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New Testament Study Series

1 Thessalonians 1

Discussion Questions:
1. Who wrote this letter? To whom it is written?

2. Where is Thessalonica and how is Paul associated with it? (See Acts 17)

3. What does Paul think of these believers?

4. What does he know about them and what is he encouraged by?

5. What is Paul's attitude towards their relationship with God? (v. 4)

6. What surrounded Paul's preaching of the gospel in Thessolonican church?

7. How had the Thessalonians responded to the word?

8. In verse 7 Paul points out something very important about the Thessalonians, what is it? What
does that Greek word (tupos) mean?

9. Can verse 8 be said about our church or even you in particular? Why or why not? What do you
think about this Thessolonican church based upon this description?

10. What separates our God from idols? Do we preach that? How?

11. What is the current state of the Thessolonians? Is this a passive or active state?

12. What does Jesus do for the believer? What is the literal meaning of the word deliver

These studies are part of Pastor Evan's series of discussion questions for each chapter of the
New Testament. If you would like more information, or to request a particular chapter, please
feel free to E-Mail your request to Pastor Evan.

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