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The Bandeja Paisa is a classic Colombian gut busting

platter of protein and carbs, that many consider the

national dish of Colombia. One does not fool around
with a plate of food like this.
The first thing noticed is that "there's nothing green on
the plate!" Of course, you can pointed out the avocado,
which also provides over 20 essential nutrients, the
main ingredients is a slice of beef, the sausage on this
plate is more of a Mexican style sausage. The egg is a
fried egg, the pork skin is located on the hard side. This
was served with rice and peruano beans which had
nicely absorbed all the flavor of it's cooking
liquid....which also nicely included bits of pork.

The Colombian folklore is rich in both, the number and

the variety of its manifestations, to the point that each
of the different geographical regions of the country, has
its own folk characteristics.
The Cumbia Colombiana is the representative of the
country dance, is a rich expression left by the Africans.
Also dances like Fandango left as descendant to
Joropo, well known dance in the eastern plains, even
though each department has its music and dances that
characterize because these are products of their history
and their way of being.African roots are more less
common in the coast regions of Colombia.
The flag of Colombia was adopted on November 26,
1863. It is a horizontal tricolour of yellow, blue and red.
The yellow stripe takes up the top half of the flag and
the blue and red take up a quarter of the space each.
According to the current interpretation, the colors

: represents all the gold found in the

Colombian land.
Blue: represents the seas on Colombia's shores.
Red: represents the blood spilled for Colombia's

Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y

Palacios Ponte y Blanco (24 July 1783 – 17 December
1830), commonly known as Simón Bolívar, was a
Venezuelan statesman and military leader. Widely
regarded as one of the most influential figures during
the Latin American Wars of Independence of the early
nineteenth century, he led Venezuela, Colombia
(including Panama at the time), Ecuador, Peru and
Bolivia to independence from the Spanish Empire,
dramatically changing the political landscape of South
America for the next two centuries.

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