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I need seven o'clock in time for the news are top stories today first this from the world health organization
or the who the who has reported that we are facing a potential global epidemic due to untreatable case
as of tuberculosis also known as tv. Tv is dangerous because it affects the lungs the number of cases is
growing worldwide and this has researchers worried according to us the third of all known cases our
country of all the drugs normally used to treat tv are simply not working researchers are trying hard to
find out why this is the case for now the who is planning an international program to educate people
about the dangers of tv and now we have a report on the artist Vincent van Gogh course you may know
let mangoes a famous nineteenth century painter you may also be familiar with one of his famous
paintings the one of flowers some flowers to be exact it was painted in eighteen eighty-eight by then go
well a scandal erupted in London yesterday over the authenticity of and goes some flowers the painting
was recently bought by a large multinational company for several million dollars and now I’ll an art expert
is saying that the painting is a fake authorities are looking into the matter next to Mexico hurricane
Pauline pounded Acapulco and nearby areas last night many people homeless the strong winds and
heavy rains made for horrible conditions floods and landslides destroy homes and cars especially in the
hillside areas where ski was particularly difficult because streets are blocked in most cases by mod it's
believe that some people may be trapped inside their homes and cannot get out most people have left
their homes now safely in temporary shelters this natural disaster is going to have a big impact on the
tourist business in Acapulco this year finally a story for all you parents out they're how often do your kids
push you to your limit and what you do about a one tired and harassed mother from Illinois decided she
had enough yesterday instead of yelling and are.

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