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A Band of Brothers (and Sisters)

Text- Exodus 17:8-16 “Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim…”

I. Spiritual Warfare- War Against Amalek

While it is true that Israel fought many battles in their struggle to become and remain a nation- this
one is very unique

Unique because of who they were facing and when

Unique because of the method God established to defeat them

Unique- because of the words spoken against them by God Himself

The enemy- the Amalekites- the first to attack the people of Israel

Their attack- in the natural- unprovoked

Israel not in their territory or invading their cities

Confrontation was not imminent- like Jericho

Their motive- two possibilities

The first- the sin of Israel in previous verses- possibly opening a door

The second- bitterness against God and His chosen people

Amalekites- the descendents of Esau- who lost the birthright

Israel- the descendents of Jacob- who got the birthright

Unusual for God to say He will have war continually with a people

Some say this implies Amalek was against the God of Israel

Again- that seed of bitterness- flowering in the descendents of Esau

Spiritual implications of these things is very clear to us

Teach us some truth about the battles that we face as individuals and as a body of


Gives us insight into what we face as men and women of God

Some of our great battles are simply the result of bad decisions on our part

Give way momentarily to our flesh- make a decision against what is right

Make a decision without considering the spiritual consequences of it

Open a door- sow a seed that will somewhere cause us to reap an unpleasant harvest

A moment of rebellion- a moment of carnality- a departure from spiritual discipline

A time of unbelief and doubt- like the crisis of Israel in the beginning of this chapter

Thirsty- no water around

Get mad at God and Moses- begin to complain- mistrust God’s plan for

Speak unguarded words- in their selfishness and foolishness

And as much as we don’t want to admit it- the battle we are in is quite possibly one we instigated

We opened the door- we sowed the seed- we made the decision- set a course

Though we have corrected that course- repented form the decision

We have not yet seen the end of it’s consequences against us

The offspring of that decision has not yet passed away

With that thought set out fully- consider also that our battles are not always self-instigated

Reality- we do have an enemy- the devil

His real warfare- like the Amalekites- is against God and against the host of heaven

No doubt- it is his spirit- the hordes of hell- that inspired and motivated the Amalekites

An attempt to cut short the plan of God and stop the people of God from inheritance

Catch them in a weak moment- their weak faith already assaulted by circumstances

A slap at God- by an assault against His people

Some times the battles that you face in life- are those aimed to directly at your relationship with

Your faith and trust in Him- the work He is doing in your life

Your faithfulness to Him- your commitments and your desire to be right with God

The church- often the focus of assaults from hell

Jesus knew this would be the case

Said He would build His church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it

Gates- representative of the plans and the schemes of hell

Strategies that it would formulate- to hinder- weaken- paralyze the church

Assaults from without- and sadly even from within

Acts 20:29-“ For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among
you, not sparing the flock.”

Things sent from hell to devour the people of God

Those that sow discord- division- gossip and slander

Sometimes unwittingly becoming the tools of hell- against the work of God

God will have war against the gates of hell- until the end of this age

Until finally- in a war we know as Armegeddon- hell will be finally defeated

The King of Kings will personally enter the battle- and that battle will no be long

Then will there be peace- then will there be no more war- not for a very long time

Until then- we need to recognize and be willing to engage the enemy of God and the enemy of our


Again- one of the things that makes this battle so unique- is the way Israel positions itself

Not simply everyone rushing headlong in to battle- a mass of dust and confusion

But there seems to be an order established that brought them the ability to win

As long as this order was held – Israel would push toward final victory

When all wasn’t in its proper order- they would lose dominion- not prevail

We have some key players- along with a multitude of unnamed soldiers- fighting this battle

Moses- the leader of the people of Israel- in his position on a hill

Aaron and Hur- Two that assisted Moses

Joshua- The commander of the army that would engage the Amalekites in battle

Again- an army of those not named here, yet fully giving of themselves in this war

These all have their purpose- their position- their place in this very critical battle

A strategy- laid out by God and Moses for victory

A perfectly orchestrated movement- critical for ultimate success

One thing we can miss- if we are not careful- is how critical our place is in the work of God

God saves us by His grace- forgives us- and plants us into the body of Christ- the church

That is not just a work of chance- a random thing- but it is done with purpose in mind

I Corinthians 12- Paul speaks about this issue- the body of Christ

Relates it to a physical body with many different parts- with different purposes

As each fulfills its purpose in the body- that body is healthy and can function fully

When that is not happening- then something is wrong

1 Cor 12:18- “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath
pleased him.”

That ought to stir you- that God saved you and planted you into the church for a purpose

That you have a part in something as glorious as the body of Christ

The world sees no value in that (but they will one day)

But the Christian- understanding Christ and eternity- should rejoice in that

It is also a very sobering thought- that the health and well being of the body depends upon you

Depends upon you doing and being all that God has purposed for your life

Making available to God your life and resources- your talents and abilities

And even that- not a short-term thing or a short-term commitment

The campaign of the gospel- is one that is ongoing

It began long ago- with a group of disciples and the great commission

It will not end- until the last day- in the valley of decision

Should Jesus tarry- it will be passed down to the next generation- and the next

Text- everyone is in the proper place- and the battle is being won

Joshua is commanding- Israel is pursuing- Moses is on the hill- hands upraised

Exod 17:11- “And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed…”

After some time- Moses begins to get weary of holding up his hands

Only natural for that to happen- to begin to feel weak because of that position

All the desire in the world- won’t keep his hands raised- as muscles tire

Again vs 11-“ …and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed…”

That’s a very serious problem for all of Israel

By God’s design- the failure of one- affects the whole body

The point of this message isn’t so much the danger of weariness- but the power of teamwork

Because at this point- Aaron and Hur step in to help- lend themselves to the need

Saw the need- stepped in to that place of need- simple as that need seemed to be

That may not have been their primary responsibility- their “job”

That may not have been why they were up there

Thank God for those able to see a need- a gap- and willing to step in to help

Even when it is not glorious- or spotlight- even when it does not seem critical

In reality- things seemingly unimportant are often critical

Thank God for those that don’t belong to a spiritual union

Whose favorite saying is “That’s not my job”

“I am not responsible for that”

Often the greatest successes are the results of teamwork

Whether it is in sports- business- marriage- etc.

There may be on ore two prominent- but many more behind the scenes

When it is every man for himself- the whole team suffers

What if Aaron had cared only for his things- his responsibilities- his ministry?

What if Hur had been more concerned about how he looked?

What if Joshua felt that those on the hill had it easier than he?

1 Cor 12:25-26- “That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same
care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or
one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.


Exod 17:13-14- “And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. And the
LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears
of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.”

Joshua defeated Amalek

Because his army fought valiantly

Because Moses held up his hands and his staff

Because Aaron and Hur were there to help Moses

Because God was there to make it all work in their favor

Without this same spirit of teamwork- this combined effort- there is no victory

It is God’s design- It is God’s way of ordering his church

Everyone doing what they are called and enabled to do

Everyone willing and anxious to be a help and a support to others

Everyone with an eye to see needs- and a heart to step in to meet them

You can have a room full of talent and ability

But if God cannot knit lives together- frame them together into a cohesive body- there is nothing

When it is ever man for himself- then every man eventually loses

How do you see yourself?

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