WId

- 387 -
Le Fort u w restless l. 5 U
L. fibular fracture u w V
uE d
 short l. dOB U
L. Fort-Wagstaffe fracture U
u w d
 l. shortening U
L. fracture u w d
 l. sling U
L. mandible fracture w V
 =pH d
 stork l. oKI]K U
u tennis l. f=M w U
left d l. walking cast U
K wA* VU
l. erector spinae musculature UIHK V UM d
_ qCF Legasus support CPM ]dL * WKFHM* Wd( eON
l. innominate d
_ v]L
 device uUO V WLb
l. lateral flexion d
wU wM leg-curl U  u
l. lower extremity (LLE) d
_ wKH
 dD ankle joint l.-c qUJ qBH bM U
l. lower limb (LLL) d
_ wKH
 dD Legg-Calv-Perthes f^JM] dO tHU ZO
l. lumbar convexity d
wMD ^b disease (LCPD) WUA* ^wdCG ^wLEF
l. rotation U
OK db cH rE
l. side bending d
_ VU' WOM Legg-Perthes dO ZO
l. thoracolumbar major bB dOJ vMM* d L-P. disease dO ZO
curve pattern d
_ wMDI L.-P. disease orthosis dO ZO uI
l. upper extremity (LUE) d
_ uKF dD L.-P. shoe extension dO ZO c j

l. upper limb (LUL) d

_ uKF dD L.-P. sling dO ZO F
left-hand d F bO W]U d leg-holding U]  p 
l.-h. dominance d
F UO l.-h. apparatus U
l.-h. dominant d
F bzU d
bzU l.-h. device U
left-sided d _ VU' w d _ VU' Lehman technique ULN WId
l.-s. nail l^{u d
 Leibolt technique XuO WId
l.-s. thoracotomy d
_ bB lC Leichtenstern sign dAMO W
leg u UIO U Leinbach UMO
badger l. ddG U L. femoral prosthesis UMO V
W]cH Wb
baker?s l. U]) U L. hip prosthesis UMO V
u Wb
bandy l. W]uI U L. olecranon screw UMO V
=e Vu
bayonet l. Wd( U L. prosthesis UMO Wb
bow l. W]uI U L. screw UMO Vu
l. brace U
 UM leiomyoma fK wKC
l. decompression U
 jG{ nOH leiomyosarcoma U K W]OKC WuU
l. holder U
L Leksell rongeur q J W{]d
inverted champagne bottle l. WuKI* UOUL=A U U Lelivre osteotomy dHKO V rEF lD
jumping l. eHI U Lenart-Kullman technique U*u UM WId
l. length determination U
 u 5OF length u
l. length discrepancy (LLD) 5 U
 u UH pedicle screw chord l. WIu
 Vu q u
l. length inequality (LLI) 5 U
 u UH pedicle screw path l. WIu
 Vu U
l. press U
 jG{ resting l. Wd ]b Wd u

- 388 -
step l. uD) u tendon Achilles l. (TAL) u dF quD
lengthening quD tibial l. uME quD
Achilles tendon l. u dF quD transiliac l. sOH d( d quD
aponeurotic l. w UH quD ulnar l. b quD
Armistead ulnar l. b
be quD Vulpius-Compere V
 WKC quD
Codivilla tendon l. OHu V
du quD gastrocnemius l. du uOu
Compere l. du quD Wagner femoral l. dMU V
c quD
l. contraction quD h^KI Wagner tibial l. dMU V
wuM quD
DeBastiani femoral l. V
c quD white tendo clacaneus l. iO_ u dF quD
wUOU length-tension curve d^u u^D vMM
extensor l. WDU quD Lenox fuMO
fractional l. we quD L. Hill derotational knee V
W]db Wd UM
gastrocnemius l. U
 WKC quD brace qO fuMO
Gillies-Millard V
wFM quD L. Hill knee brace qO fuMO V
metacarpal l. U]O fOKO L. Hill knee orthosis fuMO V
Wd uI
hamstring l. iQ* U quD qO
Hauser tendo calcaneus l. V
wIF du quD L. Hill Spectralite knee fuMO V
du brace XdJ qO
heel cord l. VIF q quD lentigines WU UU
Hsu-Hsu percutaneous bK' d wIF du quD lentigo gL
tendo calcaneus l. u
l. maligna WO WAL
Ilizarov leg l. eO V
 quD l. maligna melanoma YO ywAL ywMOO
intramuscular l. WKCF q quD Lentulo uuM
kessler metacarpal l. dK
wFM quD L. drill uuM VI
limb l. dD quD L. spiral drill weK( uuM VI
limb-girdle l. dD e quD Leone expansion screw uO V lOu Vu
metacarpal l. lM
 quD LEOPARD syndrome bK' gLM UuO W
percutaneous l. bK' d quD d UuA l
reverse undercutting l. uJF* WD quD Lepird procedure dO d
Silver-Simon l. uLO dHKO quD LEpiscopo hip uuJ OO u UM
step-cut l. wb lDI quD reconstruction
Strayer l. ed quD LEpiscopo-Zachary U uuJ OO d
subscapularis-capsular l. X WKCF WEH0 quD procedure
nJ leprosy c'
Tachdjian fractional l. V
we quD leptomeninges WIOd UU] 
UObU Leriche syndrome b VKB gu W
Tachdjian hamstring l. V
iQ* U quD wMD dN_ WUN
UObU Leri sign dO W
Tajima metacarpal l. ULOU V
 quD Lerman UdO
tendon l. du quD L. hinge brace UdO V
=d UM

- 389 -
L. multiligamentous knee bbF WdU r^J uI occult l. W]OH W
control orthosis UdO V
WD_ occult talar l. W]OH W]OKU W
Leser-Trelat sign d eO W Osgood-Schlatter l. d u W
lesion W osteopathic l. rEF W
acute traumatic l. U W]O{ W Perthes l. dO W
 W postfracture l. d
J bF W
anterior labrum periosteum wU_ UHA UL W retroacetabular l. =o( nK W
shoulder arthroscopic l. nJ qBH dOEM reverse Hill-Sachs l. W]O
(ALPSA) rotator cuff l =b* W]HJ W
articular cartilage l. wKBH* dCG W Sinding-Larsen- s mbM W
lesion W Johansson l. u
atlantoaxial l. W]u W]OIN W skin l. W]bK W
Bankart shoulder l. UJU V
nJ W soft tissue l. ud ZO
Bennett l. XOMO W Stener l. dMO W
biceps interval l. (BIL) 5d WK U W superior labrum anterior and wU_ uKF UHA W
bony l. W]OLE W posterior l. (SLAP) wHK)
cleavage l. W]d^DA W transient l. dU W
complete common peroneal wK _ uEA VBF W tuberculous l. W]O=K W
nerve l. W]U uncommitted metaphyseal l. W]KI
 WDd W]Od W
cystic l. W]O
O W upper motor neuron l. uKF =d; uBF W
cystic bone l. W]O
O W]OLE W Woofry-Chandler W dbU d nOMB
desmoid l. W]OU W]O W classification of d u
disk l. W]O d W Osgood-Schlatter l.
DREZ l. e W Wrisberg l. d W
dysarthric l. U] W Leslie-Ryan anterior wU_ wD U wK  vQ
expansile l. WF=u W axillary approach
fibrous l. W]OHO W LESS dB
Hill-Sachs shoulder l. fU qO V
nJ W lateral electrical surface wzUdNJ wD
hyperkeratotic l. ^dI WdH W stimulation wU'
ipsilateral nerve root l. WN' fHM wBF c' W lesser dOGB dG
irritable l. uO W l. metatarsal dG _ wDA*
Keasbey l. w
O W l. metatarsophalangeal w
 wDA* qBH*
Kidner l. db W joint dG _
labral l. W]UH W l. multangular dOGB Ue bb
lytic bone l. W]O W]OLE W l. toe dOGB bI l
Monteggia l. UOOu W l. trochanter dOG]B b*
Monteggia equivalent l. UOOu V
WUJ W l. trochanter fracture dOG]B b* d

Morel-Lavele l. q u W l. tuberosity dOG]B Wb_
morphea-like l. W]OFOA t W Letournel-Judet u quO
nerve root l. W]OB W]c W L.-J. acetabular fracture V
W]O=I( u

- 390 -
classification u quO L. bone-holding clamp su V
rEF p
L.-J. approach u quO vQ L. clamp su UIK
L.-J. classification u quO nOMB L. collar su u
Letournel plate quO WOH
L. finger splint su V
l dO
Letterer-Siwe disease u dO L. forceps su jIK
leukocyte UCO W]d Lewin-Stern dO su
neutrophilic l. Wb UCO W]d L.-S. finger splint su V
l dO
polymorphonuclear l. u^M WB]BH UCO W]d dO
leukocytosis iO U]dJ d L.-S. splint dO su dO
Leukotape Uuu L.-S. thumb splint su V
L. P sportstape Uuu dHD jd dO
L. sportstape Uuu dHD jd Lewis fu
leukotriene sduu L. intercalary resection fu V
rI lD
Leung thumb loss V UN bI nOMB L. resection fu lD
classification ZuO L. Trapezio prosthesis ueOd fu Wb
levator WF L. upper limb w wzUu wKI fu
l. scapulae muscle nJK WFd WKCF cardiovascular disease uKF dD
l. scapulae syndrome nJ WF W Lewis-Chekofsky resection wJ uJOA fu lD
level u  Lewis-Prusik test pOd fu U
l. of activity UAM u
 Lewit stretch technique Xu V =j* WId
comfort l. Wd u
l. foundation u
* U low frequency alternating du iHM UM U]O
segmental l. wFD u
spinal l. wU u
 Lhermitte sign UM d w XdO W
vertebral l. dI u
 liability WOuUI WOR * e
lever arm WKF ergonomic assessment of qLF rKF U) rOOI
levering WFd WKF qF risk and l. (EARLY) W]OR
* UD
Levine patellar tendon V wH{d du U Librium ud
strap sHO Lichtblau osteotomy AO V rEF lD
Levis fHO Lichtman ULAO
L.arm splint fHO V
c dO L. staging system V
qd* nOMB UE
L. splint fHO dO ULAO
levodopa UuHO L. technique ULAO WId
Levoprome duHO LIDO bO
levorotary scoliosis U OK ]b nM LIDO lift and work set bO V
qLF l]d ]b
levorphanol =b s=J  uUuHO LIDO WorkSET work U
 bO qLF UA
levoscoliosis dUO nM simulator
l. scoliosis d
nM lidocaine wF{u ZM 5UbO
Lewin su Liebolt radioulnar V W]be W]dFJ WIdD
L. bone clamp su V
rEF UIK technique XuO

- 391 -
Life n l. augmentation device Ud eeF eON
life UO (LAD)
L. Liner glove dMO n U]H avulsion fibular collateral l. uEA wU' Ud lK
L. Liner stick and UI* w UB dMO n U]H Barkow l. uU U
cut-resistant glove lDIK beak l. UIM U
quality of l. U]HI u l. button Ud ^
lifestyle UO( d calcaneoclavicular l. u d wIF Ud
sedentary l. wuK' UO( d calcaneofibular l. (CFL) uEA wIF Ud
lift WF l calcaneonavicular l. w e wIF Ud
BTE dynamic l. eONK wJOUMb ld capsular l. wEH U
W]OF carpal l. wG U
DiPalma shoe l. U*U V
c( l chek l.'s ]U WD
heel l. VIF l l. clamp Ud UIK
shoe l. c( l Cleland l. bOK UIK
lifting l collateral l. wU U
biomechanics of l. ld W]OJOUJOuO congenital laxity of l. W]OIK) Ud U
LiftStation sAO XHO conoid l. wd U
lig dB U coracoacromial l. wd_ ^wdG U=d
ligament U coracoclavicular l. u d] ^wdG U=d
ligature WD coracohumeral l. bCF ^wdG U=d
ligament (lig) U coronary l. wKOK U
accessory collateral l. wU{ wU U corporotransverse dF
* wL
' Ud
accessory lateral collateral l. wU{ wA wU U inferior l. wKH

acromioclavicular l. u d wd_ Ud corporotransverse dF
* wL
' Ud
acromiocoracoid l. wdG wd_ Ud superior l. uKF
alar l.s W]OUM WD costoclavicular l. u d wFK{ U
alteral l. d=OG U cruciate l. VUB U
annular l. wIK U deep collateral l. oOL wU U
anterior collateral l. wU wU U deep transverse carpal l. dF
* wGd Ud
anterior cruciate l. (ACL) wU_ ^wUB] Ud oOLF
anterior oblique l. (AOL) wU qzU U deep transverse dF
* wFM
anterior talofibular l. uEA wKUJ Ud metacarpal l. oOLF
(ATFL) wU_ delayed union of deltoid l. wb UdK q U
apical l. w=L U deltoid l. w U
arcuate l. wu U dorsoradial l. (DRL) dF ywdN U
artificial l. wFM U extraarticular knee l. Wd qBH U U
atlantal l. wIN U fabellofibular l. uE]A ^wKuH U=d
atlantal transverse l. dF
 wIN U fibular l. uEA Ud
atlantoaxial l. u wIN U fibular collateral l. uE wU U
atlantoocipital l. wcI wINH Ud fibular sesamoidal l. uE wUL

- 392 -
fibulocalcaneal l. wI uE U medial capsular l. w
first intermetacarpal l. UM_ 5 ]_ Ud medial collateral l. (MCL) w
wU U
(IML) medial patellofemoral l. w
c wH{ U
fracture-dislocation with wU_ UdK wFK d
anterior l. meniscofemoral l. c w U
Gerdy l. dO U meniscotibial l. wuM w U
glenohumeral l. (GHL) bCF wU]I( Ud metacarpal l. wFM U
Gore-Tex l. fJ u U metacarpoglenoidal l. wU]I wFM U
Gore-Tex anterior V
wU_ VUB* Ud metacarpophalangeal l. w wFM U
cruciate l. fJ u middle glenohumeral l. j=u* bCF wU]I( Ud
l. graft wU rF midline l. j=u* =j) U
Grayson l. u
d U natatory l. U
Haines-McDougall medial V
L U nuchal l. uH U
sesamoid l. U p fMU oblique l. qzU U
humeral avulsion of the UdK bCF e' lK oblique popliteal l. qzU wCQ U
glenohumeral l. (HAGL) bCF wU]I( oblique retinacular l. qzU bO U
l. of Humphrey dHU U orbicular l. d U
iliopatellar l. wH{ wH d U ossification of the posterior wHK) wuD Ud r^EF
inferior band cruciform l. VUB* UdK wKH
 jdA longitudinal l. (OPLL)
inferior glenohumeral l. wKH
 bCF wU]I( Ud palmar intercarpal U]OGd 5 wb Ud
(IGHL) deltoid l. wd
inferior ilioischial l. wKH wJ wH d U patellar l. wH{ U
intercarpal l. U]OGd 5 U patellofemoral l. c wH{ U
interclavicular l. sOu d sO U patellomeniscal l. w wH{ U
interdigital l. wu U patellotibial l. wuME wH{d Ud
interosseous l. sOLEF sO U pisiform metacarpal l. wB=L( wFM
intersesamoid l. wUL
 5 U plantar l. wBL U
interspinous l. sUM
 5 Ud plantar spring l. wBL_ U]d U
intertransverse l. U{dF
* 5 U popliteal l. wCQ U
intervolar plate l. Wd sL{ WOHB U posterior l. wHK U
intraarticular disk l. qBH* q dI U posterior cruciate l.(PCL) wHK) VUB* Ud
lacinate l. WKCF bO ddA* U=d posterior longitudinal l. wHK) wuD Ud
bIK WOM* posterior oblique l. (POL) wHK) qzU* Ud
Landsmeer l. dOLb U posterior talofibular l. uEA wKUJ Ud
lateral l. wA wU U (PTFL) wHK)
lateral collateral l. (LCL) wA wU U Poupart inguinal l. Uu V
w_ Ud
lateral interosseous l. UEF 5 wU' Ud quadrate l. l]d* Ud
Lisfranc l. pdH
O U radial collateral l. (RCL) dF wU U
longitudinal l. wu U radiate l. l]FA U
luciniate l. U]H U radiate sternocostal l. l]FA* wFK=C w=BI Ud

- 393 -
radiocapitate l. dOJ dFJ Ud triangular l. w]K U
radiocarpal l. wGd dFJ Ud ulnar collateral l. (UCL) b wU U
radioscaphocapitate l. dOJ w e dFJ Ud ulnocarpal l. wG b U
radioscaphoid l. w e dFJ Ud vaginal hand l. bO w b bL U
radioscaphoid-lunate l. wN w e dFJ Ud volar beak l. wBL w UIM U
radiotriquetral l. w]K* dFJ Ud l. of Wrisberg dOe U
l. reconstruction Ud UM Zenotech ]U s wIOK pOuM U
l. replacement Ud b biomaterial-synthetic l. W]OuuO
retinacular l. bO U ligament-bone complex rEF Ud V]d
round l. ]b* Ud ligamentoplasty Ud
sacroiliac l. wH d( eF Ud ligamentotaxis Ud c$ Ud ]
sacrospinous l. wuA eF Ud ligamentous U
sacrotuberous l. wb( eF Ud l. ankylosis Ud j

scaphoid-lunate w e 5LEF 5 Ud l. attachment Ud eJd
interosseous l. wN l. bouncing Ud WU{
scapular l. wH U l. disruption Ud UH
scapulohumeral l. bC wH U l. injury Ud WU
spinal l. dI U l. instability test Ud dI b U
spinal posterior l. wHK) dIH Ud l. insufficiency Ud uB
spinal transverse l. dF
* dIH Ud l. laxity Ud U
spiral oblique retinacular l. weK qzU bO U l. repair of the knee for b V
sternoclavicular l. u d w=BI Ud rotatory instability db dI
l. of Struthers dd U l. stability Ud dI U
subtalar interosseous l. qUJ X UEF 5 Ud l. support tissue UdK rb ZO
superficial medial l. wD w
U ligament-scar matrix Ud Wb dD
superficial transverse l. wD dF
 U ligamentum U
syndesmotic l. U{ wDd U l. cervicis w U
talofibular l. uEA wKUJ Ud l. flavum dH _ Ud
tibial collateral l. (TCL) wuM wU U l. mucosum wU* Ud
tibiofibular l. uEA wuME Ud l. nuchae uHI Ud
torn meniscotibial l. ]eL* wuME wN Ud l. teres ]b* Ud
transverse l. dF
 U ligand adhesive wDO o

transverse acetabular l. dF
* w=I( Ud ligature (lig) WD
transverse atlantal l. dF
* wINH Ud light u{
transverse carpal l. dF
* wGd Ud l. cast wzu{ VU
transverse retinacular l. dF
 bO U l. conductor uC q= u
transverse scapular l. dF
 wH U l. cross-slot screwdriver nOH) VIA VUB ^pH
transverse spinal l. dF
* dIH Ud infrared l. (IR) dL_ X u{
trapezoid l. wdM* Ud l. microscopy wzu{ dN
traumatized l. u{d U l. source wzu{ bB

- 394 -
l. touch sensation nOH) fL]K U
limbus annularis dz u
l. touch test nOH) fLK U limit yb
ultraviolet l. (UV) w
HM u u{ elastic l. d yb
ligtheadedness W d W]H endurance l. q^L ^b
Light V sign V X W metal endurance l. =eKH U b
Lima external fixator U]LO wU) X=* motion l. Wd( ^b
limb d limitation bb%
l. accurate measurement dDK oO b UOI l.of joint motion qBH* Wd bb
(LAM) motion l. Wd( bb
artificial l. wFM d l. of motion (LOM) Wd( bb
l. bud dD rd l. of movement Wd( bb
l. girdle dD e limited ]b
l. gym dD W{U l. fasciectomy ]b* WUHK lC
hanging of l. dD oOKF l. performance measures ]b* _ dOb
ischemic l. UH d limited-contact dynamic W]OJOUMb UGC WOH

left lower l. (LLL) d

_ wKH
 dD compression plate ]b* ULU
left upper l. (LUL) d
_ uKF dD limited-motion metal ankle ]b* =eKH qUJ qBH
l. length angulation dD u =e joint Wd(
l. length discrepancy 5dD u UH limitus ]b
l. lengthening dD quD hallux l. ]b* bI UN
l. replantation dD U limp d
residual l. w=I* dD Trendelenburg l. dMbd d
right lower l. (RLL) s1_ wKH
 dD Linberg syndrome dMO W
right upper l. (RUL) s1_ uKF dD lincomycin uO yUC 5 OuJM
l. salvage dD UI Lindell classification bMO nOMB
seal l. WLIH d Lindeman procedure U1bMO d
l. synergy dD W]P Linder sign VBF UN w bMO W
Utah artificial l. Uu V
wFMB dD wu
limb absence dD UO Lindholm rubMO
congenital intercalary l. a. wIK) rI* dD UO L. technique rubMO WId
congenital terminal l. a. wIK) wzUN dD UO L. tendo clacaneus repair V
wIF du `OKB
Limberg flap dLO WKb rubMO
limb-girdle dD e Lindseth osteotomy YObMO V rEF lD
l.-g. dystrophy dD e q Lindsjo method ubMO WId
l.-g. lengthening dD e quD line uD yj
limb-length disparity 5dD u UH action l. qFH ^j
limb-salvage dD UI ant ax l. (AAL) wU_ wD ^j)
l.-s. procedure dD UI d anterior axillary l. (AAL) wU_ wD ^j)
l.-s. surgery dD UI Wd anterior humeral l. wU_ bCF ^j)
limb-sparing operation dD dOGB Wd antitension l. d^u b{ ^j

- 395 -
Beau l.s u uD midaxillary l. (MAL) j nBM ^j
bisector l. UDI wzUM yj midheel l. VIF nBM ^j
Blumensaat l. U
MuK ^j midmalleolar l. 5FJ nBM ^j
cement l. * ^j midsternal l. (MSL) =hI nBM ^j
Chamberlain l. sdU ^j Moloney l. wuu ^j
cleavage l. d^DA ^j Nelaton L. uO ^j
coronoid l. wOK yj nipple L. wLK( ^j)
cyma l. WLO=
 ^j oblique metacarpal l. qzU* lM
 nBM ^j
l. of demarcation nQ] ^j bb ^j odontoid perpendicular l. qJA w=M bUF ^j
epiphyseal l. wUA yj Perkins l. eMOd ^j
Feiss l. fU ^j Perkins vertical l. uLF eMOd ^j
femoral head l. (FHL) cH ^j physeal l. uL ^j
fracture l. d
J ^j plumb l. WJ
Frankle white l. iO_ 5KJd ^j posterior axillary l. (PAL) wHK) wD ^j)
George l. u ^j posterior cervical l. wHK) w d ^j)
gravitational l. WOU' ^j radiocapitellar l. dOJ rEF dFJ ^j
l. of gravity WOU' ^j radiolucent l. WF nOH ^j
gravity l. WOU' ^j sacral arcuate l. eF wuI ^j)
growth arrest l. uLM n^ u ^j sacral horizontal plane l. eF wI_ u
* ^j
Harris growth arrest l. f=U V
uLM n^ u ^j (SHPL)
Hawkins l. eMOU ^j sclerotic l. WKB ^j
Hilgenreiner V
wI_ Y ^j scurvy l. l ^j
horizontal Y l. dMdMKO Shenton l. uM ^j
Hilgenreiner-Pauwels l. eKU dMdMKO ^j spinolaminar l. wzUH dI ^j
Hilgenreiner-Perkins l. eMOd dMdMKO ^j Sydney l. wb ^j
Hueter l. du ^j teardrop l. WF]b ^j
joint l. qBH* ^j tibiofibular l. uEA wuME ^j)
kaplan oblique l. qzU* U ^j trapezoid l. wdM* rEF ^j
Langer l.'s d uD trough l. Wd ^j
lateral joint l. wA wKBH yj Ullman l. U* ^j
lead l. w U yj Winberger l. ddM ^j
Looser l.s du ^j Z l. Z ^j
lumbar gravitational l. wMDI WOU' ^j l. of Zahn ^j
MacNab l. U U ^j linea uD yj
McGregor l. ud p ^j l. aspera sA) ^j)
medial joint l. w
wKBH yj l. semilunaris wN ^j)
Meyer l. dU ^j linear w=D
Meyerding UIH e nOMB ^j l. fracture w=D d

spondylolisthesis ZMdO V
l. potentiometer w=D) bN' UOI
classification l. l. scar WO=D Wb

- 396 -
linear-variable-differential w=D d=OG wIdH Ud l. inclusion cyst W]OL WKLA W
transducer l. storage disease U]OL]A e
linebackers arm dJM l. tumor wL
linen suture U] jO lipoblastomatosis wL yw
liner WUD s=D lipochondrodystrophy wL wdC q
bone l. W]OLE WUD lipofibroma wL wHO
cushion shoe l. b]u* c( WUD intraneural l. VBF q wL wHO
Duraloc acetabular l. u V
W]O=I WUD lipofibromatous wL wHO wU
Gore-Tex cast l. fJ u V
VUI WUD hamartoma
Gore-Tex waterproof cast l. ULK bUB VUI WUD lipoma wL
fJ u V
endovaginal l. bLG q wL
Plastizote shoe l. e V
c( WUD intraosseous l. rEF q wL
polyethylene l. 5KO wu WUD lipoprotein wL 5d
Spenco l. uJMO WUD liposarcoma W]OL WuU
splint l. dO' WUD myxoid l. WOUU WOL WuU
Ling mMO myxoid-type l. jLM s WOL WuU
L. cemented hip ZMO V
W]O* u Wb wUU*
prosthesis pleomorphic l. =bF WOL WuU
L. hip prosthesis ZMO V
u Wb UJ_
lingual wU  round cell l. db
* W]OLA WuU]

l. artery wU
=K UdA U)
l. vein wU
K bu round cell type l. U) jL s WOL WuU
link j U db
L. anatomical hip j]d wdA u well-differentiated WOUU WOL WuU
musculotendinous- wLE d wKC j myxoid l. eUL] b=O
osseous l. lipoxygenase .e W]OL UMOO 
L. Stack Split Splint XMOK XOK U j lipping WOUFA uB w W t^HA
linkage U UEFK
kinematic l. wd U Lippman hip prosthesis ULO V u Wb
rod l. u^M U Lipscomb VuJ O
linked potential jd* sUJ L. metatarsophaleangeal w
 wDA* qBH* U
Lionberger-Bishop-Tullos uO V wU_ qBH* U arthrodesis VuJ

anterior arthrodesis u^u uAO dd L. modified McKeever ]bF* dHO p qBH* U

Lioresal U uO arthrodesis VuJ

L. Intrathecal U
uO dI q L. procedure VuJ
O d
lip WH L. technique VuJ
l. of acetabulum =o( WH Lipscomb-Anderson ub VuJ O
l. of glenoid w=I( u' UH =o( WH L.-A. drill guide VuJ
posterior l. W]OHK) WHA ub
lipid r L.-A. procedure ub VuJ
O d

- 397 -
liquid qzU Neal-Robertson l. u
d qO qL
l. cable fK q little dOG

l. crystal thermography qzU u]K d jOD L. cargo vest qO WuL( b

(LCT) l. finger (5th digit) l dOGB l
l. nitrogen cryotherapy qzU]
 5dOMU W]d W'UF fU)
Lisfrance fdH O l. leaguers shoulder dOGB qUI* n
L. amputation fdH
O d L. release qO dd
L. articular set angle V
W]OKBH* ]bF W L. technique qO WId
(LASA) fdH
O Littler dKO
L. articulation fdH
O qBH L. technique dKO WId
L. below-knee prosthesis V
Wd qH Wb wing excision of L. dKO V
O Littler-Cooley wu dKO
L. disarticulation fdH
qBH* ^e L.-C. abductor digiti quinti V
dBM) b=F qI
L. dislocation fdH
O lK transfer wu dKO
L. fracture fdH
O d
 L.-C. muscle transfer wu dKO V
L. fracture-dislocation fdH
wFK) d
J L.-C. technique wu dKO WId
L. injury fdH
O WU liver U b
L. joint fdH
O qBH l. disease b
L. ligament fdH
O U l. injury W]b WU
L. tubercle fdH
O Wb Liverpool elbow prosthesis udHO V od* Wb
list WLzU qO1 O liver, spleen, kidneys (LSK) b U UuK
postural l. wF{ O live splint W]O dO
Lister d O living UO
L. corn d
O d activities of daily l. (ADLs) W]OuO UO( WDA
L. technique d
O WId Livingstone therapy u MHO W'UF
L. tubercle W]OdN]E Wb( d
O Wb Livingston intramedullary wIM q u MHO pK
dFJK bar
listhesis e Lixiscope uJ O JO
lateral l. wU e LLC dB
listing O long leg cast quD U
dynamic l. wJOUM O LLD dB
l. gait W]OO WOA leg length discrepancy 5 U]
 u sU
static l. wuJ O LLE dB
Liston u O left lower extremity d
_ wKH
L. bone-cutting forceps rEFK lUI u
L. splint u
O dO leg length inequality 5 U
 u U
lithotomy position WU* lC W]OF{ LLL dB
litigation reaction U{UI* qUH left lower limb d
_ wKH
litter v{d* WU]I qL WU]L LLO dB
vd' lower limb orthosis d
_ wKH
 dD uI

- 398 -
Lloyd bu l.-d. plot qOL Ue wUO rd
L. adapter bu WR loading qOL
L. adapter for YOL UL
 q_ bu WR axial l. u qOL
Smith-Petersen nail sd compression l. wUGC qOL
Lloyd-Roberts fd bu concentric l. ed qOL
L.-R. fracture technique fd bu d
 WId cyclic l. qOL
L.-R. open reduction of d
J fd bu uH* ^d eccentric l. ed qOL
Monteggia fracture UOOu Edwards modular system ]bF UN wJOUM qOL
Lloyd-Roberts-Catteral- fd bu nOMB dynamic l. V

Salamon classification uU dO=U fracture callus l. d

J c qOL
Lloyd-Roberts-Swann bu V b .bI functional and anatomic l. wHO wdA qOL
trochanteric advancement u fd (FAL)
LLP dB wKH  dD Wb l. mode qOL d qOL
lower limb prosthesis wKH
 dD Wb progressive l. >d qOL
LLS dB status l. qOL WU
long leg splint WKuD U
 dO sustained l. dU qOL
LLWC dB tension l. d^u qOL
long leg walking cast quD U]
 wA VU l. time qOL s
LNard UM vertical l. uL qOL
L. boot UM U u load-to-grip displacement WCI v qOL Ue
L. Multi-Podus orthosis u wKO UM uI Loban-adhesive drape Uu o
L. thoracolumbosacral eF wMDI bB uI* lobster-claw hand UK b Ud]  VK b
orthosis UM V
lobster foot Ud]  b
load qOL local wF{u
applied l. o]D qL l. adaptation syndrome wF{u*  W
axial l. u qL (LAS)
axial compression l. u wUGC qL l. anesthesia wF{u ZOM
l. beam qL( We l. spineurotomy wF{u* wBF bLG lC
bending l. wM( qL l. radical resection wF{u c lD
compression l. wUGC qL l. standby anesthesia wUO ZOM WId
critical l. d qL technique wF{u*
Euler l. d qL Localio-Francis-Rossano fO d uOUu lD
ramp L. bM* qL resection uU
torque l. db e qL Localio procedure uOUu d
torsional l. u]K qL localization lO{u l^{u
load-bearing graft qL( bM  rF pedicle l. WIu
load-deflection curve qL( UDF vMM localizer cast WF={u* VU
load-deformation curve qOL ^uA vMM locating pin lO{u] u^
load-displacement qOL Ue location l{u
l.-d. curve qOL Ue vMM cervical sympathetic W]O d W]=u WK

- 399 -
chain l. Lofstrand bd u
pedicle l. WIu
 l{u L. brace bd
u UM
locator l{u* bb W WF={u L. crutch bd
u U]J
Berman-Moorhead metal l. UdO V
W]=eK WF={u Logan traction Uu ^d
bOu log-rolling maneuver VA) b Wd UM
metal l. W]=eK WF={u Lok-it screwdriver X u ^pH
lock f qH Lok-screw u Vu
knee l. U]J W l.-s. double-slot VuK =oA e ypH
l. nut qHI WuL screwdriver u
spring-loaded knee l. U]d q]L; Wd qH l.-s. screwdriver u V
wd ^pH
Locke wu LOM Wd( bb
L. bone clamp wu V
rEF UIK limitation of motion Wd( bb
L. elevator wu WF London unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb
locked f qHI elbow prosthesis bM
l. knee U]J W long qu
l. nailing X= qU dOL
l. arm brace quD c UM
l. scapula b]L n l. arm cast (LAC) quD c VU
locking XO f UH qH l. arm finger cast qu w wF VU
l. clamp qU UIK l. arm splint WKuD c dO
distal l. U U l. axial alignment guide quD u* nO d qO
l. hook instrumentation W]O
* =hA l. axis qu u
l. horizontal mattress suture W]O
* W]OI_ bOM WUO l. axis of bone quD rEF u
l. of joint qBH* U l. axis ray qu u UF
l. nail w
 l. bent-knee leg cast WOMM* Wd U
l. nut W]O
 WuL quD
l. peg w
 ] b l. bone qu rE
proximal l. U l. bone deficiency quD rEF hI
sacroiliac joint l. wH d( eF qBH* U l. bone fracture quD rEF d

l. screw w
 Vu l. curette WKu WDAJ
locking-hook w  yh l. deltopectoral approach qu b w vQ
l.-h. rod w
 hA u^ l. extensor WKu WDU
l.-h. spinal rod w
 hA dI u^ l. external rotator WKuD dUE =b*
lockjaw pH e e]C l. finger (3rd digit) YU l quD l
locknut wrench XO We uK l. flexor WKu WOM
locomotion ^d% l. head qu
locomotor U]O w^d% l. head of biceps 5d c quD d
l. ataxia w^d% ` l. head biceps tendon 5d c quD d d
l. pattern ^d d l. leg brace quD U
Lodine su l. leg cast (LLC) quD U
Loeffler-Ballard incision dKu ^o l. leg hinged brace U
K qu = UM

- 400 -
l. leg orthosis quD U
 uI l. traction wu yd
l. leg splint (LLS) WKuD U
 dO long-jaw qu yp
l. leg stockings WKuD U
 u l.-j. basket forceps quD =pH W]K
l. leg walking cast (LLWC) U
K quD wA* VU long-latency SEP VO quD uLJ
l. oblique fracture qu qzU d
 long-radius kyphosis dDI qu b
l. opponens orthosis quD qUI* uI* longstanding bb* uu
l. segment spinal fusion qu wFD dI Z long-stemmed powered bur c' qu w VIM
l. and short lever rotational WKuD WFd db WKUM long-term _ ULF WNO
manipulation dOBI bone-instrumentation b_ WKuD W]OLEF
l. thoracic nerve injury quD bB VBF WU interface
l. thoracic nerve palsy quD bB VBF qK longum qu
l. toe flexor WKuD bI l WOM vinculum l. quD UOI
l. tract sign quD qO
 W longus WKu
longissimus vuD abductor pollicis l. (APL) bO UN b=F* WKuD WKCF
l. capitis musculus WOd WKuD WKCF adductor hallucis l. UN W=dI* WKuD WKCF
l. cervicis musculus WKuD vuD W]O d WKCF bI
l. musculus vu WKC l. capitis musculus WKuD WOd WKCF
longitudinal wu l. capitis muscle WKuD WOd WKCF
l. arch W]Ou u l. cervicis (colli) muscle WKuD W]O d WKCF
l. axis wu u l. colli muscle W]O d WKuD WKCF
l. blood supply bU wuD b extensor carpi radialis l. mdK WDU W]dFJ
l. blood supply to ulnar v bU wuD b (ECRL)
nerve be VBF extensor digitorum l. (EDL) lU  WKuD WDU
l. deficiency wu u extensor hallucis l. (EHL) bI UN WDU WKuD
l. displaced complete tear W]Ou W]OUe W]U W e extensor pollicis l. (EPL) bO UN WDU WKuD
l. distraction wu d flexor digitorum l. (FDL) lU  WKuD WOM*
l. epiphyseal bracket W]OuD WUA* UM flexor hallucis l. (FHL) bI UN WOM* WKuD
l. incision wu yo flexor pollicis l.(FPL) bO UN WOM* WKuD
l. incomplete intramenscal WU dO WN q W e palmaris l. (PL) WKuD W]Od
tear WOu peroneus l. WKuD W]uEA
l. ligament wu U loop d d
l. ligament rupture wuD Ud ^eL l. circumferential wire d wUH pK
l. member to anchor WKO u v wuD dD figure-of-eight l. 8 WOULU d
connector W=* figure-of-eight wire l. WOULU W]OJK d
l. member to longitudinal dD v wuD dD l. fixation dF XO
member connector WKO uK wuD Ransford l. uH
l. meniscal tear WOu W]O W e wire l. W]OJK d
l. rupture wu ^eL loop-lock cock-up splint dF W= vK d dO
l. spinal bar wu dI pK loose XU dO qIKI
l. tear W]Ou W e l. body qIKI r

- 401 -
l. body grasper qIKI* r
' WCU u V

l. fracture qIKI d
 L. modification u qbF
l. fragment WKIKI Wb L. modification of uM U WIdD u qbF
l. knee procedure WKIKI* Wd d MacIntosh technique
loosening U p ^q L. sling and reef technique dA wM WId u F
acetabular component l. w=I( =uJ* ^p L. test u U
aseptic l. dU U loss hI bI
screw l. VuK ^p blood l. b bI
sterile l. rOI yp bone l. rEF hI
Looser lines du uD estimated blood l. ]bI* b bI
Lopurin suu lumbar lordosis wF wMDI fFI hI
Lorazepam oKIK yUC Uu iatrogenic l. QAM*
Lorcet XOu l. of motion Wd( bI
Lorcet 10 10 XOu motor l. Wd( bI
Lord u postmenopausal bone l. U bF rEF bI
L. hip prosthesis u V
u Wb segmental bone l. wFD wLE bI
L. Press-Fit hip prosthesis fd u V
u Wb sensory l. w=
XO Loth-Kirschner drill dMdO u VI
lordoscoliosis w F nM lotion u
lordosis fF Criticaid l. bUJOd u
cervical l. w fF Polysonic ultrasound l. ozUH pOu wu u
l. creation fFI b uB
lumbar l. wMD fF Lottes fu
lumbar spine l. W]OMDI U
 fF L. nail fu UL

l. preservation fFI vK UH( L. nailing fu dOL

reversal of l. fFI fJ L. pin fu u^

thoracic l. b fF L. triflanged medullary Y]K* uIM fu UL

thoracic spine l. W]bB U
 fF nail u(
lordotic U F fF w F lotus position fuK l{
lordotic curve fFI vMM Lou Gehrig disease dOu
Lorenz eu Lougheed-White V hFBF UB
L. brace eu UM coccygectomy X bONu
L. cast eu VU Louis instrumentation fu ULF
L. procedure eu d loupe d=J Wb d=J*
L. sign eu W binocular l. 5F W]OzUM d=J
Lorenzo screw eu Vu l. magnification d=J*U dOJ
lorry driver?s fracture WMUA ozU d  magnifying l. d=J* dOJ Wb
Lortab Uu surgical l. W]Od d=J
Losee u Love u
L. knee instability test Wd dI b U L. root retractor u V
c' UF

- 402 -
L. splint u dO l. extremity surgery wKH
 dD Wd
Lovell clubfoot cast qu V bI nM VU l. hand retractor wKH b UF
Lovenox fuMu l. hook trial wKH
 =hA Wd
low iHM wKH l. limb orthosis (LLO) wKH
 dD uI
l. back neurosis dNE qH UB l. limb prosthesis (LLP) wKH
 dD Wb
l. back pain dNE qH r l. lumbar spine wKH
l. cervical approach wKH w vQ l. motor neuron disease wKH
 =d; uBF
l. frequency alternating du iHM UM U]O l. plexus injury W]OKH
current (LFAC) l. posterior lumbar spine wMDI VKB eF Wd
l. impedance W UF0 W]d We and sacrum surgery wKH
thermocouple WCHM l. thoracic pedicle W]OKH W]b WIu
l. lumbar spine fracture W]OMDI U
 qH d
 l. thoracic spine wKH
l. median-low ulnar palsy be iHM* n UM qK low-grade central W]ed QAM* W]OLE WuU
iHM* osteogenic sarcoma Wb WCHM
L. Profile plastic body V
' d Lowman U
jacket qOdu L. bone clamp U V
l. quarter Blucher shoe wKH
 ldK duK c L. bone-holding clamp V
rEF p
l. single thoracic curve bOu wKH
 bB vMM* U
low-contact dynamic W]OJOUMb W]OUGC WOHB L. bone-holding forceps V
rEFK p
compression plate UL WKOKI U
LowDye u L. clamp U UIK
L. strapping u U
z L. forceps U jIK
L. taping u e L. procedure U d
L. taping technique u V
e WId Lowman-Gerster bone U V rEF UIK
Lowe-Breck V WN lD 5=J clamp dd
meniscectomy knife pd u Lowman-Hoglund clamp buKu U UIK
Lowell qu low-neck femoral prosthesis oMF qH W]c Wb
L. reduction qu ^ low-profile wKH qOd
L. view qu dEM l.-p. cup wKH wU n'
Lowe-Miller unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb l.-p. femoral prosthesis W]OKH WOU W]c Wb
elbow prosthesis dKO u l.-p. halo traction wKH wU wU yd
low-energy fracture WCHM ]uI d  low-purine diet suU dOI u
lower wKH low-riding patella WCHM W]Od WH{
l. cervical spine W]OKH
 W]O d U
 low-surface reactive wD  qUH qOK
l. cervical spine fusion wKH
 w d VKB Z low-temperature plastic d( iHM pO
l. cervical spine posterior w d VKBK wHK XO low-viscosity WCHM We
stabilization wKH
 l.-v. bone cement WeK iHM wLE 
l. cervical spine procedure wKH
 w d VKB d l.-v. cement WeK iHM 
l. cervical spine stabilization wKH
 w d VKB XO LP dB
l. extremity (LE) wKH
 dD lumbar puncture wMD e

- 403 -
L plate L WOHB uAO
L rod L u^]M Ludington uMu
LRS dB L. sign uMu W
lateral recess stenosis wU' ^d o^OC L. test uMu U
LS dB Ludloff uu
lumbosacral e wMD L. approach uu vQ
lumboscral spine eF wMDI VKB L. incision uu ^o
L-shaped L qJ L. medial approach uu V
L.-s. capsular incision L qJA wEH yo L. osteotomy uu V
rEF lD
L.-s. incision L qJA yo L. sign uu W
L.-s. rod L qJA u^ L. technique uu WId
LSK dB Ludwig plane ZOu u 
liver, spleen, kidneys UuK U b LUE dB
L-spine wMDI VKB left upper extremity d
_ uKF dD
lumbar spine wMDI VKB Luekens wrinkle test eMJu V s^CG] U
LSU dB Luhr fixation system du XO UN
LSU reciprocation-gait V
orthosis LSU left upper limb d
_ uKF dD
LSU reciprocation-gait V
W]OU WOA* uI UM Lulu clamp uu UIK
orthosis brace LSU lumbago-mechanical b wMDI r_ W
LSU reciprocator LSU U* instability syndrome wJOUJO* dI
LT dB lumbar wMD
lactate threshold U W l. accessory movement W]OMDI W]OU{ Wd( WId
L-tryptophan dUO* Uud technique
Lubinus fOMOu l. agenesis wMDI o^K b
L. acetabular component fOMOu V
w=I( =uJ* l. anesthesia wF{u ZOM
L. AP hip system wU_ fOMOu u UN l. brace wMD UM
wHK) l. curve wMDI vMM*
lubrication oOe XOe l. disk wMD d
Lucas-Murray knee V Wd qBH U l. disk disorder wMDI dI dD{
arthrodesis u Uu l. diskography wMDI dI duB
lucency WOUH l. epidural endoscopy W]OMDI WOU' u dOEM
subchondral l. dCG X WOUH l. extension wMD j

lucent U
U]H l. extension test wMDI j
luciniate ligament lU U l. facet injection wMDI tOu sI
Luck u l. fascia W]OMDI WUHK
L. bone drill u V
rEF VI l. flat back syndrome wMDI `]D
* dNE W
L. drill u VI l. flexion wMD wM
L. hip cup u V
u n' l. flexion test wMDI wM U
Luck-Bishop bone saw u V rEF UAM l. fusion wMD Z

- 404 -
l. gravitational line wMDI WOU' ^j fixation WIu

l. kyphosis wMD b l. spine trauma wMDI VKB `{
l. lateral flexion wMD wU wM l. spine vertebral wMDI VKB dI b
l. lateral flexion test wMDI wU' wM U osteosynthesis
l. lordosis wMD fF l. sympathectomy wMDI =u lD
l. lordosis iatrogenic loss wMDI fFIK QAM* w bI l. tumor wMD
l. lordosis preservation wMDI fFI vK UH( l. vein wMD b
l. lordotic curve wMD w
F vMM l. vertebra W]OMD dI
l. microtrauma wMD dG `{ l. vertebrae W]OMD dI
l. motion W]OMD Wd l. vertebral interbody dIH U
5 Z
l. nerve root injection wMDI wBF c' sI fusion W]OMDI
l. pedicle W]OMD WIu lumbodorsal fascia (LDF) W]dNE W]OMDI WUHK
l. pedicle fixation W]OMDI WIu
 XO lumbopelvic complex w{u( wMDI V]d*
l. pedicle marker W]OMDI WIu
 r lumbosacral (LS) e wMD
l. pedicle scew W]OMDI WIu
 Vu l. angle W]eF W]OMDI We
l. plexus injury W]OMDI dOHC WU l. corset e wMD ybA
l. protective mechanism W]OzU u W]OMDI W]O U l. dislocation e wMD lK
test l. flexion e wMD wM
l. puncture (LP) wMD e l. fusion e wMD Z
l. range of motion W]OMDI Wd( U l. joint angle eF wMDI qBH* W
l. rotation wMD db l. junction eF wMDI q u*
l. rotation test wMDI db U l. junction bone density wMDI q u* rE WU
l. sagittal mobility wMD wLN ^d eF
l. scoliosis wMD nM l. junction cortical q uLK W]dAI WU
l. spine (L-spine) wMDI VKB thickness eF wMDI
l. spine biopsy wMDI VKB We l. junction fracture eF wMDI q u* d

l. spine burst fracture wMDI VKB w UH d
 l. kyphosis e wMD b
l. spine decompression wMDI VKB jG{ nOH l. orthosis e wMD uI
l. spine fixation wMDI VKB XO l. plexus W]eF W]OMDI dOHC
l. spine fracture wMDI VKB d
 l. series W]eF W]OMDI WK

l. spine fusion wMDI VKB Z l. spine (LS) eF wMDI UIH
l. spine instability wMDI VKB dI b l. spine transpedicular WIu
 _ ULF
l. spine instrumentation wMDI VKB ULF instrumentation eF wMDI UIHK
l. spine kyphotic deformity wMDI VKB b ^uA l. spondylolisthesis eF wMDI UIH e
l. spine lordosis wMDI VKB fF l. vertebra W]OMD dI
l. spine model wMDI VKB uL lumbrical wMOd
l. spine pedicle diameter wMDI VKB WIu dD l. bar W]OMOd W{U
l. spine rotational stability wMDI VKBK db U l. intrinsic contracture QAM* wK wMOd l^HI
l. spine segmental fixation wMDI VKB lD XO l. muscle W]OMOd WKC
l. spine transpedicular wMDI VKBK XO l. plus finger W]OMOd bz l

- 405 -
l. syndrome finger W]OMOd) W* l L. rod fixation for kyphosis b( w uOu u^ XO
l. tendon W]OMOd) d L. rod migration uOu u^ d
lumbricalis muscle W]OMOd WKC L. segmental spinal W]OFDI W]dIH _ ULF
lumbrical-plus phenomenon WOMOd) Ue dU instrumentation uOu V

Lumex-lightweight nOH u Vb wd L. semirigid segmental W]OFDI W]dIH _ ULF

wheelchair fJOu spinal instrumentation uOu V
lunate wN L. sublaminar wiring wOHB X pOK
l. bone wN rEF technique uOu V

l. dislocation wN lK L. technique uOu WId

Lunceford-Pilliar-Engh uH u V u Wb Luque-Galveston u HU uOu
hip prosthesis Z UO=KO L.-G. fixation u
Lundholm ubu L.-G. post u
L. plate ubu WOH Lurch qU9 O
L. screw ubu Vu abductor l. b=F* O
lunotriquetral w]K w gluteal l. u qUL
l. arthrodesis w]K* wN qBH* U Trendelenburg l. dMbd O
l. dissociation w]K* wN UH Luschka UJu
l. fusion w]K* wN Z L. bursa UJu d
l. instability w]K* wN dI b L. joint UJu qBH
lunula OK qOK Lusskin 5Ju
lupus Wzc L. bone drill 5Ju rEF VI
l. anticoagulant wzc d^ ^UC L. drill 5Ju VI
l. erythematosus (LE) W]OUL Wz luxated bone lKM rE
l. erythematosus wUL wz dC
 luxatio lK
preparation l. coxae congenita wIK) u( lK
Luque uOu l. erecta shoulder rOI
* nJ lK
L. II segmental spinal W]OFDI W]dIH _ ULF dislocation
instrumentation uOu V
II l. perinealis wU lK
L. instrumentation uOu ULF Lyden-Lehman technique ULNO bO WId
L. instrumentation ULF d]FI* WIdD Lyden technique bO WId
concave technique uOu lying UIK
L. instrumentation convex ULF W]b* WIdD side L. wU' UIK
technique uOu Lyman-Smith YOL ULO
L. loop fixatoin uOu V
dF XO L.-S. brace YOL ULO UM
L. pedicle screw uOu V
 Vu L.-S. toe drop brace V
j U
 bI l UM
L. rectangle uOu qOD
L. ring uOu WIK L.-S. traction YOL ULO ^d
L. rod uOu u^ Lyme disease .
L. rod bender uOu u^ wM lymph n*
L. rod fixation uOu u^ XO l. vessel wH* U

- 406 -
l. vessel tumor W]OHLK WO_ L. tendo calcaneous repair 5 V
u dF `OKB
lymphadenopathy W]OHL=K bIF r^C LYOfoam uO u
lymphangiography W]OHLK WO_ duB L. C dressing uO ud C bOLC
lymphangioma wH* wzU L. wound dressing uO ud d' bOLC
cavernous l. wHN wH* wzU lyophilization bOLU nOH bOH&
lymphangiosarcoma W]OH* W]OzU WuU l. of bone rEF bOH&
lymphatic wH* lyophilized bone graft b=H wLE rF
lymphedema W]OH* W Lysholm ruN O
familial l. WOKzU W]OH* W L. Knee Scale ruN
Wd r]K
l. sling W]OHLK Wu F L. Knee scoring V
Wd d UO
lymphocyte UUH* W]UHLK questionnaire ruN
l. count U]UHLK bF L. score ruN
O d
lymphoma wH* WuH* lysis yq
angiotropic l. t^u W]OzU WuH* Lyte Fit orthotic XO X uI
malignant l. WO WuH* lytic bone lesion W]O W]OLE W
non-Hodgkin l. W]OMOJu WuH* Lytle q
Lynn 5 L. metacarpal splint q V
L. technique 5 WId L. splint q dO

- 407 -
3M dB Cybex m. fJO WM U
3M prep 3M dC Griswold distraction m. bud d WM U
3M skin drape 3M W]bK U Instron m. d WM U
M/3 dB Isotechnologies B-200 low V dNE qH WM U
middle third j=u* YK back m. 200 fOuuMJe
mA dB MedX functional testing m. W]OHOu U WM U
milliampere dO wK f bO V
MAC dB passive motion m. WKFHM* W d( WM U
monitored ansethesia control ZOMU Vd* r^J m. screw wM U Vu
MAC anesthesia U ZOM MacIntoch hip prosthesis uMU V u Wb
MacAusland b U MacIntosh uMU
M. lumbar brace U V wMDI UM M. extraarticular tenodesis qBH* U du WUO
b uM U V
M. procedure b U d M. iliotibial band tenodesis wHd( jdA d WUO
MacCarthy procedure wU U d uM U V wuME
maceration 5DF s^DF M. lateral pivot shift test wU' dzUB Ue U
Macewen suU uM U V
M. classification suU nOMB M. over-the-top ACL c U ACL UM
M. drill suU VI reconstruction uM U V
Macewen-Shands osteotomy suU V rEF lD M. over-the-top repair V c U `OKB
bU uM U
machine UMU WMU M. prosthesis uM U Wb
borazone blade cutting m. u qBM WFU WM U M. technique uM U WId
CamStar exercise m. UU sdL WM U M. tenodesis uM U V du WUO
continuous passive ]dL* WKFHM* W d( WM U M. test uM U U
motion m. M. tibial plateau prosthesis V W]OuME WCN Wb
CPM m. ]dL* WKFHM* W d( WM U uM U

- 409 -
Mackinnon nerve injury uMOU V VBF WU MAFO u U
MacNab U U molded ankle foot orthosis VuI* qUJ bI uI
M. line U U ^j mafocane Uu U
M. line for facet imbrication tOu V d U U ^j Magerl dU
M. operation U U W]OKL M. hook-plate system V =hA WOHB UN
M. shoulder repair U U V nJ `OKB dU
MacNab-English shoulder U V W]eOK$ nJ Wb M. plate-screw system V WOHB VuK UN
prosthesis U dU
MacNichol-Voutsinas UMOu uJO U nOMB M. posterior cervical csrew wHK w VuK XO
classification fixation dU V
macroadhesion d UB M. translaminar facet screw tOu VuK XO WId
macrodactylia WU{ l wHO wL fixation technique dU V WOHB d
fibrolipomatosis lU _ Magilligan UOKOU
macrodactyly lU _ WU{ M. measuring technique UOKOU V UOI WId
macroelectromyography dJ qCF W]OdN jOD M. technique for measuring UOI UOKOU WId
(macro-EMG) anteversion wU_ I
macro-EMG dJ qCF W]OdN jOD Magna-FX cannulated UMU V v]MI* VuK UN
macroelectromyography dJ qCF W]OdN jOD screw system fJ
m.-E. needle electrode jOD  d wdNJ d* magnesium ueMG
dJ qCF W]OdN m. deficiency ueMG* u
Macrofit XO dU m. sulfate ueMG* UHK
M. hip prosthesis XOd U V u Wb magnet jUG fOUMG
macroglobulinemia bU dJ 5uuK' u Dyonics Golden bu fJOu fOUMG
Waldenstrom m. bU dJ 5uuK' u Retriever m. dHd
db V Tesla m.  fOUMG
macro motor unit action W]dJ W=d* bu qF sU magnetic wOUMG
potential ( MUAP) m. motion transducer wOUMG* W d( Ud
macronychia UH_ WU{ m. resonance arthrography wOUMG* 5dU qBH* duB
macrophage r rFK m. resonance imaging wOUMG* 5dU duB
macroradiograph W]d W]OUF u (MRI)
macrotrauma r{ `{ m. retriever wOUMG* ld*
maculara eruptiva perstans rz wFI `H m. stimulation wOUMG tOM
Maddacrawler Crawler dd dd]U maginfication dOJ
Madelung deformity ZuU ^uA Loupe m. WbF dOJ
Madigan-Wissinger-Donald V wb nO d U m. view dOJ dEM
son proximal realignment ubU dM UU magnifying d=J
madreporic hip prosthesis W]OUd* u Wb m. glass d=J Wb
mafenide acetate for burns dK bOMO U* UO m. loupe d=J Wb
Maffucci syndrome WOzU wAu U W magnum dOJ rEF dO
WMU W]O dC l Wu foramen m. vLEF WI^

- 410 -
magnus d dO rotational m. db nO d u
adductor m. dJ W=dI* varus m. Z_ nO d u
nucleus raphe m. (NRM) dOJ Ud u malangulation =e u
Magnuson uuMU Malawer dU
M. abduction humeral splint V b=F W]bC dO M. excision technique d UB WId
uuMU M. resection dU lD
M. debridement uuMU UC male / female washer vd WKG
M. splint uuMU dO male reamer dc uI
M. technique uuMU WId malformation ^uA
M. twist drill V wzu VI* Arnold-Chiari m. c w UO bu ^uA
uuMU U=b
M. wire uuMU pK arteriovenous m. (AVM) b wUd ^uA
Magnuson-Stack U uuMU Malgaigne wMO'U
M.-S. operation U uuMU W]OKL M. fracture wMO'U d
M.-S. procedure U uuMU d M. pelvic fracture wMO'U V w{u( dJ
M.-S shoulder arthrotomy V nJ qBH lC maligna YO
U uuMU lentigo m. YO gL
Ma-Griffith YHd U malignancy WU
M.-G. technique YHd U WId malignant YO
M.-G. tendo clacaneus U V udF `OKB m. fasciculation YO we U
repair YHd m. fibrous histiocytoma YO) wHOK WM*
Mahan procedure UU d m. fibrous xanthoma YO wHO dH
Maigne test sU U m. hyperpyrexia YO) d( d
maintained contraction dL uB h^KI m. hyperthermia YO) d( d
Maisel suppression theory qU V XJ W]dE m. lymphoma WO WuH*
Maisonneuve uOeU m. melanoma YO ywMOO
M. fibular fractue uEA uOeU d m. myeloid sarcoma WO W]uI Wu U
M. fracture uOeU d m. schwannoma YO wUH
M. sign uOeU W Malis hinge clamp =d fOU UIK
Maitland technique bU WId malleable d]DU o^ d]K qU d
Majestro-Ruda-Forst dU V du WId structural aluminum m. wO d wuOMu d
tendon technique Xd (SAM)
major dO m. template d U d
m. curve dOJ vMM* malleolar wF
m. injury vector (MIV) dOJ WU qU m. fracture wF d
MAL dB m. osteotomy VFJ rE lD
midaxillary line j nBM ^j m. screw wF Vu
malabsorption UB u Malleoloc uuOU
malalignment nO d u malleolus, pl. malleoli uF VF
radial m. dFJ nO d u lateral m. wAu VFJ

- 411 -
medial m. w VFJ femoral shaft m. c H r U u
tip of medial m. w VFJ humeral fracture m. bCF dJ U u
mallet W dD* talar m. qUJ U u
bone m. W]OLE WdD malunited U =w
m. deformity wdD ^uA m. acetabulum U =w yo
m. finger abouna splint W]OdD* l  Uu dO m. calcaneus fracture U =w wI d
m. finger deformity W]OdD* l ^uA m. forearm fracture U =w bU d
m. fracture wdD d m. fracture U =w d
Kirk orthopaedic m. UEF .uI Wd WdD m. radial fracture U =w dF d
dO V mamillary process wLK( TUM
polyethylene-faced m. 5KO wu tu ]uJ WdD management dOb W'UF
slotted m. WI]IA WdD conservative m. kU dOb
m. thumb wdD UN failure of conservative m. kU; dOb qA
m. toe W]OdD* bI l nonoperative m. wd
m. toe deformity W]OdD* bI l ^uA nonoperative orthopaedic m. dO UEF .uI W'UF
malleus W dD* W]Od'
hallux m. wdD* bI UN nonsurgical m. W]Od W'UF
malleus-incus prosthesis bM W dD* Wb preoperative m. WdK oU] dOb
Mallory-Head bO uU Mandelbaum-Nartolozzi-Ca V wH{d du `OKB
M.-H. hip prosthesis bO uU V u Wb rney patellar tendon wU uuU UbU
M.-H. modular calcar V ]bF* ULN* UN repair
system bO uU Mandel-Bekhterev sign nd bU W
M.-H. porous primary V WLOL W]Ozb W]c  Wb mandible wKH ^pH
femoral prosthesis bO uU m. ossification wKH =pH r^EF
Mallory technique uU WId osteotomy of m. wKH =pH rE lD
malnutrition WcG u mandibular wKH wJ
protein m. wMOd WcG u m. nerve wKH wJH VBF
mal perforans W U] bI Wd V U] ]b m. osteotomy wKH wJH rEF lD
malposition l^{u] u m. spine wKH pH W u
extension m. jU l^{u] u maneuver UM
flexion m. wMU l^{u] u Adson m. u UM
lateral flexion m. wU' wMU l^{u] u Allen m. 5 UM
rotational m. db l^{u] u Allis m. fO UM
malrotation b u Barlow m. uU UM
Malteno tube implant uMOU W]Ou_ WdG ]U Bigelow m. uKO UM
material circumduction m. dD d UM
maltracking patella l^{u W=O WH{ closed manipulative m. WIKG W]b UM
malum coxae senilis uK ^wuO]A ^wKBH* ]b costoclavicular m. W]ud W]OFK{ UM
malunion U u U u Finkelstein m. 5KJM UM
angulatory m. ]e* U u flexion-extension m. j wM UM

- 412 -
Fowler m. dU UM grading of m. WKUM* ^b
Halsted m. bU UM gross m. W]OUO WKUM
Hippocratic m. dI UM Hippocrates m. dI WKUM
Hubscher m. dAu UM indirect m. dU WKUM
Jahss m. U UM joint m. W]OKBH WKUM
Jendrassik m. pO=bM UM Leadbetter hip m. W]O u dbO WKUM
Kocher m. du UM long and short lever WKu WFd W]db WKUM
Krackow m. u d UM rotational m. dOB
Lachman m. UL UM myofascial m. W]OUH W]OKC WKUM
Leadbetter m. dOb UM noncontact m. UL WKUM
log-rolling m. c' Wd UM opening wedge m. WH bOu WKUM
McKenzie extension m. eM p V j UM passive joint m. WKFHM W]OKBH WKUM
maneuver UM specific thrust m. W]Ou W]d WKUM
McMurray circumduction V dD d UM spinal m. W]dI WKUM
m. u p thrust m. W]d WKUM
Ortolani m. wu UM manipulative therapy W]b W'UF
osteoclasis m. rEF iI UM Mankin 5JU
Phalen m. 5U UM M. resection 5JU lD
postural fixation back m. wF{u XOU dNE UM M. technique 5JU WId
relative response attributable eF UMLK W]O WU Manktelow uKOJU
to the m. (RRAM) UM* v M. pectoralis major transfer V dOJ W]bB qI
reverse Bigelow m. W]OJF uKO UM uKOJU
rotation-compression m. UGC db UM M. transfer procedure uKOJU qI d
scalene m. W]OFL_ UM Mann U
Schreiber m. dd UM M. modified McKeever dHO p V qBH* U
Sellick m. pOKO UM arthrodesis U qbF
Slocum m. u uK UM M. procedure U d
Spurling m. ZMu UM Mann-Coughlin-DuVries 5Ku U V WHA lD
Steel m. qO UM cheilectomy ed
Stimson m. uLO UM Mann- Coughlin procedure 5Ku U d
Valsalva m. UHKU UM Mann-DuVries arthoplasty ed U V qBH*
Wright m. X UM Mann-Whitney wM U
Mangled Extremity Severity ]uA* dD WU d M.-W. analysis wM U qOK
Score (MESS) b qUM M.-W. test wM U U
manipulate MANOVA dB
manipulation WKUM b multivariate analysis of d=OG* =bF* qOK
contact m. UL WKUM variance UHK
fine m. WU WIO WKUM Manske-McCarroll V WUI* WKCF
general m. W]U WKUM opponensplasty ^U p wJU
general thrust m. UF db WKUM Manske-McCarroll-Swanso ^U p wJU ed

- 413 -
n centralization uu m. bone dd rE
Manske technique wJU WId m. bone pin dd* rEF u^
Mantis retrograde forceps wud fOU jIK Marcaine 5UU
manual V=O b qO M. with epinephrine sdHMO l 5U U
m. contact b UL marcescens WKc
m. locking knee prosthesis W]bO WO* W d Wb Serratia m. WKc W]Od
m. muscle test bO WKCF U March fracture dO* d U d
m. muscle testing (MMT) bO WKCF U Marcove-Lewis -Huvos uU V nJ e lD
m. pressure b jG{ shoulder girdle resection u u fu
m. push-pull technique bO V lb WId Marcus-Balourdas-Heiple qO uU fU
m. resistance W]b WUI M.-B.-H. ankle fusion f U qUJ Z WId
m. technique W]b WId technique qO uU
m. traction b yd M.-B.-H. transmalleolar V VFJ d qBH* U
m. wheelchair b Vb wd arthrodesis qO uU f U
manubrium WC Marfan syndrome ZM dD{ U U W
Manuflex external fixator wU) X=* W]UC
Maolate U margin gU w u W] U
MAP dB anterior m. wU gU
Multiaxial Assessment of r U; =bF* rOOI marginal wAU u U
Pain m. excision wAU UB
mapping WF{u* m. fracture wAU d
behavioral m. W]O uK WF{u* m. osteophyte W]OAU W]OLE WU
m. the defect VOF WF{u m. resection wAU lD
dermatome m. UA* WF{u margo, pl. margines w u W] U
paraspinal m. UIHU WDO WF{u Marie- Bamberger disease ddU U
maptazinol uMUU Marie-Charcot-Tooth u uU U
Maquet XOU disease
M. advencement XO U .bI Marie- Foix sign fJu U W
M. anteromedial osteoplasty w wU_ rEF Marie-Strmpell qd U
XO U V M.-S. disease qd U
M. dome XO U W] M.-S spondylitis U V UIH UN
M. dome osteotomy XO U V w=I rEF lD qd
M. procedure XO U d marinum d
M. table extention XO U WU j Mycobacterium m. W]d d=DH*
M. technique XO U WId Marion screw uU Vu
Maramed Miami fracture bOU V dJ UM UN marker WL r
brace system wUO lumbar pedicle m. W]OMDI WIu r
marathon uU* U pedicle m. WIu r
marathoners toe uU* ]b f retroreflective m. nK K UJF r
marble dd skin m. bK r

- 414 -
tantalum-ball m. uUU d r Markley retention pin wKU X=* fU( u^b
thoracic pedicle m. W]bB WIu r Marks-Bayne technique for nUC sU fU WId
Markham-Meyerding ZMdO UNU UF thumb duplication bO UN
retractor Marlex fJU
Mark II II U M. mesh fJU WJ
M. II Chandler total knee U V W]U W d UF M. methyl methacrylate V d UO* qOO Wb
retractor dbU II prosthesis fJU
M. II concave total knee V d]FI* W]U W d UF Marmor modular knee uU V W]bF* Wd Wb
retractor II U prosthesis
M. II distal femur distractor V w UI c H W=dH Maroteaux-Lamy bb w uU W
II U syndrome W]OU* bUJ]
M. II femoral component V c H =uJ* lU Marquardt angulation V e rEF lD
extractor II U osteotomy uU
M. II Kodros radiolucent V W]F nOHA d * Marquet fracture table XOU V uJ WU
awl u II U marrow wI
M. II lateral collateral wAu wU' Ud UF bone m. rEF wI
ligament retractor II U V m. cavity wIM u
M. II modular weight V ]bF* qI UF m. disease uI d
retractor II U red m. dL_ wIM
M. II PCL retractor II PCL U UF yellow m. dH _ wIM
M. II Sorrells hip qBH w bOF UN MARS dB
arthroplasty retractor fKu II U V u Modular Acetabular ]bF* w=I( `OIM UN
system Revision System
M. II S total knee U V W]U W d UF Marshall UU
retractor II S M. ligament repair V Ud `OKB WId
M. II Stubbs short prong w uA wU' Ud UF technique UU
collateral ligament fu II U V dOBI M. patelloquadriceps tendon d W]OUd d b
retractor substitution UU V wH{d
M. II Stulberg hip positioner II U V u WFCO Marshall-McIntosh u p UU WId
dK technique
M. II Stulberg leg positioner II U V U WFCO Martel sign qU W
dK Martin 5U
M. II tibial component V wuME =uJ* lU M. bandage 5U WUB
extractor II U M. cartilage clamp 5U V dCG UIK
M. II wide PCL knee PCL idF W d UF M. clamp 5U UIK
retractor II U V M. loop circumferential wire wUHJ bIF 5U pK
M. II Wixson hip positioner II U V u WFCO M. meniscal clamp 5U V WN UIK
uJ M. muscular clamp 5U V WKCF UIK
M. II Z retractor II Z U V W d UF M. osteotomy 5U V rEF lD
Mark III halo system III U V WUN UN M. patellar wiring technique V WH{d pOK WId

- 415 -
5U friction m. UJU pOb
M. screw 5U Vu Hoffa m. Uu pOb
M. sheet rubber bandage V W]Oz* W]OU]D* WUBF ice m. ZKU p
5U kneading m. wM p
M. Vigorimeter 5U V ^uH UOI soft tissue m. ud ZM pOb
Martin-Gruber dd 5U stimulating m. tOMU pOb
M.-G. anastomosis dd 5U dUH Swedish m. gu pOb
M.-G. connection dd 5U WKO transverse friction m. dF w UJ pOb
MAS dB Massie tO=U
milliamperage X seconds WOUdO wK M. driver tO=U WF W]u
Mason uU M. extractor tO=U lU
M. classification uU nOMB M. II nail II tO=U UL
M. fracture classification V uJ nOMB UN M. inserter tO=U WKb
system uU M. nail tO=U UL
M. radial fracture V W]dFJ uJ nOMB M. nail assembly tO=U UL VO d
classification uU M. plate tO=U WOH
M. radial head fracture dFJ u nOMB M. screwdriver tO=U ^pH
classification uU V M. sliding graft tO=U V we rF
M. splint uU dO M. sliding nail tO=U V we UL
Mason-Allen 5 uU massive wK rO
M.-A. hand splint 5 uU V bO dO m. herniated disk rO oHM d
M.-A. suture 5 uU WUO m. osteoplysis wK wLE
M.-A. Universal hand splint 5 uU V bO dO m. sliding graft wK we rF
M.-A. Universal splint UdHOu 5uU dO military antishock trousers WbBK ^UC* dJF UDM
mass q WK master wOzd dDO*
bony m. W]OLE WK Body M. dU u
cellular periosteal W]OUL W]OdC W]OLE WK m. knot of Henry W]OOzd dM bI
osteocartilaginous m. W]uK NeuroCom balance m. u u u dDO
center of m. WKJ e d M. screwdriver dU ^pH
Plantar-hindfoot-midfoot d=R hL W]OLEF WKJ Masterson udU
bony m. UND bI M. clamp udU UIK
soft-tissue m. u W]OO WK M. curved clamp V wMM* UIK*
massage pOb p udU
Aqua PT water m. u V wzU pOb M. pelvic clamp V w{u( UIK*
connective tissue m. (CTM) UC ZOM pOb udU
deep friction m. oOLF UJU p M. straight clamp V rOI* UIK*
deep kneading m. oOL wM pOb udU
deep stroking and dC sFU pOb Mastin 5U
kneading m. oOLF M. clamp 5U UIK

- 416 -
M. muscular clamp 5U V WKCF UIK spring implant m. w
mastocytosis WMb U) d Gypsona cast m. UuO VU ]U
mastoid U]A homograft implant m. wK* rFD Wd ]U
m. process wzUA) TUM hydroxyapatite implant m. XOU w bO Wd ]U
m. rongeur UA) W{]d implant m. WdG ]U
Mast-Spieghel-Pappas U]U qO XU nOMB Iowa implant m. u Wd ]U
classification Keolar implant m. uO Wd ]U
Matchett-Brown d XAU Malteno tube implant m. V W]Ou_ WdG
M.-B. cemented hip V W]O* u Wb uMOU
prosthesis d XAU methyl methacrylate d UO* qOO Wd ]U
M.-B. hip arthroplast V u qBH implant m.
d XAU Ommaya reservoir u V WdG
M.-B. internal prosthesis XAU V W]OKb Wb implant m. UU]
d Ortho-Jel impression m. u V UD
matchstick VUB ^bJ qO
m. graft VUB* ^bJ rF Paladon implant m. W]OU WdG ]U
m. test VUB* ^bJ U paraffin implant m. W]OMOd WdG ]U
matchsticked VUB n d Plasti-Pore prosthetic m. pO V W]Ob ]U*
mater y u
dura m. WOU' ^_ polyether implant m. W]d wu WdG ]U
material =U u U polyethylene implant m. W]OMOKO wu WdG ]U
acrylic implant m. W]OJOKd _ WdG polyurethane implant m. W]OUu wu WdG ]U
allogeneic lyophilized bone W]OLEF uFD Wd polyvinyl alcohol wu uJU dO ]U
grafts implant m. W]OHO) b=H* splinting m. wKOMO
alloplastic m. uC rFD ]U polyvinyl implant m. W]OKOMO wu WdG ]U
aluminum oxid d uOMu_ bO ]U Porocoat prosthetic m. u d W]Ob ]U*
arthroplasty m. qBH* porous prosthetic m. WLOL W]Ob ]U
bioceramic implant m. W]uO( W]Oe) WdG ]U Proplast II porous V WLOL WdG ]U
bone implant m. W]OLEF WdG ]U implant m. II Xd
Calcitite graft m. XOOK rFD ]U Proplast I porous implant m. V WLOL WdG ]U
celluloid implant m. uKK buKOK Wd ]U I Xd
uU Proplast prosthetic m. Xd V W]Ob ]U*
composite m. W] d ]U purulent m. W]OO ]U
corundum ceramic W]uU] W]Oe) WdG ]U Schepens hollow silicone W]dJ nB WdG ]U
implant m. hemisphere implant m. V W]u: W]OuJOKO
Ethrone implant m. d WdG ]U eMO
m. failure break point =U* UN r^D% WDI Scutan temporary splint m. V W]R* dO' ]U
Fletching femoral hernia V c H oH Wd ]U UuJ
implant m. mMAK Shearing posterior chamber W]OHK) WdG Wd ]U
gold weight and wire qI l wJK U]d Wd ]U implant m. !dO V

- 417 -
shell implant m. W]ObB WdG ]U duM
silicone m. W]OuJOKO ]U Zadik total m. p V U dD* lD
solid buckling implant m. WLB* WuK* WdG ]U Matroc femoral head dU V cH
solid silicone exoplant W]OuJOKO W]OU Wd ]U Matsen 5U
implant m. WLB M. periosteal elevator 5U UL WF
solid silicone implant m. WLB W]OuJOKO Wd ]U M. procedure 5U d
Spitz-Holter valve du eO U]L Wd ]U Matta-Saucedo fixation bu U]U XO
implant m. matter ]U
Stimoceiver implant m. dHU uLO Wd ]U gray m. W]OUM ]U*
synthetic m. W]OIOK ]U white m. UCO ]U*
tissue mandrel implant m. wOM UOA Wd ]U Matthews-Green pin sd uOU u^
titanium implant m. uOUO Wd ]U Matti-Russe wU
Virtullene brace m. 5udO V UM ]U M.-R. bone graft wU V wLEF rFD
viscoelastic m. Wd We ]U
Vitallium implant m. uOUOH Wd M.-R. technique wU WId
Vitox alumina ceramic m. f uOH UMOu_ W]Oe) ]U* mattress suture W]bOM WUO
zirconium oxide bO Q qBH* ]U maturation ZC
arthroplasty m. uOu e m. phase ZCM u
Matev sign nOU W skeletal m. wKJO ZC
Mathews uOU maturity ZCM bd
M. classification of =e uJ uOU nOMB skeletal m. wKJO ZC
olecranon fracture Mauch U
M. drill uOU VI M. SnS SnS U
M. drill point uOU VI M. Swing and Stance V W]OJObON W d
M. hand drill bO uOU VI hydraulic knee fU ZMu U
M. load drill uOU V qOL VI Mauck procedure U d
matrix, pl. matrices UD dD Mauclaire disease tOKU
demineralized bone m. bFL e wLE dD Mau osteotomy U V rEF lD
(DBM) Max fU
germinal m. wU dD gM dD Thera-Band M. f U bU dO
ligament-scar m. WbM Ud dD MaxCast XU fU
nail m. dHE dD M. cast XU f U VU
sterile m. r]IF rOI dD M. casting tape f U V WuI jd
matrixectomy, dD* lD XU
matricectomy Maxi-Driver driver dH wU WF
chemical m. wzUOLOJ dD* lD maxillary spine uKF =pH Wu
partial m. wze' dD* lD maxillectomy uKF =pH UB
phenol m. wuMOH dD* lD Cocke m. V uKF pH UB
Steindler m. dbMO V dD* lD w u
Winograd partial m. V wze' dD* lD subtotal m. U X uKF =pH UB

- 418 -
maxillofacial bone screw wNu uKF w=JH rEF Vu M. scissors uU ^hI
maxillotomy uKF wJH rEF lD M. semiconstrained elbow V b]OI* nB od* Wb
extended m. l]u* uKF wJH rEF lD prosthesis uU
maximal wLE M. total ankle prosthesis uU V U qUJ Wb
m. stimulus wLE t=M M. total elbow arthroplasty V U od* qBH
m. voluntary ventilation W]OLE W] WuN uU
(MVV) Mayo-Collins retractor eMO=u uU UF
Maxim Modular Knee rOU V ]bF* Wd UN Mayo-Hegar needle holder UO uU V d pL
System Mayo-Thomas collar Uu uU u
maximum wLE Mazas totally constrained V qUJU b]OI* o d* Wb
m. conduction velocity W]OLE_ qO u Wd elbow prosthesis U
m. eversion velocity W]OLE_ nOMA] Wd Mazet XU
m. inversion velocity I uBI Wd M. disarticulation of knee XU V W d qBH ^e
qbK M. technique XU WId
one-repetition m. (1-RM) b ]d U vB_ ^b( Mazur ankle rating system U V qUJ rOOI UN
repetition m. (RM) U vB_ ^b( MBHI dB
Maxon suture uU WUO Million Behavioral Health W]UF W]O uK W]B UO
Maxwell body quU r Inventory U]JK
Maxxus orthopaedic latex wJ WOLEF Wd' U]H McAfee approach w p vQ
surgical glove uU V McArdle disease p
May anatomical bone plate W]OdA W]OLEF WOHB McAtee compression p V UGC Vu eON
w V screw device w
Mayer dU McBride bdU
M. orthotic dU uI M. bunionectomy bd U V WF u UB
M. splint dU dO M. femoral prosthesis bd U V W]c H Wb
Mayfield bKHU M. pin bd U u^
M. incision bKHU ^o M. plate bd U WOH
M. instrumentation bKHU ULF M. procedure bd U d
M. neurosurgical headrest W]OBF WdK d bM M. prosthesis bd U Wb
bKHU M. tripod bd U VBM
Mayo uU M. tripod pin traction V VBM* u^ ^d
M. approach uU vQ bd U
M. carpal instability md dI bF uU nOMB McBride-Moore prosthesis u bdU Wb
classification McCarroll-Baker procedure dU ^U p d
M. clamp uU UIK McConnell qu p
M. Clinic forefoot scoring V bI ]bI d UN M. extensile approach p V u vQ*
system pMOK uU qu
M. elbow prosthesis uU V od* Wb M. median and ulnar nerve n UM be 5BF vQ
M. nerve block uU V VBF UB approach qu p V
M. resection arthroplasty uU lDI qBH* M. orthopaedic headrest UEF .uI Wd' d bM

- 419 -
qu p V operation fuLO U
M. technique qu p WId McKee w p
McCormick-Blount XuK pOu p d M. brace w p UM
procedure M. femoral prosthesis w p V Wc H Wb
McCune-Albright syndromeqK Xd u p W M. prosthesis w p Wb
wLE Z^M M. totally constrained elbow qUJU b]OI* od* Wb
McDavid knee brace bO p V Wd UM prosthesis w p V
McElfresh-Dobyns-OBrien sd eM gdH p WId M. tri-fin nail V UOM' Y]K UL
technique w p
McElroy d p McKee-Farrar ]U w p
M. curette d p WDAJ M.-F. acetabular cup w p V w=I n'
M. instrumentation d p ULF ]U
McElvenny-Caldwell bU wMOH p d M.-F. hip prosthesis w p V u Wb
procedure ]U
McElvenny technique wMOH p WId M.-F. total hip prosthesis w p V U u Wb
McFarland bone graft bU p V wLE rF ]U
McFarland-Osborne u bU p McKeever dHO p
M.-O. lateral apporach bU p V wU' vQ* M. medullary clavicle p V uIM ud XO
u fixation dHO
M.-O. technique u bU p WId M. metatarsophalangeal w wDA* qBH* U
McFarlane technique U p WId arthrodesis dHO p V
McGee w p M. open reduction dHO p V uH y
M. prosthesis needle w p Wb d M. patellar cap prosthesis p V WH{d uMK Wb
M. splint w p dO dHO
McGill Pain Questionnaire qO p V r_ UO McKeever dHO p
McGlamry-Downey w d p d M. procedure dHO p d
procedure M. Vitallium knee V W]OuOUOH W d Wb
McGlamry elevator d p WF prosthesis dHO p
McGlamry-Fulp Vu d p McKeever-Buck u dHO p
McGregor line uGd p ^j McK.-B. elbow technique u dHO p o d WId
McGuire pelvic positioner duU V W]O{u( WFCO* McK.-B. fragment excision p V WbA UB
MCI dB u dHO
midcarpal instability m^d nBM dI b McKeever-MacIntosh tibial V W]OuME WCN Wb
McIndoe b p plateau prosthesis uMU dHO p
M. bone rongeur b p V rEF W{]d McKenzie eMO p
M. scissors b p ^hI M. bone drill eMO p V rEF VI
McIntire splint dU p dO M. drill eMO p VI
McIver ENT retractor Wd w ENT dH p UF M. exercise eMO p sd9
dM( n_ _ M. extension exercise eMO p V j sd9
McKay-Simons clubfoot p V bI nM W]OKL M. extension maneuver eMO p V j UM

- 420 -
M. lumbar roll eMO p V W]OMD W]H mucopolysaccharidoses W]OU< bU]J bb
M. perforating drill eMO p V VU VI* MCP finger joint prosthesis MCP wF qBH* Wb
M. perforating twist drill V VU wzu VI* McReynolds buM p
eMO p M. driver buM p W]u
MCL dB M. driver-extractor bu p lU ]u
medial collateral ligament w wU' Ud M. method buM p WId
McLaughlin sKu p M. open reduction technique p V uH* =d WId
M. acromioplasty sKu p V d_ buM
M. approach sKu p vQ M. technique buM p WId
M. carpal scaphoid screw p V wG yw Vu McShane-Leinberry-Fenlin 5 p V d_
sKu acromioplasty 5KM dMO
M. modification of Bunnell eM WUO) sKu p qbF McWhorter d p
pull-out suture q=u V M. posterior shoulder p V wHK) nJ vQ
M. nail sKu p UL approach d
M. operation sKu p W]OKL M. shoulder approach d p V wH vQ
M. plate sKu p WOH MD dB
M. procedure sKu p d muscular dystrophy wKC q
M. screw sKu p Vu muscular dystrophy MD MD wKCF q( UM
McLaughlin-Hay technique U sKu p WId brace
McLaughlin-Ryder incision b sKu p ^o MDI dB
McLeod bu p multidirectional instability UU= bbF dI b
M. padded clavicular splint V b]u* W]ud dO' meal W
bu p bone m. rEF W
M. splint bu p dO mean value W]ODu WLOI
McLight PCL brace X p V PCL UM Mears-Rubash approach U dO vQ
McMaster bone graft dU p wLEF rFD Mears sacroiliac plate dO W]OH d( W]eF WOHB
McMurray u p measure dOb UO
M. circumduction maneuver V dD d UM emergency closed uDK oKG* b* UOI
u p manipulative m.
M. maneuver for torn knee dCG u p UM Gross Motor Function M. W]UF W]O d( WHOu UO
cartilage =eL* W d (GMFM)
M. sign u p W limited performance m.s b; _ dOb
M. test u p U outcome m.s WOM UUO
McMurtry du p parallel goniometric m. u* Ue UO UE
M. kinematic index w d( du p VM standard goniometric m. UOF* Ue UO
kinematic indices of M. W]O d( du p VUM measured stress fOI b]LF b d
McNaught prosthesis U p Wb measurement UO
McNutt driver u p WF W ]u Agliette m. XOK UO
MCP dB Blackburn-Peel m. qO d UO
metacarpophalangeal w wFM curve m. vMM* UO

- 421 -
Doppler m. dKbU UO knee m. eKu
Insall- Salvati m. wUHU U UO quadriceps m. d W]OU W]O
Limb accurate m. (LAM) dDK oOb UOI screw-home m. VuK UJ W]O
Mehta rib angle m. UNO V lKC W UO tendo Achillis m. udF qO d W]O
motion m. W d( UO Windlass m. bM W]O
range-of-motion m. W d( U UO mechanoreceptor W]O WKI
roof arc m. uI `D UO m. activity W]O WKI* UA
Schober m. duJ UO meclofenamate UN XUUMO uKJO
skin fluorescence m. bK' o^Q UO q UH*
tissue pressure m. wOM jGC UO Meclomen 5uKJO
mechanical w med dB
m. axis w u medial w
combined m. dA w Medak bO
m. dermatome w UA Medarmor euK UI* ub U]H
m. dysfunction w wHO qK puncture-resistant glove
m. insufficiency w uB media U
m. plate design w WOHB rOLB Conray contrast m. W]OMU du U
m. tow-dimensional echo bF wzUM bB W]O rd contrast m. W]OMU U
transducers Hypaque contrast m. UO sU U
m. ventilation W]O WuN Iohexol contrast m. uJu sU U
mechanics UJOUJO* rK meglumine diatrizoate 5uKO* ed wzUM U
body m. r' UJOUJO contrast m. W]OMU
mechanism W]O W]OJOUJO metrizamide contrast m. W]OMU bOedO* U
abductor m. b=F W]O Omnipaque contrast m. W]OMU UOM U
adhesion/cohesion m. pULUB W]O Renografin contrast m. W]OMU 5duM U
clamping m. jIK W]O medial (med) w
Cook-Gordon m. u u W]O m. antebrachial cutaneous w bU bK' VBF
m. of correction `OB W]O nerve
digital extensor m. W]OF WDU W]O m. approach w vQ
extensor m. WDU W]O m. articular nerve w wKBH VB
extensor hood m. WDU WFMI* W]O m. aspect w dNE
fail-safe m. W uBI W]O m. aspiration w n
flexor m. WOM W]O m. bicortical screw dAI wzUM w Vu
four-bar linkage prosthetic WFQ W]Ob W d U W]O m. border W]O WU
knee m. m. brachial cutaneous bCF bK' VBF WU
gliding m. e W]O nerve injury w
Hosmer-Dorrance voluntary UC WFQ W d W]O m. brachial nerve w bCF VBF
control four-bar knee m. dLu V r^J% m. capsular imbrication w wEH V d
f m. capsular ligament w wEH* Ud
Noiles rotating-hinge V W]db W]=d W d W]O m. capsule W]O WEH

- 422 -
m. capsulorrhaphy W]O WEH* u m. malleolus w VFJ
m. clear space w wUB e=O( m. malleolus cast w VFJ VU
m. collateral ligament w wU' Ud m. malleolus fixation w VFJ XO
(MCL) m. malleolus resection w VFJ lD
m. column instability w uLF dI b m. meniscus W]O W
m. compartment W]O Wu m. metacarpal bone w wFM rE
m. compartment disruption W]O Wu' UH m. movement W]O W d
m. compartment injury W]O Wu' WU m. nerve w VB
m. condyle W]O WLI m. neurovascular bundle W]O W]OzU W]OB We
m. cortical overlap w dAI V d WId m. opening wedge W d wMOH rEF lD
technique osteotomy W]O
m. disk protrusion w dI U m. parapatellar approach WH{dK U w vQ
m. displacement w Ue m. parapatellar capsular U w wEH vQ
m. displacement osteotomy w wUe rEF lD approach WH{dK
m. dorsal cutaneous nerve w ^dNE bK' VBF m. parapatellar incision WH{dK U w yo
m. drainage w e m. patellar plica W]O WOH{ WOM
m. eminence W]O U m. patellofemoral ligament c H wH{d Ud
m. end W]O WUN (MPFL) w
m. epicondylar apophysis w wLOI TU m. plica W]O WOM
m. epicondyle W]O WLOI m. portal w wU
m. epicondylectomy W]O WLOIK UB m. quadruple complex w wU V] d
medial w m. repair w `OKB
m. epicondyle humeral W]O bCF WLOI d m. rotation procedure w db d
fracture m. shelf w y
m. epicondylitis W]O WLOIK UN m. stem pivot w wc dzU
m. extensor expansion W]O WDU lOu m. swivel dislocation w d* lK
m. femoral condyle W]O c H WLI m. tennis elbow tendinosis w f=M w od d
m. gastrocnemius bursitis WKCF w d' UN m. tibial flare w wuM ZO
U] m. tibial stress syndrome w wuME dJ W
m. geniculate w w (MTSS) MTSS
m. geniculate artery w w d Ud=A m. tibial syndrome (MTS) W]O W]OuME W*
m. genculate fascia W]O W]O WUH m. unicortical screw w dAI U Vu
m. hamstring W]O iQ* U m. wall w b
m. head stem offset w d c Wb medialis w
m. heel skive technique w VIF jA WId m. obliquus imbrication w qzU V d
m. heel wedge (MHW) w VIF 5H vastus m. W]O WF*
m. humerus condyle W]O bCF WLI medialization W]O
m. imbrication w V d median n U
m. incision w yo m. nerve j=u* VBF
m. joint line w wKBH yj m. nerve block j=u* VBF UB

- 423 -
m. nerve compression j=u* VBF UGC MEDI Plus compression u l bO
m. nerve entrapment j=u* VBF U H stockings WDU{
m. nerve injury j=u* VBF WU Medipren sdbO
m. nerve palsy j=u* VBF qK medium WO j
m. sagittal plane n U wLN u Microfil contrast m. qOdJO sU j
Mediband bUbO m. profile femoral prosthesis WD=u W]OU W]c  Wb
medical w= Medoff axial compression bO u* UGC Vu
m. adhesive w o screw
M. Design brace =wD rOLB UM Medrol Dosepak ueObd U bO
m. elastomer X7-2320 X7-2320 w wUM U]D medulla U yV
M. Examination and hO A hH eOd UE medullary uI w= wU
Diagnostic Coding System wD m. bone graft uI wLE rF
(MEDICS) m. canal W]uI UM
M. Research Council system w=D Y fK UE m. canal reamer W]uIM UMI uI
medication b m. fixation uI XO
anti-inflammatory m. UN ]UC b m. nail uI UL
beta-blocker m. UO dB0 b m. nail fixation uI UL0 XO
nonsteroidal dO UN UC0 b m. pin uI u^
anti-inflammatory m. bdO m. prosthesis W]uI Wb
Occlusal-HP wart m. HP- uK _U uR b m. reamer uI uI
medicinalis w= m. saw uI UAM
Hirudo m. dO ^V m. vent tubing uIM d< u
medicine ^VD medullostomy wIM lD
allopathic m. W]O W'UF* ^V tarsal m. wG d wIM lD
American Orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd W]OFL MedX functional testing fbO wHOu U WMU
Society for Sport M. w{Ud =VDK W]OJd_ machine
electrodiagnostic m. wzUdNJ hO A ^V Meek clavicular strap pO u d U
occupational and wO wMN* ^VD Mefoxin dC* U r 5uHO
environmental m. (OEM) uu 5OuHO
sports m. w{Ud ^VD megalodactyly lU _ WU{
MEDICS dB meglumine diatrizoate 5uKO* ed wzUM U
Medical Examination and hO A hH eOd UE contrast media W]OMU
Diagnostic Coding System w=D Mehn-Quigley technique wKu sNO WId
Mediloy uKbO Mehta rib angle UO V lKC W UO
M. implant metal uKbO V WdG ^eK measurement
M. implant metal prosthesisuKbO V WdG =eK Wb melanoma wMOO
mediolateral (M/L) wH U ywU acral lentiginous m. wd wAL wMOO
m. stress wH U ywU UN d Breslow classification of m. uK uKd nOMB
Medipedic Multicentric V U; =bF* Wd UM wMOO*
knee brace pbb Clark classification of m. wMOO* uK nOMB

- 424 -
lentigo maligna m. YO wAL wMOO lat men lateral W]OAu WN UB
malignant m. YO wMOO meniscectomy
metastatic m. wKOI wMOO Mendel-Bekhterev nd bM
melanosis circumscripta w_ wu =b* s^KL M.-B. reflex nd bM fJFM
preblastomatosis of qd V wFOKD M.-B. sign nd bM W
Dubreuilh Menelaus triceps transfer d W]O WKCF qI
melanotic wMOO uKM V
m. panaris wMOO f meningeal syndrome W]OzU W*
m. progonoma wMOO ywK^Q meningioma wzU
m. Whitlow of Hutchinson V wMOO f meningism W]OzU WU wzU Z^ON
uMAu meningismus W]OzU WU wzU Z^ON
Meleney infection wMOKO b meningitis UU UN
melioidosis U^d tO u meningocele W]OzU WKO
musculoskeletal m. wKJO wKC u meningoencephalomyelitis UM Ub UU UN
melioidotic wu meningomyelitis UM UU UN
Mellaril qO meningomyelocele W]OU W]OzU WKO
mellitus d]J meniscal W
diabetes m. d]J b m. clamp WN UIK
Melone distal radius W]dFJ uJK uKO nOMB m. curette WN WDAJ
fracture classification WO UI meniscal W
melorheostosis w=D) wUF rEF V^KB m. cyst WN WO
melorheostosis d_ r^EF d m. excision WN UB
Melzack Pain Questionnaire eKO V r_ UO m. injury WN WU
membrane UA m. lateral tear W]OU W]O We
anterior atlantooccipital m. wU_ wcI wINH UAG m. mirror WN d
basement m. bU UA m. radial tear W]O W]OUF We
Golgi m. w'u UA m. repair WN `OKB
m. instability UAG dI b m. repair needle WN `OKB d
interosseous m. sOLEF sO UA m. scissors WN ^hI
interposition m. rI UA m. spoon WN WIFK
intraosseous m. rEF q UA m. tear WN We
mucous m. (mm) wU  UA m. transverse tear W]O W{dF We
synovial m. wKO UA meniscectomy (men) WN UB
m. tectora wHI UAG arthroscopic m. dOEM d WN UB
thickened synovial m. s=  wKO UA qBH*
membranous ossification wzUA r^EF lateral m. (lat men) wU' WN UB
Memford-Gurd uHL V qBH* partial m. wze' WN UB
arthroplasty u Patel medial m. V W]O WN UB
men WN UB lD qU
meniscectomy WN UB subtotal m. U X WN UB

- 425 -
subtotal lateral m. X WOAu WN UB menopause U
total m. U WN UB microamperage electrical dJ wzUdN wB tOM
menisci (pl. of meniscus) W nerve stimulation dO
meniscocapsular tear W]OEH W]O W e MENS unit wzUdNJ wBF tOM b
meniscofemoral c w dO dJ*
m. capsule W]c  W]O WEH Mensor-Scheck pO uMO
m. ligament c  w U M.-S. hanging hip operation V o]KF* u W]OKL
meniscoid entrapment WN UH pO uMO
meniscoplasty WN M.-S. technique pO uMO WId
meniscosynovial junction wKO w q u meperidine s=J =b sbdOO
meniscotibial wuM w mepivacaine ywF{u ZM 5UUHOO
m. capsule W]OKO W]O WEH MEPP dB
m. ligament wKO w U miniature end-plate potential WOH]BK dG _ bN'
meniscotome WN lC W]OzUN
Bowen-Grover m. su V WN lC meprobamate yUC =bN UUdO
curved m. wMM* WN lC meralgia cH r
meniscus, pl. menisci W m. paraesthetica wc* c H r
bridge of m. WN d m. paresthetica wc* c H r
bucket-handle tear of m. ub iI qJA WN ^e9 Merchant XUdO
Dickhaut-DeLee w uNJ nOMB M. angle XUdO W
classification of discoid m. W]U dI WNK M. view XUdO dEM
discoid m. W]U dI WN mercury oz
discoid lateral m. W]OA W]U d W millimeters of m. (mmHg) W]OIz dLK
m. graft w rF metric system d* UEM
m. hook WN ^h meridian uD ^j
lateral m. W]OA W Merkel cell qd W]OK
medial m. W]O W Merle d-Aubign hip score sU wd V u d
resection of m. WN lD mermomyotome WOKC WLO
torn m. W]e2 W Mersilene 5=Kd
trapped m. WKIFM W WDGCM W M. sling 5=Kd F
Watanabe classification of WNK UM nOMB M suture 5=Kd jO
discoid m. W]U dI M. tape wMO=Kd jd
Wrisberg ligament type of WNK d U jL Meryon sign udO W
discoid m. W]U dI mesenchymal WD=u* WL^KU o=KF
Meniscus Mender II system NK II bMO UN m. cell W]OD=u W]OK
Mennell qOMO m. chondrosarcoma W]OD=u W]OdC Wu U
M. sign qOMO W m. tumor wD=u
M. test qOMO U mesenchyme WD=u* WLK

- 426 -
mesenchymoma wD=u m. neck lM oM
pluripotential m. suJ =bF wD=u m. neck fracture lM oM d
mesenteric vasculitis W]OIU* WO_ UN m. osteotomy wFM rEF lD
mesh WJ thumb m. UN lM
chromium-cobalt m. W]OUu W]Od WJ metacarpocapitate joint dO wFM qBH
m. graft wJ rF metacarpocarpal joint wG wFM qBH
Marlex m. fJU WJ metacarpoglenoidal wU]I wFM U
metal m. W]=eK WJ ligament
stainless steel m. b]BK WUI W]u WJ metacarpohamate joint w] wFM qBH
tantalum m. uOUU WJ metacarpophalangeal w wFM
mesher p=A (MCP,MP)
Zimmer m. d=1 p=A m. articulation w wFM qBH
Zimmer skin graft m. V bK' rFD p=A m. dislocation w wFM lK
d=1 m. implant W]O W]OFM Wd
mesiodistal plane U w u m. joint w wFM qBH
mesotendon du bO m. joint arthroplasty w wFM qBH*
MESS dB m. ligament w wFM U
Mangled Extremity Severity ]uA* dD WU d metacarpoptrapezoid joint w dM wFM qBH
Score metacarpus lM
Mestinon uMOO metachromatic mucoid ^uK W=b W]OUU ]U
met rz substance
metatarsal wDA metal eK
met cookie WLz W]UMH Alivium implant m. uOHO Wd ^eK
met head rz Biophase implant m. eU uO Wd ^eK
metabolic wI Biotex implant m. fJuO V Wd ^eK
m. bone disease wI wLE m. clamp eKH UIK
m. variable wI d=OG Coballoy implant m. u^Uu Wd eK
metabolism I Co-Cr-W-Ni alloy Co-Cr-W-Ni WDOK Wd eK
arachidonate m. UbO _ I implant m.
purine m. su I Co-Cr-W-Ni alloy Co-Cr-W-Ni WDOK) Wd ^eK
metacarpal wFM implant m.
m. base lM bU m. endurance limit eKH q^L% ^b
m. beak wFM UIM m. failure eKH uB
m. block lM UB m. fatigue eKH VF
m. bone wFM rE m. footplate W]eKH bI WOH
fifth m. fU) lM HA 65101 implant m. HA 65101 Wd ^eK
first m. ]_ lM Haynes-Stellite 21 21 XO fMU Wd ^eK
m. fracture wFM d implant m.
m. lengthening lM quD m. hybrid orthosis =eK wMO uI
m. ligament wFM U m. implant W]=eK Wd

- 427 -
implant m. WdG ^eK prosthesis
m. implant corrosion W]eK Wd UJz m.-o.-m. design eK vK eK rOLB
m. locator W]eK WF={u metaphalangeal joint (MPJ) w wFM qBH
m. measuring triangle =eKH UOI Y]K metaphyseal wd
Mediloy implant m. uKbO Wd ^eK m. artery wd Ud
m. mesh W]=eK WJ m. head resection with l{ l wdJ d lD
Orthochrome implant m. d u_ Wd ^eK prosthesis Wb
m. orthopaedic implant UEF .uI Wd Wd m. osteotomy wdJ rEF lD
W]=eKH m. shortening wd dOBI
m. orthosis =eK uI m. spike W]Od WJ
m. pin =eK u^ m. stapler wdJ wu^b pA*
PMI-6A1-4V implant m. PM1-6A1-4V Wd ^eK m. tibial fracture wd wuM d
porous m. rOL yeK m. tuberculosis wd ^b yq
m. prosthesis W]=eK Wb metaphyseal-articular wdJ wKBH* U b
Protasul implant m. uUd Wd ^eK nonunion
m. pylon W]R W]OFM U =eK uKO metaphyseal-diaphyesal W]Ob W]Od W
W]=eK angle
Sinterlock implant m. udM Wd ^eK metaphyseal-epiphyseal W]OUA W]Od W
m. splint W]eK dO angle
Ti-6A1-4V implant m. Ti-6A1-4V Wd ^eK metaphysis d
Tivanium implant m. uOUHO Wd ^eK distal m. U d
Vinertia implant m.m UOdOM Wd eK femoral m. c  d
metal =eK yeK fibular m. uE d
Vitallium implant m. uOUOH Wd ^eK funnelization of m. dJ lOLI
Zimalite implant m. XOU1e Wd ^eK tibial m. wuM d
Zimaloy implant m. uU1 Wd ^eK metaplasia R
metal-backed W]eK WUD cartilaginous m. wdC R
m.-b. acetabular component eKH s]D =uJ osteocartilaginous m. wdC wLE R
m.-b. acetabular cup W]=eK WUD n' metaplastic wR
m.-b. patellar implant W]=eK WUD W]OH{ Wd metastasis qzUI WKOI
m.-b. prosthesis W]eK WUD Wb bony m. W]OLE WKOI
m.-b. socket W=eK WUD aM spinal m. W]dI WKOI
metallic =eK metastatic wKOI
m. bead W]=eK W m. disease wKOI
m. debris =eK UD m. melanoma wKOI wMOO
m. implant W]=eK Wd m. spinal tumor wKOI dI
metallograft =eK rF m. tumor wKOI
metal-on-metal eK vK yeK m. tumor removal wKOIM u e
m.-o.-m. articulating qBHL sOdI 5 dI Wb Metasul UO
intervertebral disk eK vK eK M. hip joint component V u qBH =uJ

- 428 -
UO m. joint dislocation w wDA* qBH* lK
metatarsal (met, MT) wDA m. joint injury w wDA* qBH* WU
m. artery wDA Ud metatarsus jA*
m. bone wDA rE m. abductus bF jA
m. cookie W]ODA Wb m. adductocavus ]u jA
m. cuneiform exostosis wDA wMOH d m. adducto varus Z d jA
fifth m. fU) jA* m. adductus (MTA) d jA
first m. ]_ jA* m. atavicus jA* rE dB q=Q jA
m. flatfoot bar U]d bI UA W{U ]_
m. fracture wDA d m. cavus ]u jA
m. head jA* m. equinus jA* bH
m. head resection jA* lD m. latus WCd b id jA
m. joint wDA qBH m. primus adductus d_ ]_ jA*
lesser m. dG _ jA* m. primus elevatus lHd* ]_ jA*
m. neck jA* oM m. primus varus (MPV) Z_ ]_ jA*
m. neck osteotomy wDA* rEF oM lD m. supinatus oK jA
m. oblique osteotomy wDA* rEFK qzU* lDI m. varus (MTV) Z jA
osteochondrosis of m. wDA wdC wLE f^JM metaxalone CFK d uUUO
m. osteotomy wDA* rEF lD UK*
m. pad W]ODA U Metcalf spring drop brace V U] d uN UM
m. phalangeal fifth angle WU) W]O W]ODA* We nUJ
m. proximal dome WOb wDA* rEF Wb lD meter UO UOI d
osteotomy wDA* UFA Fischer pressure dAO V jGC W UOI
m. ray V wDA* rEF lD threshold m.
m. Reverdin osteotomy sd pinch m. dI UOI
m. V-shaped osteotomy qJA wDA* rEF lD methacrylate dUO*
V d antibiotic-impregnated dA* d UO* qOO wu
metatarsalgia wDA r polymethyl m. uO >UC0
transfer m. wUI wDA r centrifuged methyl m. cM* d UO* qOO
metatarsocuboid joint dM wDA* qBH* methyl m. d UO* qOO
metatarsocuneiform wMOH wDA polymethyl m. (PMMA) d UO* qOO wu
m. articulation wMOH wDA qBH methadone UO
m. joint wMOH wDA qBH methemoglobin 5uKuLONO
m. joint exostosis wMOH wDA qBH d methicillin uO yUC 5=KOOO
metatarsophalangeal (MT, w wDA methocarbamol CFK d uUUuO
m. joint w wDA qBH method ozd WId
m. joint arthrodesis w wDA* qBH* U Abbott m. u^ WId
m. joint capsule w] wDA* qBH* WEH antegrade m. W]O^bI WId
m. joint disarticulation w wDA* qBH* ^e biofeedback-assisted m. U&U bU* WId

- 429 -
wuuO nail length gauge m. UL* u UO WId
Bleck m. pOK WId Neufeld dynamic m. bKu V W]OJOUMb WIdD
Borggreve m. du WId ninety-ninety m. 5F 5F WId
Buck m. u WId one-inclinometer m. U_ O* UO WId
Budin-Chandler m. dbU u WId Palmer m. d*U WId
computer-assisted uC* nO d WId pedicle m. WIu WId
design-controlled uU( bU0 pin and plaster m. f' u^b WId
alignment m. Ranawat-Dorr-Inglis m. eK U WId
CAD/CAM dB retrograde m. W]Ou WId
contoured adduction uC* b* nO d WId Risser m. d= WId
trochanteric-controlled wUHJ VdIU Russe-Gerhardt m. UdO WId
alignment m. (CAT-CAM) Schober m. duJ WId
cup and cone m. d * uJ WId Stimson gravity m. uLO qI WId
depth caliper-meter stick m. oLF UOI UBF WId Tajima m. ULOU WId
UdHU two-inclinometer m. wzUM O* UO WId
disk diffusion m. w dI UA WId methotrexate  yUC UJduO
dynamic traction m. wJOUMb =d' WId methyl qOO
Elmslie-Trillat patellar wH{d nO d U WId m. methacrylate d UO* qOO
realignment m. d weLK V m. methacrylate adhesive WI  d UO* qOO
exension block splinting m. jK dB; dO WId m. methacrylate cement d UO* qOO* 
Fallat-Buckholz m. euN u U WId m. methacrylate implant d UO* qOO* Wd ]U
Ferguson m. ud WId material
Ferguson scoliosis V nM' UO WId methylene 5KOO
measuring m. ud m. bispheny1 diisocyanate UUOe qOMOHO 5KOO
Fick m. pO WId methylene 5KOO
Gerbert-Mellilo m. uKOK dd WId m. blue 5KOO* W
Gohil-Cavolo m. uuU qOu WId m. blue dye 5KOO* W U
hold-relax m. U U WId methylprednisolone ueObd qOO
hole preparation m. VI dOC% WId m. acetate UO ueObd qOO
hydrogen washout m. 5bONU d WId metrecom ud
Ilizarov m. eO WId metrizamide bOedO
immobilization m. XO WId m. contrast media bOedO* sU U
Install patella alta m. W]M* WH{d VO d WId metronome d*
install m. VO d WId Metzenbaum scissors uMeO ^hI
Jahss ninety-ninety m. V 5F 5F WId Meuli arthroplasty wu V qBH*
U Meurig Williams plate eUO ZdO WOH
Keyhole m. UH* VI WId Meyer dU
Kocher m. du WId M. dysplasia dU b
Lindsjo m. uObMO WId M. line dU ^j
McReynolds m. buM p WId meyerding ZUO

- 430 -
M. chisel ZUO qO stimulation (MENS)
M. curved osteotome ZUO V rEF lC m. neural stimulation dOdJ wB tOM
wMM* (MNS)
M. gouge ZUO u microcirculation WIO ]b WO_
M. osteotome ZUO V rEF lC microcrystalline collagen dJ yu]K 5u
M. retractor ZUO UF microcurrent therapy dJ U]O W'UF*
M. spondylolisthesis UIH e nOMB ^j microdiskectomy dN: dI UB
classification line ZUO V arthroscopic m. (AMD) dOEMU dI UB
M. straight osteotome ZUO V rEF lC dN*
rOI* uniportal arthroscopic m. dOEMU dI UB
Meyerding-Van Demark U1 U ZMdO WId U_ dN: wKBH*
technique qb*
Meyers dU Microfil contrast medium qO dJ sU j
M. bone graft dU V wLE rF Microfoam dressing u dJ bOLC
M. quadratus muscle-pedicle WKCF WIu l wLE rF microinterlock 5dJ 5u VUM
bone graft dU V W]OUd microirrigating cannula dJ* ^wM
Meyers-McKeever uJK dHO p dU nOMB microirrigator dJ d
classification of tibial W]OuME microknurling dJ bI
fracture Microloc udJ
Meynet node XMU bI M. knee implant udJ V W d Wd
Meyn reduction of elbow o d* lK) sU ^ M. knee sytem udJ V W d UN
dislocation microlumbar dN wMD
M-F heel protector M-F VIF WM U m. diskectomy (MLD) dN: wMDI dI UB
MG U total knee system MG U WKUJ Wd UN m. disk excision dN: wMDI dI UB
MHW dB m. diskography dN: wMDI dI duB
medial heel wedge w wI 5H micromotion dN ^d%
Miami fracture brace wUO V dJ UM microneedle holder dN* d pL
Mice d microneuroanalysis dN: wBF qOK
joint m. qBH* d internal m. sU dN: wBF qOK
Michael Reese articulated e qOzUJO V W]OKBH Wb microneurography wBF jODK j=u* uLJ
prosthesis midlatency SEP dN:
Michel clip qAO pA microoscillating saw W]dGB Wcc UAM
Michelson-Sequoia air uKAO V wzu VI MicroPhor iontophoretic Uu qU( b bOu UN
drill UuJO drug delivery system u dJ V
Micro-Aire d dJO micro-pin dJ u^
M.-A. debridement of bone d dJO rEF `D UC Pischel m.-p. qAO dJ* u^b
surface microsagittal saw dJ wLN UAM
M.-A. drill d dJO VI microscissors dJ ^hI
microamperage W]dOdJ microscope dB
m. electrical nerve dOdJ wzUdN wB tOM double binocular sO]OMOF wzUM wd' dN*

- 431 -
operating m. e* M. triangle nbKbO Y]K
operating m. wd dN middle j=u j
microscopy UN dN* hH m. column injury j=u* uLF WU
light m. wzuC UN m. finger vDu j_ l
microsis U) WdJ m. finger amputation j_ l d
avascular m. WOzU U) WdJ m. glenohumeral ligament j_ bCF wU]I( Ud
microsurgery W]dN Wd m. sacral artery j_ eF UdA
microsurgical diskectomy W]dN Wd dI UB m. sacral vein j_ eF bu
(MSD) m. third (M/3, middle/3) M/3 j_ YK
microtrauma dJ `{ 3j_
cervical m. dJ w `{ m. third of shaft rK j=u* YK
lumbar m. dJ wMD `{ m. thyroid vein j=u* wb bu
thoracic m. dJ b `{ m. tibial shaft fracture uME r j d
microvascular dN wzU middle/3 3j=u* YK
m. clamp dN wzU UIK middle third j_ YK
m. osseous transfer dN wzU wLE qI middle-finger test j_ l _ U
m. surgical anastomosis WdN WOzU W]Od dUH midfemur cH j
Microvel prosthesis qO dJ Wb midfoot bI j
microwave diathermy W]dJ* Uu*U d( UH m. fracture bI j d
(MWD) m. joint bI j qBH
Midas bO midheel line VIF j ^j
M. Rex acorn f bO Wu^K Midland tilt table bbO V WKzU* bCM*
M. Rex AMI bone cutter AMI f bO rEF lU midlateral j=u wA
M. Rex bur f bO VIM m. approach j=u wA vQ
M. Rex drill f bO VI m. capsule vD W]OA WEH
M. Rex pneumatic f bO W]OzuN _ midline n U]M ^j)
instrument m. approach n U]M =j) vK vQ
M. Rex system f bO UN m. disk herniation n U]M =j) vK dI UH
midaxillary j nBM m. ligament n U]M =j) vK U
m. line (MAL) j nBM ^j m. medial approach n U]M =j) vK w vQ
m. line incision j nBM =j ^o m. oblique incision n U]M =j) vK qzU yo
midcalf WKd nBM midmalleolar line 5FJ j ^j
midcarpal m^d nBM0 o=KF midmedial capsule w j WEH
m. arthrodesis m^d nBM qBH U midpalmar space wHB=M ^w]d e=O(
m. arthroscopy md nBM qBH dOEM midpatellar wH{ j=u
m. injury md nBM WU m. portal w wH{ j=u U
m. instability (MCI) md nBM dI b m. tendon j=u wH{ d
m. joint md nBM qBH Midrin sbO
Middeldorpf nbKbO midsagittal plane j=u wLN u
M. splint nbKbO dO midshaft fractue r' j d

- 432 -
midstance W U* j motor m. w d rKF
m. period of gait WOA* WU j Milewski driver wJHOKO W ]u
midsternal line (MSL) hI nBM ^j Milford mallet finger V W]O dD* l WId
midsubstance ]U* j technique uHKO
m. tear ]U* j We military dJ
midtarsal joint m ^d nBM qBH m. antishock trousers UC* dJF d
midtarsus m d nBM (MAST) Wb]BK
midthigh cH j m. brace position dJF UM l{
m. amputation c H nBM d m. posture test W]dJF WF{u U
Midwest Regional Spinal rOK w UM UU ed m. tuck position dJF U l{
Cord Injury Center j_ dG milk-alkali uKI s]K
migraine WIOIA m.-a. disease uKI s]K
basilar artery m. bUI UdA WIOI m.-a. syndrome uKI s]K W
migration d milking of vessel WO_ VK
m. of acetabular cup w=I( nK d milkmaids W](
instrument m. _ d m. elbow W( od
Luque rod m. uO u V VOCI d m. elbow dislocation W( od lK
migration d milkmans ](
rod m. u^M d m. pseudofracture ]K UJ dJ
trochanteric m. b* d m. syndrome ]( W
migratory arthritis dUN qBH* UN mill qIB* s
Mikasa subacromial d_ X d' duB bone m. rEF qIB rEF s
bursography UJO V OrthoBlend powered V bI rEF qIB
Mikhail bone block qUNJO V rEF UB bone m. bMKu
Mikulicz gOuJO mille n
M. angle gOuJO W m. pattes screw U n_ Vu
M. pad gOuJO U m. pattes technique U n_ WId
M. sponge gOuJO WMH Millender arthroplasty bMKO V qBH*
Milch gKO Millender-Nalebuff wrist bMKO V md qBH U
M. classification of humeralW]bCF uJK gKO nOMB arthrodesis uU
fracture Miller dKO
M. condylar fracture W]OLIK uJK gKO nOMB M. flatfoot operation Ud bIK dKO WOKL
classification M. procedure dKO d
M. cuff resection of ulna qJA be lDI gKO WId Miller-Galante XU dKO
technique W]HJ M.-G. arthroplasty dKO V qBH*
M. elbow fracture od* uJ gKO nOMB XU
classification M.-G. hip prosthesis XU dKO V u Wb
M. elbow technique gKO od WId M.-G. II Knee prosthesis dKO V W d Wb
M. plate gKO WOH II XU
milestone ]u rKF M.-G. jig XU dKO WGO

- 433 -
M.-G. knee arthroplasty dKO V W d qBH miniature d]GB*
XU m. end-plate potential d]GB* W]OzUN WOHB sU
M.-G. revision knee dKO V W]IM* W d UN (MEPP)
system XU m. multipurpose clamp d]GB d_ =bF UIK
M.-G. total knee system dKO V W]U W d UN mini-core disease dOGB VK
XU Mini-Flap drain system wMO V eM UN
Millesi eOKO mini-Hohmann retractor dOGB ULu UF
M. modified technique W]bF* eOKO WId minima UOb U]dG _
M. nerve graft eOKO V wBF rFD v dG
M. technique eOKO WId patella m. dOGB WH{d
milliamperage W]dO wKO* minimal dG dG dG
m. X seconds (MAS) WOUdO wKO m. bactericidal rOd' bO* dG _ eO d
milliampere (mA) dO wKO concentration j=LK dG _ eO d
millimeter (mm) dLOKO d wKO m. inhibitory concentration
m.s of mercury (mmHg) W]OIz dOLKO minimally displaced dG wUe d
milliners needle UF]I lU d fracture
milling-cutter edH lU minimi dG _ v_ b(
Million Behavioral Health W]UF W]OuK WB UO abductor digiti m. (ADM) dBM) b=F
Inventory (MBHI) extensor digiti m. (EDM) dBM) WDU
Mills test eKO U opponens digiti m. (OPM) dBM) WKUI
Milroy disease dKO minipilon fracture dOG dF d
Miltex nail nippers fJKO V dHE W{]d ministem shaft dOGB c' r
Miltner-Wan calcaneus dMKO V wIF lD mini-Stryker power drill dJd V w VI*
resection dOGB
Milwaukee wuKO mini-Ullrich bone clamp V dOGB rEF UIK
M. brace w uKO UM gd
M. cervico wMDI bB wd uI* Minkoff-Jaffe-Menendez w= U uJM wHK) vQ*
-thoracolumbosacral w uKO V eF posterior approach bMM
orthosis Minkoff-Nicholas procedure uJO uJM d
M. scoliosis brace w uKO V nM' UM Minneapolis fOu UOMO
M. scoliosis orthosis w uKO V nM' uI M. hip prosthesis fOu UOMO u Wb
M. shoulder syndrome w uKO V nJ W M. prosthesis fOu UOMO Wb
mimocausalgia d( wU d(U tO Minnesota UuOMO
Minaar classification system UMO V nOMB UN M. Multiphasic Personality WKUM* U UuOMO UO
mineralization bF9 Inventory (MMPI)
Minerva U dOMO M. Rate of Manipulation WKUM* U UuOMO ]bF
M. cast UdOMO VU test
M. cervical jacket UdOMO V W]Od d minor dG d U
M. jacket UdOMO d m. curve dG _ vMM*
mini AO screw d]GB* Vu M. sign uMO W

- 434 -
Minos air drill wzuN uMO VI m. cord syndrome jK * q( W
Mira dO m. headache syndrome jK * bB W
M. drill dO VI mixer W]e W
M. reamer dO uI MixEvac bone-cemen m. V wLEF * W]
mirabilis lz UH fJO
Proteus m. WFzd W=KI* MixEvac bone-cement V wLEF * W]
mirror d mixer UH fJO
Apfelbaum m. uKH d Mixter dJO
dental m. W]O=M d M. clamp dJO UIK
meniscal m. WN d M. ligature-carrier clamp V WDdK qU( UIK*
Mirua-Komada release Uu dO dd dJO
misalignment nO d u M. right-angle clamp V We rOI UIK
mislauxe lK) u dJO
missed fracture XzU d Mize-Bucholz-Grogen sd euJ eO vQ
misshapen ]uA approach
missile injury W]O c WU WHcI WU Mizuno-Hirohata- UUdO ueO WId
Mital UO Kashiwagi technique wuOU
M. elbow release technique od* dd UO WId Mizuno technique ueO WId
M. release UO dd MKS II knee brace II fJ V Wd UM
Mitchel-Adam qAO M/L dB
M.-A. clamp qAO UIK mediolateral wH U ywU
M.-A. multipurpose clamp =bF* qAO UIK MLD dB
d_ microlumbar diskectomy wMDI dI UB
Mitchell osteotomy qAO V rEF lD dN*
Mitek pO mm dB
M. anchor pO Ud millimeter d wKO dLOKO
M. anchor system pO Ud UN mucous membrane wU< UAG
M. GII suture anchor GII pO WUO) XO UN mmHg dB
system millimeters of mercury W]OIz dLOKO
miter technique nI_ U WId M-mode transesophageal d* d VKI b duB
mitochondria =bI* echocardiography bF U_
mitochondrial myopathy =bI wKC MMPI dB
mitten hand lU _ WIBK b Minnesota Multiphasic _ =bF* UuOMO UO
Mittlemeir dULKO Personality Inventory W]OB AK
M. ceramic hip prosthesis dULKO we) u Wb MMT dB
M. noncemented femoral V W]O W]c  Wb manual muscle testing bO qCF U
prosthesis dULKO MNCV dB
MIV dB motor nerve conduction w d( wBF qO u Wd
major injury vector dJ WU qU velocity
mixed jK eL MNS dB

- 435 -
microamperage neural dOdJ wB tOM translation m. wUI ^d
stimulation vertical symphyseal m. uL wUH ^d
moat wzU bM mobilization UHM pd%
Moberg du grade 1 m. 1 m Wb pd%
M. advancement flap du V W]O1bI WKb grade 2 m. 2 m bI Wb pd%
M. deltoid muscle transfer V WOb WKCF qI grade 3 m. 3 m bI Wb pd%
du grade 4 m. 4 m bI Wb pd%
M. deltoid-to-triceps d W]O v WOb qI grade 5 m. 5 m bI Wb pd%
transfer du V grades of m. pd U
M. dowel graft du V U rF joint m. qBH* pd%
M. flap du WKb Kaltenborn system of qBH* pd uMU UN
M. key-grip tenodesis UH* WC WIdD du WUO joint m.
du V lateral band m. wU' jdA pd%
M. key-pinch procedure V UH* d d nonthrust m. wF pd%
du soft tissue m. ud ZOM pd%
M. screw du Vu spinal joint m. dIH qBH* pd%
M. splint du dO m. with impluse WF l pd%
Moberg-Gedda ]bO du mobilize =d
M.-G. fracture ]bO du d mobilizer =d
M.-G. open reduction ]bO du V uH* ^d Therabite m. XUdO =d
mobile bearing knee W=d* Wd bM Wd Mobitz Type I I jLM s eUu
implant MOD u
mobility ^d MOD femoral drill guide u V c H VI qO
active m. U]F ^d MOD unicompartmental e=O( U_ W d UN
coordinated m. oUM ^d knee system u V
fractured bone m. uJ* rEF ^d modality oOD WId
hip m. u ^d Fluidotherapy sterile dry WL]IF* W]U' d( oOD WId
intersegmental m. lDI 5 ^d heat m. qzuU W'UF* w
joint m. qBH* ^d mode b
lumbar sagittal m. wMD wLN ^d Gruen m. sd
muscle tissue m. wKCF ZOM ^d loading m. qOL
passive m. qFHM ^d model uL d
rotation m. db ^d corpectomy m. r' UB d
sacral m. e ^d Currey m. u d
sacroiliac joint m. wHd( eF qBH* ^d Denis Browne three- bL_ w d fO d
sagittal m. wLN ^d column m.
segmental m. wFD ^d family management m. wKzUF dOb d
side bending m. wU wMM ^d joint m. qBH* u/
symphyseal m. wUH ^d lumbar spine m. W]OMDI UO u/
m. testing ^d U Model 810 axial closed-loop wJObON w U

- 436 -
hydraulic mechanical s W]u* WIKG* dFK carpal tunnel release ]bF* qb* wzUM wKb
testing 810 dD m. Zarins and Rowe ]bF* fM
modeling u Modny wu
cortical bone m. dAI rEF u M. drill wu VI
modification qbF M. pin wu u^
Bloom-Raney m. w uK qbF Modular uu
Bonfiglio m. uOKOHu qbF M. Acetabular Revision V w=I( `OIM UN
C-D screw m. C-D VuK qbF System (MARS) uu
Clark-Southwick-Odgen m. puU qbF modular ]bF*
s m. Austin-Moore hip W]bF* u 5 u Wb
Duncan-Lovell m. qu UJ qbF prosthesis
Fairbanks technique with qbF l fJUdU WId m. implant W]bF Wd
Sever m. dHO m. instrumentation  ]bF* ULF
Harriluque sublaminar X pOKK uKU qbF m. Iowa Precoat total hip uJd u U u Wb
wiring m. wOHB prosthesis W]bF*
Jacobs locking hook spinal u^M ULF qbF m. large-head component ]bF dO d =uJ
rod instrumentation m. w* w=BA dIH m. Lenbach hip system ]bF* UMO V u UN
fu U V m. Moniflex hip stem ]bF* fJKHOu u c
Kleinert m. dMOK qbF m. prosthesis W]bF Wb
Losee m. u qbF m. stem ]bF c
Neer m dO qbF m. system ]bF UN
Seddon m. ^b qbF m. unicompartmental knee e=O( W]U_ W d Wb
Sequeira-Khanuja m. UuU duJO qbF prosthesis W]bF*
Stauffer m. dU qbF modulus qUF
Strickland m. bJd qbF m. of elasticity Wd* qUF
Youngwhich m. gu$u qbF Young m. Zu qUF
modified ]bF Moe u
m. Cotrel cast ]bF* du VU M. alar hook u V wUM' ^hA
m. Hoffmann quadrilateral Vu' wUd wU) X=* M. bone impctor u rEF dU
external fixator ]bF* ULu V M. hook u UD ^h
m. Hoke-Miller flatfoot V U]d bI d M. intertrochanteric plate u V sb* sO WOHB
procedure ]bF* dKO u m. modified Cotrel cast u s ]bF* du VU
m. Kessler suture W]bF* dKO WUO M. plate c H d XO u WOH
m. Kessler-Tajima suture W]bF* ULOU dK WUO M. rod u u^
m. mold and surface `D bU qBH* M. scoliosis technique u V nM' WId
replacement arthroplasty ]bF* VUI M. square-end rod u V WF]d* WUNM u^
m. Moore hip locking ]bF* w* u Wb M. system u UN
prosthesis u V M. technique u WId
m. tonsillar prong W]bF* W]uK W uA Mogensen procedure sMu d
m. tow-portal endoscopic dOEMU wGd oHM dd Mohr du

- 437 -
M. finger splint du l dO Monarch knee brace Uu V Wd UM
M. splint du dO Monark bicycle Uu W]
moist heat W d monarthric qBH* ^U
mold sH VU monarthritis U_ qBH* UN
m. acetabular arthroplasty VUI w=I( qBH* Viral m. U_ qBH* UN
Aufranc concentric hip m. V e d* u VU wdOH
pd monarticular synovitis U_ qBH* wKO UN
caudad anterior m. wc wU_ VUI Monckeberg sclerosis dJu V^KB
cephalad anterior m. wd wU_ VUI Moniflex hip stem fJKHu V u c
molded VuI monitor dUM dUM dDM U d
m. ankle foot orthosis VuI* qUJ bI uI MyoTrac EMG uO( ld rOIK dDM
(MAFO) biofeedback m. W]OdN j]D * duO V
m. orthosis VuI uI qCF
m. posterior plaster splint WuI W]OHK W]O dO NervePace nerve V wBF qO u dDM
molding Wu VuI conduction m. fU dO
compression m. jG]CU Wu Polar Vantage XL heart m. V XL VKI dDM
polyethylene 5KO wu jGC Wu UU
compression m. Vantage Performance m. UU V U dDM
moleskin traction tape wMDI ULIU =d' jd ( VPM)
Molesworth-Campbell uu V o d* vQ monitored anesthesia control ZOMU Vd* r^J
elbow approach qU (MAG)
Molesworth osteotomy uu V rEF lD monitoring W d
molle UL d blood pressure m. b jG{ Wd
fibroma m. ywHO wHO UL d central venous pressure m. e d* bu jGC Wd
s=O evoked external urethral ]dBLK U* sUJ Wd
heloma m. (HM) s=O sH s=O UL d sphincter potential m. dUE W]OKOK
molluscum UOK fOK fluorescein perfusion m. 5uKHU Wd Wd
fibroma m. W]OHO UOK screw position l{u W]OKLF u Wd*
Moloney line wuu ^j perioperative m. VuK
Molybdenum w=C U bF uMbOu somatosensory evoked w=( U* sUJ Wd
uK potential m. b'
stainless steel and m. (SMO) uMbOu bBK UI u spinal cord function WHOu W]OKLF Wd*
moment l b e e ) e intraoperative m. U M
anterior bending m. wU_ wM( e monkey paw w UN uA UM=M VK
m. arm eF ju* VBF WU
m. of force ]uI e monk hip prosthesis pu V u Wb
m. of interia WUDF e monocane U]JF ^U
posterior bending m. wHK) wM( e Monocid bOuu
three-point bending m. l{u* w wM( e monoclonal gammopathy WKOM U wzU]U
MOM tractograph u qO pK* UD monocyte bOu

- 438 -
monofilament jO) ^U Montercaux fracture udu d
m. pressure test U_ jO) jG{ U Monticelli-Spinelli w=KOMO w=KOOu
Semmes-Weinstein m. fOLO V U_ jO) M.-S. circular external dzb wU) XO UN
sUAM fixation system w=KOMO w=KOOu V
m. suture WKOH U_ jO) M.-S. distraction technique V d WId
m. wire jO) U pK w=KOMO w=KOOu
m. wire fixation jO) U pK XO M.-S. fixator w=KOMO w=KOOu X=
Monogram Total knee duu V W]U Wd Montreal hip positioner Udu V u WFCO
instrument Moon u
monomalleolar ankle VFJ U_ qUJ d M. boot u Uu
fracture M. Boot brace u u UM
mononeuropathy U_ VBF M. Boot shoe u u c
diabetic femoral m. c H U_ VBF Mooney wu
d]J M. brace wu UM
m. multiplex =bF* U_ VBF M. cast wu VU
monophasic uD ^U WHB ^U Moon-Robinson uM u
m. action potential WHB U_ qFH sU M.-R. prosthesis inserter u V Wb U
m. end-plate activity U_ WOzUN WOHB UA uM
uD M.-R. stapes prosthesis u V U =d Wb
monoplace hyperbaric U_ wUF jGC W d uM
chamber l{u* Moore u
monoplegia U qK M. approach u vQ
monopolar needle recording W]U dS qO d M. bone drill u V rEF VI
electrode VDI M. drill u VI
monosodium urate W]U_ uO u]K M. driver u W]u
crystal uuB M. femoral neck prosthesis u V c H oM Wb
monospherical dJ ^U M. femoral prosthesis u V c H Wb
m. shoulder arthroplasty U_ nJ qBH M. fixation pin u V XO u^
dJ M. fracture u d
m. total shoulder U_ U nJ qBH M. hip endoprosthesis uK W]OKb Wb UN
arthroplasty dJ system u V
monostotic fibrous dysplasia rEF U wHO b M. hip prosthesis u V u Wb
Monteggia UOOu M. nail u UL
M. dislocation UOOu lK M. osteotomy-osteoclasis rEF iI rEF lD W]OKL
M. equivalent lesion UOOu V WUJ W u V
M. forearm fracture bU UOOu d M. pin u u^
M. fracture UOOu d M. posterior approach u V wHK) vQ*
M. fracture-dislocation V bUK wFK d M. prosthesis extractor u V Wb lU
of ulna UOOu M. prosthesis-mortising u V Wb dI qO
M. lesion UOOu W chisel

- 439 -
M. sliding nail plate V e UL WOH Pedicle m. WIu qJ UO
u Morquio uOu
M. stem u c M. disease uO u
M. technique u WId M. sign UN w uO u W
M. template u U d U M WOUM
M. tibial plateau fracture W]OuM^E WCN d nOMB M. syndrome bb uO u W
classification u V jLM s WOU< bUJ]
Moore-Blount XuK u ld
M.-B. driver XuK u W]u Morrey-Bryan total elbow V U o d* qBH
M.-B. screwdriver XuK u ^pH athroplasty Ud u
mooring d q WKK Morrey elbow arthroplasty o d* qBH rOOI UN
mop-end mid substance UN d W]ODu ]U* W e rating system u V
tear Morris biphase screw uD ^wzUM fu Vu
morcellation ^e lODI Morris-Hand-Dunn anterior V wU_ qBH* U
Robinson m. uM lODI arthrodesis bU fu
Robinson-Chung- !uA uM lODI Morrison e=u
Farahvar m. UU M. neurovascular free flap ]d( W]OzUu W]OBF WKb
Robinson-Chung- uM V ud lODI e=u V
Farahvar clavicular m. UU muA M. technique e=u WId
Moreira du Morscher plate du WOH
M. bolt du V VuK* UL* Morse u
M. plate du WOH M. taper u V dD ^b
Moreland bu M. tapered prosthetic post V b* wb uLF
M. femoral component V c H =uJ* lU u
extractor bu mortise dIM
M. osteotome bu V rEF lC ankle m. qUJ dI
M. total hip revision U u `OIM ULF m. and tenon joint dI d qBH
instrumentations bu V m. view dIM dEM
Moreland-Marder-Anspach bu V cH c e Morton uu
femoral Stem removal U U M. foot uu b
Morel-Lavele lesion qO qu W M. interdigital neuroma V wuH wBF u
Morel syndrome w WOI bOI u W uu
Ub dA M. neuroma uu V wBF u
Moretz prosthesis eu Wb M. sign uu W
Morgan-Casscells meniscus V WN WUO WId M. test UA_ r_ uu U
suturing technique eKOJU Uu M. toe uu* WuM* bI l
Moro reflex u fJFM M. toe support uu V bI l U
morphea-like lesion WFOAIU WNO W Morton-Horwitz nerve V wBF VUB W
morphine 5 u cross-over sign eO u uu
morphometry UJ_ UO mosaic wart wzUHO o]e uR

- 440 -
Moseley wKOu m. demand W d( W]OuKD
M. glenoid rim prosthesis V WOU]I( W]U( Wb distractive m. W]Od W d
wKOu double-flexion knee m. W dK e* wM W d
M. straight lin graph V rOI* =j) j]D  end range of m. W dK wzUNM U*
wKOu frontal m. W]ON W d
mosquito uU uF hip extension range of m. u j W d U
m. clamp qJA wuU jIK hip range of m. u W d U
m. hematostat qJA wuU Td inherent m. WK= Q W d
m. hemostat qJA wuU Td intersegmental m. lDI 5 W d
m. tip grasping forceps WOuU c i jIK m. limit W d( ^b
qJA limittation of m. (LOM) W d( bb
motion UI ^d Wd m. limitation W d( bb
accessory m. W]OU{ W d limitation of joint m. qBH* W d bb
active m. WKU W d loss of m. W d( hI
active-assisted rang of m. WU]FH bU* W d( b lumbar m. W]OMD W d
active-assistve range of m. U]FH bU* U* lumbar range of m. W]OMDI W d( U
active and passive range W dK qFHM* qUH U* m. measurement W d( UO
of m. osteokinematic m. W]OLEF W d( rK
active range of m. W dK U]FH U* m. palpation W d( ^f
( AROM) passive m. WKFHM W d
m. activity W d( W]OKU passive intervertebral m. dIH 5 WKFHM W d
angular m. W] W d (PIVM)
angulation m. =e W d passive rang of m. (PROM) WKFHM* W d( b
ankle dorsiflexion range of wdNE wM W d U pattern of m. W d( d
m. (ADROM) qUJK m. performance W d(
AP translatory m. W]OHK) W]OU_ W]OKI]M W d( physiologic m. W]OuueO W d
arc of m. W d( u pistoning m. fJ W d
axis of m. W d( u pump handle rib m. W] C* c lKC W d
axis of rib m. lKC W d u pump-handle rib m. W] C* c lKC W d
m. barrier W d( qzU m. quality W d( WOu
bucket-handle rib m. iI W d lKC W d m. range W d( U
u]b range of m. (ROM) W d( U
bucket-handle rim m. u]b iIL dH W d rectilinear m. WLOI W]OD W d
m. concentraction W d( e d m. response W]O d WU
constant massive m. ]dL WOK W d restricted range of m. b]OI* W d( U
continuous passive m. dL WKFHM W d restriction of m. W d( bb W d( bOOI
(CPM) m. restriction W d( bb
m. control W d(U r^J rotary m. W]db W]dz W d
coupled m. We W d sacroiliac joint m. wHd( eF qBH* W d
degress-of-freedom joint m. qBH* W d W=d U sagittal m. W]OLN W d

- 441 -
scapulothoracic m. W]b W]OH W d m. point block W]O d( WDIM UB
m. segment W =d WFD m. reflex w d fJFM
m. slack W d( RU m. response W]O d WU
stable to m. W d( U& XU m. strength W =d ]u
subtalar m. qUJ X W d m. unit W =d b
m. testing W d( U m. unit action potential W =d* bu qF sU
m. therapy W d(U W'UF* (MUAP)
total active m. (TAM) WKU WU]F W d m. unit fraction W =d* bu s e
total eversion range of m. U nMA W d U m. unit potential (MUP) W =d* bu sU
total passive m. (TPM) WKU WKFHM W d m. unit territory W =d* bu UD
translation m. W]OUI W d m. vehicle accident U W =d* WdF U
translatory m. W]OKu% W d (MVA) dO]
trial range of m. W dK wd U* m. weakness w d nF{
triaxial m. U; W]O W d motorized w wd
valgus knee m. Ud W d W d m. meniscal cutter w WN lU
m. velocity W d( Wd m. meniscal shaver w WN 
winging m. W]M W d m. reamer w uI
motion-preserving Wd( kH d m. shaving system W]O W( UN
procedure m. suction shaver w ^U* ;
Motivator FTR2000 FTR2000 uUHOu =dL* m. trimmer w =cA*
exerciser motor neuron, motoneuron wd uB
motoneuron (var. of motor =d uB Motrin sdu
neuron) mottled j l]I
motor wd =d mottling l^I
m. activity w d UA Mouchet fracture XOu d
m. branch w d d Mould arthroplasty bu V qBH*
m. deficit W]O d WBOI Moule screw pin u V VuK u^
m. disorder w d dD{ Mouradian Uu
m. dysfunction w d wHO qK M. humeral fixation system V bCF XO UN
m. examination w d h Uu
m. fascicle W =d e M. rod Uu u^
m. function W]O d WHO M. screw Uu Vu
m. function assessment W]O d( WHOu rOOI move =d Wd
m. latency W d( uL push-pull m. V l W d
m. loss W d( hI movement Wd
m. milestone W d( rKF W]O d ]u active m. WKU W d
m. nerve conduction w d( wBF qO u Wd active hip m. WKU W]O W d
velocity (MNCV) active range of m. W dK qUH U*
m. neuron =d uB anterior-posterior m. W]OHK W]OU W d
m. point W]O d WDI anterosuperior external W]OU_ dUE WHd( W d

- 442 -
ilium m. (ASEx) W]uKF myofascial pain syndrome W]OKCF WUH=K r W
arterosuperior Ilium m. W]uKF W]OU_ WHd( W d MPFL dB
(ASIn) medial patellofemoral w c H wH{d Ud
m. artifact W]O d Wb ligament
atlas-axis m. u* WINH W d MPJ dB
caliper rib m. W]UdH lKC W d metaphalangeal joint w wFM qBH
compensatory m. W{UF W d MPV dB
dissociation m. W]OUH W d metatarsus primus varus ]_ jA* Z
dynamic m. WOJOUM W d MRI dB
external m. (Ex) W]OU W d magnetic resonance imaging wOUMG* 5dU duB
external ilium m. dUE WHd( W d dynamic MRI wOUMG* 5dU duB
freedom of m. W d( W=d wJOUMb
inferior m. W]OKH W d flexion-extension MRI wMU wOUMG* 5dU duB
innominate m. U]L W d j
internal m. W]OK W d Gyroscan ozUH wOUMG* 5dU duB
intersegmental m. lDI 5 W d superconducting MRI UJdO V qO u
isokinetic m. W]u W d MRI testing wOUMG* 5dU duB U
limitation of m. W d( bb MS dB
medial m. W]O W d multiple sclerosis =bF V^KB
passive m. WKU WKFHM W d MSD dB
m. performance W d( U$ microsurgical diskectomy Wd dI UB
posteroinferior external m. W]OKH W]OHK W]OU W d W]dN
posteroinferior internal m. W]OKH W]OHK W]OK W d MSL dB
primary or intentional m. W]bB W]O] W d midsternal line hI nBM ^j
primary rotation m. W]O] W]O W d MST-6A1-4V implant metal MST-6A1-4V WdG eK Wb
sagittal m. W]OLN W d prosthesis
movement Wd MT dB
m. science W d( rK metatarsal wDA
trick m. W]OL W d metatarsophalangeal w wDA
unilateral posterior- VU' W]U W]OU W]OHK W d muscle testing WKCF U
anterior m. MT bar WKCF U W{U
mover =d MTA dB
Prime m. w] =d metatarsus adductus d jA
movie sign rKH W MTP dB
MP dB metatasophalangeal w wDA
metacarpophalangeal w wFM MTS dB
MP35N implant metal MP 35 N WdG eK Wb medial tibial syndrome w uME W
prosthesis MTSS dB
M-Pact flexible orthotic X U M s=OK uI* medial tibial stress w uME UN W
MPF dB syndrome

- 443 -
MTV dB M. hip arthroplasty du V u qBH
metatarsus varus Z jA M. intertochanteric varus sb* 5 Z_ rEF lD
MUAP dB osteotomy du V
macro motor unit action W =d* bu qF bN M. lateral compartment du V W]OAu Wu'
potential W]dJ M. patellar tendon graft du V wH{d du rF
motor unit action postential W =d* bu qF bN M. plate du WOH
Mubarak-Hargens V jGC nOH WId M. retractor du UF
decompression technique fMU U M. technique du WId
mucate U M. tibial fracture W]OuME uJ nOM
isometheptene m. 5OOe U  classification du V
mucirocin 5dOu M. total hip prosthesis du V U u Wb
mucopolysaccharide wU* bU]J bb M. total hip replacement V U u b Wb
sulfated m. wU * bU]J bb UHK prosthesis du
mucopolysaccharidoses wU* bUJ] bb M. transposition osteotomy l{u dOOG rEF lD
(MCP) du V
mucopolysaccharidosis wU* bU]J bb M. wrench du uK
mucosum wU Mueller-Charnley hip wKU du V u Wb
ligamentum m. wU< Ud prosthesis
mucous (adj) wU Muir-Torre syndrome u du W
m. cyst W]OU  WO Mulder bu
m. membrane (mm) wU< UAG M. click bu WKIK
mucus (noun) U M. sign bu W
Mueli wrist prosthesis wKu V rBF* Wb Muller (var. of Muller) du
Mueller, Muller du Mulligan Silastic prosthesis pOO UOu Wb
M. anterolateral femorotibial c H Ud d WUO Multangular Ue =bF
ligament tenodesis wAu wU_ wuME greater m. d _ Ue bb
du V lesser m. dG _ Ue bb
M. arthrodesis du V du U m. ridge fracture Ue bbF d( d
M. classification du nOMB multiaction pin cutter UF _ bbF u^b lU
M. compression apparatus V jGC nOH UN Multiaxial Assessment of r U; =bF* rOOI
du Pain (MAP)
M. compression blade plate jGC nOH qB WOH multiaxis foot U; bb b
du V multicentric ed* bb
M. cup du n' m. osteogenic sarcoma =bF QAM* W]OLE Wu U
M. distractor du =dH e d*
M. dual-lock hip prosthesis qHI W]OzUM u Wb m. reticulohisiocytosis =bF* W]OJA UM* d
du V e d*
M. femoral supracondylar u W]c H uJ nOMB multidirectional instability U; bb dI b
fracture classification du V WLIK (MDI)
M. fixation device du V XO eON multidisciplinary =bF U* =bF

- 444 -
U UB Instrumentation
multielectrode W]OdNJ U* bb m. injury =bF WU
multifidi uKH bb m. myeloma =bF uI
m. musculi uKH bb WKC m. neurofibroma =bF wHO wB
multifidus syndrome uKH bb W m. osteochondromatosis =bF wdC wLE
Multiflex prosthesis fJKHOK Wb m. pterygium syndrome =bF* dHE W
multilead electrode UU= bb wdN d m. ray =bF* sH
multilevel Uu* bb m. ray amputation =bF* sH d
m. fracture Uu* bb d m. sclerosis (MS) =bF* V^KB
m. laminectomy bbF UOHB UB m. trauma =bF u{
Uu* m. trauma victim =bF* u{d UU{
Multi-Lock oKG =bF multiple-pin hole occluder fOUb =bF* VI ]U
M.-L. hand operating =bF* bO U]OKL WU multiple-point sacral UIM =bF* eF XO
table oKG fixation
M.-L. hip prosthesis oKG =bF* u Wb multiplex nUC =bF
M.-L. knee brace oKG =bF* W d UM mononeuropathy m. =bF* U_ VBF
multipartite patella e_ bb WH{ multipotential cell suJ =bF W]OK
multiplace hyperbaric bbF wUF jGC W d Multipulse 1000 1000 fUOU UGC W]C
chamber l{u* compression pump
multiplanar uD bb multipurpose d_ =bF
m. computed tomography Wu* W]OFDI* WdH m. angle clamp d_ =bF ]e UIK
scan (multiplanar CT scan) Uu* =bF* m. clamp d_ =bF UIK
m. CT scan bbF Wu* W]OFDI* WdH m. curved clamp d_ =bF sM UIK
Uu* multiray fracture VFA =bF d
multiplane echo probe Uu* bbF bB U multisegmental spinal lDI =bF* dIH o^OC
multiple =bF stenosis
m. action cutter UF_ =bF lU multisided blade handle Vu' =bF* WKBM WC
m. axis knee joint U; =bF* W d qBH multisized reamer r( =bF uI
m. cancellous chip graft =bF wMH wO rF multispan fracture hook u_ =bF* dJ ^h
m. digits lU _ =bF multistaged carrier flap qd* =bF WKU WKb
m. discharge =bF mdH multitrauma patient =bF* `{d id
m. enchondroma =bF sU wdC multivariate analysis of d=OG* =bF* UH] qOK
m. enchondromatosis =bF sU wdC variance (MANOVA)
m. epiphyseal dysplasia =bF wUA b multocida U]
m. finger lU _ ^bF Pasteurella m. WU]I W]KuU
m. flexible medullary nail =bF s=O uI UL Mumford uHL
m. flexible nail =bF s=O UL M. procedure uHL d
m. fracture =bF d M. resection uHL lD
m. hook assembly =bF* =hA WuL Mumford-Gurd uHL V qBH*
m. hook assembly C-D =bF* =hA WuL ULF arthroplasty u

- 445 -
Munchausen syndrome vK U( UNu W m. belly WKCF sD
UHA biceps m. 5d WKCF
Munchmeyer disease dULAU biceps brachii m. W]bCF 5d WKCF
MUP dB biceps femoris m. W]c H 5d WKCF
motor unit potential W =d* bu bN m. biopsy clamp W]OKCF We) UIK
Murphy w u brachialis m. W]bCF WKCF
M. Achilles tendon wu V udF .bI brachioradialis m. W]dFJ W]bCF WKCF
advancement m. contractility WKCF W]O uK
M. brace wu UM m. contracture WKCF l^HI
M. splint wu dO deltoid m. WOb WKCF
Murphy-Lane bone skid w u V rEF WU digastric m. 5MD WKCF
Murray-Jones eu u m. disorder wKC dD{
M.-J. arm splint u V c dO dorsal interosseous m. W]dNE UEF 5 WKC
eu m. energy W]OKC WU
M.-J. splint eu u dO m. energy technique W]OKCF bI WId
Murray knee prosthesis u V Wd Wb extensor carpi radialis WDU dOBI W]dFJ WKCF
Murray-Thomas Uu u Bervis m. mdK
M.-T. arm splint u V c dO extensor carpi radialis WDU WKuD W]dFJ WKCF
Uu longus m. mdK
M.-T. splint Uu u dO extensor carpi ulnaris m. mdK WDU W]be WKCF
muscle WKC extensor communis m. W]OK _ WDU WKCF
abdominal m. W]OMD WKC extensor digiti minimi m. dBM K WDU WKCF
abductor m. b=F WKC extensor figiti quinti m. dBM K WDU WKCF
abductor digiti minimi m. dBM K b=F* WKCF extensor digitorum lU  WDU dOBI WKCF
abductor digit quinti m. dBM K l  b=F* WKCF brevis m.
abductor hallucis m. bI UN b=F* WKCF extensor digitorum lU  WDU W]OK _ WKCF
abductor pollicis brevis m. UN b=F* dOBI WKCF communis m.
bO extensor digitorum lU  WDU WKuD WKCF
abductor pollicis longus m. UN b=F* WKuD WKCF longus m.
bO extensor hallucis bervis m. UN WDU dOBI WKCF
m. action potential wKCF qFH sU bI
adductor pollicis m. bO UN W=dI* WKCF extensor hallucis longus m. UN WDU WKuD WKCF
agonist m. ]U WKC bI
agonistic m. ]U WKC extensor indicis proprius m. WU]K WDU WKCF
m. analysis wKC qOK extensor pollicis bervis m. UN WDU dOBI WKCF
antagonist m. ]U{ WKC bO
antagonistic m. ]U{ WKC extensor pollicis longus m. UN WDU WKuD WKCF
anterior scalene m. W]OU_ W]OFL_ WKCF bO
anterior serratus m. W]OU_ WUAM* WKCF extensor intercostal m. WDU W]Ou WKCF
anterior tibial m. W]OU_ W]OuME WKCF extensor oblique m. WDU WKzU WKC

- 446 -
m. fascicle W]OKC We interosseous m. 5LEF 5 WKCF
m. fiber action potential wKCF nOK qF sU intervening m. WKb WKC
m. fiber conduction velocity wKCF nOK qO u Wd intraspinous m. sUM 5 WKC
finger flexor m. l  WOM WKC intrinsic m. QAM* W]OK WKC
m. flap W]OKC WKb m. ischemia wKC UH
flexor m. WOM WKC Langer m. d WKC
flexor carpi radialis m. mdK WOM* W]dFJ WKCF latissimus dorsi m. W]dNE WCdF WKCF
flexor carpi ulnaris m. mdK WOM* W]be WKCF levator scapulae m. nJK WFd WKCF
flexor digiti quinti m. dBM K WOM* WKCF longus capitis m. W]Od WKuD WKCF
flexor digitorum longus m. lU  WOM* WKuD WKCF longus cervicis (colli) m. W]Od WKuD WKCF
flexor digitorum lU  WOM* WIOLF WKCF longus colli m. W]Od WKuD WKCF
profundus m. lumbrical m. W]OMOd WKC
flexor digitorum lU  WOM* W]OD WKCF lumbricalis m. W]OMOd WKC
sublimis m. oblique m. WKzU WKC
flexor digitorum lU  WOM* W]OD WKCF obturator internus m. dzUG ]b* WKCF
superficialis m. omohyoid m. W]O W]OHJ WKCF
flexor hallucis bervis m. UN WOM* dOBI WKCF opponens digiti quinti m. dBM K WKUI* WKCF
bI opponens pollicis m. (OP) bO UN WKUI* WKCF
flexor hallucis longus m. bI UN WOM* WKuD WKCF palmar interosseous m. UEF 5 W]O WKC
flexor pollicis bervis m. bO UN WOM* dOBI WKCF palmaris longus m. WKuD W]Od WKCF
flexor pollicis longus m. bO UN WOM* WKuD WKCF paraspinal m. UIHK U: WKCF
gastrocnemius m. U WKC paravertebral m. UIHK U: WKC
gluteus m. W]u WKC pectoralis major m. dOJ W]bB WKCF
gluteus maximus m. vLEF W]u_ WKCF m. pedicle bone graft W]OKC WIu wLE rF
gluteus medius m. vDu W]u_ WKCF peroneal m. W]uE WKC
gluteus minimus m. dGB W]u_ WKCF Peroneus brivis m. dOBI W]uEA WKCF
gracilis m. WKUM WKCF peroneus longus m. WKuD W]uEA WKCF
greater rhomboid m. dOJ W]OM]OF* WKCF peroneus tertius m. WU W]uEA WKCF
m. guarding fJFM wKC U plantaris m W]OBL_ WKCF
hamstring m. W]OCQ WKC platysma m. oMFK W]bK' WKCF
handbag m. bO WOI qC m. play WKCF qF WKCF W d
m. hernia wKC o pollicis longus m. bO UN WKuD WKCF
hypothenar m. ]dC WKC popliteus m. W]OCQ* WKCF
iliacus m. W]OHd WKC posterior deltoid m. W]OHK) WOb WKCF
iliocostal m. W]O W]OHd WKC postural m. W]OF{ WKC
iliopsoas m. W]OMD W]OHd WKC profundus m. WIOL WKC
m. imbalance wKC u pronator m. W]UJ WKCF
infraspinatus m. W uA X WKC pronator quadratus m. WF]d* W]UJ WKCF
m. insufficiency wKC uB pronator teres m. ]b* W]UJ WKCF
internal oblique m. dzUG WKzU* WKCF psoas m. W]OMDI WKCF

- 447 -
quadratus femoris m. W]c H WF]d* WKCF teres major m. dOJ =b* WKCF
quadratus lumborum m. W]OMDI WF]d* WKCF m. testing (MT) WKCF U
quadriceps m. d W]OUd WKCF thenar m. WHd WKC
quadriceps femoris m. d W]OUd WKCF tibial m. W]OuM WKC
W]c H tibialis anterior m. W]OU_ W]OuME WKCF
rectus abdominis m. W]OMD WLOI* WKCF tibialis posterior m. W]OHK) W]OuME WKCF
rectus femoris m. W]c H WLOI* WKCF m. tissue mobility wKCF ZOM ^d
m. relaxant wKC d toe extensor m. bI lU _ WDU WKC
released ulnar intrinsic m. QAM* W]OK W]b WKC toe flexor m. bI lU _ WOM WKC
]d m. tone WKCF du
sartorius m. W]OU]O) WKCF m. transfer WKCF qI
scalene m. W]OFL_ WKCF transversus abdomins m. W{dF* W]OMD WKCF
scalenus m. W]OFL_ WKCF trapezius m. WdM* t WKCF
scalenus anticus m. W]OU_ W]OFL_ WKCF triceps m. d W]O WKCF
scapulohumeral m. W]bCF W]OHJ WKCF triceps surae m. W]OK]d ^d W]O^ WKCF
scapulothoracic m. W]bB W]OHJ WKCF vastus lateralis m. W]OAu WF]* WKCF
semimembranosus m. nBM W]OzUA WKC vastus medialis m. W]O WF]* WKCF
semitendinosus m. nBM W]du WKCF vastus medialis obliquus m. WKzU* W]O WF]* WKCF
serratus anterior m. W]OU_ W]UAM* WKCF muscle-balancing procedure WKCFK u d
m. sheath WKCF bL muscle-plasty WKCF
shunt m. W=u WKC Speed V-Y m.p. V-Y qJA WKCF
skeletal m. W]OKJO WKC bO V
m. slide W]OKC Wd muscle-setting exercise d ywKC sdL
m. sliding operation WKCF e Wd muscle-tendon WKCF d
m. spasm wKC Z^MA m.-t. injury WKCF d WU
m. spindle wKC eG m.-t. transplantation WKCF d
spurt m. bN WKC muscular wKC
sternocleidomastoid m. W]ud W]OBI WOzdI WKCF m. atrophy wKC uL{
W]OzUA) m. attachment wKC eJd
sternohyoid m. W]O W]O=BI WKCF m. clamp wKC UIK
sternomastoid m. W]OzUA) W]O=BI WKCF m. contraction wKC h^KI
sternothyroid m. W]Ob W]O=BI WKCF m. coordination wKC oUM
m. strain wKC UN m. cramp wKC hF
strap m. wKC U m. dystrophy (MD) wKC q
m. stretch reflex WKCF =j fJFM m. neurofibromatosis wKC wHO wB
subscapularis m. nJ X WKCF m. tissue wKC ZO
supinator m. WDU WKCF m. torticollis wKC dF
muscle WKC muscularis wKC W]OKCF
supraspinatus m. W uA u WKCF kyphosis m. wKCF b(
synergistic m. R WKC musculature wKCF uL* qCF

- 448 -
left erector spinae m. UIHK W UM dO WKCF rhomboideus major m. dOJ W]OM]OF* WKCF
paraspinal m. UIHK U: qCF rotatores musculi =b* db* CF
paravertebral m. UIHK U: qCF rotatores breves musculi dOBI db* CF
right erector spinae m. UIHK W U]M vMLO WKCF rotatores longi musculi WKuD db* CF
musculi (pl. of musculus) WKC C rotatores thoracis musculi W]bB db* CF
musculocutaneous bK wKC sacrospinalis m. W]O uA W]eF WKCF
m. flap W]bK W]OKC WKb mushroom impactor WUd* WF b
m. free flap W]bK W]OKC ]d WKb mushy edema W]d W
m. nerve bK wKC VB musicians plight 5=OIOu* W
m. nerve block bK' wKCF VBF UB multians ]uA
m. nerve injury bK' wKCF VBF WU m. rheumatoid arthritis buUd q UH* UN
musculofascial w UH wKC =uA*
musculoskeletal wKJO wKC MV1 receptor MV1 WKI*
m. infection W]OKJO W]OKC b MV2 receptor MV2 WKI*
m. melioidosis wKJO wKC u MVA dB
m. trauma wKJO wKC `{ motor vehicle accident U W =d* UdF U
musculotendinous d wKC dO
m. flap W]d W]OKC WKb MVV dB
m. junction d wKC q u maximal voluntary vLEF W] WuN
m. system W]d W]OKC UN ventilation
m. unit W]d W]OKC b MWD dB
musculotendinous-osseous wLE d wKC U microwave diathermy W]dJ* Uu*U d( UH
link myalgia wKC r
musculus, pl. musculi C WKC myasthenia gravis qO wKC s
abductor digiti minimi bO dBM) b=F* WKCF myatrophy wKC uL{
manus m. mycetoma dD
abductor digiti minimi bI dBM) b=F* WKCF mycobacterial d=DH*U o=KF d=DH
pedis m. m. arthritis d=DH*U qBH* UN
extensor indicis proprius WU]K WDU WKCF m. infection d=DH*U b
m. intertransversarii TuM 5 W]OAu CF Mycobacterium Wud d=DH*
laterales musculi W{dF* M. avium- intracellulare W]O]u' W]dOD d=DH*
intertransversarii mediales 5 W]O W]OMDI CF M. bovis W]dI d=DH*
lumborum musculi W{dF* TuM M. chelonei W]Od) d=DH*
longissimus m. vuD WKCF M. fortuitum W]OUB] d=DH*
longissimus capitis m. W]Od vuD WKCF M. gordonae W]Od) d=DH*
longissimus cervicis m. W]Od vuD WKCF M. intracellulare W]O]u' d=DH*
longus capitis m. W]Od vuD WKCF M. kansasii W]OeMJ d=DH*
multifidi musculi uKH bbF CF M. marinum W]d d=DH*
obliquus capitis inferior m. W]OKH W]Od WKzU* WKCF M. terrae W]O{_ d=DH*
obliquus capitis superior m. W]uKF W]Od WKzU* WKCF M. tuberculosis W]O=K d=DH*

- 449 -
mycopolysaccharidosis dDH bU]J bb myeloparalysis wU qK
mycosis UD UD myelopathy wU
cutaneous m. bK UD cervical m. w wU
m. fungolides wdD UD cervical spondylotic m. w dI wU
systemic m. wuL UD m. incidence wU M u
mycotic dD UD myelophthisis wI=M U U^M U
m. club nail dDH fM dC dH myeloplegia wU qK
m. nail dD dH myeloradiculitis c' UM UN
mydesis wU XO myeloradiculo c' UM
myelalgia dNE r wU r myelorrhaphy UM u
myelanalosis dN]E fU] U^M uL{ commissural m. uB U M u
mylasthenia QAM* ^wU ywB s myelotomy UM lC
myelatelia U^M UI Myers knee retractor eO V Wd UF
myelatrophy U^M uL{ myoasthenia wKC s
myeleterosis U^M f^JM myoblast 5M W]OKC W
myelinated wMOUO myoblstoma W]OKCF W_
myelitis UM UN granular cell m. ^wO( ^wKCF ^w_ u
acute trasverese m. U( dF* UM UN U)
myeloblastoma yuI yw Myobock uuO
myelocele W]OU WKO M. artificial hand uuO V W]OFMB bO
myelocystocele W]OO W]OU WKO M. hand uuO b
myelocystomeningocele W]OO W]OzU W]OU WKO myobradia WU j ywKC RU
myelodiastasis UM UDA WOKCF
myelodysplasia Z^M qK UM Z^M qK myocardial wK wKC
wI=M m. bridging VKI WKC dO
myelodyplastic kyposis wUM Z^M qK b m. infarction VKI qC UA
myelofibrosis wIM n^OK m. perfusion scan VKI qC Wd WdH
myelogram UM j]D myocele W]OKC WKO
myelographic W]OU u wU duB myocelialgia W]OMD CF r
myelography UM duB myocelitis W]OMD CF UN
myelolipoma uI wL myocerosis wKC ywFL f^JM
myeloma uI myocervical collar w d qCF u
multiple m. =bF uI Myochrysine 5duO
plasma cell m. U) ^U uI myoclasis wKC lD
solitary m. bO uI myoclonia wKC l
urine protein m. wu 5d l uI myoclonus wKC l
myelomalacia UM s^OK myocoele W]OKCF WFC u
myelomeningocele W]OzU W]OU WKO myocutaneous flap W]bK W]OKC WKb
myelomere wU rO myocytoma U) ^wKC
myeloneuritis UB_ UM UN myodegeneration wKC f^JM

- 450 -
myodemia WKCF f^JM wKC r^A myomectomy, wKCF u UB
wLA myomatectomy
myodesis WOU qJA WdzU WKC myomelanosis WKCF u qCF s^KL
qJA 5O*U
myodysneuria wB wKC qK myonecrosis wKC d
myodystonia wKCF du qK clostridial m. WMdGM U]O=D*U ywKC d
myoedema W]OKC W W]U
myoelectric wKC wzUdN myoneurasthenia wKC ywB s
m. prosthesis W]OdN W]OKC Wb myoneurectomy wB wKC lD
myoelectrical wKC wzUdN myoneuroma wKC wB
Myoelectrically silent W]OKCF WOzUdNJ XU myoneurosis wKC UB
myofascia W]OKC W UH myopachynsis W]OKC WU{
myofascial w UH wKC myopalmus wKC UCH
m. manipulation W]OKC W]OUH WKUM myoparalysis wKC qK
m. pain W]OKCF WUHK r myoparesis wKC e
m. pain syndrome (MPF) W]OKCF WUHK r W myopathic wKCF U o=KF
m. release W]OKCF WUHK dd m. arthrogryposis U qBH* Uu
m. syndrome W]OUHK W]OKCF W* wKCF
m. tenderness wUH wKC m. motor unit potential qCFK W =d* bu sU
m. trigger point W]OUHK W]OKCF Ue WDI qF*
m. unit W]OUH W]OKC b m. recruitment qF* qCF WuI
myofasciitis W UH=K WKCF UN myopathopysiology W]OKCF W]O{d* UOuueOH
myofibril W]OKC WHOO myopathy wKC
myofibroma wHO wKC acquired m. VJ wKC
myofibrosis wKC n^OK benign congential m. bOL wIK wKC
myofibrositis W]OKCF We( UN UN exercise m. bN wKC
myogelosis W]OKC bJ mitochondrial m. =bI wKC
myogenic tonus QAM* W]OKC W]d^u myotubular m. wO ywKC
myography qCF jOD u]M ^e d ywKC
acoustic m. lL qC jOD nemaline m. wDO ywKC
myohypertrophia W]OKC WU{ nemaline rod-body m. w wDO ywKC
myoischemia wKC UH W]Ou^M U_
myokerosis wKC ywFL f^JM rheumatoid arthritis m. UN w wKC
myokymia wu ywKC h^KI buUd q UH*
myokymic discharge wu* wKCF h^KI mdH steroid m. bdO wKC
myolipoma wKC wL structural congenita m. uOM wIK wKC
myolysis qCF q^K myophagism wKC uL{ qCF WLFK
myoma wKC myoplastic muscle wd qCF XO
myomalacia WKCF s^OK stabilization
myomatosis wKC myopsychopathy wH wKC

- 451 -
myosarcoma W]OKC WuU drug-induced m. bU ]d* qCF d^Q
myosclerosis wKC V^KB m. intermittens l=DI* qCF d^Q
myoseism wCH ywKC h^KI myotonic qCF d^Q o=KF wKC d^Q
myositis qCF UN m. discharge wKCF d^Q mdH
m. fibrosa wH^OK] qCF UN m. muscular dystrophy d^Q wKC q
ischemic m. UH qCF UN m. potential wKCF d^Q sU
m. ossificans r=EF* qCF UN MyoTrac duO
m. ossificans progressiva w=d* r=EF* qCF UN M. EMG biofeedback uO( ld rOIK dDM
proliferative m. dUJ qCF UN monitor V qCF W]OdN j]D *
streptococal m. U]bIFU qCF UN duO
myospasia l]d dOE =dH ywKC l myotube wKC u
=bF* myotubular myopathy ywKC wO ywKC
myospasm wKC Z^MA u]M ^ed
myosteoma wKC wLE mytenositis du WKCF UN
myosynizesis CF UB myxofibroma wU wHO
myotatic unit qCF ^bL b myxoid wUU
myotendinous wKC d m. chondrosarcoma W]OUU  W]OdC Wu U
myotenontoplasty du WKCF m. liposarcoma W]OUU  W]OL Wu U
myotomal pain lC r WuDI* WKCF r myxoid-type liposarcoma jLM s W]OL WuU
qCF wUU*
myotome lC 5M W]OKC WFC myxoma wU
qCF soft tissue m. ud ZMK wU< u
myotonia qCF Z^MA qCF d^Q myxomatous wU< uU o=KF
d^u] m. cell W]OU  W]O W]OK
m. congenita wIK) qCF d^Q myxosarcoma W]OU WuU
congenital m. wIK) qCF d^Q

- 452 -
nabumetone uOuU n. bed dHE dd
Nada-Chair Back-Up V uL; wHK) F* n. bed graft dHE dd rF
portable back sling U dO b n. bed hematoma bN0 ub u mdH
Naden-Rieth prosthesis Y sb Wb evacuation dHE
NADPH dB bent n. sM UL sM dH
nicotinamide-adenine 5_ bOuOKu =wzUM UH boat n. wU
dinucleotide phosphate bOUMOuJOM Brooker double-locking uI* dO wuME UL*
nafcillin uO yUC 5=KOU unreamed tibial n. dd V qHI wzUM
Naffziger deU Brooker femoral n. dd V c H UL
N. syndrome W deU W Brooker-Wills n. eK dd UL
WOU_ WOFL_ WKCF cannulated n. v]MI UL
N. test c UGC deH U centromedullary n. ed uI UL
wB Chandler unreamed dO VUM* uME UL
nail dH UL interlocking tibial n. dbU V uI*
adjustable n. uC UL Chick n. pO UL
Ainsworth modification of V uM qbF Christensen interlocking n. V VUM* UL*
Massie n. w=U UL sMd
anteroposterior n. wHK wU UL closed n. oKG* UL*
AO n. UL cloverleaf n. rOd u tO UL
AO slotted medullary n. AO o]IA uI UL cloverleaf Kuntscher n. u tOA dAu UL
n. assembly UL* WuL rOd
Augustine boat n. V wUI UL* clubbed n. d=F dH
5 condylocephalic n. w wLI UL
Bailey-Dubow n. U wKU UL Curry hip n. =u V u UL
Barr n. U UL delta n. U UL
Barr bolt n. U V VuK* UL* delta femoral n. U c H UL
beak n. nI UL Delta Recon n. U uJ UL

- 453 -
delta tibial n. U wuME UL* Harris n. f=U UL
Diamond n. w=U UL Harris medullary n. f=U V uIM UL*
diamond-shaped n. qJA wU UL Holt n. Xu UL
diamond-shaped qJA wU uI UL hooked intramedullary n. V]KJ* wIM q UL*
medullary n. Huckstep n. VOU UL
digital n. wF UL l dH interlocking n. wUM UL*
n. disorder UH_ dD{ interlocking medullary n. wUM uI UL
Dooley n. w UL intramedullary n. wIM q UL*
n. drill UL* VI Jewett n. Xu UL
n. driver UL* W
]u Ken n. s UL
n. dust UL* U Ken sliding n. s V oeM* UL*
dynamic locking n. wJOUM w UL Klemm-Schellman n. ULKO rOK UL
dystrophic n. dHE q Knowles n. fU UL
Ender n. b UL nail UL*
Ender flexible V d* uIM UL* Knowles pin n. fU V wu^b UL*
medullary n. b Kntscher n. dAu UL
Engel-May n. w q UL left-sided n. WN' UO UL*
n. extender UL* =b2 n. length gauge method UL* u UOI WId
n. fixation UL* XO Lloyd adapter for sd YOL UL* bu WR
flexible n. d* UL* Smith-petersen n.
flexible medullary n. d* uIM UL* locking n. w UL
fluted n. o]IA* UL* Lottes n. fu UL
fluted sampson n. o]IA* uU UL Lottes triflanged WHA w uIM UL*
n. fold dHE W]O medullary n. fu V
n. fold removal dHE W]O e Massie n. w=U UL
four-flanged n. W]HA wU UL Massie II n. 2 w=U UL
gamma locking n. wzUU w UL Massie sliding n. oeM* w=U UL
n. groove dH rK n. matrix dHE dD
Grosse-Kempf n. nLO d UL McKee tri-fin n. V WM_ w UL*
Grosse-Kempf interlocking wUM uIM UL* w p
medullary n. nLO d V McLaughlin n. sKu p UL
Grosse-Kempf locking n. V w UL medullary n. uIM UL*
nLO d Moore n. u UL
n. guide UL* bd multiple flexible n. =bF* d* UL*
Hackethal n. UU UL multiple flexible =bF* d* uIM UL*
Halder locking n. bU V w UL medullary n.
Hall-pankovich U V uIM UL* mycotic n. UD dH
medullary n. gOuJU mycotic club n. d]F UD dH
hallux n. bI UN dH nested n. qb* UL*
Hansen-Street n. Xd sU UL Neufeld n. bKu UL

- 454 -
NoLok self-locking n. qHI f* w UL self-broaching n. VI wc UL
uu V self-locking n. f* wc UL
noncannulated n. v]MI dO UL n. set UL* WuL
nonreamed n. uI* dO dHE sliding n. oeM* UL*
onychocryptosis n. dHE uA Slocum n. uuK UL
open-section n. uH* lDI* UL* slotted n. o]IA* UL*
PGP n. PGP UL Smillie n. w=KOL UL
pincer n. wDIK* UL* Smith-Petersen V qBH* UL*
Pitcock n. uJO UL transarticular n. sd YOL
n. plate UL* WOH specialized n. h=B  UL
n. plate fixation UL* WOH XO standard medullary n. UOF* uIM UL*
n.plate removal UL* WOH e n. starter UL* b
prebent n. U wMM* UL* static locking n. sU w UL
Pugh n. u UL Street forearm n. Xd V bU UL
Pugh sliding n. u V oeM*UL* supracondylar n. WLIK u UL*
reamed n. q* UL* supracondylar medullary n. WLIK u uIM UL*
Recon n. uJ UL n. suture dHE WUO
Richards reconstruction n. UA V UM UL telescoping n. qb UL
right-sided n. WN' wMO1 UL Temple University n. qL V w*UF UL*
n. root dHE c Thatcher n. dAU UL
n. rotational guide ULLK wb qOb Thornt n.on Xu UL
Rush n. UL Tiemann n. ULO UL
Rush flexible medullary n. V d* uIM UL* triangular medullary n. w]K* uIM UL*
triflange n. WHA ^w UL*
Russel-Taylor n. uKO q= UL triflanged lottes n. WHA w fu UL
Russel-Taylor delta tibial n. Ub wuME UL* triflanged medullary n. WHA w uIM UL*
Russel-Taylor V wUM UL* Intramedullary n. fJOK d
interlocking n. uKO q= Universal n. UdHOu UL
Russel-Taylor interlocking V wUM uIM UL* Venable-Stuck n. U qUM UL
medullary n. uKO q= Vesely-Street n. Xd wK UL
Sage n. U UL Vesely-Street split n. wK V o]IA* UL*
Sage forearm n. U V bU UL Xd
Sage radial n. U V dFJ UL Vitallium Kntscher n. dAu V uOUOH UL
Sage triangular n. U V w]K* UL* Watson-Jones n. eu u UL
Sampson n. uL UL Webb n. V UL
Sampson medullary n. uL V uIM UL* Webb bolt n. V V VuK* UL*
Sarmiento n. uMOU UL Winograd technique for VUM dHEK duM WId
Schneider medullary n. bUM V uIM UL* ingrown n.
Seidal n. bUM V uIM UL* Zickel n. qJ UL

- 455 -
Zickel medullary n. qJ V uIM UL* medullary n. sdd
Zickel subcondylar n. V WLIK X UL* Zickel n. qJ dOL
qJ nail-patella syndrome WH{d UL* W
Zickel subtrochanteric n. V b* X UL nail plate UL* WOH
qJ n. p. apparatus UL* WOH UN
zickel supracondylar WLIK u uIM UL* n. p. device UL* WOH eON
medullary n. qJ V sliding n. p. WIeM* UL* WOH
Zimmer telescoping n. d=1 V qb* UL* nail-screw sideplate ULLK WOAu WuK lOL&
nail-bending device UL* wM eON assembly VuK
nail-driving guide UL* W ]u qO Nakayama staple UUOJ ]
nailing dOL nalbuphine 5uU
antegrade n. w^bI dOL Nalebuf-Millender lateral wAu bOI W d WId
blind medullary n. vL uI dOL band mobilization bMKO uOU V
centromedullary n. ed uI dOL technique
closed n. oKG dOL Nalfon uHU
closed Kntscher n. oKG* dAu dOL naloxone u uU
closed medullary n. oKG uI dOL Naloxone hydrochloride u uUM buK bO
condylocephalic n. w wLI dOL Namaqualand hip V u Z^M hI
crutch and belt femoral U]J c  oKG dOL dysplasia bu UU
closed n. we NAMES dB
elastic stable intra XU d wIM q dOL National Association of ]bF* uK W]OMu WD]d
medullary n. (ESIN) Medical Equipment W]O=D
Ender n. b dOL Suppliers
femoral n. c  dOL NAP dB
Grosse-Kempf interlocking wUM uIM dOL nerve action potential wBF qFH sU
medullary n. nLO d V napkin ring compression WUH( WIK UGC
Harris condylocephalic n. V wd wLIK dOL Napolean hat sign uOKU WF] W
f=U Naprosyn 5dU
interlocking n. wUM dOL naproxen 5 dU
intermedullary n. wIM 5 dOL Narcan U U
intramedullary n. (IMN) wIM q dOL narcissistic personality W]OdM W]OBA dD{
Kntscher medullary n. dAu V uIM dOL disorder
locked n. oKG dOL narrow o=O{
Lottes n. fu dOL n. AO dynamic W]OJOUMb UGC WOH
open n. uH dOL compression plate WI=OC AO
open medullary n. uH* uIM dOL n. toebx shoe o=OC wKL; eJd* c
retrograde n. wu dOL narrow-blade retractor qBM o=O{ UF
static lock n. sU wIKG dOL narrowing o^OC oOOC
tibiocalcaneal medullary n. wI wuM uI dOL intervertebral disk n. dIH 5 dI o^OC
Vertstreken closed V oKG uI dOL narrow-neck o=OC dOGB ULu UF

- 456 -
mini-Hohmann retractor oMF n. fracture w
e d
nasal wH Kidner procedure for o w
eK bMO d
n. elevator W]OH WF accessory n.
n. insulin wH 5u protrusion of the n. wU
n. spine W]OH_ WuA n. shoe cookie wUI c W]UMHF
nascent motor unit TUM w d( qFH sU n. shoe pad W]OUI c U
potential tarsal n. w
natatory naviculocapitate dO w
n. cord u q( n. fracture dOJ w
e dJ
n. ligament u Ud n. fracture syndrome dOJ w
e dJ W
Nathan-Trung modification bO UM !d U qbF n. syndrome dOJ w
e W
of Krukenberg hand dM d V naviculocuneiform wMOH w
reconstruction n. fusion wMOH w
National wM wu n. joint wMOH w
N. Association of Medical ]bF* uK W]OMu WD]d NC dB
Equipment Suppliers W]O=D neurogenic claudication QAM* wB d
N. football Head and Neck UU wMu ^q nerve conduction study wBF qOu W
Injury Registry W
d dK V* NCT dB
N. Institute of Arthritis and UUN wMu bNF* nerve conduction test wBF qOu U
Musculoskeletal and Skin UN' d q UH* NCV dB
Diseases (NIAMSD) bK' wKJON wKCF nerve conduction velocity wBF qOu Wd
Natural-Hip wFOD u Neal-Robertson litter ud qO W]H
N.-H. prosthesis wFOD u Wb near-constant frequency XU t du UDI
N.-H titanium hip stem uK uOUO c trains
wFOD near-field potential WdI WU] sU
natural history wFOD aU NEB dB
Natural-Knee W]OFOD W d New England Baptist bb' dK bLF
N.-K. System W]OFOD Wd UN NEB acetabular cup bLF V w=I( nK
N.-K. system W]OFOD Wd UN bb' dK
Natural-Lok acetabular dOU V =o( n' Wb NEB arthroplasty bLF V qBH*
cup prosthesis u bb' dK
Naughton-Dunn triple V w qBH* U NEB hip arthroplasty V u qBH
arthrodesis uu bb' dK bLF
Nauth traction apparatus u V =d' UN NEB total hip prosthesis V qUJ u Wb
navicular wU w bb' dK bLF
accessory n. o w
e Necelon surgical glove uKOO V wd' UHI
n. bone w
]e rEF necessity u d{
n. cookie in shoe c(U W]O
e W]UMHF fracture of n. dC d
cornuate n. d
neck oM

- 457 -
basal n. bU
oM atraumatic n. W]O{ d
n. diameter oMF dD
Beath n. YO d
femoral n. c H oM Bergstrom n. dd d
n. fracture oMF d n. biopsy W]d We
glenoid n. wU]I( oMF bone biopsy n. rEF We d
humeral n. bCF oM bore n. WuI d
metacarpal n. wFM oM bouge n. UBI WFL d
metatarsal n. wDA oM Bunnell n. q=u d
phalangeal n. UO oM cutting n. WFU
radial n. dFJ oM n. electrode d wdN d
n. reflex wIM fJFM Gallie n. tOU d
n. shaft oMF r n. holder d pL
n. shaft angle oMF r W hubbed n. V
supple n. uD oM Intracath n. Ud d
surgical n. wd' oMF Keith n. YO d
talar n. wIF oM McGee prosthesis n. w p Wb d
n. wrap oMF WUH meniscal repair n. WN `OKB d
neck-righting reflex oMF `OB fJFM milliner's n. UF]I r=LB d
necrosis d n. placement d WF{u
aseptic n. dU d Quincke n. tJMu d
atraumatic n. w{ d retrobulbar prosthesis n. WKI* nK Wb d
avascular n. wzU d spinal n. wMDI e d
avascular n. of the femoral c H rE d wzU d tendon n. du d
head (AVNFH) Verbrugge n. dd d
bone n. wLE d Veress n. fd d
corticosteroid-induced ]d wzU d Wangensteen n. 5M d
avascular n. bdOuJOuJU Webster n. d d
epiphyseal ischemic n. wUA UH
d needle-nose pliers d n_ WU]L
gangrenous wMdGM d needling d edD
idiopathic avascular n. V] uN wzU d Neer dO
Ratliff classification of wzU d MK nOK nOMB N. acromioplasty dO V d_
avascular n. N. acromioplasty for W
e* dO V d_
septic n. wU d rotator cuff tear =b* W]HJ
skin n. bK d N. capsular shift wEH* Ue d
necroticans dU procedure dO V
osteochondritis n. dUM dCG rEF UN N. classification dO nOMB
necrotic tissue dM Z N. femur fracture dO V c H d nOMB
necrotizing fasciitis dM WUHK UN classification
needle d N. hemiarthroplasty V wHBM qBH* d
Astralac n. d d dO

- 458 -
N. humeral prosthesis dO V bCF Wb Neibauer-Cutter prosthesis d=u uO Wb
N. humeral replacement V bCF b Wb Neil-Moore perforator V u U VI*
prosthesis dO drill u qU
N. II humeral component 2 dO V bCF =uJ* Neisseria WKOB s rOd fM W]dO]M
N. II prosthesis 2 dO Wb U]dO]M
N. II shoulder prosthesis 2 dO V nJ Wb N. gonorrhoeae W]OM W]dO]M
N. II shoulder system 2 dO V nJ UN N. sicca W]U' W]dO]M
N. II total knee system 2 dO V WKUJ Wd UN Nlaton uO
N. II total shoulder system qUJ nJ UN Wd N. ankle dislocation uO V qUJ lK
implant 2 dO V N. dislocation of ankle qUJK uO lK
N. impingement test dO V UD U Nlaton uO
N. I prosthesis 1 dO Wb N.drain uO eM
N. I shoulder prosthesis 1 dO V nJ Wb N. line uO ^j
N. modification dO qbF N. rubber tube drain wU]D* wu_ uO eM
N. open reduction dO V uH* ^d Nelson uKO
N. posterior shoulder V wHK) nJ UM N. finger exerciser uKO V l =dL
reconstruction dO N. sign uKO W
N. prosthesis dO Wb nemaline uL
N. shoulder arthroplasty dO V nJ qBH n. myopathy wDO ywKC
N. shoulder fracture V nJ u nOMB n. rod-body myopathy U_U wDO ywKC
classification dO WOu^M
N. shoulder prosthesis dO V nJ Wb neoadjuvant chemotherapy bU* W]OzUOLOJ W'UF*
N. umbrella prosthesis dO V W]OKE* Wb Wb*
N. unconstrained shoulder b]OI* dO nJ qBH neocortex bb' UK
arthropasty dO V neoformans =u
Neer-Horowitz eu dO Cryptococcus n. Wu* WOH *
N.-H. classification eu dO nOMB neonate bO
N.-H. classification of uJ eu dO nOMB neoplasm
humeral fracture bCF extensive n. l bL
Neer-Vitallium humeral V W]OuOUOH bCF Wb neoplastic w
prosthesis dO n. disorder w dD{
Neff femorotibial nail wuME cH UL* UN n. disorder disease wu dD{
system nO V n. fracture w d
negative wK neoprene wUM U]D sduO
n. casting W]OK WuI n. brace sduOM UM
Coagulase n. d] * ^wK n. dressing sduOM bOLC
n. work wK qL n. knee sleeve W]OMduOM Wd WK
neglect UL Neosporin ointment suuO rd
visual n. dB UL nerve VB
neglected rupture qLN ^eL abductor digiti minimi n. dBM) b=F VB

- 459 -
accessory n. wU{ VBF interosseous n. UEF 5 VBF
n. action potential (NAP) wBF qFH sU n. involvement testing W]OBF UU U
antebrachial cutaneous n. bCF U bK' VBF n. of Kunzel eu VB
anterior thoracic n. wU_ bB VBF lateral antebrachial bK' bU VBF
articular n. wKBH VB cutaneous n. wAu
axillary n. wD VBF lateral anterior thoracic n. wU_ bB VBF
n. block VBF UB wAu
n. cap VBF uMK
lateral cutaneous n. wAu bK' VBF
common peroneal n. wK _ uEA VBF lateral femoral cutaneous n. bK' c H VBF
n. conduction study (NCS) wBF qO u W wAu
n. conduction test (NCT) wBF qO u U lateral planteral n. wAu wBL_ VBF
n. conduction velocity wBF qO u Wd longitudinal blood supply wuD bU b
(NCV) to ulnar n. be VBFK
n. conduction velocity test wBF qO u Wd U mandibular n. wKH^ w=JH VBF
n. crossing wBF lUI medial n. w VBF
cutaneous n.s W]bK' UB_ medial antebrachial bK' bU VBF
deep peroneal n. oOLF uEA VBF cutaneous n. w
digital n. wF VBF medial articular n. w wKBH* VBF
dorsal scapular n. wHK) wHJ VBF medial brachial n. w bCF VBF
n. ending VBF WUN medial dorsal cutaneous n. wHK) w bK' VBF
n. entrapment syndrome VBF U H W median n. j=u* VBF
femoral n. c H VBF musculocutaneous n. bK' wKCF VBF
femoral cutaneous n. c H bK' VBF obturator n. b VBF
n. fiber action potential wBF nOK qF sU n. palsy VBF qK
genitofemoral n. c H wKUM VBF pectoral n. bB VBF
gluteal n. u_ VBF peripheral n. wDO VB
n. graft wB rF peroneal n. uEA VBF
n. hook VBF ] phrenic n. wU( VBF
hypoglossal n. UK X VBF plantar n. wBL_ VBF
iliohypogastric n. wK) wH
d( VBF posterior interosseous n. wHK) UEF 5 VBF
ilioinguinal n. w_ wH
d( VBF posterior tibial n. wHK) wuME VBF
inferior laryngeal n. wKH dM( VBF n. potential VBF sU
n. injury VBF WU radial n. dFJ VBF
intercostal n. wu VBF radial digital n. wF dFJ VBF
intercostobrachial n. bCF wu VBF recurrent laryngeal n. ld dM( VBF
interdigital n. wuH VBF recurrent meningeal n. ld wzU VBF
n. interference wB qb regeneration of n. VBF ^b
intermediate dorsal ^wdN]E ^bK' VBF n. root VBF c
cutaneous n. j=u* n. root block VBF c UB
intermetatarsal n. jA* UE 5 VBF n. root compression VBF c UGC

- 460 -
n. root entrapment VBF c U H nervous system wBF UN'
n. root injection VBF c sI nested nail g]AF dH
n. root irritability VBF c W]OuO Neubeiser eOu
n. root irritation VBF c Z^ON N. adjustable forearm WuC* bU dO
n. root lesion VBF c W splint eOu V
n. rootlet ablation VBF dc U N. splint eOu dO
sacral n. eF VBF Neufeld bKu
saphenous n. sUB VB N. apparatus bKu UN
scapular n. wHJ VBF N. cast bKu VU

sciatic n. wJ VBF N. driver bKu W

sensory n. w= VB N. dynamic method V W]OJOUMb WIdD
n. separator VBF q U bKu
n. sheath tumor VBF bL N. nail bKu UL
sinuvertebral n. dIH wO' VBF N. pin bKu u^
spinal n. wU M VBF N. plate bKu WOH
spinal accessory n. wU{ wU M VBF N.screw bKu Vu
n. stretching VBF ^b N. traction bKu ^d
superficial peroneal n. wD uEA VBF Neurain drill su VI
superficial radial n. wD dFJ VBF Neurairtom udu
superior gluteal n. uKF u_ VBF N. drill udu VI
superior laryngeal n. uKF dM( VBF neural wB
suprascapular n. nJ u VBF n. arch resection technique W]OBF uI lD
sural n. wKd VBF n. crest wBF dF
sympathetic n. =u VBF n. element wBF dBMF
thoracic n. bB VBF n. injury W]OB WU
tibial n. wuME VBF n. nevus W]OBF WLu
n. tracing VBF rd n. tension wBF d^u
n. transmission wBF qI]M n. tissue wBF r_
n. trunk action potential wBF c' qF sU n. tumor wBF u
ulnar n. (UN) be VBF neuralgia wB r
vagus n. rN* VBF genicular n. w wB r
nerve action potential wBF qFH sU geniculate n. w wB r
(NAP) glossophryngeal n. wuFK wUK VBF r
nerve conduction study wBF qOu W intercostal n. wu wBF r_
(NCS) traumatic prepatellar n. U w{d wBF r_
nervePace nerve conduction V wBF qOu dDM WH{d
monitor fU dO trigeminal n. rzu w VBF r
nervorum wB vagoglossopharyngeal n. wuFK wU wLN wB r
vasa n. UB_ WO vidian n. (nervus canalis oH]M VB ubO VB
nervoscope VBF UEM pterygoidei) wUM'

- 461 -
neurapraxia wBF _ ^cF n. disorder QAM* wB dD{
neurasthenia wBF su n. fracture QAM* wB d
neurectomy VBF lD n. motor-evoked potential WdK ]d* sUJ
adductor tenotomy and VBF lD
=dI* du lC (NMEP) QAM* W]OBF
obturator n. (ATON) b n. shock QAM* W]OBF WbB
Eggers n. d V VBF lD
n. syndrome QAM* W]OB W
obturator n. b VBF lD
neuroleptanalgesia wMOLD 5J
phelps n. fKO V VBF lD
neurologic wB
ulnar motor n. wd( be VBF lD
n. assessment wBF rOOI
neurilemmoma wBF nOK bL n. complication W]OB WHUC
neuritis VBF UN n. deficit W]OB WBOI
obturator-nervez n b VBF UN n. disease wB d
pudendal n wdH VBF UN n. pain wB r
neuroablative wBF UU o=KF neurological wB
neuroblastom ywB yw n. nerve conduction wBF qO u Wd h
neurocentral e d*U ^wdCG U velocity exam
synchondrosis dIH n. testing wB U
neurocirculation w ywB neurologically intact U]OB rOK
NeuroCom balance master u uO V u] jU{ neurolysis VBF Vd VBF UJ
neurodevelopmental wBF wUMU o=KF distal n. w UI wBF
n. approach wBF wUM vQ internal n. wMU wBF
n. training wBF wUM Vb neurolytic block VBFK =d< UB
n. treatment wBF wUM W'UF neuroma wB
neurodystrophic wBF q(U o=KF amputation n. dK U ywB
neuroectodermal wBF dU]E ._U oKF amputation stump n. d Wb w wB
neurofibroma wB wHO bulb n. wKB wBF u
multiple n. =bF wB wHO incisional n. w=IA wBF u
nonplexiform cutaneous n. bK' wBF wHOK u interdigital n. lU _ 5 wBF u
dOHC dO morton n. uu V wBF u
plexiform n. dOHC wBF wHOK u morton interdigital n. lU _ 5 wBF u
neurofibromatosis wB wHO uu V
n. kyphooscoliosis wHOK uK wb( nM' n. sign wBF u W
wBF spindle n. weG wB
kyphooscoliosis secondary uK uU wb( nM' sural n. wK wB
to n. wBF wHOK traumatic n. w{ wB
muscular n. wKCF wBF wHOK u neuroma-in-continuity VBF s bOF wB
neurogenic QAM* ^wB neuromeningeal pathway wzU wBF qO
n. arthrogryposis QAM* wBF qBH* Uu Neurometer VBF UOI
n. claudication QAM* wBF dF neuromuscular wKC wB
n. disease QAM* wB d n. component wKCF wBF =uJ*

- 462 -
n. disease wKC wB W]OBF
n. facilitation wKC wB dOO neuropathy wBF
n. reflex treatment W]OBF UJFM*U W'UF compressive n. wUGC wB
W]OKCF epineurial n. VBF G wB
n. scoliosis wKCF wBF nM' epineurial-perineurial n. VBF G wB
n. scoliosis orthotic wBF nMK W]OuI* W'UF* W]OBF We( UN
treatment wKCF epiperineurial n. UN G wB
n. scoliosis treatment wKCF wBF nM' W'UF W]OBF We(
n. transfer wKCF wBF qIM fascicular n. we wB
neuromusculoskeletal wKJO wKC wB hereditary sensory motor n. wd w= wB
neuromyotonia ywu ywKC h^KI w
neuromyotonic discharge wu* wKCF h^KI mdH hereditary sensory motor n., wd w= wB
neuron uB type III (HSMN III) 3 jLM s w
fusimotor n. weG wd uB periepineurial n. UNE wB
motor n. wd uB W]OBF We(
serotonergic n. uFH* wudO uB peripheral n. W]ODO* UB_
neuronal degenerative w^JM wuB porphyritic n. dOd wBF
disease spontaneous median n. wzUIK j=u* VBF
neuronitinis UuBF UN sural n. wKd VBF
Parsonage-Turner n. V UuBF UN ulnar n. be VBF
ddO UuU neurophysiologic wB wuueO
neuronotmesis VBF l^KH n. effect wB wuueO dOQ
neuropathic wB yw neurophysiology W]OBF UOuueOH
n. arthropathy QAM* ^wBF ^wKBH* neuroplasty VBF
n. disease wBF neuropsychologic test wH wB U
n. foot wBF b
neuroreflexive wB fJFM
n. fracture wBF d neurorrhaphy VBF u
n. hereditary disease wu wBF epineurial n. wBF bLG u
n. hyperkyphoscoliosis w wb( nM' d perineurial n. W]OBF We( UN u
wBF neurosis UB
n. knee wBF W low back n. dNE qH UB
n. motor unit potential w W]Od( bu sU neurostimulator wB UM
wBF grass n. d V wBF UM*
n. osteoarthropathy wKBH* wLEF neurothlipsis wB hI
QAM* wBF neurotmesis VBF ^eL l^KH
n. recruitment wBF UHM neurotomy VBF lC
n. ulcer wBF Wd
neurotripsy VBF XOH
neuropathogenic UB dL neurotrophic wB cG
neuropathophysiology W]OBF W]O{d* UOuueOH n. factor wB cG qU
normalization of n. W]O{d* UOuueOH WUF n. food ulcer W]OBF WcG UFD Wd

- 463 -
n. joint wB cG qBH dU
neurovascular (NV) wB wzU N-W-G. transfer dU uK dUOHO qI
n. anatomy wBF wzUu `dA nevoid histiocytoma wULu UM*
n. bundle W]OBF W]OzUu We( nevoxanthoendothelioma wL ywUD dH
n. complication W]OB W]OzU WHUC wFH dH ywO
n. corn wB wzU d
nevus, pl. nevi UL WL
n. flap W]OB W]OzU WKb balloon cell n. W]OuU U) WL
n. free flap W]OBF W]OzUu ]d( WKb nevus WL
n. hilus wB wzU dOI blue n. U
n. impairment wB wzU dD{ compound n. W]d WL
n. impalement wB wzU ouD halo n. W]OU WU WL
n. injury W]OB W]OzU WU neural n. W]OB WL
n. island graft wBF wzUu de' rFD Spitz n. eO WL
n. status W]OB W]OzU WU New bb
n. structure W]OB W]OzU WOM N. England Baptist (NEB) bb' dK bLF
neurovasculary intact U]OB U]OzU rOK N. Jersey hemiarthroplasty wHBM qBH* Wb
neutral UF bU prosthesis wdO uO V
n. angle WUF W N. Jersey LCS knee uO V LCS Wd Wb
n. anteversion wUF wU I prosthesis wdO
n. drill guide wUF VI* qO N. Jersey LCS shoulder uO V LCS nJ Wb
n. hook UF* ]J prosthesis wdO
n. position UF* l{u N. Jersey LCS total knee V LCS WKUJ Wd Wb
n. rotation UF* b prosthesis wdO uO
n. triangle UF* Y]K* N. York orthopedic .uI W]OU_ WH uI
n. wrist curl UF* rBF* u front-opening orthosis uuO V UEF
n. zone (NZ) UF WIDM N. York University inserty uuO WFU dG
neutralization bOO bF newborn bO
anterior n. wU bF newer-generation device Wb* bb eON
n. plate bF WOH Newington uMu
n. plate fixation bF WOH XO N. brace uMu UM
neutrophilic leukocyte WbF UCO W]dJ N. orthosis uMu uI
nevi (pl. of nevus) WL UL Newman UuO
Neviaser dUOHO N. classification of radial oM dJ UuO nOMB
N. acromioclavicular V W]u
d W]Od_ WIdD neck and head fracture dFJ
technique dUOHO N. plate UuO WOH
N. operation dUOHO Wd newton ]u b suO
N. technique dUOHO WId n. ankle prosthesis suO V qUJ Wb
N. theory dUOHO W]dE n. force suO ]u
Neviaser-Wilson-Gardner dU uK dUOHO newtonian body wuuOM r'
N-W-G. technique uK dUOHO WId New York University (NYU) uuO WFU

- 464 -
Nexerciser eUdJ N. prosthesis UO Wb
Nexus wheelchair seating wdJ vK uK' UN N. trapeziometacarpal wFM wF]d* qBH*
system UJ V Vb* arthroplasty UO V
NIAMSD dB N. trapezium replacement V wF]d* b Wb
National Institue of Arthritis UUN wMu bNF* prosthesis UO
and Musculoskeletal and UN' d q UH* Niebauer-Cutter implant d=u UO Wd
skin Diseases bK' wKJON wKCF Niebauer-King technique ZM UO WId
Nicholas uJO Niemann-Pick disease pO ULO
N. five-in-one WId b U UM WId Nievergelt-Pearlman U*dO XKdHO W
reconstruction technique uJO V 1 w 5 syndrome
N. ligament technique uJO V Ud WId night qO
N. manual muscle tester V bO WKCF hU n. brace wKOK UM
uJO n. splint W]OKO dO
nickel qJO n. splinting wKO dO
Nicola uJO nightstick fracture wKOK sBG d
N. incision uJO ^o ninety-five degree condylar W 95 W]OLIK WdA
N. shoulder procedure uJO V nJ d plate
Nicoladoni suture uJO WUO ninety-ninety uF uF
Nicoll uJO n.-n. method 5F 5F WId
N. cancellous bone graft V wMH wLE rF n.-n. plate 5F 5F Wd
uJO n.-n. traction 5F 5F ^d
N. cancellous insert graft V wMH d rF Ninhydrin print test sbONMO WF U
uJO niogricans u
N. classification uJO nOMB acanthosis n. u u
N. extractor uJO lU
nippers WU]L
N. fracture operation uJO V dJ Wd English anvil nail n. eOK$ bM UL WU]L
N. fracture repair procedure V dJ `OKB d Miltex nail n. fJKO UL WU]L
uJO n. nail drill WU]LJ UL VI
N. insert graft uJO V d rF nipple line wLK( ^j)
N. plate uJO WOH Nirschl qdO
N. tendon prosthesis uJO V du Wb N. operation qdO Wd
nicotinamide-adenine 5_ bOuOK u ^wzUM N. technique qdO WId
dinucleotide phosphate bOUMOuJOM Nitalloy uUO
(NADPH) Nitinol uMOO
Niebauer UO nitrate Xd
N. finger-joint replacement l qBH b Wb silver n. W]CH d
prosthesis UO V nitrofurantoin yUC suud
N. implant UO Wd rOdK
N. metacarpophalangeal qBHLK pOO Wb nitrofurazone yUC ud
joint Silastic prosthesis UO V w wFM rOdK

- 465 -
nitrogen lU] dBMF 5dM N. prosthesis eKu Wb
compressed n. uGC* 5dM N. Rotating-hinge knee W]db W]=d Wd W]OJOUJO
nitroglycerin WO l=u sdOKd mechanism eKu V
WOU noise ZO{
nitroprusside WO lu bOdd endplate n. W]OzUN WOHB ZO{
jGCK iU Nolan system collimaztor =bF* vd* UL
NK 665 665 w mounted contact shield u UN'
NMEP dB Nolok uu
neurogenic motor-evoked ]d* W]OBF W d( sU N. bolt uu V VuK* UL*
potential N.screw uu Vu
NMR dB N. self-locking nail qHI f* w UL
nuclear magnetic resonance u wOUMG 5 uu V
nociception r_ ^f no mans land (in hand) bO w W]d; _
nociceptive W]_ WKI nomenclature WOL
n. receptor r_ WKI dynamic listing n. W]OJOUMb Wb' WOL
n. transmission W]_ WKI d static listing n. WU Wb' WOL
nociceptor W]_ WKI monadherent gauze o dO U]AU bOLC
nociceptors W]_ I dressing
bombardment by n. W]_ I0 nBI nonambulation d O b
node bI nonarticular distal radial wKBH* dO wUI dFJ d
Bouchard n. lU _ q UH w Uu bI fracture
W=JM* nonbeaded guide pin w dO qO]b u^b
gouty n. W]OdI bI nonbeveled WHK n]K dO
Haygarth n. q UH* w UO bI noncannulated nail v]MI dO UL
Heberden n. q UH* w sdO bI noncemented total hip dO qUJ u qBH
Meynet n. XOMU bI arthroplasty w*
Schmorl n. uL bI noncollared press-fit W]O uD dO cH c Wd
nodosa bI femoral stem implantation XO fd V
polyarteritis n. bIF 5dA UN noncompliance WUD* b
nodular bOI bI noncontact manipulation wU9 dO b
n. fascitis bOIF WUH=K UN noncontiguous fracture U dO d
nodule bOI noncontractile uK dO
rheumatoid n. W]buU bOI nondisplaced fracture eM dO d
NOF dB nonfenestrated stem WuIA dO Wc
nonossifying fibroma rEFK b=u dO wHO ninhinged linked prosthesis W]= dO WDd Wb
Noiles eKu non-Hodgkin lymphoma W]OMOJu WuH*
N. fully constrained WKUJ UO_ W]O W d Wb nonicteric sclerae W]OU dO dO WKB
tricompartmental knee eKu V b]OI* nonimplused base nerve dO bUI wBF qIM
prosthesis transmission wFb
N. hinge eKu ] noninvasive technique WF{U dO WId

- 466 -
nonisometric graft UUI* u dO rF n. open distant flap graft dO WU* bOF wKb rF
nonlamellated bone wUH dO rE wu
nonlinear w=D dO nontuberculous W]O=K dO d=DH*U b
nonoperative wd wd dO mycobacterial infection
n. management wd dO dOb nonunion U b U b
n. orthopaedic wd' dO UEF .uI dOb n. of acromion d_ U b
n. treatment wd dO atrophic n. uL{ U b
nonossifying fibroma r=EF dO wHO avascular n. wzU U b
nonpainful rR dO bayonet n. Wd( U b
nonphyseal fracture wb dO d defect n. wBI U b
nonpitting edema WFDM W draining infected n. we bFM U b
nonplexiform cutaneous dO bK' wBF wHOK u dry infected n. U bFM U b
neurofibroma dOHC elephant-foot n. qOH b
qJA U b
non-porous-coated dO WH]KG* W]OKb Wb elephant-foot fracture n. qOH b
d U b
endoprosthesis WLOL fracture n. dJ U b
nonreamed nail uI dO UL n. of fracture site dJ UJ U b
nonreconstructable UMK qU dO gap n. u U b
nonrotationa burst fracture wb dO UH dJ hamate hook n. w]J U b
non-self-tapping screw wc dO c Vu horse-hoof n. UB( dU qJA U b
nonspasmodic torticollis w^MA dO dF horse-hoof fracture n. dU qJA dJ U b
nonstanding lateral oblique wu u dO qzU* wAu dEM* UB(
view hypertrophic n. wU { U b
nonsteroidal bdO dO hypertrophic vital n. wUO wU { U b
n anti-inflammatory dO UN yUC hypervascular n. WOu] dH U b
medication bdO n. incidence U b u

nonstructural curve uOM dO vMM infected n. wzb U b

nonsubperiosteal cortical w UL X dO dA VO infected nondraining n. we dO wzb U b
defect metaphyseal-articular n. wKBH wd U b
nonsuppurative wOI dO wIM rEF UN oligotrophic fracture n. W]cG] qOKI dJ U b
osteomyelitis n. rate U b ]bF
nonsurgical management wd dO dOb scaphoid n. w
e U b
nontender w dO =f'U rR dO supracondylar n. WLIK u U b
nonthreaded wire wDO dO pK synovial n. wKOe U b
nonthurst mobilization d dO pd% talar body n. wKUJ r' U b
non-total-contact disorder qUJ dO UL dD{ torsion wedge n. wzu 5H U b
nontraumatic idiopathic w{d dO iUG rEF d torsion wedge fracture n. wMOH dJ U b
osteonecrosis wzu
nontubed wu dO vascular n. wzU U b
n. closed distant flap graft dO WU* Vd
wKb rF wedge n. wMOH U b
wu nonunited fracture dM dO d

- 467 -
nonvalgus dO coracoid n. W]Od WLK
nonwalking cast wA* dOG VU costal n. W]b WLK
nonweightbearing uK qU dO cotyloid n. W]O=I WLK
n. brace uK qU dO UM intercondylar n. 5LIK 5 WLK
n. crutch walking uK qU dO U]J wA intervertebral n. 5dIH 5 WLK
n. on crutches U]JF vK uK qU dO scapular n. W]OH WLK
Nordic track ski exerciser pu V W uKe =dL sciatic n. W]OJ WLK
d sigmoid n. wMO WLK
Norflex fJKu spinoglenoid n. WOU]I W]Ou WLK
Norgesic peOu suprasternal n. hI u WLK^
normal U u trochlear n. W]dJ WLK^
n. anatomic position u wdA l{ n. view WLK dEM
n. last shoe u dO_ c( n. width index (NWI) WLK d VM
n. lordotic curve u wFI vMM notchplasty WLK
upper limits of n. uK UOKF b( n. procedure WLK d
normalization of W]OBF UOuueOH u notes UuK d] c
neuropathophysiology W]O{d* SORE n. SORE d]c
Normalize u dOOF notochord w dI dNE q(
N. hip prosthesis u Wb u 5M'
N. press-fit hip prosthesis V u Wb u persistent n. dI UI
XO fd no-touch technique fLK b WId
Norman Uu Nottingham Health profile UNMu W] WK U
N. tibial bolt V wuME VuK* UL* nourished >cG UI
Uu well developped, well n. WcG s =uLM s
N. tibial pin Uu V wuME u^b (WD, WN)
normophine 5uu Noyes flexion rotation wM b l VU U
Norpramin 5du drawer test fu V
North American wUL wJd wLd UD NRM, nucleus raphe dOJ uM U
blastomycosis magnus
Northville brace qOHu UM NRS, numeric rating scale bF UOI eO
Norton ball reamer uu V dJ uI* nubbin uLM =U dO
nortriptyline yUC 5KOdu nuchae uH
U  ligamentum n. uHI Ud
Norwood u nuchal ligament uHI Ud
N. iliotibial band tenodesis duK wDdA du WUO nuclear u
V wuME wH
d( n. arthrogram W]uM qBH* u
u n. injury W]uM WU
N. tenodesis u V du WUO n. magnetic resonance uM wOUMG* 5d
notch WLK (NMR)
clavicular n. W]u
d WLK n. magnetic resonance wOUMG* 5d WdH

- 468 -
scan uM lock n. oKG WuL
nucleatum W]uM locking n. W]O WuL
fusobacterium n. W]OeG* W]uM nylon n. uKO WuL
Nucleotome uM lC nutation dJ e UG
N. probe uM lC U dK
N. system for lumbar UB uM lC UN counter n. qUI UG
diskectomy dI nutcracker fracture u' U] d
nucleus u nutrient artery >cG Ud
force n. uM ]u
nutrition WcG
periaquedactal gray n. U*U WDO* W]OUM= uM tissue n. ZOM WcG
n. pulposus W]O^K uM total parenteral n. sI(U WKU WcG
n. raphe magnus (NRM) dOJ uM U nutritional status W]OzcG WU(
nudge control on prosthesis WbU e u r^J NV, neurovascular wzU wB
Nu Gauze u uO NWI, notch width index WLK d VM
N. bandage u uO WUB Nylatex wrap fJO WUH
N. dressing u uO bOLC nylon uKO
N. packing u uO uA n. nut uKO WuL
NuKo knee orthosis u u V W d uI n. suture uKO jO
numb b Nystroem nail driver dO ^pH
numbness q^LM Nystroem-Stille driver w=KO dO W ]u
numeric rating scale (NRS) bF UOI eO NYU dB
Nurolon suture uu WUO New York University uuO WFU
NuStep Vu NYU orthosis insert uuO WFU uI dG
N. exerciser Vu =dL NYU-Hosmer electric wzUdNJ od* q=GA
N. total body recumbent qUJ b' UIK =d elbow NZ dLu uO V
stepper Vu V NYU-Hosmer electric elbow p* wzUdNJ od* q=GA
nut u WuL and prehension actuator dLu uO V
n. alignment guide WuLB nO d qO NZ, neutral zone bU WIDM
close encounter n. WIKG* WKUI* WuL

- 469 -
OA dB o. displacement qzU* Ue
osteoarthritis qBH* rEF UN o. displacement osteotomy rEFK qzU ywUe lD
OAWO dB o. facet wiring qzU* tOu pOK
opening abductory wedge bOF wMOH rEF lD o. fracture qzU d
osteotomy uH* o. incision qzU* ^oA
Ober d o. ligament qzU* Ud
O. anterior transfer d V wU_ qIM o. matatarsocuneiform joint qzU* wMOH wDA* qBH*
O. incision d ^o o. meniscal tear WKzU* WN We*
O. prosterior drainage d V wHK) eM o. metacarpal line qzU* wFM ^j)
O. release d dd o. muscule WKzU* WKCF
O. technique d WId o. osteotomy qzU* rEF lD
O. tendon technique d V du WId o. popliteal ligament qzU* wCQ* Ud
O. test d U o. retinacular ligament qzU* bOI Ud
Ober-Barr U d o. retinacular ligament qzU* bOI Ud =b U
O.-B. procedure for W]bCF qIM U d d tightness test
brachioradialis transfer W]dFJ o. screw insertion qzU* VuK d
O.-B. transfer technique U d V qIM WId o. tear WKzU* We*
obese patient 5L id o. view qzU* dEM*
obesity WML o. wiring facet qzU* pOK tO
obl dB obliquity qO
oblique qzU pelvic o. u( qO
OBLA dB obliquus WKzU qzU
onset of blood lactate b U r d Wb o. capitis inferior musculus ]dK W]OKH^ WKzU* WKCF
accumulation o. capitis superior musculus ]dK W]uKF WKzU* WKCF
oblique (obl) qzU vastus medialis o. (VMO) WKzU* W]O WF]* WKCF
o. base-wedge osteotomy wMOH rEF lD obliterans yb
WKzU* bUI arteriosclerosis o. ^b* 5dA V^KB

- 471 -
endarteritis o. b^ * Ud=A WMU UN occiput c
oblong polyethylene wu qOD* w=I( n]K occluder yb
acetabular cup wMOKO multiple-pin hole o. uI =bF* wUN ^b*
OBrien sd Occlusal-HP wart uK V qOP] b
O. capsular shift procedure V wEH* Ue d medication w g
sd occlusal splint W]OU dO
O. classification of radial dFJ uJ sd nOMB occlusive dressing ywU UL{
fracture occult wH
O. goniometer sd V We UOI o. fracture wH d
O. pelvic halo operation V u( WU W]OKL o. lesion W]OH W
sd occult wH
O. radial fracture V dFJ u nOMB o. primary malignant tumor wH w] YO
classification sd o. talar lesion W]OH W]OKU W
O. staple sd ] occulta ywH
obstruction b spina bifida o. (SBO) W]OH) WuIA* WMM
gastrointestinal o. wLC uF bF b occupation WMN
urinary o. wu b sedentary o. WKU WMN
obturator b U yb occupational wMN
o. artery b UdA o. behavior wMN uK
o. avulsion fracture b wFKI dJ o. and environmental wO wMN* ^VD
conical o. W]Od * b medicine (OEM)
core biopsy o. W]Od * We) b o. rating system wMN* UOI UN
o. internus muscle dzUG W]b WKCF o. risk W]OMN* uD)
o. internus tendon dzUG b du o. role ywMN
o. nerve b VBF o. Safety and Health W]OMN* W]B s_
o. nerve injury b VBF WU Administration (OSHA)
o. neurectomy b VBF lD o. science wMN* rKF
o. oblique view qzU* b dEM* o. stress syndrome (OSS) wMN* dJ W
o. sleeve ^b ^rJ o. therapy (OT) W]OMN W'UF
obturator-nerve neuritis b VBF UN OCD dB
occipital wc osteochondritis dissecans dCG rEF UN
o. condyle W]OcI WLIK aU
o. condyle fracture W]OcI WLIK d ochronosis d^GL
occipitoatlantal dislocation wINH wcI lK) OConnor uM
occipitocervical w wc O. finger dexterity test V l Wd U
o. arthrodesis wd wcI qBH* U uM
o. fixation w wc XO O. operating arthroscope V wd' qBH* UEM
o. fusion wd wcI Zb uM
o. plate W]Od W]OcI WOHB OCT compound OCT V]d
o. stabilization w wc XO ocular prosthesis 5F Wb

- 472 -
oculoauriculovertebral ^dIH ^w_ ^wMOF Z^M] qK environmental medicine
dysplasia offset u
Odland ankle prosthesis b V qUJ Wb o. drill hole w{uF VI* VI
ODonoghue uOu head-stem o. d c u
O. ACL reconstruction uOu V ACL UM o. hinge uF ]d
O. cotton cast uOu V wMDI VUI medial head stem o. w wd c' u
O. dressing uOu UL{ off-set V-osteotomy V qJAU rEF lD eON
O. facetectomy uOu V tOu lD Ogata technique UU WId
O. knee splint uOu V W d dO Ogden b
O. procedure uOu d O. classification b nOMB
O. stirrup splint uOu V U d dO O. classification of wUA* dJK b nOMB
O. test uOu U epiphyseal fracture
O. triad uOu YK O. fracture classification V uJ nOMB UN
unhappy triad of O. uOu V UIA YK system b
O. unhappy triad uOu V UIA YK O. knee dislocation V W d lK nOMB
odontoid qJ]A ^w=M classification b
o. condyle qJ]A W]O=M WLI O. plate system b V WOHB UN
o. condyle fracture qJ]A W]O=M WLIK d Ogee acetabular component w=I( w =uJ
o. fracture qJ]A ^w=M d Oh
o. fracture internal fixation dJK wKb XO O. cemented hip prosthesis V W]O* u Wb
qJ]A =w=M O. hip prosthesis V u Wb
o. fracture stabilization qJ]A =w=M dJ XO O.Press-Fit hip prosthesis fd V u Wb
o. perpendicular line bUF* w=M ^j) XO
o. process qJ]A w=M TU OI dB
o. process osteosynthesis qJ]A w=M TUM w d XO osteogenesis imperfecta hUM rEF ^uJ
o. x-ray view W]OMO W]F_U qJ]A =w=M dEM ointment rO rd
odontoid-axial area W]OM W]u* WU Elase-Chloromycetin o. 5OOuK eO rd
odontoidectomy w=M= TU]M UB Neosporin o. suu rd
odontoideum w=M OKC dB
os o. w=M rEF Oklahoma City cable Uu WMb q
ODQ dB Oklahoma city cable (OKC) Uu WMb q
opponens digiti quinti dBM K WKUI* WKCF Olds pin b u^
OEC dB old, unreduced dislocation d dO .b lK
OEC knee immobilizer OEC V W d X= olecranization w= ^u%
OEC lag screw component l R^JK VuK =uJ olecranon ^e
with keyway OEC d: o. bursa ^w=^e d'
OEC popliteal pad OEC iQ* U o. fossa W]O=^e dH(
OEC wrist/forearm support OEC rBF*bU U o. fracture =e d
OEM dB oleoma wL ywO w
occupational and wO wMN* ^VD Olerud pedicle fixation V WIu XO UN

- 473 -
system dO Ommaya reservoir implant V WMe) WdG ]U
oligoarthritis WKOKI q UH* UN material UU
oligoarticular q UH* qOK Omniderm dressing bOM UL{
o. arthritis WKOKI q UH* UN Omnifit XOHOM
o. disease WKOKI q UH* O. HA hip prosthesis XOHOM V u Wb
oligosegmental correction lDI qOK `OB O. HA hip stent V u rF WO
oligotrophic fracture hUM dJ U b XOHOM
nonunion WcG O. prosthesis XOHOM Wb
olisthesis e O. total knee system V qUJ W d UN
olisthetic vertebra WIeM* dIH XOHOM
olisthy e Omniflex hip prosthesis fJKHOM u Wb
olive wire ue pK Omni-Flexor device uJK
wM eON
Ollier tOO Omni knee brace wM V Wd UM
O. approach tOO vQ Omnipaque contrast media V W]F qOKE ju
O. arthrodesis approach tOO V qBH* U vQ UOM
O. disease tOO Omnitron exercise testing dOM sd9 U
O. incision tOO ^o omohyoid muscle W]OHJ WKCF
O. lateral approach tOO V wAu vQ* omovertebral bone dIH wJM* rEF
O. rake retractor tOO V s]M* UF* oncho-osteodysplasia V]c W]O]J rEF Z^M qK
O. technique tOO WId ondontoid qJ]A ^w=M
O. thick split free graft WIKH pOL ^d( rFD one-and-one-half spica cast nB bu wKM VUI
tOO V bu
OMalley jaw fracture V =pH d U one-bone forearm bu rEF bU
splint wU one-half nB
Omed vented instrument V WuI* _ WUL o.-h. patellar tendon WH{d d nB rF
guard b transplant
Omega UO o.-h. spica cast wKM nB VU
O. compression hip screw V u Vu UN one-inclinometer method bu O* UOI WId
system UO one-part fracture bu e' d
O. plus compression hip w U{ wUGC u UN one-plane bu u*
system UO V o.-p. bilateral external VU' wzUM wU) X=*
omental flap W]Od WKb fixator bu u*
omentum d o.-p. bilateral frame u VU' ^wzUM U
Omer-Capen sU d b
O.-C. carpectomy d V md UB o.-p. deformity u* bO ^uA
sU o.-p. instability u* bO dI b
O.-C. technique sU d WId o.-p. unilateral external VU' U wU X=
Omes e fixator u* bO
Tricodur O. compression jUC e uuJd UL{ o.-p. unilateral frame bO VU' U U
dressing u*

- 474 -
one-repetition maximum bu dJ vK_ ^b( o. medullary nailing uH* uIM dOL
(1-RM) o. nailing uH* dOL
one wound-one scar WbM bu d' uNH o. palm technique WuH* Wd' WId
concept bu o. pinning uH* fOb
onlay WF o. reduction uH* ^d
o. bone graft wF ywLE rF o. reduction, internal wKb XO uH* ^d
o. bone graft cast wF d wLEF rFD VU fixation (ORIF)
o. cancellous iliac graft wF wMH wHd rF o. wedge (OW) uH 5H
o. graft wF d rFD o. wound uH d
onset b qN Wb open-book fracture uH* UJU d
o. of blood lactate ]b U r d b open-break fracture uH d
accumulation (OBLA) open-end wrench WUNM uH uK
delayed o. WK Wb opening b `

o. frequency Wb du o. abductory wedge bOF] wMOH rEF lD

o. latency Wb uL osteotomy (OAWO) uH*
onychocryptosis dHE uA anterolateral ventricular o. W]OAu W]OU_ W]OMOD WH
o. nail dHE uA (ALVO)
onychogryphosis UH_ UIF voluntary o.(VO) `
onychomadesis UH_ jU o. wedge manipulation WuH* W]OMOH WKUM*
onychomycosis dH UD
o. wedge manipulation and U WuH* W]OMOH WKUM*
onychomycotic toenail UDH bI l dH reapplication of plaster f' oOD
onychotomy dHE lC o. wedge osteotomy uH* wMOH rEF lD
OP dB open-kinetic-chain exercise WuH* W]Od( WKK sd9
opponens pollicis muscle bO UN WKUI* WKCF open-section nail lDI* uH dH
opaque synovium rF wKO open-toe shoe uH* bI l c
open uH operating wd
o. amputation uH* d o. microscope wd dN
o. biopsy WuH We o. room U]OKLF W d
o. bone graft rEF rF WUA XO o. time Wd' s
epiphysiodesis uH* operation W]OKL Wd
o. book pelvic injury uH* UJU u( WU Abbott-Lucas shoulder o. u^ V nJ Wd
o. C-D hook uH* C-D J U u
o. disk surgery WuH* dI Wd Adams hip o. e V u Wd
o. double decked hook e* wJ oMF UN Armistead ulnar V be WU Wd
cervical system uH* WID lenghtening o. bOO
o. drainage uH e Baker patellar V WH{d .bI Wd
o. epiphysiodesis uH* WUA* XO advancement o. d U
o. fracture wound drain uH* dJ d e Baker translocation o. d U V U Wd
o. hook uH ] Bankart o. UJU Wd
o. kinetic chain WuH* W]O d( WKK Bankart-Putti-Platt o. wu UJU Wd

- 475 -
Barr tendon transfer o. U V du qI Wd sd
Bateman modification of qIM Wd' ULOU qbF resurfacing o. `OD U Wd
Mayer transfer o. dU V Zickel subtrochanteric b* X dJ Wd
Bauer-Tondra-Trusler o. dKd bu U Wd fracture o. qJ V
Bora o. u Wd operative wd
Bristow o. ud Wd o. arthroscopy wd' wKBH* dOEM
Butler fifth toe o. fU) bI l Wd o. arthrotomy wd' qBH* lC
dKu V o. leg holder wd' U pL
Diamond-Gould V lU _ UH Wd o. roentgenogram W]Od W]OUF u
syndactyly o. bu buU o. site wd lu
Durham flatfoot o. V U]d bI Wd OPhelan technique O
U ophtalmic irrigator wMO d
Dwyer clawfoot o. V W]OK * bI Wd opiate receptor antagonist uO
_ I ]U{
u Opiela brace O UM
Eaton-Malerich V wFK) dJ Wd opioid receptor W]OuO
_ I*
fracture-dislocation o. gdOU u OPLL dB
Farmer o. dU Wd ossification of the posterior wuD wHK) Ud r^EF
French supracondylar WLIK u dJ Wd longitudinal ligament
fracture o. gd V OPM dB
Galeazzi patellar o. UOU V WH{d Wd opponens digiti minimi WKC dBM) WKUI
Gardner o. dU Wd Oppenheim rUNM
hanging hip o. o]KF* u Wd O. brace rUNM UM
hanging toe o. o]KF* bI l Wd O. disease rUNM
I-beam hip o. bu We( u Wd O. gait rUNM WOA
Krempen-Silver-Sotelo V U b Wd O. sign rUNM W
nonunion o. uKOu dHKO 51d O. stroke test rUNM V WJ U
limb-sparing o. dD vK WE U; Wd Oppenheimer d1UNM
MacNab o. U U Wd O. spring wire d1UNM V U] d pK
Magnuson-Stack o. U uMU Wd O. spring wire splint V U] d pK dO
McKay-Simons p V bI nM Wd d1UNM
clubfoot o. euLO U opponens qUI
McLaughlin o. sKu p Wd o. bar WKUI* W{UF
Mensor-Scheck hanging V o]KF* u Wd o. digiti minimi (OPM) WKC dBM) WKUI
hip o. pOA uMO o. digiti quinti (ODQ) dBM) WKUI
Miller flatfoot o. dKO V U]d bI Wd o. digiti quinti muscle dBM K WKUI* WKCF
muscle sliding o. WKCF e Wd o. pollicis muscle (OP) bO UN WKUI* WKCF
Neviaser o. dUOHO Wd o. pollicus bO UN WKUI
Nicoll fracture o. uJO V dJ Wd o. splint bO lU s sOKUI* dO
Nirschl o. qdO Wd o. transfer qUI* qIM
OBrien pelvic halo o. V u( WU Wd opponensplasty WKUI*

- 476 -
abductor digiti minimi o. dBM K b=F* WKUI* order of activation jOAM d jOAM W
abductor digiti quinti o. dBM K b=F* WKUI* ordinal classification wOd nOMB
Bunnel o. qOU V WKUI* Oregon Poly II ankle u V qUJ Wb
Huber adductor digiti dBM K W=dI* WKUI* prosthesis 2 wu
quinti o. du V Oretorp retractable knife V VK WKU 5=J
Manske-McCarroll o. wJU V WKUI* u
^U p organomegaly WU{ UC_ WU{
opposers UI* UA_
digital o. l UI orientation b
opposition WKUI* phalangeal articular o. wKBH* w t^u
o. contracture WKUI* l^HI visual o. UB b
o. test WKUI* U ORIF dB
thumb o. UN WKUI open reduction, internal wK XO uH y
Opraflex drape fJK
d U fixation
Oproflex dressing fJK
d UL{ origin QAM q
Op-Site XU adductor o. W=dI* QAM
O.-S. dressing XU UL{ deltoid o. WOb QAM
opsonic activity ^wzUND UAM fever of undetermined o. QAM* ]b dO vL
opsonization WUN (FUO)
optical dB flexor-pronator o. W]UJ WOM* QAM
o. trapping dB U tripartite muscle o. U_ W]O WKCF QAM
Opti-Fix fJO w Oris pin f u^
O. femoral prosthesis w V c H Wb ORLAU swivel walker d* wU*
fJO Ormandy screw bU Vu
O. hip stem w V u c Ormco pin uJ u^
fJO oropharyngeal approach wuFK uLH vQ*
O. prosthesis fJO w Wb orphenadrine 5UNK yUC sUMO

O. total hip system V qUJ u UN Z^MA]K yUC

fJO w o. citrate sUMO _ d
optimizing motion =wd( =f' bu Orphengesic peM

palpation Orr-Buck traction u ^d

Optotrak motion V wd( UOI UN Orthairtome II drill 2 udO VI
measurement system du Orthawear antiembolic V U]LBK ]UC* u'
OPTP dB stockings dU
Orthopaedic Physical W]OzUeOH W]OF UM* Orth-erae autotransfusion V wc qIM UN
Therapy Products UEF .uI system
ORahilly classification of w
dD hIMK w=KO nOMB Orth-evac autotransfusion V wc qIM UN
limb deficiency system U

oral defensiveness uLH U

b OrthoBlend powered bone V w rEF qIB
orbicular ligament db Ud mill bMKu

- 477 -
Ortho-Cel padding qO u U
O. Advantim revision knee V wOIM W d UN
Orthochrome du system rOU uu
O. implant metal d u V WdG ^eK O. Advantim total knee V qUJ W d UN
O. implant metal prosthesis V WdG =eK Wb system rOU uu
d u O. implant metal prosthesis V W]OdG W=eKH Wb
orthodox procedure w1uI d uu
orthodromic U* ^u O. prosthesis uu Wb
Orthodyne Enhancer unit su V =eF* b Orthomedics brace fJbu UM
Orthofix fJO
u Ortho-mesh u .uI WJ
O. apparatus fJO u UN Orthomet Xu
O. device fJO u eON O. Axiom total knee V WKUJ W d UN
O. external fixation device V wU) XO eON system ue Xu
fJO u O. Perfecta total hip system Xu U u UN
O. external fixator V wU) X=* Orthomite II adhesive II XOu o
fJO u Ortho-Mold bu u
O. pin fJO u u^ O.-M. spinal brace u V dIH UM
Orthoflex fJK
u bu
O. dressing fJK u UL{ O.-M. splint bu u dO
O. elastic plaster bandage V Wd* W]O' WUBF orthopaedic UEF ruI Wd o=KF
fJK u o. bed UEF .uI Wd dd
Ortho-Foam protector u
u WM U o. bone file UEF .uI Wd d
Orthofuse implantable V dGK qUI =uLM UM o. broach UEF .uI Wd VI
growth stimulator uO
u o. bur UEF .uI Wd VIM
OrthoGen 5u o. cement UEF .uI Wd 
O. bone growth stimulator V rEF =uL UM o. chisel UEF .uI Wd qO
5u o. curette UEF .uI Wd WDAJ
O. implantable stimulator V dGK qUI UM* o. cutting intrument UEF .uI Wd' WFU
for nonunion of fracture dM* dO dJK 5u o. depth gauge UEF .uI oLF UOI
Ortho-Jel impression qO u V WF]D ]U o. drill UEF .uI Wd VI
material o. dynamometer .uI w W]OKCF ]uI UOI
Orthokinetics travel chair V Ud ^wd UEF
fJOMOu o. elevator UEF .uI l
Ortho-last splint X u dO o. felt UEF .uI U]
Ortholav u o. forceps UEF .uI jIK
O. irrigation and suction = * eON u
h o. goniometer UEF .uI We UOI
device o. gouge UEF .uI Wd u
O. jet u YHM o. hammer UEF .uI Wd WdD
O. jet lavage u YHM0 q o. hardware UEF .uI Wd bF
Ortholen sheet 5u  o. hemostat UEF .uI Wd Td
Ortholoc uu o. impactor UEF .uI Wd Ud

- 478 -
o. knife UEF .uI Wd 5=J Xu
o. osteotome .uI Wd w rEF lC O. jacket Xu d
UEF O. plastic Xu pO
o. oxford shoe UEF .uI uH c O. splint Xu dO
O. Physical Therapy .uI wFOD F UM orthopod UEF ruI ]d
Products (OPTP) UEF orthoses .UI
o. pliers UEF .uI Wd UU]L prostheses and o. (P&O) .UI* U]Ob
o. prosthesis UEF .uI Wb thoracolumbosacral WeF WOMDI WbB .UI*
o. rasp UEF .uI U o.-flexion, extension, wU' wM( j wM
o. reamer UEF .uI Wd uI lateral bending, and dF* b
o. retractor UEF .uI Wd UF transverse rotation
o. rongeur UEF .uI Wd W{]d (TLSO-FELR)
o. scissors UEF .uI Wd ^hI orthosis uI
o. shoulder elevator UEF .uI nJ l abduction hip o. u bOF uI
o. stockinette UEF .uI wMD UL A-frame o. A U uI
o. strap clavicular splint .uI W]ODdA ud dO Airplane splint o. dzUD dO' uI
UEF Aliplast custom molded UF WuI* bI uI
o. surgical drill .uI Wd' wd' VI* foot o. XO V
UEF ankle o. (AO) qUJ uI
o. surgical file .uI Wd' wd d ankle-foot o. (AFO) bI qUJ uI
UEF Atlanta-brace o. U V UM uI
o. surgical pliers Wd' W]Od' UU]LJ Atlanta-Scottish Rite U V bOF uI
UEF .uI abduction o. X guJ
o. surgical stripper UEF .uI wd' * bail-lock knee joint o. qHI W d qBH uI
o. table UEF .uI Wd bCM wCI*
O.Trauma Association UEF u{ WD nOMB Beaufort seating o. u uO V bOFI uI
classification Bedax o. f bO uI
o.Universal drill V UEF .uI VI Boston brace WbB uu UM uI
UdHOu thoracolumbosacral o. WeF WOMDI
OrthoPak Uu cable twister o. uHK* qJ uI
O. bone growth stimulator V rEF =uL UM UN CASH o. U CASH uI
system Uu C-bar o. C W{UF uI
O. II bone growth V rEF =uL UM cervical o. (CO) Wd uI
stimulator 2 Uu cervicothoracic o. bB wd uI*
Orthopedic Positioning .uI w
UCO bFI cervicothoracolumbosacral wMDI bB wd uI*
Seat wLEF o.(CTLSO) eF
Orthoplast Xu chairback o. bFI* dN uI
O. dressing Xu UL{ cock-up splint o. vK d* dO' uI
O. fracture brace Xu V dJ UM corrective o. `=B uI
O. isoprene splint V W]OMde dO Craig-Scott o. uJ Zd uI

- 479 -
cruciform anterior spinal dIH bbL d uI Williams spinal o. eUO uKU
hyperextension o. qJ]A wOKB wU_ leather o. bK uI
CTLSO o. CTLSO uI Legg-Perthes disease o. dO ZO uI
Denis Browne bar foot o. V wDd]A bI uI Lenox Hill Knee o. qO f uM V W d uI
d fO Lerman multiligamentous w r^JK WD_ bb uI
o. drop-lock ring uI*U jU G* WIK Knee control o. UdO V W d
elastic knee cage o. wJO W d hH uI LNard Multi-Podus o. u wKO UMO uI
elastic twister o. wJO wu uI LNard eF wMDI bB uI*
elbow o. (EO) o d* uI thoracolumbosacral o. UMO V
elbow-wrist-hand o. bO rBF* o d* uI long leg o. quD U uI
(EWHO) long opponens o. WKuD WKUI* uI
figure-of-eight thoracic o. 8 qJAU bB uI* lower limb o. (LLO) wKH dD uI
Fillauer bar foot o. V wDd]A bI uI LSU reciprocation-gait o. W]OU WOA* uI
flexion-extension control wM w r^JK Wd uI lumbosacral o. e wMD uI
cervical o. j metal o. wbF uI
floor-reaction ankle- qUH l bI qUJ uI metal hybrid o. 5 wbF uI
foot o. w{ Milwaukee cervico- e wMD b w uI
foot o. (FO) bI uI thoracolumbosacral o. w uKO V
four-poster cervical o. l_ UIBK Wd uI Milwaukee scoliosis o. w uKO V nM' uI
Frejka pillow o. UJd V Uu uI molded o. VuI uI
halo extension o. wUN j uI molded ankle foot o. VuI* bI qUJ uI
halo traction o. wUN =d' uI (MAFO) (MAFO)
hand o. (HO) bO uI Newington o. uMu uI
heat-molded petroplastic bI qUJ uI New York Orthpedic .uI wU_ `H uI
ankle-foot o. d(U VuI* wJO front-opening o. uuO w UEF
hip o. (HO) u uI NuKO knee u u V W d uI
hip-knee-ankle-foot o. qUJ W d u uI o. overlapped uprights uILK WKb* rzuI
(HKAFO) bI overlapped uprights in o. uI* w WKb* rzuI
Ilfeld splint o. bKOHK V dO' uI parapodium o. bI dOE uI
Jewett eF wMDI bB uI* patellar tendon-bearing o. WH{d d bM uI
thoracolumbosacral o. Xu V patellar tendon WH{d d bM UM uI
Jousto dropfoot splint, WI]e WO=b* bI uI weightbearing brace o.
skid o. uu V Phelps o. fKO uI
Klenzak o. eMK uI plastic o. wJO uI
knee o. (KO) W d uI plastic ankle-foot o. wJO bI qUJ uI
knee-ankle-foot o. (KAFO) bI qUJ W d uI plastic floor reaction wJO bI qUJ uI
Knight-Taylor eF wMDI bB uI* ankle-foot o. w{_
thoracolumbosacral o. uKU XU V Plastizote cervical collar o. V Wd u uI
Knight-Taylor and XU V dIH uI* e

- 480 -
polypropylene uMB* bI qUJ uI Uu
glycol-ankle-foot o. 5KOd wu uJOK s thoracic o. (TO) b]B uI
polypropylene glycol- eF wMDI bB uI* thorasic spine o. bB UIH uI
thoracolumbosacral o. wu uJOK s uMB* thoracolumbosacral o. e >wMD b uI
postoperative wU eF wMDI uI* thoracolumbosacral o. e wMD b uI
lumbosacral o. WdK Toronto o. uu uI
prehension o. U wA U uI total contact o. (TCO) qUJ ULU uI
PTB ankle-foot o. PTB bI qUJ uI trilateral knee-ankle-foot o. bI qUJ W d uI
PTB plastic o. PTB wJO uI Vu' w
reciprocation gait o. (RGO) wU wA* uI trunk-hip-knee-ankle- W d u c' uI
rib belt o. {_ e uI foot o. (THKAFO) bI qUJ
SACH o. U uI two-poster cervical o. WIBK wzUM Wd uI
sacroiliac o. (SIO) wHd e uI UCB foot o. UCB bI uI
safety pin o. U_ u^ uI underarm o. c X uI
SAWA shoulder o. SAWA nJ uI upper limb o. (ULO) uKF dD uI
Scottish Rite hip o. guJ V u uI VAPC dorsiflexion assist o. wHK) wMK bU uI
semirigid o. wze' VKB uI Vari-Duct hip and knee o. V W d u uI
short opponens o. dOBI WKUI* uI X U
shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand rBF* o d* nJ uI von Rosen splint hip o. V W]dO' u uI
o. (SEWHO) bO 5 u
soft collar cervical o. s=OK uD Wd uI weight-relieving o. qI nOH uI
SOMI o. dB Williams o. eUO uI
skull-occiput-mandibular cI WLL' XO uI wrist-driven flexor hinge o. wLBF* WOM* ]d uI
immobilization orthosis wKH =pH wrist-driven prehension o. wLBF* U uI
spinal o. (SO) dI uI wrist-hand o. (WHO) bO rBF* uI
spring-loaded lock o. qOL U] w uI OrthoSorb uu
spring wire ankle-foot o. pK bI qUJ uI O. absorbable pin UB qUI u^b
U] d uu V
standing frame o. uuK U uI O. pin fixation V u^bU XO
sternal-occipital-mandibular cI hI XO uI uu
immobilization o. (SOS) wKH pH orthotic w1uI
Swedish knee cage o. V W dK wBH uI o.attachement implant w1uI eJd* Wd
gu Bioflex o. fJK uO .uI
Taylor wMDI bB uI* Blue Line o. w1uI _ ^j)
thoracolumbosacral o. uKU V eF DesignLine o. s se .uI
themoplastic ankle-foot o. bI qUJ uI o. device .uI eON
d( wJO Diab-A-Thotics o. fJOu A U .uI
Thomas collar cervical o. V wuD Wd uI DressFlex o. fJKH .uI

- 481 -
DSIS o. DSIS .uI Ortho-Trac d u
FlexiSport o. u wJK .uI O-T. adhesive skin traction o  bK' =d' WUB
functional o. wHO .uI bandage d u V
Golden Comfort o. bu V `d* .uI O-T bandage d u WUB
Golden Fitness o. bu V WUOK .uI Ortho-Vent XM
Healthflex o. fJOKHKO .uI O-V. bandage XM u WUB
Kinetic Wedge o. w d( 5H .uI O-V. traction XM u ^d
Lyte Fit o. XO X .uI OrthoWedge healing shoe bu U c
Mayer o. dU .uI Ortho-Yomy facebow u V W]ONu uI
M-Pact flexible o. X U M V d* .uI wu
Rediform o. uH .uI Orthozime instrument V _ n=EM
Rohadur-Polydor o. bOu U .uI cleaner .u
Rohadur-Schaefer o. dHO U .uI Ortolani wu
Rohadur-Whitman o. UL U .uI O. maneuver wu UM
SACH o. SACH .uI O. sign wu W
SAFE o. SAFE .uI O. test wu U
shoe o. c( .uI os rE
o. shoe insert w1uI c( d o. acromiale wd_ rEF
Slimthetics o. fJOLOK .uI o. calcis VIF rE wIF
Soft Super Sport o. fK] ozUH w{Ud .uI o. calcis osteotomy wIF lD
solid ankle, cushioned qUJ b]u* VIF .uI o.carpalia accessoria w U{ md rE
heel o. XLB* o. intercuneiforme wMOH 5 rEF
Sporthotics o. fJOuu .uI o.intermetatarseum wDA* 5 rEF
stationary attachement d* wKb wKJON .uI o. lanula V rE
flexible endoskeletal o. eJd* XU o. odontoideum w=M rE
Stratos o. ud .uI o. peroneum W]uE]A rE
Supralen cradle o. sdu V hHI* .uI o. supranaviculare we u rEF
Supralen Schaefer o. dHO sdu .uI o. supratalare wKUJ u rEF
Swiss Balance o. fU fu .uI o. sustentaculum F* rE
Thermo HK/Rohadur o. UHK ud .uI o. talocalcaneus wI wKU rE
Thermo HK/ Tepefom o. uHOHK ud .uI o. tibiale externum dU]E ^wuM^E rEF
Thinline uncovered o. sMO V uAJ* .uI o. triangulari carpi w]K* md rE
UCOheal o. qOu .uI o. trigonum w]K rE
XO-soft-sole o. V s=OK hL_ .uI o. trigonum syndrome w]K* rEF W
u o. ulnar styloidium be d rEF
Orthotist UEF ]d o. vesalianum uOeO rE
Certified O. (CO) U* UEF ]d Osada portable handpiece WuL; iI* WFD UN
Certified Prosthetist and O. .uI qzb ^w UB system U V
(CO) U* Osborne u
orthotome resector w1uI lUI O. plate u WOH

- 482 -
O. posterior approach u V wHK) vQ* o. equinus wLE bH
Osborne-Cotterill qdu u o. foraminal encroachment W]OLEF WI U
O.-C. elbow technique u V o d* WId o. homeostasis wLEF U
qdu o. outgrowth wU wLE uL
O-C. procedure qdu u d o. patellae outgrowth WH{dU wU wLE uL
oscillating cc cc o. pin wLE u^
o. gouge cc u o. ring of Lacroix d V W]OLEF WIK(
o. saw cc UAM o. structure W]OLEF WOM
oscillation Wc cc o. tissue wLE ZO
grade I o. 1 Wb s Wc o. tunnel wLE oH
grade II o. 2 Wb s Wc ossicle WLOE
Osgood u accessory o. W]O U{ WLOE
O. modified technique u V W]bF* WIdD ossicular chain replacement W]OLOEF WKK b Wb
O. rotational osteotomy V db rEF lD prosthesis
u ossiculum terminale W]OLOEF WUNM
Osgood-Schlatter d u ossifican wL^EF
O.-S. disease d u periostitis o. wL^EF UL= UN
O.-S. lesion d u W ossificans wL^EF
OSHA dB myositis o. r=EF* qCF UN
Occupational Safety and WOOMN* W]B W] osteitis o. UN r=EF* rEF UN
Health Adminitration n=J* rEF
Osher irrigating implant d V >d wd ] ossification r^EF
hook bilateral heterotopic o. ^wzUM l^{u dUG* r^EF
OSI-Schlein shoulder w V nJ WFCO VU'
positioner s o. center r^EF e d
Osmond-Clarke technique  buL WId ectopic o. cM r^EF
OSS dB enchondral o. wK w dC r^EF
occupational stress wMN* dJ W endochondral o. dCG q r^EF
syndrome endplate o. W]OzUN WOHB r^EF
ossa tarsi m d rE heterotopic o. l^{u dUG r^EF
Osseodent surgical drill Xu^ V wd' VI* iliac crest o. WHd( d r^EF
osseointegrated rEF Zb mandible o. wKH =pH r^EF
osseointegration wLEF Zb membranous o. wzUA r^EF
osseous wLE paraarticular dUG qBHLK U r^EF
o. attachment wLE eJd heterotopic o. l^{u
o. bridge wLE d pelvitrochanteric dUG b w{u r^EF
o. bridge prevention wLEF d' lM heterotopic o. l^{u
o. defect wLEF hIM periarticular dUG qBH* u r^EF
o. drift wLE Ue heterotopic o. l^{u
o. dystrophy wLE q pisiform o. wB=L( r^EF

- 483 -
o. of the posterior wuD wHK) Ud r^EF transplantation wKBH*
longitudinal ligament o. defect wKC wLE VO
(OPLL) o. graft wKC wLE rF
trapezium o. wF]d* r^EF osteoblast WOK rEF WOU
trapezoid o. w dM* r^EF osteoblastic rEF WOU o=KF
triquetrum o. w]K* r^EF o. bone regeneration rEF WOU rEF ^b&
ossifying fibroma r=EF ywHO o. osteogenic sacroma W=uJ W]OLE W]O Wu U
ossimeter rEF UOI rEFK
Kntscher o. dAu V rEF UOI osteoblastoma rEF UOU
Ossotome bur uu^ VI spinal o. dIH rEF UOU
ostectomy rEF UB osteobunionectomy W]OLEF WFu UB
fibular o. W]OEA rE UB osteocachexia wLE n
partial o. wze' rEF UB osteocartilaginous w
dC wLE
osteitis rEF UN o. exostosis w dC wLE d
o. condensans ilii n=J* wHd( rEF UN o. loose body w dCG wLEF qIKI* r'
condensing o. n=J* rEF UN o. metaplasia w dC wLE R
o. deformans =uA* rEF UN osteochondral w
dC wLE
o. distal phalanx WO UI v rE UN o. allograft w dC wLE u rF
o. fibrosa cystica wOJ wHOK rEF UN o. defect w dC wLE VO
o. fibrosa disseminata dM* rEF UN o. fracture w dC wLE d
o. fragilitans ^uJ gN rEF UN o. fragment W]O dC W]OLE W b
hU]M rEF o. graft w dC wLE rF
o. ossificans UN r=EF* rEF UN o. injury W]O dC W]OLE WU
n=J* rEF o. prominence w dC wLE d
o. pubis WUF rE UN o. ridge w dC wLE d
sclerosing dO n=J* rEF UN osteochondritis dCG rEF UN
nonsuppurative o. wOI o. dessicans dCG rEF UN
suppurative o. wOI rEF UN aU]
ostemia rEF qK o. dissecans (OCD) dCG rEF UN
ostempyesis rEF `^OI aU
osteoaneurysm wLE u o. ischiopubica dCG rEF UN
osteoarthrilis (OA) wLE UB
wUF wJ
o. arthritis wLEF UBHU qBH* UN o. juvenilis wFHO dCG rEF UN
o. disease wLEF UBH o. necroticans dCG rEF UN
osteoarthropathy wKBH wLE d M
neuropathic o. wB wKBH wLE osteochondrodesm- w
dCG =wLEF Z^M] qK
QAM* odysplasia wU=d
osteoarticular wKC wLE osteochondrodystrophy w
dC ywLE q
o. allograft wKBH* wLEF u rFD osteochondrofibroma w
dC wLE wHO
o. allograft wLEF u rFD osteochondrolysis UN dCG rEF

- 484 -
aU] dCG rEF osteoenchondroma w
dC ywLE
osteochondroma w
dC wLE osteofibrochondrosarcoma W]OLE W]OHO W]O
dC WuU
epiphyseal o. wUA w dC wLE YO ywD=u
excision of o. wLEF u UB osteofibromatosis wLE wHO
w dCG osteofibrous dysplasia wLEF wHOK Z^M qK
intraarticular o. wLEF u UB OsteoGen 5uO
qBH* q w dCG O. bone growth stimulator wMOuO_ rEF =uL UM
osteochondromatosis wLE w
dC O. resorbable osteogenic WKUI rEF q Wd
multiple o. =bF wLE w dC bone-filling implant QAM* WOLEF UB
synovial o. wKO wLE w dC wMOuO_
osteochondropathy w
dC wLE osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) hUM rEF ^uJ
osteochondrophyte ywLE W]O
dC W]OLE WU osteogenic QAM* wLE
dC o. cell QAM* W]OLE W]OK
osteochondrosarcoma W]O
dC W]OLE WuU o. fibroma QAM* wLE wHO
osteochondrosis w
dC ywLE o. sarcoma QAM* W]OLE Wu U
o. deformans tibiae ywuM yw dC ywLE osteohalisteresis rEF  hI
=uA osteoid wULE
o. dessicans aU yw dC ywLE o. osteoma wULE wLE
o. dissecans aU yw dC ywLE o. seam wULE U
o. of metatarsal wDA wLE w dC osteoinduction rEF id%
osteochrondral slice W]OLEF WdA d osteokinematic motion W]OUMOJ rEF Wd
fracture W]O
dCG osteokinematics rEF W]Od Y
osteoclasis rEF iI osteolipochondroma wLE ywL yw
Blount technique for o. rEF iIM XuK WId osteolipoma wLE wL
o. maneuver rEF iI UM Osteolock uuO
osteoclast W]OK rEF WCU O. HA femoral component uuO V c H =uJ
o. tension staple rEF WCU d^u ] O. hip prosthesis uuO V u Wb
osteoclastic rEF WCUM o=KF osteolysis rEF
o. resorption rEF UCUM UA acetabular o. =o( rE
osteoclastoma rEF UCU debris-incited o. UD(U ]d; UEF
osteoconduction wLEF qO u femoral o. c H rE
osteocope =d ywLE r postraumatic o. `{dK wU rE
osteocystoma W]OLE WO wLE ^wO osteoma wLE
osteocyte W]OLE W]OK osteoid o. wULE wLE
osteodystrophy wLE q parosteal o. wUL wLE
Albright hereditary o. V wu wLEF q( osteomalacia UEF s^OK
Xd osteomatosis wLE
azotemic o. wLO ywLE q osteomesopyknosis wLEF wD=u* k^KG
pulmonary o. uzd wLEF q( osteomized r]EF
renal o. uKJ wLEF q( osteomusculocutaneous flap W]bK W]OKC W]OLE WKb

- 485 -
osteomyelitic sinus wIM rEF UN VO o. bone union wuLE wLE U
osteomyelitis wIM rEF UN o. lamellar bone wUH wuLE rE
acute hematogenous o. U( wIM rEF UN Osteone air drill uO V wzuN VI*
QAM* wLEF osteonecrosis wLE d
anaerobic o. wIM rEF UN nontraumatic idiopathic o. w{ iUG rEF d
U]OzuU posttraumatic o. `{dK wU rEF d
blastomycotic o. U]dDHU wIM rEF UN osteoneuralgia wLE wB r
W]OLd Osteonics fJOuO
chloramphenicol o. wIM rEF UN O. acetabular cup fJOuO V =o( n'
uJOMHuKJU O. HA femoral implant V c H Wd
femoral o. c H wIM rEF UN HA fJOuO
Gaenslen o. V wIM rEF UN O. hip prosthesis fJOuO V u Wb
seU O. Omnifit-HA component XHOM fJOuO =uJ
Garr sclerosing o. V=KB* wIM rEF UN t g
U V osteopathia striata j]D ywLE
hematogenous o. ub wIM rEF UN osteopathic lesion wLEF W

QAM* osteopathy wLE

iatrogenic o. wF wIM rEF UN osteopenia rEF WK
QAM* osteoperiosteal wUL wLE
nonsuppurative o. wOI dO wIM rEF UN o. bone graft wUL rEF rF
posttraumatic chronic o. se* wIM rEF UN o. flap W]OUL W]OLE WKb
`{dK wU o. graft wUL rF
pyogenic o. `=OI* wIM rEF UN osteopetrosis rEF d^B
sclerosing o. V=KB* wIM rEF UN osteophlebitis rEF UN
sclerosing o. of Garr V=KB* wIM rEF UN osteophyte W]OLE WU
U V bridging o. d=* W]OLEF WUM
spinal o. dIH wIM rEF UN o. formation W]OLEF WUM q^JA
subacute hematogenous o. X wIM rEF UN fringe of o. W]OLEF WUM qL
QAM* ub U( marginal o. W]OAUN W]OLEF WUM
suppurative o. wOI wIM rEF UN posterior o. W]OHK) W]OLEF WUM
synovitis-acne- d^ ^bF qOe UN osteophytic spur W]OLEF WUM ULN
pustulosis-hyperostosis o. dH* wIM rEF UN osteophytosis W]OLEF Xu]M
(SAPHO) r^EF osteoplastic rEF d o=KF rEFK =uJ
tuberculous o. w=K rEF UN o. flap clamp rEF WOU WKb UIK
vertebral o. dIH UE UN o. reconstruction rEF WOU UM
osteomyelodysplasia wI=M rEF Z^M qK osteoplastica wOJ wHOK rEF UN
osteon UM w
W]OU_ bu uLE osteoplasty rEF
rEF Maquet anteromedial o. w wU_ rEF
osteonal wuLE XO U V
o. bone wuLE rE osteoplysis rEF

- 486 -
massive o. rO' rEF growth stimulator rO uO V
osteopoikilosis UEF q^J Zimmer O.-S. rO uO d=1
osteoporosis UEF qK osteosynovitis rEF qOe UN
dual photon densitometry uuHU W UJ UO U osteosynthesefragen =gN rEF w
d XO
test for o. UEF q K  e* Arbeitsgemeinschaft uH =gN rEF w d XO
femoral o. c H rE q K fr o. (AO) X UAMOLO V
idiopathic juvenile o. iUG wFHO UEF q K osteosynthesis b rEF w
d XO
V] uN* anterior column o. uLF rEF w d XO
idiopathic transient o. uN* dUF UEF q K wU_
V] lumbar spine vertebral o. dIH rEF w d XO
o. pseudoglioma syndrome UJ wIb u W wMDI VK^BK
UEF q K odontoid process o. w=M TUM w d XO
Singh index of o. UEF q K  ZMO VM plate-screw o. WOHBU rEF w d XO
transient o. dUF UEF q K VuK
o. with vertebral collapse UL l UEF q K posterior column o. wHK) uLF w d XO
and neurologic deficit W]OBF WBOIM dIH thoracic spine vertebral o bB UIH w d XO
osteoporotic UEF qK o=KF thoracolumbar spine bB UIH w d XO
o. bone q K  rE vertebral o. wMDI
o. spine q K UB* dIH uLF vertebral o. UIH w d XO
UEF osteotabes wLE fU
osteoprogenitor cell W]OLEF WHOK W]OK) osteotelangiectasia W]OLEF dOF^A l^u
osteopsathyrosis rEF ^uJ rEF WUA WF=u W]OLE WuU
idiopathica V] WuN* hU]M dOF^A
osteoradionecrosis QAM* ^wUF ywLE d osteothrombophlebitis U) _ rEF UN
osteosarcoma W]OLE WuU osteothrombosis rEF U
conventional o. W]UO W]OLE Wu U osteotome rEF lC
intraosseous o. UEF 5 W]OLE Wu U Albee o. w V rEF lC
paraosteal o. rEF u W]OLE Wu U Army o. gOK rEF lC
periosteal o. W]OUL W]OLE Wu U arthroscopic o. wKBH* dOEM rEF lC
spinal o. W]dI W]OLE Wu U back-cutting o. wHK) lUIU rEF lC
telangiectatic o. WF=u W]OLE Wu U bayonet o. Wd( rE lC
dOF^A Blount o. XuK V rEF lC
osteosclerosis fragilis d^B gN rEF V^KB Bowen o. su V rEF lC
rEF box o. wbMB rEF lC
osteosis r^EF Campbell o. qU V rEF lC
osteospongioma wLE wMH Carroll-Legg o. ^U V rEF lC
Osteo-Stim rO uO ZO
O.-S. bone stimulator uO V rEF UM Caroll-Smith-Petersen o. ^U V rEF lC
rO sd YOL
O.-S. implantable bone dGK qUI rEF =uL UM Cavin o. 5 U V rEF lC

- 487 -
Cherry o. =dO V rEF lC abduction o. bOF rEF lD
Clayton o. u V rEF lC abductor o. b=F* rEF lD
Cloward o. uK V rEF lC abductory wedge o. bOF wMOH rEF lD
Cobb o. u V rEF lC adduction o. wdI rEF lD
Compere o. du V rEF lC Agliette supracondylar o. V WLIK u rEF lD
Cottle o. wKu V rEF lC XOK
Crane o. d V rEF lC Akin o. 5 V rEF lD
curved o. wMM* rEF lC Akin phalangeal o. 5 V v rE lD
Epker o. dJ V rEF lC Akin proximal WOb v rE lD
grooving o. r]K* rEF lC phalangeal o. 5 V
guarded o. wL* rEF lC Amspacher-Messenbaugh oKG* wMOH rEF lD
Hibbs curved o. V wMM* rEF lC closing wedge o. uM dU V
fO Amstutz-Wilson o. eu V rEF lD
Hibbs straight o. V rOI* rEF lC uK
fO Anderson-Fowler calcaneal wUe VIF rE lD
Hoke o. u V rEF lC displacement o. dU ub V
Joseph o. nu V rEF lC angular o. e rEF lD
Lambotte o. u V rEF lC angulation o. wLEF =e] lD
Meyerding o. ZMdO V rEF lC anterior calcaneal o. wU_ wIF rEF lD
Meyerding curved o. V wMM* rEF lC Austin o. 5 V rEF lD
ZMdO Axer lateral opening #UH wMOH rEF lD
Meyerding straight o. V rOI* rEF lC wedge o. d V wAu
ZMdO Axer varus derotational o. bK qe* rEF lD
Moreland o. bu V rEF lC d V Z _
orthopaedic o. w1uI rEF lC Bailey-Dubow o. U wKU V rEF lD
rotary o. ]b rEF lC Baker-Hill o. qO d U V rEF lD
Simmons o. eu^LO V rEF lC Balacescu closing oKG* wMOH rEF lD
Smith-Petersen o. YOL V rEF lC wedge o. uJO U V
sd ball-and-socket o. o( dJK wLE lD
Smith-Petersen curved o. V wMM* rEF lC ball-and-socket dJ b* rEF lD
sd YOL trochanteric o.
Smith-Petersen straight o. V rOI* rEF lC base o. bUI rEF lD
sd YOL base-of-the-neck o. oMF bU rE lD
straight o. rOI* rEF lC base wedge o. wMOH bUI rEF lD
thin o. lO ]d rEF lC basilar o. bUI rEF lD
unguarded o. uAJ* rEF lC Bellemore-Barrett closing oKG* wMOH rEF lD
Weck o. p V rEF lC wedge o. =U uL=K V
osteotomize rEF lDI Berman-Gartland V wDA* rEF lD
osteotomy rEF lD metatarsal o. bU Ud
Abbott-Gill o. qO u^ V rEF lD bifurcation o. VFAM* rEF lD

- 488 -
biplane o. u* wzUM rEF lD Coventry distal femoral o. w UI c H rEF lD
biplane trochanteric o. wzUM b* rEF lD dM u V
u* Coventry femoral o. V c H rEF lD
Blount displacement o. V wUe rEF lD dM u
XuK Coventry vagal o V wLN* rEF lD
Brackett o. X d V rEF lD dM u
Brett-Campbell tibial o. V wuME rEF lD Crego femoral o. V c H rEF lD
qU d ud
calcaneal o. wIF rEF lD crescentic o. wN rEF lD
calcaneal L o. wIF rEF lD crescentic calcaneal o. wN wIF rEF lD
Campbell o. qU V rEF lD cuneiform o. rEFK ywMOH lD
Canale o. UU V rEF lD cup-and-ball o. dJ uJ qJA rEF lD
canal innominate o. uMI v]L rEF lD cylindrical o. wuD rEF lD
Carstan reverse wedge o. uJF* 5H rEF lD Dega pelvic o. V w{u( rEF lD
Cartam-Treander revese 5H fJ rEF lD delayed femoral o. q c H rEF lD
wedge o. bMd UU V Derosa-Graziano step-cut o. V uD) rEF lD
Chambers o. dU V rEF lD uUd d
chevron o. b d qJA rEF lD derotational o. bK qe* rEF lD
Chiari o. UO V rEF lD dial o. uA* rEF lD
Chiari innominate o. V v]L rE lD dial pelvic o. uA* w{u( rEF lD
UO dial periacetabular o. uA* =o( u rEF lD
Chiari-Salter-Steel V u( rE lD diaphyseal o. rEF r lD
pelvic o. qO dU UO Dickinson-Coutts- uMOJ V rEF lD
closed intramedullary o. oKG* wIM q rEF lD Woodward-Handler o. dbU fu
closed wedge o. oKG* wMOH rEF lD Dickson geometric o. V wbMN rEF lD
closing abductory wedge o. bF* wMOH rEF lD uJ
(CAWO) oKG* Diebold-Bejjani o. bu V rEF lD
closing base wedge o. bUI wMOH rEF lD wUO
oKG* Dillwyn-Evans o. suK V rEF lD
closing wedge o. oKG* wMOH rEF lD eUH
closing wedge greenstick wb wDA* rEF lD Dimon-Hughston V sb* sO rEF lD
dorsal proximal wMOH dOCM wdNE intertrochanteric o. uuO u1
metatarsal o. oKG* displacement o. rEFK ywUe lD
Cole o. u V rEF lD distal metatarsal o. w UI wDA* rEF lD
compensatory basilar o. UF* bUI rEF lD distal oblique sliding o. qzU* we rEF lD
controlled rotational o. jCM* dzb rEF lD w UI
Conventry proximal wb wuME rEF lD dome o. W]I qJA rEF lD
tibial o. dMHu V dome-shaped o. W]I qJA rEF lD
countersinking o. =u * rEF lD dorsal closing wedge o. oKG* wMOH rEF lD

- 489 -
wHK) geometric extension o. wbMN j l rEF lD
dorsal proximal wHK) wDA* rEF lD geometric supracondylar WLIK u j l rEF lD
metatarsal o. wb extension o. wbMN
dorsal-V o. V qJAU wHK) rEF lD Gerbert o. dd V rEF lD
dorsal wedge o. wHK) wMOH rEF lD Giannestras metatarsal V wDA* qzU* rEF lD
wHK wLE 5H lD oblique o. d=UO
dorsiflexory o. wM* wdNE rEF lD Giannestras oblique V qzU* wDA* rEF lD
dosiflexory wedge o. wdNE wMOH rEF lD metatarsal 0. d=UO
wM* Gibson-Piggott o. uO V rEF lD
double o. e* rEF lD uO
Dunn o. V rEF lD Gleich o. gOK V rEF lD
Dunn-Hess trochanteric o. V b* rEF lD glenoid o. wU]I( rEF lD
f Golden closing wedge o. oKG* wMOH rEF lD
Dwyer o. u V rEF lD bu V
Elizabethtown o. UeO V rEF lD Grant-Small-Lehman WLIK u j l rEF lD
Emmon o. u^ V rEF lD supracondylar uL Xd V
epiphyseal-metaphyseal o. wdJ wUA* rEF lD extension o. ULN
Eppright o. Xd V rEF lD Greenfield o. bKOHMd V rEF lD
Eppright dial o. V uA* rEF lD Green-Reverdin o. sd V rEF lD
Xd sd
Estersohn o. ud V rEF lD greestick dorsal proximal w UI wDA* rEF lD
Estersohn o. for tailors ud V rEF lD metatarsal o. dOC]M wb
bunion 5U]O) WF u Green-Watermann o. sd V rEF lD
Evans o. eUH V rEF lD Ud
Evans anterior calcaneal o. wU_ wIF rEF lD Gudas scarf Z-plasty o. Z qJAU wUu rEF lD
eUH V u V
Evans calcaneal o. V wIF rEF lD Haber-Kraft o. X d d V rEF lD
eUH Haddad metatarsal o. ]b V wDA* rEF lD
eversion o. wHMA rEF lD Herman-Gartland o. bU Ud rEF lD
extension o. jU rEF lD high tibial o. (HTO) uME vK rE lD
failed femoral o. rEF lD UH Hirayma o. ULdO V rEF lD
femoral o. c H rEF lD iliac o. wHd( rEF lD
Ferguson-Thompson-King V sOKd* rEF lD Ingram-Canle-Beaty wUA* wdJ rEF lD
two-stage o. ZMO uu ud epiphyseal-metaphyseal o. wO qU d V
Fernandez o. ebUd V rEF lD innominate o. v]L rEF lD
flexion o. wMU rEF lD intertrochanteric o. sb* sO rEF lD
Fowler o. dU V rEF lD intertrochanteric varus o. Z _ sb* sO rEF lD
French lateral closing oKG* wMOH rEF lD intraarticular o. qBH* q s rEF lD
wedge o. gMd V wAu intracapsular o. WEH* q rEF lD
Gant o. XU V rEF lD intraepiphyseal o. UA* q rEF lD

- 490 -
Irwin o. s V rEF lD Leach-Igou step-cut wb w rEF lD
Japas o. UU V rEF lD medial o. u gO V
Johnson o. uu V rEF lD Lelivre o. dHOKO V rEF lD
Johnson chevron o. V b d qJA rEF lD Lichtblau o. uKJO V rEF lD
uu Lindseth o. YObMO V rEF lD
Kalish o. gOK V rEF lD Ludloff o. uu V rEF lD
Kaplan o. U V rEF lD Macewen-Shands o. bM suU rEF lD
Kawamura dome o. V W]I qJA rEF lD malleolar o. =wFJ rEF lD
uu o. of mandible wKH =pH rE lD
Kawamura pelvic o. V w{u( rEF lD mandibular o. wKH =pH rE lD
uu Maquet dome o. V W]I qJA rEF lD
Kelly-Keck o. pO w=KO V rEF lD XO U
Kempf-Grosse-Abalo z qJAU wb rEF lD Marquardt angulation o. V wLEF =e lD
Z step o. uU d nL V u d
Kessel-Bonney V j l rEF lD Martin o. 5U V rEF lD
extension o. U]u q Mau o. U V rEF lD
Kitaoka-Leventen o. U UO V rEF lD medial displacement o. W]O W l rEF lD
sMH rEFK w ywUe lD
Kitaoka-Leventen medial W l wDA* rEF lD medial opening wedge o. `HU wMOH rEF lD
displacement U UO V WO w
metatarsal o. sMH metacarpal o. wFM rEF lD
Koutsogiannis o. V rEF lD metaphyseal o. dJ rEF lD
fOUOuu metatarsal o. wDA* rEF lD
Koutsogiannis calcaneal o. V wIF rEF lD metatarsal neck o. jA* oM rEF lD
fOUOuu metatarsal oblique o. wDA* qzU* rEF lD
Koutsogiannis calcaneal wIF Ue l rEF lD metatarsal proximal dome o. WODA* WOb rEF W] lD
displacement o. fOUOuu V metatarsal Reverdin o. V jA* rEF lD
Koutsogiannis-Fowler- V rEF lD sd
Anderson o. dU fOUOuu metatarsal V-shaped o. v qJAU wDA* rEF lD
ub Mitchell o. qAO V rEF lD
Kramer-Craig-Noel o. dd V rEF lD Molesworth o. uu V rEF lD
qu Zd Mueller intertochanteric Z _ b* 5 rEF lD
Kramer-Craig-Noel basilar c H rE oM bU lD varus o. duO V
femoral neck o. qu Zd dd V Mueller transposition o. V wKu rEF lD
Lambrinudi o. uMd V rEF lD duO
lateral closing wedge o. oKG* wMOH rEF lD oblique o. qzU* rEF lD
wAu oblique base-wedge o. qzU* bUI wMOH rEF lD
lateral displacement o. rEFK ywA ywUe lD oblique displacement o. qzU* Ue l rEF lD
lateral opening wedge o. `HU wMOH rEF lD opening abductory wede o. bF* wMOH rEF lD
=wAu (OAWO) #UH

- 491 -
opening wedge o. #UH wMOH rEF lD Root-Siegal o. V rEF lD
os calcis o. wKJ rEF lD UO
Osgood rotational o. V dzb rEF lD Root-Siegal varus qe* Z _ rEF lD
u derotational o. UO V bK
Pauwels proximal o. eKU V wb rEF lD rotational o. wb rEF lD
Pauwels valgus o. eKU V _ rEF lD Sakoff o. uJ V rEF lD
Pauwels Y-o. V Y qJAU rEF lD Salter o. dU V rEF lD
eKU Salter innominate o. V v]L rEF lD
peg-in-hole o. w bu WIdD rEF lD dU
VI Salter pelvic o. V w{u( rEF lD
Peimer reduction o. d1U V =d rEF lD dU
pelvic o. w{u( rEF lD Samilson o. uKOL V rEF lD
Pemberton pericapsular o. WEH* u rEF lD Samilson crescentic wN wIF rEF lD
udL V calcaneal o. uKOL V
pericapsular o. WEH* u rEF lD Sarmiento V sb* sO rEF lD
phalangeal o. v rE lD intertrochanteric o. uMOU
o. pin rEF lD u^ Scanz o. eUJ V rEF lD
Platou o. u V rEF lD scarf o. wUu rEF lD
Pol Le Coueur o. u u V rEF lD scarf Z-o. Z qJAU wUu rEF lD
posterior iliac o. wHK) wHd( rEF lD Schanz angulation o. V wLEF =e lD
posterior spinal wedge o. w uA wMOH rEF lD eU
wHK) Schanz femoral o. V c H rEF lD
Pott eversion o. V nMA l rEF lD eU
u Schwartz dorsiflexory o. wdNE wM* rEF lD
proximal dome o. W]I qJA wb rEF lD eu V
proximal femoral o. wb c H rEF lD Siffert intraepiphyseal o. wUA* q rEF lD
proximal metatarsal o. wb wDA* rEF lD dHO V
proximal phalangeal o. wb v rE lD Siffert-Storen wUA* q rEF lD
proximal tibial o. wb wuME rEF lD intraepiphyseal o. u dHO V
radial wedge o. dFJK wMOH rEF lD Simmonds-Menelaus V wDA* rEF lD
Ranawat-DeFiore-Straub o. U V rEF lD metatarsal o. uKM buLO
d uO Simmonds-Menelaus wb v rE lD
Rappaport o. uU V rEF lD proximal phalangeal o. uKM buLO V
reduction o. =d rEF lD Simmons o. eu^LO V rEF lD
Reverdin o. sd V rEF lD Smith-Petersen o. YOL V rEF lD
Reverdin-Laird o. sd V rEF lD sd
d Sofield o. bKO u V rEF lD
reverse Dillwyn-Evans uJF* wIF rEF lD Southwick biplane o. u* wzUM rEF lD
calcaneal o. eUH suK V puU V
reverse wedge o. uJF* wMOH rEF lD Southwick biplane wzUM b* rEF lD

- 492 -
trochanteric o. puU V u* transverse metatarsal o. dF* wDA* rEF lD
spinal o. w uA rEF lD transverse supracondylar o. WLIK u rEF lD
Sponsel oblique o. V qzU* rEF lD dF*
qOu trapezoidal o. w dM* rEF lD
Stamm metatarsal o. U V wDA* rEF lD Trethowan metatarsal o. V wDA* rEF lD
Steel o. qO V rEF lD ud
Steel triple innominate o. w v]L rEF lD triplane o. u* w rEF lD
qO V triple innominate o. w v]L rE lD
step-cut o. wb rEF lD trochanteric o b* rEF lD
step down o. i U) wb rEF lD tubercle o. Wb( rE lD
Stren intraepiphyseal o. wUA* q rEF lD unplanned valgus o. j]D< dO _ rEF lD
sd V valgus o. _ rEF lD
subcapital o. d X rEF lD valgus extension o. _ wD rEF lD
subcondylar o. WLIK X rEF lD valgus high tibial o. uKF wuME rEF lD
subtrochanteric o. b* X rEF lD _
Sugioka transtrochanteric o. b* rEF lD valgus sb* sO wMOH rEF lD
U uOU V intertrochanteric-wedge o. _
Sugioka transtrochanteric db] rEF lD valgus subtrochanteric o. _ b* X rEF lD
rotational o. U uOu V b* valgus wedge-prop o. wMOH UM rEF lD
supracondylar o. WLIK u rEF lD _
supracondylar varus o. WLIK u Z _ rEF lD valgus Y-shaped prop o. Y qJAU UM rEF lD
supramalleolar o. VFJ u rEF lD _
supramalleolar u bK qe* rEF lD varus o. Z _ rEF lD
derotational o. VFJ varus rotational o. (VRO) Z _ db] rEF lD
supramalleolar varus bK qe* rEF lD varus rotation shortening o. dOBI] rEF lD
derotation o. VFJ u Z _ Z _ db]
Sutherland-Greenfield o. bdu V rEF lD varus supramalleolar o. Z _ VFJ u rEF lD
bKOHMd V-shaped o. V qJAU rEF lD
tarsal o. wG d rEF lD Waterman o. Ud V rEF lD
tarsal wedge o. m dK wMOH rEF lD Weber humeral o. dO V bCF rEF lD
Thompson telescoping v qJAU qb* rEF lD Weber subcapital o. V d X rEF lD
V o. uu V dO
through-and-through qUJ wI _ rEF lD wedge o. wMOH rEF lD
V-shaped horizontal o. v qJAU wedge-shaped o. wMOH qJAU rEF lD
tibial o. wuME rEF lD Whitman o. UL V rEF lD
tibial tuberosity o. uME Wb lD Wilson o uK V rEF lD
transtrochanteric db] rEF lD Wilson oblique rEFK qzU ywUe lD
rotational o. b* dispacement o. uK V
transverse o. dF* rEF lD Wiltse ankle o. eK V qUJ rE lD
transverse diaphyseal o. dF* wb' rEF lD Wiltse varus VFJ u rEF lD

- 493 -
suprmalleolar o. eK V Z _ output U
Yancey o. wU V rEF lD urinary o. wu UM
Yu o. u V rEF lD outrigger ]b
osteotomy-osteoclasis rEF iI rEF lD o. arm c ]b
Moore o.-o V rEF iI rEF lD o. cast VUI ]b
u dorsal wrist splint with o. ]b l W]OHK) rBF* dO
osteotripsy rEF XOH Harrington o. u$=U ]b
ostium, pl. ostia Uu
Harrington distraction o. u$=U V d ]b
Ostrup harvesting d V nDI WId o. splint ]b dO
technique outside-to-outside U) s wKBH* dOEM WId
Oswestry d arthroscopy technique U) v
O. Disability Score d V eF d outward rotation wU
O. index d VM oval uCO
Oswestry-O'Brien spinal V wuA wu^b ^pA* o. curved cup curette W]UCO W]OQJ WDAJ*
stapler OT sd d WOMM*
occupational therapy W]OMN W'UF o. washer uCO qUG
Otto u ovalis W]uCO
O. Bock Dynamic u V W]OJOUMb Wb fossa o. WuCO dH(
prosthesis u overcorrection dH `OB
O. Bock prosthesis u u Wb overdistraction dH d

O. pelvis dislocation u V u( lK Overdyke hip prosthesis pd

V u Wb
Otto-Bock Safety u V =dL* UJ W overgrowth =uLM d

constant-friction knee wHO u bone o. rEF =uL d

Oudard procedure d terminal o. wzUN >uL d
out U overhead uK
draped o. wU) b^F o. exercise test uKF sdL U
toeing o. U K b_ 5 bU* o. olecranon traction uKF =e ^d
outcome measures WKOB( UO o. traction uK yd
Outerbridge bdd overlap Vd
O. classification bdd nOMB tibiofibular o. WOEA uME V d
O. scale bdd eO overlapped qb
outflow cannula wU) Ud' w=M o. uprights in orthosis uI* w WKb* bL_
outgrowth wU) ^uLM overlapping fifth toe Vd* bI dBM
osseous o. wU) wLEF ^uLM overlay bO
d b=
osseous patellae o. wU) W]OLEF UH{d ^uL o. drafting bO d bONL r^d
outlet d o. plate W]bO d WOH
supraspinatus o. W u]A u d  x-ray o. W]OMO W]F_ bO d
o. view d * dEM overload dH qOL
outpatient physical idLK wFOD F compression o. dH* wUGC qOL
therapy wU) torsional o. dH* wzu qOL

- 494 -
overpull dH l
ethylene o. 5KO bO
overriding fifth toe wDL* bI dBM oxide-sterilized r]IF* bO_
oversewn dH* jOO ethylene o.-s r]IF* 5KO bO
overstretch dH bbL oximeter ZQ UOI
overstretch weakness bbL dH nF{ pulse o. UOI wCM ZQ UOI
Overton dowel graft ud
V Ub rF 5_ i]M
over-tying wire =bA dH pK Oxistat UO
overuse ULF d
oxycodone =b s=J uJO
o. injury ULF dH WU oxygen 5
o. syndrome ULF d W dysbaric o. jGC ^q  5
OW dB epiphyseal o. wUA* 5 _
open wedge uH 5H hyperbaric o. jGC dH 5
Owens silk e dd o. seizure W]OMO _ WuM
Owestry staple d ] o. tension 5 _ d^u
oxacillin uO yUC 5=KOU o. therapy 5 _U W'UF
oxaprozin yUC sdU oxymorphone s=J u
u w
UN =b
Oxford prosthesis uH Wb oxyphenbutazone yUC UuMO
oxicam UJO s=J UN
oxidation bQ b oxytoca u q=F
carbohydrate o. U]d]J b klebsiella o. uK WK=F* W]KOKJ
oxide bO

- 495 -
P dB Postanesthesia Care Unit db  bF WUMF b
passive wK qFHM pad U U
P/3 proximal third wb YK abdominal p. W]OMD Uu
PA dB abdominal flap p. W]OMD WKb U
posteroanterior wU wHK arthropor p. ud U
pachydysostosis r^EF qK s arthropor cup p. ud n' U
pack UL artificial fat p. W]OUMD
ErgoForm cold p. uu V U UL buttocks p. WO_ U
ErgoForm contoured V W]OUO( U ULJ decubinex p. fJMOu U
cold p. uu digital p. l
gel p. W]O UL elbow p. W]OId U
hot p. (HP) WMU UL fat p. W]OM U
ice p. W]OK UL HAPAD medial arch p. W]O uI U
vaginal p. W]OKN UL heel p. VIF U
Package W heel fat p. W]OIF W]OMb Uu
Cognitive Behavior Therapy wdF* uK W'UF W horseshoe-shaped felt p. b( qJA W]U] U
P. (CBTP) infrapatellar fat p. WH{d X W]OMb Uu
packed red cell WbJ dL W]d knee-control orthosis p. WdU r^J uI U
Pack-Ehrlich deep iliac V oOLF wHd( aOK knuckle p. W]OLd U
dissection aO U lamb's wool p. qL( u
packing uA uA metatarsal p. W]ODA U
Adaptic p. pO uA Mikulicz p. gOuJO U
gauze p. U uA navicular shoe p. w e c U
Nu Gauze p. u uO uA OEC popliteal p. OEC W]OCQ U
wound p. d' uA patellar fat p. W]OH{ W]OM U
Pack technique U WId patellar orthosis p. WH{d uI U
PACU dB Pelite p. XO U

- 497 -
public p. W]OUF Uu adolescent back p. 5Id* dN r
Redigrip knee p. Vd V Wd U p. at rest Wd UM r
reticulated polyurethane p. W]OJA Uu wu U back p. dNE r
retropatellar fat p. WH{d nK W]OM U Behavioral Assessment of P. r wuK rOOI
scaphois shoe p. w e c U (BAP)
shoe heel p. c( VI U burning p. U r
spur p. ULN* U causalgic p. w d r
Staph-Chek p. pO U U contralateral p. qUI* VU'U r
padded b]u cross leg p. WUB* U r
p. aluminium splint b]u* uOMu_ dO deafferentation p. u UF^b W r
p. board splint b]u* WuK dO W]O=(
p. button b]u y dermatomal p. wUD bK r
p. clamp b]u UIK diskogenic neck p. QAM* w
d w r
p. plywood splint b]u* wIzU d VA) dO p. drawing r_ r
p. tongue blade splint b]u* UK qB dO dull aching p. qOK r
padding bOu p. dysfunction syndrome W]O*_ WHOu qK W
cast p. wU bOu epicritic p. 5OF] oO r
contoured felt p. U* U^K bOu functional back p. wHO dN r
cotton cast p. wMD wU bOu gate control theory of p. r w]u r^J W]dE
felt p. U] bOu glenohumeral p. bC wU]I r
foam p. u bOu groin p. w r
Ortho-Cel p. qO u bOu growing p.s =uLM
Protouch synthetic wIOK  wUEF bOu impingement p. UD r
orthopaedic p. gUd V p. induction r_ id
splint p. dO bOu joint line p. qBH* =j r
Padgett XOb lancinating p. ` r
P. electric dermatome XOb V wdN UA low back p. dNE qH r
P. prosthesis XOb Wb Multiaxial Assessment of P. r U* =bF* rOOI
pad/protector WM
U(Uu (MAP)
Decubinex p. V WM
U(Uu myofascial p. wUH wKC r
fJMOu myotomal p. WKCF lC r
PAG dB neurologic p. QAM* wB r
periaquedactal gray U*U WDO* W]OUM= pillar p. UL r
Paget XU Pronex pneumatic device r W]OzuN fJOd eON
P. associated osteogenic WUB QAM* WOLE WuU for cervical p. w d
sarcoma XOU b radicular p. c r
P. disease XU referred p. lO r
pagetoid bone wOU rE referred trigger point p. lOd W]Ue WDIM r
Paget-Schrotter syndrome dd XU W scapulothoracic p. b
wH r
pain r sclerotomal p. WKB lC r

- 498 -
p. with weightbearing UI_ ld r_ p. arch W]O u
painful rR p. cock-up splint vK d W]O dO
p. arc W*R u p. crease W]d sC
p. femoral head prosthesis W*R* c H Wb p. cross-finger flap WUB W]O W]OF
p. gait W*R WOA p. fascia w]d UH= W]O]d WUH=K
p. spur rR ULN p. flexion Wd wM
p. stump W*R Wb p. intercarpal deltoid 5 wd wb Ud
paint U ligament U]OGd
Castellani p. uK w]OU U p. interosseous muscle UEF 5 W]O]d WKCF
5u udJ p. pinch Wd WJ
p. thinner injury dMO U=b n=H 0 WU
p. plate W]Od WOHB
D ]U v UC ]U p. splint Wd dO
paint-gun injury D ]b0 WU
p. synovectomy wd wKOe UB
paired e p. tilt Wd WU
p. discharge e mdH palmaris w
p. response We WU p. longus (PL) WKC WKuD W]Od
p. scintigraphy e wUC duB p. longus muscle WKuD W]Od WKCF
p. stimulus e t=M p. longue tendon quD wd du
pairwise comparison U= We WUI Palmer d*U
Pais fracture eO d P. method d*U WId
PAL dB P. screw d*U Vu
posterior axillary line wHK) wD ^j) P. technique d*U WId
Palacos uU P. transscaphoid perilunar w e d b=e u lK)
P. bone cement uU V rEF  dislocation d*U V
P. cement uU  Palmer-Dobyns-Linscheid eMO d*U V Ud `OKB
P. radiopaque-bone cement W]F qOKE rEF  ligament repair bOAMO
uU V Palmer-Gonstead-Firth d*U V Wb' UN
Paladon bU listing system bOu
P. implant material bU V WdG ]U Palmer-Widen shoulder b d*U V nJ WId
P. prosthesis bU Wb technique
palatasis pM( UIA palm space Wd e]O
Palex expansion screw fJU V lOu Vu palm-to-axilla dressing j v Wd s bOLC
Paley classification wU nOMB palm-up test vK Wd U
palindromic rheumatism q
UH* UN fU eU palpable band u jd
dQ o d* dO =dJ* palpation yf
palliative care WH=DK WUM p. of anterior superior iliac W]OU_ W]OH d( WuA ^f
pallor u spine W]uKF
palmar w digital p. wF
p. advancement flap W]O W]O^bI WKb end-feel p. wdD fLKU f
p. approach w vQ flat p. `]D f

- 499 -
p. of iliac crest WH d( d ^f peroneal nerve p. uEA VBF qK
intersegmental range of lDI 5 U* ^f posterior interosseous wHK) 5LEF 5 VBF qK
motion p. (IRMP) WdK nerve p.
motion p. Wd( ^f postnatal cerebral p. uK U ywU qK
optimizing motion p. Wd( ^f bu& radial nerve p. dFJ VBF qK
pincer p. jIK*U yf sciatic p. wu VBF qK
p. of posterior superior iliac W]uKF W]OH d( WuA ^f tardy ulnar p. d=Q* =b]e VBF qK
spine W]OHK) wId* oH]M W
screening p. wzUBI yf thenar p. WHd qK
static p. sU yf tourniquet p. W
p. testing =f' U ulnar p. b qK
palpatory w= ulnar nerve p. be VBF qK
p. diagnosis =f'U hO A Palumbo uuU
p. examination =f'U h P. dynamic patellar brace wJOUMb wH{d UM
p. skill =f' UN uuU V
palpitation UIH P. knee brace uuU V Wd UM
palsy qK Panadol bM
backpain p. dNE r_ qK panaris f
Bell p. tu nB qK q qK melanotic p. wMOO* fb
S pancake hand W]D b
brachial plexus p. W]bCF dOHC qK panclavicular dislocation qUA ud lK)
cerebral p. (CP) ywU qK pancreas UdJM
combined nerve p. dA* VBF qK pancreatitis UdJM UN
drummer boy p. U]D qK Panje prosthesis wM Wb
Erb-Duchenne p. 5 qK panmetatarsal head qU]A UA_ lD
handlebar p. W]b uI qK resection
high median-high radial p. dFJ uKF j=u* qK Panner disease dU
uKF panniculus W]OLA WK
high median-high ulnar p. be uKF j=u* qK pannus of synovium wKOe UAG q
uKF Panoview arthroscopic uO uU V qBH* dOEM UN
high ulnar-high radial p. dFJ uKF be qK system
uKF pantalar qU wKU
Klumpke p. tJuK qK p. arthrodesis qUA wKUJ qBH* U
long thoracic nerve p. quD bB VBF qK p. fusion qU wKU Z
low median-low ulnar p. be iH M* j=u* qK pantaloon d uKDM
iH M* p. cast uKDM VU
median nerve p. j=u* VBF qK p. spica cast wuKDM wKM VUI
nerve p. VBF qK p. walking cast wuKDM wA* VU
peripheral nerve p. wDO; VBF qK Pantopaque UuM
peroneal p. uEA qK pants-over-vest f^K u uKDM

- 500 -
p.-o.-v. capsulorrhaphy f^K u uKDM WEH* u parallel u
p.-o.-v. technique f^K u uKDM WId p. goniometric measure u* Ue UO
panty wK d uKDM p. pin kit Wu* u^b ]b
Cadenza p. eU uKDM parallelism u]
Papavasiliou classification =e dJ uOKO UU nOMB paralysis uK qK
of olecranon fracture adductor pollicis p. bO UN W=dI qK
papaverine CFK d sdO UU p. agitans uMU U]]d qK]A
UK* brachial plexus p. W]bCF dOHC qK
paper W Chaves-Rapp p. eHO qK
tracing p. rd* W cruciate p. wUB] qK]A
papillary adenoma wLOK =b Dewar-Harris p. f=U u qK
Papineau uMOU Dickson p. uJ qK
P. graft uMOU rF familial periodic p. ]b ^wKzUF qK]A
P. technique uMOU WId flaccid p. u qK
papyrus Wd d gluteus medius p. vDu W]u_ WKCF qK
Edwin Smith p. YOL s Wd Haas p. U qK
PAR dB hand p. bO qK
postanesthesia recovery db ]K WOU] W U Henry p. dM qK
para-aminosalicylic acid pOKOOUuMO U iL intrinsic p. wK qK
paraarticular qBH* u isolated p. eFM qK
p. arthrodesis qBH* u U serratus anterior p. W]OU_ W]UAM* qK
p. calcification qBH* u f^KJ spastic p. yw^MA qK
p. heterotopic ossification qBH* u cM r^EF tourniquet p. W
paracetamol i U s=J uUOU Vastamaki p. wUL qK
v]LK Volkmann ischemic p. qK]A UH ULJu qK
parachute W]KE UH
p. jumpers dislocation W]KE* eU lK Whitman p. UL qK
p. reflex W]KE* fJFM paralytic wKK uKA
p. test W]KE* U p. contracture wKK l^HI
paradoxical lumbrical plus wCUM wMOd bz l
p. foot WuKA* bI
finger p. ileus wKK u^K
paraesthetica wc p. kyphosis wKK b
meralgia p. ^wc* c H r Paramax fUU
paraffin 5 d P. ACL guide system fUU V qO]b UE
p. bath (PB) wFL U]L wMOd U]L ACL
p. implant material W]OMOd WdG ]U P. angled driver fUU V ]e* W ]u]
Paraflex fJK d paramedial incision n
U]MK U yo
Parafon Forte u u d paramedian n
parainfluenzae b u We]M dOE p. approach n
Haemophilus p. W]Oe]M dOE WOb* p. sagittal plane n
U]MK U* wLN] u*

- 501 -
paramyotonia congenita wIK) =d^u] =wKCF Z^MA] paratenon du U
paramysium W]OKCF WeK U parathormone UI^b ud uuU
paraparesis qH_ nBM e wKH e parathyroid disorder wI dD{
r' s paratrooper fracture 5=OKE* d
parapatellar WH{d u paravertebral UIHK U
p. arthrotomy WH{d u qBH* lC p. abscess UIHK U d
p.incision WH{d u yo p. muscle UIHK U: WKCF
p. plica WH{d u WOM p. muscle spasm UIHK U: qCF Z^MA
p. synovitis WH{d u wKOe UN p. musculature UIHK U: ^wKCF uL:
paraphysiologic zone W]OuueOH dOEM WIDM* p. sympathetic chain UIHK U: W]=u WKK
paraplegia wKH qK paraxial hemimelia U* d]D nB bF
incomplete p. qU dO wKH qK uLK
postoperative p. WdK wU wKH qKA Pare reduction of elbow o d* lK) dO ^
Pott p. u V wKH qK]A dislocation
spastic p. w^MA ^wKH qKA paresis e
traumatic p. w{d ^wKH qKA paresthesia, pl. paresthesias c
paraplegic =wKH qKAU o=KF intermittent p. l=DI c
p. patient wKH qKA id paresthetica ywc
parapodium orthosis bI dOE uI cheiralgia p. wc* bO r
pararectus approach WLOI* WKCFK U vQ meralgia p. wc* c H r
parasagittal n
U]MK U =wLN]K U Parham UU
p. groove =wLN]K U* rK] P. band UU jd
p. scar =wLN]K U Wb P. support UU U
parascapular flap nJ u WKb Parham-Martin 5U UU
parasite potential =wKOHD sU P.-M. band 5U UU jd
paraspinal UIHK U U^MU jO P.-M. bone-holding clamp V rEF p UIK
p. abscess UIHK U d 5U UU
p. approach UIHK U: vQ* P.-M. fracture apparatus UU V dJ UN
p. mapping UIHK U: WF{u* 5U
p. muscle UIHK U: WKCF parietal pleura W]b' WM'
p. muscle spasm UIHK U: qCF Z^MA parietooccipitalis ywc yb
p. musculature UIHK U: ^wKCF uL* arcus p. W]OcI W]b' uI
p. rod application UIHK U: u^M oOD Paris fU
p. skin temperature U: bK' d( WD ] _ P. manual therapy table V W]bO W'UF* WU
thermocouple instrument UIHK fU
p. spasm UIHK U: Z^MA plaster-of-P. fU W e fU f
parasternal heave =hIK U* UH Park U
parasympathetic nervous = wBF UN' transverse lines of P. U V W{dF* uD)
system (PNS) Parkes-Weber syndrome d eOd W
parasympatholytic == ^U Parkinson disease uMU

- 502 -
parkinsonian gait W]OuMd WOA p. thromboplastin time wze' 5ud s
Parona space UU e=O (PTT)
paronychia f p. weightbearing wze' u bM
parosteal UL `D particle rO
p. osteogenic sarcoma QAM* W]OLE W]O UL WuU birefringent p. dJ e rO
p. osteoma w UL wLE particles of bone rEF ULO
p. osteosarcoma W]O UL W]OLE WuU particulate wULO
p. sarcoma W]O UL WuU p. cancellous bone graft wULO' wMH rEF rF
parosteitis rEF U UN p. debris wULO UD
parosteosis rEF U r^EF p. synovitis wULO' wKOe UN
PAR-Q dB Partridge band bdU jd
Physical Activity Readinesswb UAMK bF UO Parvin 5 U
Questionnaire P. gravity technique 5U V W]OU' WId
Parrish-Mann hammertoe V wdD* bI UN WId P. reduction 5U ^
technique U gU PASA dB
Parrish procedure gU d proximal articular set angle WOb W]OKBH* WuL: W
parrot-beak tear UG UIM0 WNO We passage ydL
pars e ) e wire p. ^wJK ^dL*
p. defect VOF e passer dL
p. interarticularis qBH* q e' Brand tendon p. bd V du dL
p. interarticularis fracture qBH* q e' d Bunnell tendon p. q=u V du dL
Parsonnage-Aldren-Turner ddO b Zud W Concept 2-pin p. V sOu^b dL
syndrome Xu
Parsonnage-Turner ddO Zud curved p. sM dL
P.-T. neuronitis V UB_ UN suture p. dG jO) dL
ddO Zud tendon p. du dL
P.-T. syndrome ddO Zud W Wedeen wire p. sb V pK dL
part e wire p. pK dL
partial wze passive (P) qU wK qFHM
p. diskectomy wze' dI UB p. accessory motion test WKFHM* W]OU{ Wd( U
p. dislocation wze lK p. gliding technique qFHM* e WId
p. fasciectomy wze' WUHK lC p. insufficiency qFHM uB
p. fibulectomy wze' dFJ UB p. intervertebral motion WKFHM* dIH sO Wd(
p. matrixectomy wze' dD* UB (PIVM)
p. meniscectomy wze' WN UB p. joint manipulation WKFHM* qBH* WKUM
p. ossicular UMb Wb p. mobility qFHM* ^d
reconstruction/replacement wze' wLOEF p. mobility testing qFHM* ^d U
prosthesis p. motion WKFHM* Wd(
p. ostectomy wze' rEF UB p. motion machine WKFHM* Wd( WMU
p. patellectomy wze' WH{d UB p. movement WKFHM* Wd(

- 503 -
p. patellar glide test qFHM* WH{d e U patellar wH{
p. patellar tilt test qFHM* WH{d qO U p. advancement wH{d .bI
p. physiological test qFHM* wuueOH U p. affection W]OH{ W]K
p. plantar flexion qFHM* wBL_ wM p. alignment wH{d nO
p. positionning device qFHM* lO{u eON p. apprehension test wH{d f^u U
p. range of motion (PROM) WdK qFHM* U* p. bar W]OH{d W{UF
p. range of motion exercise Wd( sdL qFHM* U* p. bone-tendon-bone wLEF wH{d wc rFD
p. restraint qFHM bO autograft wLEF du
p. spacer qFHM* UH* p. brace wH{d UM
p. straight leg raising qFHM* WLOI* U l p. button wH{d ^e
p. stretch qFHM* bbL p. cement clamp wH{d * UIK
paste uF p. clamp wH{d UIK*
bone p. rEF uF p. clonus WH{]d l
Unna p. U] uF p. clunk syndrome WH{d WF d W
Pasteurella multocida WU]I W]KuU p. contour wH{d UHJ
patch dressing wD bOLC p. dislocation wH{d lK)
patella, pl. patellae UH{ WH{ p. dislocation cast wH{d lK) VU
absent p. WzU WH{ p. drill guide wH{d VI* qO
p. alta WFHd WH{ p. edge W]OH{d W]U(
p. baja WCH M WH{ p. fat pad W]OH{d W]OL]A Uu
ballottement of p. WH{d eN p. fracture wH{d dJ
bipartite p. 5LI WH{d p. graft wH{d rFD
chondromalacia p. WH{d dC s^OK p. groove wH{d rK]
p. cubiti od* WH{ p. instability WH{d dI b
debridement p. d]CM WH{ p. intraarticular dislocation qBH* q wH{d lK)
dislocated p. WuK  WH{ p. jerk (PJ) W]OH{ WCH
high-riding p. UD WOU WH{d p. ligament wH{d Ud
p. infera W]OKH WH{d p. malalignment syndrome wH{d nO
d u W
low-riding p. UD W]OKH WH{ p. orthosis pad wH{d uI* U
maltracking p. U* W=O WH{ p. osteochondritis dissecans dCG rEF UN
p. minima dGB WH{d aU] wH{d
multipartite p. U _ =bF WH{ p. pair syndrome We* WH{d W
prosthetic p. W]Ob WH{ p. portal wH{d qb*
subluxing p. WuK  WH{ W dH WH{ p. prosthesis W]OH{d Wb
UOze p. realignment wH{d nO
d U
p. tendon- =wLIK u WH{d d bM p. reamer guide wH{d uI* qO
bearing-supracondylar p. reamer shaft wH{d uI* b
p. turndown approach WH{dK wKH b vQ p. reduction clamp wH{d =d UIK
undersurface of p. WH{dK w `D p. reflex wH{d fJFM*
patellapexy WH{d XO p. resection guide wH{d lDI qO

- 504 -
p. resurfacing wH{d `OD U p. dysarthrosis c H wH{d qBH* ^uA
p. resurfacing implant wH{d `OD U Wd p. dysfunction c H wH{d wHOu qK)
p. retinacula release wH{d bOI dd p. dysplasia c H wH{d Z^M qK
p. retinaculum wH{d bOI p. groove c H wH{d rK]
p. retraction test WH{d ULJ U p. groove cartilage c H wH{d rK] dC
p. shelf wH{d ^d p. joint c H wH{d qBH*
p. sleeve fracture wH{d =rJ d p. joint radiography c H wH{d qBH* duB
p. subluxation wH{d wze' lK) p. joint reaction force wH{d qBH* qUH ]u
p. tap test WH{]d dI U c H
p. tendinits wH{d du UN p. ligament c H wH{d Ud
p. tendon ywH{ d p. realignment c H wH{d nO
d U
p. tendon-bearing (PTB) wH{d du bM patellomeniscal ligament wN wH{d Ud
p. tendon- qH =wH{d du qL Wb patelloquadriceps W]OH{d d W]OU
bearing-below-knee Wd p. tendon W]OH{d d W]OU d
prosthesis p. tendon substitution W]OH{d d W]OU b
p. tendon-bearing brace wH{d du bM UM patellotibial ligament wuME wH{d Ud
p. tendon-bearing orthosis wH{d du bM uI Patel medial meniscectomy qU V W]O WN lD
p. tendon- u wH{d du qL Paterson udU
bearing-supracondylar wLIK P. procedure udU d
(PTB-SC) P. technique udU WId
p. tendon graft wH{d du rF pathogenesis d
p. tendon repair wH{d du `OKB pathognomonic r

p. tendon transfer (PTT) wH{d du qI p. sign WL

p. tendon weightbearing wH{d du bM UM uI pathokinesiologic W]O{d* Wd( rKF o=KF
brace orthosis pathologic wuuU w{d
p. tendon weightbearing cast wH{d du bM VU p. barrier w{d qzU
p. tracking ^wH{d pOK p. dislocation w{d lK
p. transplant wH{ rF p. fracture w{d d
patellectomy WH{d UB p. reflex yw{d fJFM
partial p. wze' WH{d UB p. spondylolisthesis w{d* UIH e
total p. U] WH{d UB pathological plica W]O{d WOM
patelloadductor reflex =dI* WH{]d fJFM pathomechanical state W]OJOUJO* W]O{d* WU(
patellofemoral yc ywH{ pathomechanics W]O{d* UJOUJO*
p. alignment yc  ywH{ nO
d kyphotic deformity p. =wb( ^uAK W]O{d* UJOUJO*
p. arthritis c H =wH{d qBH* UN spinal fusion p. dIH ZbK W]O{d* UJOUJO*
p. articulation c H wH{d qBH* pathway pK qO
p. compartment W]c  W]OH{ Wu neuromeningeal p. wzU wBF qO
p. congruence c H wH{d ou] patient id
p. crepitation W]c  W]OH{ WF d adult scoliosis p. wKNJ nM' id
p. disorder c  wH{ dD{ bedbound p. dHK  id

- 505 -
p. controlled analgesia id*U j]C* 5J] p. of motion Wd( d
(PCA) posterior depression p. =wHK) UH d
diabetic p. id dJ b id primitive locomotor p. =wzb w^d dD
d]J recruitment p. WF] d
institutionalized p. >`B id reduced interference p. e< qb d
multitrauma p. =bF* `{d id right thoracic, left lumbar s1_ bB UM d
patient id curve p. d_ wMDI
obese p. 5L id right thoracic, left s1_ bB UM d
paraplegic p. =wHBM qKA id thoracolumbar curve p. d_ wMDI bB
polytrauma p. =bF* `{d id right thoracic, minor bB dOGB UM d
p. positioning id* UCO curve p. s1_
variable screw placement UN WOHB id* single unit p. dH* bu d
system-plated p. d=OG* VuK WF{u storiform p. qJ]A ^dOB d
patient(s) with AIDS W b v{d id p. of thrust db d
(PWA) VJ* wUM* uF type II curve p. 2 jLM s vMM* dD
PATRAN modelling dU Wu ZUd whorled p. b]F* dD
program patterning jOLM
Patrick pdU Aston p. u jOLM
P. drill pdU VI patty d
P. sign pdU W cement p. wML d
P. test pdU U cottonoid p. wMD d
Patten bottom s=U bU pauciarticular arthritis WKOKI q
Patten-Bottom-Perthes dO uu s=U UM Paulos ligament technique uu V WD_ WId
brace Pauly point wu WDI
pattern d Pauwels eKU
cloverleaf p. rOd W qJA d P. angle eKU W
curve p. vMM* dD P. femoral neck fracture oM uJ eKU nOMB
dermatomal p. =bK' U]DI d classification c H
DISI collapse p. DISI wDu dD P. fracture eKU d
double major curve p. e* wOz]d vMM* d P. proximal osteotomy eKU V wb rEF lD
facilitation p. dOO d P. technique eKU WId
firing p. UM d P. valgus osteotomy V wd rEF lD
full interference p. U qb d eKU
gait p. WOA* d P. Y-osteotomy V Y qJAU rEF lD
interference p. qb d eKU
intermediate interference p. j=u* qb d Pavlik pOK U
lamellar p. ^wUH^B dD P. bandage pOKU WUB
left thoracolumbar major wMDI bB UM d P. harness pOKU ]b
curve p. d_ wOzd P. harness splint pOKU ]b dO
locomotor p. w^d dD P. sling pOKU F

- 506 -
P. splint pOKU dO physical capacity evaluation WOzUeOH WF rOOI
paw VK yn PCL dB
monkey p. w UN ^uA UM=M VK  posterior cruciate ligament ^wHK) ^wUB] U=d
j=u* VBF WU
PCL oriented placement =wUB] U=dK WN]u* WF{u*
Paxipam UOU (POP) =wHK)
Payr sign dU W PCL oriented placement WF{uLK wLOu ]J
PB dB marking hook =wHK) =wUB] U=dK WN]u*
paraffin bath wMOd U]L phencyclidine Z=M s=J sbOKJOMO
peroneus brevis WKC dOBI W]uEA P.C. Williams brace P.C. eUO UM
peroneus brevis split dOBI W]uEA WIK percutaneous diskectomy bK' odD dI UB
patient controlled analgesia id*U j]C* 5J] physical daily living skills W]Ob W]OuO UO( UN
porous-coated anatomic nKG* v]DG* rOL `dA Peabody uO
PCA cutting guide nKG* wdA lUI qO P. procedure uO d
rOL P. splint uO dO
PCA hip stem n]KG* wdA u c Peacock uJO
rOL] P. transposing index ray l{u dOOG VM UF
PCA knee prosthesis WH]KG* W]OdA Wd Wb uJO V
WLOL] P. transposing technique V l{u dOOG WId
PCA medullary guide n]KG* wdA wIM qO uJO
rOL] peak
PCA primary total knee w]_ WKUJ Wd UN p. latency wLE uL
system rOL] n]KG* wdA p. pressure analysis wLE_ jGC qOK
PCA prosthesis WLOL] WH]KG* W]OdA Wb Pearson udO
PCA total hip replacement wdA qUJ u b P. attachment udO eJd
rOL] n]KG* P. attachment to Thomas Uu dO' udO eJd
PCA total knee system wdA WKUJ Wd UN splint
rOL] n]KG* P. intramedullary saw V wIM q UAM*
PCA unconstrained b]OI* dO UO_ W]O Wb udO
tricompartmental WLOL] WH]KG* W]OdA P. saw udO UAM
prosthesis P. splint attachment udO V dO' eJd
PCA unicompartmental e=O( W]U_ Wd Wb Pease bone drill eO V rEF VI
knee prosthesis WLOL] WH]KG* WOdA Pease-Thomson traction uu eO ^d
PCA Universal total knee WKUJ Wd UN Pecdec pbJ
instrument system WLOL] WH]KG* W]OdA pectoral yb

UdHOu p. girdle ^bB e(

PCE dB p. nerve ^bB VBF
physical capacities WOzUeOH UF= rOOI p. reflex ^bB fJFM*
evaluation pectoralis yb

- 507 -
p. major flap dOJ W]bB WKb p. marker WIu r
p. major muscle dOJ W]bB WKCF p. method WIu WId
p. muscle implant W]bB W]OKCF WdG p. morphometry WIuK wKJA UOI
pedal hypophalangism W]ObI UO^ hI p. probe WIu U
pedestaled bUI ]e p. screw WIu Vu
Pediaprofen 5 dUb p. screw breakage WIu Vu d
pediatric UH_ =VD o=KF p. screw chord length WIu Vu q u
p. C-D hook UH w ] p. screw construct WIu Vu WOM
p. Cotrel-Dubousset rod XOu du u^ p. screw hardware WIu Vu ]bF d
UH prominence
p. hook UH_ UM
p. screw insertion WIu Vu d
p. system UH_ UN p. screw linkage design WIu 5 U rOLB
p. TSRH hook UH UM
pedicle WIu p. screw path length WIu Vu U u
adjoining p. U* WIu p. screw plating WIu Vu `OHB
p. anatomy WIu `dA p. screw pull-out strength WIu Vu V ]u
p. angle WIu W p. sounding probe wIu U* ^f
p. axis angle WIu u W thoracic p. W]bB WIu
p. bone graft wIu wLE rF pedicled transplant wIu rF
p. C-D hook w WIu UM
pedicle-screw system WIu Vu UN
p. clamp WIu UIK pedicular ywIu
p. connector WIu WKO
p. fixation ywIu XO
p. cortex disruption WIu dA UH p. kinking wIu u
p. diameter WIu dD Pedilen polyurethane foam V Uu wu u
p. dimensions WIu UF 5b
p. entrance point WIu qb WDI pedis bI
p. evaluation WIu rOOI dorsalis p. (DP) bI dN
p. fat graft wIu wLA rFD tinea p. bI WHF
p. fixation WIu XO Pedistal Ub
p. flap WIu WKb Body p. Ub u
p. fracture WIu d pedobarograph UH_ eO
p. graft WIu rF BTE Dyamic p. BTE wd( UH_ eO
p. groin flap W]OIu W]O_ WKb] pedorthotist UH_ .UI ^w
p. hook WIu UM
Pedrialle template Ub U
p. implant WIu Wd pedunculated ]u
p. landmark WIu rKF p. loose body ]u* qIKI* r'
p. localization WIu lO{u PEER dB
p. location WIu l{u pronation-eversion-external wU nM yV
lower thoracic p. W]OKH W]bB WIu rotation
lumbar p. W]OMDI WIu Peet Z-plasty Z qJ vK XO

- 508 -
peg b b p. girdle w{u( e(
anchoring p. UJ b p. hyperextension traction bbL dH w{u( ^d'
bone p. ywLE b p. injury W]O{u WU

p. bone graft b wLE rF p. instability u( dI b

fiber-metal p. =eK wHO b p. lateral wA w{u
fibular p. uE b p. lateral shift wA w{u U
fixation p. XO b p. lateral tilt wA w{u qO
glenoid alignment p. wU]I( nO
d b p. obliquity w{u O
p. graft b rF p. osteotomy w{u( rEF lD
locking p. w b p. plane ^w{u( u*
peg-base plate b bU WOH
p. ring W]O{u WIK
pegboard bu Wu p. ring fracture W]O{u( WIK( d
Purdue p. U V bu Wu p. rock (PR) W]O{u( eeN
pegging bOu p. rotation w{u( b
bone p. rEF bOu p. side-shift wU' yw{u( Ue
peg-in-hole VI w bu p. sling w{u( F*
p.-i-h. arthroereisis w bu WIdD qBH* U p. splint W]O{u( dO'
VI p. splinting w{u( dO
p.-i-h. osteotomy w bu WIdD rEF lD p. straddle fracture ^w dH w{u( dJ
VI p. tilt w{u( qO*
Peimer reduction osteotomy d1U V =d rEF lD p. traction ^w{u( ^d'
Pelite pad XO U pelvis u
Pelken sign 5JKO W pelvitrochanteric cM* ^b* w{u( r^EF
Pelligrini-Stieda disease bO wMdO=K heterotopic ossification
pelvic w{u Pemberton udL
p. abscess yw{u d P. acetabuloplasty udL V =o(
p. angle W]O{u W P. pericapsular osteotomy udL V rEF lD
p. avulsion fracture w{u wFK d PEMF dB
p. band w{u jd pulsed electromagnetic field wOUMGdNJ qI(
p. bench u( W]BM iUM
p. brim u( WU PEMF therapy wOUMGdNJ qI(U W'UF*
p. C-clamp C qJ vK u( UIK iUM
p. circumference w{u UH pencil Ud U
p. clamp w{u( UIK* p. and cup deformity ]b w rKIU tO ^uA
p. discontinuity w{u( UDI electrosurgical p. wd' wdNJ rKI
p. drainage w{u( eM skin p. bK' rK
p. femoral angle W]c H W]O{u( We sterile p. r]IF* rKI
p. fixation w{u( XO penciled j]D
p. flexion contracture (PFC) wM* w{u( l^HI penciling of ribs on x-ray uB w uKC jOD
p. fracture w{u d W]OMO W]OUFA

- 509 -
pencil-tipped drill W]OLK c VI Percodan udO
pendulum ]u Percogesic pOOudO
p. exercise ]uM Vb percussion tenderness dIU
penetrating c U percutaneous bK'
p. drill cU VI p. bone marrow infection bK' rEF wI b
p. fracture cU d p. corticotomy bK' dAI lC
penetration UH p. cryoepiphysiodesis bK' d WUA* XO
anterior cortex p. W]OU_ dAI UH p. diskectomy (PD) bK' dI UB
Penfield bKOHMO p. dorsal column stimulator dNE uLF UM Wd
P. dissector bKOHMO a=K implant bK'
P. periosteal elevator bKOHMO V UL l p. epiphysiodesis bK' WUA* XO
penguin gait odD WOA p. fixation bK' XO
penicillamine 5]OM p. infection bK' b
penicillin 5KM p. lengthening bK' quD
penicillin G G 5KM p. lumbar diskectomy wMDI dI UB
Pennal classification U]MO VOC bK'
Penn drill 5 VI p. needle placement bK' d WF{u
Pennig dynamic wrist V wJOUMb rBF* X= p. pin bK' u^b
fixator ZOMO p. pin insertion bK' u^b d
Pennsylvania bimanual V sbOU qLF WM=O p. pinning bK' fOb
work sample UOUHKM p. plantar fasciotomy W]OBL_ WUHK lC
Penrose drain dM eM bK'
pentazocine s=J 5UM p. reduction bK' ^d
p. hydrochloride 5UM buKbO p. stapling bK' ]d l{
Pentothal UuM p. tenotomy bK' du lC
pentoxyfylline sOHOuM PerFixation sAOJ dO
peptic ulcer W]OLCN WdI P. screw sAOJdO Vu
peptido-leukotriene sduuK bO P. system sAOJdO UN
Peptococcus s rOd fM W]OuLCN perforans VU
U]OuLCN WKOB mal p. V U qK
Peptostreptococcus rOd fM W]bIF W]OuLCN perforating c U
UOuLCN WKOB s p. drill cUM VI*
per o odD p. twist drill cUM uK VI
p. hypodermic (H) bK' X odD o=KF perforation VI UI
p. primam healing =w]_ U odD o=KF cortical p. dAI VI
perception esophageal p. d* UI
constants-touch p. XU] fLKU femoral cortical p. c H dAI VI
visual p. UB perforator drill uU VI*
perceptual deficit W]O WBOI performance qL
Percocet Xud p. area qLF WU

- 510 -
p. component qLF =uJ pericyte UMdA u W]Ou W]OK
p. context _ UO Zimmerman p. W]Ou( Ud=1 W]OK
functional p. wHOu _ periepineurial neuropathy VBF bL u
isokinetic p. u wd perihamate injury =w]J u WU

P. modular total knee ]bF* WKUJ Wd UN perilunar WN u

system fUud V p. instability WN u dI b
motion p. wd( qLF p. transscaphoid dislocation WN u w e d lK
movement p. w^d qLF perilunate wN u
safety p. W _ p. carpal dislocation wN u wG lK
P. total knee system V WKUJ Wd UN p. dislocation wN u lK
fUud p. fracture-dislocation wN u ywFK d
P. unicompartmental knee e=O( WU_ Wd UN perimysial W]OKCF We( UNE o=KF
system fUud V perimysiitis W]OKCF We( UN UN
perfringens rU perimysium dzUN W]OKCF We( UN
Clostridium p. WLU( W]O=D* WOKCF e(
perfusion Wd perineal ywU
digital blood p. l
 W]ub Wd p. flap W]OU WKb
Periactin 5Ud p. post UF nK
perianal dA u p. sensation wU U
p. sensation dA u U perinealis WKC W]OUF
p. skin dA u bK luxatio p. wUF u( lK
periaquedactal U*U jO perineum UF
p. gray (PAG) U*U WDO* W]OUM= perineural VBFU jO
p. gray nucleus U*U WDO* W]OUM= uM p. fibrosis VBFU jO n^OK
periarthrosis humeri bCF u UB p. tissue VBFU jO* ZOM
periarticular qBH* u perineurial W]OBF We( UNE o=KF
p. fibrositis qBH* u wHO UN p. neurorrhaphy W]OBF We( UN u
p. fracture qBH* u d perineurium W]OBF We( UN
p. heterotopic ossification u l^{u dUG r^EF period
qBH* absolute refractory p. oKD* d(
p. tissue qBH* u ZO functional refractory p. wHOu d(
pericapsular osteotomy WEH* u rEF lD incubation p. WUC(
pericardium uU latent p. sU
glutaraldehyde-prepared d]C* dI uU] refractory p. d(
bovine p. bObduK'U relative refractory p. wM d(
pericellular halo W]OK) u WU silent p. XU]B b
perichondral dCG u perionychium f
p. circulation dCG u ub b perioperative Wd'U WDO* dH
p. ring dCG u WIK p. antibiotic therapy w WuO( UC*U W'UF*
perichondrium dCG UL Wd'U WDO* dH

- 511 -
p. reduction Wd'U WDO* dH w y periprosthetic Wb jzu o=KF
periosteal wUL p. fracture Wb u d
p. bone collar w UL wLEF uD peridentinitis du u UN
p. cambium layer WI w UL VKI WI Achilles p. u dF UN
s=OK ZOM s WIO p. crepitans du u wF d UN
p. chondroma w UL wdC peritendinous scar du u Wb
p. chondrosarcoma W]O UL W]OdC WuU peritoneum UHB
p. desmoid w UL wU peritrapezial injury =wF]d* u WU

p. fibroma w UL wHO peritrapezoidal injury w dM* u WU

p. osteosarcoma W]O UL W]OLEF WuU peritrochanteric fracture b* u d

p. tissue w UL ZO periungual dH^EU jO
p. vessel w UL U p. fibroma dH^E X ywHO
periosteotome UL lC Perkins eMOd
Alexander-Farabeuf p. V UL lC P. line eMOd ^j
uU bMJ P. test eMOd U
Ballenger p. dM=U V UL lC P. traction eMOd ^d
Brown p. d V UL lC P. vertical line eMOd V uLF ^j)
periosteum UL Perlstein brace sUAd UM
periostitis UL UN Perma--Hand silk suture bU UdO V dd( jO)
p. ossificans r=EF* UL UN Permalock uUdO
suppurative p. wOI UL UN Weber P. uUdO d
peripatellar tendinitis WH{d u du UN permanent rz
peripheral wDO p. disability rz e
p. nerve wDO VB p. implant WLz Wd
p. nerve block wDO; VBF UB peroneal uE
p. nerve block anesthesia wDO; VBF UBS ZOM p. artery uEA Ud=A
p. nerve injury wDO; VBF WU
p. compartment syndrome W]uEA Wu' W
p. nerve palsy wDO; VBF qK p. dislocation uE lK
p. nervous system (PNS) wDO; wBF UN' p. groove uE rK
p. neurocompressive wBF UGC dD{ p. muscle W]uE WKC
disorder wDO; p. muscle spasm W]uEA WKCF Z^MA
p. neuropathy wDO; VBF p. nerve uE VB
p. polyneuritis WDO* UB_ UN p. nerve injury uEA VBF WU

p. pulses symmetrical and dUM* t]ODO* UCM p. nerve palsy uEA VBF qK
intact WLOK p. palsy uE qK
p. vascular disease (PVD) W]ODO* WO_ p. spastic flatfoot W]uEA W]O^MA U]d bI
p. vascular insufficiency W]ODO; WO_ uB p. tendon uE d
p. vascular surgery (PVS) W]ODO; WO_ Wd p. tendon displacement uEA du Ue
p. vascular system (PVS) W]ODO; WO_ UN p. tendon sheath injection uEA du bL sI
peripisiform injury wB=L( u WU
p. vein uEA bu

- 512 -
peroneum WKC W]OEA perstans b
os p. W]OEA rE maculara eruptiva p. W1b* W]OHD lI
peroneus WKC W]uEA Perthes dO
p. brevis (PB) WKC dOBI W]uEA P. disease dO
p. brevis elongation dOBI W]uEA quD P. lesion dO W
p. brevis muscle dOBI W]uEA WKCF P. procedure dO d
p. brevis split (PBS) dOBI W]uEA dD pes b
p. brevis tendon dOBI W]uEA d p. anserinus =u q
p. longus WKC WKuD W]uEA p. anserinus syndrome =u q W
p. longus muscle WKuD W]uEA WKCF p. anserinus transplant =u q rF
p. longus tendon WKuD W]uEA d p. cavovalgus U UBL b
p. tertius muscle WU W]uEA WKCF p. cavovarus U UBL b
p. tertius tendon WU W]uEA d p. cavus ^uI] WOU b W]OBL b
peronychium f p. equinus bH b
peroxide bOdO bO u p. planovalgus U] b
p. flush bOdO Z^u p. planovalgus deformity U]d bI ^uA
hydrogen p. 5bON bOdO p. plantigrade planus u W]OBL W]D b
perpendicular bUF p. planus W]D b
p. strumming bUF d p. planus deformity W]D* bI ^uA
perphenazine yUC =bN sUMO dO p. valgoplanus W]D* Ud bI
U^cK p. valgoplanus deformity W]D* Ud bI ^uA
Perry dO PET dB
P. extensile anterior V u wU_ vQ* positron emission b
U ^wFDI* duB]
approach dO tomography =wdu
P. technique dO WId petechia, pl. petechiae d ) d
Perry-Nickel qJO dO Peterson traction ud ^d
P.-N. cranial halo dO V W]OHI WUN Petit triangle wO dOGB Y]K*
qJO Petren gait d WOA
P.-N. technique qJO dO WId Petrie spica cast d V wKM VUI
Perry-OBrien-Hodgson u sd dO petrissage pOb] s u s
P.-O.-H. technique u sd dO WId petrolatum gauze dU U
P.-O.-H. triple tenodesis dO V duK W]O WUO Peyronie disease =wHNJ r' W
u sd Pfannenstiel qOMOU
Perry-Robinson cervical dO V W]Od WIdD P. approach qOMOU vQ
technique uM P. transverse approach V dF* vQ*
Persantin 5UdO qOMOU
persistent .b PFC dB
p. notochord .b* dI pelvic flexion contracture uK wM* l^HI
p. occiput/atlas WINH cI W dD{ PFC hip stem wM* l^HIK u c
disrelationship .b* uK

- 513 -
PFC modular total knee l^HIK =bF* WKUJ Wd UN P. test 5U U
system uK wM* P. wrist flexion test 5U V rBF* wM U
PFFD dB phantom w
proximal femoral focal wb cH R hI]M p. pain phenomenon w]A r_ dU
deficiency p. sensation w r
PGP dB pharmacodynamic W]Oz]b UJOUM=bU o=KF
PGP flexible nail system PGP d* UL* UN pharmacokinetic W]Oz]b pzd(U o=KF
PGP nail PGP UL* pharyngeal tissue ^wuFK ZOM
PGR cemented modular PGR j]KL* ]bF* UN' phase u u
system fibroblastic p. W]OHO=K U_ u
PGS-3000 pulsed galvanic PGS 3000 iUM wUHK' UM* flexor p. wM* uD
stimulator granulation p. V^ u
phagocytosis WLFK inflammatory p. wUN uD
phal dB maturation p. ZCM u
phalanges U]O remodeling p. WuI U u
phalanx v reparative p. wOKB u
phalangeal yw stance p. wA* w WH u u
p. articular orientation w wKBH t^u swing p. `Q u
p. clamp w UIK Pheasant XUO
p. diaphyseal fracture w b' d P. discotome XUO V dI lC
p. dislocation w lK) P. elbow technique XUO V od* WId
p. fracture w dJ Phelps fKO
p. fracture fixation w dJ XO P. brace fKO UM
p. malunion correction w U u `OB P. neurectomy fKO V VBF lD
p. neck =w oMF P. orthosis fKO uI
p. osteotomy w rEF lD P. partial resection fKO V wze' lDI
phalangealization UO uJ P. scapulectomy fKO V nJ UB
phalangectomy v UB P. splint fKO dO
intermediate p. WD=u* v UB Phemister dOL
phalangization =w qJA ^uJ P. acromioclavicular pin u d wd_ u^b XO
phalanx, pl phalanges (phal) U]O v fixation dOL V
accessory p. W]OU{ v P. biopsy trephine dI*U We VIM*U We
delta p. U v dOL V
distal p. (DP) WO
UI v P. medial approach to tibia V uMEK w vQ*
osteitis distal p. WO
UI v rE UN dOL
proximal p. (PP) WOb v P. onlay bone graft V wF
d rEF rF
waist of the p. v dB dOL
Phalen 5U P. onlay bone graft wF
d rEF rF WId
P. maneuver 5U UM technique dOL V
P. position 5U l{ P. technique dOL WId

- 514 -
Phemister-Bonfiglio uOKOHu dOL WId P. screw fOKO Vu
technique P. screwdriver fOKO ^pH
phencyclidine (PCP) Z=M s=J sbOKJOMO P. screw head fOKO V VuK
Phenergan UdM P. splint fOKO dO
phenol uMO pHisoHex fJeO
p. cauterization uMOHU wJ phlebothrombosis b U
p. matrixectomy uMOHU dD* UB phlegmasia cerulea dolens rR* =e* ^bu UN
p. nerve block uMOHU VBF UB phlogistic agent wUN qU
phenolization uMOHU WU
phocomelia d_ r^IH
phenomenon dU Phoenix total hip prosthesis V qUJ u Wb
bioelectric p. W]OuuOdN dU fJu
give-way p. UON dU phonophoresis wFL dA
lambrical-plus p. WOUd) W]OU{ dUE hydrocortisone p. wFL dA
phantom pain p. wA r_ dU eOubONU
pivot-shift p. dzUB Ue dU ultrasound p. ozUH wFL dA
Raynaud p. uM dU uB
referred anatomic p. W]OFO W]OdA dU Phoresor II iontophoretic dAU W_ UD UN
referred trigger point p. WFOd W]Ue WDIM dU drug delivery system 2 uuH wu_
relaxation p. U dU phosphatase UUH
release p. dU alkaline p. .e W]uK UUH
staircase p. W]OL]K dU phosphate UH
temporary cavity p. X] R* u' dU calcium p. uOUJ UH
wind-up p. UO dU nicotinamide-denine 5_ bOuOKu =wzUM UH
phentolamine uFHLK yUC 5uMO dinucleotide p.(NADPH) bOUMOuJOM
wM_ technetium-99m p. 99m uOAOMJ UH
phenylbutazone yUC s=J Uu qOMO tetracalcium p. uOUJ wU UH
UN tricalcium p. uOUJ w UH
phenytoin dBK yUC suOM phosphokinase .e UMOuH
VKI rE dD{ creatine p. 5UdJ UMOuH
Philadelphia UOHO phospholipids W]uHH U]OLA
P. collar UOHO u phosphorus dA fU) dBMF uHH
P. collar cervical support V W d U u photogrammetry wzuC wU* duB
UOHO x-ray p. wbF* wzuC wU* duB
P. Plastizote cervical brace UOHO V oMF UM photon densitometry UuuH W U UO
e photopenia uC hI
Phillips fOKO hardware p. wzuC UF hI
P. head screw fOKO V d Vu photoplethysmography wzuC r^ jOD
P. head screwdriver fOKO V d ^pH digital p. wL d wzuC r^ jOD
P. recessed head screw V d d Vu phrenic nerve wU( VBF
fOKO phycomycosis wK UD

- 515 -
physeal uL disease
p. fracture uL d PI dB
p. growth uL yuL posteroinferior wKH wHK
p. injury W]uL WU
pick q=K gJM
p. line uL yj dental p. w=M qOK
p. mammillary process uL_ wLK( TUM pickups uB UD
p. region W]uL WOU pick-up test UF U
physes (pl. of physis) UOL_ Picot incision uJO ^o
physiatrist VO wFOD F w
UB Pidcock pin ub u^
wzUeO piece e WFD
physical wzUeO wFO Bunker foot p. dJu V bI WFD
p. activity wzUeO UA chin-occiput p. cI s c WFD
P. Activity Readiness =wFOD UAMK W]eU' UO piecemeal U]Ob
Questionnaire (PAR-Q) pie-crusting skin graft UD dA bK rF
p. agent wFOD qUF Piedmont fracture XubO d
p. capacities evaluation W]OFOD UF rOOI Pierrot-Murphy w u dO
(PCE) P.-M. advancement insertion dO V w1bI d
p. capacity evaluation (PCE) W]OFOD WF rOOI wu
p. daily living skills (PDLS) W]OFOD W]OuO UO( UN P.-M. tendon technique dO V du WId
p. impairment ^wzUeOH uBI wu
p. therapy (PT) ^wzUeOH F PIEx dB
p. work wb qLF posteroinferior external wU wKH wHK
physiologic wuueO PIEx ilium W]OKH W]OHK) W]OU) WH d(
p. barrier wuueOH qzU( PIEx subluxation wHK) wU) wze' lK)
p. motion W]OuueOH Wd( wKH
p. response W]OuueOH WU piezoelectric wDG{dN wDG{ wdN
p. saline wuueOH wK* uK; p. accelerometer wdNJ ld UOI
p. valgus ^wuueOH d wDGC
physiological hyperactivity wuueOH UAM d p. potential wDG{ wdN sU
physiology UOuueO piezogenic QAM* wDG{
exercise p. sdL UOuueO pigeonbreast RR b
WUL( b

physiolysis wuueO q^K pigmented mDB

central p. ed wuueO q^K p. nodular synovitis of bOIF wKOe UN
Physio-Stim bone growth rO ueO rEF uL UM tendon sheath du bLG mDB*
stimulator p. villonodular bursitis bOIF wUe d' UN
physiotherapist wFO]D ZUF* wzUeOH ZUF* mDB*
physis, pl. physes YO quD rEF r WOL p. villonodular synovitis bOIF wUe wKOe UN
wuD u/ b mDB*
phytanic acid storage pOUOH iL e posteroinferior internal wK wKH wHK

- 516 -
PIIn ilium W]OKH W]OHK) W]OKb WH d( Arthrex zebra p. fd V wUF u^
PIIn subluxation wHK) wKb wze' lK) ASIF screw p. ASIF VuK u^
^wKH Asnis p. fO u^
pilar cyst W]dF WO Austin Moore p. u 5 u^
pillar UL ball guide p. dJ qO]b u^b
articular p. wKBH UL ball-point guide p. WLI dJ qO]b u^b
p. pain ULF r ball-tip guide p. c dJ qO]b u^b
p. tenderness ULF Barr p. U u^
Pillet hand prosthesis XOKO V bO Wb beaded guide p. w qO]b u^b
pillion fracture W]]b bFI d beaded hip p. w u u^
pillow U beaded reamer guide p. w uI* qO]b u^b
abduction p. bOF U Beath p. YO u^
Bio-Gel decubitus p. q uO V W]OzUIK U Belos compression p. uK V UGC u^
Carter elevation p. dU V ld U bevel-point Rush p. d n]K u^
cervical p. W d U Bilos p. uKO u^
p. fracture Uu d bioresorbable p. UA qU wuuO u^
Frejka p. UJd U Bohler p. dKu u^
IMP-Capello slimline qu j bOF U Bohler-Knowles hip p. dKu V u u^
abduction p. IMP u^KU V fu
PRN p. U Bohler-Steinmann p. ULMO dKu u^
p. splint W]U dO Bohlman p. U*u u^
Wal-Pil-O neck p. uKO V oMF U Breck p. pd u^
calacaneal p. wI u^
pilomatrixoma =dF]A dD* calibrated p. dUF u^
pilomotor WKC dF]A W]HI calibrated guide p. dUF* qO]b u^b
p. dysfunction dF]A W]HI WHO qK Canakis p. fOJU u^
p. response dF]A W]HI WU Canakis beaded hip p. V w u u^
pilon fracture =b* d fOJU
pilonidal ydF cancellous p. wMH rEF u^
p. cyst W]dF WO Charnley p. wKU u^
p. dimple W]dF WF
p. chuck u^b iI
p. sinus ^dFA VO' clavicle p. u d u^
pilot Ud cloverleaf p. rOd W qJA u^
p. drill Ud VI collapsible p. UL ld u^
Pilot point screw uKO V wDIM VuK Compere p. du u^
pin u^ Compere threaded p. du V eK* u^b
absorbable p. UB qU u^ Compton clavicle p. uu V u d u^
Ace p. u^ Conley p. wKu u^
alignment p. nO
d u^ cortical p. dAI rEF u^
Apex p. fJO u^ Craig p. Zd u^

- 517 -
Crego-McCarroll p. ^U p ud u^ Hoffmann p. ULu u^
Crowe-tip p. d c u^ Hoffmann apex fixation p. V W]LI XO u^
Crutchfield p. bKOHAd u^ ULu
p. cutter u^b lU Hoffmann transfixion p. ULu V uI* u^b
Davis p. eO u^ p. holder u^b pL
Day p. u^ hook p. wUD u^
Day fixation p. V XO u^ p. implant W]Ou^ Wd
deluxe FIN p. dUH FIN u^ intramedullary p. wIM q u^
Denham p. UN u^ Jones p. eu u^
DePuy p. u u^ Jones compression p. eu V UGC u^
Deyerle p. dO u^ Jurgan p. Uu u^
Deyerle II p. dO V II u^ Kirschner p. dMdO u^
drill p. VI* u^ Kirschner wire p. dMdO V wJK u^
Ender p. b u^ Knowles p. fU u^
p. external fixator u^bK wU) X=* Knowles hip p. fU V u u^
Fahey p. wU u^ Kronendonk p. pbMd u^
Fahey-Compere p. du wU u^ Kronfeld p. bKOHd u^
femoral p. c  u^ Kntscher p. dAu u^
femoral guide p. c H qO]b u^ lateral guide p. wAu qO]b u^
Fischer transfixing p. dAO V XO u^ locating p. UJ* bb u^
fixation p. XO u^ Lottes p. fu u^
p. fixation u^b XO marble bone p. dd* rEF u^
Freebody p. ud u^ Markley retention p. wKd V XO] u^
friction lock p. qHI ywUJ u^ Matthews-Green p. sd fuU u^
Furness-Clute p. uK fU u^ McBride p. bd p u^
Gouffon hip p. uu V u u^ medullary p. uI u^
p. guard u^b WUL metal p. =eK u^
p. guide u^b qO Modny p. wu u^
guide p. qO u^ Moore p. u u^
Hagie p. wU u^ Moore fixation p. u V XO u^
Hagie hip p. wU V u u^ Moule screw p. u V VuK u^
halo p. wU u^ Neufeld p. bKu u^
Hansen-Street p. Xd sU u^ nonbeaded guide p. w dO qO u^
Hare p. U u^ Norman tibial p. Uu V uME u^
Hatcher p. dAU u^ Olds p. b u^
Haynes p. fMU u^ Oris p. f u^
p. headrest XbO u^ Ormco p. uJ u^
Hegge p. U u^ Orthofix p. fJOu u^
Hewson breakaway p. uu V UBH u^ OrthoSorb absorbable p. qUI uu u^
hexhead p. d wb u^ UB

- 518 -
osseous p. wLE u^ Smith-Petersen p. sd YOL u^
osteotomy p. rEF lD u^ Smith-Petersen fracture p. YOL V dJ u^
percutaneous p. bK' odD u^ sd
Pidcock p. ubO u^ SMo Moore p. u V SMo u^
Pitcock p. uJO u^ smooth p. fK u^
p. and plaster fixation f' u^bU XO smooth Steinmann p. fK_ ULMO u^
p. and plaster method f' u^b WId socket p. aM u^
precurved ball-tipped c dJ qO]b u^b spring p. U] u^
guide p. U wMM* Stader p. U u^
Pritchard Mark II p. WOU Wu s UAd u^ Steinmann p. ULMO u^
Pugh hip p. u V u u^ Steinmann fixation p. ULMO V XO u^
resorbable polydioxanon p. uUu wu u^ Street p. Xd u^
UB qUI Street medullary p. Xd V wIM u^
restorative p. uA( u^ strut-type p. rzUb jL s u^
p. retractor wu^ UF p. suture W]Ou^b WUO)
Rhinelander p. bOM u^ Synthes guide p. fMO V qO]b u^b
Rica guide p. UJ V qO]b u^b Tachdjian p. UObU u^
Rica wire guide p. V wJK qO]b u^b threaded p. eK u^
UJ threaded guide p. eK* qO]b u^b
Riordan p. u u^ threaded Steinmann p. eK* ULMO u^
Rissler p. dK u^ tibial p. uME u^
Rissler-Stille p. w=KO dK u^ tibial guide p. wuME qO]b u^b
Roger Anderson p. ub d u^ p. track u^b U
Rush p. u^ p. tract infection u^b U b
Rush intramedullary wIM q XO u^ traction p. =d' u^
fixation p. V transarticular p. qBH* u^
Safir p. dOU u^ transcapitellar p. dOJ rEF u^
Sage p. U u^ transfixing p. V U u^
Scand p. bUJ u^ transfixion p. VI] u^
Schanz p. eU u^ trochanteric p. b u^
Schneider p. bUM u^ Turner p. ddO u^
Schweitzer p. eUH u^ union broach retention p. U d X= u^
self-broaching p. lOu] w u^ Varney p. wU u^
self-tapering p. d w u^ Venable-Stuck p. U qUM u^
Serrato forearm p. ud V bU u^ Venable-Stuck fracture p. qUM V dJ u^
Shanz p. eU u^ U
Shriners p. dMd u^ p. vise u^b WeK qM
p. site u^b l u von Saal medullary p. U u V wIM u^
skeletal p. wKJO u^ Walker hollow quill p. u_ uJ* u^b
Smillie p. w=KOL u^ d V

- 519 -
Watanabe p. UM u^ pinprick ub e
Watson-Jones guide p. u V qO]b u^b p. sensation ub eu U
eu p. test ub e U
Webb p. V u^ pin-seating forceps bFI* u^b jIK
wrench p. jd UH u^ Piotrowski sign d w wJ duO W
Zimfoam p. uH1 u^ ed* =wBFUN'
Zimmer p. d=1 u^ PIP dB
pin-bone interface rEF u^ WNO proximal interphalangeal wb UO 5
pincer WU]L piperacillin rOdK yUC 5KOd
p. nail WU]LJ UL PIPJ dB
p. palpation WU]LJ ^f proximal interphalangeal wb UO 5 qBH*
p. testing WU]LJ U joint
pinch W
]d WJ d Pipkin 5JO
p. callus dI c P. classification of femoral c H dJ 5JO nOMB
p. grasp W
]dI iI fracture
key p. UN WKL 5 UH* WJ P. fracture classification V dJ nOMB UN
WU] WOU system 5JO
lateral squeeze p. wAu d
UF dI P. posterior hip dislocation wHK) u lK nOMB
p. meter dI UOI classification 5JO V
palmar p. bO W WJ P. subclassification of 5JO V wdH nOMB
p. power WJ* b Epstein-Thomas Uu 5 nOMB
p. restoration WJ* UF classification
p. skin graft =wd) bK' rFD Pirie dO
p. strength WJ* ]u P. bone dO rE
pinchometer dI UOI talonavicular ossicle of P. V w wKU rE
Prestop p. ud V dI UOI dO
ping-pong fracture d U q nM d piriformis qJ]A ^d]L
WUD p. sign W]d]LJ WKCF W
Pinkus UJM p. syndrome W]d]LJ WKCF W
fibroepithelioma of P. V wHOK UNE u piriform sclerosis ilium d]LJ WHd( V^KB
UJM Pirogoff amputation udO d
pinning fOb piroxicam UC b UJOdO
closed p. oKG fOb WbdO UN
knowles p. fU fOb Pischel micro-pin qAO V dOGB u^b
open p. uH fOb pisiform qJA wB=L
percutaneous p. bK' fOb p. bone wB=L rE
Sherk-Probst V bK' fOb p. bursa wB=L d
percutaneous p. Xd pd p. metacarpal ligament wB=L wFM U
Sofield p. bKOu fOb p. ossification wB=L( r^EF
Wagner closed p. dMU V oKG* fOb pisotriquetral arthritis w]K* wB]L( qBH* UN

- 520 -
pistol-grip hand drill wb iI b VI k-wire p. k pK WF{u
piston fJ needle p. d WF{u
cannulated expulsion p. v]MI* lb fJ PCL oriented p. (POP) VUB* UdK t]u* WF{u
p. prosthesis W]OJ Wb wHK)
p. sign W]OJ W percutaneous needle p. bK' odD d WF{u
pistoning f plate p. WOHB WF{u
p. motion fJ Wd portal p. U WF{u
pitching uO w posterolateral bone graft p. wHK) rEF rF WF{u
p. injury uO U WU
Pitcock uJO rod p. u^M WF{u
P. nail uJO UL sacral screw p. eF VuK WF{u
P. pin uJO u^ variable screw p. (VSP) dUG* VuK WF{u
pitting edema W]b WFDM W placing reflex lO{d bM UI fJFM
Pittsburgh pelvic frame dO V u( U plafond nI
pituitary WOUM bG vUM p. fracture nI d
p. grasper vU M pU tibial p. uME nI
p. rongeur vU M W{]d plain U jO
PIVM dB p. pattern plate jLM WU WOH

passive intervertebral WKFHM* UIH 5 Wd( p. rotary scissors jO ]b ^hI*
motion p. screwdriver jO ypH
PIVM testing UIH 5 Wd( U p. tissue forceps jO ZOM jIK
WKFHM* plan W]D
pivot dzU
preoperative p. Wd' q W]D)
calcar p. wI dzU
plane u
p. of calcar VIF dzU
anatomic p. wdA u
p. joint b qBH dzU
qBH axial p. u u
u vK coronal p. u* ^wKOK u*
medial stem p. w c' dzU
pivot-shift dzUB Ue facet p. wNO u
p.-s. phenomenon dzUB Ue dU fascial p. wUH u
p.-s. sign dzUB Ue W flexion-extension p. j wM u
p.-s. test dzUB Ue U frontal p. wN u
PJ dB Hensen p. sM u
patellar jerk WH{d WCH Hodge p. u u
PL dB horizontal p. ywI u
palmaris longus WKC WKuD W]Od internervous p. wBF 5 u*
placement WF{u intertubercular p. 5b( 5 u*
bone graft p. wLEF rFD WF{u 5]OH d(
hand p. bO WF{u Ludwig p. ZOu u
kirschner wire p. dMdO pK WF{u median sagittal p. n
UM wLN u*

- 521 -
mesiodistal p. w
UI w u* p. fasciotomy W]OBL_ WUHK ^o
midsagittal p. wHB=M ^wLN] u* p. fibromatosis wBL_ wHOK u
U]M u* p. flexed wMM* hL_
paramedian sagittal p. n
U]MK U* ^wLN u* p. flexion wBL wM
pelvic p. w{u( u* p. flexion-inversion wKb I l wM ^uA
primary movement p. W]O]_ Wd( u deformity hL
sagittal p. wLN u* p. keratosis hL_ dI
spinous p. wuA u* p. lateral base W]OAu hL_ bU
sternoxiphoid p. uUd w=BI u* p. ligament wBL_ Ud
subcostal p. {_ X u* p. longitudinal incision ^wuD wBL_ ^oA
suprasternal p. hI u u* p. nerve ^wBL_ VBF
thoracic p. bB u* p. plate release WOBL_ WOHB dd
transverse p. dF* u* p. pressure wBL_ jGC
varus-valgus p. Z u p. reflex ywBL fJFM
vertical p. uL u p. release hL_ dd
planer >u jU p. response WOBL WU
calcar p. ULN* jU p. shift hL U
planning jOD p. spring ligament =wBL_ U]d U
preoperative p. Wd' q jOD  p. wart (PW) wBL uR
Planostretch stockings gdu u plantar-dorsiflexion hL wdNE wM
planovalgus U] b plantarflex hL_ wM
talipes p. w w nM plantarflexed hL_ ^wMM
plantar wBL p. first ray hL_ wMMLK W]O]_ W]F_
p. angulation wBL_ =e plantarflexion hL_ wM
p. aponeurosis ^wBL_ UH= plantarflexory hL_ wM WI=KF
p. approach wBL_ vQ* plantar-hindfoot-midfoot bI hL W]OLEF WKJ
p. arch W]OBL_ uI bony mass bI j d=Q*
p. arch support W]OBL_ uI U plantaris wBL
p. artery wBL_ UdA arcus p. W]OBL_ uI
p. axial view wBL u dEM keratosis palmaris et p. hL_ Wd dI
p. Babinski response W]OBL_ wJMU WU p. muscle W]OBL_ WKCF
p. bony prominence wBL wLE d p. tendon W]OBL_ d
p. calcaneonavicular w e wIF Ud .bI p. tendon graft W]OBL_ d rF
ligament-tibialis posterior wHK) du wBL_ verruca p. wBL uR
tendon advancement wuME plantar-lateral release hL wAu dd
p. condylectomy W]OBL_ WLIK UB plantar-medial release hL w dd
p. corn wBL d plantarward ^wBL_ VIA
p. fascia WOBL_ WUHK plantigrade u ^wBL
p. fascial release WOBL_ WUHK dd p. foot u W]OBL bI
p. fasciitis WOBL_ WUHK UN p. platform u W]OBL WOH

- 522 -
planum `D u closing wedge manipulation U WIKG* W]OMOH WKUM*
planus b U] and reapplication of p. f' l{
Anderson-Fowler anterior wU_ wIF rEF lD opening wedge U WuH* W]OMOH WKUM*
calcaneal osteotomy V U]d bIK manipulation and f' l{
pes p. dU ub reapplication of p.
collapsing pes valgo p. UBL W]D U b p. sore f' Wd
flexible pes p. Wd W]D b p. splint W]O dO
Gleich osteotomy for pes Ud bIK rEF lD p. toe cap W]O' bI l
valgo p. gOK V W]D* x-ray in p. (XIP) f' UM w W]OMO W]F_
pes p. W]D b x-ray out p. (XOP) f' s bOF W]OMO W]F_
pes plantigrade p. u W]OBL W]D b Zoroc p. f
pes valgo p. W]D U b plaster-of-Paris (POP) fU f
rigid pes p. WK
W]D b p.-o.-P. bandage fU f WUB
Selakovich procedure for bIK gOu d p.-o.-P. cast fU f VU
pes valgo p. W]D* Ud elastic p.-o.-P. d* fU f
talipes p. w nM p.-o.-P. splint fU f dO
plasma U plastic wJO yw
p. cell myeloma U) ^U uI p. ankle-foot orthosis wJO bI qUJ uI
coagulated p. d=  U p. ball implant W]OJO W]dJ WdG
p. B-endorphin w wzU 5b p. body jacket W]OJO b' d
p. volume shift U r U p. bowing fracture sb]K UM d
plasmacytoma U]U p. cast wJO VU
aggressive solitary p. bOu U]U p. collar wJO u
=wbF p. deformation ^uA
extramedullary p. wIM U U]U p. floor reaction ankle-foot bI qUJ uI
plasmanate U]U orthosis sb w{ qUH
plasmapheresis U UB p. heel cup W]OJO VIF uMK
plasmin 5 Hexalite p. XUJ szb
plast WOU p. implant W]O1uI WdG
Putti bone p. wu V rEF WOU p. leaf-spring (PLS) wJO w u U]d
Plastalume uU p. limited-motion joint Wd( wJO qBH*
P. bulb-ended splint wKB dD dO' b*
uU V low-temperature p. WCH M* d( szbK
P. straight splint V WLOI* dO' p. marrow canal restrictor wJO wIM UM b=OI
uU Orthoplast p. Xu szb
Plastazote insole U V qFM sU p. orthosis wJO uI
plaster f We p. repair w `OKB
Batchelor p. uKAU f p. strain w w
p. cast yw VU thermolabile p. d(U WuD szb
p. cast application burn w' VUI oOD d unitary p. W]b szb

- 523 -
PlastiCast adjustable joint uC* qBH* VU UN AO small fragment p. AO dOGB WbA WOH

cast system XUJO V ASIF p. ASIF WOH

plasticity W]OH^OJ Wb ASIF broad dynamic W]OUGC rEF WOH

connective tissue p. UC ZOM W]OH^OJ compression bone p. ASIF WCdF W]OJOUMb
Plasticor prosthesis uJO Wb ASIF right-angle blade p. We WLzUI qBM WOH

Plasti-Pore u w ASIF
P.-P. ossicular replacement ULOEF b Wb ASIF T-p. T qJA ASIF WOH

prosthesis u w V autocompression p. UGC W]O WOH

P.-P. prosthetic material u w V W]Ob ]U* avulsion of nail p. dOU* WOH

Plastizote e Badgley p. wKU WOH

P. arch support e V uI U Bagby p. wU WOH

P. cervical collar e V W d u Bagby angled ]e* UGC WOH

P. cervical collar orthosis V W d u uI compression p. wU V

e Batchelor p. uKAU WOH

P. orthotic device e V .uI eON p. bender WOHB wM

P. shoe liner e V c( s=D blade p. W]OKBM WOHB
Plastizote-kydex cervical e V oMF X= Blount blade p. XuK V W]OKBM WOHB
immobilizer fbO bone p. rEF WOH

plasty Bosworth spine p. V WOu WOH

Coleman p. U*u uu
Durham p. U bridge p. W]d WOH

rotation p. db broad AO dynamic W]OJOUMb UGC WOH

skin p. bK' compression p. WCdF

V-Y p. V-Y qJAU Burns p. edO WOH

Y-V p. Y-V qJAU butterfly-shaped monoblock UB W]U W]dI WOH

plate WOH
vertebral p. qJA W]Od
anchor p. Ud* WOH
buttress p. WUb WOH

anterior sacroiliac joint p. wH d( eF qBH* WOH

Calandruccio side p. V W]OU WOH

wU_ uOAb
antiglide p. e ]UC WOH
cap-and-anchor p. Ud* uMKI WOH

carbon fiber reinforced p. udJ UOQ ]eF* WOHB
AO blade p. AO W]OKB WOH
cartilaginous growth p. wdCG =uLM WOH

AO condylar p. AO WLIK WOH

cervical p. oMF WOH

AO condylar blade p. AO wLIK qBM WOH

cloverleaf p. rOd W qJA WOH

AO contoured T p. qJAU AO W]OUH WOH

coaptation p. rOK WOH

AO dynamic UGC WOH

cobra-head p. duJ WOH

compression p. AO W]OJOUMb Collison p. eO=u WOH

AO hook p. AO W]OUD WOH

compression p. UGC WOH

AOI blade p. AO W]OKBM WOHB condylar p. WLIK WOH

AO reconstruction p. AO UM WOH
contoured anterior spinal p. WU W]OU WdI WOH

- 524 -
contoured T-plate p. T qJA WOHB `OHB Harm posterior cervical p. V W]OHK) W d WOH

cortical p. W]dA WOH
Harris p. f=U WOH

craniocervical p W]O d W]OHI WOHB heavy-duty femur p. WMO* c H WOH

crosslink p. VUB* U WOH

heavy side p. WKOI W]OU WOH

95-degree condylar p. 95 W]e WLIK WOH

Hicks lugged p. V Wu* WOH]B
DePuy p. u WOH
Hoen skull p. sO V WLL' WOH

Deyerle p. d WOH
Holt p. Xu WOH

double Cobra p. duJ qJA We WOH

Holt nail p. Xu V UL* WOH

Driessen hinged p. 5 V W]= WOH

hook p. W]OUD WOH

dual p. W]OzUM WOH

Hubbard p. Uu WOH

Duopress p. fd WOH
intertrochanteric p. sb* sO WOH

dynamic compression p. W]OJOUMb UGC WOH

Jergesen p. sd WOH

(DCP) Jergesen I-beam p. We( sd WOH

Eggers p. d WOH
Eggers bone p. d V rEF WOH
Jergesen tapered p. V W] b* WOHB
Elliott femoral condyle W]c H WLIK W]OKB WOH
blade p. uO V Jewett p. Xu WOH

end p. W]Od WOH

Jewett nail overlay p. V WKb* UL* WOH

epiphyseal p. W]OUA* WOHB Xu

epiphyseal growth p. wUA* =uLM WOH
Jones compression p. eu V UGC WOH

femoral p. W]c  WOH

Kessel p. qOO WOH

fibrocartilaginous p. W]OHOK W]OdCG WOHB L. p. L WOHB

five-hole p. uI WL) WOHB Laing p. ZMO WOH

p. fixation WOHB XO Lane p. WOH

fixed-angle blade p. WU W W]OKB WOH

Lawson-Thornton p. uu u WOH

flexor p. WOM WOH

Letournel p. qu WOH

foot p. bI WOH

limited-contact dynamic W]OJOUMb UGC WOH

force p. ]uI WOH

compression p. UL b;
four-hole p. uI WF WOH
low-contact dynamic W]OJOUMb UGC WOH

Gallannaugh p. uU WOH
compression p. UL WCH M*
Giebel blade p. qO V W]OKBM WOHB Lundholm p. rub WOH

growth p. =uLM WOH

Massie p. w=U WOH

Hagie sliding nail p. V oeM* UL* WOH

May anatomical bone p. V W]OdA rEF WOH

wU w
Haid Universal bone p. V UdHOu rEF WOH
McBride p. bd p WOH

bU McLaughlin p. sKu p WOH

Hansen-Street p. Xd sU WOH

Mears sacroiliac p. W]OH d( W]eF WOHB
Harlow p. U WOH
dO V

- 525 -
Meurig Williams p. eUO Zu WOH
round hole p. db* VI WOHB
Milch p. aKO WOH
round-hole compression p. VI UGC WOH

Moe p. u WOH
Moe intertrochanteric p. u V sb* sO WOH
Roy-Camille p. qOU WOH

Moore sliding nail p. V WIeM*UL* WOH

Schweitzer spring p. eu V U]d WOH

u semitubular p. W]Ou nB WOH

Moreira p. du WOH

semitubular blade p. W]Ou nB W]OKB WOH

Morscher p. du WOH

semitubular compression p. nB UGC WOH

Mueller p. du WOH

Mueller compression W]OUGC W]OKBM WOHB Senn p. 5 WOH

blade p. du V serpentine p. W=uD WOH

nail p. dH^E WOH

Sherman p. UdO WOH

W]dH^E WOH]B Sherman bone p. UdO V rEF WOH

narrow AO dynamic W]OJOUMb UGC WOH

side p. WOU WOH

compression p. WI=OC slide p. WdA WOH

Neufeld p. bKu WOH

slotted femur p. WI]IA* c H WOH

neutralization p. bF WOH
Smith-Petersen p. sd YOL WOH

Newman p. UuO WOH


Nicoll p. uJO WOH

p. spacer washer WOHB UH qU
ninety-five degree W 95 WLIK WOH
spinous process p. wuA TU]M WOH

condylar p. spoon p. W]OIFK WOH

ninety-ninety p. 5F WOH

spring p. W]O

occipitocervical p. W]O d W]OcI WOHB stainless steel p. bBK WUI W]u WOH

Osborne p. u WOH
static compression p. WU UGC WOH

overlay p. bOd WOH

Steffee p. wHO WOH

palmar p. W]O WOH

stem base p. bUI WOc WOHB
peg-base p. bUI W]b WOHB subchondral p. dCG X WOHB
p. placement WOHB WF{u symmetrical thoracic dUM* bB UIH WOH

plain pattern p dD WDO WOH

vertebral p.
precurved p. U WOMM* WOHB symmetric sacral p. dUM* eF WOH

pressure p. jGC WOH

Synthes p. fMO WOH

protection p. WUL( WOH

tarsal p. W]OG
pterygoid p. W]OUM' WOHB Temple University p. qLO V WFU' WOHB
Pugh p. U WOH
tension band p. d^u jd WOH

pylon attachment p. W]OUMD

thoracolumbosacral p. W]OMDI W]bB WOHB
W] R* W]eF
quadrangular positioning U]e =wU UCO WOH
Thornton p. uu WOH

plate p. Thornton nail p. uu V W]UL WOH

reconstruction p. UM WOH
tibial p. uME WOH

Rohabur gait p. uU WOA WOH

titanium p. uOUO WOH

- 526 -
Townley tibial plateau p. V W]OuM^E WCN WOH
plate-screw Vu WOH

wKU p.-s. fixation VuK WOHB XO

Townsend-Gilfillan p. OHKO bMu WOH
p.-s. osteosynthesis WOHBU rEF wd XO
trial base p. W]Od WbU WOH
T-shaped AO p. T qJAU AO WOH
p.-s. system VuK WOHB UN
platform W]BM
tubular p. W]Ou_ WOHB plantigrade p. u W]OBL W]BM
Tupman p. U0u WOH
plating `OHB
UCBL foot p. UCBL nM
s bI WOH
anterior p. wU `OHB
UCP compression p. s UGC WOH
anterior spinal p. wU dI `OHB
diaphyseal p. wUA `OHB
Universal bone p. (UBP) UdHOu W]OLEF WOHB pedicle screw p. wIu VuKU `OHB
Uslenghi p. wMK WOH
posterior p. wHK `OHB
Venable p. qUM WOH
posterior spinal p. wHK dI `OHB
vertebral p. W]dI WOH
tension band p. d^u jd `OHB
vertebral end p. W]OzUN W]dI WOH
variable spinal p. (VSP) dUG dI `OHB
Vitallium p. uOUOH WOH
Platou osteotomy u V rEF lD
volar p. WO WOH
platybasia bUI `DKH
Wainwright p. XdM WOH
platysma muscle oMFK W]bK' WKCF
Wenger p. dMO WOH
platyspondylosis dIH `^D
Whitman p. UL WOH
play VF
Wilson p. uK WOH
end p. wzUN
wing p. W]OUM WOHB joint p. wKBH VF
Wright p. X WOH
muscle p. wKC VF
Zimmer femoral condyle c H WLIK W]OKBM WOHB pledget UL{
blade p. d=1 V Betadine-soaked p. sUOU WF]A* ULC
Zimmer side p. d=1 V W]OU WOH
p. dressing ULCU bOLC
Zimmer Y p. Y qJA d=1 WOH
p. of gauze UA UL{
Zuelzer p. e WOH
Gelfoam p. uHK' UL{
Zuelzer hook p. e V WOU]D) WOH]B pleomorphic UJ_ =bF
plateau WC p. fibrous histiocytoma =bF* wHO=K UM*
bicondylar tibial p. WLIK W]OzUM W]OuM^E WCN UJ_
proximal tibial p. WOb W]OuM^E WCN p. liposarcoma =bF W]OL WuU
tibial p. W]OuM^E WCN UJ_
platelet UOH
p. rhabdomyosarcoma WD]D * W]OKCF WuU]
p. concentrate UOHB U UJ_ =bF*
p. count UOHB bF plethysmography r^ jOD
platelet-derived growth UOHB s ^oA* =uLM qU digital p. wL d r^ jOD
factor impedance p. W UF*U r^ jOD
plate-like atelectasis qJ]A wOHB UL pleura WM'

- 527 -
parietal p. W]b' WM' fusion wHK)
pleural wM posterolateral interbody wHK) U_ 5 Zb
p. effusion wM UB fusion wAu
p. injury W]OM WU
plight Q
plexiform neurofibroma qJA dOH{ wB wHO musician's p. wIOu* Q
Plexiglas jig UOJK V mO' WB plinth bO
PlexiPulse compression V UGC eON plot WDOD
device fUOJK load-displacement p. qOL Ue WDOD
plexus dzUH{ dOH{ plotter WLd
p. block dOH{ UB X-Y p. X-Y qJA WLd
brachial p. W]bCF dOHC PLS dB
cervical p. W]O ]d dOHC plastic leaf-spring bK w u U]d
lumbosacral p. W]eF W]OMDI dOHC plug uA
sacral p. W]eF dOHC bone p. rEF uA
subdermal p. bK' X dOHC Buck p. u uA
superior hypogastric p. W]uKF W]OK) dOHC cement p. * uA
plica, pl. plicae UOM WOM plumb line U
d UH ^j
bucket-handle p. ub iI WOM Plummer-Vinson d uMO d W
infrapatellar p. WH{d X WOM syndrome UN UD WU{ l lK
medial p. W]O WOM wU< UAG uL{ UK
medial patellar p. W]O W]OH{d WOM d* uFK rHK
parapatellar p. WH{dK U WOM Plunger rb fU
pathological p. W]O{d WOM dome p. W]I fU
suprapatellar p. WH{d u WOM pluripotential suJ bF
symptomatic p. W]O{d WOM p. mesenchymal tumor suJ =bF wD=u
symptomatic synovial p. W]O{d W]OKO WOM p. mesenchymoma suJ =bF wD=u
p. syndrome WOM W Plus
synovial p. W]OKO WOM Steri-Cuff P. u dO
p. test WOM U plyometric exercise U_ =bF sd9
plication 5CG WOM plyometrics U_ bF
disk p. dI wM Plystan prosthesis UOK Wb
soft tissue p. s=OK ZOM wM PMD dB
plicectomy WOM UB progressive muscular w= d* ^wKCF q(
pliers jIK W] dystrophy
needle-nose p. n_ d jIK PMI-6A1-4V PMI-6A1-4V
orthopaedic p. UEF ruI W] P. implant metal PMI-6A1-4A WdG ^eK
orthopaedic surgical p. UEF Wd W] P. implant metal prosthesis PMI-6A1-4A WdG eK Wb
wire bending p. pK wM W] PMMA dB
PLIF dB polymethyl methacrylate dUO* qO wu
posterior lumbar interbody W]OMDI U_ 5 Zb P. centralizer dUO* qO wu edL

- 528 -
pneumatic wzu trigger p. eJd*
p. antishock garment WbBK ^UC* wzuN UJ bleeding p. eM WDI
p. compression boot wzuN UGC U u break p. dJ WDI
p. compression device wzuN UGC eON contact p. UL WDI
p. compression stockings W HM* UGC u Crowe pilot p. d V Ud WDI
p. cuff W]Ozu WH Crutchfield drill p. bKOHAd V VI* WDI
p. drill accessory VILK wzuN wU{ dorsal p. W]OdN]E WDIM
p. external compression W]OU) UGC eON drill p. VI* WDI
device W]OzuN electrodesiccated bleeding p. U]OzUdN WH]H WU WDI
p. splint W]Ozu dO end p. W]OzUN=M WDI^M vNM* WDI
p. tourniquet W]Ozu W
U entry p. ub WDI
p. tourniquet cuff W HM* W
UF W]H Erb p. WDI
pneumoarthrogram UGU uI* qBH* u
glenoid p. W]OU]I( WDI^M
pneumoniae uz inflexion p. u WDI
Diplococcus p. W]bIF W]uz=d We* ]uJ* isometric p. UF_ WU WDI
W]uz=d Krackow p. ud WDI
Klebsiella p. Wuzd WKOOKJ material failure break p. =U* uBIK dJ WDI
Streptococcus p. Wuzd WbIF Mathews drill p. uOU V VI* WDI
pneumonitis Wzd UN motor p. W]Od WDI
pneumothorax (px) bB d myofascial trigger p. W]OUHK W]OKCF U=e WDI
PNF dB Pauly p. W]OdN]E WDI^M wU WDI
proprioceptive wBF wKCF dOO pedicle entrance p. WIu qb WDI
neuromuscular facilitation oOLF w=( qI*U pressure p. jGC WDI UGC WDI
PNF technique wBF wKCF dOO WId primary myofascial W]OUHK W]OKCF U=e WDI
oOLF w=( qI*U trigger p. W]O]_
PNS dB Raney-Crutchfield drill p. w V VI* WDI
parasympathetic nervous = wBF UN' bKOHAd
system referred p. WFO WDI
peripheral nervous system wDO* wBF UN' satellite myofascial W]OUHK W]OKCF U=e WDI
PO dB trigger p. W]OKU
postoperatively Wd' bF secondary myofascial W]OUHK W]OKCF U=e WDI
P&O dB trigger p. W]uU
prostheses and orthoses .UI* b Steinmann pin with Crowe WDI l ULMO u^
podalgia bI r pilot p. d V Ud
podogeriatrics uOA b ^V tender p. (TeP) WLO WDI
podopediatrics UH_ b ^V p. tenderness WDI
Pogrund lateral approach bdu V wAu vQ* trigger p.s (TrPs) U=e UI
point WDI twist drill p. W]Ozu VI* WDI
anchoring p. U WDI Universal drill p. UdHOu VI* WDI
associated myofascial W]OUHK W]OKCF W]Ue WDI pointed toe shoe V]b* bI lU

- 529 -
pointer dOA pollicized ray wUN UF
hip p. u dOA pollicus bO UNS W]B WKC
shoulder p. nJ dOA abd p. bO UN b=F* WKCF
points UI abductor p. bO UN b=F* WKCF
Poirier tu abd p. bO UN W=dI* WKCF
space of p. tu eO adductor p. bO UN W=dI* WKCF
poisoning r^L opponens p. bO UN WKUI* WKCF
lead p. UdU r^L polyacetal resin UO_ bb 5
Poisson ratio uu W polyarteritis nodosa bIF 5d]A UN
poker spine UN du w UO polyarthritis 5dA UN
buU^d UIH juvenile p. wFHO 5dA UN
POL dB polyarthropathy q UH*
posterior oblique ligament qzU* wHK) Ud polyarticular arthritis q UH* UN
Poland bu polybutester suture du wu jO
P. classification of WUA* dJ bu nOMB Polycel bone composite s wLEF V]d* Wb
epiphyseal fracture prosthesis qOOu
P. classification of physeal W]uL_ WU bu nOMB Polycentric ed* =bF
injury P. and wide-Track knee e
d* =bF* W
d UN
P. syndrome bu W system U* lu
Polar u polycentric ed* =bF
P. Vantage XL heart u V XL VKI dDM p. knee prosthesis e
d* =bF* W
d Wb
monitor UU p. rotation e
d* =bF
P. wrap therapy u WUHK W'UF* polyclonal =bF* ]b 5uuK U]U d
polarization UDI hypergammaglobulinemia qzUM
Policy and Review U WFd* WUO WM' polydactyly lU _ d gMF
Committee for Human W]dA central p. ^e
d* gMF
Research postaxial p. u* nK gMF
polio wUM preaxial p. u* U gMF
poliomyelitis UM W]OUM UN thumb p. UN gM
p. treatment UM W]OUM UN Wassel classification of UN gMF q= nOMB
poll d]c* dI .b yr thumb p.
bO UN d d]R Polydek suture bOu WUO
pollicis bO UN Poly-Dial U wu
Pol Le Coeur osteotomy uJO u V rEF lD
P.-D. insert U wu d
pollex abductus WKC bO UN b=F P.-D. prosthesis U wu Wb
pollicis (poll) bO UN P.-D. socket U wu aM
p. longus muscle bO UN WKuD WKCF polyester suture d wu jO
pollicization bO UN W{UF UN polyether implant material dO wu s WdG ]U
Buck-Gramcko p. uJd u UN polyethylene 5KO wu
Riordan p. u UN ArCom processed p. u
_U ZUF 5KO wu

- 530 -
p. compression molding W]OMOKO wu WOUGC Wu polymethyl methacrylate dUO* qOO wu
p. debris 5KO wu UD (PMMA)
p. drain 5KO wu eM p. m. bone cement qOO wu s rEF 
high molecular weight p. u lHd* 5KO wu d
(HMWPE) we' p. m. cement d
UO* qOO wu 
p. implant material 5KO wu WdG ]U p. m. implant d
UO* qOO wu Wd
p. liner 5KO wu WUD polymorphonuclear u]M =bF UCO W]d
p. patellar implant prosthesis wu s WH{d Wd Wb leukocyte
5KO polymyalgia rheumatica weU^d CF r
porous p. rOL 5KO wu polymyositis CF UN
polyethylene 5KO wu polymyxin sJ wu
p. proximal brims in 5KO wu s WOb u( polyneuritiformis UB_ UN
quadrilateral contour {_ W]OUd UHJ w heredopathia atactia p. ywB yw yw
p. sleeve 5KO wu s yr
uH =bF
p. socket 5KO wu s aM polyneuritis UB_ UN
p. suture 5KO wu s jO peripheral p. W]ODO* UB_ UN
p. talar prosthesis ultrahigh 5KO wu s qUJ Wb polyneuropathy UB_
molecular we' u ozUH sensory p. W]O=( UB_
weight p. (UHMWPE) we' u s 5KO wu polyolefins bbF UMOH_
lHd* u polyostotic fibrous wLEF wHOK Z^M qK
polyethylene-faced 5KO wuK WNu dysplasia =bF*
p.-f. driver 5KO wuK WNu* W u polyp WKOK
p.-f. mallet 5KO wuK WNu* W dD* fibroepithelial p. W]UN W]OHO WKOK
Polyform splint uHOu dO polyphasic action potential u_ =bF* qFH sU
polygalactic acid suture pO wu jO polypropylene 5KOd wu
polyglactin suture 5 wu jO p. glycol-ankle-foot wu s bI qUJ uI
polyglycolic pOuJOK wu orthosis p. uJOK 5KOd
p. acid pOuJOK wu iL glycol-thoracolumbosacral wMDI bB uI*
p. acid suture pOuJOK wu iL jO orthosis 5KOd wu s eF
polyglyconate suture UuJOK wuU WUO uJOK
polylactic acid pO wu iL p. insert 5KOd wu d
polylactide screw bO wu Vu p. prosthesis 5KOd wu Wb
polymer dLK uJ p. suture 5KOd wu jO
cold-curing p. dU V]KB uJ polyradiculopathy W]OBF c'
Hylamer orthopaedic V wLEF bM* uJ acute inflammatory p. wUN W]OBF c'
bearing p. dO U(
self-curing p. UHA w uJ diabetic p. dJ W]OBF c'
polymeric debris uJ UD polyserositis UOKB* UN
polymerized duJ Polyskin dressing bK' 5J wu UL{
polymetatarsalia UA_ U =bF*

- 531 -
Polysonic ultrasound lotion wu s uB ozU u p. entrapment wCQ UH
pOu p. fossa W]OCQ* dH(
polytomography =bF wFDI duB p. fossa entrapment W]OCQ* dH( UH
polytrauma =bF `{ p. giant synovial cyst W LF W]OCQ* W]OKOe WOJ
p. patient =bF* `{d id p. hiatus W]OCQ Wd
polyurethane Uu wu p. ligament wCQ* Ud
p. cast Uu wu VU p. pressure sign wCQ* jGC W
p. implant material Uu wu Wd ]U p. pterygium syndrome W]OCQ* dHE W
polyvinyl qOMU wu p. recess wCQ
p. alcohol qOMUH bb u
p. space wCQ e=O
p. alcohol splint qOMUH bbF uJ dO p. synovial cyst W]OCQ W]OKO WO

p. alcohol splinting material bbF uJU dO ]U p. tendon wCQ* du
qOMUH p. vein wCQ* bu
p. implant material qOMUH bbF WdG ]U p. vessel ywCQ U
POMS dB popliteus wCQ W]OCQ* WKCF
Profile of Mood States e* U WK
U p. bypass W]OCQ* U:
Pond bu p. muscle W]OCQ* WKCF
P. adjustable splint WuC* bu dO p. tendon wCQ* du
Ponseti splint wu dO Poppen ridge sensitometer V w d( f^] UOI
ponticulus posticus wHK) dO' 5u
pontocaine sUuM porcine deM
pontoon spica cast rzUF wKM VUI p. prosthesis W]deM Wb
pool WFOL p. skin graft deM bK rF
Aquaciser p. eOu
WFOL Porocoat ud
AquaMotion p. suu
WFOL P. prosthetic material u
d Wb ]U
Endless Pool physical V wFOD F WFOL Porocoated AML WK]L; AML W]O Wb
therapy p. u fb noncemented prosthesis udU
SwimEx p. f
.u WFOL Porocool prosthesis uu Wb
p. therapy lOLU W'UF Poro-in-between sole hL_ 5 u
poor w nOF{ dOI bO porokeratosis, pl. dM dI
p. alignment w nOd porokeratoses
p. bone stock bOe rEF e p. plantaris discerta =dH wBL dM dI
p. cosmesis nOF]C qOL Porometal noncemented s W]O cH Wb
POP dB femoral prosthesis UOd
PCL oriented placement PCL V WN]u WF{u poroplastic splint pOu dO
plaster-of-Paris fU f porosity W]OU
popliteal wCQ porotic bone qK rE
p. artery wCQ* UdA porous rOL
p. crease W]OCQ* W]OD p. cementless component rOL w =uJ*
p. cyst W]OCQ* WOJ p. coating rOL D

- 532 -
p. ingowth fixation rOL wKb =uLM XO proximal medial p. w U
p. metal rOL ^eKH proximal midpatellar medial W]OAu W]O u_
p. polyethylene rOL 5KO wu and lateral p.s WH{d j_ WOb
p. polyethylene graft rOL 5KO wu rF straight posterior p. rOI wHK U
p. prosthetic material WLOL Wb ]U subacromial p. d_ X U
porous-coated rOLU v]DG superior p. uK U
p.-c. anatomic (PCA) rOLU v]DG* `dAU o=KF superolateral p. wA uK U
p.-c. anatomic prosthesis rOLU U]DG W]OdA Wb superomedial p. w uK U
(PCA prosthesis) suprapatellar p. WH{d u U
p.-c. anatomic total hip wdA qUJ u b Swedish p. gu U
replacement rOLU v]DG* transmalleolar p. VFJ d U
p.-c. anatomic total knee U]DG* W]OdA WKUJ W
d transpatellar tendon p. wH{d du odD U
rOLU transtendo calcaneus p. wIF du odD U
p.-c. component rOLU v]DG* =uJ* Porter-Richardson-Vainio uOMO uUA du
p.-c. femur prosthesis rOLU U]DG* cH Wb P.-R.-V. synovectomy du V wKOe UB
p.-c. hip prosthesis rOLU U]DG* u Wb uOMO uUA
porphyritic neuropathy dO d UB_ P.-R.-V. technique uOMO uUA du WId
portable C-arm image uL; uBK =bA* o^Q dOEM porthole wd WI
intensifier fluoroscopy C c portion r

portal U wU accessory p. wU{ o r

p. accessory wU{ wU cord p. wK r
anterior p. wU U proximal p. r
anterocentral p. e
d wU U Portmann drill U9u VI
anteroinferior p. wKH wU U portmanteau procedure nDF* qU d
anterolateral p. wA wU U Portola Valley Scale w=U uu eO
anteromedial p. w wU U port-wine stain dL =uK
arthroscopic entry p. W
d dOEM qb U Porzett splint u dO
central transpatellar WH{d e
d* du U Posada fracture Uu d
tendon p. Posey u
direct lateral p. dU wA U P. below-the-knee castbelt W
d qH wUI e(
lateral p. wA U u V
lateral transmalleolar p. VFJ d wA U P. belt u UD
medial p. w U P. sling u F
midpatellar p. WH{d j U position W]OF{ l{
patellar p. wH{ U angular p. >e l{
p. placement W]OU WF{u* antiembolic p. ULB ]UC W]OF{
posterior p. wHK U arch and slouch p. WKd* WH u uI W]OF{
posteroinferior p. wKH wHK U barber chair p. ]( wd
posterolateral p. wA wHK U bayonet fracture p. Wd(U tO]A dJ W]OF{
posteromedial p. w wHK U beach chair p. TUA wd

- 533 -
Bonner p. u UN w du W]OF{ semi-Fowler p. dUH WNO W]OF{
Brickner p. e W'UF* dMJd W]OF{ p. sense WF{u ^f
VJM* Sims p. WOF{ eLO W]OF{
cottonloader p. sDI wKU W]OF{ wKN* hHK WOUD{
decubitus p. (decub) UIK W]OF{ sitting p. uK' W]OF{
dorsal p. W]OF{ W]dN]E W]OF{u p. in space e=O( w l{u
UIK spinal fusion p. dIH Zb W]OF{
dorsal lithotomy p. W]dNE WU* lC W]OF{ supine p. UIK W]OF{
dorsal recumbent p. dN]E UIK W]OF{ translational p. W]OUI W]OF{
equinus p. bHI W]OF{ Trendelenburg p. uMbd W]OF{
figure-four p. 4 qJA W]OF{ positional wF{
flexed p. wMM* l{u p. dyskinesia wF{u W
d( qK
Fowler p. w id* WOF{ dU W]OF{ p. release therapy wF{u ddU W'UF
t ld dd positioner WFCO
vK acetabular cup p. =o( n' WFCO
frog-leg p. bHC U W]OF{ cup p. nK WFCO
p. of function W]OHOu W]OF{u IMP Universal knee p. V W
Gaynor-Hart p. U uMO W]OF{ IMP UdHOu
horizontal p. W]OI_ W]OF{u IMP Universal lateral p. V W]OAu WFCO*
intrinsic minus p. wKb wK l{u IMP UdHOu
James p. fLO W]OF{ Mark II Stulberg hip p. dU V u WFCO
Jones p. eu W]OF{ wU] u]M s
jumper's knee p. eUI W
W]OF{ Mark II Stulberg leg p. dU V U WFCO
kneeling p. u
d W]OF{ wU] u]M s
Krashe p. gd
W]OF{ Mark II Wixson hip p. s u
lateral decubitus p. wU' UIK W]OF{ wU] u]M
lithotomy p. WU* lC W]OF{ McGuire pelvic p. p V u( WFCO
lotus p. fuK d W]OF{ du
military brace p. dJF UM W]OF{ Montreal hip p. Udu0 u WFCO
military tuck p. dJF e W]OF{ OSI-Schlein shoulder p. V nJ WFCO
neutral p. WUF* W]OF{u s
normal anatomic p. W]u W]OdA W]OF{u Schlein shoulder p. s V nJ WFCO
Phalen p. sU W]OF{ Stulberg hip p. dU V u WFCO
prayer p. w=KB* W]OF{ Stulberg Mark II leg p. wU u]M s U WFCO
prone p. UJ W]OF{ dU V
quasistatic stressed p. s
U t uJ* W]OF{ Wixson hip p. u
rectus p. WLOI W]OF{ positioning UCO
recumbent p. UIK W]OF{ patient p. id* lO{u
reverse Trendelenburg p. WuJF* uMbd W]OF{ proper neck p. VUM* W d lO{u
scissor-leg p. W]OBI* U W]OF{ positive wU Vu

- 534 -
Coagulase p. d]* ^wU posterior (post) wHK
p. impingement sign W]OU UD W p. approach wHK vQ
p. rim sign Wu* W]U( W p. arch W]OHK u
p. sharp wave Wu ]U Wu p. arch fracture W]OHK) uI d

p. wave Wu Wu p. arthrodesis wHK) qBH* U

positron Vu dJ du p. atlantoaxial arthrodesis u* wINH qBH* U
p. emission tomographic bU W]OFDI* WdH wHK)
scan wdu p. atlantoodontoid interval W]OHK) W]OIzUH W]OINH WKUH
p. emission tomography bU wFDI* duB p. axillary line (PAL) wHK) wD ^j)
(PET) wdu p. bending moment wHK) wM( e
POST dB p. bone block wHK) rEF UB
posterior nK p. bone graft wHK) rEF rF
extrinsic rearfoot p.'s W]OU) W]OHK) bI U]OHK p. bow WOHK) uI
iliac p. WH d( nK p. capsule W]OHK) WEH*
Isola spinal implant system V W]O
uA WdG UN p. capsulorrhaphy wHK) WEH* u
iliac p. WH d( nK e p. capsulotomy W]OHK) WEH* lC
Luque-Galveston p. uHU uO
u nK p. cervical fixation wHK) W d XO
Morse tapered prosthetic p. V W] b* W]OHK) Wb p. cervical fusion wHK) W d Z
u p. cervical line wHK) W d ^j
perineal p. UF nK p. cervical spinal dIH uLF ULF
P. shoulder arthroplasty wHK) nJ qBH instrumentation wHK) w d
status p. W]OHK WU p. cervical spine surgery w d dIH uLF Wd
thumb p. UN nK p. column fracture wHK) uLF d

P. total shoulder arthroplasty qUJ nJ qBH p. column osteosynthesis wHK) uLF rE wd XO
wHK) p. compartment W]OHK Wu
postactivation jOAM bF p. component wHK) =uJ*
p. depression jOAM bF X
p. construct wHK) UM
p. exhaustion jOAM bF UN p. cord syndrome wHK) q( W
p. facilitation jOAM bF qON p. costotransversectomy w{dF* wFKC lDI vQ
p. potentiation jOAM bF WuI approach wHK)
postacute sprain U( bF wu p. cruciate ^wHK) ^wUB]
postage bd p. cruciate condylar knee wUB] W]OLIK W
d UN
p. stamp graft bd lUD
rF system ^wHK)
p. stamp skin graft bd lUD
bK rF p. cruciate ligament (PCL) ^wHK) ^wUB] U=d
Postalume finger splint uU V l dO p. cruciate ligament graft wHK) wUB] U=d rF
postanesthesia db]K wU] db bF p. cruciate ligament tear wHK) wUB] U=d W e
P. Care Unit (PACU) db]K WOU] WUMF b p. deltoid muscle W]OHK) WOb WKCF
p. recovery (PAR) db]K wU] UF p. deltoid-to-triceps transfer W]O v W]OHK) WOb qI
postaxial polydactyly u* bF gMF d
Postel hip status system q V u WU UN p. depression pattern wHK) U d

- 535 -
p. dislocation wHK lK p. ligament wHK) Ud
p. distraction wHK) d ULF p. ligamentous injury wHK) Ud WU
instrumentation p. lip W]OHK WH
p. drainage wHK) eM p. longitudinal fiber region wHK) wuD nO=K WOU
p. drawer sign wHK) ^b W p. longitudinal ligament wHK) wuD Ud
p. drawer test wHK) ^b U p. lower cervical spine wKH w ]d UIH XO
p. element wHK dBM stabilization wHK)
p. element fracture wHK) dBMF d
p. lower cervical spine wKH w ]d UIH Wd
p. facet wHK tO surgery wHK)
p. fixation system wHK) XO UN W]OJOUJOuO p. lumbar interbody fusion W]OMDI U_ 5 Zb
biomechanics (PLIF) wHK)
p. flap W]OHK WKb p. lumbar interbody fusion U_ 5 Zb Wd
p. flap technique W]OHK) WKb WId surgery WOHK) W]OMDI
p. fracture-dislocation wHK) dJ lK) p. lumbar spine and sacrum wMDI dIH uLF Wd
p. fusion wHK Z surgery wHK) eF
p. glenoid labrum wHK) w=I( u' UH p. midline approach wHK) nUM vQ*
p. glenoplasty wHK) =o( p. nerve decompression VBF s jGC nOH
p. glide wHK e wHK)
p. hip dislocation wHK) u lK p. oblique fiber-region W]OHK) WKzU* UO_ WOU
p. hook-rod spinal W]OHK) W]dIH _ ULF p. oblique ligament (POL) wHK) qzU* Ud
instrumentation u^M UMBU p. oblique meniscal tear W]OHK) WKzU* WN W e
p. horn wHK) dI p. occipitocervical approach wHK wc w vQ
p. horn meniscal tear wHK) dI W W e p. osteophyte W]OHK W]OLE WU
p. iliac osteotomy wHK) wH d( rEF lD p. pelvic tilt wHK) u( qO
p. incision wHK yo p. pharyngeal abscess wHK wuFK d
p. innominate wHK) v]L p. plating wHK `OHB
p. innominate rotation wHK) v]L p. portal wHK U
p. instability wHK) dI b p. radial collateral artery wHK) dFJ wU' UdA
p. instrumentation wHK) _ ULF p. rhizotomy wHK) c' lC
p. interosseous branch wHK) UEF 5 dH p. rod system wHK) u^M UN
p. interosseous nerve wHK) UEF 5 VBF p. rotation wHK
p. interosseous nerve 5 VBF UGC W p. rotation on the left side dO WNK wHK
compression syndrome wHK) UEF p. rotation on the right side vMLO WNK wHK
p. interosseous nerve UEF 5 VBF UH p. sag sign W]OHK) U W
entrapment wHK) p. screw fixation wHK) VuK XO
p. interosseous nerve palsy wHK) UEF 5 VBF qK p. segmental fixation wHK) wFDI XO
p. interosseous nerve UEF 5 VBF W p. shoulder dislocation wHK) nJ lK
syndrome wHK) p. spinal fusion wHK) w
uA Zb
p. interspinous wiring wHK) sUM] 5 pOK p. spinal plating wHK) w
p. inverted U approach uKI* U qJAU wHK) vQ* p. spinal wedge osteotomy wMOH w
uA rEF lD

- 536 -
wHK) p. aspect wA wHK dNE
p. spine W]OHK) W
uA p. bone graft wA wHK wLE rF
p. splint W]OHK dO p. bone graft placement wHK) wLEF rFD WF{u
p. stability wHK dI wAu
p. stabilization wHK d p. bundle W]OA W]OHK We
p. surgical exposure of eFK wHK) wd' ^dF p. capsule W]OA W]OHK WEH
sacrum and coccyx hFBF p. compartment W]OA W]OHK Wu
p. talofibular ligament wHK) uEA wKUJ Ud p. cortotransversectomy wFKC TUM UB ^o
(PTFL) incision wAu wHK) dF*
p. technique W]OHK) WIdD p. cortotransversectomy wFKC TUM UB WId
p. tibial artery wHK) wuME UdA technique wAu wHK) dF*
p. tibial nerve wHK) wuME VBF p. decompression wAu wHK) jGC nOH
p. tibial pulse (PTP) wHK) wuME iM p. drainage wAu wHK) eM
p. tibial tendon wHK) wuME du p. drawer sign W]OAu W]OHK) ^b W
p. tibial tendon transfer wHK) wuME du qI p. drawer test wAu wHK) ^b U
p. transfer wHK) qIM p. fusion wAu wHK) ^b Z
p. translation wHK qI p. herniation wA wHK UH
p. transolecranon approach wHK) =e odD vQ* p. instability wAu wHK) dI b
p. triangle wHK) Y]K* p. interbody fusion (PLIF) sO wAu wHK) Zb
p. tuberosity W]OHK Wb U_
p. upper cervical spine w ]d dIH uLF Wd p. lumbosacral fusion wHK) eF wMDI Zb
surgery wHK) uKF wAu
p. wall fracture wHK) b' d
p. portal wAu wHK) U
posterior-anterior wU wHK p. release wAu wHK) dd
p.-a. glide wU wHK e p. rotary instability wHK) wb dI b
p.-a. pressure wU wHK jG{ wAu
posterior-inferior spine W]OKH W]OHK Wu p. structure W]OAu W]OHK) WOM
posteriorly UOHK nK) s posteromedial w wHK
posterior-superior oblique uK wHK qzU d p. approach w wHK vQ
projection p. capsule W]O W]OHK WEH
posteroanterior (PA) wU wHK p. compartment W]O W]OHK Wu
posterodistal U
wHK p. corner W]O W]OHK W
posteroinferior (PI) wKH wHK p. dislocation w wHK lK
p. external (PIEx) wU wKH wHK p. drainage w wHK e
p. external movement W]OU W]OKH W]OHK W
d p. drawer sign W]O W]OHK) ^b W
p. internal (PIIn) wK wKH wHK p. pivot-shift test wHK) dzUB Ue U
p. internal movement W]OK W]OKH W]OHK W
d w
p. portal wKH wHK U p. portal w wHK) U
posterolateral wA wHK p. region W]O W]OHK) WOUM
p. approach wA wHK vQ p. release w wHK dd

- 537 -
p. rotary instability wHK) wb dI b WdK
w p. paraplegia WdK wU wKH qKA
posteroproximal wHK p. regimen WdK WOU WOL
posterosuperior iliac spine W]uKF W]OHK) W]OH
d( WuA p. synovitis WdK wU] wKOe UN
(PSIS) p. therapy WdK WOU] W'UF*
postextubation e wU] dM( Z^MA p. wound care Wd' bF d'U WUMF
laryngospasm u_ postoperatively WdK U
postfracture dJK U (PO, postop)
p. cyst dJK WOU WO
postphlebitis syndrome bu UN WOU] W*
p. lesion dJK WOU W postpoliomyelitic U^M W]OUM UN U l^HI
posticus wHK contracture
ponticulus p. wHK) d' postradiation kyphosis UF wU] b(
postinfectious arthritis bFK wU] qBH* UN postraumatic osteolysis `{dK wU] rEF
postirradiation lOFAK U postreduction x-ray =d bF W]OMO W]F_
p. fracture lOFAK U d
posttest likelihood of disease U bF d* W]O
p. osteogenic sarcoma WOU QAM* W]OLE Wu
U posttetanic eJK U
lOFAK p. facilitation eJK wU] dOO]
postlaminectomy WOHB UB U p. potentiation eJK wU] bOQ]
p. kyphosis UB wU] b( posttraumatic `{dK U
WOHB p. algodystrophic syndrome wU] w*_ q( W
p. two-level 5u* wdCG e `{dK
spondylolisthesis WOHB UB wU] p. chronic cord syndrome wU] se* q( W
postmenopausal U U `{dK
p. arthritis U wU] qBH* UN p. chronic osteomyelitis se* wIM rEF UN
p. bone loss U wU] rEF bI `{dK wU]
postnatal cerebral palsy uK wU] wU=b qKA p. disorder `{dK U dD{
postop WdK U p. dystrophy `{dK U q
postoperatively WdK U p. hemarthrosis `{dK wU] qBH* w=b
postoperative WdK U p. kyphosis `{dK U b
p. antibiotic WdK U uO UC p. osteonecrosis `{dK wU] rEF d
p. bracing WdK wU UJ p. spinal deformity wU] dIH uLF ^uA
p. casting WdK WOU WuI `{dK
p. complication WdK WOU UHUC p. stress disorder (PTSD) `{dK wU dJ dD{
p. corticosteroids WOU] bdOuJOuJ p. syringomyelia `{dK wU] UM n^NJ
WdK postural wF{
p. extubation WdK wU u_ e p. analysis wF{u qOK
p. fracture WdK U d
p. balance wF{u u
p. immobilization WdK U XO p. complex wF{u V]
p. infection WdK WOU b p. component wF{u =uJ*
p. lumbosacral orthosis wU] eF wMDI uI* p. control WF{uU r^J

- 538 -
p. development WF{u U/ compound muscle-motor w
d( wKCF qFH bN
p. exteroceptor W]OU) W]OF{u WKI* action p. (CMAP) V]
p. fixation back maneuver wF{u XOK W]OHK) UM* compound nerve action p. V]
d* wBF qFH bN
p. interoceptor W]OKb W]OF{u WKI* compound sensory nerve w=( wBF qFH bN
p. list U{_ WLzU action p. V]
p. muscle W]OF{ WKC denervation p. VOBF bN
p. receptor WOF{ WKI dermatosensory evoked p. w=( bK' ]d; bN'
p. strain wF{ UN electrical p. wdNJ bN'
p. sway wF{u `^d electrokinetic p. w
d( wdNJ bN'
p. variation wF{u UH endplate p. (EPP) W]OzUN WOH]B bN
posture UF{ WF{ evoked p. ]d; bN'
decerebrate p. U=b eM WF{ evoked action p.s ]d; qFH bN
decorticate p. dAI eM WF{ evoked compound muscle V]
d* wKCF qFH bN
forward flexion p. wU_ UM WF{ action p. ]d;
forward head p. W]OU_ d WF{ excitatory postsynaptic p. pALK wU] ^U bN'
recumbent p. UIK WF{ (EPSP)
Posture Wedge seat cushion WF{uK wMOH bFI* U far-field p. bOF qI( bN
potassium-40 count 40 uOUu ]b fasciculation p. =we( U bN
potential bN sU fibrillation p. UH]d bN
action p. (AP) qFH bN giant motor unit action p. WO
d( bu qF bN
auditory evoked p. (AEP) wFL ]d* bN' W LF
bioelectric p. wuuOdNJ bN' inhibitory postsynaptic p. pALK wU] ^wDO] bN'
biphasic action p. uD e* qFH bN (IPSP)
bizarre repetitive p. Vd =dJ bN injury p. WU bN
brainstem auditory evoked c' wFL ]d* bN' irregular p. rEM dO bN
p. (BAEP) Ub kilovoltage p. (kVP) juuKOJU bN
brief, small, abundant p. du dOGB eOu bN' linked p. jd bN
(BSAP) macromotor unit action p. dOJ WO
d( bu bN
brief, small, abundant, eOu u_ =bF* bN' (MUAP)
polyphasic p. (BSAPP) du dOGB miniature end-plate p. d]GB* W]OzUN WOHB bN
complex action p. V]
d* qFH bN (MEPP)
complex motor unit V]
d* W]O
d( bu qF bN monophasic action p. uD U_ qFH bN
action p. motor unit p. (MUP) WO
d( bu bN
compound action p. V]
d* qFH bN motor unit action p. WO
d( bu qF bN
compound mixed nerve jK* VBF qF bN (MUAP)
action p. V]
d* muscle action p. WKCF qF bN
compound motor nerve w
d( VBF qF bN muscle fiber action p. wKCF nO=K qF bN
action p. V]
d* myopathic motor unit p. w WO
d( bu bN
compound muscle action p. V]
d* wKCF qFH bN =wKCF
(CMAP) myotonic p. wKCF du bN

- 539 -
nascent motor unit p. bOu WO
d( bu bN P. eversion osteotomy u V wHMA rEF lD
near-field p. VdI qI( bN P. paraplegia u V wKH qKA
nerve p. VBF bN P. spinal curvature V dIH uLF UM
nerve action p. (NAP) =wBF qFH bN u
nerve fiber action p. wBF nO=K qF bN Potter arthrodesis du V qBH* U
nerve trunk action p. wBF c' qF bN Potts splint fu dO
neurogenic motor-evoked wBF w
d( ]d* bN' pouce flottant (floating VzU UN
p.(NMEP) QAM* thumb)
neuropathic motor unit p. w WO
d( bu bN pouch WO
=wBF antibiotic bead p. uO( =UC* W WO
parasite p. ywKOH bN bead p. W]O WO
piezoelectric p. wDG{ wdN
bN inflammed synovial p. WNK W]OKO WO
polyphasic action p. u_ =bF* qFH bN suprapatellar p. WH{d u WO
pseudopolyphasic action p. u_ =bF* qFH bN p. type sling jLM wO F
UJ pound s oH
regeneration motor unit p. ^b WO
d( bu bN foot p. bI s
resting membrance p. W]d w UAG bN poundal ]u
b bU
satellite p. qU bN Poupart inguinal ligament Uu V w_ Ud
sensory p. ^w=( bN' povidone-iodine solution uO bO u uK
sensory evoked p. w=( ]d* bN' powder u
sensory nerve action p. w=( wBF qFH bN Cida-gel p. qO bO u
(SNAP) thrombin p. 5d u
serrated action p. UAM* qFH bN power w b

short-latency somatosensory b' w=( ]d* bN' p. bur w VIM*

evoked p.(SSEP) uLJ dOBI p. drill w VI*
somatosensory evoked p. w=( b' ]d* bN' grasping p. iI b
(SEP, S-SEP) p. oscillating saw wcc] w UAM*
spinal evoked p. wU^M ]d* bN' pinch p. WJ* b
streaming p. o=b bN P. Play knee brace VFK UM w w W
d u
tetraphasic action p. u_ wUd qFH bN P. Pogo stationary V w XU =dL*
triphasic action p. u_ w qFH bN exerciser uu
visual evoked p. (VEP) dB ]d* bN' p. reamer w uI*
potentiation bOQ WuI thumb pinch p. UN WJ b
postactivation p. jOAM bF bOQ p. wheelchair w Vb* wdJ
posttetanic p. eJ bF bOQ PowerBelt lower back and sD dNE qH_ Ub UD
potentiometer bN' UOI abdominal support belt XKu V w
linear p. w=D) bN' UOI power-driven saw w UAM
Pott u powered metaphyseal w wdJ wu^b ^pA*
P. ankle fracture u V qUJ d
P. disease u PP dB

- 540 -
proximal phalanx WOb v^ precontoured unit rod UHJ q
U b W]OB
PPG-AFO brace PPG-AFO UM precurved wMM* q

PPG-TLSO brace PPG-TLSO UM p. ball-tipped guide pin q c d

U u^
PPT flat insole PPT `]D* sU qFM p. plate WOMM* q WOHB
PPT insole PPT sU qFM Predate S S bd
PPT insole system PPT sU qFM UN prediction s^NJ
PPT MXL soft moulded PPTs=OK VuI* sU qFM Anderson-Green growth p. V uLM sNJ
insole sd ub
PPT orthotic device PPT uI* eON growth p. uLM s^NJ
PPT Plastazote insole e V sU qFM predictor of injury WU sNJ
PPT predisposition V^Q W
PPT RX firm moulded VKB VuI* sU qFM congenital p. W] W
insole PTT Prednicen-M M sd
PPT sheet PPT  prednisolone ueOd
PPT soft tissue orthotic PPT ud ZOM uI UN prednisone eOd
system preganglionic bIF q
=u lD

PQ dB sympathectomy
pronator quadratus WF]d* W]UJ prehallux bI UN
PR dB prehension U
pelvic rock u( `Q p. force U ]u
progressive resistive >d UI sdL p. orthosis U uI
exercise Preiser disease wUI rEF qK ed
Pratt d preload qOL] WFOK
P. open reduction d V uH* ^d premature Zb d
P. T-clamp T qJAU d UIK p. closure d* oKG
P. technique d WId p. consolidation d* b^KB
prayer position w=KB* W]OF{ p. infant Zb) d* lO{d
PRE dB prenatal dislocation uK oU lK
progressive resistive >d UI sdL Prenyl jacket qOMd d
exercise preop Wd' q

preaxial polydactyly u* U gMF preoperatively Wd' q

prebent nail U wMM* UL* preoperative Wd' q

precautions UUO p. antibiotic Wd' q uO yUC

universal p. UdHOu UUO p. drawing Wd' q V
Precision uOOd p. evaluation Wd' q rOOI
P. hip stem uOOd V u c p. management Wd' q dOb
P. Osteolock femoral V c =uJ UN p. plan Wd' q W]D
component system uuO uOOd p. planning Wd' q jOD
precompression jig jGC W q
p. roentgenography Wd' q wUFA duB

- 541 -
p. tomography Wd' q wFDI* duB P.-F. stem XO fd c
preoperatively (preop) Wd' q
pressure jG{
prep dC b blood p. b jG{
3 M p. 3 dC bone marrow p. (BMP) rEF wI jG{
preparation dOC dC central posterior-anterior p. e
d* wU_ wHK) jGC
bone-patellar tendon- WH{d d rEF dC compartmental p. e=O( jG{
bone p. rEF disk p. dI jG{
facet joint p. wNOu qBH* dOC p. dressing wDG{ UL{ jU{ UL{
graft p. rFD dOC p. epiphysis wUA* jGC
lupus erythematosus p. W]OUL( Wzc dC hydrostatic p. wuJ wzU* jGC
rod contour p. u^M UH
dOC intraabdominal p. sD q jGC
skin p. bK dC intradiscal p. dI q jGC
Spalteholz p. euNU dC lateral root p. wAu c' jG{
wire contour p. wJK UHJ dOC manual p. bO jGC
prepatellar WH{d U plantar p. wBL_ jGC
p. bursa WH{d U d' p. plate W]ODGC WOHB
p. bursa inflammation WH{d U d' UN p. point jGC WDI
Presbyterian Hospital UdOd vHA UIK posterior-anterior p. wU_ wHK) jGC
T-clamp T qJAU rolling p. =uL jG{
Prescription WH p. sore W U]M UGC Wd
ACSM Guidelines for ACMS W]U qzb systolic blood p. (SBP) w{UI ub jGC
Exercise Testing and P. UHu sUL U p. threshold jGC W
preservation kH tissue p. wOM jGC
lordosis p. fFI kH p. tolerance wDGC q^L
lumbar lordosis p. wMDI fFI kH tourniquet p. WUF jG{
press jU{ jGC p. ulcer W U]M UGC Wd
CamStar power leg p. V w U jU{ pressure-sensitive jGCK U]
p.-s. area jGCK WU] WU
leg p. U jU{ p.-s. tissue jGCK U] ZO
p. up Q pressure-tolerant tissue jGCK q=L ZO
Press-Fit XO fd pressurization of cement LK jGC nOOJ
P.-F. circumferential fd V wUH
Ud pressurizer jGC n]OJ
grommet XO acetabular p. w=I( jGC n]OJ
P.-F. condylar knee wLIK W
d qBH Prestop pinchometer ud V dI UOI
arthroplasty XO fd V pretarget filtration system bN bI0 `Od UN
P.-F. condylar total knee W]OLIK WKUJ W
d Wb pretendinous du q

prosthesis XO fd V p. band du q jdA

P.-F. cup XO fd n' p. cord du q q(
P.-F. fixation XO fd XO pretest likelihood of disease d* W]O U
P.-F. prosthesis XO fd Wb pretibial uME U

- 542 -
p. bearing (PTB) uME U bM* axial compression p. u* UGC b
p. edema uME U Wu biomechanical p. wJOUJOuO du
prevention WU
Enneking p. ZMOJ= b
p. of fracture dJ s WU u gliding p. e b
heterotopic ossification p. l^{u dUG* r^EF s WU Lambotte p. u b
infection p. bF s WU u spherical gliding p. =dJ e b
osseous bridge p. wLEF d' WU priori w] wOz
rod rotation p. wu^M b WU anlage a p. U]O]_ b
Price fd Pritchard UAd
P. muscular biopsy clamp V W]OKCF We) UIK P. Mark II pin wU u]M s UAd u^
fd P. total elbow prosthesis V qUJ od* Wb
P. muscular clamp fd V wKCF UIK* UAd
prickling e Pritchard-Walker d UAd
Pridie bd P.-W. semiconstrained V b]OI* t od* Wb
P. ankle arthrodesis bd V qBH* U elbow prosthesis d
P. incision bd ^o P.-W. total elbow prosthesis V qUJ od* Wb
Pridie-Koutsogiannis fOUOuu bd d d
procedure Pritchett-Mallin-Matthews XAd V qBH* U
Primaderm dressing dU1d UL{ arthrodesis uOU 5U
primary w] PRN dB
p. bone union w]_ rEF U PRN bandage PRN WUB
p. closure w]_ oKG PRN pillow PRN U
p. curve w] vMM PRN protector PRN WM U
p. intention w]_ bBI* PRN shoe PRN c
p. or intentional movement uBI W]O] W
d Pro-8 ankle brace 8 d qUJ UM
p. movement plane w]_ W
d( u probability UL
p. myofascial trigger point W]OUHK W]OKCF W]Ue WDIM bone cyst fracture p. rEF WO
W]O]_ probe U
p. repair w] `OKB angled p. >e U
p. rotation movement W]O] W]dz W
d arthroscopic p. W
p. tumor w] blunt-tip p. WKOKJ c U*
p. x-ray beam W]O]_ W]OMO W]F_ We Bunnell p. q=u U
prime mover wU_ =d* calibrated p. d]OF* U*
primitive wzb dissecting p. =dA* U*
p. bone wzb rEF gearshift p. w
d( Ue U
p. dislocation wzb lK) intraosseous p. UEF sO U
p. locomotor pattern wzb w
^d dD LASE p. LASE U
principle du b laser Doppler p. eOK dKb U
anatomic fracture wdA dJ = b multiplane echo p. Uu* =bF* bB U
reduction p. Nucleotome p. u l{U U

- 543 -
pedicle p. WIu U Bose p. u d
pedicle sounding p. WIu d U Boyd-Bosworth p. uu bu d
reverse-cutting p. wJ lU U Boyd-McLeod p. bu p bu d
reverse-cutting meniscal p. wJF lUI WN U Boyd-Sisk p. pO bu d
skin temperature bK' d W d U Boytchev p. nAu d
monitoring p. Brahms p. eLd d
ultrasonic p. uB ozU U Brantigan-Voshell p. qu UOd d
Woodson p. u U Braun p. d d
probenecid UN UC bOOMOd Bridle p. bd d
procallus formation c^b WFOK q^JA Bristow-Helfet p. XHK Ud d
procedure d Bristow-May p. w Ud d
Adams p. e d Brockman p. UL
d d
Akin p. 5
d Brostrom p. dd d
Albee-Delbert p. d w d Bryan p. Ud d
anchovy p. rK d Bunnell-Williams p. eUO q=u d
Anderson-Fowler p. dU ub d Calandriello p. u^Kb
anecdotal p. d d Campbell-Akbarnia p. UOd
antenna p. UFA d Campbell-Goldthwait p. Xubu qU
anterior stabilization p. wU_ XO d capsular shift p. wEH* Ue d
AO p. AO d Castle p. qU
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr XUAMLO d Chambers p. dU d
osteosynthesefragen p. rEF b check rein p. hH tOu d
articulatory p. wE^HK d Chrisman-Snook p. uM ULd
Axer-Clark p.
d Clayton p. u
Badgley combination p. wKU V nOu d Cole p. u
Bandi p. bU d Connolly p. wu^u
Bankart p. UJU d core drilling p. =VK VOI d
Barsky p. wJU d Cracchiolo p. uuOA
Bartlett p. XKU d Darrach p. d
Baxter-DAstous p. u d
U d Das Gupta p. Uu d
Bell Tawse p. U qO d degloving p. U]HI e d
Berman-Gartland p. bU Ud d Dewar posterior cervical V wHK) W d XO d
B.H. Moore p. B.H u d fixation p. u
Bickel-Moe p. u qJO d Dickson-Diveley p. wKH u
Bilhaut-Cloquet p. XO
uNKO d Dorrance p. f d
Blatt p. d Downey-McGlamery p. d p w d
Blatt-Ashworth p. u d Dwyer p. d d
bone p. W]OLE d Eden-Hybbinette p. XMOO d
bone block p. rEF UB d Eden-Lange p. Z d
bony p. W]OLE d Edwards p. d

- 544 -
Elmslie p. wK* d Hass p. U d
Elmslie-Cholmely p. wK*u
wK* d Hauser patellar tendon p. wH{d duK du d
Elmslie-Trillat p. d wK* d Hawkins p. eMO
U d
Elmslie-Trillat patellar p. wK* V WH{d d Heifetz p. eHO d
d Heyman p. ULO d
Evans p. eUH d Hibbs p. fO d
extraarticular p. qBH* U d His-Haas p U fO d
failed p. qU d Hodor-Dobbs p. f u d
Fairbanks-Sever p. dHO fJMdO d Hoffmann-Clayton p. u
ULu d
Ficat p. UJO d Hohmann p. ULu d
Fired-Hendel p. bM dU d Hoke p. u d
five-incisior p. uI^A wUL d Hoke-Miller p. dKO u d
forage p. eG d Hovanian p. sOUu d
four-incision p. uI^A wU d Howorth p. u d
Fowler p. dU d Howorth-Keillor p. uKO
u d
Fox-Blazina p. UM f
u d Hughston p. uuO d
Fried-Green foot p. bd V bI d Hughston-Hauser p. du uuO d
sd Hui-Linscheid p. bUAMO u d
Froimson p. ud d iliac buttressing p. wH d( rOb] d
Frost p. Xd d Inclan-Ober p. d JM d
Fulford p. uHu d Insall p. U d
Gallie p. tOU d installation p. VOBM d
Gartland p. bU d intercalary allograft p. rI* u rFD d
Gelman p. ULK d intraarticular p. qBH* q d
Gill p. qO d Jaffe p. w=U d
Gillquist p. XuJKO d Jahss p. fU d
Girdlestone hip p. ud V u d Jansey p. wS d
Girdlestone-Taylor p. uKU ud d Jobe-Glousman capsular V wEH* Ue d
Goldner-Hayes p. fU dbu d shift p. ULuK u
Goldthwait-Hauser p. du Xubu d Johnson p. uu d
Gould p. bu d Johnson-Spiegl p. qO uu d
gracilis p. WKUM d Jones p. eu d
Green p. sd d J. R. Moore p. u d
Grice p. fd d Juvara p. Uu d
Gurd p. u d Karakousis-Vezeridis p. fOu
hallux valgus p. wd UN d Karlsson p. uU
Hambly p. wKL d Kawaii-Yamamoto p. uuUU u
Hammon p. uU d Kelikian p. UOJOK
Hark p. U d Kelikian-McFarland p. bU p UOJOK
Harmon p. uU d Keller p. dKO

- 545 -
Kendrick p. pbM
d Mauck p. u d
Kessel-Bonney p. w=u qO
d McBride p. bd p d
Kidner p. db
d McCaroll-Baker p. d
U d
p d
Kidner foot p. db
V bI d McCormick-Blount p. XuK pOu
p d
Kiehn-Earle-DesPrez p. ed d 5
d McElvenny-Caldwell p. bU
wMOH p d
knobby-Clark p.
d McGlamry-Downey p. w d p d
kortzeborn p. deu
d McKeever p. dHO
p d
koutsogiannis p. fOUOuu
d McLaughlin p. sKu p d
krukenberg p. dM
d medial rotation p. w b d
Lane p. d Miller p. dKO d
Lange p. Z d Minkoff-Nicholas p. uJ uJM d
Langenskiold p. bKuJ s$ d Moberg key-pinch p. V UH* d d
Larmon p. u d du
Larmon forefoot p. V bI ]bI d modified Hoke-Miller u V U]d bI d
u flatfoot p. ]bF* dKO
Latarjet p. XOd d Mogensen p. sM d
lateral sling p. wAu F* d motion-preserving p. W
d( vK WEU* d
Lauenstein p. sUAu d Mumford p. uHL d
Lee p. w d muscle-balancing p. WKCF Wu d
Lepird p. dO d Neer capsular shift p. V wEH* Ue d
LEpiscopo-Zachary p. U uJO d dO
limb-salvage p. dD UI d Nicola shoulder p. uJO V nJ d
Lindeman p. UbM d Nicoll fracture repair p. V dJ `OKB d
Lipscomb p. VuJ d uJO
Lipscomb-Anderson p. ub VuJ d notchplasty p. WLK d
Localio p. uOU
u d OBrien capsular shift p. V wEH* Ue d
loose knee p. ud W
d d sd
Lorenz p. eu d ODonoghue p. uOu d
lower cervical spine p. w d dIH uLF d orthodox p. f
u d
wKH Osborne-Cotterill p. qdu
u d
Lowman p. Uu d Oudard p. d
MacAusland p. b U d Parrish p. gU d
MacCarthy p. wU
U d Paterson p. ud d
Magnuson-Stack p. U uMU d Peabody p. uO d
Mahan p. UU d Perthes p. dO d
Manktelow transfer p. U]IM JM d portmanteau p. WuM d
Mann p. U d Pridie-Koutsogiannis p. fOUOuu
bd d
Mann-Coughlin p. 5Ku
U d Putti-Platt shoulder p. wu V nJ d
Maquet p. XO
U d
Matsen p. 5U d realignment p nOd U d

- 546 -
reefing p. wM d Stack shoulder p. U V nJ d
Reichenheim-King p. ZMO
.UNMA d Staheli shelf p. wKU V =d d
resurfacing p. `OD U d Stamm p. U d
Reverdin-Green p. sd sd d Steindler p. dbMO d
reverse Mauck p. uJF* U d Steytler-Van Der Walt p. XU d U dbMO d
reverse Putti-Platt p. uJF* wu d Stone p. u d
revision p. ywOIM d Strayer p. dd d
Ridlon p. ub d Syme p. rO d
Rockwood p. u
d Tachdjian p. UOb
U d
Rockwood-Matsen V wEH* Ue d Taylor p. uKU d
capsular shift p. 5U u
terminal Syme p. wzUNM rO d
Rose p. d Thomas p. Uu d
Roux-Goldthwait p. Xubu d Tikhoff-Linberg p. dM uJO d
Ruiz-Mora p. u u d p. time d s
Ryerson p. ud d Trillat p. d d
sacroiliac buttressing p. wH d( eF rOb] d triple-wire p. w pK d
Saha p. UU d Tsai-Stillwell p. quK U d
Samilson p. uKOL d upper cervical spine p. w ]d dIH uLF d
sartorial slide p. W]OU]O) e d uKF
Sauve-Kapandji p. wbM
u d Valpius-Compere p. du
uOK d
Schrock p. d d Van Ness p. fO U d
Scuderi p. dbJ d Vulpius p. uOu d
Selakovich p. gOu
O d Vulpius-Stoffel p. q=u uOu d
semitendinosus p. W]du t WKCF d Watson-Cheyne-Burghard p.UU 5O u d
short lever specific WFdK wu]M UL d Watson-Jones p. eu u d
contact p. dOBI Weaver-Dunn p. dH d
Silfverskiold p. bKuJdHK d Weber p. d d
Silver p. dHKO d White p. X d
sling p. F* d White slide p. X V e d
SLURPIE p. tOuK d Whitman talectomy p. V qUJ UB d
Somerville p. qOdu d UL
Southwick slide p. puU V e d Whitman-Thompson p. uu UL d
spinal locking p. dIH qHI d Williams p. eUO d
Spira p. dO d Woodward p. d
Spittler p. dK d Yoke transposition p. u V l{u dOOG d
SPLATT p. d Young p. mu d
split anterior tibial tendon wU_ wuME du d Yount p. Xu d
procedure qBHM* Zancolli-Lasso p. u w=uJ d
split anterior tibial tendon p. wuME du dD d Zancolli static lock p. V s
U qHI d
(SPLATT procedure) wU_ w=uJ

- 547 -
Zarins-Rowe p. eM d Nottingham Health P. UNGMu V W]O=B WK
Zoellner-Clancy p. w
dM d risk factor p. dD) qu WK
process b TU Sickness Impact P.(SIP) UA b WK
absent spinous p. w
uA TUM UO ProFlex wrist support fJOK d nM o d* U
articular p. wKBH* TUM profundus dzU oOL
cleft spinous p. w
uA TUM `K p. advancement WIOLF WKCF .bI
coracoacromial p. wd_ wdG TUM arcus palmaris p. WIOLF W]Od W]OuI WKCF
coracoid p. wdG TUM arcus plantaris p. W]OBL_ W]OuI WKCF
coronoid p. =pHK wOK
deficient spinous p. w
uA TUM hI arcus volaris p. WIOLF W]Od WKCF
inferior p. wKH TUM p. artery fracture dzUG UdA d

intact spinous p. rOK w

uA TUM flexor digitorum p.(FDP) lU WIOLF WOM* WKCF
lateral p. wAu TUM p. muscle WIOLF WKCF
mamillary p. wLK( TUM p.tendon oOLF du
mastoid p. wzU]A) TUM prog c
odontoid p. qJ]A ^w=M= TU]M prognosis P* c
physeal mammillary p. uL_ ^wLK( TU]M Pro-glide splint d o^e dO
sacralized transverse p. QAM* eF dF* TUM prognosis (prog) P* c
spinous p. w
uA TUM progonoma wK^Q
superior p. uKF TUM melanotic p. wMOO ywK^Q
supracondylar p. WLIK u TUM program ZUd
talar p. ^wKUJ TUM ABAQUS modelling p. ABAQUS WuI ZUd
transverse p. dF TU aquatic stabilization p. wzU* XO ZUd
xiphoid p. WU]d ^wU]d TU]M Carpal Care p. mdU WUMF ZUd
Zimmer PMMA precoat p. V PMMA uJd TU Carpal Care rehabilitative p. WUMFK qOQ U ZUd
d=1 mdU
processed carbon implant W'UF* udJ Wd four star exercise p. u WF_ sdL ZUd
prochlorpromazine sUduKd home p. weM ZUd
product ZM "u ZU independent exercise p. qI* sdL ZUd
cyclooxygenase p. W]b UMO
_ ZU interdisciplinary vocational =bF* wMN* rOOI ZUd
production U evaluation p. UUB
bone p. wLEF U PATRAN modelling p. PATRAN WuI ZUd
torque p. db e U Rothman Institute total bNF w qUJ u ZUd
Products Zu UM hip p. UL
Innovative Medical p. (IMP) dJ W]O= UM walking p. wA* ZUd
Orthopaedic Physical v{d* wFOD F UM westcott Pyramid p. bOdO uJ ZUd
Therapy P. (OPTP) UEF word hardening p. ULKJ eeF ZUd
profile WKU W]OU ULO WGO progression >d bI
P. hip stem wU' u c curve p. sM bI
P. of Mood States (POMS) e* U WK
U p. to full weightbearing qUJ u bM u bI

- 548 -
p. to weightbearing u bM u bI p. synovitis dUJ wKOe UN
progressiva >d Prolixin 5Jd
fibrous dysplasia w= d* r=EF* wHOK Z^M] qK prolonged insertional qu U UA
ossificans p. activity
myositis ossifacans p. w= d* r=EF* qCF UN PROM dB
progressive >d passive range of motion W
dK qFHM* U*
P. Ambulation Scale w= d* dO r]K promazine U^cK yUC sUd
p. diaphyseal dysplasia w= d* wb' Z^M] qK promethazine 5UNK yUC sUOd
p. loading w= d* qOL prominence d
p. muscular dystrophy w= d* wKCF q( bony p. wLE d
(PMD) osteochondral p. wdC wLE d
p. myositis fibrosa w= d* wHOK wKCF UN pedicle screw hardware p. wIu VuK U d
p. neurologic disorder >d wB dD{ plantar bony p. wBL wLE d
p. perilunar instability w= d* WN u dI b rotational p. w d
p. resistive exercise >d UI sdL tibial tubercle p. uME Wb d
(PR, PRE) promontorium nM
p. systemic sclerosis >d UN V^KB pronate ^VJ
proinflammatory UN q
U0 o=KF pronated uJ
projection UI U d p. foot WuJ b
axial calcaneal p. u wI d pronation ^VJ
axial sesamoid p. u wULL d p. contracture =VJU l^HI
bursal p. wd d p. control =VJ w r^J
cephaloscapular p. wH
w d p. of the foot bI ^V

convergence p. wUI d p. injury W]O=

dorsoplantar p. dN wBL d p. sign VJ W
Harris-Beath p. YO f=U d p. and supination j ^VJ
Isherwood p. d d pronation-abduction bOF ^VJ
lateral p. (LC) wA d p.-a. fracture bOF =VJ d

posterior-superior oblique p. qzU uK wHK d p.-a. injury bOF =VJ WU

stress dorsiflexion p. UN dNE UM d pronation-eversion nMA ^VJ
prolapse >b p.-e. fracture nMA ^VJ d

disk p. dI w=b p.-e. injury nMA ^VJ WU

Prolene suture 5d jO pronation-eversion-external wU) nMA ^VJ
proliferation dUJ p.-e.-e. rotation (PEER) nMA =VJ l wU
angiofibroblastic p. wHO w wzU dUJ p.-e.-e. rotation injury l wU) bU WU
reactive periosteal p. wKUH w UL dUJ nMA =VJ
villous lipomatous p. wU wL w dUJ p.-e.-e. rotation injury of l wU) bU WU
proliferative dUJ ankle qUJK nMA =VJ
p. fasciitis dUJ WUHK UN pronation-supination j ^VJ
p. myositis dUJ WKCF UN pronator WKC W]UJ

- 549 -
p. muscle W]UJ WKCF p. fasciotomy wzUI= WUHK lC
p. quadratus (PQ) WKC WF]d* W]UJ p. operative stabilization wzUI= wd' XO
p. quadratus muscle WF]d* W]UJ WKCF p. resection wzUI= lDI
p. syndrome W]UJ W p. skeletal fixation wzUI= wKJON XO
p. teres (PT) WKC ]b* W]UJ prophylaxis UI=
p. teres muscle ]b* W]UJ WKCF dextran p. d
b UI=
p. teres release ]b* W]UJ dd tetanus p. ^eJ UI=
p. teres syndrome ]b* W]UJ W propiomazine yUC =bN sUuOd
p. teres tendon ]b* W]UJ d wIK
pronatory w= Proplast Xd
prone yVJM UJ uJ P. HA HA Xd
uD `DM P. II porous implant material WLOL WdG ]U
p. extension test =VJ j U wU u]M s XdU
p. knee-bend test WuJ* W
d wM U P. I porous implant material WLOL WdG ]U
p. knee-flexion test WuJ* W
d wM U wU u]M s XdU
p. position UJ W]OF{ P. prosthesis Xd Wb
p. rectus test WLOI* W]UJ U P. prosthetic material Xd Wb ]U
p. reduction uJ* ^d propoxyphene s=J 5HOud
p. sacral push uJ* eF l propranolol UOK dB uudd
Pronex pneumatic device fJOd V W]OzuN eON' proprioception oOLF =f( UI
for cervical pain W
d gravitational p. W]OUK oOLF =f( UI
prong s= c d r proprioceptive oOLF =f( UIU o=KF
modified tonsillar p. W]bF* uK Wu p. neuromuscular facilitation wKCF wBF qON
ProOsteon Implant 500 500 ud WdG WO (PNF) oOLF =f( UIU
granule p. neuromuscular facilitation wBF qON uK
propagation velocity UA Wd approach oOLF =f( UIU wKCF
Propel cannulated qd V v]MI* qb Vu proprioceptor oOLF =f( WKI
inteference screw proprius WuKL*
proper uB VUM extensor indicis p. (EIP) WuB* WU]K WDU
p. digital nerve branch uB* wF VBF d p. tendon uB d
p. neck positionning VUM* W
d lO{u propulsion W]OU WOA
properly seated U uK p. biomechanics W]OU WOA* W]OJOUJOuO
property W]O U p. gait W]OU WOA
elastic p. Wd W]OU propulsive wF
elongation p. WUD W]OU prostaglandin sbUd
prophylactic ywzUI= PROSTALAC dB
p. antibiotic wzUI= yuO yUC prosthetic antibiotic-loaded q]L wb wJOKd

p. antibiotic therapy wzUI= uO UC0 W'UF* acrylic cement WuO( UC*U
p. anticoagulation wzUI= d^ UC PROSTALAC total joint 0 qUJ qBH* Wb
p. bone graft wzUI= wLE rF prosthesis q]L* wb pOKd

- 550 -
WuO( ]UC*U du

prosthese and orthoses .UI* b Aufranc-Turner cemented V W]O* u Wb

(P&O) hip p. ddO pd
prosthesis Wb Austin-Moore femoral 5 V cH Wb
above-knee p., AK p. W
d u Wb head p. u
acrylic bar p. W]OJOKd
_ W{UF Wb Austin-Moore hip p. u 5 V u Wb
Aesculap-PM noncemented V W]O* dO cH Wb Autophor ceramic total W]Oe) qUJ u Wb
femoral p. PM OJ hip p. uu V
AFI total hip replacement p. u b Wb Averett hip p. d V u Wb
AFI qUJ Bateman femoral neck p. ULOU V cH oM Wb
AHSC elbow p. AHSC od* Wb Bateman finger p. ULOU V l Wb
AHSC-Volz elbow p. AHSC eu V od* Wb Bateman UPF p. UPF ULOU Wb
Alivium implant metal p. uOHO V WdG eK Wb Bateman UPF II bipolar p. V II W]ODI W]OzUM Wb
Allen-Brown p. d 5 Wb UPF ULOU
Alumina cemented total w* qUJ u Wb Bechtol hip p. uJ V u Wb
hip p. UMOu V Bechtol system p. uJ UN Wb
AMC total wrist p. AMC qUJ rBF* Wb Becker hand p. dJO V bO Wb
American Heyer-Schulte p. W]OJd_ Xu dU Wb below-knee p., BK p. W
d qH Wb
American Heyer-Schulte Xu dU V s c Wb bicentric p. e
d* W]OzUM Wb
chin p. wJd_ bicompartmental knee e=O( W]OzUM W
d Wd Wb
American Heyer-Schulte Xu dU V b) Wb implant p.
Hinderer malar p. wJd_ bM bicondylar knee p. WLIK W]OzUM W
d Wb
American Heyer-Schulte dU V ZOM WF=u Wb Bi-Metric Interlok W]OzUM qHI cH Wb
Radovan tissue expander p. wJd_ U Xu femoral p. UOI
AML hip p. AML u Wb Bi-Metric porous primary WLOL W]O]_ cH Wb
AML Tang femoral p. AML mU V cH Wb femoral p. UOI W]OzUM
AML total hip p. AML qUJ u Wb Bioclad with pegs reinforced U_ l ]eF* W]O=I( Wb
Amstutz cemented hip p. V W]O* u Wb acetabular p.
uO V
eu BioFit acetabular p. XOuO V =o( Wb
Anametric total knee p. W]OJdU_ WKUJ W
d Wb BioFit Press-Fit fd XOuO V =o( Wb
Anatomic Precoat hip p. W]OdA uJd u Wb acetabular p. XO
anatomic surface p. wdA `D Wb Bioglass p. uO Wb
ankle p. qUJ Wb Bio-Groove femoral p. d uO V cH Wb
APRL p. APRL Wb Biomet p. XuO Wb
APRL hand p. APRL bO Wb Biomet total toe p. V WKUJ bI UN Wb
Arafiles elbow p. fKO V od* Wb XuO
Arthropor cup p. ud nK Wb Biophase implant metal p. V W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
Attenborough total knee p. V WKUJ W
^d Wb eUuO
uM= Biotex implant metal p. V W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
Aufranc-Cobra hip p. pd V u Wb fJuO

- 551 -
bipolar p. VDI W]OzUM Wb carpal scaphoid implant p. W]O e W]OGd WdG Wb
bipolar femoral head p. VDI W]OzUM cH Wb Cathcart Orthocentric hip p. e
d* .uIK u Wb
bipolar hip replacement p. W]OzUM u b Wb UJ
VDI CDH Precoat Plus hip p. CDH uJd u Wb
Bjork p. uO Wb Centralign hip p. sdM V u Wb
BK p. (var. of below-knee W
d qH Wb Centralign precoat hip p. sdM V u Wb
p.) uJd
Blauth knee p. uK V W
d Wb ceramic ossicular p. W]Oe) rEF Wb
Blazina p. UM Wb Charnley acetabular cup p. V w=I( n]K Wb
Bock knee p. u V W
d Wb wKU
Bograb Universal offset du V W]OLOEF Wb Charnley cemented p. wKU V W]O* Wb
ossicular p. UdHu Charnley low friction hip p. UJ WKOKI u Wb
Bombelli-Mathys-Morscher w=Ku V u Wb wKU V
hip p. du fOU Charnley-Mueller hip p. du wKU V u Wb
bone p. rEF Wb Charnley total hip p. V qUJ u Wb
Brigham p. UNd Wb wKU
Bryan total knee implant p. W]OdG WKUJ W
d Wb Chatzidakis hinged W=]d uOUOH Wd Wb
Ud V Vitallium implant p. fO
eU V
Buchholz p. euNJ Wb Chopart partial foot p. V W]Oze' bI Wb
Byars mandibular p. UO V wKH =pH Wb Uu
CAD/CAM p. CAD/CAM Wb Choyce MK II fuA V W]OdI Wb
CAD femoral stem p. CAD cH c Wb keratoprosthesis p. wU] u]M s MK
Caffinire p. UOMO=U
Wb Christiansen hip p. sMOd
V u Wb
Caffinire V W]OFM W]OF]d* Wb Cintor knee p. uMO V W
d Wb
trapeziometacarpal p. UOMO=U
clam-shell p. uMOKD Wb Wb
Calandruccio cemented V W]O* u Wb Coballoy implant metal p. V W]=eKH WdG Wb
hip p. uOJb

Callender technique hip p. bM=U

WIdD u Wb cobalt-chromium-alloy p. W]OUuJ W]OdJ WDOK) Wb
Calnan-Nicolle finger p. UMU
V l Wb Co-Cr-Mo alloy p. Co-Cr-Mo WDOK Wb
uJO Co-Cr-W-Ni alloy p. Co-Cr-W-Ni WDOK) Wb
camouflage p. W]ONuL Wb Cofield shoulder p. bKOu
V nJ Wb
Canadian hip p. W]bMJ u Wb cold-mold p. U VUI Wb
Canadian hip W]bMJ u qBH =e Wb cold-weld p. UU UK Wb
disarticulation p. W]OKu b]OI* dO od* Wb cold-weld femoral p. U UK cH Wb
capitellocondylar W]OLIK collar-calcar support ULN*U WL]b* cH Wb
unconstrained elbow p. femoral p. uD
Carbon Copy II Foot p. u]M s W]OudJ bI Wb Compartmental II knee p. wU e=O(U W
d Wb
wU p. component Wb =uJ
Cardona keratoprosthesis p. Ud
V WOdI Wb compression-molded p. UGCU WuI* Wb
carpal lunate implant p. W]OGd W]ON WdG Wb computer-assisted bU0 rOLB

- 552 -
design/computer assisted WuMB* WbuU( Dow Corning wright p. X ZMOu
manufacturing p. uU( bU0 Dow Corning wright finger V l qBH Wb
Conaxial ankle p. UO
V qUJ Wb joint p. X ZMOu

constrained p. b]OI Wb p. driver Wb W ]u

constrained hinged knee p. b]OI* W]=d W
d Wb dual-lock total hip p. We* qUJ u Wb
constrained nonhinged b]OI* W]= W
d Wb G*
knee p. Duocondylar knee p. sOLIK W
d Wb
Contour internal p. uu
V W]OKb Wb Duo-Lock hip p. 5 G* u Wb
Coonrad hinged p. du
V W]=d Wb Duo-Patellar knee p. 5H{dK W
d Wb
Coonrad-Morrey elbow p. du
V od* Wb Dupaco knee p. u
d Wb
u Dynaplex knee p. fJKM V W
d Wb
Coonrad semiconstrained V b]OI* t od* Wb Eaton finger joint l qBH b Wb
elbow p. du
replacement p. u V
crimped Dacron p. WuIF* d
b Wb Eaton trapezium finger joint l qBH W{U Wb
cruciate-retaining p. W=* WUB* Wb replacement p. u V wF]d*U
cruciate-sacrificing p. W]OOKB WOC] Wb Edwards seamless p. V Ud bIH Wb
CUI tendon p. CUI du Wb
custom p. W]UO Wb Eftekhar-Charnley hip p. U V u Wb
custom-threated p. W]UO W]ODO Wb wKU
DANA shoulder p. DANA nJ Wb Eicher femoral p. dA V cH Wb
dAubigne femoral p. sU V cH Wb Eicher hip p. dA V u Wb
DeBakey p. w
U Wb Eilers-Armstrong V e=O( bOu W
d Wb
Dee elbow p. V od* Wb unicompartmental knee p. Zd d
Dee totally constrained V b]OI* qUJ od* Wb elbow p. od* Wb
elbow p. ELP femoral p. EPL cH Wb
DeLaura knee p. u V W
d Wb Endolite p. Xb Wb
DeLaura-Verner knee p. u V W
d Wb Endo-Model hinged knee p. dD W]=d W
d Wb
ddO wKb
Deon hip p. u V u Wb Endo-Model rotating knee p. dD ]b W
d Wb
DePalma p. U*U Wb wKb
DePalma hip p. U*U V u Wb Endo-Model sled p. wKb dD W'e* Wb
DePuy AML Porocoat V u
d c' Wb Endo rotating knee joint p. ]b W
d qBH Wb
stem p. u wKb dD
Deune knee p. u V W
d Wb Engh porous metal hip p. WLOL W]=eKH u Wb
DF 80 hip p. DF 80 u Wb Z V
DF 80 hip internal p. DF 80 uK W]OKb Wb Englehardt femoral p. UNK$ V cH Wb
digital p. W]OF Wb English-McNab shoulder p. gOK$ V nJ Wb
Dorrance hand p. f V bO Wb U p
Dow Corning implant p. V W]OdG Wb EPTFE graft p. EPTFE rFD Wb
Ewald elbow p. b V od* Wb

- 553 -
Ewald unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb Girard keratoprosthesis p. V W]OdI Wb Wb
elbow p. b dO
Exeter cemented hip p. d
V W]O* u Wb Gore-Tex knee p. u V W
d Wb
Exeter hip p. d
V u Wb fJ
femoral p. cH Wb great toe implant p. bI UN Wd Wb
femoral neck p. cH oM Wb Greissinger foot p. dM=d V bI Wb
Fett p. XO Wb Gritti-Stokes knee p. wd V W
d Wb
finger p. l Wb f
finger joint implant p. l qBH* W]OdG Wb Gruppe wire p. d V W]OJK Wb
Finney p. w=MO Wb GSB elbow p. GSP od* Wb
Finney-Flexirod p. dOJK w=MO Wb GSB expanded version for GSP V ]bL* WM
Flatt finger p.  V l Wb knee p. qUJ Wb
Flatt finger/joint p. V lqBH* Wb GSB knee p. GSP W
d Wb
 Gschwind-Scheier-Bahler bMuA V od* Wb
Flatt finger/thumb p. V lUN Wb elbow p. dKU dOA
 Guepar hinged knee p. Uu V W]=d W
d Wb
Flex-Foot p. u fJK Wb Guepar knee p. Uu V W
d Wb
foot p. bI Wb Guilford-Wright p. X uHu Wb
forearm lift-assist p. WN' s bU* bU Wb Gunston-Hult knee p. uM V W
d Wb
dO Xu
four-bar linkage on knee p. WFQ W
d U Wb Gunston polycentric knee p. e
d* bbF W
d Wb
Four-Bar Polycentric e
d* =bF* W
d Wb uM V
knee p. WF_ Gustilo hip p. uKOu V u Wb
Freeman-Samuelson knee p. U1d V W
d Wb HA 65101 implant HA 65101 W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
uKL metal p.
Freeman-Swanson knee p. U1d V W
d Wb Hamas p. UL Wb
uu Hamas upper limb p. V uKF dD Wb
F. R. Thompson femoral p. uu V cH Wb UL
hand p. bO Wb
Galante hip p. XU V u Wb Hanslik patellar p. pOKM V WH{d Wb
Geomedic total knee p. W]O=D WKUJ W
d Wb Harken p. 5
U Wb
W]OuuO' Harris p. f=U Wb
Geometric total knee p. W]ObMN WKUJ W
d Wb Harris-CDH hip p. V u Wb
Gerard p. d Wb CDH f=U
Gilfillan humeral p. OHKO V bCF Wb Harris cemented hip p. V W]O* u Wb
Giliberty acetabular p. wdOKO V =o( Wb f=U
Giliberty femoral neck p. V cH oM Wb Harris design femoral p. f=U rOLB s cH Wb
wdOKO Harris-Galante porous hip p. V WLOL u Wb
Giliberty hip p. wdOKO V u Wb XU f=U
Gillies p. fOKO Wb Hastings hip p. eMO V u Wb

- 554 -
HD-2 cemented hip p. HD-2 W]O* u Wb (IPOP)
HD-2 hip p. HD-2 u Wb Impact modular porous p. WLOL W]bF* dAM* Wb
heat-cured acrylic femoral W]OJOKd
_ cH Wb Indiana conservative p. UUb V WEU; Wb
head p. d(U W'UF* Indong Oh hip p. Zb V u Wb
Hedley-Hungerford hip p. wb V u Wb Infinity modular hip p. V W]bF* u Wb
Henschke-Mauch SNS tJAM V W
d Wb Inronail finger or toenail p. bI l dH l Wb
knee p. SNS U Insall-Burstein knee p. U V W
d Wb
Henschke-Mauch SNS V wKH dD Wb sUd
lower limb p. SNS U tJAM Insall-Burstein t UO_ W]O W
d Wb
Herbert knee p. dd V W
d Wb semiconstrained sUd U V b]OI*
Hexcel knee p. qJ V W
d Wb tricompartmental knee p.
Hexcel total condylar p. V WKUJ WLIK Wb Integral Interlok femoral p. ud d cH Wb
qJ p. interface Wb WNO
HG Multilock hip p. H G UH _ =bF* u Wb lowa p. u Wb
Hinderer malar p. bM V b) Wb lowa internal p. u V W]OKb Wb
hinged constrained knee p. W]=d b]OI* W
d Wb lowa total hip p. u V qUJ u Wb
hinged great toe UN W]d b Wb Ishizuki unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb
replacement p. bI elbow p. w
hinged total knee p. W]=d WKUJ W
d Wb isoelastic pelvic p. Wd* W]u u( Wb
hip p. u Wb Ivalon p. uUH Wb
hip disarticulation p. u qBH =e Wb Jaffe-Capello-Averill hip p. u^KU
w=U V u Wb
homograft p. wHO) rFD Wb qd
Howmedica p. UJbOu Wb Jewett p. Xu Wb
Howorth p. u Wb Jobst p. Xu Wb
Howse-Coventry p. dMu
u Wb Jonas p. Uu Wb
HPS II hip p. wU u]M s HPS u Wb Jonathan Livingston Seagull UUu V WH{d Wb
HPS II total hip p. u]M s HPS WKUJ u Wb patellar p. UO uMHO
wU Joplin toe p. 5Ku V bI l Wb
HSS total condylar knee p. HSS WKUJ W
d WLI Wb Judet hip p. u V u Wb
Hunter Silastic p. du V pOO Wb Judet Press-Fit hip p. fd u V u Wb
Hunter tendon p. du V du Wb XO
Hydra-Cadence knee p. bO V W
d Wb Kessler p. dK
Kinematic fully constraind UO_ W]O W
d Wb
hydraulic knee unit p. W]OJObON W
d b Wb tricompartmental knee p. W]OULMOJ bOOI WKUJ
I-beam hemiarthroplasty wHBM u qBH Wb Kirschner Medical dMdO
V w=D bF Wb
hip p. bu We( Dimension p.
ICLH ankle p. ICLH qUJ Wb Kirschner total shoulder p. V WKUJ nJ Wb
ICLH knee p. ICLH W
d Wb dMdO

immediate postoperative p. Wd' bF W]uH Wb knee p. W

d Wb

- 555 -
Krause-Wolfe p. n d
Wb MacIntoch tibial plateau p. V W]OuME WCN Wb
Kudo unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb u U
elbow p. bO
MacNab-English shoulder p. V eOK$ nJ Wb
Kuntscher humeral p. dAu
V bCF Wb U U
Lacey fully constrained WKUJ UO_ W]O W
d Wb Macrofit hip p. XOd
U V u Wb
tricompartmental knee p. w V b]OI* madreporic hip p. W]OUd* u Wb
Lacey hinged knee p. w V W]=d W
d Wb malleus-incus p. bM W dD* Wb
LaGrange-Letoumel hip p. Zd V u Wb Mallory-Head hip p. bO uU V u Wb
quO Mallory-Head porous WLOL W]O]_ u Wb
Laing hip cup p. ZM V u n' Wb primary femoral p. bO uU V
Lanceford p. uH Wb manual locking knee p. W]bO qHI WOc W
d Wb
Landers-Foulks p. fJu b Wb Marlex methyl V d
UO* qOO Wb
LAPOC p. LAPOC Wb methacrylate p. fJU
LCS New Jersey knee p. LCS dOuO W
d Wb Marmor modular knee p. ud V W]bF* W
d Wb
Leake Dacron mandible p. d
b s wKH =pH Wb Matchett-Brown cemented V W]O* u Wb
pO V hip p. d XAU
Leinbach p. UMO Wb Matchett-Brown internal p. V W]OKb Wb
Leinbach femoral p. UMO V cH Wb d XAU
Leinbach hip p. UMO V u Wb Mayo elbow p. uU V od* Wb
Lewis Trapezio p. ueOd fu Wb Mayo semiconstrained V b]OI* t od* Wb
Ling cemented hip p. ZMO V W]O* u Wb elbow p. uU
Ling hip p. ZMO V u Wb Mayo total ankle p. uU V qUJ qUJ Wb
Lippman hip p. ULO V u Wb Mazas totally constrained V b]OI* qUJ od* Wb
Lisfranc below-knee p. V W
d qH Wb elbow p. U
pdHO McBride p. bd p Wb
Liverpool elbow p. udHO V W
d Wb McBride femoral p. bd p V cH Wb
London unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb McBride Moore p. u bd p Wb
elbow p. bM Mckee p. w
p Wb
Lord hip p. u V u Wb Mckee-Farrar hip p. w
p V u Wb
Lord Press-Fit hip p. V XO fd u Wb ]U
u Mckee-Farrar total hip p. p V qUJ u Wb
Lowe-Miller unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb ]U w

elbow p. dKO Mckee femoral p. w

p V cH Wb
lower limb p. (LLP) wKH dD Wb Mckee totally constrained V b]OI* qUJ od* Wb
low-neck femoral p. cH oM qH Wb elbow p. w
low-profile femoral p. WK
U]A WBOd cH Wb McKeever-MacIntosh tibial V W]OuME WCN Wb
Lunceford-Pilliar-Engh uHu V u Wb plateau p. u U dHO
hip p. Z UO=KO McKeever patellar cap p. V WH{d uMK Wb
MacIntoch hip p. u U V u Wb dHO
MacIntoch p. u U Wb McKeever Vitallium knee p. V W]OuOUOH W
d Wb

- 556 -
p Moore hip p. u V u Wb
McNaught p. u p Wb Moretz p. eu Wb
MCP finger joint p. MCP l qBH Wb Moseley glenoid rim p. wu V WOU]I( W]U( Wb
Mediloy implant metal p. V W]=eKH WdG Wb MP 35N implant metal p. MP35N W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
ubO MP 35N implant metal p. MP35N W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
medium profile femoral p. wU' dNE* cH Wb MST-6A1-4V implant W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
j=u* metal p. MST-6A1-4V
medullary p. wIM Wb Mueli wrist p. wu V od* Wb
metal p. W]=eKH Wb Mueller-Charnley hip p. wKU du V u Wb
metal-backed p. eKHU b]R* Wb Mueller dual-lock hip p. qHI We* u Wb
metal-on-metal articulating dIH sO dI Wb du V
intervertebral disk p. eKH vK eKH l{u qBHL* Mueller total hip p. du V qUJ u Wb
metaphyseal head resection Wb l dJ lD Mueller total hip qUJ u b Wb
with p. replacement p. du V
Michael Reese articulated p. UJO V WKBHL* Wb Mulligan Silastic p. V pOO Wb
Microvel p. qOdJO Wb Multiflex p. fJOKHOK Wb
Miller-Galante hip p. XU dKO V u Wb Multi-lock hip p. oKG =bF* u Wb
Miller-Galante II knee p. dKO V W
d Wb Murray knee p. u V W
d Wb
wU u]M s XU myoelectric p. W]OdNJ W]OKCF Wb
Minneapolis p. fOuUMO Wb Naden-Rieth p. Y sU Wb
Minneapolis hip p. fOuUMO V u Wb Natural-Hip p. wFOD u Wb
Mittlemeir ceramic hip p. V W]Oe) u Wb Natural-Lok acetabular qHI w=I( n]K Wb
tOOLOKOO cup p. wFOD
Mittlemeir noncemented V W]O cH Wb NEB total hip p. V qUJ u Wb
femoral p. tOOLOKOO bb' dK bLF
modified Moore hip W]bF* W]O* u Wb Neer p. dO Wb
locking p. u V Neer humeral p. dO V bCF Wb
modular p. W]bF* Wb Neer humeral dO V bCF b Wb
modular Austin-Moore u 5 V u Wb replacement p.
hip p. W]bF* Neer I p. 1 dO Wb
modular Iowa Precoat total uJd qUJ u Wb Neer II p. 2 dO Wb
hip p. W]bF* u V Neer II shoulder p. 2 dO V nJ Wb
modular unicompartmental e=O( W]U_ W
d Wb Neer I shoulder p. 1 dO V nJ Wb
knee p. W]bF* Neer shoulder p. dO V nJ Wb
Monk hip p. pu V u Wb Neer umbrella p. dO V W]OKE* Wb
Moon-Robinson stapes p. u V U
d Wb Neer-Vitallium humeral p. dO V uOUOH bC Wb
uM Neibauer-Cutter p. d=u
Moore femoral p. u V cH Wb New Jersey nM wHBM qBH* Wb
Moore femoral neck p. u V cH oM Wb hemiarthroplasty p. wdOuO

- 557 -
New Jersey LCS knee p. V LCS W
d Wb ossicular chain W]OLOEF WKK b Wb
wdOuO replacement p.
New Jersey LCS shoulder p. wdOuO LCS W]OHJ Wb Osteolock hip p. uuO V u Wb
New Jersey LCS total V LCS WKUJ W
d Wb Osteonics hip p. fJOuO V u Wb
knee p. wdOuO Otto Bock p. u u Wb
Newton ankle p. suO V qUJ Wb Otto Bock Dynamic p. W]OJOUMb u u Wb
Nicoll tendon p. uJO V du Wb Overdyke hip p. pd u Wb
Niebauer p. UO Wb Oxford p. uH
Niebauer finger-joint l qBH b Wb Padgett p. XOU Wb
replacement p. UO V painful femoral head p. rR* cH Wb
Niebauer qBHLK pOO Wb Paladon p. Wb
metacarpophalangeal joint V w wFM Panje p. !U Wb
Silastic p. UO partial ossicular ULOEF bUM Wb
Niebauer trapezium wF]d* rEF b Wb reconstruction/ wze'
replacement p. UO V replacement p.
Noiles p. eKu Wb patellar p. WH{d Wb
Noiles fully constrained WKUJ UO_ W]O W
d Wb partellar tendon-bearing WH{d d bM W
d Wb
tricompartmental knee p. eKu V b]OI* below-knee p. W
d qH
nonhinged linked p. W]=d dO WDd* Wb PCA p. PCA Wb
Normalize hip p. W=bF* u Wb porous-coated anatomic rOLU U]DG* W]OdA Wb
Normalize Press-Fit hip p. W=bF* XO fd u Wb prosthesis
nudge control on p. WbU e
u r^J PCA knee p. PCA W
d Wb
ocular p. 5F Wb PCA unconstrained b]OI dO UO_ W]O Wb
Odland ankle p. b V qUJ Wb tricompartmental p. PCA
Oh cemented hip p. V W]O* u Wb PCA unicompartmental PCA e=O( W]U_ W
d Wb
Oh hip p. V u Wb knee p.
Oh Press-Fit hip p. fd V u Wb Phoenix total hip p. V qUJ u Wb
Omnifit p. XOHOM Wb Pillet hand p. XOKO V bO Wb
Omnifit HA hip p. HA XOHOM u Wb piston p. WOJ Wb
Omniflex hip p. fJKHOM u Wb Plasticor p. uJO Wb
Opti-Fix p. fJO w Wb Plasti-Pore ossicular V ULOEF b Wb
Opti-Fix femoral p. fJO w cH Wb replacement p. u w
Oregon Poly II ankle p. 2 wu u qUJ Wb Plystan p. UOK Wb
Orthochrome implant V W]=eKH W]OdG Wb PMI-6A1-4V implant W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
metal p. d
u metal p. PMI-6A1-4V
Ortholoc p. uu Wb Polycel bone composite p. qOu wLEF V]
d* Wb
Ortholoc implant metal p. V W]=eKH W]OdG Wb polycentric knee p. e
d* =bF* W
d Wb
uu Poly-Dial p. U wu Wb
orthopaedic p. UEF .uI Wb polyethylene patellar wu W]OH{d WdG Wb

- 558 -
implant p. W]OMOKO PTB supracondylar p. PTB WLIK u Wb
polyethylene talar p. W]OMOKO wu qUJ Wb PTB suprapatellar p. PTB WH{d u Wb
polypropylene p. 5KOd wu Wb PTS p. PTS Wb
porcine p. W]deM Wb PTS soft wedge p. PTS s=OK 5H Wb
Porocoated AML WOG AML W]O Wb Quantum Foot p. Uu
bI Wb
noncemented p. WLOL] radial head implant p. dFJ d W]OdG Wb
Porocool p. u
u Wb Radovan tissue expander p. V ZOM WF=u Wb
Porometal noncemented UOd W]O cH Wb U
femoral p. Rastelli p. wKO Wb
porous-coated anatomic p. rOLU U]DG* W]OdA Wb retaining knee p. W=* W
d Wb
(PCA prosthesis) Reverdin p. sd Wb
porous-coated femur p. rOLU U]DG* cH Wb Richards p. UA Wb
porous-coated hip p. rOLU U]DG* u Wb Richards Spectron V =eKHU b]R* =o( Wb
Press-Fit p. XO fd Wb metal-backed acetabular p. dJ UA
Press-Fit condylar total fd W]OLIK WKUJ W
d Wb Ring knee p. ZM V W
d Wb
knee p. XO Ring total hip p. ZM WKUJ u Wb
Pritchard total elbow p. V qUJ od* Wb RMC p. RMC Wb
UAd RM isoelastic hip p. RM Wd* W]u u Wb
Pritchard-Walker V b]OI* t od* Wb Robert Brigham total V WKUJ W
d Wb
semiconstrained elbow p. d
UAd knee p. UNd d
Pritchard-Walker total V qUJ od* Wb Rock-Mulligan p. UOu Wb
elbow p. d
UAd Rosenfeld hip p. bKOH V u Wb
Proplast p. Xd Wb rotating-hinge knee p. ]b ]d W
d Wb
PROSTALAC total joint p. 0 qUJ qBH* Wb SACH foot p. SACH bI Wb
]UC*U q]L* pOKd_ solid ankle, cushioned heel qUJ b]u* VIF Wb
W]uO( prosthesis XLB*
prosthetic antibiotic-loaded 0 WKUJ qBH* Wb sacrificing knee p. Wc W
d Wb
acrylic cement total joint p. ]UC*U q]L* pOKd
W]uO( Saint George-Buchholz XU V qUJ Wb
Protasul femoral p. uUd cH Wb ankle p. euNJ u
Protasul-10 noncemented 10 uUd cH Wb Saint George knee p. u XU V W
d Wb
femoral p. W]O Saint Jude p. u XU Wb
Protasul-64 WF Zweymuller uUd cH Wb Salzer p. eU Wb
femoral p. du1 WF 64 Sampson p. uU Wb
Protek p. pOd Wb Sarmiento hip p. uMOU V u Wb
provisional p. W]OUO Wb Sauerbruch p. dU Wb
proximal humeral p. wb bCF Wb Sbarbaro hip p. UU V u Wb
proximal third femoral p. WOb W]O WcH Wb Sbarbaro tibial p. UU V uME Wb
PTB p. PTB Wb Sbarbaro tibial plateau p. V W]OuME WCN Wb

- 559 -
Scarborough p. dUJ Wb elbow p. du
Schlein elbow p. s V od* Wb Spectron hip p. dJ u Wb
Schlein semiconstrained V b]OI* t od* Wb Speed p. bO Wb
elbow p. s Speed radius cap p. bO V dFJ uMK Wb
Schlein total elbow p. s V qUJ od* Wb spherocentric fully WKUJ UO_ W]O W
d Wb
Schlein trisurface ankle p. `D_ w qUJ Wb constrained e
d* W]dJ b]OI*
s V tricompartmental knee p.
Schuknecht Gelfoam wire p. W]OMOO' ud pK Wb spherocentric knee p. e
d* W]dzb W
d Wb
u V Spotorno hip p. ud V u Wb
Schuknecht Teflon wire uKH s W]OJK W]OJ Wb Springlite lower limb p. V wKH dD Wb
piston p. XOM
u V XUMd
Seattle foot p. qO V bI Wb S-ROM p. S Wb
self-bearing ceramic hip p. bM* W]Oc W]Oe) u Wb stainless steel implant W]uH W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
self-centering Universal e
dL W]Oc u Wb metal p. bBK WUI*
hip p. UdHOu Stanmore shoulder p. uLU V nJ Wb
semiconstrained p. b]OI* t Wb Stanmore totally constrained b]OI* qUJ od* Wb
semiconstrained knee p. b]OI* t W
d Wb elbow p. uLU V
semiconstrained t UO_ W]O W
d Wb STD hip p. STD V u Wb
tricompartmental knee p. b]OI* STD + Titanium total hip p. STD s qUJ u Wb
Sharrard-Trentani p. wUMd d Wb uOUO
Sheehan knee p. UNO V W
d Wb stemmed p. WUI Wb
Sherfee p. wdO Wb Stenzel rod p. eMO V W]uBF Wb
Shier knee p. dO V W
d Wb Stevens-Street elbow p. eMH V od* Wb
shoulder p. nJ Wb Xd
Silastic radial head p. W]OJOO dFJ Wb St. George p. u fMH Wb
Silastic thumb p. W]OJOO UN Wb STH-2 hip p. STH-2 u Wb
sintered implant p. b]K* W]OdG Wb Street-Stevens humeral p. eMH V bCF Wb
Sivash hip p. UHO V u Wb Xd
SMA p. SMA Wb substituting knee p. W]O{UF W
d Wb
Smith p. YOL Wb Surgitek p. pOU Wb
Smith ankle p. YOL V qUJ Wb Sutter MCP finger joint p. MCP l qBH Wb
Smith-Petersen p. sd YOL Wb du V
Smith-Petersen hip cup p. V w
u n]K Wb Swanson finger joint p. V l qBH Wb
sd YOL uu
SMo p. SMo Wb Swanson flexible hallux Wd* _ bO UN Wb
solid ankle, cushioned heel qUJ b]u* VIF Wb valgus p. uu V
p. (SACH foot prosthesis) XLB* Swanson great toe p. V bI UN Wb
solid ankle, cushioned qUJ b]u* VIF Wb uu
heel p. XLB* Swanson Silastic p. V W]OJOO Wb
Souter unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb uu

- 560 -
Swanson Silastic elbow p. V W]OJOO od* Wb Ti-Con p. Ti-Con Wb
uu Tillman p. ULKO Wb
Swanson T-shaped great toe W]OJOO bI UN Wb Titan cemented hip p. UO V W]O* u Wb
silastic p. V T qJA WOzU titanium p. uOUO Wb
uu titanium implant p. uOUO s W]OdG Wb
Syme p. rO Wb Ti-Thread p. bd w Wb
Syme amputation p. rO V d Wb Titian hip p. UOO V u Wb
Syme foot p. rO V bI Wb Tivanium hip p. uOUHO s u Wb
Synatomic total knee p. W]OJOuUMO WKUJ W
d Wb Tivanium implant metal p. s W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
synthetic p. W]OIOK Wb uOUHO
Taperloc femoral p. udOU V cH Wb TK Optimizer knee p. TK W]OU* W
d Wb
TARA p. total articular wKBH* bU d Wb toe p. bI l Wb
replacement arthroplasty qUJ total articular replacement wKBH* bU d Wb
prosthesis arthroplasty p. (TARA qUJ
TARA total hip p. Wb bU qUJ u Wb prosthesis)
wKBH* bU d total condylar knee p. WKUJ W]OLIK W
d Wb
qUJ total condylar b]OI* t UO_ W]O Wb
Tavernetti-Tennant p. XUMO wOdH Wb semiconstrained WKUJ W]OLIK
wOdH V W
d Wb tricompartmental p.
Tavernetti-Tennant knee p. XUMO total hip replacement p. qUJ u b Wb
Teflon tri-leaflet p. WIu W]O W]OuKH Wb total joint replacement p. qUJ qBH* b Wb
p. template Wb Ud Total knee p. WKUJ W
d Wb
tendon p. du Wb total knee replacement p WKUJ W
d b Wb
Tharies hip replacement p. V u b Wb Townley TARA p. wKBH* bU d Wb
fU wKMu V qUJ
thermomechanical implant W]d( W]=eKH W]OdG Wb Townley total knee p. V WKUJ W
d Wb
metal p. W]O wKMu
Thompson p. uu Wb TPR ankle prosthesis p. TPR qUJ Wb
Thompson femoral neck p. V cH oM Wb trapezial p. wF]d* rEF Wb
uu trapeziometacarpal joint wF]d* qBH* b Wb
Thompson hemiartroplasty qBH* d u Wb replacement p. wFM
hip p. uu V wHBM trapezium implant p. wF]d* rEFK W]OdG Wb
Thompson hip p. uu V u Wb Trapezoidal-28 hip p. 28 WdM* u Wb
threaded p. WeK* Wb Trapezoidal-28 internal p. 28 WdM* W]OKb Wb
threaded titanium acetabular WeK* WOuOUO =o( Wb Triad p. W]OK Wb
p. (TTAP) trial p. W]Od Wb
Thurst plate femoral p. V W]OOHB cH Wb triaxial semiconstrained W]O b]OI* t od* Wb
XU elbow p. U;
tibial plateau p. W]OuME WCN Wb tricompartmental p. UO_ W]O Wb
Ti/CoCr hip p. Ti-CoCr u Wb tricompartmental knee p. UO_ W]O W
d Wb

- 561 -
Tricon-M patellar p. uJd WH{d Wb Walldius knee p. ub V W
d Wb
trileaflet p. WIu W]O Wb Walldius Vitallium W]OuOUOH W]OJOUJO* W
d Wb
Tri-Lok p. UH _ W]O Wb mechanical knee p. ub V
Tri-Lok hip p. UH _ W]O u Wb Warsaw hip p. u u Wb
Trummion bearing hip p. uOd V u bM Wb Waugh knee p. V W
d Wb
TTAP p. TTAP Wb Waugh total ankle qUJ qUJ b Wb
Turner p. ddO Wb replacement p. V
two-prong stem finger p. W]OzUM W]Oc' l Wb Weller total hip joint p. qUJ u qBH Wb
uA dK V
UCI p. UCI Wb well-seated p. bFI* b=O Wb
UCI ankle p. UCI qUJ Wb Whitesides knee p. bU V W
d Wb
ulnar head implant p. be d W]OdG Wb Whitesides Ortholoc II 2 uu W]OLIK cH Wb
unconstrained dO UO_ W]O W
d Wb condylar femoral p. bU V
tricompartmental knee p. b]OI* William Harris hip p. f=U eUO V u Wb
unicompartmental p. e=O( W]U Wb Wilson-Burstein hip p. uK V u Wb
unicompartmental knee p. e=O( W]U_ W
d Wb sUd
unicondylar p. WLIK W]U Wb Wilson-Burstein hip V uK W]OKb Wb
Universal p. UdHOu Wb internal p. sUd uK
Universal femoral head p. UdHOu cH Wb Wright p. X Wb
Universal hip p. UdHOu u Wb Wright knee p. X V W
d Wb
UPF p. UPF Wb wrist joint implant p. rBF* qBH* W]OdG Wb
upper extremity p. uKF dD Wb Xenophor femoral p. uHMe s cH Wb
upper extremity dDK W]OdNJ W]OKCF Wb Young hinged knee p. V ]d W
d Wb
myoelectric p. uKF Zu
upper limb p. (ULP) uKF dD Wb Young-Vitallium hinged p. Zu V ]d Wb
Vanghetti p. wOU Wb uOUO
Vanghetti limb p. wOU V dD Wb Zimalite implant metal p. V W]=eKH W]OdG Wb
Varikopf p. uJU Wb XOU1
Varikopf hip p. uJU V u Wb Zimaloy femoral head p. uU1 V cH Wb
Vinertia implant metal p. V W]=eKH W]OdG Wb Zimaloy implant metal p. uU1 V WdG eK Wb
UOdOM Zimmer Centralign Precoat 5'dM= s u Wb
Vitallium humeral W]OuOUOH bCF b Wb hip p. d=1 V uJd
replacement p. Zimmer shoulder p. d=1 V W]OHJ Wb
Vitallium-W implant W W]OuOUOH W]=eKH WdG Wb Zimmer tibial p. d=1 V uME Wb
metal p. Zweymuller hip p. du1 V u Wb
Volz p. eu Wb prosthesis-cement interface W]O* Wb WNO
Volz wrist p. eu V od* Wb prosthetic UOLO rOL{ wb
Wadsworth unconstrained V b]OI* dO od* Wb p. ambulation wb dO
elbow p. u p. antibiotic-loaded acrylic q]L* pOKd
Wagner p. dMU Wb cement (PROSTALAC) WuO( UC*U

- 562 -
p. antibiotic-loaded acrylic 0 qUJ qBH* Wb tissue p. ZOM WMU
cement total joint UC*U q]L* pOKd
_ Protecto splint WUL( dO
prosthesis WuO( protein 5d
p. arthroplasty wb qBH* Bence Jones p. eu fM 5d
p. design wb rOLB bone morphogenic p. (BMP) wIOK wLE 5d
p. fitting W]Ob W* C-reactive p. C qUH* 5d
p. gait training wb wA* vK Vb p. malnutrition W]OMOd WcG u
p. hemiarthroplasty wb wHBM qBH* protein-polysaccharide 5d dLK W oOK u
p. hook wb ^hA synthesis-depolymerizatio bUJ bb
p. patella W]Ob WH{d n equilibrium
p. replacement wb b Protek prosthesis ud Wb
p. socket wb aM proteoglycan UJOKuOd
p. spacer wb UH* p. degradation UJOKuOd ^b
p. stance phase shock W]Ob u u u Wb p. synthesis UJOKuOd oOK
p. support wb Ub Proteus mirabilis Wud WFzd WKI*
Prosthetist qzb w UB wKzb Prothrombin time (PT) 5dd s
Certified P. (CP) U* qzb wUB protocol uud
ProStretch gdd Duran-Houser p. dU u
Protasul Ud Evans-Burkhalter p dKd eUH u
P. femoral prosthesis Ud s cH Wb Protoplast cement Xud 
P. implant metal s W]=eKH W]OdG Wb prototype design wzb jLM rOLB
Ud Protouch synthetic V wIOK wUEF bOu
Protasul-10 noncemented s W]O cH Wb orthopaedic padding gUd
femoral prosthesis 10 Ud Protrac alignment guide dd nO d bd
Protasul-64 WF s du1 V cH Wb protraction WU WUD
Zweymuller femoral WF64 Ud protractor qOD*
prosthesis Demariniff p. nOMU WKOD
protection kH sOB WUL Zimmer p. d=1 qOD
digital artery p. =wF UdA kH protruding disk U d
TU d

p. plate WUL( WOH protrusio u U

protector WM U( p. acetabulum qBH* R =o( U
Decubinex p. fJMOu
WMU p. deformity wzu ^uA
grooved p. WL]K WMU p. ring U WIK
Heelbo decubitus w VIFod* WMU p. shell U U
heel/elbow p. uKO V UIK protrusion U
M-F heel p. M-F VIF WMU central disk p. e
d* dI U
Ortho-Foam p. W]Ou u WMU( disk p. dI U
PRN p. PRN VKD V WMU( lateral disk p. wAu dI U
Seal-Tight cast p. qO V VUI WMU medial disk p. w dI U
XU p. of the navicular w e U

- 563 -
protuberans Wb eU p. metatarsal osteotomy wb jA* rE lD
dermatofibrosarcoma p. W]Ob W]bK W]OHO Wu
U p. midpatellar medial and W]OAu W]O W]OU _
proud flesh V r( lateral portals WN' s WH{d nBM w
providone-iodine bO d su WOb
provisional X
R wUO p. phalangeal osteotomy wb w rEF lD
p. fixation X] R XO p. phalanx (PP) wb v lD
p. prosthesis W] R* Wb p. portion wb rI
p. stabilisation X] R XO p. radioulnar articulation wb be dFJ qBH*
proximal w p. radius WOb dFJ
p. articular facet angle wb wKBH* tOu W p. realignment wb nOd U
p. articular set angle (PASA) WOb W]OKBH* WuL: W p. release wb dd
p. carpal row wb wGd nB p. shaft wb r'
p. carpectomy wb md UB p. tendon rupture wb du ^eL
p. and distal realignment wUI wb nOd U p. third (proximal/3) wb YK^
p. dome osteotomy W]I qJA wb rEF lD p. third femoral prosthesis wb cH YK^ Wb
p. drill guide assembly VI* qOb WOb WuL: p. third of shaft rK wb YK^
p. femoral epiphysiolysis WOb WcH WUA* qB p. tibia wb uME
p. femoral focal deficiency wb R cH uF p. tibial fracture wb uME d

(PFFD) p. tibial metaphyseal wb uME d


p. femoral fracture wb cH d

p. femoral metaphyseal wb cH d
dOBI p. tibial osteotomy wb wuME rEF lD
shortening p. tibial plateau WOb W]OuME WCN
p. femoral osteotomy wb cH rE lD p. tibiofibular joint wb W]OuME WCN qBH
p. femoral resection wb cH lD p. tibiofibular joint uEA wuME qBH* lK
p. femur wb cH rE dislocation wb
p. fibula wb W]OEA rE p. tibiofibular subluxation uEA wuME wze' lK)
p. humeral fracture wb bCF d
p. humeral prosthesis wb bCF Wb p. tibiofibular synostosis wb uEA wuME U
p. humerus wb bCF rE wb be
p. interlocking wb VUM p. ulna wb wdJ dOBI
p. interphalangeal (PIP) wb UO sO p. Wagner metaphyseal dMU V
p. interphalangeal joint wb UO sO qBH shortening
(PIPJ) proximal/3 proximal third wb YK
p. interphalangeal joint wb UO sO vQ proximally qJA wUI
approach proximal-row carpectomy wGd wb =nB UB
p. intrinsic release wK dd proximal-to-distal ring vB
_ v v_ s WIK
p. latency uL
proximolateral wA
p. locking U Prozac d
p. medial portal wb w U prune belly syndrome d V sD W
p. medical brim WOb W]O=D WU( pseudarthrosis, U UB

- 564 -
pseudoarthrosis pseudoneuroma U wB
congenital p. ^ IK) UJ UBH
w pseudoosteomyelitis UJ wIM rEF UN
congenital tibial p. ^wIK) UJ wuME UBH pseudopodium WUJ bI
documented p. o]u* UJ UBH pseudopolyphasic action UJ u_ =bF* qFH sU
extraarticular p. qBH* U UJ UBH potential
failed back syndrome with l nOF]C dN]E W pseudosarcomatous reaction UJ wuU qUH
documented p. o]u* UJ UBH pseudosubluxation UJ wze' lK)
fibular p. uEA UJ UBH pseudotendon UJ du
interspinous p. UJ sUM] 5 UBH pseudovarus U Z
radial p. UJ dFJ UBH cubitus p. UJ Z_ od*
p. rate UJ UBH ]bF PSIS dB
p. repair UJ UBH `OKB posterosuperior iliac spine W]uKF W]OHK) W]OH
d( WuA
synovial p. UJ wKOe UBH psoas W]OMDI WKCF
tibial p. UJ wuME UBH p. abscess W=OMDI WKCF d
tibular p. UJ wuME UBH p. muscle W=OMDI WKCF
pseudoacetabulum UJ ^o( psoriasis W]O bB
pseudoarticulation U qBHL psoriatic w b w b
pseudo-Babinski sign WUJ wJMU W p. arthritis wbB qUH* UN
pseudoboutonnire WUJ dF d ^uA psychoextended hand wHM dOQU WDM* bO
deformity psychoflexed hand wHM dOQU WOMM* bO
pseudoclaudication U d psychogenic QAM* wH
pseudoclawing UJ VKL psychologic testing W]OH U
pseudocortex WUJ dAI psychology fHM rK
pseudodislocation UJ lK) sports p. w{Ud fHM rK
pseudoepiphysis WUJ WUA* psychomotor wd wH
pseudoexostosis UJ dF psychosomatic wb wH
pseudofacilitation UJ qON PT dB
pseudofracture UJ dJ physical therapy W]OzUeO W'UF
milkmans p. 6]K lzU UJ dJ pronator teres ]b* W]UJ
pseudogamekeepers injury WUJ bzdD U WU prothrombin time 5dd s
pseudogout U dI PTB dB
pseudohypertrophy WU WU{ patellar tendon-bearing WH{d d qL
pseudohypoparathyroidism UJ UI^b uB
pretibial bearing uME U qL
pseudomallei ru d PTB ankle-foot orthosis U qL*U bI qU
Pseudomonas p. ru* dD WHz uME
Pseudomonas Wud WHze PTB ankle-foot orthosis U qL*U bI qUJ uI
P. aeruginosa Wud W]Ue WHze uME
P. pseudomallei Wud _ `OI WHz PTB brace uME U qL* UM
Pseudomonas infection WHzeU b PTB plastic orthosis U qLLK sbK uI*
pseudomyotonic discharge UJ wKCF d^Q mdH uME

- 565 -
PTB prosthesis uME U qL* Wb p. artery wd Ud
PTB supracondylar U qLLK WLIK u Wb p. nerve injury wdH VBF WU
prosthesis uME p. neuritis wdH VBF UN
PTB suprapatellar prosthesis qLLK WH{d u Wb Pugh U
uME U P. driver U YF
PTB-SC dB P. hip pin U V u u^
patellar tendon-bearing- u qL* WH{d d Wb P. nail U UL
supracondylar WLIK P. plate U WOH
PTB-SC-SP prosthesis PTB-SC-SP Wb P. sliding nail U V e UL
pterygium dHE P. traction U ^d
pterygoid plate WdHE WOHB Pugil stick injury qOu V dOCM WU
PTFL posterior talofibular wHK) uEA wFI Ud pull lKI
ligament p. screw lKI Vu
PTP dB spinous p. w
u lK
posterior tibial pulse wHK) wuME iM pulled elbow lKI* o d*
PTS dB pulley dJ
PTS knee brace PTS W
d UM A1-A4 annular p.s A1-A4 WOIK( dJ
PTS prosthesis PTS Wb C1-C3 cruciate p.s C1-C3 W]OOKB dJ
PTS soft wedge prosthesis PTS WM=OK W]OMOH Wb p. exercice dJ sdL
PTSD dB fibroosseous p. W]OLEF W]OHOK dJ
posttraumatic stress disorder wU UN dD{ p. reconstruction dJ UM
`{dK weights and p. dJ _
PTT dB pul-out V
partial thromboplastin time wze' 5ud s p.-o. button V ^
patellar tendon transfer WH{d d qI p.-o. strength V ]u
pubalgia WUF p.-o. suture eM WUO
pubic wU p.-o. wire suture eM pK WUO
p. pad WUF U pulmonale uz
pubic wU cor p. uz VK
p. ramus wUF dH pulmonary uz
p. symphysis wUF UH p. atelectasis uz UL
pubicus wU p. complication W]uz WHUC
arcus p. WUF u p. contusion uz y
pubis WUF rE WUF p. edema W]uz W
osteitis p. WUF rE UN p. embolism uz ULB
symphysis p. wUF UH p. function test W]uzd WHOu U
puboischial area W]OJ W]OUF WU p. osteodystrophy uz wLE q
pucker sign dU W pulp yV
Puddu U p. approach w= vQ
P. drill guide U V VI* bd finger p. l V
P. tendon technique U V du WId p. flap WO= WKb
pudendal wd p. traction VK ^d

- 566 -
pulposus w= Xu
herniated nucleus p. (HNP, WIHM* W]OK uM knee p.s W
d W]C
HPN) Multipulse 1000 iM =bF* W]ODGC W]C*
nucleus p. W]OK uM compression p. 1000
pulsatile iU pump-handle rib motion W]C* iIL lKC Wd
p. hypothermic perfusion uK0 WCU W]bd Wd punch W]d
with University of 5uJ WFU Acufex p. fJu
Wisconsin solution Acufex rotary p. fJu
V ]b W]d)
p. pressure lavage iU wDG{ q arthroscopic p. qBH* UEM W]d
pulsating electromagnetic iU wOUMGdN qI p. biopsy W]d)U We
field bone p. rEF W]d
pulsation UC Caspari suture p. UU
V b W]d
pulse i Casselberry suture p. dOKU
V b W]d
blood volume p. (BVP) b r i cervical laminectomy p. W]OIMF WOHB UB W]d
dorsalis pedis p. wbI wdNE iM p. forceps ]d jIK
p. irrigator wCM d* UN I-beam cement p. b We W]O W]d
p. oximeter wCM Z
Q UOI Kerrison p. e=d
posterior tibial p. (PTP) wHK) wuME iM Rowe glenoid p. V =o( W]d
p. status-pull test UOKF Wd* U Schlesinger p. dMeK W]d
pulsed wC suction p. =h* W]d
p. electromagnetic field wC wOUMGdN
qI tibial p. uME W]d
(PEMF) tubular p. W]Ou W]d
p. lavage wC q punctata wDI j]IM
p. ultrasound wCM uB ozU keratosis p. wDI dI
pulselessness iM UO puncture e e
pulsing current for rK* dO dJK cc* U]O lumbar p. (LP) wMD e
nonunion of fracture p. wound e d
Pulvertaft X UdOHu Puno-Winter-Byrd (PWB) dO dM uu
P. end-to-end suture V dD v dD WUO P.-W.-B. system dO dM uu UN
XHdHU purchase WUL
P. fish-mouth stitch V WJL r d bony p. rEF WUL
XUdOHu p. and press the ground `D vK jG{ WUL
P. interweave suture V W
u* WUO) _
XUdOHu sockets p. aM WUL
P. weave technique XUdOHu V W
UO( WId toe-ground p. bI UN W]O{ WUL
pulvinar region Uu WIDM Purdue pegboard U V bu Wu
pump W]C pure syndactyly d=B lU _ UH
ankle p.s qUJ W]C puric pu
p. bump W]C* UD purine su
p. handle rib motion W]C* iIL
d p. metabolism su I
Jobst p. Xu W]C purposeful activity U UA
Jobst athrombie p. V d) WbF W]C purulent material W]OO

- 567 -
pus `O
peripheral vascular system wDO; wzUu UN'
push l PW dB
knee-chest p. bB W
d l plantar wart ywBL uR
prone sacral p. uJ* eF l{u PWA dB
spinous p. w
uA lb patient (s) with AIDS uF W0 UB id
pusher l VJ* wUM*
Charnley femoral V cH Wb l PWB dB
prosthesis p. wKU Puno-Winter-Byrd dO dM uU
hook p. UD) l P. transpedicular spine UIu d dIH XO UN
knot p. bIF l fixation system dO dM uU V
Push medical brace u V w=D UM px dB
push-off dd pneumothorax bB d
great toe p.-o. bI UN dd pyarthrosis qBH* `^OI
p.-o. by great toe bI UN WDu D pyelogram WCu( u
push-pull yd l intravenous p. W]bu WCu( u
p.-p. ankle stress view lbU qUJK UN dEM pyknodysostosis wE^KG] r^EF] qK
=d' pylon W]
p.-p. hip view =d' lbU u dEM p. attachment plate W]OUMB qd UJ WOH
p.-p. move =d' lbU ^d W] R*
push-up test l b U metal p. W]ObF W] R W]OUM q
Puth abduction splint U V b=F* dO' pyogenic `=OI
Put-In Driver u W
]u p. arthritis `=OI* qBH* UN
Putti wu p. bursitis `=OI* d' UN
P. bone plast wu V rEF dO p. granuloma `=OI wO
P. bone rasp wu V rEF U p. spinal infection W=OI* W]O
uA bF
P. knee arthrodesis wu V W
d qBH U pyomyositis wOI qCF UN
P. posterior approach wu V wHK) vQ* staphylococcal p. wOI qCF UN
P. rasp wu U U]uIMFU
P. splint wu dO pyramidal wd
Putti-Platt wu p. fracture wd d

P.-P. arthroplasty wu V qBH* p. tract wdN qO

P.-P. instrumentation wu V _ b pyrazinamide q^K uO UC bOUMdO
pyridoxine 5UOH UJ s 5bdO
P.-P. shoulder procedure wu V nJ d B6
pyrolytic carbon dK yU udJ
putty uF pyrophosphate UH dO
BeOK hand exercice p. uO V bO sdL uF p. arthropathy UHudOU qBH*
PVC tubing PVC VOM technetium-99m p. 99m uOAOMJ UHudO
PVD dB technetium stannous p. uU UHudO
peripheral vascular disease wDO wzU (TSPP) 99m uOAOMJ
peripheral vascular surgery W]ODO; WO_ Wd

- 568 -
Q-angle d W]OU W q. lumborum syndrome WF]d* W]OMDI W
quadriceps angle d W]OU W Pronator q. (PQ) WF]d* W]UJ
Q-angle of the knee WdK d W]OU W quadriceps (quad) d W]OU
QCT dB q. angle (Q-angle) d W]OU W
quantitative computed Vu* ^wFDI* duB q. aponeurosis d W]OU UH
tomography w=LJ q. apron d W]OU e
quad dB q. atrophy d W]OU uL{
quadriceps WKC d W]OU q. contraction test d W]OU U
quadrilateral {_ ^wU q. contracture d W]OU l^HI
quadriplegic wUd qKAU o=KF q. femoris muscle W]OU W]cH WKCF
q. cane wUd qKA UB d
q. strengthening exercice wUd qKAK WuI sdL q. femoris muscle cast W]OU W]cH WKCF VU
Quadracut ACL shaver wUd ACL * UN d
system lDI q. mechanism d W]OU W]OJOUJO
quadrangular U]e ^wU q. muscle d W]OU WKCF
q. cartilage U]e ^wUd dCG q. muscle group W]OUd WKCF WuL
q. positioning plate W]OUd UCO WOH d
U]e q. reflex d W]OU fJFM
Quadrant advanced wFd =bI* nJ UM q. tendon d W]OU d
shoulder brace q. test d W]OU U
quadraphasic scanning u_ W]OU WdH q. wasting d W]OU uL{
quadrapod cane b WF_ UBF quadricepsplasty d W]OU
quadrate ligament wUd Ud Judet q. V d W]OU
quadratus WF]d W]OU u
q. femoris fascia WF]d* W]cH WUHK Thompson q. V d W]OU
q. femoris muscle WF]d* W]cH WKCF u u
q. lumborum muscle WF]d* W]OMDI WKCF V-Y q. vK d W]OU

- 569 -
Y-V qJA Quest Y^ Y
quadriceps-setting exercise d W]OU l{ sd9 Fear Avoidance Beliefs Q. u) V^M bzUI w Y
Quadriflex fJKHu
quadrilateral (quad) {_ ^wU question UH R
q. brim {_ W]OUd WU( Enneking q.s ZMOJ= WK
q. frame {_ wU U questionnaire UO
q. socket {_ wU aM  Behavioral Assessment of r wuK  rOOI UO
q. space syndrome {_ wUd e=O( W Pain Q.
quadriparesis wU e Children's Comprehensive UH_ bM r_ UO
quadriplegia d_ qK wU qK Pain Q. (CCPQ)
WF_ Cincinnati knee scoring q. Wd d( wU]MO MO UO
quadriplegic (quad) wUd qKAU o=KF Clinical Analysis Q. (CAQ) dd  qOK UO
quadruple complex wU V]
d Cognitive Error Q. wdF* QD) UO
Quadtro du
Cognitive Strategies Q. W]OdF* jD) l{ UO
Q. cushion du U Illness Behavior Q. d* uK UO
Q. cushion with Isoflap U]LB du U Illness Depression Q. U d UO
valve e Lysholm knee scoring q. V Wd dd UO
QualCraft short elastic dOBI d* rBF* U ruAO
wrist support X dJu
V McGill Pain Q. qO p V r_ UO
Quality u' Melzack Pain Q. eU V r_ UO
q. of life UO( u Physical Activity Readiness wb UAMK qO* UO
motion q. Wd( u Q. (PAR-Q)
quantitative computed w=L
Vu wFDI duB Varni-Thompson Pediatric V wuHD r_ UO
tomography (QCT) Pain Q. u u wU
quantity W]OL
Quetelet Index XOKu
scalar q. W]b* W]OLJ QuickCast wrist pu
V rBF* X=
vector q. WN]u* W]OLJ immobiliser XU

Quantum Foot prosthesis W]OLJ bI Wb Quick stretch ld bbL]
quasistatic stressed position WU t WuJ* W]OF{u quiescence uL
Queckenstedt sign jG{ dOQ XOAMOJu
W quiescent bU
qzU] jG{ vK wu Quigley traction wKu
wUM Quik splint splint pu
Quengel qMO
Quinby classification of u( dJ wMu
Q. apparatus qMO UN pelvic fracture
Q. cast qMO VU Quincke needle pMu
Q. hinge qMO ] quinti wUL
Qunu-Kss wG d dJ nOMB abductor digiti q. (ADQ) dBMK b=F* WKCF
tarsometatarsal injury u
V wDA* extensor digiti q. (EDQ) dBMK WDU WKCF
classification Huber transfer of b=F* WKCFK du qI
Qunu nail plate removal WdHE WOHB e WId abductor digiti q. dBMK
technique uMO
V opponens digiti q. (ODQ) dBMK WKUI* WKCF

- 570 -
RA dB r. bearing dFJ qL(
rheumatoid arthritis buUd qBH* UN r. bursa dFJ d
RA factor qBH* UN qU r. clubhand dFJ bO nM
buUd r. collateral ligament (RCL) dFJ wU' Ud
RA test qBH* UN U r. column dFJ uLF
buU^d r. deficiency dFJ uF
rachialgia uLF w r UO] r r. deviation dFJ d
dIH r. digital nerve wF dFJ VBF
rachicentesis wMD e wzUO e r. drift dFJ Ue
rachiochysis wzUO UB r. forearm flap W]dFJ bU WKb
rachiodynia uLF w r wzUO r r. fracture dFJ d
dIH r. fracture reduction dFJ d ^
rachiokyphosis b r. head dFJ
rachiomyelitis U^M UN r. head anlage dFJ b
rachioparalysis wU qK r. head dislocation dFJ lK
rachioplegia QAM* wU qK r. head fracture dFJ d
rachisagra wzUO r r. head implant prosthesis dFJ d WdG* Wb
rachitic b r. head subluxation dFJ d wze' lK)
r. cat-back bd W]DI dN r. hemimelia d]DK dFJ nB=M bF
r. rosary sign W]bd W W r. laminectomy W]dFJ WOHB UB
rachitomy dIH uLF lC r. malalignment dFJ nOd u
rack d r. meniscal tear WO=FA WN W e
Hausmann weight r. ULu V u d r. neck dFJ oM
racquet-shaped incision XO dU tOA ^oA r. neck fracture dFJ oM d
radial w=F wUF dF r. nerve dFJ VBF
r. artery dFJ UdA r. nerve injury dFJ VBF WU
r. artery injury dFJ UdA WU r. nerve palsy dFJ VBF qK

- 571 -
r. pseudoarthrosis UJ dFJ UBH r. pain c' r_
r. reflex dFJ fJFM* radiculectomy c' UB
r. sensory nerve w=( VBF U H W radiculitis c' UN
entrapment syndrome dFJ cervical r. W]O ]d c' UN
r. shaft dFJ r radiculomyelopathy U^M c'
r. slab splint W]dFJ UM dO radiculoneuritis UB_ c' UN
r. styloid fracture dFJ d dJ radiculopathy W]OBF c'
r. tear W]O=FA W e* cervical r. W]O d W]OBF c'
r. trial W]O=F Wd radicurogram UB_ c j]D
r. tuberosity W]dFJ Wb_ radii of angulation =e dD
r. tunnel dFJ oHM radioactive U]OUF jOA ylA
r. tunnel syndrome dFJ oHM W r. iodine-labeled uOU uu* 5uMdH
r. wedge osteotomy wMOH dFJ rEF lD fibrinogen =lA*
r. wrist extensor rBFLK W]dFJ WDU r. xenon clearance =lA* uMe WOHB
r. wrist extensor tendinitis W]dFJ WDU d UN radioallergosorbent testing =w_ =eL* U
radial-based flap dFJ v bM WKb radiocapitate ligament dOJ dFJ Ud
radialis dF radiocapitellar dO dF
r. brevis WKC dOBI W]dFJ r. articulation dOJ dFJ qBH*
flexor carpi r. (FCR) WKC W]dFJ W]OGd WOM* r. line dOJ dFJ ^j)
r. sign W]dFJ WF radiocarpal wG dF
radialized l]FA r. arthritis wGd dFJ qBH* UN
radian U r. arthrodesis wGd dFJ qBH* U
radiate l]FA ^lA r. arthroscopy wGd dFJ qBH* UEM
r. ligament l=FA* Ud r. articulation wGd dFJ qBH*
r. sternocostal ligament l=FA* bB w=BI Ud r. instability wGd dFJ dI b
radiation exposure UF ^dF r. joint wGd dFJ qBH*
radical c r. ligament wGd dFJ Ud
r. compartmental excision c e=O UB radiogram W]OUF u
r. fasciectomy c' WUHK lC radiograph W]OUF u
r. flexor release c' WOM* dd spot r. W]R W]OUFA uB
r. palmar fasciectomy c' W]Od WUHK lC stress r. W]UN W]OUF u
r. resection c' lDI Velpeau axillary r. W]OD W]OUFA uB
vertebral, and wd* wUd dIH lDI uKO V
tracheoesophageal, c' d* radiographic grid wUF duB WJ
esophageal, r. (VATER) radiography wUF duB
radicotomy (var. of c' lD biplanar r. 5u* wUFA duB
rhizotomy) carpometacarpal joint r. qBHLK wUF duB
radicular c wFM wGd
r. artery c' UdA elbow r. odLK wUF duB

- 572 -
flexion-extension r. wM l{ w wUF duB radioulnar b dF
j r. articulation be dFJ qBH*
patellofemoral joint r. qBHLK wUF duB r. dissociation b dF UH
c H wH{d r. joint b dF qBH
serendipity view in duB w WObd dEM r. joint injury be dFJ qBH* WU
shoulder r. nJK wUFA r. subluxation be dFJ wze' lK)
shoulder r. nJK wUF duB r. synostosis b dF wLE U
radiohumeral joint bCF dFJ qBH* radius dDI nB dFJ
radioisotope lA dOE absent r. WzUG dFJ
r. clearance assay lA* dOEM WOHB WUI r. of angulation =e dD nB
r. gallium scan lA* uOU' dOE WdH r. of curvature UM dD nB
r. indium-labeled white UCO b U WdH distal r. wUI dDI nB
blood cell scan lA* ub dOEM Wuu* proximal r. wb dDI nB
r. technetium scan lA* uOAOMJ dOE WdH Radley-Liebig-Brown d ZOO w lD
201 r. thallium lA* 210 uOU dOE resection
radiolucency W]F UH Radovan tissue expander V ZOMK WUH Wb
radiolucent W]F nOH prosthesis U
r. line W]F nOH yj Raeder paratrigeminal rzu] =w dOE W
r. roll W]F WHOH W]H syndrome b V
r. splint W]F WHOH dO Ragnell retractor qOM UF
radiolunate w dF Raimiste sign XO1 W
r. fusion w dF Z Rainbow cast sandal uM V wUI bMB
r. joint w dF qBH raising l
radionuclide lA* uM contralateral straight leg r. VU'U rOI* U l
r. scan WdH W]FA* W]uM WdH qUI*
lA* bOK uM crossed-leg straight leg r. UK rOI* U l
radioscaphocapitate dO wU dF WUB*
r. ligament dOJ wUI dFJ Ud crossed straight leg r. VUB* WLOI* U l
r. ligament laxity W]dFJ W]OUd Ud diurnal variation in straight U l w W]UN UH
radioscaphoid w dF leg r. WLOI*
r. fusion w dF Z passive straight leg r. qFHM* WLOI* U l
r. joint w dF qBH straight leg r. (SLR) WLOI* U l
r. ligament w dF U well-leg r. WLOK] U l
radioscaphoid-lunate wN we dFJ Ud rake-handle effect W]b* iI dOQ
ligament rake retractor W]b* UF
radioscapholunate joint wN we dFJ qBH* rales and ronchi jODG dd)
radiotherapy W]OUF W'UF* Ralks fJ
coxa vara deformity Z_ u ^uA b R. bone drill fJ V rEF VI
pelvic r. W]O{u( W]F_U R. drill fJ VI
radiotriquetral ligament w]K* dFJ Ud R. fingernail drill V l dH VI

- 573 -
fJ r.-o.-m. testing W d( U U
Ralston-Thompson V UJ qBH* WId Ransford loop uH bI
pseudoarthrosis technique uu u Ranvier tOOH
ramp load =VA qOL groove of R. tOOH b
ramus, pl. rami d d zone of R. tOOH WIDM
dorsal rami wHK) dH RAP-n-roll WUH
pubic r. wUF dH Rappaport osteotomy uU V rEF lD
Ranawat classification U nOMB rarefaction qK
Ranawat-DeFiore-Straub d uO U rasp, raspatory U
R.-D.-S. osteotomy U V rEF lD Acufex convex r. ]b* fJu U
d uO Alexander r. bMJ U
R.-D.-S. technique uO U WId angled r. ]e* U*
d Arthrofile orthopaedic r. UEF .uI Wd U
Ranawat-Dorr-Inglis eK U WId qUd V
method Austin Moore r. u 5 U
Rancho uA Bacon r. u U U
R. anklet foot control bI bU w r^J UN bell r. ^wd' U*
apparatus uA V BIAS r. BIAS U
R. Cube System uA V wOFJ UN' carbon-tungsten r. 5M udJ s U*
random pattern flap =wzuAF dDU WKb Charnley r. wKU U
Raney w Coryllos r. u^Ku U
R. bone drill w V rEF VI Cottle r. wKu U
R. drill w VI custom r. UO U*
R. flexion jacket brace w V wM* d UM DePuy r. u U
R. perforator drill w V u U VI* first rib r. ]_ lKC U
Raney-Crutchfield bKOHAd w Fisher r. dAO U
R.-C. drill point w V VI* WDI Joseph r. nu U
bKOHAd orthopaedic r. UEF .uI Wd U
R.-C. tongs bKOHAd w UL Putti r. wu U
R.-C. tong traction w V =d' UL Putti bone r. wu V rEF U
bKOHAd ulnar r. be U
range U rasped u
r. of excursion uO U RAST dB
motion r. W d( U radioallergosorbent testing =w_ =eL* U
r. of motion (ROM) W d( U =wUF
r. of motion exercise w d( sdL U Rastelli prosthesis wK Wb
r. of motion therapy W]O d( W'UF* U ratchet clamp WU]I UIK
range-of-motion W d( U ratchet-type brace jLM wU]I UM
r.-o.-m. measurement W d( U UO rate Wd ]bF
r.-o.-m. restriction W d( U ^b% erythrocyte sedimentation r. b U]d q^H Wd

- 574 -
(ESR) q^H Wd dL( r. amputation wUF d
firing r. ]bF border r. wU UF
fusion nonunion r. wb U b ]bF central r. e d UF
heart r. (HR) VKI Wd finger r.'s W]OF W]F
implant survival r. WdG UOI ]bF long axis r. wuD u* UF
nonunion r. U b ]bF metatarsal r. wDA UF
pseudoarthrosis r. UJ qBH* ]bF multiple r. =bF UF
sed r. q^H Wd Peacock transposing V =u* WU] UF
vertebral osteosynthesis UEF wd XO Z ]bF index r. uJO
fusion r. W]dIH plantarflexed first r. =wMM* hL ]_ UFA
Westergren V q^H Wd pollicized r. wUN UFA
sedimentation r. sdd r. resection wUFA lDI
rated perceived exertion ]bI* b* UN transposing r. =u* UFA
(RPE) transposing index r. =u* WU] UF
rating dbI Ray-Clancy-Lemon uLO w WId
r. of perceived exertion b* UN dbI technique
r. system dbI UN Rayhack technique UN WId
ratio W Raymond shoulder buL V nJ X=
AB/AD r. VdIbOF W immobilizer
ratio W Raynaud uM
abductor/adductor r. b=F* v W=dI* W R. disease uM
ER/IR r. v wKb b W R. phenomenon uM dU
=wU) Rayport u
external/ internal rotation r. v wKb b W R. muscular biopsy clamp V W]OKCF We) UIK
=wU) u
Poisson r. uu W R. muscular clamp u V wKCF UIK*
vastus medialis obliquus: WF]* WKCF v WKzU* W]O Ray screw Vu
vastus lateralis W]OAu Ray-Tec sponge pO ZMH
electromyographic r. qCF W]OdN jOD W RCAI dB
(VMO:VL EMG ratio) W]O W]OdN jOD W Restorative Care of UJd_ W]OLOd WUd W d
WF]* WKCF v WKzU* America, Incorporated
Ratliff classiffication of wzU dMK nOK nOMB radial collateral ligament dFJ wAu Ud
avascular necrosis reaction qUH
rat-tooth forceps d' =s jIK compensation r. UF qUH
Rauchfuss sling UH F epidermophytid r. W]dA uDH qUH
rave UO U exaggeration r. tO mU* qUH
fracture en r. `D] dF d r. force qUH ]u
raw bone U rE giant cell r. W LF W]OK) qUH
ray UF ground r. w{ qUH

- 575 -
hunting r. UOD qUH blunt tapered T-handled r. qOKJ =b* iI* uI*
id r. wH qUH bone r. rEF uI
implant r. WdG qUH r. brace uI* UM
litigation r. U{UI* qUH brace-type r. jLM UM uI
pseudosarcomatous r. UJ wu U qUH calcar r. ULN* uI
r. time qUH s Campbell r. qU uI
vagal r. wLN qUH cannulated Henderson r. v]MI* sbM uI
reactive wKUH jA chamfer r. uDA uI
low-surface r. `D qOK qUH Charnley r. wKU uI
r. periosteal proliferation wKUH w UL dUJ cheese-grater nB 6' dA uI
r. synovitis wKUH wKO UN hemispherical r. =dzb
REACT muscle stimulator X U WKCF UM Christmas tree r. ULd d uI
realign nO d bOF r. clamp uI jIK
realignment nO d U concave-surface r. `D d]FI uI
distal r. wUI nOd U conical r. wd  uI
Elmslie-Trillat r. wK V nOd U corrugated r. ]u2 b]F uI
d cup r. wQ uI
Galeazzi r. eOU V nOd U debris-retaining r. UD( XO uI
Hauser r. du V nOd U deepening r. oOLF uI
Hughston r. uuO V nOd U DePuy r. u uI
Insall proximal r. V wb nOd U end-cutting r. WUNM lU uI
U expanding r. wFOu uI
Madigan-Wissinger- V wb nOd U female r. u uI
Donaldson proximal r. dMO UU fenestrated r. V]I uI
ubU flexible r. d uI
patellar r. wH{d nOd U flexible medullary r. d* wIM uI
patellofemoral r. c H wH{d nOd U fluted r. ]e uI
r. procedure nOd U d grater r. dA uI
proximal r. wb nOd U r. guide uI* qO
proximal and distal r. wUI wb nOd U handle type r. jLM wCI uI
Roux-Goldthwait r. f V nOd U Harris brace-type r. V jLM UM uI
Xubu f=U
ream ]u Harris center-cutting V e d* lU =o( uI
reamed nail ]uI* dHE acetabular r. f=U
reamer uI hollow mill r. ]u wMU uI
acetabular r. =o( uI humeral r. bC uI
Anspach r. U uI Indiana r. UUb uI
Aufranc r. pd uI Kntscher r. dAu uI
Austin Moore r. u 5 uI male r. d uI
ball r. d uI medullary r. wIM uI

- 576 -
medullary canal r. wIM UM uI r. tenderness b
Mira r. dO uI recalcitrant plantar fasciitis WUHK w^KJ UN u
motorized r. w uI W]OBL_
multisized r. U_ =bF uI recent dislocation Yb lK
Norton ball r. uu V d uI receptor WKI
orthopaedic r. UEF .uI Wd uI delta r. U WKI
power r. w uI epicritic r. 5OF] WIO WKI
rigid r. VK uI episilon r. uKO WKI
Rush r. uI kappa r. UU WKI
Smith-Petersen r. sd YOL uI MV1 r. MV1 WKI
spiral cortical r. weK dA uI MV2 r. MV2 WKI
spiral trochanteric r. weK b uI nociceptive r. r_ WKI
spot face r. tu wFI uI opioid r. wuO_ qFH WKI
step-cut r. wb lDI uI postural r. W]OF{ WKI
straight power r. WLOI* bI uI sigma r. ULO WKI
tapered hand r. ^b* bO uI* recess
T-handled r. T qJ vK iI uI Flatt r. 
triple r. w uI lateral r. wA
trochanteric r. b uI popliteal r. wCQ
Wagner acetabular r. dMU V =o( uI recession U ld
reaming duI Bleck iliopsoas r. V wMD wH d ld
reamputation d U pOK
reanastomosis of blood rFDK bU b dUH U gastrocnemius r. U WKC ld
supply to bone graft =wLEF iliopsoas r. wMD wH d ld
rear-entry wHK qb Strayer gastrocnemius r. V U WKC ld
r.-e. ACL drill guide qb* ACL VI* qO dd
wHK) tongue-in-groove r. b_ w UK ld
r.-e. guide wHK) qb* qO ulnar r. be ld
rearfoot varus UH d=Q* bI recipient >oK
reassessment rOOI U r. site w=IK* l{u
reattachment UB= U eJd* U r. team w=IK* odH
Amstutz r. eu V eJd* U reciprocal U
four wire trochanter r. WF_ b* UB= U r. innervation U VOBF
r. isokinetic testing U W d( u U
Harris four-wire WF_ b* UB= U r. planing instrument WU jOD
trochanter r. f=U V r. relaxation wU U
Volz-Turner r. V UB= U reciprocating wU
ddO eu r. motor saw wU w d UAM
rebound b b r. power handpiece W]OU bI WC
r. hyperextension b bbL d r. saw wU UAM

- 577 -
reciprocation gait orthosis wU wA* uI five-one r. b w WL UM
(RGO) Goldner r. dbu V UM
reciprocator f UF hand r. bO UM
LSU r. LSU V f UF Harmon hip r. sU V u UM
Recon uJ House r. U V UM
R. nail uJ UL Hughston-Degenhardt r. uuO V UM
R. proximal drill guide VILK bd* VuK* UL* UNM
bolt uJ V wb Hughston-Jacobson lateral V W]OAu Wu' UM
reconstituted QAM* dLK UF* sUON compartment r. uu U uuO
depolymerized heparin index metacarpophalangeal wGM WU] qBH UM
reconstruction UM joint r. w
ACL r. ACL UM Insall anterior cruciate wU_ VUB* Ud UM
Andrews iliotibial band r. wuME wH d( jdA UM ligament r. U V
b V intraarticular r. qBH* q UM
anterior capsulolabral r. wU_ wEH* UHA UM joint r. qBH* UM
Bankart r. UJU V UM juxtacubital r. odLK U UM
Brown knee joint r. V W d qBH UM Krukenberg r. dOMO d V UM
d Krukenberg hand r. dOMO d V bO UM
Cho anterior cruciate wU_ VUB* Ud UM Kugelberg r. dKu V UM
ligament r. u V Larson ligament r. u V Ud UM
Cho cruciate ligament r. V VUB* Ud UM lateral compartment r. wAu Ud UM
u Lee r. w V UM
Chrisman-Snook r. uM ULd V UM LEpiscopo hip r. uuJO V u UM
Clancy cruciate V VUB* Ud UM ligament r. Ud UM
ligament r. w MacIntosh over-the-top V WLI u ACL UM
cruciate ligament r. VUB* Ud UM ACL r. uMO U
dAubigne femoral r. sU V c H UM Nathan-Trung modification UM !d UU qbF
dAubigne resection r. V UM lDI of Krukenberg hand r. dOMO d V bO
sU Neer posterior shoulder r. V wHK) nJ UM
Eaton-Littler ligament r. u V Ud UM dO
dKO ODonoghue ACL r. wU_ VUB* Ud UM
Ellison lateral knee r. V wAu W d UM uOu V
uO osteoplastic r. rEF W]OU UM
Elmslie r. wK* V UM r. plate UM WOH
endoscopic anterior UdK dOEM UM pulley r. dJ UM
cruciate ligament r. wU_ VUB* Rosenberg endoscopic wU_ VUB* Ud UM
Eriksson r. u^J V UM anterior cruciate dOM V dOEM
Evans r. eUH V UM ligament r.
exogenous r. QAM* wU UM sternoclavicular joint r. u d w=BI qBH* UM
extraarticular r. qBH* U UM Swanson r. uu UM

- 578 -
tenoplastic r. du d UM r. position WLOI* W]OF{
thumb r. UN UM r. sheath WLOI* bL
Torg knee r. u V W d UM recumbency UIK
two-stage tendon graft r. 5Kd* du rF UM recumbent oK
Verdan osteoplastic rEF W]OU bO UN UM r. position UIK l{
thumb r. dO V r. posture UIK W]OF{
Watson-Jones r. eu u V UM recurrent l
Whitman femoral neck r. V c H oM UM r. dislocation l lK
UL r. disorder l dD{
Zancolli r. w=uJ V UM r. hyperextension ld bbL d
record q r. laryngeal nerve ld dM( VBF
computerized patient r. Vu* v{d* ^q r. laryngeal nerve injury ld dM( VBF WU
(CPR) r. median nerve block ld j=u* VBF UB
recording qO r. meningeal nerve ld wzU= VBF
r. electrode wdNJ qO d r. patellar dislocation l wH{ lK
intramuscular r. WKCF q qO r. synovitis l wKO UN
recovery WU UH recurvatum nKK ^uI s^
postanesthesia r. (PAR) db  bF W U r. angulation deformity s= ^uA
r. room (RR) W U d cubitus r. wId s^
recrudescence WJ genu r. w s^
recruitment WF r. test s^ U
r. frequency WF du red dL
r. interval WF WKU r. marrow dL_ wIM
myopathic r. wKCF bb r. response dL WU
neuropathic r. wBF bb Redi-Around finger splint b V l dO
r. pattern WF d b
rectal artery rOI* Ud Rediform orthotic uH uI
rectangle qOD Redigrip Vd
Hartshill r. qOAU qOD R. knee pad Vd V W d U
Luque r. uO u qOD R. pressure bandage V W]ODGC WUBF
rectangular frame qJA qOD U Vd
rectilinear motion uD) WLOI W d Redi head halter b V d s
rectus WLOI rOI Redi-Trac d b
r. abdominis flap WLOI* W]OMD WKCF WKb R.-T. traction apparatus d b V =d' UN
r. abdominis muscle WLOI* W]OMD WKCF R.-T. traction device d b V =d' eON
r. femoris W]c H WLOI* Redi-Vac cast cutter U b V VUI lU
r. femoris contracture W]c H WLOI* l^HI reduced d e
r. femoris flap W]c H WLOI* WKb r. insertion activity e * dG UA
r. femoris muscle W]c H WLOI* WKCF r. interference pattern e * U d
r. femoris tendon W]c H WLOI* d reduction UI U y

- 579 -
Ace bandage r. V WUBFU y Kinast indirect r. XUMO V dU y
Agee force-couple ]uI WHUC* dO'U y King open r. ZMO V uH y
splint r. w V Lavine r. 5 ^
Allen r. 5 ^ Lowell r. qu ^
Barsky macrodactyly r. V lU_ WU { ^ McKeever open r. dHO p V uH y
wJU Moberg-Gedda open r. bO dOu V uH y
Becton open r. uJ V uH y Neer open r. dO V uH y
Boitzy open r. eu V uH y open r. uH y
calcaneal fracture r. wIF d ^ r. osteotomy =d rEF lD
closed r. (CR) oKG y Parvin r. 5U ^
concentric r. e d ^ percutaneous r. bK' odD y
Cooper r. du ^ perioperative r. Wd' q y
Crosby r. wd ^ Pratt open r. d V uH y
Cubbins open r. eMO=u V uH y prone r. uJ y
delayed open r. q uH y radial fracture r. dFJ d ^
Dias-Giegerich open r. U V uH y r. ring =d WIK
gdO shoulder r. nJ ^
Eaton closed r. u V oKG y side posture r. WF{u wU y
Eaton-Malerich r. adOU u ^ Speed-Boyd open r. bu bO V uH y
Essex-Lopresti r. wdu fJ= ^ Speed open r. bO V uH y
Essex-Lopresti open r. fJ= V uH y spondylolisthesis r. UIH e ^
wdu stable r. ydI y
femoral neck fracture r. c H oM d ^ sternoclavicular joint r. u d w=BI qBH* ^
Flynn femoral neck V c H oM d ^ surgical r. wd y
fracture r. 5K swan-neck deformity r. WF oMF tOA ^uA ^
force-couple splint r. ]uI nUC* dO'U y r. syndactyly =d lU_ UH
r. forceps =d jIK r. technique =d WId
Fowles open r. eU V uH y trial r. wd y
r. of fracture dJ ^ Wayne County r. wU s ^
fracture r. dJ ^ Weber-Brunner-Freuler d=d d V uH y
fracture-dislocation r. wFK) dJ ^ open r. dd
Hankin r. 5JU ^ reduction/ fixation XOy
Hastings open r. fMOU V uH y spondylolisthesis r. dIH e XO^
hip r. u ^ Reebok shoe u c
Houghton-Akroyd open r. uu V uH y Reece osteotomy guide f V rEF lD qO
bd reefing procedure wM d
incomplete r. h U y Reese e
indirect r. dU y R. dermatome e V UA
internal fixation, closed r. wK XO l oKG y R. osteotomy guide system V rEF lD qO UN
Kaplan open r. U V uH y e

- 580 -
reevaluate rOOI bOF deep tendon r. (DTR) oOLF du fJFM
reexploration UBI U delayed r. q fJFM
reference ld WFd depressed r. iH M fJFM
biomechanical frame of r. WFdLK wJOUJOuO U dorsal r. dN fJFM
r. electrode WFdLK wdN d elbow r. od* fJFM
referral WU id* qu% r. examination UJFM* h
referred lO extensor thrust r. WDU d fJFM
r. anatomic phenomenon WFO W]OdA dU flexor withdrawal r. WOM* V fJFM
r. pain lO r r. function W]OUJF WHO
r. point WFO WDI Hirschberg r. ddO fJFM
r. trigger point pain WFOd W]Ue WDIM r Hoffmann r. ULu fJFM
r. trigger point phenomenon WFOd W]Ue WDIM dU hyperactive r. UAM dH fJFM
refill q* U incurvatum r. ^uI fJFM
capillary r. dOFA q U jaw opening r. (JOR) =pH ` fJFM
refixation XO U knee jerk r. W d WCH fJFM
reflection UJF Mendel-Bekhterev r. nd bM fJFM
Campbell triceps r. V d W]O UJF Moro r. u fJFM
qU motor r. w d fJFM
reflex fJFM muscle stretch r. WKCF bbL fJFM
absent r. VzU fJFM r. muscular contraction wUJF wKC h^KI
Achilles tendon r. u dF fJFM neck r. w fJFM
adductor r. W=dI* fJFM neck-righting r. W ]d .uI fJFM
anal r. wd fJFM r. neurovascular dystrophy wUJF wB wzU q
ankle r. u dF fJFM parachute r. W]KE* fJFM
r. arc W]OUJF u patellar r. WH{d fJFM
asymmetric incurvatum r. dUM ^uI fJFM patelloadductor r. WH{d W=dI fJFM
asymmetric tonic neck r. dUM d=u* W d fJFM pathologic r. w{d fJFM
(ATNR) pectoral r. b fJFM
axon r. u* fJFM placing r. lO{d bM UI fJFM
Babinski r. wJMU fJFM plantar r. wBL fJFM
Bekhterev-Mendel r. bM nd fJFM quadriceps r. d W]OU fJFM
biceps r. 5d fJFM radial r. dFJ fJFM
blink r. d]D fJFM Remak r. U1 fJFM
Brain r. sd fJFM righting r. wLuI] fJFM*
bulbocavernosus r. wHNJ ^wKB fJFM* rooting r. lO{d bM dc fJFM
consensual light r. wzu{ yw UH= fJFM scapular r. wH fJFM
r. contraction wUJF h^KI scapulohumeral r. bC wH fJFM
cremasteric r. d=LA* fJFM slow stretch r. wD bbL] fJFM
crossed extensor r. VUB* WDU fJFM somatosomatic r. b b fJFM
cutaneous axon r. bK' u; fJFM startle r. UH fJFM

- 581 -
Stookey r. w u fJFM fiber r.
stretch r. bbL] fJFM posterior oblique fiber r. W]OHK) WKzU* UO_ WOU
suprapatellar r. WH{d u fJFM posteromedial r. W]O W]OHK) WOUM
r. sympathetic dystrophy wUJF = q pulvinar r. W]Uu WOUM
(RSD) superomedial r. W]O W]O u WOU
tendon r. d fJFM regional wU
r. therapy W]OJFM W'UF r. anesthesia wU ZOM
r. threshold fJFM* W r. block wU UB
toe r. bI UN fJFM registration qO
tonic neck r. du] W d fJFM sensory r. w= qO
triceps r. d W]O fJFM Registry yq
triceps surae r. W]OK]d ^d W]O^ fJFM National Football Head d UU wuI ^q
ulnar r. b fJFM and Neck Injury R. bI d w oMF
vertebra prominens r. dIH d fJFM WOJd_
vertical suspension r. uLF oOKF fJFM Regnauld enclavement buM WU
viscerosomatic r. b uA fJFM regular rEM
von Bekhterev r. nd u fJFM r. sinus rhythm rEM wO rE
reflexogenic fJFM* b r. stem rEM c
Re-Flex VSP artificial foot V VSP W]OFMB bI rehabilitation qOQ
fJOK Stage model of industrial r. qOQ U U d
refractory d wUMD
r. period d( Reichenheim-King ZMO .UNMOA d
Refsum UH procedure
R. disease UH Reichenheim technique .UNMOA WId
R. syndrome UH W reimplantation dG U
regeneration ^b Reinert acetabular extensile V u w=I( vQ*
r. motor unit potential bb W d( b sU approach dM
r. of nerve VBF ^b reinforcement eeF
osteoblastic bone r. UEF WOU ^b Braggard r. Ud eeF
tibial bone defect r. uME rE VO ^b reinterpretation dOH U
r. torus ^b bO hypnotic r. w1uM] dOH U
Regen flexion exercise 5 V wM sdL reirrigation Wd U
regimen WOL Reiter d
postoperative r. Wd' bF WOL R. disease d
region WOU R. syndrome WLK* UN d W
H r. H WOU qUH* qOK
Hookian r. UO u WOU Relafen s
hypochondriac r. d* WOU relapsing ankle sprain w^JM qUJ w
physeal r. W]uL WOU relation to subadjacent U* lDIU WF
posterior longitudinal W]OHK) W]OuD UO_ WOU segments

- 582 -
relative w Inglis-Cooper r. du eK dd
r. refractory period wM d( interleukin-1 beta r. UO 1 5 ud
r. response attributable to v eF* W]OM WU joint r. qBH* dd
the maneuver (RRAM) RRAM UM* key r. wOz UH*
Relax-A-Bac posture f V WF{u U lateral r. wAu dd
support U A lateral capsular r. wAu WEH* dd
relaxant d lateral extensor r. wAu WDU dd
muscle r. CF wd lateral retinaculum r. wAu bOI dd
relaxation U Little r. qO
r. phenomenon U dU Mirua-Komada r. Uu dO
reciprocal r. U U Mital r. UO
r. response U WU modified two-portal dOEM wGd oHM dd
relaxing incision d yo endoscopic carpal tunnel r. ]bF* 5Kb*
release dd myofascial r. wUH wKC dd
adductor tendon r. =dI* du dd Ober r. d
adductor tendon and lateral WEH* =dI* du dd patellar retinacula r. WH{d bO dd
capsular r. W]OAu r. phenomenon dU
anterior hip r. =wU_ u dd plantar r. wBL dd
anterior shoulder r. wU_ nJ dd plantar fascial r. W]OBL_ WUHK dd
anterolateral r. wA wU dd plantar-lateral r. wAu wBL_ dd
Beaty lateral r. wO V wAu dd plantar-medial r. w wBL_ dd
bipolar r. VDI wzUM plantar plate r. WOBL_ WOHB dd
brevis r. dOBI WKCF dd posterolateral r. wA wHK dd
capsular r. WEH* dd posteromedial r. w wHK dd
carpal tunnel r. (CTR) =wGd oHM dd pronator teres r. ]b* W]UJ dd
distal intrinsic r. W]OKb WOUI dd proximal r. dd
Dupuytren contracture r. sdu l^HI dd proximal intrinsic r. wK dd
endoscopic carpal tunnel r. dOEM wGd oHM dd radical flexor r. W]dFJ WOM* dd
(ECTR) retinacular r. bOI dd
Endotrac endoscopic dOEM wGd oHM dd Sengupta quadriceps r. V d W]OU dd
carpal tunnel r. db V UuM
entensile r. uI Siegel hip r. qO V u dd
fascial r. WUHK dd Snow-Littler r. dKO uM dd
Ferkel bipolar r. V VDI wzUM soft tissue r. ud ZOM dd
q d spinal fascial r. W]O uA WUHK dd
flexor-pronator origin r. W]UJ WOM* q dd tendon r. du dd
Guyon tunnel r. uO oH dd triceps surae r. W]OKd d W]O dd
Heyman-Herndon r. bdO ULO dd trigger finger r. W]Ue l dd
Heyman-Herndon-Strong ULO V WEH* dd Turco r. u u
capsular r. Zd bdO Ueba r. U

- 583 -
ulnar nerve r. =be VBF dd reoperation Wd' U
unipolar r. VDI U dd repair `OKB
Williams-Haddad r. ]b eUO Abraham-Pankovich tendo V wIF d `OKB
released ulnar intrinsic ]d; W]OKb W]be WKCF calcaneus r. gOuJU Ud
muscle ACL r. ACL `OKB
relieving incision =dH yo acromioclavicular joint r. u d wd_ qBH* `OKB
Relton-Hall frame U u U all-inside r. `OKB q lOL'
Remak reflex U1 fJFM Atasoy-type flap for nail `OKB U jL s WKb
remobilization pd U injury r. dHE WU
remodeling WuI U Bankart shoulder r. UJU V nJ `OKB
bone r. W]OLEF WuI U Barnhart r. UNU `OKB
cortical bone r. dAI rEFK WuI U Black r. `OKB
haversian bone r. wdUN rEFK WuI U bone graft r. wLEF rFD `OKB
r. phase WuI U u Bosworth tendo V wIF d `OKB
remote pedicle flap bOF WIu WKb calcaneus r. uu
removal UB e Boyd-Anderson biceps 5d WKC d `OKB
Cameron femoral V c H =uJ e tendon r. ub bu V
component r. dOU brachial plexus r. W]bCF dOHC `OKB
cast r. VUI e Bunnell tendon r. q=u V du `OKB
cement r. * e Caspari r. UU `OKB
Collis-Dubrul femoral V c H c e delayed r. q `OKB
stem r. d fO=u delayed primary r. q w] `OKB
Harris femoral V c H =uJ e dog-ear r. VKJ `OKB
component r. f=U dural r. uU `OKB
implant r. WdG e DuVries hammertoe r. w dD* bI UN `OKB
metastatic tumor r. wKOI]M u UB ed V
Moreland-Marder-Anspach V c H c e dynamic r. wJOUM `OKB
femoral stem r. U U bu Ecker-Lotke-Glazer V WH{d d `OKB
nail fold r. W]dHE W]OD e patellar tendon r. eOK pu dJ
nail plate r. dOU* WOH e end-to-end tendon r. WUN=M qOu du `OKB
stem r. c' e WUN=MU
Winograd nail plate r. V dOU* WOH e end-to-side r. VU'U WUN=M qOu `OKB
duM epineural r. W]OBF uI u U `OKB
remover qe extensor tendon r. wDU du `OKB
Craig pin r. Zd V u^b qe fascicular r. we `OKB
Remular-S S dU1 five-one knee ligament r. 1 5 W d U `OKB
renal osteodystrophy QAM* uKJ rEF q flexor tendon r. wM* du `OKB
Renografin contrast media 5duM sU U fracture r. dJ `OKB
Renolux convertible car =wDK qUI U]O bFI Froimson-Oh r. u1d `OKB
seat f uuM V qu glenohumeral dislocation r. bCF wU]I( lK) `OKB

- 584 -
group fascicular r. wUH wuL `OKB Strickland tendon r. bJd V du `OKB
Jones first-toe r V ]_ bI UN `OKB suture r. b `OKB
eu Talesnick scapholunate r. V w w `OKB
Kelikian-Riashi-Gleason V WH{d d `OKB pOMK
patellar tendon r. uOK wU UOJOK tendon r. du `OKB
Kessler r. dKO `OKB Teuffer tendo calcaneus r. dOu V wIF d `OKB
Kleinert r. dMOK `OKB tissue r. ZOM `OKB
r. of the knee for rotatory dI bF W d `OKB triad knee r. wK* W d `OKB
instability wb triple ligamentous r. w Ud `OKB
Lange tendon lengthening V du WU `OKB Turco-Spinella tendo u u V wIF d `OKB
and r. Z calcaneus r. OMO
Lindholm tendo calcaneus r. V wIF d `OKB volar plate r. W]Od WOHB `OKB
rubMO Watson-Jones r. eu u `OKB
Lynn tendo calcaneous r. 5 V wIF d `OKB Watson-Jones fracture r. V dJ `OKB
MacIntosh over-the-top r. V W]LI u `OKB eu u
uM U reparative wLOd w
MacNab shoulder r. U V nJ `OKB r. granuloma wLOd wO
U r. phase wLOd u
Ma-Griffith tendo U V wIF d `OKB repeated ]dJ
calcaneus r. YHd r. quick stretch (RQS) ]dJ* ld bbL]
Mandelbaum-Nartolozzi- V wH{d du `OKB r. quick stretch from WU s ]dJ* ld bbL]
Carney patellar tendon r. wU uud ubM elongation (RQS-E)
medial r. w `OKB r. quick stretch V] d* ]dJ* ld bbL]
meniscal r. WN `OKB superimposed upon an uu* hKI u
Palmer-Dobyns-Linscheid d*U V Ud `OKB existing contraction
ligament r. bUAMO fMO (RQS-SEC)
patellar tendon r. WH{d d `OKB repetition dJ
plastic r. w `OKB r. maximum (RM) wLE_ dJ
primary r. w] `OKB r. strain injury (RSI) =dJ* wu WU
pseudoarthrosis r. UJ qBH* `OKB r. time (TR) dJ s
rod fracture r. u^]M d `OKB repetitive =dJ
rotator cuff r. W]HJ ]b `OKB r. discharge =dJ mdH
Scuder r. uJ `OKB r. exercise =dJ sdL
Sever-LEpiscopo r. uuJO dHO `OKB r. nerve stimulation =dJ* VBF tOM
shoulder r. nJ `OKB r. stress syndrome (RSS) =dJ* dJ W
Speed stermoclavicular r. V u d w=B `OKB r. trauma disorder (RTD) =dJ* `{d dD{
bO replacement iuF b
Staples r. fKU `OKB allograft ligament r. rFD u Ud b
Staples-Black-Brostrom fKU V Ud `OKB alumina bioceramic joint r. uO( 5u_ qBH b
ligament r. dd we)

- 585 -
calcar r. ULN* b Blair-Omer r. d dOK V pK* U
Charnley total hip r. V qUJ u b r. insertion pK* U d
wKU Zancolli biceps tendon r. 5d du pK* U
dynamic double tendon r. wJOUMb e* du b w=uJ V
electrolyte r. UNJ iuF Research Y Y
facet r. tOu b Alvarado Orthopedic R. V UEF .uI Y
hip r. u b dH
hypnotic r. yw1uM iuF resect lDI
Kirschner Medical dMdO V u b resection lD
Dimension hip r. sAM1 UJb r. arthrodesis wFDI qBH* U
ligament r. Ud b r. arthroplasty wFDI qBH*
PCA total hip r. nM qUJ u b Badgley iliac wing r. V wH d( UM' lD
porous-coated anatomic wdA qUJ u b bar r. W{UF lD
total hip r. UDG wLOL] bone r. rEF lD
prosthetic r. Wb b bony r. wLEF lDI
SAF hip r. self-articulating wc u c H b bony bridge r. wLEF d' lD
femoral hip replacement qBHL calcaneonavicular bar r. W]O e WOIF W{UF lD
self-articulating femoral hip wc u c H b Carrell r. =U lD
r. (SAF, SAF hip qBHL caudal lamina r. W]Oc WOHB lD
replacement) Clayton procedure with lDI u d
surface r. `D b panmetatarsal head r. qUA jA*
Tharies hip r. fU V u b cuff r. W]HJ lD
tile plate facet r. w U d WOHB tO b Darrach r. lD
total hip r. (THR) qUJ u b r. dermodesis wFDI bK' U
total joint r. (TJR) qUJ qBH* b Dillwyn-Evans r. eUH suK lD
total knee r. (TKR) qUJ W d b Dwar-Barrington r. uMd lD
replantation dG U en bloc r. WKL'U lDI
r. bandage dG U WUB epiphyseal bar r. W]OUA* W{UF lD
limb r. dD d U extraarticular r. qBH* U lDI
repolarization UDI u femoral r. c H lD
repositioner l{u `=B Girdlestone r. udO lD
Wilson-Cook prosthesis r. V Wb l{u Guller r. du lD
u uK Gurd r. u lD
reprep and drape ^nK d=C Henry r. dM lD
reproducibility U .bI U Hoffmann panmetatarsal qUA wDA* lD
reproducible tU t1bI sJ1 head r. ULu V
Repro head halter d V d s iliac wing r. WH d( UM lD
reroute pK bOF Ingram bony bridge r. V wLEF d' lD
rerouting pK* U d

- 586 -
innominate bone r. v]L rEF lD transoral odontoid r. rH s UM_ lD
intercalary r. rI* lDI tumor r. u lD
Janecki-Nelson shoulder V wHJ e( lD vertebral r. dI lD
girdle r. uKO wJU Weaver-Dunn r. dH lD
Karakousis-Vezeridis r. fbdeO fOu U lD wedge r. wMOH lD
Kashiwagi r. wuOU lD resection-arthrodesis qBH* U lD
kyphos r. Wb( lD Enneking r.-a. V qBH* U lD
Langenskjold bony b V wLEF d' lD ZMOJ=
ridge r. buOJMO$ resection-realignment nO d U lDI
Lewis r. fu lD resector lU
Lewis-Chekofsky r. wJOuJO fu lD r. blade lUI qB
Lewis intercalary r. fu V rI* lDI full-radius r. dDI qU lU
Localio-Francis- fOd uOU u lD orthotome r. .uI lC lUI
Rossano r. uU synovial r. wKOe lU
local radical r. wF{u c lD reserve d]b
Malawer r. dU lD breathing r. (BR) w^HM d]b*
Mankin r. 5JU lD residual >o wUL
Marcove-Lewis-Huvos V nJ e lD r. heel equinus w=I* VIF bH
shoulder girdle r. uU fu u U r. hindfoot equinus WO=I* W]OHK) bI bH
marginal r. wAU lD r. latency wUL uL
medial malleolus r. w VFJ lD r. limb >o d
r. of meniscus WN lD r. tension wUL d^u
metatarsal head r. jA* lD residuum qH
Miltner-Wan dMKO V wIF lDI resilience Wd*
calcaneus r. resin 5
Mumford r. uHu lD polyacetal r. UO_ =bF 5
panmetatarsal head r. qUA W]ODA* lD resistance WUI
Phelps partial r. fKO V wze' lDI manual r. W]b WUI
prophylactic r. wzUI= lD strength against r. WUI* qUI ]uI
proximal femoral r. wb c H lD resistant clubfoot UI* bI nM
radical r. c' lDI resisted UI*
Radley-Liebig-Brown r. d ZO w lD r. dorsiflexion UI* dNE wM
ray r. wUF lD resistive wUI UI
Rockwood r. u lD r. chair exercise kit WUI* bFI* sdL
Stener-Gunterberg r. ddu dMO lD r. exercise UI sdL
Thompson r. uu lD r. exercise table UI* sdL b
Tikhoff-Linberg shoulder r. uJO V nJ lD resonance 5
dOMO nuclear magnetic r. (NMR) uM wOUMG* 5d
Tikhoff-Linberg shoulder V nJ e lD resorbable UA qU
girdle r. dOMO uJO r. ceramic UA qU e

- 587 -
r. polydioxanon pin qUI uU u wu u^ rest, ice, compression, l UGC ZK W
UA elevation (RICE)
resorption UA resting W
bone r. rEF UA r. length Wd u
osteoclastic r. rEFK i U UA r. membrance potential W]d UAG sU
tuftal r. w=* UA restless leg U qLK9
respiratory w^HM restoration UF rOd d
r. disorder w^HM dD{ intrinsic r. wK rOd
Respond II muscle 2 WU WKCF UM pinch r. dI rOd
stimulator Restorative Care of WOJd_ W]UF WUMF W d
response WU America, Incorporated b;
axon r. W]u WU (RCAI)
blink r. d]D WU restorative pin wLOd u^
brainstem auditory W]OFL Ub c WU restorator `=B =b
evoked r. (BAER) W{]d* Restore dressing u UL{
decremental r. W]OB UM WU restraint ` d
delayed r. WK WU active r. qU d
evoked r. W{]d WU passive r. qFHM d
foreign body r. VdG rK WU restricted b]OI uB
galvanic skin r. W]OUHK' bK' WU r. inversion b]OI I
hyperactive r. UAM WdH WU r. range of motion W dK b]OI* U*
incremental r. be WU restriction bOOI dB dB
incrementing r. WHOC WU extension r. U bOOI
r. intervals WU qu flexion r. wM bOOI
late r. d=Q WU intercostal r. w bOOI
motion r. WO d WU lateral flexion r. wAu wM bOOI
motor r. W]O d WU motion r. W d( bOOI
paired r. We WU r. of motion W d( bOOI
physiologic r. WOuueO WU range-of-motion r. W d( U bOOI
pilomotor r dFAK W]O d WU rotational r. yw bOOI
plantar r. W]OBL WU skin r. bK' bOOI
plantar Babinski r. W]OBL_ wJMU WU soft tissue r. u]d ZOM bOOI
red r. dL( WU restrictive bandage b=OI WUB
relaxation r. U WU restrictor b=OI
sensory r. W]O= WU cement r. * b=OI
visual evoked r. (VER) W]dB W{]d WU plastic marrow canal r. sbK wIM UM b=OI
rest W results ZzU
bed r. dd w W false-negative r. WU W]OK ZzU
kidney r. vKJ W resurfacing `OD U
pain at r. Wd UM w r bone r. rEF `OD U

- 588 -
r. operation `OD U Wd Adson r. u UF
patellar r. WH{d `OD U Adson cerebellar r. u V w O  UF
r. procedure `OD U d Allport r. u UF
retained vI amputation r. d UF
retaining knee prosthesis W=* W d Wb appendiceal r. bz UF
retardation n^K ^uF Army-Navy r. wU w UF
growth r. =uLM ^uF Aufranc cobra r. V dUM qB UF
healing r. U ^uF pd
retention U Balfour self-retaining r. V XO w UF
r. drill U VI uHU
r. suture WU WUO Beckman r. ULJ UF
urinary r. wu U Bennett r. XO=MO UF
reticular cell sarcoma W]OJA U) Wu U blade-point r. d wKB UF
reticulated polyurethane W]OJA Uu wu U blade spike r. V]b wKB UF
pad Blount r. XuK UF
reticulocytosis U]OJA d Blount anvil r. V bM WLOE UF
cerebroside r. W]bddO U]OJA d XuK
reticulohistiocytosis wM* ^wJ]A ]b Blount knee r. XuK V W d UF
multicentric r. =bF* wM* ^wJ]A ]b Boyle-Davis r. eO qu UF
e d* Campbell r. qU UF
reticulum WJO cerebellar r. w O  UF
endoplasmic r. WMU W]OuON WJOA Charnley r. wKU UF
sarcoplasmic r. W]OKCF W]OuON WJOA Charnley pin r. wKU u^ UF
retinacular bOIU o=KF bO Charnley self-retaining r. XO wc wKU UF
r. artery bOI Ud Cloward r. uK UF
r. hood bOI WFMI cobra r. dUM =qB UF
r. ligament bOI U Collis r. fO=u UF
r. release bOI curved r. sM UF
retinaculum, pl. retinacula uO bO Cushing r. ZMOu UF
extensor r. UDU bO Darrach r. UF
flexor r. UOM* bO Deaver r. dH UF
patellar r. WH{d bO double-ended right-angle r. WUNM e We rzU UF
superior peroneal r. (SPR) U]uE]AK ^uKF bOI double-hook Lovejoy r. 5UD) uu UF
Weitbrecht r. WOJ UO X dO bO Downey WOH]B =o UB UF
c H rE oMF WIBK hemilaminectomy r. w V W]dIH
retinal anlage tumor ywO W]OJ]AK tUA East-West r. dG dA UF
dU yw1 ywB Fahey r. wU UF
Retraction bOF ULJ fat pad r. W]OLA Uu UF
Schink metatarsal r. pMO V wDA* bOF Finochietto rib r. uOuMO V lKC UF
retractor UF flat r. `]D UF

- 589 -
Freebody-Steinmann r. ULMO ud UF mini-Hohmann r. dOG]B ULu UF
Fukuda r. u u UF Mueller r. du UF
Gelpi r. wK UF Myers knee r. dO V W d UF
hand-held r. bOU uL UF narrow-blade r. qBM o=O{ UF
Hayes r. fU UF narrow-neck mini- o=OC dOGB ULu UF
heavy-duty two-tooth r. W] UA Wb K sO]M UF Hohmann r. oMF
Hibbs-type r. fO jL s UF Ollier rake r. tOO V W]b* UF
Hoen r. su UF orthopaedic r. UEF .uI Wd UF
Hohmann r. ULu UF pin r wu^ UF
Holscher knee r. dAu V W d UF Ragnell r. qOM UF
Holscher root r. dAu V c' UF rake r. W]b* UF
Holzheimer r. dLOeu UF rib r. lKC UF
humeral head r. bCF UF Richardson r. sUA UF
Inge r. ! UF ring r. wIK UF
Insrael r. qOzd UF Rosenberg r. dMO UF
Love root r. V c' UF Sauerbruch r. du UF
lower hand r. wKH bO UF Scoville r. qOuJ UF
Markham-Meyerding r. ZMdO UN d UF self-retaining r. XO w UF
Mark II Chandler total jLM s qUJ W d UF Senn r. 5 UF
knee r. dbU V wU sharp r. U UF
Mark II concave total s d]FI* qUJ W d UF Sims r. eLO UF
knee r. wU jLM skid humeral-head r. `UJ bCF UF
Mark II lateral collateral wAu wU' Ud UF Smillie r. w=KOL UF
ligament r. wU jLM s Sofield r. bKOu UF
Mark II modular weight r. jLM s ]bF* u UF Southwick two-tined r. V 5 uA UF
wU puU
Mark II PCL r. wU jLM s PCL UF stiff ribbon r. fO* jdA UF
Mark II S total knee r. jLM s qUJ W d UF Taylor r. uKO UF
S wU three-prong rake r. U uA W]b* UF
Mark II Stubbs short prong W uA wU' Ud UF W
collateral ligament r. s fU V dOBI two-prong rake r. 5 uA W]b* UF
wU jLM upper hand r. uKF dD UF
Mark II wide PCL knee r. s V W d UF U-shaped r. U qJAU UF
wU jLM Volkmann rake r. ULJu V W]b* UF
Mark II Z knee r. s z qJA vK W d UF Wagner r. dMU UF
wU jLM Watanabe r. wUM UF
Mayo-Collins r. eMO=u uU UF Weit-Arner r. d X UF
McIver ENT r. dM( n_ _ UF Weitlaner r. d UF
dH p V Williams self-retaining r. XO w eUO UF
Meyerding r. ZMdO UF Wilson gonad r. sK V bMI UF

- 590 -
Wink r. pM UF r. dislocation =hI nK lK
Z-r. z UF retrovascular cord Uu nK q(
retriever ld* retroversion wHK I
magnetic r. OUMG* ld*
w r. of acetabular cup wHK) =o( n' I
retroacetabular lesion WI( nK W femoral r. wHK) c H I
retrobulbar prosthesis WKI* nK Wb d return of sensation U u
needle revascularization w=u] u w=u] U
retrocalcaneal udF nK r. of graft rFD w=u u
r. bursa u dF nK d' revascularized tissue w=u] UF* ZOM
retrograde wu Reverdin sdH
r. degeneration wud fJM R. bunionectomy sdH V WF u UB
r. meniscal blade WOud WN qB R. epidermal free graft V d( bK' rFD
r. method W]Ou WId sdH
r. nailing wu dOL R. osteotomy sdH V rEF lD
retrograde-cutting qJA W]OUD) WMO=J R. prosthesis sdH Wb
hook-shaped knife lUI W]Oud Reverdin-Green procedure sd sdH d
retrolisthesis wHK) e Reverdin-Laird d sdH
r. positional dyskinesia VUB* wF{u W d( qK R.-L. bunionectomy V WF u UB
wHK) e dO sdH
retropatellar WH{d nK R.-L. osteotomy sdH V rEF lD
r. fat pad WH{d nK W]OLA Uu d
r. fat pad contracture nK W]OLA Uu l^HI Reverdin-McBride V WF u UB
WH{d bunionectomy bd p sdH
retroperitoneal UHB nK reversal UJ UJF fJ
r. approach UHB nK vQ r. of antagonist (ROA) ]UC UJ
r. decompression UHB nK UGC nOH isotonic r. (IR) d^u u UJF
r. fibrosis UHB nK n^OK r. of lordosis fFI fJ
r. hemorrhage UHB nK e stabilizing r. (SR) X= UJF
r. space UHB nK e=O reverse uJF fJ
retropharyngeal uFKU o=KF uFK nK r. Barton fracture wJF uU d
wHK) r. Bigelow maneuver WuJF* uKO UM
r. abscess uFK nK d r. Colles fracture wJF fu d
r. approach uFK nK vQ r. cross-finger flap WOJF WUB* l WKb
r. fascial cleft uFK nK WUHK `K r. Dillwyn-Evans calcaneal wJF wIF rEF lD
r. space wHK) ^wuFK e=O( osteotomy eUH suK V
retropulsed bone excision wFd rEF UB r. forearm island flap bUK WOJF W]de' WKb
retroreflective marker wHK) UJF WL r. Hill-Sachs lesion W]OJF U qO W
retrosacral fascia eF nK WUHK r. Hill-Sachs sign WuJF* U qO W
retrosternal =hI nK r. knuckle-bender splint WuJF* WLdK WOU( dO'
r. abscess =hI nK d r. Lasgue test wJF Z U

- 591 -
r. last shoe wJF dO_ c( pleomorphic r. WD]D * W]OKCF Wu U]
r. Mauck procedure WuJF* u d UJ_ =bF*
r. Monteggia fracture wJF UOUu d rhachotomy c' lC
r. pivot shift wJF dzUB Ue Capener r. dMU V c' lC
r. pivot shift test wJF dzUB Ue U Capener lateral r. V wAu c' lC
r. Putti-Platt procedure WuJF* wu d dMU
r. tennis elbow wJF f=M w od decompression r. UGC qe* c' lC
r. Trendelenburg position wJF dMbd l{ lateral r. wAu c' lC
r. undercutting lengthening wJF wD quD rheobase U]O d
r. wedge osteotomy wJF wMOH rEF lD rheumatica weU
r. wedge technique WuJF* W]OMOH WIdD polymyalgia r. weU^d CF r
r. wrist curl wJF rBF* u rheumatism eUd
reverse-cutting wJ lD palindromic r. qUH* UN f U eU
r.-c. meniscal probe wJF lDI WN U dQ od* dO =dJ*
r.-c. probe wJF lDI U rheumatoid buU
reversed pivot-shift test wJF dzUB Ue U r. arthritis (RA) buUd qUH* UN
reverse-threaded screw wJF wDO) VuK r. arthritis factor qUH* UN qU
Revised W]IM buUd
Symptoms Checklist 90 R. W]IM* d o^I WLzU r. arthritis myopathy VUB* wKCF
(SCL-90R) 90 buUd qBH* UN
revision WFd `OIM r. arthritis synovitis UN VUB* wKOe UN
exploration and r. `OIM UBI buUd qBH*
r. hip arthroplasty wOIM u qBH r. cyst W]buU WO
r. procedure wOIM d r. disease buU
stump r. Wb' `OIM r. disorder buU dD{
r. of total hip qUJ u `OIM r. foot W]buU b
Rezaian Ue r. nodule W]buU bOI
R. external fixation V wU) XO UN r. vasculitis buUd WO_ UN
apparatus Ue rheumatologist eUd VO
R. spinal fixator V dIH uLF X= Rhinelander pin bOM u^
Ue rhizomelic cH d]D c dBI o=KF
reciprocation gait orthosis wU wA* uI rhizomesomelic bone dD c' wLEF Z^M qK
rhabdomyolysis bO^d dysplasia j=u*
rhabdomyoma j]D* ^wKCF u rhizotomy, radicotomy c' lC
rhabdomyosarcoma WD]D W]OKC Wu U intradural dorsal r. WOU' q wHK) c' lC
alveolar r. WD]D * W]OKCF Wu U] rhizotomy c' lC
WO M= intradural dorsal spinal dNE wU ^M c' lC
embryonal r. WD]D * W]OKCF Wu U] root r. WOU' q
W]OMOM' posterior r. wHK) c' lC

- 592 -
selective posterior r. (SPR) wzUI wHK) c' lC true r. W]OIOI lK{
RHOCS dB vertebral r. W]dI lK{
right-handed orthogonal ^wM1_ bUF* oUM UN ribbed hook l]KC UD
coordinate system bO Ribble bandage q WUB
rhomboideus major dOJ W]OM]OF* WKCF ribbon sign jdA W
musculus riboflavin B2 5UOH 5u
rhomboid flap W]OM]OF WKb ribonucleoprotein (RNP) w u 5d
rhonchus, pl. rhonchi jzUD jOD rib-penciling lKC rOd
rales and ronchi jODG dd) ribs { uK{
rhythm rE rib-vertebral angle W]dIH W]OFKC We
regular sinus r. rEM wO rE Rica UJ
rhythmic wLE R. bone drill UJ V rEF VI
r. initiation (RI) rEM N R. guide pin UJ V qO]b u^b
r. initiation technique rEM N WId R. wire guide pin V wJK qO]b u^b
r. stabilization rEM XO UJ
rhythmic initiation rEM N rest, ice, compression, l UGC ZK W
rib { lK{ elevation
r. approximator {_ dI rice =
r. belt {_ e r. body =d r'
r. belt orthosis {_ e uI joint r. qBH* ^
bicipital r. ]d W=OzUM lK{ Richards UA
bucket handle r. ub iI lK{ R. arthrodesis UA V qBH* U
r. cage {_ hH R. bone clamp UA V rEF UIK
cervical r. W]O lK{ R. clamp UA UIK
r. contusion wFK{ y R. classic compression wUGC u Vu
costochondral junction wdCG wFKC qu* hip screw UA V bOKI
of r.s { R. Colles external fixator V wU) X=*
r. cutter lKC lU f=u UA
r. drill lKC VI R. compression screw V UGC Vu
r. elevator lKC l UA
false r. WUJ lKC R. drill guide UA V VI* qO
floating r. WzU lKC R. fixation staple UA V XO ]
r. fracture lKC d R. fixator system UA V XO UN
r. graft lKC rF R. hip endoprosthesis sD* qBH* U UN
hypoplastic first r. Z^M h UM ]_ lKC system UA V uK
r. retractor {_ UF R. lag screw UA V R^JK Vu
rudimentary r. W1 lK{ R. locking rod UA V W]O W]OB
slipping r. WIeM lK{ R. Lovejoy bone drill UA V rEF VI
sternal r. W]O=B lK{ uOu

- 593 -
R. modular hip system V ]bF* u UN (VDDR)
UA vitamin D-resistant r. 5UO UI* bd
R. modular stem UA V ]bF* c' (VDRR)
R. Phillips screwdriver fOKO UA ^pH Ridaura b
R. pistol-grip drill V WCI w]b* VI* Rideau technique b WId
UA ridge d
R. prosthesis UA Wb epicondylar r. wLOIK d(
R. reconstruction nail UA V UM UL greater multangular r. Ue =bF* dOJ d(
R. screw UA Vu osteochondral r. wdCG wLEF d(
R. sideplate V W]OU' WOHB vastus lateralis r. W]OAu WF=* WKCF d
UA Ridlon ub
R. Solcotrans orthopaedic eM Wd U UN R. plaster knife ub V f' WMO=J
drainage-reinfusion UA V UEFK R. procedure ub d
system fduJu rifampin uO yUC 5UH
R. Spectron metal-backed V =eKHU b]R* =o( Wb right sL vML 5L
acetabular prosthesis dJ UA r. erector spinae UIHK WUM CF WK
Richardson uUA musculature vMLO
R. retractor uUA UF r. lateral flexion sL wU wM
R. rod uUA W]OB r. lower extremity (RLE) sL_ wKH dD
R. subtalar arthrodesis qUJ X qBH* U r. lower limb (RLL) sL_ wKH dD
uUA V r. posterior innominate sL_ wHK) v]L
Riche-Cannieu uOU g r. rotation vMLO WNK
R.-C. anastomosis uOU g dUH r. side bending sL wU wM
R.-C. connection uOU g WKOu r. thoracic curve sL b vMM
Richet bandage XA WUB r. thoracic curve scoliosis sL_ bB vMM* nM
Richmond buLA r. thoracic curve with l sL_ bB vMM*
R. bolt buLA V VuK* UL* hypokyphosis ^b hI
R. subarachnoid screw V W]OuJMF X VuK r. thoracic curve with l sL_ bB vMM*
buLA junctional kyphosis wKu* b(
R. subarachnoid screw X VuK U UN r. thoracic, left lumbar sL_ bB vMM* d
sensor buLA V W]OuJMF curve pattern d_ wMDI
R. subarachnoid twist drill W]OuJMF X b VI* r. thoracic, left lumbar wMDI sL_ bB nM'
buLA V scoliosis d_
Richter d r. thoracic, left sL_ bB vMM* d
R. bone drill d V rEF VI thoracolumbar curve d_ wMDI
R. bone screwdriver d V rEF ^pH pattern
R. screwdriver d ^pH r. thoracic, left sL_ bB nM'
rickets b thoracolumbar scoliosis d_ wMDI bB
florid r. de b r. thoracic minor curve bB dOGB vMM* d
vitamin D-dependent r. 5UO vK bLF* bd pattern sL_

- 594 -
r. upper extremity (RUE) sL_ uKF dD du
r. upper limb (RUL) sL_ uKF dD spinal fixation r. w uA XO qL
right-angle dental drill We rzU w=M VI rigidus wKL
right-hand vMLO bO hallux r. wKLB bI UN
r.-h. dominance vMLO bO UO Riley-Day syndrome wK W
r.-h. dominant vMLO bO bzU rim U
right-handed orthogonal vMLO bOK bUF* oUM UN acetabular r. =o( U
coordinate system alar r. wUM U
(RHOCS) glenoid r. wU]I( U
righting WUI r. sign U( W
r. reflex WUI UJF tibial r. uME U
trunk r. c' WUI Rimadyl qU1
right-left U 5L ring wIK WIK
r.-l. discrimination UO 5LO eOO9 arterial r. UdA WIK
r.-l. timing UO 5LO XO u carbon fiber half r. W]OIK( nB W]OudJ WHOK
right-sided vMLO WN'U congenital r. W] WIK
r.-s. nail vMLO WN'U UL constriction r. o^OC WIK
r.-s. submandibular =pH X dF ^o cricoid r. wIK( WIK
transverse incision vMLO WN'U wKH doughnut r. WJFJ WIK
r.-s. thoracotomy vMLO WN'U bB lC drop-lock r. j U qHI WIK
rigid VK epiphyseal r. WUA* WIK
r. body VKB r' r. external fixator WIKK wU) X=*
r. cast VKB VUI extracapsular arterial r. WEH* U W]OUdA WIK(
r. curve VKB vMM* r. finger (4th digit) WF]d WOIK( l
r. curve scoliosis VKB vMM* nM Fischer r. dAO WIK
r. dressing VKB bOLC r. forceps wIK jIK
r. fixation VK XO r. fracture wIK d
r. foot WKB bI half r. wIK nB
r. internal fixation VKB wKb XO halo r. W]OIK WU
r. metal pelvic band VKB =eKH u( jd Ilizarov r. eO WIK
r. pedicle screw VKB wIu VuK ischial weightbearing r. W]OJ u bM WIK
r. pes planus WKB W]D* bI Kayser-Fleischer r. dAOK dU WIK
r. reamer VKB uI* R. knee prosthesis W]OIK( W d Wb
r. round back VKB wHK) b Lacroix osseous r. d V W]OLEF WIK(
r. sound VK yf Luque r. uO u WIK
rigidity qL orthosis drop-lock r. j U qHI uI* WIK
C-D instrumentation r. C-D _ b qL pelvic r. W]O{u WIK
cogwheel r. qL s]M* ^b qL perichondral r. dCG u WIK
l=DI protrusio r. U WIK
Cotrel pedicle screw r. V WIu Vu qL proximal-to-distal r. WN' v WOb WN' s WIK

- 595 -
reduction r. =d WIK right lower limb sL_ wKH dD
r. retractor wIK UF RM dB
r. structure W]OIK WOM repetition maximum wLE_ dJ
r. syndrome WIK( W RM isoelastic hip Wd* W]u u Wb
R. total hip prosthesis W]OIK( WKUJ u Wb prosthesis wLE_ dJU
Ringer dM 1-RM dB
R. arthroscopy dM V qBH* dOEM one-repetition maximum 1 wLE_ dJ
R. lactate dM U RMC prosthesis RMC Wb
RingLoc instrument uKM RNP dB
Riordan u ribonucleoprotein wd uM 5d
R. pin u u^ R/O dB
R. pollicization V wUN qOJA rule out dO
u ROA dB
R. sign u W reversal of antagonist ]UC fJ
R. tendon transfer V du qI WId Robaxin 5 U
echnique u Robaxisal eO U
Riseborough-Radin dJK s ue nOMB Robert d
classification of 5LIK 5 R. Brigham total knee V WKUJ W d Wb
intercondylar fracture prosthesis UNd d
Riseborough-Radin fracture V dJ nOMB UN R. Jones dressing eu d bOLC
classification system s ue R. Jones splint eu d dO
rise time UIO s R. view d dEM
risk dD dU Roberts fd
r. factor profile dU< qU WGO R. approach fd vQ
occupational r. wMN* dD) R. technique fd WId
Risser d= Robinson uM
R. cast d= VU R. anterior cervical V w d dI UB
R. frame d= U diskectomy uM
R. grade d= WKd R. cervical spine fusion V W]O d dIH Z
R. localizer scoliosis cast V =b* nM' VU uM
d= R. morcellation uM lODI
R. method d= WId R. spinal arthrodesis uM V qBH* U
R. sign d= W Robinson-Chung-Farahvar dHU !U uM
R. stage d= WKd R.-C.-F. clavicular V u d lODI
R. technique d= WId morcellation dHU !U uM
R. turnbuckle cast d= V ]bA VU R.-C.-F. morcellation dHU !U uM lODI
Rissler pin dK u^ Robinson-Moon prosthesis V Wb qb
Rissler-Stille pin w=KO dK u^ inserter u uM
Ritchie nail starter wA V UL* b Robinson-Riley cervical V wd qBH* U

- 596 -
arthrodesis wK uM system TAG
Robinson-Smith spinal V w uA qBH* U rod u XOU u^
arthrodesis YOL uM bO
Robinson-Southwick fusion uM V Zb WId alignment r. nOd U u
technique puU Alta tibial-humeral r. U bCF wuME uM
Robodoc u aluminum master r. wOz]d uOMu_ u^
Rochester compression dO V jGC UN Bailey-Dubow r. u wKU u
system r. bender u^M wM
rock ee r. bending u^M wM
pelvic r. (PR) u( ee r. clamp u^M UIK
rocker ]eN cold rolled r. U uHK* u^M
r. bar ]eN W{U compression r. jGC u^
r. boot ]eN U u compressive r. wDGC u^M
r. shoe ]e c concave r. dFI* uM
r. sole ]eN qF r. contour preparation u^M UH dC
rockerbottom ]eN bFI* convex r. ]b* u^M
r. flatfoot W]uI U] b Cotrel-Dubousset r. XOu du u^
r. foot W]uI U b Dacron-impregnated dA* uJOKO u
r. shoe ]eN c( silicone r. d bU
rocking ee eeN distraction r. d u
knee-chest r. W d bB ee r. distraction device uM d eON
Rock-Mulligan prosthesis UOu Wb double-L r. L qJA e* u^M
Rockwood u double-L spinal r. L qJA e* w uA uM
R. classification u nOMB dual square-ended WUNM wzUM u=U u^
R. classification of WU u nOMB Harrington r. WF]d*
acromioclavicular injury W]u d W]Od_ Edwards modular system ]bF* UNK UdHOu u
R. classification of u d dJ u nOMB Universal r. V
clavicular fracture Edwards Universal r. V UdHOu u
R. posterior V wHK) WEH* u Ender r. b u^
capsulorrhaphy u Enneking r. ZMOJ= u^
R. procedure u d r. fixation u^M XO
R. resection u lD flared spinal r. Z=u* w uA u^M
R. screw u Vu fluted medullary r. o]IA* wIM u^
R. shoulder screw u V nJ Vu r. fracture repair wu^M dJ `OKB
Rockwood-Green technique sd u WId guide r. qO u^
Rockwood-Matsen capsular V WEH* U d Harrington r. u=U u^
shift procedure 5U u Harrington compression r. u=U V jGC u^
Rod Harrington distraction r. V d u^
Alta CFX Reconstruction R. V CFX U UM u=U
R. TAG suture anchor V b Ud UN Harris condylocephalic r. V w wLI u^

- 597 -
f=U Sage r. U u^
hinge r. = u Sampson r. uU u^
r. holder u^M pL Schneider r. bUM u^
Hunter Silastic r. V pOO u^ screw alignment r. VuK nOd u^
du Serrato r. udO u^
intramedullary r. wIM q u^M Serrato forearm r. udO V bU u^
intramedullary alignment r. wIM q nOd u^ silicone-dacron tendon r. wuJOKO du u^
intramuscular, sO WKCF q u^M wd b
intermuscular, wIM q 5KCF r. sleeve fixation u^M WHK XO
intramedullary r. spinal r. dI u^
Isola spinal implant system WdG UN' dF u^M spinal fixation r. dIH XO u^
eye r. e V W]O uA square-ended distraction r. WF]d* WUNM d u^
Jacobs r. fu U u^ Stenzel r. eM u^
Jacobs locking hook w* dIH u^M straight threaded r. rOI* wDO) u^M
spinal r. fu U V wUD) telescopic r. UF dOEM u^
Knodt r. u u^ telescoping medullary r. dOEM wIM u^
Kntscher V wd wLIK u^M r. template u^M Ud
condylocephalic r. dAu tendon r. du u^
L r. L u^M threaded r. wDO) u^M
r. linkage u^M U unit spinal r. WO uA bu u^
locking-hook r. w* UD) u^ V-A alignment r. nOd u^
locking-hook spinal r. w* wUD) dIH u^M Williams r. eUO u^
L-shaped r. L qJA u^M Wiltse system aluminum wOz]d uOMu_ u^
Luque r. uO u u^ master r. eK UN'
r. migration u^M d Wiltse system spinal r. eK UN' dIH u^M
Moe r. u u^ Wissinger r. dMe u^
Moe square-end r. WF]d* WUNM u u^ Zickel r. qJ u^
Mouradian r. Uu u^ Zielke r. wJK u^
pediatric Cotrel- XOu du u^ rod-hook construct wu^M UD) UM
Dubousset r. UH rod-mounted u^ vK vd
r. placement u^M WF{u r.-m. targeting apparatus vK vd bN UN
precontoured unit r. UHJ U bu u^ u^
Richards locking r. V w* u^M r.-m. targeting device vK Ud bN eON
UA u^
Richardson r. uUA u^ rod sleeve u^M WHK
r. rotation prevention u^M lM Edwards modular system UN' u^M WHK
round-ended distraction r. WUNM d u^ spinal r. s. ]bF* w uA
db* roentgenogram W]OUF u
Rush r. u^ biplane r. u* W]OzUM W]OUF u
Russell-Taylor r. uKU q= u^ lateral r. W]OU W]OUF u

- 598 -
operative r. W]Od W]OUF u R. cushion u U
templating r. W]OUd W]OUF u R. Pack-It cushion U u U
two-plane r. 5u W]OUF u R. pediatric seating V UH_ uK UN
roentgenography wUF duB system u
intraoperative r. UM w wUF duB R. solid seat insert V WLB* bFI* uA
Wd' u
preoperative r. Wd' q wUF duB Rolando fracture b d
stress r. UN wUF duB Rolator walker uO wU
roentgenometrics W]OUF UUOI role
roentgenstereophotogramm wzuC wU* qOK intrinsic transverse W{dF* W]OKb WKOu
etric analysis r]: wUF connector r.
Roger d occupational r. wMN* b
R. Anderson compression d V jGC eON rolfing yn
device ub r. pressure w=H jG{
R. Anderson external V wU) XO UN roll W]H
fixation apparatus ub d chest r. bB W]H
R. Anderson external fixator ub d u^ cotton r. sDI W]H
R. Anderson pin d V wU) X=* Feldenkrais foam r. V W]ud W]HK
ub fdJbKO
R. Anderson splint ub d dO hip r. u W]H
R. Anderson system ub d UN McKenzie lumbar r. eM p V W]OMDI W]HK
R. Anderson table ub d bCM radiolucent r. W]F WHOH W]H
R. Anderson traction ub d ^d r. stitch W]OH d
Rogers cervical fusion V wd Zb WId towel r. nUM* WH
technique d rolled felt uHK U
Rogozinski wJu roller injury W]OuF WU
R. rod system V u^M UN rolling UH
wJu skin r. bK UH
R. screw system V wuK UN' rollover WUHKU WODG
wJu Rolyan UO
R. spinal fixation system V dIH XO UN R. brace UO UM
wJu R. tibial fracture brace V wuME dJ UM
R. spinal rod system V dIH u^M UN UO
wJu ROM dB
Rohadur U range of motion W d( U
R. gait plate U V wA* WOH ROM therapy W d( U W'UF
Rohadur-Polydor orthotic bOu U uI Roman arch U u
Rohadur-Schaefer orthotic dHO U uI Romberg test dO U
Rohadur-Whitman orthotic UL U uI rongeur W{]d dI
Roho u Adson r. u W{]d

- 599 -
angled jaw r. We =pH W{]d synovial r. qOe W{]d
angled pituitary r. We vU M W{]d upbiting r. lDI W]uK W{]d
angular bone r. ]e* rEF W{]d rongeured dI
basket r. WO=K W{]dI Rood technique WId
bayonet r. Wd( W{]d roof `D
Beyer r. dU W{]d r. arc measurement W]OD uI UO
bone-nibbling r. rEF rC W{]d r. impingement `D UD
Bruening-Citelli r. w=KO ZMOd W{]d intercondylar r. wLIK sO nI
Campbell r. qU W{]d room d
Cloward r uK W{]d Allender vertical laminar wzUHB Ud' d
Colclough laminectomy r. WOH]B UB W{]d flow r. bM V uLF
uKJu V W]dIH Chanley laminar flow r. wzUHB Ud' d
curved bone r. WOMM* rEF W{]d wKU V
Cushing r. ZMOu W{]d operating r. Wd' d
Decker r. dJ V W{]d recovery r. (RR) W U UF d
disk r. dI W{]d surgical dressing r. (SDR) wd' bOLC d
double-action r. e* qFH W{]d Roos
downbiting r. lDI W]OKH W{]d R. approach vQ
duckbill r. W]D UIM W{]d R. overhead exercise test V w uH sdL U
Echlin duckbill r. 5K V W]D UIM W{]d
Ferris Smith r. YOL fd W{]d R. rib cutter V lKC lU
Hoen r. su W{]d root c
Kerrison r. e=d W{]d r. anomaly c' c
Kerrison downbiting r. V lDI wKH jIK* r. canal broach W]c' UMI W u
e=d cervical r. w c
Leksell r. qJO W{]d r. infiltration c UA
mastoid r. U]A) W{]d nail r. dHE c
McIndoe bone r. b p V rEF W{]d nerve r. VBF c
orthopaedic r. UEF .uI Wd W{]d rooting reflex lO{d bM dc fJFM
pituitary r. vU M W{]d Root-Siegal UO
Ruskin r. 5J W{]d R.-S. osteotomy V rEF lD
Schlesinger cervical r. dMeOK V W d W{]d UO
single action r. U_ qFH W{]d R.-S. varus derotational db Z_ rEF lD
Smith-Petersen r. sd YOL W{]d osteotomy UO V
Spurling r. ZMOu W{]d ropey wO d
Stille r. w=KO W{]d ropiness CF uH
Stille-Leur r. dO w=KO W{]d Rorabeck fasciotomy p V WUHK lD
Stille-Luer bone r. dO w=KO V rEF W{]d Rosenberg dO
straight bone r. WLOI* rEF W{]d R. endoscopic anterior dOEM wOKB Ud UM
straight pituitary r. WLOI* vU M W{]d cruciate ligament dO V

- 600 -
reconstruction r. drawer test db ^b U
R. retractor dO UF r. exercise db sd9
Rosenfeld hip prosthesis bKHM V u Wb external r. wU db
Rosen splint s dO external /internal r.(ER/IR) wKwU
Rosenthal classification of dHE UU U nOMB flexion in abduction and wU bOF l wM
nail injuries external r. (faber)
Rose procedure d flexion in abduction and wK db l bOF w wM
Rosette strain gauge X V UN UOI* internal r.
rotary ] w flexion,abduction internal r. wM VdI wK db
r. basket W]Ob W]K (fadir) dU
r. basket forceps W]Ob W]K jIK foot r. bI db
r. bur wb VIM* r. fracture w d
r. deviation wb d hip r. u db
r. displacement W]Ob W horizontal external r. wI wU db
r. drawer test wb ^b U instantaneous axis of r. dbK wEK u*
r. instability wb dI b intentional r. bB db
r. instability test wb dI b U internal r. wK db
r. motion W]Ob W d( internal-external r. wU wK db
r. osteotome wb rEF lC intersegmental r. lDI 5 db
r. stability wb dI inversion-eversion r. wK I wI db
r. subluxation wb wze' lK) inward r. wK db
r. test wb U knee r. W d db
rotated ]b left r. U db
externally r. U K ]b lumbar r. wMD db
internally r. q]bK ]b r. mobility db ^d
rotating hinge ] ] neutral r. UF db
rotating-hinge knee ]b ]d Wb outward r. wU
prosthesis pelvic r. u(
rotating-hinge knee ]b ]dU W d Wb r. plasty db
prosthesis polycentric r. e d* =bF db
rotation posterior r. wHK db
rotation db posterior innominate r. wHK) v]L db
abduction-external r. (AER) wU bOF pronation-eversion- db nMA ^VJ
anterior r. wU external r. (PEER) wU)
anterior innominate r. wU_ v]L r. recurvatum test db s^ U
axial r. u db right r. 5LO WN db
Borggreve limb r. du V dD sagittal r. wLN db
center of axial r. u* db e d spine r. w u db
cervical general r. UF w d db supination-external r. (SER) wU) db j
r. device db eON synchronous se* u d wHJ db

- 601 -
scapuloclavicular r. r. unit db b
r. testing Wdb U rotatores db* CF
vertebral r. dI db r. breves musculi dOBI db* CF
rotational w r. longi musculi WKuD db* CF
r. alignment w nOd r. musculi db* CF
Broudy-r. d V wb r. syndrome db* CF W
r. burst fracture wb UH dJ r. thoracis musculi db* W]bB CF
r. contracture w l^HI rotatory torque db e
r. correction w `OB rotatory-variable- eUL d=OG db Ud
r. deformity w ^uA differential transducer
r. flap W]O WKb Rothman Institute total uK UL bNF ZUd
r. fracture w d hip program qUJ
r. instability wb dI b Roto-Rest bed X u dd
r. kyphosis wb b( Rotter-Erb syndrome d W
r. malalignment wb nOd u rough sA
r. malposition wb WF{u u roughening 5A
r. osteotomy wb rEF lD roughen the surface `D s=A
r. prominence w d rouleaux formation bzUCM q^JA
r. restriction wb bOOI round db
r. scoliosis wb nM' r. cell liposarcoma db* W]OLA Wu U
rotation-compression jGC b UM U)
maneuver r. cell type liposarcoma db* W]OLA Wu U
rotationplasty w U)
Kotz-Salzer r. eu V w r. hole plate VI db WOHB
eU r. ligament ]b* U=d
Van Ness r. fO U V w r. shoulder deformity db* nJ ^uA
Winkelmann r. ULKJM V w roundback stem wHK) b c'
rotator db =b round-ended distraction rod dD db* d u^
r. cuff ]b W]H round-hole compression db* jGC WOH
r. cuff calcified deposit W]HJ w W=KJ* Vd plate VI
]b* Rousek extraction set V hOK] WuL
r. cuff lesion ]b* W]HJ W pO
r. cuff repair ]b* W]HJ `OKB Roussy-Levy wHO w
r. cuff tear ]b* W]HJ ^e9 R.-L. disease wHO w
r. cuff tear arthroplasty ]b* W]HJ ^e9 qBH* R.-L. syndrome wHO w W
r. cuff tendinitis ]b* W]HJ d UN Roux-du Toit staple V =d WEH* u
external r. W]OU) ]b* capsulorrhaphy Xu
internal r. W]OKb ]b* Roux-Goldthwait Xubu
long external r. WKuD W]OU) ]b* R.-G. procedure Xubu d
short external r. dOBI W]OU) ]b* R.-G. realignment V nOd U

- 602 -
Xubu superimposed upon an uu* h^KI vK
Roux sign W existing contraction
row b RR dB
carpal r. md b recovery room W U UF d
proximal carpal r. wb wGd b* RRAM dB
Rowe relative response v bzUF W]OM WU
R. calcaneal fracture V wIF d nOMB attributable to the UM*
classification maneuver
R. classification nOMB RSD dB
R. disimpaction forceps V UA W jIK reflex sympathetic wUJF =u q(
R. glenoid punch V wU]I( W]d dystrophy
R. and Lowell classification qu nOMB UN RSI dB
system for wFK) dJK repetition strain injury W]dJ W]UN WU
fracture-dislocation RSS dB
modified Zarins and R. ]bF* fM repetitive stress syndrome =dJ* dJ W
R. posterior shoulder V wHK) nJ vQ RTD dB
approach repetitive trauma disorder =dJ* `{d dD{
Rowe-Lowell hip dislocation V u lK nOMB Rub
classification qu Jeanie R. wMO
Rowe-Zarins shoulder V nJ XO rubber U]D
immobilization fM r. band traction wU]D* jdAU ^d
Rowland-Hughes splint uO b dO r. bolster W]OU]D U
Royalite body jacket XOU V r' d r. drain wU]D eM
Roy-Camille wKOU r. shod wU]D qF
R.-C. plate wKOU WOH r. sling wU]D F
R.-C. posterior screw plate W]OHK) VuK WOH XO r. sole cast walker bIK sU VUI wU
fixation wKOU V wU]D*
Roylan ergonomic hand V wuu bO =dL r. walking heel WOU]D* wA* VI
exerciser r. wedge walker wU]D* wMOH wU*
Royle-Thompson transfer q V qIM WId rubber-shod clamp wU]D* qFM UIK
technique uu Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome wU sUAM W
RPE dB Rubix-Cube wu fJ
rated perceived exertion ]bI* b* UN rubor dL
RQS dB rubra vera dL
repeated quick stretch =dJ* ld bbL] rudimentary w1
RQS-E dB r. bone w1 rE
repeated quick stretch form s =dJ* ld bbL] r. rib W]O1 lK{
elongation WUD RUE dB
RQS-SEC dB right upper extremity s1_ uKF d]D
repeated quick stretch V] d* =dJ* ld bbL] Ruedi-Allgower u' nOMB

- 603 -
classification longitudinal ligament r. wuD Ud ^eL
Ruffini wMO neglected r. qLN ^eL
R. endings wMO UUN proximal tendon r. wb du ^eL
R. end-organ wMO V wzUNM uCF stress r. UN ^e9
Rufin 5 tendon r. du ^eL
Ruiz-Mora u u transverse r. dF* ^eL
R.-M. correction u u `OB transverse ligament r. dF* Ud ^eL
R.-M. procedure u u d ulnar collateral ligament r. wU' be Ud ^eL
RUL dB ruptured disk excision =eL* dI UB
right upper limb s1_ uKF dD Rush
rule out (R/O) bF R. awl d 
ruler dD R. bender wM
Berndt hip r. bd V u dD R. bone clamp V rEF UIK
ulnar r. be dD R. clamp UIK
Rumel q R. driver W ]u
R. aluminum bridge splint wuOMu_ d' dO R. extender l=u
q V R. flexible medullary nail wMK qUI wIM UL
R. clamp q UIK V
R. myocardial clamp V wKI wKCF UIK* R. intramedullary fixation wIM q XO u^
q pin V
R. rubber clamp q V wU]D* UIK* R. nail UL
R. thoracic clamp q V bB UIK* R. pin u^
runners ]bF v uM R. pin reamer awl V u^b uI d 
r. bump ]bF UD
r. knee ]bF W R. reamer uI
running YO R. rod u^
r. suture ]dL WUO R. rod awl-reamer V u^M d  uI
treadmill r. b WMD qu
rupture o ^eL Ruskin 5J
Achilles tendon r. (ATR) u dF ^eL R. bone-splitting forceps V rEF dD jIK
adductor longus muscle r. WKuD W=dI* WKCF ^eL 5J
anterior talofibular uEA wFI Ud ^eL R. rongeur 5J W{]d
ligament r. wU_ Ruskin-Liston bone-cutting V rEF lU jIK
collateral ligament r. wU' Ud ^eL forceps uO 5J
crescentic r. wN ^eL Russe
distal biceps brachii W]bCF 5d ^eL R. bone graft V rEF rF
tendon r. WOUI R. classification nOMB
flexor tendon r. wM* du ^eL R. technique WId
infrapatellar tendon r. WH{d X du ^eL Russe-Gerhardt method UdO WId
longitudinal r. wu ^eL Russel q=

- 604 -
R. fibular head autograft V wc W]OEA rF medullary nail q= V wUM UL*
q= R.-T. interlocking nail uKU
R. skeletal traction q= V wKJON ^d' uKU q= UL
R. splint q= dO R.-T. nail uKU q= u^
R. traction q= ^d R.-T. rod uKU q= Vu
R. traction for femoral c H dJ q= ^d R.-T. screw wd jIK*
fracture Russian forceps X W
Russell-Taylor uKU q= Rust sign d nOMB
R.-T. classification uKU q= nOMB Rter classification b V d pL
R.-T. delta tibial nail Ub wuME UL* Ryder needle holder ud
uKU q= V Ryerson ud V wLEF rFD
R.-T. femoral interlocking c H wUM UL* UN R. bone graft ud d
nail system uKU q= V R. procedure ud WId
R.-T. interlocking V wUM wIM UL R. technique V w qBH* U
uKU q= R. triple arthrodesis ud

- 605 -
SAARD dB S. nerve separator U V VBF WKU
slow-acting antirheumatic wD eUdK UC* b saclike cavity fOJU tO u
drug qFH sacral e
Sabel cast walker V VUI c wU s. agenesis eF o^K b
qU s. alar screw eF UM' Vu
saber-cut qJA wHO s. approach eF vQ*
s.-c. approach qJA wHO vQ s. arcuate line eF ]uI* ^j)
s.-c. incision qJA wHO yo s. artery eF UdA
SAC dB s. bar technique W]eF W{UF WId
short arm cast cK dOB VU s. base angle eF bU W
space available for the cord qK U* e=O( s. base distortion eF bU UH
sac fO s. cyst W]e WO
bursal s. wd' fOJ s. decompression eF UGC nOH
common dural s. wK_ uU' fOJ s. fixation eF XO
SACH dB s. fracture eF dJ
solid ankle, cushioned heel b]u* VIF bKB qUJ s. horizontal plane line eF wI_ u* ^j
SACH foot VIF bKB qUJ b (SHPL)
b]u* s. inclination eF qO*
SACH foot prosthesis bKB qUJ b Wb s. mobility e ^d
b]u* VIF S. nerve eF VBF
SACH orthopaedic heel bKB qUJ .uI VI s. nerve root sparing VBF c vK WEU;
b]u* VIF eF
SACH orthosis VIF bKB qUJ uI s. pedicle screw W]eF WIu Vu
b]u* s. pedicle screw fixation W]eF WIu Vu XO
SACH orthotic VIF bKB qUJ uI s. plexus W]eF dOHC
b]u* s. plexus injury W]eF dOHC WU
Sach U s. screw eF VuK

- 607 -
s. screw placement eF VuK WF{u s. subluxation wHd( eF wze' lK)
s. segment W]e WFD sacroiliitis wHd( =eF qBH* UN
s. spine eF UIH sacrospinalis musculus W]OuA W]eF WKCF
s. spine decompression eF UIH UGC nOH sacrospinous ligament wuA eF Ud
s. spine fixation eF UIH XO sacrotuberous ligament wb( ^eF U=d
s. spine fusion eF UIH Z sacrovertebral angle W]UIH W]eF We
s. spine modular eF UIHK W]bF* _ sacrum, sacral spine eF UIH eF
instrumentation s. fracture eF d
s. spine stabilization eF UIH XO s. fusion screw fixation eF Zb Vu XO
s. spine Universal eF UIHK UdHOu saddle d
instrumentation s. block anesthesia wd yUB db
s. tilt e qO s. joint wd qBH*
s. triangle eF Y]K* SAF dB
s. vertebrae WeF dIH self-articulating femoral hip wc u qBH b
sacralization dIH e^F replacement qBHL
sacralized transverse e=F* dF* TUM SAF hip replacement wc u qBH b
process qBHL
sacral spine (var. of sacrum) eF UIH SAFE dB
sacrificing knee prosthesis Wc Wd Wb solid-ankle flexible wMK qUI wKb qJON
sacrococcygeal chordoma wBFB e wK endoskeletal XLB* qUJK
Sacro-Eze lumbar support dU V wMDI U=b Stationary Ankle Flexible wMK qUI wKb qJON
sacrofemoral angle W]cH W]eF We Endoskeleton dI* qUJK
sacrohorizontal angle W]OI_ W]eF We stationary attachment wMK qUI wKb qJON
sacroiliac (SI) wH
d e flexible endoskeletal UJ dI*
s. belt wHd e e SAFE foot wMK qUI wKb qJON b
s. binder wHd e pL UJ dI*
s. buttressing procedure wHd( eF rb d SAFE II prosthesis wMK qUI wKb qJON Wb
s. disarticulation wHd( eF qBH* ^e UJ dI*
s. dislocation wHd e lK SAFE orthotic qUI wKb qJON uI
s. extension fixation wHd( eF j XO UJ dI* wMK
s. fixation wHd e XO safety W
s. flexion fixation wHd( eF wM XO s. performance W
s. fracture wHd e d s. pin orthosis W u^ uI
s. joint wHd( eF qBH* s. pin splint W u^ dO
s. joint injury wHd( eF qBH* WU safety-bolt suture W U WUO
s. joint locking wHd e U Safir pin dOU u^
s. joint mobility wHd( eF qBH* ^d Sage U
s. joint motion wHd( eF qBH* W d S. driver U W]u
s. ligament wHd( eF Ud S. extractor U WFU
s. orthosis (SIO) wHd e uI S. forearm nail U V bU UL

- 608 -
S. nail U UL Saint XMO
S. pin U u^ S.George-Buchholz ankle XMO V qUJ Wb
S. radial nail U V dFJ UL prosthesis euNJ u
S. rod U u^ S.George knee prosthesis u XMO V W d Wb
S. triangular nail U V w]K* UL* S. Jude prosthesis u XMO Wb
Sage-Clark  U S. Vitus dance uO XMO WB
S.-C. cheilectomy U V WHA UB Sakellarides classification of dJ bOU nOMB
calcaneal fracture wIF
S.-C. technique U WId Sakellarides-Deweese eu bOU WId
Sage-Salvatore uUHU U technique
S.-S. classification uUHU U nOMB Sakoff osteotomy uU V rEF lD

S.-S. classification of WU uUHU U nOMB Salflex fJOKHU

acromioclavicular joint ud wd_ qBH* salicylate OOU
injury choline s. 5uJ OOU
sagittal wLN salicylsalicylic acid pOKOOU qOOU iL
s. anatomic alignment wLN wdA nOd salient angle U We
s. band wLN jdA saline wK `K
s. deformity wLN ^uA s. acceptance test `K* q^I U
s. kyphosis wLN b( physiologic s. wuueO `K
s. mobility wLN ^d s. solution wK uK
s. motion WOLN W d( salmon calcitonin uLK 5uOU
s. movement WOLN W d( Salmonella s rOd fM WKOuLK
s. pedicle angle WOLN WIu W U]OzUF_
s. pedicle diameter wLN WIu dD salsalate UU
s. plane wLN ^j) Salter dU
s. plane instability wLN u*U dI b S. epiphyseal fracture V WUA* d nOMB
s. roll spondylolisthesis wLN wUH UIH e classification dU
s. rotation wLN db S. fracture dU d
s. saw wLN UAM* S. innominate osteotomy V v]L rEF lD
s. spinal canal diameter wLN WO uA UMI dD dU
s. surgical saw wLN wd' UAM* S. I-VI fracture I-VI dU d
sagittal-plane imaging wLN u*U duB S. osteotomy dU V rEF lD
Saha UU S. pelvic osteotomy dU V u( UE lD
S. procedure UU d S. technique dU WId
S. shoulder muscle V nJ C nOMB Salter-Harris f=U dU
classification UU S.-H. classification f=U dU nOMB
S. transfer technique UU V qIM WId S.-H. classification of dJ f=U dU nOMB
SAI dB epiphyseal fracture WUA*
Schema Assessment ULO V rOOI S.-H. epiphyseal injury dU V WUA* WU
instrument f=U

- 609 -
S.-H. fracture f=U dU d San Joaquin Valley fever 5u U vL
Saltiel brace qOU UM Santa Casa distractor U UU =dH
salts  saphenous sU
gold s. Vc  s. flap sUB WKb
salvage UI s. nerve sUB VBF
limb s. dD UI s. vein sUB bu
Salzer prosthesis eU Wb SAPHO dB
SAM uOM wuOMu_ dD synovitis-acne-pustulosis- d^ bF qOe UN
structural aluminum uOM wuOMu_ dD hyperostosis osteomyelitis dH* wIM rEF UN
malleable r^EF
SAM splint wuOMu_ dD dO SAPHO syndrome bF qOe UN W
uOM wIM rEF UN d^
Samilson uKOU r^EF dH*
S. crescentic calcaneal wN wIF rEF lD Sarbo sign dNE fU w uU W
osteotomy uKOU V sarcoid buU
S. osteotomy uKOU V rEF lD Boeck s. u bu U
S. procedure uKOU d sarcoidosis buU
Sammarco-DiRaimondo buLd uU]U qbF sarcoiliac wH
d e
modification of Elmslie wK* WIdD s. joint arthropathy wHd( eF qBH*
technique s. syndrome W]OHd( W]eF W*
Sammons biplane u* wzUM U]e UOI sarcoma WuU
goniometer fuU V alveolar soft part s. wM ud e' Wu U
sample WMO bicompartmental soft- WOzUM ud ZOM Wu U
Pennsylvania bimanual V bO qLF WMO tissue s. eO(
work s. UOUHKM botryoid s. WuIM Wu U
Sampson uU clear cell s. WOU]B U) Wu U]
S. medullary nail uU V wIM UL deep intracompartmental oOLF ud ZOM Wu U
S. nail uU UL soft-tissue s. eO( q
S. prosthesis uU Wb epithelioid s. UNE WNO Wu U
S. rod uU u^ Ewing s. mMu Wu U
SANC dB extracompartmental U ud ZOM Wu U
short arm navicular cast dD dOBI we VUI soft-tissue s. eO(
sandal bM n femoral s. WcH Wu U
Rainbow cast s. uM V wUI ^n) high-grade surface QAM* WOLEF Wu U
sandbag q fO osteogenic s. Wb WOUF WOD
Sandune bU intracortical osteogenic s. WOLEF dAI q Wu U
sandwiched iliac bone graft dODA wH
d( rEF rF QAM*
Sanfilippo syndrome bb uOKOHU W Kaposi s. Wu U] uU Wu U
WOU< bUJ V] WuN* W]Oe]M
sanguineous u low-grade central WOLEF We d* Wu U

- 610 -
osteogenic s. W]b WCHM* QAM* Sarot needle holder U V d pL
malignant myeloid s. WO) WOUOIM Wu U sartorial slide procedure WOUO) o d
multicentric osteogenic s. =bF* QAM* WOLEF Wu U sartorius WKC WOUO)
e d* s. muscle WOUO) WKCF
osteoblastic osteogenic s. WOLE rEF WOU Wu U s. tendon WOUO) d
osteogenic s. QAM* WOLEF Wu U short arm splint cK dOB dO
Paget associated WUB QAM* WOLE Wu U sateen knee immobilizer 5U V Wd X=
osteogenic s. XOU b satellite qU
parosteal s. W]OUL Wu U s. myofascial trigger point WOUHK WOKCF WUe WDIM
parosteal osteogenic s. QAM* WOLE W]OUL Wu U W]OKU
postirradiation osteogenic s. WOU] QAM* WOLEF Wu U s. potential qU sU
UF Saticon tube camera V WOu_ duB W
reticular cell s. WOJ Wu U uJOU
sclerosa osteoblastic W=KB* rEFK WOU Wu U Satterlee wdOU
osteogenic s. QAM* WOLEF S. bone saw wdOU V rEF UAM
small cell osteogenic s. dOGB QAM* WOLEF Wu U S. saw wdOU UAM
U) saturation l^A U
soft tissue s. ud ZOM Wu U arterial oxygen s. wUdA wMO _ l^A
subcutaneous X ud ZOM Wu U saucerization 5B s^B
intracompartmental eO( q bK' Sauerbruch dU
soft-tissue s. S. prosthesis dU Wb
subcutaneous soft-tissue s. X ud ZOM Wu U S. retractor dU UF
bK' S. rib shears dU V lKC dI
sarcomatous change wuU ^b sausage toe W]OI bI l
sarcoplasmic reticulum W]OKCF W]OuON WJ]A Sauve-Kapandji procedure wMU u d
sargramostim WOdd Savastano Hemi-knee V wHBM Wd UN
Sarmiento uMOU system uUU
S. brace uMOU UM saver cIM*
S. cast uMOU VU intraoperative cell s. Wd' UM w WOK) cIM
S. fracture brace uMOU V dJ UM saw UAM
S. hip prosthesis uMOU V u Wb Adams s. e UAM
S. intertrochanteric V sb* sO rEF lD Aesculap s. uJ UAM
osteotomy uMOU amputation s. d UAM
S. nail uMOU UL bayonet s. Wd( UAM
S. short leg patellar wH{d du bM VU Beaver s. dHO UAM
tendon-bearing cast uMOU V dOBI U Bishop s. uAO UAM
S. technique uMOU WId bone s. rEF UAM
S. trochanteric fracture V b* d WId Charriere bone s. tO=U V rEF UAM
technique uMOU circular s. dzb UAM*

- 611 -
Cottle s. wKu UAM sawblade UAM* qB
counter rotating s. f UF db UAM Stablecut s. uJOKU V UAM* dH
crosscut s. wOKB lDI UAM sawcut UAM* lD

electric cast s. wzUdNJ VUI UAM Sayre dU

end-cutting reciprocating s. dDK lUI wU UAM* S. bandage dU WUB
Engel plaster s. q V f' UAM S. elevator dU WF
Gigli s. wKO UAM S. splint dU dO
s. guide UAM* qO S. traction dU ^d
Hall air-driven oscillating s. UOzu b* wcc] UAM* Sbarbaro UU
U V S. hip prosthesis UU V u Wb
hand s. b UAM S. spica cast UU V wKM VUI
Henschke-Mauch s. gU pAM UAM S. tibial plateau prosthesis V W]OuME WCN Wb
Herbert s. dd UAM UU
Horsley bone s. wKu V rEF UAM S. tibial prosthesis UU V uME Wb
humeral s. bCF UAM SBO dB
intramedullary s. wIM q UAM spina bifida occulta W]OH) WuIA* WMM
Luck-Bishop bone s. u V rEF UAM SBP dB
uAO systolic blood pressure w{UI b jG{
medullary s. wIM UAM SC dB
microoscillating s. dN: wcc UAM* sternoclavicular ud w=B
microsagittal s. dN: wLN UAM* supracondylar WLIK u
oscillating s. wcc UAM* SC suspension WLIK u oOKF
Pearson s. udO UAM scaffolding qOI]
Pearson intramedullary s. V wIM q UAM Scaglietti w=OKUJ
udO S. closed reduction V oKG* =d WId
power-driven s. w b* UAM* technique w=OKUJ
power oscillating s. w wcc UAM* S. procedure scale V d eO
reciprocating s. wU UAM* w=OKUJ
reciprocating motor s. wU w d( UAM* scalar ]b
sagittal s. wLN UAM* s. classification ]b nOMB
sagittal surgical s. wLN wd' UAM* s. quantity W]b WOL
Satterlee s. wd=U UAM Scale n
Satterlee bone s. wd=U V rEF UAM scale eO
single-blade s. bOu qBM UAM Abbreviated Injury S. (AIS) dB* WU eO
Skil s. qOJ UAM Angus-Cowell s. qu fO eO
Tuke s. u UAM French s. wdH eO*
twin-blade oscillating s. u qBM wcc UAM* GED S. w eO
Zimmer s. d=1 UAM Glasgow Coma s.s WuOGK u eO
Zimmer oscillating s. d=1 V wcc UAM* Graphic Rating S. (GRS) wUO nOMB eO
SAWA shoulder orthosis U V nJ uI Harris hip s. f=U V u eO

- 612 -
JOA S. t w eO multiplanar CT s. Wu* WOFDI* WdH
Kenna Knee S. UMO V W d eO (multiplanar computed Uu* =bF*
Lysholm Knee S. ruAO V W d eO tomography scan)
numeric rating s. (NRS) bF nOMB eO myocardial perfusion s. WOKI WKCF Wd WdH
Outerbridge s. bdd eO nuclear magnetic uM wOUMG* 5d WdH
Portola Valley S. uu eO resonance s.
Progressive Ambulation S. w=d* dO eO positron emission bU wFDI* duB]
Scaglietti procedure s. V d eO tomographic s. wdu
wOK UJ radioisotope gallium s. lA* uOU'U WdH
Stanford Hypnotic V w1uM dd eO* radioisotope indium-labeled UCO b U WdH
Clinical S. uHU white blood cell s. lA* ubU Wuu*
visual analog s. (VAS) UB UUC* eO radioisotope technetium s. lA* uOAOMJU WdH
Volpicelli functional V wHOu dO eO radionuclide s. W]FA* dzUE]MU WdH
ambulation s. wKOOu technetium-99m s. 99m uOAOMJU WdH
scalene wFL technetium-99m uOAOMJ UH wzUM WdH
s. maneuver WOFL_ UM* diphosphonate s. 99m
s. muscle WOFL_ WKCF technetium-99m uOAOMJ UHdO WdH
scalenotomy WOFL_ lD
pyrophosphate s. 99m
scalenus WKC WOFL_ technetium-99m sulfur 99m uOAOMJ uHK WdH
s. anticus muscle WOU_ WOFL_ WKCF colloid s. wdG
s. anticus syndrome WOU_ WOFL_ W scan WdH
s. muscle WOFL_ WKCF thallium s. uOU WdH
scalloping of vertebra UI R^M three-phase bone s. u_ WO UEF WdH
scalpel dA transesophageal d VKI b jOD WdH
Bard-Parker s. d U U dA echocardiography s. d*
scan WdH Scand pin bUJ u^
adenosine thallium s. suM_ uOU WdH scanning fdH ^dH
bone s. rEF WdH cold phase as in bone s. WdH w UL U uD
DEXA s. DEXA WdH s. EMG w^dH qCF W]OdN j]D
dual energy x-ray UB UO WdH indium-111-labelled UCO UdJU rEF fdH
absorptiometry s. WUD wzUM wUFA leukocyte bone s. 111 ub_U Wuu*
gallium s. uOU' WdH quadraphasic s. u_ wU ^dH
gallium-67 s. 67 uOU' WdH scanogram WO^dH u
gallium citrate s. uOU' d WdH scanography w^dH duB
intrathecally-enhanced ]eF* Wu* WOFDI* WdH Scanz osteotomy eUJ V rEF lD

CT s. dI q scaphocapitate dO w

multiplanar computed Wu* WOFDI* WdH s. fusion dOJ we Zb

tomography s. (multiplanar Uu* =bF* s. syndrome dOJ we W
CT scan) scaphocapitolunate dOJ w
e qBH* U

- 613 -
arthrodesis (SCL) wN s. reflex wHJ fJFM*
scaphoid w
e s. winging wHJ `^M
bipartite s. 5LI we scapulectomy nJ rE UB
s. bone we rEF Das Gupta s. V nJ rE UB
carpal s. w wG Uu
s. cookie in shoe c( w WOe WJFJ Phelps s. V nJ rE UB
s. fracture we d fKO
s. lift test we l U scapuloclavicular u
d wH
s. nonunion we U$ b s. articulation ud wHJ qBH*
s. screw guide we Vu qO s. injury Wud WOH WU
s. shoe cookie we c WJF scapulohumeral bC wH
s. shoe pad we c U s. ligament bCF wHJ Ud
s. test we U s. muscle WbCF WOHJ WKCF
scaphoiditis w
e UN s. reflex bCF ^wHJ fJFM*
scaphoid-lunate, w w
scapulolateral view wA wH dEM
scapholunate scapulometer wH UO

s.-l. advanced collapse wN we =bI* ju scapuloperoneal syndrome W]uEA W]OHJ W*
(SLAC) scapulothoracic b wH
s.-l. dissociation wN we UH s. arthrodesis bB wHJ qBH* U
s.-l. gap W]ON W]Oe ]uN s. dissociation b wH UH
s.-l. instability wN we dI b s. fusion b wH Z
s.-l. interosseous ligament we wLE sO Ud s. joint b wH qBH
wN s. motion Wb WOH W d
Scaphoid-Microstaple dOGB ]d UN w
e s. muscle W]bB WOHJ WKCF
system s. pain b wH r
scaphotrapeziotrapezoid wF]d* w
e qBH* U scapulovertebral border WdIH WOHJ WU(
arthrodesis wdM* scar Wb
scapula, pl. scapulae U nJ rE area s. W]Ob WU
locked s. qHI* nJ s. band wb jd
snapping s. nJ UJD s. formation WbM q^JA
winging of s. nJ `^M& linear s. WO=D Wb
scapular nJU o=KF wH parasagittal s. wLNK U: WbM
s. approximation test nJ VdI U peritendinous s. du u WbM
s. elevation nJ l s. tissue wb ZO
s. flap W]OH WKb Scarborough prosthesis dUJ Wb
s. graft wH rF scarf U
s. ligament wH U s. osteotomy wUu rEF lD
s. nerve wHJ VBF s. osteotomy/ UBwUu rEF lD
s. notch W]OHJ WLK^ bunionectomy WF u
s. peroneal atrophy uEA wHJ uLC s. Z-osteotomy Z qJAU wUu rEF lD

- 614 -
s.Z-osteotomy/ qJAU wUu rEF lD Schepens hollow silicone WOuJOKO W]u* WdG ]U
bunionectomy WF u UBZ hemisphere implant eMOO V Wdzb t
s. Z-plasty Z qJAU wUu d material
scarred =bM Schepsis-Leach technique gO eO WId
SCD dB Scherisorb dressing ud UL{
Sequential Compression lU* jGC eN Scher nail biopsy dO V dHE We
Device Scheuermann Udu
SCD stockings SCD u S. disease rEF UN Udu
slipped capital femoral cH WUA e S. juvenile kyphosis Udu V wFHO b(
epiphysis Schink metatarsal V wDA* ULJ
Schaberg-Harper-Allen 5 dU dOUJ WId retraction pMO
technique Schirmer test ddO U
Schaffer squeeze dOU dB Schlein s
Schanz eU S. elbow arthroplasty V od* qBH
S. angulation osteotomy V wLEF =e] lD s
eU S. elbow prosthesis s V od* Wb
S. brace eU UM S. semiconstrained elbow V bOI* t od* Wb
S. collar eU u prosthesis s
S. collar brace eU V wuD UM S. shoulder positioner s V nJ WFCO
S. femoral osteotomy eU V cH rE lD S. total elbow prosthesis V qUJ od* Wb
S. pin eU u^ s
S. screw eU Vu S. trisurface ankle `D_ W]O qUJ Wb
Schatzker tibial plateau W]OuME WCN u nOMB prosthesis s V
fracture classification deU V Schlesinger dMeK
Schauwecker dJOu S. cervical rongeur dMeK V W]Od W{]dI
S. patellar tension band wH{d d^u jd pK S. punch dMeK W]d
wire dJOu V S. sign dMeK W
S. patellar wiring V WH{d pOK WId Schmeisser d=OL
technique dJOu S. spica d=OL V wKM Ud
s. technique dJOu WId S. spica cast d=OL V wKM VU
Schedule b WLzU
Schmid metaphyseal V wdJ r^EF] qK
General Well-Being S. W]UF W] b dyostosis bOL
Scheff intervals tOHO WK U Schmidt rod holder XOL V u^M pL
Scheie syndrome bb tO W Schmorl node rEM dO VO uL bI
Schema Assessment ULO V rOOI Schneider bUM
instrument (SAI) S. driver bUM W]u
schenckii wJM S. extractor bUM WFU
Sporothrix s. W]OJM=A W=u* W]dF]A S. fixation bUM XO

- 615 -
S. hip arthrodesis V u qBH U S. spring plate eUH V WU]d WuK
bUM Schwinn Air-Dyne bicycle s d su W]
S. medullary nail bUM V wIM UL sciatic wJ
S. nail driver bUM V UL* W]u s. foramen WOJ W]I
S. pin bUM u^ s. function index (SFI) WOJ WHOu VM
S. rod bUM u^ s. nerve wJ VBF
Schnute wedge resection V wMOH lDI WId s. nerve injury wJ VBF WU
technique uM s. nerve irritation wJ VBF Z^ON
Schober du s. nerve palsy hematoma VBF qKA ub u
S. measurement du UOI wJ
S. method du WId s. notch WOJ WLK
S. technique du WId s. palsy wJ qK
S. test du U s. tension sign wJ d^u W
S. test of lumbar flexion wMDI wMK du U sciatica vM
Schreiber maneuver dd UM science rK
Schrock procedure d d epistemology of s. rKFK WdF* WdE
Schuind external fixation bMu V wU) XO exercise s. sUL rK
Schuknecht XOMu movement s. W d( rK
S. Gelfoam wire prosthesis WOMOO' ud pK Wb occupational s. wMN rK
XOM u V scintigraphy wUC duB
S. Teflon wire piston WOJK WOJ WOuKH Wb bone s. rEFK wUC duB
prosthesis XOM u V combined s. dA wUC duB
Schutte shovelnose basket w=u V WOU W]K indium-111 s. 111 ubU wUC duB
Schwachman syndrome ULUH W paired s. e wUC duB
Schwann UH triphase technetium s. uOAOMJU wUC duB
S. cell b]LG WOK UH WOK u_ w
WOBF UO scissor-leg position WO=BI* U W]OF{
S. tumor UH scissors yhI
schwannoma uUH wUH Acufex s. fJu ^hI
cellular s. UH U adventitial s. WOU) WG ^hI
collagenous s. wMOuJ UH arthroscopic s. wKBH* dOEM ^hI
malignant s. YO) UH blunt-tip iris s. WKOKJ c WOeI ^hI
Schwartz-Blajwas- eu V UN cartilage s. dCG ^hI
Marcinko irrigation uJMOU u crown and collar s. wuD wU ^hI*
system curved s. sM yhI
Schwartz dorsiflexory wdNE wM l rEF lD
curved Mayo s. wMM* uU ^hI
osteotomy eu V Dean s. s ^hI
Schwartz-Jampel syndrome qU eu W dissecting s. =dA yhI
Schweitzer eUH s. gait =hI* WOA
S. pin eUH u^ hook rotary s. wUD ] yhI

- 616 -
iris s. WOeI ^hI Monckeberg s. dOJu V^KB
Mayo s. uU ^hI multiple s. (MS) =bF V^KB
McIndoe s. bMOJ ^hI progressive systemic s. >d UN V^KB
meniscal s. WN ^hI systemic s. UN V^KB
Metzenbaum s. uMeO ^hI sclerotic w^KB
s. nail drill w=BI* UL* UI s. line w^KB ^j)
orthopaedic s. UEF .uI Wd ^hI s. segment WO^KB WFD
plain rotary s. jO ]b ^hI* sclerotomal pain W]OLE WFC r
serrated s. UAM yhI sclerotome WKB lC
Sistron s. dO ^hI SCL-90 R dB
Sistrunk s. pdO Symptoms Checklist 90 d o^I WLzU
Slip-N-Snip s. oeM* ld =hI ^hI Revised 90 W]IM*
Smillie meniscal s. w=KOL V WN ^hI scoliometer nM' UOI
Smith s. YOL ^hI scoliorachitis wHM' bd
Stephen s. sHO ^hI scoliosis nM'
straight s. rOI* ^hI* adolescent s. WId* nM
suture s. WUO) dG ^hI adolescent idiopathic s. iUG 5Id* nM
wire-cutting s. pKK lUI ^hI* adult s. mU nM
scived incision wLN yo s. brace nM' UM
SCIWORA dB s. cast nM' VU
spinal cord injury without s w uA q( WU Cobb s. u nM
radiographic abnormalities WOUF c Cobb measurement of s. nMK u UO
SCL dB Cobb method for nM' UOI u WId
scaphocapitolunate dOJ w]e qBH* U measuring s.
arthrodesis wN compensatory s. UF* nM'
sclera, pl. sclerae WKB congenital s. nM
nonicteric sclerae WOUdO dO WKB s. correction nM' `OB
scleroderma bK' V^KB s. correction with Dwyer d qJ nM' `OB
sclerosa osteoblastic QAM* W]OLE rEFK WOU WuU cable
osteogenic sarcoma W=KB Cotrel s. du nM
sclerosing V=KB curve progression in s. nM' w UM w=d
s. nonsuppurative osteitis wOI dO rEF UN degenerative s. w^JM nM'
V=KB* degenerative lumbar s. w^JM wMDI nM'
s. osteomyelitis V=KB* wIM rEF UN dextrorotary s. b wMOL nM
s. osteomyelitis of Garr V=KB* wIM rEF UN double curve s. 5OMM* nM'
U V double major s. e* dOJ nM'
sclerosis V^KB double major curve s. e* dOJ UM nM'
amyotrophic lateral s. uL^C ^wU' V^KB] double thoracic curve s. e* bB UM nM'
(ALS, AML) electrical surface wD tOMU F
anterolateral s. (ALS) wU wU V^KB stimulation treatment for s. nMK wzUdNJ

- 617 -
fracture with s. nM' l dJ Harris s. f=U UEM
functional s. wHO nM score d
Galen s. uMOU nM Glasgow Coma S. (GCS) WuOGK u d
hysterical s. dO nM Harris hip s. f=U V u d
idiopathic s. V] uN iU nM Harris-Mayo hip s. uU f=U V u d
infantile s. wKH nM Injury Severity S. (ISS) WU WU d
infantile idiopathic s. V] uN wKH nM Iowa hip s. u V u d
juvenile s. wFH nM Kurtzke s. eu d
juvenile idiopathic s. V] uN wFH nM Lysholm s. ruAO d
King type II s. wU jLM s ZMO nM Mangled Extremity Severity ]uA* dD WU d
King type IV s. ld jLM s ZMO nM S. (MESS)
kyphosing s. =b nM Merle dAubign hip s. wd V u d
levorotary s. b U nM sU
lumbar s. wMDI nM' Oswestry Disability S. d V eF d
neuromuscular s. wKCF wBF nM' Trauma S. u{^d d
s. operating frame nMK lC U Scotchcast bMKJ_ VUI
right thoracic curve s. sL_ bB UM nM S. casting tape VUIK WuI jd
right thoracic, left wMDI sL_ bB nM' bMKJ_
lumbar s. d_ S. 2 casting tape VUIK WuI jd
right thoracic, left sL_ bB nM' 2 bMKJ_
thoracolumbar s. d_ wMDI bB S. length splinting system VUIK uD dO UN
rigid curve s. VKB vMM* nM bMKJ_
rotational s. w nM Scott uJ
structural s. uOM nM S. glenoplasty technique V wU]I( d WId
s. surgery nM' Wd uJ
thoracic s. bB nM' S. humeral splint uJ V W]bCF dO'
thoracic curve s. bB vMM* nM S. posterior glenoplasty V wHK) wU]I( d
thoracolumbar s. wMDI bB nM' uJ
thoracolumbar uN* wMDI bB nM' S. splint uJ dO
idiopathic s. V] Scottish Rite X guJ
thoracolumbar spine s. wMDI bB UIH nM S. R. brace X guJ UM
treatment for s. nM' S. R. hip orthosis guJ V u uI
uncompensated rotary s. UF* dO ]b nM' X
scoliotic wHM UHM nM S. R. Hospital spinal vHA0 W]dIH WdG
s. curve nM' vMM implant X guJ
s. curve fixation nM' vMM XO S. R. splint X guJ dO
ScoliTron instrument dOuJ Scott-RCE osteotomy V rEF lD
scope UEM guide RCE uJ
Doppler s. dKb UEM Scotty dog sign bMKJ_ VKJ W
GO s. u UEM scout film wUAJ rKO

- 618 -
Scoville qOuJ Asnis cannulated s. fO v]MI* VuK
S. curette qOuJ WDAJ Asnis cannulated fO v]MI* wMH VuK
S. retractor qOuJ UF cancellous s.
Scranton transmelleolar V VFJ qBH* U Aten olecranon s. s V =e Vu
arthrodesis udJ axial compression s. u* wUGC VuK
screen WU W s. backout VuK dINI
Fast Lanex rare earth s. X UM WO{_ Wb Basile s. qU Vu
fJ Basile hip s. qU V u Vu
homogeneous s. WU WU Bechtol s. uJ Vu
Lanex s. fJ WU bicortical s. dAI wzUM Vu
split s. uDA WU bone s. wLEF VuK
screening wUF dOEM w=BI Bosworth s. uu Vu
generic s. qU =d qU >d Bosworth V ud wdG VuK
ISIS s. ISIS >d coracoclavicular s. uu
s. palpation wzUBI yf s. breakage VuK r^D%
screw Vu buttress s. WU=b Vu
alar s. wUM Vu buttress thread s. wDO) WUb Vu
s. alignment bar VuK nOd pK Calandruccio V UGC Vu
s. alignment rod VuK nOd u^ compression s. uOJb
Alta cancellous s. U wMH VuK Campbell cannulated s. qU V v]MI* VuK
Alta cortical s. U dAI VuK cancellous s. wMH VuK
Alta cross-locking s. VUB w Vu cancellous bone s. wMH rEF Vu
U V cannulated s. v]MI* VuK
Alta lag s. U V R^JK Vu cannulated hip s. v]MI* u Vu
Alta transverse s. U dF* VuK CAPIS s. fOU Vu
AMBI hip s. AMPI u Vu carpal scaphoid s. we wGd VuK
anchor s. Ud* VuK Carrell-Girard s. dO =U Vu
s. angle guide VuK W qO Collison s. eO=u Vu
s. angulation VuK =e compression s. UGC Vu
AO s. AO VuK compression hip s. wUGC u Vu
AO cancellous s. AO wMH VuK compression lag s. wUGC R^JK Vu
AO cortex s. AO dAI Vu s. compressor VuK jU{
AO lag s. AO R^JK Vu cortex s. dAI Vu
Arthrex sheathed V b]LG* qb Vu cortical s. dAI VuK
interference s. f d cortical cancellous s. wMH dAI VuK
arthrodesis s. qBH* U Vu Cotrel pedicle s. du V WIu Vu
ASIF s. ASIF Vu Coventry s. dMu Vu
ASIF cancellous s. ASIF wMH VuK crown drill s. wU VI* VuK
ASIF cortical s. ASIF dAI VuK cruciate head s. d wOK Vu
Asnis s. fO VuK cruciate head bone s. d wOKB rEF Vu

- 619 -
cruciform s. qJA wOK Vu q dd
cruciform head bone s. wOKB d rE Vu hex s. wb VuK
Cubbins s. eMO=u Vu hexagonal s. wb VuK
DDT s. DDT Vu hexagonal slot-cap s. WuIA* uMKI Vu
DeMuth s. u Vu wb
DeMuth hip s. u V u Vu hip s. u Vu
s. depth calibrator VuK oL dUF hip compression s. w u UGC Vu
s. depth gauge VuK oL UOI hollow mill Asnis W]u* WMD* v]MI* VuK
s. design VuK rOLB cannulated s. fO V
Deyerle s. qdO Vu hook trial set s. WO]J U ]b Vu
double-threaded Herbert s. eK] e dd Vu Howmedica ICS s. ICS UJbOu Vu
Duo-Drive s. n u Vu iliac s. wHd( VuK
Dwyer s. d Vu iliosacral s. eF wHd( VuK
Dwyer spinal s. d V dIH VuK s. implantation VuK d
Dynamic condylar s. (DCS) wJOUMb wLIK VuK s. insertion VuK d
Edwards modular system UN'U eFdIH VuK s. insertion technique VuK d WId
spinal/ sacral s. V ]bF* Integrity acetabular cup s. wKOLJ w=I( n]K Vu
Eggers s. d= Vu interference s. qb Vu
encased s. bMB* VuK interfragmentary s. 5bA sO Vu
s. epiphysiodesis VuKU WUA* XO interfragmentary lag s. 5bA sO R^JK Vu
expansion s. lOu Vu Isola spinal implant dG UN' WHd( Vu
Fabian s. UOU Vu system iliac s. e V w uA
femoral head cork s. cH d wMO=KH VuK Jewett pick-up s. Xu V ld Vu
s. fixation VuK XO Johannson lag s. uUu V R^JK Vu
flutes of cannulated s. v]MI* VuK uI Jones s. eu Vu
foreign body s. VdG r' Vu Kaessmann s. ULO Vu
Geckler s. dKJ Vu Kostiuk s. uOu Vu
Glasgow s. u Vu Kristiansen eyelet lag s. V WMOOF R^JK Vu
Glass-Bessen V VI^ Vu sUOd
transfixion s. 5O Kurosaka s. U u Vu
glenoid fixation s. wU]I( XO Vu Kurosaka interference- V QON* qb Vu
Hall spinal s. U V w uA VuK fit s. U u
Hamilton s. uKU Vu lag s. R^JK VuK
s. head VuK lateral s. wAu VuK
Heck s. pO Vu Leinbach s. UMO Vu
Henderson lag s. ubM V R^JK Vu Leinbach olecranon s. UMO V =e Vu
Herbert s. dd Vu Leone expansion s. uO V lOu Vu
Herbert bone s. dd V rEF Vu locking s. w Vu
Herbert scaphoid s. dd V we VuK s. loosening VuK qK
Herbert-Whipple bone s. V rEF Vu Lorenzo s. eu Vu

- 620 -
lumbar pedicle s. wMDI wIu VuK pull s. lKI Vu
Lundholm s. rub Vu Ray s. Vu
Luque pedicle s. uO u V wIu VuK reverse-threaded s. uJF wDO Vu
machine s. w VuK Richards s. UA Vu
malleolar s. wFJ VuK Richards classic bOKI wDGC u Vu
Marion s. uU Vu compression hip s. UA V
Martin s. 5U Vu Richards compression s. V wDGC VuK
maxillofacial bone s. wKH wJH rEF Vu UA
wNu Richards lag s. UA V R^JK Vu
McLaughlin s. sKu p Vu Richmond subarachnoid s. V WOuJMF X Vu
McLaughlin carpal wGd sKu p Vu buLA
scaphoid s. we rigid pedicle s. VK^B WIu Vu
medial bicortical s. dAI wzUM w Vu Rockwood s. u Vu
medial unicortical s. WO dAI bO VuK Rockwood shoulder s. u V nJ Vu
Medoff axial u* UGC Vu Russell-Taylor s. uKU q= Vu
compression s. b V sacral s. e Vu
mini AO s. dG_ AO Vu sacral alar s. eF UM Vu
Moberg s. du Vu sacral pedicle s. eF WIu Vu
Morris biphase s. V uD wzUM VuK Schanz s. eU Vu
fu Scuderi s. duJ Vu
Mouradian s. Uu Vu self-tapping s. e w Vu
Neufeld s. bKu Vu self-tapping bone s. e wc rEF Vu
NoLok s. uu Vu set s. dO] Vu
non-self-tapping s. wc dO e Vu Shelton bone s. uK V rEF Vu
Ormandy s. bU Vu Sherman s. UdO Vu
Palex expansion s. fJK V lOu Vu Sherman bone s. UdO V rEF Vu
Palmer s. d*U Vu Simmons s. eu^LO Vu
pedicle s. wIu VuK Simmons double-hole VI e* w uA VuK
PerFixation s. sAOJdO Vu spinal s. eu^LO V
Phillips s. fOKO Vu Simmons-Martin s. 5U eu^LO Vu
Phillips head s. fOKO V d Vu sliding s. we Vu
Phillips recessed head s. V d* d Vu sliding compression hip s. we wDGC u Vu
fOKO spherical headed s. Wd Vu
Pilot point s. uKO V VuK WDI spongiosa s. wMH Vu
s. plate approach VuK WOH uK s. stabilization VuK XO
polylactide s. bO wu Vu stainless steel s. bBK UI u Vu
s. position perioperative q VuK l{ Wd Steffee s. wHO Vu
monitoring Wd' s. stripout VuK nK
Propel cannulated V v]MI* qb Vu Stryker s. dJd Vu
interference s. qOd Stryker lag s. dJd V R^JK Vu

- 621 -
superior thoracic pedicle s.WuKF WbB WIu Vu hip s. d=1
Swiss cancellous s. du wMH Vu Zuelzer s. eK Vu
Synthes s. fMO Vu screw-and-plate fixation WOHB VuKU XO
Synthes compression V wDGC u Vu screw-and-wire fixation pK VuKU XO
hip s. fMO screwdriver ypH
s. tap VuK uM Allen-headed s. 5 V ypH
Thatcher s. dAU Vu automatic s. wJOUu ypH
thoracolumbar pedicle s. WOMDI WbB WIu Vu Becker s. dJO ^pH
Thornton s. uu Vu CAPIS s. fOU ^pH
threaded cancellous s. eK wMH Vu Cardan s. U ^pH
Thronton s. ud Vu Childrens Hospital s. UH_ vHA ^pH
thumb s. UN Vu Collison s. eO=u ^pH
s. tip VuK cross-slot s. VUB VI ypH
titanium s. uOUO Vu cruciform s. wOK ypH
Tivanium cancellous V wMH rEF Vu Cubbins s. eMO=u ^pH
bone s. uOUHO Cubbins bone s. eMO=u V rEFK ypH
Townley s. wKMu Vu DePuy s. u ^pH
Townley bone graft s. wKMu V rEF rF Vu Dorsey s. w ^pH
Townsend-Gilfillan s. OHKO bMu Vu Dorsey screw-holding s. V VuK p ^pH
traction tongs s. =d' UL Vu w
transarticular s. qBH* Vu European-style s. w_ d=D vK ypH
transfixion s. uI* VuK Flatt self-retaining s.  V XO w ypH
transpedicular s. WIu Vu Hall s. U ^pH
transverse s. dF Vu heavy cross-slot s. qOI VUB* VIA ^pH*
triangulated pedicle s. Y=K* WIu Vu hexhead s. d wb wd ^pH
TSRH s. TSRH Vu Johnson s. uu ^pH
TSRH pedicle s. TSRH V WIu Vu Ken s. s ^pH
tulip pedicle s. VOu WIu Vu Lane s. ^pH
varus-valgus adjustment s. _ ZH UJ Vu light cross-slot s. VUB* VIA ^pH*
Venable s. qUMO Vu nOH)
Venable-Stuck s. u qUMO Vu Lok-it s. u ^pH
Virgin hip s. 5dO V u Vu Lok-screw s. u V VuK ^pH*
Vitallium s. uOUO Vu Lok-screw double-slot s. VuK VIA e ypH
VLC compression s. VLC wDG{ Vu u
Wagner-Schanz s. eU dMU Vu Massie s. w=U ^pH
wood s., woodscrew wA Vu Master s. dU ^pH
Woodruff s. Vu Moore-Blount s. XuK u ^pH
Yuan s. u Vu Phillips s. fOKO ^pH
Zimmer s. d=1 Vu Phillips head s. fOKO V d ^pH
Zimmer compression V wDGC u Vu plain s. jO ypH

- 622 -
Richards Phillips s. fOKO UA ^pH SC-SP dB
Richter s. d ^pH supracondylar- wH{d u wLIK u
Richter bone s. d V rEF ^pH suprapatellar
self-retaining s. XO w ^pH Scuderi uJ
Shallcross s. dJU ^pH S. procedure uJ d
Sherman s. UdO ^pH S. screw uJ Vu
Sherman-Pierce s. dO UdO ^pH S. technique uJ WId
single cross-slot s. dH* wUB VIA ^pH* Scuder repair uJ `OKB
single-slot s. dH* VIA ^pH* sculp X
skull plate s. WLL' WOH ^pH Concise cementing s. eUM V j=KL* XM
straight hex s. rOI* wb ^pH* s. knife XM WMO=J
Stryker s. dJd ^pH scultetus d_ bb
torque s. wbF* uD ^pH s. bandage d_ bb WUB
Trinkle s. qJd ^pH s. binder d_ bb pL
Universal s. UdHOu ^pH scurvy C 5UO u l
Universal hex s. UdHOu wb ^pH* s. line l ^j
V. Mueller s. du ^pH Scutan temporary splint V W]
R* dO' ]U
White s. X ^pH material sUJ
Williams s. eUO ^pH SD dB
Woodruff s. ^pH shoulder disarticulation nJ qBH ^e
Zimmer s. d=1 ^pH SDD dB
screw-holding forceps VuK p jIK sterile dry dressing U' r]IF* ULC
screw-home mechanism VuK 5u W]O SDR dB
screw-in ceramic we) w=I( n]K Vu surgical dressing room wd' bOLC d
acetabular cup Seaber forceps dO jIK
Screw-Lok tap u dJ e seal limb -U) dD
screw-plate VuK WOH Seal-Tight cast protector XU qO VUI WM U
Calandruccio WUA VuK WOH seam U
impaction s.-p. uOJb V osteoid s. wULE U
Zimmer impaction s.-p. WUA VuK WOH searching big toe U( V
U dOJ bI l
d=1 V seat bFI
screw-to-screw w VuK wUGC UM s.belt XO bFI
compression construct VuK car s. UO bFI
scrub d nOEM Carrie car s. =U V UO bFI
Betadine s. sUOU nOEM Dream Ride car s. b . V UO bFI
Hibiclens s. eMKJOONU nOEM ischial-bearing s. wJ qU bFI
SCS dB Orthopedic Positioning S. .uIK UCO bFI
spinal canal stenosis W]dIH UMI oOC wLEF
SCSP dB Renolux convertible car s. f uu `d* UO bFI
supracondylar-suprapatellar wH{d u wLIK u Snug s. UM bFI

- 623 -
Special S. U) bFI* S. dorsal spine UIHK w{dF ywFK{ lD
Spelcast car s. XUJK UO bFI costotransversectomy ^b V dNE
seated WK uK S. modification ^b qbF
properly s. U uK S. technique ^b WId
s. root test WK: c' U sedentary bF

seating bOFI uK bFI s. lifestyle bOFI UO( d

s. chisel bOFI] qO s. occupation bOF WMN
trial s. wd bOFI s. work bOF qL
Seattle foot prosthesis qO V bI Wb sedimentation (sed) q^H
sebaceous wL sedimentation rate q^H Wd
s. cyst W]OL WO erythrocyte s. r. (ESR) dL( UdJ q^H
second WOU wU Seeburger implant duO Wd
s. cervical vertebra WOU W]Od dIH segment WFD

cycles per s. (cps, c/sec) WOU =qJ apical s. WO=L WFD

s. toe wU bI l central s. We d WFD
secondarius WuU motion s. WO d WFD
calcaneus s. WOIF WuU relation to subadjacent s.s U* lDI l WF
secondary uU sacral s. W]e WFD
s. bone union uU rEF U sclerotic s. WO^KB WFDI
s. closure uU oK spinal s. W]OU WFD
s. fracture uU dJ vertebral s. WUI WFD
s. hip-spine syndrome WuU W]O u W uA W vertebral motion s. WdIH W =d* WFDI
s. myofascial trigger WOUHK WOKCF WUe WDIM segmental wFD

point WuU s. artery wFDI UdA

s. posttraumatic `{dK wU UM n^NJ s. bone loss wFDI rEF bI
syringomyelia uU s. compression construct wFDI wUGC UM
s. stabilizer uU X=* s. deficiency wFDI uF
seconds u s. dysfunction wFDI wHOu qK)
milliamperage X s. (MAS) WOU =qJ dO wKO*U UO ]u s. fixation wFDI XO
section lD
lDI s. graft wFDI rFD
bar s. W{UF lD s. hyperextension wFDI bbL d
calcaneonavicular bar s. W]Oe W]OIF W{UF lD s. instrumentation W]OFDI _ ULF
sectioning lODI s. level wFDI u*
sequential s. wFU lODI s. mobility wFDI ^d
sed q^H s. mobility testing wFDI ^d U
sedimentation sed rate q^H ]bF s. spinal instrumentation W]dIH _ ULF
sedation 5d (SSI) W]OFDI
Seddon ^b s. tendon graft wFDI du rF
S. classification ^b nOMB Segond fracture buO d
S. coin test ^b V rb U Seidal nail bO UL

- 624 -
Seidel bone-holding clamp bO V rEF p UIK s.-r. bone-holding forceps XO wc rEF p jIK
Seinsheimer classification uJ d1UNMO nOMB s.-r. clamp XO w UIK
of femoral fracture cH s.-r. retractor XO w UF
Seipi FAL FAL wO s.-r. screwdriver XO w ypH
seizure Wu self-tapering pin d w u^
oxygen s. WOMO Wu self-tapping e w
Selakovich gu s.-t. bone screw e wc rEF Vu
S. procedure gu d s.-t. screw e wc VuK
S. procedure for pes valgo bIK gu d Sell-Frank-Johnson V WDU U WId
planus W]D* Ud extensor shift technique uu pd qO
selection UI Sellick maneuver pOKO UM
bone plate s. rEF WOH UI Semb bone-holding clamp VL V rEF p UIK
Edwards modular system V ]bF* UN' WOM UI semiconstrained bOI nB
construct s. s. knee prosthesis bOI* nB W d Wb
selective wzUI s. prosthesis bOI nB Wb
s. posterior rhizotomy wzUI wHK) c' lC s. total elbow arthroplasty bOI* nB qUJ od*
(SPR) s. tricompartmental knee nB UO_ WO W d Wb
s. thoracic fusion wzUI bB U prosthesis bOI*
s. thoracic spine fusion wzUI bB UIH Z semi-Fowler position dU W]OF{u WNO W]OF{
Select shoulder system nJ UN UI semilunar bone wN rEF
self-adhering varus/valgus wc Z_ _ 5H semilunaris w
wedge UB linea s. wN ^j)
self-articulating femoral hip wc cH u b semimembranosus WKC nBM W]OzUA
replacement (SAF, SAF qBHL s. bursitis nBM W]OzUA d UN
hip replacement) s. complex nBM W]OzUA V] d
self-bearing ceramic hip qL( WOc WOe) u Wb s. muscle nBM WOzUAG WKCF
prosthesis s. tendinitis nBM W]OzUA d UN
self-broaching VI] w s. tendon nBM W]OzUA d
s.-b. nail VI] w UL semiopen sliding tenotomy nBM uH* oeM* du lC
s.-b. pin VI] w u^ semirigid VK nB qL nB
self-centering Universal WOc UdHOu u Wb s. orthosis VK nB uI
hip prosthesis edL s. shell VK nB WFu
self-curing polymer UHA w uJ semitendinosus WKC nB=M W]d
self-induced injury UO W{]d WU s. muscle nBM Wdu WKCF
self-inflicted gunshot WO WO
bM s U d s. procedure nBM Wd d
wound bb s. technique nBM Wd WId
self-locking nail U w UL s. tendon nBM W]d d
self-mutilation w b s. tendon transfer nBM W]d d qI
self-propelling wheelchair lb wc Vb* wdJ s. tenodesis nBM W]d d WUO
self-retaining XO w semitendinosus-gracilis nBM Wd WKUM rF

- 625 -
graft sense W]U yf
semitubular nBM wu joint position s. (JPS) qBH* W]OF{ ^f
s. blade plate nBM WOu_ qBM WOH position s. l{u ^f
s. compression plate WOu_ UGC WOH sensibility U yf
nBM s. recovery sequence w=( UHA qK
s. plate nBM WOu WOH sensitometer U UO

Semmes-Weinstein sUAMO fOLO Poppen ridge s. V wd( U UO

S.-W. monofilament fOLO V U_ jO) 5u
sUAMO sensor W]U U UN
S.-W. monofilament U_ jO) jG{ U Richmond subarachnoid X VuK U UN
pressure test sUAMO fOLO V screw s. buLA V WOuJMF
S.-W. monofilament test V U_ jO) U Servo Pro force s. V ]uIK U UN
sUAMO fOLO d ud
senescence a^OA Sensorcaine 5uM
senescent cell WzU WOK sensorineural (var. of wB w=
Sengupta quadriceps V d WOU dd sensory/neural)
release UuM s. abnormality wB w= c
senile hallux valgus wuOA _ rN_ sensory w=
senilis wuO s. awareness w=( wu
malum coxae s. wuOA qUH* s. component w=( =uJ*
Senn 5 s. deficit WO= WBOI
S. plate 5 WOH s. delay w= d^Q
S. retractor 5 UF s. evoked potential w= ]d bN
sensation U s. examination w= h
altered s. =b U s. fascicle WO= We
catching s. d U s. function WO= WHO
circulation, muscle s. wKCF U b s. impairment w= dD{
(CMS) s. integration w= qUJ
diminished s. hUM U s. latency w= uL
exteroceptive s. wU) UI U s. loss =f( bI
light touch s. nOH) fL]K U s. or motor deficit WO d WO= WBOI
perianal s. dA u U s. nerve w=( VBF
perineal s. wU U s. nerve action potential w=( wBF qFH sU
phantom s. w U (SNAP)
pinprick s. u^b e U s. nerve conduction w=( wBF qOu Wd
return of s. U u velocity
sharp s. U U s. peak latency w=( wLE_ uLJ
shocklike s. WbBU tO U s. polyneuropathy WO=( UB_
touch s. fL]K U s. potential w= sU
vibration s. e U s. registration w= qO

- 626 -
s. response WO= WU sequential wKK wFU
sensory motor, wd w= s. pneumatic compression wzuN UGC Uu
sensorimotor boot wFU
sensory/neural, wB w= s. sectioning wFU lODI
sensorineural sequestered disk wEO d

sentinel fracture dOH) d sequestra (pl. of kO WE

Seoffert triple arthrodesis V w qBH* U sequestrum)
du sequestrated disk k=u d

SEP dB sequestration kOu k^u

somatosensory evoked w= ]d b sU sequestrectomy kOu UB
potential long-latency uLJ qu sequestrum, pl. sequestra WE kO
microneurography w= ]d b uL avascular s. wzU kO
midlatency SEP duB bF uLJ wHB kissing s. r kO
dN: wBF SER dB
separation qB supination-external rotation wU j
AC joint s. AC qBH* qB Serafin technique 5d WId
acromioclavicular s. ud wd_ qBH Serax fd
articular mass s. qBH* WK qB serendipity view in nJ duB wObd uEM
degree of s. qBH W shoulder radiography
lamellar s. wUH qB serial qK wKK
transepiphyseal s. WUA* qB s. casting wKK VU
separator q U s. wedge cast wKK wMOH VUI
nerve s. VBF qU series WKK
Sach nerve s. U V VBF qU Davis s. eO WKK
sepsis U lumbosacral s. WeF WOMDI WKK
Septacin implant 5UO Wd Valpar component work dU =uJ qL WMO WKK
septic wU sample s.
s. arthritis wU qBH* UN Series-II humeral head 2 fdO V bCF
s. bursitis wU d' UN SER-IV fracture wU j d
s. finger joint wU l qBH IV Wb
s. knee WOU W d seroma wKB
s. necrosis wU dM seronegative qB* wK
Septobal beads Uu W s. arthritis qB* wK qBH* UN
septum eU seronegativity qB* WOK
intermuscular s. CF 5 eU seropositive arthritis qB* wU qBH* UN
Sequeira-Khanuja UuU duJ qbF serosanguineous u wKB
modification serotonergic neuron uFH* W]OMOudO UuBF
sequela, pl. sequelae qOUI uI serotonin (5-HT) wbO 5 5udO
sequence WOu qK Uud
sensibility recovery s. w=( UHA qK serpentine Z=FL

- 627 -
s. foam collar Z=FL* ud u sessile T
s. foot W=FL b set dO d= q WeM
s. incision Z=FL yo q r
s. plate W=FL WOH acetabular trial s. w=I wd rU
serpiginosum U aluminum contouring wUHJ Ud* rU
angioma s. wU wzUu u template s. wuOMu_
serrated UAM s. angle d W
s. action potential UAM* qFH sU s. angle of toes bI l d W
s. fine-cutting knife W]UAM* lDI WIOb WMO=J AO minifragment s. dOGB WbA WuL
s. scissors UAM yhI Bankart shoulder V nJ `OKB WuL
Serratia marcescens Wud WK]c W]O]d= repair s. UJU
serration ddA bone drill s. rEF VI WuL
Serrato u]d Craig vertebral biopsy s. V UIH We WuL
S. forearm pin u]d V bU u^ Zd
S. forearm rod u]d V bU u^ Entrex small joint qBH* dOEM WuL
S. rod u]d u^ arthroscopy instrument s. f d V dOGB
serratus UAM ddA Henning instrument s. V _ WuL
s. anterior flap WOU_ W]UAM* WKb ZMOM
s. anterior muscle WOU_ W]UAM* WKCF Hollywood bed extension dd =b =h WuL
s. anterior paralysis WOU_ W]UAM* qK hook s. uOu V
sertraline 5dd= LIDO lift and work s. bO l]d qLF WuL
serum qB nail s. UL* WuL
s. bactericidal wKB* rOdK bO* eO d Rousek extraction s. V d WuL
concentration p
s. calcium qB* uOU s. screw jC Vu
Servo Pro force sensor V uI U UN Stille bone drill s. V rEF VI WuL
d udO w=KO
sesamoid wULL Stille-pattern trephine and VIM* rEF VI WuL
accessory s. wU{ wULL bone drill s. w=KO d s
bipartite s. 5L wULL volumeter s. r( UOI WuL
bipartite tibial s. 5L wuM wULL set-hold adjustment bFI* pU w r^J
s. bone wULL rEF Seton hip brace u V u UM
fibular s. uE wULL setter bCM jU{
hallucal s. bI UN wULL bone plug s. rEF uA jU{
s. injury wULL WU Sever dHO
tibial s. wuM wULL S. disease dHO
sesamoidectomy wULL UB S. modification of Fairbank pUdO WIdD dHO qbF
fibular s. uEA wULL UB technique
lateral s. wAu wULL UB severance qB UDI
sesamoiditis W]OULL= UEF UN severe s. rO UDI

- 628 -
severe rO shank U
s. degenerative disk disease rOu w^JM dI Bi-Metric tapered reamer UI* wzUM ^b* uI*
s. kyphoscoliosis rOu ^wb( nM' with Zimmer-Hudson s. ub d=1 U l
s. rigid thoracic curve rOu VK^B bB vMM* calcar trimmer with d=1 U l ULN* W]c
s. severance rO UDI Zimmer-Hudson s. ub
Severin classification sdHO nOMB grater-type reamer with U l jLM dA* uI*
Sever-LEpiscopo uuJO dOHO Zimmer-Hudson s. ub d=1
S.-L. repair uuJO dOHO `OKB steel s. W]u U
S.-L. repair of shoulder dOHO V nJ `OKB taper with Zimmer s. d=1 U l yb
uuJO Zimmer-Hudson s. ub d=1 U
SEWHO dB Shanz eU
shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand rBF* od* nJ uI S. dressing eU UL{
orthosis bO S. pin eU u^
sex hormone wM ud shape qJ
sex-linked muscular fM'U jd* rEF q Erlenmeyer-flask s. dOLMO V UI qJA
dystrophy familial s. wKzUF qJA
SFEMG dB Sharbaro driver dU W
single fiber wKCF nO=K W]OdN jOD sharing WUA
electromyography Edwards modular system ]bF* UN' qOL W UA
SFI dB load s. V
sciatic function index WOJ WHOu VM sharp U
S-flap incision S qJAU WKb ^o s. dissection U aOK
Sgarlato toe implant V bI l Wd s. retractor U UF
uU s. sensation U U
shadow yq s. trocar U e
elliptical overlap s. pUA wKOK yq s. worm hook ]U( W]M ^hA
s. shield w=K Sharpey fiber wU WHO
shaft r b sharp-pointed wire WUNM ^U pK
Cloward drill s. uK V VI* r Sharrard U
distal third of s. bK wUI Y]K* S. posterior transfer U V wHK) qIM
femoral s. cH r S. transfer technique U V qIM WId
s. fracture b' d Sharrard-Trentani wUMd U Wb
middle third of s. bK j_ Y]K* prosthesis
ministem s. d]GB* c' r Sharrard-type jL s b( UB
neck s. Wd r kyphectomy U
patellar reamer s. WH{d uI r Shar-Tek foot positioning V bI UCO WJ
proximal s. wb r' grid p U
proximal third of s. bK wb Y]K* shave biopsy WODA We
radial s. dFJ r shaver 
Shallcross screwdriver dJU ^pH automated s. wJOUu 

- 629 -
cutting s. lU  pigmented nodular mDB* bOIF qOe UN
Dyonics s. fJOu  synovitis of tendon s. du bLG
motorized meniscal s. w WN  rectus s. rOI* bL
motorized suction s. w =h*  synovial s. wKOe bLG
synovial s. wKOe  tendon s. du bL
shaving oK jA tenosynovial s. wKOe du bLG
arthroscopic s. wKBH* dOEMU jA sheathed knife b]LG* WMO=J
femoral condylar s. W]cH WLIK jA Sheehan knee prosthesis UNO V Wd Wb
s. system jAJ UN sheet 
Shea w Barrier lower extremity s. V wKH dD 
S. drill w VI dd
S. prosthesis placement V Wb WF{u laparotomy s. sD ` 
instrument w Ortholen s. 5u 
shear hI h
anterior s. wU yh sterile s. WL]IF 
s. fracture w=B d Sheeting u
lateral s. wU yh Silastic s. pOO u
s. strain =hI UN sterile s. WL]IF u
s. stress =hI UN Sheffield bKOHO
s. test =hI U S. hand elevator bKOHO V bO l
s. testing =hI U S. support bKOHO U
vertical s. (VS) uL yh shelf y
shearing injuy =hI WU s. acetabuloplasty =d =o(
Shearing posterior chamber WOHK) dK WdG ]U Blumer s. duK ^
implant material !dO V s. flexion =d wM
shears dI lateral s. wAu ^d
Brunn plaster s. d V f' dI medial s. w ^d
Esmarch plaster s. U V f' dI patellar s wH{d ^d
Hercules plaster s. fKO d V f' dI shell dA
Wb U
Sauerbruch rib s. du V lKC dI s. allograft U u rF
Stille plaster s. w=KO V f' dI calf s. WKd U
sheath bL s. implant material WU* WdG ]U
arthroscope s. qBH* UEM bL protrusio s. U U
carotid s. =wU^ bL semirigid s. WK nB U
digital s. bO lU bL thigh s. cH U
digital flexor tendon s. lU_ WOM d bL Unna paste s. U] V uF* U
fascia s. ^wUH=K bLG shelling off of cartilage dCG d^AI
fibroosseous s. wLEF wHOK bLG Shelton uK
flexor tendon s. wM* du bL S. bone screw uK V rEF Vu
muscle s. WKCF bL S. femoral fracture V cH d nOMB

- 630 -
classification uK pelvic lateral s. uK wA U
shelving nO d plantar s. hL_ U
Shenton line uMO ^j plasma volume s. U r U
Shepherd fracture dHO d reverse pivot s. dzUB Ue fJ
shepherds crook deformity wd UB ^uA s. sign Ue W
Sherfee prosthesis wdO Wb s. test Ue U
Sherk-Probst Xd dO trochanteric s. b U
S.-P. percutaneous pinning V bK' fOb Shifter `z
Xd dO AliMed Conductive V wKOu v{d* `z
S.-P. technique Xd dO WId Patient S. bO w
Sherman UdO shifting `
S. block test UdO V UB U vessel s. WO_ `
S. bone plate UdO V rEF WOH shingling w
S. bone screw UdO V rEF Vu shin splint uM^E dO
S. plate UdO WOH shish kebab technique U gOA WId
S. screw UdO Vu shock Wb
S. screwdriver UdO ^pH s. absorption WbB UB
Sherman-Pierce dO UdO ^pH s. artifact WU Wb
screwdriver cardiogenic s. QAM* WOK Wb
Sherman-Stille drill w=KO UdO VI hypovolemic s. r( hI Wb
Sherrington law uMd uU
neurogenic s. QAM* WOB Wb
shiatsu uUO prosthetic stance phase s. WOb WHu u Wb
shield spinal s. W]OU Wb
arthroscopic s. qBH* dOEM s. treatment WbB W'UF
contact s. UL vasogenic s. QAM* WOzU Wb
Nolan system collimator UN eO* uL* UL shocklike sensation WbBU tO U
mounted contact s. u shod qFM
shadow s. =qE rubber s. wU]D qFM
Sportelli system collimator eO* uL* UL shoe c
mounted contact s. wKu UN Bebax s. f UO c
Shier knee prosthesis dO V Wd Wb Bevin s. 5HO c
Shifrin wire twister sdHO V pK WU]H calcaneal spur pad in s. c( w wIF ULN U
shift U s. cookie c( WJF
anterior cruciate instability VUB* U=d dI b cut-out s. uDI c
with pivot s. dzUB Ue l wU_ Darco s. u c
inferior capsular s. (ICS) WOKH WEH* U extended-counter s. WCd bU c
lateral s. wA U s. extension c( j
lateral lumbar s. wA wMD U s. filler c( uA
lateral pivot s. wAu dzUB Ue s. heel pad c( VI U
lateral trunk s. wAu c' U high heel s. VIF lHd c

- 631 -
infant clown cast s. wUI wKHD VUI c wide toebox s. idF lU_ qU c
s. insert c( uA wooden s. wA c
Kunzli orthopaedic UEF .uI w{Ud c( wooden-soled s. wA) qFM c(
sports s. weu V shoe insert c( uA
s. lift c( l UCB s. i. UCB c( uA
low quarter Blucher s. iHM* ld d c short dOB

Moon Boot s. u u c s. arm brace cK dOBI UM

narrow toebox s. o=OC lU_ bM c s. arm cast (SAC) cK dOBI VUI
navicular cookie in s. c( w WOe WJFJ s. arm fiberglass cast dOBI WOUe UO_ VU
normal last s. UF dO_ c( c
open-toe s. uH* bI lU c s. arm gauntlet cast c dOBI UHI VUI
orthopaedic oxford s. UEF .uI uH c s. arm navicular cast c dOBI we VUI
s. orthotic c( =uI (SANC)
OrthoWedge healing s. bu U c s. arm splint (SAS) c dOB U
pointed toe s. V]b* bI lU c s. arm sugar-tong splint dOBI d]J UL U
PRN s. VKD V c c
Reebok s. u c s. bone dOB rE
reverse last s. uJF* dO_ c( s. curette dOBI WDAJ*
rocker s. ]eN c( s. external rotator dOBI WOU) =b*
rockerbottom s. W]uI* Ud bI c s. head of biceps 5d c dOBI d
scaphoid cookie in s. c( w WOe WJFJ s. leg dOBI U
soft-vamp s. W=bI* s=OK c( s. leg brace UK dOB UM
space s. eO( c s. leg cast (SLC) UK dOB VU
straight last s. rOI* dO_ c( s. leg double upright brace rzuI e dOB UM
tarsal pronator s. md W]U c UK
torque heel s. wuD VIF c s. leg splint U dOB U
Vibram rockerbottom s. W]uI* Ud bI c( s. leg syndrome dOBI U W
dO V s. leg walking brace U] dOBI wA* UM
Viva s. UHOH c s. leg walking cast (SLWC) U dOBI wA* VU
WACH s. c s. lever accessory WFdK WOU{ W d( WId
wedge adjustable cushioned wMOH b]u* VIF c movement technique dOBI
heel shoe qbF]K qUI s. lever specific contact WFdK wuM UL d
WACH orthopaedic s. c o=KF* UEF .uI c procedure dOBI
qUI wMOH b]u* VFI s. lever technique dOBI WFd WId
qbF]K s. oblique fracture dOBI qzU* dJ
s. wear c( b s. opponens orthosis WKUI* dOBI WKCF uI
Weaver rockerbottom s. W]uI* Ud bI c UN
dH V s. radius kyphosis dDI dOB b
wedge adjustable cushioned wMOH b]u* VIF c s. segment fusion dOBI WFDI Z
heel s. (WACH shoe) qbF]K qUI s. segment spinal fusion dOBI lDIK dI Z

- 632 -
s. stature dOB WU apprehension s. f^u n
s. thumb dOB UN archers s. Ud n
s. walking cast (SLWC) dOBI wA* VU s. arthrodesis nJ qBH U
shortening dOBI s. arthroplasty nJ qBH
Achilles tendon s. udF dOBI s. brace nJ UM
Broughton-Olney-Menelaus V uME b dOBI s. clock nJ WU
tibial diaphyseal s. uKOMO wM ud s. complex nJ V] d
closed femoral oKG* cH r dOBI s. depression test nJ UH U
diaphyseal s. s. disarticulation (SD) nJ qBH ^e
s. contraction dOBI h^KI s. dislocation nJ lK
digital s. l dOBI s. dislocation bone bank nJ lK) UEF pM
distal Wagner femoral V cH d dOBI s. dome nJ W]L
metaphyseal s. wUI dMU s. dystopia nJ l^{u qK
femoral metaphyseal s. cH d dOBI flail s. WzU n
leg s. U dOBI frozen s. WEH* UN b=L n
metaphyseal s. dJ dOBI o]
proximal femoral wb cH d dOBI s. girdle ^wHJ e(
metaphyseal s. s. holder nJ pL
proximal Wagner dMU V dJ dOBI s. immobilizer nJ X=
metaphyseal s. wb s. instability nJ dI b
tibial diaphyseal s. wuME b' dOBI little leaguer's s. dOGB V n
Wagner femoral cH dJ dOBI s. pointer nJ d=R
metaphyseal s. dMU V s. prosthesis nJ Wb
Wagner metaphyseal s. dMU V dJ dOBI s. radiography nJK wUF duB
Winquist-Hansen-Pearson oKG* cH b' dOBI s. reduction nJ ^
closed femoral XuJM V s. repair nJ `OKB
diaphyseal s. udO sU Sever-LEpiscopo repair uuJO dOH `OKB
short-latency w=( b' ]d* sUJ of s. nJK
somatosensory evoked uLJ dOBI s. spica cast nJK wKM VUI
potential (SSEP) s. spica splint nJK wKM Uu
short-wave diathermy Uu* dOBI d( UH s. subluxation inhibitor nJK wze' lK) j= UM
(SWD) brace
shotgun WO
bM shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand rBF* od* nJ uI
s. injury W]U WU WObMU WU orthosis (SEWHO) bO
s. wound U d WObMU d shoulderRAP nJ RAP
shot wadding WIK]D uA SHPL dB
shoulder n sacral horizontal plane line eF wI_ u* ^j
s. abduction test nJ bOF U Shriners pin dMd u^
s. amputation nJ d shrinker gLJ
s. ankylosis nJ j stump s. Wb' gLJ

- 633 -
Shriver-Johnson UO 5 qBH* U side-bent wU vMM
interphalangeal uu dHd V side-cutting wU lD
arthrodesis s.-c. basket forceps wU' lDIK W]K jIK
shucking dOAI s.-c. blade wU' lDI qB
shuck test dOAI U side-lying wU UD{
shuffling gait WKI WOA s.-l. iliac compression test UM w WHd( UGC U
shunt WKu wU' UD{
s. muscle W]OKu WKC side-opening laminar hook WOU' WH WOHB ^h
Sundt s. bu WKu sideplate WOU WOH
ventriculoperitoneal s. WOUHB WOMOD WKu barreled s. WOKOd WOAu WOHB
Shuttle cardio-muscular V wKI wKCF nOJ* qJA
conditioner wKu compression s. WOUGC WOU WOH

SI dB Richards s. V WOU WOH

sacroiliac wHd e UA
sibilants dOH side-shift wU U
Sibson fascia uO W UH pelvic s.-s. uK wU' qu
sicca yU sideswipe WOU WO{d Wd{
Neisseria s. Wud W]U' W]dO]M s. elbow fracture WO{d WdC od* d
sickle-cell WOKM Wd
s.-c. anemia wKM* b dI s. fracture WOU WO{d WdC dJ
s.-c. disease WOKM* WdJ s. injury WOU WO{d WdC WU

Sickness Impact Profile UA WK

U side-to-side anastomosis VU'U VU' dUH
(SIP) sidewall wU' jzU(
SID dB Siegel hip release qO V u dd
source image distance bB* uB 5 WU* Sielke instrumentation pKO ULF
side wU VU Sieman table ULO b
s. bending wU wM Siffert-Forster-Nachamie dHO V qBH* U
s. bending mobility wU' wM(U ^d arthrodesis wU
U du
s. cutter wU lU Siffert intraepiphyseal WUA* q rEF lD
s.-cutting blade wU lU qB osteotomy dHO V
s. jump test wU' eHI U Siffert-storen WUA* q rEF lD
s. lying wU UD{ intraepiphyseal osteotomy u dHO V
s. plate WOU' WOHB sigma receptor ULO WKI
posterior rotation on the dO WNK wHK) b sigmoid notch =wMO= WLK
left s. sign W
posterior rotation on the vMLO WNK wHK) b Adam s. W
right s. Adson s. u W
s. posture reduction wU' WF{u ^ Allen s. 5 W
side-bending wU wM Allis s. fO W
s.-b. barrier wU' wM( qzU Amoss s. u W

- 634 -
Anghelescu s. uJK W Desault s. Xu W
anteater nose s. qLM q n W Destot s. u W
antecedent s. WIU W double camelback s. e* qL' rM W
anterior drawer s. wU_ ^b W drawer s. ^b W
anterior tibial s. wU_ uME W drop arm s. WO=b* c W
anvil s. bM rE W Dupuytren s. lK) w du W
Apley s. wK W uK wIK)
apprehension s. f^u W Earle s. d W
arterial occlusion s. UdA b W Egawa s. U W
Babinski s. wJMU W Erichsen s. 5J W
Barlow s. uU W eye s. sOF W
bayonet s. Wd( W fabere s. q
UH w dOU W
Beevor s. uHO W u(
bowstring s. uI d W fadir s. dU W
Bragard s. Ud W Fajersztajn s. sUdU W
Brudzinski s. wJMd W Fajersztajn crossed W]OUB] W]O u WF
Bryant s. XUd W sciatic s. vM w sUdUH
Burton s. uu W fallen-fragment s. WDU WbA W
camelback s. qL' rM W fallen-leaf s. WDU Wu W
Cantelli s. w=KU W fan s. qKA w Wd* W
Chaddock s. WU
wdN qO fat pad s. WOLA Uu W
Chinese red line s. wMOB dL_ =j) W fishtail s. qc `Q W
choppy sea s. ZzU* d W flag s. Wd W
Chvostek s. puH W Fleck s. pOK W
Clark s. W fluid s. qzU] W
Cleeman s. ULOK W Frankel s. qJd W
Codman s. Uu W Friedreich s. abd W
cogwheel s. w s]M* ^b W Froment paper s. XMd W W
uM U Gaenslen s. seU W
commemorative s. d* W W W]U c W Gage s. U W
oU Galant s. XU W
Comolli s. w=uu W Galeazzi s. UOU W
contralateral s. d VU'U W Goldthwait s. d w Xubu W
Coopernail s. qUdu W WOHd( WeF q
crescent s. WN W WOMDI
Darier s. d W Gowers s. fU w U W
Dawbarn s. U W dNE
Djrine s. sdO W grab s. p* W
Demianoff s. uUO W Guilland s. ZON w U]O W

- 635 -
wzU Linder s. bMO W
gun barrel s. WObM WuD W long tract s. quD qO W
halo s. 5M' u w WUN W Lorenz s. eu W
rd q Ludington s. uMu W
hanging heel s. o]KF* VIF W Ludloff s. uu W
Hawkins s. eMO U W Maisonneuve s. uOeO W
head-at-risk s. dD * d W Mandel-Bekhterev s. nd bM W
heel varus s. Z_ VIF W Marie-Foix s. fJu U W
Helbing s. ZMOK W Martel s. qU W
Hill-Sachs s. f U qO W Matev s. nOU W
Hirschberg s. ddO W McMurray s. u p W
Hoffmann s. ULu W Mendel-Bekhterev s. nd bM W
Homans s. fUu W Mennell s. qOMO W
Hoover s. du W Meryon s. ud W
hot-cross-bun skull s. WJFJ WNOA WLL' W Minor s. uMO W
WMU WMe( WFL' Morquio s. uO u W
Hueter s. W]H* uJ w du W Morton s. uu W
Huntington s. qK w uMM W Morton-Horwitz nerve V wBF dUF W
uKF d; uBF cross-over s. eOu uu
iliac apophysis s. wHd( TUM W movie s. wzULMO jdA W
impingement s. UD W Mulder s. bu W
Jenet s. XOMO W Napolean hat s. uOKU WF] W
jerk s. WCHM W Nelson s. uK W
jump s. eHI W neuroma s. wBF u W
Kanavel s. qOUU W Oppenheim s. .UNM= W
Keen s. 5 W Ortolani s. wu W
Kellgren s. sdK W pathognomonic s. WL
Kernig s. ZOdO W Patrick s. pdU W
Kerr s. dO W Payr s. dU W
Lachman s. UL W Pelken s. sJK W
Langoria s. Uu$ W Piotrowski s. d w wJduO W
Lasgue s. Z W e d* =wBFUN'
lateral capsular s. WOAu WEH* W piriformis s. Wd]LJ W
Laugier s. dFJ d w tOOu W piston s. WOJ W
Leichtenstern s. UN w dOAMO W pivot-shift s. dzUB Ue W
UU popliteal pressure s. wCQ* jGC W
Leri s. dO W positive impingement s. wU UD W
Leser-Trelat s. d W positive rim s. WOU W]U( W
Lhermitte s. XOdN W posterior drawer s. wHK) ^b W
Light V s. V X W posterior sag s. wHK) w=b W

- 636 -
posterolateral drawer s. wAu wHK) ^b W Thurston-Holland s. bu uu W
posteromedial drawer s. w wHK) ^b W Thurston-Holland flag s. uu V Wd W
pronation s. UJ W bu
pseudo-Babinski s. WUJ wJMU W tibialis s. uME W
pucker s. s^BG W Tinel s. qOMO W
Queckenstedt s. bOMJu W Tinel-Hoffmann s. ULu qOMO W
rachitic rosary s. W]bd W^ W toe s. bI l
radialis s. WdFJ W toe spread s. bI lU
dA W
Raimiste s. XO1 W toggle s. WOKBH* WK
u W
reverse Hill-Sachs s. f U qO W fJ too-many-toes s. bbF bI lU
ribbon s. jd]A W Turyn s. su W
rim s. WU( W V s V qJA W
Riordan s. u W vacant glenoid s. dU]A wU]I( W
Risser s. d] W Vanzetti s. weU W
Roux s. W Voshell s. qu W
Rust s. X W Wartenberg s. d w dMU W
Sarbo s. uU W aO<
Schlesinger s. ^eJ w dMeK W Werenskiold s. bKuJd W
sciatic tension s. wJ d^u W Winberger s. ddOM W
Scotty dog s. bMKJ_ VKJ W wink s. eLG W
shift s. Ue W winking owl s. Wu g W
Soto-Hall s. U uu W Yergason s. uUd W
Speed s. bO W significance W]O=L b
spilled cup s. d* uJ W statistical s. wzUB b
spine s. UN w W]OzUO W significant displacement ybF Ue
U M WOUM Sigvaris stockings fUHO u
spur s. ULN* W Silastic pOO
stairs s. fU w r^K^ W S. arthroplasty wJOO qBH*
dNE S. drain wJOO eM
stepladder s. U]IM r]K WO W S. finger implant W]OJOO= l
Strmpell s. qOd W S. gel dressing pOO W UL{
Strunsky s. wJd W S. implant pOO Wd
sulcus s. rK W S. lunate arthroplasty wN qBH*
supinator fat pad s. WDU WOLA Uu W wJOO
Terry Thomas s. Uu dO W S. radial head prosthesis W]OJOO dFJ Wb
theater s. d* W S. sheeting wJOO U
thick patella s. WJOL] WH{d W S. thumb prosthesis W]OJOO UN Wb
Thomas s. Uu W S. toe implant W]OJOO bI l
Thompson s. uu W silence XL
thorn s. W uA W electrical s. wzUdN XL

- 637 -
silent XU uKM buLO
s. fascicle WUB We( S.-M. proximal phalangeal WOb v rE lD
s. hip stage WUB u WKd osteotomy uKM buLO V
myoelectrically s. UOzUdN UOKC XU
Simmonds test buLO U
s. period uH) Simmons eu^LO
Silesian UeKO S. cervical spine fusion V w]d UIH Z
S. bandage UeKO WUB eu^LO
S. bandage prosthetic WUBF wb Ub S. chisel eu^LO qO
support UeKO S. crimper eu^LO =uL
S. belt UeKO e S. double-hole spinal screw VI e dI Vu
Silfverskiold buOJdHKO eu^LO V
S. procedure buOJdHKO d S. Multi-Matic orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd dd
S. technique buOJdHKO WId bed eu^LO V pOU wKO*
S. test buOJdHKO U S. osteotome eu^LO V rEF lC
silicone uJOKO S. osteotomy eu^LO V rEF lD
s.arthritis wuJOKO qBH* UN S. plating system eu^LO V `OHB UN
s. gel uJOKO W S. screw eu^LO Vu
s. gel socket insert uJOKO W aM d S. and Segil classification qO eu^LO nOMB UN
s. implant WOuJOKO WdG system
s. implant arthroplasty WOuJOKO WdGU qBH* S. spinal arthrodesis V W]dIH q
s. material uJOKO ]U eu^LO
s. MP implant MP WOuJOKO WdG S. Vari-Hite orthopaedic UEF .uI Wd dd
s. rubber arthroplasty wuJOKO U]D*U qBH* bed XU U eu^LO V
s. synovitis wuJOKO qOe UN Simmons-Martin screw 5U eu^LO Vu
s. wrist arthroplasty uJOKOU rBF* qBH simple U jO
silicone-dacron tendon rod WOd
b WOuJOKO du u^ s. suture WDO WUO
silk dd jO dd s. syndactyly jO lU
_ UH
s. mesh gauze dressing dd( wJA UA UL{ simplex jO
Owens s. eM dd S. cement adhesive jO w o

s. suture dd jO herpes s. jO fd

silver W]C hidroacanthoma s. jO wd y=b
S. bunionectomy dHKO V WF u UB S. P bone cement jO wLE 
s. dollar technique w=CH b WId Simpson sugar-tong splint V d]J UL dO
s. fork deformity WO=CH W uA ^uA uLO
s. nitrate W]CH d Sims eLO
S. procedure dHKO d S. position eLO W]OF{
s. sulfadiazine W]CH sUUHK S. retractor eLO UF
Silver-Simon lengthening uLO dHKO V quD] simulator UA
Simmonds-Menelaus uKM buLO Baltimore Therapeutic WOF eON qL UA
S.-M. metatarsal osteotomy V jA* rE lD Equipment work s. (BTE) uLOU V

- 638 -
ERGOS work s. u qL UA s.-a. ankle joint u* U_ qUJ qBH
LIDO WorkSET work s. XO bO qL UA s.-a. joint u* U qBH
Simultaneous Interview W u* WKb* WId s.-a. knee unit u* WU_ W d b
Technique (SIT) single-blade saw qBM U UAM
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson uUu 5 pMbMO single-cannula system W]OMI U UN
S.-L.-J. disease 5 pMbMO single-condylar graft WLIK U rF
uUu single-incision fasciotomy =oA U_ W UHK lC
S.-L.-J. lesion 5 pMbMO W single-leg spica cast U U_ wKM VUI
uUu single-level spinal fusion u* U dI Z
S.-L.-J. syndrome 5 pMbMO W single-limb stance dD WU WH
uUu single-point cane d WU UB
Sinequan uJMO single-rod construct u^M W]U WOM
Singh ZMO single-slot screwdriver =oA U ypH
S. index of osteoporosis UEF q K  ZMO VM single-stage WKd* U
S. osteoporosis V UEF q K nOMB s.-s. tendon graft u]D U_ du rF
classification ZMO s.-s. tissue transfer uD U_ ZOM qI
S. osteoporosis index V UEF q K VM single-stemmed toe implant c' WU_ bI l Wd
ZMO sink u
single U d counter s. f UF u
s. action rongeur qFH WU W{]d sinogram uO' u
s. axis U u sinography uO' duB
s. axis foot u* WU b sintered implant prosthesis b=K* WOdG Wb
s. cross-slot screwdriver VUB =oA U ^pH sintering bOK
s. fiber electromyography wKCF nO=K W]OdN jOD s. of cobalt-chrome powder XUuJ u bOK
(SFEMG) coating d
s. fiber EMG wKCF nO=K W]OdN jOD cobalt-chrome power s. d XUuJ b bOK
s. fiber needle electrode U_ d wdNJ d* Sinterlock implant metal udMO Wd ^eK
nOK sinus VO
s. onlay cortical bone graft wF
dA wLE rF osteomyelitic s. wIM rEF UN VO
U pilonidal s. dF VO
s. onlay graft bO l
rF talar s. wKU VO
s. photon emission Vu* wFDI* duB s. tarsi wG
d VO'
computed tomography U_ uuH b
S s. tarsi syndrome wG
d VO' W
(SPECT) s. tract wO' qO
s. proximal portal technique WU_ WOb WOU WIdD sinusoidal wUO
s. reference point WU_ WOFd* WDIM sinuvertebral nerve UIH wO' VBF
instrument (SRP SIO dB
instrument) sacroiliac orthosis wHd e uI
s. unit pattern WU_ bu d sisomicin uO UC 5OeO
single-axis U_ u* Sistron scissors dO ^hI

- 639 -
Sistrunk scissors pdO ^hI s. hypoplasia wKJON Z^M hI
SIT dB s. hypoplasia disease wKJON Z^M hI
Simultaneous Interview WMe* WKUI* WId idiopathic s. iU wKJO
Technique s. limb deficiency dD qJO u
sit-and-reach uu uK' s. maturation wKJO ZC
s.-a.-r. box u
u uK' bM
s. maturity wKJON ZCM
s.-a.-r. test u
u uK' U s. muscle WOKJO WKC
site l{u s. pin wKJO u^
donor s. `U l{u s. tissue wKJON ZOM
fracture s. dJ l{u s. traction wKJON ^d'
hook s. =hA l{u s. tuberculosis wKJON ^b
nonunion of fracture s. dJ U b l{u skeletal-extraskeletal U wKJON wzUu u
operative s. Wd' l{u angiomatosis wKJON
pin s. u^b l{u skeleton qJO
recipient s. w=IK* l{u bony s. wLEF qJON
sitting uK WK skeletonize qJON
s. flexion uK' wM skewer aO uH
s. flexion test uK' wM U skewering bOH uH U
s. position uK' W]OF{ skewfoot WHU* bI
s. root test uK' c U skid WU

s.side bend WKK wU' wM( bone s. rEF WU

sit-to-stand u uK uK hip s. u WU
sit-up test u u U s. humeral-head retractor `UJ bCF UF
Sivash hip prosthesis UHO V u Wb Murphy-Lane bone s. wu V rEF WU
six-degrees-of-freedom =X ^wdNJ U]e UOI
electrogoniometer Wd( s U skiers oKe*
six-minute walk test ozU =X w wA* U s. fracture oKe* d
six-pack hand exercise wb bMB iI sdL s. thumb oKe* UN
six-portal synovectomy qb W] qOe UB skijump view oKe W dEM
size UI r yb Skil-Care reclining nKK wMM* Vb* wdJ
crosslink plate s. WUB* WOHB UI wheelchair U
sizer r skill UN
Sjogren syndrome UH du W donning-doffing s. eM UDF UN
WK^B WLK* palpatory s. WO= UN
skateboard Z^e Wu physical daily living s.s WOFOD WOuO UO( UN
Skelaxin 5
skeletal wKJO Skillern fracture dKOJ d

s. age wKJON dLF Skil Saw qOJ UAM

s. defect wKJON VOF skin bK bK
s. hyperostosis syndrome wKJON r^EF d W s. blood flow determination bK' b Ud 5OF

- 640 -
s. bone free graft ^d( wLEF bK' rFD S. procedure for release of l^HI dd uJ d
s. breakdown bK d{ Dupuytren contracture du
s. closure bK' oK S. technique uJ WId
s. coverage bK' WODG skull WLL
s. crease W]bK W]O hot-cross-bun s. WFL' WJFJ WNOA WLL'
dorsal s. dN]E bK WMU WMe(
s. flap W]bK WKb s. plate screwdriver WLL' WOH
s. fluorescence bK' o^Q UO s. tongs WLL' UL
measurement skull-occiput-mandibular cI WLL' XO uI
s. gliding test bK' e U immobilization orthosis wKH =pH
s. glue bK' mL
(SOMI orthosis)
s. graft bK rF skyline view wI dEM
s. hook bK' ^h SLAC dB
s. incision bK' ^o scaphoid-lunate advanced WN weK =bI* ju
s. lesion W]bK W collapse
s. marker W]bK WL slack j u
s. necrosis bK d motion s. W d( j
s. pencil bK' rK tissue s. W]OO U
perianal s. dA u bK' SLAPL dB
s. plasty bK' superior labrum anterior UHAK WOHK) WOU_ W
s. preparation bK dC and posterior lesion W]uKF
s. resistance test bK' WUI U slap hammer WLDK W dD
s. restriction bK' bOOI Slatis pelvic frature frame V u( u
s. rolling bK' Wd fO
s. slough W]bK UA Slattery-McGrouther V WOJOUMb wM dO
s. staple WbK' ]d dynamic flexion splint dd
p d
s. stroker bK' U{ SLC dB
s. tags W]bK uG short leg cast U dOBI VUI
s. tape bK jd SLE dB
s. temperature monitoring bK' d W Wd U systemic lupus W]OuL W]OUL Wz
probe erythematosus
s. test bK U sleeve ry
undermined s. nFC bK circumferential wUHJ wUd ^rJ
skin-contact bK' UL ULF ligamentous s.
instrumentation cylindrical s. ywuD r
skinfold calipers W]bK' WOD Ud drill s. VI* ^r
skin-tight cast bKK rJ VU Edwards polyethylene s. V 5KO wu ^r
skive jAJ s. fracture =rJU tO d
Skoog uJ knee s. W d ^r
S.fasciotomy uJ V WUHK lC neoprene knee s. wU]D* W d ^r

- 641 -
obturator s. b ^r Haacker s. d U F
polyethylene s. 5KO wu ^r hanging cast s. o]KF* VUI F
s. type ^rJ jL Harris splint s. f=U V dO' F
slide oeM Wd s. immobilization F*U XO
flexor pronator s. W]UJ WOM* Wd]A Jacksonville s. qOHu U F
Glassman-Engh-Bobyn V b* Wd Kenny-Howard shoulder s. wMO V nJ F
trochanteric s. 5u Z UL u
muscle s. W]OKC Wd Kodel s. qu F
s. plate WdA WOH
Kodel knee s. qu V W d F
trochanteric s. W]b Wd leg s. U F
sliding w e Legg-Perthes s. dO ZO F
s. abdominal hernia oeM* wMD oH lymphedema s. WOHLK Wu F
s. bone graft oeM* wLEF rFD Mersilene s. Od F
s. compression hip screw oeM* wUGC u Vu Nada-Chair Back-Up V uL; wHK) F*
s. fixation device WIeM* XO eON portable back s. U dO U
s. flap WIeM WKb Pavlik s. pOKU F
s. graft oeM rF pelvic s. u( F
s. hammer WIeM WdD Posey s. u F
s. inlay bone graft we wFO
d wLE rF pouch type s. jLM wO F
s. inlay graft we wFO
d rF s. procedure F* d
s. nail oeM UL Rauchfuss s. UH F
s. nail device oeM* UL* eON s. and reef technique wD oOKF WId
s. nail plate WIeM* UL* WOH
rubber s. wU]D F
s. screw oeM Vu sling-and-swathe s. WUBF F* F
s. tenotomy oeM* du lC Slingers arm s. dMOK V c F
s. tibial bone graft oeM* wuME rEF rF slinger-style envelope s. d=D dMK G F
SlimLine cast boot s rOK V WOUI U u soft tissue coaptation s. ud ZOM rOK F
Slimthetics orthotic V .uI Y stockinette s. wMDI ULI s F
fJOLOK s. suture W]OF WUO
sling F swathe and s. F* WUBF
Ampoxen s. 5 u F Teare s. dO F
arm s. c F Thomas Kodel s. u Uu F
arm elevator s. c l F triangular s. w]K* F*
Barton s. uU F triangular arm s. w]K* c F
Bohler-Braun leg s. d dU V U F Uni-Versatil s. qOUdO wu F
collar-and-cuff s. W]HJ uD F Velpeau s. uKO F
cradle arm s. hHI* F Vogue arm s. u V c F
s. dressing wF UL{ Weil s. qU F
envelope-type arm s. jLM wG c F Weil pelvic s. qU V u( F
Glisson s. uOK F Westfield-style envelope s. j/ s G F

- 642 -
bKOH u uK V
sling-and-swathe s. WUBF F* S. splint u uK dO
s.-a.-s. bandage WUBF F* U S. technique u uK WId
s.-a.-s. sling WUBF F* oOKF S. test u uK U
sling-dressing w F UL{ slot yo VI
Velpeau s.-d. uKO V wF UL{ acetabular s. w=I( ^oA
Slingers arm sling dMOK V c F glenoid s. wU]I( ^oA
slinger-style envelope sling d=D wMK G F s. table WO=I WU
slip oeM slot-graft w=IA rFD
s. angle spondylolisthesis WI]e We UIH e slotted uIA
central s. e d e s.acetabular augmentation uIA* =o( dOJ
flexor digitorum s. lU
_ WOM e s. femur plate WuIA* c H WOH

lateral s. wA e s. mallet WuIA* WdD*

s. of tendon du e s. nail uIA UL
Slip-N-Snip scissors oeM* ld =hI ^hI slough UA
slipped oeM skin s. bK' UA
s. capital femoral epiphysis c H WUA e slow wD
(SCFE) s. distraction wD d
s. disk dIH dI e s. stretch wD bbL]
s. elbow od* e s. stretch reflex wD bbL] fJFM
s. vertebral apophysis UIH TUM e s. union wD U
slipper-type cast jLM oeM VU slow-acting antirheumatic qFH wD eOUdK yUC
slipping rib WIeM lK{ drug (SAARD)
slit catheter technique w=IA UDI WId SLR dB
sliver of bone rEF WOE straight leg raising WLOI* U l
Slocum u
uK SLR with Bragard test U l WLOI* U l
S. ALRI test u uK V ALRI U Ud
S. anterior drawer test V wU_ ^b U SLR with external rotation l WLOI* U l U
u uK test wU) b
S. anterior rotary drawer wU_ ]b ^b U SLR with Kernig test U l WLOI* U l
test u uK V ZOd
S. fusion technique u uK V Zb WId SLRT dB
S. lateral pivot-shift test wAu dzUB Ue U straight leg raising test WLOI* U l U
u uK V SL-Stem rO SL
S. maneuver u uK UM sluggishness j q

S. meniscal clamp u uK V WN UIK SLURPIE procedure SLURPIE d

S. nail u uK UL SLWC dB
S. pes anserinus transplant V =u q rF short leg walking cast U dOBI wA* VU
u uK short walking cast dOBI wA* VU
S. rotary instability test ]b dI b U Sly syndrome W

- 643 -
SMA dB S. technique YOL WId
spinal muscular atrophy W]O uA CF uL{ Wb Smith-Davis Converta-Hite UEF .uI Wd dd
SMA prosthesis orthopaedic bed V XU UdHu

small-base quad cane bUI dOGB lOu] UB eO YOL

small cell osteogenic dOG QAM* WOLE Wu
U Smith-Petersen sd YOL
sarcoma U) S.-P. approach sd YOL vQ
small-fragment dOG W b S.-P. cup sd YOL n'
small-joint stiffness dOG]B qUH* f^O S.-P. cup arthroplasty YOL V nK
Smedberg dbL sd
S. brace dbL UM S.-P.curved gouge V wMM* u*
S. drill dbL VI sd YOL
SMIC sternal drill pOL =hI VI S.-P. curved osteotome V wMM* rEF lC
smile WU sd YOL
inverted s. WuKI WU S.-P. fracture pin YOL V dJ u^
Smillie w=KOL sd
S. cartilage chisel w=KOL V dCG qO S.-P. hemiarthroplasty V wHBM qBH*
S. knife w=KOL 5=J sd YOL
S. meniscal knife w=KOL V WN 5=J S.-P. hip cup prosthesis V u n' Wb
S. meniscal scissors w=KOL V WN ^hI sd YOL
S. nail w=KOL UL S.-P. nail with Lloyd l sd YOL UL
S. pin w=KOL u^ adapter bu WR
S. retractor w=KOL UF S.-P. osteotome YOL V rEF lC
Smillie-Beaver dHO w=KOL sd
S.-B. blade dHO w=KOL qB S.-P. osteotomy YOL V rEF lD
S.-B. knife dHO w=KOL 5=J sd
Smith YOL S.-P. pin sd YOL u^
S. ankle prosthesis YOL V qUJ Wb S.-P. plate sd YOL WOH

S. bone clamp YOL V rEF UIK S.-P. prosthesis sd YOL Wb

S. clamp YOL UIK S.-P. reamer sd YOL uI
S. dislocation YOL lK S.-P. rongeur sd YOL W{]d
S. drill YOL VI S.-P. sacroiliac joint fusion wHd( eF qBH* Z
S. flexor pollicis longus WKu]D WOM* WKCF sd YOL V
abductor-plasty V bO UN b=F* S.-P. straight gouge V rOI* u*
S. fracture YOL d S.-P. straight gouge V rOI* u*
S. physical capacities V WOFOD UF rOOI sd YOL
evaluation YOL S.-P. straight osteotome V rOI* rEF lC
S. prosthesis YOL Wb sd YOL
S. scissors YOL ^hI S.-P. synovectomy YOL V wKOe UB
S. STA-peg YOL V STA b sd

- 644 -
S.-P. technique sd YOL WId SMT dB
S.-P. transarticular nail V qBH* UL* spinal manipulative therapy WO uA WOF WKUM*
Smith-Petersen-Cave-Van V wA wU vQ sensory nerve action w=( wBF qFH sU
Gorder anterolateral U U
sd YOL potential
approach u snap W]J
Smith-Robinson uM YOL snap-fit U rz
S.-R. anterior cervical wU_ wd dI UB s.-f. apparatus U rz UN
diskectomy uM YOL V s.-f. device U WLz eON
S.-R. anterior fusion YOL V wU Z snap-lock brace U oK UM
uM snapping UJD WIDI oDID
S.-R. cervical disk V wd dI vQ s. scapula nJ UJD

approach uM YOL s. scapula syndrome nJ UJD

S.-R. cervical fusion YOL V w Z s. syndrome UJD
uM s. tendon oDID* du
S.-R. interbody arthrodesis U sO q
UH* U snare dM UM
YOL V dIH Zimmer s. d=1 UM
uM Snow-Littler release dKO uM dd
S.-R. interbody fusion dIH U 5 Z SNS dB
uM YOL V sympathetic nervous system =u wBF UN'
S.-R. technique uM YOL WId snuffbox uF WK
SMo dB anatomic s. jF ^wdA] jF*
stainless steel and bBK UI* uH 5=dA*
molybdenum uMbOu* snug rJ qBH
SMo Moore pin 5* VKB s u u^ S. seat rJ* bFI*
uMbOu* s. traction rJ* ^d'
SMo prosthesis uMbOu* 5* VKB Wb SO dB
smooth UK fK spinal orthosis w u uI
s. broach fK UI soak lIM lI
s. cobalt-chromium fK_ XUu dJ Betadine s. sUO uU
s. endoprosthesis UK* W]OK]b Wb Epson salt s. u `K uU
s. pin fK u^ soap uU
s. Steinmann pin fK_ ULMO u^ Betadine s. sUO uU

s. transfixion wire fK_ uI* pK Society W]OFL

smoother f=KL International Headache S. W]Ob b^B WOFL
Gore s. u f=KL (IHS)
SMO plate SMO WOH sock u
SMPS dB cast s. wU u
sympathetic maintained pain dL* =u r_ W Spandex Lycra three-ply ozU]d w Wb' u
syndrome stump s. dJO f bU V

- 645 -
socket aM s. collar s=OK uD
all-polyethylene s. qUJU 5KO wu aM s. collar cervical orthosis s=OK wuD Wd uI
AML s. AML aM s. corn s=O d
Arthropor II porous s. II ud rOL] aM s. corset s=O ybA
concave loading s. d]FI* qOL aM s. dressing s=O UL{
flexible s. d aM s. fibroma s=O ywHO
s. gauge aM UOI softball sliding injury ud dJ e WU
hard s. VK
aM soft tissue ud ZOM
ischial containment s. wJ qLA* aM s. t. biomechanics ud ZOM WOJOUJOuO
ischial-gluteal u_ wJ u bM aM s. t. coaptation sling ud ZOM rOK F
weightbearing s. s. t. contracture ud ZOM l^HI
metal-backed s. =eKHU ]eF* aM s. t. envelope ud ZOM
s. pin aM u^ s. t. flap ud ZOM WKb
Poly-Dial s. U wu aM s.-t. healing ud ZOM U
polyethylene s. 5KO wu aM s. t. hinge ud ZOM ]
prosthetic s. wb aM s. t. injury ud ZOM WU

quadrilateral s. {_ wU aM s. t. integrity ud ZOM W

standard s. UOF aM s. t. interface ud ZOM WNO
supracondylar s. WLIK u aM s. t. interposition ud ZOMK ywMO lO{u
suspension-type s. oOKF jL s aM s. t. irritability ud ZOM W]O^ON
total contact s. UL qUJ aM s. t. lesion ud ZOM W
University of California W]HJU oOKF PTB aM s. t. massage ud ZOM pOb
cuff suspension PTB s. UOuHOU WFU s. t. mobilization ud ZOM pd
s. wrench w M uK s. t. myxoma ud ZOMU wU 
sockets purchase aM WUL s. t. plication ud ZOM ^w
sodium uu s. t. release ud ZOM dd
cefazolin s. 5UHO uu
s. t. restriction ud ZOM bOOI
s. etidronate uuB UbO s. t. sarcoma ud ZOM Wu U
thiopental s. UMuO uu
s. t. stretching ud ZOM bbL
warfarin s. sUu uu
S. t. Super Sport orthotic ZO]MK du u uI
Sofield bKO u ud
S. femoral deficiency V c H uF WId s. t. tumor ud ZOM
technique bKOu soft-tissue mass ud ZOM WK

S. osteotomy bKOu V rEF lD soft-vamp shoe WbI* 5 c

S. pinning bKOu fOb software uU( Zd
S. retractor bKOu UF Stat Graphics s. W]OuU( W]OUO dF Zd
S. technique bKOu WId Soft-Wick dressing p X u UL{
soft u 5 Solcotrans fduJu
s. bulky dressing u wK UL{ S. autotransfusion system V wc qIM UN
s. callus stage ud cb WKd fduJu

- 646 -
S. orthopaedic ]bK ]b U e]M UN d b
drainage-refusion system V UEF .uI w antibiotic and saline s. `K* uO( UC* uK
fduJu bacitracin s. 5dOU uK
sole hL Betadine scrub s. wMUO jAJ uK
s. of foot bI hL Bunnell s. q=u uK
s. insert hL_ d colloid s. wd uK
Poro-in-between s. hL_ 5 u l{ crystalloid s. wu]K uK
rocker s. ]eN hL Dakin s. 5 uK
Texon s. uJ hL dextrose s. d =b uK
Solganal UM'u extravasation irrigation s. ^dU uK
solid VK XLB heparinized Ringer dM U uK
s. ankle, cushioned heel VIF XLB* qUJ lactate s. sUONU
(SACH) b]u* Hibiclens s. eMKJOO uK
s. ankle, cushioned heel VIF XLB* qUJ b iodophor s. uOK qU uK
foot b]u* irrigating s. uK
s. ankle, cushioned heel XLB* qUJ .uI Y irrigation s. uK
orthotic b]u* VIF povidone-iodine s. uO bOu uK
s. ankle, cushioned heel VIF XLB* qUJ Wb pulsatile hypothermic d( iH M* iUM
prosthesis (SACH foot b]u* perfusion with University WFU uK l
prosthesis) of Wisconsin s. 5uJ
s. ankle, cushioned heel VIF XLB* qUJ Wb saline s. wK uK
prosthesis b]u* sterile saline s. r]IF wK uK
s. buckling implant material WuK* WLB* WdG ]U Soma Uu
s. hex bolt wb^ VuK* UL* S. Gonio system uOu Uu UN
XLB* S. pulley system Uu V dJ UN
s. silicone exoplant implant WOU) WdG ]U S. sacroiliac stabilization wHd( eF XO e
materiel WLB* WOuJOKO belt Uu V
s. silicone implant material WOuJOKO WdG ]U somatectomy b' UB
WLB* subtotal s. U X b' UB
solid-ankle XLB* qUJ somatic dysfunction b' wHOu qK)
s.-a. flexible endoskeletal wMK qUI wKb qJON somatization bO
(SAFE) XLB* qUJK somatoautonomic wuu w=KI b
s.-a. joint XLB* qUJ qBH somatomedin-C C sbuUu^
solitary eF dH bO somatosensory w= b
s. enchondroma dH sU wdC s. evoked potential b' ]d* sUJ
s. myeloma dH ywOI (SEP, S-SEP) w=(
Solu-Cortef nOu
uOu s. evoked potential b' ]d* sUJ Wd
Solu-Medrol b uOu monitoring w=(
solution uK s. test w= b U
acid-citrate-dextrose s. d iL uK somatosomatic reflex w= b fJFM

- 647 -
somatovisceral uA b mandibular wKH =pH
Somerville qO du immobilization orthosis
S. anterior approach qOdu V wU_ vQ* Soto-Hall U uu
S. procedure qOdu d S.-H. bone graft U uu V rEF rF
S. technique qOdu WId S.-H. sign U uu W
SOMI dB S.-H. test U uu U
sternal-occipital- pH cI =hI XO Soudre autogn u V wc =uJ*
mandibular wKH sound u U
immobilization flexible s. d U
SOMI brace cI =hI XO UM rigid s. VK
wKH =pH tearing s. =eL U
SOMI orthosis cI =hI XO uI source bB lM
wKH =pH fiberoptic light s. wUO_ uC bB
Songer cable du q
s. image distance (SID) bB* uB 5 WU*
Sonicator uJOu light s. uC bB
S. Plus ultrasound uJOu uB ozU Wolf light s. wzUOC n bB
S. 720 ultrasound 720 uJOu uB ozU Souter du
Sorbathene 5Uu S. Strathclyde total elbow V qUJ od* UN
Sorbie classification of wIF dJ wu nOMB system bOKJd du
calcaneal fracture S. unconstrained elbow V bOI* dO od* Wb
Sorbothane Uuu prosthesis du
S. heel cushion Uuu V VIF U Southwick puU
S.orthotic device Uuu V uI* eON S. biplane osteotomy u* wzUM rEF lD
Sorbsan Uu puU V
SORE u S. biplane trochanteric wzUM b* rEF lD
sore Wd osteotomy puU V u*
S. notes WdI UL S. Clamp puU UIK
plaster s. f' Wd S. pin-holding apparatus V u^b p UN
pressure s. WODGC WdI puU
Soren u S. screw extractor V VuK Wd 
S. ankle fusion u V qUJ Z puU
S. arthrodesis u V qBH* U S. slide procedure WIeM* WdA d
somatization uM puu bO& puU V
Southwick-Robinson S. two-tined retractor V W uA wzUM UF
soreness ^dI puU
delayed-onset muscle s. Wb d=Q* qCF ^dI Southwick-Robinson uM puU
(DOMS) S.-R. anterior cervical V wU_ oMF vQ
Sorondo-Ferr hindquarter V wHK) ld d approach uM puU
amputation dO bu S.-R. cervical approach puU V oMF vQ
sternal-occipital- cI =hI XO uI uM

- 648 -
SP dB passive s. qFHM* UH*
suprapatellar WH{d u prosthetic s. Wb UH
space eO spacer-tensor jig UH* d=u WO
s. available for the cord qK U* eO( Spahr metaphyseal V wUA* r^EF u
(SAC) dyostosis U
costoclavicular s. ud wFKC eO( Spalteholz preparation euNU dC
dead s. bUN e=O( Spandex Lycra three-ply U]OD w Wb' u
epidural s. u u' WOU' u e=O( stump sock dJO f
bM V
WOU' Spanko shoe insert uJU V c( uA
fascial s. wUH eO Sparine sU
first web s. v_ du eO sparing UI
increased lateral joint s. be* wAu qBH* eO sacral nerve root s. WOBF c' vK WEU*
intercondylar s. 5LI 5 eO( WeF
intercostal s. (ICS) w eO spasm Z^MA
lateral joint s. wAu qBH* eO arterial s. wUd Z^MA
medial clear s. wU
w eO carpal pedal s. wb wG Z^MA
midpalmar s. wHB=M ^w]d e=O( muscle s. wKC Z^MA
palm s. w]d e=O( paraspinal s. UIHK U Z^MA
Parona s. od* w UU e=O paraspinal muscle s. UIHK U: CF Z^MA
s. of Poirier tOu eO paravertebral muscle s. UIHK U: qCF Z^MA
popliteal s. wCQ eO peroneal muscle s. WOEA C Z^MA
position in s. wLO] lO{u] spasmodic torticollis w^MA dF
retroperitoneal s. UH=B nK e=O( spastic w^MA
retropharyngeal s. wHK) ^wuFK e=O( s. cerebral palsy w^MA wU qK
s. shoe wd c s. contracture w^MA l^HI
Steel rule of thirds for eO w U]KLK qO bU s. disorder w^MA dD{
spinal cord free s. d( w uA q( equinovalgus w bH
subacromial s. d_ X e=O( s. equinus w^MA w bH
subcoracoid s. wdG TU]M X e=O( s. flatfoot WO^MA U]d bI
suprasternal s. =hI u e=O( s. hemiplegia w^MA ZU
thenar s. WH]d e=O s. instrinsic contracture w^MA wK l^HI
tibiofibular clear s. wUB uEA wuME eO( s. paralysis w^MA qK
web s. du eO s. paraplegia w^MA wKH qK
spacer UH* s. thumb-in-palm w w^MA UN ^uA
acetabular s. =o( UH deformity Wd
s. bar UH* W{U s. varus hindfoot WO^MA UH d=Q* bI
bayonet s. Wd( UH spasticity UM
bone s. rEF UH spatula uK
ceramic vertebral s. we) UIH UH* cement s. w uK
joint s. qBH* UH Spearman rank-order test V wd nOMB U

- 649 -
UdO S. test bO U
spear tacklers spine `]d l d tO UI S. V-Y muscle-plasty V-Y qJAU qCF
special U bO V
s. Colles splint W]
U) f=u dO Speed-Boyd bu bO
S. Seat U bFI S.-B. open reduction bu bO V uH* ^d
specialized h=B h]B S.-B. radial-ulnar technique V be dFJ WId
s. cell WB=B  WOK bu bO
s. nail h=B  UL Spelcast car seat XUJKO UO bFI
specific wu Spenco uJM
s. adjustment wu j{ S. arch support uJM V uI U
s. curve wu vMM S. liner uJM s=D
s. thrust manipulation WOuM d]b WKUM S. orthotic device uJM V uI* eON
SPECT dB S. Second Skin dressing V wU bK' UL{
single photon emission Vu* wFDI* duB uJM
computed tomography dH* uuH b
S Spetzler anterior transoral wU_ rH vQ*
spectinomycin uO yUC 5OuMOJ approach de V
Spectric EF stem EF pdJO c SPF dB
Spectron dJ spinal fusion stimulator w uA Zb UM
S. EF total hip system V qUJ u UN SpF spinal fusion w
uA Zb UM
dJ stimulator
S. hip prosthesis dJ V u Wb sphere d

spectroscopy nOD dOEM silicone rubber s. WOuJOKO U]D* d

Fourier transform X W]F_U nOD dOEM spherical d

infrared s. tOu V W=u* dL( s. gliding principle dJ e b

Speed bO s. headed screw dJ d VuK
speed ld Wd spherocentric e
d d

S. arthroplasty bO V qBH* s. fully constrained UO_ WO W d Wb

free s. ]d( Wd tricompartmental knee e d* WdJ b]OI* WKUJ
S. hand splint bO V bO dO prosthesis
s. lock clamp ld] oKG UIK s. knee prosthesis We d* WdJ W d Wb
S. open reduction bO V uH* ^d s. knee system e d* dJ W d UN
S. prosthesis bO Wb sphygmomanometer b jG{ UOI
S. radial head fracture dFJ d nOMB spica wKM
classification bO V s. cast wKM VU
S. radius cap prosthesis V dFJ uMK Wb hip s. wKM u
bO Schmeisser s. d=OL V wKM Ud
S. sign bO W s. splint WOKM dO
S. splint bO dO spicule WJu
S. stermoclavicular repair V ud =hI `OKB spider finger lU_ W]OJM
bO Spiegleman V Wu d WOd_ dO'

- 650 -
acromioclavicular splint ULKGO s. cord syndrome w uA q( U ^M W
Spier elbow arthrodesis dO V o d* qBH U s. coronal plane deformity w uA u*U ^uA
spike WJ wKOK
ball-tip s. c Wd WJ s. deformity dI ^uA
s. of bone rEF WJ s. deformity/instability dI dI b^uA
endplate s. W]OzUN WOHB WJ s. distraction dI d
Glissane s. UOK WJ s. dysarthria W]OU W]
metaphyseal s. W]Od WJ s. dysraphism dIH U=d qK
spilled cup sign d* uJ W s. evoked potential wU ^M ]d* sUJ
spina W
u s. fascial release W]O uA WUHK dd
s. bifida WuIA* WMM s. fixation dI XO
s. bifida occulta (SBO) W]OH) WuIA* WMM s. fixation rigidity dIH XO qL

spinae w
u s. fixation rod dIH XO u^
erector s. dIH uLF W
U s. fracture dI d
spinal wU w
u s. fusion pathomechanics dIH ZbK WO{d* UJOUJO*
s. abscess U M w wzUO d s. fusion position dIH Zb W]OF{
WO uA UMI s. fusion stimulator (SPF) dIH Zb UM
s. accessory nerve w uA wU{ VBF s. fusion technique dIH Zb WId
s. accessory nerve injury w uA wU{ VBF WU
s. hitch WUH W]dI W d
s. analysis w uA qOK s. implant design W]O uA WdG rOLB
s. anesthesia wU db wU b s. implant load to failure WO uA WdG qOL
s. artery wU ^M UdA UH V
s. arthritis W]dIH q
UH* UN s. infection W]OU b
s. arthrodesis W]dIH q
UH* U s. infection biopsy W]OU b s We
s. board wA) uK s. injury W]dI WU

s. brucellosis w uA Od s. injury operative WU

 wd' XO
s. canal dIH oHM WO uA UMI stabilization W]dIH
s. canal stenosis (SCS) dIH oHM oOC s. instability dIH dI b
s. column dIH uLF s. instrumentation W]O uA _ ULF
s. contour dIH UHJ s. joint mobilization W]dIH q
UH* pd
s. cord U ^M w uA q( s. learning wU rOKF
s. crod block w uA q( UB s. level dI u
s. cord function w uA q( WHO Wd s. ligament w uA Ud
intraoperative monitoring Wd' UM w s. locking procedure w uA U d
s. cord injury w uA q( WU
s. manipulation WO uA WKUM*
s. cord injury without s w uA q( WU
s. manipulative therapy WO uA WKUM*U W'UF*
radiographic abnormalities uB w c (SMT)
(SCIWORA) WOUF s. metastasis W]dI WKOI
s. cord-meningeal W]OzU= W]OU ^M W* s. mobilization technique dIH XO WId
complex s. muscular artrophy (SMA) W]dIH CF uL{

- 651 -
s. needle wMDI e d Chance fracture dIH uLF w fU d
s. nerve wU ^M VBF thoracolumbar s. wMDI bB
s. orthosis (SO) dI uI Charcot s. u U UO
s. osteoblastoma W]dIH rEF UOU coccygeal s. wBFBF dIH uLF
s. osteomyelitis dIH wIM rEF UN convexity of the s. dIH uLF ^b
s. osteosarcoma W]dIH WOLEF Wu U s. deformity dIH uLF ^uA
s. osteotomy dIH rEF lD dorsal s. (D-spine) dN]E dIH uLF
s. osteotomy stabilization W]dIH UEF lD XO fixation dysfunction of the wMDI dIH uLF uB
s. posterior ligament w uA wHK) Ud lumbar s.
s. rod w u u^ s. flexion dIH uLF wM
s. rod cross-bracing u^MK VUB* UJ s. frame dIH uLF U
w uA gibbus deformity of the s. dIH uLFK wb( ^uA
s. segment W]OU WFD iliac s. WOHd( W uA
s. shock W]OU Wb
ischial s. WOJ W uA
s. stenosis W]dIH UMI o^OC kissing s. W u]A WL* W uA
s. transverse ligament w uA dF* Ud WI
s. tuberculosis U ^M ^q laminectomized s. q
Q* dIH uLF
s. tumor U M `zUH]B
s. turning frame dIH b U lower cervical s. wKH wd dIH uLF
spinal-tension-band w
uA d^u jd lower lumbar s. wKH wMDI dIH uLF
spindle eG lower thoracic s. wKH bB dIH uLF
s. cell WOeG* WOK) lumbar s. (L-spine) wMDI dIH uLF
s. effect weG dOQ lumbosacral s. (LS) eF wMDI dIH uLF
muscle s. wKC eG mandibular s. wKH =pH W u
s. neuroma weG wB maxillary s. uKF =pH W u
Spine sU nasal s. WOH_ W uA
Spine UI w
u W
u osteoporotic s. q K * dIH uLF
adjustment of cervical s. w]d dIH uLF qbF palpation of anterior WOU_ WOHd( W uA ^f
adjustment of lumbar s. wMDI dIH uLF qbF superior iliac s. WuKF
adjustment of thoracic s. bB dIH uLF qbF palpation of posterior WOHK) WOHd( W uA ^f
anterior occipitocervical s. WOU_ WOIMF WOcI W uA superior iliac s. WuKF
anterior superior iliac s. WuKF WOU_ WOHd( W uA poker s. UN d u w UO
(ASIS) buU^d UIH
anterior upper s. WuKF WOU_ W uA posterior s. WOHK) W uA
anterosuperior iliac s. WuKF WOU_ WOHd( W uA posterior-inferior s. WOKH WOHK) W uA
(ASIS) posterosuperior iliac s. WuKF WOHK) WOHd( W uA
axial loading of s. UIHK u* qOL (PSIS)
bamboo s. W]OeO) UO= S. Power pelvic stabilizer V u( XO e
cervical s. (C-spine) UO= w]d dIH uLF belt U sU
W]O]d s. rotation dIH uLF

- 652 -
sacral s. eF dIH uLF s. groove weK rK
s. sign UN w W]OzUO W s. groove syndrome weK( rK] W
U M WOUM s. oblique fracture weK( qzU* dJ
spear tackler's s. `d l UO s. oblique retinacular weK( qzU* bOI U
thoracic s. (T-spine) bB dIH uLF ligament
thoracic s. (T1 to T12) bB dIH uLF s. oblique retincular qzU* bOI U UM dO
(T1 to T12) ligament reconstruction weK(
thoracolumbar s. wMDI bB dIH uLF splint
thoracolumbosacral s. wMDI bB dIH uLF s. technique WOeK WId
eF s. trochanteric reamer weK( b* uI
three-column s. bL_ W]O W u s. or twist drill wKH weK( VI*
trochanteric s. b* W u Spira procedure dO d
tumor metastatic to s. dIH uLF v WOu qzUIM Spira drill dO VI
upper thoracic s. uKF bB dIH uLF spirometer f^HM UOI
variable screw placement dOG* VuK WF{u UN Spittler procedure dK d
system-instrumented qUM* wMDI dIH uLF Spitz-Holter valve implant V WOU]LB WdG ]U
lumbar s. _U material du dK
spin-echo image U^M b u Spitz nevus eO WL
spinocerebellar wO wU SPLATT procedure d
s. ataxia w O  wU ` splayfoot U] b
s. degeneration w O  wU f^JM splayfoot deformity U]d bI ^uA
spinoglenoid notch WOU=I( WO
uA WLK splaying `DKH
spinography UM duB forefoot s. bI ]bI `DKH
spinolaminar line wOHB w
uA j) s. of toe bI l
Spinoscope w
u UEM spleen injury UD WU
spinothalamic tract UN wU qO splint dO
spinous w
u Abbott s. u^ dO
s. plane w uA u* abduction s. bOF dO
s. process UIH TUM abduction finger s. lU
_ bOF dO
s. process fracture UIH TUM d aduction humeral s. bCF bOF dO
s. process plate UIH TUM WOH
abduction pillow cover s. WbOF Uu UD dO
s. process wire UIH TUM pK abduction thumb s. UN bOF dO
s. process wiring UIH TUM pOK Abouna s. Uu dO
s. pull w u yd acrylic cap s. WOJOKd _ uMKI dO
s. push w u l acrlylic template s. wKd _ U
d* dO
spiral uK wu weK Adam and Eve rib belt s. V lKC e dO
s. cord weK( q( n
s. cortical reamer weK( dAI uI* Adams s. e dO
s. drill weK VI adjustable s. WuC dO
s. fracture weK d aeroplane s. dzU]DU WNO dO

- 653 -
Agnew s. uOM dO Bavarian s. sUU dO
Ainslie acrylic s. V WOJOKd _ dO' Baylor s. uKU dO
wK Baylor adjustable cross s. qbF]K WKU WUB dO
air s. W]Ozu dO uKU V
Airfoam s. ud dO Baylor metatarsal s. uKU V WODA* dO'
airplane s. dzU]DU WNO dO Bloom s. uK dO
air pressure s. uN jG{ dO Blount s. XuK dO
AliMed Diabetic night s. d]J^ bK WOKOK dO' board s. WOu dO
bO w V Bohler s. dU dO
Alumafoam s. uHu dO Bohler Braun s. d dU dO
aluminum s. WOuOMu dO' Bohler wire s. dU V WOJK dO
aluminum bridge s. wuOMu_ d' dO Bond arm s. bu V c dO
aluminum fence s. wuOMu_ l
bL dO Bosworth s. uu dO
aluminum finger cot s. wuOMu_ UO dO boutonnire s. dF d qJA dO
aluminum foam s. WOuOMu_ ud dO Bowlby arm s. wu V c dO
aluminum wire s. wuOMu_ pK dO bracketed s. WKBHL dO
anchor s. W]OzU dO W= dO Brady balanced sus V Wu* oOKF dO
Anderson s. WOH
ub dO pension s. d
WOU Brady leg s. d V U dO
Angles s. pH uJ q$ dO Brant aluminum s. V WOuOMu_ dO'
wKH Xd
ankle-foot orthotic s. bI qUJ .uI dO Brooke Army Hospital s. dJF vHA* dO
anterior s. WOU dO d V
anterior acute flexion wU_ wM od* dO Browne s. d dO
elbow s. U( Buck s. u dO
any-angle s. WHK< Ue dO Buck extension s. u V j dO
Aquaplast s. Xu dO Buck traction s. u V =d' dO
Asch s. dO buddy s. oOd dO
Ashhurst leg s. fuN dO Bunnell s. q=u dO
s. attachment dO' eJd Bunnell gutter s. q=u V W]OeO dO
balanced s. Wu dO Bunnell knuckle-bender s. V WLd wU dO
Baldan fracture s. bU d dO q=u
Balkan femoral s. UJU V c H dO Bunnell outrigger s. q=u V ]b dO
ball-peen s. WdD* dJ dO Burnham finger s. UNu V l
banjo s. W]OU dO uU dO Burnham thumb s. UNu V UN dO
Barlow s. uU dO Cabot s. uU dO
Barlow cruciform infant s. V WOOKB l]{d dO Cabot leg s. uU V U dO
uU Cabot posterior s. uU V WOHK dO
baseball finger s. WOF
bUI d dO calibrated clubfoot s. dUF* bI nM dO
Basswood s. uU dO Campbell traction s. qU V =d' dO

- 654 -
cap s. W]uMK dO Denis Browne clubfoot s. V bI nM dO
Capner s. dMU dO d fO
Carl P. Jones traction s. eu U V =d' dO Denis Browne hip s. d fO V u dO
Carpal Lock wrist s. u qU V od* dO Denis Browne talipes UdF UHM( bI dO
Carter s. dU dO hobble s. d fO V
cartilage elastic pullover Wd* WOdCG WH{d dO DePuy s. u dO
kneecap s. WduK DePuy aeroplane s. V dzUDU WNO dO
Chandler felt collar s. V U]K uD dO u
dbU DePuy any-angle s. V WHK * Ue dO
Chatfield-Girdlestone s. ud bKOHU dO u
clavicular s. W]ud dO DePuy coaptation s. V wuK W=dI dO
clavicular cross s. W]OUB W]ud dO u
Clayton greenstick s. V dOCM sBG dO DePuy open-spindle s. V uH* eG* dO
u u
clubfoot s. bI nM dO DePuy open-thimble s. V uH* UAJ dO
cock-up s. vK d dO u
cock-up arm s. vK d* c dO DePuy-Pott s. u u dO
cock-up hand s. vK d* bO dO DePuy rocking leg s. V WQ* U dO
COH hip abduction s. COH u bOF dO u
Colles s. f=u dO DePuy rolled Colles s. V WuHK* f=u dO
Comforfoam s. uuHu dO u
composite spring elastic s. Wd* WU]d W] d* dO' Digit Aid s. b XO dO
Converse s. dOHu dO dorsal s. W]dN dO
Cordon-Colles fracture s. u V dJ dO dorsal block s. dN]E UB dO
f=u dorsal extension block s. dN]E j UB dO
counterrotational s. bK W UF dO dorsiflexion foot s. bIK wdN]E wM dO
countertraction s. f UF* =d' dO double-occlusal s. U We dO'
Craig s. md dO drop foot s. WO=b* bI dO
Craig abduction s. md V bOF dO drop wrist s. w=b* rBF* dO
Cramer s. dd dO Dupuytren s. du dO
Cramer wire s. dd V WOJK dO Duran-Houser wrist s. V rBF* dO
Culley s. w=u dO du
Culley ulnar s. w=u V be dO Dyna knee s. UM V W d dO
Curry s. =u dO dynamic s. WOJOUMb dO'
Curry walking s. =u V wA* dO Easton cock-up s. V vK d dO
Darco toe alignment s. bI lU
d dO u
d b Eaton s. u dO
Davis s. eO dO Eggers s. d dO
Davis metacarpal s. eO V lM dO Eggers contact s. d V UL dO
Delbet s. X dO elbow extension s. od* j dO

- 655 -
elephant-ear clavicular s. qOH qJA W]ud dO Gagnon s. uMU dO
Engelmann thigh s. ULK V c H dO gait lock s. (GLS) WOA* G dO
Englemann s. ULK dO Gallows s. U dO
Erich s. p dO Galveston s. uHU dO
extension block s. j UB dO Ganley s. wKU dO
Ezeform s. u dO Gibson s. uO dO
felt collar s. U]K uD dO Gilchrist s. XdJKO dO
fence s. W]OUO dO Gilmer s. dLKO dO
Ferciot tiptoe s. V bI l
W]L dO Gooch s. u dO
uO d Gordon s. u dO
Fillauer night s. ]O V WOKOK dO' Granberry s. dOd dO
finger s. l
dO Gunning s. ZMOu dO
finger cot s. l
bL dO gutter s. W]OeO dO
finger extension l
j U] dO half-shell s. WU nB dO
clockspring s. hallux valgus night s. _ bI UN WOKOK dO'
flat s. W]D dO Hammond s. buU dO
flexor hinge s. WOM* ]d dO hand s. bO dO
fold-over finger s. VU s ]uD WOF
dO hand cock-up s. vK d* bO dO
d Hanna night s. UU V WOKOK dO'
forearm s. bU dO Hare compact traction s. U V eMJ* =d' dO
Formatray mandibular s. V wKH =pH dO Harrington outrigger s. uG=U V ]b dO
du Harris s. f=U dO
Forrester s. d=u dO Hart s. U dO
Foster s. du dO Hart extension finger s. V l
j dO
four-prong finger s. W uA WOUd l
dO U
Fox s. f u dO Haynes-Griffin s. 5=Hd fMU dO
Fox clavicular s. f u V W]ud dO Haynes-Griffin V wKH =pH dO
Frac-Sur s. u d dO mandibular s. 5=Hd fMU
Fractomed s. bu d dO Hexcelite s. XJ dO
fracture s. dJ dO Hexcelite sheet s. XJ  dO
Frejka s. UJd dO hinged cylinder s. W]d WuD_ dO
Frejka pillow s. UJd V Uu dO hinged Thomas s. W]d Uu dO
frog-leg s. WbHC U dO Hirschtick s. pOdO dO
Froimson s. u1d dO Hirschtick utility bF W]OH dO
Fruehevald s. bUHd dO shoulder s. pOdO V ULF
full-hand s. WKUJ bO dO Hodgen hip s. su V u dO
full-occlusal s. qUJ U dO Hodgen leg s. su V U dO
Funsten s. 5u dO humeral fracture bCF dJ bOF dO
Funsten supination s. 5u V j dO abduction s.
Futuro s. uu dO HVO s. HVO dO

- 656 -
Ilfeld s. bKOHK dO Lewin finger s. su V l
Ilfeld-Gustafson s. uUu bKOHK dO Lewin-Stern s. dO su dO
infant abduction s. lO{d bOF dO Lewin-Stern finger s. su V l
inflatable s. aHMK WKUI dO' dO
Jacoby bunion s. wu U V WF u dO Lewin-Stern thumb s. su V UN dO
Jacoby heel s. wu U V VIF dO dO
James s. fLO dO s. liner dO' WUD
Jelanko s. uJ dO Liston s. uO dO
Joint-Jack finger s. XMu V l
dO live s. W]O dO
U long arm s. WKuD c dO
Jonell s. qu dO long leg s. (LLS) WKuD U dO
Jonell countertraction f UF* =dK WOF
dO loop-lock cock-up s. vK d dO
finger s. qu V d G
Jonell thumb s. qu V UN dO Love s. u dO
Jones s. eu dO Lytle s. qO dO
Jones arm s. eu V c dO Lytle metacarpal s. qO V lM dO
Jones forearm s. eu V bU dO Magnuson s. uMU dO
Jones metacarpal s. eu V lM dO Magnuson abduction V WbOF bCF dO
Joseph s. nu dO humeral s. uMU
Kanavel cock-up s. V vK d dO mallet finger abouna s. W]OdD* l
qOUM Mason s. uU dO
Karfoil s. quU dO Mason-Allen hand s. 5 uU V bO dO
Kazanjian s. UO$e dO Mason-Allen Universal s. V UdHOu dO
Keller-Blake s. dKO dO 5 uU
Keller-Blake half-ring s. V WOIK nB dO Mason-Allen Universal V UdHOu bO dO
dKO hand s. 5 uU
Keller-Blake leg s. dKO V U dO Mayer s. dU dO
Kenny-Howard s. u wMO dO McGee s. w p dO
Kerr s. dO dO McIntire s. dOMOJ dO
Kerr abduction s. dO V bOF dO McLeod s. bu p dO
Keystone s. uO dO McLeod padded V b]u W]ud dO
Kleinert s. dMOK dO clavicular s. bu p
Klenzak double-upright s. We* WLzUI eMK dO metal s. W=eK dO
knee s. W d dO Middeldorpf s. nbbO dO
knee brace s. W d UM dO Moberg s. dOu dO
knee immobilizer s. W dK W=* dO' Mohr s. du dO
knuckle-bender s. WLd wU dO Mohr finger s. du V l
Lambrinudi s. ud dO molded posterior plaster s. WuI* WOHK) WO' dO'
Levis s. fOHO dO Murphy s. wu dO
Levis arm s. fOHO V c dO Murray-Jones s. eu u dO

- 657 -
Murray-Jones arm s. u V c dO Plastalume bulb-ended s. wKB dD dO'
eu uKK V
Murray-Thomas s. Uu u dO Plastalume straight s. WLOI* uU dO
Murray-Thomas arm s. u V bO dO plaster s. WO dO
Uu plaster-of-Paris s. wU f' dO
Neubeiser s. dOu dO pneumatic s. WOzu dO
Neubeiser adjustable V WuC* bU dO Polyform s. u wu dO
forearm s. dOu polyvinyl alcohol s. wKOMO wu uJ dO
night s. WOKOK dO' Pond adjustable s. bu V WuC dO
occlusal s. WOU dO Ponseti s. wu dO
ODonoghue knee s. uu V W d dO poroplastic s. pOu dO
ODonoghue stirrup s. V U d dO Porzett s. Xu dO
uu Postalume finger s. uUu V l
OMalley jaw fracture s. wU V =pH d dO posterior s. WOHK dO
Oppenheimer spring V U]d pK dO Potts s. fu dO
wire s. dLONM Pro-glide s. d o^e dO
opponens s. bO lU
s sOKUI* dO Protecto s. uJd dO
Ortho-last s. X u dO Puth abduction s. U V bOF dO
Ortho-Mold s. bu u dO Putti s. wu dO
orthopaedic strap .uIK W]U W]ud dO Quik splint s. pu V f' dO
clavicular s. wLEF radial slab s. dFJ WIDI dO
Orthoplast s. Xu dO radiolucent s. W]F WHOH dO
Orthoplast isoprene s. Xu sde dO Redi-Around finger s. b V l
outrigger s. ]b dO b
padded aluminum s. b]u* uOMu_ dO reverse knuckle-bender s. WuJF* WLd wU dO
padded board s. b]u* u]K dO Robert Jones s. eu d dO
padded plywood s. b]u* wIzUd VA) dO Roger Anderson s. ub d dO
padded tongue blade s. b]u* UK qB dO Rosen s. 5 dO
s. padding dO' uA Rowland-Hughes s. fO U b dO
palmar s. Wd dO Rumel aluminum wuOMu_ d' dO
palmar cock-up s. vK d WO dO bridge s. q V
Pavlik s. pOKU dO Russell s. q= dO
Pavlik harness s. pOKU V ]bF dO safety pin s. U_ u^ dO
Peabody s. uO dO SAM s. SAM dO
Pearson attachment to Uu dO' udO eJd Sayre s. dU dO
Thomas s. Scott s. uJ dO
pelvic s. u( dO Scott humeral s. uJ V bCF dO
Phelps s. fK dO Scottish Rite s. X guJ dO
Phillips s. fOKO dO shin s. uM^E d dO
pillow s. W]U dO short arm s. (SAS) dOBI c dO

- 658 -
short arm sugar-tong s. cK d]J UL dO Swanson hand s. uu V bO dO
dOBI synergistic wrist motion s. R* rBF* W d dO
short leg s. dOBI U dO Synergy s. wdMO dO
shoulder spica s. WOKM nJ dO Tauranga s. UGu dO
Simpson sugar-tong s. V d]J UL dO Taylor s. uKU dO
uLO Teare arm s. dO V c dO
Slattery-McGrouther V WOJOUMb wM dO tennis elbow s. fM w od dO
dynamic flexion s. dd p d T-finger s. T qJAU l
Slocum s. u uK dO therapeutic s. WO dO
special Colles s. W]
U) f=u dO Thomas full-ring s. V WIK( W]U dO'
Speed s. bO dO Uu
Speed hand s. bO V bO dO Thomas hinged s. Uu V W]d dO'
spica s. wKM Ud dO Thomas knee s. Uu V W d dO
Spiegleman V W]ud W]Od dO Thomas leg s. Uu V U dO
acromioclavicular s. ULKO Thomas posterior s. Uu V WOHK) dO'
spiral oblique retincular qzU* bOI U UM dO Thomas suspension s. Uu V oOKF dO
ligament reconstruction s. weK( Thompson s. uu dO
spreading hand s. WUH bO dO Thompson modification of fO dO' uu qbF
spring cock-up s. WU] vK d dO Denis Browne s. d
spring wire safety pin s. wJK U_ u^ dO thumb web s. UN d dO
U]d Ticonium s. UOuJO dO
Stack s. U dO Titus forearm s. uO V bU dO
Stader s. UUE lL' U dO Titus wrist s. uO V rBF* dO
rEF Toad finger s. u V l
static s. W]OuJ dO Tobruk s. W dK d dO
Stax s. f U dO Tomberlin-Alemdaroglu s. uKb* 5du dO
Stax finger s. f U V l
dO Toronto s. uu dO
Stax fingertip s. l
dO torsion bar s. uK pK dO
stirrup plaster s U dK WO' dO' traction s. =d' dO
Stock finger splint s. V l
dO dO triangular pillow s. WO]K* Uu dO
u turnbuckle s. ]b dO
Strampelli s. wKd dO ulnar gutter s. W]OeO* be dO
strap clavicular s. W]U ud dO Universal s. UdHOu dO
Stromeyer s. dUd dO Universal gutter s. UdHOu W]OeO dO
Stuart Gordon hand s. u V bO dO Universal support s. UdHOu Ub dO
Urias pressure s. Ud V jGC dO
sugar-tong plaster s. UL qJA WO' dO' Valentine s. 5MU dO
d]J Van Arsdale triangular s. V WO]K* dO'
Swanson dynamic toe bI l
dO dO b U
splint s. uu V WOJOUMb Van Rosen s. s U dO

- 659 -
Velcro s. dJKO dO block s. Zd V
Velcro extenders s. V UDU dO SplintsRite stabilization V XO eON
dJKO device X fMOK
Vesely-Street s. Xd wKK dO split oK dD rB
volar plaster s. WO' dO' s. anterior tibialis tendon w U _ wuME du qI
WOBL_WOd transfer uDA*
Volkmann s. ULJu dO s. anterior tibial tendon wuME du qI d
von Rosen s. 5 u dO procedure (SPLATT uDA* w U _
von Rosen cruciform s. u V WOOK dO procedure)
5 s. fracture UDA d
Weil s. q dO s. incision dU yo
well-leg s. WLOK] U dO s. ptellar approach dU]A wH{d vQ*
Wertheim s. rO dO peroneus brevis s. (PBS) dOBI WuEA dD
Wilson s. uK dO s. Russel skeletal traction q= V wKJON ^d'
Winter s. dM dO dU]A
wire s. WOJK dO' s. screen dU W
wraparound s. qJA dO s. thin graft uDA nO rF
WristJack wrist s. X V rBF* dO s. transfer rIM* qIM
U split-hand deformity UKH bO ^uA
yucca wood s. W]JO VA dO split-heel uDA VI
Zimfoam s. uH1 dO s.-h. approach uDA* VIF vQ
Zimmer s. d=1 dO s.-h. fracture uDA* VIF d
Zimmer airplane s. dzUDU WNO]A dO' s.-h. incision dU]A VIF ^o
d=1 V split-nail deformity dU]A dHE ^uA
Zimmer clavicular cross s. Wud WUB* dO' split-thickness WU uDA
d=1 V s.-t. graft uDA ybK rF
Zim-Trac traction s. d . V =d' dO s.-t. skin graft (STSG) uDA ybK rF
Zim-Zip rib belt s. V {_ e dO splitting fracture UDA d
V . spondylalagia UIH r
Zollinger s. dM dO spondylarthritis WUIH q UH* UN
Zucker s. d dO spondylectomy UIH UB
splintage dO spondylexarthrosis dIH lK
splinted in position of W]OHOu W]OF{uU d] spondylitis UIH UN
function ankylosing s. UN j=I* UIH UN
splinter WOE buU ^d UIH
splinting dO Marie-Strmpell s. U V UIH UN
dynamic s. wJO UM dO q d
night s. wKO dO tuberculosis s. w=K^ UIH UN
pelvic s. w{u dO spondylizema UIH ^bN
Strong dorsal extension wHK) j UB dO spondyloarthropathy UIH

- 660 -
spondyloarthrosis UIH j
cervical s. wd UIH
Spondylo construct UIH UM spondylometer UIH UOI
spondylodesis UIH U spondylophyte W]UI WU
ventral derotation s. b l{ w UIH U spondyloptosis UIH e
(VDS) w U _ b spondylosis UIH j

spondylodiscitis UIH dI UN central spine s. ed* UIH j

spondylodynia UIH l degenerative s. w^JM UIH j
spondyloepiphyseal ^wUA* Z^M] qK thoracolumbar s. wMDI bB UIH j
dysplasia spondylotherapy UIH W'UF
spondylogenic QAM* UI spondylotic spur UI ULN
spondylolisthesis wdC e spondylotomy UO= lC UIH lC
anteroinferior s. wKH w U wdC e sponge ZMH
congenital s. wdC e bone wax gelatin s. wFLA wLEF ZMH
degenerative s. w^JM wdC e w N
degenerative s. (type 3) s w^JM wdC e gauze s. wU ZMH
WU W]b laparotomy s. sD ` ZMH
dysplastic s. qK wdCG e Mikulicz s. gOuJO ZMH
Z^M Ray-Tec s. pO ZMH
five classifications of s. e WL) nOUB s. stick WOMH UB
wdCG s. test ZMH U
high-grade s. bb wdC e Vistec s. pO ZMH
isthmic s. wd wdC e Vistec x-ray detectable s. UA qUI pO ZMH
isthmic s.(type 1) s wd wdC e WOMO W]F_U
1 jLM spongiosa screw wMH VuK
lumbosacral s. e wMD wdC e spongoide qJA wMH
pathologic s. w{d wdC e couche s. ]dD wMH
postlaminectomy two- u* wzUM wdC e spongy wMH
level s. WOHB UB bF s. appearance wMH dNE*
s. reduction wdCG e ^ s. bone wMH rEF
s. reduction/fixation wdCG e XO ^ Sponsel oblique osteotomy V qzU* rEF lD

sagittal roll s. wHOK wdCG e qOu

wLN spontaneous wzUIK uH
slip angle s. o^e We wdCG e s. activity wzUIK UA
symptomatic s. w{d wdC e s. hyperemic dislocation wzUIK wG^O lK)
traumatic s. w{ wdC e s. median neuropathy wzUIK j=u* VBF
Winter s. dM V wdC e spoon WIFK
s. with significant Ue l wdCG e meniscal s. WN WIFK
displacement U s. plate W]OIFK* WOHB
spondyloloptosis UIH e Sporothrix schenckii W]OJMA W=u* W]dF]A
spondylolysis UIH sporotrichosis W]u* U]dF]A

- 661 -
Sportelli system collimator eO* wzU UL Blount s. XuK WU
mounted contact shield wKu UN Blount bone s. XuK V rEF WU
Sporthotics orthotic fJOuu uI bone s. rEF WU
sports w{U W{U Feochetti rib s. wOu V {_ WU
S. Braces WO{Ud W e_ Harrington s. uG=U WU
s. injury WO{Ud WU Hoffer-Daimler cast s. d=u V VUI WU
S. medicine w{Ud ^VD dKL
s. psychology w{Ud fHM rK laminar s. W]OOH WU
s. terminal device WOzUNM WO{Ud eON' TSRH eyebolt s. V wMOF Ud WU
sportstape w{Ud jdA (TSRH)
Leukotape s. UuuO w{Ud jdA spreading hand splint WUH bO dO
Leukotape P s. P UuuO w{Ud jdA Sprengel deformity qd ^uA
spot u WFI spring b U]
caf-au-lait s. s]KU uNI lI s. cock-up splint Wb vK d dO
De Morgan s. Uu WFI compression s. wUGC U]d
s. face reamer uH tu uI s.fixation U]d XO
s. film u rK Gruca-Weiss s. f Ud U]
s. radiograph Wu WOUF u internal s. wK U]
s. view u dEM internal fixation s. wKb XO U]
Spotorno hip prosthesis udu V u Wb s. pin b u^b
spot-weld WFI U( s. plate Wb WOHB
SPR dB s. swivel thumb b d* UN
selective posterior wzUI wHK) c' lC s. test U]d U
rhizotomy Weiss s. f U]
superior peroneal uKF uEA bOI s. wire ankle-foot orthosis wJK bI qUJ uI
retinaculum b
Sprague arthroscopic V qBH* dOEM WId s. wire safety pin splint wJK U _ u^ dO
technique uU b
sprain w Springlite lower limb V wKH dD Wb
postacute s. U( bF wu prosthesis XGMd
relapsing ankle s. fU]M qUJ w spring-loaded U]dU q]L
syndesmotic s. Ud w s.-l. knee lock U]dU WK]L* Wd
spray s.-l. lock orthosis U]dU q]L* uI*
s. and stretch ^bL ^d sprinters fracture ]bF d
s. and stretch technique ^bL d WId sprout QD
spread d axon s. u QD
Fowler s. dU d spur ULN
s. hand WdHM b acromial s. w d ULN
spreader WU bone s. wLE ULN
Beeson cast s. eO V VUI WU cartilaginous s. wdC ULN

- 662 -
chondroosseous s. wLE wdC ULN short-latency b' ]d* s UJ
fibrous s. wHO ULN somatosensory evoked uLJ dOBI w=(
s. formation ULN* q^JA potential
heel s. VIF ULN S-SEP dB
osteophytic s. WOLEF WU]M ULN somatosensory evoked w=( b' ]d* s UJ
s. pad ULN* U potential
painful s. rR ULN S-shaped S qJAU
s. sign ULN* W S.-s. deformity S qJAU ^uA
spondylotic s. UI ULN S.-s. incision S qJAU ^oA
subacromial s. d_ X ULN SSI W]OuA lDI ULF
traction s. =d' ULN segmental spinal ULF l wHK w U Z
uncovertebral s. UIH ULN instrumentation W]OuA lDI
spur-crushing clamp ULN* d UIK anterior-posterior fusion
Spurling ZMOu with SSI
S. maneuver ZMOu UM SSI brace lDI ULF UM
S. rongeur ZMOu W{]d W]OuA
S. test ZMOu U stab WMF sFD
spurring l s. incision wMF yo
anterior s. w U l s. wound wMF d
inferior s. wKH l stability dI U
spurt muscle =Z C elbow s. od* dI
squamous wHd wb s. of fracture dJ dI
s. cell WOHd( WOK) glenohumeral joint s. bCF wU]I( qBH* dI
square wFOd l]d knee s. Wd dI
s. hole broach WF]d* VI VI* lateral s. wU dI
s. hollow chisel ]u* l]d* qO ligamentous s. wU dI
square-ended WUNM l]d lumbar spine rotational s. wMDI UIHK w dI
s.e. distraction rod WUNM l]d* d u^ posterior s. wHK dI
s.-e. hook WUNM l]d yh rotary s. ] dI
square-shaped awl qJA l]d d tibiotalar s. wI wuM dI
squat test UF
U stabilization d
squatting UBd
anterior s. w U XO
s. ability UF b anterior short-segment s. w U _ dOBI lDI XO
s. test d d w UBdI U s. approach XO vQ
squeeze dB dBF atlantoaxial s. u wIN XO
Schaffer s. dU dB cervical s. wIM XO
SR dB cervical spine s. w]d UIH XO
stabilizing reversal uJF XO cervicothoracic junction s. bB w]d qu* XO
SRP instrument SRP definitive s. wu XO
SSEP dB distal radioulnar joint s. be dFJ qBH* XO

- 663 -
wUI s. to motion Wd(U ydI
dynamic lumbar s. wJO UM wMD XO s. reduction dI y
flexion compression spine W]dIH WU XO s. vertebra dI dI
injury s. wMU WOUGC Stablecut sawblade UJK V UAM* qB
fracture s. dJ XO Stack U
Gruca s. Ud XO Link S. Split Splint XOK U pMO dO
iliac crest bone graft s. wHd( dF rE rF XO S. shoulder procedure U V nJ d
lower cervical spine s. wKH w]d UIH XO S. splint U dO
lower cervical spine w]d UIHK wHK) XO Stader U
posterior s. wKH S. pin U u^
myoplastic muscle s. w]d wKCF XO S. pin guide U u^ qO
occipitocervical s. w wc XO S. splint U dO
odontoid fracture s. qJ]A w=M dJ XO stage WKd
posterior s. wHK XO hard callus s bK]B cb
posterior lower cervical wKH w]d UIH XO implant s. WdG
spine s. wHK) Risser s. d=
prophylactic operative s. wzUI= wd XO silent hip s. X UB u
provisional s. wUO XO soft callus s. ud cb
rhythmic s. wLE XO Stage model of industrial qOQ U U d
sacral spine s. eF UIH XO rehabilitation WOUMD
screw s. VuK XO Stagnara wake-up test V UIO U
spinal injury operative s. W]dIH WU wd XO UMU
spinal osteotomy s. dIH rEF lD XO Staheli wKU
subluxation s. wze' lK) XO S. shelf procedure wKU V =d d
thoracolumbar spine s. wMDI bB UIH XO S. technique wKU WId
s. training XO vK Vb S. test wKU U
TSRH s. TSRH XO Stahl staging system V WKd* db UE
TSRH crosslink s. V wUB Ud XO wKU
TSRH stain ^uK =uK WG
wire s. wJK XO Gram s. d =uK
stabilizer X= ydI port-wine s. dL =uK
secondary s. uU X=* stainless bBK UI
stabilizing XO d
s. steel bBK UI u
s. bar XO W{U s. steel alloy bBK W UI Wu WDOK
s. hinge XO ] s. steel clamp bBK UI u UIK
s. reversal (SR) uJF* XO s. steel equipment bBK W UI Wu ]bF
stable dI XU s. steel implant metal WuH W=eKH WOdG Wb
s. burst fracture dI UH d prosthesis bBK W UI*
s. cervical spine injury ]dI* w]d UIH WU s. steel mesh bBK W UI Wu WJ
s. gait ]dI WOA s. steel and molybdenum bBK UI* uH

- 664 -
(SMo) uMbOu* s. flexion test wuu wM U
s. steel plate bBK W UI Wu WOH s. frame orthosis wuu U uI
s. steel screw bBK UI u Vu s. Gillet test wuu XKO U
s. steel wire bBK UI u pK s. knee bend PSIS contact WHu Wd qO* PSIS UL
staircase phenomenon hKI w r]K^ dU s. knee bend PSIS-sacrum Wd qO* PSIS eF UL
wKCF contact WHu
stair-climbing r]K o^K s. lateral view rzU wU dEM
StairMaster exercise system dUdO sdL UN s. side bend rzU wU qO
stair-running test r]K b U s. weightbearing view rzUI u bM dEM
stairs r Stanford Hypnotic Clinical V w1uM dd] eO*
s. hopple test r]K U U Scale uHU
s. sign fU w r]K W Stanisavljevic technique pOHKHOU WId
dNE Stanmore uLU
stairstep fracture r]K U qJA d S. shoulder arthroplasty V nJ qBH
Stamm U uLU
S. metatarsal osteotomy U V jA* rE lD S. shoulder prosthesis uLU V nJ Wb
S. procedure U d S. totally constrained b]OI* WK UJ od* Wb
S. procedure for q u Z b U d elbow prosthesis uLU V
intra-articular hip fusion qBH* STA-peg STA b
stamp WI Smith S.-p. YOL V STA b
Gelfoam s. uHK WI Staph-Chek pad pO U U
stance WH
staphylococcal UuIMFU
late s. WK WH s. arthritis UuIMFU qBH* UN
s. phase WHu u s. pyomyositis wOI qCF UN
s. phase of gait wA* w WHu u UuIMFU
single-limb s. b d vK WH Staphylococcus WuIMF
stand uI nI S. aureus WOc WuIMF
heel s. VIF WH S. epidermidis WdA WuIMF
standard UOF UOF staple ]d
s. deviation UOF d ASP clip s. pA* ]
S. E-Z-On Vest XO bU automatic s. WOJOU u_ ]d
s. goniometric measure UOF* e UOI barbed s. WJzUA ]d
s. medullary nail UOF* uIM UL* Blount s. XuK ]
s. retroperitoneal flank UHB nK dU) ^o Blount fracture s. XuK d ]
incision UOF* Bostick s. pOu ]
s. socket UOF* aM s. capsulorraphy bone ]e* WEH* ud rEF pM
s. thoracotomy UOF* bB lC bank ]dU
standing rzU
capsulorrhaphy s. WEH* u ]
s. dorsoplantar view rzU wHK wBL dEM s. capsulorrhaphy ]dU ]e* WEH* u
s. flexion wuu wM Coventry s. dMu ]

- 665 -
Day s. ] Dwyer spinal mechanical s. wJOUJO* wu^b ^pA*
Day fixation s. V XO ] d V dIH
DePalma s. U*U ] Hall double-hole spinal s. e* dIH wu^b ^pA*
Downing s. mMO ] U V VI
s. driver ]d W]u metaphyseal s. wdJ wu^b ^pA*
duToit s. Xu ] Oswestry-OBrien spinal s. V dIH ^pA*
DuToit shoulder s. Xu V nJ ] sd d
Ellison fixation s. uO V XO ] powered metaphyseal s. w wdJ wu^b ^pA*
epiphyseal s. WUA* ] Wiberg fracture s. d V dJ ^pA
s. extractor ]d Wd  Staples fKU
Fastlok implantable s. V dGK WKUI ]d S. elbow arthrodesis V od* qBH U
uK fKU
s. fixation ]d XO S. repair fKU `OKB
GIA s. GIA ] S. technique fKU WId
s. gun ]d ]b Staples-Black-Brostrom fKU V Ud `OKB
s. holder ]d pL ligament repair dd
Howmedica Vitallium s. uOUO UJbO u ] stapling ]d l{
s. inserter ]d U Blount s. XuK V ]d l{
s. introducer ]d qb epiphyseal s. WUA* ] l{
Johannesberg s. dUu ] percutaneous s. bK' ]d l{
Krackow HTO blade s. V HTO qBM ] starch UA
ud s. bandage UAM WUB
Nakayama s. U UUU ] s. test UAM U
OBrien s. sd ] Stark U
osteoclast tension s. rEF UCU d^u ] S. arthrodesis U V qBH* U
Owestry s. d ] S. graft U rF
Richards fixation s. UA V XO ] Stark-Moore-Ashworth- u u U WId
skin s. bK' ] Boyes technique eu
Stone four-point s. V WF_ UUNM ] Starrett pin vise U V u^b WeK
u STAR technique U WId
s. suture W= WUO starter b
tabletop Stone s. u ] nail s. UL* b
TA metallic s. TA W=eKH ]d Ritchie nail s. wA V UL* b
TA Premium 30 s. TA 30 uO1d ]d startle reflex bOu bM UH fJFM
TA Premium 55 s. TA 55 uO1d ]d stasis ulcer ud Wd

TA Premium 90 s. TA 90 uO1d ]d Statak UU

Vitallium s. uOUOH ] S. anchor system UU V Ud* UN
Wiberg fracture s. d d ] S. soft tissue attachment ud ZOM eJd eON
Zimaloy s. uU1 ] device UU V
stapler wu^b ^pA* state WU

- 666 -
pathomechanical s. WO{d W]OJOUJO WU nutritional s. W]cG] WU(
Profile of Mood S.'s WOe* WU( WKU s. post WU( bF
(POMS) Stauffer modification du qbF
Stat Graphics software W]OuU( wUO dF Zd Stax fU
Static wuJ sU S. finger splint fU V l dO
s. alignment wuJ nOd S. fingertip splint V l dO
s. compression sU UGC fU
s. compression plate WMU] UGC WOH S. splint fU dO
s. evaluation wuJ rOOI stay-retractor q( jO)U UM UF
s. fixation wuJ XO Freebody s.-r. udH UM UF*
s. listing WMU Wb' STC 900 series travel qK 900 Ud bFI
s. listing nomenclature WMU Wb' WOL chair STC
s. locking nail wuJ w UL STD hip prosthesis STD u Wb
s. lock nailing wuJ oKG* dOL STD + Titanium total hip STD s WKUJ u Wb
s. palpation wuJ yf prosthesis uOUO
s. splint WMU dO steal b d qu% W
s. stretch sU bbL s. effect Wd] dOQ
s. tendon transfer wuJ du qI s. syndrome Wd] W
s. traction sU yd steel u
statically uJ S. correction qO `OB
station W]D nu WU l{ S. maneuver qO UM
gait and s. WHu WOA* S. osteotomy qO V rEF lD
s. and gait WOA* WHu S. rule of thirds for spinal d( eO( _ qO bU
s. test WHu U cord free space wuA q(U
stationary sU V s. shank WKB U
S. Ankle Flexible qUJK d* wKb qJON stainless s. bBK UI u
Endoskeleton (SAFE) V* S. triple innominate w v]L  rEF lD
s. attachment flexible eJd* d* wKb qJON osteotomy qO V
endoskeletal (SAFE) V* Steffee wHO
s. attachment flexible d* wKb qJON uI S. instrument wHO
endoskeletal orthotic V* eJd* S. instrumentation wHO ULF
statistical significance wzUB b S. instrumentation wHO ULF WId
Stat-Tablet XKU U technique
stature yb
S. pedicle screw and plate UN wIu VuK
short s. dOB W U system wHO V WOHB
status WU S. pedicle screw-plate WOHB UN wIu VuK
ambulatory s. WdO WU system wHO V
intact neurovascular s. WLOK WOzUu WOBF WU( S. pedicle screw system V wIu VuK UN
s. loading WU( qOL wHO
neurovascular s. WOzUu WOBF WU( S. plate wHO WOH

- 667 -
S. plates and screws for Z bK wHO wd `zUH block
lumbar fusion wMDI stem c
S. screw wHO Vu APR hip s. APR u c
S. spinal instrumentation W]dIH _ ULF APR I femoral s. APR 1 c H c
wHO V Aufranc-Turner s. ddO pd c
S. thumb arthroplasty V UN qBH s. base plate c' bU WOH
wHO brain s. U =b c
S. variable spine plating dOG* dIH `OHB UN collarless s. wu c
system wHO V CRM s. CRM c
Steichen neurovascular free ]d( WOzUu WOBF WKb s. deformation c ^uA
flap wHO V Deon s. u c
Steinberg infiltration block V wUA UB Engh-Glassman femoral s. Z V c H c
Steindler dbMO s. extractor c' Wd 
S. effect dbMO dOQ s. failure c' UH
S. elbow arthrodesis V od* qBH U fenestrated s. V]I c
dbMO Harris-Galante s. XU f=U c
S. flexorplasty V WOM* CF H-G multilock hip s. oKG =bF* u c
dbMO XU f=U V
S. matrixectomy V dD* UB hydroxyapatite-coated s. wbONU v]DG* c'
S. procedure dbMO d implant s. WdG c
S. stripping dbMO WdF intramedullary s. wIM q c
Steinmann ULMU modular s. ]bF c
S. fixation pin ULMU V XO u^ modular Moniflex hip s. V ]bF* u c
S. pin ULMU u^ fJKHOu
S. pin fixation ULMU u^ XO Moniflex hip s. dOG* fJKHOu u c
S. pin with ball bearing dJ q U l ULMU u^ Moore s. u c
S. pin with Crowe pilot WDI l ULMU u^ Natural-Hip titanium hip s. uK w uOUO u c
point d V Ud wFOD
S. pin with pin chuck iI l ULMU u^ nonfenestrated s. V]I dO c
u^b Opti-Fix hip s. fJO w V u c
S. test ULMU U PCA hip s. PCA u c
S. traction ULMU ^d PFC hip s. PFC u c
Stelazine sO Precision hip s. sI* u c
stellate wL Press-Fit s. XO fd c
s. fracture wL d Profile hip s. wU' u c
s. ganglion block WOLM bIF UB regular s. rEM* c'
s. laceration wL UN s. removal c' e
s. sympathetic ganglion W=u WOLM bIF UB Richards modular s. UA V ]bF* c'

- 668 -
roundback s. wHK) b c s.-c. lengthening qd* =bF* lDIU WU
Spectric EF s. EF wHOD c' s.-c. osteotomy qd* =bF* rEF lD
S-ROM modular s. S V ]bF* c' s.-c. reamer qd* =bF uI
straight s. rOI* c' s.-c. transection qd* =bF* lDIU ^jI
straight femoral s. rOI* c H c step-down drill iU VI
trial s. Wd c Stephen sHO
Zimmer bone s. d=1 V rEF c S. scissors sHO ^hI
stemmed prosthesis U WeM* Wb S. spreader bar sHO V WUH W{U
Stener-Gunterberg dOdu dMO lD
stepladder sign ]b W
resection steppage nOu WOA
Stener lesion dMO W stepper h
stenosed o=OC NuStep total body q UJ b' UIK h
stenosing tenosynovitis o=OC* du qOe UN recumbent s. Vu V
stenosis o^OC stereognosis rO WdF
ankylosing spinal s. j=I dI oOC stereophotogrammetry wLO ywduu duB
aortic s. (AS) w_ oOC Steri-Clamp V dO
central canal s. Wed* UMI oOC IMP S.-C. dB
foraminal s. WI oOC Innovative Medical Products UMLK V  dO
lateral recess s. (LRS) wAu d oOC Steri-Clamp dJ* WO=D
lateral recess spinal s. wAu d Wu oOC Innovative Medical Products UMLK V  dO
multisegmental spinal s. lDI =bF UIH oOC S.-C. (IMP Steri-Clamp) dJ* WO=D
spinal s. UIH oOC Steri-Cuff u dO
spinal canal s. (SCS) W]UIH UMI oOC S.-C. disposable tourniquet V u]M WUF W]H
stent XM rFD WO
cuff u dO
Carcon s. uU rF WO S.-C. Plus u dO
Dacron s. d rF WO sterile rOI r]IF
s. dressing rFD WO UL{ s. condition WLOI WU
Omnifit HA hip s. HA XOHOM u rF WO s. dressing rOI UL{
synthetic s. WOIOK  rFD WO s. dry dressing (SDD) rOI U UL{
stenting XM l{ s. loosening rOI nOH
Stenzel eM s. matrix rOI dD
S. rod eM u^ s. pencil rOI Ud
S. rod prosthesis eM V WuBF Wb s. saline solution rOI wK uK
step uD s. sheet WL]IF
s. defect uD) hI s. sheeting r]IF d
s. down osteotomy iU) rEF lD s. towel WL]IF WHAM
s. length uD) u sterilization rOIF
s. time uD) s ethylene oxide s. 5KO bOQ rOIF
s. width uD) l Steri-Strips fd dO
step-cut wb lDI sternal-occipital- wKH ^pH cI ^hI

- 669 -
mandibular Xd
s.-o.-m. immobilization pH cI hI XO S.-S. elbow prosthesis V od* Wb Ud
(SOMI) wKH template Xd eMHO
s.-o.-m. immobilization cI hI XO uI Stewart uO
orthosis (SOS) wKH pH S. distal clavicular WOUI ud UB
sternal rib WO=BI lKC excision uO V
sternoclavicular (SC) u
d w=B
S. styloidectomy V d TU]M UB
s. dislocation ud w=B lK uO
s. joint ud] ^w=BI qBH* Stewart-Harley VFJ d qUJ qBH U
s. joint dislocation ud] wBI qBH* lK transmalleolar ankle wU uO V
s. joint injury ud] w=BI qBH* WU arthrodesis
s. joint reconstruction ud] w=BI qBH* UM Stewart-Morel syndrome u uO W
s. joint reduction ud] w=BI qBH* ^ Steytler-Van Der Walt Xd U dKO d
s. ligament ud] w=BI Ud procedure
sternocleidomastoid wzU]A u
d w=B
St. George prosthesis u dKO Wb
s. muscle WOzU]A) Wud WO=BI WKCF STH-2 hip prosthesis STH 2 u
s. muscle fibromatosis WO=BI WKCFK wHOK u stick UB
WOzU]A) Wud sponge s. WOMH UB
sternohyoid muscle WO WO=BI WKCF switching s. qu UB
sternomastoid muscle WOzU]A) WO=BI WKCF Stieda fracture bO d
sterno-occipital-mandibular cI =hI X= UM stiff-knee gait W^O* Wd WOA
immobilizer brace (SOMI wKH =pH stiffness f^O
brace) axial s. u f^O
sternothyroid muscle WO
b WO=BI WKCF fusion s. Z b f^O
sternotomy =hI lC joint s. wKBH f^O
sternoxiphoid plane wUd w=BI u* small-joint s. dOGB qUH* f^O
sternum ^hI torsional s. wKH f^O
duplicate s. e* ^hI stiff ribbon retractor wUI jdA UF
sternum-splitting approach hIK dU vQ stigmatic electrode uL wdNJ d*
steroid bdO Stiles-Bunnell transfer fKO V qIM WId
anabolic s. wzUM bdO technique q=u
epidural s. WOU' u bdO Still disease qO
s. flare bdO ZO Stille w=KO
s. injection bdO sI S. bone drill w=KO V rEF VI
s. myopathy bdO qCF S. bone drill set V rEF VI WuL
tapering dose s. WBUM Ud bdO w=KO
s. therapy bdOU W'UF* S. brace w=KO UM
Stevens-Johnson syndrome uu eMHO W S. drill w=KO VI
Stevens-Street Xd eMHO S. hand drill w=KO V bO VI
S.-S. elbow prosthesis eMHO V od* Wb S. plaster shears w=KO V f' dI

- 670 -
S. rongeur w=KO W{]d lateral electrical surface s. wAu wzUdNJ `D tOM
Stille-Horsley rib forceps w=KO V lKC jIK (LESS)
wKu magnetic s. wOUMG tOM
Stille-Leur rongeur du w=KO W{]d
microamperage electrical dJ* wzUdNJ wBF tOM
Stille-Liston bone-cutting V rEFK lUI jIK* nerve s. (MENS) dO
forceps uO w=KO microamperage neural s. dO dJ* wBF tOM
Stille-Luer bone rongeur uO w=KO V rEF W{]d
Stille-pattern trephine VIM* rEF VI WuL repetitive nerve s. =dJ* VBF tOM
and bone drill set w=KO d s transcutaneous electrical wzUdNJ VBF tOM
Stille-Sherman UdO w=KO nerve s. (TENS) bK'
S.-S. bone drill w=KO V rEF VI stimulator UM
U dO Baltimore Therapeutic WOF ]bF* qL UM
S.-S. drill U dO w=KO VI Equipment work s. uLOU
Stimoceiver implant dHOuLO WdG ]U battery-pack s. WUDU ]eF UM
material battery-pack Osteo-Stim ]eF* rO uO rEF UM
Stimson uLO bone s. WU]DU
S. anterior shoulder w U _ nJ = WId bone growth s. rEF =uL UM
reduction technique uLO V constant direct current s. dL* dU* UO UM
gravity method of S. uLO V WOU' WId dorsal column s. (DCS) wHK) uLF UM
S. gravity method uLO V WOU' WId EBI bone s. EBI rEF UM
S. maneuver uLO UM EBI Medical OsteoGen V rEF =uL UM
stimulating t=M bone growth s. EBI w=D 5uO
s. electrode t=M* wdNJ d* electrical bone-growth s. wzUdNJ rEF =uL UM
s. massage t=M pOb EMS neuromuscular s. EMS wKC wB UM
stimulation tOM implanted bone growth s. dG* rEF =uL UM
antidromic s. dOLK fUF tOM Intelect 600MP XJOK dOGB UO UM
direct electrical nerve s. dU* wzUdNJ VBF tOM microcurrent s. MP 600
(DENS) Orthofuse implantable dGK qUI =uLM UM
electrical s. wzUdN tOM growth s. uOu V
electrical nerve s. wzUdNJ VBF tOM OrthoGen bone growth s. V rEF =uL UM
electrical surface s. wzUdNJ `D tOM 5u
electronic bone s. (EBI) wdJ rEF tOM OrthoPak II bone growth s. 2 Uu rEF =uL UM
external-coil electrical s. WFOu wzUdNJ tOM OsteoGen bone growth s. 5uO rEF =uL UM
W]OU Osteo-Stim bone s. rO uO rEF UM
functional electrical s. wHO wzUdN tOM Osteo-Stim implantable dGK qUI rEF =uL UM
(FES) bone growth s. rO uO V
functional neuromuscular s. wHO wKC wB tOM PGS-3000 pulsed iUM wUHK' UM*
galvanic s. wUHK tOM galvanic s. PGS 3000
high-voltage pulse galvanic wU iU wUHK tOM Physio-Stim bone growth s. rO ueO rEF =uL UM
s. (HVPGS) UDuH REACT muscle s. X WKCF UM

- 671 -
Respond II muscle s. WOU WU WKCF UM Stock finger splint splint V l dO dO
SpF spinal fusion s. SPF wuA Z b UM u
spinal fusion s. (SPF) wuA Z b UM Stockholm HAVS staging V qd* bb UN
SysStim muscle s. rOO WKCF UM system ruNu
Theratouch 4.7 s. 4.7 gUdO UM stockinette wMD

stimulus t=M s. bandage wMDI ULI WUB

s. artifact U t=M basket s. w=K wMD UL
conditioned s. (CS) wd t=M bias-cut s. lDI UM wMD UL
conditioning s. wHOOJ t=M orthopaedic s. UEF .uI wMD UL
maximal s. wLE_ t=M* s. sling wMDI ULI F
paired s. e t=M s. tube WOMD WOUL Wu
submaximal s. wLE_ X t=M tubular s. wu wMD UL
subthreshold s. WF X t=M velpeau s. uKO wMD UL
supramaximal s. wLE_ u t=M stockings u
test s. U t=M antiembolic s. W]LBK ]UC u
threshold s. w t=M Jobst s. Xu u
unconditional s. (US) wd dO tM long leg s. WKuD U u
stippled epiphysis Z^M qK j]
d* UA* MEDI Plus compression s. bO V WDU{ u
stippling j^
d orthawear antiembolic s. dU W]LBK ]UC u
stirrup U Planostreth s. gdu u
Bohler s. dU U pneumatic compression s.s WOzu WDU{ u
s. brace Ud UM SCD s. SCD u
s. plaster splint UdK WO' dO' sigvaris s. fUH u
Swivel-Strap ankle s. qHu V qUJ U TED s. TED u
d zimmer antiembolism s. V W]LBK ]UC u
traction s.s =d' UOU d=1
stitch d stone UB
Allgower s. u' d s. arthrodesis w' qBH* U
Bunnell s. q=u d s. basket screw mounted W]K VuK v]d* iI*
intracuticular s. bOK' q d handle UB(
Pulvertaft fish-mouth s. V WJL rH WNO d S. clamp loking device V UIK* oK eON
roll s. W]HK d S. four-point staple V UUN l_ ]d
Stiwer hand drill uO V bO VI u
STJ dB S. procedure u d
subtalar joint qUJ X qBH stookey reflex wu fJFM
stock e stopwatch XO
u WU
bone s. rEF e storiform pattern qJ]A ^dOB jL
poor bone s. dOIH rEF e stork leg oKIK U

- 672 -
Storz u strap U
S. arthroscope u V qBH* UEM capsular s. wEH U
S. oblique arthroscope V qzU* qBH* UEM Cho-Pat knee s. U u V Wd U
u s. clavicular splint WU ud dO
straddle facture wd d crotch s. U]MB U
straight rOI external elastic s. wU d U
s. basket forceps rOI* wJA jIK* Levine patellar tendon s. 5HO V WH{d d U
s. bone rongeur WLOI* rEF W{]d Meek clavicular s. pO V ud U
s. femoral stem rOI* c H c s. muscle W]U WKC
s. gouge rOI* u* suspension s. oOKF U
s. hex screwdriver rOI wb ^pH Velcro s. dJK U
s. last shoe rOI* dO_ c( strapping Uz
s. lateral instability rOI* wAu dI b adhesive s. o Uz
s. leg raising (SLR) WLOI* U l garter s. u' U Uz
s. leg raising exercise WLOI* U l sdL LowDye s. Uz
s. leg raising test (SLRT) WLOI* U l U strategy WOd
s. osteotome rOI* rEF lC cuing s. `OLK WOd
s. periosteal elevator rOI* UL l diagnostic s. hO A WOd
s. pituitary rongeur WLOI* W U M W{]d Stratos orthotic ud uI
s. posterior portal rOI* wHK) qb* stratum corneum W=dI* WI]D
s. power reamer rOI* w uI* Straub technique d WId
s. scissors rOI* ^hI* Strayer dd
s. stem rOI c S. gastrocnemius recession V U WKC ld
s. threaded rod rOI eK u^ dd
strain w=HB W]= w UN S. lengthening dd WU
articular s. wKBH UN S. procedure dd d
back s. wHK UN S. tendon technique dd V du WId
compression s. UGC UN streaming potential Ud' sU
elastic s. d UN Street Xd
s. energy UN WU S. forearm nail Xd V bU UL
s. gauge UN UOI S.medullary pin Xd V wIM u^
muscle s. WKCF UN S. pin Xd u^
plastic s. sb UN Street-Stevens humeral Xd V bCF Wb
postural s. wF{ UN prostesis eMHO
shear s. =hI UN strenght ]u

tensile s. du UN 5/5 s. 55 ]u

strain/counterstrain UN WUF WId s. against resistance ]uIK W UI
technique axial gripping s. Wu* U ]u
strain-stress curve jGC UN vMM bending s. wM( ]u
Strampelli splint wKd dO bone-screw interface s. VuK rEF WNO ]u

- 673 -
C-D instrumentation c-d ULF XO ]u s. injury dJ WU
fixation s. measured s. fOI* dJ
cervical s. oMF ]u mediolateral s. wA w UN
cervical extension s. oMF j ]u s. radiograph WUN WOUF u
Cotrel pedicle screw wIu VuK XO ]u s. roentgenography WOMO W]F_U UN duB
fixation s. du V s. rupture UN ^e9
s. curve ]uI vMM shear s. =hI UN
extensor hallucis longus s. WKu]D WDU WKCF ]u tensile s. d^u d
bI UN s. test dJ U
extrinsic muscle s. WOU) WKCF ]u s. testing dJ U
graft s. rFD ]u torsional s. wK UN
hand grasp s. bO WJ ]u s. transfer UN qI
hand grip s. bO WC ]u valgus s. UN
intrinsic muscle s. WOKb WKCF ]u s. view UN dEM
isometric cervical u wIMF j ]u VonMises s. fOO/u d
extension s. UUI* stress-corrosion cracking UNU UJz dOJ
motor s. Wd( ]u stress fracture dJ d
pedicle screw pull-out s. wIu VuK e ]u stressor U
pinsh s. dI ]u stress-relaxation U d
pull-out s. eM ]u intraoperative s.-r. Wd' UM w U d
tensile s. Wdu ]u stress-strain curve UN dJ vMM
s. testing ]uI U stress-testing arthrometer qBH* Ud U UOI
torsional gripping s. WOKH p* ]u UN UU
s. training ]uI vK Vb stretch bbL
strength-duration curve se ]uI vMM diagonal s. dD bbL
Stren intraepiphyseal V WUA* q rEF lD
elastic s. d bbL
osteotomy d general capsular s. UF WEH* bbL
streptococcal myositis U]bIFU qCF UN heel cord s. wIF q( bbL
Streptococcus rOd' s fM W]bIF s. injury W]bbL WU
S. faecalis W]d W]bIF passive s. qFHM bbL
S. pneumoniae W]uz=d W]bIF quick s. ld bbL
streptokinase UMOud s. reflex bbL fJFM
streptomycin uO UC 5Oud repeated quik s. (RQS) =dJ ld bbL
stress UN jG{ d slow s. wD bbL
beding s. wM( d spray and s. bbL ^d
s. distribution wdJ lu static s. XU bbL
s. dorsiflexion projection wDGC wdN]E wM d s. test bbL U
s. film UN rK Vapo coolant spray and s. uU V ]d* bbL ^d
s. fracture wd d stretching bbL yb j^DL
hyperextension s. bbL d d nerve s. VBF bbL

- 674 -
soft tissue s. ud ZOM ^bL cordlike s. q(U WNOA WOM
striata uD uD extraarticular s. qBH* U WOM
osteopathia s. wLEF uD graft s. rFD WOM
Strickland bJd intraarticular s. qBH* q WOM
S. modification bJd qbF keystone s. W]OU WOM
s. technique bJd WId neurovascular s. WOzUu WOBF WOM
s. tendon repair bJd V du `OKB osseous s. WOLEF WOM
stride time uD) s posterolateral s. WOAu WOHK) WOM
strike UD rDd ring s. W]OIK WOM
heel s. VIF UD uniaxial s. u* W]U WOM
stringiness WODO) strumming WFK ^uJ
strip eM XK perpendicular s. b UF* WFK ^uJ
Fas-Trac s. d U XK strumpell sign qd W
gastrocnemius-soleus U WKC WUH XK strunsky sign wJd W
fascial s. W]OKF]M WKCF strut WU
stripout W s. fusion technique w U=b Z b WId
screw s. VuK W s. graft w U rF
stripper  s. plate fixation W]O U=b WOHB XO
Brand tendon s. bd V du  Struthers dd
orthopaedic surgical s. UEF .uI wd' * arcade of S. dd Uu
tendon s. du  ligament of S. dd U
stripping e XK strut-type pin =wU=b jLM s u^
Steindler s. dbMO XK Stryker dJd
stroker U{ S. camera dJd dO U
skin s. bK' U{ S. dermatome dJd UA
stroke test WdC U S. drill dJd VI
Stromeyer splint dUd dO S. fracture frame dJd V dJ U
Stromqvist hook pin system V w=BA u^b UN S. lag screw dJd V U Vu
XOHJd S. power instrumentation V W]O _ ULF
Strong dorsal extension wHK) j UBS dO dJd
block splinting Zd V S. screw dJd Vu
structural wUOM uOM S. screwdriver dJd ^pH
s. aluminum malleable w uOM u_ uOM dD S. SE3 drive system V SE3 Wu UN
(SAM) dJd
s. component uOM =uJ S. surgical hand table V WOd' bO bCM
s. congenital myopathy uOM u qCF dJd
s. curve uOM vMM S. turning frame. dJd V db] U
s. scoliosis uOM nM S. viewing arthroscope V d^B qBH* UEM
structure UOM WOM dJd
contiguous vertebral s. U W]UI WOM Stryker-Notch view gu dJd dEM

- 675 -
STSG dB Suave-Kapanje u V qBH*
split-thickness skin graft uDA ybK rF arthroplasty wMU
Stuart u subacromial d_ X
S. Gordon hand splint u V bO dO s. bursa d_ X d'
u s. bursography d_ X d' duB
Students t-test XuO U VUD U s. decompression d_ X UGC nOH
study W s. impingement syndrome d_ X UD W
cohort s. W]OU W d_ W s. portal d_ X qb*
Doppler s. u]B ozUH W s. space d_ X eO(
double contrast s. sU We W s. spur d_ X ULN*
evoked potential s. ]d* s UJ W subacute hematogenous U( X wIM rEF UN
fluorescein s. 5uKHU W osteomyelitis QAM* ub
injection s. sI(U W subarachnoid block WOuJMF X UB
kinematic s. WOULMOJ Wb subastragalar dislocation qUJ X lK)
nerve conduction s. (NCS) wBF qOu W subaxial u X
sudomotor s. W=dF W s. subluxation u* X wze' lK)
in vivo s. UO_ w W subcapital d X
Stulberg du s. fracture d X d
S.hip positioner du V u WFCO s. osteotomy d X rEF lD
S.Mark II leg positioner du V U WFCO subchondral dCG X
II U s s. bone dCG X rE
stump Wb s. lucency dCG X WOUH
amputation s. d Wb s. plate dCG X WOH
s. edema Wb' W subclavian u
d] X
painful s. W*R Wb s. artery ud X UdA
s. revision Wb' `OIM s. artery injury ud X UdA WU
s. shrinker Wb' ULJ s. steal syndrome ud] X Wd W
s. wrapping Wb' WUH s. vein ud X bu
Sturge-weber syndrome l WL d dO W s. vein injury ud X bu WU
WOB WOMO d subclavicular approach u
d X vQ
stylet d subclavius tendon graft u
d X du rF
blunt s. qOK d subcondylar WLIK X
styloidectomy d TU]M UB s. deformity WLIK X ^uA
Stewart s. V d TU]M UB s.osteotomy WLIK X rEF lD
uO subcoracoid wdG TU]M X
styloidium d rEF s. bone wdG TU]M X rEF
os ulnar s. d be rE s. shoulder dislocation wdG TU]M X nJ lK
stylus rOK
s. space wdG TU]M X e=O
tibial s. uME rOK subcortical defect dAI X VO
Styrofoam filler block udO uA UB subcostal plane {_ X u*

- 676 -
subcutaneous bK' X atlantoaxial rotatory s. wIN db wze lK
s. abscess bK' X d u
s. anterior transposition bK' X w U _ l{u dOOG atlantooccipital s. wc wIN wze lK
s. drain bK' X eM congenital hip s. uK u wze' lK)
s. fasciotomy bK' X WUHK lC fixation s. XOU wze' lK)
s. granuloma annulare bK' X wIK ywO foraminal encroachment s. wI wze' lK) vK =bF
s. intracompartmental q ud ZOM W uU glenohumeral joint s. wU]I( qBHLK wze' lK)
soft-tissue sarcoma U' X eO( bCF
s. pseudosarcomatous U w uU wHO hip s. uK wze' lK)
fibromatosis bK' X patellar s. WH{dK wze' lK)
s. soft-tissue sarcoma X ud ZO]M W uU PIEx s. PIEx wze' lK)
bK' PIIn S. PIIn wze' lK)
s. tibialis posterior wHK) wuME du lC proximal tibiofibular s. uEA wuME wze' lK)
tenotomy bK' X wb
s. tissue bK' X ZOM radial head s. dFJ d wze' lK)
subcuticular suture dA X WUO radioulnar s. be dFJ wze' lK)
subdeltoid bursa WOb X d' rotary s. ]b wze' lK)
subdermal plexus bK' X dOHC sacroiliac s. wHd( eF wze' lK)
subfascial transposition WUHK X l{u dOOG s. stabilization wze' lK) XO
subglenoid shoulder wU]I( X nJ lK subaxial s. u* X wze' lK)
dislocation tibiofibular s. uE]A wuME wze' lK)
subgluteal u_ X vertebral s. UIH wze' lK)
s. bursitis u_ X d' UN Yergason test of wze' lK K uUd U
s. hematoma W]u_ X u shoulder s. wHJ
subjacent wU subluxing patella UOze WuK* WH{d
sublaminar WOHB X submaximal wLE_ X
s. fixation WOHB X XO s. stimulus wLE_ X t=M
s. wire WOHB X pK subperiosteal UL X
s. wiring WOHB X pOK s. abscess UL X d
sublesional ulceration W X ^dI s. cortical defect UL X dA hI
subligamentous dissection WD_ X aOK s. dissection UL X aOK
sublimis wD s. exposure UL X U ^dF
flexor digitorum s.(FDS) lU W]OD] WOM* WKCF s. fracture UL= X d
s. tendon wD d subphrenic abscess U( X d
s. tenodesis wD du WUO subplatysmal abscess oMFK WbK' WKCF X d
subluxation wze' lK) subsartorial tunnel WOUO) X oH
AS s. AS wze' lK) subscapular nJ X
ASEx s. ASEX wze' lK) s. artery injury nJ X UdA WU
ASIn s. ASIN wze' lK) s. nerve injury nJ X VBF WU
atlantoaxial s. (AAS) u* wINH wze' lK) subscapularis nJ X

- 677 -
s. bursitis nJ X d' UN s. femoral fracture b* X c H d
s. muscle nJ X WKCF s. fracture b* X d
s. tendon nJ X du s. osteotomy b* X rEF lD
subscapularis-capsular nJ X wEH* quD] subungual dHE X
lengthening s. abscess dH^E X d
substance ]U s. exostosis dHE X d
bone s. W]OLE ]U s. fibroma dHE X wHO
metachromatic mucoid s. u]K dOG W]OUU ]U s.granuloma dHE X wO
substance P P ]U* s. hematoma dHE X u
substantia gelatinosa W]ON ]U* Sucker du
Substituting knee prosthesis W]O{UF Wd Wb KAM super S. du du t w
Substitution qb W{UF b suction jH h
creeping s. n]e b s. drainage w=B e
extensor s. WDU b irrigation s. ^h
Marshall patelloquadriceps WOU WH{d d b s. punch h* W ]d
tendon s. UU V d s. suspension h* oOKF
patelloquadriceps tendon s. WOU WH{d d b s. tube h* Wu
d suction-irrigation h*
tendon s. du b s.-i. system h* UN
subtalar qUJ X s.-i. technique h* WId
s. arthrodesis qUJ X qBH* U Sudeck u
s. arthroereisis qUJ X qBH* bOOI S. atrophy u uL{
s. articulation qUJ X qBH* S. disease u
s. dislocation qUJ X lK sudomotor =dF
s. instability qUJ X We s. activity =dF UA
s. interosseous ligament X sOLEF sO Ud s. activity test =dF* UAM U
qUJ s. function W=dF WHO
s. joint (STJ) qUJ X qBH* s. study W=dF W
s. motion qUJ X Wd sufentanil citrate qOUMOu d
subthreshold WF X sugar-tong d]J UL
s. force WF X ]uI s.-t. cast d]J jIK VU
s. stimulus WF X t=M s.-t. plaster splint d]J jIK WO dO
subtotal U X s.-t. traction d]J jIK ^d
s. lateral meniscectomy X WOAu WN UB suggestion d
U indirect hypnotic s. dU* dO w1uM U
s. maxillectomy X uKF =pH UB Sugioka UuOU
U S. transtrochanteric b* rEF lD
s. meniscectomy U X WN UB osteotomy UuOU V
s. somatectomy U X b' UB S. transtrochanteric b* ]b rEF lD
subtrochanteric b* X rotational osteotomy UuOU V

- 678 -
suit Wc s. posterior compartment WOD WOHK) Wu'
body-exhaust s. r' UN Wc s. radial nerve wD dFJ VBF
G s. G Wc s. temporal artery wD wbB UdA
sulcus rK s. temporal vein wD] wbB bu
s. angle rK W s. transverse ligament wD dF* Ud
s. sign rK W s. varicosities W]OD WO_ w
s. test rK U s. vein wD bu
sulfadiazine rOdK UC sUUHK superficialis wD
silver s. W]CH sUUHK arcus palmaris s. W]OD W]Od uI
sulfamethoxazole dND UuOUHK arcus volaris s. W]OD W]OBL_ uI
WOu ULK flexor digitorum s. (FDS) WKC WOD lU_ WOM
trimethoprim s. .duO1d UuO UHK s. tendon wD du
Sulfamylon uKOUHK Superglue adhesive uKdu o
sulfate Ud UHK superincumbent w
ferrous s. (FeSO4) bb( UHK superior (sup) uK
magnesium s. ueOMG* UHK s. border WuKF WU(
sulfated XHK* wU* bUJ] bb s. dislocation uKF lK)
mucopolysaccharide s. glide uKF e
sulfinpyrazone dIM W'UF w dOMOHK s. gluteal nerve uKF u_ VBF
sulfoxide UOLO bOuHK s. gluteal neurovascular Wu_ WOzUu WOBF W e(
dimethyl s. (DMSO) qOO* wzUM bOuHK bundle WuKF
sulindac bMOu s. hypogastric plexus WuKF WOK) dOHC
summary W qL s. labrum anterior and WO U _ WuKF UHA W
discharge s. mdH W posterior lesion (SLAP) WOHK)
Sunderland classification WU bbM nOMB s. laryngeal artery uKF dM( UdA
of nerve injury VBF s. laryngeal nerve uKF dM( VBF
Sundt shunt bu WKu s. laryngeal nerve external VBF s wU) dH
sunrise view fLA d dEM branch uKF dM(
sunset view fLA d dEM s. leaf WuKF Wu
sup dB s. mesenteric artery wIU* UdA W
superior uK syndrome uKF
super U2 du s. peroneal retinaculum uKF uE]A bOI
S. Seven exercises sH du sUL (SPR)
Valorin S. du suU s. portal uK qb
superficial wD s. process uKF TUM
s. circumflex iliac artery wD wHd( UdA s. sulcus tumor uKF rK
s. infection WOD bF s. thoracic pedicle screw bB wIu VuK
s. medial ligament wD w Ud uKF
s. palmar arch W]OD W]Od uI s. thyroid artery uKF wb UdA
s. peroneal nerve wD uEA VBF s. thyroid vein uKF wb bu

- 679 -
s. vena cava uKF u_ bu s. muscle WDU WKCF
Superior Sleeprite Hi-Lo UEF .uI Wd dd supinatus WDU
orthopaedic bed u w XdOK udu metatarsus s. UA _ WDU
supermarket elbow d* od supine UIK l{ oK
supernumerary bz s. iliac gapping test WOIK* WHd( dG U
s. bone bz rE s. long sitting test UIK qu]D uK' U
s. digit bz l s. position UIK W]OF{
s. thumb bz UN s. position driver UIK W]OF{ W]u
s. toe bze bI l s. straight leg raising test w WLOI* U l U
superolateral portal wAu uKF U UIK
superomedial w uK NAMES dB
s. portal w uKF U National Association of b WOb WOFL'
s. region WO WuKF WOUM Medical Equipment s. WOD eON
supersensitivity wU{ f^ supply b ^b1
denervation s. VOBF] WS wU{ f^ blood s. bU b
supinated jM longitudinal blood s. wuD bU b
supination j support r=b WU
s. contracture j l l^HI AliMed-Freedom arthritis s. w qBH* UN W U
s. deformity j ^uA bd bO
s. of the foot bI j arch s. uI W U
s. injury j WU Arizona leg s. Ue V U W U
pronation and s. j ^VJ base of s. W Ub U
supination-adduction VdI j Castech extremity s. gU V dD W U
s.-a. fracture VdI j d cervical s. W]O W U
s.-a. injury VdI j WU DePuy s. u W U
supination-eversion nMA j Epitrain active elbow s. V WDAM od* W U
s.-e. fracture nMA j d sd
s.-e. injury nMA j WU external s. WOU W U
supination-external wU) j fork strap prosthetic s. VFAM US Wb U
s.-e. rotation (SER) j wU) b Friedman s. U bd W U
s.e. rotation injury j wU) b WU Genutrain P3 knee s. V P3 Wd W U
s.-e. rotation IV fracture j wU) b d sduMO
(SER-IV fracture) 4 jLM s Houston halo cervical s. V WOUN oMF W U
supination-inversion qbK I j uu
s.-i. injury qbK I j WU Kerr-Lagen abdominal s. s dO V sD W U
s.-i. rotation injury I j WU Morton toe s. V bI l W U
qbK uu
supination-plantarflexion hL_ wM j WU OEC wrist/forearm s. OEC rBF* bU W U
injury supinator Parham s. UU W U
s. fat pad sign WDU W]OLA Uu W Philadelphia collar V WOuD oMF W U

- 680 -
cervical s. UOHO s. suspension (SC WLIK u oOKF
ProFlex wrist s. fJKd rBF* W U suspension)
prosthetic s. W]Ob W U s. varus osteotomy WLIK u Z_ rEF lD
QualCraft short elastic dOGB Wd* rBF* W U s. Y-shaped fracture WLIK u Y qJAU d
wrist s. supracondylar- WH{d u WLIK u
Relax-A-Bac posture s. U f WF{u W U suprapatellar (SC-SP,
Sacro-Eze lumbar s. V W]OMDI W Ub SCSP)
dU supraganglionic injury bIF u WU
Sheffield s. bKOHO W U Supralen 5d
Silesian bandage WUBF WOb W Ub S. cradle orthotic sd V hHI* .uI
prosthetic s. UeKO S. Schaefer orthotic dHO sd uI
Spenco arch s. uJM uI W U supramalleolar VFJ u
Taylor clavicle s. uKU V ud W U s. derotational osteotomy b W l rEF lD
tibial fracture brace d UM WOb W Ub VFJ u
proximal s. (TFB-PS) uME s. flap VFJ u WKb
well-leg s. WLOK] U W U s. osteotomy VFJ u rEF lD
supported extension r]b* j sdL s. varus derotation b fJ l rEF lD
exercise osteotomy VFJ u Z_
suppurative `OI wO
supramaximal stimulus wLE u t=M
s. arthritis wOI qBH* UN supranaviculare w
e u
s. flexor tenosynovitis wOIUOM* du qOe UN os s. we u rE
s. osteitis wOI rEF UN suprapatellar (SP) WH{d u
s. osteomyelitis wOI wIM rEF UN s. cannula WH{d u W]OM
s. periostitis wOI UL UN s. plica WH{d u WOM
supraclavicular u
d u s. portal WH{d u U
s. approach ud u vQ s. pouch WH{d u WO
s. brachial block dOHC UBS ZOM s. reflex WH{d u fJFM
anesthesia ud u WbCF suprascapular nJ u
supracondylar (SC) WLIK u s. nerve nJ u VBF
s. amputation WLIK u d s. nerve entrapment test u VBF U H U
s. humeral fracture WLIK u bCF d nJ
s. medullary nail WLIK u uIM UL* s. nerve injury nJ u VBF WU
s. nail WLIK u UL* supraspinatus W]Ou]A u
s. nonunion WLIK u U b s. implant WOuA u WdG
s. osteotomy WLIK u rEF lD s. muscle WOuA u WKCF
patellar tendon-bearing-s. u q U( WH{d d s. outlet WOuA u d *
(PTB-SC) WLIK s. syndrome W]Ou]A u W *
s. process WLIK u TUM s. tendon W]Ou]A u d
s. process syndrome WLIK u TUM W s. test W]Ou]A u U
s. socket WLIK u aM supraspinous Wu]A u

- 681 -
suprasternal = I u
h roughen the s. `D 5A
s. notch =hI u WLK volar s. wBL_ `D
s. plane =hI u u* weightbearing s. uK q U `D
s. space =hI u eO( Surfit adhesive XOu o
supratalare qUJ u Surgairtome air drill V wzuN VI*
os s. qUJ u rEF udOu
suprofen 5d SurgAssist surgical leg dO wd' U pL
Suprol d holder XO
sural wK surgeon's thumb ]d' UN
s. nerve wKd VBF surgery Wd
s. neuroma wKd VBF ablative s. WOU Wd
s. neuropathy wKd VBF adult scoliosis s. mU bM nM' Wd
Surdalud uu anterior cervical s. w U _ oMF Wd
Sure-Closure skin V bK' jODL UN anterior cervical spine s. w U _ wIMF UIH Wd
stretching system uK u anterior cervicothoracic s. bB wIMF UIH Wd
Sure-Flex foot fJK u b
w U _
Suretac Uu anterior cervicothoracic bB wIMF qu* Wd
S. bioabsorbable fixation UB  WKUI XO eON junction s. w U _
device Uu V uO( anterior lower cervical wKH wIMF UIH Wd
S. bioabsorbable shoulder WKUI nJ XO eON spine s. w U _
fixation device V uO( UB  arthroscopic s. wKBH* dOEM Wd
Uu arthroscopic laser s. b U wKBH* dOEM Wd
S. bioabsorble fixation UuO WBL* XO eON 
device Uu V bypass s. U* Wd
surface `D cervical disk s. wIMF dI Wd
apposing articular s. qBHLK qUI* `D cervicothoracic junction s. bB wIMF qu* Wd
articular s. qBH* `D failed s. WIH Wd
concave articular s. d]FI* qBH* `D first ray s. bu uO Wd
contiguous articular s. U* qBH* `D hypotensive s. jGC hI Wd
distal concave articular s. wUI d]FI* qBH* `D intradural tumor s. WOU' q u Wd
S. electrode wD wdNJ d* limb-salvage s. dD UI Wd
endosteal s. wLEF `D lower extremity s. dD UI Wd
erosion of articular s. qBH* `D qP lower posterior lumbar wHK) wMDI UIH Wd
freshen the s. `D UF spine and sacrum s. eF wKH
Micro-Aire debridement V rEF `D UC open disk s. uH* dI Wd
of bone s. d dJO peripheral vascular s. (PVS) W]ODO; WO_ Wd
S. replacement `D b posterior cervical spine s. wHK) wIMF UIH Wd
s. replacement arthroplasty `D bU qBH* posterior lower cervical wKH wIMF UIH Wd
s. replacement hip `D bU qBH* spine s. wHK)
arthroplasty wu posterior lumbar interbody U_ 5 Z b Wd

- 682 -
fusion s. WOHK) WOMDI susceptibility testing U bF U
posterior lumbar spine and eF wMDI UIH Wd W]OU(
sacrum s. suspension oOKF o]KF
posterior upper cervical uKF wIMF UIH Wd corset s. bA* oOKF
spine s. wHK) cuff s. W]HJU oOKF
scoliosis s. nM' Wd fingertrap s. o=KF* l f
thoracic and bB UIH Wd flexible hinge s. WI=KF* Wd* ]d
thoracolumbar spine s. wMDI bB SC s. dB
Unilink system for hand s. bO Wd' pMOKOu UN supracondylar suspension WLIK u oOKF
vascular s. WO_ Wd s. strap oOKF jd
Surgibone uOu suction s. yU o]KF
Boplant s. uOu Xu supracondylar s. WLIK u oOKF
S. implant uOu Wd (SC suspension)
surgical wd s. traction o]KF* ^d'
s. ablation wd U suspension-type socket jLM o]KF aM
s. approach wd vQ sustained R
s. autoimmunization wd w lOML s. loading R* qOL
s. dressing room (SDR) wd' bOLC d s. pressure technique R* jGC WId
s. exposure wd ^dF sustentaculum tali qUJ F
S. glove wd U]H sustentaculum F
s. knife handle wd' 5=J iI os s. F* rE
s. loupe WOd d=J Sutherland-Greenfield bdu V rEF lD

s. neck wd' oMF osteotomy bKOHMd

s. neck fracture wd' oMF d Sutherland lateral transfer bdu V wAu qIM
s. pin driver wd' u^b W]u Sutherland-Rowe incision bdu ^o
s. reduction wd' ^d Sutter du
S. Simplex P bone cement UJOU rEF S. implant du Wd
wd' fJOKL S. MCP finger joint V l qBH Wb
S. Simplex P radiopaque wd WF qOK prosthesis du
cement fJOKL V Sutter-CPM knee WKFHM* Wd( W UN
s. staple applier wd' ]d o=D apparatus du V ]dL*
s. technique WOd WId suture d WUO jO
surgical-orthopaedic drill UEF .uI Wd VI s. anchor dG Ud
Surgicel qOu s. anchor technique dG Ud WId
S. implant qOu Wd braided s. WMO WUO
Surgi-Med clamp bO wd UIK bulb s. wKB b
Surgitek prosthesis pOu Wb Bunnell s. q=u WUO
Surmontil qOuu Bunnell crisscross s. q=u V WUB WUO
survivorship UOI Bunnell figure-eight s. q=u V 8 qJAU WUO)
Kaplan-Meier s. dO U UOI button s. W]= WUO

- 683 -
Caprolactam s. UdU WUO McLaughlin modification WUO) sKu p qbF
Chinese fingertrap s. WOMOB l f WUO of Bunnell pull-out s. q=u V =d'
core s. WO= WUO Mersilene s. Od WUO
cotton s. wMD jO modified Kessler s. W]bF* dK WUO
Dacron s. d jO modified Kessler-Tajima s. W]bF* ULOU dK WUO
Dexon s. u jO monofilament s. WKOH U jO
Donati s. wU WUO nail s. dHE WUO
double right-angle s. We WLzU W]= WUO Nicoladoni s. wuJO WUO
s. drill b VI Nurolon uu WUO
end-to-end s. dD v dD s WUO nylon s. uKO jO
epitenon s. du bL WUO s. passer jO) dL
Ethibond s. buO jO Perma-Hand silk s. bU U d V dd( jO)
Ethiflex s. fJKHO jO pin s. WOu^b WUO)
Ethilon s. uKO jO polybutester s. duOu jO
fascial s. wUH jO Polydek s. bOu WUO
figure-of-eight s. WOUL]U WNO WUO polyester s. dOu jO
finger trap s. l f WUO polyethylene s. sKOO wu jO
fish-mouth end-to-end s. s WJL r qJA WUO polygalactic acid s. pOU wu jO
dD v dD polyglactin s. 5U wu jO
s. fixation jO) XO polyglycolic acid s. pOuJOK wu jO
Gillis s. fO=KO jO polyglyconate s. UuJOK wu jO
Gore-Tex s. fJ u jO polypropylene s. 5KOd wu jO
Gore-Tex nonabsorbable s. UB  qUI dO jO) Prolene s. 5d jO
fJO u V pull-out s. =d' WUO
grasping s. WCU WUO pull-out wire s. =d' pK WUO
guy s. ]U WUO Pulvertaft end-to-end s. dD v dD WUO
s. hole drill b VI VI XHdHU V
horizontal mattress s. WOI_ bOM WUO Pulvertaft interweave s. V pU WUO
interrupted s. WFDIM WUO XHdHU
intradermal s. bK' q WUO s. repair b `OKB
Kessler s. dK WUO retention s. WU WUO
Kessler grasping s. dK V WCU WUO running s. ]dL WUO
Kessler-Tajima s. ULOU dK WUO safety-bolt s. U _ U WUO
lateral trap s. wAu f* WUO s. scissors dG ^hI
linen s. U] jO silk s. dd jO
locking horizontal WO* WOI_ bOM WUO simple s. WDO WUO
mattress s. W]OUH sling s. F* WUO
Mason-Allen s. 5 uU WUO staple s. W= WUO
mattress s. bOM WUO subcuticular s. dA X WUO
Maxon s. uU WUO Tajima modified Kessler s. V W]bF* dK WUO

- 684 -
Tevdek s. bH jO S. great toe prosthesis V bI UN Wb
transosseus s. rEF WUO uu
Tycron s. dJO jO S. hand splint uu V bO dO
undyed s. uB dO jO S. implant uu Wd
vertical mattress s. WuLF bOM WUO S. implant arthroplasty V wdG qBH*
Vicryl s. qdJO jO uu
wire s. WOJK WUO S. metatarsal broach uu V jA* VI
suturing jOO S. radial head implant V dFJ Wd
Johnson medial meniscal s. V WO WN jOO uu
uu S. radial head implant d wdG qBH*
Swafford-Lichtman ULAO uu r
arthroplasty uu V dFJ
division S. radiocarpal implant V WOGd WdFJ WdG
swaged `Q uu
swager `R S. reconstruction uu UM
swan-neck WF oM S. Silastic elbow prosthesis wJOO rBF* Wb
s.-n. chisel WF oMF tO qO uu V
s.-n.deformity WF oMF tO ^uA S. Silastic prosthesis V pOO Wb
s.-n. deformity reduction WF oMF tOA ^uA ^ uu
s.-n. facies WF oMF WNO WM S. silicone wrist wuJOKO rBF* qBH
s.-n. finger deformity oMF tOA wF ^uA arthroplasty uu V
WF S. technique uu WId
s.-n. gouge WF oMF tO u S. trapezium implant uu V wF]d* Wd
Swanson uu S. T-shaped great toe bI UN pOO Wd
S. carpal lunate implant V WON WOGd WdG silastic prosthesis uu V T qJAU
uu S. ulnar head implant V be Wd
S. carpal scaphoid implant V W]O W]OG Wd uu
uu S. wrist joint implant V rBF* qBH Wd
S. classification uu nOMB uu
S. Convex condylar ]b* wLIK qBH* swathe, swath F
arthroplasty uu V s. and sling F* WUBF
S. dynamic toe splint splint bI l dO dO sway `^d `]d
uu V WOJO UMb postural s. wF{ `^d
S. finger joint implant V l qBH Wd SWD dB
uu short-wave diathermy Wu* dOBI d( UH
S. finger joint prosthesis V l qBH Wb sweating ^dF
uu sweat test dF U
S. flexible hallux valgus V Wd* _ UN Wb Swede-O ankle brace bu V qUJ UM
prosthesis uu Swedish gu
S. great toe implant V bI UN Wd S. approach gu vQ

- 685 -
S. knee cage orthosis V Wd hH uI Syed template implant bU V U d* Wd
gu symbrachytactylous hand lU _ UB dB
w bO
S. massage gu pOb Syme rO
S. portal gu U S. amputation rO d
swelling ^u S. amputation prosthesis rO V d Wb
boggy s. wFIM ^u S. ankle disarticulation V qBH* =e qUJ d
joint s. qBH* ^u amputation rO
SwimEx fJ1u S. foot prosthesis rO V bI Wb
S. hydrotherapy system V WOzU* W'UF* UN S. procedure rO d
fJ1u S. prosthesis rO Wb
S. pool fJ1u WFOL S. prosthetic foot rO V WOb bI
swimmers view U] dEM symmetric dUM
swimming pool granuloma WU U]L uO s. sacral plate dUM* WeF WOHB
swing `Q qUL ] s. thumb duplication dUM* UN
s. phase wA* w `Q] u s. vertebral fusion dUM* UIH Z
s. phase control `Q] uD r^J symmetrically dUM qJA
s. time `Q] s symmetrical thoracic W]bB WUIH WOHB dUM
Swinger car bed dMu V UO dd vertebral plate
swing-phase acceleration `Q] u qOF symmetry dUM
swing-through gait U* `Q] WOA weightbearing s. u bM dUM
swing-to gait o* `Q] WOA sympathectomy =u lD

Swiss fu chemical s. wzUOLOJ =u lD

S. Balance orthotic fU fu uI lumbar s. wMDI =u lD
S. ball fu d preganglionic s. bIF q =u lD
S. cancellous screw V wMH VuK sympathetic =uU o=KF
fu s. block = UB
S. MP joint implant MP fu qBH* Wd s. chain W=u WKK
switching stick qu UB s. component =u =uJ*
swivel d* s. dystrophy =u q(
s. dislocation d* lK s. maintained pain syndrome dL* =u r_ W
s. walker d* wU (SMPS)
Swivel-Strap d qHu s. nerve =u VBF
Aircast S.-S. d qHu XUd s. nervous system (SNS) =u wBF UN'
S.-S. ankle stirrup qHu V qUJ U s. trunk =u c'
d sympathetically-maintained o=KF* dL* r_ W
swollen disk =u d
pain syndrome =uU
sx dB symphalangism U]O^ U
symptom d symphyseal mobility w
UH ^d
Sydney line wbO ^j symphysis UH
Syed-Neblett implant XOKO bU Wd pubic s. wUF UH

- 686 -
s. pubis wUF UH surgical s. nu u UOJOK
s. pubis diastasis UF wUF d dH pure s. wUB lU_ UH
sympt dB reduction s. lU_ UH
symptom d simlpe s. jO lU_ UH
symptom (sx, sympt) d syndesmectomy Ud lD

functionally debilitating s.s UOHO WHFC* d_ syndesmophyte WOU WOLE WU

irritable s. ZOON d syndesmosis jd
s. magnification syndrome d_ rO C W tibiofibular s. uEA wuME jd*
symptomatic uB d_U o=KF syndesmotic jd*U o=KF
dQ s. ligament jd* Ud
s. plica WO{d WOM s. sprain jd* UN
s. spondylolisthesis w{d_ wdCG e Syndrome W
s. synovial plica WO{d_ WOKOe WOM General Adaption S. UF ] W
symptomatology d_ Y rK (GAS) dJ u
Symptoms Checklist 90 90 W]IM* d o^I WLzU
syndrome W
Revised (SCL-90R) abdominal s. W]OMD W
Syms traction fLO ^d acetabular rim s. o( U W
Synalgos-DC DC uJUMO acquired immunodeficiency wUM* uF W
synarthrosis wHO q u s. (AIDS) VJ*
Synatomic total knee pOuUMO WKUJ Wd Wb acute low-back s. ]U( wKH dNE W
prosthesis adrenogenital s. WOKUM WdE W
synchondrosis wdC U adult respiratory distress s. w WO^HM WIzUC W
neurocentral s. wBF wdCG U (ARDS) 5GU
ed* Aicardi s. UJ W
synchondrotomy wdCG U lC Albright s. Xd W
synchronized fibrillation se UH Albright-McCune- u p Xd W
synchronous se u
d wH Sternberg s. dd
scapuloclavicular rotation alcohol fat embolism s. wLA ULB W
syndactylization lU _ UH wuJ
syndactylized finger oHd* l algodystrophy s. rR* q( W
syndactyly lU _ UH anterior cervical cord s. w U _ w]d U ^M W
burn s. wd( lU_ UH anterior compartment s. w U _ e=O( W
complete s. U] lU_ UH (ACS)
complex s. V]d* lU_ UH anterior cord s. w U _ q( W
complicated complex s. uB* lU_ UH anterior impingement s. w U _ UD W
UHUC0 anterior interosseous s. w U _ sOLEF sO W
Diamond-Gould reduction s. V lU_ = UH anterior interosseous UEF 5 VBF W
bu bu U nerve s. w U _
incomplete s. hUM lU_ UH anterior tarsal tunnel s. w U _ wGd oHM W
Kelikian-Clayton-Loseff V wd' lU_ UH anterior tibial s. W]O U _ W]OuME W *

- 687 -
anteversion s. w U _ I W wK_
Apert s. d W compartment s. e=O( W
Arnold-Chiari s. UD UO bu W congenital band s. u jdA W
aO< WKB `^D congenital ring s. Wu WIK( W
arthroonychodysplasia s. wKBH* Z^M qK W conus medullaris s. wU M d< W
dHE copper deficiency s. UM u W
Baastrupi s. wdU W coracoid impingement s. wdG UD W
Babinski-Frohlich s. aOd wJMU W cord s. q( W
Barre-Lieou s. uO U W cord traction s. q( =d W
Bart-Phumphery s. dOHL U W Cornelia de Lange s. Z UOKu W
battered child s. pNM* qH=D W costoclavicular s. Wud WOFKC W *
Behcet s. XN W CREST s. bK' V^KB Xd W
bicipital s. 5d W lK d uM dU
bilateral acute radicular s. W]OzUM ]U( W]c' W * lU_ VKB
VU' cubital tunnel s. wId* oHM W
bilateral chronic radicular s. W]OzUM WM e* W]c' W * cuboid s. dM W
VU' Cushing s. ZMOu W
BK mole s. BK vd W dead arm s. XO* c W
black heel s. u_ VIF W deconditioning s. n^OJ] W
blue rubber bleb nevus s. WOU]D* WOU]IH WLu W Djrine-Sottas s. U]u sdO W
Ue de Lange s. Z W
blue toe s. U]e bI l W diffuse idiopathic skeletal wKJON r^EF d W
broad thumb-big toe s. l idF UN W hyperostosis s. dAM* i UG
dOJ bI DISH s. g W
Brown-Squard s. UDI UJO d W DOOR s. W
U M nB double crush s. e* dN W
calcaneal spur s. wIF ULN* W Down s. W
carpal tunnel s. (CTS) wGd oHM W droopy shoulder s. WO=b* nJ W
cast s. VUI W dysplastic nevus s. Z^M] qK WL W
cauda equina s. dH V W Eagle s. q W
central cord s. ed* q( W Eagle-Barrett s. =U q W
central heel pad s. Wed* VIF U W Eaton-Lambert s. d u W
cervicoencephalic s. WIOI]A WOIMF WO< W * Ehlers-Danlos s. (EDS) uK dK W
W]O]d empty can s. UH Uu W
chronic intractable benign dOF bOL( r_ W entrapment s. U H W
pain s. (CIBPS) s e* eosinophilia-myalgia s. r_ UOMuO d W
clenched-first s. WKCF Z^MA eJ W wKCF
dJ UM w WG{U* exertional anterior UN w U _ e=O( W
Cobb s. u W compartment s. (EACS)
common peroneal nerve s. uEA VBF W exertional compartment s. UN e=O( W

- 688 -
exertional deep posterior oOLF wHK) e=O( W Horner s. du W
compartment s. (EDPCS) UN Hunter s. du W
extraarticular pain s. qBH* U r_ W hurlers s. bb ddO W
facet s. tOu W W]OU * bUJ]
failed back s. (FBS) oH * dNE W hyperostosis s. r^EF d W
failed back surgery s. oH * dNE Wd W hypothenar hammer s. ]dC WdD W
(FBSS) idiopathic skeletal wKJON r^EF d W
failed surgery s. WIH * Wd' W hyperostosis s. V uN:
Fanconi s. 5O d wuJU W iliocostalis lumborum s. WOFKC WOHd( W *
far-out s. d) W iliotibial band s. wHd( UdA W
fat embolism s. wLA ULB W wuME
Felty s. wK W impingement s. UD W
fetal alcohol s. wuJ 5M' W interosseous s. UEF 5 W
filum terminale s. wzUN jO) W intersection s. lUI W
flat back s. `]D* dNE W Jaccoud s. uU W
flexor carpi ulnaris s. mdK Wbe WOM* W Jackson-Gorham s. Uu uU W
flexor origin s. WOM* QAM W Jaddassohn- u]U W
forearm compartment s. bU e=O( W Lewandowsky s. wJbUHO
Freeman-Sheldon s. bK U1d W Jarcho-Levin s. 5HO uU W
Frey s. WHJM d w d W Kasabach-Merritt s. XdO U W
w_ VBFK WON* Kast-Maffucci s. wuU XU W
wbB Klinefelter s. dKHM W
Funston s. uu W Klippel-Feil s. (KFS) qU q=OK W
Gardner s. dU W Klippel-Trenaunay s. Uud q=OK W
Goldenhar s. Ubu W Larson s. u W
Goodpasture s. e UAU u W lateral hyperpressure s. wAu jGC d W
QAM* WOUM WOu Wb lateral patellar wH{d UGC W
Gorlin s. 5u W compression s. wAu
Grisel s. qd W leopard s. dLM W
Guillain-Barr s. UN tU U]O W Leriche s. gu W
uN: U( UB_ c' levator scapulae s. nJ WF W
V Linberg s. dOMO W
hammer digit s. WdD* l W local adaptation s. (LAS) wF{u*  W
heart and hand s. bO VKI W lumbago-mechanical b wMDI r_ W
heel spur s. wIF ULN* W instability s. wJOUJO* dI
heel spur/plantar fasciitis s. UN wIF ULN* W lumbar flat back s. `]D* sDI dNE W
WOBL_ WUHK Maffucci s. wuU W
hip joint s. u qBH W Marfan s. UU W
Hoffa s. Uu W Maroteaux-Lamy s. w uU W

- 689 -
McCune-Albright s. Xd u p W Parsonage-Turner s. ddO UuU W
medial tibial s. (MTS) WO WOuME W * patellar clunk s. WH{d WA A W
medial tibial stress s. wuME UN W patellar malalignment s. WH{d nOd u W
(MTSS) w patellar pair s. WH{d W
meningeal s. W]OzU W peroneal compartment s. uEA e=O( W
milk-alkali s. uKI 6]K W pes anserinus s. u q W
milkmans s. bF u ULJKO W piriformis s. Wd]LJ W
UEF q K l plica s. WOM W
Milwaukee shoulder s. wuKO n W Plummer-Vinson s. uM d uK W
Mixed cord s. jK * q( W Poland s. bu W
mixed headache s. jK * bB W Popliteal pterygium s. WOCQ* dHE W
Morel s. u W Posterior cord s. wHK) q( W
Morquio s. uOu W Posterior interosseous UEF 5 VBF W
Muir-Torre s. u du W nerve s. wHK)
multifidus s. uKH =bF W Posterior interosseous nerve 5 VBF UGC W
multiple pterygium s. =bF* dHE W compression s. wHK) UEF
Munchausen s. U( UN u W Postphlebitis s. bu UN WOU W *
UHA vK Posttraumatic wU w*_ q( W
myofascial s. WOUHK WOKCF W * algodystrophic s. `{dK
myofascial pain s. (MPF) wUHK wKCF r_ W Posttraumatic chronic WOU WM e* q( W
Naffziger s. WKCF W deU W cord s. `{dK
WO U _ WOFL_ Pronator s. W]UJ W
nail-patella s. qK WH{]d dH^E W Pronator teres s. b* W]UJ W
wLE dH Z^M Prune belly s. W]Oud sD W
naviculocapitate s. wOzd we W Quadratus lumborum s. WOMDI WF]d* W
naviculocapitate fracture s. wOzd w]e d W Quadrilateral space s. Vu' wUd eO( W
nerve entrapment s. VBF U H W Radial sensory nerve VBF U H W
neurogenic s. QAM* WOB W entrapment s. w=( dFJ
Nievergelt-Pearlman s. U*dO XKdHO W Radial tunnel s. dFJ oHM W
occupational stress s. wMN* dJ W Raeder paratrigeminal s. w VBF dOE W
(OSS) b V rzu
osteoporosis UJ wIb u W Refsum s. e d uH W
pseudoglioma s. wLEF q K  pOOH iL
os trigonum s. wLEF Y]K* W Reiter s. WLK* UN d W
overuse s. ULF d W qUH* qOK
Paget-Schrotter s. dd XOU W Repetitive stress s. (RSS) =dJ* dJ W
pain dysfunction s. wHOu uBI r_ W Riley-Day s. wK W
Parkes-Weber s. d eU W ring s. WIK( W
Parsonage-Aldren- b UuU W Rotatores s. =b* W
Turner s. ddO Rotter-Erb s. d W

- 690 -
Roussy-Levy s. wHO w W sympathetic maintained dL* =u r_ W
Rubinstein-Taybi s. wU sUAM W pain s. (SMPS)
Sanfilippo s. uOKHU W Symptom magnification s. d_ rO C W
SAPHO s. SAPHO W Synovial plica s. WOKOe WOM W
Sarcoiliac s. W]OHd W]e W TAR s. dB
scalenus anticus s. WO U _ WOFL_ W Thrombocytopenia-absent UO UOHB W]K W
scaphocapitate s. dOJ we W radius syndrome dFJ
scapuloperoneal s. WuE WOH W Tarsal tunnel s. wGd oHM W
Scheie s. bb tO W Temporomandibular w=JH wbB qBH* W
WOU< bUJ joint s. wKH
Schwachman s. ULUH W Tensor fasciae latae s. WCdF WUHK d=u W
Schwartz-Jampel s. qL eu W Tensor fascia lata s. WCdF WUHK d=u W
secondary hip-spine s. WuU u Wu W Tethered cord s. b]OI* q( W
short leg s. dOBI U W Thoracic inlet s. bB qb W
Sinding-Larsen- s !bMO W Thoracic outlet s. (TOS) b]B d W
Johansson s. uUu Thrombocytopenia-absent UO UOHB W]K W
sinus tarsi s. wGd VO' W radius s. (TAR syndrome) dFJ
Sjogren s. WLK* UH du W Tietze s. UN eO W
skeletal hyperostosis s. wKJON r^EF d W Torres s. fu W
Sly s. W Transversospinalis s. W{dF* WOuA W
snapping s. WIDID* W]JDB* W Traumatic compartment s. WO{d e=O( W
snapping scapula s. pDB* nJ W Turner s. ddO W
spinal cord s. wuA q( W Ulnar nerve entrapment s. be VBF U H W
spiral groove s. weK( b_ W Ulnar tunnel s. be oHM W
steal s. Wd] W Unilateral acute radicular s. U_ U( c' W
Stevens-Johnson s. uu eMH W VU'
v UL( s bb qJ unilateral chronic U_ s e* c' W
UJ_ =bF* radicular s. VU'
Stewart-Morel s. u uO W valgus extension j qOL d W
Sturge-Weber s. l WL d dO W overload s. _
subacromial impingement s. d_ X UD W vertebral subluxation s. UIHK wze' lK) W
subclavian steal s. ud] X Wd W vibrator hand s. eN bO W
superior mesenteric wIU* UdA W volar compartment s. wBL_ e=O( W
artery s. uKF von Hippel-Lindau s. bMO qO u W
supracondylar process s. WLIK u TUM W Wallenberg s. WKB UA dMU W
supraspinatus s. W]Ou]A u W * bUI UdA d
sympathetically- =u dL* r_ W wKH w O<
maintained pain s. washboard s. qOG u W

- 691 -
Weber s. d W elbow s. U eK V
Wilkie s. wJK W d
windblown hand, whistling tu bO WFH W palmar s. wd wKOe UAG UB
face s. dUB Porter-Richardson- V wKOe UAG UB
yellow nail s. w dH_ dHE W Vainio s. uOMU uUA du
WO) WM e* d _ six-portal s. W] wKOe UAG UB
synergist P qb
synergistic P Smith-Petersen s. V wKOe UAG UB
s. muscle P WKC sd YOL
s. wrist motion splint WP rBF* Wd dO volar s. wKOe UAG UB
synergy WP wBL_
limb s. dD WP Wilkinson s. V wKOe UAG UB
S. splint wdMO dO uMOJK
Syngraft XdJMO synovia (pl. of synovium) qOe W]_
synostosis wLE U synovial wKO
cervical s. W]d UE U s. biopsy WOKOe We)
congenital s. wLE U s. cavity wKOe u'
congenital radioulnar s. be dFJ wLE U s. cyst W]OKO WO
u s. disease wKOe b
fibula protibial s. =bI uEA 5LEF U s. fistula wKOe uUM
uME s. fluid wKOe qzU
proximal tibiofibular s. WOEA uME wLE U s. fringe wKO qL
wb s. frond wKO V
radioulnar s. be dFJ wLE U s. herniation wKO UH
wb s. joint wKOe qBH*
tibial-profibular s. =bI uME wLE U s. menbrane wKOe UAG
WOEA s. nonunion wKOe U b
tibiofibular s. WOEA uME wLE U s. osteochondromatosis wKO wLE wdC
type II radioulnar s. s be dFJ wLE U s. plica WOKOe WOM
2 jLM s. plica syndrome WOKOe WOM W
type I radioulnar s. s be dFJ wLE U s. pseudoarthrosis U wKO qBH
1 jLM s. resector wKOe lU
synovectomy wKOe UAG UB s. rongeur wKOe W{]d
Albright s. V wKOe UAG UB s. shaver wKOe WDAJ
Xd s. sheath wKO bL
arthroscopic s. wKOe UAG UB s. tap wKOe e
dOEM s. tumor wKO
carpal s. wGd wKOe UAG UB synoviochondromatosis wdC wKO
dorsal s. wHK) wKOe UAG UB synoviogram wKOe u
Inglis-Ranawat-Straub wId* wKOe UAG UB synoviorthesis qO]e sU lOFA

- 692 -
synovitis qOe UN S. guide pin fMO V qO]b u^b
boggy s. wFIM* qOe UN S. plate fMO WOH
crystal-induced s. ]d* qOe UN S. screw fMO Vu
u]KU S. system fMO UN
disseminated pigmented wUe wKOe UN S. wire guide fMO V pK qO
villonodular s. dM* mDB* bOIF synthesis UA oOK
extraarticular pigmented wUe wKOe UN activity s. UAM oOK
villonodular s. qBH* U mDB* bOIF proteoglycan s. UJOKuOd oOK
Finkelstein sign for s. qOe UN sUAKJM W synthetic wzUA wIOK
Finkelstein test for s. qOe UN sUAKJM U s. augmentation wIOK U
florid s. de* qOe UN s. bone wIOK rE
hypertrophic s. w U C qOe UN s. material WOIOK ]U
lead s. UdU qOe UN s. prosthesis WOIOK Wb
monarticular s. qBH* bOu qOe UN s. stent WOIOK  rFD WO
parapatellar s. WH{dK U: qOe UN syphilis de
particulate s. wzULO' qOe UN Syracuse anterior I-plate bu WOU_ WOHB
pigmented villonodular s. bOIF wUe qOe UN UdO V
mDB* syringe WMI
postoperative s. WdK wU qOe UN cement s. * WMI
proliferative s. dUJ qOe UN s. grip WMI* p
reactive s. wKUH] qOe UN syringohydromyelia wH^NJ U^M u
recurrent s. ld qOe UN syringoma w
d b
rheumatoid arthritis s. UN VUB* qOe UN chondroid s. wdC wd b
buU d qBH* qJA
silicone s. wuJOKO qOe UN syringometaplasia wH^NJ R
villonodular s. bOIF wUe qOe UN syringomyelia UM n^NJ
villous s. wLOK( qOe UN posttraumatic s. `{dK wU U M n^NJ
synovitis-ace-pustulosis- bF qOe UN secondary posttraumatic s. wU uU U M n^NJ
hyperostosis osteomyelitis wIM rEF UN d^ `{dK
(SAPHO) r^EF dH* SysStim muscle stimulator rO fO WKCF UM
synovium, pl. synovia WOA_ wKOe UAG system UN
W]OKOe ABG cement free hip s. ABG d( w* u UN
opaque s. rF* wKOe Accuflo ultrafiltration s. V b* `Od UN
pannus of s. wKOe WK uKuO
synpolydactyly lU _ UH Ace intramedullary wIM q UL* UN
Synthaderm dressing bMO UL{ femoral nail s. V c H
Synthes fMO ACET s. ACET UN
S. compression hip screw wUGC u Vu Adjustaback wheelchair wdJK WOHK) UM UN
fMO V backrest s. UUU Vb*
S. drill fMO VI AGC Biomet total knee s. AGC q UJ Wd UN

- 693 -
X uO V APR II hip s. APR II u UN
AGC total knee s. AGC q UJ Wd UN APR total hip system s. APR q UJ u UN
Agee carpal tunnel wGd oHM dd UN Aquaciser hydrodynamic pO UMbON UO UN
release s. w V measurement s. eOu V
Agee-WristJack fracture dJ b UN Aquaciser 100R X b WMD UN
deduction s. U X w V underwater treadmill s. eOu V 100R wzU*
Agee-WristJack fracture w V dJ = UN Aquanex hydrodynamic pO UMbON UO UN
reduction s. U X measurement s. fJu V
AIM femoral nail s. AIM c H UL UN ArthroProbe laser s. dd eOK UN
Air-Back spinal s. U d wu UN ASIF s. nO UN
AITA modular trauma s. V ]bF* `{d UN Asnis guided screw s. fO qOb VuK UN
AITA Asnis 2 guided screw s. 2 fO qOb VuK UN
Alcon Closure S. uJ V oKG UN Asnis screw s. fO VuK UN
Alliance rehabilitation s. fUO V qOQ UN autonomic nervous s. (ANS) qI* wBF UN'
Allo-Pro hip s. d u u UN Bassett electrical wzUdNJ tOM UN
Alta modular s. U V ]bF UN stimulation s. XO=U
Alta modular trauma s. U V ]bF* `{d UN Bateman UPF II Bipolar ULOU V Wd UN
AMBI compression hip wUGC u Vu UN knee s. VDI wzUM UPF II
screw s. AMBI BIAS total hip s. UO q UJ u UN
AMK total knee s. q UJ Wd UN bilateral variable screw dOG* VuK WF{u UN
AML Total Hip s. dB placement s. VU' wzUM
Anatomic Medullary w* U] u UN Biofix absorbable UB  qUI XO UN
Locking total hip system wdA uIM fixation s. fJOuO V
Amplatz anchor s. e V Ud* UN Biomechanical Ankle qUJ nO UN
Amset ALPS anterior WO U _ WO* WOHB UN Platform S. (BAPS) wJOUJO uO
locking plate s. U V ALPS Bio-Modular total V q UJ nJ UN
Anametric knee s. pd U_ Wd UN shoulder s. u uO
Anametric total knee s. pd U_ q UJ Wd UN bioresorbable drug qUI b U UN
Anatomic hip s. wdA u UN delivery s. uO( UB 
Anatomic Medullary uIM w* u UN Blajwas-Schwartz- V eM UN
Locking hip s. (AML Total wdA Marcinko irrigation eu u
Hip System ) drainage s. uJMOU
Anderson s. ub UN body logic rehabilitation s. bK wIDM* qOQ UN
Andersson hip status s. V u WU UN Body Masters MD 510 u V dJ UN
ub hi-lo pulley s. u w MD 510 dU
Anspach 65K Universal 65K UdHOu _ UN Bolin wedge filter s. V wMOH `=d* UN
instrument s. U V 5u
anterior Kostiuk- uOu d UN Bottoms-Up posture s. Up eL^u WF{u UN
Harrington distraction s. w U _ u=U Bowden cable suspension s. u qJ oOKF UN
anti-migration s. (AMS) dNK UC UN Bremer halo s. dLd V WUN UN

- 694 -
Brighton electrical ud wzUdNJ tOM UN e u
stimulation s. CPT Hip S. CPT u UN
BTM hip s. BTM u UN CPT hip s. CPT u UN
cable suspension s. qJ oOKF UN CRM s. CRM UN
cannula s. WOMI UN cruciate condylar knee s. WOOKB WOLIK Wd UN
cannulated guided hip qOb u VuK UN curved Kntcher nail s. wMM* dAu UL UN
screw s. v]MI* Cybex training s. fJO V Vb UN
cannulated screw s. v]MI* VuK UN Dall-Miles Cable/Crimp V ouD qJ UN
CAPIS bone plate s. V rEF WOH UN Cerclage S. fKO
fOU Dall-Miles cable grip s. V qJ U UN
capsuloligamentous s. wU wEH UN fKO
central nervous s. (CNS) ed* wBF UN' DataHand s. bUU UN
Charnley total hip s. V q UJ u UN dAubigne hip status s. V u WU UN
wKU sU
Chiba spinal s. UO V wuA UN' Diab-A-Foot protection s. U V bI WU UN
C-2 hip s. C-2 u UN Dimension hip s. sAM1 V u UN
CKS knee s. CKS Wd UN double-cannula s. WOMI e UN
closed drainage s. oKG* eM UN double inflow cannula s. Ud' WOM e UN
CLS hip s. CLS u UN wKb
Cofield total shoulder s. V q UJ nJ UN DTT s. DTT UN
bKOu Dupont distal humeral WOUI bCF WOH UN
Cofield Total Shoulder S. V q UJ nJ UN plate s. u
bKOu Duracon knee s. uu V Wd UN
Concept arthroscopy wKBH* dOEMK w UN' Duracon total knee s. V q UJ Wd UN
power s. Xu V uu
Concept beach chair bFIL wHJ UCO UN Duraloc acetabular cup s. u =o( n' UN
shoulder positioning s. Xu V TUA Dwyer-Wickham electrical d wzUdNJ tOM UN
Concept Precise ACL ACL eUd qO UN stimulation s. UNJ
guide s. Xu V V Dyna-Lok pedicle wIu VuK UN
Concept rotator cuff =b* W]HJ `OKB UN screw s. u UM
repair s. Xu V Dyna-Lok plate s. u UM WOHB UN
Concept self-compressing wc v]MI* VuK UN dynamic stabilizing X=* sU qFM UN
cannulated screw s. Xu V UGC innersole s. wJO UMb
Concept Sterling qBM wKBH* dOEM UN EBI bone healing s. EBI rEF U UN
arthroscopy blade s. ZMOd Xu V EBI Medical Systems WLE_ rEF U UN
concurrent force s. WO* ]uI UN bone healing s. WO=D w
ConstaVac wc b qI U UN EBI Medical Systems fJOu XO UN
autoreinfusion s. U Uu V Orthofix fixation s. WO=D w WLE_
contact laser delivery s. wUL eOK b=u UN ECTRA s. endoscopic wGd oHM dd UN
Coombs bone biopsy s. V rEF We UN carpal tunnel release dOEM

- 695 -
system traction s. dOd
EDG s. EDG UN Granberg traction s. dOd V =d' UN
Edwards modular s. V ]bF UN Gray revision instrument s. d V `OIM UN
Elite hip s. XO V u UN Green-O'Brien evaluation s. sd V rOOI UN
endoscopic carpal tunnel wGd oHM dd UN sd
release s. (ECTRA ECTRA dOEM Hall mandibular implant s. wKH =pH Wd UN
system) u V
Endotrac Blade S. wKb d_ qB UN Hall modular acetabular V ]bF* o( uI UN
E-Series Hip S. E WKK j/ s u UN reamer s. u
Estraderm estradiol ud U UN Hands Free knee V d( Wd UF UN
transdermal s. dd bK' Retractor S. bU
Ewald elbow arthroplasty qBH nOMB UN Harrington rod and hook s. V u^M =hA UN
rating s. b V od* u=U
Exacta-Fit ATH hip ATH u b UN Harris hip status s. V u WU UN
replacement s. XO UU f=U
felt apron Bowden cable u V qJ oOKF UN Hausmann Work-Well q qLF WOI UN
suspension s. U]K e*U o=KF* work hardening s. ULu V
Fenlin total shoulder s. V q UJ nJ UN haversian s. W]OdOUN WKL'
5KM Herbert and Fisher fracture V uJ nOMB UE
Ferno AquaCiser X b WMD UN classification s. dAO dd
underwater treadmill s. eOu ud V wzU* Herndon hip wu nOMB UE
filtration s. `Od UN classification s. bd V
Fowler knee s. dU V Wd UN Hexcel total condylar q UJ wLIK Wd UN
Freeman-Swanson knee s. U1d V Wd UN knee s. qJ V
uu Heyman hip V wu nOMB UE
F-Scan foot force and gait bI ]u WOA qOK UN classification s. ULO
analysis s. UJ U1d V hipGRIP pelvic w{u( UCO UN
fusimotor s. WO b Wd( UN positioning s. Vd VO uK
Genesis total knee s. V WK UJ Wd UN HJD total hip s. HJD q UJ u UN
fOM Hoffmann s. ULu UN
genital s. wKUM UN' Hohl fracture V uJ nOMB UE
Geomedic s. bO uO UN classification s. u
Global total shoulder q UJ nJ qBH UN Hot-Ice S. III 3 f u UN
arthroplasty s. UuK Howmedica knee s. UJbO u V Wd UN
Golden mean testing s. W]ODu U UN Howmedica total ankle s. UJbO u q UJ Wd UN
bu V HybridFit total hip s. XObdO q UJ u UN
Gonstead pelvic marking s. V u( rOu UN HybridFit total knee s. V q UJ Wd UN
bOu XObdO
Graf stabilization s. d XO UN hydraulic test s. wbON U UN
Granberg cervical V wIMF =d' UN Ilizarov limb- V dD quD UN

- 696 -
lengthening s. eO Kirschner s. dMdO UN
immune s. wUM* UN' Kirschner II-C shoulder s. II-C dMdO nJ UN
Impact modular total hip s. ]bF* q UJ u UN KMC hip s. KMC u UN
XU KMW hip s. KMW u UN
Infinity hip s. wMH V u UN knee signature s. Wd UC UN
Inglis-Pellicci elbow od* qBH nOMB UN Kostiuk-Harrington V d UN
arthroplasty rating s. wJKO eK V distraction s. u=U uOu
Insall-Burstein II modular V ]bF* Wd UN Kyle fracture V uJ nOMB UE
knee s. II sUd U classification s. wKO
instrumentation s. _ ULF UN Langenskiold grading s. V Vu UN
Integral hip s. d u UN buOJMM
integrated shape and duB qJA UN Larson hip status s. V u WU UN
imaging s. (ISIS) 5K UJ* u
InteliJet fluid XOOK qzu UN Lichtman staging s. V qd* nOMB UN
management s. UL O
internal fixation plate- XO WOH VuK UN Lubinus AP hip s. fOMOu V u UN
screw s. wKb AP
internal fixator s. wKb X=* UN Luhr fixation s. u XO UN
International 10-20 s. 20 10 UuOAd UN Magerl hook-plate s. V WOHB hAUN
International Listing S. WOb Wb' UE dU
Iowa hip status s. u V u WU UN Magerl plate-screw s. V VuK WOHB UN
ipos arch support s. u uI U UN dU
irrigation s. UN Magna-FX cannulated FX UMJ v]MI* VuK UN
Isola spinal implant s. e WOuA WdG WKL screw s.
joint activated s. (JAS) q]FH* wKBH* UN' Mallory-Head modular V ]bF* ULN* UN
Judet hip status s. u u WU UN calcar s. bO uU
J-Vac closed drainage s. U w oKG* eM UN Maramed Miami fracture w UO b U dJ UM UN
Kendall A-V impulse s. w t bM l]b UN brace s.
Kinamed Exact-Fit t XO XU bLMO UN Mark III halo s. YU jL]M s WUN UN
ATH s. g w Mark II Sorrells hip u qBH UF UN
Kinematic II condylar and wLIK q UJ Wd UN arthroplasty retractor s. wU jL]M s fu
stabilizer total knee s. 2 wULMOJ X=* Mason fracture V uJ nOMB UE
Kinematic II rotating hinge ]b ]dU Wd UN classification s. uU
knee s. 2 wULMOJ Maxim Modular Knee S. V ]bF* Wd UN
Kinemax modular condylar wLIK q UJ Wd UN rOU
and stabilizer total knee s. V X=* ]bF* Mayo Clinic forefoot V bI ]bI ed% UN
fULMO scoring s. pOMOK uU
Kinemax Plus total knee s. V q UJ Wd UN Mazur ankle rating s. V qUJ nOMB UN
Kinemetric guide s. wULMOJ qOb UN Medical Examination and w=D hH eO d UN

- 697 -
Diagnostic Coding S. hO A Neff femorotibial nail s. wuME c H UL* UN
Medical Research Council s. WO=D U_ fK UN nervous s. wBF UN'
Meniscus Mender II s. II bM WN UN Nexus wheelchair Vb* wdJ bFI UN
metric s. d* UE=M seating s. uJ V
MG II total knee s. MG II q UJ Wd UN occupational rating s. wMN* nOMB UE
Microloc knee s. udJO V Wd UN Ogden fracture V uJ nOMB UE
MicroPhor iontophoretic UU b UD UN classification s. b
drug delivery s. udJO wu_ Ogden plate s. b V WOHB UN
Midas Rex s. f bO UN Olerud pedicle fixation s. V WIu XO UN
Miller-Galante revision V wOIM Wd UN dO
knee s. XU dKO Omega compression hip wUGC u Vu UN
Miller-Galante total V q UJ Wd UN screw s. UO
knee s. XU dKO Omega Plus compression UO wUGC u UN
Minaar classification s. UMO nOMB UE hip s.
Mini-Flap drain s.  wMO eM UN Omnifit total knee s. V q UJ Wd UN
Mitek anchor s. pO Ud* UN XOHOM
Mitek GII suture anchor s. GII pO WUO) Ud UN open double decked hook e* w=BA oMF UN
modular s. ]bF UN cervical s. uH* W]b
Modular Acetabular ]bF* w=I( `OIM UN Opti-Fix total hip s. w q UJ u UN
Revision s. (MARS) fJO
modular Lenbach hip s. ]bF* UMO u UN Optotrak motion du Wd( UO UN
MOD unicompartmental eO( U_ Wd UN measurement s.
knee s. u V Orth-erae wc qIM UN
Moe s. u UN autotransfusion s.
Monticelli-Spinelli circular wU) wb XO UN Orth-evac autotransfusion s. U wc qIM UN
external fixation s. wKMO wKOu Ortholoc Advantim revision V wOIM Wd UN
Moore hip uK WOMU Wb UN knee s. rOU uu
endoprosthesis s. u V Ortholoc Advantim total V q UJ Wd UN
Morrey elbow arthroplasty qBH nOMB UN knee s. rOU uu
rating s. u od* Orthomet Axiom total V q UJ Wd UN
motorized shaving s. w W( UN knee s. uO XO u
Mouradian humeral bCF XO UN Orthomet Perfecta total XO u q UJ u UN
fixation s. Uu hip s. UJdO
musculotendinous s. du wKCF UN' OrthoPak bone growth Uu rEF =uL UM UN
Natural-Knee S. WOFOD Wd UN stimulator s.
Natural-Knee s. WOFOD Wd UN Osada portable V WU]IM WCI UN
Neer II shoulder s. II dO nJ UN handpiece s. U
Neer II total knee s. V q UJ Wd UN Palmer-Gonstead-Firth d*U V Wb' UN
II dO listing s. dO bu

- 698 -
Panoview arthroscopic s. uOuU qBH* dOEM UN femoral component s. uuO
Paramax ACL guide s. ACL fU d qOb UN' Press-Fit total condylar q UJ WOLIK Wd UN
parasympathetic nervous s. = wBF UN' knee s. XO fd V
(PNS) pretarget filtration s. bN U `Od UN
PCA primary total knee s. w]_ q UJ Wd UN Puno-Winter-Byrd s. dO dM uu UN
PCA PWB transpedicular spine wuA XO UN
PCA total knee s. PCA q UJ Wd UN fixation s. PWB UIu
PCA Universal total knee PCA q UJ Wd UN Quadracut ACL shaver s. ACL Uu * UN
instrument s. UdHOu Rancho Cube S. u uA UN
pediatric s. UH_ UN rating s. nOMB UE
pedicle-screw s. VuK WIu UN Reese osteotomy guide s. V rEF lD qO UN
PerFixation s. sAUJOd UN e
Performance modular total ]bF* q UJ Wd UN Richards fixator s. UA V X=* UN
knee s. fU ud V Richards hip uK WOMU Wb UN
Performance total knee s. V q UJ Wd UN endoprosthesis s. UA
fU ud Richards modular hip s. V ]bF* u UN
Performance eO( U_ Wd UN UA
unicompartmental knee s. fU ud V Richards Solcotrans w Wd U eM UN
peripheral nervous s. (PNS) wDO* wBF UN' orthopaedic V UEF .uI Wd
peripheral vascular s. (PVS) wDO* wzUu UN' drainage-reinfusion s. fduJK UA
PFC modular total knee s. ]bF* q UJ Wd UN right-handed orthogonal bO wM1_ =uI* oUM UN
PFC coordinate s. (RHOCS)
PGP flexible nail s. PGP d* UL* Riseborough-Radin V uJ nOMB UE
PGR cemented modular s. PGR w* qbF] UN fracture classification s. s d
Phoresor II iontophoretic UU b UD UN Rochester compression s. d UGC UN
drug delivery s. II uu wu_ Rod TAG suture anchor s. w t w WUO) Ud
Pipkin fracture V uJ nOMB UE Roger Anderson s. ub d UN
classification s. 5JO Rogozinski rod s. wJu u^ UN
PlastiCast adjustable joint uC* qBH* VU UN Rogozinski screw s. wJu Vu UN
cast s. XUJO V Rogozinski spinal V wuA XO UN
plate-screw s. VuK WOHB UN fixation s. wJu
Polycentric and wide- ed* =bF* Wd UN Rogozinski spinal rod s. V wuA u^ UN
Track knee s. U* l]* wJu
Postel hip status s. qu u WU UN Roho pediatric seating s. V UH_ bFI UN
posterior cruciate condylar WOOKB WOLIK Wd UN u
knee s. WOHK) Russell-Taylor femoral VUM* c H UL* UN
posterior rod s. wHK) u^M UN interlocking nail s. uKO q=
PPT insole s. PPT bI sU UN Savastano Hemi-Knee s. V wHBM Wd UN
PPT soft tissue orthotic s. PPT ud ZOM uI UN uUH
Precision Osteolock sOd c H =uJ UN Scaphoid-Microstaple s. dOGB ]d we UN

- 699 -
Schwartz-Blajwas- eu V UN Sure-Closure skin dO bK' bbL UN
Marcinko irrigation s. uJMOU u stretching s. uK
Scotchcast length guJ uD dO UN SwimEx hydrotherapy s. fJO1u WOzU* W'UF* UN
splinting s. XU sympathetic nervous s. =u wBF UN'
Select shoulder s. XJK nJ UN (SNS)
shaving s. oK( UN Synthes s. fMO UN
Simmons plating s. eu^LO V `OHB UN TAB tibial augmentation uME U UB UN
Simmons and Segil eu^LO V nOMB UN block s. TAB
classification s. qO Tag anchor s. U Ud* UN
single-cannula s. bOu W]OMI UN TCIV knee s. TCIV Wd UN
Solcotrans V WOc Wd UN TCPM pneumatic TCPM WOzuN WUF UN
autotransfusion s. fduJK tourniquet s.
Solcotrans orthopaedic Wd w Wd eM UN Thera-Band resistive V W UI* W'UF* UN
drainage-refusion s. V UEF .uI therapy s. bU dO
fduJK Therabite jaw motion =pH Wd qOQ UN
Soma Gonio s. uOu U u UN rehabilitation s. XUdO
Soma pulley s. U u V dJ UN Thera-Ciser light dO nOH) sdL UN
Souter Strathclyde total du q UJ od* UN exercice s. eU
elbow s. bOKJd Thera-Ciser therapeutic dO wF sdL UN
Spectron EF total hip s. dJO q UJ u UN exercise s. eU
EF Thompson hip uK WOKb Wb UN
spherocentric knee s. ed* dJ Wd UN endoprosthesis s. u u
Stahl staging s. V qd* bb UE three-point pressure s. UI jGC UN
U THSP s. dB
StairMaster exercice s. dU dO sdL UN titanium hollow screw ]u: VuK WOHB UN
Statak anchor s. UU Ud* UN plate system w uOUO
Steffee pedicle screw s. V wIu VuK UN Ti-Fit total hip s. XO w q UJ u UN
wHO titanium hollow screw ]u: VuK WOHB UN
Steffee pedicle screw and wIu VuK UN plate s. (THSP system) w uOUO
plate s. wHO V WOHB Townley anatomic knee s. V wdA Wd UN
Steffee pedicle screw- wIu VuK UN wKMu
plate s. wHO V WOHB TPL-6 hip s. TPL-6 u UN
Steffee variable spine dOG* wuA `OHB UN Trilogy Acetabular Cup s. w =o( n' UN
plating s. wHO V triple envelope s. w G UN
Stockholm HAVS s V qd* bb UE Trunkey fracture V uJ nOMB UE
taging s. HAVS ruNu classification s. wJd
Stromqvist hook pin s. w=BA u^b UN TSRH s. TSRH UN
XOHJ d TSRH cross-link s. V VUB* jd UN
Stryker SE3 drive s. SE3 dJd db UN TSRH
suction-irrigation s. h UN TSRH spinal implant s. V W]OuA WdG UN

- 700 -
TSRH anchor s. TAG
TSRH Universal spinal UdHOu ULF UN Wiltse s. eK UN
instrumentation s. TSRH V W]dIH Wiltse pedicle screw wIu VuK XO UN
Ultra-Drive bone cement d rEF e UN fixation s. eK V
removal s. n Wisconsin Compression s. suJ UGC UN
Ultra-Guard hip orthosis s. u d u uI UN (WCS)
Ultra-X s. f d UN Wit portable TENS s. V uL; TENS UN
Ultra-X external d wU) XO UN X
fixation s. f Zickel fracture V uJ nOMB UE
Unicondylar Geomedic bO uO wHBM Wd UN classification s. qJ
hemi-knee s. WLIK bOu Zimmer Anatomic hip wdA u Wb UN
Uniflex nailing s. fHOu dOL UN prosthesis s. d=1 V
unilateral variable screw dOG* VuK WF{u UN Zimmer cross-over W]dUF] _ ULF UN
placement s. VU' U_ instrumentation s. d=1 V
urogenital s. wKUM wu UN' Zimmer-Hall drive s. U d=1 V db UN
variable axis knee s. u* dOG* Wd UN ZMS intramedullary wIM q XO UN
variable screw placement s. dOG* VuK WF{u UN fixation s. ZMS
Vermont pedicle fixation s. V WIu XO UN Zuni exercise s. w V sdL UN
Xu d systemic wuL UN
VSP s. VSP UN s. lupus erythematosus WOuL: WO UL( Wzc
Wagner revision hip s. V wOIM u UN (SLE)
dMU s. mycosis wuL: UDH
WATSMART w U* duB UN s. sclerosis wuL: V^KB
stereography s. r]* jOD  UN systolic blood pressure w{UI b jG{
Weber fracture V uJ nOMB UE (SBP)
classification s. d
Wedge TAG suture b WUO) Ud UN

- 701 -
T28 dB imaging t. duB
Trapezoidal-28 28 dM* t knee-chest t. bB Wd WU
tabes dorsalis dN fU Marquet fracture t. uJ dO XOU WU
tabetic wU Midland tilt t. bbO V WKzU* WUD
t. foot W]OU b Multi-Lock hand U]OKLFK oKG =bF* WUD
t. gait W]OU WOA operating t. bO vK
table WU Wu b orthopaedic t. UEF .uI Wd WU
Albee-Compere fracture t. du w U]OKL WU Paris manual therapy t. W]bO W'UFLK fU WU
uJ dO resistive exercise t. UI* sdL WU
Albee orthopaedic t. Wd' w U]OKL WU Roger Anderson t. ub d WU
UEF .uI Sieman t. ULO WU
Bell t. qO WU slot t. W]OI WU
Berstein cast t. sUd V VUI WU Stryker surgical hand t. V WOd' bO WU
cast t. =V]B WU dJd
Chick fracture t. dO pO U]OKL WU Telos fracture t. uJ dO uKO WU
uJ tilt t. (TT) WKzU WU
Chick-Langren d pO U]OKL WU Tri W-G t. WG WO WU
orthopaedic t. UEF .uI Wd' VAX-D therapy t. VAX-D W'UF* WU
Cobb attachment for U]OKL WUD u eJd tablet wbO qJ d
Albee-Compere fracture t. uJ dO du w bonemeal t. rEF u d
flexion-distraction t. d wM WU tabletop Stone staple u V rE bF ]
fluoroscopic t. wI^Q dOEM WU taboparesis we fU
fracture t. uJ dO WU TAB tibial augmentation uME U UB UN
Green-Anderson growth t. =uLMK ub sd b block system
hi-lo t. u w WU Tachdjian UO U
inner t. WMU Wu]K T. classification UOU nOMB
Jackson spinal surgery and U
M Wd' uU WU T. fractional lengthening V we quD

- 703 -
UOU t. canal wKUJ oHM
T. hamstring lengthening UOU V iQ* quD t. dislocation qUJ lK
T. pin UOU u^ t. dome qUJ W]
T. procedure UOU d t. fracture qUJ d
tack dLO t. malunion qUJ U u
biodegradable surgical t. ^bK qUI wd' dLO* t. neck qUJ oM
=wuuO t. neck fracture qUJ oM d
t. breakage dLO* UJ t. osteochondral fracture dCG rEF d
tack-and-pin forceps u^b dLO* jIK wKUJ
tacklers arm UI_ wF
t. osteochondritis dissecans dCG rEF UN
Tacrine sd U wKUJ aU]
tactile w* talar wKU
t. anesthesia w* b t. process wKUJ TUM
t. defensiveness W]O* WU t. sinus wKUJ VO'
tadpole dK wUdO qJA uK t. tilt qUJ qO
r UH{ s t. triple arthrodesis qUJK w qBH* U
Tag anchor system X=* U UN talectomy qUJ UB
tags uR uG nzU r Trumble t. qd V qUJ UB
skin t. W]bK uG Talesnick scapholunate wN wUI 5LEF `OKB
tailbone qc rE repair pOMOU V
tailor U]O tali wKU
tailored jO sustentaculum t. qUJ F
tailors 5U]O)U o=KF talipes nM
t. bunion 5U]O) WF t. calcaneocavus wBL wI nM
t. bunionectomy 5U]O) WF UB t. calcaneovalgus w wI nM
Tajima ULOU t. calcaneus wI nM
T. metacarpal lengthening ULOU V lM quD t. cavovalgus w wBL nM
T. method ULOU WId t. cavovarus w wBL nM
T. modified Kessler suture ULOU s W]bF* dK WUO t. cavus deformity wBL) nM( ^uA
T. suture technique WUO) w ULOU WId t. equinovalgus w bH nM
Takayasu arteritis uUUJ V 5d]A UN t. equinovarus (TEV) w bH nM
i]M bF flexible t. s=O nM
takeoff W oKDM Vu t. planovalgus w w nM
Take-Out Extractor pU WFU t. planus w nM
TAL dB talocalcaneal wI ywKU
tendon Achilles lengthening udF quD t. angle W]OIF W]OKUJ We
talar wKU t. coalition wI ywKU z
t. avulsion fracture qUJ w wFK d t. fusion wI ywKU Z
t. beaking qUJ UIM talocalcaneonavicular w wI ywKU
t. body nonunion qUJ r U b t. articulation we wIF wKUJ qBH*

- 704 -
t. complex wIF wKUJ V]d* tandem y
t. joint we wIF wKUJ qBH* t. connector W]O d WKO
talocalcaneus wI wKU t. gait test W]O d WOA* U
os t. wIF wKUJ rEF tangential UL wUL
talocrural wU wKU t. view wUL dEM
t. angle W]OU W]OKUJ We t. x-ray view wUL wUF dEM
t. joint wU wKUJ qBH* tank ZdN
talofibular uE wKU Hubbard t. (HT) W'UFLK Uu ZdN
t. joint uEA wKUJ qBH* U* X WOzUeOH
t. ligament uEA wKUJ Ud Hubbard physical therapy t. W'UFLK Uu ZdN
talometatarsal angle W]ODA* W]OKUJ We WOzUeOH
talonavicular w wKU tantalum-ball marker uUU d WL
t. bone we wKUJ rEF tantalum mesh uUU WJ
t. fusion w wKU Z tap W]OHM dIM dI e e
t. joint we wKUJ qBH* AO t. AO e
t. ossicle of Pirie V W]Oe W]OFI WLOEF t. drill e VI
dO dynamic condylar screw t. wJOUMb WLIK Vu e
talonavicular-cuneiform we wKUJ V] d* screw t. VuKU e
complex wMOH Screw-Lok t. u dJ e
talotibial wuM wKU synovial t. qOe e
t. exostosis wuM wKU d tape jd
talus qUJ anthropometric measuring t. WdA UUOI UO jd
t. accessorius w U{ qU bias-cut t. lDI UM jd
beaking of head of t. qUJ UIM cast t. VUI jd
congenital vertical t. u uLF qUJ Delta-Lite casting t. X?U WuI jd
flattop t. qU qU graded Gore-Tex t. fJ u =b* jdA
Tricodur T. compression uU uuJd UL{ MaxCast casting t. XU fU WuI jd
dressing jU]C Mersilene t. 5KOd jd
truncated-wedge qBH* US uL qU moleskin traction t. bK) d s >d jd
tarsometatarsal wMOH wDA* wG d Scotchcast casting t. XUJAuJ WuI jd
arthrodesis vertical t. UUNM l]d* Scotchcast 2 casting t. 2 XUJAuJ WuI jd
vertical t. uL qU skin t. bK jd
Talwin NX NX suU t. traction wDd yd
TAM dB TufStuf II cast t. 2 U u VUI jd
total active motion WOK WU]F Wd umbilical t. =d jd
Tamae harvesting wU V nD taper Wd
tamp U b Morse t. u Wd

bone t. rEF Ub t. with Zimmer shank d=1 U l Wd

tension band wire t. d^u jd pK Ub tapered hand reamer yb b uI
Tandearil qUbU tapering dose steroid Wd' hUM bdO

- 705 -
Taperloc femoral prosthesis udU V cH Wb t. joint infection m d qBH b
taping e t. medullostomy m d V dG
buddy t. oO d e t. navicular w wG
Gibney t. wMO V e t. navicular bursitis we wG d d' UN
LowDye t. u V e t. osteotomy m d rE lD
tapir dH s uO UM t. plate W]OG d WOHB
lU_ t. pronator shoe W]OG d W]UJ c
bouche de t. UM r t. sinus artery wG d VO' Ud
tapotement WD t. tunnel wG d oHM
tapper WFL t. tunnel syndrome wG d oHM W
TAR dB t. wedge osteotomy m d rEF wMOH lD
Thrombocytopenia with rE UO l UOHB WK tarsalmetatarsal wDA wG wFK d
absence of radius dFJ fracture-dislocation
TAR syndrome W tarsi m
TARA dB ossa t. m d UE
total articular replacement qUJ bU qBH* sinus t. wG d VO'
arthroplasty tarsometarsal joint wDA* wGd qBH*
total articular resurfacing `OD US qBH* tarsometatarsal (TMT) wDA wG
arthroplasty qUJ qBHLK t. amputation wDA wG d
TARA prosthesis `OD US qBH* Wb t. articulation wDA* wG d qBH*
qUJ t. dislocation wDA wG lK
TARA total hip prosthesis qBH* d u qU Wb t. fracture-dislocation wDA wG wFK d
qUJ `OD US t. joint wDA* wG d qBH*
Taractan U U t. joint arthrodesis wDA* wG d qBH* U
taratologic dislocation w lK t. joint injury wDA* wG d qBH* WU
Taratynov disease uMOU t. truncated-wedge wDA* wG d qBH* U
tardy ulnar palsy d=Q* =b]e VBF qK arthrodesis UUNM l]d* wMOH
d* oH]M W tarsonavicular w wG
targeting nbN tarsus wMH' dCG md
t. bead nbN] W Task Force on Standards of W'UF* dOUF vK qLF od

distal t. U nbN Physical Therapy W]OzUeOH

tarsal wMH' dCGU o=KF wG Tauranga splint U$u dO
t. amputation m d d taut band bA jd
t. arthrodesis m d qBH U Tavernetti-Tennant XUMO wOdO
t. bone m d rE T.-T. knee prosthesis wOdO U V Wd Wb
t. bone fracture m d rE d XUMO
t. canal W]OG d UMI T.-T. prosthesis XUMO wOdO U Wb
t. coalition m d z Taylor uKU
t. dislocation m d lK T. back brace uKU V dNE UM
t. joint m d qBH T. clavicle support uKU V ud U

- 706 -
T. procedue uKU d TE dB
T. retractor uKU UF echo time bB s
T. spinal frame uKU V dIH U tea-and-toast diet h]L* e) UA u
T. spine brace uKU V VKB UM teacup fracture UA uJ tO d
T. splint uKU dO team Ud
) od

T. technique uKU WId donor t. jF od

T. thoracolumbosacral V eF bB uI recipient t. qI od
orthosis uKU tear =e1 We WF
Taylor-Daniel-Weiland bO
qOO uKU WId anterior horn meniscal t. WNK wU_ dI We
technique anterior oblique meniscal t. WNK WKzU W]OU We
Taylor-Knight brace XU uKU UM bucket-handle t. ub iI We
Taylor-Townsend-Corlett wHd( dF rE rF cleavage t. W]d^DA We
iliac crest bone graft bMu uKU V complex meniscal t. WNK W]d We
T-bar guide W]OzU W{UF qO degenerative t. W]O^JM We
T-broach W]OzU W u deltoid ligament t. WOb U We
Tc uOAOMJ e flap t. W]OKb We
TCIV knee system TCIV W d UN flap meniscal t. WNK W]OKb We
TCL dB full-thickness cuff t. WU
tibial collateral ligament wuME wU' Ud horizontal t. W]OI We
T-clamp wzU UIK horizontal meniscal t. W]OI _ WN We
Pratt T.-c. wzU d UIK iatrogenic t. QAM* W]O We
Presbyterian Hospital T.-c wzU wMJ vHA* UIK iatrogenic dural t. QAM* W]OF WO U' We
Tc 99m, 99mTc 99 uOAOMJ e p incomplete t. W]U dO We
technetium-99m 99 uOAOMJ interstitial t. W]O We
Tc 99m sestamibi VKI qC Wd duB interstitial meniscal t. W]O) WN We
myocardial perfusion uOAOMJU intraoperative dural t. W]OKLF UM w WO U' We
imaging labral t. WHA We
TCO dB lateral t. W]OU We
total contact orthosis qUJ UL uI longitudinal t. W]Ou We
T-condylar fracture wzU WLIK d longitudinal displaced W]Ou W]OUe W]U We
TCPM dB complete t.
Tourniquet Cuff Pressure W UF WH jG{ Ud longitudinal incomplete q W]U dO W]Ou We
Monitor intramenscal t. WN
T. pneumatic tourniquet W]OzuN TCPM W U longitudinal meniscal t. W]OuD WN We
T. pneumatic tourniquet W]OzuN TCPM W U UN meniscal t. WN We
system meniscal lateral t. WNK W]OA We
T-Cube u TCPM meniscal radial t. W]dF W]O We
TD dB meniscal transverse t. WNK W{dF We
temperature differential d( W U meniscocapsular t. WN WEH; We
terminal device W]OzUN eON midsubstance t. ]U* j We

- 707 -
mop-end mid substance t. WUNM WHOEM ]U* j We technique WId
Neer acromioplasty for F dO V d_ abduction traction t. bOFU =d' WId
rotator cuff t. =b* W]HJ We accessory movement t. W]O U{ Wd( WId
oblique t. WKzU We Ace-Colles frame t. f=u U WId
oblique meniscal t. WNK WKzU We active t. WU]F WId
parrot-beak t. UG] UIM We adduction traction t. VdIU =d' WId
posterior cruciate ligament t. wHK) wOKB Ud We Alexander t. bMJ WId
posterior horn meniscal t. WNK wHK) dI We Amspacher-Messenbaugh t. uM dU WId
posterior oblique meniscal t. WKzU* W]OHK) WN We Anderson-Hutchins t. eMOAu ub WId
radial t. dFJ We Andrews t. b WId
radial meniscal t. WO WdF We anterior t. W]OU_ WIdD
rotator cuff t. =b* W]HJ We anterior quadriceps W]bK' W]OKCF WKb WId
transverse t. W{dF We musculocutaneous flap t. d W]OUd W]OU_
vertical longitudinal t. W]uL W]Ou We AO t. AO WId
teardrop WF Armistead t. bOO WId
t. fracture WFb qJA d Aronson-Prager t. dd u WId
t. line qJA wF yj arthrographic capsular WEH* oeL lOu WId
Teare dO distension and rupture t. qBH* duB
T. arm splint dO V c dO ASIF t. (Association for the W WOFL ASIF WId
T. sling dO F Study of Internal Fixation) wKb XO
tearing sound e]M oeL U ASIF screw fixation t. ASIF VuKU XO WId
Technetium 99 dBMF uOAOMJ XO W WOFL
t. labeled methylene uOAOMJ wzUM 5KOO wKb
diphosphonate uu* Asnis t. fO WId
t. stannous pyrophosphate uOAOMJ UH dO Atasoy V-Y t. U V V-Y WId
(TSPP) dbBI Avila t. O WId
technetium-99 methylene uOAOMJ UH
wzUM 5KOO avulsion t. lKI WId
diphosphonate Badgley t. wKU WId
technetium-99 m (Tc 99m, 99 uOAOMJ bag-of-bones t. UEF WOI WId
99m Tc) Bailey-Badgley t. wKU wKU WId
t. diphosphonate 99m uOAOMJ UH ^wzUM Bailey-Dubow t. u wKU WId
t. diphosphonate scan UH wzUM WdH Baker t. dU WId
m99 uOAOMJ Balacescu-Golden t. bu uJU WId
t. phosphate 99m uOAOMJ UH Bandi t. bU WId
t. pyrophosphate 99m uOAOMJ UH dO Banks-Laufman t. UL u fJU WId
t. pyrophosphate scan UH dO WdH Barbour t. uU WId
99m uOAOMJ Barsky t. wJU WId
t. scan 99muOAOMJ WdH basic t. W]bU WId
t. sulfur colloid scan wdG XdJU WdH Batch-Spittler-McFaddin t. =U p dK gU WId
99muOAOMJ Bauer-Tondra-Trusler t. dKd bu U WId

- 708 -
Baumgard-Schwartz fM w o d WId Boyes t. eu WId
tennis elbow t. eu Uu V Boyes brachioradialis W]bCF WKCF qI WId
Beall-Webel-Bailey t. wKU q qO WId transfer t. eu V W]dFJ
Beckenbaugh t. uMJ WId Brackett-Osgood-Putti- wu u Xd WId
Becker t. dJ WId Abbott t. u^
Becton t. uJ WId Brady-Jewett t. Xu d WId
Bellemore-Barrett- ubO =U uL=K WId Brand tendon transfer t. bd V du qI WId
Middleton-Scougall- u quJ Brannon-Wickstrom t. dJ u^d WId
Whiteway t. Brooks t. fd WId
Bell-Tawse open V uH* =d WId Brooks-Jenkins u* wINH Zb WId
reduction t. U qO atlantoaxial fusion t. eMOJM fd V
Bevin-Aurglass t. 5H WId Brooks-Seddon transfer t. fd V qIM WId
Bircher-Weber t. d ddO WId ^bO
Black t. WId Brostrom injection t. dd V sI( WId
Black-Brostrom staple t. V ]d WId Brown t. d WId
dd Bruser t. d WId
Blackburn t. d WId Bryan-Morrey t. u Ud WId
Blair t. dOK WId Buck-Gramcko t. uJd u WId
Bleck t. pOK WId Bugg-Boyd t. bu u WId
Bleck recession t. pOK V ld WId Buncke t. wJM WId
Bloom-Raney modification WIdD w uK qbF Bunnell t. q=u WId
of Smith-Robinson t. uM YOL Bunnell atraumatic t. q=u V W]O{ WId
Blount t. XuK WId Bunnell tendon transfer t. q=u V du qI WId
Blount tracing t. XuK V UH WId Burgess t. fu WId
Blundell-Jones t. eu bMK WId Burkhalter modification of WIdD dKu qbF
Bohlman cervical V wd Zb WId Stiles-Bunnell t. q=u fKO
fusion t. U*U Burkhalter transfer t. dKu V qIM WId
Bohlman triple-wire t. V w WId Burrows t. ^u WId
U*U Caldwell-Coleman U]d bI W'UF WId
bone t. W]OLE WId flatfoot t. U*u bU V
Bonfiglio-Bardenstein t. sUAU uOKOHu WId Callahan fusion t. UN]U V Zb WId
Bonfiglio modification of WIdD uOKOHu qbF Camino catheter t. uMOU V UDI WId
Phemister t. dOL Camitz t. eOU WId
Bonola t. uu WId Campbell t. qU WId
Bora t. u WId Canale t. wUU WId
Borggreve-Hall t. U du WId Capello t. u^KU WId
Bowers t. U WId Carnesale t. eU WId
Boyd-Anderson t. ub bu WId Carrell t. =U WId
Boyd-McLeod tennis fM w o d WId Carrell fibular V W]OEA b WId
elbow t. bu p bu V substitution t. =U

- 709 -
Cave-Rowe t. nO WId Collis broken femoral uJ* c
H c WId
Cave-Rowe shoulder V nJ lK WId stem t. fO=u V
dislocation t. U Coltart fracture t. Uu V dJ WId
cement t. * WId combination of isotonics t. d^u U]u WHOu WId
cementless t. W]O WId compression t. jGC WId
central slip sparing t. e w rOb WId Connolly t. wu^u WId
ed* contoured anterior spinal W]OU_ W]dIH WOHB WId
cervical screw insertion t. Wd Vu d WId plate t. w u( WH=OJ*
cervical spondylotic U
M w Zb WId contract relax t. wB^KI U
myelopathy fusion t. =w]d UIH b conventional t. W]bOKI WIdD
Chaves-Rapp muscle V WKCF qI WId Conyers t. dOu WId
transfer t. eHO Coonse-Adams t. e eu WId
chevron t. b d WId coracoclavicular t. W]ud W]OdG WIdD
Chiari t. UO WId costotransversectomy t. wFKC lDI WId
Childress t. bKA WId w{dF*
Childress ankle fixation t. V qUJ XO WId Cozen-Brockway t. ud u WId
bKA Crawford-Marxen- 5U u d WId
Cho t. u WId Osterfeld t. bK d
Cho tendon t. u V du WId Crego tendon transfer t. ud V du qI WId
Chow t. U WId Cubbins shoulder V nJ lK WId
Chrisman-Snook ankle t. V qUJ WId dislocation t. eMO=u
uM ULd Curtis t. fOd WId
Cierny-Mader t. U wdO WId Curtis-Fisher Knee t. fOd V Wd WId
Cincinnati t. wU]MOMO WId dAO
Clancy t. w WId Darrach-McLaughlin t. sKu p WId
Clancy ligament t. w V Ud WId Darrach-McLaughlin V nJ WId
Clark transfer t.  V qIM WId shoulder t. sKu p
Clayton-Fowler t. dU u WId Davey-Rorabeck-Fowler V jGC nOH
Cleveland-Bosworth- uu bHOK WId decompression t. dU p w
Thompson t. uu Davis drainage t. eO V eM WId
Cloward t. uK WId Debeyre-Patte-Elmelik V =b* W]HJ WId
t. of Cobb u WId rotator cuff t. pOK* w=U dO
Cobb scoliosis measuring t. V nM' UO WId decompression t. jGC nOH
u decortication t. dAI W WId
Codivilla tendon V du quD WId DePalma modified V W]bF* WH{d WId
lengthening t. ]OHu patellar t. U*U
Cofield t. bKO u WId Dewar-Barrington V ud lK WId
Cole t. u WId clavicular dislocation t. uMd
Coleman flatfoot t. V U]d bI WId Dewar-Harris shoulder t. V nJ WId
U*u f=U

- 710 -
Dewar posterior cervical wHK) wd Zb WId reconstruction t.  pu
fusion t. u V Eftekhar broken femoral uJ* c
H c WId
Deyerle t. dO WId stem t. U
Deyerle femoral fracture t. V c
H d WId Eggers tendon transfer t. d V du qI WId
dO Ellis t. fO= WId
Dias-Giegerich fracture t. U V dJ WId Ellis-Jones t. eu fO= WId
gdO Ellis-Jones peroneal V W]OEA d WId
Dickinson calcaneal wIF d' UN WId tendon t. eu fO=
bursitis t. uMOJ V Ellison t. uO WId
Dickson transplant t. uJ V rFD WId Ellis skin traction t. fO= V bK' =d WId
Dimon-Hughston t. uu u1 WId Ender femoral fracture t. b V c
H d WId
distraction t. d WId Ender fracture t. b V dJ WId
Doll trochanteric b* UB= U WId Erickson-Leider-Brown t. d bO uJ WId
reattachment t. V Eriksson t. u^J WId
Doppler t. dK WId Eriksson brachial block t. W]bCF dOHC UB WId
double looped We* nBM W]OzUAG WId u^J V
semitendinosus t. dF Eriksson ligament t. u^J V Ud WId
double-rod t. e* VOCI WId Essex-Lopresti axial V u* XO WId
dowel t. U=b WId fixation t. wdu fJ=
doweling W]Ub UIH e WId Essex-Lopresti calcaneal V VIF d WId
spondylolisthesis t. fracture t. wdu fJ=
DREZ modification of u^J WIdD DREZ qbF Evans ankle V qUJ UM WId
Eriksson t. reconstruction t. eUH
drilling t. VOI WId excision-curettage t. jAJ UB WId
Drummond spinous V wuA WId extraarticular t. qBH* U WId
wiring t. bu^ extremity imobilization t. dD XO WId
Drummond wire t. bu^ V WId facet excision t. tOu UB WId
Dunn t. WId Fahey t. wU WId
Dunn-Brittain foot V bI XO WId Fahey-OBrien t. sd wU WId
stabilization t. sU]d Fairbanks t. fJUdO WId
DuVries deltoid ligament WOb U UM WId Farmer t. dU WId
reconstruction t. ed V Ferkel torticollis t. qdO V dF]B WId
DuVries reconstruction t. ed V UM WId Fielding modification of wU WIdD mMbKO qbF
Eastwood t. u WId Gallie t.
Eaton-Littler t. dKO u WId Fish cuneiform wMOH rEF lD WId
Eaton-Malerich V wFK) dJ WId osteotomy t. gO V
fracture-dislocation t. gdOU u fixation t. XO] WId
Eberle contracture V l^HI dd WId Flatt t. WId
release t. wd Flick-Gould t. bu pOK WId
Ecker-Lotke-Glazer tendon dO UM WId Flynn t. 5K WId

- 711 -
Forbes modification of rOFD WIdD fOu qbF gliding-hole-first t. ] oeM* VI WId
Phemister graft t. dOL V Glynn-Neibauer t. uO 5K WId
Ford triangulation t. u V YOK WId Goldberg t. dObu WId
Forest-Hastings t. eMU Xu WId Goldner-Clippinger t. dMOOK dbu WId
Fowler t. dU WId Goldstein t. sUbu WId
Fowles dislocation t. eU V lK) WId Goldstein spinal fusion t. V VKB Z WId
Freebody-Bendall-Taylor t. uKU bMO ud WId sUbu
Freebody-Bendall-Taylor ud V Z]b WId Gordon-Brostrom t. dd u WId
fusion t. uKU bMO Gordon joint injection t. V qBH* sI WId
free-hand suturing t. W]bO W]Od' WUO) WId u
]d( Gordon-Taylor t. uKU u WId
French fracture t. gd V dJ WId Green-Banks t. fJU sd WId
Fried-Hendel tendon t. bM bd V du WId Greulich-Pyle t. qU gOKd WId
Froimson t. u1d WId Grice-Green t. sd fd WId
functional t. W]OHO WId Grosse-Kempf tibial t. td V uME WId
Furnas-Haq-Somers t. dOu U Ud WId nLO
fusion t. Z]b WId Groves-Goldner t. dbu fO d WId
Gaenslen t. seU WId Guhl t. u WId
Gaenslen split-heel t. V dD=AM* VIF WId Guttmann t. ULu WId
seU Hackethal stacked nailing t. V p]A* dOL WId
Gallie t. wU WId UOU
Gallie atlantoaxial fusion t. u* wINH Zb WId Hall t. U WId
wU V Hamas t. UU WId
Gallie wiring t. wU V WId Hardinge t. ZMU WId
Galveston t. uHU WId Harmon t. uU WId
Ganley t. wKU WId Harmon transfer t. uU V qIM WId
Garceau tendon t. uOU V du WId Harriluque t. uKU WId
Ger t. dO WId Hassmann-Brunn-Neer ULU V o d* WId
Getty decompression t. V jGC nOH
WId elbow t. dO d
wO Hauser patellar t. du V WH{d WId
Giannestras modification WIdD d=UO qbF Hauser patellar WH{d nO d U WId
of Lapidus t. bO realignment t. du V
Gilbert-Tamai-Weiland t. b UU dK WId Hendler unitunnel t. V U_ oH]M WId
Gill t. qO WId dbM
Gillies-Millard cocked- V d* WF]I WId Henning t. ZMOMO WId
hat t. U]O fOKO Henning inside-to-outside t. U) v qb s WId
Gill-Manning-White qO V UIH e WId ZMOMO V
spondylolisthesis t. X ZMO=U Henry acromioclavicular t. W]ud WOd_ WIdD
Gill sliding graft t. qO V oeM* rFD WId dM V
Gledhill t. qObK WId Hermodsson internal V wKb db WId

- 712 -
rotation t. ubd interference screw t. qb Vu WId
Hey-Groves fascia lata t. V WCdF W UHK WId interspinous segmental 5 _ ULF WId
fO d w spinal instrumentation t. W]OU
M bAK u_
Hey-Groves-Kirk t. dO fO d w WId (ISSI)
Hey-Groves ligament w V Ud UM WId inverting knot t. WUI dF WId
reconstruction t. fO d ischemic-tourniquet t. W UFU UH WId
Heyman-Herndon-Strong t. bd ULO WId isometric t. UUI* WU WId
Zd Jacobs locking hook U]MB dIH u^M WId
Hill-Nahai-Vasconez- euJU UU qO WId spinal rod t. fuU V W]O
Mathes t. eOU Jansey t. wU WId
Hitchcock t. uJAO WId Jeffery t. dOHO WId
Hitchcock tendon t. uJAO V du WId Johnson pelvic fracture t. V u( d WId
Hodgson t. uu WId uu
Hohl-Moore t. u u WId Johnson staple t. uu V ]d WId
Hoke-Kite t. XO u WId Jones-Brackett t. Xd eu WId
hold relax t. iI U
WId Kapandji t. w$UU WId
hole-in-one t. (HIO) b ]d VI WId Kapel t. qU WId
Hoppenfeld-Deboer t. u bKHMu WId Kapel elbow dislocation t. qU V o d* lK WId
Hori t. u WId Kaplan t. U WId
hot dog t. u WId Kashiwagi t. wuOU WId
Houghton-Akroyd t. bd uu WId Kates-Kessel-Kay t. w qU fU WId
Houghton-Akroyd uu V dJ WId Kaufer tendon t. d u V du WId
fracture t. bd Kaufmann t. UL u WId
Hovanian transfer t. sOU u V qIM WId Kelikian-Clayton-Loseff t. u UOJOK WId
Howard t. u WId nOu
Hughston-Jacobson t. uuU uu WId Kelikian-Riashi-Gleason t. wU UOJOK WId
Hungerford t. u dM WId uOK
Huntington tibial t. V uME WId Kellogg-Speed fusion t. uKO V Zb WId
Ilizarov t. eO WId Kendrick-Sharma- UU pbM WId
Ilizarov limb-lengthening t. V dD quD WId Hassler-Herndon t. bd dKU
eO Kennedy ligament t. bOMO V Ud WId
Inglis-Cooper t. du eK WId Kessler t. dK WId
Inglis-Ranawat-Straub t. d U eK WId Kessler suture t. dK V WUO) WId
injection t. sI( WId keyhole tenodesis t. VI qJA du WUO WId
Insall-Hood V UM WId UH*
reconstruction t. u U King t. ZMO WId
Insall ligament V Ud UM WId King-Richards ZMO V lK) WId
reconstruction t. U dislocation t. UA
inside-to-outside t. U) v qb s WId King-Steelquist t. XuJKO ZMO WId

- 713 -
Kjolbe t. tuO WId u
Klein t. s WId LowDye taping t. u e WId
Klisic-Jankovic t. gO uJU peOK WId Ludloff t. uu WId
Krawkow-Cohn t. u ud WId lumbar accessory W]O U{ W]OMDI Wd( WId
Krawkow-Thomas- Uu ud WId movement t.
Jones t. eu Luque t. uOu WId
Krempen-Craig-Sotelo uME U$ b WId Luque instrumentation _ ULFU dOFI WId
tibial nonunion t. uKOu Zd 61d V concave t. uOu V
Kumar-Cowell-Ramsey t. e qu Uu WId Luque instrumentation ULFU Vb] WIdD
Kumar spica cast t. qJA wKM VUI WId convex t. uOu V _
Uu V Luque sublaminar wiring t. WOHB X WId
Kuntscher t. dAu WId uOu V
Lamb-Marks-Bayne t. sU fU V WId Lyden t. bO WId
Lambrinudi t. uMd WId Lyden-Lehman t. ULO bO WId
Lapidus t. bO WId Lynn t. 5 WId
Lapidus hammertoe t. wdD* bI l WId MacIntosh t. uMU WId
bO V Magerl translaminar d VuKU tOu XO WId
Larson t. u WId facet screw fixation t. dOU V WOHB
Leadbetter t. dObO WId Magilligan measuring t. UOKOU V UOI WId
Lee t. w WId Magnuson t. uMU WId
Lehman t. ULO WId Ma-Griffith t. YHd U WId
Leibolt t. XuO WId Maitland t. bU WId
Lenart-Kullman t. U*u UMO WId Majestro-Ruda-Frost dU V du WId
Lewit stretch t. XuO V bbL WId tendon t. Xd
Lichtman t. ULAO WId Malawer excision t. d V UB WId
Liebolt radioulnar t. V W]be WdFJ WIdD Mallory t. uU WId
XuO Mankin t. 5JU WId
Lindholm t. rubMO WId Manske t. wJU WId
Lipscomb t. VuJ WId manual t. W]bO WIdD
Lister t. dO WId manual push-pull t. W]bO V l b WId
Little t. qO WId Maquet t. XOU WId
Littler t. dKO WId Marcus-Balourdas-Heiple V qUJ Z WId
Littler-Cooley t. wu dKO WId ankle fusion t. qO uU fU
Lloyd-Roberts fracture t. bu V dJ WId Marshall ligament repair t. V Ud `OKB WId
fd UU
local standby anesthesia t. wUO db
 WId Marshall-McIntosh t. uMU UU WId
wF{u* Martin patellar wiring t. V WH{d WId
Losee modification of uMU WIdD u qbF 5U
MacIntosh t. Matti-Russe t. wU WId
Losee sling and reef t. V W]uD F* WId Mazet t. XU WId

- 714 -
McConnell t. qu p WId Mueller t. duO WId
McElfresh-Dobyns- eMO gdH p WId muscle energy t. W]OKCF WUD WId
OBrien t. sd Nalebuff-Millender lateral wU' jdA XO WId
McElvenny t. wMOH p WId band mobilization t. bMKO uU V
McFarland-Osborne t. u bU p WId neural arch resection t. W]dIH uI lD WId
McFarlane t. U p WId Neviaser t. UOHO WId
McKeever-Buck elbow t. dHO p V o d* WId Neviaser W]ud W]Od_ WIdD
u acromioclavicular t UOHO V
McLaughlin-Hay t. U sKu p WId Neviaser-Wilson- uK UOHO WId
McReynolds t. buM p WId Gardner t. dU
McReynolds open V uH* =d WId Nicholas five-in-one V 1 w 5 UM WId
reduction t. buM p reconstruction t. uJO
medial cortical overlap t. w dAI Vd WId Nicholas ligament t. uJO V Ud WId
medial heel skive t. w VIF jA WId Niebauer-King t. ZMO uO WId
Mehn-Quigley t. wKJu 5 WId Nirschl t. qdO WId
Mensor-Scheck t. pO uMO WId noninvasive t. WF{U dO WId
Meyerding-Van Demark t. U1 U mMdO WId no-touch t. fLK b WId
Milch cuff resection of beK n]HJ* lDI WId Ober t. d WId
ulna t. gKO V Ober-Barr transfer t. U d V qIM WId
Milch elbow t. gKO V o d* WId Ober tendon t. d V du WId
Milford mallet finger t. V W]OdD* l WId Ogata t. UU WId
uHKO Ollier t. tOO WId
mille pattes t. U]) WJF WId Omer-Capen t. sU d WId
Millesi t. wOKO WId open palm t. WuH* Wd WId
Millesi modified t. W]bF* wOKO WId OPhelan t. O WId
Mital elbow release t. UO V o d* dd WId Osborne-Cotterill elbow t. u V o d* WId
miter t. nI_ U WId qdOu
Mizuno t. uMeO WId Osgood modified t. W]bF* u WId
Mizuno-Hirohata- UUdO uMeO WId Osmond-Clarke t.  buL WId
Kashiwagi t. wuOU Ostrup harvesting t. d V nDI WId
Moe t. u WId outside-to-outside U) s qBH* dOEM WId
Moe scoliosis t. u V nM' WId arthroscopy t. U) v
Monticelli-Spinelli V d WId Pack t. U WId
distraction t. wKOMO wKOu Palmer t. d*U WId
Moore t. u WId Palmer-Widen shoulder t. b d*U V nJ WId
Morgan-Casscells meniscus V WN WUO WId pants-over-vest t. b^B u UDM WId
suturing t. eKOU Uu Papineau t. uMOU WId
Morrison t. e=u WId Parrish-Mann hammertoe t. W]OdD* bI l WId
Mubarak-Hargens V jGC nOH
WId U gU V
decompression t. fMU U Parvin gravity t. 5 U V W]OU' WId

- 715 -
passive gliding t. qFHM* e WId reverse wedge t. uKI* 5H WId
Paterson t. udU WId rhythmic initiation t. wLE]M b WId
Paulos ligament t. fu V Ud WId Rideau t. b WId
Pauwels t. eKU WId Riordan tendon transfer t. u V du qI WId
Peacock transposing t. uJO V qu WId Risser t. d= WId
Perry t. dO WId Roberts t. fd WId
Perry-Nickel t. qJO dO WId Robinson-Southwick uM V Zb WId
Perry-OBrien-Hodgson t. uu sd dO WId fusion t. puU
Perry-Robinson cervical t. dO V W]Od WIdD Rockwood-Green t. sd u WId
uM Rogers cervical fusion t. V wd Zb WId
Pheasant elbow t. XUO V o d* WId d
Phemister t. dOL WId Rood t. WId
Phemister-Bonfiglio t. uOKOHu dOL WId Royle-Thompson transfer t. q V qIM WId
Phemister onlay bone wF d wLEF rFD WId uu
graft t. dOL V Russe t. WId
Pierrot-Murphy tendon t. dO V du WId Ryerson t. ud WId
w u sacral bar t. eF VOCI WId
PNF dB Sage-Clark t.  U WId
proprioceptive wKCF wBF dOO Saha transfer t. UU V qIM WId
neuromuscular facilitation oOLF f( UI Sakellarides-Deweese t. eu bOU WId
PNF t. PNF WId Salter t. dU WId
Porter-Richardson- uUA du WId Sammarco-DiRaimondo bu1d uUU qbF
Vainio t. uOU modification of Elmslie t. wK* WIdD
posterior t. W]OHK WId Sarmiento t. uMOU WId
posterior flap t. W]OHK) WKb WId Sarmiento trochanteric V b* dJ WId
posterolateral lDIK W]OU' W]OHK) WIdD fracture t. uMOU
costotransversectomy t. w{dF* wFKC Scaglietti closed V oKG* =d WId
Pratt t. d WId reduction t. wOKUJ
Puddu tendon t. u V du WId Schaberg-Harper-Allen t. 5 dU dU WId
Pulvertaft weave t. XHdHu V WUO( WId Schauwecker t. dJO u WId
Qunu nail plate removal t. W]dHE WOHB e WId Schauwecker patellar V WH{d WId
uMu V wiring t. dJO u
Ralston-Thompson V UJ UBH WId Schepsis-Leach t. gO eO WId
pseudoarthrosis t. uu u Schnute wedge resection t. V wMOH lDI WId
Ranawat-DeFiore- uOH U WId uM
Straub t. d Schober t. dOu WId
Ray-Clancy-Lemon t. uLO w WId Scott glenoplasty t. V wU]I( d WId
Rayhack t. UN WId uJ
reduction t. =d WId screw insertion t. VuK d WId
Reichenheim t. .UNMA WId Scuderi t. uJ WId

- 716 -
Seddon t. ^b WId Staples t. fKU WId
Sell-Frank-Johnson V WDU U WId STAR t. () STAR WId
extensor shift t. uu pd qO Stark-Moore-Ashworth- u U WId
semitendinosus t. nBM Wdu WId Boyes t. eu u
Serafin t. 5 dO WId Steffee instrumentation t. V _ ULF WId
Sever modification of pMdU WIdD dOHO qbF wHO
Fairbank t. Stiles-Bunnell transfer t. fKO V qIM WId
Sharrard transfer t. U V qIM WId q=u
Sherk-Probst t. Xd dO WId Stimson anterior shoulder nJK wU_ =d WId
shish kebab t. U gOA WId reduction t. uLO V
short lever t. dOBI WKF WId strain/counterstrain t. UC* =bA=bA WId
short lever accessory WKFK W]uU Wd( WId Straub t. d WId
movement t. dOBI Strayer tendon t. dd V du WId
Silfverskiold t. buOJdOHK WId Strickland t. bJd WId
silver dollar t. wCH b WId strut fusion t. WUb Zb WId
Simultaneous Interview T. WMe* WKUI* WId suction-irrigation t. h WId
(SIT) surgical t. W]Od WId
single proximal portal t. dH* wb qb* WId sustained pressure t. b* jGC WId
Skoog t. uJ WId suture anchor t. W]Od' WUO)U XO WId
sling and reef t. W]uD F* WId Swanson t. uu WId
slit catheter t. U) w=IA UDI WId Tajima suture t. ULOU V WUO) WId
Slocum t. uuK WId Taylor t. uKU WId
Slocum fusion t. uuK V Zb WId Taylor-Daniel-Weiland t. b UO uKU WId
Smith t. YOL WId tension band t. d^u jd WId
Smith-Petersen t. sd YOL WId tension band wiring t. d^u jdA WId
Smith-Robinson t. uM YOL WId Teuffer t. d u WId
Sofield t. bKO u WId Thomas-Thompson-Straub Uu V qIM WId
Sofield femoral V c
H u WId transfer t. d uu
deficiency t. bKO u Thompson-Henry t. dM uu WId
Somerville t. qO du WId Thompson-Loomer t. du uu WId
Speed-Boyd radial-ulnar t. V dFJ be WId thoracolumbar spondylosis dIH jIK W]Od' WIdD
bu bO surgical t. wMDI bB
spinal fusion t. dIH Zb WId threaded-hole-first t. ] eK; VI WId
spinal mobilization t. dIH XO WId three-portal t. W qb* WId
spiral t. W]OeK WId Tohen tendon t. su V du WId
Sprague arthroscopic t. V qBH* dOEM WId Torg t. u WId
d Torgerson-Leach V W]bF WId
spray and stretch t. bbL =d WId modified t. gO udOu
Staheli t. wKU WId transiliac bar t. W]OHd( 5 W{UF WId
Stanisavljevic t. gHOOK UOU WId Trethowan-Stamm- U ud WId

- 717 -
Simmonds-Menelaus- ]b uKM buLO Wertheim-Bohlman t. U*U rO WId
Haddad t. West-Soto-Hall patellar t. X V WH{d WId
triangulation t. YOK WId U uu
triple-wire t. w pK WId Whitesides t. bU WId
Tullos t. u^u WId Whitesides-Kelly cervical t. V W]Od WIdD
Turco clubfoot release t. bI nM dd WId w=KO bU
uu V Wick catheter t. p V UDI WId
two-portal t. 5Kb* WId Williams-Haddad t. ]b eUO WId
two-sleeve t. sO]LJ WId Wilson t. uK WId
two-stage tendon vK du rOFD WId Wilson-Jacobs tibial uME d XO WId
grafting t. sOKd fracture fixation t. fuU uK V
unitunnel t. U_ oHM WId Wilson-McKeever V nJ WId
unlocking spiral t. W]O W]OeK WId shoulder t. dHO p uK
Vastamaki t. wUUU WId Windson-Insall-Vince V rOFD WId
Veleanu-Rosianu- uU uMOKO WId grafting t. wM U ubM
Ionescu t. uJOu Winograd t. duM WId
Verdan t. dO WId Winter V UIH e WId
Vidal-Ardrey fracture t. bO V dJ WId spondylolisthesis t. dM
wire removal t. pK e WId
Volz-Turner reattachment t. V UB= U WId Wirth-Jager tendon t. d V du W WId
ddO eu dU
Vulpius-Compere tendon t. uOu V du WId Woodward t. WId
du Zancolli t. w=uJ WId
Wadsworth t. u WId Zancolli rerouting t. V pK* U WId
Wagner open reduction t. dMU V uH* =d WId w=uJ
Wagoner cervical t. dM V W]Od WIdD Zariczny t. weJ WId
Warner-Farber ankle V qUJ XO WId Zarins-Rowe ligament t. eM V Ud WId
fixation t. dU d
Watkins fusion t. eMJ V Zb WId Zazepen-Gamidov t. bOU 5 WId
Watson t. u WId Zeier transfer t. tO V qIM WId
Watson-Cheyne t. sU u WId Zielke t. wJK WId
Weaver-Dunn V W]ud W]Od_ WIdD Zoellner-Clancy t. w d WId
acromioclavicular t. dH technology UOuuMJ
Weber-Brunner-Freuler- dd d=d d WId work evaluation systems t. qLF rOOI eN UOuuMJ
Boitzy t. eu (WEST)
Weber-Vasey =d'U WId tectora nU
traction-absorption d V UB membrane t. wHI UAG nU
wiring t. U TED dB
Weckesser t. d= WId thromboembolic disease U wULB
Weinstein-Ponseti t. wOu 5UAMO WId TED hose U) wULB b u

- 718 -
TED stockings U) wULB b UDM acetabular cup t. = ( n' U d
TEE dB femoral condylar t. c
transesophageal d* d VKI b jOD
malleable t. d U d
echocardiography Moore t. u U d
Teflon uKH Pedrialle t. Ub U d
T.cannula W]OuKH W]OM prosthesis t. Wb U d
T.tri-leaflet prosthesis UIu W]O W]OuKH Wb rod t. uB U d
Tegaderm dressing UO UL{ Stevens-Street elbow V o d* Wb U d
Tegtmeier elevator tOOLJ WF
prosthesis t. Xd eMH
telangiectasia dOFA l^u templating t. lD U d
calcinosis, Raynaud, d* V^KB uM  tibial track t. uME U U d
esophageal, sclerodactyly, l^u lU _ V^KB transparent t. nOH U d
t. (CREST) Xd dOFA templating lOD nOd
telangiectasia-ataxia `d dOFA l^u t. roentgenogram W]OHO d W]OUF u
telangiectatic osteosarcoma WF=u W]OLE Wu U t. template lD U d
dOF^A Temple University qL WFU
TeleCaption decoder sAU wK eOd d=H T. U. nail qL WFU UL
Telectronic electrical wzUdNJ tOM eON T. U. plate qL WFU WOH
stimulation device pOdJOKO temporal dispersion wU dF
Telectronics electrical wzUdNJ tOM UN temporalis fascia flap W]ObB W
stimulation apparatus pOdJOKO temporary X]R w
telescopic rod bF s dOEM VOC t. cavity phenomenon X]R* u' dU
telescoping bF s dOEMU U t. cerclage wire X]R* ouD pK
t. medullary rod bF s dOEMK uI VOC t. prosthetic fitting X]R* Wb UJ
t. nail bF s dOEM UL temporomandibular w=J
telethermography bF s d( jOD t. joint (TMJ) wbB wJH qBH*
telethermometer bF s d( UOI t. joint dislocation wbB wJH qBH* lK
Telfa UHKO t. joint syndrome wb^B wJH qBH* W
T. dressing UHKO UL{ tenaculum UA
T. gauze UHKO U tenderness
T. gauze dressing UA s UHKO UL{ bony t. wLE
Telos fracture table dO uKO U]OKL WU costovertebral angle t. W]UIH W]OFKC We
uJ joint line t. qBH* =j
Temper dLO myofascial t. wKC w UH
T. foam dLO u percussion t. dIU
temperature d( W pillar t. ULF
body t. b d W point t. wDI
t. differential (TD) d( W U rebound t. b
Temper-Foam u
dL tender point (TeP) r_ WDI
template nOd Ud tendinitis, tendonitis du UN

- 719 -
Achilles t. udF UN adductor pollicis t. bO UN W=dI* d
biceps t. 5d d UN adductor pollicis brevis t. bO UN W=dI* dOBI d
bicipital t. 5d d UN adherent profundus t. oOL oBK d
calcific t. wKJ du UN t. advancement d .bI
de Quervain t. sU u V du UN anchoring t. XO d
digital flexor t. lU  WOM* d UN anterior tibial t. wU_ uME d
infrapatellar t. WH{d X du UN aponeurotic t. wUH d
patellar t. WH{d d UN attenuation of t. du 5u
peripatellar t. WH{d u d UN attrition of t. du U
radial wrist extensor t. rBF* WDU d UN biceps t. sOd d
W]dFJ biceps brachialis t. W]bCF sOd d
rotator cuff t. ]b* W]HJ d UN biceps brachii t. W]bCF sOd d
semimembranosus t. nBM W]OzUAG d UN biceps femoris t. W]c
H sOd d
ulnar wrist extensor t. W]be rBF* WDU d UN bicipital t. sOd d
wrist extensor t. rBF* WDU d UN brachialis t. W]bCF d
wrist flexor t. rBF* WOM UN brachial plexus t. W]bCF dOHC d
tendinosis U brachioradialis t. W]dFJ W]bCF d
angiofibroblastic wHOK w_ Z^M] d U calcaneal t. udF wIF du
hyperplasia t. wzUu carpi radialis brevis t. WDU dOBI W]dFJ d
medial tennis elbow t. w fM w o d U mdK
tendinous d carpi radialis longus t. WDU WKuD W]dFJ d
t. attachment d eJd mdK
t. fiber d nO t. centralization du edL
tendinum d common t. dA d
juncturae t. W]du q u* common extensor t. dA* WDU d
tendo U ) d conjoined t. WO qM rCM* du
t. Achillis mechanism udF d W]OJOUJO digital extensor t. lU _ WDU d
t. calcaneus wI d digital flexor t. lU _ WOM d
tendon d digiti quinti proprius t. dBM
abductor t. bF d b=F* d t. disorder d dD{
abductor digiti quinti t. dBM
K b=F* d t. displacement du Ue
abductor hallucis t. bI l b=F* d EHL t. EHL d
abductor pollicis brevis t. bO UN b=F* dOBI d elbow extensor t. o d* WDU d
abductor pollicis longus t. bO UN b=F* WKuD d t. excursion du uO
accessory communicating t. uU q= u d extensor t. WDU d
Achilles t. udF extensor carpi radialis t. mdK WDU W]dFJ d
t. Achilles lengthening udF quD extensor carpi radialis WDU dOBI W]dFJ d
(TAL) brevis t. mdK
adductor t. =dI d W=dI* d extensor carpi radialis WDU WKuD W]dFJ d
adductor hallucis t. bI UN W=dI* d longus t. mdK

- 720 -
extensor carpi ulnaris t. mdK WDU W]be d infraspinatus t. W]OuA X d
extensor digiti minimi t. dBM
K WDU d interosseous t. sOLEF 5 d
extensor digiti quinti t. dBM
K WDU d t. interposition arthroplasty du US qBH*
extensor digitorum WDU dOBI W]dFJ d t. lengthening du quD
brevis t. lU  long head biceps t. sOd c quD d d
extensor digitorum lU  W]OK _ WDU d lumbrical t. W]OMOd) d
communis t. midpatellar t. WH{d nBM d
extensor digitorum longus t. lU  WKuD WDU d t. needle du d
extensor hallucis longus t. UN WKuD WDU d obturator internus t. dzUG ]b* d
bI palmaris longus t. WKuD W]Od d
extensor indicis proprius t. WU]K W uB
* WDU d t. passer du dL
extensor pollicis brevis t. bO UN dOBI WDU d patellar t. WH{d d
extensor pollicis longus t. bO UN WKuD WDU d patelloquadriceps t. d W]OUd wH{d du
extensor quinti t. dOGB WDU d peroneal t. uE d
flexor t. WOM* d peroneus brevis t. dOBI W]uEA d
flexor carpi radialis t. mdK W]dFJ WOM* d peroneus longus t. WKuD W]uEA d
flexor carpi ulnaris t. mdK W]be WOM* d peroneus tertius t. WU W]uEA d
flexor digitorum lU  W]OK _ WOM* d plantaris t. W]OBL_ d
communis t. popliteal t. wCQ d
flexor digitorum longus t. lU  WKuD WOM* d popliteus t. W]OCQ* d
flexor digitorum lU  WIOLF WOM* d posterior tibial t. wHK) uME d
profundus t. profundus t. oOL d WIOLF d
flexor digitorum sublimis t. lU  W]OD WOM* d pronator teres t. ]b* W]UJ d
flexor digitorum lU  W]OD WOM* d proprius t. W uB
* d
superficialis t. t. prosthesis du Wb
flexor hallucis t. bI UN WOM* d quadriceps t. d W]OU d
flexor hallucis brevis t. bI UN dOBI WOM* d rectus femoris t. W]c
flexor hallucis longus t. bI UN WKuD WOM* d t. reflex d fJFM
flexor pollicis brevis t. bO UN dOBI WOM* d t. release du
flexor pollicis longus t. bO UN WKuD WOM* d t. repair du `OKB
flexor profundus t. WIOLF WOM* d t. rod d VOC
flexor sublimis t. W]OD WOM* d t. rupture du ^eL
gastrocnemius t. U WKC d sartorius t. W]OU]O) d
Golgi t. w'u d semimembranosus t. nBM W]OzUAG d
gracilis t. WKUM d semitendinosus t. nBM W]du d
t. graft (TG) d rF t. sheath du bL
hamstring t. iQ* d slip of t. du e
hilus of t. du dOI snapping t. wFd pDB d
iliopsoas t. wMD wHd d t. stripper w W]Od du 
infrapatellar t. WH{d X d WO_ Wd

- 721 -
sublimis t. wD d t. toe fM w b l
subscapularis t. nJ X d tenodesis rEFU du WUO
t. substitution du b Andrews iliotibial band t. wHd( jdAU du WUO
superficialis t. W]OD d b V wuME
supraspinatus t. W]OuA u d Andrews lateral t. rEFU duK W]OU' WUO)
thumb extensor t. UN WDU d b V
thumb flexor t. UN WOM d anterolateral femorotibial c
H Ud d WUO
tibial t. wuM d ligament t. wAu wU_ wuME
tibialis anterior t. W]OU_ W]OuME d calcaneal t. wIF du WUO
tibialis posterior t. W]OHK) W]OuME d t. effect rEFU du WUO dOQ
toe extensor t. bI l WDU d Eggers t. V rEFU du WUO
t. transfer du qI dJ
t. transposition du U Ellison iliotibial band t. wHd( jdAU du WUO
triceps t. d W]O d uO V wuME
triceps brachii t. W]bCF d W]O d extensor t. WDU d WUO
t. tucker du u .d
femorotibial ligament t. c
H UdU du WUO
t. tunneler du o=HM wuME
wrist extensor t. rBF* WDU d Fowler t. dU V du WUO
Z-lengthening of biceps t . qJA sOd d quD iliotibial band t. wHd( jdAU du WUO
Z d wuME
tendon-bearing du bM interphalangeal t. UO 5 du WUO
patellar t.-b. (PTB) duK wH{d bM* key-grip t. UH* WJ qJA du WUO
tendon-bearing- WLIK u
bM keyhole t. UH* VI qJA du WUO
supracondylar MacIntosh t. uMU V du WUO
patella t.-b.-s. WLIK u duK wH{d bM* MacIntosh qBH* U du WUO
tendon-bone allograft wLE d wHO rF extraarticular t. uMU V
tendon-braiding forceps du b jIK MacIntosh iliotibial band t. wHd( jdAU du WUO
tendonitis (var. of du UN uMU V wuME
tendinitis) Moberg key-grip t. UH* WJ qJA du WUO
tendon-to-bone attachment rEF vK du eJd dOu V
tendon-tunneling forceps du oOHM jIK Mueller anterolateral c
H UdU du WUO
tendosuspension rOd U]OKL w
du oOKF femorotibial ligament t. wAu wU_ wuME
Hibbs t. fO V du oOKF duO V
Jones t. eu V du oOKF Norwood t. u V du WUO
tendovaginitis bLG du UN Norwood iliotibial band t. wHd( jdAU du WUO
tennis fM u V wuME
t. elbow splint fM w o d dO Perry-OBrien-Hodgson V w du WUO
t. elbow test fM w o d U triple t. uu sd d
t. heel fM w VI semitendinosus t. nBM W]du d WUO
t. leg fM w U sublimis t. wD du WUO

- 722 -
triple t. w du WUO Veleanu-Rosianu- V =dI* du lC
Westin t. 5 V du WUO Ionescu adductor t. uJ uU uMOKO
tenography du u Z-plasty t. z qJA wd du lC
tenolysis du tenovaginitis bLG du UN
tenontagra du dI inflammatory t. wUN bLG du UN
tenontophyma du WLO
tenoxicam UJO uMO
tenoplastic reconstruction du d UM TENS dB
tenosynovectomy du bL lC du bL lD transcutaneous electrical d wzUdNJ VBF tOM
dorsal t. wdNE du bL lD nerve stimulation bK'
flexor t. wM* du bL lD TENS unit wzUdNJ VBF tOM b
tenosynovial du qOe o=KF bK' d
t. giant cell tumor du qO w WLF U) tensile yb
t. sheath duK wKOe bLG t. force =bA ]u
tenosynovitis du bL UN t. strain UN u
bicipital t. sOd d bL UN t. strength =bA ]u
flexor t. wM* du bL UN t. stress =bA UN
flexor hallucis longus t. WKuD WOM* d bL UN Tensilon uKOU
bI UN T. test su w uKOU U
stenosing t. o=OC* du bL UN rOu wKCF
suppurative flexor t. wOI wM* du bL UN T. test for myasthenia wKCF suK uKOU U
tuberculous t. w=K du bL UN gravis rOu
tuberculous peroneal t. uEA du bL UN tensing test dOu U
w=K tensiometry wD du UO
tenotomized du uC tension d^u
tenotomy du lC t. band du jd
adductor t. =dI* du lC t. band fixation du jdA XO
Braun t. d V du lC t. band plate du jd WOH
Braun shoulder t. d V nJ d lC t. band plating du jdA `OHB
extensor t. WDU d lC t. band technique du jd WId
Fowler central slip t. ed* oeM* du lC t. band wire du jd pK
dU V t. band wire tamp wJK du jd Ub
t. knife du lC 5J t. band wiring technique du jdA WId
t. of metatarsophalangeal wDA* qBH* d lC capsular-ligamentous t. wUd wEH* d^u
joint w t. force dOu ]u
percutaneous t. bK' d du lC t. fracture du d
semiopen sliding t. uH* nB oeM* du lC graft t. rF^D du
sliding t. oeM* du lC T. Isometer UUI* u du
subcutaneous tibialis d W]OHK) W]OuME d lC t. loading du qOL
posterior t. bK' neural t. wB d^u
transverse t. dF* du lC oxygen t. 5_ d^u

- 723 -
residual t. wUL d^u Terry Thomas sign Uu dO W
tension-band wiring d^u jdA Tesla magnet  fOUMG
tensioner ]b test U
cable t. wK ]b abduction t. bOF U
Dwyer t. u ]b abduction external b l bOF U
Kirschner wire t. wJK dMdO ]b rotation t. U
tension-free d^u d^u s U abduction stress t. bOFU UN U
t.-f. Millesi nerve graft V d^u wB rF accordion t. uu_ U
eKO Achilles squeeze t. udF dB U
t.-f. nerve graft d^u wB rF Achilles tendon t. udF U
tensor d=u* activated partial wze' 5ud s
t. fasciae latae (TFL) WCdF W UH=K d=u* WKCF thromboplastin time t. q]FH*
t. fasciae latae muscle flap W UH=K d=u* WKCF WKb (APTT)
WCdF active bending t. U]FH wM( U
t. fasciae latae syndrome W UH=K d=u* WKCF W Adam t. U
WCdF Adams t. e U
t. fascia femoris flap W]c
H W UH=K d=u* WKb Adams forward-bending t. V U UM U
t. fascia lata syndrome W UHK d=u* WKb W e
WCdF Addis t. 24 ]b* UF UD f U
TENS-Pac U fU u W U UO ]r WU
tent frame wKO
U adduction t. VdI U
TeP dB adduction stress t. VdIU UN U
tender point W]C2 WDI Adson t. d
 W* u U
teres =b bB
anterior pronator t. W]OU_ ]b* W]UJ Allen t. w uuKG nAJ 5 U
ligamentum t. ]b* Ud u
t. major muscle dOJ ]b* WKCF Alli t. w U
pronator t. (PT) ]b* W]UJ ALRI t. ALRI U
terminal w
dD wzUN ankle dorsiflexion t. qUJK wdNE UM U
t. device (TD) W]O dD eON ankle jerk reflex t. qUJ WCH fJFM U
t. head wzUN anterior drawer t. (ADT) wU_ b U
t. latency wzUNM uLJ anterior rotary drawer t. ]b wU_ b U
t. overgrowth wzUN uL d anteroposterior stress t. wHK) wU_ UN U
t. Syme procedure W]OzUNM rO d antinuclear antibody t. uMK UC* bC U
terminale wzUN anvil t. vK dD bM U
ossiculum t. W]OzUN WLOE w r_ V= r' s WIDM
terrae d WCd* WIDM*
Mycobacterium t. W]Od d=DH* Apley t. WU ]b bb wK U
territory WIDM Wd
motor unit t. W=d* bu WIDM Apley compression t. wK V UGC U

- 724 -
Apley distraction t. wK V d U cervical sidegliding t. wd wAu e U
Apley grinding t. wK V q U Chaddock t. ^U U
apprehension t. f^u rNH U Chiene t. oM d d UO U
arch-up t. fuI U c
axial compression t. u* jGC U chin-to-chest t. bBK sc U
axial load t. u* qL( U Chi-square t. UB w l]d w U
Babinski t. u =d wJMU U uO(
W]Od W]OB WU clunk t. lIB U
ballottement t. uFAK UM eNM U coccidioidin skin t. bK' W]OdJ U
qzU w ZO WKJ uCF cold-pressor t. dU jGC l U
Barlow t. uU U Coleman block t. U*u V UB U
Barlow provacative t. uU V gd U Coleman lateral block t. V wAu UB U
Beals t. eKO U U*u
Bechterew t. nd
U Combat Task t. Uu W]LN U
Beery T. for Visual-Motor W]dB W]K dO U compression t. UGC jGC U
Integration wd( conduction velocity t. qO u Wd U
Bekhterev t. UF 5U b nd
U confusion t. jOK
wu VBF WU =d contralateral straight leg WLOI* U l U
bench t. W]BM* U raising t. WKUI*
biceps t. sOd U costoclavicular t. ud wFKC U
biceps jerk reflex t. WCHM fJFM U costoclavicular W]OFKC W* U
sOd syndrome t. W]ud
Biodex t. fuO U cough t. UF U
block t. UB U Cozen t. u U
bounce home t. weM* Vu U Cram t. d U
bowstring t. uI d U crank t. db U
bracelet t. UN w u U Crawford small parts dOGB lDIU Wd U
buUd qBH* dexterity t. u d V
brachial plexus tension t. W]bCF dOHC d^u U crossover t. dUF uF U
Braggard t. Ud U Cybex t. fJO U
British t. wUDd U De Kleyn t. 5K U
Brucella agglutination t. WKOd =d U digital response t. l WU U
Brudzinski t. wJMd U disk diffusion t. W dF* dI w=AH U
brush t. UdH U ]UCLK rOd' f^%
Bunnell t. q=u U W]uO(
Bunnell-Littler t. dKO q=u U disk space saline q^I w w dI e=O( U
Burn bench t. u V W]BM* U acceptance t. wK*
calf squeeze t. WKd dB U distraction t. d U
Callaway t. uU U Doppler bidirectional t. U& wzUM dKb U
carpal compression t. wGd UGC U Downey object V UO_ ^dF U

- 725 -
recognition t. w Finkelstein t. sUAKJM U
Downey texture w V uI eOOL U Fisher exact t. UL W]b dAO U
discrimination t. flexion-rotation-drawer t. wM b b U
drawer t. b U flexion-rotation-drawer wM b b U
drop-arm t. c dDI U knee instability t. Wd WOU w
dual photon densitometry t. uuH W U UO U flexion spinal radiography t. wM WOF{u U
M duB
e* flip t. dIM U
duck waddle t. W]D WOA U fluctuation t. ^uL U
Dugas t. U U fluorescein dye t. 5uKH mB U
Duncan prone rectus t. V WuJ* WLOI* U fluoroallergosorbent t. wIQ w_ ud( U
Durkan carpal wGd UGC U foot placement t. bI WF{u U
compression t. Ub foramen compression t. WI UGC U
Dvorak t. u U foraminal compression t. WI UGC U
Eden t. U forearm supination t. c j U
elbow flexion t. o d* wM U Fournier t. `d hH tOu U
elbow jerk reflex t. o d* WCH fJFM U wA* UM w
Ely t. wK U FRD t. FRD U
eversion stress t. nMAU UN U fulcrum t. eJd* U
extension-rotation t. db j U Gaenslen t. seU U
external rotation-abduction l bOFU UN U Galant t. XU U
stress t. (EAST) wU) b Galeazzi t. UOU U
external rotation- b l s^ U George t. u U
recurvatum t. wU) Gillet t. XKO U
extrinsic entrapment t. wU) U
H U Gillet marching t. XKO V WOA* U
fabere t. q UH w dOU U gluteus maximus tensing t. vLEF W]u_ dOu U
u( golfers elbow t. nu' V o d U
fadir t. dU U Gordon squeeze t. u V dBF U
Fairbanks apprehension t. fJUdO V rNH U gracilis t. WKUM U
Favort-Feder t. bO u U U graded exercise t. (GXT) =b* bN' U
Feagin shoulder V nJ lK U gravity drawer t. W]OU'U V U
dislocation t. 5O gravity stress t. W]OU'U UN U
femoral nerve stretch t. c
H VBF jODL U grimace t. dOAJ U
femoral nerve traction t. c
H VBF =d U grinding t. sD q U
figure-of-eight t. 8 qJA U Hamilton ruler t. w uKU dD U
figure-of-four t. 4 qJA U nJ lK
fingertips-to-floor t. qU_ lU _ U Hautant t. XUu U
_ v heel-palm t. hL_ VIF U
finger-to-nose t. U n_ l U heel-to-shin t. sc v VIF U
Ud( oOM b Helfet t. XHK U

- 726 -
Hoffmann t. nAJ UL u U Johnson-Zuck-Wingate V Wd( U
sdO motor t. UJM uu
Homans t. fUu U Jolly t. wu U
Hoover t. d u U Kaplan t. 5uuK' nAJ U U
hop t. b vK Vu q( U wU
M qzU] w 5u_
b Kemp t. VLO U
Houle t. u U Kernig t. pd U
Hughston t. uu U Kleiger t. dOK U
Hughston external rotation b l s^ U knee jerk reflex t. Wd WCH fJFM U
recurvatum t. uu V wU) knee laxity t. Wd U U
Hughston knee jerk t. V Wd WCH U Kolmogorov-Smirov t. dOL uu*u U
uu W* u bb
Hughston-Losee jerk t. uu V WCHM U W]OzUB UODFLK
u Kruskal-Wallis t. eO= UJd U
Hughston plica t. uu V WOM U Lachman t. UL U
Hughston posterolateral wAu wHK) b U Lasgue t. Z U
drawer t. uu V Lasgue rebound t. Z V b U
Hughston posteromedial w wHK) b U lateral pivot shift t. wAu dzUB Ue U
drawer t. uu V leaning hop t. UM W]OF{u eHI U
hyperabduction t. bOF d U Lewis-Prusik t. pd fu U
hyperabduction syndrome t. bOF d W U ligamentous instability t. Ud dI b U
hyperextension t. bbL d U light touch t. nOH) fLK U
iliac compression t. WHd( UGC U Losee t. u U
impingement t. UD U Losee knee instability t. Wd dI b U
Ingram-Withers-Speltz d V Wd( U u V
motor t. eKO d Ludington t. uMu U
inhibition t. jO U Luekens wrinkle t. eMOu V b^F U
intrinsic t. wK U lumbar extension t. wMDI j U
inversion stress t. IU UN U lumbar flexion t. wMDI wM U
iodine starch t. UAM nAJ uO U lumbar lateral flexion t. sDIK wAu wM U
jack-knife t. VO' 5=J U lumbar protective W]OMDI WUL( W]O U
Jakob t. uU U mechanism t.
Jansen t. d* nAJ 5U U lumbar rotation t. wMDI b U
wu wKBH* MacIntosh t. uMU U
Jebsen-Taylor t. uKU 5U U MacIntosh lateral pivot wAu dzUB Ue U
Jebsen-Taylor hand 5UO bO WHO U shift t. uMU*
function t. uKU Maigne t. wMU U
jerk t. WCHM U Mann-Whitney t. wM U U
jogging in place t. w bF cc U Mann-Whitney U t. wM U V u U
UJ* manual muscle t. bO WKCF U

- 727 -
matchstick t. UI u U patellar apprehension t. WH{d p U
McMurray t. hO
A u p U patellar retraction t. WH{d ULJ U
wN dCG ^eL patellar tap t. WH{d dI U
Mennell t. qOMO U Patrick t. pdU U
middle-finger t. vDu l U Perkins t. eMOd U
military posture t. W]dJF W]OF{u U Phalen t. 5U U
Mills t. fM w o d* eKO U Phalen wrist flexion t. 5UH md wM U
Minnesota Rate of UuOMO* b ]bF U pick-up t. UI uNM U
Manipulation t. pinprick t. u^b e U
monofilament pressure t. U_ jO)U jGC U pivot-shift t. dzUB Ue U
Morton t. UA_ r_ uu U plica t. WOM U
Naffziger t. c UGC deH U posterior drawer t. wHK) b U
wB posterolateral drawer t. wAu wHK) b U
Neer impingement t. dO V UD U posteromedial pivot-shift t. wHK) dzUB Ue U
nerve conduction t. (NCT) wBF qO u U w
nerve conduction velocity t. wBF qO u Wd prone extension t. UJU j U
neuropsychologic t. wH wB U prone knee-bend t. WuJ* Wd wM U
Ninhydrin print t. nAJ sbONMOM U prone knee flexion t. WuJ* Wd wM U
W]OMO_ uL( 5d prone rectus t. WuJ* WLOI* U
W]OzUH_ pulmonary function t. W]uzd WHOu U
Noyes flexion rotation wM b l b U pulse status-pull t. bN' iM U
drawer t. euM push-up t. l b U
Ober t. w ULJ UOI d U quadriceps t. d W]OU U
WCdF W]c
H W UHK quadriceps contraction t. d W]OU h^KI U
oblique retinacular bOI Ud =b U RA t. qBH* UN U
ligament tightness t. qzU* buUd
OConnor finger dexterity t. V l Wd U recurvatum t. s^ U
uu reversed pivot-shift t. uJF* dzUB Ue U
ODonoghue t. uOu U reverse Lasgue t. wJF Z U
Oppenheim stroke t. .UNM= V WJ U reverse pivot shift t. uJF* dzUB Ue U
opposition t. WKUI* U Romberg t. 5 eOOLK dO U
Ortolani t. wu U wDO; ed* `d
overhead exercise t. d u sdL U Roos overhead exercise t. d u sdL U
palm-up t. vK Wd U V
parachute t. W]KE* U rotary t. ] U
passive accessory motion t. WKFHM* W=uU Wd( U rotary drawer t. ]b b U
passive patellar glide t. qFHM* WH{d e U rotary instability t. ]b dI b U
passive patellar tilt t. qFHM* WH{d qO U rotation drawer t. ]b b U
passive physiological t. qFHM wuueO U rotation recurvatum t. ]b s^ U
qU saline acceptance t. wK* q^I U

- 728 -
scaphoid t. we U test t. uuK V
scaphoid lift t. we l U SLR with Bragard t. WLOI* U l U
scapular approximation t. nJ VdI U (straight leg raising) Ud V
Schirmer t. UN w ddO U SLR with external l WLOI* U l U
U' WKB WLK* rotation t. wU) b
Schober t. dOu U SLR with Kernig t. WLOI* U l U
seated root t. uK' W]OF{u c' U !dO V
Seddon coin t. ^b V rb U somatosensory t. w= b U
Semmes-Weinstein eOLO U_ jO) U Soto-Hall t. U uu U
monofilament t. sUAM Spearman rank-order t. V r]K UE U
Semmes-Weinstein U_ jO) jG{ U UdO
monofilament pressure t. sUAM eOLO V Speed t. bO U
shear t. 5UOK dO U sponge t. WMH U
Sherman block t. UdO V UB U spring t. U] d U
shift t. Ue U Spurling t. ZMu U
shoulder abduction t. nJ bOF U squat t. WB dI U
shoulder depression t. nJ iH U squatting t. d d w UB dI U
shuck t. dAI U Stagnara wake-up t. UMU uNM U
side jump t. W]OU' eHI U Staheli t. wKOU U
side-lying iliac wHd( jGC U stair-running t. rK Wd U
compression t. wU' UIKU stairs hopple t. rK w Ub U
Silfverskiold t. buJHKO U standing flexion t. uu W]OF{u wM U
Simmonds t. buLO U standing Gillet t. uu l XKO U
sit-and-reach t. u u uK' U starch t. uOK UAM U
sitting flexion t. uK' W]OF{u wM U station t. W]D* U
sitting root t. uK' W]OF{u c' U Steinmann t. ULMU U
sit-up t. UBM uK' U t. stimulus U t=M
six-minute walk t. ozU X wA* U straight leg raising t. WLOI* U l U
skin t. bK U (SLRT)
skin gliding t. bK' e U stress t. bN' UN U
skin resistance t. bK' WUI U W]OzUu W]OKI WHOuK
Slocum t. WD ^eL w uuK U stretch t. =bA U
Wd stroke t. WJ U
Slocum anterior drawer t. V wU_ b U sudomotor activity t. =dF* UAM U
uuK sulcus t. rK U
Slocum anterior rotary ]b wU_ b U supine iliac gapping t. W]OF{u W]OHd( uH U
drawer t. uuK V UIK
Slocum lateral pivot-shift t. wAu dzUB Ue U supine long sitting t. W]OF{u quD uK' U
Slocum rotary instability ]b dI b U supine straight leg raising t. WLOI* U l U

- 729 -
UIK W]OF{u valgus stress t. d UN U
suprascapular nerve u VBF U
H U Valpar Whole Body Range r' qU Wd U U
entrapment t. nJ of Motion T. dU V
supraspinatus t. W]OuA u U Valsalva t. d UHUU U
sweat t. wOJ n^OKK dF U bB
tandem gait t. W]O d WOA* U varus t. ZH U
tennis elbow t. fM w o d U varus stress t. ZH UN U
Tensilon t. su w uKOU U vertebral artery t. dIH UdA U
rOu wKCF vertical compression t. uLF jGC U
tensing t. dOu U vibration threshold t. e W U
Thomas t. ^b% nAJ Uu U vibrometer t. e UOI U
u Wd volitional muscle action t. W] WKCF qL U
Thompson t. O d* uu U VonFrey hair t. d u V dFA U
thumbnail t. d nAJ UN dH U Voshell t. qu U
WH{d wake-up t. UI U
tight retinacular ligament t. rJ* bOI Ud U Waldron t. b U
tilt-up t. qOOL qO* U walk t. wA* U
tissue compression t. wOM UGC U water acceptance t. U* q^I U
tourniquet t. WUA nAJ W UF U Watson t. u U
dOFA Weber t. d U
transverse humeral bCF Ud U well-leg raising t. WLOK U l U
ligament t. dF* Western blot t. WOdG WFI U
treadmill t. WMD* U Wilcoxon matched-pairs _ WL]KF* Ub U
Trendelenburg t. uBI dMbd U signed-rank t. uuJ V WUB*
W]bu UU]LB Wilson t. uK U
triceps jerk reflex t. W]O WCH fJFM U wipe t. WL* U
d Wright t. qU  lOMLK X U
triceps skinfold t. W]O W]bK' W]OD U Wright-Adson t. uX U
d wrinkle t. b^F U
triketohydrindene hydrate t. sbbOuO w U wrist flexion t. md wM U
bO Yeager t. dO U
triple-jump t. W]O eHI U tester hU

Tromner t. dMd U Cybex t. fJO hU

trunk incurvation t. cK wKb UM U grip t. WCI hU
tuning fork t. hH WU]d WuAU Jamar grip t. dU V WCI hU
lL] Nicholas manual muscle t. V bO WKCF hU
two-point discrimination t. 5DIM eOOL U uJO
Underburger t. ddb U testing U
unilateral standing t. VU' U_ uu U active motion t. (AMT) WU]FH Wd( U
valgus t. d U active movement t. WU]FH Wd( U

- 730 -
aquatic cardiac evaluation wzU* wKI rOOI U stress t. UN U
and t. (ACET) susceptibility t. W]OU( U
arthrometer t. Ud U UO U testosterone ud dOu
qBH* tetanic contraction e h^KI
biomechanical t. W]OJOUJOuO U tetanolysin W]e W]U
compression t. jGC U tetanospasmin 5UuUO
confirmatory t. W]bOu U tetanus e
Cybex t. fJO U t. immune globulin eJK ^wUM* 5uuK'
Disk-Criminator sensory t. V W]O= U t. prophylaxis e UI=
uM1d pO tetany ^eJ
Doppler ultrasound wFDI b jG{ U tethered b]OI ud
segmental blood pressure t. dKb uB ozUH t. cord syndrome b]OI* q( W
dynametric t. W]OJOUM U t. spinal cord b]OI* wuA U
manual muscle t. (MMT) W]bO WKCF U tetracaine 5zU d
mobility t. ^d U tetracalcium phosphate uOUJ UH
Model 810 axial closed- wuJ wJOUJO* U tetracycline uO UC 5KJOd
loop hydraulic dF oKG* u* tetraphasic action potential u_ wUd qFH sU
mechanical t. 810 d tetraplegia wU qK
motion t. Wd( U Tetrapolar UD_ ^wU
MRI t. 5dU duB U Electro Diagnostic wdN hO
wOUMG* Bilateral T. VU' wzUM UD_ wU
muscle t. (MT) W]OKC U Teufel cervical brace q
u V Wd UM
nerve involvement t. VBF UM U Teuffer d
neurological t. W]OB U T. technique d u WId
Omnitron exercise t. dM V bN' U T. tendo calcaneus repair d u V wIF du `OKB
palpation t. =f' U TEV dB
passive mobility t. qFHM* ^d U talipes equinovarus w bH nM
pincer t. jIK* U Tevdek suture pbHO WUO
PIVM t. (passive UIH 5 Wd( U Texas Scottish Rite Hospital guJ UJ vHA
intervertebral motion) WKFHM* (TSRH) X
psychologic t. W]OH U Texon sole uJO hL
radioallergosorbent t. =w_ =eL* U TFA dB
(RAST) wUF tibiofemoral angle W]c
range-of-motion t. Wd( U U TFB-PS dB
reciprocal isokinetic t. Wu pzd( U tibial fracture brace d UM wb Ub
WU* proximal support uME
rotation t. db U TFC dB
segmental mobility t. wFDI ^d U triangular fibrocartilage w w dCG wHOK V]d*
shear t. =hI U complex Ue
strength t. ]uI U T-finger splint T qJA l dO

- 731 -
TFL dB t. palmar crease (TPC) w sC
tensor fasciae latae WCdF W UHK d=u t. palsy WHd qK
TG dB t. space WHd e=O
tendon graft d rF theory W]dE
THA dB Denis Browne three- V w UIH W]dE
total hip arthroplasty U] u qBH column spine t. d fO
thalidomide ^uA V= bObOU kinetic energy t. W]Od( WUD W]dE
W]M_ Maisel suppression t. qU V jO] W]dE
thallium U( dBMF uOU Neviaser t. dUOH W]dE
uUL three-column spine t. bL_ W]O UO W]dE
201 t. 201 uOU Thera-Back U dO
201 radioisotope t. 201 lA* uOU Thera-Band bU dO
t. scan uOUU WdH T.-B. Max fU bU dO
T-handled iI* ^wzU T.-B. Max resistive V UI* sdL
T.-h. hook iI* W]OzU U]M exercise fU bU dO
T.-h. nut wrench iI* wzU u uK T.-B. resistive therapy bU dO WUI* W'UF* UN
T.-h. reamer iI* wzU uI system
T.-h. screw wrench iI* wzU Vu uK Therabite XUdO
T.-h. trocar iI* wzU e T. jaw motion =pH Wd qOQ UN
T.-h. Zimmer chuck qJA wzU d=1 iI rehabilitation system XUdO V
Tharies fU T. mobilizer XUdO WU]I
T. femoral resurfacing c
H `OD U =uJ Thera-Ciser eU dO
component fU V T.-C. light exercise system sdLK eU dO UN
T. hip replacement fU V u b nOH)
T. hip replacement V u b Wb T.-C. therapeutic exercise sdLK eU dO UN
prosthesis fU system wF
Thatcher dAU Theragym ball rOdO d
T. nail dAU UL therapeutic splint W]O dO
T. screw dAU Vu therapist ZUF b
Theater d industrial physical t. (IPT) wUM wzUeO ZUF
t. ache d* l therapy b W'UF
t. sign d* W active assistive motion t. WU]FH bU* Wd(U W'UF
themoplastic ankle-foot sbK bI qUJ uI amplitude-summation wKb U]O WIdD
orthosis d(U interferential current t. rd b*U
thenar WHd (ASICT)
t. atrophy WHd uL{ anticoagulant t. d^
t. crease w sC W]O W]O anticonvulsant t.  ]UC W'UF
t. eminence WHd U antithrombotic t. U
t. flap W]O WKb Bragg-peak photon- W]c uuH We
t. muscle WHd WKC beam t. d V

- 732 -
brisement t. rODU W'UF range of motion t., Wd( U U
conservative t. WE U W'UF ROM t. Wd( s WKK W'UF
corticosteroid t. (CS) bdOuJOuJU W'UF reflex t. W]OJFM W'UF
deliberate t. WO=Q W'UF spinal manipulative t. W]dIH UM*U W'UF
electrical stimulation t. wdNJ tOMU W'UF (SMT)
electric differential t. (EDit) W]OIdH W]OdN W'UF steroid t. W]bdO bdOU W'UF
electron beam t. W]OdJ We(U W'UF transfusion t. b qIM W'UF
fad t. WuNU W'UF trial of conservative t. WE U* W'UF* Wd
fomentation t. bOLJU W'UF tumor t. W]O W'UF
frequency-difference nK< qb* U]OU W'UF ultrasound t. uB ozUH W'UF
interferential current t. du Theratouch 4.7 stimulator 4.7 gUdO UM
(FDICT) thermal wu d
heat t. d(U W'UF t. anesthesia d(U U b
high-voltage t. (HVT) UDuH WOU W'UF t. injury d W]d WU
hot fomentation t. U( bOLJU W'UF Thermapad UUd
hyperbaric oxygen t. wUF 5_U W'UF Thermo ud
(HBO) jGC T. HK\Rohadur orthotic ud U uI
inferential t. W]OUM W'UF T. HK\Tepefom orthotic ud uH uI
InFerno moist heat t. V Wd d(U W'UF thermocouple W]d We
udO t. instrument W]d We
infrared t. dL( X W]F_U W'UF low impedance t. WFU2 W]d We
interferential t. UBU W]OKb W'UF WCH
intravenous t. W]b W'UF t. skin temperature device W]bK' d( W eON
Kelsey unloading wKL bN'U W'UF W]d( We*
exercise t. wK V thermogram d jD d( j]D
Livingstone t. uMHO V W'UF thermographic d( UD0 o=KF
manipulative t. bU W'UF t. examination d( jOD
microcurrent t. dJ* U]OU W'UF t. finding d( jOD
motion t. Wd(U W]Od W'UF thermography d jOD
occupational t. (OT) W]OMN W'UF infrared t. X WF_U d jOD

outpatient physical t. vHA* U W]OzUeO W'UF dL(

oxygen t. 5_U W'UF liquid crystal t. (LCT) u]KU d jOD

perioperative antibiotic t. w W]uO( ]UC*U W'UF WKzU

Wd'U WDO* dH thermolabile plastic d(U uD pO
physical t. (PT) W]OzUeO W'UF thermomechanical implant W]d( W]eKH W]OdG Wb
Polar wrap t. u V =nKU W'UF metal prosthesis W]OJOUJO*
pool t. W]OFOL W'UF thermoplastic d(U sb
positional release t. WF{u S W'UF Thermosport hot/cold V U WMU W
postoperative t. WdK WOU W'UF wrap uudO
prophylactic antibiotic t. W]uO( UC*U W]OzUI W'UF thickened synovial wKOe UAG s^

- 733 -
membrane Uu
thickness WU s T. extrapolated bar graft VDI U wJK rF
lumbosacral junction wMDI qu* dA WU Uu V
cortical t. eF T. frame Uu U
thick patella sign WMO WH{d W T. full-ring splint V WIK( WKU dO
Thiemann disease ULO Uu
Thiersch dO T. heel U c Uu VI
T. medium split free graft d uDA j=u rF VIF UM
dO V T. hinged splint Uu V W] dO
T. thin split free graft dO V d uDA rF T. knee splint Uu V Wd dO
T. wire dO pK T. Kodel sling u Uu F
thigh c
T. leg splint Uu V U dO
t. corset c
H ^bA T. posterior splint Uu V W]OHK dO
t. cuff c
H W]H T. procedure Uu d
t. holder c
H pL T. sign Uu W
t. shell c
H dA T. splint with Pearson eJd l Uu dO
thigh-foot angle W]ObI W]cH We attachment udO
Thinline uncovered V uAJ* .uI T. suspension splint Uu V oOKF dO
orthotic sMO T. test Uu U
thin osteotome oOd rEF lC T. walking brace Uu V wA* UM
thiomalate UuO T. walking calipers Uu V wA* Ud
gold sodium t. uuB UuO V Thomas-Thompson-Straub d uu Uu
thiopental sodium ld ]b UMuO uu T.-T.-S. transfer uu Uu V qI
thioridazine =bN sbuO d
third YK T.-T.-S. transfer technique Uu V qIM WId
distal t. (D/3, distal/3) U YK d uu
middle t. (M/3, middle/3) j_ YK Thompson uu
P/3 proximal t. wb YK T. anterolateral approach V wA wU vQ
proximal t. (proximal/3) wb YK uu
t. toe YU bI l T. anteromedial approach V w wU vQ
trunk-hip-knee-ankle-foot Wd u c' uI T. approach uu vQ
orthosis qUJ bI T. excision uu V UB
Thomas Uu T. femoral neck prosthesis V c
H oM Wb
T. brace Uu UM uu
T. cervical collar brace V wuD Wd UM T. frame uu U
Uu T. hemiarthroplasty hip wHBM u qBH Wb
T. classification Uu nOMB prosthesis uu V
T. collar Uu u T. hip endoprosthesis W]OKb u Wb UN
T. collar cervical orthosis V wuD Wd uI system uu V

- 734 -
T. hip prosthesis uu V u Wb t. nerve b VB
T. hip prosthesis forceps V u Wb jIK t. nerve injury bB VBF WU
uu t. orthosis (TO) bB uI
T. modification of Denis fO dO' uu qbF t. outlet syndrome (TOS) b]B d
* W
Browne splint d t. pedicle W]b WIu
T. posterior radial approach V dFJK wHK) vQ* t. pedicle marker W]bB WIu r
uu t. plane b u
T. prosthesis uu Wb t. scoliosis b nM
T. quadricepsplasty V d W]OU t. spinal fusion W]bB dIH Z
uu t. spine (T-spine) W]bB UO
T. resection uu lD t. spine biopsy W]bB UO= We
T. sign uu W t. spine decompression UO= s jGC nOH

T. splint uu dO W]bB

T. telescoping V dOEMU V qJA rEF lD t. spine fracture W]bB UO= d
osteotomy uu V bF s t. spine kyphotic UO w wb ^uA
T. test uu U deformity W]bB
Thompson-Epstein sUA uu t. spine lordosis W]bB UO fF
T.-E. classificaion sUA uu nOMB t. spine orthosis W]bB UO uI
T.-E. classificaion of V c
H u nOMB t. spine pedicle diameter W]bB UO WIu dD
femoral fracture sUA uu t. spine scoliotic UO w wHM ^uA
Thompson-Henry dM uu WId deformity W]bB
technique t. spine (T1 to T12) (T1 to T12 W]b Wu
Thompson-Loomer du uu WId t. spine vertebral W]OuA TuM b
technique osteosynthesis W]bB dIHK
Thomsen disease su t. and thoracolumbar spine W]bB UO Wd
thoraces (pl. of thorax) b b surgery W]OMDI W]bB UO
thoracic b t. vertebrae W]bB dIH
t. approach b vQ thoracoabdominal wMD b
t. curve b vMM t. approach wMD b vQ
t. curve scoliosis bB vMM* nM t. artery injury wMD bB UdA WU
t. duct W]bB UMI t. incision wMD b yo
t. duct injury W]bB UMI WU thoracodorsal dN b
t. facet fusion bB tOu Z t. artery transfer wMDI bB UdA qI
t. hypokyphosis wKH b b t. nerve injury wMDI bB VBF WU
t. injury W]b WU thoracoepigastric flap W]O
ud W]b WKb
t. inlet syndrome bB qb* W thoracolumbar wMD b
t. kyphosis b b t. approach wMD b vQ
t. lordosis b fF t. burst fracture wMD b UH d
t. manual traction bBK b yd t. curve wMD b vMM
t. microtrauma bBK dN `{ t. degenerative disease w^JM wMD b

- 735 -
t. fracture wMD b d t. plate W]e W]OMD W]b WOH
t. fracture-dislocation wMD b wFK d t. spine W]eF W]OMDI W]bB UO=
t. idiopathic scoliosis uN wMD b nM thoracoscapular wHJ bB qBH* U
V] arthrodesis
t. junction wMDI bB q u* thoracotomy bB b lC bB lC
t. junction surgical q uLK wd' nAJ t. approach bB b lC vQ
exposure wMDI bB left-sided t. WN' vK bB b lC
t. kyphoscoliosis wMD b wb nM dO
t. kyphosis wMD b b right-sided t. WN' vK bB b lC
t. pedicle screw W]OMDI W]bB WIu Vu vMLO
t. retroperitoneal approach nK wMD b vQ standard t. UOF* bB b lC
UHB thorax, pl. thoraces b b
t. scoliosis wMD b nM thorn sign W uA W
t. spinal injury wMDI bB U
M WU Thornton uu
t. spine W]OMDI W]bB UO= T. bar uu W{U
t. spine anterior exposure W]bB UO=K wU nA T. nail uu UL
W]OMDI T. nail plate V W]UL* WOHB
t. spine decompression UO= s jGC nOH
W]OMDI W]bB T. plate uu WOH
t. spine flexion-distraction W]OMDI W]bB UO= WU T. screw uu Vu
injury wMU d WO Thornwald buu
t. spine fracture-dislocation UO= w wFK d T. antral drill buu V UG VI
W]OMDI W]bB T. drill buu VI
t. spine scoliosis W]OMDI W]bB UO= nM THR dB
t. spine stabilization W]OMDI W]bB UO= XO total hip replacement U] u b
t. spine vertebral W]OuA Tu]M b threaded V uJ eK
osteosynthesis W]OMDI W]bB dIHK t. cancellous screw eK wMH Vu
t. spondylosis W]OMDI W]bB dIH f^JM t. fusion cage eK* Zb hH
t. spondylosis surgical UIH jIK W]Od' WIdD t. guide pin eK* qO]b u^
technique wMDI bB t. pin eK u^
t. standing orthosis brace bB uu uI UM t. prosthesis WeK Wb
wMDI t. rod eK u
t. trauma wMD b `{ t. Steinmann pin V eK* u^b
thoracolumbosacral e wMD b ULMU
t. orthoses-flexion, W]e W]OMD W]b .UI t. titanium acetabular WeK* W]OuOUO =o( Wb
extension, lateral bending, wU' wM( j wMK prosthesis (TTAP)
and transverse rotation dF* db t. wire eK pK
(TLSO-FELR) threaded-hole-first ] eK* VI WId
t. orthosis e wMD b uI technique
t. orthosis (TLSO) e wMD b uI three-beat clonus  UdC l

- 736 -
three-body wear lD u thrombin powder 5d u
three-bone forearm UE W bU thrombin-soaked Gelfoam 5dU lA* UHK'
Three Color Concept of nOMB W u_ uNH thrombocytopenia UOHB W]K
wound classification d' thrombocytopenia-absent UO UOHB W]K W
three-column W bL_ radius syndrome (TAR dFJ
t.-c. cervical spine injury w W bL_ WU syndrome)
W]Od UO= thromboembolic disease U) ULB
t.-c. concept W bL_ uNH (TED)
t.-c. spine W bL_ UO= thromboembolism U ULB
t.-c. spine theory W bL_ W]dE thromboembolus W]U W]L
three-dimensional (3-D) UF_ w thrombogenesis d) ^uJ
t.-d. analysis UF_ w qOK thrombophlebitis U) bu UN
three-edge cutting forceps WU( w lU jIK thrombosed u 
three-finger spica cast {_ w wKM VU thrombosis U U
three-jaw chuck qUH* w iI deep vein t. oOLF bu U
three-joint complex qUH* w V]d deep venous t. (DVT) oOL b U
three-part fracture e_ w d iliofemoral t. c  wHd U
three-phase bone scan W u_ rEF WdH t. radial artery dFJ UdA U
three-plane deformity Uu W ^uA venous t. b U
three-point UIM w Thrombostat Uud
t.-p. bending moment  UIM UM WE( Thronton screw ud Vu
t.-p. gait UIM vK UJ WOA through-and-through qU
 t.-a.-t. fracture WLKJ vMF =qJ qU d
t.-p. pressure cast  UIM jGC VU t.-a.-t. V-shaped horizontal qUJ wI_ rEF lD
t.-p. pressure system  UIM jGC UN osteotomy V qJA
t.-p. skeletal traction UI W s wKJO yd through-knee amputation Wd d d
three-portal technique W qb* WId throwers fracture Ud d
three-prong uM w throwing w WODG U
t.-p. headrest uM w d bM t. function W]OU WHO
t.-p. rake retractor qJA wDA UF t. injury w]d WU
u thrust
threshold W adjustive t. ]bF
anaerobic t. (AT) W]Ozu W t. manipulation  b
experimental t. W]Od& W pattern of t.  d
lactate t. (LT) U  W THSP system THSP UN
lactic acidosis t. (LAT) wJO  UL( W thumb (1st digit) ]_ l UN
pressure t. jGC W abducted t. b]F UN
reflex t. fJFM* W absent t. VzU UN
t. stimulus w t=M adducted t. ]dI UN
thrombectomy d) UB Bennett fracture of t. UN w XOMO d

- 737 -
bifid t. uIA* UN T.-H. flag sign uu V Wd W
bowlers t. ZMu w UN bu
breakdancer?s t. 5={d* UN T.-H. sign bu uu W
clasped t. wJA UN Thurst plate femoral V W]OOHB c H Wb
congenital clasped t. wJA UN prosthesis Xu
t. deformity UN ^uA Thymopentil qOMuLO
duplicate t. e UN thyroid W]Ob
t. duplication UN t. cartilage wb dCG
t. extensor tendon UN WDU d t. gland W]Ob ]bG
t. flexor tendon UN wM* du thyrotropin-releasing W]Ob WN=uLK oKD* udN
floating t. VzU UN hormone
Flotan t. UuK UN thyroxine 5dO
t. forceps UN jIK Ti-6A1-4V implant metal Ti-6A1-4V WdG ^eK
hypoplastic t. Z^M hU UN Tibac acetabular UO V w=I( =uJ*
jewelers t. mzU]B UN component
mallet t. wdD UN tibia VOUM uME
t. metacarpal UN lM corticotomy of proximal t. wb uME dA lC
t. metacarpophalangeal w wFM qBH* vQ distal t. wUI uME
joint approach UN groove distal t. rK* wUI uME
t. opposition UN WKUI Phemister medial V uMEK w vQ*
t. pinch power UN d b approach to t. dOL
t. polydactyly UN ^bF UN gM proximal t. wb uME
t. post UN U t. valga uM
t. reconstruction UN UM t. vara Z uM
t. screw UN Vu tibiae VOUM
short t. dOB UN osteochondrosis wuM wdC wLE
skier 's t. 5='e* UN deformans t. ]uA
t. spica cast UN wKM VU tibial wuM
spring swivel t. d U] UN t. acceleration wuM U
supernumerary t. bz UN t. aimer wuM t=u
surgeon?s t. ]d' UN t. artery wuME UdA
trigger t. U UN t. bending fracture wzUM wuM d
triphalangeal t. UO w UN t. bolt VuK* uME UL
t. web UN d t. bone defect regeneration uME rE w VOF f^JM
t. web splint UN d dO t. bone graft wuM wLE rF
thumb-in-palm deformity Wd w UN ^uA t. bowing uME ^uI
thumbnail test UN dH U t. channel W]OuM UM
thumb-pinch grasp UN d iI t. collateral ligament (TCL) wuME wU' Ud
Thumper device du eON t. Collet X=u uM
Thurston-Holland bu uu t. component wuM =uJ

- 738 -
t. condyle uME WLI t. tendon wuM d
t. condyle fracture uME WLI d t. torsion uME u
t. cutting block uME lD UB t. track holder wuME U* pL
t. cutting guide uME lD qO t. track template wuME U* Ud
t. defect wuM VO t. tray W]OuM W]OMO
t. diaphyseal fracture uME b d t. triplane fracture u* w wuM d
t. diaphyseal shortening uME b dOBI t. tubercle uME Wb
t. driver uME u t. tubercle avulsion uME Wb lK
t. eminence uME U t. tubercle prominence uME Wb d
t. endoprosthesis W]OKb uME Wb t. tuberosity uME Wb
t. epiphysis uME WUA t. tuberosity fracture uME Wb d
t. fracture uME d t. tuberosity osteotomy uME rEF Wb lD
t. fracture brace proximal d UM wb Ub t. tunnel wuME oH]M
support (TFB-PS) uME t. vein wuME bu
t. graft wuM rF tibialis wuM
t. guide pin uME qO u^ t. anterior muscle W]OU_ W]OuME WKCF
t. hemimelia dDK wuME nB=M bF t. anterior tendon wU_ wuME du
t. jig W]OuM qIKI ee t. posterior dislocation wHK wuM lK
t. lengthening uME quD t. posterior function W]OHK W]OuM WHO
t. metaphysis uME d t. posterior muscle W]OHK) W]OuME WKCF
t. muscle W]OuME WKCF t. posterior tendon wHK) wuME du
t. nerve wuME VBF t. sign uME W
t. nerve injury wuME VBF WU tibial-profibular U wuM wLE U
t. open fracture uH* uME d synostosis uE
t. osteotomy uME rE lD tibiocalcaneal wI wuM
t. pin uME u^ t. arthrodesis wIF wuME qBH* U
t. plafond g]IM uM t. medullary nailing wIM q wI wuM dOL
t. plafond fracture g]IM* uME d tibiofemoral c  wuM
t. plate W]OuME WOH]B t. alignment c  wuM nOd
t. plateau W]OuME WCN t. angle (TFA) W]c H W]OuME We
t. plateau fracture W]OuME WCN d t. articulation c H wuME qBH*
t. plateau W]OuME WCN w wFK d t. joint c H wuME qBH*
fracture-dislocation tibiofibular uE wuM
t. plateau prosthesis W]OuME WCN Wb t. articulation uEA wuME qBH*
t. pseudoarthrosis U wuM UB t. clear space wUB uEA wuME e=O(
t. punch uME W]d t. diastasis uE wuM dH
t. rim uME d t. fusion uE wuM Z
t. sesamoid wuM wULL t. joint uEA wuME qBH*
t. shaft fracture uME r d t. joint dislocation uEA wuME qBH* lK
t. stylus uME rOK t. ligament uEA wuME Ud

- 739 -
t. line uEA wuME ^j) T.-L. shoulder girdle V wHJ e( lD
t. overlap uE wuM V d resection dMO u O
t. subluxation uEA wuME wze' lK) T.-L. shoulder resection u O V nJ lD
t. syndesmosis uEA wuME jd* dMO
t. synostosis wuME wLEF U tile s WU U  u d
tibiotalar wKU wuM T. classification qO nOMB
t. arthritis wKUJ wuME qBH* UN t. plate facet replacement Wd WOHB tOu b
t. arthrodesis wKUJ wuME qBH* U T. polytrauma algorithm =bF* UU qO W]Ou
t. fusion wKU wuM Z T. view qO dEM
t. joint wKUJ wuME qBH* Tillaux-Chaput fracture uU fuKO d
t. stability wKU wuM U Tillaux fracture fuKO d
tibiotalocalcaneal wI wKU wuM Tillaux-Kleiger fracture dOK fuKO d
t. arthrodesis wKUJ wuME qBH* U Tillman prosthesis ULKO Wb
wIF tilt qO
t. fusion wI wKU wuM Z angular t. qO
Tibone posterior V wHK) WEH* u anterior pelvic t. wU_ u( qO
capsulorrhaphy uO palmar t. w qO
tibular pseudoarthrosis U UB pelvic t. u( qO
tic ]d ]d pelvic lateral t. uK wU qO
ticarcillin nB 5KM 5KOUJO posterior pelvic t. wHK) u( qO
wFM sacral t. e qO
Ti/CoCr hip prosthesis Ti/CoCr u Wb t. table (TT) WKzU WU
Ticonium splint uOuJO dO talar t. qUJ qO
Ti-Con prosthesis u w Wb tilting WU
Tiemann nail ULO UL coronal t. W]OKOK WU
tie-over bolster W= U tilt-up test WU U
tier e tiludronate UuKO
Harris wire t. wJK f=U e time XOu s
Tietze syndrome eO W capillary filling t. dOFA  s
Ti-Fit total hip system u qUJ XO w UN capillary refill t. dOFA  U s
tightener o=OC ybA conduction t. qOu s
wire t. wJK ybA cycle t. b s
tightness yb double support t. e* Ub s
adductor hamstring t. iQLK =dI* ^bA echo t. (TE) bB s
hamstring t. iQ* d iQ* ^b intercritical t. UuM 5 se
tight retinacular ligament rJ* bOI U U loading t. qOL s
test operating t. W]OKLF s
Tikhoff-Linberg dMO u O partial thromboplastin t. wze' 5ud s
T.-L. procedure dMO u O d (PTT)

- 740 -
procedure t. d s cartilaginous t. wdC ZO
prothrombin t. (PT) 5dd s t. compression test ZOM UGC U
reaction t. qUH s connective t. U{ ZO
repetition t. (TR) U dJ s devitalized t. W]uO( e ZO
rise t. UIO s fatty t. wL ZO
step t. uD) s fibrous t. wHO ZO
stride t. uD) s fibrous scar t. W]OHOK WbM ZO
swing t. qUL `Q s granulation t. wO ZO
tincture of t. (TOT) XOu WG hypertrophic granulation t. wU { wO ZO
total tourniquet t. wKJ WUF s intervening connective t. qb U{ ZO
tourniquet t. WUF s ligamentous support t. Ud U ZO
warm ischemic t. Tb UH s t. mandrel implant qU UO Wd ]U
timing XOu material ZOM
t. of decompression jGC nOH XOu muscular t. wKC ZO
right-left t. d_ v s1_ s XOu necrotic t. d ZO
timolol UdD{ UC uuLO neural t. wB ZO
b jGC iU rEM t. nutrition ZOM WcG
5F osseous t. wLE ZO
tincture WG periarticular t. qBHLK U ZO
t. of belladonna U] WG perineural t. VBFK U ZO
t. of benzoin seM WG periosteal t. wUL ZO
t. of time (TOT) XOu WG pharyngeal t. wuFK ZO
tinea pedis bI WHF t. pressure wOM jGC
Tinel-Hoffmann sign ULu qMO W t. pressure measurement wOM jGC UO
Tinel sign qMO W pressure-sensitive t. jGCK U] ZO
tingle e ]MU dFA eU pressure-tolerant t. jGCK q=L ZO
tingling e t. protector ZOM WMU
tinzanidine sbOeM t. repair ZOM `OKB
Tiobi transfer wuO V qI revascularized t. WOu UF ZO
tip scar t. wb ZO
Cloward cervical drill t. V wd VI* WK skeletal t. wKJO ZO
uK t. slack wO u
Frazier suction t. tOd V WU WK soft t. u ZO
t. of medial malleolus w VFJ subcutaneous t. bK' X ZO
screw t. VuK WK t. texture abnormality ZOM u c
Woodruff t. (TTA)
tissue W ZO t. transfer ZOM qI
adipose t. wL ZO t. transplant wO rF
bursal t. wd ZO vascular t. wzU ZO
capsular support t. WEH; U ZO viable t. uO ZO

- 741 -
viscoelastic t. d e ZO total knee arthroplasty wKJ W d qBH
tissue-type plasminogen wOM 5uMO j=AM trochanter-knee-ankle qUJ W d b*
activator jLM TK Optimizer knee eUL Wd Wb
Titan cemented hip UO WD]KL* u Wb prosthesis
prosthesis TKR dB 
titanium wU dBMF UO uOUO total knee replacement wKJ W d b
t. alloy W]OUO WDOK thoracolumbosacral orthosis e wMD b uI
t. cable wUO q TLSO brace sDI bB uI* UM
t. circumferential grommet wUO wUH Ud eF
t. hollow screw plate system W]u* WuK WOHB UN TLSO-FELR dB 
(THSP system) W]OUO thoracolumbosacral W]e W]OMD W]b .UI
t. implant W]OUO Wd orthoses-flexion,extension, wM( j wMK
t. implant material W]OUO WdG ]U lateral bending, and dF* db wU'
t. implant prosthesis W]OUO WdG Wb transverse rotation
t. plate W]OUO WdG Wb TMJ dB 
t. prosthesis W]OUO Wb temporomandibular joint wKH wJH wbB qBH*
t. screw wUO Vu TMT dB 
titanium-alloy implant W]OuOUO WDOK) Wd trasometatarsal wDA wG
titer UO T-nail T qJA UL
antistreptolysin-O t. O W]bIF W]U( =b{ UO Delitala T.-n. qJA wzU UO UL
Ti-Thread prosthesis bd U Wb thoracic orthosis b uI
Titian hip prosthesis UOO V u Wb Toad finger splint u V l dO
Titus fO tobramycin uO yUC 5Odu
T. forearm splint fO V bU dO Tobruk splint du dO
T. wrist splint fO V rBF* dO toddler?s fracture 5b d
Tivanium uOUHO toe bI lU bI l
T. cancellous bone screw W]OLEF W]OMH ]U* Vu t. block anesthesia bI l UB db
uOUHO V Butler procedure to correct `OB dKu d
T. hip prosthesis uOUHO V u Wb overlapping t.s W d* bI lU
T. implant metal uOUHO V WdG ^eK claw t. wK * bI l
T. implant metal prosthesis V WdG eK Wb clawtoe t. wK * bI l
uOUHO clubbed t. d=F* bI l
tizanidine sbOeO clubbing of t. bI l d^F
TJ dB  cock-up t. vK d* bI l
triceps jerks d W]O UCH crossover second t. dUF* wU bI l
TJR dB  wDL*
total joint replacement wKJ qBH* b curly t. uK* bI l
TKA dB  downgoing t. _ u t]* bI l

- 742 -
t. extensor bI lU WDU toe-drop brace w=b* bI l UM
t. extensor muscle bI lU_ WDU WKCF toe-ground purchase _ s bI l WUL
t. extensor tendon bI lU_ WDU d toeing in bI lU UI
extra t. wU{ bI l toeing out bI lU bU
fifth t. fU) bI l toenail bI l dH
flail t. VzU] bI l dystrophic t. wK( bI l dH
t. flexor muscle bI lU_ WOM* WKCF ingrown t. VUM bI l dH
floating t. VzU bI l onychomycotic t. UDH bI l dH
floppy t. ud bI l toe-off bI l d
great t. bI UN toe-out angle bI l d W
t. implant bI lU Wd U K
lesser t. dOGB bI l toe-phalanx bI l v
mallet t. WOdD* bI l transplantation
marathoners t uU* wz]bF bI l toe-to-groin W]O_ v bI lU s
Morton t. uu* bI l t.-t.-g. cast W]O bI lU s VU
overlapping fifth t. V d* fU) bI l t.-t.-g. modified Jones lU s ]bF* eu UL{
overriding fifth t. wDL* fU) bI l dressing W]O bI
l u toe-to-hand transfer bO v bI l s qI
t. plate extension bI l WOH j toe-to-midthigh cast nBM v bI lU s VU
t. prosthesis bI l Wb c H
push-off by great t. dOJ bI lS Ub toe-walking bI lU vK wA
bI UN Tofranil qOdu
t. reflex bI l fJFM toggle-recoil adjustment wKBH* b UJ
sausage t. wIUIM bI l toggle sign W]OKBH* WKu W
searching big t. VU bI UN Tohen-Carmona-Barrera Uud su V qI
second t. wU bI l transfer dU
set angle of t.?s bI lU d W Tohen tendon technique su V du WId
t. sign bI l W Toit Xu
t. spica cast bI l wKM VU tolazoline 5u
splaying of t. w nM U] b Tolectin 5u
t. spread sign bI lU UA W T. DS DS 5 u
supernumerary t. bze bI l tolerance q^L
tennis t. fM w bI l fatigue t. VF q^L
third t. YU bI l host t. u q^L
turf t. wA wU bI l pressure t. jGC q^L
underlapping t. u d* bI l tolmetin UN UC 5O*u
upgoing t. vK_ u t]* bI l s=J
t. walk bI lU WOA Tomasini brace wMUu UM
t. walking bI lU vK wA Tomberlin-Alemdaroglu uKbLO 5dOu dO
webbed t. `]M* bI l splint

- 743 -
tomo wFDI tonicity W]d^u
tomogram W]OFDI u tonic neck reflex d=u* Wd fJFM
tomogram (tomo) W]OFDI u tonus CF w W]d^u
tomograph wFDI* duB UN myogenic t. QAM* W]OKC W]d^u
tomography wFDI duB tool WKO
computed t. (CT) Vu wFDI duB Gore smoother crucial t. u V W]OOK W=KL
computerized t. Vu wFDI duB too-many-toes sign dOJ bI lU W
computerized axail t. u wFDI duB toothed UM s]M
(CAT) Vu t. cutter s]M lU
conventional t. bOKI wFDI duB t. forceps s]M jIK
positron emission t. (PET) bS wFDI* duB t. tissue forceps s]M* ZO]M jIK
du t. washer WM]M WKG
preoperative t. WdK oU wFDI duB top W]L
quantitative computed t. w=L Vu wFDI duB circular laminar hook with W]dzb W]OzUHB U]MB
(QCT) offset t. WKUI* W]LIU
single photon emission Vu* wFDI* duB top-entry (open body) hook vK_ s WuH U]M
computed t. (SPECT) U_ uuH bS tophaceous WuU o=KF wu
transpiral t. w wFDI duB t. deposit wu V
trispiral t. VuK w wFDI duB t. gout wu dI
Tom Smith arthritis V qBH* UN tophus, pl .tophi u UM `K Wu
YOL u gouty t. WOdI Wu
tone n=DK d^u WLG topography fUC n UOdG
muscle t. wKCF d^u internal t. W]OK UOdG
tongs UL Torg u
Barton t. uU UL T. classification u nOMB
Barton-Cone t. u uU UL T. knee reconstruction u V W d UM
Bohler t. dU UL T. technique u WId
cervical fracture t. Wd d UL Torgerson-Leach modified gO udOu WId
Cherry t. =dO UL technique W]bF*
cranial t. nI UL torn ]eL
Crutchfield-Raney t. w bKOHAd UL t. meniscotibial ligament ]eL* wuME wN Ud
Gardner-Wells t. eK dU UL t. meniscus W]eL W
Raney-Crutchfield t. bKOHAd w UL tornado injury W]UB WU
skull t. nI UL Tornwaldt bursitis XUHu V d' UN
traction t. =d' UL Torode-Zieg classification Z u nOMB
Trippi-Wells t. eK wd UL Toronto uu
Trippi-Wells traction t. eK wd V =d' UL T. brace uu UM
Vinke skull traction t. pM V nI =d UL T. orthosis uu uI
tongue fracture jIK* qJA d T. pelvic fracture V u( u nOMB
tongue-in-groove recession rK w jIK* l{u ld classification uu

- 744 -
T. splint uu dO total w=KJ
torque db e t. active motion (TAM) WOKJ WU]FH W d(
t. curve db e vMM t. ankle arthroplasty wKJ qUJ qBH
t. force db e ]u t. articular replacement wKJ bU qBH*
frictional t. w UJ db e arthroplasty (TARA)
t. heel shoe wuD VIF c t. articular replacement bU qBH* Wb
t. load db e qOL arthroplasty prosthesis wKJ
t. production db e U (TARA prosthesis)
rotatory t. db eF t. articular resurfacing `OD US qBH*
t. screwdriver db e ^pH arthroplasty (TARA) qUJ qBHLK
unwanted screw t. ud* dO wuK db e t. condylar knee WOK W]OLI W
t. wrench db e uK t. condylar knee prosthesis WOKJ W]OLIK W d Wb
Torres syndrome eu W t. condylar semiconstrained W]O WLIK qU Wb
torsion q u tricompartmental b]OI* nB UO_
t. bar splint W]OOCI uK dO prosthesis
internal tibial t. (ITT) wK wuM u t. contact orthosis (TCO) qUJ ULU uI
tibial t. wuM u t. contact socket w=KJ ULU aM
t. wedge fracture wMOH dJ U$ b t. elbow arthroplasty wKJ od* qBH
nonunion qHM* t. eversion range of motion qUJ nMA W d U
t. wedge nonunion qHM* 5H U$ b t. gym WOKJ W]O{Ud UF_ WU
torsional wzu t. hip arthroplasty (THA) wKJ u qBH
t. fracture wzu d t. hip replacement (THR) wKJ u b
t. gripping strength wzu p* ]u t. hip replacement wKJ u b Wb
t. load wzu qOL prosthesis
t. overload wzu dH qOL t. joint replacement (TJR) wKJ qBH* b
t. stiffness wzu f^O t. joint replacement wKJ qBH* b Wb
t. stress wzu UN prosthesis
torticollis oMF UH dF t. knee WOKJ W d
acquired t. VJ dF t. knee arthroplasty (TKA) wKJ W d qBH
congenital dF t. knee instrumentation W]Od' _ ULF
muscular t. wKC dF WOKJ W dK
nonspasmodic t. w^MA dF t. knee replacement (TKR) wKJ W d b
spasmodic t. w^MA dF t. knee replacement wKJ W d b Wb
torus bO prosthesis
t. fracture bO d t. meniscectomy wKJ WN lD
regeneration t. ^b& bO t. parenteral nutrition sI(U WKU WcG
TOS dB  t. passive motion (TPM) WOKJ WKFHM* W d(
thoracic outlet syndrome bB d< W t. patellectomy wKJ WH{d UB
TOT dB  t. patellofemoral joint c H wH{d qBH*
tincture of time XOu WG arthroplasty w=KJ

- 745 -
t. replacement joint qUJU b qBH T. TARA prosthesis wKU V TARA Wb
t. shoulder arthroplasty wKJ nJ qBH T. tibial plateau plate W]OuME WCN WOH
t. tourniquet time wKJ WUF s wKU V
t. transfer (TT) wKJ qIM T. total knee prosthesis V WOKJ W d Wb
t. wrist arthroplasty wKJ rBF* qBH wKU
TotalGym rO Uu Townsend brace bMU UM
Totalift-II II XHO Uu Townsend-Gilfillan OHKO bMU
toto uu T.-G. plate OHKO bMU WOH
touchdown weightbearing uN WE( u bM T.-G. screw OHKO bMU Vu
touch sensation fLK ^f toxemia b UL
tourniquet Vu WU toxicity W]O=L
t. control WUF UL{ aluminum t. uOMu_ W]O=L
digital t. W]OF WU Toygar angle Uu W
double t. We WU TPC dB 
Esmarch t. U WU thenar palmar crease wHd wd sCG
finger t. l WU T-pin wzU u^
forearm t. bU WU Delitala T.-p. qJA wzU UOK u^
t. gauge WUF UOI T.-p. handle wzU u^b iI
t. ischemia WUF UH TPL-6 hip system TPL-6 u UN
t. palsy WUF qK T-plate W]OzU WOH
t. paralysis WUF qK TPM dB 
pneumatic t. W]Ozu WU total passive motion WKFHM* WOKJ W d(
t. pressure WUF jG{ TPR dB 
TCPM pneumatic t. W]Ozu WU Thompson Parkridge UJ bdU uu
t. test WUF U Richards
t. time WUF s TPR ankle prosthesis TPR V qUJ Wb
upper arm t. uKF c WU prosthesis
towel Wu WHAM UD U TR dB 
Charnley t. wKU U repetition time U dJ s
t. clamp WOD_ U trabecula pl. trabeculae oOd oOd
Huck t. u U trabecular wIOd
t. roll u W]H t. bone wIOd rE
sterile t. WL]IF U t. traction wIOd yd
Townley wKU trachea vUd
T. anatomic knee system wdA W d UN tracheal injury vUd WU
wKU V tracheostomy vUd dG
V wLEF rFD Vu tracing UH r r^d rd
T. bone graft screw wKU nerve t. VBF UH
T. femur calipers wKU V c H Ud t. paper rd
T. screw wKU Vu track U

- 746 -
t. bound joint U*U jd qBH cervical manual t. b w yd
pin t. wu^ U Cherry tong t. =dO V =d' UL
Tracker knee brace dd V Wd UM Cotrel t. du ^d
tracking l^ dO Crego-McCarroll t. ^U p ud ^d
patellar t. WH{d l^ wH{ dO Crile head t. qd V d ^d
Trackmaster treadmill dULd b WuU Crutchfield skeletal tong t. V wKJO =d' UL
Tracrium udd bKOHAd
tract pK q qO device for transverse t. dF* =d' eON
pU (DTT)
gastrointestinal t. uF* bF* qO] Dunlop t. uK ^d
iliotibial t. wuME wHd( qO elastic t. d yd
pyramidal t. wdN qO t. epiphysis =d' WUA
sinus t. wO' qO t. epiphysitis =d' WUA* UN
spinothalamic t. UN* wU M qO Exo-static t. wuJ wU yd
urinary t. wu qO fingertrap t. l f ^d
traction (tx) yd floating t. VzU yd
90-90 t. 90 90 ^d t. foot piece bI =d WFD
ambulatory t. dO yd t. fracture =d d
Anderson t. ub ^d Freiberg t. dOd ^d
Apley t. wK ^d Frejka t. UJd ^d
t. application =d' oOD Gallo t. uU ^d
autologous t. QAM* w yd Gardner-Wells tong t. dU V =d' UL
axial t. u yd eK
axis t. u yd gentle t. nOD yd
Baker trabecular t. d U V wIOd yd Graham t. Ud ^d
balanced skeletal t. u wKJO yd Granberry t. dOd ^d
banjo t. W]OIOu W uU qJA ^d halo-dependent t. WUN vK bLF yd
Barton-Cone tong t. uU V =d' UL halo-extension t. WUN j yd
u halo-femoral t. c  wU yd
Bendixen-Kirschner t. dMdO sJbM ^d halo-hyperextension t. bbL dH wU yd
bipolar vertebral t. VDI wzUM dI yd halo-pelvic t. w{u wU yd
Blackburn t. d ^d halo-wheelchair t. sbFI* wd WIdD yd
Bohler tong t. dU V =d' UL halter t. wM yd
Borchgrevin t. 5Hdu ^d Hamilton t. uKU ^d
t. bow =d' u t. handle =d' iI
Bryant t. XUd ^d Handy-Buck t. u bU ^d
Buck t. u ^d Hare t. dO ^d
t. cast =d' VU head-halter t. dK wM yd
cervical t. w yd Hoke-Martin t. 5U u yd
cervical halter t. wM w yd Hoyer t. du ^d

- 747 -
Ingebrightsen t. 5dM ^d skeletal t. wKJO yd
inhibitive t. wDO yd snug t. rJ yd
intermittent cervical t. l=DI w yd t. splint =d' dO
(ICT) split Russell skeletal t. V uDA wKJO yd
Jones suspension t. eu V oOKFU yd q=
Kessler t. dKO ^d t. spur =d' ULN
Keys-Kirschner t. dMdO eO ^d static t. dI yd
King t. ZMO ^d Steinmann t. ULMU ^d
King cervical t. ZMO V w yd t. stirrups =d' U]OU
Kirschner skeletal t. dMdO V wKJO yd sugar-tong t. dJ UL0 yd
Kuhlman t. U*u ^d suspension t. oOKFU yd
Logan t. Uu ^d Syms t. eLO ^d
longitudinal t. wu yd tape t. wDd yd
low-profile halo t. iH M* wU' WUN ^d thoracic manual t. b b yd
Lyman-Smith t. YOL ULO ^d three-point skeletal t. UI s wKJO yd
manual t. yb yd t. tongs =d' UL
McBride tripod pin t. V bU* w b yd t. tongs screw =d' UL Vu
bd p trabecular t. wIOd yd
Neufeld t. bKu ^d transverse t. dF yd
ninety-ninety t. 90 90 ^d vertical t. uL yd
Orr-Buck t. u ^d Vinke tong t. tJM V =d' UL
Ortho-Vent t. XM u ^d Watson-Jones t. eu u ^d
overhead t. d u yd well-leg t. WLOK] U d
overhead olecranon t. d u =e d Wells t. eK ^d
Pease-Thomson t. uu fO ^d Whitman t. UL ^d
pelvic t. w{u yd Zimfoam splint t. uH1 dO yd
pelvic hyperextension t. bbL dH w{u yd tractogragh =d' UD 
Perkins t. eMO d ^d MOM t. MOM ^d
Peterson t. ud ^d Tracto-Halter dU ud
t. pin =d' u^ T.-H. gait dU u d WOA
Pugh t. u ^d T.-H. training dU u d Vb
pulp t. w yd tractor =d' oOD ]d
Quigley t. wK u ^d Hamilton pelvic traction w{u( =dK WOu ]d
Raney-Crutchfield tong t. w V =d' UL screw t. uKU V
bKOHAd Zim-Trac traction splint t. d . =d' dO ]d
Roger Anderson t. ub d ^d trainer =b
rubber band t. wU]D jdA yd athletic t. w{U =b
Russell t. q= ^d impulse inertial exercise t. WUDF sU9 vK =b
Russell skeletal t. q= V wKJO yd W]OF^b
Sayre t. dU ^d Kinesthetic Ability T. UU bI* vK =b

- 748 -
(KAT) W d(U fracture
training Vb transchondral fracture dCG d
bowel t. UF_ Vb transclavicular approach ud vQ
DAPRE strength t. DAPRE V ]uI Vb transcondylar fracture 5LIK 5 d
Fartlek t. pOKU Vb transcutaneous bK' odD
flexibility t. Wd* Vb t. electrical nerve odD wzUdN wB tOM
gait t. WOA* vK Vb stimulation (TENS) bN'
neurodevelopmental t. wzU/ wB Vb t. oxygen tension odD 5 _ d^u 5OF
prosthetic gait t. WbU WOA* vK Vb determination bK'
stabilization t. XO vK Vb transducer(s) rOd Ud
strength t. ]uI vK Vb FT03C t. FT03C Ud
Tracto-Halter t. dU u d Vb Hall-effect t. U dOQ Ud
weight t. u vK Vb Hall-effect strain t. U dOQ W s Ud
trains UM]M q linear-variable-differential t. d=OG wUH wD Ud
near-constant frequency t. rz t du Vb magnetic motion t. W]OOUMG* W d( Ud
trampoline injury uKN =eH WU rotatory-variable- d=OG wUH ] Ud
transacromial approach d_ s vQ differential t.
transaminase .e 5_ WKU transducers Ud rOd
glutamic-oxaloacetic t. pOUuK' 5 WKU mechanical two- W]OzUM W]Ou W]OJOUJO rOd
5 WKU pOOuU  dimensional echo t. bF
.e UU_ transection yj
glutamic-pyruvic t. pOdOK pOUuK' 5 WKU step-cut t. wb lDIU yj
.e 5_ 5 WKU transepiphyseal WUA* d
transarticular qBH* d qBH* t. fracture WUA* d d
t. pin qBHLK dU u^ t. separation WUA* d qB
t. screw qBH* d Vu transesophageal d* d
t. wire fixation qBH* d wJK XO t. echocardiography (TEE) d* d VKI b jOD
transaxillary approach j d vQ t. echocardiography scan d* d VKI b WdH
transbrachioradialis dFJ bCF d vQ transfer WU qu% qI
approach anterior t. wU qI
transcaphoid fracture we d d anteromedial tubercle t. WbK w wU qI
transcapitate d Baker lateral nBM W]du wA qI
t. fracture d d semitendinosus t. d U V
t. fracture-dislocation d wFK d Barr anterior t. U V wU qI
transcapitellar bCF f bed-to-chair t. wdJ v dd s qI
t. pin bCF f u^ biceps brachialis t. W]bCF 5d qI
t. wire fixation f wJK XO biceps brachialis muscle t. 5d WKC qI
transcarpal amputation md d bone t. rEF qI wLE qI
transcervical femoral c H oM d d Boyes t. eu qI

- 749 -
Boyle-Thompson tendon t. qu V du qI Hoffer split t. d=u V uDA qI
uu Hovanian latissimus dorsi W]dNE WCdF WKCF qI
Brooks-Jones tendon t. f d V du qI muscle t. sOUu V
eu Huber t. du qI
Brooks-Seddon pectoralis dOJ W]bB d qI Huber abductor digiti V dBM) b=F qI
major tendon t. ^b f d V quinti t. du
Brooks-Seddon tendon t. f d V du qI Ikuta pectoralis major t. V dOJ W]bB qI
^b UOJ
Brown fibular t. d V W]OEA qI iliopsoas t. wMD wHd qI
Buncke t. wJM V du qI iliotibial band t. W]OuME W]OHdK wDd qI
Bunnell t. q=u V du qI ion t. u_ qI
Caldwell-Durham tendon t. bU V du qI Johnson-Spiegl tendon t. uu V du qI
U qO
Camitz tendon t. eOU V du qI Jones t. eu qI
Campbell t. qU qI Lamb muscle t. V V WKCF qI
Chaves muscle t. eHO V WKCF qI lateral t. wU qI
Clark pectoralis major t. V dOJ W]bB qI Littler-Cooley abductor V dBM) b=F qI
digiti quinti t. wu dKO
composite free tissue t. V] d* =d( ZOM qI Littler-Cooley muscle t. wu dKO V WKCF qI
composite tissue t. V] d* ZOM qI Manktelow pectoralis V dOJ W]bB qI
coracoacromial ligament t. wd_ wdG Ud qI major t. OJU
Couch-Derosa-Throop t. d d u qI Menelaus triceps t. V d W]O qI
crossed intrinsic t. VUB wK qI uKM
distal t. U qI t. metatarsalgia ]u; jA* r
Drennan posterior t. U V wHK qI microvascular osseous t. wLE wzU dN qI
dynamic muscle t. wJOUMb wKCF qIM Moberg deltoid muscle t. V WOb WKCF qI
Eggers t. d V qI du
fibular t. W]OEA qI Moberg deltoid-to-triceps W]O v WOb WKCF qI
Flatt tendon t.  V du qI muscle t. du V d
Fowler t. dU qI neuromuscular t. wKC wB qI
Fowler tendon t. dU V du qI Neviaser-Wilson-Gardner t. dU uK UOH qI
free flap t. ]d( WKb qI Ober anterior t. d V wU qI
free tissue t. =d( ZOM qI Ober-Barr procedure for W]bCF qIM U d d
Gage distal t. ZU V U qI brachioradialis t. W]dFJ
gastrocnemius tendon t. U WKC d qI opponens t. f UF qI
Green t. sd qI patellar tendon t. (PTT) WH{d d qI
Green-Banks t. fJU sd qI posterior t. wHK qI
Harmon t. sU qI posterior deltoid-to- W]O v WObK wHK qI
Hiroshim t. rOdO qI triceps t. d
His-Haas muscle t. U fO qI posterior tibial tendon t. wHK) wuME du qI

- 750 -
semitendinosus tendon t. nBM W]d d qI t. lesion dU W
Sharrard posterior t. U V wHK qI t. osteoporosis dUF rEF q K
single-stage tissue t. WKd* U ZOM qI transiliac sOHd( sO
split t. uDA qI t. amputation sOHd( sO d
split anterior tibialis W]OU_ W]OuME d qI t. bar technique sOHd( sO W{UF WId
tendon t. uDA* t. fracture sOHd( sO d
static tendon t. rzb du qI t. lengthening sOHd( sO quD
stress t. ]bA qI t. rod fixation sOHd( sO VOCI XO
Sutherland lateral t. bdu V wU qI transition UI
tendon t. du qI cervicothoracic t. b w UI
Thomas-Thompson- Uu V qI transitional vertebra W]OUI dI
Straub t. d uu translation WLd qI
thoracodorsal artery t. dNE bB UdA qI anterior t. wU qI
Tiobi t. wuO V qI anteroposterior t. wHK wU qI
tissue t. ZOM qI caudal t. w qI
toe-to-hand t. bOK bI l s qI cephalad t. w qI
Tohen-Carmona-Barrera t. UuU su V qI coronal plane deformity u* ^uA wLN qI
dU sagittal t. wKOK
total t. (TT) wK qI dorsal t. wdN qI
vascularized osseous t. v]u wLE qI t. injury W]OKI qIMU WU
wraparound neurovascular wzUu wBF ZOM qI t. mobility wKI ^d
composite free tissue t. qJA d( V] d* t. motion qIM W d
transfibular approach W]OEA d vQ posterior t. W]OHK W d
transfixation w XO ulnar t. be qI
transfixing pin w) XO u^ vertical t. uL qI
transfixion VI translational position W]OUI W]OF{
t. pin VI^ u^ translatory motion W]OUI Wd
t. screw VI^ VuK translocation U
transfixion bolt uI* VuK* UL* ulnar t. b U
transformation ^u WU transmalleolar VFJ d
transforming growth factor wzUO =u* =uLM qU t. ankle VFJ d qU
beta t. ankle arthrodesis VFJ d qUJ qBH U
transfusion b qI qI t. axis VFJ d u
autologous blood t. QAM* wc b qI t. portal VFJ d qb
blood t. b qI transmetatarsal jA* d d
t. therapy b qIM W'UF amputation
transhamate w]J d transmission d Wd UI
t. fracture w]J d d impulse-based nerve t. l^b vK bLF wB UI
t. fracture-dislocation w]J d wFK d nerve t. wB UI
transient dU nociceptive t. W]_ WKI d

- 751 -
nonimpulsed base nerve t. wC wU wB UI tissue t. wO rF
transmitter-receiver qI qd vascularized t. v]u rF
Itrel programmed t.-r. Zd* qd qI* qd* vascularized bone t. v]u wLE rF
transolecranon approach e d vQ whole bone t. rEF qU rF
transoral rH odD rH d whole fibular t. W]OEA qU rF
t. approach rH d vQ transplantation
t. odontoid resection rH d w=M lD allograft t. wLEF wHO) rFD
transosseus suture rEF WUO wKBH*
transparent template U]H Ud t. antigen e ^bC
transpatellar tendon portal WH{d d duK qb Bosworth femoroischial t. V wJ c 
transpedicular WIu d uu
t. approach WIu d vQ Cowen-Loftus toe- bI l v
t. convex anterior d wHB wUA XO phalanx t. uu u V
hemipiphysiodesis ]b* wU_ WIu femoroischial t. wJ c 
t. fixation WIu d XO muscle-tendon t. WKCF du
t. fixation effective w U]FH wIu dDI osteoarticular allograft t. wHO) rFD
pedicle diameter WIu d XO toe-phalanx t. bI l v
t. fixation system design d XO UN rOLB transport qI
WIu axoplasmic t. u* WK d qI
t. screw WIu d Vu transposing l{u dOOG
transpedicularly implanted wU_ U M U eON t. ray l{u dOOG UF
anterior spinal support WIu d WdG* transposition l{u dOOG
device dorsal subcutaneous dNE VBF l{ dOOG
transpelvic amputation u( d d nerve t. bK' X
transperitoneal UHB d UHB t. flap l{u dOOG WKb
t. approach UHB d vQ intramuscular nerve t. q VBF l{ dOOG
t. exposure UHB d nA WKCF
transpiral tomography w wFDI duB intraosseous nerve t. rEF q VBF l{ dOOG
transplant dG uF rF subcutaneous anterior t. bK' X wU_ l{u dOOG
Bosworth femoroischial t. V wJ c  rF subfascial t. WUHK X l{u dOOG
uu tendon t. du l{ dOOG
dAubigne patellar t. sU V wH{ rF transpositional l{u dOOG o=KF
Elmslie-Trillat t. d wK* rF transsacral fracture eF d
fibular t. uE rF transscaphoid we d
free vascularized bone t. v]u yd wLE rF t. dislocation fracture we d wFK d
one-half patellar tendon t. wHBM WH{d d rF t. perilunate dislocation we d wN u d
patellar t. wH{ rF transsternal approach hI vQ
pedicled t. wIu rF transtendo calcaneus portal wIF d d qb
pes anserinus t. u q rF transthoracic bB
Slocum pes anserinus t. u uK V =u q rF t. approach bB vQ

- 752 -
t. echocardiography (TTE) bB d VKI b duB t. process dF* TUM
transtriquetral Y]K* d t. process fracture dF* TUM d
t. fracture Y]K* d d t. retinacular ligament dF* bOI Ud
t. fracture-dislocation Y]K* d wFK d t. rupture dF ^eL
transtrochanteric b* d t. scapular ligament wHJ dF* Ud
t. approach b* d vQ t. screw dF Vu
t. rotational osteotomy b* d db rEF lD t. spinal ligament w uA dF* Ud
transversalis dF t. supracondylar osteotomy u rEFK dF lD
arcus pedis t. bIK W{dF* uI WLIK
transversalis fascia W{dF* WUHK t. tarsal joint md qBH
transversarium dF t. tear W{dF We
foramen t. W{dF* W]I t. tenotomy dF* du lC
transverse dF t. traction dF yd
t. acetabular ligament =oK dF* Ud transversely dF qJA
t. approach dF vQ transversospinalis W]OuA W{dF* W
t. atlantal ligament WINHK dF* Ud syndrome
t. axis dF u transversus abdominis W{dF* W]OMD WKCF
t. axis knee flexion dF* u* W d XO muscle
t. carpal ligament mdK dF* Ud Tranxene UJd
t. connector W{dF WKO trap 5L
t. deficiency dF u finger t. l U
t. diaphyseal osteotomy dF* wUA* rEF lD trapdoor nI w U u U
t. fixation dF XO
t. fixator application dF* X=* oOD trapezial wF]d
t. fracture dF d t. area WF]d WU
t. friction massage dF wze pOb t. prosthesis WF]d Wb
t. humeral ligament test dF* Ud U trapeziodeltoid interval WOb WdM* 5 WKUH
bCF trapeziometacarpal wFM wF]d
t. incision dF yo t. fusion wFM wF]d Z
t. ligament dF* Ud t. joint wFM wF]d qBH
t. ligament rupture dF* Ud ^eL t. joint replacement wF]d* qBH* b Wb
t. lines of Park U V W{dF* uD) prosthesis wFM
t. loading device dF* qOL eON trapeziotrapezoidal joint wdM* t wF]d* qBH*
t. metatarsal osteotomy dF* jA* rE lD trapezium wF]d rE
t. osteotomy rEFK dF lD Burton-Pelligrini V wF]d* UB
t. pedicle angle WIuK W{dF* We excising t. wMdO=K uu
t. pedicle diameter WIuK dF* dDI t. fracture wF]d* d
t. plane dF u t. implant prosthesis wF]d* Wd Wb
t. plane motion dF* `D W d uB t. ossification wF]d* r^EF
insufficiency trapezius muscle WdM* t WKCF

- 753 -
trapezoid wdM* t wdM* rEF prosthetic hook XUu
t. ligament dM* t Ud Travase Ud
t. line dM* t ^j) tray w lU wu W]OMO
t. ossification wdM r^EF UM_
Trapezoidal-28 (T28) T 28 28 eOd Alcon Instrument Delivery _ .bI UN W]OMO
T. hip prosthesis 28 eOd u Wb System t. uJ V
(T 28) Bucky x-ray t. W]OMO W]F U u W]OMO
T. internal prosthesis 28 eOd W]OKb Wb CAPIS screw assortment t. V VuK n=MB W]OMO
(T 28) fOU
trapezoidal osteotomy wdM* rEF lD Denis Browne t. d fO W]OMO
trapped meniscus W W glenoid metal t. W]ObF* W]OU]I( W]OMOB
trapping U tibial t. uME W]OMO
Conrad-Bugg t. u du V U x-ray t. W]OMO W]F_

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