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Brisalinda Gonzalez

Mrs. Page
Biology P.1

Guiding question: How does different colored cellophane affect the rate of photosynthesis?

1. We are going to test our leaves by covering the beakers with red and green colored cellophane.
2. We will set a timer for 5 minutes and put the beakers under the light.
3. We will set up a control by not putting cellophane on one of the beakers to see how fast those rise
compared to the cellophane covered ones.
4. We will record our data in a data table
5. We will do 2 trials at 5 minute intervals each.
6. We will do 5 leaf disks a beaker

Hypothesis: We believe that the red colored cellophane will make the leaves rise slower and the green
cellophane will rise faster. The red will make it rise slower because it is cancelling a color that the leaf
needs to be the color, thus the green one will rise faster because it helps the cancelling even further
resulting in them rising faster.

Minutes Red cellophane Green cellophane Regular

5 ⅗ rose 5/5 rose ⅘ rose

10 5/5 rose 5/5 rose 5/5 rose

Our results were that the green cellophane leaves rose faster and the red ones rose slower. We concluded
that the cellophane does help speed up & slow down the effect of photosynthesis. The cellophane does
this by helping cancelling out colors that need to be cancelled and making them rise faster. Or not
cancelling out colors that need to be, making them rise slower. We feel that our results did help answer
our guiding question, that different colored cellophane does affect the rate of photosynthesis.

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