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Comprehension Test 阅读理解

Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿

Charles Dickens (著)

1 Match a number from A with a letter from B to make complete sentences. 在 B

部分中选择合适的序号与 A 部分搭配完成句子。

1 The workhouse boys chose Oliver ...
2 Oliver ran away from the undertaker’s shop ...
3 When Nancy saw Oliver ...
4 Oliver went to see Mr Brownlow ...
5 Monks wanted Oliver to die ...

a ... to find work in London.
b ... she pretended to be his sister.
c ... so he could keep all the money himself.
d ... to ask for more food.
e ... but he had moved to the West Indies.

10 marks

2 Who did Fagin pay to follow Nancy? Fagin 雇了谁来跟踪 Nancy?



10 marks

3 Who said this in the story? Nancy, Mr Brownlow, Monks, Sikes, Oliver, Fagin,
Artful Dodger, Mr Brownlow. 选择适合的词填空。
a ‘Please, sir, I want some more.’ ...............
b ‘Is my poor little brother Oliver here?’ ...............
c ‘So you wanted to get away, my dear, did you?’ ...............
d ‘Never let me hear the boy’s name again.’ ...............
e ‘If you don’t steal it, someone else will.’ ...............
f ‘If he tries any tricks on me, I’ll kill him.’ ...............
g ‘My brother Oliver will never see that money!’ ...............
h ‘I’ve gone too far to change my life now.’ ...............
i ‘My blood boils with anger.’ ...............
j ‘You’ll always be my own dear sister!’ ...............

20 marks

4 Fill in the gaps using these words: innocent, Sikes, robbery, hit, window, London,
gun, small, door, house. 选择适合的词填空。
Fagin chose Oliver for the ............... because he was ............... with an ...............
face. ............... took Oliver across ............... to a big ..............., and put him through
the ............... to open the ............... . But someone fired a ............... and ...............

20 marks

5 Match two of these characters with each description. Mrs Bedwin, Noah Claypole,
Rose, Mr Bumble, Bill Sikes, Mrs Corney, Mrs Maylie, Nancy, Mr Brownlow,
Charlotte. 选择适合的词填空。
a The beadle and the widow he married. ............... and ...............
b The boy and girl at the Sowerberrys’. ............... and ...............
c A violent robber and his lover. ............... and ...............
d A rich old gentleman and his housekeeper. ............... and ...............
e An older woman and her beautiful niece. ............... and ...............

20 marks

6 Imagine you are Rose. Explain to your cousin Harry who Monks and Oliver
really are.假设你是 Rose,介绍 Monks 和 Olivers 是谁。













20 marks

Total marks
Multiple-choice Test 选择题

Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿

Charles Dickens

Setting 故事背景

Choose the best answer. 选择适合的答案。

1 After Oliver was born, his mother _____.
a [ ] died b [ ] sold him
c [ ] took him home d [ ] took him to the ‘baby farm’
2 The two people present at Oliver’s birth were an old woman and _____.
a [ ] the beadle b [ ] Oliver’s father c [ ] a local doctor d [ ] a nurse
3 Oliver’s mother in the workhouse _____.
a [ ] since she was a girl b [ ] for two years
c [ ] for one night d [ ] for one year
4 Oliver was sent to a ‘baby farm’ because _____.
a [ ] the workhouse was closed b [ ] there was no one to look after him
c [ ] his mother was ill d [ ] the workhouse was too cold
5 Oliver and _____ rolled around on the floor all day at the ‘baby farm’.
a [ ] Mrs Mann b [ ] thirty children
c [ ] the beadle d [ ] thirteen children
6 Mrs Mann said that she kept gin _____.
a [ ] to give to Mr Bumble b [ ] to drink herself
c [ ] to give to the children as medicine d [ ] to give to Oliver when he was bad
7 Oliver cried when he left the ‘baby farm’ because he _____.
a [ ] loved Mrs Mann b [ ] didn’t want to go
c [ ] was a fool d [ ] was leaving his friends
8 In the workhouse, Oliver was chosen by the other boys to _____.
a [ ] ask for more food b [ ] wash the bowls
c [ ] sleep on a hard bed d [ ] start work at six
9 Oliver stayed as a prisoner for _____ before he went to work for the undertaker.
a [ ] a week b [ ] two weeks c [ ] a month d [ ] two months
10 There was a notice on the wall which offered five pounds to anyone who _____.
a [ ] could find Oliver Twist’s father b [ ] was clever
c [ ] would take Oliver Twist for work d [ ] wanted to live in the workhouse

20 marks

Characters 人物

Choose the best answer. 选择适合的答案。

11 At the age of nine Oliver was _____ for his age.
a [ ] pale, thin and short b [ ] tall and healthy
c [ ] large and heavy d [ ] clever
12 _____ gave Oliver his name.
a [ ] Noah Claypole b [ ] Mr Bumble c [ ] Mr Limbkins d [ ] Mr Sowerberry
13 All the local shop-boys had insulted Noah Claypole because he _____.
a [ ] was friends with Charlotte b [ ] had a large head
c [ ] worked for the undertaker d [ ] wore the uniform of a charity-boy
14 The Artful Dodger met Oliver _____.
a [ ] on the road to London b [ ] in London
c [ ] at Fagin’s house d [ ] in a pub
15 Oliver thought that Fagin had _____.
a [ ] an ugly face b [ ] a kind face c [ ] a big face d [ ] a dirty face
16 Mrs Bedwin was the housekeeper for _____.
a [ ] Mr Bumble b [ ] Mr Fang c [ ] Mr Brownlow d [ ] Mrs Maylie
17 Bill Sikes had a _____ around his neck.
a [ ] dirty handkerchief b [ ] beautiful silk scarf
c [ ] silk handkerchief d [ ] white scarf
18 Mr Grimwig was an old friend of _____.
a [ ] Mr Brownlow’s b [ ] Oliver’s c [ ] Mrs Bedwin’s d [ ] Fagin’s
19 Mr Bumble asked _____ to marry him.
a [ ] Charlotte b [ ] Mrs Sowerberry c [ ] Mrs Mann d [ ] Mrs Corney
20 Oliver first met Monks _____.
a [ ] when visiting Fagin b [ ] in Mrs Maylie’s garden
c [ ] in London d [ ] outside the pub

20 marks

Dialogue 对话

Who said this? 谁说的这些话?

21 ‘You’ll sleep here, among the coffins.’
a [ ] Noah Claypole b [ ] Mrs Sowerberry c [ ] Oliver d [ ] Mr Bumble
22 ‘I only tried to frighten you, my dear.’
a [ ] Bill Sikes b [ ] Fagin c [ ] the Dodger d [ ] Charley Bates
23 ‘Are they trying to murder you, Fagin?’
a [ ] Nancy b [ ] Oliver c [ ] Bill Sikes d [ ] Charley Bates
24 ‘But it’s a good life. What does it matter where the money comes from?’
a [ ] Bill Sikes b [ ] Oliver c [ ] Fagin d [ ] the Dodger
25 ‘But he’s so young, too! Can you really believe this poor boy is a criminal?’
a [ ] Fagin b [ ] Dr Losberne c [ ] Rose d [ ] Mrs Maylie

26 ‘I’d recognize him anywhere.’

a [ ] Monks b [ ] Fagin c [ ] Harry Maylie d [ ] Rose
27 ‘Every Sunday night, between eleven and twelve, I will walk on London Bridge if I
am alive.’
a [ ] Rose b [ ] Dr Losberne c [ ] Oliver d [ ] Nancy
28 ‘I once thought that he was a liar and a thief.’
a [ ] Mr Brownlow b [ ] Mr Bumble c [ ] Mrs Maylie c [ ] Dr Losberne
29 ‘I will admit everything – in front of witnesses, if necessary.’
a [ ] Fagin b [ ] Bill Sikes c [ ] Monks d [ ] Noah Claypole
30 ‘I can never call you aunt. You’ll always be my own dear sister!’
a [ ] Oliver b [ ] Rose c [ ] Mr Brownlow d [ ] Mr Bumble

20 marks
Vocabulary 词汇

Choose the best answer. 选择适合的答案。

31 a person who prepares the dead for burial
a [ ] servant b [ ] pawnbroker c [ ] undertaker d [ ] housekeeper
32 to take hold of something violently
a [ ] seize b [ ] swing c [ ] strike d [ ] stick
33 a male employer, the man in control
a [ ] magistrate b [ ] master c [ ] beadle d [ ] gentleman
34 a small ornamental case, worn on a chain around the neck
a [ ] identity b [ ] locket c [ ] handkerchief d [ ] illegitimate
35 similarity
a [ ] identity b [ ] reluctant c [ ] resemblance d [ ] spirit
36 full of violent anger
a [ ] furious b [ ] evil c [ ] devil d [ ] drunk
37 to walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall
a [ ] swing b [ ] stagger b [ ] jerk d [ ] seize
38 a kind of former police officer who deals with the poor people of a district
a [ ] beadle b [ ] magistrate c [ ] gentleman d [ ] master
39 to damage badly or destroy
a [ ] roar b [ ] strike c [ ] hang d [ ] ruin
40 to steal someone away by force
a [ ] seize b [ ] ruin c [ ] kidnap d [ ] commit

20 marks

Plot 情节

Choose the best answer. 选择适合的答案。

41 Mr Sowerberry decided to train Oliver in the undertaking business because _____.
a [ ] Noah Claypole wasn’t good enough b [ ] he was sad
c [ ] lots of people died d [ ] he liked him
42 Oliver attacked Noah Claypole and knocked him to the ground when he _____.
a [ ] said his mother was wicked b [ ] lied c [ ] said he should go back to the
workhouse d [ ] he went to fetch the beadle
43 Oliver was saved from going to prison for three months because _____.
a [ ] Mr Brownlow paid the magistrate
b [ ] the magistrate felt sorry for him
c [ ] the bookshop owner told the magistrate what happened
d [ ] Mr Fang wanted to leave
44 Bill Sikes needed Oliver to _____ so that he could steal from Mrs Maylie’s house.
a [ ] climb over the wall b [ ] ask the servants to
open the door c [ ] ring the doorbell d [ ] climb through a small window
45 Mrs Maylie said that Harry could not marry Rose because _____.
a [ ] of her doubtful birth b [ ] she was too young for him
c [ ] she was going to marry someone else d [ ] she didn’t like him
46 Mr and Mrs Bumble met Monks in _____.
a [ ] Fagin’s house b [ ] Mrs Maylie’s house
c [ ] a new house d [ ] a ruined old house
47 Nancy went to see Rose to tell her _____.
a [ ] Monks was Oliver’s brother b [ ] Bill Sikes was going to kill her
c [ ] Oliver was a thief d [ ] Fagin wanted Oliver’s inheritance
48 Bill Sikes decided to kill his dog because he thought ____.
a [ ] that it was too old b [ ] people would be looking for him and the dog
c [ ] it reminded him of Nancy d [ ] it was afraid of him
49 Oliver discovered that his father _____.
a [ ] died before he was born b [ ] left him
c [ ] didn’t love his mother d [ ] didn’t love him
50 Fagin told Oliver that the papers Monks gave him were _____.
a [ ] under the bed in his prison cell b [ ] in Bill Sikes’ house
c [ ] In Mrs Maylie’s garden d [ ] in a bag up his chimney

20 marks

Total marks
Oliver Twist

1 1 d
2 a
3 b
4 e
5 c

2 Noah Claypole

3 a Oliver f Sikes
b Nancy g Monks
c Fagin h Nancy
d Mr Brownlow i Mr Brownlow
e Artful Dodger j Oliver

4 robbery, small, innocent, Sikes, London, house, window, door, gun, hit

5 a Mr Bumble, Mrs Corney

b Noah Claypole, Charlotte
c Bill Sikes, Nancy
d Mr Brownlow, Mrs Bedwin
e Mrs Maylie, Rose

6Students’ individual answers.

Oliver Twist
1 a
2 c
3 c
4 b
5 b
6 c
7 d
8 a
9 a
10 c

11 a
12 b
13 d
14 a
15 a
16 c
17 a
18 a
19 d
20 d

21 b
22 b
23 c
24 d
25 c
26 a
27 d
28 a
29 c
30 a

31 c
32 a
33 b
34 b
35 c
36 a
37 b
38 a
39 d
40 c

41 b
42 a
43 c
44 d
45 a
46 d
47 a
48 b
49 a
50 d

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