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Pidato 1

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur pada hadirat Tuhan YME karena telah memberikan
nikmat serta segala berkatNya pada kita, sehingga masih diberi kesempatan berkumpul
bersama di tempat ini.

Kepada Yth. Bapak Kepala Sekolah

Yang terhormat Bapak/Ibu guru dan staf
Serta teman-teman sekalian yang saya banggakan,

Cleanliness is one thing we should care for. Especially, the cleanliness of our classroom, the
place where we study everyday. When our classroom is clean, the atmosphire of teaching and
learning will be pleasant and comfortable. However, when our classroom is dirty, we, both
teachers and students, will be uncomfortable and bothered when the activity of learning and
teaching goes on.

Therefore, the cleanliness of our classroom should always be kept. The students should not
throw trashes away so that the floor will be always clean. We should also take care of our
walls and bench; we should not scrawl it. Let us begin right now, to always keep our
classroom clean in order we will always be fresh and comfortable when we are learning and

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